[gmt] 07/23: Add symbols file for libgmt5.

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 13 22:40:20 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gmt.

commit c8284279473fcf178db682bcaddcfa22749b8285
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Fri Jun 12 19:50:00 2015 +0200

    Add symbols file for libgmt5.
 debian/changelog       |    1 +
 debian/libgmt5.symbols | 2775 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/rules           |    5 +
 3 files changed, 2781 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4389a11..291f074 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ gmt (5.1.2+dfsg1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Move /usr/share/gmt to architecture-independent gmt-common package.
   * Recompress the manpages to not use timestamped gzip.
   * Add patches for various typos.
+  * Add symbols file for libgmt5.
  -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Sun, 07 Jun 2015 12:06:29 +0200
diff --git a/debian/libgmt5.symbols b/debian/libgmt5.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7062209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libgmt5.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,2775 @@
+libgmt.so.5 libgmt5 #MINVER#
+ ASCII_free at Base 5.1.2
+ ASCII_read at Base 5.1.2
+ BLK_compare_index_z at Base 5.1.2
+ BLK_compare_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ BLK_compare_x at Base 5.1.2
+ BLK_compare_y at Base 5.1.2
+ BRENNER_fourt_ at Base 5.1.2
+ CartRadius at Base 5.1.2
+ CartScaledRadius at Base 5.1.2
+ CartScaledRect at Base 5.1.2
+ ComputeRasterMinMax at Base 5.1.2
+ CosBellWeight at Base 5.1.2
+ Douglas_Peucker_geog at Base 5.1.2
+ EW_trapezoid at Base 5.1.2
+ FlatEarthRadius at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_GMT_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_Stack at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_Store at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_blockmean_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_blockmedian_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_blockmode_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_filter1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_fitcircle_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmt2kml_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtconnect_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtconvert_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtdefaults_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtget_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtinfo_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtmath_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtread_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtselect_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtset_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtsimplify_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtspatial_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtvector_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtwhich_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_gmtwrite_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grd2cpt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grd2rgb_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grd2xyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdblend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdclip_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdcontour_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdcut_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdedit_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdfft_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdfilter_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdgradient_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdhisteq_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdimage_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdinfo_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdlandmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdmath_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdpaste_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdproject_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdraster_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdreformat_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdsample_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdtrack_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdtrend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdvector_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdview_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_grdvolume_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_greenspline_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_kml2gmt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_makecpt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_mapproject_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_nearneighbor_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_project_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_ps2raster_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psbasemap_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psclip_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pscoast_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pscontour_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pshistogram_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psimage_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pslegend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psrose_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psscale_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pstext_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_pswiggle_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psxy_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_psxyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_sample1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_spectrum1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_sph2grd_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_sphdistance_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_sphinterpolate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_sphtriangulate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_splitxyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_surface_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_trend1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_trend2d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_triangulate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ Free_xyz2grd_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_C_cplx_imag at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_C_cplx_real at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_C_normal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_F_cplx_imag at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_F_cplx_real at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_2D_to_index_F_normal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Add_Data_Object at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Add_Existing at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Begin_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Decode_ID at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_CPT at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Destroy_Vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Export_CPT at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Export_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Export_Dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Export_Grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Export_Textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_FFT_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_FFT_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_FFT_init_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_FFT_init_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_FFT_wavenumber_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_GI_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Get_Object at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_CPT at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_Dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_Grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_Image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Import_Textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Init_Export at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Init_Import at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Make_DataObject at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Memory_Registered at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Next_Data_Object at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Next_IO_Source at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Not_Used at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Unregister_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Validate_Geometry at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_Validate_ID at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_add_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_adjust_grdpadding at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_count_objects at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_cpt_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_dataset_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_destroy_data_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_free_sharedlibs at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_get_2D_to_index at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_get_objectID_from_data_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_get_val at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_grdheader_to_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_grid_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_grid_coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_image_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_image_coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_increment_D at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_info_to_grdheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_init_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_init_image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_init_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_init_sharedlibs at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_init_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_is_registered at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_matrix_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_matrix_coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_put_val at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_report_error at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_set_grdarray_size at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_textset_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_vector_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMTAPI_vector_coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Append_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_BC_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Begin_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Call_Module at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Complete_Options at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Create_Args at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Create_Cmd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Create_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Create_Options at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Create_Session at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_DCW_list at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_DCW_operation at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_DCW_option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_DCW_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Delete_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Destroy_Args at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Destroy_Cmd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Destroy_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Destroy_Options at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Destroy_Session at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Duplicate_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ECEF_forward at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ECEF_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ECEF_inverse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Encode_ID at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_End_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_F77_readgrd_ at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_F77_readgrdinfo_ at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_F77_writegrd_ at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_1D at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_2D at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_Create at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_Destroy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_Parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_FFT_Wavenumber at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Fcrit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Find_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Garbage_Collection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_CPT at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Common at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Default at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_ID at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Index at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Record at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Row at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Get_Value at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Init_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Make_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Message at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Parse_Common at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Put_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Put_Record at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Put_Record_OLD at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Put_Row at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_PvQv at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_RI_prepare at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Read_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Register_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Report at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Retrieve_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Set_Comment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Status_IO at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Surface_Global at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_UTMzone_to_wesn at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Update_Option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_Write_Data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_access at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_add3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_add_to_record at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_adjust_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_adjust_loose_wesn at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_agc_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_agc_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_agc_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_agc_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_akima at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_albers at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_albers_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_alloc_annotations at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_alloc_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_alloc_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_alloc_textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_alloc_univector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_annot_pos at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_append_ogr_item at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ascii_format_col at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ascii_output at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ascii_output_col at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ascii_textinput at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_assemble_br at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_assemble_shore at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_assign_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_assign_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_auto_frame_interval at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_az_backaz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_azeqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_azim_to_angle at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_basename at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_begin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_begin_module at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_bei at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ber at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_best_dim_choice at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_bit_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_bit_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmean at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmean_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmean_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmedian at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmedian_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmedian_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmode at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmode_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_blockmode_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_br_cleanup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cart_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cart_to_geo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cart_to_polar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cartesian_dist2 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cartesian_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cartesian_dist_proj2 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cartesian_dist_proj at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cassini at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cassini_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cdf_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cdf_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cdf_update_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cdf_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cdf_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_change_grdreg at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cheb_to_pol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chebyshev at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_binary_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_filearg