[gmt] 01/05: Add patch to append 'gmt' to the man page sections.
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 9 21:20:16 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gmt.
commit b29b2601f85a9e78da5c2dbc2a80f62485b67e37
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Thu Jul 9 18:47:46 2015 +0200
Add patch to append 'gmt' to the man page sections.
debian/changelog | 6 +
debian/patches/manpage-section.patch | 296 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/rules | 8 +-
4 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 7a577d0..7cf0337 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+gmt (5.1.2+dfsg1-1~exp7) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Add patch to append 'gmt' to the man page sections.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:46:47 +0200
gmt (5.1.2+dfsg1-1~exp6) experimental; urgency=medium
* Add Breaks/Replaces on libgenome-perl versions preceding the gmt rename.
diff --git a/debian/patches/manpage-section.patch b/debian/patches/manpage-section.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64cc357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/manpage-section.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+Description: Append 'gmt' to the man page sections to differentiate the GMT specific manuals.
+Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/790524
+--- a/doc/rst/conf.py.in
++++ b/doc/rst/conf.py.in
+@@ -231,133 +231,133 @@ latex_elements = {
+ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+ # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+ man_pages = [
+-('blockmean', 'blockmean', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by L2 norm', '', 1),
+-('blockmedian', 'blockmedian', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by L1 norm', '', 1),
+-('blockmode', 'blockmode', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mode estimation', '', 1),
+-('filter1d', 'filter1d', 'Do time domain filtering of 1-D data tables', '', 1),
+-('fitcircle', 'fitcircle', 'find mean position and pole of best-fit great [or small] circle to points on a sphere.', '', 1),
+-('gmt_shell_functions.sh', 'gmt_shell_functions.sh', 'Practical functions to be used in GMT bourne shell scripts', '', 1),
+-('gmt.conf', 'gmt.conf', 'Configuration for GMT', '', 5),
+-('gmt', 'gmt', 'The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package', '', 1),
+-('gmt2kml', 'gmt2kml', 'Convert GMT data tables to KML files for Google Earth', '', 1),
+-('gmt5syntax', 'gmt5syntax', 'Convert old GMT script to use new \'gmt <module>\' syntax', '', 1),
+-('gmtcolors', 'gmtcolors', 'Explanation of color codes in GMT', '', 5),
+-('gmtconnect', 'gmtconnect', 'Connect individual lines whose end points match within tolerance', '', 1),
+-('gmtconvert', 'gmtconvert', 'Convert, Paste, and/or Extract columns from data tables', '', 1),
+-('gmtdefaults', 'gmtdefaults', 'List current GMT default parameters', '', 1),
+-('gmtget', 'gmtget', 'Get individual GMT default parameters', '', 1),
+-('gmtlogo', 'gmtlogo', 'Adding a GMT graphics logo overlay to an illustration', '', 1),
+-('gmtinfo', 'gmtinfo', 'Return information about data tables', '', 1),
+-('gmtmath', 'gmtmath', 'Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator for data tables', '', 1),
+-('gmtselect', 'gmtselect', 'Select data table subsets based on multiple spatial criteria', '', 1),
+-('gmtset', 'gmtset', 'Change individual GMT default parameters', '', 1),
+-('gmtsimplify', 'gmtsimplify', 'Line reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm', '', 1),
+-('gmtspatial', 'gmtspatial', 'Do geospatial operations on lines and polygons', '', 1),
+-('gmtswitch', 'gmtswitch', 'Switching between different GMT versions', '', 1),
+-('gmtvector', 'gmtvector', 'Basic manipulation of Cartesian vectors', '', 1),
+-('gmtwhich', 'gmtwhich', 'Find full path to specified files', '', 1),
+-('grd2cpt', 'grd2cpt', 'Make linear or histogram-equalized color palette table from grid', '', 1),
+-('grd2rgb', 'grd2rgb', 'Write r/g/b grid files from a grid file, a raw RGB file, or SUN rasterfile', '', 1),
+-('grd2xyz', 'grd2xyz', 'Convert grid file to data table', '', 1),
+-('grdblend', 'grdblend', 'Blend several partially over-lapping grids into one large grid', '', 1),
+-('grdclip', 'grdclip', 'Clip the range of grids', '', 1),
