[osrm] 01/08: Imported Upstream version 4.6.0

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 9 23:08:43 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository osrm.

commit 5d6067d4db0d111d22e79ecce371a059e553ee65
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Sat May 9 23:32:16 2015 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 4.6.0
 .gitignore                                         |   23 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |   10 +-
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  155 +-
 Gemfile                                            |    2 +-
 Include/osrm/Coordinate.h                          |  113 -
 Include/osrm/Reply.h                               |   74 -
 LICENCE.TXT                                        |    2 +-
 Server/APIGrammar.h                                |   74 -
 Server/RequestHandler.cpp                          |  143 -
 Server/RequestParser.cpp                           |  310 -
 Util/TrigonometryTables.h                          |  790 --
 Util/graph_loader.hpp                              |  325 -
 Util/range_algorithms.hpp                          |   42 -
 algorithms/bayes_classifier.hpp                    |  117 +
 algorithms/bfs_components.hpp                      |    8 +-
 algorithms/crc32_processor.hpp                     |   15 +-
 algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp                     |   14 +-
 algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp                     |   11 +-
 algorithms/object_encoder.hpp                      |   17 +-
 algorithms/polyline_compressor.cpp                 |   12 +-
 algorithms/polyline_compressor.hpp                 |    2 +-
 algorithms/polyline_formatter.cpp                  |   14 +-
 algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp                  |    8 +-
 algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp               |   65 +-
 algorithms/tiny_components.hpp                     |   64 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |    3 -
 benchmarks/static_rtree.cpp                        |   21 +-
 cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake                     |    8 +-
 contractor/contractor.hpp                          |  202 +-
 contractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp            |  272 +-
 contractor/geometry_compressor.cpp                 |   41 +-
 contractor/geometry_compressor.hpp                 |    2 +
 contractor/processing_chain.cpp                    |   82 +-
 data_structures/Coordinate.cpp                     |  483 --
 data_structures/InputReaderFactory.h               |  123 -
 data_structures/binary_heap.hpp                    |   58 +-
 data_structures/concurrent_queue.hpp               |   16 +-
 data_structures/coordinate.cpp                     |   87 +
 data_structures/coordinate_calculation.cpp         |  268 +
 data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp         |   82 +
 data_structures/deallocating_vector.hpp            |   75 +-
 data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp                  |  132 +-
 data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp                |  120 +-
 data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp           |   10 +-
 data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp           |    4 +-
 data_structures/fixed_point_number.hpp             |    2 +-
 data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp            |  158 +
 data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp                  |    4 +-
 data_structures/hilbert_value.hpp                  |    2 +-
 data_structures/import_edge.cpp                    |    9 +-
 data_structures/import_edge.hpp                    |    2 +-
 ...aw_route_data.hpp => internal_route_result.hpp} |   27 +-
 data_structures/lru_cache.hpp                      |    4 +-
 data_structures/node_based_graph.hpp               |   62 +-
 data_structures/node_id.hpp                        |    2 +-
 data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp             |    7 +-
 data_structures/percent.hpp                        |    4 +-
 data_structures/phantom_node.cpp                   |  114 +-
 data_structures/phantom_node.hpp                   |   59 +-
 data_structures/query_edge.hpp                     |   18 +-
 data_structures/query_node.hpp                     |    8 +-
 data_structures/range_table.hpp                    |   81 +-
 data_structures/rectangle.hpp                      |  150 +-
 data_structures/restriction.hpp                    |   16 +-
 data_structures/restriction_map.cpp                |   92 +-
 data_structures/restriction_map.hpp                |   36 +-
 data_structures/route_parameters.cpp               |   32 +-
 data_structures/search_engine.hpp                  |   14 +-
 data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp             |   38 +-
 data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp             |   14 +-
 data_structures/segment_information.hpp            |   10 +-
 data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp          |   55 +-
 data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp   |    6 +-
 data_structures/static_graph.hpp                   |   34 +-
 data_structures/static_kdtree.hpp                  |    6 +-
 data_structures/static_rtree.hpp                   |  594 +-
 data_structures/travel_mode.hpp                    |    5 +-
 Util/git_sha.cpp.in => data_structures/tribool.hpp |   17 +-
 data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp              |   29 +-
 .../upper_bound.hpp                                |   67 +-
 data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp                  |   14 +-
