[DebianGIS-dev] Bug#579989: Bug#579989: Bug#579989: Tries to dlopen libproj.so instead of libproj.so.0

Francesco P. Lovergine frankie at debian.org
Tue May 4 10:31:10 UTC 2010

> As far as I understand because GDAL only needs libproj for doing
> certain kind of conversions. So it does a dlopen() when it needs it,
> but uses libproj.so instead of libproj.so.0.
> I found the bug when using the GIS part of django with the
> OpenStreetMap widget, so that's a bit of a complex test case. But I've
> also found a bug report for Fedora and they patched it the same way,
> see
> http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/gdal/F-13/gdal.spec?revision=1.74&view=markup
> line 170. If you look at the source, ogr/ogrct.cpp is doing
>     pfn_pj_init = (projPJ (*)(int, char**)) CPLGetSymbol( pszLibName,
>                                                        "pj_init" );
> where pszLibName is set to libproj.so earlier in the code, and
> CPLGetSymbol is a platform independent wrapper defined in
> port/cplgetsymbol.cp that calls dlopen/dlsym. And that's clearly
> wrong, as it should always open libproj.so.0. And not just because
> libproj.so only exists in the libproj-dev package, but if libproj gets
> a SONAME bump because of an ABI change you would get a library with a
> different ABI if you dlopen just libproj.so.

Ok, thanks. Solved in the 1.7.2 branch on svn, due in a few for
experimental. The reason for skipping by default a usual shlib
linking is quite obscure to me, but that can be better managed
by configure. I suspect that is done to avoid depending strictly
on a specific SONAME, because proj4 API is frozen since ages, but
anyway that's not the way things are done on Debian.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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