+-('grdcontour', 'grdcontour', 'Make contour map using a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdcut', 'grdcut', 'Extract subregion from a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdedit', 'grdedit', 'Modify header or content of a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdfft', 'grdfft', 'Do mathematical operations on grids in the wavenumber (or frequency) domain', '', 1),
+-('grdfilter', 'grdfilter', 'Filter a grid in the space (or time) domain', '', 1),
+-('grdgradient', 'grdgradient', 'Compute directional derivative or gradient from a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdhisteq', 'grdhisteq', 'Perform histogram equalization for a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdimage', 'grdimage', 'Project grids or images and plot them on maps', '', 1),
+-('grdinfo', 'grdinfo', 'Extract information from grids', '', 1),
+-('grdlandmask', 'grdlandmask', '"Create a ""wet-dry"" mask grid from shoreline data base"', '', 1),
+-('grdmask', 'grdmask', 'Create mask grid from polygons or point coverage', '', 1),
+-('grdmath', 'grdmath', 'Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator for grids (element by element)', '', 1),
+-('grdpaste', 'grdpaste', 'Join two grids along their common edge', '', 1),
+-('grdproject', 'grdproject', 'Forward and inverse map transformation of grids', '', 1),
+-('grdraster', 'grdraster', 'Extract subregion from a binary raster and save as a GMT grid', '', 1),
+-('grdreformat', 'grdreformat', 'Convert between different grid formats', '', 1),
+-('grdsample', 'grdsample', 'Resample a grid onto a new lattice', '', 1),
+-('grdtrack', 'grdtrack', 'Sample grids at specified (x,y) locations', '', 1),
+-('grdtrend', 'grdtrend', 'Fit trend surface to grids and compute residuals', '', 1),
+-('grdvector', 'grdvector', 'Plot vector field from two component grids', '', 1),
+-('grdview', 'grdview', 'Create 3-D perspective image or surface mesh from a grid', '', 1),
+-('grdvolume', 'grdvolume', 'Calculate grid volume and area constrained by a contour', '', 1),
+-('greenspline', 'greenspline', 'Interpolate using Green\'s functions for splines in 1-3 dimensions', '', 1),
+-('isogmt', 'isogmt', 'Run GMT command or script in isolation mode', '', 1),
+-('kml2gmt', 'kml2gmt', 'Extract GMT table data from Google Earth KML files', '', 1),
+-('makecpt', 'makecpt', 'Make GMT color palette tables', '', 1),
+-('mapproject', 'mapproject', 'Do forward and inverse map transformations, datum conversions and geodesy', '', 1),
+-('nearneighbor', 'nearneighbor', '"Grid table data using a ""Nearest neighbor"" algorithm"', '', 1),
+-('project', 'project', 'Project table data onto lines or great circles, generate tracks, or translate coordinates', '', 1),
+-('ps2raster', 'ps2raster', 'Convert [E]PS file(s) to other formats using GhostScript', '', 1),
+-('psbasemap', 'psbasemap', 'Plot PostScript base maps', '', 1),
+-('psclip', 'psclip', 'Initialize or terminate polygonal clip paths', '', 1),
+-('pscoast', 'pscoast', 'Plot continents, shorelines, rivers, and borders on maps', '', 1),
+-('pscontour', 'pscontour', 'Contour table data by direct triangulation [method]', '', 1),
+-('pshistogram', 'pshistogram', 'Calculate and plot histograms', '', 1),
+-('psimage', 'psimage', 'Place images or EPS files on maps', '', 1),
+-('pslegend', 'pslegend', 'Plot legends on maps', '', 1),
+-('pslib', 'pslib', 'A PostScript based plotting library', '', 3),
+-('psmask', 'psmask', 'Use data tables to clip or mask map areas with no coverage', '', 1),
+-('psrose', 'psrose', 'Plot a polar histogram (rose, sector, windrose diagrams)', '', 1),
+-('psscale', 'psscale', 'Plot a gray or color scale-bar on maps', '', 1),
+-('pstext', 'pstext', 'Plot or typeset text on maps', '', 1),
+-('pswiggle', 'pswiggle', 'Plot z = f(x,y) anomalies along tracks', '', 1),
+-('psxy', 'psxy', 'Plot lines, polygons, and symbols on maps', '', 1),
+-('psxyz', 'psxyz', 'Plot lines, polygons, and symbols in 3-D', '', 1),
+-('sample1d', 'sample1d', 'Resample 1-D table data using splines', '', 1),
+-('spectrum1d', 'spectrum1d', 'Compute auto- [and cross- ] spectra from one [or two] time-series', '', 1),
+-('sph2grd', 'sph2grd', 'Compute grid from spherical harmonic coefficients', '', 1),
+-('sphdistance', 'sphdistance', 'Make grid of distances to nearest points on a sphere', '', 1),
+-('sphinterpolate', 'sphinterpolate', 'Spherical gridding in tension of data on a sphere', '', 1),
+-('sphtriangulate', 'sphtriangulate', 'Delaunay or Voronoi construction of spherical lon,lat data', '', 1),
+-('splitxyz', 'splitxyz', 'Split xyz[dh] data tables into individual segments', '', 1),