 data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp          |   32 +-
 datastore.cpp                                      |   35 +-
 descriptors/description_factory.cpp                |  164 +-
 descriptors/description_factory.hpp                |  144 +-
 descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp                    |   24 +-
 descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp                     |   38 +-
 descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp                    |  785 +-
 extract.cpp                                        |   51 +-
 extractor/extraction_containers.cpp                |  182 +-
 extractor/extraction_containers.hpp                |   20 +-
 extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp          |  103 +-
 extractor/extraction_node.hpp                      |    9 +-
 extractor/extraction_way.hpp                       |   23 +-
 extractor/extractor.cpp                            |  149 +-
 extractor/extractor.hpp                            |   36 +-
 extractor/extractor_callbacks.cpp                  |   94 +-
 extractor/extractor_callbacks.hpp                  |    2 +-
 extractor/extractor_options.cpp                    |   97 +-
 extractor/extractor_options.hpp                    |   18 +-
 extractor/first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp        |    2 +-
 extractor/internal_extractor_edge.hpp              |   34 +-
 extractor/restriction_parser.cpp                   |   62 +-
 extractor/restriction_parser.hpp                   |    5 +-
 extractor/scripting_environment.cpp                |   83 +-
 extractor/scripting_environment.hpp                |    6 +-
 features/bicycle/bridge.feature                    |   47 +
 features/car/access.feature                        |    2 +
 features/car/barrier.feature                       |    1 +
 features/car/bridge.feature                        |   47 +
 features/car/ferry.feature                         |   21 +-
 features/car/maxspeed.feature                      |   20 +
 features/options/routed/help.feature               |   18 +-
 features/step_definitions/matching.rb              |   96 +
 features/support/env.rb                            |   18 +-
 features/support/launch.rb                         |    4 +-
 features/support/match.rb                          |   26 +
 features/testbot/loop.feature                      |   14 +-
 features/testbot/matching.feature                  |   55 +
 .../osrm/coordinate.hpp                            |   57 +-
 .../osrm}/json_container.hpp                       |   14 +-
 prepare.cpp => include/osrm/libosrm_config.hpp     |   41 +-
 .../osrm/route_parameters.hpp                      |   26 +-
 .../ServerPaths.h => include/osrm/server_paths.hpp |    4 +-
 Library/OSRM.h => library/osrm.hpp                 |   21 +-
 Library/OSRM_impl.cpp => library/osrm_impl.cpp     |  154 +-
 Library/OSRM_impl.h => library/osrm_impl.hpp       |   23 +-
 plugins/distance_table.hpp                         |   52 +-
 plugins/hello_world.hpp                            |   40 +-
 plugins/locate.hpp                                 |   33 +-
 plugins/match.hpp                                  |  314 +
 plugins/nearest.hpp                                |   52 +-
 plugins/plugin_base.hpp                            |   32 +-
 plugins/timestamp.hpp                              |   16 +-
 plugins/viaroute.hpp                               |   26 +-
 prepare.cpp                                        |    8 +-
 profiles/bicycle.lua                               |   22 +-
 profiles/car.lua                                   |   54 +-
 routed.cpp                                         |   43 +-
 routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp            |  233 +-
 routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp                |   25 +-
 routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp                |  344 +
 routing_algorithms/routing_base.hpp                |  179 +-
 routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp               |  114 +-
 server/api_grammar.hpp                             |  101 +
 Server/Connection.cpp => server/connection.cpp     |   93 +-
 Server/Connection.h => server/connection.hpp       |   48 +-
 .../data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp            |   39 +-
 .../data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp        |  140 +-
 .../data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp            |    8 +-
 .../data_structures/shared_datafacade.hpp          |  154 +-
 .../data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp            |  164 +-
 .../http/compression_type.hpp                      |   19 +-
 Include/osrm/Header.h => server/http/header.hpp    |   19 +-
 Server/Http/Reply.cpp => server/http/reply.cpp     |   68 +-
 Server/Http/Request.h => server/http/reply.hpp     |   43 +-
 Server/Http/Request.h => server/http/request.hpp   |   10 +-
 server/request_handler.cpp                         |  175 +
 .../RequestHandler.h => server/request_handler.hpp |   14 +-
 server/request_parser.cpp                          |  323 +
 .../RequestParser.h => server/request_parser.hpp   |   94 +-
 Server/Server.h => server/server.hpp               |   24 +-
 third_party/libosmium/.gitignore                   |    2 +
 third_party/libosmium/.travis.yml                  |   51 +
 third_party/libosmium/.ycm_extra_conf.py           |   48 +
 third_party/libosmium/CHANGELOG.md                 |   31 +
 third_party/libosmium/CMakeLists.txt               |  333 +
 third_party/libosmium/CONTRIBUTING.md              |  132 +
 .../io/xml_input.hpp => libosmium/LICENSE.txt}     |   16 -
 third_party/libosmium/Makefile                     |   25 +
