[mapnik] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 3.0.4+ds

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 30 14:19:59 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mapnik.

commit 2108614bff665e12a28d47ca68d21b7263f07396
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Sun Aug 30 13:37:52 2015 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 3.0.4+ds
 .travis.yml                                        |   12 +-
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |   54 +-
 benchmark/test_polygon_clipping.cpp                |   20 +-
 include/build.py                                   |    1 +
 include/mapnik/csv/csv_grammar.hpp                 |  103 ++
 include/mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp                |    6 +
 include/mapnik/marker_helpers.hpp                  |    1 -
 include/mapnik/value.hpp                           |    6 +
 include/mapnik/version.hpp                         |    2 +-
 plugins/input/csv/build.py                         |    2 +
 plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.cpp               |  838 ++++---------
 plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.hpp               |   43 +-
 .../csv_featureset.cpp}                            |   62 +-
 .../csv_featureset.hpp}                            |   40 +-
 plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.cpp        |   78 ++
 .../csv_inline_featureset.hpp}                     |   41 +-
 plugins/input/csv/csv_utils.hpp                    |  297 ++++-
 plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp |    1 -
 plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp |    2 -
 src/datasource_cache.cpp                           |   14 +-
 src/image_util_jpeg.cpp                            |    2 +-
 test/standalone/csv_test.cpp                       | 1229 ++++++++++----------
 test/standalone/datasource_registration_test.cpp   |   46 +
 test/unit/svg/svg_parser_test.cpp                  |    4 +-
 test/visual/run.cpp                                |    2 +
 test/visual/runner.cpp                             |   52 +-
 test/visual/runner.hpp                             |   11 +-
 27 files changed, 1583 insertions(+), 1386 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c0e2afb..b9493a9 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ matrix:
     - os: linux
       compiler: gcc
       env: JOBS=6
-    - os: osx
-      compiler: clang
-      env: JOBS=8 MASON_PUBLISH=true
-    - os: osx
-      compiler: clang
-      env: JOBS=8 COVERAGE=true
+    #- os: osx
+    #  compiler: clang
+    #  env: JOBS=8 MASON_PUBLISH=true
+    #- os: osx
+    #  compiler: clang
+    #  env: JOBS=8 COVERAGE=true
  - export COVERAGE=${COVERAGE:-false}
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 789b725..fb40544 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -12,6 +12,20 @@ Released: YYYY XX, 2015
 (Packaged from xxxx)
+## 3.0.4
+Released: August 26, 2015
+(Packaged from 17bb81c)
+#### Summary
+- CSV.input: plug-in has been refactored to minimise memory usage and to improve handling of larger input.
+  (NOTE: [large_csv](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/tree/large_csv) branch adds experimental trunsduction parser with deferred string initialisation)
+- CSV.input: added internal spatial index (boost::geometry::index::tree) for fast `bounding box` queries (https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/pull/3010)
+- Fixed deadlock in recursive datasource registration via @zerebubuth (https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/pull/3038)
+- Introduced new command line argument `--limit` or `-l` to limit number of failed tests via @talaj (https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/pull/2996)
 ## 3.0.3
 Released: August 12, 2015
@@ -20,12 +34,12 @@ Released: August 12, 2015
 #### Summary
-- Fixed an issue with fields over size of int32 in OGR plugin (https://github.com/mapnik/node-mapnik/issues/499)
+- Fixed an issue with fields over size of `int32` in `OGR` plugin (https://github.com/mapnik/node-mapnik/issues/499)
 - Added 3 new image-filters to simulate types of colorblindness (`color-blind-protanope`,`color-blind-deuteranope`,`color-blind-tritanope`)
 - Fix so that null text boxes have no bounding boxes when attempting placement ( 162f82cba5b0fb984c425586c6a4b354917abc47 )
 - Patch to add legacy method for setting JPEG quality in images ( #3024 )
-- Added `filter_image` method which can modify an image in place or return a new image that is filtered.
-- Added missing typedef's in mapnik::geometry to allow experiementing with different containers 
+- Added `filter_image` method which can modify an image in place or return a new image that is filtered
+- Added missing typedef's in `mapnik::geometry` to allow experimenting with different containers
 ## 3.0.2
@@ -127,7 +141,7 @@ The 3.0 release is a major milestone for Mapnik and includes many performance an
 - Shield icons are now pixel snapped for crisp rendering
-- `MarkersSymbolizer` now supports `avoid-edges`, `offset`, `geometry-transform`, `simplify` for `line` placement and two new `placement` options called `vertex-last` and `vertex-first` to place a single marker at the end or beginning of a path. Also `clip` is now respected when rendering markers on a LineString 
+- `MarkersSymbolizer` now supports `avoid-edges`, `offset`, `geometry-transform`, `simplify` for `line` placement and two new `placement` options called `vertex-last` and `vertex-first` to place a single marker at the end or beginning of a path. Also `clip` is now respected when rendering markers on a LineString
 - `TextSymbolizer` now supports `smooth`, `simplify`, `halo-opacity`, `halo-comp-op`, and `halo-transform`
@@ -208,7 +222,7 @@ geometry.
 - Optimized expression evaluation of text by avoiding extra copy (1dd1275)
-- Added Map level `background-image-comp-op` to control the compositing operation used to blend the 
+- Added Map level `background-image-comp-op` to control the compositing operation used to blend the
 `background-image` onto the `background-color`. Has no meaning if `background-color` or `background-image`
 are not set. (#1966)
@@ -396,8 +410,8 @@ Summary: The 2.2.0 release is primarily a performance and stability release. The
 - Enabled default input plugin directory and fonts path to be set inherited from environment settings in
   python bindings to make it easier to run tests locally (#1594). New environment settings are:
 - Added support for controlling rendering behavior of markers on multi-geometries `marker-multi-policy` (#1555,#1573)
@@ -789,7 +803,7 @@ Released January, 19 2010
 - Gdal Plugin: Added support for Gdal overviews, enabling fast loading of > 1GB rasters (#54)
-    * Use the gdaladdo utility to add overviews to existing GDAL datasets
+	* Use the gdaladdo utility to add overviews to existing GDAL datasets
 - PostGIS: Added an optional `geometry_table` parameter. The `geometry_table` used by Mapnik to look up
   metadata in the geometry_columns and calculate extents (when the `geometry_field` and `srid` parameters
@@ -814,23 +828,23 @@ Released January, 19 2010
   complex queries that may aggregate geometries to be kept fast by allowing proper placement of the bbox
   query to be used by indexes. (#415)
-    * Pass the bbox token inside a subquery like: !bbox!
+	* Pass the bbox token inside a subquery like: !bbox!
-    * Valid Usages include:
+	* Valid Usages include:
-        <Parameter name="table">
-          (Select ST_Union(geom) as geom from table where ST_Intersects(geometry,!bbox!)) as map
-        </Parameter>
+		<Parameter name="table">
+		  (Select ST_Union(geom) as geom from table where ST_Intersects(geometry,!bbox!)) as map
+		</Parameter>
-        <Parameter name="table">
-          (Select * from table where geom && !bbox!) as map
-        </Parameter>
+		<Parameter name="table">
+		  (Select * from table where geom && !bbox!) as map
+		</Parameter>
 - PostGIS Plugin: Added `scale_denominator` substitution ability in sql query string (#415/#465)
-    * Pass the scale_denominator token inside a subquery like: !scale_denominator!
+	* Pass the scale_denominator token inside a subquery like: !scale_denominator!
-    * e.g. (Select * from table where field_value > !scale_denominator!) as map
+	* e.g. (Select * from table where field_value > !scale_denominator!) as map
 - PostGIS Plugin: Added support for quoted table names (r1454) (#393)
@@ -862,14 +876,14 @@ Released January, 19 2010
 - TextSymbolizer: Large set of new attributes: `text_transform`, `line_spacing`, `character_spacing`,
   `wrap_character`, `wrap_before`, `horizontal_alignment`, `justify_alignment`, and `opacity`.
-    * More details at changesets: r1254 and r1341
+	* More details at changesets: r1254 and r1341
 - SheildSymbolizer: Added special new attributes: `unlock_image`, `VERTEX` placement, `no_text` and many
   attributes previously only supported in the TextSymbolizer: `allow_overlap`, `vertical_alignment`,
   `horizontal_alignment`, `justify_alignment`, `wrap_width`, `wrap_character`, `wrap_before`, `text_transform`,
   `line_spacing`, `character_spacing`, and `opacity`.
-    * More details at changeset r1341
+	* More details at changeset r1341
 - XML: Added support for using CDATA with libxml2 parser (r1364)
diff --git a/benchmark/test_polygon_clipping.cpp b/benchmark/test_polygon_clipping.cpp
index 25eacea..0005fc9 100644
--- a/benchmark/test_polygon_clipping.cpp
+++ b/benchmark/test_polygon_clipping.cpp
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
 #include <mapnik/util/fs.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/geometry.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/vertex_adapters.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/geometry.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/geometry_adapters.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/geometry_envelope.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/geometry_correct.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/geometry_is_empty.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/image_util.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/color.hpp>
+// boost geometry
 #include <boost/geometry.hpp>
 // agg
 #include "agg_conv_clip_polygon.h"
@@ -240,8 +242,15 @@ public:
         mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> & poly = mapnik::util::get<mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> >(geom);
+        mapnik::geometry::linear_ring<double> bbox;
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.miny());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.maxy());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.maxx(), extent_.maxy());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.maxx(), extent_.miny());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.miny());
         std::deque<mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> > result;
-        boost::geometry::intersection(extent_,poly,result);
+        boost::geometry::intersection(bbox, poly, result);
         std::string expect = expected_+".png";
         std::string actual = expected_+"_actual.png";
@@ -281,11 +290,18 @@ public:
         mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> & poly = mapnik::util::get<mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> >(geom);
+        mapnik::geometry::linear_ring<double> bbox;
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.miny());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.maxy());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.maxx(), extent_.maxy());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.maxx(), extent_.miny());
+        bbox.add_coord(extent_.minx(), extent_.miny());
         bool valid = true;
         for (unsigned i=0;i<iterations_;++i)
             std::deque<mapnik::geometry::polygon<double> > result;
-            boost::geometry::intersection(extent_,poly,result);
+            boost::geometry::intersection(bbox, poly, result);
             unsigned count = 0;
             for (auto const& _geom : result)
diff --git a/include/build.py b/include/build.py
index 54bb16b..9c225a7 100644
--- a/include/build.py
+++ b/include/build.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Import('env')
 base = './mapnik/'
 subdirs = [
+    'csv',
diff --git a/include/mapnik/csv/csv_grammar.hpp b/include/mapnik/csv/csv_grammar.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..195542b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/mapnik/csv/csv_grammar.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
+namespace mapnik {
+namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+using csv_value  = std::string;
+using csv_line = std::vector<csv_value>;
+using csv_data = std::vector<csv_line>;
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct csv_line_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, csv_line(std::string const&), qi::blank_type>
+    csv_line_grammar() : csv_line_grammar::base_type(line)
+    {
+        using namespace qi;
+        qi::_a_type _a;
+        qi::_r1_type _r1;
+        qi::lit_type lit;
+        //qi::eol_type eol;
+        qi::_1_type _1;
+        qi::char_type char_;
+        qi::omit_type omit;
+        unesc_char.add
+            ("\\a", '\a')
+            ("\\b", '\b')
+            ("\\f", '\f')
+            ("\\n", '\n')
+            ("\\r", '\r')
+            ("\\t", '\t')
+            ("\\v", '\v')
+            ("\\\\",'\\')
+            ("\\\'", '\'')
+            ("\\\"", '\"')
+            ("\"\"", '\"') // double quote
+            ;
+        line = column(_r1)  % char_(_r1)
+            ;
+        column = quoted | *(char_ - (lit(_r1) /*| eol*/))
+            ;
+        quoted = omit[char_("\"'")[_a = _1]] > text(_a) > -lit(_a)
+            ;
+        text = *(unesc_char | (char_ - char_(_r1)))
+            ;
+        BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES((line)(column)(quoted));
+    }
+  private:
+    qi::rule<Iterator, csv_line(std::string const&), qi::blank_type> line;
+    qi::rule<Iterator, csv_value(std::string const&)> column; // no-skip
+    qi::rule<Iterator, csv_value(char)> text;
+    qi::rule<Iterator, qi::locals<char>, csv_value()> quoted;
+    qi::symbols<char const, char const> unesc_char;
+template <typename Iterator>
+struct csv_file_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, csv_data(std::string const&), qi::blank_type>
+    csv_file_grammar() : csv_file_grammar::base_type(start)
+    {
+        using namespace qi;
+        qi::eol_type eol;
+        qi::_r1_type _r1;
+        start  = -line(_r1) % eol
+            ;
+        BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES((start));
+    }
+  private:
+    qi::rule<Iterator, csv_data(std::string const&), qi::blank_type> start;
+    csv_line_grammar<Iterator> line;
diff --git a/include/mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp b/include/mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp
index bf951e7..4f90f89 100644
--- a/include/mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp
+++ b/include/mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <vector>
 #include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
 namespace mapnik {
@@ -56,6 +57,11 @@ private:
     std::map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<PluginInfo> > plugins_;
     std::set<std::string> plugin_directories_;
+    // the singleton has a mutex protecting the instance pointer,
+    // but the instance also needs its own mutex to protect the
+    // plugins_ and plugin_directories_ members which are potentially
+    // modified recusrively by register_datasources(path, true);
+    std::recursive_mutex instance_mutex_;
 extern template class MAPNIK_DECL singleton<datasource_cache, CreateStatic>;
diff --git a/include/mapnik/marker_helpers.hpp b/include/mapnik/marker_helpers.hpp
index e6fdfa2..9183d6a 100644
--- a/include/mapnik/marker_helpers.hpp
+++ b/include/mapnik/marker_helpers.hpp
@@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ void apply_markers_multi(feature_impl const& feature, attributes const& vars, Co
                 for (geometry::polygon<double> const& poly : multi_poly)
                     box2d<double> bbox = geometry::envelope(poly);
-                    geometry::polygon_vertex_adapter<double> va(poly);
                     double area = bbox.width() * bbox.height();
