[netcdf] 01/02: Merge branch 'split-c-f-cxx'

Ross Gammon ross-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Feb 14 12:21:01 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ross-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository netcdf.

commit f91a3943174b5e9c09c2608fc2fac8e902cd3325
Merge: a0fca9c d992be2
Author: Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>
Date:   Sat Feb 14 13:07:19 2015 +0100

    Merge branch 'split-c-f-cxx'

 BRANCH-STATUS                                      |     5 +
 CMakeInstallation.cmake                            |   130 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   900 +-
 COPYRIGHT                                          |     4 -
 CTestConfig.cmake.in                               |     2 +-
 Doxyfile                                           |  1934 ---
 docs/Doxyfile.guide.in => Doxyfile.developer       |   322 +-
 Make0                                              |    35 +-
 Makefile.am                                        |    53 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |  1177 ++
 PostInstall.cmake                                  |     1 +
 README.md                                          |     8 +-
 RELEASE_NOTES.md                                   |   136 +-
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 autom4te.cache/output.0                            |  9959 ---------------
 autom4te.cache/requests                            |    77 -
 autom4te.cache/traces.0                            |   939 --
 cf                                                 |    30 +-
 cf.cmake                                           |    14 +
 compile                                            |   347 +
 config.guess                                       |  1421 +++
 config.h.cmake.in                                  |    18 +-
 config.h.in                                        |   516 +
 config.sub                                         |  1807 +++
 configure                                          | 12627 +++++++++++++++++--
 configure.ac                                       |   164 +-
 debian/README.source                               |    26 -
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 debian/compat                                      |     2 +-
 debian/control                                     |   135 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   404 +-
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 debian/libnetcdf-dev.dirs                          |     4 -
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 debian/libnetcdf-dev.manpages                      |     3 +-
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 debian/libnetcdfc7.dirs                            |     1 -
 debian/libnetcdff5.dirs                            |     1 -
 debian/nc-config.1                                 |    43 +
 debian/netcdf-bin.dirs                             |     1 -
 debian/netcdf-bin.install                          |     4 +
 debian/netcdf-bin.manpages                         |     2 +
 debian/netcdf-doc.dirs                             |     1 -
 debian/netcdf-doc.doc-base                         |     9 +
 debian/netcdf-doc.docs                             |    33 -
 debian/netcdf-doc.info                             |     7 -
 debian/netcdf-doc.install                          |     2 +
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 debian/patches/absence-typo.patch                  |    16 +
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 debian/patches/privacy-breach-logo.patch           |    14 +
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 debian/upstream/metadata                           |     6 +
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 depcomp                                            |   791 ++
 docs/CMakeLists.txt                                |    85 +-
 COPYRIGHT => docs/COPYRIGHT.dox                    |    11 +-
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 docs/Doxyfile.tutorial.in                          |  2344 ----
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 h5_test/Makefile.in                                |  1499 +++
 include/.gitignore                                 |     1 +
 include/Makefile.am                                |    11 +-
 include/Makefile.in                                |   625 +
 include/nc4internal.h                              |    11 +-
 include/ncconfigure.h                              |    20 +-
 include/ncdispatch.h                               |     4 +-
 include/nctime.h                                   |     4 +-
 include/netcdf.h                                   |   440 +-
 include/netcdf_meta.h.in                           |    52 +
 install-sh                                         |   501 +
 libdap2/Make0                                      |     2 +-
 libdap2/Makefile.in                                |   855 ++
 libdap2/cache.c                                    |    45 +-
