Bug#765421: jmapviewer/josm issue

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 15 17:34:40 UTC 2014

Hi Felix,

On 10/15/2014 06:22 PM, Felix Natter wrote:
> since we removed bing_maps.png from jmapviewer in the Debian package,
> jmapviewer does not work with bing sat images in JOSM:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=765421
> If you agree with this patch, then I can prepare an updated package
> (including the patch) tomorrow and hopefully it will make it in time
> for jessie.

According to the Bing license [1] removing the Bing logo is a violation.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Bing_license.pdf

One of the restrictions for use is:

Restrictions on your use:
We do have some restrictions on your use of the service. You may not:
change, obscure or remove any search box or any portion of the results,
including, without limitation, any logo, trademark, copyright or other
notice of Microsoft or its suppliers, digital watermarks, or any
advertisement; and if the required logos and copyright notices are not
included in the service generated content, you shall add the logos and
copyright notices provided by Microsoft to the service generated content
as described in the SDKs;

Regarding attribution it further states:

Content Attribution Restrictions outside of the United States:
To the extent applicable local law prohibits you from attributing
content sources by displaying their logos with the service, you must
prominently display the source of the Microsoft Bing Maps Platform data
as a text string with the service at all times. Please refer to the
image below as an example of an acceptable way to attribute source data
with a text string:

The image shows the Bing logo and textual copyright strings for the data

A compromise to prevent jmapviewer and its rdeps forced into non-free
when the logo is included, may be to use a text string. Although the
quoted clause only applies to jurisdictions outside the US.

It's probably wise to contact maplic at microsoft.com and ask them about
the requirements for the Bing logo.

Kind Regards,


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