                     if (area > maxarea)
diff --git a/include/mapnik/value.hpp b/include/mapnik/value.hpp
index 8a59b83..a56d76f 100644
--- a/include/mapnik/value.hpp
+++ b/include/mapnik/value.hpp
@@ -992,6 +992,10 @@ inline bool value::is_null() const
 // support for std::unordered_xxx
 namespace std
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmismatched-tags"
 template <>
 struct hash<mapnik::value>
@@ -1001,6 +1005,8 @@ struct hash<mapnik::value>
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
diff --git a/include/mapnik/version.hpp b/include/mapnik/version.hpp
index 9b16040..642932b 100644
--- a/include/mapnik/version.hpp
+++ b/include/mapnik/version.hpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 // translates to 300003
diff --git a/plugins/input/csv/build.py b/plugins/input/csv/build.py
index d1f3716..c2beb24 100644
--- a/plugins/input/csv/build.py
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/build.py
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ plugin_env = plugin_base.Clone()
 plugin_sources = Split(
+  %(PLUGIN_NAME)s_featureset.cpp
+  %(PLUGIN_NAME)s_inline_featureset.cpp
   """ % locals()
diff --git a/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.cpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.cpp
index fef1a51..a727524 100644
--- a/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.cpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.cpp
@@ -20,34 +20,26 @@
-#include "csv_datasource.hpp"
 #include "csv_utils.hpp"
+#include "csv_datasource.hpp"
+#include "csv_featureset.hpp"
+#include "csv_inline_featureset.hpp"
 // boost
-#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 // mapnik
 #include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/util/utf_conv_win.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/feature_layer_desc.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/feature_factory.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/geometry.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/geometry_correct.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/memory_featureset.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/wkt/wkt_factory.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/json/geometry_parser.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/util/conversions.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/boolean.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/util/trim.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/util/geometry_to_ds_type.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/value_types.hpp>
 // stl
 #include <sstream>
 #include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <string>
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -57,47 +49,31 @@ using mapnik::parameters;
+namespace {
+using cvs_value = mapnik::util::variant<std::string, mapnik::value_integer, mapnik::value_double, mapnik::value_bool>;
 csv_datasource::csv_datasource(parameters const& params)
-  : datasource(params),
+: datasource(params),
     desc_(csv_datasource::name(), *params.get<std::string>("encoding", "utf-8")),
-    inline_string_(),
-    file_length_(0),
     row_limit_(*params.get<mapnik::value_integer>("row_limit", 0)),
-    features_(),
+    inline_string_(),
     escape_(*params.get<std::string>("escape", "")),
     separator_(*params.get<std::string>("separator", "")),
     quote_(*params.get<std::string>("quote", "")),
     manual_headers_(mapnik::util::trim_copy(*params.get<std::string>("headers", ""))),
     strict_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("strict", false)),
-    filesize_max_(*params.get<double>("filesize_max", 20.0)),  // MB
-    extent_initialized_(false)
+    extent_initialized_(false),
+    tree_(nullptr),
+    locator_()
-    /* TODO:
-       general:
-       - refactor parser into generic class
-       - tests of grid_renderer output
-       - ensure that the attribute desc_ matches the first feature added
-       alternate large file pipeline:
-       - stat file, detect > 15 MB
-       - build up csv line-by-line iterator
-       - creates opportunity to filter attributes by map query
-       speed:
-       - add properties for wkt/json/lon/lat at parse time
-       - add ability to pass 'filter' keyword to drop attributes at layer init
-       - create quad tree on the fly for small/med size files
-       - memory map large files for reading
-       - smaller features (less memory overhead)
-       usability:
-       - enforce column names without leading digit
-       - better error messages (add filepath) if not reading from string
-       - move to spirit to tokenize and add character level error feedback:
-       http://boost-spirit.com/home/articles/qi-example/tracking-the-input-position-while-parsing/
-    */
     boost::optional<std::string> ext = params.get<std::string>("extent");
     if (ext && !ext->empty())
@@ -113,7 +89,6 @@ csv_datasource::csv_datasource(parameters const& params)
         boost::optional<std::string> file = params.get<std::string>("file");
         if (!file) throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: missing <file> parameter");
         boost::optional<std::string> base = params.get<std::string>("base");
         if (base)
             filename_ = *base + "/" + *file;
@@ -123,7 +98,7 @@ csv_datasource::csv_datasource(parameters const& params)
     if (!inline_string_.empty())
         std::istringstream in(inline_string_);
-        parse_csv(in,escape_, separator_, quote_);
+        parse_csv(in, escape_, separator_, quote_);
@@ -136,13 +111,12 @@ csv_datasource::csv_datasource(parameters const& params)
             throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: could not open: '" + filename_ + "'");
-        parse_csv(in,escape_, separator_, quote_);
+        parse_csv(in, escape_, separator_, quote_);
-csv_datasource::~csv_datasource() { }
+csv_datasource::~csv_datasource() {}
 template <typename T>
 void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
@@ -150,98 +124,28 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
                                std::string const& separator,
                                std::string const& quote)
-    stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
-    file_length_ = stream.tellg();
-    if (filesize_max_ > 0)
-    {
-        double file_mb = static_cast<double>(file_length_)/1048576;
-        // throw if this is an unreasonably large file to read into memory
-        if (file_mb > filesize_max_)
-        {
-            std::ostringstream s;
-            s << "CSV Plugin: csv file is greater than ";
-            s << filesize_max_ << "MB - you should use a more efficient data format like sqlite, postgis or a shapefile to render this data (set 'filesize_max=0' to disable this restriction if you have lots of memory)";
-            throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-        }
-    }
+    auto file_length = detail::file_length(stream);
     // set back to start
     stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-    // autodetect newlines
-    char newline = '\n';
-    bool has_newline = false;
-    for (unsigned lidx = 0; lidx < file_length_ && lidx < 4000; lidx++)
-    {
-        char c = static_cast<char>(stream.get());
-        if (c == '\r')
-        {
-            newline = '\r';
-            has_newline = true;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (c == '\n')
-        {
-            has_newline = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
+    char newline;
+    bool has_newline;
+    std::tie(newline, has_newline) = detail::autodect_newline(stream, file_length);
     // set back to start
     stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
     // get first line
     std::string csv_line;
-    std::getline(stream,csv_line,newline);
+    std::getline(stream,csv_line,stream.widen(newline));
     // if user has not passed a separator manually
     // then attempt to detect by reading first line
-    std::string sep = mapnik::util::trim_copy(separator);
-    if (sep.empty())
-    {
-        // default to ','
-        sep = ",";
-        int num_commas = std::count(csv_line.begin(), csv_line.end(), ',');
-        // detect tabs
-        int num_tabs = std::count(csv_line.begin(), csv_line.end(), '\t');
-        if (num_tabs > 0)
-        {
-            if (num_tabs > num_commas)
-            {
-                sep = "\t";
-                MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected tab separator";
-            }
-        }
-        else // pipes
-        {
-            int num_pipes = std::count(csv_line.begin(), csv_line.end(), '|');
-            if (num_pipes > num_commas)
-            {
-                sep = "|";
-                MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected '|' separator";
-            }
-            else // semicolons
-            {
-                int num_semicolons = std::count(csv_line.begin(), csv_line.end(), ';');
-                if (num_semicolons > num_commas)
-                {
-                    sep = ";";
-                    MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected ';' separator";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    std::string sep = mapnik::util::trim_copy(separator);
+    if (sep.empty())  sep = detail::detect_separator(csv_line);
+    separator_ = sep;
     // set back to start
     stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-    using escape_type = boost::escaped_list_separator<char>;
     std::string esc = mapnik::util::trim_copy(escape);
     if (esc.empty()) esc = "\\";
@@ -251,104 +155,41 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
     MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: csv grammar: sep: '" << sep
                           << "' quo: '" << quo << "' esc: '" << esc << "'";
-    boost::escaped_list_separator<char> grammer;
-    try
-    {
-        //  grammer = boost::escaped_list_separator<char>('\\', ',', '\"');
-        grammer = boost::escaped_list_separator<char>(esc, sep, quo);
-    }
-    catch(std::exception const& ex)
-    {
-        std::string s("CSV Plugin: ");
-        s += ex.what();
-        throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s);
-    }
-    using Tokenizer = boost::tokenizer< escape_type >;
     int line_number = 1;
-    bool has_wkt_field = false;
-    bool has_json_field = false;
-    bool has_lat_field = false;
-    bool has_lon_field = false;
-    unsigned wkt_idx = 0;
-    unsigned json_idx = 0;
-    unsigned lat_idx = 0;
-    unsigned lon_idx = 0;
     if (!manual_headers_.empty())
-        Tokenizer tok(manual_headers_, grammer);
-        Tokenizer::iterator beg = tok.begin();
-        unsigned idx = 0;
-        for (; beg != tok.end(); ++beg)
+        std::size_t index = 0;
+        auto headers = csv_utils::parse_line(manual_headers_, sep);
+        for (auto const& header : headers)
-            std::string val = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*beg);
-            std::string lower_val = val;
-            std::transform(lower_val.begin(), lower_val.end(), lower_val.begin(), ::tolower);
-            if (lower_val == "wkt"
-                || (lower_val.find("geom") != std::string::npos))
-            {
-                wkt_idx = idx;
-                has_wkt_field = true;
-            }
-            if (lower_val == "geojson")
-            {
-                json_idx = idx;
-                has_json_field = true;
-            }
-            if (lower_val == "x"
-                || lower_val == "lon"
-                || lower_val == "lng"
-                || lower_val == "long"
-                || (lower_val.find("longitude") != std::string::npos))
-            {
-                lon_idx = idx;
-                has_lon_field = true;
-            }
-            if (lower_val == "y"
-                || lower_val == "lat"
-                || (lower_val.find("latitude") != std::string::npos))
-            {
-                lat_idx = idx;
-                has_lat_field = true;
-            }
-            ++idx;
+            std::string val = mapnik::util::trim_copy(header);
+            detail::locate_geometry_column(val, index++, locator_);
     else // parse first line as headers
-        while (std::getline(stream,csv_line,newline))
+        while (std::getline(stream,csv_line,stream.widen(newline)))
-                Tokenizer tok(csv_line, grammer);
-                Tokenizer::iterator beg = tok.begin();
-                std::string val;
-                if (beg != tok.end())
-                    val = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*beg);
+                auto headers = csv_utils::parse_line(csv_line, sep);
                 // skip blank lines
-                if (val.empty())
-                {
-                    // do nothing
-                    ++line_number;
-                }
+                std::string val;
+                if (headers.size() > 0 && headers[0].empty()) ++line_number;
-                    int idx = -1;
-                    for (; beg != tok.end(); ++beg)
+                    std::size_t index = 0;
+                    for (auto const& header : headers)
-                        ++idx;
-                        val = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*beg);
+                        val = mapnik::util::trim_copy(header);
                         if (val.empty())
                             if (strict_)
                                 std::ostringstream s;
                                 s << "CSV Plugin: expected a column header at line ";
-                                s << line_number << ", column " << idx;
+                                s << line_number << ", column " << index;
                                 s << " - ensure this row contains valid header fields: '";
                                 s << csv_line << "'\n";
                                 throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
@@ -357,49 +198,22 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
                                 // create a placeholder for the empty header
                                 std::ostringstream s;
-                                s << "_" << idx;
+                                s << "_" << index;
-                            std::string lower_val = val;
-                            std::transform(lower_val.begin(), lower_val.end(), lower_val.begin(), ::tolower);
-                            if (lower_val == "wkt"
-                                || (lower_val.find("geom") != std::string::npos))
-                            {
-                                wkt_idx = idx;
-                                has_wkt_field = true;
-                            }
-                            if (lower_val == "geojson")
-                            {
-                                json_idx = idx;
-                                has_json_field = true;
-                            }
-                            if (lower_val == "x"
-                                || lower_val == "lon"
-                                || lower_val == "lng"
-                                || lower_val == "long"
-                                || (lower_val.find("longitude") != std::string::npos))
-                            {
-                                lon_idx = idx;
-                                has_lon_field = true;
-                            }
-                            if (lower_val == "y"
-                                || lower_val == "lat"
-                                || (lower_val.find("latitude") != std::string::npos))
-                            {
-                                lat_idx = idx;
-                                has_lat_field = true;
-                            }
+                            detail::locate_geometry_column(val, index, locator_);
+                        ++index;
-            catch(const std::exception & ex)
+            catch (std::exception const& ex)
                 std::string s("CSV Plugin: error parsing headers: ");
                 s += ex.what();
@@ -408,16 +222,16 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
-    if (!has_wkt_field && !has_json_field && (!has_lon_field || !has_lat_field) )
+    if (locator_.type == detail::geometry_column_locator::UNKNOWN)
