[SCM] mapserver branch, jessie, updated. upstream/6.2.1-97-g257f52a
Bas Couwenberg
sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Jul 17 20:29:49 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the jessie branch:
commit 40f53db26b923e52cac548ad08e4aecddc1e08b9
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Sun Jul 14 16:21:06 2013 +0200
Add symbols file for libmapserver-6.2.1.so.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 64c9f72..5f9bdb8 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ mapserver (6.2.1-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
- mapserver-config
* Update copyright for v6.2.1. Convert to DEP5 format.
* Rename libmapserver package to libmapserver-6.2.1 to match SONAME.
+ * Add symbols file for libmapserver-6.2.1.so.
-- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl> Fri, 14 Jun 2013 22:00:07 +0200
diff --git a/debian/libmapserver-6.2.1.symbols b/debian/libmapserver-6.2.1.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219f9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmapserver-6.2.1.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,1967 @@
+libmapserver-6.2.1.so #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
+ BuildExpressionTree at Base 6.2.1
+ CleanVSIDir at Base 6.2.1
+ CompareEllipseRegion at Base 6.2.1
+ CompareRectangleRegion at Base 6.2.1
+ DBFIsValueNULL at Base 6.2.1
+ DefineAxis at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTApplyExpressionToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTApplyFilterToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTApplyFilterToLayerCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTApplySimpleSQLFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTCreateBinaryCompFilterEncodingNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTCreateFeatureIdFilterEncoding at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTCreateFilterEncodingNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTFreeFilterEncodingNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGML2Shape_XMLNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetBBOX at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetBinaryComparisonCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetBinaryComparisonExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetBinaryComparisonSQLExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetCapabilities at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetExpressionForValuesRanges at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetFeatureIdCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetGeosOperator at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsBetweenComparisonCommonExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsBetweenComparisonExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsBetweenComparisonSQLExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsLikeComparisonCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsLikeComparisonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetIsLikeComparisonSQLExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetLogicalComparisonCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetLogicalComparisonExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetLogicalComparisonSQLExpresssion at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetMapserverExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetNodeExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetSQLExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTGetSpatialComparisonCommonExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTHasSpatialFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTInsertElementInNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsBBoxFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsBinaryComparisonFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsComparisonFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsFeatureIdFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsGeosNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsLineFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsLogicalFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsNumeric at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsPointFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsPolygonFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsSimpleFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsSimpleFilterNoSpatial at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsSpatialFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTIsSupportedFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTLayerApplyCondSQLFilterToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTLayerApplyPlainFilterToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTNumberOfFilterType at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTParseEpsgString at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTParseFilterEncoding at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTParseGMLBox at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTParseGMLEnvelope at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTPreParseFilterForAlias at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTShapeFromGMLTree at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTValidFilterNode at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTValidForBBoxFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ FLTogrConvertGeometry at Base 6.2.1
+ GetDeltaExtentsUsingScale at Base 6.2.1
+ GetMapserverUnitUsingProj at Base 6.2.1
+ InvGeoTransform at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultAutoProjection at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultClose at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultCloseConnection at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultCreateItems at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultEscapePropertyName at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultEscapeSQLParam at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultGetAutoStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultGetNumFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultSupportsCommonFilters at Base 6.2.1
+ LayerDefaultWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ ParseTextLinePlacement at Base 6.2.1
+ ParseTextPointPlacement at Base 6.2.1
+ Pix2Georef at Base 6.2.1
+ Pix2LayerGeoref at Base 6.2.1
+ RebuildClusters at Base 6.2.1
+ _SLDApplyRuleValues at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z11agg2CleanupPv at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z11aggLoadFontP16aggRendererCachePcd at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z13agg2FreeImageP8imageObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z13agg2InitCachePPv at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z13agg2SaveImageP8imageObjP6mapObjP8_IO_FILEP15outputFormatObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z14agg2FreeSymbolP9symbolObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z14agg2RenderLineP8imageObjP8shapeObjP14strokeStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z14agg2RenderTileP8imageObjS0_dd at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z15agg2CreateImageiiP15outputFormatObjP8colorObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z16agg2RenderGlyphsP8imageObjddP13labelStyleObjPc at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z17agg2CloseNewLayerP8imageObjP6mapObjP8layerObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z17agg2RenderPolygonP8imageObjP8shapeObjP8colorObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z17agg2StartNewLayerP8imageObjP6mapObjP8layerObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z17msOGRFileReadTileP8layerObjP18ms_ogr_file_info_ti at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z19agg2RenderLineTiledP8imageObjP8shapeObjS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z19msOGREscapeSQLParamP8layerObjPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z20agg2RenderGlyphsLineP8imageObjP12labelPathObjP13labelStyleObjPc at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z20renderPolygonHatchesIN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS0_11conv_strokeINS0_9conv_dashINS0_9path_baseINS0_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS0_12null_markersEEES9_EEEEEvP8imageObjRT_P8colorObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z20renderPolygonHatchesIN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS0_11conv_strokeINS0_9path_baseINS0_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS0_12null_markersEEEEEEvP8imageObjRT_P8colorObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z21agg2MergeRasterBufferP8imageObjP15rasterBufferObjdiiiiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22agg2RenderBitmapGlyphsP8imageObjddP13labelStyleObjPc at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22agg2RenderPixmapSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22agg2RenderPolygonTiledP8imageObjP8shapeObjS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22agg2RenderVectorSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22aggGetRasterBufferCopyP8imageObjP15rasterBufferObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z23agg2GetTruetypeTextBBoxP17rendererVTableObjPPcidS1_P7rectObjPPdi at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z23agg2RenderEllipseSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z23msOGREscapePropertyNameP8layerObjPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z24agg2RenderTruetypeSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z24aggGetRasterBufferHandleP8imageObjP15rasterBufferObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z25aggInitializeRasterBufferP15rasterBufferObjiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib10SwapPointsERNS_8IntPointES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase10AddPolygonERKSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS2_EENS_8PolyTypeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase11AddPolygonsERKSt6vectorIS1_INS_8IntPointESaIS2_EESaIS4_EENS_8PolyTypeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase14AddBoundsToLMLEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase14PopLocalMinimaEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase17InsertLocalMinimaEPNS_11LocalMinimaE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase22DisposeLocalMinimaListEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase5ClearEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase5ResetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBase9GetBoundsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseC1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseC2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11FindSegmentERPNS_5OutPtERNS_8IntPointES4_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11OrientationEPNS_6OutRecEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11OrientationERKSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11SlopesEqualENS_8IntPointES0_S0_S0_b at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11SlopesEqualENS_8IntPointES0_S0_b at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib11SlopesEqualERNS_5TEdgeES1_b at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib12GetNextInAELEPNS_5TEdgeENS_9DirectionE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13DisposeOutPtsERPNS_5OutPtE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13GetMaximaPairEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13GetUnitNormalERKNS_8IntPointES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13PointIsVertexERKNS_8IntPointEPNS_5OutPtE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13PolygonBottomEPNS_5OutPtE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13ReversePointsERSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib13ReversePointsERSt6vectorIS0_INS_8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib14IntersectPointERNS_5TEdgeES1_RNS_8IntPointEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib14IsIntermediateEPNS_5TEdgeEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib14OffsetPolygonsERKSt6vectorIS0_INS_8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EERS5_dNS_8JoinTypeEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib14PointInPolygonERKNS_8IntPointEPNS_5OutPtEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib15GetLowermostRecEPNS_6OutRecES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib15Process1Before2ERNS_13IntersectNodeES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib15SwapPolyIndexesERNS_5TEdgeES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionC1EPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionC2EPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17E2InsertsBeforeE1ERNS_5TEdgeES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17FindAppendLinkEndEPNS_6OutRecE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17GetOverlapSegmentENS_8IntPointES0_S0_S0_RS0_S1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17PolyOffsetBuilder8DoSquareEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17PolyOffsetBuilderC1ERKSt6vectorIS1_INS_8IntPointESaIS2_EESaIS4_EERS6_dNS_8JoinTypeEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib17PolyOffsetBuilderC2ERKSt6vectorIS1_INS_8IntPointESaIS2_EESaIS4_EERS6_dNS_8JoinTypeEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib18GetNextNonDupOutPtEPNS_5OutPtERS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib18GetPrevNonDupOutPtEPNS_5OutPtERS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib18ReversePolyPtLinksERNS_5OutPtE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib18SwapIntersectNodesERNS_13IntersectNodeES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib19InsertPolyPtBetweenEPNS_5OutPtES1_NS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib21Pt3IsBetweenPt1AndPt2ENS_8IntPointES0_S0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib4AreaERKSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib4TopXENS_8IntPointES0_x at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib4TopXERNS_5TEdgeEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib5GetDxENS_8IntPointES0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib5SetDxERNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper10ClearJoinsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper11AddHorzJoinEPNS_5TEdgeEi