[pkg-go] Bug#952206: golang-go.uber-zap: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 go.uber.org/zap go.uber.org/zap/buffer go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool go.uber.org/zap/internal/color go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest go.uber.org/zap/zapcore go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc go.uber.org/zap/zaptest go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer returned exit code 1

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Sun Feb 23 13:08:14 GMT 2020

Source: golang-go.uber-zap
Version: 1.9.1-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200222 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules build
> dh build --buildsystem=golang --with=golang
>    dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_autoreconf -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_auto_configure -O--buildsystem=golang
>    dh_auto_build -O--buildsystem=golang
> 	cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go install -trimpath -v -p 4 go.uber.org/zap go.uber.org/zap/buffer go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool go.uber.org/zap/internal/color go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest go.uber.org/zap/zapcore go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc go.uber.org/zap/zaptest go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer
> internal/race
> internal/cpu
> runtime/internal/sys
> runtime/internal/atomic
> sync/atomic
> runtime/internal/math
> unicode
> unicode/utf8
> encoding
> internal/bytealg
> math/bits
> internal/testlog
> math
> unicode/utf16
> container/list
> crypto/internal/subtle
> runtime
> crypto/subtle
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte/asn1
> internal/nettrace
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/subtle
> runtime/cgo
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519
> internal/reflectlite
> sync
> internal/singleflight
> math/rand
> errors
> sort
> io
> strconv
> internal/oserror
> syscall
> vendor/golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage
> bytes
> reflect
> strings
> go.uber.org/zap/buffer
> go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool
> bufio
> hash
> internal/syscall/unix
> time
> hash/crc32
> crypto
> crypto/internal/randutil
> crypto/hmac
> crypto/rc4
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf
> vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform
> path
> internal/fmtsort
> encoding/binary
> go.uber.org/atomic
> internal/poll
> context
> crypto/cipher
> crypto/sha512
> encoding/base64
> os
> crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519
> crypto/aes
> crypto/des
> crypto/md5
> crypto/sha1
> fmt
> go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit
> path/filepath
> crypto/sha256
> encoding/pem
> net
> io/ioutil
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/internal/chacha20
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305
> vendor/golang.org/x/sys/cpu
> encoding/json
> flag
> go.uber.org/multierr
> go.uber.org/zap/internal/color
> log
> compress/flate
> math/big
> go.uber.org/zap/zapcore
> compress/gzip
> encoding/hex
> net/url
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305
> vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi
> crypto/rand
> crypto/elliptic
> encoding/asn1
> crypto/ed25519
> crypto/rsa
> crypto/dsa
> crypto/ecdsa
> crypto/x509/pkix
> vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte
> vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule
> vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm
> vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack
> mime
> mime/quotedprintable
> net/http/internal
> os/exec
> text/template/parse
> vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna
> go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest
> go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer
> net/textproto
> crypto/x509
> vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpproxy
> text/template
> vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts
> mime/multipart
> go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme
> crypto/tls
> net/http/httptrace
> net/http
> go.uber.org/zap
> go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc
> go.uber.org/zap/zaptest
>    dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=golang
> 	cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 go.uber.org/zap go.uber.org/zap/buffer go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool go.uber.org/zap/internal/color go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest go.uber.org/zap/zapcore go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc go.uber.org/zap/zaptest go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer
> === RUN   TestArrayWrappers
> --- PASS: TestArrayWrappers (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestConfig
> === RUN   TestConfig/production
> === RUN   TestConfig/development
> --- PASS: TestConfig (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestConfig/production (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestConfig/development (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestConfigWithInvalidPaths
> === RUN   TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/output_directory_doesn't_exist
> === RUN   TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/error_output_directory_doesn't_exist
> === RUN   TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/neither_output_directory_exists
> --- PASS: TestConfigWithInvalidPaths (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/output_directory_doesn't_exist (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/error_output_directory_doesn't_exist (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestConfigWithInvalidPaths/neither_output_directory_exists (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRegisterDefaultEncoders
> --- PASS: TestRegisterDefaultEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRegisterEncoder
> --- PASS: TestRegisterEncoder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDuplicateRegisterEncoder
> --- PASS: TestDuplicateRegisterEncoder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRegisterEncoderNoName
> --- PASS: TestRegisterEncoderNoName (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewEncoder
> --- PASS: TestNewEncoder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewEncoderNotRegistered
> --- PASS: TestNewEncoderNotRegistered (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewEncoderNoName
> --- PASS: TestNewEncoderNoName (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestErrorConstructors
> --- PASS: TestErrorConstructors (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestErrorArrayConstructor
> --- PASS: TestErrorArrayConstructor (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestErrorsArraysHandleRichErrors
> --- PASS: TestErrorsArraysHandleRichErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFieldConstructors
> --- PASS: TestFieldConstructors (0.07s)
> === RUN   TestStackField
> --- PASS: TestStackField (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelFlag
> invalid value "unknown" for flag -level: unrecognized level: "unknown"
> Usage of test:
>   -level value
>     	minimum enabled logging level
> --- PASS: TestLevelFlag (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelFlagsAreIndependent
> --- PASS: TestLevelFlagsAreIndependent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestReplaceGlobals
> --- PASS: TestReplaceGlobals (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestGlobalsConcurrentUse
> --- PASS: TestGlobalsConcurrentUse (0.10s)
> === RUN   TestNewStdLog
> --- FAIL: TestNewStdLog (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:101
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:98
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLog
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestNewStdLogAt
> --- FAIL: TestNewStdLogAt (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:113
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:109
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAt
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:113
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:109
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAt
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:113
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:109
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAt
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:113
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:109
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAt
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:113
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:109
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go:40" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAt
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestNewStdLogAtPanics
> --- FAIL: TestNewStdLogAtPanics (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:126
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:122
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go:917" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAtPanics
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:126
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:122
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go:917" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAtPanics
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestNewStdLogAtFatal
> --- FAIL: TestNewStdLogAtFatal (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:137
>         	            				exit.go:53
>         	            				global_test.go:133
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:132
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit/exit.go:53" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestNewStdLogAtFatal
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestNewStdLogAtInvalid
> --- PASS: TestNewStdLogAtInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLog
> --- PASS: TestRedirectStdLog (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogCaller
> --- FAIL: TestRedirectStdLogCaller (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:174: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:174
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:169
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogAt
> --- PASS: TestRedirectStdLogAt (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
> --- FAIL: TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:213: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:213
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:206
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:213: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:213
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:206
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:213: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:213
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:206
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:213: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:213
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:206
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:213: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:213
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:206
>         	Error:      	"/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/common_test.go" does not contain "global_test.go"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtCaller
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogAtPanics
> --- FAIL: TestRedirectStdLogAtPanics (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:230
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:225
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go:917" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtPanics
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:230
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:225
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go:917" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtPanics
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogAtFatal
> --- FAIL: TestRedirectStdLogAtFatal (0.00s)
>     global_test.go:274: 
>         	Error Trace:	global_test.go:274
>         	            				global_test.go:248
>         	            				exit.go:53
>         	            				global_test.go:243
>         	            				common_test.go:40
>         	            				global_test.go:242
>         	Error:      	Expect "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit/exit.go:53" to match "go.uber.org/zap/global_test.go:\d+$"
>         	Test:       	TestRedirectStdLogAtFatal
>         	Messages:   	Unexpected caller annotation.
