[SCM] spatialite branch, master, updated. upstream/2.4.0_rc4-30-ga918842
David Paleino
dapal at debian.org
Sat Oct 8 15:11:38 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a918842594d737ef166790596ad62b1ef6a748c5
Author: David Paleino <dapal at debian.org>
Date: Sat Oct 8 17:11:25 2011 +0200
Added symbols file for previous version
diff --git a/debian/libspatialite2.symbols b/debian/libspatialite2.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f979d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libspatialite2.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+libspatialite.so.2 tmp #MINVER#
+ gaiaAddDbfField at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddInteriorRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddPointToGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddPointToGeomCollXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddPointToGeomCollXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddPointToGeomCollXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddPolygonToGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAddRingToPolyg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocDbf at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocDbfField at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocDbfList at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocGeomCollXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocGeomCollXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocGeomCollXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocLinestringXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocLinestringXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocLinestringXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPointXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPointXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPointXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPolygonXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPolygonXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocPolygonXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocRingXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocRingXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocRingXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAllocShapefile at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaBoundary at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaBuildCircleMbr at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaBuildFilterMbr at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaBuildMbr at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaBuildRings at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCastGeomCollToXY at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCastGeomCollToXYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCastGeomCollToXYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCastGeomCollToXYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCleanSqlString at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaClockwise at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneDbfEntity at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneDbfField at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaClonePolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCloneValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaConvertCharset at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaConvertLength at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaConvertToUTF8 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaConvexHull at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCopyLinestringCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCopyRingCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCreateDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCreatePolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaCreateUTF8Converter at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDegsToRads at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDimension at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineDeletePoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineFindByCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineFindByPos at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineInsertAfter at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineInsertBefore at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineJoinAfter at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineJoinBefore at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineSplitAfter at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaDynamicLineSplitBefore at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaEllipseParams at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaEndianArch at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetByteValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetDoubleValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetFloatValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetHumanReadable at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetId at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetLongValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetName at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetNumValues at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetRational1Value at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetRational2Value at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetRationalValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetShortValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetSignedLongValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetSignedRational1Value at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetSignedRational2Value at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetSignedRationalValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetSignedShortValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetStringValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagGetValueType at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExifTagsFree at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExport16 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExport32 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExport64 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExportF32 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaExportI64 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFlushShpHeaders at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFree at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeDbf at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeDbfField at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeDbfList at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreePoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreePolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeShapefile at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeUTF8Converter at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFreeValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromFgf at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromGeos_XY at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromGeos_XYM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromGeos_XYZ at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromGeos_XYZM at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromSpatiaLiteBlobMbr at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromSpatiaLiteBlobWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaFromWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeodesicDistance at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeodesicTotalLength at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollArea at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollBuffer at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollCentroid at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollContains at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollCrosses at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollDisjoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollDistance at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollEquals at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollIntersects at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollLength at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollOverlaps at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollRelate at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollSimplify at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollSimplifyPreserveTopology at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollTouches at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeomCollWithin at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometryAliasType at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometryDifference at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometryIntersection at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometrySymDifference at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometryType at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGeometryUnion at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifGpsTagById at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifTagById at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifTagByName at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifTagByPos at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifTags at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetExifTagsCount at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetGeosErrorMsg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetGeosWarningMsg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetGpsCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetGpsLatLong at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetLocaleCharset at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetMbrMaxX at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetMbrMaxY at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetMbrMinX at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetMbrMinY at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGetPointOnSurface at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGreatCircleDistance at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGreatCircleTotalLength at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaGuessBlobType at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIllegalSqlName at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaImport16 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaImport32 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaImport64 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaImportF32 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaImportI64 at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaInsertInteriorRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaInsertLinestringInGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaInsertPolygonInGeomColl at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIntersect at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsClosed at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsEmpty at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsExifGpsTag at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsPointOnPolygonSurface at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsPointOnRingSurface at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsReservedSqlName at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsReservedSqliteName at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsSimple at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsToxic at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsValid at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaIsValidDbfList at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaLineGetPoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaLineSetPoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaLinestringEquals at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMRangeGeometry at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMRangeLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMRangePolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMRangeRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMakePoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrGeometry at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrPolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsContains at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsDisjoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsEqual at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsIntersects at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsOverlaps at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsTouches at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMbrsWithin at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMeasureArea at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMeasureLength at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaMinDistance at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaOpenDbfRead at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaOpenShpRead at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaOpenShpWrite at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaOutSvg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaOutWkt at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaParseFilterMbr at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaParseWkt at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaPolygonEquals at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaPolygonize at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaPrependPointToDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaRadsToDegs at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaReadDbfEntity at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaReadShpEntity at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaReflectCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaResetDbfEntity at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaResetGeosMsg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaReverseDynamicLine at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaRingCentroid at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaRingGetPoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaRingSetPoint at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaRotateCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSanitize at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaScaleCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetDoubleValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetGeosErrorMsg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetGeosWarningMsg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetIntValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetNullValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSetStrValue at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaShiftCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaShpAnalyze at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaSwapCoords at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToCompressedBlobWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToFgf at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToGeos at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToHexWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToSpatiaLiteBlobWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaToWkb at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaTransform at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaWriteShpEntity at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaZRangeGeometry at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaZRangeLinestring at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaZRangePolygon at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaiaZRangeRing at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaia_geos_error_msg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ gaia_geos_warning_msg at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ math_llabs at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ math_round at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ mbrcache_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ my_fdo_module at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ spatialite_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ spatialite_version at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ spatialiteversion at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3MbrCacheInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3VirtualDbfInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3VirtualFDOInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3VirtualNetworkInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3VirtualShapeInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3VirtualTextInit at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ sqlite3_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualdbf_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualfdo_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualnetwork_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualshape_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualtext_extension_init at Base 2.4.0~rc2
+ virtualtext_module at Base 2.4.0~rc2
geospatial extension for SQLite
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