+-('surface', 'surface', 'Grid table data using adjustable tension continuous curvature splines', '', 1),
+-('trend1d', 'trend1d', 'Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial [or Fourier] model for y = f(x) to xy[w] data', '', 1),
+-('trend2d', 'trend2d', 'Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial model for z = f(x,y) to xyz[w] data', '', 1),
+-('triangulate', 'triangulate', 'Do optimal (Delaunay) triangulation and gridding of Cartesian table data [method]', '', 1),
+-('xyz2grd', 'xyz2grd', 'Convert data table to a grid file', '', 1),
+-('supplements/gshhg/gshhg', 'gshhg', 'Extract data tables from binary GSHHG or WDBII data files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/img/img2grd', 'img2grd', 'Extract subset of img file in Mercator or Geographic format', '', 1),
+-('supplements/meca/pscoupe', 'pscoupe', 'Plot cross-sections of focal mechanisms', '', 1),
+-('supplements/meca/psmeca', 'psmeca', 'Plot focal mechanisms on maps', '', 1),
+-('supplements/meca/pspolar', 'pspolar', 'Plot polarities on the inferior focal half-sphere on maps', '', 1),
+-('supplements/meca/psvelo', 'psvelo', 'Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on maps', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77convert', 'mgd77convert', 'Convert MGD77 data to other file formats', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77info', 'mgd77info', 'Extract information about MGD77 files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77list', 'mgd77list', 'Extract data from MGD77 files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77magref', 'mgd77magref', 'Evaluate the IGRF or CM4 magnetic field models', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77manage', 'mgd77manage', 'Manage the content of MGD77+ files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77path', 'mgd77path', 'Return paths to MGD77 cruises and directories', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77sniffer', 'mgd77sniffer', 'Along-track quality control of MGD77 cruises', '', 1),
+-('supplements/mgd77/mgd77track', 'mgd77track', 'Plot track-line map of MGD77 cruises', '', 1),
+-('supplements/misc/dimfilter', 'dimfilter', 'Directional filtering of 2-D gridded files in the space (or time) domain', '', 1),
+-('supplements/potential/gmtgravmag3d', 'gmtgravmag3d', 'Compute the gravity/magnetic effect of a body by the method of Okabe', '', 1),
+-('supplements/potential/gravfft', 'gravfft', 'Compute gravitational attraction of 3-D surfaces in the wavenumber (or frequency) domain', '', 1),
+-('supplements/potential/grdgravmag3d', 'grdgravmag3d', 'Compute the gravity effect of a grid by the method of Okabe', '', 1),
+-('supplements/potential/grdredpol', 'grdredpol', 'Compute the Continuous Reduction To the Pole, AKA differential RTP.', '', 1),
+-('supplements/potential/grdseamount', 'grdseamount', 'Compute synthetic seamount (Gaussian or cone, circular or elliptical) bathymetry', '', 1),
+-('supplements/segy/pssegy', 'pssegy', 'Plot a SEGY file on a map', '', 1),
+-('supplements/segy/pssegyz', 'pssegyz', 'Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY file', '', 1),
+-('supplements/segy/segy2grd', 'segy2grd', 'Converting SEGY data to a GMT grid', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/backtracker', 'backtracker', 'Generate forward and backward flowlines and hotspot tracks', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/grdpmodeler', 'grdpmodeler', 'Evaluate a plate model on a geographic grid', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/grdrotater', 'grdrotater', 'Finite rotation reconstruction of geographic grid', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/grdspotter', 'grdspotter', 'Create CVA image from a gravity or topography grid', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/hotspotter', 'hotspotter', 'Create CVA image from seamount locations', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/originator', 'originator', 'Associate seamounts with nearest hotspot point sources', '', 1),
