[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#466227: gpsdrive-scripts: gpsdrive_mapnik_gentiles searches wrong osm.xml and osm-in.xml with errors
Giovanni Mascellani
g.mascellani at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 10:44:12 UTC 2008
Package: gpsdrive-scripts
Version: 2.10~pre4-1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
For what is written in the README.Debian from package gpsdrive (~ line
40), gpsdrive_mapnik_gentiles should search osm.xml in user's home
directory, when trying to generate tiles. But the hard-coded path
present in the script points it to system wide DATA_DIR, which, I
think, could be problematic in multi-user environments.
Moreover, there is a little problem in osm-in.xml: a color in
hexadecimal form lacks of the '#' before.
A patch is attached, which should fix these two little issues.
Thank you for your work and happy Debianing!
--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux 2.6.22-3-686
Debian Release: lenny/sid
500 unstable www.debian-multimedia.org
500 unstable ftp.it.debian.org
500 testing security.debian.org
500 testing ftp.it.debian.org
500 stable wine.budgetdedicated.com
500 stable ftp.it.debian.org
--- Package information. ---
Depends (Version) | Installed
gpsdrive | 2.10~pre4-1
perl (>= 5.6.0-16) | 5.8.8-12
python2.5 | 2.5.1-7
python-imaging | 1.1.6-2
python-mapnik | 0.5.0-1
libdbi-perl | 1.602-1
libdbd-mysql-perl | 4.006-1
libdate-manip-perl | 5.48-3
libfile-slurp-perl | 9999.12-2
libmime-base64-perl |
libtext-query-perl | 0.07-4
libtime-local-perl | 1.18-1
libwww-curl-perl | 3.02-3
libwww-mechanize-perl | 1.34-1
libxml-parser-perl | 2.36-1
libxml-simple-perl | 2.18-1
libxml-twig-perl | 1:3.32-1
libxml-writer-perl | 0.603-1
perlmagick |
perl-tk | 1:804.027-8
Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascellani at gmail.com>
Pisa, Italy
Web: http://giomasce.altervista.org
SIP: g.mascellani at ekiga.net
Jabber: g.mascellani at jabber.org / giovanni at elabor.homelinux.org
GPG: 0x5F1FBF70 (FP: 1EB6 3D43 E201 4DDF 67BD 003F FCB0 BB5C 5F1F BF70)
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