[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#441797: [DebianGIS] [Fwd: postgis REMOVED from testing]
Francesco P. Lovergine
frankie at debian.org
Sat Jun 7 09:20:50 UTC 2008
severity 441797 important
severity 441794 important
On Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 09:41:35AM +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi all.
> Could someone please update us about the state of PostGIS, and the
> prospects for the near future?
> Thanks a lot.
> pc
Have a look to the main bug
I have a couple of ideas about that:
1. it's not a true issue for etch->lenny because postgres versions
are different and users can easily maintain the old version
and migrate by hard upgrade script, as documented in the
README file. So this is not a RC bug.
2. 1.3.1 is not more present in the archive, so that does not break
anything currently.
3. We need to prepare a migration framework that uses the trick
I shown in the report.
Thanks strk for a past discussion about that :-)
That should allow a more soft migration in some cases, but anyway
Postgis REQUIRES running soft/hard upgrades scripts for all
its databases, and that is a MUST and users are warned about
that in README.Debian since ages. There's not a silver bullet.
On this basis I would reduce the severity of those bugs to important.
> -------- Messaggio Originale --------
> Oggetto: [DebianGIS-dev] postgis REMOVED from testing
> Data: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 16:39:22 -0600
> Da: Debian testing watch <noreply at henning.makholm.net>
> FYI: The status of the postgis source package
> in Debian's testing distribution has changed.
> Previous version: 1.3.3-1
> Current version: (not in testing)
> Hint: (no removal hint found)
Francesco P. Lovergine
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