+-('supplements/spotter/rotconverter', 'rotconverter', 'Manipulate total reconstruction and stage rotations', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_binlist', 'x2sys_binlist', 'Create bin index listing from track data files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_cross', 'x2sys_cross', 'Calculate crossovers between track data files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_datalist', 'x2sys_datalist', 'Extract content of track data files', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_get', 'x2sys_get', 'Get track listing from the x2sys track index databases', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_init', 'x2sys_init', 'Initialize a new x2sys track database', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_list', 'x2sys_list', 'Extract subset from crossover data base', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_merge', 'x2sys_merge', 'Merge an updated COEs table (smaller) into the main table (bigger)', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_put', 'x2sys_put', 'Update track index database from track bin file', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_report', 'x2sys_report', 'Report statistics from crossover data base', '', 1),
+-('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_solve', 'x2sys_solve', 'Determine least-squares systematic correction from crossovers', '', 1)
++('blockmean', 'blockmean', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by L2 norm', '', '1gmt'),
++('blockmedian', 'blockmedian', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by L1 norm', '', '1gmt'),
++('blockmode', 'blockmode', 'Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mode estimation', '', '1gmt'),
++('filter1d', 'filter1d', 'Do time domain filtering of 1-D data tables', '', '1gmt'),
++('fitcircle', 'fitcircle', 'find mean position and pole of best-fit great [or small] circle to points on a sphere.', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmt_shell_functions.sh', 'gmt_shell_functions.sh', 'Practical functions to be used in GMT bourne shell scripts', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmt.conf', 'gmt.conf', 'Configuration for GMT', '', '5gmt'),
++('gmt', 'gmt', 'The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmt2kml', 'gmt2kml', 'Convert GMT data tables to KML files for Google Earth', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmt5syntax', 'gmt5syntax', 'Convert old GMT script to use new \'gmt <module>\' syntax', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtcolors', 'gmtcolors', 'Explanation of color codes in GMT', '', '5gmt'),
++('gmtconnect', 'gmtconnect', 'Connect individual lines whose end points match within tolerance', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtconvert', 'gmtconvert', 'Convert, Paste, and/or Extract columns from data tables', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtdefaults', 'gmtdefaults', 'List current GMT default parameters', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtget', 'gmtget', 'Get individual GMT default parameters', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtlogo', 'gmtlogo', 'Adding a GMT graphics logo overlay to an illustration', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtinfo', 'gmtinfo', 'Return information about data tables', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtmath', 'gmtmath', 'Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator for data tables', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtselect', 'gmtselect', 'Select data table subsets based on multiple spatial criteria', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtset', 'gmtset', 'Change individual GMT default parameters', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtsimplify', 'gmtsimplify', 'Line reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtspatial', 'gmtspatial', 'Do geospatial operations on lines and polygons', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtswitch', 'gmtswitch', 'Switching between different GMT versions', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtvector', 'gmtvector', 'Basic manipulation of Cartesian vectors', '', '1gmt'),
++('gmtwhich', 'gmtwhich', 'Find full path to specified files', '', '1gmt'),
++('grd2cpt', 'grd2cpt', 'Make linear or histogram-equalized color palette table from grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grd2rgb', 'grd2rgb', 'Write r/g/b grid files from a grid file, a raw RGB file, or SUN rasterfile', '', '1gmt'),
