[SCM] mapready branch, master, updated. upstream/2.3.17-11-g84cb57e

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at tiscali.it
Sun Jun 26 19:55:03 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 08da4580043108bfdbbd10ba776c2ac4a50c6183
Author: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 20:14:59 2011 +0200

    Fixed spelling errors

diff --git a/debian/man/asf_export.1 b/debian/man/asf_export.1
index d6c0f47..c99d851 100644
--- a/debian/man/asf_export.1
+++ b/debian/man/asf_export.1
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The program
 .B asf_export
 ingests ASF internal format data and exports said data to a number of
 graphics file formats (TIFF/GEOTIFF, JPEG, PGM, PNG and POlSARPRO).
-If the input data was geocoded and the ouput format supports geocoding,
+If the input data was geocoded and the output format supports geocoding,
 that information will be included.  Optionally, you may apply look-up
 tables, assign color bands (\-rgb, \-truecolor, \-falsecolor).
diff --git a/debian/man/resample.1 b/debian/man/resample.1
index 87184a0..c52a47b 100644
--- a/debian/man/resample.1
+++ b/debian/man/resample.1
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ Creates an output image with square pixels of the given size.
 May not be used with \-scale, \-scalex, or \-scaley.
 .B -scale <scale factor>
-Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in
+Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in
 each direction.  For example, using a scale factor of 1/2 will
 result in an image with half as many lines, and half as many
 samples.  May not be used with \-square, \-scalex, or \-scaley.
 .B -scalex <x scale factor>
-Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in
+Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in
 the x direction.  You must also specify a y scale factor when
 using this option.  (\-scaley)
 .B -scaley <y scale factor>
-Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in
+Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in
 the y direction.  You must also specify a x scale factor when
 using this option.  (\-scalex)
diff --git a/debian/patches/spelling.patch b/debian/patches/spelling.patch
index da03dfa..bd9949e 100644
--- a/debian/patches/spelling.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/spelling.patch
@@ -76,3 +76,203 @@ Fix spelling.
  "     commas are aliases for the same parameter (they are intended to\n"
  "     aid recognition, since there is much confusion of map projection\n"
  "     terminology).\n"
+--- a/src/asf_export/asf_export.c
++++ b/src/asf_export/asf_export.c
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ "   This program ingests ASF internal format data and exports said data to a\n"\
+ "   number of graphics file formats (TIFF/GEOTIFF, JPEG, PGM, PNG and POlSARPRO).\n"\
+-"   If the input data was geocoded and the ouput format supports geocoding,\n"\
++"   If the input data was geocoded and the output format supports geocoding,\n"\
+ "   that information will be included.  Optionally, you may apply look-up tables,\n"\
+ "   assign color bands (-rgb, -truecolor, -falsecolor).\n"
+--- a/src/asf_meta/meta_init_stVec.c
++++ b/src/asf_meta/meta_init_stVec.c
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
+         s->second = ppdr.gmt_sec;
+     }
+-    /*Fill ouput record with state vectors.*/
++    /*Fill output record with state vectors.*/
+     for (i=0; i<s->vector_count; i++) {
+         /*Read a state vector from the record, fixing the units.*/
+         stateVector st;
+--- a/src/libasf_geocode/asf_geocode.h
++++ b/src/libasf_geocode/asf_geocode.h
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Instances of this type are routines which use projection parameters
+-// pps to convert input coordinates xi, yi, zi to ouputs stored in xo,
++// pps to convert input coordinates xi, yi, zi to outputs stored in xo,
+ // yo, zo.  Mainly intended to be set to project_utm, project_utm_inv,
+ // or some other function from this library, or a similar function.
+ typedef int (*projector_t) (project_parameters_t *pps, double xi, double yi,
+--- a/src/libasf_insar/multilook.c
++++ b/src/libasf_insar/multilook.c
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+   register float tmp,zImag,zReal,ampI;
+   register int index,offset;
+   const float convers=256.0/(2*3.14159265358979);
+   // Create filenames and open files for reading
+   create_name(inAmp, inFile, "_amp.img");
+   create_name(inPhase, inFile, "_phase.img");
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+   // Create new metadata file for the amplitude and phase.
+   look_sample = step_sample = 1;
+-  look_line = step_line = metaOut->sar->look_count;  
++  look_line = step_line = metaOut->sar->look_count;
+   in_sample_count = metaIn->general->sample_count;
+   in_line_count = metaIn->general->line_count;
+   metaOut->general->sample_count /= step_sample;
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+   meta_write(metaOut, outPhase);
+   //meta_write(metaOut, outFile);
+   meta_write(metaOut, outRGB);
