[SCM] ruby-netcdf branch, master, updated. debian/0.6.5-2-12-g7c52e40

Youhei SASAKI uwabami at gfd-dennou.org
Thu Jun 14 10:05:19 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b0cf60052353f251855063f9c9f5777876a9e3ce
Author: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 6 18:31:10 2012 +0900

    New patch 0003-Update-directory-structure-suitable-for-Rubygems-Sty.patch
    Update directory structure: suitable for Rubygems Style
    Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>

diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Change-Test-Path-for-running-under-test_runner.rb.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Change-Test-Path-for-running-under-test_runner.rb.patch
index 2490436..cbc3ad4 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0002-Change-Test-Path-for-running-under-test_runner.rb.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Change-Test-Path-for-running-under-test_runner.rb.patch
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ Subject: Change Test Path for running under test_runner.rb
 Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
- test/test.rb |    5 +----
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ test/test.rb |    6 +-----
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
---- ruby-netcdf.orig/test/test.rb
-+++ ruby-netcdf/test/test.rb
+diff --git a/test/test.rb b/test/test.rb
+index 7ec59c6..d9714c3 100644
+--- a/test/test.rb
++++ b/test/test.rb
 @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 -##require 'numru/netcdf' 
 -## // to test before make install -->
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-Update-directory-structure-suitable-for-Rubygems-Sty.patch b/debian/patches/0003-Update-directory-structure-suitable-for-Rubygems-Sty.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ca2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0003-Update-directory-structure-suitable-for-Rubygems-Sty.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11538 @@
+From: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
+Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 18:30:47 +0900
+Subject: Update directory structure: suitable for Rubygems Style
+Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
+ ext/numru/extconf.rb     |  124 ++
+ ext/numru/netcdfraw.c    | 4614 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ extconf.rb               |  124 --
+ lib/netcdf.rb            |  792 --------
+ lib/netcdf_miss.rb       |  203 --
+ lib/numru/netcdf.rb      |  792 ++++++++
+ lib/numru/netcdf_miss.rb |  203 ++
+ netcdfraw.c              | 4614 ----------------------------------------------
+ 8 files changed, 5733 insertions(+), 5733 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 ext/numru/extconf.rb
+ create mode 100644 ext/numru/netcdfraw.c
+ delete mode 100644 extconf.rb
+ delete mode 100644 lib/netcdf.rb
+ delete mode 100644 lib/netcdf_miss.rb
+ create mode 100644 lib/numru/netcdf.rb
+ create mode 100644 lib/numru/netcdf_miss.rb
+ delete mode 100644 netcdfraw.c
+diff --git a/ext/numru/extconf.rb b/ext/numru/extconf.rb
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5e53471
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ext/numru/extconf.rb
+@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
++require "mkmf"
++if ( ! ( have_header("narray.h") && have_header("narray_config.h") ) ) then
++print <<EOS
++** configure error **  
++   Header narray.h or narray_config.h is not found. If you have these files in 
++   /narraydir/include, try the following:
++   % ruby extconf.rb --with-narray-include=/narraydir/include
++   exit(-1)
++if xsystem("ncdap-config --libs")
++  libncdods = "nc-dap"
++  cflags = `ncdap-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++  libs = `ncdap-config --libs`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++  prefix_dods = `ncdap-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
++elsif xsystem("opendap-config --libs")
++  libncdods = "nc-dods"
++  cflags = `opendap-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++  libs = `opendap-config --libs-nc`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++  prefix_dods = `opendap-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
++if (enable_config('opendap',true) && ( xsystem("opendap-config --libs") ||
++                                       xsystem("ncdap-config --libs") ) )
++  dir_config(libncdods,prefix_dods)
++  if (!have_library(libncdods))
++    print <<-EOS
++    ** ERROR ** Library not found: nc-dods (OPeNDAP/DODS-enabled NetCDF lib)
++    Install it, or run extconf.rb with option --disable-opendap.
++                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
++    EOS
++    exit(-1)
++  else
++    print <<-EOS
++    ** Message **  Compiling with OPeNDAP/DODS-enabled NetCDF library.
++    This is because the command opendap-config is found in your system.
++    If you want to use the ordinary (non-DODS) version of NetCDF,
++    run extconf.rb with option --disable-opendap.
++                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
++    EOS
++  end
++  $CFLAGS += ' '+cflags
++  $LOCAL_LIBS += ' ' + libs
++  # non portable treatments: should be improved (by Horinouchi)
++  CONFIG['LDSHARED'].sub!(/gcc/,'g++')
++  $LIBS.sub!(/-lc\s/,'') ; $LIBS.sub!(/-lc$/,'')
++  print <<-EOS
++    ** Warning **  non-portable treatments are made, 
++    which was sucessfull redhat linux 9:
++     * gcc was replaced with g++ in CONFIG['LDSHARED']
++     * -lc library was removed if in $LIBS 
++  EOS
++  #  p '@@@'
++  #  ary = []
++  #  CONFIG.each{|k,v| ary.push([k,v])}
++  #  ary.sort.each{|x| p x}
++  if xsystem("nc-config --libs") # for NetCDF 4
++    cflags = `nc-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++    libs = `nc-config --libs`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
++    prefix_nc = `nc-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
++    dir_config("netcdf",prefix_nc)
++    $CFLAGS += ' ' + cflags
++    $LOCAL_LIBS += ' ' + libs
++  end
++  if ( ! ( have_header("netcdf.h") && have_library("netcdf") ) )then
++    print <<-EOS
++    ** configure error **  
++       Header netcdf.h or the compiled netcdf library is not found. 
++       If you have the library installed under /netcdfdir (that is, netcdf.h is
++       in /netcdfdir/include and the library in /netcdfdir/lib/),
++       try the following:
++       % ruby extconf.rb --with-netcdf-dir=/netcdfdir
++       Alternatively, you can specify the two directory separately
++       with --with-netcdf-include and --with-netcdf-lib.
++    EOS
++    exit(-1)
++  end
++if /cygwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
++   have_library("narray") || raise("ERROR: narray library is not found")
++create_makefile "numru/netcdfraw"
++######  Modify Makefile: #######
++oldmkfl = File.open("Makefile.orig")
++newmkfl = File.open("Makefile","w")
++oldmkfl.each_line{ |line|
++   case(line)
++   when /^distclean:/
++      newmkfl.puts(line)
++      newmkfl.puts("\t\t@$(RM) *.nc demo/*.nc demo/*~ lib/*~ doc/*~ test/*.nc test/*~ Makefile.orig")
++   when /^all:/
++      newmkfl.puts(line)
++      newmkfl.puts("")         
++      newmkfl.puts("test: all")            # insert the "test" target
++      newmkfl.puts("\t\t at cd test && ruby test.rb && echo 'test did not fail :-p (please ignore the warnings)' && cd ..") 
++   when /lib\/netcdf/
++      line = line.chomp! + "/"
++      newmkfl.puts(line)
++   else
++      newmkfl.puts(line)
++   end
+diff --git a/ext/numru/netcdfraw.c b/ext/numru/netcdfraw.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9922d19
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/ext/numru/netcdfraw.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,4614 @@
++#include "ruby.h"
++#include "narray.h"
++/* for compatibility with ruby 1.6 */
++#ifndef RSTRING_PTR
++#define RSTRING_PTR(s) (RSTRING(s)->ptr)
++#ifndef RSTRING_LEN
++#define RSTRING_LEN(s) (RSTRING(s)->len)
++#ifndef RARRAY_PTR
++#define RARRAY_PTR(a) (RARRAY(a)->ptr)
++#ifndef RARRAY_LEN
++#define RARRAY_LEN(a) (RARRAY(a)->len)
++#ifndef StringValueCStr
++#define StringValueCStr(s) STR2CSTR(s)
++#ifndef SafeStringValue
++#define SafeStringValue(s) Check_SafeStr(s)
++/* Data to NArray */
++/*    memcpy(ary->ptr,nc_ptr,na_sizeof[NA_SINT]*ary->total); \ */
++#define Cbyte_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, up) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *ary; \
++    v = na_make_object(NA_BYTE, rank, shape, cNArray); \
++    GetNArray(v,ary); \
++    up = (unsigned char *)ary->ptr; \
++#define Csint_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, sp) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *ary; \
++    v = na_make_object(NA_SINT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
++    GetNArray(v, ary); \
++    sp = (short *)ary->ptr; \
++#define Clint_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, lp) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *ary; \
++    v = na_make_object(NA_LINT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
++    GetNArray(v, ary); \
++    lp = (int *)ary->ptr; \
++#define Cfloat_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, fp) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *ary; \
++    v = na_make_object(NA_SFLOAT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
++    GetNArray(v, ary); \
++    fp = (float *)ary->ptr; \
++#define Cdouble_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, dp); \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *ary; \
++    v = na_make_object(NA_DFLOAT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
++    GetNArray(v, ary); \
++    dp = (double *)ary->ptr; \
++/* Array or NArray to pointer and length (with no new allocation) */
++#define Array_to_Cfloat_len(obj, ptr, len) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++#define Array_to_Cfloat_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++    shape = na->shape; \
++#define Array_to_Cdouble_len(obj, ptr, len) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++#define Array_to_Cdouble_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++    shape = na->shape; \
++#define Array_to_Cbyte_len(obj, ptr, len) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++#define Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++    shape = na->shape; \
++#define Array_to_Csint_len(obj, ptr, len) \
++{ \
++  struct NARRAY *na; \
++  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
++  GetNArray(obj, na); \
++  ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++  len = na->total; \
++#define Array_to_Csint_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++    shape = na->shape; \
++#define Array_to_Clint_len(obj, ptr, len) \
++{ \
++  struct NARRAY *na; \
++  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
++  GetNArray(obj, na); \
++  ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++  len = na->total; \
++#define Array_to_Clint_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++    len = na->total; \
++    shape = na->shape; \
++/* Array or NArray to pointer (with no new allocation) */
++#define Array_to_Cfloat(obj, ptr) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++#define Array_to_Cdouble(obj, ptr) \
++{ \
++    struct NARRAY *na; \
++    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
++    GetNArray(obj, na); \
++    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++#define Array_to_Cbyte(obj, ptr) \
++{ \
++  struct NARRAY *na; \
++  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
++  GetNArray(obj, na); \
++  ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++#define Array_to_Csint(obj, ptr) \
++{ \
++  struct NARRAY *na; \
++  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
++  GetNArray(obj, na); \
++  ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++#define Array_to_Clint(obj, ptr) \
++{ \
++  struct NARRAY *na; \
++  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
++  GetNArray(obj, na); \
++  ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
++#define NC_RAISE(status) rb_raise(err_status2class(status),(nc_strerror(status)))
++#define NC_RAISE2(status, str) rb_raise(err_status2class(status),"%s (%s)",nc_strerror(status),(str) )
++static VALUE mNumRu = 0;
++static VALUE cNetCDF;
++static VALUE cNetCDFDim;
++static VALUE cNetCDFAtt;
++static VALUE cNetCDFVar;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfError;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadid;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNfile;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfExist;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfInval;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfPerm;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotindefine;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfIndefine;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxdims;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNameinuse;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotatt;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxatts;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadtype;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBaddim;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxvars;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotvar;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfGlobal;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotnc;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfSts;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxname;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfUnlimit;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNorecvars;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfChar;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfEdge;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfStride;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadname;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfRange;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNomem;
++/* Special Error */
++/* Global error status */
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfFatal;
++/* Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler. */
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfEntool;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfExdr;
++static VALUE rb_eNetcdfSyserr;
++struct Netcdf{
++  int ncid;
++  char *name;
++  int closed;
++struct NetCDFDim{
++  int dimid;
++  int ncid;
++struct NetCDFVar{
++  int varid;
++  int ncid;
++  VALUE file;
++struct NetCDFAtt{
++  int varid;
++  int ncid;
++  char *name;
++static struct Netcdf *
++NetCDF_init(int ncid,char *filename)
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  Netcdffile=xmalloc(sizeof(struct Netcdf));
++  Netcdffile->ncid=ncid;
++  Netcdffile->closed=0;
++  Netcdffile->name=xmalloc((strlen(filename)+1)*sizeof(char));
++  strcpy(Netcdffile->name,filename);  
++  return(Netcdffile);
++static struct NetCDFDim *
++NetCDF_dim_init(int ncid,int dimid)
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  Netcdf_dim=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFDim));
++  Netcdf_dim->dimid=dimid;
++  Netcdf_dim->ncid=ncid;
++  return(Netcdf_dim);
++static struct NetCDFVar *
++NetCDF_var_init(int ncid,int varid,VALUE file)
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  Netcdf_var=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFVar));
++  Netcdf_var->varid=varid;
++  Netcdf_var->ncid=ncid;
++  Netcdf_var->file=file;
++  return(Netcdf_var);
++static struct NetCDFAtt *
++NetCDF_att_init(int ncid,int varid,char *attname)
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  Netcdf_att=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFAtt));
++  Netcdf_att->ncid=ncid;
++  Netcdf_att->varid=varid;
++  Netcdf_att->name=xmalloc((strlen(attname)+1)*sizeof(char));
++  strcpy(Netcdf_att->name,attname);   
++  return(Netcdf_att);
++Netcdf_att_free(struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att)
++  free(Netcdf_att->name);
++  free(Netcdf_att);
++NetCDF_var_free(struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var)
++  free(Netcdf_var);
++NetCDF_dim_free(struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim)
++  free(Netcdf_dim);
++NetCDF_free(struct Netcdf *Netcdffile)
++  int status;
++  if (!Netcdffile->closed){
++      status = nc_close(Netcdffile->ncid); /* no error check -- not to stop during GC */
++  }
++  free(Netcdffile->name); 
++  free(Netcdffile);
++static VALUE
++err_status2class(int status)
++  if(NC_ISSYSERR(status)){
++    return(rb_eNetcdfSyserr);
++  }
++  switch(status)
++    {
++    case(NC_EBADID):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfBadid);break;
++    case(NC_ENFILE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNfile);break;
++    case(NC_EEXIST):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfExist);break;
++    case(NC_EINVAL):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfInval);break;
++    case(NC_EPERM):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfPerm);break;
++    case(NC_ENOTINDEFINE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNotindefine);break;
++    case(NC_EINDEFINE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfIndefine);break;
++    case(NC_EINVALCOORDS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords);break;
++    case(NC_EMAXDIMS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxdims);break;
++    case(NC_ENAMEINUSE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNameinuse);break;
++    case(NC_ENOTATT):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNotatt);break;
++    case(NC_EMAXATTS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxatts);break;
++    case(NC_EBADTYPE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfBadtype);break;
++    case(NC_EBADDIM):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfBaddim);break;
++    case(NC_EUNLIMPOS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos);break;
++    case(NC_EMAXVARS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxvars);break;
++    case(NC_ENOTVAR):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNotvar);break;
++    case(NC_EGLOBAL):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfGlobal);break;
++    case(NC_ENOTNC):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNotnc);break;
++    case(NC_ESTS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfSts);break;
++    case(NC_EMAXNAME):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxname);break;
++    case(NC_EUNLIMIT):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfUnlimit);break;
++    case(NC_ENORECVARS):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNorecvars);break;
++    case(NC_ECHAR):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfChar);break;
++    case(NC_EEDGE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfEdge);break;
++    case(NC_ESTRIDE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfStride);break;
++    case(NC_EBADNAME):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfBadname);break;
++    case(NC_ERANGE):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfRange);break;
++    case(NC_ENOMEM):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfNomem);break;
++      /* case(NC_ENTOOL):
++	 return(rb_eNetcdfEntool);break; */
++    case(NC_EXDR):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfExdr);break;
++    case(NC_SYSERR):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfSyserr);break;
++    case(NC_FATAL):
++      return(rb_eNetcdfFatal);break;
++    }
++static const char*
++nctype2natype(int nctype){
++  switch(nctype){
++  case NC_CHAR:
++    return("char");
++  case NC_BYTE:
++    return("byte");
++  case NC_SHORT:
++    return("sint");
++  case NC_INT:
++    return("int");
++  case NC_FLOAT:
++    return("sfloat");
++  case NC_DOUBLE:
++    return("float");
++  default:
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such netcdf type number %d\n",nctype);
++  }
++static int
++nctype2natypecode(int nctype){
++  switch(nctype){
++  case NC_CHAR:
++    return(NA_BYTE);
++  case NC_BYTE:
++    return(NA_BYTE);
++  case NC_SHORT:
++    return(NA_SINT);
++  case NC_INT:
++    return(NA_LINT);
++  case NC_FLOAT:
++    return(NA_SFLOAT);
++  case NC_DOUBLE:
++    return(NA_DFLOAT);
++  default:
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such netcdf type number %d\n",nctype);
++  }
++static int
++natype2nctype(char *natype)
++  if(strcmp(natype,"byte")==0) return(NC_BYTE);
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"char")==0) return(NC_CHAR);
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"text")==0) return(NC_CHAR);    /* alias of char */
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"string")==0) return(NC_CHAR);  /* alias of char */
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"sint")==0) return(NC_SHORT);
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"int")==0) return(NC_INT);
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"sfloat")==0) return(NC_FLOAT);
++  else if(strcmp(natype,"float")==0) return(NC_DOUBLE);
++  else rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such NArray type '%s'",natype);
++static int
++natypecode2nctype(int natypecode)
++  if(natypecode==NA_BYTE) return(NC_BYTE);
++  else if(natypecode==NA_SINT) return(NC_SHORT);
++  else if(natypecode==NA_LINT) return(NC_INT);
++  else if(natypecode==NA_SFLOAT) return(NC_FLOAT);
++  else if(natypecode==NA_DFLOAT) return(NC_DOUBLE);
++  else rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such NArray typecode '%d'",natypecode);
++static void
++nc_mark_obj(struct NetCDFVar *netcdf_var)
++    VALUE ptr;
++    ptr = netcdf_var->file;
++    rb_gc_mark(ptr);
++NetCDF_clone(VALUE file)
++    VALUE clone;
++    struct Netcdf *nc1, *nc2;
++    Data_Get_Struct(file, struct Netcdf, nc1);
++    nc2 = NetCDF_init(nc1->ncid, nc1->name);
++    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF, 0, NetCDF_free, nc2);
++    CLONESETUP(clone, file);
++    return clone;
++NetCDF_dim_clone(VALUE dim)
++    VALUE clone;
++    struct NetCDFDim *nd1, *nd2;
++    Data_Get_Struct(dim, struct NetCDFDim, nd1);
++    nd2 = NetCDF_dim_init(nd1->ncid, nd1->dimid);
++    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim, 0, NetCDF_dim_free, nd2);
++    CLONESETUP(clone, dim);
++    return clone;
++NetCDF_att_clone(VALUE att)
++    VALUE clone;
++    struct NetCDFAtt *na1, *na2;
++    Data_Get_Struct(att, struct NetCDFAtt, na1);
++    na2 = NetCDF_att_init(na1->ncid, na1->varid, na1->name);
++    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt, 0, Netcdf_att_free, na2);
++    CLONESETUP(clone, att);
++    return clone;
++NetCDF_var_clone(VALUE var)
++    VALUE clone;
++    struct NetCDFVar *nv1, *nv2;
++    Data_Get_Struct(var, struct NetCDFVar, nv1);
++    nv2 = NetCDF_var_init(nv1->ncid, nv1->varid, nv1->file);
++    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar, nc_mark_obj, NetCDF_var_free, nv2);
++    CLONESETUP(clone, var);
++    return clone;
++     VALUE file;
++  int status;
++  int ncid;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_TAINTED(file)) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't close");
++  }
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  if(!Netcdffile->closed){
++      status = nc_close(ncid);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status); 
++      Netcdffile->closed = 1;
++  } else {
++      rb_warn("file %s is already closed", Netcdffile->name);
++  }
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_def_dim(VALUE file,VALUE dim_name,VALUE length)
++  char* c_dim_name;
++  size_t c_length;
++  int ncid;
++  int dimidp;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dimension;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  Check_Type(dim_name,T_STRING);
++  c_dim_name=RSTRING_PTR(dim_name);
++  c_length=NUM2UINT(length);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  status = nc_def_dim(ncid,c_dim_name,c_length,&dimidp);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimidp);
++  Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
++  return Dimension;
++static VALUE
++NetCDF_put_att_char(int ncid, char *name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype, int varid)
++    int status;
++    struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
++    /* check atttype (not necessarily needed but it's better to do it) */
++    if (TYPE(atttype) == T_STRING){
++	if ( natype2nctype(RSTRING_PTR(atttype)) !=  NC_CHAR ) {
++	    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
++	        "attribute type must be 'char' (or nil) for a String value");
++	}
++    } else if (TYPE(atttype) != T_NIL) {
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
++		 "type specfication must be by a string or nil");
++    }
++    /* put value */
++    Check_Type(value,T_STRING);
++    status = nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, name,
++			     RSTRING_LEN(value), RSTRING_PTR(value));
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    ncatt = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,name);
++    return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,ncatt));
++static VALUE
++NetCDF_put_att_numeric(int ncid, char *name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype, int varid)
++    VALUE val;
++    struct NARRAY *na_val;
++    int na_typecode, status, len;
++    char *ptr;
++    struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
++    /* check atttype and cast to an appropriate NArray if needed */
++    if (TYPE(atttype) != T_NIL){
++	na_typecode = na_get_typecode(atttype);
++	GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
++    } else {
++	if (TYPE(value)==T_ARRAY) {
++	    val = RARRAY_PTR(value)[0]; /* to check the 1st elemnt if Array */
++	} else {
++	    val = value;
++	}
++	switch(TYPE(val)){
++	case T_FIXNUM:
++	case T_BIGNUM:
++	    na_typecode = NA_LINT;
++	    GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
++	    break;
++	case T_FLOAT:
++	    na_typecode = NA_DFLOAT;
++	    GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
++	    break;
++	case T_DATA:
++	    if ( IsNArray(value) ){
++		GetNArray(value,na_val);
++		na_typecode = na_val->type;
++	    } else {
++		rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"value has a wrong data type");
++	    }
++	    break;
++	default:
++	    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
++		     "value (or its first element) has a wrong type");
++	}
++    }
++    /* put value */
++    len = na_val->total;
++    ptr = na_val->ptr;
++    switch(na_typecode){
++    case NA_BYTE: 
++	status = nc_put_att_uchar(ncid,varid,name,NC_BYTE,len,(unsigned char *)ptr);
++	break;
++    case NA_SINT: 
++	status = nc_put_att_short(ncid,varid,name,NC_SHORT,len,(short *)ptr);
++	break;
++    case NA_LINT: 
++	status = nc_put_att_int(ncid,varid,name,NC_INT,len,(int *)ptr);
++	break;
++    case NA_SFLOAT: 
++	status = nc_put_att_float(ncid,varid,name,NC_FLOAT,len,(float *)ptr);
++	break;
++    case NA_DFLOAT: 
++	status = nc_put_att_double(ncid,varid,name,NC_DOUBLE,len,(double*)ptr);
++	break;
++    default:
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
++		 "unsupported type. code = %d",na_typecode);
++    }
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    ncatt = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,name);
++    return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,ncatt));
++static VALUE
++NetCDF_put_att__(int ncid, char *name, VALUE value, VALUE atttype, int varid)
++     /*
++      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
++      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
++      */
++    switch(TYPE(value)){
++    case T_STRING:
++	return(NetCDF_put_att_char(ncid, name, value, atttype, varid));
++    default:
++	return(NetCDF_put_att_numeric(ncid, name, value, atttype, varid));
++    }
++NetCDF_put_att(VALUE file,VALUE att_name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
++     /*
++      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
++      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
++      */
++    struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++    char *name;
++    rb_secure(4);
++    Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++    Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
++    name = RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
++    return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncfile->ncid, name, value, atttype, NC_GLOBAL) );
++NetCDF_put_att_var(VALUE var,VALUE att_name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
++     /*