++('grd2xyz', 'grd2xyz', 'Convert grid file to data table', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdblend', 'grdblend', 'Blend several partially over-lapping grids into one large grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdclip', 'grdclip', 'Clip the range of grids', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdcontour', 'grdcontour', 'Make contour map using a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdcut', 'grdcut', 'Extract subregion from a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdedit', 'grdedit', 'Modify header or content of a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdfft', 'grdfft', 'Do mathematical operations on grids in the wavenumber (or frequency) domain', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdfilter', 'grdfilter', 'Filter a grid in the space (or time) domain', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdgradient', 'grdgradient', 'Compute directional derivative or gradient from a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdhisteq', 'grdhisteq', 'Perform histogram equalization for a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdimage', 'grdimage', 'Project grids or images and plot them on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdinfo', 'grdinfo', 'Extract information from grids', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdlandmask', 'grdlandmask', '"Create a ""wet-dry"" mask grid from shoreline data base"', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdmask', 'grdmask', 'Create mask grid from polygons or point coverage', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdmath', 'grdmath', 'Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator for grids (element by element)', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdpaste', 'grdpaste', 'Join two grids along their common edge', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdproject', 'grdproject', 'Forward and inverse map transformation of grids', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdraster', 'grdraster', 'Extract subregion from a binary raster and save as a GMT grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdreformat', 'grdreformat', 'Convert between different grid formats', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdsample', 'grdsample', 'Resample a grid onto a new lattice', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdtrack', 'grdtrack', 'Sample grids at specified (x,y) locations', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdtrend', 'grdtrend', 'Fit trend surface to grids and compute residuals', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdvector', 'grdvector', 'Plot vector field from two component grids', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdview', 'grdview', 'Create 3-D perspective image or surface mesh from a grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('grdvolume', 'grdvolume', 'Calculate grid volume and area constrained by a contour', '', '1gmt'),
++('greenspline', 'greenspline', 'Interpolate using Green\'s functions for splines in 1-3 dimensions', '', '1gmt'),
++('isogmt', 'isogmt', 'Run GMT command or script in isolation mode', '', '1gmt'),
++('kml2gmt', 'kml2gmt', 'Extract GMT table data from Google Earth KML files', '', '1gmt'),
++('makecpt', 'makecpt', 'Make GMT color palette tables', '', '1gmt'),
++('mapproject', 'mapproject', 'Do forward and inverse map transformations, datum conversions and geodesy', '', '1gmt'),
++('nearneighbor', 'nearneighbor', '"Grid table data using a ""Nearest neighbor"" algorithm"', '', '1gmt'),
++('project', 'project', 'Project table data onto lines or great circles, generate tracks, or translate coordinates', '', '1gmt'),
++('ps2raster', 'ps2raster', 'Convert [E]PS file(s) to other formats using GhostScript', '', '1gmt'),
++('psbasemap', 'psbasemap', 'Plot PostScript base maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('psclip', 'psclip', 'Initialize or terminate polygonal clip paths', '', '1gmt'),
++('pscoast', 'pscoast', 'Plot continents, shorelines, rivers, and borders on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('pscontour', 'pscontour', 'Contour table data by direct triangulation [method]', '', '1gmt'),
++('pshistogram', 'pshistogram', 'Calculate and plot histograms', '', '1gmt'),
++('psimage', 'psimage', 'Place images or EPS files on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('pslegend', 'pslegend', 'Plot legends on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('pslib', 'pslib', 'A PostScript based plotting library', '', '3gmt'),
++('psmask', 'psmask', 'Use data tables to clip or mask map areas with no coverage', '', '1gmt'),
++('psrose', 'psrose', 'Plot a polar histogram (rose, sector, windrose diagrams)', '', '1gmt'),
++('psscale', 'psscale', 'Plot a gray or color scale-bar on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('pstext', 'pstext', 'Plot or typeset text on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('pswiggle', 'pswiggle', 'Plot z = f(x,y) anomalies along tracks', '', '1gmt'),