> === RUN   TestRedirectStdLogAtInvalid
> --- PASS: TestRedirectStdLogAtInvalid (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelEnablerFunc
> --- PASS: TestLevelEnablerFunc (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewAtomicLevel
> --- PASS: TestNewAtomicLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAtomicLevelMutation
> --- PASS: TestAtomicLevelMutation (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAtomicLevelText
> --- PASS: TestAtomicLevelText (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerAtomicLevel
> --- PASS: TestLoggerAtomicLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerInitialFields
> --- PASS: TestLoggerInitialFields (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerWith
> --- PASS: TestLoggerWith (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerLogPanic
> --- PASS: TestLoggerLogPanic (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerLogFatal
> --- PASS: TestLoggerLogFatal (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerLeveledMethods
> --- PASS: TestLoggerLeveledMethods (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerAlwaysPanics
> --- PASS: TestLoggerAlwaysPanics (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerAlwaysFatals
> --- PASS: TestLoggerAlwaysFatals (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerDPanic
> --- PASS: TestLoggerDPanic (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerNoOpsDisabledLevels
> --- PASS: TestLoggerNoOpsDisabledLevels (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerNames
> --- PASS: TestLoggerNames (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerWriteFailure
> --- PASS: TestLoggerWriteFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerSync
> --- PASS: TestLoggerSync (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerSyncFail
> --- PASS: TestLoggerSyncFail (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerAddCaller
> --- PASS: TestLoggerAddCaller (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerAddCallerFail
> --- PASS: TestLoggerAddCallerFail (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerReplaceCore
> --- PASS: TestLoggerReplaceCore (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerHooks
> --- PASS: TestLoggerHooks (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerConcurrent
> --- PASS: TestLoggerConcurrent (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRegisterSink
> --- PASS: TestRegisterSink (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRegisterSinkErrors
> === RUN   TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-
> === RUN   TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-FILE
> === RUN   TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-42
> === RUN   TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-http*
> --- PASS: TestRegisterSinkErrors (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme- (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-FILE (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-42 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestRegisterSinkErrors/scheme-http* (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTakeStacktrace
> --- PASS: TestTakeStacktrace (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIsZapFrame
> === RUN   TestIsZapFrame/zap_frames
> === RUN   TestIsZapFrame/non-zap_frames
> --- PASS: TestIsZapFrame (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestIsZapFrame/zap_frames (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestIsZapFrame/non-zap_frames (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarWith
> --- PASS: TestSugarWith (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarFieldsInvalidPairs
> --- PASS: TestSugarFieldsInvalidPairs (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarStructuredLogging
> --- PASS: TestSugarStructuredLogging (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarConcatenatingLogging
> --- PASS: TestSugarConcatenatingLogging (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarTemplatedLogging
> --- PASS: TestSugarTemplatedLogging (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarPanicLogging
> --- PASS: TestSugarPanicLogging (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarFatalLogging
> --- PASS: TestSugarFatalLogging (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarAddCaller
> --- PASS: TestSugarAddCaller (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSugarAddCallerFail
> --- PASS: TestSugarAddCallerFail (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeToMillis
> --- PASS: TestTimeToMillis (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestOpenNoPaths
> --- PASS: TestOpenNoPaths (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestOpen
> --- PASS: TestOpen (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestOpenRelativePath
> --- PASS: TestOpenRelativePath (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestOpenFails
> --- PASS: TestOpenFails (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestOpenWithErroringSinkFactory
> --- PASS: TestOpenWithErroringSinkFactory (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCombineWriteSyncers
> --- PASS: TestCombineWriteSyncers (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerGetLevel
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerGetLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerPutLevel
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerPutLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerPutUnrecognizedLevel
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerPutUnrecognizedLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerNotJSON
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerNotJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerNoLevelSpecified
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerNoLevelSpecified (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHTTPHandlerMethodNotAllowed
> --- PASS: TestHTTPHandlerMethodNotAllowed (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStacktraceFiltersZapLog
> --- PASS: TestStacktraceFiltersZapLog (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStacktraceFiltersZapMarshal
> --- PASS: TestStacktraceFiltersZapMarshal (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestStacktraceFiltersVendorZap
> --- SKIP: TestStacktraceFiltersVendorZap (0.00s)
>     stacktrace_ext_test.go:87: 
> === RUN   Example_presets
> --- PASS: Example_presets (0.00s)
> === RUN   Example_basicConfiguration
> --- PASS: Example_basicConfiguration (0.02s)
> === RUN   ExampleNamespace
> --- PASS: ExampleNamespace (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleNewStdLog
> --- PASS: ExampleNewStdLog (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleRedirectStdLog
> --- PASS: ExampleRedirectStdLog (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleReplaceGlobals
> --- PASS: ExampleReplaceGlobals (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleAtomicLevel
> --- PASS: ExampleAtomicLevel (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleAtomicLevel_config
> --- PASS: ExampleAtomicLevel_config (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleLogger_Check
> --- PASS: ExampleLogger_Check (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleLogger_Named
> --- PASS: ExampleLogger_Named (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWrapCore_replace
> --- PASS: ExampleWrapCore_replace (0.00s)
> === RUN   ExampleWrapCore_wrap
> --- PASS: ExampleWrapCore_wrap (0.00s)
> FAIL	go.uber.org/zap	0.239s