at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_lattice at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_region at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_scalingopt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_url_name at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_check_z_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chi2 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chi2crit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chol_dcmp at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chol_recover at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chol_solv at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chop at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chop_ext at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_clip_to_map at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_color_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_colorname2index at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_compact_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cont_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_free at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_plot at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_prep at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_save_begin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_save_end at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contlabel_specs at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_contours at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_conv_datum at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_conv_intext2dbl at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_convert_units at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_coordinate_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_copy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_copy_palette at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_copy_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_corrcoeff at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_corrcoeff_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cpt_transparency at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cr2lf at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_header_item at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_palette at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_table at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_create_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cross3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_crossing_dateline at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_crossover at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_crosstracks at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cspline at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_csplint at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cumpoisson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cyleq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cyleqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cylstereo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_datum_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_decode at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_decode_grd_h_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_default_error at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_delaunay at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_delaunay_free at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_detrend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dilog at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dist_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dist_array_2 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dist_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_distance at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_distance_type at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dot2v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dot3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_custom_symbol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_front at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_map_insert at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_map_rose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_map_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_draw_z_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dt2rdc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dummy_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_dummy_grd_read at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_gridheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_ogr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_ogr_seg at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_palette at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_univector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_duplicate_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_eckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_eckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_econic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_eliminate_lon_jumps at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_end at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_end_module at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_enforce_rgb_triplets at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_erfinv at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_err_func at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_writef_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_esri_writei_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_explain_options at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_export2proj4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_extract_label at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_extreme at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_f_q at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_factorial at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fclose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_1d_brenner at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_1d_kiss at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_2d_brenner at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_2d_kiss at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_any_wave at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_cleanup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_get_wave at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_initialization at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_kr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_kx at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_ky at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fft_set_wave at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fgets at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_file_unitscale at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fill_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_filter1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_filter1d_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_filter1d_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fitcircle at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fitcircle_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fitcircle_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fix_up_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_flip_angle_d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_flip_angle_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_flip_justify at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_fopen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_format_calendar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_br at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_cpt_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_custom_symbols at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_dataset_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_dir_list at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_func at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_grid_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_image_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_int_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_matrix_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_ogr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_palette at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_range at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_shore at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_shore_polygons at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_table at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_text_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_textset_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_tmp_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_univector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_free_vector_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_g_ymd_is_bad at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gauss at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gaussjordan at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gcal_from_dt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gcal_from_rd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gcd_euclid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdal_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdal_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdal_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdal_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdalread at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gdalwrite at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_genper at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_genper_map_clip_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_genper_reset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_ellipse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_polygons at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_rectangle at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_to_cart at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_to_dms at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_to_xy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_to_xy_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geo_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geodesic_dist_cos at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_geoz_to_xy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_API_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_V at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_annot_label at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_annot_offset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_arc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_aspatial_value at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_bcr_img at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_bcr_z at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_br_bin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_char_encoding at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_cols at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_coordinate_label at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_custom_symbol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_datum at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_dir_list at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_distance at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_ellipsoid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_fill_from_z at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_format at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_index at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_int_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_io_ptr at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_io_type at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_lon_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_map_interval at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_plot_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_point_from_r_az at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_prime_factors at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_rgb_from_z at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_rgb_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_shore_bin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_text_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_time_label at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_time_system at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_get_unit_number at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getdatapath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getfill at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getfont at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getinc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getincn at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getinsert at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getmad at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getmad_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getmodopt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getpen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getrgb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getrgb_index at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getrose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getscale at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getsharepath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_getuserpath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_glyph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmonth_length at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmt2kml at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmt2kml_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmt2kml_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmt2rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtconnect at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtconvert at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtconvert_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtconvert_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtdefaults_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtdefaults_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtdp at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtget at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtget_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtget_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtinfo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtinfo_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtinfo_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtmath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtmath_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtmath_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtread_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtread_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtselect at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtselect_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtselect_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtset_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtset_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtsimplify at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtsimplify_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtsimplify_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtspatial at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtspatial_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtspatial_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtstitch at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtvector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtvector_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtvector_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtwhich at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtwhich_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtwhich_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtwrite_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gmtwrite_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_gnomonic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_graticule_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2cpt_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2cpt_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2rgb_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2rgb_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2xyz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2xyz_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd2xyz_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_BC_set at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_RI_verify at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_coord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_data_size at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_detrend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_format_decoder at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_get_format at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_mux_demux at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_pad_off at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_pad_on at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_pad_status at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_pad_zero at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_prep_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_project at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_set_ij_inc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_setregion at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_shift at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grd_zminmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdblend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdblend_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdblend_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdclip at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdclip_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdclip_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcontour at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcontour_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcontour_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcut at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcut_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdcut_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdedit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdedit_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdedit_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfft at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfft_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfft_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfilter at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfilter_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdfilter_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdformats_sorted at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdgradient at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdgradient_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdgradient_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdhisteq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdhisteq_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdhisteq_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdimage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdimage_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdimage_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdinfo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdinfo_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdinfo_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdio_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdlandmask at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdlandmask_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdlandmask_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmask at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmask_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmask_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmath_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdmath_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdpaste at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdpaste_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdpaste_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdproject at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdproject_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdproject_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdraster at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdraster_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdraster_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdreformat at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdreformat_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdreformat_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdsample at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdsample_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdsample_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrack at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrack_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrack_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrend_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdtrend_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvector_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvector_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdview at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdview_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdview_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvolume at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvolume_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grdvolume_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_great_circle_dist_cos at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_great_circle_dist_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_great_circle_dist_meter at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_great_circle_intersection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_greenspline at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_greenspline_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_greenspline_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_grinten at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_guess_sharedir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_half_map_width at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_hammer at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_hash at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_hash_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_hash_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_hold_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_i0 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_i1 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ialbers at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ialbers_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iazeqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_icassini at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_icassini_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_icyleq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_icyleqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_icylstereo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ieckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ieckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ieconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_igenper at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ignomonic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_igrinten at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ihammer at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ilamb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ilamb_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ilambeq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_illuminate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_image_BC_set at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_imerc_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_img_project at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_img_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_imiller at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_imollweide at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_in at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_inc_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_br at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_complex at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_custom_symbol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_distaz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_ellipsoid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_fill at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_fonts at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_io_columns at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_pen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_scales at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_shore at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_time_system_structure at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_track at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_vector_param at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_init_z_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_inonout at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_inonout_sphpol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_inplace_transpose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_input_is_bin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_intpol at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_io_banner at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_io_binary_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_io_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iobl at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ioblmrc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iortho at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iplrs_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ipolar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ipolyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_irobinson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_a_blank_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_agc_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_ascii_record at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_duplicate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_esri_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_gdal_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_gleap at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_mgg2_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_native_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_nc_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_ras_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_srf_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_is_valid_number at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_isinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iso_ywd_is_bad at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_istereo_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itm_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranslin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranslind at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranslog10 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranspowx at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranspowy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_itranspowz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iutm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iutm_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_iwinkel at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_jacobi at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_just_decode at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_k0 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_k1 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_kei at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ker at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_kml2gmt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_kml2gmt_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_kml2gmt_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_kn at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_label_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lamb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lamb_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lambeq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lat_swap at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lat_swap_quick at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_latpath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_eckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_eckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_polyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_robinson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_sinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_left_winkel at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_linear_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_linearx_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_linearx_oblgrid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lineary_oblgrid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_list_cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_list_custom_symbols at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_load_aspatial_string at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_loaddefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_log_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lon_range_adjust at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lonpath at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_lrand at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mag3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_make_filename at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_make_profile at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_make_rot_matrix2 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_make_rot_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_makecpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_makecpt_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_makecpt_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_malloc_func at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_basemap at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_clip_off at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_clip_on at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_clip_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_latcross at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_loncross at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_map_truncate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mapinsert_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mapproject at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mapproject_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mapproject_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_maprose_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mapscale_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_matrix_vect_mult at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mean_and_std at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_median at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_median_weighted at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_memory_func at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_merc_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_message at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mgg2_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mgg2_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mgg2_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mgg2_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_miller at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mindist_to_point at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_minmaxinc_verify at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mode at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mode_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mode_weighted at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_mollweide at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_moment_interval at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_n_annotations at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_read_grd_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_skip_grd_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_write_grd_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_native_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_get_att_text at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_update_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nc_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_near_a_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_near_a_point at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_near_lines at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nearneighbor at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nearneighbor_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nearneighbor_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_non_zero_winding at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_normalize2v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_normalize3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_not_numeric at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_nrand at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_null_univector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_obl at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_oblmrc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_optimal_dim_for_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ortho at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pack_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_common_options at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_dash_option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_front at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_segment_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_segment_item at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_symbol_option at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_parse_z_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pen_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_penname at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pickdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plane_perspective at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plm_bar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plm_bar_all at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plot_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plotcanvas at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plotend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plotinit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_plrs_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polar_to_cart at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polygon_area at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polygon_centroid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_polygon_is_open at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pow_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_prep_nodesearch at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_prep_shore_polygons at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_prep_tmp_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_prepare_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_prepare_label at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_project at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_project_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_project_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_project_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ps2raster at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ps2raster_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ps2raster_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psbasemap at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psbasemap_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psbasemap_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psclip at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psclip_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psclip_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscoast at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscoast_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscoast_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscontour at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscontour_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pscontour_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pshistogram at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pshistogram_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pshistogram_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psi at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psimage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psimage_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psimage_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pslegend at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pslegend_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pslegend_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psmask at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psmask_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psmask_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psrose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psrose_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psrose_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psscale at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psscale_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psscale_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pstext