++('psxy', 'psxy', 'Plot lines, polygons, and symbols on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('psxyz', 'psxyz', 'Plot lines, polygons, and symbols in 3-D', '', '1gmt'),
++('sample1d', 'sample1d', 'Resample 1-D table data using splines', '', '1gmt'),
++('spectrum1d', 'spectrum1d', 'Compute auto- [and cross- ] spectra from one [or two] time-series', '', '1gmt'),
++('sph2grd', 'sph2grd', 'Compute grid from spherical harmonic coefficients', '', '1gmt'),
++('sphdistance', 'sphdistance', 'Make grid of distances to nearest points on a sphere', '', '1gmt'),
++('sphinterpolate', 'sphinterpolate', 'Spherical gridding in tension of data on a sphere', '', '1gmt'),
++('sphtriangulate', 'sphtriangulate', 'Delaunay or Voronoi construction of spherical lon,lat data', '', '1gmt'),
++('splitxyz', 'splitxyz', 'Split xyz[dh] data tables into individual segments', '', '1gmt'),
++('surface', 'surface', 'Grid table data using adjustable tension continuous curvature splines', '', '1gmt'),
++('trend1d', 'trend1d', 'Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial [or Fourier] model for y = f(x) to xy[w] data', '', '1gmt'),
++('trend2d', 'trend2d', 'Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial model for z = f(x,y) to xyz[w] data', '', '1gmt'),
++('triangulate', 'triangulate', 'Do optimal (Delaunay) triangulation and gridding of Cartesian table data [method]', '', '1gmt'),
++('xyz2grd', 'xyz2grd', 'Convert data table to a grid file', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/gshhg/gshhg', 'gshhg', 'Extract data tables from binary GSHHG or WDBII data files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/img/img2grd', 'img2grd', 'Extract subset of img file in Mercator or Geographic format', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/meca/pscoupe', 'pscoupe', 'Plot cross-sections of focal mechanisms', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/meca/psmeca', 'psmeca', 'Plot focal mechanisms on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/meca/pspolar', 'pspolar', 'Plot polarities on the inferior focal half-sphere on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/meca/psvelo', 'psvelo', 'Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on maps', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77convert', 'mgd77convert', 'Convert MGD77 data to other file formats', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77info', 'mgd77info', 'Extract information about MGD77 files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77list', 'mgd77list', 'Extract data from MGD77 files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77magref', 'mgd77magref', 'Evaluate the IGRF or CM4 magnetic field models', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77manage', 'mgd77manage', 'Manage the content of MGD77+ files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77path', 'mgd77path', 'Return paths to MGD77 cruises and directories', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77sniffer', 'mgd77sniffer', 'Along-track quality control of MGD77 cruises', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/mgd77/mgd77track', 'mgd77track', 'Plot track-line map of MGD77 cruises', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/misc/dimfilter', 'dimfilter', 'Directional filtering of 2-D gridded files in the space (or time) domain', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/potential/gmtgravmag3d', 'gmtgravmag3d', 'Compute the gravity/magnetic effect of a body by the method of Okabe', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/potential/gravfft', 'gravfft', 'Compute gravitational attraction of 3-D surfaces in the wavenumber (or frequency) domain', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/potential/grdgravmag3d', 'grdgravmag3d', 'Compute the gravity effect of a grid by the method of Okabe', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/potential/grdredpol', 'grdredpol', 'Compute the Continuous Reduction To the Pole, AKA differential RTP.', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/potential/grdseamount', 'grdseamount', 'Compute synthetic seamount (Gaussian or cone, circular or elliptical) bathymetry', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/segy/pssegy', 'pssegy', 'Plot a SEGY file on a map', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/segy/pssegyz', 