-        throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: could not detect column headers with the name of wkt, geojson, x/y, or latitude/longitude - this is required for reading geometry data");
+        throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: could not detect column headers with the name of wkt, geojson, x/y, or "
+                                           "latitude/longitude - this is required for reading geometry data");
     mapnik::value_integer feature_count = 0;
     bool extent_started = false;
     std::size_t num_headers = headers_.size();
     std::for_each(headers_.begin(), headers_.end(),
                   [ & ](std::string const& header){ ctx_->push(header); });
@@ -434,15 +248,20 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
             is_first_row = true;
-    while (std::getline(stream,csv_line,newline) || is_first_row)
+    std::vector<item_type> boxes;
+    auto pos = stream.tellg();
+    while (std::getline(stream, csv_line, stream.widen(newline)) || is_first_row)
-        is_first_row = false;
-        if ((row_limit_ > 0) && (line_number > row_limit_))
+        if ((row_limit_ > 0) && (line_number++ > row_limit_))
             MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: row limit hit, exiting at feature: " << feature_count;
+        auto record_offset = pos;
+        auto record_size = csv_line.length();
+        pos = stream.tellg();
+        is_first_row = false;
         // skip blank lines
         unsigned line_length = csv_line.length();
         if (line_length <= 10)
@@ -451,7 +270,6 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
             boost::trim_if(trimmed,boost::algorithm::is_any_of("\",'\r\n "));
             if (trimmed.empty())
-                ++line_number;
                 MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: empty row encountered at line: " << line_number;
@@ -459,17 +277,8 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
-            // special handling for varieties of quoting that we will enounter with json
-            // TODO - test with custom "quo" option
-            if (has_json_field && (quo == "\"") && (std::count(csv_line.begin(), csv_line.end(), '"') >= 6))
-            {
-                csv_utils::fix_json_quoting(csv_line);
-            }
-            Tokenizer tok(csv_line, grammer);
-            Tokenizer::iterator beg = tok.begin();
-            unsigned num_fields = std::distance(beg,tok.end());
+            auto values = csv_utils::parse_line(csv_line, sep);
+            unsigned num_fields = values.size();
             if (num_fields > num_headers)
                 std::ostringstream s;
@@ -494,378 +303,108 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
-            // NOTE: we use ++feature_count here because feature id's should start at 1;
-            mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx_,++feature_count));
-            double x = 0;
-            double y = 0;
-            bool parsed_x = false;
-            bool parsed_y = false;
-            bool parsed_wkt = false;
-            bool parsed_json = false;
-            std::vector<std::string> collected;
-            for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_headers; ++i)
+            auto geom = detail::extract_geometry(values, locator_);
+            if (!geom.is<mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty>())
-                std::string fld_name(headers_.at(i));
-                collected.push_back(fld_name);
-                std::string value;
-                if (beg == tok.end()) // there are more headers than column values for this row
+                auto box = mapnik::geometry::envelope(geom);
+                boxes.emplace_back(std::move(box), make_pair(record_offset, record_size));
+                if (!extent_initialized_)
-                    // add an empty string here to represent a missing value
-                    // not using null type here since nulls are not a csv thing
-                    feature->put(fld_name,tr.transcode(value.c_str()));
-                    if (feature_count == 1)
+                    if (!extent_started)
-                        desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::String));
+                        extent_started = true;
+                        extent_ = mapnik::geometry::envelope(geom);
-                    // continue here instead of break so that all missing values are
-                    // encoded consistenly as empty strings
-                    continue;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    value = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*beg);
-                    ++beg;
-                }
-                int value_length = value.length();
-                // parse wkt
-                if (has_wkt_field)
-                {
-                    if (i == wkt_idx)
-                    {
-                        // skip empty geoms
-                        if (value.empty())
-                        {
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> geom;
-                        if (mapnik::from_wkt(value, geom))
-                        {
-                            // correct orientations etc
-                            mapnik::geometry::correct(geom);
-                            // set geometry
-                            feature->set_geometry(std::move(geom));
-                            parsed_wkt = true;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            std::ostringstream s;
-                            s << "CSV Plugin: expected well known text geometry: could not parse row "
-                              << line_number
-                              << ",column "
-                              << i << " - found: '"
-                              << value << "'";
-                            if (strict_)
-                            {
-                                throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // TODO - support both wkt/geojson columns
-                // at once to create multi-geoms?
-                // parse as geojson
-                else if (has_json_field)
-                {
-                    if (i == json_idx)
+                    else
-                        // skip empty geoms
-                        if (value.empty())
-                        {
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> geom;
-                        if (mapnik::json::from_geojson(value, geom))
-                        {
-                            feature->set_geometry(std::move(geom));
-                            parsed_json = true;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            std::ostringstream s;
-                            s << "CSV Plugin: expected geojson geometry: could not parse row "
-                              << line_number
-                              << ",column "
-                              << i << " - found: '"
-                              << value << "'";
-                            if (strict_)
-                            {
-                                throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                            }
-                        }
+                        extent_.expand_to_include(mapnik::geometry::envelope(geom));
-                else
+                if (++feature_count != 1) continue;
+                auto beg = values.begin();
+                auto end = values.end();
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_headers; ++i)
-                    // longitude
-                    if (i == lon_idx)
-                    {
-                        // skip empty geoms
-                        if (value.empty())
-                        {
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (mapnik::util::string2double(value,x))
-                        {
-                            parsed_x = true;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            std::ostringstream s;
-                            s << "CSV Plugin: expected a float value for longitude: could not parse row "
-                              << line_number
-                              << ", column "
-                              << i << " - found: '"
-                              << value << "'";
-                            if (strict_)
-                            {
-                                throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // latitude
-                    else if (i == lat_idx)
+                    std::string const& header = headers_.at(i);
+                    if (beg == end) // there are more headers than column values for this row
-                        // skip empty geoms
-                        if (value.empty())
-                        {
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (mapnik::util::string2double(value,y))
+                        // add an empty string here to represent a missing value
+                        // not using null type here since nulls are not a csv thing
+                        if (feature_count == 1)
-                            parsed_y = true;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            std::ostringstream s;
-                            s << "CSV Plugin: expected a float value for latitude: could not parse row "
-                              << line_number
-                              << ", column "
-                              << i << " - found: '"
-                              << value << "'";
-                            if (strict_)
-                            {
-                                throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                            }
+                            desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header, mapnik::String));
+                        // continue here instead of break so that all missing values are
+                        // encoded consistenly as empty strings
+                        continue;
-                }
-                // now, add attributes, skipping any WKT or JSON fields
-                if ((has_wkt_field) && (i == wkt_idx)) continue;
-                if ((has_json_field) && (i == json_idx)) continue;
-                /* First we detect likely strings,
-                   then try parsing likely numbers,
-                   then try converting to bool,
-                   finally falling back to string type.
-                   An empty string or a string of "null" will be parsed
-                   as a string rather than a true null value.
-                   Likely strings are either empty values, very long values
-                   or values with leading zeros like 001 (which are not safe
-                   to assume are numbers)
-                */
-                bool matched = false;
-                bool has_dot = value.find(".") != std::string::npos;
-                if (value.empty() ||
-                    (value_length > 20) ||
-                    (value_length > 1 && !has_dot && value[0] == '0'))
-                {
-                    matched = true;
-                    feature->put(fld_name,std::move(tr.transcode(value.c_str())));
-                    if (feature_count == 1)
+                    std::string value = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*beg++);
+                    int value_length = value.length();
+                    if (locator_.index == i && (locator_.type == detail::geometry_column_locator::WKT
+                                                || locator_.type == detail::geometry_column_locator::GEOJSON)) continue;
+                    // First we detect likely strings,
+                    // then try parsing likely numbers,
+                    // then try converting to bool,
+                    // finally falling back to string type.
+                    // An empty string or a string of "null" will be parsed
+                    // as a string rather than a true null value.
+                    // Likely strings are either empty values, very long values
+                    // or values with leading zeros like 001 (which are not safe
+                    // to assume are numbers)
+                    bool matched = false;
+                    bool has_dot = value.find(".") != std::string::npos;
+                    if (value.empty() || (value_length > 20) || (value_length > 1 && !has_dot && value[0] == '0'))
-                        desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::String));
+                        matched = true;
+                        desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header, mapnik::String));
-                }
-                else if (csv_utils::is_likely_number(value))
-                {
-                    bool has_e = value.find("e") != std::string::npos;
-                    if (has_dot || has_e)
+                    else if (csv_utils::is_likely_number(value))
-                        double float_val = 0.0;
-                        if (mapnik::util::string2double(value,float_val))
+                        bool has_e = value.find("e") != std::string::npos;
+                        if (has_dot || has_e)
-                            matched = true;
-                            feature->put(fld_name,float_val);
-                            if (feature_count == 1)
+                            double float_val = 0.0;
+                            if (mapnik::util::string2double(value,float_val))
-                                desc_.add_descriptor(
-                                    mapnik::attribute_descriptor(
-                                        fld_name,mapnik::Double));
+                                matched = true;
+                                desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header,mapnik::Double));
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        mapnik::value_integer int_val = 0;
-                        if (mapnik::util::string2int(value,int_val))
+                        else
-                            matched = true;
-                            feature->put(fld_name,int_val);
-                            if (feature_count == 1)
+                            mapnik::value_integer int_val = 0;
+                            if (mapnik::util::string2int(value,int_val))
-                                desc_.add_descriptor(
-                                    mapnik::attribute_descriptor(
-                                        fld_name,mapnik::Integer));
+                                matched = true;
+                                desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header,mapnik::Integer));
-                }
-                if (!matched)
-                {
-                    // NOTE: we don't use mapnik::util::string2bool
-                    // here because we don't want to treat 'on' and 'off'
-                    // as booleans, only 'true' and 'false'
-                    bool bool_val = false;
-                    std::string lower_val = value;
-                    std::transform(lower_val.begin(), lower_val.end(), lower_val.begin(), ::tolower);
-                    if (lower_val == "true")
+                    if (!matched)
-                        matched = true;
-                        bool_val = true;
-                    }
-                    else if (lower_val == "false")
-                    {
-                        matched = true;
-                        bool_val = false;
-                    }
-                    if (matched)
-                    {
-                        feature->put(fld_name,bool_val);
-                        if (feature_count == 1)
+                        // NOTE: we don't use mapnik::util::string2bool
+                        // here because we don't want to treat 'on' and 'off'
+                        // as booleans, only 'true' and 'false'
+                        if (csv_utils::ignore_case_equal(value, "true") || csv_utils::ignore_case_equal(value, "false"))
-                            desc_.add_descriptor(
-                                mapnik::attribute_descriptor(
-                                    fld_name,mapnik::Boolean));
+                            desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header, mapnik::Boolean));
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // fallback to normal string
-                        feature->put(fld_name,std::move(tr.transcode(value.c_str())));
