[pkg-go] Bug#933837: Info received (Bug#933837: mmark: upgrade to version 2)

Dawid Dziurla dawidd0811 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 00:36:44 BST 2019

Just take a look at hugo's source. It's still using mmark.

We could although make a new Debian package, since the import path and API changed for newer mmark.
Of course if there is a demand for it.

On August 4, 2019 3:55:36 PM GMT+02:00, Reto Kromer <lists at reto.ch> wrote:
>Additional information received from the Hugo people:
>>I suppose that you are referring to building Hugo from source
>>since the binaries have no dependencies.
>>However as far as I know upgrading mmark is not an easy thing
>>to do since it no longer uses
>>https://github.com/russross/blackfriday which is the Markdown
>>engine that Hugo uses.
>>There is a long story about this, if you want to read it please
>>visit: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5124
>If I understand carefully, hugo uses currently blackfriday and
>not longer mmark, therefore there is no reason for not upgrading
>mmark in Debian. Or am I missing something?
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