[SCM] gdal branch, master, updated. upstream/1.10.1+dfsg-93-g1d67b0d
Bas Couwenberg
sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 11 05:38:59 UTC 2014
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8ea8c8900b80d1bfdb4f061482398721689e6480
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Sat Jan 11 04:37:48 2014 +0100
Add script to assist with symbols file updates.
diff --git a/debian/README.source b/debian/README.source
index 7a1522a..acc1780 100644
--- a/debian/README.source
+++ b/debian/README.source
@@ -74,4 +74,10 @@ So:
- re-upload in unstable if possible with new symbols and after
removing the -c0 arg.
+ You can use the gdal-symbols.pl script to assist with symbols file updates.
+ It automates most of the work required to collect symbols for all
+ architectures using packages downloaded from snapshot.debian.org,
+ and optionally update the current symbols file with the newly generated
+ ones.
-- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org> Thu, 23 Feb 2012 22:45:56 +0200
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 8bc4c05..8296b8d 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ gdal (1.10.1+dfsg-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Add patch to fix FTBFS on hurd-i386 which doesn't defined PATH_MAX.
* Update symbols files for version 1.10.1.
+ * Add script to assist with symbols file updates.
-- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl> Fri, 10 Jan 2014 20:19:50 +0100
diff --git a/debian/gdal-symbols.pl b/debian/gdal-symbols.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f9bb68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/gdal-symbols.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Automate symbols file updates using packages from snapshot.debian.org.
+# Required dependencies:
+# libfile-slurp-perl libwww-perl liburi-perl
+# libjson-perl libdpkg-perl libterm-prompt-perl
+# devscripts dpkg dpkg-dev binutils
+# diffutils patch coreutils
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,
+# at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Slurp;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_ignore_case);
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use URI::Escape;
+use JSON;
+use Dpkg::Version;
+use Term::Prompt;
+my $package = 'libgdal1h';
+my $pkgdir = 'binary-'.$package.'/';
+our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => basename($0));
+my %cfg = (
+ package => $package,
+ version => 'latest',
+ debsnap => '/usr/bin/debsnap',
+ dpkgdeb => '/usr/bin/dpkg-deb',
+ gensymbols => '/usr/bin/dpkg-gensymbols',
+ cppfilt => '/usr/bin/c++filt',
+ objdump => '/usr/bin/objdump',
+ diff => '/usr/bin/diff',
+ patch => '/usr/bin/patch',
+ sha512sum => '/usr/bin/sha512sum',
+ pkgdir => $pkgdir,
+ debian => 'debian/',
+ force => 0,
+ no_diff => 0,
+ no_prompt => 0,
+ yes => 0,
+ verbose => 0,
+ help => 0,
+ );
+my $result = GetOptions(
+ 'p|package=s' => \$cfg{package},
+ 'V|version=s' => \$cfg{version},
+ 'S|debsnap=s' => \$cfg{debsnap},
+ 'E|dpkgdeb=s' => \$cfg{dpkgdeb},
+ 'G|gensymbols=s' => \$cfg{gensymbols},
+ 'C|cppfilt=s' => \$cfg{cppfilt},
+ 'I|diff=s' => \$cfg{diff},
+ 'P|patch=s' => \$cfg{patch},
+ 'H|sha512sum=s' => \$cfg{sha512sum},
+ 'D|pkgdir=s' => \$cfg{pkgdir},
+ 'd|debian=s' => \$cfg{debian},
+ 'f|force' => \$cfg{force},
+ 'no-diff' => \$cfg{no_diff},
+ 'no-prompt' => \$cfg{no_prompt},
+ 'y|yes' => \$cfg{yes},
+ 'v|verbose' => \$cfg{verbose},
+ 'h|help' => \$cfg{help},
+ );
+if(!$result || $cfg{help} || !$cfg{package} || !$cfg{debian}) {
+ print STDERR "\n" if(!$result);
+ print "Usage: ". basename($0). " [OPTIONS]\n\n";
+ print "Options:\n";
+ print "-p, --package <NAME> Library binary package name ($cfg{package})\n";
+ print "-V, --version <STRING> Library binary package version ($cfg{version})\n";
+ print "-S, --debsnap <PATH> Path to debsnap ($cfg{debsnap})\n";
+ print "-E, --dpkgdeb <PATH> Path to dpkg-deb ($cfg{dpkgdeb})\n";
+ print "-G, --gensymbols <PATH> Path to dpkg-gensymbols ($cfg{gensymbols})\n";
+ print "-O, --objdump <PATH> Path to objdump ($cfg{objdump})\n";
+ print "-C, --cppfilt <PATH> Path to c++filt ($cfg{cppfilt})\n";
+ print "-I, --diff <PATH> Path to diff ($cfg{diff})\n";
+ print "-P, --patch <PATH> Path to patch ($cfg{patch})\n";
