[mapserver] 03/11: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.0_beta1' into experimental
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 20 00:20:33 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository mapserver.
commit 5586f24d35f98199a6e70fd4917f19a95a87e67b
Merge: fda71dd 081b030
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Fri Jun 19 23:47:34 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.0_beta1' into experimental
Upstream version 7.0.0~beta1
.gitattributes | 2 -
.gitignore | 6 -
.travis.yml | 19 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 210 +-
Makefile | 7 +-
Vagrantfile | 28 +
cgiutil.c | 25 +-
cgiutil.h | 1 -
cmake/FindAPACHE.cmake | 5 +-
cmake/FindHarfBuzz.cmake | 51 +
cmake/FindOracle.cmake | 4 +-
cmake/FindPixman.cmake | 25 +
cmake/FindSDE.cmake | 43 -
cmake/FindV8.cmake | 48 +
dejavu-sans-condensed.h | 46158 +++++++++++++++++++++
fontcache.c | 291 +
fontcache.h | 86 +
hittest.c | 5 +-
kerneldensity.c | 347 +
legend.c | 1 +
mapagg.cpp | 1042 +-
mapagg.h | 151 +
mapbits.c | 4 +-
mapcairo.c | 445 +-
mapchart.c | 31 +-
mapcluster.c | 80 +-
mapcontext.c | 26 +-
mapcontour.c | 6 +-
mapcopy.c | 162 +-
mapcopy.h | 11 -
mapdebug.c | 29 +-
mapdraw.c | 2207 +-
mapdrawgdal.c | 529 +-
mapdummyrenderer.c | 34 +-
maperror.c | 178 +-
maperror.h | 12 +-
mapfile.c | 1211 +-
mapfile.h | 9 +
mapgd.c | 1070 -
mapgdal.c | 65 +-
mapgeomtransform.c | 37 +-
mapgeos.c | 16 +-
mapgml.c | 767 +-
mapgml.h | 3 -
mapgraticule.c | 91 +-
maphash.c | 1 -
maphttp.c | 6 +
mapimageio.c | 369 +-
mapimagemap.c | 142 +-
mapio.c | 177 +-
mapio.h | 11 +-
mapkml.cpp | 13 +-
mapkmlrenderer.cpp | 49 +-
mapkmlrenderer.h | 4 +-
maplabel.c | 1267 +-
maplayer.c | 739 +-
maplegend.c | 407 +-
maplexer.c | 4684 ++-
maplexer.l | 20 +-
maplibxml2.c | 14 +-
maplibxml2.h | 4 +-
mapmssql2008.c | 52 +-
mapobject.c | 5 +
mapogcfilter.c | 1622 +-
mapogcfilter.h | 43 +-
mapogcfiltercommon.c | 269 +-
mapogcsld.c | 273 +-
mapogcsld.h | 2 +-
mapogcsos.c | 88 +-
mapogr.cpp | 920 +-
mapogroutput.c | 335 +-
maporaclespatial.c | 823 +-
mapoutput.c | 122 +-
mapows.c | 132 +-
mapows.h | 77 +-
mapowscommon.c | 142 +-
mapowscommon.h | 81 +-
mapparser.c | 2485 +-
mapparser.h | 174 +-
mapparser.y | 1180 +-
mappool.c | 2 +-
mappostgis.c | 977 +-
mappostgis.h | 2 +-
mappostgresql.c | 9 +-
mapprimitive.c | 659 +-
mapproject.c | 302 +-
mapproject.h | 3 +
mapquantization.c | 22 +-
mapquery.c | 406 +-
mapraster.c | 229 +-
maprasterquery.c | 2 +-
maprendering.c | 494 +-
mapresample.c | 333 +-
mapscale.c | 77 +-
mapscript/csharp/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
mapscript/java/.gitignore | 1 -
mapscript/java/tests/threadtest/MapThread.java | 2 +-
mapscript/perl/.gitignore | 5 -
mapscript/perl/examples/wxs.pl | 2 +-
mapscript/php/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
mapscript/php/class.c | 4 +-
mapscript/php/cluster.c | 2 +-
mapscript/php/image.c | 7 -