++      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
++      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
++      */
++    struct NetCDFVar *ncvar;
++    char *name;
++    rb_secure(4);
++    Data_Get_Struct(var,struct NetCDFVar,ncvar);
++    Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
++    name = RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
++    return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncvar->ncid, name, value, atttype, ncvar->varid));
++NetCDF_def_var(VALUE file,VALUE var_name,VALUE vartype,VALUE dimensions)
++  int ncid;
++  char *c_var_name;
++  static int xtype;
++  long c_ndims;
++  int varidp;
++  int dimidp;
++  int i=0;
++  int status;
++  char *c_dim_name;
++  int c_dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Var;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Check_Type(var_name,T_STRING);
++  Check_Type(dimensions,T_ARRAY);
++  c_var_name=RSTRING_PTR(var_name);
++  c_ndims=RARRAY_LEN(dimensions);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  if (TYPE(vartype) == T_STRING){
++      xtype = natype2nctype(RSTRING_PTR(vartype));     
++  } else if (TYPE(vartype) == T_FIXNUM){
++      xtype = natypecode2nctype(NUM2INT(vartype));     
++  } else {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
++	       "type specfication must be by a string or nil");
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<c_ndims;i++){
++    switch(TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i])){
++    case T_STRING:
++      Check_Type(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i],T_STRING);
++      c_dim_name=StringValueCStr(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i]);
++      status=nc_inq_dimid(ncid,c_dim_name,&dimidp);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      c_dimids[i]=dimidp;
++      break;
++    case T_DATA:
++      Data_Get_Struct(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i],struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
++      c_dimids[i]=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
++      break;
++    default:
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such object of the netCDF dimension class.");
++    }
++  }
++  status = nc_def_var(ncid,c_var_name,xtype,c_ndims,c_dimids,&varidp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,varidp,file);
++  Var=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
++  return Var;
++NetCDF_dim(VALUE file,VALUE dim_name)
++  int ncid;
++  char *c_dim_name;
++  int dimidp;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dimension;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(dim_name,T_STRING);
++  c_dim_name=RSTRING_PTR(dim_name);
++  status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid,c_dim_name,&dimidp);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR){
++    if(status == NC_EBADDIM){ 
++      return(Qnil);  /*2003/08/27 back to orig (from changes on 2003/02/03)*/
++    } else{
++      NC_RAISE(status);
++    }
++  }
++  Netcdf_dim=NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimidp);
++  Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
++  return Dimension;
++NetCDF_var(VALUE file,VALUE var_name)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varidp;
++  char *c_var_name;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  VALUE Variable;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(var_name,T_STRING);
++  c_var_name=RSTRING_PTR(var_name);
++  status=nc_inq_varid(ncid,c_var_name,&varidp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR){
++    if(status == NC_ENOTVAR){
++      return(Qnil); /*2003/08/27 back to orig (from changes on 2003/02/03)*/
++    } else{ 
++      NC_RAISE(status);
++    }
++  }
++  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,varidp,file);
++  Variable = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
++  return Variable;
++NetCDF_att(VALUE file,VALUE att_name)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int attnump;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  VALUE Attribute;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
++  c_att_name=RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
++  status = nc_inq_attid(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name,&attnump);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR){
++    if(status == NC_ENOTATT){
++      return(Qnil);
++    }
++    else{
++      NC_RAISE(status);
++    }
++  }
++  Netcdf_att = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name);
++  Attribute = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
++  return Attribute;
++NetCDF_fill(VALUE file,VALUE mode)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  int old_modep;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid = Netcdffile->ncid;
++  if(mode==Qfalse){
++    status = nc_set_fill(ncid,NC_NOFILL,&old_modep);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  }
++  else if(mode == Qtrue){
++    status = nc_set_fill(ncid,NC_FILL,&old_modep);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  }
++  else
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Usage:self.fill(true) or self.fill(false)");
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_redef(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  status = nc_redef(ncid);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR){
++    if(status == NC_EINDEFINE){
++      return Qnil;
++    }
++    else{
++      NC_RAISE(status);
++    }
++  }
++  return Qtrue;
++NetCDF_enddef(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  status = nc_enddef(ncid);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR){ 
++    if(status == NC_ENOTINDEFINE){
++      return Qnil;
++    }
++    else{
++      NC_RAISE(status);
++    }
++  }
++  return Qtrue;
++NetCDF_whether_in_define_mode(VALUE file)
++  /* returns true if the NetCDF object is currently in the define mode,
++             false if in the data mode, and
++	     nil if else (possibly the file is read-only, or some other
++	     error occurred)
++  */
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
++  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
++  status = nc_redef(ncid);
++  if(status == NC_EINDEFINE){
++    return Qtrue;
++  } else if(status == NC_NOERR) {
++    /* was in the data mode --> recover the data mode and report false */
++    status = nc_enddef(ncid);
++    if(status == NC_NOERR) {
++      return Qfalse;
++    } else {
++      return Qnil;
++    }
++  } else {
++    return Qnil;
++  }
++NetCDF_open(VALUE mod,VALUE filename,VALUE omode)     
++  int status;
++  int ncid;
++  char* c_filename;
++  int c_omode;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  VALUE retval;
++  Check_Type(filename,T_STRING);
++  SafeStringValue(filename);
++  c_filename=RSTRING_PTR(filename);
++  Check_Type(omode,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_omode=NUM2INT(omode);
++  status = nc_open(c_filename,c_omode,&ncid);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR){NC_RAISE2(status,c_filename);}
++  ncfile = NetCDF_init(ncid,c_filename);
++  retval = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF,0,NetCDF_free,ncfile);
++  return( retval );
++NetCDF_create(VALUE mod,VALUE filename,VALUE cmode)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  char* c_filename;
++  int c_cmode;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  Check_Type(filename,T_STRING);
++  SafeStringValue(filename);
++  c_filename=RSTRING_PTR(filename);
++  Check_Type(cmode,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_cmode=NUM2INT(cmode);
++  status = nc_create(c_filename,c_cmode,&ncid);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE2(status, c_filename);
++  ncfile = NetCDF_init(ncid,c_filename);
++  return( Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF,0,NetCDF_free,ncfile) );
++NetCDF_ndims(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int ndimsp;
++  VALUE Integer;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  status = nc_inq_ndims(ncid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
++  Integer = INT2NUM(ndimsp);
++  return Integer;
++NetCDF_nvars(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int nvarsp;
++  int status;
++  VALUE Integer;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  status = nc_inq_nvars(ncid,&nvarsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
++  Integer = INT2NUM(nvarsp);
++  return Integer;
++NetCDF_natts(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int nattsp;
++  int status;
++  VALUE Integer;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  status=nc_inq_natts(ncid,&nattsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
++  Integer = INT2NUM(nattsp);
++  return Integer;
++NetCDF_unlimited(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int unlimdimidp;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dimension;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  status=nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid,&unlimdimidp);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,unlimdimidp);
++  /* If unlimdimidp=-1,No unlimited dimension is defined in the netCDF dataset */ 
++  if(unlimdimidp != -1)
++    {
++      Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
++      return Dimension;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      return Qnil;
++    }
++NetCDF_sync(VALUE file)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  status = nc_sync(ncid);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_path(VALUE file)
++  char *path;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  path=ncfile->name;
++  return(rb_str_new2(path));
++NetCDF_dim_length(VALUE Dim)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int dimid;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
++  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
++  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
++  status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimid,&lengthp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return(INT2NUM(lengthp));
++NetCDF_dim_name(VALUE Dim,VALUE dimension_newname)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int dimid;
++  char *c_dim_name;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
++  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
++  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
++  Check_Type(dimension_newname,T_STRING);
++  c_dim_name = StringValueCStr(dimension_newname);
++  status = nc_rename_dim(ncid,dimid,c_dim_name);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_dim_inqname(VALUE Dim)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int dimid;
++  char c_dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME];
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE str;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
++  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
++  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
++  status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid,dimid,c_dim_name);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  str = rb_str_new2(c_dim_name);
++  OBJ_TAINT(str);
++  return(str);
++NetCDF_dim_whether_unlimited(VALUE Dim)
++  int status;
++  int uldid;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
++  status=nc_inq_unlimdim(Netcdf_dim->ncid,&uldid);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(Netcdf_dim->dimid == uldid){
++      return(Qtrue);
++  } else {
++      return(Qfalse);
++  }
++NetCDF_att_inq_name(VALUE Att)
++  char *c_att_name;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  VALUE str;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
++  str = rb_str_new2(c_att_name);
++  OBJ_TAINT(str);
++  return(str);
++NetCDF_att_rename(VALUE Att,VALUE new_att_name)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  char *c_new_att_name;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid=Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_att->varid;
++  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
++  Check_Type(new_att_name,T_STRING);
++  SafeStringValue(new_att_name);
++  c_new_att_name=StringValueCStr(new_att_name);
++  status = nc_rename_att(ncid,varid,c_att_name,c_new_att_name);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  strcpy(Netcdf_att->name,c_new_att_name);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_id2dim(VALUE file,VALUE dimid)
++  int ncid;
++  int c_dimid;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dim;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(dimid,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_dimid=NUM2INT(dimid);
++  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,c_dimid);
++  Dim=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
++  return(Dim);
++NetCDF_id2var(VALUE file,VALUE varid)
++  int ncid;
++  int c_varid;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  VALUE Var;
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(varid,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_varid=NUM2INT(varid);
++  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,c_varid,file);
++  Var=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
++  return(Var);
++NetCDF_id2att(VALUE file,VALUE attnum)
++  int ncid;
++  int c_attnum;
++  int status;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  VALUE Att;
++  c_att_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
++  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
++  Check_Type(attnum,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_attnum=NUM2INT(attnum);
++  status = nc_inq_attname(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_attnum,c_att_name);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name);
++  Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
++  return(Att);
++NetCDF_var_id2att(VALUE Var,VALUE attnum)
++  int ncid;
++  int c_attnum;
++  int status;
++  int c_varid;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  VALUE Att;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  c_varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Check_Type(attnum,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_attnum=NUM2INT(attnum);
++  c_att_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++  status = nc_inq_attname(ncid,c_varid,c_attnum,c_att_name);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,c_varid,c_att_name);
++  Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
++  return(Att);
++NetCDF_var_dims(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid, *dimids, ndims, varid, i, status;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dims;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Dims = rb_ary_new();
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++      Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimids[ndims-1-i]);
++      rb_ary_push(Dims, 
++		  Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim));
++  }
++  return(Dims);
++NetCDF_var_dim(VALUE Var, VALUE ith)
++  int ncid, *dimids, ndims, varid, status, c_ith;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
++  VALUE Dim;
++  Check_Type(ith,T_FIXNUM);
++  c_ith=NUM2INT(ith);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(c_ith < 0 || c_ith >= ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "dimension count less than zero or greater than ndims-1");
++  }
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimids[ndims-1-c_ith]);
++  Dim = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
++  return(Dim);
++NetCDF_att_copy(VALUE Att,VALUE Var_or_File)
++  int ncid_in,ncid_out;
++  int status;
++  int varid_in,varid_out;
++  char *att_name;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct Netcdf    *ncfile;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att_out;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid_in=Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid_in=Netcdf_att->varid;
++  att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
++  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Var_or_File, cNetCDFVar) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(Var_or_File,struct NetCDFVar, Netcdf_var);
++      ncid_out=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++      varid_out=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  } else if ( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Var_or_File, cNetCDF) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(Var_or_File,struct Netcdf, ncfile);
++      ncid_out=ncfile->ncid;
++      varid_out=NC_GLOBAL;
++  } else {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"The argument must be a NetCDFVar or a NetCDF");
++  }
++  status = nc_copy_att(ncid_in,varid_in,att_name,ncid_out,varid_out);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Netcdf_att_out = NetCDF_att_init(ncid_out,varid_out,att_name);
++  return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att_out));
++NetCDF_att_atttype(VALUE Att)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  char *att_name;
++  const char *Attname;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  nc_type xtypep;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
++  att_name = Netcdf_att->name;
++  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,att_name,&xtypep);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Attname = nctype2natype(xtypep);
++  return(rb_str_new2(Attname));
++NetCDF_att_typecode(VALUE Att)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  char *att_name;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  nc_type xtypep;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
++  att_name = Netcdf_att->name;
++  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,att_name,&xtypep);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return(INT2NUM(nctype2natypecode(xtypep)));
++NetCDF_att_delete(VALUE Att)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid=Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_att->varid;
++  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
++  status = nc_del_att(ncid,varid,c_att_name);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_att_put(VALUE Att,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
++     /*
++      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
++      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
++      */
++  struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,ncatt);
++  return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncatt->ncid, ncatt->name, value, 
++			   atttype, ncatt->varid) );
++NetCDF_att_get(VALUE Att)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  char *c_attname;
++  int status;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  nc_type xtypep;
++  size_t lenp;
++  int attlen[1];    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  char *tp;
++  unsigned char *up;
++  short *sp;
++  int *ip;
++  float *fp;
++  double *dp;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  VALUE str;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
++  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
++  c_attname = Netcdf_att->name;
++  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,c_attname,&xtypep);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  switch(xtypep){
++  case NC_CHAR:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    tp = ALLOCA_N(char,lenp+1);
++    tp[lenp]= '\0';
++    status = nc_get_att_text(ncid,varid,c_attname,tp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    str = rb_str_new2(tp);
++    OBJ_TAINT(str);
++    return(str);
++    break;
++  case NC_BYTE:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    attlen[0]=lenp;
++    Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,up);
++    status = nc_get_att_uchar(ncid,varid,c_attname,up);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++    return NArray;
++    break;
++  case NC_SHORT:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    attlen[0]=lenp;
++    Csint_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,sp);
++    status = nc_get_att_short(ncid,varid,c_attname,sp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++    return NArray;
++    break;
++  case NC_INT:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    attlen[0]=lenp;
++    Clint_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,ip);
++    status = nc_get_att_int(ncid,varid,c_attname,ip);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++    return NArray;
++    break;
++  case NC_FLOAT:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    attlen[0]=lenp;
++    Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,fp);
++    status = nc_get_att_float(ncid,varid,c_attname,fp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++    return NArray;
++    break;
++  case NC_DOUBLE:
++    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    attlen[0]=lenp;
++    Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,dp);
++    status = nc_get_att_double(ncid,varid,c_attname,dp);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++    return NArray;
++    break;
++  default:
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"atttype isn't supported in netCDF");
++  }
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_var_inq_name(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  char c_var_name[NC_MAX_NAME];
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  VALUE Var_name;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,c_var_name);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Var_name=rb_str_new2(c_var_name);
++  OBJ_TAINT(Var_name);
++  return Var_name;
++NetCDF_var_ndims(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  int ndimsp;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  VALUE Var_ndims;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Var_ndims=INT2FIX(ndimsp);
++  return Var_ndims;
++NetCDF_var_vartype(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  nc_type xtypep;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  const char *Vartype;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_vartype(ncid,varid,&xtypep);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Vartype=nctype2natype(xtypep);
++  return(rb_str_new2(Vartype));
++NetCDF_var_typecode(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  nc_type xtypep;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_vartype(ncid,varid,&xtypep);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return(INT2NUM(nctype2natypecode(xtypep)));
++NetCDF_var_natts(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  int nattsp;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  VALUE Var_natts;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status= nc_inq_varnatts(ncid,varid,&nattsp);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Var_natts=INT2FIX(nattsp);
++  return Var_natts;
++NetCDF_var_file(VALUE Var)
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  /* VALUE file; */
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  return (Netcdf_var->file);
++NetCDF_var_rename(VALUE Var,VALUE var_new_name)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  char *c_var_new_name;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Check_Type(var_new_name,T_STRING);
++  c_var_new_name=StringValueCStr(var_new_name);
++  status = nc_rename_var(ncid,varid,c_var_new_name);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_var_att(VALUE Var,VALUE att_name)
++  int ncid;
++  int status;
++  int varid;
++  char *c_att_name;
++  int c_attnump;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
++  VALUE Att;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
++  c_att_name=StringValueCStr(att_name);
++  status = nc_inq_attid(ncid,varid,c_att_name,&c_attnump);
++  if(status == NC_NOERR){
++    Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,c_att_name);
++    Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
++    return Att;
++  }
++  else if(status == NC_ENOTATT){
++    return Qnil;
++  }
++  else{
++    NC_RAISE(status);
++    return Qnil;
++  }
++/* Redifinition of the "==" and "eql?" methods */
++NetCDF_eql(VALUE filea,VALUE fileb)
++  struct Netcdf *ncfilea;
++  struct Netcdf *ncfileb;
++  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(fileb, cNetCDF) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(filea,struct Netcdf,ncfilea);
++      Data_Get_Struct(fileb,struct Netcdf,ncfileb);
++      if(ncfilea->ncid == ncfileb->ncid && 
++	 strcmp(ncfilea->name,ncfileb->name)==0){
++	  return Qtrue;
++      } else {
++	  return Qfalse;
++      }
++  } else {
++      return Qfalse;
++  }
++NetCDF_var_eql(VALUE Vara,VALUE Varb)
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_vara;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_varb;
++  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Varb, cNetCDFVar) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(Vara,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_vara);
++      Data_Get_Struct(Varb,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_varb);
++      if(Netcdf_vara->ncid == Netcdf_varb->ncid && 
++	 Netcdf_vara->varid == Netcdf_varb->varid){
++	  return Qtrue;
++      } else {
++	  return Qfalse;
++      }
++  } else {
++      return Qfalse;
++  }
++NetCDF_dim_eql(VALUE Dima,VALUE Dimb)
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dima;
++  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dimb;
++  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Dimb, cNetCDFDim) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(Dima,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dima);
++      Data_Get_Struct(Dimb,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dimb);
++      if(Netcdf_dima->ncid == Netcdf_dimb->ncid && 
++	 Netcdf_dima->dimid == Netcdf_dimb->dimid){
++	  return Qtrue;
++      } else {
++	  return Qfalse;
++      }
++  } else {
++      return Qfalse;
++  }
++NetCDF_att_eql(VALUE Atta,VALUE Attb)
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_atta;
++  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_attb;
++  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Attb, cNetCDFAtt) ){
++      Data_Get_Struct(Atta,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_atta);
++      Data_Get_Struct(Attb,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_attb);
++      if(Netcdf_atta->ncid == Netcdf_atta->ncid && 
++	 Netcdf_atta->varid == Netcdf_attb->varid && 
++	 strcmp(Netcdf_atta->name,Netcdf_attb->name)==0){
++	  return Qtrue;
++      } else { 
++	  return Qfalse;
++      }
++  } else {
++      return Qfalse;
++  }
++/* Follow methods is to connect "NArray" with "Netcdf" */
++NetCDF_get_var_char(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_text(ncid,varid,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var_byte(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_uchar(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var_sint(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_short(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var_int(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_int(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var_float(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_float(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var_double(VALUE Var)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int i=0;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int *dimids;
++  size_t lengthp;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++  if (ndimsp != 0){
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
++      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
++      }
++  } else {
++      ndimsp = 1;
++      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
++      shape[0]=1;
++  }
++  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var_double(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_char(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen = 1+nc_tlen;
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_text(ncid,varid,c_start,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen = 1+nc_tlen;
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
++  }
++  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_short(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_int(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen= nc_tlen+1;
++  }
++  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_int(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_float(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
++  }
++  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_var1_double(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t dimlen;
++  int *c_count;
