July 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 09:01:59 UTC 2008
Ending: Thu Jul 31 10:00:06 UTC 2008
Messages: 148
- No subject
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of gosmore_0.0.0.20080704-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080706-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080713-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of mkgmap_0.0.0+svn630-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of josm_0.0.0.20080713-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processing of gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [DebianGIS-dev] You have one new message at Capital One Bank!!!
secure at CapitalOneBank.com
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Paolo Cavallini
- [DebianGIS-dev] Two New Amazing Sider-man Items From GeeWiz
Raul S Davila
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489090: FTBFS propably related to curl breakage in #488701
Gerfried Fuchs
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489603: gpsdrive: bashism in /bin/sh script
Raphael Geissert
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489124: libgdal1-1.5.0_1.5.2 Segmentation fault
Volodymer Grigorenko
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#491842: gosmore: please mention that it requires additional data files in the long description
Helmut Grohne
- [DebianGIS-dev] openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080706-1_i386.changes REJECTED
Mark Hymers
- [DebianGIS-dev] gosmore_0.0.0.20080704-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080706-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080713-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] mkgmap_0.0.0+svn630-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.0.20080713-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] josm_0.0.0.20080713-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] mkgmap_0.0.0+svn630-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] mapserver_4.10.0-5.1+etch2_amd64.changes INSTALLED into stable
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#491579: h5utils: new upstream version (1.11.1)
Steven G. Johnson
- [DebianGIS-dev] JOSM status
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] JOSM status
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489090: Bug#489090: mapserver: FTBFS: php_mapscript.c:14195: undefined reference to `_convert_to_string'
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Backports: libgdal1-1.5.0 and also: libgeos-3.0.0, postgresql-8.3-postgis, python-psycopg2
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489124: This is an issue for qgis only AFAIK
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489124: ok, gdal has problems with optimization and gcc 4.3
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#491579: Bug#491579: h5utils: new upstream version (1.11.1)
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#490852: [m68k] Please add !m68k to openmpi build-dep
Stephen R Marenka
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Roland Mas
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Roland Mas
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Roland Mas
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Roland Mas
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Roland Mas
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489090: mapserver: FTBFS: php_mapscript.c:14195: undefined reference to `_convert_to_string'
Lucas Nussbaum
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474963: notfixed 474963 in python-gdal/1.5.1-3, fixed 474963 in 1.5.1-3
Lucas Nussbaum
- [DebianGIS-dev] Backports: libgdal1-1.5.0 and also: libgeos-3.0.0, postgresql-8.3-postgis, python-psycopg2
Paul Prince
- [DebianGIS-dev] Backports: libgdal1-1.5.0 and also: libgeos-3.0.0, postgresql-8.3-postgis, python-psycopg2
Paul Prince
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#486293: marked as done (josm fails to start - Couldn't find Main-Class attribute in /usr/share/josm/josm.jar Manifest.)
