[Pkg-grass-devel] sarge-gis support?
Jean-Denis Giguere
Fri, 06 May 2005 13:43:14 -0400
Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
> Due to current freezing status for sarge, we should start to think if w=
e could
> (and/or need) support nicely at least i386 and maybe amd64 on alioth fo=
r sarge in the=20
> near future, at least for a few packages which will have sense to
> update in respect with sarge version (or not present at all).
I think that this is really important ! With sarge it will be possible=20
to make gis server using debian stable. I don't think the debian=20
packports team will have a lot of time to look to gis package because=20
they are really domain specific.
Jean-Denis Gigu=E8re
=C9tudiant en g=E9omatique
appliqu=E9e =E0 l'environnement
Universit=E9 de Sherbrooke
Courriel. jdenisgiguere@fastmail.fm