Bug#718749: postgis: FTBFS on !x86 arches

Markus Wanner markus at bluegap.ch
Mon Aug 5 09:34:37 UTC 2013

retitle 718749 postgis: FTBFS on non-Intel arches
forwarded 718749 http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2396
tags 718749 + upstream

On 08/05/2013 02:39 AM, Hector Oron wrote:
>   Your package fails to build from source on Debian autobuilder network.
>   Please check your package build logs at:
>   <https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=postgis&suite=sid>

This has been reported upstream and we are working together to make
postgis work on more than just Intel platforms.


(Note: a single non-x86 architecture passes checks: ia64. Thus the rename.)


Markus Wanner

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