[DebianGIS-dev] [SCM] polsarpro annotated tag, upstream/4.1.5+ds, created. upstream/4.1.5+ds

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at tiscali.it
Thu Dec 30 15:49:59 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, upstream/4.1.5+ds has been created
        at  5b10bdf3dd868f54e1673524a37bc6f6015c7fdf (tag)
   tagging  a75e5baf2ed250752a6698250cacbcf090b63852 (commit)
 tagged by  Antonio Valentino
        on  Thu Dec 30 16:18:44 2010 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 4.1.5+ds

Antonio Valentino (1):
      Imported Upstream version 4.1.5+ds


Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool

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