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendByte
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendString
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendIntPositive
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendIntNegative
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendUint
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendBool
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendFloat64
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendFloat32
> === RUN   TestBufferWrites/AppendWrite
> --- PASS: TestBufferWrites (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendByte (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendString (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendIntPositive (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendIntNegative (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendUint (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendBool (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendFloat64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendFloat32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestBufferWrites/AppendWrite (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBuffers
> --- PASS: TestBuffers (0.02s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/buffer	0.038s
> ?   	go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool	[no test files]
> === RUN   TestColorFormatting
> --- PASS: TestColorFormatting (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/internal/color	0.008s
> === RUN   TestStub
> --- PASS: TestStub (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit	0.040s
> ?   	go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme	[no test files]
> ?   	go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest	[no test files]
> === RUN   TestPutNilEntry
> --- PASS: TestPutNilEntry (0.01s)
> === RUN   TestEntryCaller
> --- PASS: TestEntryCaller (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCheckedEntryWrite
> --- PASS: TestCheckedEntryWrite (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONClone
> --- PASS: TestJSONClone (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONEscaping
> === RUN   TestJSONEscaping/String
> === RUN   TestJSONEscaping/ByteString
> --- PASS: TestJSONEscaping (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEscaping/String (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEscaping/ByteString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/binary
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool#02
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#02
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#03
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/complex128
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/complex64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/duration
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#02
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#03
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#04
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#02
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#03
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#04
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int16
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int8
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string#02
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/time
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint16
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint8
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uintptr
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(error)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(with_nested_array)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(with_nested_object)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(error)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/reflect_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/reflect_(failure)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/namespace
> --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/binary (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/bool#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/byteString#03 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/complex128 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/complex64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/duration (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#03 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float64#04 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#03 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/float32#04 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/int8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/string#02 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/time (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uint8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/uintptr (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(error) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/object_(with_nested_array) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(with_nested_object) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/array_(error) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/reflect_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/reflect_(failure) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderObjectFields/namespace (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/bool
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/byteString
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/byteString#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/complex128
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/complex64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/durations
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/float64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/float32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/int
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/int64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/int32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/int16
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/int8
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/string
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/string#01
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/times
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint64
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint32
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint16
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint8
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/uintptr
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/arrays_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/arrays_(error)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/objects_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/objects_(error)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/reflect_(success)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncoderArrays/reflect_(error)