-                        if (feature_count == 1)
+                        else // fallback to normal string
-                            desc_.add_descriptor(
-                                mapnik::attribute_descriptor(
-                                    fld_name,mapnik::String));
+                            desc_.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(header, mapnik::String));
-            bool null_geom = true;
-            if (has_wkt_field || has_json_field)
-            {
-                if (parsed_wkt || parsed_json)
-                {
-                    if (!extent_initialized_)
-                    {
-                        if (!extent_started)
-                        {
-                            extent_started = true;
-                            extent_ = feature->envelope();
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            extent_.expand_to_include(feature->envelope());
-                        }
-                    }
-                    features_.push_back(feature);
-                    null_geom = false;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    std::ostringstream s;
-                    s << "CSV Plugin: could not read WKT or GeoJSON geometry "
-                      << "for line " << line_number << " - found " <<  headers_.size()
-                      << " with values like: " << csv_line << "\n";
-                    if (strict_)
-                    {
-                        throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else if (has_lat_field || has_lon_field)
-            {
-                if (parsed_x && parsed_y)
-                {
-                    mapnik::geometry::point<double> pt(x,y);
-                    feature->set_geometry(std::move(pt));
-                    features_.push_back(feature);
-                    null_geom = false;
-                    if (!extent_initialized_)
-                    {
-                        if (!extent_started)
-                        {
-                            extent_started = true;
-                            extent_ = feature->envelope();
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            extent_.expand_to_include(feature->envelope());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (parsed_x || parsed_y)
-                {
-                    std::ostringstream s;
-                    s << "CSV Plugin: does your csv have valid headers?\n";
-                    if (!parsed_x)
-                    {
-                        s << "Could not detect or parse any rows named 'x' or 'longitude' "
-                          << "for line " << line_number << " but found " <<  headers_.size()
-                          << " with values like: " << csv_line << "\n"
-                          << "for: " << boost::algorithm::join(collected, ",") << "\n";
-                    }
-                    if (!parsed_y)
-                    {
-                        s << "Could not detect or parse any rows named 'y' or 'latitude' "
-                          << "for line " << line_number << " but found " <<  headers_.size()
-                          << " with values like: " << csv_line << "\n"
-                          << "for: " << boost::algorithm::join(collected, ",") << "\n";
-                    }
-                    if (strict_)
-                    {
-                        throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (null_geom)
+            else
                 std::ostringstream s;
-                s << "CSV Plugin: could not detect and parse valid lat/lon fields or wkt/json geometry for line "
-                  << line_number;
+                s << "CSV Plugin: expected geometry column: could not parse row "
+                  << line_number << " "
+                  << values[locator_.index] << "'";
                 if (strict_)
                     throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
@@ -873,27 +412,18 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
                     MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << s.str();
-                    // with no geometry we will never
-                    // add this feature so drop the count
-                    feature_count--;
-                    continue;
-            ++line_number;
-        catch(mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex )
+        catch (mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex )
-            if (strict_)
-            {
-                throw mapnik::datasource_exception(ex.what());
-            }
+            if (strict_) throw ex;
                 MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << ex.what();
-        catch(std::exception const& ex)
+        catch (std::exception const& ex)
             std::ostringstream s;
             s << "CSV Plugin: unexpected error parsing line: " << line_number
@@ -909,10 +439,8 @@ void csv_datasource::parse_csv(T & stream,
-    if (feature_count < 1)
-    {
-        MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << "CSV Plugin: could not parse any lines of data";
-    }
+    // bulk insert initialise r-tree
+    tree_ = std::make_unique<spatial_index_type>(boxes);
 const char * csv_datasource::name()
@@ -939,19 +467,58 @@ boost::optional<mapnik::datasource_geometry_t> csv_datasource::get_geometry_type
     boost::optional<mapnik::datasource_geometry_t> result;
     int multi_type = 0;
-    unsigned num_features = features_.size();
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_features && i < 5; ++i)
+    auto itr = tree_->qbegin(boost::geometry::index::intersects(extent_));
+    auto end = tree_->qend();
+    mapnik::context_ptr ctx = std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>();
+    for (std::size_t count = 0; itr !=end &&  count < 5; ++itr, ++count)
-        result = mapnik::util::to_ds_type(features_[i]->get_geometry());
-        if (result)
+        csv_datasource::item_type const& item = *itr;
+        std::size_t file_offset = item.second.first;
+        std::size_t size = item.second.second;
+        std::string str;
+        if (inline_string_.empty())
-            int type = static_cast<int>(*result);
-            if (multi_type > 0 && multi_type != type)
+#if defined (_WINDOWS)
+            std::ifstream in(mapnik::utf8_to_utf16(filename_),std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+            std::ifstream in(filename_.c_str(),std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+            if (!in.is_open())
-                result.reset(mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Collection);
-                return result;
+                throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: could not open: '" + filename_ + "'");
-            multi_type = type;
+            in.seekg(file_offset);
+            std::vector<char> record;
+            record.resize(size);
+            in.read(record.data(), size);
+            str = std::string(record.begin(), record.end());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            str = inline_string_.substr(file_offset, size);
+        }
+        try
+        {
+            auto values = csv_utils::parse_line(str, separator_);
+            auto geom = detail::extract_geometry(values, locator_);
+            result = mapnik::util::to_ds_type(geom);
+            if (result)
+            {
+                int type = static_cast<int>(*result);
+                if (multi_type > 0 && multi_type != type)
+                {
+                    result.reset(mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Collection);
+                    return result;
+                }
+                multi_type = type;
+            }
+        }
+        catch (std::exception const& ex)
+        {
+            if (strict_) throw ex;
+            else MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(csv) << ex.what();
     return result;
@@ -959,32 +526,61 @@ boost::optional<mapnik::datasource_geometry_t> csv_datasource::get_geometry_type
 mapnik::featureset_ptr csv_datasource::features(mapnik::query const& q) const
-    const std::set<std::string>& attribute_names = q.property_names();
-    std::set<std::string>::const_iterator pos = attribute_names.begin();
-    while (pos != attribute_names.end())
+    for (auto const& name : q.property_names())
         bool found_name = false;
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < headers_.size(); ++i)
+        for (auto const& header : headers_)
-            if (headers_[i] == *pos)
+            if (header == name)
                 found_name = true;
-        if (! found_name)
+        if (!found_name)
             std::ostringstream s;
-            s << "CSV Plugin: no attribute '" << *pos << "'. Valid attributes are: "
+            s << "CSV Plugin: no attribute '" << name << "'. Valid attributes are: "
               << boost::algorithm::join(headers_, ",") << ".";
             throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s.str());
-        ++pos;
-    return std::make_shared<mapnik::memory_featureset>(q.get_bbox(),features_);
+    mapnik::box2d<double> const& box = q.get_bbox();
+    if (extent_.intersects(box))
+    {
+        csv_featureset::array_type index_array;
+        if (tree_)
+        {
+            tree_->query(boost::geometry::index::intersects(box),std::back_inserter(index_array));
+            std::sort(index_array.begin(),index_array.end(),
+                      [] (item_type const& item0, item_type const& item1)
+                      {
+                          return item0.second.first < item1.second.first;
+                      });
+            if (inline_string_.empty())
+            {
+                return std::make_shared<csv_featureset>(filename_, locator_, separator_, headers_, ctx_, std::move(index_array));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return std::make_shared<csv_inline_featureset>(inline_string_, locator_, separator_, headers_, ctx_, std::move(index_array));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return mapnik::featureset_ptr();
 mapnik::featureset_ptr csv_datasource::features_at_point(mapnik::coord2d const& pt, double tol) const
-    throw mapnik::datasource_exception("CSV Plugin: features_at_point is not supported yet");
+    mapnik::box2d<double> query_bbox(pt, pt);
+    query_bbox.pad(tol);
+    mapnik::query q(query_bbox);
+    std::vector<mapnik::attribute_descriptor> const& desc = desc_.get_descriptors();
+    for (auto const& item : desc)
+    {
+        q.add_property_name(item.get_name());
+    }
+    return features(q);
diff --git a/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.hpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.hpp
index 7881af8..0c8864b 100644
--- a/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.hpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_datasource.hpp
@@ -35,15 +35,51 @@
 // boost
 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedef"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 // stl
 #include <vector>
 #include <deque>
 #include <string>
+template <std::size_t Max, std::size_t Min>
+struct csv_linear : boost::geometry::index::linear<Max,Min> {};
+namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index { namespace detail { namespace rtree {
+template <std::size_t Max, std::size_t Min>
+struct options_type<csv_linear<Max,Min> >
+    using type = options<csv_linear<Max, Min>,
+                         insert_default_tag,
+                         choose_by_content_diff_tag,
+                         split_default_tag,
+                         linear_tag,
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105700
+                         node_variant_static_tag>;
+                         node_s_mem_static_tag>;
 class csv_datasource : public mapnik::datasource
+    using box_type = mapnik::box2d<double>;
+    using item_type = std::pair<box_type, std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>>;
+    using spatial_index_type = boost::geometry::index::rtree<item_type,csv_linear<16,4>>;
     csv_datasource(mapnik::parameters const& params);
     virtual ~csv_datasource ();
     mapnik::datasource::datasource_t type() const;
@@ -63,19 +99,18 @@ private:
     mapnik::layer_descriptor desc_;
     mapnik::box2d<double> extent_;
     std::string filename_;
-    std::string inline_string_;
-    unsigned file_length_;
     mapnik::value_integer row_limit_;
-    std::deque<mapnik::feature_ptr> features_;
+    std::string inline_string_;
     std::string escape_;
     std::string separator_;
     std::string quote_;
     std::vector<std::string> headers_;
     std::string manual_headers_;
     bool strict_;
-    double filesize_max_;
     mapnik::context_ptr ctx_;
     bool extent_initialized_;
+    std::unique_ptr<spatial_index_type> tree_;
+    detail::geometry_column_locator locator_;
diff --git a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.cpp
similarity index 58%
copy from plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp
copy to plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.cpp
index 1df7dce..4a9e74a 100644
--- a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.cpp
@@ -21,62 +21,66 @@
 // mapnik
+#include "csv_featureset.hpp"
+#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/feature_factory.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/json/geometry_grammar.hpp>
-#include <mapnik/json/feature_grammar.hpp>
 #include <mapnik/util/utf_conv_win.hpp>
 // stl
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <deque>
-#include "large_geojson_featureset.hpp"
-large_geojson_featureset::large_geojson_featureset(std::string const& filename,
-                                                   array_type && index_array)
+csv_featureset::csv_featureset(std::string const& filename, detail::geometry_column_locator const& locator, std::string const& separator,
+                               std::vector<std::string> const& headers, mapnik::context_ptr const& ctx, array_type && index_array)
+    :
 #ifdef _WINDOWS
     file_(_wfopen(mapnik::utf8_to_utf16(filename).c_str(), L"rb"), std::fclose),
     file_(std::fopen(filename.c_str(),"rb"), std::fclose),
+    separator_(separator),
+    headers_(headers),
-    ctx_(std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>())
+    ctx_(ctx),
+    locator_(locator),
+    tr_("utf8")
     if (!file_) throw std::runtime_error("Can't open " + filename);
-large_geojson_featureset::~large_geojson_featureset() {}
+csv_featureset::~csv_featureset() {}
-mapnik::feature_ptr large_geojson_featureset::next()
+mapnik::feature_ptr csv_featureset::parse_feature(char const* beg, char const* end)
+    auto values = csv_utils::parse_line(beg, end, separator_, headers_.size());
+    auto geom = detail::extract_geometry(values, locator_);
+    if (!geom.is<mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty>())
+    {
+        mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx_, ++feature_id_));
+        feature->set_geometry(std::move(geom));
+        detail::process_properties(*feature, headers_, values, locator_, tr_);
+        return feature;
+    }
+    return mapnik::feature_ptr();
+mapnik::feature_ptr csv_featureset::next()
     if (index_itr_ != index_end_)
-        geojson_datasource::item_type const& item = *index_itr_++;
+        csv_datasource::item_type const& item = *index_itr_++;
         std::size_t file_offset = item.second.first;
         std::size_t size = item.second.second;
         std::fseek(file_.get(), file_offset, SEEK_SET);
-        std::vector<char> json;
-        json.resize(size);
-        std::fread(json.data(), size, 1, file_.get());
-        using chr_iterator_type = char const*;
-        chr_iterator_type start = json.data();
-        chr_iterator_type end = start + json.size();
-        static const mapnik::transcoder tr("utf8");
-        static const mapnik::json::feature_grammar<chr_iterator_type,mapnik::feature_impl> grammar(tr);
-        using namespace boost::spirit;
-        standard::space_type space;
-        mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx_,1));
-        if (!qi::phrase_parse(start, end, (grammar)(boost::phoenix::ref(*feature)), space))
-        {
-            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse geojson feature");
-        }
-        return feature;
+        std::vector<char> record;
+        record.resize(size);