at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pstext_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pstext_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pswiggle at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pswiggle_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_pswiggle_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxy_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxy_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxyz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxyz_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_psxyz_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putcmyk at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putcolor at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putfill at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putfont at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_puthsv at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putparameter at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putpen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putrgb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putusername at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_putwords at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quad_add at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quad_finalize at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quad_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quad_reset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quantile at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_quantile_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rand at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ras_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ras_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ras_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ras_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rd_from_gymd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rd_from_iywd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rdc2dt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_image at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_image_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_img at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_rasheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_srfheader6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_srfheader7 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_table at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_read_texttable at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rectR_to_geoR at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_report_func at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_resample_data at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_resample_path at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_reset_meminc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rgb_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_eckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_eckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_polyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_robinson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_sinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_right_winkel at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_robinson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_rotate2D at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_row_col_out_of_bounds at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_runtime_bindir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_runtime_libdir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sample1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sample1d_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sample1d_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sample_cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_savedefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_savepen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_scale_and_offset_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_scale_eqrad at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_scanf at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_scanf_arg at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_bin_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_cols at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_dataset_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_datum at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_env at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_geographic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_grddim at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_grdinc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_int_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_levels at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_measure_unit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_meminc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_outgrid at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_pad at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_proj_limits at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_resolution at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_seg_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_seg_polar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_segmentheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_tableheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_tbl_minmax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_text_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_xy_domain at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_xycolnames at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_set_z_io at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_setdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_setfill at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_setfont at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_setpen at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_shore_adjust_res at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_shore_cleanup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_show_name_and_purpose at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sig_f at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sinc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_skip_xy_duplicates at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_smallcircle_az at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_smart_justify at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_solve_svd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sort_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_spectrum1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_spectrum1d_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_spectrum1d_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sph2grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sph2grd_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sph2grd_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphdistance at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphdistance_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphdistance_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphinterpolate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphinterpolate_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphinterpolate_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphtriangulate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphtriangulate_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sphtriangulate_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_split_line at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_split_line_at_dateline at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_split_poly_at_dateline at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_splitinteger at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_splitxyz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_splitxyz_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_splitxyz_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sprintf_float at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_srf_read_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_srf_read_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_srf_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_srf_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_stereo1_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_stereo2_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_str_setcase at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_str_tolower at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_str_toupper at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strerror at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strlcmp at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strlshift at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strrepc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strstrip at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strtok at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_student_t_a at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_sub3v at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_suggest_fft_dim at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_surface_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_surface_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_svdcmp at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_tcrit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_textpath_init at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_time_array at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_tm_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_translin at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_translind at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_translog10 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_transpowx at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_transpowy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_transpowz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend1d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend1d_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend1d_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend2d at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend2d_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trend2d_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_triangulate at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_triangulate_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_triangulate_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_trim_segheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_truncate_cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_unit_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_update_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_utm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_utm_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_valbers at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_valbers_sph at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vazeqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vcassini at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vcyleq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vcyleqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vcylstereo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_veckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_veckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_veconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vector_syntax at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_verify_expectations at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_verify_sharedir_version at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_verify_time_step at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vertical_axis at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vgenper at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vgnomonic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vgrinten at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vhammer at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vlamb at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vlambeq at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vmerc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vmiller at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vmollweide at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_voronoi at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vortho at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vpolar at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vpolyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vrobinson at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vsinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vstereo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vtm at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_vwinkel at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_wesn_clip at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_winkel at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_cpt at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_dataset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_label_record at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_newheaders at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_ogr_header at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_rasheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_segmentheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_srfheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_table at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_tableheader at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_textrecord at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_write_textset at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_x_annotation at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_x_free at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_x_is_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_x_out_of_bounds at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_x_to_xx at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xx_to_x at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xy_axis at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xy_to_geo at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xyz2grd at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xyz2grd_parse at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xyz2grd_usage at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xyz_to_xy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_xyz_to_xy_n at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_y2_to_y4_yearfix at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_y_annotation at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_y_out_of_bounds at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_y_to_yy at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_ysort at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_yy_to_y at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_z_input at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_z_output at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_z_to_zz at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_zcrit at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_zdist at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_zz_to_z at Base 5.1.2
+ GaussianWeight at Base 5.1.2
+ NE_triangle at Base 5.1.2
+ NNA_init_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ NNA_update_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ NNA_update_info at Base 5.1.2
+ NS_trapezoid at Base 5.1.2
+ NW_triangle at Base 5.1.2
+ New_GMT_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_blockmean_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_blockmedian_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_blockmode_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_filter1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_fitcircle_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmt2kml_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtconnect_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtconvert_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtdefaults_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtget_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtinfo_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtmath_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtread_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtselect_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtset_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtsimplify_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtspatial_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtvector_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtwhich_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_gmtwrite_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grd2cpt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grd2rgb_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grd2xyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdblend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdclip_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdcontour_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdcut_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdedit_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdfft_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdfilter_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdgradient_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdhisteq_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdimage_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdinfo_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdlandmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdmath_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdpaste_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdproject_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdraster_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdreformat_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdsample_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdtrack_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdtrend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdvector_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdview_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_grdvolume_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_greenspline_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_kml2gmt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_makecpt_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_mapproject_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_nearneighbor_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_project_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_ps2raster_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psbasemap_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psclip_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pscoast_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pscontour_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pshistogram_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psimage_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pslegend_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psmask_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psrose_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psscale_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pstext_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_pswiggle_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psxy_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_psxyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_sample1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_spectrum1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_sph2grd_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_sphdistance_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_sphinterpolate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_sphtriangulate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_splitxyz_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_surface_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_trend1d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_trend2d_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_triangulate_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ New_xyz2grd_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ ReadRecord at Base 5.1.2