 third_party/libosmium/README.md                    |  104 +
 third_party/libosmium/appveyor.yml                 |   77 +
 third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt    |   48 +
 third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/README.md         |   41 +
 third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/download_data.sh  |   12 +
 .../benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count.cpp          |   54 +
 .../benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count_tag.cpp      |   55 +
 .../benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_index_map.cpp      |   41 +
 .../osmium_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.cpp   |  136 +
 .../libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count.sh    |   22 +
 .../benchmarks/run_benchmark_count_tag.sh          |   22 +
 .../benchmarks/run_benchmark_index_map.sh          |   27 +
 .../run_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.sh       |   21 +
 third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmarks.sh |   15 +
 third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/setup.sh          |   34 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindGem.cmake          |  153 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOSMPBF.cmake       |   50 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOsmium.cmake       |  340 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/README                 |    3 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/build.bat              |   15 +
 third_party/libosmium/cmake/iwyu.sh                |   43 +
 third_party/libosmium/doc/CMakeLists.txt           |   35 +
 third_party/libosmium/doc/Doxyfile.in              | 2313 +++++
 third_party/libosmium/doc/README.md                |    8 +
 third_party/libosmium/doc/doc.txt                  |   26 +
 third_party/libosmium/doc/header.html              |   56 +
 third_party/libosmium/doc/osmium.css               |   22 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/CMakeLists.txt      |  115 +
 .../libosmium/examples/osmium_area_test.cpp        |  138 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_convert.cpp  |  112 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_count.cpp    |   57 +
 .../examples/osmium_create_node_cache.cpp          |   58 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_debug.cpp    |   52 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_index.cpp    |  237 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_read.cpp     |   32 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_serdump.cpp  |  209 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr.cpp    |  246 +
 third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2.cpp   |  333 +
 .../libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2_exp.cpp       |  307 +
 .../libosmium/examples/osmium_use_node_cache.cpp   |   71 +
 .../libosmium/include/boost_unicode_iterator.hpp   |  776 ++
 third_party/libosmium/include/mmap_for_windows.hpp |  103 +
 .../include}/osmium/area/assembler.hpp             |    8 +-
 .../osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp        |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp     |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp   |    4 +-
 .../osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp         |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp      |    2 +-
 .../osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp  |   45 +-
 .../osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp        |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/builder/builder.hpp            |   19 +-
 .../include}/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp |   17 +-
 .../include}/osmium/diff_handler.hpp               |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp              |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp               |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp            |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp   |   42 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp           |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/factory.hpp               |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp               |   10 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/geom/geos.hpp   |   12 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp             |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp   |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp    |   47 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/projection.hpp            |   28 +-
 .../include}/osmium/geom/relations.hpp             |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/geom/util.hpp   |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp    |   12 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp    |    8 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/handler.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/handler/chain.hpp              |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp         |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/handler/dump.hpp               |    4 +-
 .../osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp     |   13 +-
 .../include}/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp   |    2 +-
 .../osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp}    |   45 +-
 .../osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp       |   12 +-
 .../osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp       |    9 +-
 .../osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp       |   21 +-
 .../include}/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp       |    8 +-