++  int nc_tlen=0;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++    c_count[i]=1;
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
++  }
++  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_char(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_text(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_short(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_int(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_int(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_float(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_float(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_get_vars_double(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
++  int ndims;
++  int *dimids;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  VALUE NArray;
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  if(ndims == 0) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
++  }
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
++      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(c_stride[i]==0){
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
++      }
++    }
++  }
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++    break;
++  default:
++    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
++    }
++    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++      if(l_end < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_end +=dimlen;
++      }
++      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++    }
++  }
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
++  }
++  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
++  }
++  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
++  status = nc_get_vars_double(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
++  return NArray;
++NetCDF_put_var_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Cbyte_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status );
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_text(ncid,varid,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Cbyte_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status );
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_uchar(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var_short(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Csint_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(short,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_short(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Clint_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(int,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_int(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Cfloat_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(float,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_float(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i=0;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  int nc_tlen=1;
++  int ndimsp;
++  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
++  size_t lengthp;
++  char *var_name;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  Array_to_Cdouble_len(NArray,ptr,len);
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
++    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
++    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
++  }
++  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
++    scalar = *ptr;
++    ptr = ALLOCA_N(double,nc_tlen);
++    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
++    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
++    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
++    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
++  }
++  status = nc_put_var_double(ncid,varid,ptr);
++  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Cbyte(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_text(ncid,varid,c_start,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Cbyte(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Csint(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_short(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Clint(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_int(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Cfloat(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_float(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_var1_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr;
++  int i;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
++    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
++      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++      l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  Array_to_Cdouble(NArray,ptr);
++  status = nc_put_var1_double(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++		 "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      } 
++  } 
++  status = nc_put_vars_text(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,(char *)ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++		 "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      } 
++  } 
++  status = nc_put_vars_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  short *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Csint_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(short,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      }
++  }
++  status = nc_put_vars_short(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  int *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Clint_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(int,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++              "length of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      }
++  }
++  status = nc_put_vars_int(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  float *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Cfloat_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(float,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      }
++  }
++  status = nc_put_vars_float(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++NetCDF_put_vars_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
++  int ncid;
++  int varid;
++  int status;
++  double *ptr,scalar;
++  int len,i;
++  int c_count_all=1;
++  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
++  long l_start, l_end;
++  size_t *c_start;
++  size_t *c_count;
++  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
++  int ndims;
++  int   *shape;
++  int   *dimids;
++  size_t dimlen;
++  rb_secure(4);
++  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
++  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
++  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
++  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
++  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
++  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
++      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
++  }
++  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
++    if(l_start < 0) {
++	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	l_start += dimlen;
++    }
++    c_start[i]=l_start;
++  }
++  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(stride)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=1;
++      }
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
++	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
++	  }
++      }
++  }
++  Array_to_Cdouble_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
++  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
++  switch(TYPE(end)){
++  case T_NIL:
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
++      }
++      c_count_all=len;
++      break;
++  default:
++      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
++      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
++      }
++      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
++	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
++	  if(l_end < 0) {
++	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
++	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++	      l_end += dimlen;
++	  }
++	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
++	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
++      }
++      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
++	  scalar = *ptr;
++	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(double,c_count_all);
++	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
++      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
++	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
++              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
++      }
++  }
++  status = nc_put_vars_double(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
++  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
++  return Qnil;
++  mNumRu = rb_define_module("NumRu");
++  /* Difinitions of the classes */
++  cNetCDF = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDF", rb_cObject);
++  cNetCDFDim = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFDim", rb_cObject);
++  cNetCDFAtt = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFAtt", rb_cObject);
++  cNetCDFVar = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFVar", rb_cObject);
++  rb_eNetcdfError = rb_define_class("NetcdfError",rb_eStandardError);
++  rb_eNetcdfBadid = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadid",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNfile = rb_define_class("NetcdfNfile",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfExist = rb_define_class("NetcdfExist",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfInval = rb_define_class("NetcdfInval",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfPerm = rb_define_class("NetcdfPerm",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNotindefine = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotindefine",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfIndefine = rb_define_class("NetcdfIndefine",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords = rb_define_class("NetcdfInvalcoords",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfMaxdims = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxdims",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNameinuse = rb_define_class("NetcdfNameinuse",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNotatt = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotatt",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfMaxatts = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxatts",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfBadtype = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadtype",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfBaddim = rb_define_class("NetcdfBaddim",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos = rb_define_class("NetcdFUnlimpos",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfMaxvars = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxvars",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNotvar = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotvar",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfGlobal = rb_define_class("NetcdfGlobal",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNotnc = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotnc",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfSts = rb_define_class("NetcdfSts",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfMaxname = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxname",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfUnlimit = rb_define_class("NetcdfUnlimit",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNorecvars = rb_define_class("NetcdfNorecvars",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfChar = rb_define_class("NetcdfChar",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfEdge = rb_define_class("NetcdfEdge",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfStride = rb_define_class("NetcdfStride",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfBadname = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadname",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  /* N.B. following must match value in ncx.h */ 
++  rb_eNetcdfRange = rb_define_class("NetcdfRange",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfNomem = rb_define_class("NetcdfNomem",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  /* Global error status */
++  rb_eNetcdfEntool = rb_define_class("NetcdfEntool",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfExdr = rb_define_class("NetcdfExdr",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  rb_eNetcdfSyserr = rb_define_class("NetcdfSyserr",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  /* Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler. */
++  rb_eNetcdfFatal = rb_define_class("NetcdfFatal",rb_eNetcdfError);
++  /* Class Constants Definition */
++  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_NOWRITE", INT2FIX(NC_NOWRITE));
++  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_WRITE", INT2FIX(NC_WRITE));
++  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_SHARE", INT2FIX(NC_SHARE));
++  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_CLOBBER", INT2FIX(NC_CLOBBER));
++  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_NOCLOBBER", INT2FIX(NC_NOCLOBBER));
++  /* Difinitions of the ruby methods */
++  /* The methods of the NetCDF class */
++  rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"nc_open",NetCDF_open,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"clone",NetCDF_clone,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"close",NetCDF_close,0);
++  /* rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"new",NetCDF_open,2); */
++  rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"nc_create",NetCDF_create,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"def_dim",NetCDF_def_dim,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"def_var",NetCDF_def_var,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"put_attraw",NetCDF_put_att,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"redef",NetCDF_redef,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"enddef",NetCDF_enddef,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"define_mode?",NetCDF_whether_in_define_mode,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"fill",NetCDF_fill,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"ndims",NetCDF_ndims,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"nvars",NetCDF_nvars,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"natts",NetCDF_natts,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"sync",NetCDF_sync,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"path",NetCDF_path,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"dim",NetCDF_dim,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"var",NetCDF_var,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"att",NetCDF_att,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"unlimited",NetCDF_unlimited,0);
++  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2var",NetCDF_id2var,1);
++  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2dim",NetCDF_id2dim,1);
++  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2att",NetCDF_id2att,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"==",NetCDF_eql,1); 
++  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"eql?",NetCDF_eql,1); */
++  /* The methods of the NetCDFDim class */
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"clone",NetCDF_dim_clone,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"length",NetCDF_dim_length,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"name=",NetCDF_dim_name,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"name",NetCDF_dim_inqname,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"unlimited?",NetCDF_dim_whether_unlimited,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"==",NetCDF_dim_eql,1);
++  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"eql?",NetCDF_dim_eql,1); */
++  /* The methods of the NetCDFAtt class */
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"clone",NetCDF_att_clone,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"name",NetCDF_att_inq_name,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"name=",NetCDF_att_rename,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"delete",NetCDF_att_delete,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"copy",NetCDF_att_copy,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"atttype",NetCDF_att_atttype,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"typecode",NetCDF_att_typecode,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"==",NetCDF_att_eql,1);
++  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"eql?",NetCDF_att_eql,1); */
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"putraw",NetCDF_att_put,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"get",NetCDF_att_get,0);
++  /* The methods of the NetCDFVar class */
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"clone",NetCDF_var_clone,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"name",NetCDF_var_inq_name,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"ndims",NetCDF_var_ndims,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"vartype",NetCDF_var_vartype,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"typecode",NetCDF_var_typecode,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"ntype",NetCDF_var_vartype,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"natts",NetCDF_var_natts,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"file",NetCDF_var_file,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"name=",NetCDF_var_rename,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"att",NetCDF_var_att,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_attraw",NetCDF_put_att_var,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"dims",NetCDF_var_dims,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"dim",NetCDF_var_dim,1);
++  /*rb_define_private_method(cNetCDFVar,"id2dim",NetCDF_var_id2dim,1); */
++  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDFVar,"id2att",NetCDF_var_id2att,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"==",NetCDF_var_eql,1);
++  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"eql?",NetCDF_var_eql,1); */
++  /* The "get*" or "put*" methods in the NetCDFVar class */
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_char",NetCDF_put_var_char,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_byte",NetCDF_put_var_byte,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_sint",NetCDF_put_var_short,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_int",NetCDF_put_var_int,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_sfloat",NetCDF_put_var_float,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_float",NetCDF_put_var_double,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_char",NetCDF_put_vars_char,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_byte",NetCDF_put_vars_byte,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_sint",NetCDF_put_vars_sint,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_int",NetCDF_put_vars_int,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_sfloat",NetCDF_put_vars_float,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_float",NetCDF_put_vars_double,4);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_char",NetCDF_put_var1_char,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_byte",NetCDF_put_var1_byte,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_sint",NetCDF_put_var1_sint,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_int",NetCDF_put_var1_int,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_sfloat",NetCDF_put_var1_float,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_float",NetCDF_put_var1_double,2);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_char",NetCDF_get_var_char,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_byte",NetCDF_get_var_byte,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_sint",NetCDF_get_var_sint,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_int",NetCDF_get_var_int,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_sfloat",NetCDF_get_var_float,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_float",NetCDF_get_var_double,0);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_char",NetCDF_get_vars_char,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_byte",NetCDF_get_vars_byte,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_sint",NetCDF_get_vars_sint,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_int",NetCDF_get_vars_int,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_sfloat",NetCDF_get_vars_float,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_float",NetCDF_get_vars_double,3);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_char",NetCDF_get_var1_char,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_byte",NetCDF_get_var1_byte,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_sint",NetCDF_get_var1_sint,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_int",NetCDF_get_var1_int,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_sfloat",NetCDF_get_var1_float,1);
++  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_float",NetCDF_get_var1_double,1);
+diff --git a/extconf.rb b/extconf.rb
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 5e53471..0000000
+--- a/extconf.rb
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
+-require "mkmf"
+-if ( ! ( have_header("narray.h") && have_header("narray_config.h") ) ) then
+-print <<EOS
+-** configure error **  
+-   Header narray.h or narray_config.h is not found. If you have these files in 
+-   /narraydir/include, try the following:
+-   % ruby extconf.rb --with-narray-include=/narraydir/include
+-   exit(-1)
+-if xsystem("ncdap-config --libs")
+-  libncdods = "nc-dap"
+-  cflags = `ncdap-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-  libs = `ncdap-config --libs`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-  prefix_dods = `ncdap-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
+-elsif xsystem("opendap-config --libs")
+-  libncdods = "nc-dods"
+-  cflags = `opendap-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-  libs = `opendap-config --libs-nc`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-  prefix_dods = `opendap-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
+-if (enable_config('opendap',true) && ( xsystem("opendap-config --libs") ||
+-                                       xsystem("ncdap-config --libs") ) )
+-  dir_config(libncdods,prefix_dods)
+-  if (!have_library(libncdods))
+-    print <<-EOS
+-    ** ERROR ** Library not found: nc-dods (OPeNDAP/DODS-enabled NetCDF lib)
+-    Install it, or run extconf.rb with option --disable-opendap.
+-                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+-    EOS
+-    exit(-1)
+-  else
+-    print <<-EOS
+-    ** Message **  Compiling with OPeNDAP/DODS-enabled NetCDF library.
+-    This is because the command opendap-config is found in your system.
+-    If you want to use the ordinary (non-DODS) version of NetCDF,
+-    run extconf.rb with option --disable-opendap.
+-                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+-    EOS
+-  end
+-  $CFLAGS += ' '+cflags
+-  $LOCAL_LIBS += ' ' + libs
+-  # non portable treatments: should be improved (by Horinouchi)
+-  CONFIG['LDSHARED'].sub!(/gcc/,'g++')
+-  $LIBS.sub!(/-lc\s/,'') ; $LIBS.sub!(/-lc$/,'')
+-  print <<-EOS
+-    ** Warning **  non-portable treatments are made, 
+-    which was sucessfull redhat linux 9:
+-     * gcc was replaced with g++ in CONFIG['LDSHARED']
+-     * -lc library was removed if in $LIBS 
+-  EOS
+-  #  p '@@@'
+-  #  ary = []
+-  #  CONFIG.each{|k,v| ary.push([k,v])}
+-  #  ary.sort.each{|x| p x}
+-  if xsystem("nc-config --libs") # for NetCDF 4
+-    cflags = `nc-config --cflags`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-    libs = `nc-config --libs`.gsub(/\n/, " ")
+-    prefix_nc = `nc-config --prefix`.gsub(/\n/, "")
+-    dir_config("netcdf",prefix_nc)
+-    $CFLAGS += ' ' + cflags
+-    $LOCAL_LIBS += ' ' + libs
+-  end
+-  if ( ! ( have_header("netcdf.h") && have_library("netcdf") ) )then
+-    print <<-EOS
+-    ** configure error **  
+-       Header netcdf.h or the compiled netcdf library is not found. 
+-       If you have the library installed under /netcdfdir (that is, netcdf.h is
+-       in /netcdfdir/include and the library in /netcdfdir/lib/),
+-       try the following:
+-       % ruby extconf.rb --with-netcdf-dir=/netcdfdir
+-       Alternatively, you can specify the two directory separately
+-       with --with-netcdf-include and --with-netcdf-lib.
+-    EOS
+-    exit(-1)
+-  end
+-if /cygwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+-   have_library("narray") || raise("ERROR: narray library is not found")
+-create_makefile "numru/netcdfraw"
+-######  Modify Makefile: #######
+-oldmkfl = File.open("Makefile.orig")
+-newmkfl = File.open("Makefile","w")
+-oldmkfl.each_line{ |line|
+-   case(line)
+-   when /^distclean:/
+-      newmkfl.puts(line)
+-      newmkfl.puts("\t\t@$(RM) *.nc demo/*.nc demo/*~ lib/*~ doc/*~ test/*.nc test/*~ Makefile.orig")
+-   when /^all:/
+-      newmkfl.puts(line)
+-      newmkfl.puts("")         
+-      newmkfl.puts("test: all")            # insert the "test" target
+-      newmkfl.puts("\t\t at cd test && ruby test.rb && echo 'test did not fail :-p (please ignore the warnings)' && cd ..") 
+-   when /lib\/netcdf/
+-      line = line.chomp! + "/"
+-      newmkfl.puts(line)
+-   else
+-      newmkfl.puts(line)
+-   end
+diff --git a/lib/netcdf.rb b/lib/netcdf.rb
+deleted file mode 100644
+index aaba6d2..0000000
+--- a/lib/netcdf.rb
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,792 +0,0 @@
+-require 'narray'
+-require 'numru/netcdfraw'
+-# NetCDF$B%/%i%9$K4X$7$F(B
+-module NumRu
+-  class NetCDF
+-    Max_Try = 100
+-    def NetCDF.open(filename,mode="r",share=false)
+-       call_create=false   # false-> nc_open; true->nc_create
+-       case(mode)
+-       when "r","rb"                          # read only
+-	  mode=NC_NOWRITE
+-       when "w","w+","wb","w+b"               # overwrite if exits
+-          call_create=true
+-	  mode=NC_CLOBBER
+-       when "a","a+","r+","ab","a+b","r+b"    # append if exits
+-	  if( File.exists?(filename) )
+-	     mode=NC_WRITE
+-	  else
+-	     call_create=true   #(nonexsitent --> create)
+-	     mode=NC_CLOBBER
+-	  end
+-       else
+-	  raise NetcdfError, "Mode #{mode} is not supported"
+-       end
+-       case(share)
+-       when false
+-	  share=0
+-       when true
+-	  share=NC_SHARE
+-       else
+-	  raise NetcdfError, "We can't use the sharing mode you typed"
+-       end
+-       omode = mode | share
+-       if(!call_create)
+-	  nc_open(filename,omode)
+-       else
+-	  nc_create(filename,omode)
+-       end
+-    end
+-    class << NetCDF
+-      alias new open
+-    end
+-    def NetCDF.create(filename,noclobber=false,share=false)
+-      case(noclobber)
+-      when false
+-	noclobber=NC_CLOBBER
+-      when true
+-	noclobber=NC_NOCLOBBER
+-      else
+-	raise NetcdfError,"noclobber (2nd argument) must be true or false"
+-      end
+-      case(share)
+-      when false
+-	share=0
+-      when true
+-	share=NC_SHARE
+-      else
+-	raise NetcdfError,"share (3rd argument) must be true or false"
+-      end
+-      cmode=noclobber | share
+-      nc_create(filename,cmode)
+-    end
+-    class << NetCDF
+-       def clean_tmpfile(path)
+-	  proc {
+-	     print "removing ", path, "..." if $DEBUG
+-	     if File.exist?(path)
+-		File.unlink(path) 
+-	     end
+-	     print "done\n" if $DEBUG
+-	  }
+-       end
+-       protected :clean_tmpfile
+-    end
+-    def NetCDF.create_tmp(tmpdir=ENV['TMPDIR']||ENV['TMP']||ENV['TEMP']||'.', 
+-			  share=false)
+-       basename = 'temp'
+-       if $SAFE > 0 and tmpdir.tainted?
+-	  tmpdir = '.'
+-       end
+-       n = 0
+-       while true
+-	 begin
+-	   tmpname = sprintf('%s/%s%d_%d.nc', tmpdir, basename, $$, n)
+-	   unless File.exist?(tmpname)
+-	      netcdf = NetCDF.create(tmpname, true, share)
+-	      ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(netcdf, 
+-					   NetCDF.clean_tmpfile(tmpname))
+-	      break
+-	   end
+-	 rescue
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "cannot generate tempfile `%s'" % tmpname if n >= Max_Try
+-	 end
+-	 n += 1
+-       end
+-       netcdf
+-    end
+-    def put_att(attname,val,atttype=nil)
+-       put_attraw(attname,val,atttype)
+-    end
+-    def def_var_with_dim(name, vartype, shape_ul0, dimnames)
+-       # Same as def_var but defines dimensions first if needed.
+-       # Use zero in shape to define an unlimited dimension.
