[pkg-go] You are not allowed to push code to this project

Anthony Fok foka at debian.org
Sat Jun 16 00:54:52 BST 2018

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 2:02 PM, Tong Sun <pkgoyq.xpt at neverbox.com> wrote:
>> Answer: There is no debian/sid branch.  As of today, dh-make-golang
>> names it the "master" rather than "debian/sid", despite what the
>> 2017-11 Workflow Changes document at
>> https://go-team.pages.debian.net/workflow-changes.html (hidden)
>> proposed.  There is a wish to "Adopt DEP-14 branch naming", i.e., to
>> move from "master" to "debian/sid", and some Debian Go team members
>> made that change manually, but most packages are still using the
>> "master" branch.
>> How do you tell?
>>  1. Run "git branch -a" and see if there is a "debian/sid" branch.
>>  2. Check debian/gbp.conf, and if it is using "debian/sid" branch, the
>> lines
>>         [DEFAULT]
>>         ...
>>         debian-branch = debian/sid
>>         [buildpackage]
>>         dist = DEP14
>>      must be there.
> Oh, thanks, I followed that 2017-11 Workflow Changes document word for word
> and end up with a debian/gbp.conf of one single line:
> $ cat debian/gbp.conf

That is equivalent to not having a debian/gbp.conf.
And it appears that your debian/gbp.conf is problematic.

Try going into a temporary directory and run:

    gbp clone git at salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser.git

and see if it works or not...  And compare the result with

    gbp clone git at salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/golang-x-text.git

The Workflow Changes document is a proposal for action, not a
step-by-step guide, so, no, I didn't find the answers there either.
Instead, I found those debian/gbp.conf in packages like the following
(which I happened to have cloned locally):

  * elvish
  * golang-golang-x-tools
  * golang-golang-x-net-dev [*]
  * golang-x-text
  * golang-github-prometheus-tsdb

golang-golang-x-net-dev is a misnomer, as the following comment in its
debian/control states:

   # XXX: This source package should be called golang-golang-x-net, the -dev
   # suffix is a mistake. --stapelberg
   Source: golang-golang-x-net-dev

>> Regardless of your choice of either "master" or "debian/sid", my
>> recommendation is to run the following commands:
>>     git push -u --all
>>     gbp push
>> And all your branches ("master" or "debian/sid","upstream",
>> "pristine-tar") will be pushed properly.  No need to push the branches
>> one-by-one.
>> "git push -u --all" needs to be run that one time only.  In the
>> future, just "gbp push" is sufficient.
>> "gbp push" does not seem to use --set-upstream-to to set the
>> remote-tracking branch properly.
>> Maybe I am missing something, but I ended up using "git push -u --all"
>> to fix that.
>  Yep, that fixes for me as well:
> $ git push -u --all
> Counting objects: 15, done.
> Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
> Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 3.27 KiB | 1.64 MiB/s, done.
> Total 15 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
> remote:
> remote: To create a merge request for debian/sid, visit:
> remote:
> https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=debian%2Fsid
> remote:
> To
> salsa.debian.org:go-team/packages/golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser.git
>  * [new branch]      debian/sid -> debian/sid
> Branch 'upstream' set up to track remote branch 'upstream' from 'origin' by
> rebasing.
> Branch 'debian/sid' set up to track remote branch 'debian/sid' from 'origin'
> by rebasing.
> I'll fix the debian/gbp.conf as per your instruction next.

Personally, for debian/gbp.conf, I am just using whatever
dh-make-golang creates by default.
But there is no one right answer.  The pkg-go team seems to be
exploring that too, and everybody does it slightly differently.

> Having seen you remaining on the master branch instead of changing to
> debian/sid, maybe I should do too, to my next package.

It is entirely up to you, until the pkg-go team come up with a
standard debian/gbp.conf that everyone follows.
Not too important, and we survive thus far, but indeed I would love
that all Go related pacages get a unified debian/gbp.conf...

> But dropping pristine-tar branches is still a well-accepted suggestion,
> right?

Yes, and some pkg-go team members have already done it.

Anyhow, I'll let the other pkg-go team members speak because they know
this area way better than I do.


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