+        std::fread(record.data(), size, 1, file_.get());
+        auto const* start = record.data();
+        auto const*  end = start + record.size();
+        return parse_feature(start, end);
     return mapnik::feature_ptr();
diff --git a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.hpp
similarity index 59%
copy from plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
copy to plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.hpp
index a67eec5..1fc2103 100644
--- a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_featureset.hpp
@@ -20,35 +20,43 @@
 #include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
-#include "geojson_datasource.hpp"
-#include <vector>
+#include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
+#include "csv_utils.hpp"
+#include "csv_datasource.hpp"
 #include <deque>
-#include <fstream>
 #include <cstdio>
-class large_geojson_featureset : public mapnik::Featureset
+class csv_featureset : public mapnik::Featureset
-    using array_type = std::deque<geojson_datasource::item_type>;
     using file_ptr = std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, int (*)(std::FILE *)>;
-    large_geojson_featureset(std::string const& filename,
-                             array_type && index_array);
-    virtual ~large_geojson_featureset();
+    using locator_type = detail::geometry_column_locator;
+    using array_type = std::deque<csv_datasource::item_type>;
+    csv_featureset(std::string const& filename,
+                   locator_type const& locator,
+                   std::string const& separator,
+                   std::vector<std::string> const& headers,
+                   mapnik::context_ptr const& ctx,
+                   array_type && index_array);
+    ~csv_featureset();
     mapnik::feature_ptr next();
+    mapnik::feature_ptr parse_feature(char const* beg, char const* end);
     file_ptr file_;
+    std::string const& separator_;
+    std::vector<std::string> const& headers_;
     const array_type index_array_;
     array_type::const_iterator index_itr_;
     array_type::const_iterator index_end_;
     mapnik::context_ptr ctx_;
+    mapnik::value_integer feature_id_ = 0;
+    detail::geometry_column_locator const& locator_;
+    mapnik::transcoder tr_;
diff --git a/plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.cpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b2203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// mapnik
+#include "csv_inline_featureset.hpp"
+#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/feature_factory.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/util/utf_conv_win.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/util/trim.hpp>
+// stl
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <deque>
+csv_inline_featureset::csv_inline_featureset(std::string const& inline_string,
+                                             detail::geometry_column_locator const& locator,
+                                             std::string const& separator,
+                                             std::vector<std::string> const& headers,
+                                             mapnik::context_ptr const& ctx,
+                                             array_type && index_array)
+    : inline_string_(inline_string),
+      separator_(separator),
+      headers_(headers),
+      index_array_(std::move(index_array)),
+      index_itr_(index_array_.begin()),
+      index_end_(index_array_.end()),
+      ctx_(ctx),
+      locator_(locator),
+      tr_("utf8") {}
+csv_inline_featureset::~csv_inline_featureset() {}
+mapnik::feature_ptr csv_inline_featureset::parse_feature(std::string const& str)
+    auto values = csv_utils::parse_line(str, separator_);
+    auto geom = detail::extract_geometry(values, locator_);
+    if (!geom.is<mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty>())
+    {
+        mapnik::feature_ptr feature(mapnik::feature_factory::create(ctx_, ++feature_id_));
+        feature->set_geometry(std::move(geom));
+        detail::process_properties(*feature, headers_, values, locator_, tr_);
+        return feature;
+    }
+    return mapnik::feature_ptr();
+mapnik::feature_ptr csv_inline_featureset::next()
+    if (index_itr_ != index_end_)
+    {
+        csv_datasource::item_type const& item = *index_itr_++;
+        std::size_t file_offset = item.second.first;
+        std::size_t size = item.second.second;
+        std::string str = inline_string_.substr(file_offset, size);
+        return parse_feature(str);
+    }
+    return mapnik::feature_ptr();
diff --git a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.hpp
similarity index 55%
copy from plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
copy to plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.hpp
index a67eec5..9e06be8 100644
--- a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_inline_featureset.hpp
@@ -20,35 +20,42 @@
 #include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
-#include "geojson_datasource.hpp"
-#include <vector>
+#include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
+#include "csv_utils.hpp"
+#include "csv_datasource.hpp"
 #include <deque>
-#include <fstream>
 #include <cstdio>
-class large_geojson_featureset : public mapnik::Featureset
+class csv_inline_featureset : public mapnik::Featureset
+    using locator_type = detail::geometry_column_locator;
-    using array_type = std::deque<geojson_datasource::item_type>;
-    using file_ptr = std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, int (*)(std::FILE *)>;
-    large_geojson_featureset(std::string const& filename,
-                             array_type && index_array);
-    virtual ~large_geojson_featureset();
+    using array_type = std::deque<csv_datasource::item_type>;
+    csv_inline_featureset(std::string const& inline_string,
+                   locator_type const& locator,
+                   std::string const& separator,
+                   std::vector<std::string> const& headers,
+                   mapnik::context_ptr const& ctx,
+                   array_type && index_array);
+    ~csv_inline_featureset();
     mapnik::feature_ptr next();
-    file_ptr file_;
+    mapnik::feature_ptr parse_feature(std::string const& str);
+    std::string const& inline_string_;
+    std::string const& separator_;
+    std::vector<std::string> headers_;
     const array_type index_array_;
     array_type::const_iterator index_itr_;
     array_type::const_iterator index_end_;
     mapnik::context_ptr ctx_;
+    mapnik::value_integer feature_id_ = 0;
+    detail::geometry_column_locator const& locator_;
+    mapnik::transcoder tr_;
diff --git a/plugins/input/csv/csv_utils.hpp b/plugins/input/csv/csv_utils.hpp
index c55065e..b2981ce 100644
--- a/plugins/input/csv/csv_utils.hpp
+++ b/plugins/input/csv/csv_utils.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
+// mapnik
+#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/geometry.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/geometry_correct.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/wkt/wkt_factory.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/json/geometry_parser.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/util/conversions.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/csv/csv_grammar.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/util/trim.hpp>
+// boost
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedef"
@@ -32,66 +42,275 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <cstdio>
+#include <algorithm>
 namespace csv_utils
-    static inline bool is_likely_number(std::string const& value)
+static const mapnik::csv_line_grammar<char const*> line_g;
+template <typename Iterator>
+static mapnik::csv_line parse_line(Iterator start, Iterator end, std::string const& separator, std::size_t num_columns)
+    mapnik::csv_line values;
+    if (num_columns > 0) values.reserve(num_columns);
+    boost::spirit::standard::blank_type blank;
+    if (!boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(start, end, (line_g)(boost::phoenix::cref(separator)), blank, values))
-        return( strspn( value.c_str(), "e-.+0123456789" ) == value.size() );
+        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse CSV line:\n" + std::string(start, end));
+    return values;
+static inline mapnik::csv_line parse_line(std::string const& line_str, std::string const& separator)
+    auto start = line_str.c_str();
+    auto end   = start + line_str.length();
+    return parse_line(start, end, separator, 0);
-    static inline void fix_json_quoting(std::string & csv_line)
+static inline bool is_likely_number(std::string const& value)
+    return( strspn( value.c_str(), "e-.+0123456789" ) == value.size() );
+struct ignore_case_equal_pred
+    bool operator () (unsigned char a, unsigned char b) const
+    {
+        return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b);
+    }
+inline bool ignore_case_equal(std::string const& s0, std::string const& s1)
+    return std::equal(s0.begin(), s0.end(),
+                      s1.begin(), ignore_case_equal_pred());
+namespace detail {
+template <typename T>
+std::size_t file_length(T & stream)
+    stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
+    return stream.tellg();
+static inline std::string detect_separator(std::string const& str)
+    std::string separator = ","; // default
+    int num_commas = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), ',');
+    // detect tabs
+    int num_tabs = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), '\t');
+    if (num_tabs > 0)
-        std::string wrapping_char;
-        std::string::size_type j_idx = std::string::npos;
-        std::string::size_type post_idx = std::string::npos;
-        std::string::size_type j_idx_double = csv_line.find("\"{");
-        std::string::size_type j_idx_single = csv_line.find("'{");
-        if (j_idx_double != std::string::npos)
+        if (num_tabs > num_commas)
-            wrapping_char = "\"";
-            j_idx = j_idx_double;
-            post_idx = csv_line.find("}\"");
+            separator = "\t";
+            MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected tab separator";
+        }
+    }
+    else // pipes
+    {
+        int num_pipes = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), '|');
+        if (num_pipes > num_commas)
+        {
+            separator = "|";
+            MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected '|' separator";
+        }
+        else // semicolons
+        {
+            int num_semicolons = std::count(str.begin(), str.end(), ';');
+            if (num_semicolons > num_commas)
+            {
+                separator = ";";
+                MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(csv) << "csv_datasource: auto detected ';' separator";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return separator;
+template <typename T>
+std::tuple<char,bool> autodect_newline(T & stream, std::size_t file_length)
+    // autodetect newlines
+    char newline = '\n';
+    bool has_newline = false;
+    for (std::size_t lidx = 0; lidx < file_length && lidx < 4000; ++lidx)
+    {
+        char c = static_cast<char>(stream.get());
+        if (c == '\r')
+        {
+            newline = '\r';
+            has_newline = true;
+            break;
-        else if (j_idx_single != std::string::npos)
+        if (c == '\n')
-            wrapping_char = "'";
-            j_idx = j_idx_single;
-            post_idx = csv_line.find("}'");
+            has_newline = true;
+            break;
-        // we are positive it is valid json
-        if (!wrapping_char.empty())
+    }
+    return std::make_tuple(newline,has_newline);
+struct geometry_column_locator
+    geometry_column_locator()
+        : type(UNKNOWN), index(-1), index2(-1) {}
+    enum { UNKNOWN = 0, WKT, GEOJSON, LON_LAT } type;
+    std::size_t index;
+    std::size_t index2;
+static inline void locate_geometry_column(std::string const& header, std::size_t index, geometry_column_locator & locator)
+    std::string lower_val(header);
+    std::transform(lower_val.begin(), lower_val.end(), lower_val.begin(), ::tolower);
+    if (lower_val == "wkt" || (lower_val.find("geom") != std::string::npos))
+    {
+        locator.type = geometry_column_locator::WKT;
+        locator.index = index;
+    }
+    else if (lower_val == "geojson")
+    {
+        locator.type = geometry_column_locator::GEOJSON;
+        locator.index = index;
+    }
+    else if (lower_val == "x" || lower_val == "lon"
+             || lower_val == "lng" || lower_val == "long"
+             || (lower_val.find("longitude") != std::string::npos))
+    {
+        locator.index = index;
+        locator.type = geometry_column_locator::LON_LAT;
+    }
+    else if (lower_val == "y"
+             || lower_val == "lat"
+             || (lower_val.find("latitude") != std::string::npos))
+    {
+        locator.index2 = index;
+        locator.type = geometry_column_locator::LON_LAT;
+    }
+static mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> extract_geometry(std::vector<std::string> const& row, geometry_column_locator const& locator)
+    mapnik::geometry::geometry<double> geom;
+    if (locator.type == geometry_column_locator::WKT)
+    {
+        if (mapnik::from_wkt(row[locator.index], geom))
-            // grab the json chunk
-            std::string json_chunk = csv_line.substr(j_idx,post_idx+wrapping_char.size());
-            bool does_not_have_escaped_double_quotes = (json_chunk.find("\\\"") == std::string::npos);
-            // ignore properly escaped quotes like \" which need no special handling
-            if (does_not_have_escaped_double_quotes)
+            // correct orientations ..
+            mapnik::geometry::correct(geom);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse WKT:" + row[locator.index]);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (locator.type == geometry_column_locator::GEOJSON)
+    {
+        if (!mapnik::json::from_geojson(row[locator.index], geom))
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse GeoJSON:" + row[locator.index]);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (locator.type == geometry_column_locator::LON_LAT)
+    {
+        double x, y;
+        if (!mapnik::util::string2double(row[locator.index],x))
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse Longitude(Easting):" + row[locator.index]);
+        }
+        if (!mapnik::util::string2double(row[locator.index2],y))
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse Latitude(Northing):" + row[locator.index2]);
+        }
+        geom = mapnik::geometry::point<double>(x,y);
+    }
+    return geom;
+template <typename Feature, typename Headers, typename Values, typename Locator, typename Transcoder>
+void process_properties(Feature & feature, Headers const& headers, Values const& values, Locator const& locator, Transcoder const& tr)
+    auto val_beg = values.begin();
+    auto val_end = values.end();
+    auto num_headers = headers.size();
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_headers; ++i)
+    {
+        std::string const& fld_name = headers.at(i);
+        if (val_beg == val_end)
+        {
+            feature.put(fld_name,tr.transcode(""));
+            continue;
+        }
+        std::string value = mapnik::util::trim_copy(*val_beg++);
+        int value_length = value.length();
+        if (locator.index == i && (locator.type == detail::geometry_column_locator::WKT
+                                   || locator.type == detail::geometry_column_locator::GEOJSON)  ) continue;
+        bool matched = false;
+        bool has_dot = value.find(".") != std::string::npos;
+        if (value.empty() ||
+            (value_length > 20) ||
+            (value_length > 1 && !has_dot && value[0] == '0'))
+        {
+            matched = true;
+            feature.put(fld_name,std::move(tr.transcode(value.c_str())));
+        }
+        else if (csv_utils::is_likely_number(value))
+        {
+            bool has_e = value.find("e") != std::string::npos;
+            if (has_dot || has_e)
-                std::string pre_json = csv_line.substr(0,j_idx);
-                std::string post_json = csv_line.substr(post_idx+wrapping_char.size());
-                // handle "" in a string wrapped in "
-                // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180#section-2 item 7.
