Bug#658491: closed by "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org> (Re: Bug#658491: hdf5-tools programs cannot find libhdf5.so.7)

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Sat Feb 4 12:19:40 UTC 2012

Le samedi 04 février 2012 à 11:49 +0100, Francesco P. Lovergine a
écrit :
> On Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 11:25:29AM +0100, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply. However, I do believe this is still a bug in the
> > dependency specification, since if the hdf5-tools
> >  package depends on the *latest* version of the libhdf5-1.8 package,
> > then it should explicitly do so, to prevent installation
> >  when the correct version cannot be installed because e.g. it is being
> > held back automatically by some other package
> > (paraview in my case).
> This is an issue already raised. 
AFAIK, it was not raised. This is a different issue and this bug should
not have been closed.



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