at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper11BuildResultERSt6vectorIS1_INS_8IntPointESaIS2_EESaIS4_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper11DoBothEdgesEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper11PopScanbeamEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper12AddEdgeToSELEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper12CopyAELToSELEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper12CreateOutRecEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper12SetHoleStateEPNS_5TEdgeEPNS_6OutRecE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper13AppendPolygonEPNS_5TEdgeES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper13BuildResultExERSt6vectorINS_9ExPolygonESaIS2_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper13DeleteFromAELEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper13DeleteFromSELEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper13DisposeOutRecEmb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper14ClearHorzJoinsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper14FixHoleLinkageEPNS_6OutRecE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper14InsertScanbeamEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper14IntersectEdgesEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointENS_17IntersectProtectsE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15AddLocalMaxPolyEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15AddLocalMinPolyEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15ExecuteInternalEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15FixupOutPolygonERNS_6OutRecE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15JoinCommonEdgesEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper15SetWindingCountERNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper16AddIntersectNodeEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper17DisposeAllPolyPtsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper17InsertEdgeIntoAELEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper17ProcessHorizontalEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper17UpdateEdgeIntoAELERPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18BuildIntersectListExx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18CheckHoleLinkages1EPNS_6OutRecES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18CheckHoleLinkages2EPNS_6OutRecES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18FixupIntersectionsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18ProcessHorizontalsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18SwapPositionsInAELEPNS_5TEdgeES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper18SwapPositionsInSELEPNS_5TEdgeES2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper19DisposeScanbeamListEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper20ProcessIntersectListEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper20ProcessIntersectionsExx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper21DisposeIntersectNodesEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper24InsertLocalMinimaIntoAELEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper27ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeamEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper5ClearEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper5ResetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7AddJoinEPNS_5TEdgeES2_ii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7DoEdge1EPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7DoEdge2EPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7ExecuteENS_8ClipTypeERSt6vectorINS_9ExPolygonESaIS3_EENS_12PolyFillTypeES7_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper7ExecuteENS_8ClipTypeERSt6vectorIS2_INS_8IntPointESaIS3_EESaIS5_EENS_12PolyFillTypeES9_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper8AddOutPtEPNS_5TEdgeES2_RKNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper8DoMaximaEPNS_5TEdgeEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7Clipper9IsTopHorzEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperC1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperC2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib7ClipperD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib8BuildArcERKNS_8IntPointEddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib8InitEdgeEPNS_5TEdgeES1_S1_RKNS_8IntPointENS_8PolyTypeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib8IsMaximaEPNS_5TEdgeEx at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib8IsMinimaEPNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib8PolySortEPNS_6OutRecES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonC1ERKS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonC2ERKS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9SwapSidesERNS_5TEdgeES1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLib9TestRangeERKSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLiblsERSoRNS_8IntPointE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLiblsERSoRSt6vectorINS_8IntPointESaIS2_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN10ClipperLiblsERSoRSt6vectorIS1_INS_8IntPointESaIS2_EESaIS4_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN12line_adaptor6vertexEPdS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN12line_adaptorD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN12line_adaptorD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN12line_adaptorD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN15polygon_adaptor6vertexEPdS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN15polygon_adaptorD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN15polygon_adaptorD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN15polygon_adaptorD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_20path_storage_integerIiLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EE6vertexEPdS6_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_20path_storage_integerIsLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EE6vertexEPdS6_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_31serialized_integer_path_adaptorIsLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EE6vertexEPdS6_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_div16recursive_bezierEddddddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_div4initEdddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_div6bezierEdddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_inc19approximation_scaleEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_inc4initEdddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_inc6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve3_inc6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_div16recursive_bezierEddddddddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_div4initEdddddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_div6bezierEdddddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_inc19approximation_scaleEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_inc4initEdddddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_inc6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10curve4_inc6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10font_cache9signatureEPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10mcs11_propE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10mcs12_propE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10mcs13_propE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash10add_vertexEddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash10dash_startEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash10remove_allEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash15calc_dash_startEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash17remove_all_dashesEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dash8add_dashEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dashC1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver10vcgen_dashC2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11math_strokeINS_11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EEEE10calc_miterERS4_RKNS_11vertex_distES9_S9_ddddNS_11line_join_eEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11math_strokeINS_11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EEEE8calc_arcERS4_dddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11math_strokeINS_11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EEEE8calc_capERS4_RKNS_11vertex_distES9_d at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11math_strokeINS_11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EEEE9calc_joinERS4_RKNS_11vertex_distES9_S9_dd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointELj8EE14allocate_blockEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointELj8EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointELj8EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_10point_baseIdEELj6EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_11vertex_distELj6EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_11vertex_distELj6EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14line_aa_vertexELj6EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14line_aa_vertexELj6EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14vertex_integerIiLj6EEELj6EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14vertex_integerIiLj6EEELj6EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14vertex_integerIsLj6EEELj6EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_14vertex_integerIsLj6EEELj6EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_20scanline_storage_bin13scanline_dataELj8EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_20scanline_storage_bin13scanline_dataELj8EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_20scanline_storage_bin9span_dataELj10EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11pod_bvectorINS_20scanline_storage_bin9span_dataELj10EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11qsort_cellsINS_7cell_aaEEEvPPT_j at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11scanline_u8D1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver11scanline_u8D2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEE11end_contourERSt6vectorISC_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaISE_EESaISG_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEE11next_vertexEPdSC_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEE6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEE6vertexEPdSC_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEES8_EEED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEE11end_contourERSt6vectorISA_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaISC_EESaISE_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEE11next_vertexEPdSA_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEE6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEE6vertexEPdSA_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12conv_clipperI15polygon_adaptorNS_11conv_strokeINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEEED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12g_sqrt_tableE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12gse7x11_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12gse7x15_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12gse8x16_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12mcs5x10_monoE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12mcs5x11_monoE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12mcs6x10_monoE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12mcs6x11_monoE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12shorten_pathINS_15vertex_sequenceINS_11vertex_distELj6EEEEEvRT_dj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine12parl_to_parlEPKdS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine12parl_to_rectEPKddddd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine12rect_to_parlEddddPKd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine5resetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine6flip_xEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine6flip_yEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine6invertEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12trans_affine8multiplyERKS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_stroke10add_vertexEddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_stroke10remove_allEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_stroke6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_stroke6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_strokeC1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver12vcgen_strokeC2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13obj_allocatorINS_10font_cacheEE10deallocateEPS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEE10blend_fromIS8_EEvRKT_PKNS_9rect_baseIiEEiih at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contour10add_vertexEddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contour10remove_allEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contour6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contour6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contourC1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver13vcgen_contourC2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana12_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana13_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana14_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana16_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana17_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver14verdana18_boldE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15block_allocator8allocateEjj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15clip_move_pointIdEEbT_S1_S1_S1_RKNS_9rect_baseIS1_EEPS1_S6_j at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15clip_move_pointIiEEbT_S1_S1_S1_RKNS_9rect_baseIS1_EEPS1_S6_j