-                // e.g. "{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[30.0,10.0]}"
-                if (json_chunk.find("\"\"") != std::string::npos)
+                double float_val = 0.0;
+                if (mapnik::util::string2double(value,float_val))
-                    boost::algorithm::replace_all(json_chunk,"\"\"","\\\"");
-                    csv_line = pre_json + json_chunk + post_json;
+                    matched = true;
+                    feature.put(fld_name,float_val);
-                // handle " in a string wrapped in '
-                // e.g. '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[30.0,10.0]}'
-                else
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mapnik::value_integer int_val = 0;
+                if (mapnik::util::string2int(value,int_val))
-                    // escape " because we cannot exchange for single quotes
-                    // https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/1408
-                    boost::algorithm::replace_all(json_chunk,"\"","\\\"");
-                    boost::algorithm::replace_all(json_chunk,"'","\"");
-                    csv_line = pre_json + json_chunk + post_json;
+                    matched = true;
+                    feature.put(fld_name,int_val);
+        if (!matched)
+        {
+            if (csv_utils::ignore_case_equal(value, "true"))
+            {
+                feature.put(fld_name, true);
+            }
+            else if (csv_utils::ignore_case_equal(value, "false"))
+            {
+                feature.put(fld_name, false);
+            }
+            else // fallback to string
+            {
+                feature.put(fld_name,std::move(tr.transcode(value.c_str())));
+            }
+        }
+}// ns detail
diff --git a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp b/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp
index 1df7dce..6f61d53 100644
--- a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp
+++ b/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 // stl
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include <deque>
 #include "large_geojson_featureset.hpp"
diff --git a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp b/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
index a67eec5..8321ff3 100644
--- a/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
+++ b/plugins/input/geojson/large_geojson_featureset.hpp
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
 #include <mapnik/feature.hpp>
 #include "geojson_datasource.hpp"
-#include <vector>
 #include <deque>
-#include <fstream>
 #include <cstdio>
 class large_geojson_featureset : public mapnik::Featureset
diff --git a/src/datasource_cache.cpp b/src/datasource_cache.cpp
index eb2cfd0..f412446 100644
--- a/src/datasource_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/datasource_cache.cpp
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ datasource_ptr datasource_cache::create(parameters const& params)
     // add scope to ensure lock is released asap
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(instance_mutex_);
         if (itr == plugins_.end())
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ datasource_ptr datasource_cache::create(parameters const& params)
 std::string datasource_cache::plugin_directories()
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(instance_mutex_);
     return boost::algorithm::join(plugin_directories_,", ");
@@ -143,6 +146,10 @@ std::vector<std::string> datasource_cache::plugin_names()
     names = get_static_datasource_names();
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(instance_mutex_);
     std::map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<PluginInfo> >::const_iterator itr;
     for (itr = plugins_.begin(); itr != plugins_.end(); ++itr)
@@ -155,7 +162,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> datasource_cache::plugin_names()
 bool datasource_cache::register_datasources(std::string const& dir, bool recurse)
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(instance_mutex_);
     if (!mapnik::util::exists(dir))
@@ -202,6 +209,9 @@ bool datasource_cache::register_datasources(std::string const& dir, bool recurse
 bool datasource_cache::register_datasource(std::string const& filename)
+    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(instance_mutex_);
         if (!mapnik::util::exists(filename))
diff --git a/src/image_util_jpeg.cpp b/src/image_util_jpeg.cpp
index 8966eb2..13860fd 100644
--- a/src/image_util_jpeg.cpp
+++ b/src/image_util_jpeg.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ jpeg_saver::jpeg_saver(std::ostream & stream, std::string const& t)
 namespace detail {
-MAPNIK_DECL int parse_jpeg_quality(std::string const& params)
+int parse_jpeg_quality(std::string const& params)
     int quality = 85;
     if (params != "jpeg")
diff --git a/test/standalone/csv_test.cpp b/test/standalone/csv_test.cpp
index 2023f67..c156929 100644
--- a/test/standalone/csv_test.cpp
+++ b/test/standalone/csv_test.cpp
@@ -21,139 +21,145 @@
 namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
 namespace {
-void add_csv_files(bfs::path dir, std::vector<bfs::path> &csv_files) {
-  for (auto const &entry : boost::make_iterator_range(
-         bfs::directory_iterator(dir), bfs::directory_iterator())) {
-    auto path = entry.path();
-    if (path.extension().native() == ".csv") {
-      csv_files.emplace_back(path);
+void add_csv_files(bfs::path dir, std::vector<bfs::path> &csv_files)
+    for (auto const &entry : boost::make_iterator_range(
+             bfs::directory_iterator(dir), bfs::directory_iterator()))
+    {
+        auto path = entry.path();
+        if (path.extension().native() == ".csv")
+        {
+            csv_files.emplace_back(path);
+        }
-  }
-mapnik::datasource_ptr get_csv_ds(std::string const &file_name, bool strict = true) {
-  mapnik::parameters params;
-  params["type"] = std::string("csv");
-  params["file"] = file_name;
-  params["strict"] = mapnik::value_bool(strict);
-  auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-  // require a non-null pointer returned
-  REQUIRE(bool(ds));
-  return ds;
+mapnik::datasource_ptr get_csv_ds(std::string const &file_name, bool strict = true)
+    mapnik::parameters params;
+    params["type"] = std::string("csv");
+    params["file"] = file_name;
+    params["strict"] = mapnik::value_bool(strict);
+    auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
+    // require a non-null pointer returned
+    REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
+    return ds;
 void require_field_names(std::vector<mapnik::attribute_descriptor> const &fields,
-                         std::initializer_list<std::string> const &names) {
-  REQUIRE(fields.size() == names.size());
-  auto itr_a = fields.begin();
-  auto const end_a = fields.end();
-  auto itr_b = names.begin();
-  for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b) {
-    CHECK(itr_a->get_name() == *itr_b);
-  }
+                         std::initializer_list<std::string> const &names)
+    REQUIRE(fields.size() == names.size());
+    auto itr_a = fields.begin();
+    auto const end_a = fields.end();
+    auto itr_b = names.begin();
+    for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b)
+    {
+        CHECK(itr_a->get_name() == *itr_b);
+    }
 void require_field_types(std::vector<mapnik::attribute_descriptor> const &fields,
                          std::initializer_list<mapnik::eAttributeType> const &types) {
-  REQUIRE(fields.size() == types.size());
-  auto itr_a = fields.begin();
-  auto const end_a = fields.end();
-  auto itr_b = types.begin();
-  for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b) {
-    CHECK(itr_a->get_type() == *itr_b);
-  }
+    REQUIRE(fields.size() == types.size());
+    auto itr_a = fields.begin();
+    auto const end_a = fields.end();
+    auto itr_b = types.begin();
+    for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b) {
+        CHECK(itr_a->get_type() == *itr_b);
+    }
 mapnik::featureset_ptr all_features(mapnik::datasource_ptr ds) {
-  auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-  mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
-  for (auto const &field : fields) {
-    query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
-  }
-  return ds->features(query);
+    auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+    mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
+    for (auto const &field : fields) {
+        query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
+    }
+    return ds->features(query);
 std::size_t count_features(mapnik::featureset_ptr features) {
-  std::size_t count = 0;
-  while (features->next()) {
-    ++count;
-  }
-  return count;
+    std::size_t count = 0;
+    while (features->next()) {
+        ++count;
+    }
+    return count;
 using attr = std::tuple<std::string, mapnik::value>;
 void require_attributes(mapnik::feature_ptr feature,
                         std::initializer_list<attr> const &attrs) {
-  REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-  for (auto const &kv : attrs) {
-    REQUIRE(feature->has_key(std::get<0>(kv)));
-    CHECK(feature->get(std::get<0>(kv)) == std::get<1>(kv));
-  }
+    REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+    for (auto const &kv : attrs) {
+        REQUIRE(feature->has_key(std::get<0>(kv)));
+        CHECK(feature->get(std::get<0>(kv)) == std::get<1>(kv));
+    }
 namespace detail {
 struct feature_count {
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(T const &geom) const {
-    return mapnik::util::apply_visitor(*this, geom);
-  }
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty const &) const {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::point<T> const &) const {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::line_string<T> const &) const {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::polygon<T> const &) const {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_point<T> const &mp) const {
-    return mp.size();
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_line_string<T> const &mls) const {
-    return mls.size();
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_polygon<T> const &mp) const {
-    return mp.size();
-  }
-  template <typename T>
-  std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_collection<T> const &col) const {
-    std::size_t sum = 0;
-    for (auto const &geom : col) {
-      sum += operator()(geom);
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(T const &geom) const {
+        return mapnik::util::apply_visitor(*this, geom);
+    }
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty const &) const {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::point<T> const &) const {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::line_string<T> const &) const {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::polygon<T> const &) const {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_point<T> const &mp) const {
+        return mp.size();
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_line_string<T> const &mls) const {
+        return mls.size();
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_polygon<T> const &mp) const {
+        return mp.size();
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_collection<T> const &col) const {
+        std::size_t sum = 0;
+        for (auto const &geom : col) {
+            sum += operator()(geom);
+        }
+        return sum;
-    return sum;
-  }
 } // namespace detail
 template <typename T>
 std::size_t feature_count(mapnik::geometry::geometry<T> const &g) {
-  return detail::feature_count()(g);
+    return detail::feature_count()(g);
 void require_geometry(mapnik::feature_ptr feature,
                       std::size_t num_parts,
                       mapnik::geometry::geometry_types type) {
-  REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-  CHECK(mapnik::geometry::geometry_type(feature->get_geometry()) == type);
-  CHECK(feature_count(feature->get_geometry()) == num_parts);
+    REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+    CHECK(mapnik::geometry::geometry_type(feature->get_geometry()) == type);
+    CHECK(feature_count(feature->get_geometry()) == num_parts);
 } // anonymous namespace
@@ -163,520 +169,519 @@ const bool registered = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().register_datasource
 TEST_CASE("csv") {
-  if (mapnik::util::exists(csv_plugin))
-  {
-      REQUIRE(registered);
-      // make the tests silent since we intentially test error conditions that are noisy
-      auto const severity = mapnik::logger::instance().get_severity();
-      mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::none);
-      // check the CSV datasource is loaded
-      const std::vector<std::string> plugin_names =
-        mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().plugin_names();
-      const bool have_csv_plugin =
-        std::find(plugin_names.begin(), plugin_names.end(), "csv") != plugin_names.end();
-      SECTION("broken files") {
-        if (have_csv_plugin) {
-          std::vector<bfs::path> broken;
-          add_csv_files("test/data/csv/fails", broken);
-          add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", broken);
-          broken.emplace_back("test/data/csv/fails/does_not_exist.csv");
-          for (auto const &path : broken) {
-            REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds(path.native()));
-          }
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("good files") {
-        if (have_csv_plugin) {
-          std::vector<bfs::path> good;
-          add_csv_files("test/data/csv", good);
-          add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", good);
-          for (auto const &path : good) {
-            auto ds = get_csv_ds(path.native(), false);
-            // require a non-null pointer returned
+    if (mapnik::util::exists(csv_plugin))
+    {
+        REQUIRE(registered);
+        // make the tests silent since we intentially test error conditions that are noisy
+        auto const severity = mapnik::logger::instance().get_severity();
+        mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::none);
+        // check the CSV datasource is loaded
+        const std::vector<std::string> plugin_names =
+            mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().plugin_names();
+        const bool have_csv_plugin =
+            std::find(plugin_names.begin(), plugin_names.end(), "csv") != plugin_names.end();
+        SECTION("broken files") {
+            if (have_csv_plugin) {
+                std::vector<bfs::path> broken;
+                add_csv_files("test/data/csv/fails", broken);
+                add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", broken);
+                broken.emplace_back("test/data/csv/fails/does_not_exist.csv");
+                for (auto const &path : broken)
+                {
+                    REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds(path.native()));
+                }
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("good files") {
+            if (have_csv_plugin) {
+                std::vector<bfs::path> good;
+                add_csv_files("test/data/csv", good);
+                add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", good);
+                for (auto const& path : good)
+                {
+                    auto ds = get_csv_ds(path.native(), false);
+                    // require a non-null pointer returned
+                    REQUIRE(bool(ds));
+                }
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("lon/lat detection")
+        {
+            for (auto const& lon_name : {std::string("lon"), std::string("lng")})
+            {
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds((boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_lat.csv") % lon_name).str());
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {lon_name, "lat"});
+                require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
+                CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
+                mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
+                for (auto const &field : fields)
+                {
+                    query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
+                }
+                auto features = ds->features(query);
+                auto feature = features->next();
+                require_attributes(feature, {
+                        attr { lon_name, mapnik::value_integer(0) },
+                            attr { "lat", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
+                    });
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("type detection") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nypd.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"Precinct", "Phone", "Address", "City", "geo_longitude", "geo_latitude", "geo_accuracy"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String});
+            CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
+            CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2);
+            auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr { "City", mapnik::value_unicode_string("New York, NY") }
+                    , attr { "geo_accuracy", mapnik::value_unicode_string("house") }
+                    , attr { "Phone", mapnik::value_unicode_string("(212) 334-0711") }
+                    , attr { "Address", mapnik::value_unicode_string("19 Elizabeth Street") }
+                    , attr { "Precinct", mapnik::value_unicode_string("5th Precinct") }
+                    , attr { "geo_longitude", mapnik::value_integer(-70) }
+                    , attr { "geo_latitude", mapnik::value_integer(40) }
+                });
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("skipping blank rows") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/blank_rows.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
+            CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
+            CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2);
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("empty rows") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/empty_rows.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "text", "date", "integer", "boolean", "float", "time", "datetime", "empty_column"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Boolean, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String});
+            CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
+            CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 4);
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            auto feature = featureset->next();
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr { "x", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
+                    , attr { "empty_column", mapnik::value_unicode_string("") }
+                    , attr { "text", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a b") }
+                    , attr { "float", mapnik::value_double(1.0) }
+                    , attr { "datetime", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01T04:14:00") }
+                    , attr { "y", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
+                    , attr { "boolean", mapnik::value_bool(true) }
+                    , attr { "time", mapnik::value_unicode_string("04:14:00") }
+                    , attr { "date", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01") }
+                    , attr { "integer", mapnik::value_integer(40) }
+                });
+            while (bool(feature = featureset->next())) {
+                CHECK(feature->size() == 10);
+                CHECK(feature->get("empty_column") == mapnik::value_unicode_string(""));
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("slashes") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/has_attributes_with_slashes.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
+            // NOTE: y column is integer, even though a double value is used below in the test?
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}
+                    , attr{"y", 0}
+                    , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a/a") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 1}
+                    , attr{"y", 4}
+                    , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("b/b") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 10}
+                    , attr{"y", 2.5}
+                    , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("c/c") } });
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("wkt field") {
+            using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types;
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/wkt.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"type"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String});
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
+            require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("handling of missing header") {
+            // TODO: does this mean 'missing_header.csv' should be in the warnings
+            // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode?