 .../include}/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp    |    8 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp}    |   40 +-
 .../osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp}       |   11 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/index/index.hpp |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/index/map.hpp   |  109 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/all.hpp}              |   25 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp} |   24 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp}  |   21 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp} |   17 +-
 .../include}/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp            |    3 +-
 .../osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp}        |   24 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp} |   17 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp}   |   21 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp} |   32 +-
 .../osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp}        |   23 +-
 .../include}/osmium/index/multimap.hpp             |   10 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/multimap/all.hpp}         |   18 +-
 .../include}/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp      |   17 +-
 .../osmium/index/multimap/sparse_file_array.hpp}   |   12 +-
 .../osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp}    |   12 +-
 .../osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp} |   18 +-
 .../osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mmap_array.hpp}   |   12 +-
 .../include/osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp    |   70 +
 .../include}/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp         |   11 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/any_input.hpp               |   12 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/any_output.hpp              |   12 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp       |  110 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/compression.hpp             |   24 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp     |    8 +-
 .../osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp         |   82 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp    |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp              |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp |   52 +-
 .../osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp         |   52 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp       |   46 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp  |   44 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp      |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp       |   10 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp |   28 +-
 .../osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp         |  153 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp             |   42 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/io/error.hpp    |    3 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/io/file.hpp     |    3 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp        |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/file_format.hpp             |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp        |   50 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/io/header.hpp   |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp          |    3 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp              |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp         |   10 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp               |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp               |   12 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp              |   12 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/io/reader.hpp   |   21 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp         |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/io/writer.hpp   |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp               |   11 +-
 .../include}/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp              |   10 +-
 .../include}/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp              |   13 +-
 .../include}/osmium/memory/collection.hpp          |    3 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/memory/item.hpp |    7 +-
 .../include}/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp       |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp  |    2 +-
 third_party/{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm.hpp |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/area.hpp    |   41 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/box.hpp     |   81 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp              |    5 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp            |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/entity.hpp  |    7 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp            |    8 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp              |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/location.hpp               |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/node.hpp    |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp               |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp          |   97 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/object.hpp  |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/relation.hpp               |    4 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/segment.hpp |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/tag.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp              |   38 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/types.hpp   |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp     |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/osm/way.hpp     |    8 +-
