[DebianGIS-dev] r1599 - in packages/gdal/trunk/debian: . patches

frankie at alioth.debian.org frankie at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jun 6 22:05:33 UTC 2008

Author: frankie
Date: 2008-06-06 22:05:33 +0000 (Fri, 06 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 1599

Fixing #484544

Modified: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-06-06 15:11:15 UTC (rev 1598)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-gdal (1.5.1-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+gdal (1.5.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Installs gdal2tiles.py and other python scripts, previously missing.
     Due to dependency from python-gdal extensions, scripts are installed in
     that package instead of gdal-bin.
     (closes: #484559)
+  * Removed ogr.py.dpatch for #473912. Fix needs to be applied on fly to
+    be effective. It also causes a twice build FTBS. Added patch build-dep
+    to apply ogr.py.diff in debian/rules.
+    (closes: #473912)
- -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org>  Sun, 18 May 2008 11:16:21 +0200
+ -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org>  Fri, 06 Jun 2008 23:15:12 +0200
 gdal (1.5.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

Modified: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/control	2008-06-06 15:11:15 UTC (rev 1598)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/control	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  libhdf4g-dev, libhdf5-serial-dev, libpq-dev, libxerces-c2-dev, unixodbc-dev (>=2.2.11), 
  python-dev, python-numpy, doxygen, d-shlibs, libgeos-dev, dpatch, libmysqlclient15-dev, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11~), 
  python-central (>=0.5), libcurl4-dev|libcurl-dev, libsqlite3-dev, libogdi3.2-dev,
- ruby, ruby1.8-dev, chrpath, swig, libtool (>=1.5.24-2)
+ ruby, ruby1.8-dev, chrpath, swig, libtool (>=1.5.24-2), patch
 Standards-Version: 3.7.3
 XS-Python-Version: all
 Homepage: http://www.gdal.org/

Added: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/ogr.py.diff
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/ogr.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/ogr.py.diff	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+This is a patch suggested in #473912 (i.e. fix for upstream bug #2187). 
+It is merged in 1.5.2 AFAIK.
+diff -urNad gdal-1.5.1~/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py gdal-1.5.1/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py
+--- gdal-1.5.1~/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py	2008-04-19 19:46:19.000000000 +0200
++++ gdal-1.5.1/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py	2008-05-06 16:50:37.000000000 +0200
+@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+ import _ogr
+ import new
++import types
+ new_instancemethod = new.instancemethod
+ try:
+     _swig_property = property
+@@ -38,14 +40,12 @@
+     except: strthis = ""
+     return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
+-import types
+ try:
+     _object = types.ObjectType
+     _newclass = 1
+ except AttributeError:
+     class _object : pass
+     _newclass = 0
+-del types
+ wkb25Bit = _ogr.wkb25Bit
+@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@
+     ] would return the first layer on the datasource.
+     aname'] would return the layer named "aname".
+     :4] would return a list of the first four layers."""
+-        import types
+         if isinstance(value, types.SliceType):
+             output = []
+             for i in xrange(value.start,value.stop,value.step):
+@@ -581,7 +580,6 @@
+     def GetLayer(self,iLayer=0):
+         """Return the layer given an index or a name"""
+-        import types
+         if isinstance(iLayer, types.StringTypes):
+             return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer))
+         elif isinstance(iLayer, types.IntType):
+@@ -1829,7 +1827,6 @@
+             raise AttributeError, name
+     def GetField(self, fld_index):
+-        import types
+         if isinstance(fld_index, types.StringType):
+             fld_index = self.GetFieldIndex(fld_index)
+         if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()):

Modified: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2008-06-06 15:11:15 UTC (rev 1598)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@

Deleted: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/ogr.py.dpatch
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/ogr.py.dpatch	2008-06-06 15:11:15 UTC (rev 1598)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/patches/ogr.py.dpatch	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## ogr.py.dpatch by Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad gdal-1.5.1~/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py gdal-1.5.1/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py
---- gdal-1.5.1~/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py	2008-04-19 19:46:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ gdal-1.5.1/swig/python/osgeo/ogr.py	2008-05-06 16:50:37.000000000 +0200
-@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- import _ogr
- import new
-+import types
- new_instancemethod = new.instancemethod
- try:
-     _swig_property = property
-@@ -38,14 +40,12 @@
-     except: strthis = ""
-     return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
--import types
- try:
-     _object = types.ObjectType
-     _newclass = 1
- except AttributeError:
-     class _object : pass
-     _newclass = 0
--del types
- wkb25Bit = _ogr.wkb25Bit
-@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@
-     ] would return the first layer on the datasource.
-     aname'] would return the layer named "aname".
-     :4] would return a list of the first four layers."""
--        import types
-         if isinstance(value, types.SliceType):
-             output = []
-             for i in xrange(value.start,value.stop,value.step):
-@@ -581,7 +580,6 @@
-     def GetLayer(self,iLayer=0):
-         """Return the layer given an index or a name"""
--        import types
-         if isinstance(iLayer, types.StringTypes):
-             return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer))
-         elif isinstance(iLayer, types.IntType):
-@@ -1829,7 +1827,6 @@
-             raise AttributeError, name
-     def GetField(self, fld_index):
--        import types
-         if isinstance(fld_index, types.StringType):
-             fld_index = self.GetFieldIndex(fld_index)
-         if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()):

Modified: packages/gdal/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/gdal/trunk/debian/rules	2008-06-06 15:11:15 UTC (rev 1598)
+++ packages/gdal/trunk/debian/rules	2008-06-06 22:05:33 UTC (rev 1599)
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 		$(MAKE) -C $(CURDIR)/swig/python clean; \
 		$(MAKE) -C $(CURDIR)/swig/python generate build; \
 		$(MAKE) -C $(CURDIR)/swig/python install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-tmp; \
+		patch $(CURDIR)/debian/python-tmp/usr/lib/python$$V/site-packages/osgeo/ogr.py $(CURDIR)/debian/ogr.py.diff; \
 	$(MAKE) docs
 	$(MAKE) man

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