+-       if (shape_ul0.length != dimnames.length ) then
+-	  raise ArgumentError, 'lengths of shape and dimnames do not agree'
+-       end
+-       dims = []
+-       dimnames.each_index{ |i|
+-	  dim = self.dim( dimnames[i] )
+-	  if ( dim != nil ) then
+-	     # dim exists --> check the length
+-	     if (shape_ul0[i] != dim.length_ul0 ) then
+-		raise ArgumentError, "dimension length do not agree: #{i}th dim: "+\
+-		"#{shape_ul0[i]} and #{dim.length_ul0}"
+-	     end
+-	     dims.push(dim)
+-	  else
+-	     # dim does not exist --> define it
+-	     dims.push( def_dim( dimnames[i], shape_ul0[i] ) )
+-	  end
+-       }
+-       def_var(name, vartype, dims)
+-    end
+-    # Iterators:
+-    def each_dim
+-      num_dim=ndims()    
+-      for dimid in 0..num_dim-1
+-	obj_Dim=id2dim(dimid)
+-	 yield(obj_Dim)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    def each_var
+-      num_var=nvars()
+-      for varid in 0..num_var-1
+-	obj_Var=id2var(varid)
+-	yield(obj_Var)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    def each_att
+-      num_att=natts()
+-      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
+-	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
+-	 yield(obj_Att)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    def dims( names=nil )   # return all if names==nil
+-       if names == nil
+-	  dims = (0..ndims()-1).collect{|dimid| id2dim(dimid)}
+-       else
+-	  raise TypeError, "names is not an array" if ! names.is_a?(Array)
+-	  dims = names.collect{|name| dim(name)}
+-	  raise ArgumentError, "One or more dimensions do not exist" if dims.include?(nil)
+-       end
+-       dims
+-    end
+-    def vars( names=nil )   # return all if names==nil
+-       if names == nil
+-	  vars = (0..nvars()-1).collect{ |varid| id2var(varid) }
+-       else
+-	  raise TypeError, "names is not an array" if ! names.is_a?(Array)
+-	  vars = names.collect{|name| var(name)}
+-	  raise ArgumentError, "One or more variables do not exist" if vars.include?(nil)
+-       end
+-       vars
+-    end
+-    def dim_names
+-      num_dim=ndims()
+-      names=[]
+-      for dimid in 0..num_dim-1
+-	obj_Dim=id2dim(dimid)    
+-	names=names+[obj_Dim.name]
+-      end
+-      return names
+-    end    
+-    def var_names
+-      num_var=nvars()
+-      names=[]
+-      for varid in 0..num_var-1
+-	obj_Var=id2var(varid)
+-	names=names+[obj_Var.name]
+-      end
+-      return names
+-    end
+-    def att_names
+-      num_att=natts()
+-      names=[]
+-      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
+-	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)    
+-	names=names+[obj_Att.name]
+-      end
+-      return names
+-    end
+-    def inspect
+-      "NetCDF:"+path
+-    end
+-  end
+-  #NetCDFVar class $B$K4X$7$F(B
+-  class NetCDFVar
+-    class << NetCDFVar
+-       def new(file,varname,mode="r",share=false)
+-	  if(file.is_a?(String))
+-	     file = NetCDF.open(file,mode,share)
+-	  elsif(!file.is_a?(NetCDF))
+-	    raise TypeError, "1st arg must be a NetCDF (file object) or a String (path)"
+-	  end
+-	  file.var(varname)
+-       end
+-       alias open new
+-    end
+-    alias :rank :ndims
+-    def each_att
+-      num_att=natts()
+-      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
+-	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
+-	yield(obj_Att)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    def dim_names
+-      ary = Array.new()
+-      dims.each{|dim| ary.push(dim.name)}
+-      ary
+-    end
+-   def att_names
+-     num_att=natts()
+-     names=[]
+-     for attnum in 0..num_att-1
+-       obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
+-       names=names+[obj_Att.name]
+-     end
+-     return names
+-   end
+-   def put_att(attname,val,atttype=nil)
+-      put_attraw(attname,val,atttype)
+-   end
+-   def shape_ul0
+-      sh = []
+-      dims.each{|d|
+-	 if d.unlimited? then
+-	    sh.push(0)
+-	 else
+-	    sh.push(d.length)
+-	 end
+-      }
+-      sh
+-   end
+-   def shape_current
+-      sh = []
+-      dims.each{|d|
+-	 sh.push(d.length)
+-      }
+-      sh
+-   end
+-   # The put and get methods in the NetCDFVar class
+-   def pack(na)
+-     sf = att('scale_factor')
+-     ao = att('add_offset')
+-     if ( sf == nil && ao == nil ) then
+-       na
+-     else
+-       na = NArray.to_na(na) if na.is_a?(Array)
+-       if sf
+-	 csf = sf.get
+-	 raise NetcdfError,"scale_factor is not a numeric" if csf.is_a?(String)
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "scale_factor is not unique" if csf.length != 1
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "zero scale_factor" if csf[0] == 0
+-       else
+-	 csf = nil
+-       end
+-       if ao
+-	 cao = ao.get
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not a numeric" if cao.is_a?(String)
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not unique" if cao.length != 1
+-       else
+-	 cao = nil
+-       end
+-       if csf and cao
+-	 packed = (na - cao) / csf
+-       elsif csf
+-	 packed = na / csf
+-       elsif cao
+-	 packed = na - cao
+-       end
+-       if self.typecode <= NArray::LINT
+-         packed = packed.round
+-       end
+-       packed
+-     end
+-   end
+-   def scaled_put(var,hash=nil)
+-     simple_put( pack(var), hash)
+-   end
+-   @@unpack_type = nil
+-   class << NetCDFVar
+-     def unpack_type
+-       @@unpack_type
+-     end
+-     def unpack_type=(na_type)
+-       if [NArray::BYTE, NArray::SINT, NArray::INT, 
+-	   NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::FLOAT, nil].include?(na_type)
+-	 @@unpack_type = na_type
+-       else
+-	 raise ArgumentError, "Arg must be one of NArray::BYTE, NArray::SINT, NArray::INT, NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::FLOAT"
+-       end
+-     end
+-   end
+-   def unpack(na)
+-     sf = att('scale_factor')
+-     ao = att('add_offset')
+-     if ( sf == nil && ao == nil ) then
+-       na
+-     else
+-       if sf
+-	 csf = sf.get
+-	 raise NetcdfError,"scale_factor is not a numeric" if csf.is_a?(String)
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "scale_factor is not unique" if csf.length != 1
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "zero scale_factor" if csf[0] == 0
+-       else
+-	 csf =nil
+-       end
+-       if ao
+-	 cao = ao.get
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not a numeric" if cao.is_a?(String)
+-	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not unique" if cao.length != 1
+-       else
+-	 cao = nil
+-       end
+-       if csf and cao
+-	 una = na * csf + cao  # csf & cao are NArray -> coerced to their types
+-       elsif csf
+-	 una = na * csf
+-       elsif cao
+-	 una = na + cao
+-       end
+-       una = una.to_type(@@unpack_type) if @@unpack_type
+-       una
+-     end
+-   end
+-   def scaled_get(hash=nil)
+-     unpack( simple_get(hash) )
+-   end
+-   def simple_put(var,hash=nil)
+-     if hash==nil
+-       if self.vartype == "char"
+-	 put_var_char(var)
+-       elsif self.vartype == "byte"
+-	 put_var_byte(var)
+-       elsif self.vartype == "sint"
+-	 put_var_sint(var)
+-       elsif self.vartype == "int"
+-	 put_var_int(var)
+-       elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
+-	 put_var_sfloat(var)
+-       elsif self.vartype == "float"
+-	 put_var_float(var)
+-       else 
+-	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type isn't supported in netCDF" 
+-       end
+-     elsif hash.key?("index")==true 
+-       if self.vartype == "char"
+-	 put_var1_char(var,hash["index"])
+-       elsif self.vartype=="byte"
+-	 put_var1_byte(var,hash["index"])
+-       elsif self.vartype=="sint"
+-	 put_var1_sint(var,hash["index"])
+-       elsif self.vartype == "int"
+-	 put_var1_int(var,hash["index"])
+-       elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
+-	 put_var1_sfloat(var,hash["index"])
+-       elsif self.vartype == "float"
+-	 put_var1_float(var,hash["index"])
+-       else 
+-	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
+-       end
+-     elsif hash.key?("start")==true
+-       if hash.key?("end")==false && hash.key?("stride")==false
+-	 if self.vartype == "char"
+-	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
+-	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
+-	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
+-	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
+-	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
+-	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       elsif hash.key?("end")==true && hash.key?("stride") == false
+-	 if self.vartype == "char"
+-	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
+-	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
+-	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
+-	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
+-	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 elsif self.vartype =="float"
+-	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       elsif hash.key?("end")==false && hash.key?("stride")==true
+-	 if self.vartype == "char"
+-	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
+-	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
+-	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
+-	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
+-	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
+-	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       else hash.key?("end")==true && hash.key?("stride")==true
+-	 if self.vartype == "char"
+-	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
+-	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
+-	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
+-	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
+-	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
+-	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       end
+-     else
+-       raise ArgumentError,"{'start'}=>[ARRAY] or {'index'}=>[ARRAY] is needed"
+-     end
+-   end
+-   alias put simple_put
+-   def simple_get(hash=nil)
+-     t_var = self.vartype
+-     if hash == nil
+-       if t_var == "char"
+-	 get_var_char
+-       elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	 get_var_byte
+-       elsif t_var == "sint"
+-	 get_var_sint
+-       elsif t_var == "int"
+-	 get_var_int
+-       elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	 get_var_sfloat
+-       elsif t_var == "float"
+-	 get_var_float
+-       else
+-	  raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-       end
+-     elsif hash.key?("index")==true
+-       ind = hash["index"]
+-       if t_var == "char"
+-	 get_var1_char(ind)
+-       elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	 get_var1_byte(ind)
+-       elsif t_var == "sint"
+-	 get_var1_sint(ind)
+-       elsif t_var == "int"
+-	 get_var1_int(ind)
+-       elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	 get_var1_sfloat(ind)
+-       elsif t_var == "float"
+-	 get_var1_float(ind)
+-       else
+-	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-       end
+-     elsif hash.key?("start")==true
+-       h_sta = hash["start"]
+-       endq = hash.key?("end")
+-       strq = hash.key?("stride")
+-       if endq == false && strq == false
+-	 if t_var == "char"
+-	   get_vars_char(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sint" 
+-	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "int"
+-	   get_vars_int(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "float"
+-	   get_vars_float(h_sta,nil,nil)
+-	 else 
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "varialbe type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       elsif endq == true && strq == false
+-	 h_end = hash["end"]
+- 	 if t_var == "char"
+-	   get_vars_char(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+- 	 elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sint"
+-	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "int"
+-	   get_vars_int(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+-	 elsif t_var == "float"
+-	   get_vars_float(h_sta,h_end,nil)
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       elsif endq == false && strq == true
+-	 h_str = hash["stride"]
+- 	 if t_var == "char"
+-	   get_vars_char(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+- 	 elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sint"
+-	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "int"
+-	   get_vars_int(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "float"
+-	   get_vars_float(h_sta,nil,h_str)
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       else endq == true && strq == true
+-	 h_end = hash["end"]
+-	 h_str = hash["stride"]
+-	 if t_var == "char"
+-	   get_vars_char(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "byte"
+-	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sint"
+-	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "int"
+-	   get_vars_int(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
+-	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 elsif t_var == "float"
+-	   get_vars_float(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
+-	 else
+-	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
+-	 end
+-       end
+-     else
+-       raise ArgumentError,"{'start'}=>{ARRAY} or {'index'}=>{ARRAY} is needed"
+-     end
+-   end
+-   alias get simple_get
+-   def __rubber_expansion( args )
+-     if (id = args.index(false))  # substitution into id
+-       # false is incuded
+-       alen = args.length
+-       if args.rindex(false) != id
+-	 raise ArguemntError,"only one rubber dimension is permitted"
+-       elsif alen > rank+1
+-	 raise ArgumentError, "too many args"
+-       end
+-       ar = ( id!=0 ? args[0..id-1] : [] )
+-       args = ar + [true]*(rank-alen+1) + args[id+1..-1]
+-     elsif args.length == 0   # to support empty [], []=
+-       args = [true]*rank
+-     end
+-     args
+-   end
+-   private :__rubber_expansion
+-   def [](*a)
+-     if a.length == 0
+-       return self.get
+-     end
+-     a = __rubber_expansion(a)
+-     first = Array.new
+-     last = Array.new
+-     stride = Array.new
+-     set_stride = false
+-     a.each{|i|
+-       if(i.is_a?(Fixnum))
+-	 first.push(i)
+-	 last.push(i)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(Range))
+-	 first.push(i.first)
+-	 last.push(i.exclude_end? ? i.last-1 : i.last)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(Hash))
+-	 r = (i.to_a[0])[0]
+-         s = (i.to_a[0])[1]
+-         if ( !( r.is_a?(Range) ) || ! ( s.is_a?(Integer) ) )
+-	    raise TypeError, "Hash argument must be {a_Range, step}"
+-	 end
+-	 first.push(r.first) 
+-	 last.push(r.exclude_end? ? r.last-1 : r.last)
+-	 stride.push(s)
+-	 set_stride = true
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(TrueClass))
+-	 first.push(0)
+-	 last.push(-1)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif( i.is_a?(Array) || i.is_a?(NArray))
+-	 a_new = a.dup
+-	 at = a.index(i)
+-	 i = NArray.to_na(i) if i.is_a?(Array)
+-	 for n in 0..i.length-1
+-	   a_new[at] = i[n]..i[n]
+-	   na_tmp = self[*a_new]
+-	   if n==0 then
+-	     k = at
+-	     if at > 0
+-	       a[0..at-1].each{|x| if x.is_a?(Fixnum) then k -= 1 end}
+-	     end
+-	     shape_tmp = na_tmp.shape
+-	     shape_tmp[k] = i.length
+-	     na = na_tmp.class.new(na_tmp.typecode,*shape_tmp)
+-	     index_tmp = Array.new(shape_tmp.length,true)
+-	   end
+-	   index_tmp[k] = n..n
+-	   na[*index_tmp] = na_tmp
+-	 end
+-	 return na
+-       else
+-	 raise TypeError, "argument must be Fixnum, Range, Hash, TrueClass, Array, or NArray"
+-       end
+-     }
+-     if(set_stride)
+-       na = self.get({"start"=>first, "end"=>last, "stride"=>stride})
+-     else
+-       na = self.get({"start"=>first, "end"=>last})
+-     end
+-     shape = na.shape
+-     (a.length-1).downto(0){ |i|
+-	 shape.delete_at(i) if a[i].is_a?(Fixnum)
+-      }
+-      na.reshape!( *shape )
+-     na
+-   end
+-   def []=(*a)
+-     val = a.pop
+-     a = __rubber_expansion(a)
+-     first = Array.new
+-     last = Array.new
+-     stride = Array.new
+-     set_stride = false
+-     a.each{|i|
+-       if(i.is_a?(Fixnum))
+-	 first.push(i)
+-	 last.push(i)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(Range))
+-	 first.push(i.first)
+-	 last.push(i.exclude_end? ? i.last-1 : i.last)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(Hash))
+-	 r = (i.to_a[0])[0]
+-         s = (i.to_a[0])[1]
+-         if ( !( r.is_a?(Range) ) || ! ( s.is_a?(Integer) ) )
+-	    raise ArgumentError, "Hash argument must be {first..last, step}"
+-	 end
+-	 first.push(r.first) 
+-	 last.push(r.exclude_end? ? r.last-1 : r.last)
+-	 stride.push(s)
+-	 set_stride = true
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(TrueClass))
+-	 first.push(0)
+-	 last.push(-1)
+-	 stride.push(1)
+-       elsif(i.is_a?(Array) || i.is_a?(NArray))
+-	 a_new = a.dup
+-	 at = a.index(i)
+-	 i = NArray.to_na(i) if i.is_a?(Array)
+-	 val = NArray.to_na(val) if val.is_a?(Array)
+-	 rank_of_subset = a.dup.delete_if{|v| v.is_a?(Fixnum)}.length
+-	 if val.rank != rank_of_subset
+-	   raise "rank of the rhs (#{val.rank}) is not equal to the rank "+
+-                 "of the subset specified by #{a.inspect} (#{rank_of_subset})"
+-	 end
+-	 k = at
+-	 a[0..at-1].each{|x| if x.is_a?(Fixnum) then k -= 1 end}
+-	 if i.length != val.shape[k]
+-	   raise "length of the #{k+1}-th dim of rhs is incorrect "+
+-                 "(#{i.length} for #{val.shape[k]})"
+-	 end
+-	 index_tmp = Array.new(val.rank,true) if !val.is_a?(Numeric) #==>Array-like
+-	 for n in 0..i.length-1
+-	   a_new[at] = i[n]..i[n]
+-	   if !val.is_a?(Numeric) then
+-	     index_tmp[k] = n..n
+-	     self[*a_new] = val[*index_tmp]
+-	   else
+-	     self[*a_new] = val
+-	   end
+-	 end
+-	 return self
+-       else
+-	 raise TypeError, "argument must be Fixnum, Range, Hash, TrueClass, Array, or NArray"
+-       end
+-     }
+-     if(set_stride)
+-	self.put(val, {"start"=>first, "end"=>last, "stride"=>stride})
+-     else
+-	self.put(val, {"start"=>first, "end"=>last})
+-     end
+-   end
+-   def inspect
+-     'NetCDFVar:'+file.path+'?var='+name
+-   end
+- end
+- class NetCDFAtt
+-   def put(val,atttype=nil)
+-      putraw(val,atttype)
+-   end
+-   def inspect
+-     'NetCDFAtt:'+name
+-   end
+- end
+- class NetCDFDim
+-   def inspect
+-     'NetCDFDim:'+name
+-   end
+-   def length_ul0
+-      if unlimited?
+-	 0
+-      else
+-	 length
+-      end
+-   end
+- end
+diff --git a/lib/netcdf_miss.rb b/lib/netcdf_miss.rb
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 4b168f0..0000000
+--- a/lib/netcdf_miss.rb
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
+-require "numru/netcdf"
+-require "narray_miss"
+-module NumRu
+-  class NetCDFVar
+-    def get_with_miss(*args)
+-      __interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
+-      data = simple_get(*args)
+-      if @vmin || @vmax
+-	if @vmin
+-	  mask = (data >= @vmin) 
+-	  mask = mask.and(data <= @vmax) if @vmax
+-	else
+-	  mask = (data <= @vmax)
+-	end
+-	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
+-      elsif @missval	# only missing_value is present.
+-	mask = (data.ne(@missval)) 
+-	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
+-      end
+-      data
+-    end
+-    def get_with_miss_and_scaling(*args)
+-      __interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
+-      data = simple_get(*args)
+-      if @vmin || @vmax
+-	if @vmin
+-	  mask = (data >= @vmin) 
+-	  mask = mask.and(data <= @vmax) if @vmax
+-	else
+-	  mask = (data <= @vmax)
+-	end
+-	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
+-      elsif @missval	# only missing_value is present.
+-	mask = (data.ne(@missval))
+-	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
+-      end
+-      data = unpack( data )
+-      data
+-    end
+-    def put_with_miss(data, *args)
+-      if data.is_a?( NArrayMiss )
+-	__interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
+-	if @missval
+-	  simple_put(data.to_na(@missval), *args)
+-	else
+-	  simple_put(data.to_na, *args)
+-	end
+-      else
+-	simple_put(data, *args)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    def put_with_miss_and_scaling(data, *args)
+-      if data.is_a?( NArrayMiss )
+-	__interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
+-	if @missval
+-	  data = pack( data )
+-	  data = data.to_na(@missval)
+-	else
+-	  data = pack( data )
+-	  data = data.to_na
+-	end
+-	simple_put(data, *args)
+-      else
+-	scaled_put(data, *args)
+-      end
+-    end
+-    ######### private ##########
+-    def __interpret_missing_params
+-      # Interprets the specification of missing data,
+-      # either by valid_range, (valid_min and/or valid_max), or missing_value.
+-      # (unlike the NetCDF User's guide (NUG), missing_value is interpreted, 
+-      # but valid_* has a higher precedence.)
+-      # Always sets @missval whether missing_value is defined or not,
+-      # since it will be used as a fill value for data missing.
+-      #
+-      @vmin = att('valid_min')
+-      @vmin = @vmin.get if @vmin  # kept in a NArray(size==1) to consv type
+-      @vmax = att('valid_max')
+-      @vmax = @vmax.get if @vmax  # kept in a NArray(size==1) to consv type
+-      vrange = att('valid_range')
+-      vrange = vrange.get if vrange
+-      if vrange
+-	vrange.sort!
+-	@vmin = vrange[0..0]        # kept in... (same)
+-	@vmax = vrange[-1..-1]      # kept in... (same)
+-      end
+-      @missval = att('missing_value') || att('_FillValue')
+-      @missval = @missval.get if @missval # kept in... (same)
+-      sf = att('scale_factor')
+-      ao = att('add_offset')
+-      if ( sf || ao )
+-        ## Both NUG & CF conventions requires to specify the valid
+-        ## range with respect to the external (i.e. packed) values. 
+-        ## However, some conventions require specification
+-        ## with respect to unpacked values. The following
+-        ## is to support such cases as well:
+-        thres_tp = [ self.typecode, NArray::LINT ].max
+-        @missval = pack(@missval) if @missval && @missval.typecode > thres_tp
+-        @vmin = pack(@vmin) if @vmin && @vmin.typecode > thres_tp
+-        @vmax = pack(@vmax) if @vmax && @vmax.typecode > thres_tp
+-      end
+-      if @missval
+-        if @vmin && @vmax 
+-	  if @vmin[0] <= @missval[0] && @missval[0] <= @vmax[0]
+-            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} is in the valid range #{@vmin[0]}..#{@vmax[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+-          end
+-        else
+-          if @vmin && @missval[0] >= @vmin[0]
+-            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} >= valid min #{@vmin[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+-          elsif @vmax && @missval[0] <= @vmax[0]
+-            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} <= valid min #{@vmin[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
+-          end
+-        end
+-      else
+-        realtc = NArray::SFLOAT
+-        if @vmin
+-          if @vmin[0] >= 0
+-            @missval = ( @vmin.typecode>=realtc ? 0.99*@vmin : @vmin-1 )
+-          else
+-            @missval = ( @vmin.typecode>=realtc ? 1.01*@vmin : @vmin-1 )
+-          end
+-        elsif @vmax
+-          if @vmax[0] >= 0
+-            @missval = ( @vmax.typecode>=realtc ? 1.01*@vmax : @vmax+1 )
+-          else
+-            @missval = ( @vmax.typecode>=realtc ? 0.99*@vmax : @vmax+1 )
+-          end
+-        end
+-      end
+-    end
+-    private :__interpret_missing_params
+-  end
+-if $0 == __FILE__
+-  include NumRu
+-  filename = "tmp.nc"
+-  print "creating ",filename,"...\n"
+-  file=NetCDF.create(filename)
+-  nx = 10
+-  dimx = file.def_dim("x",nx)
+-  xf = file.def_var("xf","sfloat",[dimx])
+-  xfn = file.def_var("xfn","sfloat",[dimx])
+-  xf.put_att("valid_range",[-1e12,1e12])
+-  f = 10 ** (2*NArray.sfloat(nx).indgen!)