 .../include}/osmium/relations/collector.hpp        |    6 +-
 .../osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp        |    2 +-
 .../osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp      |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/tags/filter.hpp |   16 +-
 .../include}/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp          |    2 +-
 .../include}/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp               |    8 +-
 .../include}/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp    |    5 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/thread/pool.hpp |    8 +-
 .../include}/osmium/thread/queue.hpp               |   13 +-
 .../include}/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp        |    6 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/thread/util.hpp |    2 +-
 third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/cast.hpp |  103 +
 .../include}/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp         |    2 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/util/config.hpp |    7 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/util/double.hpp |    4 +-
 .../include}/osmium/util/options.hpp               |    2 +-
 .../include/osmium/util/string.hpp}                |   51 +-
 .../include}/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp        |    4 +-
 .../{ => libosmium/include}/osmium/visitor.hpp     |    2 +-
 third_party/libosmium/osmium.imp                   |   11 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/CMakeLists.txt          |  165 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/README                  |   13 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/.gitignore   |    1 +
 .../libosmium/test/data-tests/CMakeLists.txt       |  118 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/README.md    |   10 +
 .../data-tests/include/check_basics_handler.hpp    |   92 +
 .../test/data-tests/include/check_wkt_handler.hpp  |   86 +
 .../libosmium/test/data-tests/include/common.hpp   |   22 +
 .../test/data-tests/include/testdata-testcases.hpp |   10 +
 .../libosmium/test/data-tests/multipolygon.qgs     |  880 ++
 .../data-tests/run-testdata-multipolygon.cmake     |   46 +
 .../test/data-tests/testcases/test-100.cpp         |   41 +
 .../test/data-tests/testcases/test-101.cpp         |   43 +
 .../test/data-tests/testcases/test-110.cpp         |   58 +
 .../test/data-tests/testdata-multipolygon.cpp      |  291 +
 .../test/data-tests/testdata-overview.cpp          |  197 +
 .../test/data-tests/testdata-testcases.cpp         |   27 +
 .../libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-xml.cpp     |  462 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch.hpp       | 9003 ++++++++++++++++++++
 third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch_orig.hpp  | 8997 +++++++++++++++++++
 third_party/libosmium/test/include/utils.hpp       |   18 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/include/win_mkstemp.hpp |   42 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_area_id.cpp |   25 +
 .../test/t/area/test_node_ref_segment.cpp          |  115 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/helper.hpp      |   97 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_box.cpp    |   91 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_changeset.cpp      |   57 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_entity_bits.cpp    |   31 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_location.cpp       |  154 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node.cpp   |  117 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node_ref.cpp       |   57 +
 .../test/t/basic/test_object_comparisons.cpp       |  147 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_relation.cpp       |   60 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/basic/test_timestamp.cpp      |   58 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_way.cpp    |   82 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_node.cpp   |  135 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_purge.cpp  |  186 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/helper.hpp       |   15 +
 .../test/t/geom/test_factory_with_projection.cpp   |   41 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geojson.cpp |  236 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos.cpp    |  198 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos_wkb.cpp        |  156 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/geom/test_mercator.cpp        |   37 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_ogr.cpp     |  185 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/geom/test_projection.cpp      |  131 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkb.cpp     |  133 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkt.cpp     |  198 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/index/test_id_to_location.cpp |  170 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap.cpp     |   76 +
 .../test/t/index/test_typed_mmap_grow.cpp          |   34 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm           |    4 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.bz2       |  Bin 0 -> 200 bytes
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.gz        |  Bin 0 -> 187 bytes
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt     |    1 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt.bz2 |  Bin 0 -> 45 bytes