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/missing_header.csv", false);
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"one", "two", "x", "y", "_4", "aftermissing"});
+            auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
+            REQUIRE(feature);
+            REQUIRE(feature->has_key("_4"));
+            CHECK(feature->get("_4") == mapnik::value_unicode_string("missing"));
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("handling of headers that are numbers") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/numbers_for_headers.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "1990", "1991", "1992"});
+            auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr{"x", 0}
+                    , attr{"y", 0}
+                    , attr{"1990", 1}
+                    , attr{"1991", 2}
+                    , attr{"1992", 3}
+                });
+            auto expression = mapnik::parse_expression("[1991]=2");
+            REQUIRE(bool(expression));
+            auto value = mapnik::util::apply_visitor(
+                mapnik::evaluate<mapnik::feature_impl, mapnik::value_type, mapnik::attributes>(
+                    *feature, mapnik::attributes()), *expression);
+            CHECK(value == true);
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("quoted numbers") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/quoted_numbers.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "label"});
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("0,0") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("5,5") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("0,5") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("5,0") } });
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 2.5}, attr{"y", 2.5}, attr{"label", ustring("2.5,2.5") } });
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("reading newlines") {
+            for (auto const &platform : {std::string("windows"), std::string("mac")}) {
+                std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_newlines.csv") % platform).str();
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name);
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
+                require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                        attr{"x", 1}, attr{"y", 10}, attr{"z", 9999.9999} });
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("mixed newlines") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            for (auto const &file : {
+                    std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv")
+                        }) {
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "line"});
+                require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                        attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}
+                        , attr{"line", ustring("many\n  lines\n  of text\n  with unix newlines")} });
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("tabs") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/tabs_in_csv.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
+            require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", -122}, attr{"y", 48}, attr{"z", 0} });
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("separators") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            for (auto const &file : {
+                    std::string("test/data/csv/pipe_delimiters.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/semicolon_delimiters.csv")
+                        }) {
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
+                require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                        attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"z", ustring("hello")} });
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("null and bool keywords are empty strings") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nulls_and_booleans_as_strings.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "null", "boolean"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::Boolean});
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("null")}, attr{"boolean", true}});
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("")}, attr{"boolean", false}});
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("nonexistent query fields throw") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/lon_lat.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"lon", "lat"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
+            mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
+            for (auto const &field : fields) {
+                query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
+            }
+            // also add an invalid one, triggering throw
+            query.add_property_name("bogus");
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(ds->features(query));
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("leading zeros mean strings") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/leading_zeros.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "fips"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
+            auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("001")}});
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("003")}});
+            require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("005")}});
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("advanced geometry detection") {
+            using row = std::pair<std::string, mapnik::datasource_geometry_t>;
+            for (row r : {
+                    row{"point", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point}
+                    , row{"poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon}
+                    , row{"multi_poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon}
+                    , row{"line", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::LineString}
+                }) {
+                std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_wkt.csv") % r.first).str();
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name);
+                CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == r.second);
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("creation of CSV from in-memory strings") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            for (auto const &name : {std::string("Winthrop, WA"), std::string(u8"Qu\u00e9bec")}) {
+                std::string csv_string =
+                    (boost::format(
+                        "wkt,Name\n"
+                        "\"POINT (120.15 48.47)\",\"%1%\"\n"
+                        ) % name).str();
+                mapnik::parameters params;
+                params["type"] = std::string("csv");
+                params["inline"] = csv_string;
+                auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
+                REQUIRE(bool(ds));
+                auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
+                REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+                REQUIRE(feature->has_key("Name"));
+                CHECK(feature->get("Name") == ustring(name.c_str()));
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("geojson quoting") {
+            using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types;
+            for (auto const &file : {
+                    std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_double_quote_escape.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_single_quote.csv")
+                        , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_2x_double_quote_filebakery_style.csv")
+                        }) {
+                auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {"type"});
+                require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String});
+                auto featureset = all_features(ds);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
+                require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("blank undelimited rows are still parsed") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            // TODO: does this mean this CSV file should be in the warnings
+            // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode?
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_headers_than_column_values.csv", false);
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "one", "two", "three"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String});
+            require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"one", ustring("")}, attr{"two", ustring("")}, attr{"three", ustring("")} });
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("fewer headers than rows throws") {
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_column_values_than_headers.csv"));
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("feature ID only incremented for valid rows") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/warns/feature_id_counting.csv", false);
+            auto fs = all_features(ds);
+            // first
+            auto feature = fs->next();
+            REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+            CHECK(feature->id() == 1);
+            // second, should have skipped bogus one
+            feature = fs->next();
+            REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+            CHECK(feature->id() == 2);
+            feature = fs->next();
+            CHECK(!feature);
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("dynamically defining headers") {
+            using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
+            using row = std::pair<std::string, std::size_t>;
+            for (auto const &r : {
+                    row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_two_lines.csv", 2},
+                        row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line.csv", 1},
+                            row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line_no_newline.csv", 1}})
+            {
+                mapnik::parameters params;
+                params["type"] = std::string("csv");
+                params["file"] = r.first;
+                params["headers"] = "x,y,name";
+                auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
+                REQUIRE(bool(ds));
+                auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+                require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
+                require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
+                require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
+                        attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"name", ustring("data_name")} });
+                REQUIRE(count_features(all_features(ds)) == r.second);
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long"
+        SECTION("64bit int fields work") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/64bit_int.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "bigint"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
+            auto fs = all_features(ds);
+            auto feature = fs->next();
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 2147483648} });
+            feature = fs->next();
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 9223372036854775807ll} });
+            require_attributes(feature, {
+                    attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll} });
+        } // END SECTION
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+        SECTION("various number types") {
+            auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/number_types.csv");
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "floats"});
+            require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Double});
+            auto fs = all_features(ds);
+            for (double d : { .0, +.0, 1e-06, -1e-06, 0.000001, 1.234e+16, 1.234e+16 }) {
+                auto feature = fs->next();
+                REQUIRE(bool(feature));
+                CHECK(feature->get("floats").get<mapnik::value_double>() == Approx(d));
+            }
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("manually supplied extent") {
+            std::string csv_string("wkt,Name\n");
+            mapnik::parameters params;
+            params["type"] = std::string("csv");
+            params["inline"] = csv_string;
+            params["extent"] = "-180,-90,180,90";
+            auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-          }
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("lon/lat detection") {
-        for (auto const &lon_name : {std::string("lon"), std::string("lng")}) {
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds((boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_lat.csv") % lon_name).str());
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {lon_name, "lat"});
-          require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
-          CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
-          mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
-          for (auto const &field : fields) {
-            query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
-          }
-          auto features = ds->features(query);
-          auto feature = features->next();
-          require_attributes(feature, {
-              attr { lon_name, mapnik::value_integer(0) },
-              attr { "lat", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
-            });
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("type detection") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nypd.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"Precinct", "Phone", "Address", "City", "geo_longitude", "geo_latitude", "geo_accuracy"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String});
-        CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
-        CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2);
-        auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-              attr { "City", mapnik::value_unicode_string("New York, NY") }
-            , attr { "geo_accuracy", mapnik::value_unicode_string("house") }
-            , attr { "Phone", mapnik::value_unicode_string("(212) 334-0711") }
-            , attr { "Address", mapnik::value_unicode_string("19 Elizabeth Street") }
-            , attr { "Precinct", mapnik::value_unicode_string("5th Precinct") }
-            , attr { "geo_longitude", mapnik::value_integer(-70) }
-            , attr { "geo_latitude", mapnik::value_integer(40) }
-          });
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("skipping blank rows") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/blank_rows.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
-        CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
-        CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2);
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("empty rows") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/empty_rows.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "text", "date", "integer", "boolean", "float", "time", "datetime", "empty_column"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Boolean, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String});
-        CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
-        CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 4);
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        auto feature = featureset->next();
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-              attr { "x", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
-            , attr { "empty_column", mapnik::value_unicode_string("") }
-            , attr { "text", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a b") }
-            , attr { "float", mapnik::value_double(1.0) }
-            , attr { "datetime", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01T04:14:00") }
-            , attr { "y", mapnik::value_integer(0) }
-            , attr { "boolean", mapnik::value_bool(true) }
-            , attr { "time", mapnik::value_unicode_string("04:14:00") }
-            , attr { "date", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01") }
-            , attr { "integer", mapnik::value_integer(40) }
-          });
-        while (bool(feature = featureset->next())) {
-          CHECK(feature->size() == 10);
-          CHECK(feature->get("empty_column") == mapnik::value_unicode_string(""));
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("slashes") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/has_attributes_with_slashes.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
-        // NOTE: y column is integer, even though a double value is used below in the test?
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 0}
-            , attr{"y", 0}
-            , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a/a") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 1}
-            , attr{"y", 4}
-            , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("b/b") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 10}
-            , attr{"y", 2.5}
-            , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("c/c") } });
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("wkt field") {
-        using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types;
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/wkt.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"type"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String});
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
-        require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("handling of missing header") {
-        // TODO: does this mean 'missing_header.csv' should be in the warnings
-        // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode?
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/missing_header.csv", false);
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"one", "two", "x", "y", "_4", "aftermissing"});
-        auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
-        REQUIRE(feature);
-        REQUIRE(feature->has_key("_4"));
-        CHECK(feature->get("_4") == mapnik::value_unicode_string("missing"));
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("handling of headers that are numbers") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/numbers_for_headers.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "1990", "1991", "1992"});
-        auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-              attr{"x", 0}
-            , attr{"y", 0}
-            , attr{"1990", 1}
-            , attr{"1991", 2}
-            , attr{"1992", 3}
-          });
-        auto expression = mapnik::parse_expression("[1991]=2");
-        REQUIRE(bool(expression));
-        auto value = mapnik::util::apply_visitor(
-          mapnik::evaluate<mapnik::feature_impl, mapnik::value_type, mapnik::attributes>(
-            *feature, mapnik::attributes()), *expression);
-        CHECK(value == true);
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("quoted numbers") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/quoted_numbers.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "label"});
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("0,0") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("5,5") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("0,5") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("5,0") } });
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 2.5}, attr{"y", 2.5}, attr{"label", ustring("2.5,2.5") } });
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("reading newlines") {
-        for (auto const &platform : {std::string("windows"), std::string("mac")}) {
-          std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_newlines.csv") % platform).str();
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name);
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
-          require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 1}, attr{"y", 10}, attr{"z", 9999.9999} });
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("mixed newlines") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        for (auto const &file : {
-                std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv")
-              }) {
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "line"});
-          require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-                attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}
-              , attr{"line", ustring("many\n  lines\n  of text\n  with unix newlines")} });
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("tabs") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/tabs_in_csv.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
-        require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-            attr{"x", -122}, attr{"y", 48}, attr{"z", 0} });
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("separators") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        for (auto const &file : {
-                std::string("test/data/csv/pipe_delimiters.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/semicolon_delimiters.csv")
-                  }) {
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"});
-          require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"z", ustring("hello")} });
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("null and bool keywords are empty strings") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nulls_and_booleans_as_strings.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "null", "boolean"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::Boolean});
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("null")}, attr{"boolean", true}});
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("")}, attr{"boolean", false}});
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("nonexistent query fields throw") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/lon_lat.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"lon", "lat"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
-        mapnik::query query(ds->envelope());
-        for (auto const &field : fields) {
-          query.add_property_name(field.get_name());
-        }
-        // also add an invalid one, triggering throw
-        query.add_property_name("bogus");
-        REQUIRE_THROWS(ds->features(query));
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("leading zeros mean strings") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/leading_zeros.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "fips"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
-        auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("001")}});
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("003")}});
-        require_attributes(featureset->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("005")}});
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("advanced geometry detection") {
-        using row = std::pair<std::string, mapnik::datasource_geometry_t>;
-        for (row r : {
-              row{"point", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point}
-            , row{"poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon}
-            , row{"multi_poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon}
-            , row{"line", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::LineString}
-          }) {
-          std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_wkt.csv") % r.first).str();
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name);
-          CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == r.second);
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("creation of CSV from in-memory strings") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        for (auto const &name : {std::string("Winthrop, WA"), std::string(u8"Qu\u00e9bec")}) {
-          std::string csv_string =
-            (boost::format(
-              "wkt,Name\n"
-              "\"POINT (120.15 48.47)\",\"%1%\"\n"
-              ) % name).str();
-          mapnik::parameters params;
-          params["type"] = std::string("csv");
-          params["inline"] = csv_string;
-          auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-          REQUIRE(bool(ds));
-          auto feature = all_features(ds)->next();
-          REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-          REQUIRE(feature->has_key("Name"));
-          CHECK(feature->get("Name") == ustring(name.c_str()));
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("geojson quoting") {
-        using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types;
-        for (auto const &file : {
-                std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_double_quote_escape.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_single_quote.csv")
-              , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_2x_double_quote_filebakery_style.csv")
-                  }) {
-          auto ds = get_csv_ds(file);
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {"type"});
-          require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String});
-          auto featureset = all_features(ds);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
-          require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("blank undelimited rows are still parsed") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        // TODO: does this mean this CSV file should be in the warnings
-        // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode?