mapscript/php/label.c | 9 +-
mapscript/php/labelcachemember.c | 2 +
mapscript/php/layer.c | 11 +-
mapscript/php/map.c | 16 +-
mapscript/php/mapscript_i.c | 56 +-
mapscript/php/owsrequest.c | 23 +
mapscript/php/php_mapscript.c | 12 +-
mapscript/php/php_mapscript.h | 16 +
mapscript/php/php_mapscript_util.c | 2 +
mapscript/php/style.c | 6 +-
mapscript/php/symbol.c | 2 -
mapscript/python/pyextend.i | 46 +
mapscript/python/pygdioctx/pygdioctx.c | 6 +-
mapscript/python/pymodule.i | 65 +
mapscript/python/tests/cases/layertest.py | 7 -
mapscript/python/tests/cases/symboltest.py | 2 -
mapscript/swiginc/class.i | 5 +-
mapscript/swiginc/cluster.i | 4 +-
mapscript/swiginc/color.i | 9 +-
mapscript/swiginc/image.i | 91 +-
mapscript/swiginc/label.i | 4 +-
mapscript/swiginc/layer.i | 42 +-
mapscript/swiginc/map.i | 26 +-
mapscript/swiginc/rect.i | 1 -
mapscript/v8/line.cpp | 238 +
mapscript/v8/line.hpp | 66 +
mapscript/v8/point.cpp | 206 +
mapscript/v8/point.hpp | 64 +
mapscript/v8/shape.cpp | 363 +
mapscript/v8/shape.hpp | 85 +
legend.c => mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.cpp | 67 +-
mapscript/v8/v8_mapscript.h | 108 +
mapscript/v8/v8_object_wrap.hpp | 129 +
mapsde.c | 2184 -
mapsearch.c | 8 +-
mapserv.c | 42 +-
mapserver-config.h.in | 9 +-
mapserver.h | 687 +-
mapservutil.c | 184 +-
mapshape.c | 253 +-
mapshape.h | 2 +-
mapsmoothing.c | 5 +-
mapstring.c | 204 +-
mapsymbol.c | 82 +-
mapsymbol.h | 14 +-
maptclutf.c | 31 +-
maptemplate.c | 195 +-
maptile.c | 9 +-
maptime.c | 72 +-
maptime.h | 8 +-
maptree.c | 5 +-
maptree.h | 4 +-
mapunion.c | 29 +-
maputfgrid.cpp | 811 +
maputfgrid.h | 247 +
maputil.c | 328 +-
mapuvraster.c | 17 +-
mapv8.cpp | 386 +
mapwcs.c | 82 +-
mapwcs.h | 15 +-
mapwcs11.c | 144 +-
mapwcs20.c | 1106 +-
mapwfs.c | 5385 ++-
mapwfs11.c | 158 +-
mapwfs20.c | 1389 +
mapwfslayer.c | 14 +-
mapwms.c | 372 +-
mapwmslayer.c | 15 +-
mapxbase.c | 24 +-
nmake.opt | 36 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_basics.h | 8 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_conv_clipper.h | 4 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_glyph_raster_bin.h | 10 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_pixfmt_rgba.h | 2 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_rasterizer_cells_aa.h | 14 +-
renderers/agg/include/agg_renderer_raster_text.h | 28 +
renderers/agg/include/agg_rendering_buffer.h | 8 +-
renderers/agg/src/agg_vcgen_dash.cpp | 2 +-
scripts/vagrant/mapserver.sh | 34 +
scripts/vagrant/packages.sh | 19 +
scripts/vagrant/postgis.sh | 10 +
scripts/vagrant/virtualbox-fix.sh | 5 +
shp2img.c | 3 +
shptreevis.c | 1 +
sym2img.c | 2 +-
tests/test.map | 11 +-
textlayout.c | 861 +
tile4ms.c | 1 +
uthash.h | 940 +
xmlmapfile/mapfile.xsd | 5 +-
xmlmapfile/mapfile.xsl | 20 +-
197 files changed, 75246 insertions(+), 18998 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/mapserver.git
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