+-  xr = file.def_var("xr","sint",[dimx])
+-  xr.put_att("valid_max",[0.5])
+-  xr.put_att("scale_factor",1e-4)
+-  xr.put_att("add_offset",0.5)
+-  xr2 = file.def_var("xr2","sint",[dimx])
+-  xr2.put_att("valid_max",NArray.sint(1).fill!(1000))
+-  xr2.put_att("scale_factor",1e-4)
+-  xr2.put_att("add_offset",0.5)
+-  r = NArray.sfloat(nx).indgen!/nx
+-  file.enddef
+-  xf.put(f)
+-  xfn.put(f)
+-  xr.scaled_put(r)
+-  file.close
+-  file = NetCDF.open(filename,'r+')
+-  xf = file.var('xf')
+-  xfn = file.var('xfn')
+-  p "f0"
+-  xf.get.each{|v| print "#{v} "} ; print "\n"
+-  p( 'f1', nam = xf.get_with_miss )
+-  def xf.get(*args); get_with_miss(*args); end
+-  p( 'f12',  xf[2..-3].to_na )
+-  p( 'fn10', xfn.get_with_miss )
+-  p( 'fn11', xfn.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
+-  nam.invalidation([0,1])
+-  p 'f2', nam
+-  xf.put_with_miss(nam)
+-  p( 'f3', xf.get_with_miss )
+-  xr = file.var('xr')
+-  p "r0"
+-  xr.simple_get.each{|v| print "#{v} "} ; print "\n"
+-  p( 'r1', xr.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
+-  def xr.get(*args); get_with_miss_and_scaling(*args); end
+-  def xr.put(*args); put_with_miss_and_scaling(*args); end
+-  #xr[0..3] = xr[0..3]*10
+-  p( 'r2', xr.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
+-  p 'r',r
+-  xr2.put_with_miss_and_scaling(r)
+-  p 'xr2',xr2.get_with_miss_and_scaling
+-  file.close
+-  print "** ncdump tmp.nc **\n", `ncdump tmp.nc`
+diff --git a/lib/numru/netcdf.rb b/lib/numru/netcdf.rb
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..aaba6d2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/numru/netcdf.rb
+@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
++require 'narray'
++require 'numru/netcdfraw'
++# NetCDF$B%/%i%9$K4X$7$F(B
++module NumRu
++  class NetCDF
++    Max_Try = 100
++    def NetCDF.open(filename,mode="r",share=false)
++       call_create=false   # false-> nc_open; true->nc_create
++       case(mode)
++       when "r","rb"                          # read only
++	  mode=NC_NOWRITE
++       when "w","w+","wb","w+b"               # overwrite if exits
++          call_create=true
++	  mode=NC_CLOBBER
++       when "a","a+","r+","ab","a+b","r+b"    # append if exits
++	  if( File.exists?(filename) )
++	     mode=NC_WRITE
++	  else
++	     call_create=true   #(nonexsitent --> create)
++	     mode=NC_CLOBBER
++	  end
++       else
++	  raise NetcdfError, "Mode #{mode} is not supported"
++       end
++       case(share)
++       when false
++	  share=0
++       when true
++	  share=NC_SHARE
++       else
++	  raise NetcdfError, "We can't use the sharing mode you typed"
++       end
++       omode = mode | share
++       if(!call_create)
++	  nc_open(filename,omode)
++       else
++	  nc_create(filename,omode)
++       end
++    end
++    class << NetCDF
++      alias new open
++    end
++    def NetCDF.create(filename,noclobber=false,share=false)
++      case(noclobber)
++      when false
++	noclobber=NC_CLOBBER
++      when true
++	noclobber=NC_NOCLOBBER
++      else
++	raise NetcdfError,"noclobber (2nd argument) must be true or false"
++      end
++      case(share)
++      when false
++	share=0
++      when true
++	share=NC_SHARE
++      else
++	raise NetcdfError,"share (3rd argument) must be true or false"
++      end
++      cmode=noclobber | share
++      nc_create(filename,cmode)
++    end
++    class << NetCDF
++       def clean_tmpfile(path)
++	  proc {
++	     print "removing ", path, "..." if $DEBUG
++	     if File.exist?(path)
++		File.unlink(path) 
++	     end
++	     print "done\n" if $DEBUG
++	  }
++       end
++       protected :clean_tmpfile
++    end
++    def NetCDF.create_tmp(tmpdir=ENV['TMPDIR']||ENV['TMP']||ENV['TEMP']||'.', 
++			  share=false)
++       basename = 'temp'
++       if $SAFE > 0 and tmpdir.tainted?
++	  tmpdir = '.'
++       end
++       n = 0
++       while true
++	 begin
++	   tmpname = sprintf('%s/%s%d_%d.nc', tmpdir, basename, $$, n)
++	   unless File.exist?(tmpname)
++	      netcdf = NetCDF.create(tmpname, true, share)
++	      ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(netcdf, 
++					   NetCDF.clean_tmpfile(tmpname))
++	      break
++	   end
++	 rescue
++	   raise NetcdfError, "cannot generate tempfile `%s'" % tmpname if n >= Max_Try
++	 end
++	 n += 1
++       end
++       netcdf
++    end
++    def put_att(attname,val,atttype=nil)
++       put_attraw(attname,val,atttype)
++    end
++    def def_var_with_dim(name, vartype, shape_ul0, dimnames)
++       # Same as def_var but defines dimensions first if needed.
++       # Use zero in shape to define an unlimited dimension.
++       if (shape_ul0.length != dimnames.length ) then
++	  raise ArgumentError, 'lengths of shape and dimnames do not agree'
++       end
++       dims = []
++       dimnames.each_index{ |i|
++	  dim = self.dim( dimnames[i] )
++	  if ( dim != nil ) then
++	     # dim exists --> check the length
++	     if (shape_ul0[i] != dim.length_ul0 ) then
++		raise ArgumentError, "dimension length do not agree: #{i}th dim: "+\
++		"#{shape_ul0[i]} and #{dim.length_ul0}"
++	     end
++	     dims.push(dim)
++	  else
++	     # dim does not exist --> define it
++	     dims.push( def_dim( dimnames[i], shape_ul0[i] ) )
++	  end
++       }
++       def_var(name, vartype, dims)
++    end
++    # Iterators:
++    def each_dim
++      num_dim=ndims()    
++      for dimid in 0..num_dim-1
++	obj_Dim=id2dim(dimid)
++	 yield(obj_Dim)
++      end
++    end
++    def each_var
++      num_var=nvars()
++      for varid in 0..num_var-1
++	obj_Var=id2var(varid)
++	yield(obj_Var)
++      end
++    end
++    def each_att
++      num_att=natts()
++      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
++	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
++	 yield(obj_Att)
++      end
++    end
++    def dims( names=nil )   # return all if names==nil
++       if names == nil
++	  dims = (0..ndims()-1).collect{|dimid| id2dim(dimid)}
++       else
++	  raise TypeError, "names is not an array" if ! names.is_a?(Array)
++	  dims = names.collect{|name| dim(name)}
++	  raise ArgumentError, "One or more dimensions do not exist" if dims.include?(nil)
++       end
++       dims
++    end
++    def vars( names=nil )   # return all if names==nil
++       if names == nil
++	  vars = (0..nvars()-1).collect{ |varid| id2var(varid) }
++       else
++	  raise TypeError, "names is not an array" if ! names.is_a?(Array)
++	  vars = names.collect{|name| var(name)}
++	  raise ArgumentError, "One or more variables do not exist" if vars.include?(nil)
++       end
++       vars
++    end
++    def dim_names
++      num_dim=ndims()
++      names=[]
++      for dimid in 0..num_dim-1
++	obj_Dim=id2dim(dimid)    
++	names=names+[obj_Dim.name]
++      end
++      return names
++    end    
++    def var_names
++      num_var=nvars()
++      names=[]
++      for varid in 0..num_var-1
++	obj_Var=id2var(varid)
++	names=names+[obj_Var.name]
++      end
++      return names
++    end
++    def att_names
++      num_att=natts()
++      names=[]
++      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
++	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)    
++	names=names+[obj_Att.name]
++      end
++      return names
++    end
++    def inspect
++      "NetCDF:"+path
++    end
++  end
++  #NetCDFVar class $B$K4X$7$F(B
++  class NetCDFVar
++    class << NetCDFVar
++       def new(file,varname,mode="r",share=false)
++	  if(file.is_a?(String))
++	     file = NetCDF.open(file,mode,share)
++	  elsif(!file.is_a?(NetCDF))
++	    raise TypeError, "1st arg must be a NetCDF (file object) or a String (path)"
++	  end
++	  file.var(varname)
++       end
++       alias open new
++    end
++    alias :rank :ndims
++    def each_att
++      num_att=natts()
++      for attnum in 0..num_att-1
++	obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
++	yield(obj_Att)
++      end
++    end
++    def dim_names
++      ary = Array.new()
++      dims.each{|dim| ary.push(dim.name)}
++      ary
++    end
++   def att_names
++     num_att=natts()
++     names=[]
++     for attnum in 0..num_att-1
++       obj_Att=id2att(attnum)
++       names=names+[obj_Att.name]
++     end
++     return names
++   end
++   def put_att(attname,val,atttype=nil)
++      put_attraw(attname,val,atttype)
++   end
++   def shape_ul0
++      sh = []
++      dims.each{|d|
++	 if d.unlimited? then
++	    sh.push(0)
++	 else
++	    sh.push(d.length)
++	 end
++      }
++      sh
++   end
++   def shape_current
++      sh = []
++      dims.each{|d|
++	 sh.push(d.length)
++      }
++      sh
++   end
++   # The put and get methods in the NetCDFVar class
++   def pack(na)
++     sf = att('scale_factor')
++     ao = att('add_offset')
++     if ( sf == nil && ao == nil ) then
++       na
++     else
++       na = NArray.to_na(na) if na.is_a?(Array)
++       if sf
++	 csf = sf.get
++	 raise NetcdfError,"scale_factor is not a numeric" if csf.is_a?(String)
++	 raise NetcdfError, "scale_factor is not unique" if csf.length != 1
++	 raise NetcdfError, "zero scale_factor" if csf[0] == 0
++       else
++	 csf = nil
++       end
++       if ao
++	 cao = ao.get
++	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not a numeric" if cao.is_a?(String)
++	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not unique" if cao.length != 1
++       else
++	 cao = nil
++       end
++       if csf and cao
++	 packed = (na - cao) / csf
++       elsif csf
++	 packed = na / csf
++       elsif cao
++	 packed = na - cao
++       end
++       if self.typecode <= NArray::LINT
++         packed = packed.round
++       end
++       packed
++     end
++   end
++   def scaled_put(var,hash=nil)
++     simple_put( pack(var), hash)
++   end
++   @@unpack_type = nil
++   class << NetCDFVar
++     def unpack_type
++       @@unpack_type
++     end
++     def unpack_type=(na_type)
++       if [NArray::BYTE, NArray::SINT, NArray::INT, 
++	   NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::FLOAT, nil].include?(na_type)
++	 @@unpack_type = na_type
++       else
++	 raise ArgumentError, "Arg must be one of NArray::BYTE, NArray::SINT, NArray::INT, NArray::SFLOAT, NArray::FLOAT"
++       end
++     end
++   end
++   def unpack(na)
++     sf = att('scale_factor')
++     ao = att('add_offset')
++     if ( sf == nil && ao == nil ) then
++       na
++     else
++       if sf
++	 csf = sf.get
++	 raise NetcdfError,"scale_factor is not a numeric" if csf.is_a?(String)
++	 raise NetcdfError, "scale_factor is not unique" if csf.length != 1
++	 raise NetcdfError, "zero scale_factor" if csf[0] == 0
++       else
++	 csf =nil
++       end
++       if ao
++	 cao = ao.get
++	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not a numeric" if cao.is_a?(String)
++	 raise NetcdfError, "add_offset is not unique" if cao.length != 1
++       else
++	 cao = nil
++       end
++       if csf and cao
++	 una = na * csf + cao  # csf & cao are NArray -> coerced to their types
++       elsif csf
++	 una = na * csf
++       elsif cao
++	 una = na + cao
++       end
++       una = una.to_type(@@unpack_type) if @@unpack_type
++       una
++     end
++   end
++   def scaled_get(hash=nil)
++     unpack( simple_get(hash) )
++   end
++   def simple_put(var,hash=nil)
++     if hash==nil
++       if self.vartype == "char"
++	 put_var_char(var)
++       elsif self.vartype == "byte"
++	 put_var_byte(var)
++       elsif self.vartype == "sint"
++	 put_var_sint(var)
++       elsif self.vartype == "int"
++	 put_var_int(var)
++       elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
++	 put_var_sfloat(var)
++       elsif self.vartype == "float"
++	 put_var_float(var)
++       else 
++	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type isn't supported in netCDF" 
++       end
++     elsif hash.key?("index")==true 
++       if self.vartype == "char"
++	 put_var1_char(var,hash["index"])
++       elsif self.vartype=="byte"
++	 put_var1_byte(var,hash["index"])
++       elsif self.vartype=="sint"
++	 put_var1_sint(var,hash["index"])
++       elsif self.vartype == "int"
++	 put_var1_int(var,hash["index"])
++       elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
++	 put_var1_sfloat(var,hash["index"])
++       elsif self.vartype == "float"
++	 put_var1_float(var,hash["index"])
++       else 
++	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
++       end
++     elsif hash.key?("start")==true
++       if hash.key?("end")==false && hash.key?("stride")==false
++	 if self.vartype == "char"
++	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
++	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
++	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
++	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
++	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
++	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],nil,nil)
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       elsif hash.key?("end")==true && hash.key?("stride") == false
++	 if self.vartype == "char"
++	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
++	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
++	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
++	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype == "sfloat"
++	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 elsif self.vartype =="float"
++	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],nil)
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       elsif hash.key?("end")==false && hash.key?("stride")==true
++	 if self.vartype == "char"
++	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
++	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
++	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
++	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
++	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
++	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],nil,hash["stride"])
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       else hash.key?("end")==true && hash.key?("stride")==true
++	 if self.vartype == "char"
++	   put_vars_char(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="byte"
++	   put_vars_byte(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sint"
++	   put_vars_sint(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="int"
++	   put_vars_int(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="sfloat"
++	   put_vars_sfloat(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 elsif self.vartype=="float"
++	   put_vars_float(var,hash["start"],hash["end"],hash["stride"])
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       end
++     else
++       raise ArgumentError,"{'start'}=>[ARRAY] or {'index'}=>[ARRAY] is needed"
++     end
++   end
++   alias put simple_put
++   def simple_get(hash=nil)
++     t_var = self.vartype
++     if hash == nil
++       if t_var == "char"
++	 get_var_char
++       elsif t_var == "byte"
++	 get_var_byte
++       elsif t_var == "sint"
++	 get_var_sint
++       elsif t_var == "int"
++	 get_var_int
++       elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	 get_var_sfloat
++       elsif t_var == "float"
++	 get_var_float
++       else
++	  raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++       end
++     elsif hash.key?("index")==true
++       ind = hash["index"]
++       if t_var == "char"
++	 get_var1_char(ind)
++       elsif t_var == "byte"
++	 get_var1_byte(ind)
++       elsif t_var == "sint"
++	 get_var1_sint(ind)
++       elsif t_var == "int"
++	 get_var1_int(ind)
++       elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	 get_var1_sfloat(ind)
++       elsif t_var == "float"
++	 get_var1_float(ind)
++       else
++	 raise NetcdfError,"variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++       end
++     elsif hash.key?("start")==true
++       h_sta = hash["start"]
++       endq = hash.key?("end")
++       strq = hash.key?("stride")
++       if endq == false && strq == false
++	 if t_var == "char"
++	   get_vars_char(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "byte"
++	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "sint" 
++	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "int"
++	   get_vars_int(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "float"
++	   get_vars_float(h_sta,nil,nil)
++	 else 
++	   raise NetcdfError, "varialbe type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       elsif endq == true && strq == false
++	 h_end = hash["end"]
++ 	 if t_var == "char"
++	   get_vars_char(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++ 	 elsif t_var == "byte"
++	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "sint"
++	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "int"
++	   get_vars_int(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++	 elsif t_var == "float"
++	   get_vars_float(h_sta,h_end,nil)
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       elsif endq == false && strq == true
++	 h_str = hash["stride"]
++ 	 if t_var == "char"
++	   get_vars_char(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++ 	 elsif t_var == "byte"
++	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "sint"
++	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "int"
++	   get_vars_int(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "float"
++	   get_vars_float(h_sta,nil,h_str)
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       else endq == true && strq == true
++	 h_end = hash["end"]
++	 h_str = hash["stride"]
++	 if t_var == "char"
++	   get_vars_char(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "byte"
++	   get_vars_byte(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "sint"
++	   get_vars_sint(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "int"
++	   get_vars_int(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "sfloat"
++	   get_vars_sfloat(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 elsif t_var == "float"
++	   get_vars_float(h_sta,h_end,h_str)
++	 else
++	   raise NetcdfError, "variable type #{t_var} isn't supported in netCDF"
++	 end
++       end
++     else
++       raise ArgumentError,"{'start'}=>{ARRAY} or {'index'}=>{ARRAY} is needed"
++     end
++   end
++   alias get simple_get
++   def __rubber_expansion( args )
++     if (id = args.index(false))  # substitution into id
++       # false is incuded
++       alen = args.length
++       if args.rindex(false) != id
++	 raise ArguemntError,"only one rubber dimension is permitted"
++       elsif alen > rank+1
++	 raise ArgumentError, "too many args"
++       end
++       ar = ( id!=0 ? args[0..id-1] : [] )
++       args = ar + [true]*(rank-alen+1) + args[id+1..-1]
++     elsif args.length == 0   # to support empty [], []=
++       args = [true]*rank
++     end
++     args
++   end
++   private :__rubber_expansion
++   def [](*a)
++     if a.length == 0
++       return self.get
++     end
++     a = __rubber_expansion(a)
++     first = Array.new
++     last = Array.new
++     stride = Array.new
++     set_stride = false
++     a.each{|i|
++       if(i.is_a?(Fixnum))
++	 first.push(i)
++	 last.push(i)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif(i.is_a?(Range))
++	 first.push(i.first)
++	 last.push(i.exclude_end? ? i.last-1 : i.last)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif(i.is_a?(Hash))
++	 r = (i.to_a[0])[0]
++         s = (i.to_a[0])[1]
++         if ( !( r.is_a?(Range) ) || ! ( s.is_a?(Integer) ) )
++	    raise TypeError, "Hash argument must be {a_Range, step}"
++	 end
++	 first.push(r.first) 
++	 last.push(r.exclude_end? ? r.last-1 : r.last)
++	 stride.push(s)
++	 set_stride = true
++       elsif(i.is_a?(TrueClass))
++	 first.push(0)
++	 last.push(-1)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif( i.is_a?(Array) || i.is_a?(NArray))
++	 a_new = a.dup
++	 at = a.index(i)
++	 i = NArray.to_na(i) if i.is_a?(Array)
++	 for n in 0..i.length-1
++	   a_new[at] = i[n]..i[n]
++	   na_tmp = self[*a_new]
++	   if n==0 then
++	     k = at
++	     if at > 0
++	       a[0..at-1].each{|x| if x.is_a?(Fixnum) then k -= 1 end}
++	     end
++	     shape_tmp = na_tmp.shape
++	     shape_tmp[k] = i.length
++	     na = na_tmp.class.new(na_tmp.typecode,*shape_tmp)
++	     index_tmp = Array.new(shape_tmp.length,true)
++	   end
++	   index_tmp[k] = n..n
++	   na[*index_tmp] = na_tmp
++	 end
++	 return na
++       else
++	 raise TypeError, "argument must be Fixnum, Range, Hash, TrueClass, Array, or NArray"
++       end
++     }
++     if(set_stride)
++       na = self.get({"start"=>first, "end"=>last, "stride"=>stride})
++     else
++       na = self.get({"start"=>first, "end"=>last})
++     end
++     shape = na.shape
++     (a.length-1).downto(0){ |i|
++	 shape.delete_at(i) if a[i].is_a?(Fixnum)
++      }
++      na.reshape!( *shape )
++     na
++   end
++   def []=(*a)
++     val = a.pop
++     a = __rubber_expansion(a)
++     first = Array.new
++     last = Array.new
++     stride = Array.new
++     set_stride = false
++     a.each{|i|
++       if(i.is_a?(Fixnum))
++	 first.push(i)
++	 last.push(i)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif(i.is_a?(Range))
++	 first.push(i.first)
++	 last.push(i.exclude_end? ? i.last-1 : i.last)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif(i.is_a?(Hash))
++	 r = (i.to_a[0])[0]
++         s = (i.to_a[0])[1]
++         if ( !( r.is_a?(Range) ) || ! ( s.is_a?(Integer) ) )
++	    raise ArgumentError, "Hash argument must be {first..last, step}"
++	 end
++	 first.push(r.first) 
++	 last.push(r.exclude_end? ? r.last-1 : r.last)
++	 stride.push(s)
++	 set_stride = true
++       elsif(i.is_a?(TrueClass))
++	 first.push(0)
++	 last.push(-1)
++	 stride.push(1)
++       elsif(i.is_a?(Array) || i.is_a?(NArray))
++	 a_new = a.dup
++	 at = a.index(i)
++	 i = NArray.to_na(i) if i.is_a?(Array)
++	 val = NArray.to_na(val) if val.is_a?(Array)
++	 rank_of_subset = a.dup.delete_if{|v| v.is_a?(Fixnum)}.length
++	 if val.rank != rank_of_subset
++	   raise "rank of the rhs (#{val.rank}) is not equal to the rank "+
++                 "of the subset specified by #{a.inspect} (#{rank_of_subset})"
++	 end
++	 k = at
++	 a[0..at-1].each{|x| if x.is_a?(Fixnum) then k -= 1 end}
++	 if i.length != val.shape[k]
++	   raise "length of the #{k+1}-th dim of rhs is incorrect "+
++                 "(#{i.length} for #{val.shape[k]})"
++	 end
++	 index_tmp = Array.new(val.rank,true) if !val.is_a?(Numeric) #==>Array-like
++	 for n in 0..i.length-1
++	   a_new[at] = i[n]..i[n]
++	   if !val.is_a?(Numeric) then
++	     index_tmp[k] = n..n
++	     self[*a_new] = val[*index_tmp]
++	   else
++	     self[*a_new] = val
++	   end
++	 end
++	 return self
++       else
++	 raise TypeError, "argument must be Fixnum, Range, Hash, TrueClass, Array, or NArray"
++       end
++     }
++     if(set_stride)
++	self.put(val, {"start"=>first, "end"=>last, "stride"=>stride})
++     else
++	self.put(val, {"start"=>first, "end"=>last})
++     end
++   end
++   def inspect
++     'NetCDFVar:'+file.path+'?var='+name
++   end
++ end
++ class NetCDFAtt
++   def put(val,atttype=nil)
++      putraw(val,atttype)
++   end
++   def inspect
++     'NetCDFAtt:'+name
++   end
++ end
++ class NetCDFDim
++   def inspect
++     'NetCDFDim:'+name
++   end
++   def length_ul0
++      if unlimited?