> --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/bool (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/byteString (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/byteString#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/complex128 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/complex64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/durations (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/float64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/float32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/int (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/int64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/int32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/int16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/int8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/string (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/string#01 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/times (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uint8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/uintptr (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/arrays_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/arrays_(error) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/objects_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/objects_(error) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/reflect_(success) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncoderArrays/reflect_(error) (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONQuick
> --- PASS: TestJSONQuick (0.15s)
> === RUN   TestAllLevelsCoveredByLevelString
> --- PASS: TestAllLevelsCoveredByLevelString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelString
> --- PASS: TestLevelString (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelText
> --- PASS: TestLevelText (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCapitalLevelsParse
> --- PASS: TestCapitalLevelsParse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWeirdLevelsParse
> --- PASS: TestWeirdLevelsParse (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelNils
> --- PASS: TestLevelNils (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelUnmarshalUnknownText
> --- PASS: TestLevelUnmarshalUnknownText (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelAsFlagValue
> --- PASS: TestLevelAsFlagValue (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddObject
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddObject_(nested)
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray_(nested)
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray_(empty)
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddBinary
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddBool
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddComplex128
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddComplex64
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddDuration
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddFloat64
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddFloat32
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt64
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt32
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt16
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt8
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddString
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddTime
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint64
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint32
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint16
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint8
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUintptr
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddReflected
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/OpenNamespace
> --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddObject (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddObject_(nested) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray_(nested) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddArray_(empty) (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddBinary (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddBool (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddComplex128 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddComplex64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddDuration (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddFloat64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddFloat32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddInt8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddString (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddTime (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUint8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddUintptr (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/AddReflected (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderAdd/OpenNamespace (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendBool
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendComplex128
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendComplex64
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendDuration
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendFloat64
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendFloat32
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt64
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt32
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt16
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt8
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendString
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendTime
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint64
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint32
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint16
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint8
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUintptr
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendReflected
> === RUN   TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendArray_(arrays_of_arrays)
> --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendBool (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendComplex128 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendComplex64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendDuration (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendFloat64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendFloat32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendInt8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendString (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendTime (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint64 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint32 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint16 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUint8 (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendUintptr (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendReflected (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestSliceArrayEncoderAppend/AppendArray_(arrays_of_arrays) (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMapObjectEncoderReflectionFailures
> --- PASS: TestMapObjectEncoderReflectionFailures (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAddSyncWriteSyncer
> --- PASS: TestAddSyncWriteSyncer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestAddSyncWriter
> --- PASS: TestAddSyncWriter (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNewMultiWriteSyncerWorksForSingleWriter
> --- PASS: TestNewMultiWriteSyncerWorksForSingleWriter (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerWritesBoth
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerWritesBoth (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerFailsWrite
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerFailsWrite (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerFailsShortWrite
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerFailsShortWrite (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestWritestoAllSyncs_EvenIfFirstErrors
> --- PASS: TestWritestoAllSyncs_EvenIfFirstErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_PropagatesErrors
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_PropagatesErrors (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_NoErrorsOnDiscard
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_NoErrorsOnDiscard (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_AllCalled
> --- PASS: TestMultiWriteSyncerSync_AllCalled (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNopCore
> --- PASS: TestNopCore (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIOCore
> --- PASS: TestIOCore (0.06s)
> === RUN   TestIOCoreSyncFail
> --- PASS: TestIOCoreSyncFail (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIOCoreSyncsOutput
> --- PASS: TestIOCoreSyncsOutput (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestIOCoreWriteFailure
> --- PASS: TestIOCoreWriteFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEncoderConfiguration
> --- PASS: TestEncoderConfiguration (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLevelEncoders
> --- PASS: TestLevelEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTimeEncoders
> --- PASS: TestTimeEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDurationEncoders
> --- PASS: TestDurationEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestCallerEncoders
> --- PASS: TestCallerEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestNameEncoders
> --- PASS: TestNameEncoders (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestErrorEncoding
> --- PASS: TestErrorEncoding (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestRichErrorSupport
> --- PASS: TestRichErrorSupport (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestUnknownFieldType
> --- PASS: TestUnknownFieldType (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFieldAddingError
> --- PASS: TestFieldAddingError (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFields
> --- PASS: TestFields (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestEquals
> --- PASS: TestEquals (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestHooks
> --- PASS: TestHooks (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestJSONEncodeEntry
> === RUN   TestJSONEncodeEntry/info_entry_with_some_fields
> --- PASS: TestJSONEncodeEntry (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestJSONEncodeEntry/info_entry_with_some_fields (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSampler
> --- PASS: TestSampler (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSamplerDisabledLevels
> --- PASS: TestSamplerDisabledLevels (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSamplerTicking
> --- PASS: TestSamplerTicking (0.06s)
> === RUN   TestSamplerConcurrent
> --- PASS: TestSamplerConcurrent (0.25s)
> === RUN   TestSamplerRaces
> --- PASS: TestSamplerRaces (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeUnusualInput
> === RUN   TestTeeUnusualInput/one_input
> === RUN   TestTeeUnusualInput/no_input
> --- PASS: TestTeeUnusualInput (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestTeeUnusualInput/one_input (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestTeeUnusualInput/no_input (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeCheck
> --- PASS: TestTeeCheck (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeWrite
> --- PASS: TestTeeWrite (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeWith
> --- PASS: TestTeeWith (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeEnabled
> --- PASS: TestTeeEnabled (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestTeeSync
> --- PASS: TestTeeSync (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/zapcore	0.549s
> === RUN   TestLoggerInfoExpected
> --- PASS: TestLoggerInfoExpected (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerDebugExpected
> --- PASS: TestLoggerDebugExpected (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerDebugSuppressed
> --- PASS: TestLoggerDebugSuppressed (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestLoggerFatalExpected
> --- PASS: TestLoggerFatalExpected (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc	0.026s
> === RUN   TestTestLogger
> --- PASS: TestTestLogger (0.00s)
>     logger_test.go:152: INFO	received work order
>     logger_test.go:152: DEBUG	starting work
>     logger_test.go:152: WARN	work may fail
>     logger_test.go:152: ERROR	work failed	{"error": "great sadness"}
>     logger_test.go:152: PANIC	failed to do work
> === RUN   TestTestLoggerSupportsLevels
> --- PASS: TestTestLoggerSupportsLevels (0.00s)
>     logger_test.go:152: WARN	work may fail
>     logger_test.go:152: ERROR	work failed	{"error": "great sadness"}
>     logger_test.go:152: PANIC	failed to do work
> === RUN   TestTestingWriter
> --- PASS: TestTestingWriter (0.00s)
>     logger_test.go:152: hello
> === RUN   TestTestLoggerErrorOutput
> --- PASS: TestTestLoggerErrorOutput (0.00s)
>     logger_test.go:152: 2020-02-23 02:50:23.504268579 +0000 UTC m=+0.000893142 write error: failed
> === RUN   TestTimeout
> --- PASS: TestTimeout (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestSleep
> --- PASS: TestSleep (0.10s)
> === RUN   TestSyncer
> --- PASS: TestSyncer (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestDiscarder
> --- PASS: TestDiscarder (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFailWriter
> --- PASS: TestFailWriter (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestShortWriter
> --- PASS: TestShortWriter (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestBuffer
> --- PASS: TestBuffer (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/zaptest	0.113s
> === RUN   TestLoggedEntryContextMap
> === RUN   TestLoggedEntryContextMap/no_fields
> === RUN   TestLoggedEntryContextMap/simple
> === RUN   TestLoggedEntryContextMap/overwrite
> === RUN   TestLoggedEntryContextMap/nested
> --- PASS: TestLoggedEntryContextMap (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestLoggedEntryContextMap/no_fields (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestLoggedEntryContextMap/simple (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestLoggedEntryContextMap/overwrite (0.00s)
>     --- PASS: TestLoggedEntryContextMap/nested (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestObserver
> --- PASS: TestObserver (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestObserverWith
> --- PASS: TestObserverWith (0.00s)
> === RUN   TestFilters
> --- PASS: TestFilters (0.00s)
> ok  	go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer	0.013s
> dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 go.uber.org/zap go.uber.org/zap/buffer go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool go.uber.org/zap/internal/color go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit go.uber.org/zap/internal/readme go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest go.uber.org/zap/zapcore go.uber.org/zap/zapgrpc go.uber.org/zap/zaptest go.uber.org/zap/zaptest/observer returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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