[DebianGIS-dev] [SCM] josm-plugins annotated tag, debian/0.0.svn24925-1, created. debian/0.0.svn24925-1
David Paleino
dapal at debian.org
Sun Jan 2 09:24:47 UTC 2011
The annotated tag, debian/0.0.svn24925-1 has been created
at 816e7d05d82d8353d7ef925def1816735bba28d6 (tag)
tagging bc33e2ee502b617cd7e0c62c191a15da458c8cae (commit)
replaces debian/0.0.svn24632-1
tagged by David Paleino
on Sun Jan 2 10:05:59 2011 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
David Paleino (14):
Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn24925
Merge commit 'upstream/0.0.svn24925'
New upstream snapshot
Plugins integrated in josm-core: slippymap, wmsplugin, remotecontrol, imagery.
Bump JOSM requirement on 3751
debian/copyright: remove information about removed plugins
Removed patches applied to removed plugins
debian/rules: remove special build lines for webkit-image-*
debian/webkit-image* removed, they're being moved to a new source package
debian/control: removed any reference to webkit-image-*
debian/patches/170-fix_webkitimagegtk.patch removed
Remove recommendation of webkit-image-*
debian/master.xml: don't reference removed plugins anymore
Releasing to sid
Plugins for josm
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