++	 0
++      else
++	 length
++      end
++   end
++ end
+diff --git a/lib/numru/netcdf_miss.rb b/lib/numru/netcdf_miss.rb
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4b168f0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/numru/netcdf_miss.rb
+@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
++require "numru/netcdf"
++require "narray_miss"
++module NumRu
++  class NetCDFVar
++    def get_with_miss(*args)
++      __interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
++      data = simple_get(*args)
++      if @vmin || @vmax
++	if @vmin
++	  mask = (data >= @vmin) 
++	  mask = mask.and(data <= @vmax) if @vmax
++	else
++	  mask = (data <= @vmax)
++	end
++	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
++      elsif @missval	# only missing_value is present.
++	mask = (data.ne(@missval)) 
++	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
++      end
++      data
++    end
++    def get_with_miss_and_scaling(*args)
++      __interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
++      data = simple_get(*args)
++      if @vmin || @vmax
++	if @vmin
++	  mask = (data >= @vmin) 
++	  mask = mask.and(data <= @vmax) if @vmax
++	else
++	  mask = (data <= @vmax)
++	end
++	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
++      elsif @missval	# only missing_value is present.
++	mask = (data.ne(@missval))
++	data = NArrayMiss.to_nam(data, mask)
++      end
++      data = unpack( data )
++      data
++    end
++    def put_with_miss(data, *args)
++      if data.is_a?( NArrayMiss )
++	__interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
++	if @missval
++	  simple_put(data.to_na(@missval), *args)
++	else
++	  simple_put(data.to_na, *args)
++	end
++      else
++	simple_put(data, *args)
++      end
++    end
++    def put_with_miss_and_scaling(data, *args)
++      if data.is_a?( NArrayMiss )
++	__interpret_missing_params if !defined?(@missval)
++	if @missval
++	  data = pack( data )
++	  data = data.to_na(@missval)
++	else
++	  data = pack( data )
++	  data = data.to_na
++	end
++	simple_put(data, *args)
++      else
++	scaled_put(data, *args)
++      end
++    end
++    ######### private ##########
++    def __interpret_missing_params
++      # Interprets the specification of missing data,
++      # either by valid_range, (valid_min and/or valid_max), or missing_value.
++      # (unlike the NetCDF User's guide (NUG), missing_value is interpreted, 
++      # but valid_* has a higher precedence.)
++      # Always sets @missval whether missing_value is defined or not,
++      # since it will be used as a fill value for data missing.
++      #
++      @vmin = att('valid_min')
++      @vmin = @vmin.get if @vmin  # kept in a NArray(size==1) to consv type
++      @vmax = att('valid_max')
++      @vmax = @vmax.get if @vmax  # kept in a NArray(size==1) to consv type
++      vrange = att('valid_range')
++      vrange = vrange.get if vrange
++      if vrange
++	vrange.sort!
++	@vmin = vrange[0..0]        # kept in... (same)
++	@vmax = vrange[-1..-1]      # kept in... (same)
++      end
++      @missval = att('missing_value') || att('_FillValue')
++      @missval = @missval.get if @missval # kept in... (same)
++      sf = att('scale_factor')
++      ao = att('add_offset')
++      if ( sf || ao )
++        ## Both NUG & CF conventions requires to specify the valid
++        ## range with respect to the external (i.e. packed) values. 
++        ## However, some conventions require specification
++        ## with respect to unpacked values. The following
++        ## is to support such cases as well:
++        thres_tp = [ self.typecode, NArray::LINT ].max
++        @missval = pack(@missval) if @missval && @missval.typecode > thres_tp
++        @vmin = pack(@vmin) if @vmin && @vmin.typecode > thres_tp
++        @vmax = pack(@vmax) if @vmax && @vmax.typecode > thres_tp
++      end
++      if @missval
++        if @vmin && @vmax 
++	  if @vmin[0] <= @missval[0] && @missval[0] <= @vmax[0]
++            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} is in the valid range #{@vmin[0]}..#{@vmax[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
++          end
++        else
++          if @vmin && @missval[0] >= @vmin[0]
++            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} >= valid min #{@vmin[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
++          elsif @vmax && @missval[0] <= @vmax[0]
++            warn "WARNING: missing_value #{@missval[0]} <= valid min #{@vmin[0]} --> will be ignored (#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__})"
++          end
++        end
++      else
++        realtc = NArray::SFLOAT
++        if @vmin
++          if @vmin[0] >= 0
++            @missval = ( @vmin.typecode>=realtc ? 0.99*@vmin : @vmin-1 )
++          else
++            @missval = ( @vmin.typecode>=realtc ? 1.01*@vmin : @vmin-1 )
++          end
++        elsif @vmax
++          if @vmax[0] >= 0
++            @missval = ( @vmax.typecode>=realtc ? 1.01*@vmax : @vmax+1 )
++          else
++            @missval = ( @vmax.typecode>=realtc ? 0.99*@vmax : @vmax+1 )
++          end
++        end
++      end
++    end
++    private :__interpret_missing_params
++  end
++if $0 == __FILE__
++  include NumRu
++  filename = "tmp.nc"
++  print "creating ",filename,"...\n"
++  file=NetCDF.create(filename)
++  nx = 10
++  dimx = file.def_dim("x",nx)
++  xf = file.def_var("xf","sfloat",[dimx])
++  xfn = file.def_var("xfn","sfloat",[dimx])
++  xf.put_att("valid_range",[-1e12,1e12])
++  f = 10 ** (2*NArray.sfloat(nx).indgen!)
++  xr = file.def_var("xr","sint",[dimx])
++  xr.put_att("valid_max",[0.5])
++  xr.put_att("scale_factor",1e-4)
++  xr.put_att("add_offset",0.5)
++  xr2 = file.def_var("xr2","sint",[dimx])
++  xr2.put_att("valid_max",NArray.sint(1).fill!(1000))
++  xr2.put_att("scale_factor",1e-4)
++  xr2.put_att("add_offset",0.5)
++  r = NArray.sfloat(nx).indgen!/nx
++  file.enddef
++  xf.put(f)
++  xfn.put(f)
++  xr.scaled_put(r)
++  file.close
++  file = NetCDF.open(filename,'r+')
++  xf = file.var('xf')
++  xfn = file.var('xfn')
++  p "f0"
++  xf.get.each{|v| print "#{v} "} ; print "\n"
++  p( 'f1', nam = xf.get_with_miss )
++  def xf.get(*args); get_with_miss(*args); end
++  p( 'f12',  xf[2..-3].to_na )
++  p( 'fn10', xfn.get_with_miss )
++  p( 'fn11', xfn.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
++  nam.invalidation([0,1])
++  p 'f2', nam
++  xf.put_with_miss(nam)
++  p( 'f3', xf.get_with_miss )
++  xr = file.var('xr')
++  p "r0"
++  xr.simple_get.each{|v| print "#{v} "} ; print "\n"
++  p( 'r1', xr.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
++  def xr.get(*args); get_with_miss_and_scaling(*args); end
++  def xr.put(*args); put_with_miss_and_scaling(*args); end
++  #xr[0..3] = xr[0..3]*10
++  p( 'r2', xr.get_with_miss_and_scaling )
++  p 'r',r
++  xr2.put_with_miss_and_scaling(r)
++  p 'xr2',xr2.get_with_miss_and_scaling
++  file.close
++  print "** ncdump tmp.nc **\n", `ncdump tmp.nc`
+diff --git a/netcdfraw.c b/netcdfraw.c
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 9922d19..0000000
+--- a/netcdfraw.c
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,4614 +0,0 @@
+-#include "ruby.h"
+-#include "narray.h"
+-/* for compatibility with ruby 1.6 */
+-#ifndef RSTRING_PTR
+-#define RSTRING_PTR(s) (RSTRING(s)->ptr)
+-#ifndef RSTRING_LEN
+-#define RSTRING_LEN(s) (RSTRING(s)->len)
+-#ifndef RARRAY_PTR
+-#define RARRAY_PTR(a) (RARRAY(a)->ptr)
+-#ifndef RARRAY_LEN
+-#define RARRAY_LEN(a) (RARRAY(a)->len)
+-#ifndef StringValueCStr
+-#define StringValueCStr(s) STR2CSTR(s)
+-#ifndef SafeStringValue
+-#define SafeStringValue(s) Check_SafeStr(s)
+-/* Data to NArray */
+-/*    memcpy(ary->ptr,nc_ptr,na_sizeof[NA_SINT]*ary->total); \ */
+-#define Cbyte_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, up) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *ary; \
+-    v = na_make_object(NA_BYTE, rank, shape, cNArray); \
+-    GetNArray(v,ary); \
+-    up = (unsigned char *)ary->ptr; \
+-#define Csint_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, sp) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *ary; \
+-    v = na_make_object(NA_SINT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
+-    GetNArray(v, ary); \
+-    sp = (short *)ary->ptr; \
+-#define Clint_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, lp) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *ary; \
+-    v = na_make_object(NA_LINT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
+-    GetNArray(v, ary); \
+-    lp = (int *)ary->ptr; \
+-#define Cfloat_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, fp) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *ary; \
+-    v = na_make_object(NA_SFLOAT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
+-    GetNArray(v, ary); \
+-    fp = (float *)ary->ptr; \
+-#define Cdouble_to_NArray(v, rank, shape, dp); \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *ary; \
+-    v = na_make_object(NA_DFLOAT, rank, shape, cNArray); \
+-    GetNArray(v, ary); \
+-    dp = (double *)ary->ptr; \
+-/* Array or NArray to pointer and length (with no new allocation) */
+-#define Array_to_Cfloat_len(obj, ptr, len) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-#define Array_to_Cfloat_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-    shape = na->shape; \
+-#define Array_to_Cdouble_len(obj, ptr, len) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-#define Array_to_Cdouble_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-    shape = na->shape; \
+-#define Array_to_Cbyte_len(obj, ptr, len) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-#define Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-    shape = na->shape; \
+-#define Array_to_Csint_len(obj, ptr, len) \
+-{ \
+-  struct NARRAY *na; \
+-  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
+-  GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-  ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-  len = na->total; \
+-#define Array_to_Csint_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-    shape = na->shape; \
+-#define Array_to_Clint_len(obj, ptr, len) \
+-{ \
+-  struct NARRAY *na; \
+-  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
+-  GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-  ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-  len = na->total; \
+-#define Array_to_Clint_len_shape(obj, ptr, len, shape) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-    len = na->total; \
+-    shape = na->shape; \
+-/* Array or NArray to pointer (with no new allocation) */
+-#define Array_to_Cfloat(obj, ptr) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (float *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-#define Array_to_Cdouble(obj, ptr) \
+-{ \
+-    struct NARRAY *na; \
+-    obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_DFLOAT); \
+-    GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-    ptr = (double *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-#define Array_to_Cbyte(obj, ptr) \
+-{ \
+-  struct NARRAY *na; \
+-  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_BYTE); \
+-  GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-  ptr = (u_int8_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-#define Array_to_Csint(obj, ptr) \
+-{ \
+-  struct NARRAY *na; \
+-  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_SINT); \
+-  GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-  ptr = (int16_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-#define Array_to_Clint(obj, ptr) \
+-{ \
+-  struct NARRAY *na; \
+-  obj = na_cast_object(obj, NA_LINT); \
+-  GetNArray(obj, na); \
+-  ptr = (int32_t *) NA_PTR(na,0); \
+-#define NC_RAISE(status) rb_raise(err_status2class(status),(nc_strerror(status)))
+-#define NC_RAISE2(status, str) rb_raise(err_status2class(status),"%s (%s)",nc_strerror(status),(str) )
+-static VALUE mNumRu = 0;
+-static VALUE cNetCDF;
+-static VALUE cNetCDFDim;
+-static VALUE cNetCDFAtt;
+-static VALUE cNetCDFVar;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfError;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadid;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNfile;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfExist;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfInval;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfPerm;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotindefine;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfIndefine;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxdims;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNameinuse;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotatt;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxatts;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadtype;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBaddim;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxvars;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotvar;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfGlobal;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNotnc;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfSts;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfMaxname;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfUnlimit;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNorecvars;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfChar;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfEdge;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfStride;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfBadname;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfRange;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfNomem;
+-/* Special Error */
+-/* Global error status */
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfFatal;
+-/* Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler. */
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfEntool;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfExdr;
+-static VALUE rb_eNetcdfSyserr;
+-struct Netcdf{
+-  int ncid;
+-  char *name;
+-  int closed;
+-struct NetCDFDim{
+-  int dimid;
+-  int ncid;
+-struct NetCDFVar{
+-  int varid;
+-  int ncid;
+-  VALUE file;
+-struct NetCDFAtt{
+-  int varid;
+-  int ncid;
+-  char *name;
+-static struct Netcdf *
+-NetCDF_init(int ncid,char *filename)
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  Netcdffile=xmalloc(sizeof(struct Netcdf));
+-  Netcdffile->ncid=ncid;
+-  Netcdffile->closed=0;
+-  Netcdffile->name=xmalloc((strlen(filename)+1)*sizeof(char));
+-  strcpy(Netcdffile->name,filename);  
+-  return(Netcdffile);
+-static struct NetCDFDim *
+-NetCDF_dim_init(int ncid,int dimid)
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  Netcdf_dim=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFDim));
+-  Netcdf_dim->dimid=dimid;
+-  Netcdf_dim->ncid=ncid;
+-  return(Netcdf_dim);
+-static struct NetCDFVar *
+-NetCDF_var_init(int ncid,int varid,VALUE file)
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  Netcdf_var=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFVar));
+-  Netcdf_var->varid=varid;
+-  Netcdf_var->ncid=ncid;
+-  Netcdf_var->file=file;
+-  return(Netcdf_var);
+-static struct NetCDFAtt *
+-NetCDF_att_init(int ncid,int varid,char *attname)
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  Netcdf_att=xmalloc(sizeof(struct NetCDFAtt));
+-  Netcdf_att->ncid=ncid;
+-  Netcdf_att->varid=varid;
+-  Netcdf_att->name=xmalloc((strlen(attname)+1)*sizeof(char));
+-  strcpy(Netcdf_att->name,attname);   
+-  return(Netcdf_att);
+-Netcdf_att_free(struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att)
+-  free(Netcdf_att->name);
+-  free(Netcdf_att);
+-NetCDF_var_free(struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var)
+-  free(Netcdf_var);
+-NetCDF_dim_free(struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim)
+-  free(Netcdf_dim);
+-NetCDF_free(struct Netcdf *Netcdffile)
+-  int status;
+-  if (!Netcdffile->closed){
+-      status = nc_close(Netcdffile->ncid); /* no error check -- not to stop during GC */
+-  }
+-  free(Netcdffile->name); 
+-  free(Netcdffile);
+-static VALUE
+-err_status2class(int status)
+-  if(NC_ISSYSERR(status)){
+-    return(rb_eNetcdfSyserr);
+-  }
+-  switch(status)
+-    {
+-    case(NC_EBADID):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfBadid);break;
+-    case(NC_ENFILE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNfile);break;
+-    case(NC_EEXIST):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfExist);break;
+-    case(NC_EINVAL):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfInval);break;
+-    case(NC_EPERM):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfPerm);break;
+-    case(NC_ENOTINDEFINE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNotindefine);break;
+-    case(NC_EINDEFINE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfIndefine);break;
+-    case(NC_EINVALCOORDS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords);break;
+-    case(NC_EMAXDIMS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxdims);break;
+-    case(NC_ENAMEINUSE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNameinuse);break;
+-    case(NC_ENOTATT):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNotatt);break;
+-    case(NC_EMAXATTS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxatts);break;
+-    case(NC_EBADTYPE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfBadtype);break;
+-    case(NC_EBADDIM):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfBaddim);break;
+-    case(NC_EUNLIMPOS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos);break;
+-    case(NC_EMAXVARS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxvars);break;
+-    case(NC_ENOTVAR):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNotvar);break;
+-    case(NC_EGLOBAL):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfGlobal);break;
+-    case(NC_ENOTNC):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNotnc);break;
+-    case(NC_ESTS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfSts);break;
+-    case(NC_EMAXNAME):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfMaxname);break;
+-    case(NC_EUNLIMIT):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfUnlimit);break;
+-    case(NC_ENORECVARS):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNorecvars);break;
+-    case(NC_ECHAR):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfChar);break;
+-    case(NC_EEDGE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfEdge);break;
+-    case(NC_ESTRIDE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfStride);break;
+-    case(NC_EBADNAME):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfBadname);break;
+-    case(NC_ERANGE):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfRange);break;
+-    case(NC_ENOMEM):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfNomem);break;
+-      /* case(NC_ENTOOL):
+-	 return(rb_eNetcdfEntool);break; */
+-    case(NC_EXDR):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfExdr);break;
+-    case(NC_SYSERR):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfSyserr);break;
+-    case(NC_FATAL):
+-      return(rb_eNetcdfFatal);break;
+-    }
+-static const char*
+-nctype2natype(int nctype){
+-  switch(nctype){
+-  case NC_CHAR:
+-    return("char");
+-  case NC_BYTE:
+-    return("byte");
+-  case NC_SHORT:
+-    return("sint");
+-  case NC_INT:
+-    return("int");
+-  case NC_FLOAT:
+-    return("sfloat");
+-  case NC_DOUBLE:
+-    return("float");
+-  default:
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such netcdf type number %d\n",nctype);
+-  }
+-static int
+-nctype2natypecode(int nctype){
+-  switch(nctype){
+-  case NC_CHAR:
+-    return(NA_BYTE);
+-  case NC_BYTE:
+-    return(NA_BYTE);
+-  case NC_SHORT:
+-    return(NA_SINT);
+-  case NC_INT:
+-    return(NA_LINT);
+-  case NC_FLOAT:
+-    return(NA_SFLOAT);
+-  case NC_DOUBLE:
+-    return(NA_DFLOAT);
+-  default:
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such netcdf type number %d\n",nctype);
+-  }
+-static int
+-natype2nctype(char *natype)
+-  if(strcmp(natype,"byte")==0) return(NC_BYTE);
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"char")==0) return(NC_CHAR);
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"text")==0) return(NC_CHAR);    /* alias of char */
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"string")==0) return(NC_CHAR);  /* alias of char */
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"sint")==0) return(NC_SHORT);
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"int")==0) return(NC_INT);
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"sfloat")==0) return(NC_FLOAT);
+-  else if(strcmp(natype,"float")==0) return(NC_DOUBLE);
+-  else rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such NArray type '%s'",natype);
+-static int
+-natypecode2nctype(int natypecode)
+-  if(natypecode==NA_BYTE) return(NC_BYTE);
+-  else if(natypecode==NA_SINT) return(NC_SHORT);
+-  else if(natypecode==NA_LINT) return(NC_INT);
+-  else if(natypecode==NA_SFLOAT) return(NC_FLOAT);
+-  else if(natypecode==NA_DFLOAT) return(NC_DOUBLE);
+-  else rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such NArray typecode '%d'",natypecode);
+-static void
+-nc_mark_obj(struct NetCDFVar *netcdf_var)
+-    VALUE ptr;
+-    ptr = netcdf_var->file;
+-    rb_gc_mark(ptr);
+-NetCDF_clone(VALUE file)
+-    VALUE clone;
+-    struct Netcdf *nc1, *nc2;
+-    Data_Get_Struct(file, struct Netcdf, nc1);
+-    nc2 = NetCDF_init(nc1->ncid, nc1->name);
+-    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF, 0, NetCDF_free, nc2);
+-    CLONESETUP(clone, file);
+-    return clone;
+-NetCDF_dim_clone(VALUE dim)
+-    VALUE clone;
+-    struct NetCDFDim *nd1, *nd2;
+-    Data_Get_Struct(dim, struct NetCDFDim, nd1);
+-    nd2 = NetCDF_dim_init(nd1->ncid, nd1->dimid);
+-    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim, 0, NetCDF_dim_free, nd2);
+-    CLONESETUP(clone, dim);
+-    return clone;
+-NetCDF_att_clone(VALUE att)
+-    VALUE clone;
+-    struct NetCDFAtt *na1, *na2;
+-    Data_Get_Struct(att, struct NetCDFAtt, na1);
+-    na2 = NetCDF_att_init(na1->ncid, na1->varid, na1->name);
+-    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt, 0, Netcdf_att_free, na2);
+-    CLONESETUP(clone, att);
+-    return clone;
+-NetCDF_var_clone(VALUE var)
+-    VALUE clone;
+-    struct NetCDFVar *nv1, *nv2;
+-    Data_Get_Struct(var, struct NetCDFVar, nv1);
+-    nv2 = NetCDF_var_init(nv1->ncid, nv1->varid, nv1->file);
+-    clone = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar, nc_mark_obj, NetCDF_var_free, nv2);
+-    CLONESETUP(clone, var);
+-    return clone;
+-     VALUE file;
+-  int status;
+-  int ncid;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  if (rb_safe_level() >= 4 && !OBJ_TAINTED(file)) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't close");
+-  }
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  if(!Netcdffile->closed){
+-      status = nc_close(ncid);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status); 
+-      Netcdffile->closed = 1;
+-  } else {
+-      rb_warn("file %s is already closed", Netcdffile->name);
+-  }
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_def_dim(VALUE file,VALUE dim_name,VALUE length)
+-  char* c_dim_name;
+-  size_t c_length;
+-  int ncid;
+-  int dimidp;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dimension;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  Check_Type(dim_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_dim_name=RSTRING_PTR(dim_name);
+-  c_length=NUM2UINT(length);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_def_dim(ncid,c_dim_name,c_length,&dimidp);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimidp);
+-  Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
+-  return Dimension;
+-static VALUE
+-NetCDF_put_att_char(int ncid, char *name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype, int varid)
+-    int status;
+-    struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
+-    /* check atttype (not necessarily needed but it's better to do it) */
+-    if (TYPE(atttype) == T_STRING){
+-	if ( natype2nctype(RSTRING_PTR(atttype)) !=  NC_CHAR ) {
+-	    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
+-	        "attribute type must be 'char' (or nil) for a String value");
+-	}
+-    } else if (TYPE(atttype) != T_NIL) {
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
+-		 "type specfication must be by a string or nil");
+-    }
+-    /* put value */
+-    Check_Type(value,T_STRING);
+-    status = nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, name,
+-			     RSTRING_LEN(value), RSTRING_PTR(value));
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    ncatt = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,name);
+-    return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,ncatt));
+-static VALUE
+-NetCDF_put_att_numeric(int ncid, char *name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype, int varid)
+-    VALUE val;
+-    struct NARRAY *na_val;
+-    int na_typecode, status, len;
+-    char *ptr;
+-    struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
+-    /* check atttype and cast to an appropriate NArray if needed */
+-    if (TYPE(atttype) != T_NIL){
+-	na_typecode = na_get_typecode(atttype);
+-	GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
+-    } else {
+-	if (TYPE(value)==T_ARRAY) {
+-	    val = RARRAY_PTR(value)[0]; /* to check the 1st elemnt if Array */
+-	} else {
+-	    val = value;
+-	}
+-	switch(TYPE(val)){
+-	case T_FIXNUM:
+-	case T_BIGNUM:
+-	    na_typecode = NA_LINT;
+-	    GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
+-	    break;
+-	case T_FLOAT:
+-	    na_typecode = NA_DFLOAT;
+-	    GetNArray( na_cast_object(value, na_typecode), na_val );
+-	    break;
+-	case T_DATA:
+-	    if ( IsNArray(value) ){
+-		GetNArray(value,na_val);
+-		na_typecode = na_val->type;
+-	    } else {
+-		rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"value has a wrong data type");
+-	    }
+-	    break;
+-	default:
+-	    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
+-		     "value (or its first element) has a wrong type");
+-	}
+-    }
+-    /* put value */
+-    len = na_val->total;
+-    ptr = na_val->ptr;
+-    switch(na_typecode){
+-    case NA_BYTE: 
+-	status = nc_put_att_uchar(ncid,varid,name,NC_BYTE,len,(unsigned char *)ptr);
+-	break;
+-    case NA_SINT: 
+-	status = nc_put_att_short(ncid,varid,name,NC_SHORT,len,(short *)ptr);
+-	break;
+-    case NA_LINT: 
+-	status = nc_put_att_int(ncid,varid,name,NC_INT,len,(int *)ptr);
+-	break;
+-    case NA_SFLOAT: 
+-	status = nc_put_att_float(ncid,varid,name,NC_FLOAT,len,(float *)ptr);
+-	break;
+-    case NA_DFLOAT: 
+-	status = nc_put_att_double(ncid,varid,name,NC_DOUBLE,len,(double*)ptr);
+-	break;
+-    default:
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
+-		 "unsupported type. code = %d",na_typecode);
+-    }
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    ncatt = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,name);
+-    return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,ncatt));
+-static VALUE
+-NetCDF_put_att__(int ncid, char *name, VALUE value, VALUE atttype, int varid)