at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15line_parameters19s_diagonal_quadrantE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15line_parameters21s_orthogonal_quadrantE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15line_profile_aa3setEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15line_profile_aa5widthEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15line_profile_aa7profileEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15vertex_sequenceINS_11vertex_distELj6EE3addERKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15vertex_sequenceINS_11vertex_distELj6EE5closeEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15vertex_sequenceINS_14line_aa_vertexELj6EE3addERKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver15vertex_sequenceINS_14line_aa_vertexELj6EE5closeEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16image_filter_lut11realloc_lutEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16image_filter_lut9normalizeEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16mcs7x12_mono_lowE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16render_scanlinesINS_22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEEENS_11scanline_p8ENS_26renderer_scanline_aa_solidINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEEEEEEvRT_RT0_RT1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16render_scanlinesINS_22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEEENS_11scanline_u8ENS_19scanline_storage_aaIhEEEEvRT_RT0_RT1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16render_scanlinesINS_22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEEENS_11scanline_u8ENS_26renderer_scanline_aa_solidINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEEEEEEvRT_RT0_RT1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver16render_scanlinesINS_22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEEENS_12scanline_binENS_20scanline_storage_binEEEvRT_RT0_RT1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver17clip_line_segmentIdEEjPT_S2_S2_S2_RKNS_9rect_baseIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver17clip_line_segmentIiEEjPT_S2_S2_S2_RKNS_9rect_baseIS1_EE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver17g_elder_bit_tableE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver17mcs7x12_mono_highE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18conv_adaptor_vcgenI12line_adaptorNS_10vcgen_dashENS_12null_markersEE6vertexEPdS5_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18conv_adaptor_vcgenINS_9conv_dashINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12null_markersEEENS_12vcgen_strokeES6_E6vertexEPdSA_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18conv_adaptor_vcgenINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_10vcgen_dashENS_12null_markersEE6vertexEPdS8_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18conv_adaptor_vcgenINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEENS_12vcgen_strokeENS_12null_markersEE6vertexEPdS8_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18font_cache_managerINS_26font_engine_freetype_int16EE5glyphEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaINS_5rgba8EEEED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaINS_5rgba8EEEED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEE7line_toINS_19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEEEEEvRT_ii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18render_scanline_aaINS_11scanline_p8ENS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEENS_14span_allocatorIS5_EENS_17span_pattern_rgbaINS_19image_accessor_wrapISA_NS_16wrap_mode_repeatESG_EEEEEEvRKT_RT0_RT1_RT2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18vpgen_clip_polygon14clipping_flagsEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18vpgen_clip_polygon5resetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18vpgen_clip_polygon6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18vpgen_clip_polygon7line_toEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver18vpgen_clip_polygon7move_toEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEE10sort_cellsEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEE12render_hlineEiiiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEE14allocate_blockEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEE4lineEiiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19scanline_storage_aaIhED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19scanline_storage_aaIhED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19vpgen_clip_polyline5resetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19vpgen_clip_polyline6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19vpgen_clip_polyline7line_toEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver19vpgen_clip_polyline7move_toEdd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver20decompose_ft_outlineINS_20path_storage_integerIiLj6EEEEEbRK11FT_Outline_bRKNS_12trans_affineERT_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver20decompose_ft_outlineINS_20path_storage_integerIsLj6EEEEEbRK11FT_Outline_bRKNS_12trans_affineERT_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver20mcs11_prop_condensedE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EE10add_vertexEddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EE8free_allEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver21rasterizer_outline_aaINS_22renderer_outline_imageINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEENS_18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaIS5_EEEEEENS_14line_coord_satEE4drawERNSI_9draw_varsEjj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver21rasterizer_outline_aaINS_22renderer_outline_imageINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEENS_18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaIS5_EEEEEENS_14line_coord_satEE6renderEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEE10add_vertexEddj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEE14sweep_scanlineINS_11scanline_p8EEEbRT_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEE8add_pathINS_12conv_contourINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEEEEEEvRT_j at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22rasterizer_scanline_aaINS_18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEEEE8add_pathINS_9path_baseINS_20vertex_block_storageIdLj8ELj256EEEEEEEvRT_j at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22renderer_outline_imageINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEENS_18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaIS4_EEEEE13line3_no_clipERKNS_15line_parametersEiiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver22renderer_outline_imageINS_13renderer_baseINS_23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjEEEENS_18line_image_patternINS_28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaIS4_EEEEE5line3ERKNS_15line_parametersEiiii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver23pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgbaINS_16blender_rgba_preINS_5rgba8ENS_10order_bgraEEENS_12row_accessorIhEEjE17blend_color_vspanEiijPKS2_PKhh at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base10resolutionEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base11add_kerningEjjPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base13prepare_glyphEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base16update_char_sizeEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base16update_signatureEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base5widthEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base6attachEPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base6flip_yEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base6heightEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base7hintingEb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base8char_mapE12FT_Encoding_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base9load_fontEPKcjNS_15glyph_renderingES2_l at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base9transformERKNS_12trans_affineE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_baseC1Ebj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_baseC2Ebj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_baseD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_baseD2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver28pattern_filter_bilinear_rgbaINS_5rgba8EE14pixel_high_resEPKPKS1_PS1_ii at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver31serialized_integer_path_adaptorIsLj6EE6vertexEPdS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arc19approximation_scaleEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arc4initEddddddb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arc6rewindEj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arc6vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arc9normalizeEddb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arcC1Eddddddb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver3arcC2Eddddddb at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver5rgba811premultiplyEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6curve36vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6curve46vertexEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6gse4x6E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6gse4x8E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6gse5x7E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6gse5x9E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver6gse6x9E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver7gse6x12E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver7gse7x11E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver7gse7x15E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver7gse8x16E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9bisectrixERKNS_15line_parametersES2_PiS3_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana12E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana13E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana14E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana16E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana17E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZN9mapserver9verdana18E at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK10ClipperLib16clipperException4whatEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK10ClipperLib6Int128mlERKS0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK10ClipperLib7Clipper14IsContributingERKNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK10ClipperLib7Clipper17IsEvenOddFillTypeERKNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK10ClipperLib7Clipper20IsEvenOddAltFillTypeERKNS_5TEdgeE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver10curve3_inc19approximation_scaleEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver10curve4_inc19approximation_scaleEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine11is_identityEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine11translationEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine7scalingEPdS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine8is_equalERKS0_d at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine8is_validEd at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver12trans_affine8rotationEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver18rasterizer_sl_clipINS_12ras_conv_intEE11line_clip_yINS_19rasterizer_cells_aaINS_7cell_aaEEEEEvRT_iiiijj at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base14write_glyph_toEPh at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base8ascenderEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base9descenderEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base9find_faceEPKc at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNK9mapserver25font_engine_freetype_base9num_facesEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIPN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonES4_EET0_T_S6_S5_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt20__uninitialized_copyILb0EE13__uninit_copyIPSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS4_EES7_EET0_T_S9_S8_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt22__uninitialized_fill_nILb0EE15__uninit_fill_nIPSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS4_EEmS6_EEvT_T0_RKT1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib11DoublePointESaIS1_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEmRKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EERKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEmRKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonESaIS1_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EERKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonESaIS1_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EEmRKS1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN10ClipperLib9ExPolygonESaIS1_EE7reserveEm at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib11HorzJoinRecESaIS2_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EERKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib11HorzJoinRecESaIS2_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EEmRKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib5TEdgeESaIS2_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EERKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESaIS2_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EERKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib7JoinRecESaIS2_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EERKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIPN10ClipperLib7JoinRecESaIS2_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS2_S4_EEmRKS2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIS_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS3_S5_EERKS3_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIS_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EE14_M_fill_insertEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS3_S5_EEmRKS3_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIS_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EED1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIS_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EED2Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZNSt6vectorIS_IN10ClipperLib8IntPointESaIS1_EESaIS3_EEaSERKS5_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZSt13__adjust_heapIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEElS4_PFbS4_S4_EEvT_T0_SD_T1_T2_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZSt16__insertion_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEEPFbS4_S4_EEvT_SC_T0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZSt16__introsort_loopIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEElPFbS4_S4_EEvT_SC_T0_T1_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZSt19__move_median_firstIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEEPFbS4_S4_EEvT_SC_SC_T0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZSt25__unguarded_linear_insertIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPPN10ClipperLib6OutRecESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEEPFbS4_S4_EEvT_T0_ at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTI12line_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTI15polygon_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTIN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTIN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTIN10ClipperLib7ClipperE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTS12line_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTS15polygon_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTSN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTSN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTSN10ClipperLib7ClipperE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTTN10ClipperLib7ClipperE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTV12line_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTV15polygon_adaptor at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTVN10ClipperLib11ClipperBaseE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTVN10ClipperLib16clipperExceptionE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTVN10ClipperLib7ClipperE at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTv0_n24_N10ClipperLib7ClipperD0Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTv0_n24_N10ClipperLib7ClipperD1Ev at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTv0_n32_N10ClipperLib7Clipper5ClearEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _ZTv0_n40_N10ClipperLib7Clipper5ResetEv at Base 6.2.1