+ print "-H, --sha512sum <PATH> Path to sha512sum ($cfg{sha512sum})\n";
+ print "-D, --pkgdir <PATH> Path to downloaded packages ($cfg{pkgdir})\n";
+ print "-d, --debian <PATH> Path to debian/ directory ($cfg{debian})\n";
+ print " --no-diff Don't display diff for new symbols files\n";
+ print " --no-prompt Don't prompt to select symbols, update manually\n";
+ print "-y, --yes Default to yes on prompts\n";
+ print "-f, --force Force writing into existing package directory\n";
+ print "-v, --verbose Enable verbose output\n";
+ print "-h, --help Display this usage information\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{debsnap}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute debsnap: $cfg{debsnap}\n";
+ print "Use --debsnap to override the path and/or install the devscripts package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{dpkgdeb}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute dpkg-deb: $cfg{dpkgdeb}\n";
+ print "Use --dpkg-deb to override the path and/or install the dpkg package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{gensymbols}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute dpkg-gensymbols: $cfg{gensymbols}\n";
+ print "Use --gensymbols to override the path and/or install the dpkg-dev package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{objdump}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute objdump: $cfg{objdump}\n";
+ print "Use --objdump to override the path and/or install the binutils package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{cppfilt}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute c++filt: $cfg{cppfilt}\n";
+ print "Use --cppfilt to override the path and/or install the binutils package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{diff}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute diff: $cfg{diff}\n";
+ print "Use --diff to override the path and/or install the diffutils package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{patch}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute patch: $cfg{patch}\n";
+ print "Use --patch to override the path and/or install the patch package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-x $cfg{sha512sum}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot execute sha512sum: $cfg{sha512sum}\n";
+ print "Use --sha512sum to override the path and/or install the coreutils package.\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(!-r $cfg{debian} || !-w $cfg{debian}) {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $cfg{debian}\n";
+ exit 1;
+if(-e $cfg{pkgdir} && !$cfg{force}) {
+ print "Error: Directory already exists: $cfg{pkgdir} (use --force to override)\n";
+ exit 1;
+$cfg{debian} .= '/' if(substr($cfg{debian}, -1, 1) ne '/');
+$cfg{pkgdir} .= '/' if(substr($cfg{pkgdir}, -1, 1) ne '/');
+if(!$cfg{version} || $cfg{version} eq 'latest') {
+ $cfg{version} = latest_snapshot();
+ if(!$cfg{version}) {
+ print "Error: Failed to determine latest version for: $cfg{package}\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+my %symbols = ();
+# Subroutines
+sub latest_snapshot {
+ my $url = 'http://snapshot.debian.org/mr/binary/'.uri_escape($cfg{package}).'/';
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
+ print "Retrieving URL: $url ... " if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ if($res->is_success) {
+ print "Success\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $json = $res->content;
+ my $data = decode_json($json);
+ my @versions = ();
+ if($data->{result} && @{$data->{result}}) {
+ print "Checking versions...\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ foreach my $v (sort { version_compare($a->{binary_version}, $b->{binary_version}) } @{$data->{result}}) {
+ push @versions, $v->{binary_version};
+ }
+ print "Latest version: $versions[-1]\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return $versions[-1];
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Failed!\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ print "Error: Failed to retrieve URL! ($url)\n";
+ print "HTTP Status: ".$res->code." ".$res->message."\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub download_packages {
+ my $dir = $cfg{pkgdir};
+ if(!-e $cfg{pkgdir} || $cfg{force}) {