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_headers_than_column_values.csv", false);
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "one", "two", "three"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String});
-        require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"one", ustring("")}, attr{"two", ustring("")}, attr{"three", ustring("")} });
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("fewer headers than rows throws") {
-        REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_column_values_than_headers.csv"));
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("feature ID only incremented for valid rows") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/warns/feature_id_counting.csv", false);
-        auto fs = all_features(ds);
-        // first
-        auto feature = fs->next();
-        REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-        CHECK(feature->id() == 1);
-        // second, should have skipped bogus one
-        feature = fs->next();
-        REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-        CHECK(feature->id() == 2);
-        feature = fs->next();
-        CHECK(!feature);
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("dynamically defining headers") {
-        using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string;
-        using row = std::pair<std::string, std::size_t>;
-        for (auto const &r : {
-              row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_two_lines.csv", 2}
-            , row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line.csv", 1}
-            , row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line_no_newline.csv", 1}
-          }) {
-          mapnik::parameters params;
-          params["type"] = std::string("csv");
-          params["file"] = r.first;
-          params["headers"] = "x,y,name";
-          auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-          REQUIRE(bool(ds));
-          auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-          require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"});
-          require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String});
-          require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), {
-              attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"name", ustring("data_name")} });
-          REQUIRE(count_features(all_features(ds)) == r.second);
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic push
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long"
-      SECTION("64bit int fields work") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/64bit_int.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "bigint"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer});
-        auto fs = all_features(ds);
-        auto feature = fs->next();
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 2147483648} });
-        feature = fs->next();
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 9223372036854775807ll} });
-        require_attributes(feature, {
-            attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll} });
-      } // END SECTION
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-      SECTION("various number types") {
-        auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/number_types.csv");
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "floats"});
-        require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Double});
-        auto fs = all_features(ds);
-        for (double d : { .0, +.0, 1e-06, -1e-06, 0.000001, 1.234e+16, 1.234e+16 }) {
-          auto feature = fs->next();
-          REQUIRE(bool(feature));
-          CHECK(feature->get("floats").get<mapnik::value_double>() == Approx(d));
-        }
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("manually supplied extent") {
-        std::string csv_string("wkt,Name\n");
-        mapnik::parameters params;
-        params["type"] = std::string("csv");
-        params["inline"] = csv_string;
-        params["extent"] = "-180,-90,180,90";
-        auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-        REQUIRE(bool(ds));
-        auto box = ds->envelope();
-        CHECK(box.minx() == -180);
-        CHECK(box.miny() ==  -90);
-        CHECK(box.maxx() ==  180);
-        CHECK(box.maxy() ==   90);
-      } // END SECTION
-      SECTION("inline geojson") {
-        std::string csv_string = "geojson\n'{\"coordinates\":[-92.22568,38.59553],\"type\":\"Point\"}'";
-        mapnik::parameters params;
-        params["type"] = std::string("csv");
-        params["inline"] = csv_string;
-        auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
-        REQUIRE(bool(ds));
-        auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
-        require_field_names(fields, {});
-        // TODO: this originally had the following comment:
-        //   - re-enable after https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/2319 is fixed
-        // but that seems to have been merged and tested separately?
-        auto fs = all_features(ds);
-        auto feat = fs->next();
-        CHECK(feature_count(feat->get_geometry()) == 1);
-      } // END SECTION
-      mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(severity);
-  }
+            auto box = ds->envelope();
+            CHECK(box.minx() == -180);
+            CHECK(box.miny() ==  -90);
+            CHECK(box.maxx() ==  180);
+            CHECK(box.maxy() ==   90);
+        } // END SECTION
+        SECTION("inline geojson") {
+            std::string csv_string = "geojson\n'{\"coordinates\":[-92.22568,38.59553],\"type\":\"Point\"}'";
+            mapnik::parameters params;
+            params["type"] = std::string("csv");
+            params["inline"] = csv_string;
+            auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
+            REQUIRE(bool(ds));
+            auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
+            require_field_names(fields, {});
+            // TODO: this originally had the following comment:
+            //   - re-enable after https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/2319 is fixed
+            // but that seems to have been merged and tested separately?
+            auto fs = all_features(ds);
+            auto feat = fs->next();
+            CHECK(feature_count(feat->get_geometry()) == 1);
+        } // END SECTION
+        mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(severity);
+    }
diff --git a/test/standalone/datasource_registration_test.cpp b/test/standalone/datasource_registration_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2edbcd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/standalone/datasource_registration_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp>
+#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+TEST_CASE("datasource_cache") {
+SECTION("registration") {
+    try
+    {
+        mapnik::logger logger;
+        mapnik::logger::severity_type original_severity = logger.get_severity();
+        bool success = false;
+        auto &cache = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance();
+        // registering a directory without any plugins should return false
+        success = cache.register_datasources("test/data/vrt");
+        CHECK(success == false);
+        // registering a directory for the first time should return true
+        success = cache.register_datasources("plugins/input");
+        REQUIRE(success == true);
+        // registering the same directory again should now return false
+        success = cache.register_datasources("plugins/input");
+        CHECK(success == false);
+        // registering the same directory again, but recursively should
+        // still return false - even though there are subdirectories, they
+        // do not contain any more plugins.
+        success = cache.register_datasources("plugins/input", true);
+        CHECK(success == false);
+    }
+    catch (std::exception const & ex)
+    {
+        std::clog << ex.what() << "\n";
+        REQUIRE(false);
+    }
diff --git a/test/unit/svg/svg_parser_test.cpp b/test/unit/svg/svg_parser_test.cpp
index f33962d..276e3c5 100644
--- a/test/unit/svg/svg_parser_test.cpp
+++ b/test/unit/svg/svg_parser_test.cpp
@@ -163,11 +163,10 @@ TEST_CASE("SVG parser") {
         svg_path_adapter svg_path(stl_storage);
         svg_converter_type svg(svg_path, path.attributes());
         svg_parser p(svg);
         if (!p.parse_from_string(svg_str))
             auto const& errors = p.error_messages();
-            REQUIRE(errors.size() == 14);
+            REQUIRE(errors.size() == 13);
             REQUIRE(errors[0] == "parse_rect: Invalid width");
             REQUIRE(errors[1] == "Failed to parse double: \"FAIL\"");
             REQUIRE(errors[2] == "parse_rect: Invalid height");
@@ -181,7 +180,6 @@ TEST_CASE("SVG parser") {
             REQUIRE(errors[10] == "Failed to parse <polyline> 'points'");
             REQUIRE(errors[11] == "parse_ellipse: Invalid rx");
             REQUIRE(errors[12] == "parse_ellipse: Invalid ry");
-            REQUIRE(errors[13] == "parse_rect: Invalid height");
diff --git a/test/visual/run.cpp b/test/visual/run.cpp
index 62ca73b..833f97b 100644
--- a/test/visual/run.cpp
+++ b/test/visual/run.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
         ("duration,d", "output rendering duration")
         ("iterations,i", po::value<std::size_t>()->default_value(1), "number of iterations for benchmarking")
         ("jobs,j", po::value<std::size_t>()->default_value(1), "number of parallel threads")
+        ("limit,l", po::value<std::size_t>()->default_value(0), "limit number of failures")
         ("styles-dir", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("test/data-visual/styles"), "directory with styles")
         ("images-dir", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("test/data-visual/images"), "directory with reference images")
         ("output-dir", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("/tmp/mapnik-visual-images"), "directory for output files")
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+               vm["limit"].as<std::size_t>(),
     bool show_duration = vm.count("duration");
     report_type report(vm.count("verbose") ? report_type((console_report(show_duration))) : report_type((console_short_report(show_duration))));
diff --git a/test/visual/runner.cpp b/test/visual/runner.cpp
index 45dc366..a987d05 100644
--- a/test/visual/runner.cpp
+++ b/test/visual/runner.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 // stl
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <future>
+#include <atomic>
 #include <mapnik/load_map.hpp>
@@ -40,14 +41,18 @@ public:
                      double scale_factor,
                      result_list & results,
                      report_type & report,
-                     std::size_t iterations)
+                     std::size_t iterations,
+                     bool is_fail_limit,
+                     std::atomic<std::size_t> & fail_count)
         : name_(name),
-          iterations_(iterations)
+          iterations_(iterations),
+          is_fail_limit_(is_fail_limit),
+          fail_count_(fail_count)
@@ -82,6 +87,10 @@ private:
                 r.duration = end - start;
                 mapnik::util::apply_visitor(report_visitor(r), report_);
+                if (is_fail_limit_ && r.state == STATE_FAIL)
+                {
+                    ++fail_count_;
+                }
@@ -112,6 +121,8 @@ private:
     result_list & results_;
     report_type & report_;
     std::size_t iterations_;
+    bool is_fail_limit_;
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> & fail_count_;
 runner::runner(runner::path_type const & styles_dir,
@@ -119,12 +130,14 @@ runner::runner(runner::path_type const & styles_dir,
                runner::path_type const & reference_dir,
                bool overwrite,
                std::size_t iterations,
+               std::size_t fail_limit,
                std::size_t jobs)
     : styles_dir_(styles_dir),
+      fail_limit_(fail_limit),
       renderers_{ renderer<agg_renderer>(output_dir_, reference_dir_, overwrite)
 #if defined(HAVE_CAIRO)
                   ,renderer<cairo_renderer>(output_dir_, reference_dir_, overwrite)
@@ -182,6 +195,7 @@ result_list runner::test_parallel(std::vector<runner::path_type> const & files,
     std::launch launch(jobs == 1 ? std::launch::deferred : std::launch::async);
     std::vector<std::future<result_list>> futures(jobs);
+    std::atomic<std::size_t> fail_count(0);
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < jobs; i++)
@@ -194,7 +208,7 @@ result_list runner::test_parallel(std::vector<runner::path_type> const & files,
             end = files.end();
-        futures[i] = std::async(launch, &runner::test_range, this, begin, end, std::ref(report));
+        futures[i] = std::async(launch, &runner::test_range, this, begin, end, std::ref(report), std::ref(fail_count));
     for (auto & f : futures)
@@ -206,7 +220,10 @@ result_list runner::test_parallel(std::vector<runner::path_type> const & files,
     return results;
-result_list runner::test_range(files_iterator begin, files_iterator end, std::reference_wrapper<report_type> report) const
+result_list runner::test_range(files_iterator begin,
+                               files_iterator end,
+                               std::reference_wrapper<report_type> report,
+                               std::reference_wrapper<std::atomic<std::size_t>> fail_count) const
     config defaults;
     result_list results;
@@ -218,7 +235,7 @@ result_list runner::test_range(files_iterator begin, files_iterator end, std::re
-                result_list r = test_one(file, defaults, report);
+                result_list r = test_one(file, defaults, report, fail_count.get());
                 std::move(r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter(results));
             catch (std::exception const& ex)
@@ -227,16 +244,25 @@ result_list runner::test_range(files_iterator begin, files_iterator end, std::re
                 r.state = STATE_ERROR;
                 r.name = file.string();
                 r.error_message = ex.what();
+                r.duration = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration::zero();
                 mapnik::util::apply_visitor(report_visitor(r), report.get());
+                ++fail_count.get();
+        if (fail_limit_ && fail_count.get() >= fail_limit_)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
     return results;
-result_list runner::test_one(runner::path_type const& style_path, config cfg, report_type & report) const
+result_list runner::test_one(runner::path_type const& style_path,
+                             config cfg,
+                             report_type & report,
+                             std::atomic<std::size_t> & fail_count) const
     mapnik::Map map(cfg.sizes.front().width, cfg.sizes.front().height);
     result_list results;
@@ -317,7 +343,19 @@ result_list runner::test_one(runner::path_type const& style_path, config cfg, re
-                    mapnik::util::apply_visitor(renderer_visitor(name, map, tiles_count, scale_factor, results, report, iterations_), ren);
+                    mapnik::util::apply_visitor(renderer_visitor(name,
+                                                                 map,
+                                                                 tiles_count,
+                                                                 scale_factor,
+                                                                 results,
+                                                                 report,
+                                                                 iterations_,
+                                                                 fail_limit_,
+                                                                 fail_count), ren);
+                    if (fail_limit_ && fail_count >= fail_limit_)
+                    {
+                        return results;
+                    }
diff --git a/test/visual/runner.hpp b/test/visual/runner.hpp
index a4c91ba..65b19bb 100644
--- a/test/visual/runner.hpp
+++ b/test/visual/runner.hpp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
            path_type const & reference_dir,
            bool overwrite,
            std::size_t iterations,
+           std::size_t fail_limit,
            std::size_t jobs);
     result_list test_all(report_type & report) const;
@@ -62,8 +63,13 @@ public:
     result_list test_parallel(std::vector<path_type> const & files, report_type & report, std::size_t jobs) const;
-    result_list test_range(files_iterator begin, files_iterator end, std::reference_wrapper<report_type> report) const;
-    result_list test_one(path_type const & style_path, config cfg, report_type & report) const;
+    result_list test_range(files_iterator begin,
+                           files_iterator end,
+                           std::reference_wrapper<report_type> report,
+                           std::reference_wrapper<std::atomic<std::size_t>> fail_limit) const;
+    result_list test_one(path_type const & style_path,
+                         config cfg, report_type & report,
+                         std::atomic<std::size_t> & fail_limit) const;
     void parse_map_sizes(std::string const & str, std::vector<map_size> & sizes) const;
     const map_sizes_grammar<std::string::const_iterator> map_sizes_parser_;
@@ -72,6 +78,7 @@ private:
     const path_type reference_dir_;
     const std::size_t jobs_;
     const std::size_t iterations_;
+    const std::size_t fail_limit_;
     const renderer_type renderers_[boost::mpl::size<renderer_type::types>::value];

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/mapnik.git

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