 libdap2/cdf.c                                      |    41 +-
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 libdap2/constraints.h                              |    36 +-
 libdap2/dapdebug.h                                 |     1 -
 libdap2/dapdump.c                                  |     2 +-
 libdap2/dcelex.c                                   |    18 +-
 libdap2/dceparse.c                                 |    30 +-
 libdap2/env                                        |    18 +-
 libdap2/getvara.c                                  |   113 +-
 libdap2/ncd2dispatch.c                             |   107 +-
 libdap2/ncdap.h                                    |     2 +-
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 libdispatch/Makefile.in                            |   998 ++
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 libdispatch/ddim.c                                 |    41 +-
 libdispatch/ddispatch.c                            |    53 +-
 libdispatch/defcheck.c                             |    12 +-
 libdispatch/derror.c                               |    34 +-
 libdispatch/dfile.c                                |   123 +-
 libdispatch/dgroup.c                               |    90 +-
 libdispatch/dtype.c                                |    41 +-
 libdispatch/dv2i.c                                 |     2 +-
 libdispatch/dvarget.c                              |   198 +-
 libdispatch/dvarput.c                              |     7 +-
 libdispatch/ncaux.c                                |     7 +-
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 libdispatch/nctime.c                               |     6 +-
 libdispatch/ncuri.c                                |   112 +-
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 libncdap.tar.gz                                    |   Bin 0 -> 316361 bytes
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 libsrc/Makefile.am                                 |     2 +-
 libsrc/Makefile.in                                 |   898 ++
 libsrc/attr.c                                      |   339 +
 libsrc/nc3dispatch.c                               |     2 +-
 libsrc/ncx.c                                       |  6159 ++++++++-
 libsrc/ncx.m4                                      |     6 +-
 libsrc/posixio.c                                   |   130 +-
 libsrc/putget.c                                    |  3959 ++++++
 libsrc/var.c                                       |    72 +-
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 libsrc4/nc4grp.c                                   |     2 +-
 libsrc4/nc4hdf.c                                   |  6043 ++++-----
 libsrc4/nc4internal.c                              |   158 +-
 libsrc4/nc4type.c                                  |    17 +-
 libsrc4/nc4var.c                                   |    17 +-
 libsrc5/Makefile.in                                |   669 +
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 ltmain.sh                                          | 11088 ++++++++++++++++
 m4/libtool.m4                                      |  8318 ++++++++++++
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 m4/ltversion.m4                                    |    23 +
 m4/lt~obsolete.m4                                  |    99 +
 missing                                            |   215 +
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 nc_test/Makefile.am                                |    16 +-
 nc_test/Makefile.in                                |  1560 +++
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 nc_test/run_diskless.sh                            |     2 +-
 nc_test/run_pnetcdf_test.sh                        |     3 +-
 nc_test/test_get.c                                 |  6233 ++++++++-
 nc_test/test_get.m4                                |     9 +-
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 nc_test4/Makefile.in                               |  2457 ++++
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 nc_test4/run_get_hdf4_files.sh                     |     2 +-
 nc_test4/run_grp_rename.sh                         |     2 +-
 nc_test4/tst_dims.c                                |    20 +-
 nc_test4/tst_parallel3.c                           |     3 -
 nc_test4/tst_rename.c                              |   161 +
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 ncdap_test/test_nstride_cached.c                   |   155 +-
 ncdap_test/test_partvar.c                          |    12 +-
 ncdap_test/test_partvar2.c                         |    12 +-
 ncdap_test/test_varm3.c                            |    31 +-
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 ncdap_test/tst_ncdap.sh                            |     3 +-
 ncdap_test/tst_remote.sh                           |    10 +-
 ncdap_test/tst_remote3.sh                          |     1 -
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 ncdump/nccopy.c                                    |   121 +-
