[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#496861: josm should depend on openjdk-6-jre | jamvm | java2-runtime

Andreas Putzo andreas at putzo.net
Thu Aug 28 13:42:31 UTC 2008


On Aug 28  11:33, James Andrewartha wrote:
> The latest version of josm has a dependency only on openjdk-6-jre which
> means it can't be used with sun-java6-jre. I don't really want two JREs,
> and I need Sun Java for compatability reasons.

you can still use josm with Sun's Java if you set JAVA_HOME accordingly
or run josm with 
 JAVACMD= /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java josm

There are currently many packages that provide java2-runtime, and josm
only works with few of them. That's why i prefer keeping the dependency
on openjdk and switch back to a virtual dependency as soon as we either
have better virtual packages for java runtimes or have the bugs fixed
that prevents josm from running with other javas.


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