+ _getline at Base 6.2.1
+ _msSLDParseSizeParameter at Base 6.2.1
+ _msValidateTime at Base 6.2.1
+ _stream_write_fn at Base 6.2.1
+ _validateNamespace at Base 6.2.1
+ addTileCache at Base 6.2.1
+ annotationLayerDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ arcCircleCenter at Base 6.2.1
+ arcStrokeCircle at Base 6.2.1
+ arcStrokeCircularString at Base 6.2.1
+ bitmapFontMetricsGD at Base 6.2.1
+ bufferPolyline at Base 6.2.1
+ calcMidAngle at Base 6.2.1
+ calcOrientation at Base 6.2.1
+ checkWebExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ checkWebScale at Base 6.2.1
+ circleLayerDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ cleanupCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ cleanupDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ closeLayerRasterCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ closeLayerVectorCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ closeNewLayerGD at Base 6.2.1
+ clusterDestroyData at Base 6.2.1
+ computeLabelMarkerPoly at Base 6.2.1
+ computeLabelStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ computeMarkerPoly at Base 6.2.1
+ computeSymbolStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ createEllipseSymbolTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ createImageCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ createImageDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ createImageGD at Base 6.2.1
+ createPixmapSymbolTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ createPostgresTimeCompareRange at Base 6.2.1
+ createPostgresTimeCompareSimple at Base 6.2.1
+ createRasterBufferDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ createSurfaceFromBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ createTruetypeSymbolTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ createVectorSymbolTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ ctable at Base 6.2.1
+ defaultoutputformats at Base 6.2.1
+ drawRectangle at Base 6.2.1
+ endLayerDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ endShapeDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ escape_shell_cmd at Base 6.2.1
+ fastComputeBounds at Base 6.2.1
+ findChartPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ findTag at Base 6.2.1
+ findTagEnd at Base 6.2.1
+ fmakeword at Base 6.2.1
+ freeClass at Base 6.2.1
+ freeCluster at Base 6.2.1
+ freeExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ freeExpressionTokens at Base 6.2.1
+ freeFaceCache at Base 6.2.1
+ freeFeatureList at Base 6.2.1
+ freeImageCache at Base 6.2.1
+ freeImageCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ freeImageDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ freeImageGD at Base 6.2.1
+ freeJoin at Base 6.2.1
+ freeLabel at Base 6.2.1
+ freeLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ freeLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ freeReferenceMap at Base 6.2.1
+ freeScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ freeStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ freeSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ freeSymbolDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ freeSymbolGD at Base 6.2.1
+ freeTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ freeWeb at Base 6.2.1
+ generateClassTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ generateGroupTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ generateLayerTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ generateLegendTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ getCharacter at Base 6.2.1
+ getDouble at Base 6.2.1
+ getFontFace at Base 6.2.1
+ getInlineTag at Base 6.2.1
+ getInteger at Base 6.2.1
+ getIntegerOrSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ getNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferCopyCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferCopyDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferCopyGD at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferHandleCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferHandleDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ getRasterBufferHandleGD at Base 6.2.1
+ getRgbColor at Base 6.2.1
+ getString at Base 6.2.1
+ getSymbol2 at Base 6.2.1
+ getSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ getTagArgs at Base 6.2.1
+ getTile at Base 6.2.1
+ getTruetypeTextBBoxCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ getTruetypeTextBBoxDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ getTruetypeTextBBoxGD at Base 6.2.1
+ get_metrics at Base 6.2.1
+ get_metrics_line at Base 6.2.1
+ getword at Base 6.2.1
+ inchesPerUnit at Base 6.2.1
+ include_lineno at Base 6.2.1
+ include_stack at Base 6.2.1
+ include_stack_ptr at Base 6.2.1
+ ind at Base 6.2.1
+ initClass at Base 6.2.1
+ initCluster at Base 6.2.1
+ initExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ initGrid at Base 6.2.1
+ initHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ initJoin at Base 6.2.1
+ initLabel at Base 6.2.1
+ initLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ initLeader at Base 6.2.1
+ initLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ initMap at Base 6.2.1
+ initQueryMap at Base 6.2.1
+ initReferenceMap at Base 6.2.1
+ initResultCache at Base 6.2.1
+ initScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ initStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ initSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ initWeb at Base 6.2.1
+ initializeCache at Base 6.2.1
+ initializeRasterBufferCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ initializeRasterBufferDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ initializeRasterBufferGD at Base 6.2.1
+ insertFeatureList at Base 6.2.1
+ intersectLabelPolygons at Base 6.2.1
+ isOn at Base 6.2.1
+ isScaleInRange at Base 6.2.1
+ jpeg_buffer_empty_output_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ jpeg_buffer_term_destination at Base 6.2.1
+ jpeg_init_destination at Base 6.2.1
+ jpeg_stream_empty_output_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ jpeg_stream_term_destination at Base 6.2.1
+ lineLayerDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ loadClass at Base 6.2.1
+ loadCluster at Base 6.2.1
+ loadColor at Base 6.2.1
+ loadExpressionString at Base 6.2.1
+ loadHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ loadImageFromFileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ loadJoin at Base 6.2.1
+ loadLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ loadLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ loadParams at Base 6.2.1
+ loadQueryMap at Base 6.2.1
+ loadReferenceMap at Base 6.2.1
+ loadScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ loadSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ loadSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ loadWeb at Base 6.2.1
+ makeTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ makeword at Base 6.2.1
+ makeword_skip at Base 6.2.1
+ mergeRasterBufferCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ mergeRasterBufferDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ mergeRasterBufferGD at Base 6.2.1
+ msAcquireLock at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddColorGD at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddErrorDisplayString at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddImageSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddLabel at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddLabelGroup at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddLabelToClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddLineDirectly at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddNewSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msAddPointToLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msAdjustExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msAdjustImage at Base 6.2.1
+ msAlignText at Base 6.2.1
+ msAllocBitArray at Base 6.2.1
+ msAllocCgiObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msAllocMapServObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msAllocateValidClassGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msAlphaBlend at Base 6.2.1
+ msAlphaBlendPM at Base 6.2.1
+ msAppendOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msAppendSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msApplyDefaultOutputFormats at Base 6.2.1
+ msApplyDefaultSubstitutions at Base 6.2.1
+ msApplyMapConfigOptions at Base 6.2.1
+ msApplyOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msApplySubstitutions at Base 6.2.1
+ msAxisDenormalizePoints at Base 6.2.1
+ msAxisNormalizePoints at Base 6.2.1
+ msAxisSwapShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msBindLayerToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msBufferAppend at Base 6.2.1
+ msBufferFree at Base 6.2.1
+ msBufferInit at Base 6.2.1
+ msBufferResize at Base 6.2.1
+ msBuildOnlineResource at Base 6.2.1
+ msBuildPath3 at Base 6.2.1
+ msBuildPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msBuildPluginLibraryPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchBrowseRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchCoordinateRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchImageRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchLegendIconRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchLegendRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchQueryRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIDispatchRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIHandler at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGILoadForm at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGILoadMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGISetMode at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIWriteError at Base 6.2.1
+ msCGIWriteLog at Base 6.2.1
+ msCSVJoinClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msCSVJoinConnect at Base 6.2.1
+ msCSVJoinNext at Base 6.2.1
+ msCSVJoinPrepare at Base 6.2.1
+ msCairoCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msCalculateScale at Base 6.2.1
+ msCaseReplaceSubstring at Base 6.2.1
+ msCheckParentPointer at Base 6.2.1
+ msCircleDrawLineSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msCircleDrawShadeSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msClassifyRasterBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearLayerPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearLegendPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearQueryMapPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearReferenceMapPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClearScalebarPenValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msClipPolygonRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msClipPolylineRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msCloneOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msCloseConnections at Base 6.2.1
+ msCloseErrorFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterEvaluateFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterGetGroupText at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterInitialize at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerCopyVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerGetNumFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msClusterLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msCommifyString at Base 6.2.1
+ msComputeBounds at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnPoolFinalCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnPoolRegister at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnPoolRelease at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnPoolRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msConnectLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msConstrainExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msConvertWideStringToUTF8 at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyCluster at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyFontSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyItem at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyJoin at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyLabel at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyLeader at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyProjection at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyQueryMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyReferenceMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyResult at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyResultCache at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopySymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopySymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msCopyWeb at Base 6.2.1