+   // Open the files
+   fpAmpIn = fopenImage(inAmp, "rb");
+   fpPhaseIn = fopenImage(inPhase, "rb");
+@@ -64,18 +64,18 @@
+   fpRGB = fopenImage(outRGB, "wb");
+   if (overlay)
+     fpOverlay = fopenImage(overlay, "rb");
+   for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+     float phas=((float)i)/256.0*(2*3.14159265358979);
+     Sin[i]=sin(phas);
+     Cos[i]=cos(phas);
+   }
+   // Set data variables
+   ampScale = 1.0/(look_line*look_sample);
+   nitems   = (look_line-step_line)*in_sample_count;
+   newitems = step_line*in_sample_count;
+   ds       = sizeof(float);
+   ampIn    = (float *)MALLOC(ds*(newitems+nitems+look_sample));
+   phaseIn  = (float *)MALLOC(ds*(newitems+nitems+look_sample));
+@@ -84,26 +84,26 @@
+   ampOut   = (float *)MALLOC(ds*out_sample_count);
+   rgb      = (float *)MALLOC(ds*out_sample_count);
+   phaseOut = (float *)MALLOC(ds*out_sample_count);
+-  // Let the user know what's happening  
++  // Let the user know what's happening
+   asfPrintStatus("Input is %lld lines by %lld samples\n",
+ 		 in_line_count, in_sample_count);
+-  asfPrintStatus("Ouput is %lld lines by %lld samples\n\n",
++  asfPrintStatus("Output is %lld lines by %lld samples\n\n",
+ 		 out_line_count,out_sample_count);
+   // Get to work
+   for(line=0; line<out_line_count; line++) {
+     get_float_lines(fpAmpIn, metaIn, line*step_line, look_line, ampIn);
+     get_float_lines(fpPhaseIn, metaIn, line*step_line, look_line, phaseIn);
+     //get_band_float_lines(fpIn, metaIn, 0, line*step_line, look_line, ampIn);
+-    //get_band_float_lines(fpIn, metaIn, 1, line*step_line, look_line, 
++    //get_band_float_lines(fpIn, metaIn, 1, line*step_line, look_line,
+     //			 phaseIn);
+     if (overlay)
+       get_float_lines(fpOverlay, metaOut, line, 1, scaleIn);
+     // Begin adding data
+-    for (sample=0; sample<out_sample_count; sample++) { 
++    for (sample=0; sample<out_sample_count; sample++) {
+       tmp = 0.0, zReal=0.0, zImag=0.0;
+       // Add up looking area
+       for (col=0; col<look_sample; col++) {
+@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@
+ 	  offset += in_sample_count;
+ 	}
+       }
+       // Get phase from complex values
+       z.real = zReal;
+       z.imag = zImag;
+-      ampOut[sample] = Cabs(z)*ampScale; 
++      ampOut[sample] = Cabs(z)*ampScale;
+       phaseOut[sample] = Cphase(z);
+       if (overlay)
+ 	scale = scaleIn[sample];
+@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
+       else
+ 	rgb[sample] = phaseOut[sample] * scale;
+     }
+     // Write out data to file
+     //put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, 0, line, ampOut);
+     //put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, 1, line, phaseOut);
+     put_float_line(fpAmpOut, metaOut, line, ampOut);
+     put_float_line(fpPhaseOut, metaOut, line, phaseOut);
+     put_float_line(fpRGB, metaOut, line, rgb);
+     asfLineMeter(line, out_line_count);
+     // Reposition data for next read
+     for (i=0;i<nitems;i++) {
+       ampIn[i] = ampIn[i + newitems];
+       phaseIn[i] = phaseIn[i + newitems];
+     }
+   }
+   // Clean up
+   FREE(ampIn);
+   FREE(phaseIn);
+@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@
+   //FCLOSE(fpIn);
+   //FCLOSE(fpOut);
+   FCLOSE(fpRGB);
+   meta_free(metaIn);
+   meta_free(metaOut);
+   // Export a color version of the interferogram to JPEG
+   create_name(outPhase, outFile, "_phase_rgb");
+-  check_return(asf_export_with_lut(JPEG, SIGMA, "interferogram.lut", 
++  check_return(asf_export_with_lut(JPEG, SIGMA, "interferogram.lut",
+ 				   outPhase, outPhase),
+ 	       "colorized interferogram (asf_export)");
+--- a/src/resample/resample_help.h
++++ b/src/resample/resample_help.h
+@@ -79,16 +79,16 @@
+     "        Creates an output image with square pixels of the given size.\n"\
+     "        May not be used with -scale,-scalex, or -scaley.\n"\
+     "   -scale <scale factor>\n"\
+-    "        Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
++    "        Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
+     "        each direction.  For example, using a scale factor of 1/2 will\n"\
+     "        result in an image with half as many lines, and half as many\n"\
+     "        samples.  May not be used with -square,-scalex, or -scaley.\n"\
+     "   -scalex <x scale factor>\n"\
+-    "        Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
++    "        Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
+     "        the x direction.  You must also specify a y scale factor when\n"\
+     "        using this option.  (-scaley)\n"\
+     "   -scaley <y scale factor>\n"\
+-    "        Creates an ouput image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
++    "        Creates an output image that is larger by the given factor, in\n"\
+     "        the y direction.  You must also specify a x scale factor when\n"\
+     "        using this option.  (-scalex)\n"\
+     "   -license\n" \

The MapReady Remote Sensing Tool Kit

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