 ncdump/ncdump.1                                    |     3 +-
 ncdump/nciter.c                                    |    28 +-
 ncdump/ref_tst_mud4_chars.cdl                      |   114 +
 ncdump/run_back_comp_tests.sh                      |     4 +-
 ncdump/run_tests.sh                                |     5 +
 ncdump/tst_bom.sh                                  |     4 +-
 ncdump/tst_bug321.cdl                              |    40 +
 ncdump/tst_formatx3.sh                             |     4 +-
 ncdump/tst_formatx4.sh                             |     4 +-
 ncdump/tst_grp_spec.sh                             |     2 +-
 ncdump/tst_h_scalar.sh                             |     2 +-
 ncdump/tst_iter.sh                                 |     2 +-
 ncdump/tst_mud.sh                                  |    12 +-
 ncdump/tst_nans.c                                  |     8 +-
 ncdump/tst_nccopy4.sh                              |     5 +
 ncdump/tst_ncgen4.sh                               |     2 +-
 ncdump/tst_ncgen4_cycle.sh                         |     2 +-
 ncdump/tst_ncgen4_diff.sh                          |     2 +-
 .../{tst_ncgen4_shared.sh => tst_ncgen_shared.sh}  |    23 +-
 ncdump/tst_netcdf4.sh                              |     6 +-
 ncdump/tst_output.sh                               |    16 +-
 ncdump/vardata.c                                   |    82 +-
 ncgen/CMakeLists.txt                               |     6 +-
 ncgen/Make0                                        |     2 +-
 ncgen/Makefile.am                                  |     2 +-
 ncgen/Makefile.in                                  |  1200 ++
 ncgen/bytebuffer.c                                 |    43 +-
 ncgen/ctests.sh                                    |     4 +-
 ncgen/data.c                                       |    91 +-
 ncgen/data.h                                       |    36 +-
 ncgen/env                                          |    24 +-
 ncgen/escapes.c                                    |     4 +-
 ncgen/ftests.sh                                    |     4 +-
 ncgen/genbin.c                                     |    69 +-
 ncgen/genchar.c                                    |   345 +-
 ncgen/generate.c                                   |   529 +-
 ncgen/generr.c                                     |     3 +-
 ncgen/genf77.c                                     |     1 -
 ncgen/jdata.c                                      |    12 +-
 ncgen/jtests.sh                                    |     4 +-
 ncgen/main.c                                       |   137 +-
 ncgen/ncgen.1                                      |    69 +-
 ncgen/ncgen.h                                      |     2 +-
 ncgen/ncgen.l                                      |     4 +-
 ncgen/ncgenyy.c                                    |   108 +-
 ncgen/odom.c                                       |    23 +
 ncgen/odom.h                                       |     4 +-
 ncgen/run_nc4_tests.sh                             |     6 +-
 ncgen/semantics.c                                  |    18 +-
 ncgen/util.c                                       |   162 +-
 ncgen/util.h                                       |    12 +-
 ncgen3/Makefile.in                                 |  1161 ++
 ncgen3/load.c                                      |    31 +-
 ncgen3/ncgen3.1                                    |     2 +-
 nctest/Makefile.in                                 |  1106 ++
 nctest/driver.c                                    |     2 +-
 netCDFConfig.cmake.in                              |    40 +
 netcdf-config-version.cmake.in                     |    10 -
 netcdf-config.cmake.in                             |    15 -
 oc2/CMakeLists.txt                                 |     4 +-
 oc2/Make0                                          |    16 +-
 oc2/Makefile.am                                    |     3 +-
 oc2/Makefile.in                                    |   874 ++
 oc2/oc.c                                           |   257 +-
 oc2/oc.h                                           |    51 +-
 oc2/occompile.c                                    |    35 +-
 oc2/occonstraints.h                                |     6 +-
 oc2/occurlflags.c                                  |   316 +
 oc2/occurlfunctions.c                              |   570 +-
 oc2/occurlfunctions.h                              |    30 +-
 oc2/ocdata.c                                       |     2 +-
 oc2/ocdebug.c                                      |    17 +-
 oc2/ocdebug.h                                      |    53 +-
 oc2/ocdump.c                                       |    44 +-
 oc2/ochttp.c                                       |    71 +-
 oc2/ochttp.h                                       |     3 +
 oc2/ocinternal.c                                   |   372 +-
 oc2/ocinternal.h                                   |   117 +-
 oc2/oclist.c                                       |     8 +-