+ print "Downloading binary packages for: $cfg{package}, version: $cfg{version}, into: $cfg{pkgdir}\n";
+ my @cmd = ();
+ push @cmd, $cfg{debsnap};
+ push @cmd, ('--destdir', $cfg{pkgdir});
+ push @cmd, '--force' if($cfg{force});
+ push @cmd, '--verbose' if($cfg{verbose});
+ push @cmd, '--binary';
+ push @cmd, $cfg{package};
+ push @cmd, $cfg{version};
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ if($exit != 0) {
+ print "Error: Command failed: @cmd ($exit)\n";
+ exit $exit;
+ }
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Directory already exists: $dir (use --force to override)\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub unpack_packages {
+ my $dir = $cfg{pkgdir};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ print "Extracting downloaded packages...\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h_1.10.1+dfsg-1_amd64.deb
+ if(/^($cfg{package})_(\S+)_(\S+)\.deb$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $version = $2;
+ my $arch = $3;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ my $pkgdir = $dir.$pkg.'_'.$version.'_'.$arch.'/';
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($version ne $cfg{version} && $cfg{version} ne 'all');
+ next if(-r $pkgdir);
+ # dpkg-deb -R libgdal1h_1.10.1+dfsg-1_amd64.deb libgdal1h_1.10.1+dfsg-1_amd64
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{dpkgdeb},
+ '--raw-extract',
+ $file,
+ $pkgdir,
+ );
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ if($exit != 0) {
+ print "Error: Command failed: @cmd ($exit)\n";
+ exit $exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub create_complete_symbols {
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ my $file = $dir.$cfg{package}.'.symbols.common';
+ if(!-r $file) {
+ print "Error: Cannot read common symbols file: $file\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print "Reading common symbols file: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $common = read_file($file);
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^$cfg{package}.symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $arch = $1;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ print "Reading $arch symbols file: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $data = '';
+ foreach(read_file($file)) {
+ # #include "libgdal1h.symbols.common"
+ if(/^#include "$cfg{package}.symbols.common"\s*$/) {
+ print "Including common symbols\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ $data .= $common;
+ }
+ else {
+ $data .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ $file .= '.complete';
+ print "Saving complete symbols file: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ write_file($file, $data);
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub create_new_symbols {
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $arch = $2;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ my $version = '';
+ my $library = '';
+ my $pkg_dir = $cfg{pkgdir};
+ if(-r $pkg_dir) {
+ print "Looking for $arch under: $pkg_dir\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ opendir(PKGDIR, $pkg_dir) || die "Error: Cannot open package directory: $pkg_dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir PKGDIR) {
+ # libgdal1h_1.10.1+dfsg-1_armel
+ if(/^${pkg}_(\S+?)_${arch}$/) {
+ print "Package directory: $_\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ $version = $1;
+ next if($version ne $cfg{version});
+ $version =~ s/(\+dfsg)?-\d+$//;
+ $library = find_library($pkg_dir.$_.'/usr/lib/');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir PKGDIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read package directory: $pkg_dir\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!$version) {
+ print "Error: Cannot determine package version!\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ next;
+ }
+ if(!$library) {
+ print "Error: Cannot find library!\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return;
+ }
+ my $output = $file.'.new';
+ my $diff = $file.'.diff';
+ # dpkg-gensymbols -plibgdal1h -aarmel -v1.10.1 -Idebian/libgdal1h.symbols.armel -Odebian/libgdal1h.symbols.armel.new -ebinary-libgdal1h/libgdal1h_1.10.1+dfsg-1_armel/usr/lib/libgdal.so.1.17.1
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{gensymbols},
+ '-p'.$pkg,
+ '-a'.$arch,
+ '-v'.$version,
