[SCM] grass branch, ubuntu/precise, updated. upstream/6.4.1-112-gc0b9243

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Thu Jun 7 15:09:21 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the ubuntu/precise branch:
commit 13089f262cb669dfa0d8d804abca81ac5951cc3f
Author: Jerome Villeneuve Larouche <jlarouche at mapgears.com>
Date:   Thu May 31 15:17:57 2012 +0000

    Build updated to 6.4.2

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 058583e..664d182 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+grass (6.4.2-2~precise2) precise; urgency=low
+  * launchpad build for precise
+  * Modified libgdal1-dev to libgdal-dev to get the latest version of libgdal in Ubuntu
+    Precise
+ -- Jerome Villeneuve Larouche <jlarouche at mapgears.com>  Wed, 16 May 2012 14:21:30 +0000
 grass (6.4.2-2~precise1) precise; urgency=low
   * Launchpad build for precise.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index f513070..6510a47 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Depends:
   grass-core (= ${binary:Version}),
 # fakeroot used by patches/htmlgen-fakeroot; see changelog entry for 5.7.0+6.0.0beta2-2
-  libproj-dev, libgdal1-dev,
+  libproj-dev, libgdal-dev,
 # Subversion is needed by g.extension, a primary motivator for installing the grass-dev pkg
 Recommends: subversion
diff --git a/debian/control.in b/debian/control.in
index 4742576..685da68 100644
--- a/debian/control.in
+++ b/debian/control.in
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Build-depends:
-  libgdal1-dev (>= 1.5.0),
+  libgdal-dev (>= 1.9.0),
   libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu1-xorg-dev, 
   libjpeg-dev, libpng12-dev, libtiff5-dev | libtiff4-dev,
   libmysqlclient-dev | libmysqlclient15-dev,
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Depends:
   grass-core (= ${binary:Version}),
 # fakeroot used by patches/htmlgen-fakeroot; see changelog entry for 5.7.0+6.0.0beta2-2
-  libproj-dev, libgdal1-dev,
+  libproj-dev, libgdal-dev,
 # Subversion is needed by g.extension, a primary motivator for installing the grass-dev pkg
 Recommends: subversion

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