 oc2/ocrc.c                                         |   795 +-
 oc2/ocrc.h                                         |    33 -
 oc2/ocread.c                                       |     1 -
 oc2/ocuri.c                                        |   216 +-
 oc2/ocuri.h                                        |     6 +-
 oc2/ocutil.c                                       |    69 +-
 oc2/ocutil.h                                       |     9 +-
 oc2/xxdr.c                                         |    12 +-
 postinstall.sh.in                                  |   133 +
 test-driver                                        |   148 +
 wjna                                               |     4 +-
 429 files changed, 106782 insertions(+), 24616 deletions(-)

diff --cc RELEASE_NOTES.md
index a8e047e,9343f24..f3f5344
@@@ -7,22 -7,99 +7,113 @@@ This file contains a high-level descrip
  ## 4.3.3 Released TBD
- ### 4.3.3-rc1 Released TBD
+ ### 4.3.3-rc3 Released 2015-01-14
+ * Added functionality to make it easier to build `netcdf-fortran` as part of the `netcdf-c` build for *NON-MSVC* builds.  This functionality is enabled at configure time by using the following **Highly Experimental** options:
+  * Autotools: `--enable-remote-fortran-bootstrap`
+ Details are as follows:
+ ----
+ Enabling these options creates two new make targets:
+ *  `build-netcdf-fortran`
+ * `install-netcdf-fortran`
+ Example Work Flow from netcdf-c source directory:
+ * $ `./configure --enable-remote-fortran-bootstrap --prefix=$HOME/local`
+ * $ `make check`
+ * $ `make install`
+ * $ `make build-netcdf-fortran`
+ * $ `make install-netcdf-fortran`
+ > These make targets are **only** valid after `make install` has been invoked.  This cannot be enforced rigidly in the makefile for reasons we will expand on in the documentation, but in short: `make install` may require sudo, but using sudo will discard environmental variables required when attempting to build netcdf-fortran in this manner.<br><br>
+ > It is important to note that this is functionality is for *convenience only*. It will remain possible to build `netcdf-c` and `netcdf-fortran` manually.  These make targets should hopefully suffice for the majority of our users, but for corner cases it may still be required of the user to perform a manual build.  [NCF-323](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-323)
+ ----
+ * Added a failure state if the `m4` utility is not found on non-Windows systems; previously, the build would fail when it reached the point of invoking m4.
+ * Added an explicit check in the build systems (autotools, cmake) for the CURL-related option `CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION`.  This option was introduced in libcurl version `7.21.0`.  On installations which require libcurl and have this version, `CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION` will be available. Otherwise, it will not.
+ * The pnetcdf support was not properly being used to provide mpi parallel io for netcdf-3 classic files. The wrong dispatch table was being used. [NCF-319](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-319)
+ * Fixed bug in ncgen. When classic format was in force (k=1 or k=4), the "long" datatype should be treated as int32. Was returning an error. [NCF-318](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-318)
+ * Fixed bug where if the netCDF-C library is built with the HDF5 library but without the HDF4 library and one attempts to open an HDF4 file, an abort occurs rather than returning a proper error code (NC_ENOTNC). [NCF-317](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-317)
+ * Added a new option, `NC_EXTRA_DEPS`, for cmake-based builds.  This is analogous to `LIBS` in autotools-based builds.  Example usage:
+     $ cmake .. -NC_EXTRA_DEPS="-lcustom_lib"
+ More details may be found at the Unidata JIRA Dashboard.  [NCF-316](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-316)
+ ### 4.3.3-rc2 Released 2014-09-24
+ * Fixed the code for handling character constants
+   in datalists in ncgen. Two of the problems were:
+   1. It failed on large constants
+   2. It did not handle e.g. var = 'a', 'b', ...
+      in the same way that ncgen3 did.
+   See [NCF-309](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-309).
+ * Added a new file, `netcdf_meta.h`.  This file is generated automatically at configure time and contains information related to the capabilities of the netcdf library.  This file may be used by projects dependent upon `netcdf` to make decisions during configuration, based on how the `netcdf` library was built.  The macro `NC_HAVE_META_H` is defined in `netcdf.h`.  Paired with judicious use of `ifdef`'s, this macro will indicate to developers whether or not the meta-header file is prese [...]
+     > Determining the presence of `netcdf_meta.h` can also be accomplished by methods common to autotools and cmake-based build systems.
+ * Changed `Doxygen`-generated documentation hosted by Unidata to use more robust server-based searching.