+ '-I'.$file,
+ '-O'.$output,
+ '-e'.$library,
+ );
+ print "Exec: @cmd > $diff 2>&1\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ `@cmd > $diff 2>&1`;
+ # cat debian/libgdal1h.symbols.armel.new | c++filt > debian/libgdal1h.symbols.armel.new.filt
+ my $filt = $output.'.filt';
+ print "Exec: cat $output | $cfg{cppfilt} > $filt 2>&1\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ `cat $output | $cfg{cppfilt} > $filt 2>&1`;
+ # libgdal.so.1 libgdal1h #MINVER#
+ # #include "libgdal1h.symbols.common"
+ my $data = '';
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach(read_file($filt)) {
+ if($i == 0) {
+ $_ .= "#include \"${package}.symbols.common\"\n";
+ }
+ $data .= $_;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ write_file($filt, $data);
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return;
+ }
+sub find_library {
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my $depth = shift;
+ $depth = 0 if(!$depth);
+ my $max_depth = 5;
+ if($depth == $max_depth) {
+ print "Not looking further, maximum depth reached: $depth\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $library = '';
+ if(-r $dir) {
+ print "Reading directory: $dir\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ opendir(my $dh, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir $dh) {
+ next if(/^\.{1,2}$/);
+ my $entry = $dir.$_;
+ if(-d $entry) {
+ $library = find_library($entry.'/', $depth+1);
+ }
+ elsif(-f $entry && $entry =~ /\.so\.\d+\.\d+/) {
+ $library = $entry;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir $dh;
+ print "Library: $library\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read directory: $dir\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ return $library;
+sub create_patch_files {
+ # Create c++filt symbols files
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $arch = $2;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ my $diff_file = $file.'.diff';
+ my $new_file = $file.'.new';
+ my $filt_file = $file.'.new.filt';
+ my $patch_file = $file.'.new.patch';
+ if(-r $diff_file && -r $new_file && -r $filt_file) {
+ # Mark C++ symbols
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{diff},
+ '-u',
+ $new_file,
+ $filt_file,
+ );
+ my $data = '';
+ my $old = '';
+ my $new = '';
+ my $tmp = '';
+ foreach(`@cmd`) {
+ # --- debian/libgdal1h.symbols.amd64.new 2013-12-14 00:18:32.000000000 +0100
+ if(/^\-\-\- (\S+\s+\d{4}.*?\S)\s*$/) {
+ $old = $1;
+ $_ = '';
+ }
+ # +++ debian/libgdal1h.symbols.amd64.new.filt 2013-12-14 01:44:01.000000000 +0100
+ elsif(/^\+\+\+ (\S+\s+\d{4}.*?\S)\s*$/) {
+ $new = $1;
+ $_ = '--- '. $new."\n"
+ . '+++ '. $old."\n"
+ ;
+ }
+ # + VRTSourcedRasterBand::ComputeRasterMinMax(int, double*)@GDAL_1.8 1.10.1
+ elsif(/^\+ (.*?) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\S*)\s*$/) {
+ # ignore
+ $_ = '+ (c++)"'.$1.'" '.$2."\n";
+ }
+ $data .= $_;
+ }
+ print "Saving rewritten patch: $patch_file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ write_file($patch_file, $data);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read all files: $diff_file, $new_file, $filt_file\n";
+ print `ls -l $diff_file $new_file $filt_file`;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub patch_files {
+ # Apply c++filt symbols patches
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $arch = $2;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ my $diff_file = $file.'.diff';
+ my $new_file = $file.'.new';
+ my $filt_file = $file.'.new.filt';
+ my $patch_file = $file.'.new.patch';
+ if(-r $diff_file && -r $new_file && -r $filt_file && -r $patch_file) {
+ # Mark C++ symbols
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{patch},
+ '-p1',
+ '-i'.$patch_file,
+ $new_file,
+ );
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ if($exit != 0) {
+ print "Error: Command failed: @cmd ($exit)\n";
+ exit $exit;
+ }
+ @cmd = ('rm', $patch_file);
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ if($exit != 0) {
+ print "Error: Command failed: @cmd ($exit)\n";
+ exit $exit;
+ }
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read all files: $diff_file, $new_file, $filt_file, $patch_file\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return;
+ }
+sub split_files {
+ # Split common and C++ symbols into seperate files.