+ ReportCorner at Base 5.1.2
+ SE_triangle at Base 5.1.2
+ SW_triangle at Base 5.1.2
+ SaveAGCHeader at Base 5.1.2
+ Singleton_list at Base 5.1.2
+ SphericalRadius at Base 5.1.2
+ UnitWeight at Base 5.1.2
+ WriteRecord at Base 5.1.2
+ add_new_node at Base 5.1.2
+ add_node at Base 5.1.2
+ add_operation at Base 5.1.2
+ add_this_polygon_to_path at Base 5.1.2
+ addnod_ at Base 5.1.2
+ adjust_hill_label at Base 5.1.2
+ alloc_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ alloc_space at Base 5.1.2
+ alloc_stack_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ allocate_data_space at Base 5.1.2
+ allocate_more_work_space at Base 5.1.2
+ allocate_space at Base 5.1.2
+ allocate_the_memory_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ allocate_the_memory_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ aplyr_ at Base 5.1.2
+ aplyrt_ at Base 5.1.2
+ arcint_ at Base 5.1.2
+ arclen_ at Base 5.1.2
+ area at Base 5.1.2
+ area_size at Base 5.1.2
+ areas_ at Base 5.1.2
+ ascii_output_three at Base 5.1.2
+ assign_node at Base 5.1.2
+ assign_output_spectrum1d at Base 5.1.2
+ backwards_SQ_parsing at Base 5.1.2
+ bdyadd_ at Base 5.1.2
+ bin_mode at Base 5.1.2
+ bin_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ bnodes_ at Base 5.1.2
+ boxcar_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ brenner_worksize at Base 5.1.2
+ bw_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ calc_m_and_r_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ calc_m_and_r_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ cart_to_geo at Base 5.1.2
+ centroid at Base 5.1.2
+ check_errors at Base 5.1.2
+ check_lon_lat at Base 5.1.2
+ circle_misfit at Base 5.1.2
+ circum_ at Base 5.1.2
+ clip_contours at Base 5.1.2
+ column3D at Base 5.1.2
+ comp_pairs at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_arc at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_classes at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_distances at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_edge at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_grd_fmt_strings at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_indexed_floats at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_indices at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_nn_info at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_nn_points at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_observation at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_points at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_singular_values at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_sugs at Base 5.1.2
+ compare_x at Base 5.1.2
+ compute_chisq at Base 5.1.2
+ compute_resid at Base 5.1.2
+ compute_robust_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ compute_spectra at Base 5.1.2
+ compute_trend at Base 5.1.2
+ constr_ at Base 5.1.2
+ copy_points_bw at Base 5.1.2
+ copy_points_fw at Base 5.1.2
+ copy_text_from_col3 at Base 5.1.2
+ cosine_weight_filter1d at Base 5.1.2
+ cosine_weight_grdfft at Base 5.1.2
+ count_NaNs at Base 5.1.2
+ count_slashes at Base 5.1.2
+ covsph_ at Base 5.1.2
+ crlist_ at Base 5.1.2
+ crossed_dateline at Base 5.1.2
+ csplint at Base 5.1.2
+ d_sign at Base 5.1.2
+ debug_print at Base 5.1.2
+ decode_R at Base 5.1.2
+ decode_columns at Base 5.1.2
+ decode_gmt_argument at Base 5.1.2
+ decode_grd_argument at Base 5.1.2
+ decode_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ delarc_ at Base 5.1.2
+ delnb_ at Base 5.1.2
+ delnod_ at Base 5.1.2
+ detrend_and_hanning at Base 5.1.2
+ die_if_memfail at Base 5.1.2
+ dist_compare at Base 5.1.2
+ dlopen_special at Base 5.1.2
+ do_azimuthal_derivative at Base 5.1.2
+ do_continuation at Base 5.1.2
+ do_derivative at Base 5.1.2
+ do_differentiate at Base 5.1.2
+ do_filter at Base 5.1.2
+ do_gaussian_scores at Base 5.1.2
+ do_hist_equalization at Base 5.1.2
+ do_integrate at Base 5.1.2
+ do_isostasy at Base 5.1.2
+ do_normalization at Base 5.1.2
+ do_normalization_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ do_spectrum at Base 5.1.2
+ do_the_filter at Base 5.1.2
+ doubleAlmostEqualUlps at Base 5.1.2
+ doubleAlmostEqualUlpsAndAbs at Base 5.1.2
+ draw_clip_contours at Base 5.1.2
+ edge_ at Base 5.1.2
+ file_is_known at Base 5.1.2
+ file_name_with_suffix at Base 5.1.2
+ fill_boxes at Base 5.1.2
+ fill_in_forecast at Base 5.1.2
+ filter_cols at Base 5.1.2
+ filterxy_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ find_nearest_point at Base 5.1.2
+ find_unique_color at Base 5.1.2
+ fix_format at Base 5.1.2
+ flat_project_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ floatAlmostEqualUlps at Base 5.1.2
+ floatAlmostEqualUlpsAndAbs at Base 5.1.2
+ found_unsupported_format at Base 5.1.2
+ free_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ free_node at Base 5.1.2
+ free_space_filter1d at Base 5.1.2
+ free_space_spectrum1d at Base 5.1.2
+ free_the_memory_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ free_the_memory_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ fval_ at Base 5.1.2
+ g_api_error_string at Base 5.1.2
+ g_core_module at Base 5.1.2
+ g_error_string at Base 5.1.2
+ gauss_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ gaussian_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ gdal_decode_columns at Base 5.1.2
+ get_L at Base 5.1.2
+ get_args at Base 5.1.2
+ get_azpole at Base 5.1.2
+ get_bisector at Base 5.1.2
+ get_byte_size at Base 5.1.2
+ get_cell at Base 5.1.2
+ get_chisq_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ get_chisq_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ get_cont_struct at Base 5.1.2
+ get_data_region at Base 5.1.2
+ get_dataset_pointer at Base 5.1.2
+ get_dircosine at Base 5.1.2
+ get_dist_units at Base 5.1.2
+ get_filter_weight at Base 5.1.2
+ get_input_format_version at Base 5.1.2
+ get_intensity at Base 5.1.2
+ get_loc_scl at Base 5.1.2
+ get_max_L at Base 5.1.2
+ get_non_symmetric_f at Base 5.1.2
+ get_point at Base 5.1.2
+ get_radius at Base 5.1.2
+ get_rgb_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ get_robust_estimates at Base 5.1.2
+ get_side at Base 5.1.2
+ get_small_circle at Base 5.1.2
+ get_textset_pointer at Base 5.1.2
+ get_triangle_crossings at Base 5.1.2
+ get_z at Base 5.1.2
+ get_z_ave at Base 5.1.2
+ getnp_ at Base 5.1.2
+ getsig_ at Base 5.1.2
+ givens_ at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt4_decode_wesnz at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt4_parse_B_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt5_decode_wesnz at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt5_handle_plussign at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt5_handle_plussign_orig at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt5_parse_B_frame_setting at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt5_parse_B_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_A_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_B_arg_inspector at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_Cabs at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_Ccot at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_Cdiv at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_Cmul at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_F_to_ch1_ch2 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_GMTtoMGG2 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_H_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_H_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_H_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_H_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_I_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_I_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_I_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_I_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_L_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_L_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_L_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_L_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_NaN_pen_up at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_Nstar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_a_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_a_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_abs_col_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_abs_col_map_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_adjust_periodic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_adjust_projected at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_adjust_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_adjust_table at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_align_ogr_values at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_image at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_ogr_seg at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_table at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_texttable at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_alloc_vectors at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_annot_too_crowded at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_append_trans at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ascii_input at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_assign_aspatial_cols at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_assign_ptrs at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_cartesian_proj at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_flatearth at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_geodesic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_loxodrome at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_az_backaz_sphere at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_badvalreport at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_basic_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_bcr_prep at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_bcr_reject at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_bin_colselect at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_bin_input at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_bin_output at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_br_to_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_build_segheader_from_ogr at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_byteswap_file at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_c_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_c_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cal_imod at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cartesian_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cdf_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cf_beta at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_char_count at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_R_J at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_b_options at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_cmyk at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_hsv at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_irgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_check_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_circle_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_circle_pen_poly at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_clip_sn at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_clip_we at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_clock_C_format at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_close_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cmyk_to_hsv at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cmyk_to_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_code_to_lonlat at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_col_ij at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_char_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_double_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_float_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_int_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_long_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_short_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_uchar_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_uint_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_ulong_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_comp_ushort_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_compare_cols at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_conic_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_addpath at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_angle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_angle_ave at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_angle_line at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_debug at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_drawlines at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_fixpath at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_contlabel_plotlabels at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_convert_aspatial_value at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_copy_and_truncate at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_copy_ogr_seg at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_copy_palette_hdrs at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_copy_to_br_path at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_copy_to_shore_path at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_core_module_show_all at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cpt_parse_z_unit at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cpt_z_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_crosstracks_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_crosstracks_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_custum_failed_bool_test at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_cyl_validate_clon at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_d_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_d_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_d_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_d_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_date_C_format at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_dcw_comp_countries at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_dcw_country_has_states at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_dcw_find_country at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_dcw_find_state at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_decode_tinfo at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_delaunay_shewchuk at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_delaunay_watson at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_determine_circle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_determine_endpoint at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_determine_endpoints at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_draw_colorbar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_draw_dir_rose at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_draw_mag_rose at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_echo_command at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_edge_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ellipse_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_encodefont at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_eqdist_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_expand_filename at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_test at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_test_new at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_f_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_curved_outline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_curvedlon_checkers at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_offset at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_straight_outline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_straightlat_checkers at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_frame_straightlon_checkers at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fancy_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fft_1d_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fft_2d_selection at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fft_Singleton_list at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fft_save2d at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fft_taper at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_file_is_readable at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_file_lock at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_file_unlock at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_find_macro at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fix_up_path_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_flatearth_dist_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_flatearth_dist_meter at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_flush_symbol_piece at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_format_abstime_output at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_format_geo_output at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_format_symbol_string at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_fourt_stats at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_list at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_macros at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_ogr_seg at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_plot_array at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_textsegment at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_texttable at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_free_user_media at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_freeshorthand at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gamma_cf at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gamma_ser at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gammq at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gap_detected at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gcircle_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_crossing at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_getgeocentric