+ * Corrected embedded URLs in release notes.
+ * Corrected an issue where building with HDF4 support with Visual Studio would fail.
+ ### 4.3.3-rc1 Released 2014-08-25
+ * Added `CMake`-based export files, contributed by Nico Schlömer. See https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/74.
+ * Fixed ncdump bug for char variables with multiple unlimited dimensions and added an associated test.  Now the output CDL properly disambiguates dimension groupings, so that ncgen can generate the original file from the CDL. [NCF-310](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-310)
+ * Converted the [Manually-maintained FAQ page](http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/faq.html) into markdown and added it to the `docs/` directory.  This way the html version will be generated when the rest of the documentation is built, the FAQ will be under version control, and it will be in a more visible location, hopefully making it easier to maintain.
+ * Bumped minimum required version of `cmake` to `2.8.12`.  This was necessitated by the adoption of the new `CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH` property, for use on OSX.
+ * Jennifer Adams has requested a reversion in behavior so that all dap requests include a constraint. Problem is caused by change in prefetch where if all variables are requested, then no constraint is generated.  Fix is to always generate a constraint in prefetch.
+   [NCF-308](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-308)
+ * Added a new option for cmake-based builds, `ENABLE_DOXYGEN_LATEX_OUTPUT`.  On those systems with `make` and `pdflatex`, setting this option **ON** will result in pdf versions of the documentation being built.  This feature is experimental.
+ * Bumped minimum CMake version to `2.8.9` from `2.8.8` as part of a larger pull request contributed by Nico Schlömer. [Pull Request #64](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/64)
+ * Replaced the `NetCDF Library Architecture` image with an updated version from the 2012 NetCDF Workshop slides.
+ * Fix HDF4 files to support chunking.
+   [NCF-272](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-272)
+ * NetCDF creates a `libnetcdf.settings` file after configuration now, similar to those generated by `HDF4` and `HDF5`.  It is installed into the same directory as the libraries. [NCF-303](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-303).
+ * Renamed `man4/` directory to `docs/` to make the purpose and contents clearer. See [man4 vs. docs #60](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/60).
+ * Removed redundant variable `BUILD_DOCS` from the CMake configuration file.  See the issue at github: [#59](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/59).
 +* Bumped minimum CMake version to `2.8.9` from `2.8.8` as part of a larger pull request contributed by Nico Schlömer. [Pull Request #64](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/64) 
 +* Replaced the `NetCDF Library Architecture` image with an updated version from the 2012 NetCDF Workshop slides.  
 +* Fix HDF4 files to support chunking.
 +  [NCF-272](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-272)
 +* NetCDF creates a `libnetcdf.settings` file after configuration now, similar to those generated by `HDF4` and `HDF5`.  It is installed into the same directory as the libraries. [NCF-303](https://bugtracking.unidata.ucar.edu/browse/NCF-303).
 +* Renamed `man4/` directory to `docs/` to make the purpose and contents clearer. See [man4 vs. docs #60](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/60).
 +* Removed redundant variable `BUILD_DOCS` from the CMake configuration file.  See the issue at github: [BUILD\_DOCS, ENABLE\_DOXYGEN #59](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/59).
  * Added missing documentation templates to `man4/Makefile.am`, to correct an issue when trying to build the local `Doxygen`-generated documentation. This issue was reported by Nico Schlömer and may be viewed on github.  [Releases miss Doxygen files #56](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/56)
  * When the NC_MPIPOSIX flag is given for parallel I/O access and the HDF5 library does not have the MPI-POSIX VFD configured in, the NC_MPIPOSIX flag is transparently aliased to the NC_MPIIO flag within the netCDF-4 library.
diff --cc debian/changelog
index 9df1979,647f940..ae5eae1
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,18 -1,49 +1,57 @@@
- netcdf (4.3.2+git.20140613.4dcb673-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ netcdf (1:4.3.3~rc3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
-   * Incorporate NMU
-   * New upstream release (Closes: #735075)
+   [ Nico Schlömer ]
+   * Upgrade to 4.3.3-rc3 (C-only)
+     (Closes: #735075)
+   * Fix segfault with malformed URLs (Closes: #757884)
+   * Fix ncdump crash with exit status 139 (Closes: #716126)
+   * Fix nccopy crash with exit status 139 (Closes: #716601)
+   * Proper multiarch support (Closes: #676477)
+   * Parallel build of hdf5 now detected (Closes: #708638)
+   * Switch to CMake build
+   * Add myself to Uploaders.
