[mapserver] branch jessie-backports updated (1aeaafb -> 8c182db)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 6 19:03:37 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a change to branch jessie-backports
in repository mapserver.
from 1aeaafb Rebuild for jessie-backports.
adds fda71dd Update branch in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL.
adds 081b030 Imported Upstream version 7.0.0~beta1
adds 5586f24 Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.0_beta1' into experimental
adds e23d48c New upstream beta release.
adds 92aff4b Update copyright file.
adds 3fdc317 Drop transitional packages for libmapscript-ruby.
adds 9642159 Reorder XS-* control field.
adds 718e111 Fix upstream version extraction.
adds bdc0252 Drop patches applied upstream, refresh remaining patches.
adds 42c028b Update build dependencies.
adds eb7644d Drop SOVERSION from -dbg & -dev package name.
adds 5eb5ae1 Keep pre-releases in upstream symbols version.
adds 796e4b2 Add libcurl-ssl-dev as alternative for libcurl-gnutls-dev build dependency.
adds b22943a Imported Upstream version 7.0.0~beta2
adds c69b7d2 Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.0_beta2' into experimental
adds a303bca New upstream beta release.
adds 2714eb4 Refresh cmake-mapserver-export.patch.
adds 0fdffd5 Use single stand-alone license paragraph for DejaVu font.
adds 343316f No Breaks/Replaces with self.
adds 48be974 Add patches for typos.
adds 95dde86 Add patch by Thomas Bonfort for missing mapows.h includes.
adds 655b5c4 Add patch by Thomas Bonfort to avoid including header files inside an extern C block, replaces previous patch.
adds d5bdb96 Update symbols for amd64.
adds eb3fad3 Bump SOVERSION to 2 to account for removed symbols, change package names to match new SONAME.
adds c209578 Mark patches as Forwarded.
adds e044427 Remove .h files in usr/lib before install.
adds 568b9c2 Set distribution to experimental.
adds 0a12d33 Mark patches as Applied-Upstream.
adds bb7c2c4 Mark soversion.patch as Applied-Upstream.
adds 2644109 Imported Upstream version 7.0.0
adds ea504bc Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.0' into experimental
adds 4729ea7 New upstream release.
adds 7e1e31a Drop patches applied upstream.
adds 69cab50 Add whitespace for more readable variables.
adds e1294e3 Update symbols for other architectures, drop missing symbols.
adds 677157a Update symbols for amd64.
adds 3edcd26 Set distribution to experimental.
adds 4070962 Reorder build dependencies.
adds 85aeb58 Merge branch 'experimental'
adds 9522586 Fix merge.
adds 19703ff Update branches in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL.
adds c97d5d9 Move from experimental to unstable.
new 8920689 Merge tag 'debian/7.0.0-1' into jessie-backports
new 8c182db Rebuild for jessie-backports.
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitmodules | 3 -
.travis.yml | 18 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 208 +-
Makefile | 11 +-
Vagrantfile | 73 +-
cgiutil.c | 1 +
cmake/FindHarfBuzz.cmake | 51 +
cmake/FindPixman.cmake | 25 +
cmake/FindSDE.cmake | 43 -
cmake/FindV8.cmake | 48 +
debian/changelog | 41 +
debian/control | 96 +-
debian/copyright | 161 +-
debian/gbp.conf | 2 +-
...erver1-dev.install => libmapserver-dev.install} | 0
...libmapserver1.install => libmapserver2.install} | 0
...bmapserver1.postinst => libmapserver2.postinst} | 0
.../{libmapserver1.postrm => libmapserver2.postrm} | 0
...libmapserver1.symbols => libmapserver2.symbols} | 369 +-