at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_to_xtyt at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_tolatlong at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genper_toxy at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genperg_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_genperw_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geo_C_format at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geo_polygon at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geo_polygon_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geo_vector_greatcircle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geo_vector_smallcircle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geodesic_dist_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_geodesic_dist_meter at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_angle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_binary_input at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_crossings_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_crossings_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_dcw_path at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_dms_order at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_grdtype at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_history at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_hms_order at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_label_parameters at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_local_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_module_func at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_non_symmetric_f at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_ogr_id at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_origin at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_primary_annot at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_radii_of_curvature at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_rotate_pole at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_shared_module_func at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_time_language at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_unit at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_uservalue at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_get_ymdj_order at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_getfonttype at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gethsv at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_getpenstyle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_getpenwidth at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_getprevpoint at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gnomonic_adjust at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_check_consistency at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_get_units at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_layout at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_parse_xy_units at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_save_fft at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_save_taper at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_set_units at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_wipe_pad at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grd_xy_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_grdspiral_search at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_great_circle_arc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_guess_surface_time at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_gyear_from_rd at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_h_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_h_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_h_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_h_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_handle_atcolon at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_handle_bars at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_haversine at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_hold_contour_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_horizon_search at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_hsv_to_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_i_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_i_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_i_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_i_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ilinearxy at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inc_beta at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inch_to_degree_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_custom_annot at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_grdheader at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_rot_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_three_D at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_tmp_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_init_unit_conversion at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inonout_sphpol_count at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inonout_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inside_lower_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_inside_upper_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_intpol_reverse at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_intpol_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ipolyconic_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_a_NaN_line at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_closed at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_color at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_fancy_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_fontname at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_pattern at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_penstyle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_rect_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_segment_header at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_is_wesn_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_iwinkel_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_kday_after at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_kday_before at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_kday_on_or_before at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_key_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_l_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_l_read_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_l_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_l_write_swab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lab_to_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lab_to_xyz at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_label_is_OK at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_label_trim at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lat_swap_init at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lat_to_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_left_circle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_left_conic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_left_ellipse at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_left_genper at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_left_rect at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_linear_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_linearxy at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lineary_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ln_gamma at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ln_gamma_r at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_custom_annot at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_dcw_lists at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_encoding at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_macros at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_rot_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_load_user_media at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_logx_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_logy_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lon_inside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_lon_to_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_loxodrome_dist_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_loxodrome_dist_meter at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_make_rot2d_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_annotate at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_crossing at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_gridcross at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_gridlines at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_albers at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_azeqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_cassini at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_cyleq at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_cyleqdist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_cylstereo at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_eckert4 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_eckert6 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_econic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_genper at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_gnomonic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_grinten at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_hammer at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_lambeq at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_lambert at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_linear at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_merc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_miller at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_mollweide at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_oblique at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_ortho at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_polar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_polyconic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_robinson at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_sinusoidal at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_stereo at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_utm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_init_winkel at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_jump_not at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_jump_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_jump_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_latline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_lattick at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_lonline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_lontick at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_setinfo at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_setxy at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_symbol at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_symbol_ew at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_symbol_ns at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_tick at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_tickitem at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_tickmarks at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_truncate_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_map_truncate_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_mat_mult at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_mat_trans at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_matrix_vect_mult at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_mean_radius at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_move_to_rect at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_move_to_wesn at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_name2pen at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_check_step at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_fopen at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_get_units at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_grd_info at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_input at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nc_put_units at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_a_line_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_a_line_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_a_point_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_a_point_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_lines_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_near_lines_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_neg_col_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_neg_col_map_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_nth_kday at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_oblmrc_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_data_parser at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_decode_aspatial_names at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_decode_aspatial_types at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_decode_aspatial_values at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_get_geometry at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_get_type at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_header_parser at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_parser at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_ogr_to_text at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_open_grd at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_orient_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_outside_lower_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_outside_upper_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_padspace at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_B_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_J_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_R_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_U_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_V_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_XY_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_a_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_b_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_c_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_colon_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_f_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_format_float_out at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_g_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_h_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_i_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_n_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_o_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_p_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_range at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_s_option at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_parse_text at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_pen2name at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_place_label at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_plot_C_format at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_plot_vector_head at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_polar_adjust at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_polar_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_polar_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_pole_rotate_forward at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_pos_col_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_pos_col_map_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_powx_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_powy_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_prep_ogr_output at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_print_func at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_process_binary_input at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_project_type at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_put_history at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_quickconic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_quicktm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_radial_boundary_arc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_radial_clip at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_radial_crossing at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_radial_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_radial_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_read_list at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_clip at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_clip_old at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_crossing at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_outside2 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rect_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_regexp_match at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_res_to_int at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_resample_data_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_resample_data_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_resample_path_cartesian at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_resample_path_spherical at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rgb_to_cmyk at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rgb_to_hsv at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rgb_to_lab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rgb_to_xyz at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_right_circle at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_right_conic at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_right_ellipse at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_right_genper at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_right_rect at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_robinson_spline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_rounded_framecorners at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_row_ij at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scale_or_width at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_ISO_calendar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_argtime at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_calendar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_clock at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_dim at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_epoch at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_float at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_g_calendar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scanf_geo at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_scircle_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_distaz at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_do_seconds at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_gap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_oblique_pole_and_origin at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_polar at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_titem at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_set_today