+   * Remove unnecessary dependency on dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info.
+   * Shorten synopsis of libnetcdf-dev.
+   * TODO:
+      - static libs
+      - proper doc installation
-  -- Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>  Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:07:51 +0200
+   [ Bas Couwenberg ]
+   * Update watch file to use GitHub releases.
+   * Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
+   * Use canonical Vcs-* URLs.
+   * Bump debhelper compatibility to 9.
+   * Restructure control file with cme.
+   * Remove duplicate section from netcdf-bin.
+   * Enable verbose make output.
+   * Enable parallel builds.
+   * Override dh_strip to use netcdf-dbg explicitly.
+   * Add DEP3 headers to link-private.patch.
+   * Fix privacy-breach-logo lintian error by using the local copy.
+   * Remove unused substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends} from libnetcdf-dev.
+   * Use libjs-jquery instead of jquery.js from Doxygen.
+   * Add patch to fix 'absence' typo in ncgen man page.
+   * Move nc-config from netcdf-bin to libnetcdf-dev.
+   * Install RELEASE_NOTES.md as upstream changelog.
+   * Add patch to fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign lintian issues in man pages.
+   * Add man page for nc-config.
+   * Update copyright file using copyright-format 1.0.
+   * Add symbols file for libnetcdf.
+   * Add upstream metadata.
+   * Drop README.source, no longer applicable.
+   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, changes: canonical Vcs-* URLs,
+     minimal dh rules, copyright-format 1.0, symbols.
+  -- Nico Schlömer <nico.schloemer at gmail.com>  Mon, 12 May 2014 14:27:06 +0200
 +netcdf (1:4.1.3-7.1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Gilles Filippini ]
 +  * Non-maintainer upload.
 +  * Support hdf5 1.8.13 new packaging layout.
 + -- Gilles Filippini <pini at debian.org>  Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:11:22 +0200
  netcdf (1:4.1.3-7) unstable; urgency=low
    * Team upload
diff --cc docs/images/InstallTreeWindows.png
index c672e10,ccd8014..0000000
deleted file mode 100644,100644
Binary files differ
diff --cc docs/windows-binaries.md
index ffff602,310a6ec..0000000
deleted file mode 100644,100644
--- a/docs/windows-binaries.md
+++ /dev/null
@@@ -1,83 -1,69 +1,0 @@@
--Installing and Using netCDF-C Libraries in Windows {#winbin}
--\brief NetCDF-C Libraries in a Windows Environment may be used under multiple sets of circumstances.
--There are several development environments available for programmers who develop on Windows. 
--* `Microsoft Visual Studio `
--* `MSYS/MinGW`
--* `Cygwin`
--For developers using `Microsoft Visual Studio`, you may download using the Windows build instructions, or you may download the pre-built netCDF-C libraries from this page.
--For developers using `MSYS/MinGW` or `Cygwin`, you may build netCDF-C using the Linux/Unix build instructions.  
--> For complex builds that include netCDF-4 and/or DAP support this may prove tricky, as it is time consuming to collect all of the dependencies.  In these cases it may be easier to use the pre-built `netcdf` packages provided by the `MSYS` and `Cygwin` environments.
--Users who prefer to build the netCDF-C libraries from source in a Windows environment using Microsoft Visual Studio are referred to \ref netCDF-CMake
--# Getting pre-built netCDF-C Libraries for Visual Studio
--These libraries can be used with Visual Studio 2010 projects.  The downloads are installer packages which contain the netCDF-C libraries and utilities (ncgen, ncgen3, ncdump and nccopy), as well as the associated dependencies.  