debian/patches/cmake-mapserver-export.patch | 165 +-
debian/patches/hardening.patch | 2 +
debian/patches/java-hardening.patch | 2 +
debian/patches/perl-mapscript-install.patch | 2 +
debian/patches/ruby-mapscript-install.patch | 2 +
debian/rules | 40 +-
dejavu-sans-condensed.h | 46158 +++++++++++++++++++
fontcache.c | 293 +
fontcache.h | 86 +
hittest.c | 3 +-
install-msautotest.sh | 14 +
kerneldensity.c | 347 +
legend.c | 1 +
mapagg.cpp | 1037 +-
mapagg.h | 151 +
mapbits.c | 4 +-
mapcairo.c | 439 +-
mapchart.c | 31 +-
mapcluster.c | 82 +-
mapcontext.c | 30 +-
mapcontour.c | 2 +-
mapcopy.c | 159 +-
mapcopy.h | 11 -
mapdebug.c | 13 +-
mapdraw.c | 2250 +-
mapdrawgdal.c | 529 +-
mapdummyrenderer.c | 34 +-
maperror.c | 188 +-
maperror.h | 16 +-
mapfile.c | 1011 +-
mapfile.h | 9 +
mapgd.c | 1070 -
mapgdal.c | 65 +-
mapgeomtransform.c | 37 +-
mapgeos.c | 9 +-
mapgml.c | 742 +-
mapgml.h | 3 -
mapgraticule.c | 56 +-
mapimageio.c | 361 +-
mapimagemap.c | 18 +-
mapio.c | 165 +-
mapio.h | 10 +-
mapkml.cpp | 13 +-
mapkmlrenderer.cpp | 32 +-
mapkmlrenderer.h | 4 +-
maplabel.c | 1272 +-
maplayer.c | 516 +-
maplegend.c | 430 +-
maplexer.c | 4755 +-
maplexer.l | 21 +-
maplibxml2.c | 2 +-
maplibxml2.h | 2 +-
mapmssql2008.c | 618 +-
mapobject.c | 6 +
mapogcfilter.c | 1587 +-
mapogcfilter.h | 43 +-
mapogcfiltercommon.c | 404 +-
mapogcsld.c | 187 +-
mapogcsos.c | 48 +-
mapogr.cpp | 914 +-
mapogroutput.c | 327 +-
maporaclespatial.c | 831 +-
mapoutput.c | 64 +-
mapows.c | 65 +-
mapows.h | 88 +-
mapowscommon.c | 142 +-
mapowscommon.h | 81 +-
mapparser.c | 2485 +-
mapparser.h | 174 +-
mapparser.y | 1180 +-
mappluginlayer.c | 7 +
mappool.c | 4 +-
mappostgis.c | 879 +-
mappostgis.h | 2 +-
mapprimitive.c | 645 +-
mapproject.c | 300 +-
mapproject.h | 3 +
mapquery.c | 388 +-
mapraster.c | 229 +-
maprasterquery.c | 6 +-
maprendering.c | 543 +-
mapresample.c | 329 +-
mapscale.c | 77 +-
mapscript/java/tests/threadtest/MapThread.java | 2 +-
mapscript/perl/examples/wxs.pl | 2 +-
mapscript/php/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
mapscript/php/class.c | 4 +-
mapscript/php/cluster.c | 2 +-
mapscript/php/color.c | 98 +-
mapscript/php/image.c | 22 +-
mapscript/php/label.c | 7 +-
mapscript/php/labelcachemember.c | 2 +
mapscript/php/layer.c | 11 +-
mapscript/php/line.c | 4 -
mapscript/php/map.c | 18 +-
mapscript/php/mapscript_i.c | 78 +-
mapscript/php/owsrequest.c | 7 +-
mapscript/php/php_mapscript.c | 16 +-
mapscript/php/php_mapscript.h | 17 +
mapscript/php/php_mapscript_util.c | 6 +
mapscript/php/result.c | 4 -
mapscript/php/shapefile.c | 4 -
mapscript/php/style.c | 6 +-
mapscript/php/symbol.c | 2 -
mapscript/python/pyextend.i | 46 +
mapscript/python/pygdioctx/pygdioctx.c | 6 +-
mapscript/python/pymodule.i | 65 +
mapscript/python/tests/cases/layertest.py | 7 -
mapscript/python/tests/cases/symboltest.py | 2 -
mapscript/swiginc/class.i | 5 +-
mapscript/swiginc/cluster.i | 4 +-
mapscript/swiginc/color.i | 47 +-
mapscript/swiginc/image.i | 91 +-
mapscript/swiginc/label.i | 4 +-
mapscript/swiginc/layer.i | 47 +-
mapscript/swiginc/map.i | 26 +-
mapscript/swiginc/mapzoom.i | 3 -
mapscript/swiginc/rect.i | 6 +-
mapscript/swiginc/symbol.i | 18 +-
mapscript/v8/line.cpp | 238 +
mapscript/v8/line.hpp | 66 +
mapscript/v8/point.cpp | 206 +
mapscript/v8/point.hpp | 64 +
mapscript/v8/shape.cpp | 363 +
mapscript/v8/shape.hpp | 85 +
legend.c => mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.cpp | 67 +-
mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.h | 108 +
mapscript/v8/v8_object_wrap.hpp | 129 +
mapsde.c | 2184 -
mapsearch.c | 8 +-
mapserv.c | 32 +-
mapserver-config.h.in | 9 +-
mapserver.h | 698 +-
mapservutil.c | 34 +-
mapshape.c | 60 +-
mapshape.h | 2 +-
mapstring.c | 186 +-
mapsymbol.c | 82 +-
mapsymbol.h | 14 +-
maptclutf.c | 31 +-
maptemplate.c | 115 +-
mapthread.c | 8 +-
mapthread.h | 2 +-
maptile.c | 5 +-
maptime.c | 61 +-
maptime.h | 8 +-
maptree.c | 4 +-
maptree.h | 4 +-
mapunion.c | 29 +-
maputfgrid.cpp | 811 +
maputfgrid.h | 247 +
maputil.c | 296 +-
mapv8.cpp | 386 +
mapwcs.c | 42 +-
mapwcs.h | 15 +-
mapwcs11.c | 96 +-
mapwcs20.c | 1071 +-
mapwfs.c | 5369 ++-
mapwfs11.c | 155 +-
mapwfs20.c | 1389 +
mapwfslayer.c | 2 -
mapwms.c | 335 +-
mapwmslayer.c | 14 +-
mapxbase.c | 19 +-
nmake.opt | 36 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_basics.h | 8 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_glyph_raster_bin.h | 10 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h | 2 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_rasterizer_cells_aa.h | 14 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_renderer_raster_text.h | 28 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_rendering_buffer.h | 8 +-
renderers/agg/src/agg_font_freetype.cpp | 6 +-
scripts/vagrant/mapserver.sh | 39 +-
scripts/vagrant/packages.sh | 19 +
scripts/vagrant/postgis.sh | 10 +-
scripts/vagrant/virtualbox-fix.sh | 5 +
shp2img.c | 17 +-
sym2img.c | 2 +-
tests/test.map | 11 +-
textlayout.c | 861 +
uthash.h | 940 +
xmlmapfile/mapfile.xsd | 5 +-
xmlmapfile/mapfile.xsl | 20 +-
206 files changed, 75595 insertions(+), 18901 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 GD-COPYING
create mode 100644 cmake/FindHarfBuzz.cmake
create mode 100644 cmake/FindPixman.cmake
delete mode 100644 cmake/FindSDE.cmake
create mode 100644 cmake/FindV8.cmake
rename debian/{libmapserver1-dev.install => libmapserver-dev.install} (100%)
rename debian/{libmapserver1.install => libmapserver2.install} (100%)
rename debian/{libmapserver1.postinst => libmapserver2.postinst} (100%)
rename debian/{libmapserver1.postrm => libmapserver2.postrm} (100%)
rename debian/{libmapserver1.symbols => libmapserver2.symbols} (89%)
create mode 100644 dejavu-sans-condensed.h
create mode 100644 fontcache.c
create mode 100644 fontcache.h
create mode 100755 install-msautotest.sh
create mode 100644 kerneldensity.c
create mode 100644 mapagg.h
delete mode 100644 mapgd.c
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/line.cpp
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/line.hpp
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/point.cpp
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/point.hpp
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/shape.cpp
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/shape.hpp
copy legend.c => mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.cpp (54%)
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.h
create mode 100644 mapscript/v8/v8_object_wrap.hpp
delete mode 100644 mapsde.c
create mode 100644 maputfgrid.cpp
create mode 100644 maputfgrid.h
create mode 100644 mapv8.cpp
create mode 100644 mapwfs20.c
create mode 100755 scripts/vagrant/packages.sh
create mode 100755 scripts/vagrant/virtualbox-fix.sh
create mode 100644 textlayout.c
create mode 100644 uthash.h
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/mapserver.git
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