+-     /*
+-      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
+-      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
+-      */
+-    switch(TYPE(value)){
+-    case T_STRING:
+-	return(NetCDF_put_att_char(ncid, name, value, atttype, varid));
+-    default:
+-	return(NetCDF_put_att_numeric(ncid, name, value, atttype, varid));
+-    }
+-NetCDF_put_att(VALUE file,VALUE att_name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
+-     /*
+-      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
+-      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
+-      */
+-    struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-    char *name;
+-    rb_secure(4);
+-    Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-    Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
+-    name = RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
+-    return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncfile->ncid, name, value, atttype, NC_GLOBAL) );
+-NetCDF_put_att_var(VALUE var,VALUE att_name,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
+-     /*
+-      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
+-      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
+-      */
+-    struct NetCDFVar *ncvar;
+-    char *name;
+-    rb_secure(4);
+-    Data_Get_Struct(var,struct NetCDFVar,ncvar);
+-    Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
+-    name = RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
+-    return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncvar->ncid, name, value, atttype, ncvar->varid));
+-NetCDF_def_var(VALUE file,VALUE var_name,VALUE vartype,VALUE dimensions)
+-  int ncid;
+-  char *c_var_name;
+-  static int xtype;
+-  long c_ndims;
+-  int varidp;
+-  int dimidp;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int status;
+-  char *c_dim_name;
+-  int c_dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Var;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Check_Type(var_name,T_STRING);
+-  Check_Type(dimensions,T_ARRAY);
+-  c_var_name=RSTRING_PTR(var_name);
+-  c_ndims=RARRAY_LEN(dimensions);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  if (TYPE(vartype) == T_STRING){
+-      xtype = natype2nctype(RSTRING_PTR(vartype));     
+-  } else if (TYPE(vartype) == T_FIXNUM){
+-      xtype = natypecode2nctype(NUM2INT(vartype));     
+-  } else {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,
+-	       "type specfication must be by a string or nil");
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<c_ndims;i++){
+-    switch(TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i])){
+-    case T_STRING:
+-      Check_Type(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i],T_STRING);
+-      c_dim_name=StringValueCStr(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i]);
+-      status=nc_inq_dimid(ncid,c_dim_name,&dimidp);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      c_dimids[i]=dimidp;
+-      break;
+-    case T_DATA:
+-      Data_Get_Struct(RARRAY_PTR(dimensions)[c_ndims-1-i],struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
+-      c_dimids[i]=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
+-      break;
+-    default:
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "No such object of the netCDF dimension class.");
+-    }
+-  }
+-  status = nc_def_var(ncid,c_var_name,xtype,c_ndims,c_dimids,&varidp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,varidp,file);
+-  Var=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
+-  return Var;
+-NetCDF_dim(VALUE file,VALUE dim_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  char *c_dim_name;
+-  int dimidp;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dimension;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(dim_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_dim_name=RSTRING_PTR(dim_name);
+-  status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid,c_dim_name,&dimidp);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR){
+-    if(status == NC_EBADDIM){ 
+-      return(Qnil);  /*2003/08/27 back to orig (from changes on 2003/02/03)*/
+-    } else{
+-      NC_RAISE(status);
+-    }
+-  }
+-  Netcdf_dim=NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimidp);
+-  Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
+-  return Dimension;
+-NetCDF_var(VALUE file,VALUE var_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varidp;
+-  char *c_var_name;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  VALUE Variable;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(var_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_var_name=RSTRING_PTR(var_name);
+-  status=nc_inq_varid(ncid,c_var_name,&varidp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR){
+-    if(status == NC_ENOTVAR){
+-      return(Qnil); /*2003/08/27 back to orig (from changes on 2003/02/03)*/
+-    } else{ 
+-      NC_RAISE(status);
+-    }
+-  }
+-  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,varidp,file);
+-  Variable = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
+-  return Variable;
+-NetCDF_att(VALUE file,VALUE att_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int attnump;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  VALUE Attribute;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_att_name=RSTRING_PTR(att_name);
+-  status = nc_inq_attid(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name,&attnump);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR){
+-    if(status == NC_ENOTATT){
+-      return(Qnil);
+-    }
+-    else{
+-      NC_RAISE(status);
+-    }
+-  }
+-  Netcdf_att = NetCDF_att_init(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name);
+-  Attribute = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
+-  return Attribute;
+-NetCDF_fill(VALUE file,VALUE mode)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  int old_modep;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid = Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  if(mode==Qfalse){
+-    status = nc_set_fill(ncid,NC_NOFILL,&old_modep);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  }
+-  else if(mode == Qtrue){
+-    status = nc_set_fill(ncid,NC_FILL,&old_modep);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  }
+-  else
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Usage:self.fill(true) or self.fill(false)");
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_redef(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_redef(ncid);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR){
+-    if(status == NC_EINDEFINE){
+-      return Qnil;
+-    }
+-    else{
+-      NC_RAISE(status);
+-    }
+-  }
+-  return Qtrue;
+-NetCDF_enddef(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_enddef(ncid);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR){ 
+-    if(status == NC_ENOTINDEFINE){
+-      return Qnil;
+-    }
+-    else{
+-      NC_RAISE(status);
+-    }
+-  }
+-  return Qtrue;
+-NetCDF_whether_in_define_mode(VALUE file)
+-  /* returns true if the NetCDF object is currently in the define mode,
+-             false if in the data mode, and
+-	     nil if else (possibly the file is read-only, or some other
+-	     error occurred)
+-  */
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *Netcdffile;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,Netcdffile);
+-  ncid=Netcdffile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_redef(ncid);
+-  if(status == NC_EINDEFINE){
+-    return Qtrue;
+-  } else if(status == NC_NOERR) {
+-    /* was in the data mode --> recover the data mode and report false */
+-    status = nc_enddef(ncid);
+-    if(status == NC_NOERR) {
+-      return Qfalse;
+-    } else {
+-      return Qnil;
+-    }
+-  } else {
+-    return Qnil;
+-  }
+-NetCDF_open(VALUE mod,VALUE filename,VALUE omode)     
+-  int status;
+-  int ncid;
+-  char* c_filename;
+-  int c_omode;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  VALUE retval;
+-  Check_Type(filename,T_STRING);
+-  SafeStringValue(filename);
+-  c_filename=RSTRING_PTR(filename);
+-  Check_Type(omode,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_omode=NUM2INT(omode);
+-  status = nc_open(c_filename,c_omode,&ncid);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR){NC_RAISE2(status,c_filename);}
+-  ncfile = NetCDF_init(ncid,c_filename);
+-  retval = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF,0,NetCDF_free,ncfile);
+-  return( retval );
+-NetCDF_create(VALUE mod,VALUE filename,VALUE cmode)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  char* c_filename;
+-  int c_cmode;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  Check_Type(filename,T_STRING);
+-  SafeStringValue(filename);
+-  c_filename=RSTRING_PTR(filename);
+-  Check_Type(cmode,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_cmode=NUM2INT(cmode);
+-  status = nc_create(c_filename,c_cmode,&ncid);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE2(status, c_filename);
+-  ncfile = NetCDF_init(ncid,c_filename);
+-  return( Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDF,0,NetCDF_free,ncfile) );
+-NetCDF_ndims(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  VALUE Integer;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_inq_ndims(ncid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
+-  Integer = INT2NUM(ndimsp);
+-  return Integer;
+-NetCDF_nvars(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int nvarsp;
+-  int status;
+-  VALUE Integer;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_inq_nvars(ncid,&nvarsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
+-  Integer = INT2NUM(nvarsp);
+-  return Integer;
+-NetCDF_natts(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int nattsp;
+-  int status;
+-  VALUE Integer;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  status=nc_inq_natts(ncid,&nattsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
+-  Integer = INT2NUM(nattsp);
+-  return Integer;
+-NetCDF_unlimited(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int unlimdimidp;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dimension;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  status=nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid,&unlimdimidp);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,unlimdimidp);
+-  /* If unlimdimidp=-1,No unlimited dimension is defined in the netCDF dataset */ 
+-  if(unlimdimidp != -1)
+-    {
+-      Dimension = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
+-      return Dimension;
+-    }
+-  else
+-    {
+-      return Qnil;
+-    }
+-NetCDF_sync(VALUE file)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  status = nc_sync(ncid);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE (status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_path(VALUE file)
+-  char *path;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  path=ncfile->name;
+-  return(rb_str_new2(path));
+-NetCDF_dim_length(VALUE Dim)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int dimid;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
+-  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
+-  status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimid,&lengthp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return(INT2NUM(lengthp));
+-NetCDF_dim_name(VALUE Dim,VALUE dimension_newname)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int dimid;
+-  char *c_dim_name;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
+-  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
+-  Check_Type(dimension_newname,T_STRING);
+-  c_dim_name = StringValueCStr(dimension_newname);
+-  status = nc_rename_dim(ncid,dimid,c_dim_name);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_dim_inqname(VALUE Dim)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int dimid;
+-  char c_dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME];
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE str;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_dim->ncid;
+-  dimid=Netcdf_dim->dimid;
+-  status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid,dimid,c_dim_name);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  str = rb_str_new2(c_dim_name);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(str);
+-  return(str);
+-NetCDF_dim_whether_unlimited(VALUE Dim)
+-  int status;
+-  int uldid;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Dim,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dim);
+-  status=nc_inq_unlimdim(Netcdf_dim->ncid,&uldid);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(Netcdf_dim->dimid == uldid){
+-      return(Qtrue);
+-  } else {
+-      return(Qfalse);
+-  }
+-NetCDF_att_inq_name(VALUE Att)
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  VALUE str;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
+-  str = rb_str_new2(c_att_name);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(str);
+-  return(str);
+-NetCDF_att_rename(VALUE Att,VALUE new_att_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  char *c_new_att_name;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
+-  Check_Type(new_att_name,T_STRING);
+-  SafeStringValue(new_att_name);
+-  c_new_att_name=StringValueCStr(new_att_name);
+-  status = nc_rename_att(ncid,varid,c_att_name,c_new_att_name);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  strcpy(Netcdf_att->name,c_new_att_name);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_id2dim(VALUE file,VALUE dimid)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int c_dimid;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dim;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(dimid,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_dimid=NUM2INT(dimid);
+-  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,c_dimid);
+-  Dim=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
+-  return(Dim);
+-NetCDF_id2var(VALUE file,VALUE varid)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int c_varid;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  VALUE Var;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(varid,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_varid=NUM2INT(varid);
+-  Netcdf_var = NetCDF_var_init(ncid,c_varid,file);
+-  Var=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFVar,nc_mark_obj,NetCDF_var_free,Netcdf_var);
+-  return(Var);
+-NetCDF_id2att(VALUE file,VALUE attnum)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int c_attnum;
+-  int status;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfile;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  VALUE Att;
+-  c_att_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(file,struct Netcdf,ncfile);
+-  ncid=ncfile->ncid;
+-  Check_Type(attnum,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_attnum=NUM2INT(attnum);
+-  status = nc_inq_attname(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_attnum,c_att_name);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,c_att_name);
+-  Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
+-  return(Att);
+-NetCDF_var_id2att(VALUE Var,VALUE attnum)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int c_attnum;
+-  int status;
+-  int c_varid;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  VALUE Att;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  c_varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Check_Type(attnum,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_attnum=NUM2INT(attnum);
+-  c_att_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-  status = nc_inq_attname(ncid,c_varid,c_attnum,c_att_name);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,c_varid,c_att_name);
+-  Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
+-  return(Att);
+-NetCDF_var_dims(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid, *dimids, ndims, varid, i, status;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dims;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Dims = rb_ary_new();
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-      Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimids[ndims-1-i]);
+-      rb_ary_push(Dims, 
+-		  Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim));
+-  }
+-  return(Dims);
+-NetCDF_var_dim(VALUE Var, VALUE ith)
+-  int ncid, *dimids, ndims, varid, status, c_ith;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dim;
+-  VALUE Dim;
+-  Check_Type(ith,T_FIXNUM);
+-  c_ith=NUM2INT(ith);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(c_ith < 0 || c_ith >= ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "dimension count less than zero or greater than ndims-1");
+-  }
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_dim = NetCDF_dim_init(ncid,dimids[ndims-1-c_ith]);
+-  Dim = Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFDim,0,NetCDF_dim_free,Netcdf_dim);
+-  return(Dim);
+-NetCDF_att_copy(VALUE Att,VALUE Var_or_File)
+-  int ncid_in,ncid_out;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid_in,varid_out;
+-  char *att_name;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct Netcdf    *ncfile;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att_out;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid_in=Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid_in=Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
+-  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Var_or_File, cNetCDFVar) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Var_or_File,struct NetCDFVar, Netcdf_var);
+-      ncid_out=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-      varid_out=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  } else if ( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Var_or_File, cNetCDF) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Var_or_File,struct Netcdf, ncfile);
+-      ncid_out=ncfile->ncid;
+-      varid_out=NC_GLOBAL;
+-  } else {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"The argument must be a NetCDFVar or a NetCDF");
+-  }
+-  status = nc_copy_att(ncid_in,varid_in,att_name,ncid_out,varid_out);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Netcdf_att_out = NetCDF_att_init(ncid_out,varid_out,att_name);
+-  return (Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att_out));
+-NetCDF_att_atttype(VALUE Att)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  char *att_name;
+-  const char *Attname;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  nc_type xtypep;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  att_name = Netcdf_att->name;
+-  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,att_name,&xtypep);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Attname = nctype2natype(xtypep);
+-  return(rb_str_new2(Attname));
+-NetCDF_att_typecode(VALUE Att)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  char *att_name;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  nc_type xtypep;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  att_name = Netcdf_att->name;
+-  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,att_name,&xtypep);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return(INT2NUM(nctype2natypecode(xtypep)));
+-NetCDF_att_delete(VALUE Att)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  c_att_name=Netcdf_att->name;
+-  status = nc_del_att(ncid,varid,c_att_name);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_att_put(VALUE Att,VALUE value,VALUE atttype)
+-     /*
+-      * atttype: nil or a String ("string","int",etc). If nil,
+-      *          the type of attribute is determined from the type of value
+-      */
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *ncatt;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,ncatt);
+-  return( NetCDF_put_att__(ncatt->ncid, ncatt->name, value, 
+-			   atttype, ncatt->varid) );
+-NetCDF_att_get(VALUE Att)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  char *c_attname;
+-  int status;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  nc_type xtypep;
+-  size_t lenp;
+-  int attlen[1];    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  char *tp;
+-  unsigned char *up;
+-  short *sp;
+-  int *ip;
+-  float *fp;
+-  double *dp;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  VALUE str;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Att,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_att);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_att->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_att->varid;
+-  c_attname = Netcdf_att->name;
+-  status = nc_inq_atttype(ncid,varid,c_attname,&xtypep);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  switch(xtypep){
+-  case NC_CHAR:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    tp = ALLOCA_N(char,lenp+1);
+-    tp[lenp]= '\0';
+-    status = nc_get_att_text(ncid,varid,c_attname,tp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    str = rb_str_new2(tp);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(str);
+-    return(str);
+-    break;
+-  case NC_BYTE:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    attlen[0]=lenp;
+-    Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,up);
+-    status = nc_get_att_uchar(ncid,varid,c_attname,up);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-    return NArray;
+-    break;
+-  case NC_SHORT:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    attlen[0]=lenp;
+-    Csint_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,sp);
+-    status = nc_get_att_short(ncid,varid,c_attname,sp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-    return NArray;
+-    break;
+-  case NC_INT:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    attlen[0]=lenp;
+-    Clint_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,ip);
+-    status = nc_get_att_int(ncid,varid,c_attname,ip);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-    return NArray;
+-    break;
+-  case NC_FLOAT:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    attlen[0]=lenp;
+-    Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,fp);
+-    status = nc_get_att_float(ncid,varid,c_attname,fp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-    return NArray;
+-    break;
+-  case NC_DOUBLE:
+-    status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,varid,c_attname,&lenp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    attlen[0]=lenp;
+-    Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,1,attlen,dp);
+-    status = nc_get_att_double(ncid,varid,c_attname,dp);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-    return NArray;
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"atttype isn't supported in netCDF");
+-  }
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_var_inq_name(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  char c_var_name[NC_MAX_NAME];
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  VALUE Var_name;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,c_var_name);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Var_name=rb_str_new2(c_var_name);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(Var_name);
+-  return Var_name;
+-NetCDF_var_ndims(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  VALUE Var_ndims;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Var_ndims=INT2FIX(ndimsp);
+-  return Var_ndims;
+-NetCDF_var_vartype(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  nc_type xtypep;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  const char *Vartype;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_vartype(ncid,varid,&xtypep);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Vartype=nctype2natype(xtypep);
+-  return(rb_str_new2(Vartype));
+-NetCDF_var_typecode(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  nc_type xtypep;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_vartype(ncid,varid,&xtypep);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return(INT2NUM(nctype2natypecode(xtypep)));
+-NetCDF_var_natts(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  int nattsp;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  VALUE Var_natts;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status= nc_inq_varnatts(ncid,varid,&nattsp);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Var_natts=INT2FIX(nattsp);
+-  return Var_natts;
+-NetCDF_var_file(VALUE Var)
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  /* VALUE file; */
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  return (Netcdf_var->file);
+-NetCDF_var_rename(VALUE Var,VALUE var_new_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  char *c_var_new_name;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Check_Type(var_new_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_var_new_name=StringValueCStr(var_new_name);
+-  status = nc_rename_var(ncid,varid,c_var_new_name);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_var_att(VALUE Var,VALUE att_name)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int status;
+-  int varid;
+-  char *c_att_name;
+-  int c_attnump;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_att;
+-  VALUE Att;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Check_Type(att_name,T_STRING);
+-  c_att_name=StringValueCStr(att_name);
+-  status = nc_inq_attid(ncid,varid,c_att_name,&c_attnump);
+-  if(status == NC_NOERR){
+-    Netcdf_att=NetCDF_att_init(ncid,varid,c_att_name);
+-    Att=Data_Wrap_Struct(cNetCDFAtt,0,Netcdf_att_free,Netcdf_att);
+-    return Att;
+-  }
+-  else if(status == NC_ENOTATT){
+-    return Qnil;
+-  }
+-  else{
+-    NC_RAISE(status);
+-    return Qnil;
+-  }
+-/* Redifinition of the "==" and "eql?" methods */
+-NetCDF_eql(VALUE filea,VALUE fileb)
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfilea;
+-  struct Netcdf *ncfileb;
+-  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(fileb, cNetCDF) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(filea,struct Netcdf,ncfilea);
+-      Data_Get_Struct(fileb,struct Netcdf,ncfileb);
+-      if(ncfilea->ncid == ncfileb->ncid && 
+-	 strcmp(ncfilea->name,ncfileb->name)==0){
+-	  return Qtrue;
+-      } else {
+-	  return Qfalse;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      return Qfalse;
+-  }
+-NetCDF_var_eql(VALUE Vara,VALUE Varb)
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_vara;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_varb;
+-  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Varb, cNetCDFVar) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Vara,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_vara);
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Varb,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_varb);
+-      if(Netcdf_vara->ncid == Netcdf_varb->ncid && 
+-	 Netcdf_vara->varid == Netcdf_varb->varid){
+-	  return Qtrue;
+-      } else {
+-	  return Qfalse;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      return Qfalse;
+-  }
+-NetCDF_dim_eql(VALUE Dima,VALUE Dimb)
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dima;
+-  struct NetCDFDim *Netcdf_dimb;
+-  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Dimb, cNetCDFDim) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Dima,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dima);
