Bug#791067: reassign 791067 to src:hdf5

Gilles Filippini pini at debian.org
Tue Aug 25 18:23:05 UTC 2015


On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 11:44:50 -0700 Steve Langasek <vorlon at debian.org> wrote:
> # this bug belongs to the hdf5 package, not to release.debian.org
> reassign 791067 src:hdf5 
> thanks

Please explain your rationals.
I just followed Matthias' instructions:
>  - If a library transition is needed, please prepare for the change.
>    Rename the library package, append "v5" to the name of the package
>    (e.g. libfoo2 -> libfoo2v5). Such a change can be avoided, if you
>    have a soversion bump and you upload this version instead of the
>    renamed package.  Prepare a patch and attach it to this issue (mark
>    this issue with patch), so that it is possible to NMU such a
>    package. We'll probably have more than hundred transitions
>    triggered. Then reassign the issue to release.debian.org and
>    properly tag it as a transition issue, by sending an email to
>    control at bugs.debian.org:

Thanks in advance,


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