[DebianGIS-dev] r2109 - in packages/thuban/trunk: . Thuban Thuban/Model Thuban/UI

frankie at alioth.debian.org frankie at alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 30 14:56:25 UTC 2009

Author: frankie
Date: 2009-03-30 14:56:24 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 2109

Revert changes to source code.

Modified: packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/Model/resource.py
--- packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/Model/resource.py	2009-03-30 12:42:16 UTC (rev 2108)
+++ packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/Model/resource.py	2009-03-30 14:56:24 UTC (rev 2109)
@@ -27,16 +27,10 @@
 from Thuban.Model.proj import Projection, ProjFile
 from xml.sax import SAXParseException
-# The directory where the default projections are stored has to be changed
-# for
-# the debian package to be conformant with the FHS
-#projdir = \
-#        os.path.join(Thuban.__path__[0], os.pardir, "Resources", "Projections")
-projdir = "/usr/share/thuban/Resources/Projections"
+projdir = \
+        os.path.join(Thuban.__path__[0], os.pardir, "Resources", "Projections")
 PROJ_EXT = ".proj"
 # Determine the status of GDAL support. If GDAL is supported

Modified: packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/UI/resource.py
--- packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/UI/resource.py	2009-03-30 12:42:16 UTC (rev 2108)
+++ packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/UI/resource.py	2009-03-30 14:56:24 UTC (rev 2109)
@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@
 import wx
-# The directory where the toolbar icons are stored has to be changed for
-# the debian package to be conformant with the FHS
-#bitmapdir = os.path.join(Thuban.__path__[0], os.pardir, "Resources", "Bitmaps")
-bitmapdir = "/usr/share/thuban/Resources/Bitmaps"
+bitmapdir = os.path.join(Thuban.__path__[0], os.pardir, "Resources", "Bitmaps")
 bitmap_extensions = {wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XPM: ".xpm",
                      wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY: ""}

Modified: packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/__init__.py
--- packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/__init__.py	2009-03-30 12:42:16 UTC (rev 2108)
+++ packages/thuban/trunk/Thuban/__init__.py	2009-03-30 14:56:24 UTC (rev 2109)
@@ -42,13 +42,9 @@
 # Thedirectory holding the translation files (actually they're in
 # language specific subdirectories of _message_dir)
+_message_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "Resources",
+                            "Locale")
-# The directory where the default projections are stored has to be changed
-# for the debian package to be conformant with the FHS
-#_message_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "Resources",
-#                            "Locale")
-_message_dir = "/usr/share/thuban/Resources/Locale"
 def _(s):
     """Return a localized version of the the string s

Modified: packages/thuban/trunk/setup.py
--- packages/thuban/trunk/setup.py	2009-03-30 12:42:16 UTC (rev 2108)
+++ packages/thuban/trunk/setup.py	2009-03-30 14:56:24 UTC (rev 2109)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     # Unix like system.
     # Directories where Proj4 is installed
-    proj4_prefix = "/usr/"
+    proj4_prefix = "/usr/local/"
     proj4_incdir =  os.path.join(proj4_prefix, "include")
     proj4_libdir =  os.path.join(proj4_prefix, "lib")
     proj4_lib = "proj"
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
                   # same directory.
                   "install_lib": "$base/lib/thuban",
                   "install_scripts": "$base/lib/thuban",
-                  "install_data": "$prefix/share/thuban",
+                  "install_data": "$base/lib/thuban",
                   # Don't print warning messages about the lib dir not
                   # being on Python's path. The libraries are Thuban
                   # specific and are installed just for Thuban. They'll

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