[pkg-go] Bug#907478: Bug#907478: hugo: FTBFS if asciidoc is installed but not asciidoctor

Anthony Fok foka at debian.org
Thu Dec 20 00:45:22 GMT 2018

Hi Vincent,

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 7:51 AM Vincent Danjean <vdanjean at debian.org> wrote:
> Package: hugo
> Version: 0.47.1-1
>   I was trying to rebuild hugo from the Debian source package.
>   I got failures at test time (with error messages from asciidoc) and, on the net, I saw that asciidoctor is, in fact, required.
>   I fixed the build failure just by installing the asciidoctor package (not removing the asciidoc one that was initially already installed)
>   So, please, add 'asciidoctor' as a build-dependency to force this package to be installed.
> I do not track the dependencies, but I suspect that one package depends on "asciidoctor | asciidoc", but asciidoc do not work with hugo tests.

Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!
Indeed, a "go test ./..." with only asciidoc installed (but not
asciidoctor) reveals errors like this:

  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 p0.ad: asciidoc: ERROR: unsafe: ifeval invalid
  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 p0.ad: asciidoc: FAILED: ifeval invalid
safe document
  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 /usr/bin/asciidoc rendering p0.ad: exit status 1
  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 _index.ad: asciidoc: ERROR: unsafe: ifeval invalid
  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 _index.ad: asciidoc: FAILED: ifeval
invalid safe document
  ERROR 2018/12/17 09:09:40 /usr/bin/asciidoc rendering _index.ad: exit status 1
  --- FAIL: TestPageWithMoreTagOnlySummary (0.48s)

See also https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/1437


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