[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#603986: qgis crashes on startup on PowerPC

Hideki Yamane henrich at debian.or.jp
Thu Dec 9 13:38:46 UTC 2010

On Sat, 4 Dec 2010 12:47:20 -0500
Steve <ssinger_pg at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> If I build the qgis .deb files from source on my machine I don't get the 
> crash but the debs from the repository always crash.
> Is it possible to force a rebuild of the .debs in testing?

 Interesting, I cannot reproduce it, always crash with
  - packages from repository
  - packages built with pbuilder (sid)
  - packages built with pbuilder (squeeze)
  - source from git, built with pbuilder (sid)
  - source from git, built with pbuilder (squeeze)

 Steve, how do you build your deb files?


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/org

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