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $arch = $2;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ my $diff_file = $file.'.diff';
+ my $new_file = $file.'.new';
+ my $filt_file = $file.'.new.filt';
+ my $patch_file = $file.'.new.patch';
+ if(-r $diff_file && -r $new_file && -r $filt_file && !-r $patch_file) {
+ print "Splitting files for: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $common = '';
+ my $cplus = '';
+ foreach(read_file($new_file)) {
+ if(/\(c\+\+\)/ || !/^ /) {
+ $cplus .= $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $common .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ my $common_file = $new_file.'.common';
+ my $cplus_file = $new_file.'.c++';
+ write_file($common_file, $common);
+ write_file($cplus_file, $cplus);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read all files: $diff_file, $new_file, $filt_file, $patch_file\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub compare_symbols {
+ my $dir = $cfg{debian};
+ if(-r $dir && -w $dir) {
+ my %checksum = ();
+ my $arch = 'common';
+ my $file = $dir.$cfg{package}.'.symbols.'.$arch;
+ print "Comparing symbols for: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ if(-r $file) {
+ my @items = ();
+ my @files = ();
+ chomp(my $sha512sum = `$cfg{sha512sum} "$file" | cut -d' ' -f1`);
+ print "$sha512sum $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ $checksum{$arch} = $sha512sum;
+ push @items, "$sha512sum $file";
+ push @files, $file;
+ my $identical = 1;
+ my @different = ();
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64.new.common
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+).new.common$/) {
+ my $pkg2 = $1;
+ my $arch2 = $2;
+ my $file2 = $dir.$_;
+ chomp(my $sha512sum = `$cfg{sha512sum} "$file2" | cut -d' ' -f1`);
+ print "$sha512sum $file2\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ $checksum{$arch2} = $sha512sum;
+ push @items, "$sha512sum $file2";
+ push @files, $file2;
+ if($checksum{common} ne $sha512sum) {
+ $identical = 0;
+ push @different, $file2;
+ $items[-1] .= " *";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ if(@different) {
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ if(!$cfg{no_diff}) {
+ foreach my $file2 (@different) {
+ my $old = $file;
+ my $new = $file2;
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{diff},
+ '-u',
+ $old,
+ $new,
+ );
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ print "Exit: $exit\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($identical) {
+ print "Current $arch symbols are identical to the new symbols, no update required.\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "New $arch symbols different from the current symbols, update required!\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ if(!$cfg{no_prompt}) {
+ my $result = prompt(
+ 'm',
+ {
+ prompt => "Select new symbols file to update current symbols file with:",
+ title => "Update symbols file $file",
+ items => \@items,
+ order => 'down',
+ cols => 1,
+ },
+ "[0]",
+ 0,
+ );
+ if($result) {
+ print "New common symbols file selected: $items[$result]\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $file1 = $files[$result];
+ my $file2 = $file;
+ if(-r $file1 && -w $file2) {
+ print "Copy: $file1 -> $file2\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ copy($file1, $file2) || die "Error: Failed to copy $file1 to $file2 ($!)\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read $file1 and/or write $file2\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Current common symbols file selected, skipping update.\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Error: Cannot open directory: $dir ($!)";
+ while(readdir DIR) {
+ # libgdal1h.symbols.amd64
+ if(/^($cfg{package}).symbols.(\S+)$/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $arch = $2;
+ my $file = $dir.$_;
+ next if($arch eq 'common');
+ next if($arch =~ /\.(new|diff|filt|patch|c\+\+|common|complete)$/);
+ print "Comparing symbols for: $file\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $old = $file;
+ my $new = $file.'.new.c++';
+ if(!-r $new) {
+ print "Missing new $arch symbols, likely needs update later.\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ chomp(my $old_sha512sum = `$cfg{sha512sum} "$old" 2> /dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1`);
+ chomp(my $new_sha512sum = `$cfg{sha512sum} "$new" 2> /dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1`);
+ print "$old_sha512sum $old\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ print "$new_sha512sum $new\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ if($old_sha512sum eq $new_sha512sum) {
+ print "Current symbols are identical to the new $arch symbols, no update required.\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!$cfg{no_diff}) {
+ my @cmd = (
+ $cfg{diff},
+ '-u',
+ $old,
+ $new,
+ );
+ print "Exec: @cmd\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ my $exit = system(@cmd) >> 8;
+ print "Exit: $exit\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ print `@cmd | diffstat`;
+ }
+ print "New $arch symbols different from the current symbols, update required!\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ if(!$cfg{no_prompt}) {
+ my $help = $cfg{yes} ? "Y/n" : "y/N";
+ my $default = $cfg{yes} ? "Y" : "N";
+ my $result = prompt(
+ 'y',
+ "Update symbols file for $arch?",
+ $help,
+ $default,
+ );
+ if($result) {
+ my $file1 = $new;
+ my $file2 = $old;
+ if(-r $file1 && -w $file2) {
+ print "Copy: $file1 -> $file2\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ copy($file1, $file2) || die "Error: Failed to copy $file1 to $file2 ($!)\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read $file1 and/or write $file2\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Skipping update.\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Error: Cannot read/write directory: $dir\n";
+ print "\n" if($cfg{verbose});
+ return;
+ }
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