[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#430818: workaround Re: Bug#430818: grass: user interface problem

Didrik Pinte dpinte at itae.be
Wed Jul 4 14:52:59 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 09:48 +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> 6.2.2 is almost out with quite a few fixes to the gis.m interfaces, I
> would check with that. BTW, out svn repo contains 6.2.2 in trunk currently.


I've found a workaround for the problem.

Everything is linked to the fact I was using a dual-head configuration.
While my second monitor is on, I have to change the resolution from
1400*1050 to 1280*1024. This seem to cause problem to lots of
application like grass. 

The change causes the resolution not being read correctly :

Before the change :

d at ddp:~$ xdpyinfo | grep -A1 dimen 
  dimensions:    1400x1050 pixels (370x278 millimeters)
  resolution:    96x96 dots per inch

After the change :

did at ddp:~$ xdpyinfo | grep -A1 dimen 
  dimensions:    1280x1024 pixels (0x0 millimeters)
  resolution:    -2147483648x-2147483648 dots per inch

--> this dirty value is the culprit ;-)

The workaround is to set the DisplaySize value in the Monitor section
of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

It now runs fine.

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