[DebianGIS-dev] [SCM] josm-plugins branch, master, updated. debian/0.0.svn22363-1-2-g9c7683f

Giovanni Mascellani mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
Mon Aug 9 21:33:12 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9c7683f04cc47d26188bac7ef11aaa766c31c0a2
Author: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
Date:   Mon Aug 9 23:32:24 2010 +0200

    New list of licenses and copyright holders

diff --git a/debian/TODO.Debian b/debian/TODO.Debian
index c64f134..5d145f5 100644
--- a/debian/TODO.Debian
+++ b/debian/TODO.Debian
@@ -64,59 +64,62 @@
     - license: unknown, copyright holder unknown too
     - build.xml: OK, needs anti-SVN patch
-New plugin licensing status run, based on revision 22363 (!! means no license);
+New plugin licensing status run, based on revision 22363 (!! means "information unknown");
 it should probably be merged with the previous list:
-addrinterpolation		GPL
-alignways				GPL-2+
-buildings_tools			GPL-2
-cadastre-fr				GPL-2+
-colorscheme				GPL-3+
-Create_grid_of_ways		!!
-czechaddress			!!
-dataimport				!! (partly GPL)
-DirectUpload			GPL
-download_along			!!
-duplicateway			GPL
-editgpx					GPL (some files missing license header)
-ext_tools				GPL-2
-globalsat				GPL-3+
-graphview				GPL-2
-grid					!!
-imagewaypoint			!!
-lakewalker				!! (partly LGPL)
-livegps					PD
-measurement				GPL-3+
-michigan_left			!!
-multipoly				GPL
-multipoly-convert		GPL
-nearclick				!!
-openlayers				!!
-openstreetbugs			BSD
-openvisible				GPL-3+
-osmarender				!!
-photo_geotagging		GPL-2+
-piclayer				GPL-2+
-plastic_laf				!!
-public_transport		GPL-2
-remotecontrol			GPL-2+
-reverter				GPL-2
-roadsigns				GPL-2+
-routes					!! (partly GPL)
-routing					GPL-2+
-simplifyarea			GPL
-slippymap				PD
-surveyor				GPL-3+
-tageditor				GPL-2 (partly GPL)
-tagging-preset-tester	!! (partly GPL)
-terracer				GPL-2
-touchscreenhelper		GPL-2
-tracer					GPL
-turnrestrictions		GPL-2
-undelete				GPL
-validator				GPL-2+
-videomapping			GPL-2
-walkingpapers			PD
-waydownloader			GPL-2
-wayselector				GPL-2
-wmsplugin				GPL-2+
-wms-turbo-challenge2	GPL-2 or GPL-3
+addrinterpolation		OK				GPL
+alignways				OK				GPL-2+
+buildings_tools			!!				GPL-2
+cadastre-fr				OK				GPL-2+
+colorscheme				OK				GPL-3+
+Create_grid_of_ways		!!				!!
+czechaddress			!!				!!
+dataimport				!!				!! (partly GPL)
+DirectUpload			OK				GPL
+download_along			!!				!!
+duplicateway			OK				GPL
+editgpx					OK				GPL (some files missing license header)
+ext_tools				!!				GPL-2
+globalsat				OK				GPL-3+
+graphview				!!				GPL-2
+grid					!!				!!
+imagewaypoint			!!				!!
+lakewalker*				OK				!! (partly LGPL)
+livegps					OK				PD
+measurement				OK				GPL-3+
+michigan_left			!!				!!
+multipoly				!!				GPL
+multipoly-convert		OK				GPL
+nearclick				OK				!!
+openlayers*				OK				!!
+openstreetbugs			OK				BSD
+openvisible				OK				GPL-3+
+osmarender				!!				!!
+photo_geotagging		OK				GPL-2+
+piclayer				OK				GPL-2+
+plastic_laf				OK				!!
+public_transport		OK				GPL-2
+remotecontrol			OK				GPL-2+
+reverter				!!				GPL-2
+roadsigns				OK				GPL-2+
+routes					OK				!! (partly GPL)
+routing					OK				GPL-2+
+simplifyarea			OK				GPL
+slippymap				OK				PD
+surveyor				OK				GPL-3+
+tageditor				OK				GPL-2 (partly GPL)
+tagging-preset-tester	!!				!! (partly GPL)
+terracer				OK				GPL-2
+touchscreenhelper		!!				GPL-2
+tracer					OK				GPL
+turnrestrictions		OK				GPL-2
+undelete				!!				GPL
+validator				OK				GPL-2+
+videomapping			OK				GPL-2
+walkingpapers			OK				PD
+waydownloader			OK				GPL-2
+wayselector				OK				GPL-2
+wmsplugin				OK				GPL-2+
+wms-turbo-challenge2	OK				GPL-2 or GPL-3

Plugins for josm

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