'pssegyz', 'Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY file', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/segy/segy2grd', 'segy2grd', 'Converting SEGY data to a GMT grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/backtracker', 'backtracker', 'Generate forward and backward flowlines and hotspot tracks', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/grdpmodeler', 'grdpmodeler', 'Evaluate a plate model on a geographic grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/grdrotater', 'grdrotater', 'Finite rotation reconstruction of geographic grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/grdspotter', 'grdspotter', 'Create CVA image from a gravity or topography grid', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/hotspotter', 'hotspotter', 'Create CVA image from seamount locations', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/originator', 'originator', 'Associate seamounts with nearest hotspot point sources', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/spotter/rotconverter', 'rotconverter', 'Manipulate total reconstruction and stage rotations', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_binlist', 'x2sys_binlist', 'Create bin index listing from track data files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_cross', 'x2sys_cross', 'Calculate crossovers between track data files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_datalist', 'x2sys_datalist', 'Extract content of track data files', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_get', 'x2sys_get', 'Get track listing from the x2sys track index databases', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_init', 'x2sys_init', 'Initialize a new x2sys track database', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_list', 'x2sys_list', 'Extract subset from crossover data base', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_merge', 'x2sys_merge', 'Merge an updated COEs table (smaller) into the main table (bigger)', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_put', 'x2sys_put', 'Update track index database from track bin file', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_report', 'x2sys_report', 'Report statistics from crossover data base', '', '1gmt'),
++('supplements/x2sys/x2sys_solve', 'x2sys_solve', 'Determine least-squares systematic correction from crossovers', '', '1gmt')
+ ]
+--- a/doc/rst/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/doc/rst/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ if (SPHINX_FOUND)
+ -w "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/man.log"
+ COMMENT "Building manpages...")
+ add_dependencies (docs_man docs_depends)
+ endif (GZIP)
+@@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ endif (EXISTS ${GMT_INSTALL_EXTERNAL_MAN
+ install (DIRECTORY ${_man_source}/
+ install (DIRECTORY ${_man_source}/
+ install (DIRECTORY ${_man_source}/
+ # vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 73d1746..b4d3181 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ length-typo.patch
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 5504573..6ce94a7 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
# Recompress the manpages to not use timestamped gzip
for section in 1 3 5; do \
- for manpage in debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gmt/man/man$${section}/*.$${section}.gz; do \
+ for manpage in debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gmt/man/man$${section}/*.$${section}gmt.gz; do \
if [ -e "$${manpage}" ] ; then \
gunzip $${manpage} && gzip -n `echo $${manpage} | sed 's/.gz$$//'` ; \
fi; \
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ override_dh_installman:
# Fix gmt_shell_functions.sh man page installation
- if [ -e "debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/sh/man1/gmt_shell_functions.1" ]; then \
- mv debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/sh/man1/gmt_shell_functions.1 \
- debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/man1/gmt_shell_functions.sh.1 ; \
+ if [ -e "debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/sh/man1/gmt_shell_functions.1gmt" ]; then \
+ mv debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/sh/man1/gmt_shell_functions.1gmt \
+ debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/man1/gmt_shell_functions.sh.1gmt ; \
rm -rf debian/gmt-common/usr/share/man/sh/ ; \
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/gmt.git
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