[pkg-go] Bug#894131: Bug#894131: Bug#894131: prometheus-alertmanager: New upstream release 0.14.0 available. Please package and backport to stretch.

Daniel Swarbrick daniel.swarbrick at profitbricks.com
Tue Jun 12 17:00:30 BST 2018

On 12.06.2018 17:50, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> I had not heard about unsee until now, we should package it too! :) 
That would totally rock!

There are a couple of other exporters which I think would be of quite 
high interest to a lot of sites, such as the snmp_exporter. Perhaps I 
could assist you packaging some of them.
> Yeah, the tilde will be removed once the final release is out.. But it
> still seems like a bug to panic due to that. I don't know how upstream
> presents the RC version number, but shouldn't that also break semver
> parsing?
The upstream version presents version number "0.15.0-rc.1", which 
doesn't throw any errors in the semver.Parse function 
(https://github.com/blang/semver/blob/master/semver.go). However, the 
Unsee dashboard uses the MustParse() variant of that function, which of 
course panics if Parse() returns an error.

As you may have seen in the Github issue I opened, somebody is working 
on it to hopefully make it a little more tolerant and robust.

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