Mark Purcell
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489090: mapserver: FTBFS: php_mapscript.c:14195: undefined reference to `_convert_to_string'
Andreas Putzo
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Andreas Putzo
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Andreas Putzo
- [DebianGIS-dev] JOSM status
Petter Reinholdtsen
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: #474626: still happens here
Petter Reinholdtsen
- [DebianGIS-dev] gpsdrive_2.10~pre4-4_i386.changes REJECTED
Petter Reinholdtsen
- [DebianGIS-dev] Planos Peq e Medias Empresas - ate 43 anos por R$51, 48**
Medial Saúde
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#490267: should refer to gv instead of ghostview
Ivan Shmakov
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#490268: $ GMT --help doesn't respect `$PAGER' and uses `more' unconditionally
Ivan Shmakov
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#488779: marked as done (libgmt-dev: tries to overwrite file owned by gmt)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: tagging 487711
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: severity of 489603 is minor
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#479985: marked as done (Does not show a map)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#487711: marked as done (Gosmore package completely out of date)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489090: marked as done (mapserver: FTBFS: php_mapscript.c:14195: undefined reference to `_convert_to_string')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: Re: Bug#491154: postfix-8.3-postgis: missing utils/*
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#474626: marked as done (JOSM interface is empty)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#486293: marked as done (josm fails to start - Couldn't find Main-Class attribute in /usr/share/josm/josm.jar Manifest.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: This is an issue for qgis only AFAIK
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: ok, gdal has problems with optimization and gcc 4.3
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489124: marked as done (libgdal1-1.5.0_1.5.2 Segmentation fault)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#488704: marked as done ([INTL:sv] Swedish strings for debconf template)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Processed: notfixed 474963 in python-gdal/1.5.1-3, fixed 474963 in 1.5.1-3
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#480234: marked as done (gpsdrive: Preferred scale not working)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#482866: marked as done (Please update icons needed by josm)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489603: marked as done (gpsdrive: bashism in /bin/sh script)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#472305: marked as done (josm: missing icons: "Mappaint: Icon .....png not found, using default icon")
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [DebianGIS-dev] [Announce] New tasks web Bpages for all CDDs
Andreas Tille
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#488779: libgmt-dev: tries to overwrite file owned by gmt
Ralf Treinen
- [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#489603: severity of 489603 is minor
Paul Wise
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1685 - packages/gmt/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1686 - packages/gmt/tags
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1687 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1688 - in packages/gdal/trunk/debian: . patches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1689 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1690 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1691 - packages/gdal/tags
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1705 - packages/libhdf4/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1706 - packages/libhdf4/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1711 - packages/grass/branches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1712 - in packages/grass/branches/6.3/debian: . patches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1724 - in packages/mapserver/trunk/debian: . po
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1739 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1740 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1741 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1742 - packages/gdal/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1743 - packages/gdal/tags
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1744 - packages/mapserver/trunk/debian
frankie at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1707 - in packages/josm: . tarballs
gmascellani-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1708 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
gmascellani-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1709 - packages/josm-plugins/trunk/debian
gmascellani-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1710 - in packages/josm-plugins: . tarballs
gmascellani-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1692 - in packages/gosmore/trunk/debian: . patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1693 - packages/gosmore/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1694 - packages/gosmore/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1695 - packages/gosmore/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1696 - in packages: . osm-map-icons
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1697 - packages/osm-map-icons
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1698 - in packages/osm-map-icons/trunk: . debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1699 - packages/osm-map-icons/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1700 - packages
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1701 - packages/openstreetmap-map-icons/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1702 - packages/openstreetmap-map-icons/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1703 - packages/openstreetmap-map-icons/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1704 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1713 - packages/openstreetmap-map-icons/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1714 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1715 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1716 - packages/josm/trunk/debian/patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1717 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1718 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1719 - in packages/josm/trunk/debian: . patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1720 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1721 - packages/mkgmap/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1722 - packages/mkgmap/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1723 - packages/mkgmap/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1725 - in packages/mkgmap/trunk/debian: . scripts
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1726 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian/patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1727 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1728 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1729 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1730 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1731 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian/patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1732 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1733 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1734 - packages/josm/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1735 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian/patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1736 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian/patches
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1737 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] r1738 - packages/gpsdrive/trunk/debian
nd-guest at alioth.debian.org
- [DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages
DDPOMail robot
- [DebianGIS-dev] Possible problems in your Debian packages
DDPOMail robot
- [DebianGIS-dev] Oil Painting and Craft inquiry--Sinoorigin
- [DebianGIS-dev] gdal 1.5.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] gmt 4.3.1-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] gdal 1.5.2-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] postgis 1.3.3-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] gosmore MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] mapserver 5.0.3-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] openstreetmap-map-icons 1: MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [DebianGIS-dev] You're on Whozat!
team at whozat.com
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 10:00:06 UTC 2008
Archived on: Mon Sep 8 09:03:56 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).