+ msCountChars at Base 6.2.1
+ msCreateDefaultOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msCreateHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msCreateLegendIcon at Base 6.2.1
+ msCreateTileEllipseCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ msCreateTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFAddField at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFCreate at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetFieldCount at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetFieldInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetItemIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetItemIndexes at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetRecordCount at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetValueList at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFGetValues at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFJoinClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFJoinConnect at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFJoinNext at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFJoinPrepare at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFReadDoubleAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFReadIntegerAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFReadStringAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFWriteDoubleAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFWriteIntegerAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDBFWriteStringAttribute at Base 6.2.1
+ msDateCompare at Base 6.2.1
+ msDebug at Base 6.2.1
+ msDebugCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msDebugInitFromEnv at Base 6.2.1
+ msDecodeHTMLEntities at Base 6.2.1
+ msDecryptStringTokens at Base 6.2.1
+ msDecryptStringWithKey at Base 6.2.1
+ msDeleteLabelStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msDeleteStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msDestroyTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msDistancePointToPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msDistancePointToSegment at Base 6.2.1
+ msDistancePointToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDistanceSegmentToSegment at Base 6.2.1
+ msDistanceShapeToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDoubleToString at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawBarChart at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawBarChartLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawChartLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawEndShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLabel at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLabelCache at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLegendIcon at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLineSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawLineSymbolIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawMarkerSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawMarkerSymbolIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawOffsettedLabels at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawPieChart at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawPieChartLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawPieSlice at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawQueryLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawRasterLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawRasterLayerGDAL at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawRasterLayerLow at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawReferenceMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawShadeSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawShadeSymbolIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawStartShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawText at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawTextIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawTextLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawTransformedShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawVBarChart at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawVBarChartLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawVectorLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawWMSLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDrawWMSLayerLow at Base 6.2.1
+ msDumpLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msDumpResult at Base 6.2.1
+ msEmbedLegend at Base 6.2.1
+ msEmbedScalebar at Base 6.2.1
+ msEncodeChar at Base 6.2.1
+ msEncodeHTMLEntities at Base 6.2.1
+ msEncodeUrl at Base 6.2.1
+ msEncodeUrlExcept at Base 6.2.1
+ msEncryptStringWithKey at Base 6.2.1
+ msEvalContext at Base 6.2.1
+ msEvalExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ msEvalRegex at Base 6.2.1
+ msExecuteQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msExtentsOverlap at Base 6.2.1
+ msFilterTreeSearch at Base 6.2.1
+ msFirstKeyFromHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msFlipBit at Base 6.2.1
+ msFontsetLookupFont at Base 6.2.1
+ msFontsetLookupFonts at Base 6.2.1
+ msForceTmpFileBase at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeCgiObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeCharArray at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeFontSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeHashItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeImage at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeImageIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeLabelCache at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeLabelCacheSlot at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeLabelPathObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeMapServObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeProjTransformer at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeProjection at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeRasterBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msFreeWmsParamsObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msGDALCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGDALInitialize at Base 6.2.1
+ msGDCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGDSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSArea at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSBoundary at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSContains at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSConvexHull at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSCrosses at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSDifference at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSDisjoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSDistance at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSEquals at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSFreeGeometry at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSFreeWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSGeometry2Shape at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSGetCentroid at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSIntersection at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSIntersects at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSLength at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSOverlaps at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSShape2Geometry at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSShapeFromWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSShapeToWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSSimplify at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSSymDifference at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSTopologyPreservingSimplify at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSTouches at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSUnion at Base 6.2.1
+ msGEOSWithin at Base 6.2.1
+ msGML3BoundedBy at Base 6.2.1
+ msGML3Point at Base 6.2.1
+ msGML3TimeInstant at Base 6.2.1
+ msGML3TimePeriod at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLFreeConstants at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLFreeGeometries at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLFreeGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLFreeItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLFreeNamespaces at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLGetConstants at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLGetGeometries at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLGetGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLGetNamespaces at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLWriteQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msGMLWriteWFSQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msGenerateEncryptionKey at Base 6.2.1
+ msGenerateImages at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetAllGroupNames at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetBasename at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetBit at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetBitArraySize at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetBitmapFont at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetCURLAuthType at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetClassIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetClass_FloatRGB at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetConfigOption at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetDebugInfoObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetEncodedString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetErrorCodeString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetErrorFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetErrorObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetErrorString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetExpressionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetFriBidiEncodedString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetGDALBandList at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetGDALGeoTransform at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetGDALNoDataValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetGlobalDebugLevel at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetInnerList at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetLabelCacheMember at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetLabelSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetLayerIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetLayersIndexByGroup at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextFileText at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextXMLFloatValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextXMLHashValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextXMLHashValueDecode at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextXMLStringValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMapContextXMLStringValueDecode at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMarkerSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetMeasureUsingPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetNextBit at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetNextGlyph at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetNumGlyphs at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOuterList at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOutputFormatIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOutputFormatMimeList at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOutputFormatMimeListImg at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOutputFormatMimeListWMS at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetOutputFormatOption at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetPointUsingMeasure at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetPolygonArea at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetPolygonCentroid at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetProjectionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetQueryResultBounds at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetRasterTextBBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetSymbolIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetThreadId at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetTruetypeTextBBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetUnicodeEntity at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetVersion at Base 6.2.1
+ msGetVersionInt at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerFreeIntersectionPoints at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerGetAutoStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerGetIntersectionPoints at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msGraticuleLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowClassLabels at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowClassStyles at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowLabelStyles at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowLayerClasses at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowLeaderStyles at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowMapLayers at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowMapservLayers at Base 6.2.1
+ msGrowSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPExecuteRequests at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPFreeRequestObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPGetFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPInit at Base 6.2.1
+ msHTTPInitRequestObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msHashIsEmpty at Base 6.2.1
+ msHashString at Base 6.2.1
+ msHatchPolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msHexDecode at Base 6.2.1
+ msHexEncode at Base 6.2.1