- ## Latest Stable Release (netCDF-C 4.3.2)
- Configuration		| 32-bit 						| 64-bit |
- :-------------------|:--------							|:-------|
- netCDF 3		| [netCDF4.3.2-NC3-32.exe][r1]		| [netCDF4.3.2-NC3-64.exe][r5] 
- netCDF3+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.2-NC3-DAP-32.exe][r2]	| [netCDF4.3.2-NC3-DAP-64.exe][r6]
- netCDF4			| [netCDF4.3.2-NC4-32.exe][r3]		| [netCDF4.3.2-NC4-64.exe][r7]
- netCDF4+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.2-NC4-DAP-32.exe][r4]	| [netCDF4.3.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe][r8]
 -## Included Dependencies
 -The included dependencies and versions are as follows:
- ## Latest Release Candidate (netCDF-C 4.3.2-rc2)
 -* `libhdf5`: 1.8.14
 -* `libcurl`: 7.35.0
 -* `zlib`:    1.2.8
- *Note: The latest release candidate may actually* **pre-date** *the latest stable release.  If you are interested in using the latest developer snapshot on Windows, it  may be downloaded from http://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c but be warned,* **you will need to compile it yourself!**
 -## Latest Release (netCDF-C 4.3.3-rc3)
--Configuration		| 32-bit 						| 64-bit |
--:-------------------|:--------							|:-------|
- netCDF 3		| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-32.exe][rc1]		| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-64.exe][rc6] 
- netCDF3+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-DAP-32.exe][rc2]	| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-DAP-64.exe][rc6]
- netCDF4			| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-32.exe][rc3]		| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-64.exe][rc7]
- netCDF4+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-DAP-32.exe][rc4]	| [netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-DAP-64.exe][rc8]
 -netCDF 3		| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-32.exe][r1]		| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-64.exe][r6] 
 -netCDF3+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-DAP-32.exe][r2]	| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-DAP-64.exe][r6]
 -netCDF4			| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-32.exe][r3]		| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-64.exe][r7]
 -netCDF4+DAP		| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-DAP-32.exe][r4]	| [netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-DAP-64.exe][r8]
--# Using the netCDF-C Libraries with Visual Studio
--In order to use the netcdf libraries, you must ensure that the .dll files (along with any dependencies from deps/shared/bin) are on the system path. In order to compile a program using these libraries, you must first link your program against the appropriate 'import' (.lib) libraries.  
--## Install Hierarchy
--When installed, the netCDF libraries are placed in the specified locations, along with the netCDF-C utilities and dependencies.
- <IMG SRC="InstallTreeWindows.png" width="1000"/>
 -<IMG SRC="InstallTreeWindows.png" width="400"/>
--# Notes
--*The following points should be considered when using the netCDF-C libraries on Windows.*
--1. When building the netCDF-C libraries with netCDF4 support, using the 'debug' libraries may cause extraneous warnings. These warnings are related to cross-dll memory management, and appear to be harmless. You can safely ignore them by using the 'release' libraries. [NCF-220]
- [r1]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC3-32.exe
- [r2]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC3-DAP-32.exe
- [r3]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC4-32.exe
- [r4]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC4-DAP-32.exe
- [r5]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC3-64.exe
- [r6]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC3-DAP-64.exe
- [r7]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC4-64.exe
- [r8]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe
- [rc1]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-32.exe
- [rc2]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-DAP-32.exe
- [rc3]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-32.exe
- [rc4]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-DAP-32.exe
- [rc6]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-64.exe
- [rc6]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC3-DAP-64.exe
- [rc7]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-64.exe
- [rc8]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf/win_netcdf/netCDF4.3.2-rc2-NC4-DAP-64.exe
 -[r1]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-32.exe
 -[r2]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-DAP-32.exe
 -[r3]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-32.exe
 -[r4]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-DAP-32.exe
 -[r6]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-64.exe
 -[r6]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC3-DAP-64.exe
 -[r7]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-64.exe
 -[r8]: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf/ftp/netCDF4.3.3-rc3-NC4-DAP-64.exe

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/netcdf.git

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