Bug#717074: psxy is also affected by correlated bug
Marcelo B. de Bianchi
m.bianchi at iag.usp.br
Sat Jun 20 03:35:38 UTC 2015
Dear Debian Package Maintainer,
I don't understand the whole reason for that but I know that it is
related to the -ansi and -pedantic option during compile. When I use
% apt-get source gmt
% cd gmt-4.5.12
% joe debian/rules # Remove -ansi -pedantic
% fakeroot debian/rules binary
% sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb
the debian packages generated works perfectly, with the given options,
the program is not usable.
regards, Bianchi
Centro de Sismologia da USP
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG/USP)
Rua do matão, 1226 São Paulo/SP 05508-090 Brasil
Phone: +55 11 3091-4743 Cel: +55 11 9820-10-930
http://moho.iag.usp.br/ http://www.iag.usp.br/
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