+ msHexToInt at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerGetNumFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msINLINELayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_Cleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_bufferRead at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_bufferWrite at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_contextRead at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_contextWrite at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_fprintf at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_fread at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_fwrite at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_getGDIOCtx at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_getHandler at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_installHandlers at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_installStdinFromBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_installStdoutToBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_needBinaryStdin at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_needBinaryStdout at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_printf at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_resetHandlers at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_sendHeaders at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_setHeader at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentHeaders at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType at Base 6.2.1
+ msIO_vfprintf at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageCreate at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageCreateIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageEndLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msImagePolylineMarkers at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageSetPenGD at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageStartLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msImageStartLayerIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msInchesPerUnit at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitDefaultGDALOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitDefaultOGROutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitFontSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitLabelCache at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitLabelCacheSlot at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitProjTransformer at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitProjection at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitWmsParamsObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitializeDummyRenderer at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitializeRendererVTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msInsertClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msInsertHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msInsertLabelStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msInsertLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msInsertStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntToString at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntegerInArray at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectMultipointPolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectPointPolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectPolygons at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectPolylinePolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectPolylines at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectSegments at Base 6.2.1
+ msIntersectionPointLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msIsAxisInverted at Base 6.2.1
+ msIsDegenerateShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msIsLayerQueryable at Base 6.2.1
+ msIsOuterRing at Base 6.2.1
+ msIsXMLTagValid at Base 6.2.1
+ msItemInGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msJoinClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msJoinConnect at Base 6.2.1
+ msJoinNext at Base 6.2.1
+ msJoinPrepare at Base 6.2.1
+ msJoinStrings at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerAddProcessing at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerApplyCondSQLFilterToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerApplyPlainFilterToLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerClearProcessing at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerDefaultEnablePaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerDefaultGetPaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerEnablePaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerEscapePropertyName at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerEscapeSQLParam at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetAutoStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetFeatureStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetItemIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetMaxFeaturesToDraw at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetNumFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetPaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetProcessing at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetProcessingKey at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerIsVisible at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerMakeBackticsTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerMakePlainTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSetProcessingKey at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSetTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSupportsCommonFilters at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerSupportsPaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerWhichItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msLegendCalcSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msLibXml2GenerateList at Base 6.2.1
+ msLibXml2GetXPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msLibXml2GetXPathTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadExpressionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadFontSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadGDRasterBufferFromFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadImageSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMSRasterBufferFromFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContext at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextContactInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextGeneral at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextLayerDimension at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextLayerFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextLayerStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextListInMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapContextURLELements at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadMapFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadProjectionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadProjectionStringEPSG at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msLoadSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msLongToString at Base 6.2.1
+ msLookupHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapComputeGeotransform at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapGeorefToPixel at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapIgnoreMissingData at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapLoadOWSParameters at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapOffsetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapPixelToGeoref at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapRestoreRealExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapScaleExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetCenter at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetFakedExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetLayerProjections at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetRotation at Base 6.2.1
+ msMapSetSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msMaybeAllocateClassStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msMergeRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveClassDown at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveClassUp at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveLabelStyleDown at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveLabelStyleUp at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveLayerDown at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveLayerUp at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveStyleDown at Base 6.2.1
+ msMoveStyleUp at Base 6.2.1
+ msMySQLJoinClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msMySQLJoinConnect at Base 6.2.1
+ msMySQLJoinNext at Base 6.2.1
+ msMySQLJoinPrepare at Base 6.2.1
+ msNewGDFileCtx at Base 6.2.1
+ msNewMapObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msNextKeyFromHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGCWKT2ProjectionObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRGeometryToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRInitialize at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRRecursiveFileList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRShapeFromWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRShapeToWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRUpdateStyleFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msOGRWriteFromQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSBuildURLFilename at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonBoundingBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonExceptionReport at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonNegotiateVersion at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonOperationsMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataOperation at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonServiceIdentification at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonServiceProvider at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonWGS84BoundingBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSDispatch at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSExecuteRequests at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetDimensionInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetEPSGProj at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetEncodeMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetLanguage at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetLanguageFromList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetLanguageList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetLayerExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetOnlineResource2 at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetOnlineResource at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetProjURI at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetProjURN at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetSchemasLocation at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSGetVersionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSLookupMetadata2 at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSLookupMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSLookupMetadataWithLanguage at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSMakeAllLayersUnique at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSNegotiateUpdateSequence at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSNegotiateVersion at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSParseRequestMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSParseVersionString at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintBoundingBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintContactInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEX_GeographicBoundingBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEncodeMetadata2 at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEncodeMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEncodeMetadataList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEncodeParam at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintEncodeParamList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintGroupMetadata2 at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintGroupMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintInspireCommonExtendedCapabilities at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintInspireCommonLanguages at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintInspireCommonMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintLatLonBoundingBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintMetadataList at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintParam at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintURLType at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSPrintValidateMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSProcessException at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSRequestIsEnabled at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSRequestLayersEnabled at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSSchemaValidation at Base 6.2.1
+ msOWSTerminateOnlineResource at Base 6.2.1
+ msOffsetPointRelativeTo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOffsetPolyline at Base 6.2.1
+ msOffsetShapeRelativeTo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialEnablePaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialGetPaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerGetAutoStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msOutputFormatValidate at Base 6.2.1
+ msOwsIsOutputFormatValid at Base 6.2.1
+ msPOSTGRESQLJoinClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msPOSTGRESQLJoinConnect at Base 6.2.1
+ msPOSTGRESQLJoinNext at Base 6.2.1
+ msPOSTGRESQLJoinPrepare at Base 6.2.1
+ msParseTime at Base 6.2.1
+ msPluginFreeVirtualTableFactory at Base 6.2.1
+ msPluginLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msPointInPolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msPointInRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msPointToFormattedString at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolygonDirection at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolygonLabelPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineComputeLineSegments at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineLabelPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineLabelPathLineString at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineLabelPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineLabelPointExtended at Base 6.2.1