at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_setcontjump at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_setparameter at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_setshorthand at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shift_gridline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_asc_sort at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_check at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_desc_sort at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_done_sides at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_get_first_entry at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_get_next_entry at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_get_position at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_getpathname at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_path_shift2 at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_path_shift at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_prepare_sides at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_shore_to_degree at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_skip_output at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_skip_second_annot at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_small_circle_arc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_small_moment_interval at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_smooth_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_sort_label_struct at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_splice_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_split_info_strings at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_straddle_dateline at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_strip_colonitem at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_substitute_macros at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_swap_mgg_header at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_terminate_clipping at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_theta_r_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_this_point_wraps_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_this_point_wraps_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_tictoc_string at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_timestamp at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_timex_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_timey_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_trace_contour at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_traverse_dir at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_true_false_or_error at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_u_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_u_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_verify_encodings at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_vertical_wall at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_voronoi_shewchuk at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_voronoi_watson at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_clip_old at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_crossing at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_map_boundary at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_outside at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wesn_search at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_will_it_wrap_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_will_it_wrap_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wrap_around_check_tm at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_wrap_around_check_x at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_write_formatted_ogr_value at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_write_multilines at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_write_ogr_segheader at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_write_texttable at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_alloc at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_overlap at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_read at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_rect_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_to_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_wesn_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_x_write at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xy_cart_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xy_deg_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xy_map_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xy_search at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xy_true_dist at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xyz_to_lab at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_xyz_to_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_y_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_y_rect_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_y_to_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_y_wesn_corner at Base 5.1.2
+ gmt_z_gridlines at Base 5.1.2
+ gmtmath_find_stored_item at Base 5.1.2
+ gmtmath_init at Base 5.1.2
+ gmtmath_setlabel at Base 5.1.2
+ gmtry at Base 5.1.2
+ gradg_ at Base 5.1.2
+ gradl_ at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline1d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline1d_linear at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline1d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_Mitasova_Mitas at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_Parker at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_Wessel_Becker_Revised at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_Wessel_Becker_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline2d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline3d_Mitasova_Mitas at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline3d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ gradspline3d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ grcoef_ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ABS at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ACOS at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ACOSH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ACOT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ACSC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ADD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_AND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ASEC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ASIN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ASINH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ATAN2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ATAN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ATANH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_AZ_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BEI at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BER at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITAND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITLEFT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITNOT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITOR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITRIGHT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITTEST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_BITXOR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CAZ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CBAZ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CEIL at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CHICRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CHIDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CORRCOEFF at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_COS at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_COSD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_COSH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_COT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_COTD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CPOISS at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CSC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CSCD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_CURV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_D2DX2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_D2DXY at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_D2DY2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_D2R at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DDX at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DDY at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DEG2KM at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DILOG at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DIV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_DUP at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_EQ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ERF at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ERFC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ERFINV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_EXCH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_EXP at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_EXTREMA at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FACT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FLIPLR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FLIPUD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FLOOR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_FMOD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_GE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_GT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_HYPOT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_I0 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_I1 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_IFELSE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_IN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_INRANGE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_INSIDE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_INV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ISFINITE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ISNAN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_J0 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_J1 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_JN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_K0 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_K1 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_KEI at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_KER at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_KM2DEG at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_KN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_KURT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LDIST2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LMSSCL at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LOG10 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LOG1P at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LOG2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LOG at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LOWER at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LRAND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_LT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MAD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MAX at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MEAN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MED at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MIN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MOD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MODE at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_MUL at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NAN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NEG at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NEQ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NORM at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NOT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_NRAND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_OR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PDIST2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PLM at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PLMg at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_POP at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_POW at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PQUANT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PSI at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_PVQV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_QV at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_R2 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_R2D at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_RAND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_RINT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ROTX at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ROTY at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SAZ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SBAZ at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SEC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SECD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SIGN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SIN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SINC at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SIND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SINH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SKEW at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SQR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SQRT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_STD at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_STEP at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_STEPX at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_STEPY at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SUB at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_SUM at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TAN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TAND at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TANH at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TAPER at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_TN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_UPPER at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_XOR at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_Y0 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_Y1 at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_YLM at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_YLM_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_YLMg at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_YN at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ZCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_ZDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_pad_off_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_pad_on_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_pad_zero_sub at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_sort_and_plot_ticks at Base 5.1.2
+ grd_trivial_model at Base 5.1.2
+ grdmask_assign at Base 5.1.2
+ grdmath_find_stored_item at Base 5.1.2
+ grdmath_free at Base 5.1.2
+ grdmath_init at Base 5.1.2
+ grdmath_setlabel at Base 5.1.2
+ grid_fix_repeat_col at Base 5.1.2
+ grid_flip_vertical at Base 5.1.2
+ gshhg_get_version at Base 5.1.2
+ gshhg_require_min_version at Base 5.1.2
+ guess_width at Base 5.1.2
+ hval_ at Base 5.1.2
+ init_area_weights at Base 5.1.2
+ init_blend_job at Base 5.1.2
+ initialize_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ insert_ at Base 5.1.2
+ inside_ at Base 5.1.2
+ intadd_ at Base 5.1.2
+ interp_breakline at Base 5.1.2
+ intrc0_ at Base 5.1.2
+ intrc1_ at Base 5.1.2
+ intrsc_ at Base 5.1.2
+ io_nc_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ is_set at Base 5.1.2
+ iterate at Base 5.1.2
+ jrand_ at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fft at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fft_alloc at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fft_cleanup at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fft_next_fast_size at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fft_stride at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fftnd at Base 5.1.2
+ kiss_fftnd_alloc at Base 5.1.2
+ kml_print at Base 5.1.2
+ lack_check at Base 5.1.2
+ left_ at Base 5.1.2
+ length_size at Base 5.1.2
+ lib_tag at Base 5.1.2
+ line_reader at Base 5.1.2
+ load_column at Base 5.1.2
+ load_const_column at Base 5.1.2
+ load_constraints at Base 5.1.2
+ load_g_row_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ load_g_row_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ load_gtg_and_gtd at Base 5.1.2
+ load_gtg_and_gtd_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ load_gtg_and_gtd_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ load_parameters_filter1d at Base 5.1.2
+ load_parameters_pstext at Base 5.1.2
+ load_parameters_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ load_pstuff at Base 5.1.2
+ load_rasinfo at Base 5.1.2
+ loadraw at Base 5.1.2
+ lstptr_ at Base 5.1.2
+ make_euler_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ match_string_in_file at Base 5.1.2
+ matrix_2v at Base 5.1.2
+ matrix_3v at Base 5.1.2
+ mean_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ median3 at Base 5.1.2
+ median_output at Base 5.1.2
+ move_model_a_to_b_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ move_model_a_to_b_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ n_chunked_rows_in_cache at Base 5.1.2
+ nbcnt_ at Base 5.1.2
+ nc_grd_prep_io at Base 5.1.2
+ nearnd_ at Base 5.1.2
+ netcdf_libvers at Base 5.1.2
+ oblique_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ oblique_transform at Base 5.1.2
+ optim_ at Base 5.1.2
+ ors_find_kink at Base 5.1.2
+ out_of_phase at Base 5.1.2
+ overlap_check at Base 5.1.2
+ packAGCheader at Base 5.1.2
+ pad_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ padding_copy at Base 5.1.2
+ padding_zero at Base 5.1.2
+ paint_it_grdview at Base 5.1.2
+ paint_it_pscontour at Base 5.1.2
+ parse_A_settings at Base 5.1.2
+ parse_GE_settings at Base 5.1.2
+ parse_f_string at Base 5.1.2
+ parse_grd_format_scale at Base 5.1.2
+ pixel_inside at Base 5.1.2
+ place_region_tag at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_boxes at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_wiggle at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_x_errorbar at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_x_whiskerbar at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_y_errorbar at Base 5.1.2
+ plot_y_whiskerbar at Base 5.1.2
+ populate_metadata at Base 5.1.2
+ prepare_polygon at Base 5.1.2
+ print_altmode at Base 5.1.2
+ process_cpu at Base 5.1.2
+ process_info at Base 5.1.2
+ process_mem at Base 5.1.2
+ ptrvoid at Base 5.1.2
+ quick_idist at Base 5.1.2
+ read_data_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ read_data_trend1d at Base 5.1.2
+ read_data_trend2d at Base 5.1.2
+ read_esri_info at Base 5.1.2
+ read_esri_info_hdr at Base 5.1.2
+ recompute_weights_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ recompute_weights_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ record_geotransform at Base 5.1.2
+ recursive_path at Base 5.1.2
+ remove_planar_trend at Base 5.1.2
+ replace_planar_trend at Base 5.1.2
+ rescale_z_values at Base 5.1.2
+ reset_coltype at Base 5.1.2
+ return_address at Base 5.1.2
