[DebianGIS-dev] r2907 - packages/debian-gis
pere at alioth.debian.org
pere at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 6 21:13:30 UTC 2010
Author: pere
Date: 2010-07-06 21:13:23 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 2907
Remove package, it is maintained in svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/gis/trunk/ now.
Deleted: packages/debian-gis/Makefile
--- packages/debian-gis/Makefile 2010-07-06 21:11:58 UTC (rev 2906)
+++ packages/debian-gis/Makefile 2010-07-06 21:13:23 UTC (rev 2907)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-include /usr/share/cdd-dev/Makefile
Deleted: packages/debian-gis/build-gis-live
--- packages/debian-gis/build-gis-live 2010-07-06 21:11:58 UTC (rev 2906)
+++ packages/debian-gis/build-gis-live 2010-07-06 21:13:23 UTC (rev 2907)
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2006, 2007 Holger Levsen <debian at layer-acht.org>
-# (c) 2007 Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com>
-# (c) 2007, 2008 Andreas Putzo <andreas at putzo.net>
-# Licended under GPL2
-# Build script for Debian Gis Live CD.
-# Based on build script for Debian Edu live CD.
-# Build depends: live-helper tasksel
-# Tested using live-helper version 1.0.0-2
-# Exit on errors
-set -e
-# Config options. See also lh_config call below.
-today="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`"
-# package (-lists) to install
-# scripts to execute in the chroot
-# Files to copy into the chroot to /
-publisher="Debian GIS Project"
-# CD boot image
-export LH_PACKAGES_LISTS="kde debian-gis base base2"
-# helper functions
-msg_info() {
- echo info: $@
-msg_error() {
- echo error: $@
-at_exit() {
- rm $lockfile
- if [ -f $logfile ] ; then
- grep -v ^
- $logfile > $publish_dir/gislive-${today}.log
- chmod 644 $publish_dir/gislive-${today}.log
- rm $logfile
- fi
- cd -
-trap at_exit EXIT
-if [ "$verbose" ]; then
- tail -f $logfile &
-# Some steps need to run as root. Use sudo unless already root
-if [ root != "$(whoami)" ] ; then
- SUDO=sudo
-# check lockfile
-if [ -f "$lockfile" ] ; then
- echo $lockfile exists, aborting
- exit 1
-$SUDO echo $$ > $lockfile
-# check publishdir
-if [ ! -d "$publish_dir" ] ; then
- msg_error "$publish_dir does not exist, aborting."
- exit 1
-# cleanup from previous builds
-[ -d "$build_dir" ] || mkdir -p $build_dir
-cd $build_dir
-if lh_clean --all; then
- msg_info cleaning old build dir succeeded
- rm -rf config
- msg_error generating configuration failed
-# exit 1
-# configure live-helper
-# Rewrite volume name to get it short enought when dist=squeeze.
-export LH_BOOTAPPEND_LIVE="quiet splash"
-if /usr/bin/lh_config \
- --apt aptitude \
- --bootappend "quiet splash" \
- --mirror-bootstrap "$mirror" \
- --mirror-binary "$mirror" \
- --distribution "$dist" \
- --categories 'main' \
- --apt-recommends disabled \
- --union-filesystem aufs \
- --linux-packages 'linux-image-2.6 aufs-modules-2.6 squashfs-modules-2.6' \
- --iso-publisher "$publisher" \
- --iso-volume "DebGisLive $dist (DATE)" \
- --username "$live_username" \
- --hostname "$live_hostname" \
- --verbose
-# --keyring-packages debian-archive-keyring \
- msg_info generating configuration succeeded
- msg_error generating configuration failed
- exit 1
-# copy hooks
-if [ -d "$hook_dir" ]; then
- for hook in $(ls "$hook_dir"); do
- cp -v $hook_dir/$hook config/chroot_local-hooks
- done
-# copy package lists
-if [ -d "$package_list_dir" ]; then
- for list in $(ls "$package_list_dir"); do
- cp -v $package_list_dir/$list config/chroot_local-packageslists
- done
-# copy misc files
-if [ -d "$misc_files_dir" ]; then
- ( cd "$misc_files_dir" && find . ! \( -type d -a -name ".svn" -prune \) ) | while read file; do
- if [ -d "$misc_files_dir/$file" ]; then
- mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/$file
- elif [ -f "$misc_files_dir/$file" ]; then
- cp -v $misc_files_dir/$file config/chroot_local-includes/$file
- fi
- done
-# prepare chroot
-if $SUDO /usr/bin/lh_bootstrap >> $logfile 2>&1; then
- msg_info "bootstrap succeeded."
- msg_error "bootstrap failed."
- exit 1
-if $SUDO /usr/bin/lh_chroot >> $logfile 2>&1; then
- msg_info "creating chroot succeeded."
- msg_error "creating chroot failed."
- exit 1
-# Generate RLE from a splash image PNG
-# Color index 0 is background, and index 7 is foreground. Set to
-# black and white respecively
-if [ -f "$splashpng" ] ; then
- pngtopnm < $splashpng | ppmquant 16 2>/dev/null | \
- ppmtolss16 "#ffffff=7" "#000000=0" 2>/dev/null \
- > config/binary_syslinux/splash.rle
-# call lh_binary to build the iso image and publish the result
-if $SUDO /usr/bin/lh_binary >> $logfile 2>&1; then
- msg_info "build succeeded."
- msg_error "build failed."
- exit 1
-if [ -f binary.iso ] ; then
- mv binary.iso $publish_dir/gislive-${dist}-${today}.iso
- md5sum $publish_dir/gislive-${dist}-${today}.iso > $publish_dir/gislive-${dist}-${today}.md5sum
- msg_info successfully build live-cd.
- echo "#########################################################"
- echo
- echo "An error occured, .iso was not created :-("
- echo
- if [ ! "$verbose" ]; then
- echo "30 last lines of the make-live output:"
- echo
- tail -30 $logfile
- fi
-# cleanup old images and logs
-find $publish_dir -mtime +1 ! -name "gislive-*00.???" -exec rm {} \;
-find $publish_dir -mtime +2 ! -name "gislive-1600.???" -exec rm {} \;
-find $publish_dir -mtime +14 ! -name "gislive-0400.???" -exec rm {} \;
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