+ msPolylineLabelPointLineString at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableAGG at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableCairoPDF at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableCairoRaster at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableCairoSVG at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableGD at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableKML at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableOGL at Base 6.2.1
+ msPopulateRendererVTableOGR at Base 6.2.1
+ msPositionsText at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBase64Decode at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQL at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQLBox at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQLFrom at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQLItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQLSRID at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISBuildSQLWhere at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISCloseConnection at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISCreateLayerInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISEnablePaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISEscapeSQLParam at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISFreeLayerInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISGetPaging at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISHexDecode at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerSetTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISParseData at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostGISReadShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msPostMapParseOutputFormatSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msPreloadImageSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msPreloadSVGSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msPrepareImage at Base 6.2.1
+ msPrepareWFSLayerRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msPrepareWMSLayerRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msPrintShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msProcessLegendTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ msProcessProjection at Base 6.2.1
+ msProcessQueryTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ msProcessTemplate at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjTransformer at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectRectGrid at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectionObj2OGCWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msProjectionsDiffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msQuantizeRasterBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByAttributes at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByIndex at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryByShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msQueryFree at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerSetTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msRASTERLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msRasterQueryByPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msRasterQueryByRect at Base 6.2.1
+ msRasterQueryByShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msRasterizeArc at Base 6.2.1
+ msReadEncryptionKeyFromFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msReadTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msRectContained at Base 6.2.1
+ msRectIntersect at Base 6.2.1
+ msRectOverlap at Base 6.2.1
+ msRectToFormattedString at Base 6.2.1
+ msRectToPolygon at Base 6.2.1
+ msRedirect at Base 6.2.1
+ msReleaseLock at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveHashTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveLabelFromClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveLabelStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ msRemoveSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msRenderRasterizedSVGSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msReplaceChar at Base 6.2.1
+ msReplaceSubstring at Base 6.2.1
+ msResampleGDALToMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msResetErrorList at Base 6.2.1
+ msRestoreOldFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msReturnNestedTemplateQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msReturnOpenLayersPage at Base 6.2.1
+ msReturnPage at Base 6.2.1
+ msReturnTemplateQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msReturnURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msRotateVectorSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerCloseConnection at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerCreateItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerGetSpatialColumn at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSDELayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPCreate at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPDiskTreeClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPDiskTreeOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPGetInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerSupportsCommonFilters at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPReadBounds at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPReadPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPReadShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPWritePoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHPWriteShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHXLoadAll at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHXLoadPage at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHXReadOffset at Base 6.2.1
+ msSHXReadSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDApplySLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDApplySLDURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDBuildFilterEncoding at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDConvertRegexExpToOgcIsLike at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGenerateLineSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGeneratePointSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGeneratePolygonSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGenerateSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGenerateSLDLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGenerateTextSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetAttributeName at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetAttributeNameOrValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetAttributeValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetComparisonValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetGraphicSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetGraphicSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetLeftExpressionOfOperator at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetLogicalOperator at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetMarkSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDGetRightExpressionOfOperator at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDNumberOfLogicalOperators at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseExternalGraphic at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseGraphicFillOrStroke at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseLineSymbolizer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseLogicalExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseNamedLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParsePointSymbolizer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParsePolygonFill at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParsePolygonSymbolizer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseRasterSymbolizer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseRule at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseSLD at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseStroke at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseTextParams at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDParseTextSymbolizer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSLDSetColorObject at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddDataBlockDefinition at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddGeometryNode at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddMemberNode at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddMemberNodeObservation at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddMetadataChildNode at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddPropertyNode at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSAddTimeNode at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSDescribeObservationType at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSDescribeSensor at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSDispatch at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSFreeParamsObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSGetCapabilities at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSGetFirstLayerForOffering at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSGetObservation at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSParseRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSParseTimeGML at Base 6.2.1
+ msSOSReturnMemberResult at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveImage at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveImageBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveImageGDAL at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveImageIM at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveMapContext at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveQuery at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveRasterBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveRasterBufferToBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveSymbolSet at Base 6.2.1
+ msSaveSymbolSetStream at Base 6.2.1
+ msScaleInBounds at Base 6.2.1
+ msSearchDiskTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msSearchTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msSelectOutputFormat at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetAllBits at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetBit at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetConfigOption at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetError at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetErrorFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetGlobalDebugLevel at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetLayersdrawingOrder at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetLimitedPattersToUse at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetOutputFormatOption at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetPROJ_LIB at Base 6.2.1
+ msSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeCheckSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeDeleteLine at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeFromWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeGetAnnotation at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeGetClass at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeToRange at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapeToWKT at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapefileClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapefileCreate at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapefileOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msShapefileWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msSmallCalloc at Base 6.2.1
+ msSmallMalloc at Base 6.2.1
+ msSmallRealloc at Base 6.2.1
+ msSquareDistancePointToPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msSquareDistancePointToSegment at Base 6.2.1
+ msSquareDistancePointToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msStrdup at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringChop at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringConcatenate at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringEscape at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringInArray at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringIsInteger at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringSplit at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringSplitComplex at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringToLower at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringToUpper at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringTokenize at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringTrim at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringTrimBlanks at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringTrimEOL at Base 6.2.1
+ msStringTrimLeft at Base 6.2.1
+ msStripPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msStrptime at Base 6.2.1
+ msStyleGetGeomTransform at Base 6.2.1
+ msStyleSetGeomTransform at Base 6.2.1
+ msSymbolGetDefaultSize at Base 6.2.1
+ msTestConfigOption at Base 6.2.1
+ msTestLabelCacheCollisions at Base 6.2.1
+ msThreadInit at Base 6.2.1
+ msTileDraw at Base 6.2.1
+ msTileIndexAbsoluteDir at Base 6.2.1
+ msTileSetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msTileSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPCloseVT at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPLayerSupportsCommonFilters at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPOpenFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPTryOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msTiledSHPWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeCleanup at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeCompare at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeGetResolution at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeInit at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeMatchPattern at Base 6.2.1
+ msTimeSetup at Base 6.2.1
+ msTmpFile at Base 6.2.1
+ msTmpFilename at Base 6.2.1
+ msTmpPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msTokenizeExpression at Base 6.2.1
+ msTokenizeMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformLabelText at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformPixelToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformPoint at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformShapeSimplify at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformShapeToPixelDoublePrecision at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformShapeToPixelRound at Base 6.2.1
+ msTransformShapeToPixelSnapToGrid at Base 6.2.1
+ msTranslateWMS2Mapserv at Base 6.2.1
+ msTreeTrim at Base 6.2.1
+ msTryBuildPath3 at Base 6.2.1
+ msTryBuildPath at Base 6.2.1
+ msUTF8ToUniChar at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerSetTimeFilter at Base 6.2.1
+ msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerCopyVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerFreeExpressionTokens at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerFreeItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerGetNumFeatures at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnionLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msUnsetLimitedPatternToUse at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateClassFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateClusterFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateLabelFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateLayerFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateLegendFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateMapFromURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateQueryMapFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateReferenceMapFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateScalebarFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateStyleFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msUpdateWebFromString at Base 6.2.1
+ msValidateContexts at Base 6.2.1
+ msValidateParameter at Base 6.2.1
+ msValidateTimeValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msValueToRange at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSCreateParamsObj20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSDescribeCoverage11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSDescribeCoverage20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSDispatch at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSException11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSException20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSException at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSFreeParams at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSFreeParamsObj20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetCapabilities11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetCapabilities20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetCoverage20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetCoverageBands11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetCoverageMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSGetRequestParameter at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSIsLayerSupported at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSParseRequest20 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSReturnCoverage11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWCSSetDefaultBandsRangeSetInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSCreateParamsObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSDescribeFeatureType at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSDispatch at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSDumpLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSException11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSException at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSExecuteGetFeature at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSFreeParamsObj at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetCapabilities11 at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetCapabilities at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetDefaultVersion at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetFeature at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetGeomElementName at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSGetOutputFormatList at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSIsLayerSupported at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerClose at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerGetExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerGetItems at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerGetShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerInitItemInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerInitializeVirtualTable at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerIsOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerOpenVT at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSLocateSRSInList at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSParseRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msWFSUpdateRequestInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSApplyDimension at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSApplyDimensionLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSApplyTime at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSDescribeLayer at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSDispatch at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSException at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSFeatureInfo at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSGetCapabilities at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSGetFeatureInfoURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSGetMap at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSGetSchemaExtension at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSGetStyles at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSIsSubGroup at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSLayerExecuteRequest at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSLegendGraphic at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSLoadGetMapParams at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrepareNestedGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintAttribution at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintAuthorityURL at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintIdentifier at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintKeywordlist at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintNestedGroups at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintScaleDenominator at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSPrintScaleHint at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSSetTimePattern at Base 6.2.1
+ msWMSValidateDimensionValue at Base 6.2.1
+ msWrapText at Base 6.2.1
+ msWriteError at Base 6.2.1
+ msWriteErrorImage at Base 6.2.1
+ msWriteErrorXML at Base 6.2.1
+ msWriteMapContext at Base 6.2.1
+ msWriteTree at Base 6.2.1
+ msXmpPresent at Base 6.2.1
+ msXmpWrite at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_limited_pattern at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_num_limited_pattern at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_regcomp at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_regerror at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_regexec at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_regfree at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_timeFormats at Base 6.2.1
+ ms_time_inited at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_create_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_delete_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_flex_debug at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_flush_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_scan_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_scan_bytes at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_scan_string at Base 6.2.1
+ msyy_switch_to_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyalloc at Base 6.2.1
+ msyybasepath at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyerror at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyfree at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_debug at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_in at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_leng at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_lineno at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_out at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyget_text at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyin at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyleng at Base 6.2.1
+ msyylex at Base 6.2.1
+ msyylex_destroy at Base 6.2.1
+ msyylineno at Base 6.2.1
+ msyynumber at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyout at Base 6.2.1
+ msyypop_buffer_state at Base 6.2.1
+ msyypush_buffer_state at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyrealloc at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyrestart at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyreturncomments at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyset_debug at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyset_in at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyset_lineno at Base 6.2.1
+ msyyset_out at Base 6.2.1
+ msyysource at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystate at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_begin at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_begin_state at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_buffer_ptr at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_buffer_size at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_icase at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_return_state at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_size at Base 6.2.1
+ msyystring_size_tmp at Base 6.2.1
+ msyytext at Base 6.2.1
+ msyywrap at Base 6.2.1
+ offsetAndTest at Base 6.2.1
+ ogrEnabled at Base 6.2.1
+ path at Base 6.2.1
+ pieLayerProcessDynamicDiameter at Base 6.2.1
+ plustospace at Base 6.2.1
+ png_flush_data at Base 6.2.1
+ png_write_data_to_buffer at Base 6.2.1
+ png_write_data_to_stream at Base 6.2.1
+ pointArrayFree at Base 6.2.1
+ pointArrayNew at Base 6.2.1
+ pointLayerDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ polygonLayerDrawShape at Base 6.2.1
+ populateRendererVTableCairoVector at Base 6.2.1
+ postgresTimeStampForTimeString at Base 6.2.1
+ postresqlNoticeHandler at Base 6.2.1
+ processIcon at Base 6.2.1
+ processIfTag at Base 6.2.1
+ processMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ processOneToManyJoin at Base 6.2.1
+ pszOMNamespacePrefix at Base 6.2.1
+ pszOMNamespaceUri at Base 6.2.1
+ pszSOSDescribeSensorMimeType at Base 6.2.1
+ pszSOSGetObservationMimeType at Base 6.2.1
+ pszSOSNamespacePrefix at Base 6.2.1
+ pszSOSNamespaceUri at Base 6.2.1
+ pszSOSVersion at Base 6.2.1
+ rasterfont_sizes at Base 6.2.1
+ rasterfonts at Base 6.2.1
+ readGIF at Base 6.2.1
+ readPNG at Base 6.2.1
+ readPalette at Base 6.2.1
+ readPostBody at Base 6.2.1
+ readTreeNode at Base 6.2.1
+ remapPaletteForPNG at Base 6.2.1
+ renderBitmapGlyphsGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderEllipseSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderEllipseSymbolDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderEllipseSymbolGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderGlyphsCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderGlyphsDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderGlyphsGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderGlyphsLineDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderGlyphsLineGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderLineCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderLineDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderLineGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderLineTiledDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPixmapSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPixmapSymbolDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPixmapSymbolGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonTiledCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonTiledDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderPolygonTiledGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderRasterGlyphsDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderSVGSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTileCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTileDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTileGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTruetypeSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTruetypeSymbolDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderTruetypeSymbolGD at Base 6.2.1
+ renderVectorSymbolCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ renderVectorSymbolDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ renderVectorSymbolGD at Base 6.2.1
+ resetClassStyle at Base 6.2.1
+ resetClipDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ rind at Base 6.2.1
+ rotatePixmapGD at Base 6.2.1
+ rotateVectorSymbolPoints at Base 6.2.1
+ saveAsJPEG at Base 6.2.1
+ saveAsPNG at Base 6.2.1
+ saveGdImage at Base 6.2.1
+ saveGdImageBuffer at Base 6.2.1
+ saveImageBufferCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ saveImageCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ saveImageDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ saveImageGD at Base 6.2.1
+ savePalettePNG at Base 6.2.1
+ searchTileCache at Base 6.2.1
+ selectClusterShape at Base 6.2.1
+ send_fd at Base 6.2.1
+ setClipDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ setCoordinate at Base 6.2.1
+ setExtent at Base 6.2.1
+ setExtentFromShapes at Base 6.2.1
+ sortLayerByMetadata at Base 6.2.1
+ sortLayerByOrder at Base 6.2.1
+ startLayerDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ startLayerRasterCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ startLayerVectorCairo at Base 6.2.1
+ startNewLayerGD at Base 6.2.1
+ startShapeDummy at Base 6.2.1
+ strlcat at Base 6.2.1
+ strlcpy at Base 6.2.1
+ strrstr at Base 6.2.1
+ unescape_url at Base 6.2.1
+ wkbConvGeometryToShape at Base 6.2.1
+ writeSymbol at Base 6.2.1
+ x2c at Base 6.2.1
+ yyerror at Base 6.2.1
+ yylex at Base 6.2.1
+ yyparse at Base 6.2.1
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