+ right_shift_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ rotate_ at Base 5.1.2
+ same_domain at Base 5.1.2
+ same_size at Base 5.1.2
+ sample_all_grids at Base 5.1.2
+ scan_grd_col at Base 5.1.2
+ scan_grd_row at Base 5.1.2
+ scoord_ at Base 5.1.2
+ series_prepare at Base 5.1.2
+ set_bit at Base 5.1.2
+ set_coefficients at Base 5.1.2
+ set_grid_parameters at Base 5.1.2
+ set_iconstyle at Base 5.1.2
+ set_index at Base 5.1.2
+ set_linestyle at Base 5.1.2
+ set_offset at Base 5.1.2
+ set_optimal_chunksize at Base 5.1.2
+ set_polystyle at Base 5.1.2
+ set_up_filter at Base 5.1.2
+ set_up_vals at Base 5.1.2
+ set_weight_matrix at Base 5.1.2
+ setup_ at Base 5.1.2
+ shrink_clip_contours at Base 5.1.2
+ sig0_ at Base 5.1.2
+ sig1_ at Base 5.1.2
+ sig2_ at Base 5.1.2
+ sig_handler at Base 5.1.2
+ smart_divide at Base 5.1.2
+ smsgs_ at Base 5.1.2
+ smsurf_ at Base 5.1.2
+ snhcsh_ at Base 5.1.2
+ solve_LSQFIT at Base 5.1.2
+ solve_LS_system at Base 5.1.2
+ solve_SVDFIT at Base 5.1.2
+ solve_system_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ solve_system_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ sort_and_plot_ticks at Base 5.1.2
+ specular at Base 5.1.2
+ sphere_project_setup at Base 5.1.2
+ spline1d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ spline1d_linear at Base 5.1.2
+ spline1d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Mitasova_Mitas at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Parker at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Wessel_Becker_Revised at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Wessel_Becker_init at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Wessel_Becker_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Wessel_Becker_splineinit at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_lookup at Base 5.1.2
+ spline2d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ spline3d_Mitasova_Mitas at Base 5.1.2
+ spline3d_Wessel_Bercovici at Base 5.1.2
+ spline3d_sandwell at Base 5.1.2
+ ssrfpack_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ stcom_ at Base 5.1.2
+ store_ at Base 5.1.2
+ stresep at Base 5.1.2
+ strip_blanks_and_output at Base 5.1.2
+ stripack_areas at Base 5.1.2
+ stripack_delaunay_output at Base 5.1.2
+ stripack_lists at Base 5.1.2
+ stripack_voronoi_output at Base 5.1.2
+ strsepz at Base 5.1.2
+ suggest_sizes_for_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ swap_ at Base 5.1.2
+ swptst_ at Base 5.1.2
+ sync_input_rows at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ABS at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ACOS at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ACOSH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ACOT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ACSC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ADD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_AND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ASEC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ASIN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ASINH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ATAN2 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ATAN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ATANH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BEI at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BER at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITAND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITLEFT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITNOT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITOR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITRIGHT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITTEST at Base 5.1.2
+ table_BITXOR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CEIL at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CHICRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CHIDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COL at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CORRCOEFF at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COS at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COSD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COSH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_COTD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CPOISS at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CSC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_CSCD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_D2DT2 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_D2R at Base 5.1.2
+ table_DDT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_DIFF at Base 5.1.2
+ table_DILOG at Base 5.1.2
+ table_DIV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_DUP at Base 5.1.2
+ table_EQ at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ERF at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ERFC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ERFINV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_EXCH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_EXP at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FACT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FLIPUD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FLOOR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_FMOD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_GE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_GT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_HYPOT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_I0 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_I1 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_IFELSE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_IN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_INRANGE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_INT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_INV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ISFINITE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ISNAN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_J0 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_J1 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_JN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_K0 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_K1 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_KEI at Base 5.1.2
+ table_KER at Base 5.1.2
+ table_KN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_KURT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LMSSCL at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LOG10 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LOG1P at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LOG2 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LOG at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LOWER at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LRAND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LSQFIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_LT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MAD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MAX at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MEAN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MED at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MIN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MOD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MODE at Base 5.1.2
+ table_MUL at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NAN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NEG at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NEQ at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NORM at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NOT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_NRAND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_OR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PLM at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PLMg at Base 5.1.2
+ table_POP at Base 5.1.2
+ table_POW at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PQUANT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PSI at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_PVQV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_QV at Base 5.1.2
+ table_R2 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_R2D at Base 5.1.2
+ table_RAND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_RINT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ROOTS at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ROTT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SEC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SECD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SIGN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SIN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SINC at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SIND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SINH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SKEW at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SQR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SQRT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_STD at Base 5.1.2
+ table_STEP at Base 5.1.2
+ table_STEPT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SUB at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SUM at Base 5.1.2
+ table_SVDFIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TAN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TAND at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TANH at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TAPER at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ table_TN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_UPPER at Base 5.1.2
+ table_XOR at Base 5.1.2
+ table_Y0 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_Y1 at Base 5.1.2
+ table_YN at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ZCRIT at Base 5.1.2
+ table_ZDIST at Base 5.1.2
+ throw_away_unusables at Base 5.1.2
+ trace_clip_contours at Base 5.1.2
+ trans_ at Base 5.1.2
+ transform_x_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ transform_x_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ trfind_ at Base 5.1.2
+ trlist_ at Base 5.1.2
+ trmesh_ at Base 5.1.2
+ truncate_cpt_slice at Base 5.1.2
+ undo_normalization at Base 5.1.2
+ unif_ at Base 5.1.2
+ unit_name at Base 5.1.2
+ unpad_grid at Base 5.1.2
+ untransform_x_1d at Base 5.1.2
+ untransform_x_2d at Base 5.1.2
+ update_txt_item at Base 5.1.2
+ validate_coord_and_text at Base 5.1.2
+ vol_prism_frac_x at Base 5.1.2
+ vol_prism_frac_y at Base 5.1.2
+ weighted_mode at Base 5.1.2
+ write_esri_info at Base 5.1.2
+ write_model_parameters at Base 5.1.2
+ write_one_segment at Base 5.1.2
+ write_output_separate at Base 5.1.2
+ write_output_surface at Base 5.1.2
+ write_output_trend1d at Base 5.1.2
+ write_output_trend2d at Base 5.1.2
+ write_record at Base 5.1.2
+libpsl.so.5 libgmt5 #MINVER#
+ GMT_basename at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chop at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_chop_ext at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_cr2lf at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_guess_sharedir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_runtime_bindir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_runtime_libdir at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strlcmp at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strlshift at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strrepc at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strstrip at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_strtok at Base 5.1.2
+ GMT_verify_sharedir_version at Base 5.1.2
+ New_PSL_Ctrl at Base 5.1.2
+ PDF_transparency_modes at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_beginaxes at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_beginclipping at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_beginlayer at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_beginplot at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_beginsession at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_command at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_comment at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_defcolor at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_definteger at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_defpen at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_defpoints at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_deftextdim at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_defunits at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_endaxes at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_endclipping at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_endlayer at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_endplot at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_endsession at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_fopen at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_free_nonmacro at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_initerr at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_loadimage at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_makepen at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_message at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotarc at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotaxis at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotbitimage at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotbox at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotcolorimage at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotepsimage at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotline at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotparagraph at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotparagraphbox at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotpoint at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotpolygon at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotsegment at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plotsymbol at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plottext at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plottextbox at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_plottextline at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setcolor at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setdash at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setdefaults at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setfill at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setfont at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setfontdims at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setformat at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setlinecap at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setlinejoin at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setlinewidth at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setmiterlimit at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setorigin at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setparagraph at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_setpattern at Base 5.1.2
+ PSL_settransparencymode at Base 5.1.2
+ match_string_in_file at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_a85_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_add_word_part at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_bitimage_cmap at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_bitreduce at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_cmyk_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_cmyk_to_rgb at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_comp_long_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_comp_rgb_asc at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_def_font_encoding at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_deflate_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_defunits_array at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_encodefont at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_freewords at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_get_boundingbox at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_get_origin at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_get_uppercase at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_getsharepath at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_gray_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_ip at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_ix at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_iy at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_iz at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_load_eps at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_load_raster at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_lzw_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_lzw_putcode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_makecolormap at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_matharc at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_mathrightangle at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_memory at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_paragraphprocess at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_patch at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_pattern_cleanup at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_pattern_init at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_prepare_text at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_putcolor at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_putdash at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_putfont at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_putusername at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_read_rasheader at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_remove_spaces at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_rgb_to_cmyk at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_rgb_to_cmyk_char at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_rgb_to_hsv at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_rle_decode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_rle_encode at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_attr_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_int_array at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_path_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_real_array at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_reducedpath_arrays at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_set_txt_array at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_shorten_path at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_stream_dump at Base 5.1.2
+ psl_vector at Base 5.1.2
+ stresep at Base 5.1.2
+ strsepz at Base 5.1.2
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 7041351..622c494 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ ifneq (,$(findstring verbose,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
    export DH_VERBOSE
+UPSTREAM_VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: \(.*\)-.*/\1/p' | sed -e 's/~.*//; s/^[0-9]://')
 BUILDDIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/build
 DESTDIR	= $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
@@ -141,3 +143,6 @@ override_dh_compress:
 	# Don't compress the pdf files needed for the gmt-doc-pdf package
 	dh_compress -X.pdf
+	dh_makeshlibs -- -v$(UPSTREAM_VERSION)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/gmt.git

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