[mapserver] branch master updated (bb5c187 -> 8c81db4)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 7 19:34:31 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a change to branch master
in repository mapserver.
from bb5c187 Update watch file to use GitHub releases instead of download.osgeo.org.
new e26bab3 Use upstream-6.4 branch in gbp.conf.
new c062010 Imported Upstream version 6.4.2
new d98c0c4 Merge tag 'upstream/6.4.2'
new f9ba756 New upstream release.
new b77ef00 Drop php56.patch, applied upstream; refresh remaining patches.
new 5963f42 Update symbols for amd64.
new b8a6ede Improve upstream version extraction from changelog.
new 8c81db4 Set distribution to unstable.
The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitattributes | 2 -
.gitignore | 6 -
.travis.yml | 7 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
Vagrantfile | 79 ++++
cgiutil.c | 24 +-
cgiutil.h | 1 -
cmake/FindAPACHE.cmake | 5 +-
cmake/FindOracle.cmake | 4 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +-
debian/gbp.conf | 2 +-
debian/libmapserver1.symbols | 29 +-
debian/patches/cmake-mapserver-export.patch | 4 +-
debian/patches/php56.patch | 73 ---
debian/patches/series | 1 -
debian/rules | 2 +-
hittest.c | 2 +-
mapagg.cpp | 31 +-
mapcairo.c | 9 +-
mapcontext.c | 3 +-
mapcontour.c | 4 +
mapcopy.c | 3 -
mapdebug.c | 20 +-
mapdraw.c | 57 ++-
mapfile.c | 213 +++++----
mapgd.c | 10 +-
mapgeos.c | 12 +-
mapgml.c | 28 +-
mapgraticule.c | 35 +-
maphash.c | 1 -
maphttp.c | 6 +
mapimageio.c | 8 +-
mapimagemap.c | 124 +++--
mapio.c | 18 +
mapio.h | 1 +
mapkmlrenderer.cpp | 19 +-
maplabel.c | 9 +-
maplayer.c | 227 +++++----
maplegend.c | 19 +-
maplexer.c | 687 ++++++++++++++--------------
maplexer.l | 1 +
maplibxml2.c | 12 +-
maplibxml2.h | 2 +-
mapogcfilter.c | 53 ++-
mapogcfiltercommon.c | 10 +-
mapogcsld.c | 91 ++--
mapogcsld.h | 2 +-
mapogcsos.c | 41 +-
mapogr.cpp | 7 +-
mapogroutput.c | 13 +-
mapoutput.c | 63 +--
mapows.c | 97 ++--
mappostgis.c | 110 +++--
mappostgresql.c | 9 +-
mapprimitive.c | 14 +-
mapproject.c | 2 +-
mapquantization.c | 22 +-
mapquery.c | 12 +-
maprasterquery.c | 2 +-
maprendering.c | 19 +-
mapresample.c | 6 +-
mapscript/csharp/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
mapscript/java/.gitignore | 1 -
mapscript/perl/.gitignore | 5 -
mapscript/php/owsrequest.c | 23 +
mapserv.c | 16 +-
mapservutil.c | 151 ++++--
mapshape.c | 196 +++++---
mapsmoothing.c | 5 +-
mapstring.c | 18 +-
mapsymbol.c | 4 +-
maptemplate.c | 101 +++-
maptile.c | 4 +-
maptime.c | 11 +-
maptree.c | 1 +
maputil.c | 36 +-
mapuvraster.c | 17 +-
mapwcs.c | 41 +-
mapwcs11.c | 49 +-
mapwcs20.c | 46 +-
mapwfs.c | 49 +-
mapwfs11.c | 5 +-
mapwfslayer.c | 14 +-
mapwms.c | 96 ++--
mapwmslayer.c | 2 +-
mapxbase.c | 5 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_conv_clipper.h | 4 +
renderers/agg/src/agg_vcgen_dash.cpp | 2 +-
scripts/vagrant/mapserver.sh | 33 ++
scripts/vagrant/postgis.sh | 8 +
shptreevis.c | 1 +
tile4ms.c | 1 +
92 files changed, 1910 insertions(+), 1426 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .gitattributes
delete mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 Vagrantfile
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/php56.patch
delete mode 100644 mapscript/java/.gitignore
delete mode 100644 mapscript/perl/.gitignore
create mode 100755 scripts/vagrant/mapserver.sh
create mode 100755 scripts/vagrant/postgis.sh
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/mapserver.git
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