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Dimb,struct NetCDFDim,Netcdf_dimb);
+-      if(Netcdf_dima->ncid == Netcdf_dimb->ncid && 
+-	 Netcdf_dima->dimid == Netcdf_dimb->dimid){
+-	  return Qtrue;
+-      } else {
+-	  return Qfalse;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      return Qfalse;
+-  }
+-NetCDF_att_eql(VALUE Atta,VALUE Attb)
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_atta;
+-  struct NetCDFAtt *Netcdf_attb;
+-  if( rb_obj_is_kind_of(Attb, cNetCDFAtt) ){
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Atta,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_atta);
+-      Data_Get_Struct(Attb,struct NetCDFAtt,Netcdf_attb);
+-      if(Netcdf_atta->ncid == Netcdf_atta->ncid && 
+-	 Netcdf_atta->varid == Netcdf_attb->varid && 
+-	 strcmp(Netcdf_atta->name,Netcdf_attb->name)==0){
+-	  return Qtrue;
+-      } else { 
+-	  return Qfalse;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      return Qfalse;
+-  }
+-/* Follow methods is to connect "NArray" with "Netcdf" */
+-NetCDF_get_var_char(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_text(ncid,varid,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var_byte(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_uchar(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var_sint(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_short(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var_int(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_int(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var_float(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_float(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var_double(VALUE Var)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int i=0;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-  if (ndimsp != 0){
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndimsp);
+-      for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-	  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-	  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	  nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-	  shape[ndimsp-1-i]=lengthp;
+-      }
+-  } else {
+-      ndimsp = 1;
+-      shape = ALLOCA_N(int,1);
+-      shape[0]=1;
+-  }
+-  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndimsp,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var_double(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_char(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen = 1+nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_text(ncid,varid,c_start,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen = 1+nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
+-  }
+-  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_short(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_int(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen= nc_tlen+1;
+-  }
+-  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_int(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_float(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
+-  }
+-  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_var1_double(VALUE Var,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  int *c_count;
+-  int nc_tlen=0;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR)NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-    c_count[i]=1;
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen+1;
+-  }
+-  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,c_count,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_char(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_text(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Cbyte_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Csint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_short(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_int(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Clint_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_int(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_float(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Cfloat_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_float(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_get_vars_double(VALUE Var,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int *shape;    /* NArray uses int instead of size_t */
+-  int ndims;
+-  int *dimids;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  VALUE NArray;
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid = Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid = Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  if(ndims == 0) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Cannot specify a subset of a rank-0 scalar\n");
+-  }
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims){
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start = ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0;i<ndims; i++){
+-      c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(c_stride[i]==0){
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"stride cannot be zero\n");
+-      }
+-    }
+-  }
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      c_count[i]=(dimlen-c_start[i]-1)/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-    break;
+-  default:
+-    Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-    if(RARRAY_LEN(end) <ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n");
+-    }
+-    for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-      l_end= NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-      if(l_end < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_end +=dimlen;
+-      }
+-      c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-    }
+-  }
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    nc_tlen = nc_tlen*c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  shape = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    shape[ndims-1-i]=c_count[i];
+-  }
+-  Cdouble_to_NArray(NArray,ndims,shape,ptr);
+-  status = nc_get_vars_double(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  OBJ_TAINT(NArray);
+-  return NArray;
+-NetCDF_put_var_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Cbyte_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status );
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_text(ncid,varid,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Cbyte_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status );
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_uchar(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var_short(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Csint_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(short,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_short(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Clint_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(int,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_int(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Cfloat_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(float,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_float(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i=0;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  int nc_tlen=1;
+-  int ndimsp;
+-  int dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS];
+-  size_t lengthp;
+-  char *var_name;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  Array_to_Cdouble_len(NArray,ptr,len);
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndimsp);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndimsp;i++){
+-    status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&lengthp);
+-    nc_tlen=lengthp*nc_tlen;
+-  }
+-  if(len == 1 && len != nc_tlen){
+-    scalar = *ptr;
+-    ptr = ALLOCA_N(double,nc_tlen);
+-    for(i=0;i<nc_tlen;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-  } else if(len != nc_tlen){
+-    var_name=ALLOCA_N(char,NC_MAX_NAME);
+-    status = nc_inq_varname(ncid,varid,var_name);
+-    if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of NArray don't equal to length of total array length in the '%s'\n",var_name);
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_var_double(ncid,varid,ptr);
+-  if(status !=NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cbyte(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_text(ncid,varid,c_start,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cbyte(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Csint(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_short(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Clint(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_int(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cfloat(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_float(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_var1_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr;
+-  int i;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid,varid,&ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids = ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid,varid,dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) <ndims) {
+-    rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError,"Length of 'start' is too short\n");
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0;i<ndims;i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&dimlen);
+-      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-      l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cdouble(NArray,ptr);
+-  status = nc_put_var1_double(ncid,varid,c_start,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_char(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-		 "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      } 
+-  } 
+-  status = nc_put_vars_text(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,(char *)ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_byte(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  unsigned char *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cbyte_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(unsigned char,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-		 "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      } 
+-  } 
+-  status = nc_put_vars_uchar(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_sint(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  short *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Csint_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(short,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      }
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_vars_short(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_int(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  int *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Clint_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(int,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-              "length of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      }
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_vars_int(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_float(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  float *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cfloat_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(float,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      }
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_vars_float(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-NetCDF_put_vars_double(VALUE Var,VALUE NArray,VALUE start,VALUE end,VALUE stride)
+-  int ncid;
+-  int varid;
+-  int status;
+-  double *ptr,scalar;
+-  int len,i;
+-  int c_count_all=1;
+-  struct NetCDFVar *Netcdf_var;
+-  long l_start, l_end;
+-  size_t *c_start;
+-  size_t *c_count;
+-  ptrdiff_t *c_stride;
+-  int ndims;
+-  int   *shape;
+-  int   *dimids;
+-  size_t dimlen;
+-  rb_secure(4);
+-  Data_Get_Struct(Var,struct NetCDFVar,Netcdf_var);
+-  ncid=Netcdf_var->ncid;
+-  varid=Netcdf_var->varid;
+-  status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  dimids=ALLOCA_N(int,ndims);
+-  status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  Check_Type(start,T_ARRAY);
+-  if(RARRAY_LEN(start) < ndims) {
+-      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'start' is too short\n"); 
+-  }
+-  c_start=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-    l_start=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(start)[ndims-1-i]);
+-    if(l_start < 0) {
+-	status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	l_start += dimlen;
+-    }
+-    c_start[i]=l_start;
+-  }
+-  c_stride=ALLOCA_N(ptrdiff_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(stride)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=1;
+-      }
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(stride,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(stride) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'stride' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_stride[i]=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(stride)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(c_stride[i]==0) {
+-	      rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "stride cannot be zero\n"); 
+-	  }
+-      }
+-  }
+-  Array_to_Cdouble_len_shape(NArray,ptr,len,shape);
+-  c_count=ALLOCA_N(size_t,ndims);
+-  switch(TYPE(end)){
+-  case T_NIL:
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  c_count[i]=shape[i];
+-      }
+-      c_count_all=len;
+-      break;
+-  default:
+-      Check_Type(end,T_ARRAY);
+-      if(RARRAY_LEN(end) < ndims) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, "Length of 'end' is too short\n"); 
+-      }
+-      for(i=0; i<ndims; i++){
+-	  l_end=NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(end)[ndims-1-i]);
+-	  if(l_end < 0) {
+-	      status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[i], &dimlen);
+-	      if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-	      l_end += dimlen;
+-	  }
+-	  c_count[i]=(l_end-c_start[i])/c_stride[i]+1;
+-	  c_count_all=c_count[i]*c_count_all;
+-      }
+-      if(len == 1 && len != c_count_all){
+-	  scalar = *ptr;
+-	  ptr = ALLOCA_N(double,c_count_all);
+-	  for(i=0;i<c_count_all;i++){ptr[i]=scalar;}
+-      } else if(len != c_count_all) {
+-	  rb_raise(rb_eNetcdfError, 
+-              "lengh of the array does not agree with that of the subset\n"); 
+-      }
+-  }
+-  status = nc_put_vars_double(ncid,varid,c_start,c_count,c_stride,ptr);
+-  if(status != NC_NOERR) NC_RAISE(status);
+-  return Qnil;
+-  mNumRu = rb_define_module("NumRu");
+-  /* Difinitions of the classes */
+-  cNetCDF = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDF", rb_cObject);
+-  cNetCDFDim = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFDim", rb_cObject);
+-  cNetCDFAtt = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFAtt", rb_cObject);
+-  cNetCDFVar = rb_define_class_under(mNumRu, "NetCDFVar", rb_cObject);
+-  rb_eNetcdfError = rb_define_class("NetcdfError",rb_eStandardError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfBadid = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadid",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNfile = rb_define_class("NetcdfNfile",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfExist = rb_define_class("NetcdfExist",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfInval = rb_define_class("NetcdfInval",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfPerm = rb_define_class("NetcdfPerm",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNotindefine = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotindefine",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfIndefine = rb_define_class("NetcdfIndefine",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfInvalcoords = rb_define_class("NetcdfInvalcoords",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfMaxdims = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxdims",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNameinuse = rb_define_class("NetcdfNameinuse",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNotatt = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotatt",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfMaxatts = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxatts",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfBadtype = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadtype",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfBaddim = rb_define_class("NetcdfBaddim",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfUnlimpos = rb_define_class("NetcdFUnlimpos",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfMaxvars = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxvars",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNotvar = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotvar",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfGlobal = rb_define_class("NetcdfGlobal",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNotnc = rb_define_class("NetcdfNotnc",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfSts = rb_define_class("NetcdfSts",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfMaxname = rb_define_class("NetcdfMaxname",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfUnlimit = rb_define_class("NetcdfUnlimit",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNorecvars = rb_define_class("NetcdfNorecvars",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfChar = rb_define_class("NetcdfChar",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfEdge = rb_define_class("NetcdfEdge",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfStride = rb_define_class("NetcdfStride",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfBadname = rb_define_class("NetcdfBadname",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  /* N.B. following must match value in ncx.h */ 
+-  rb_eNetcdfRange = rb_define_class("NetcdfRange",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfNomem = rb_define_class("NetcdfNomem",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  /* Global error status */
+-  rb_eNetcdfEntool = rb_define_class("NetcdfEntool",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfExdr = rb_define_class("NetcdfExdr",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  rb_eNetcdfSyserr = rb_define_class("NetcdfSyserr",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  /* Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler. */
+-  rb_eNetcdfFatal = rb_define_class("NetcdfFatal",rb_eNetcdfError);
+-  /* Class Constants Definition */
+-  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_NOWRITE", INT2FIX(NC_NOWRITE));
+-  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_WRITE", INT2FIX(NC_WRITE));
+-  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_SHARE", INT2FIX(NC_SHARE));
+-  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_CLOBBER", INT2FIX(NC_CLOBBER));
+-  rb_define_const(cNetCDF, "NC_NOCLOBBER", INT2FIX(NC_NOCLOBBER));
+-  /* Difinitions of the ruby methods */
+-  /* The methods of the NetCDF class */
+-  rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"nc_open",NetCDF_open,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"clone",NetCDF_clone,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"close",NetCDF_close,0);
+-  /* rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"new",NetCDF_open,2); */
+-  rb_define_singleton_method(cNetCDF,"nc_create",NetCDF_create,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"def_dim",NetCDF_def_dim,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"def_var",NetCDF_def_var,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"put_attraw",NetCDF_put_att,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"redef",NetCDF_redef,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"enddef",NetCDF_enddef,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"define_mode?",NetCDF_whether_in_define_mode,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"fill",NetCDF_fill,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"ndims",NetCDF_ndims,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"nvars",NetCDF_nvars,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"natts",NetCDF_natts,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"sync",NetCDF_sync,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"path",NetCDF_path,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"dim",NetCDF_dim,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"var",NetCDF_var,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"att",NetCDF_att,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"unlimited",NetCDF_unlimited,0);
+-  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2var",NetCDF_id2var,1);
+-  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2dim",NetCDF_id2dim,1);
+-  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDF,"id2att",NetCDF_id2att,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"==",NetCDF_eql,1); 
+-  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDF,"eql?",NetCDF_eql,1); */
+-  /* The methods of the NetCDFDim class */
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"clone",NetCDF_dim_clone,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"length",NetCDF_dim_length,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"name=",NetCDF_dim_name,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"name",NetCDF_dim_inqname,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"unlimited?",NetCDF_dim_whether_unlimited,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"==",NetCDF_dim_eql,1);
+-  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFDim,"eql?",NetCDF_dim_eql,1); */
+-  /* The methods of the NetCDFAtt class */
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"clone",NetCDF_att_clone,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"name",NetCDF_att_inq_name,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"name=",NetCDF_att_rename,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"delete",NetCDF_att_delete,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"copy",NetCDF_att_copy,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"atttype",NetCDF_att_atttype,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"typecode",NetCDF_att_typecode,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"==",NetCDF_att_eql,1);
+-  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"eql?",NetCDF_att_eql,1); */
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"putraw",NetCDF_att_put,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFAtt,"get",NetCDF_att_get,0);
+-  /* The methods of the NetCDFVar class */
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"clone",NetCDF_var_clone,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"name",NetCDF_var_inq_name,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"ndims",NetCDF_var_ndims,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"vartype",NetCDF_var_vartype,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"typecode",NetCDF_var_typecode,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"ntype",NetCDF_var_vartype,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"natts",NetCDF_var_natts,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"file",NetCDF_var_file,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"name=",NetCDF_var_rename,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"att",NetCDF_var_att,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_attraw",NetCDF_put_att_var,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"dims",NetCDF_var_dims,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"dim",NetCDF_var_dim,1);
+-  /*rb_define_private_method(cNetCDFVar,"id2dim",NetCDF_var_id2dim,1); */
+-  rb_define_private_method(cNetCDFVar,"id2att",NetCDF_var_id2att,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"==",NetCDF_var_eql,1);
+-  /* rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"eql?",NetCDF_var_eql,1); */
+-  /* The "get*" or "put*" methods in the NetCDFVar class */
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_char",NetCDF_put_var_char,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_byte",NetCDF_put_var_byte,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_sint",NetCDF_put_var_short,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_int",NetCDF_put_var_int,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_sfloat",NetCDF_put_var_float,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var_float",NetCDF_put_var_double,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_char",NetCDF_put_vars_char,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_byte",NetCDF_put_vars_byte,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_sint",NetCDF_put_vars_sint,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_int",NetCDF_put_vars_int,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_sfloat",NetCDF_put_vars_float,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_vars_float",NetCDF_put_vars_double,4);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_char",NetCDF_put_var1_char,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_byte",NetCDF_put_var1_byte,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_sint",NetCDF_put_var1_sint,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_int",NetCDF_put_var1_int,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_sfloat",NetCDF_put_var1_float,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"put_var1_float",NetCDF_put_var1_double,2);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_char",NetCDF_get_var_char,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_byte",NetCDF_get_var_byte,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_sint",NetCDF_get_var_sint,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_int",NetCDF_get_var_int,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_sfloat",NetCDF_get_var_float,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var_float",NetCDF_get_var_double,0);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_char",NetCDF_get_vars_char,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_byte",NetCDF_get_vars_byte,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_sint",NetCDF_get_vars_sint,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_int",NetCDF_get_vars_int,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_sfloat",NetCDF_get_vars_float,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_vars_float",NetCDF_get_vars_double,3);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_char",NetCDF_get_var1_char,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_byte",NetCDF_get_var1_byte,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_sint",NetCDF_get_var1_sint,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_int",NetCDF_get_var1_int,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_sfloat",NetCDF_get_var1_float,1);
+-  rb_define_method(cNetCDFVar,"get_var1_float",NetCDF_get_var1_double,1);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index d9da515..2ffbb13 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Ruby interface of NetCDF library

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