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_bzip2.cpp     |   33 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/io/test_file_formats.cpp      |  251 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/io/test_output_iterator.cpp   |   37 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_reader.cpp    |  117 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_filter.cpp  |  216 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/tags/test_operators.cpp       |   61 +
 .../libosmium/test/t/tags/test_tag_list.cpp        |   76 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/thread/test_pool.cpp  |   69 +
 .../test/t/util/test_cast_with_assert.cpp          |   89 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_double.cpp  |   33 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_options.cpp |   48 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_string.cpp  |   57 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/test_main.cpp           |    2 +
 third_party/libosmium/test/valgrind.supp           |   47 +
 third_party/osmium/thread/checked_task.hpp         |  106 -
 third_party/osmium/thread/name.hpp                 |   61 -
 third_party/osmium/util/cast.hpp                   |   72 -
 third_party/variant/.gitignore                     |    3 +
 third_party/variant/.travis.yml                    |   22 +
 third_party/variant/Jamroot                        |   75 +
 Util/git_sha.cpp.in => third_party/variant/LICENSE |   26 +-
 third_party/variant/Makefile                       |  100 +
 third_party/variant/README.md                      |   67 +
 third_party/variant/appveyor.yml                   |   27 +
 third_party/variant/common.gypi                    |  143 +
 third_party/variant/scripts/linux.sh               |   59 +
 third_party/variant/scripts/osx.sh                 |   20 +
 third_party/variant/test/bench_variant.cpp         |  204 +
 third_party/variant/test/binary_visitor_test.cpp   |  136 +
 .../variant/test/boost_variant_hello_world.cpp     |   19 +
 third_party/variant/test/catch.hpp                 | 8683 +++++++++++++++++++
 third_party/variant/test/optional_unit.cpp         |   82 +
 .../variant/test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp        |  132 +
 .../variant/test/reference_wrapper_test.cpp        |   74 +
 third_party/variant/test/unique_ptr_test.cpp       |  128 +
 third_party/variant/test/unit.cpp                  |  314 +
 third_party/variant/test/variant_hello_world.cpp   |   22 +
 third_party/variant/variant.gyp                    |   21 +
 third_party/variant/variant.hpp                    |  282 +-
 third_party/variant/variant_io.hpp                 |   39 +
 third_party/variant/vcbuild.bat                    |    8 +
 tools/check-hsgr.cpp                               |   22 +-
 tools/components.cpp                               |  120 +-
 tools/graph_compare.cpp                            |  199 +
 tools/io-benchmark.cpp                             |   24 +-
 tools/simpleclient.cpp                             |   93 +-
 tools/springclean.cpp                              |   12 +-
 tools/unlock_all_mutexes.cpp                       |    8 +-
 {UnitTests => unit_tests}/algorithm_tests.cpp      |    3 +-
 .../algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp                 |   36 +-
 .../algorithms/duration_parsing.cpp                |   39 +-
 .../algorithms/string_util.cpp                     |   50 +-
 .../data_structures/binary_heap.cpp                |    2 +-
 .../data_structures/coordinate.cpp                 |   27 +-
 unit_tests/data_structures/dynamic_graph.cpp       |   96 +
 .../data_structures/range_table.cpp                |    7 +-
 .../data_structures/static_graph.cpp               |   63 +-
 .../data_structures/static_rtree.cpp               |   86 +-
 {UnitTests => unit_tests}/datastructure_tests.cpp  |    2 +-
 {Util => util}/bearing.cpp                         |   42 +-
 {Util => util}/bearing.hpp                         |   12 +-
 .../boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp                     |    2 +-
 {Util => util}/cast.hpp                            |   17 +-
 {Util => util}/compute_angle.cpp                   |   25 +-
 {Util => util}/compute_angle.hpp                   |   13 +-
 {Util => util}/container.hpp                       |   51 +-
 .../datastore_options.hpp                          |   42 +-
 Util/git_sha.hpp => util/fingerprint.cpp           |    8 +-
 Util/FingerPrint.h => util/fingerprint.hpp         |    4 +-
 .../fingerprint_impl.hpp.in                        |    6 +-
 {Util => util}/floating_point.hpp                  |    2 +-
 {Util => util}/git_sha.cpp.in                      |    2 +-
 {Util => util}/git_sha.hpp                         |    4 +-
 util/graph_loader.hpp                              |  539 ++
 Util/IniFileUtil.h => util/ini_file.hpp            |   26 +-
 {Util => util}/integer_range.hpp                   |   26 +-
 util/iso_8601_duration_parser.hpp                  |  102 +
 {Util => util}/iterator_range.hpp                  |   37 +-
 Util/bearing.cpp => util/json_logger.hpp           |   79 +-
 {Util => util}/json_renderer.hpp                   |   25 +-
 util/json_util.hpp                                 |  103 +
 {Util => util}/lua_util.hpp                        |    2 +-
 {Util => util}/make_unique.hpp                     |   44 +-
 util/matching_debug_info.hpp                       |  155 +
 Util/MercatorUtil.h => util/mercator.cpp           |   15 +-
 Util/bearing.hpp => util/mercator.hpp              |   16 +-
 {Util => util}/osrm_exception.cpp                  |   24 +-
 {Util => util}/osrm_exception.hpp                  |    2 +-
 .../range_algorithms.hpp                           |   27 +-
 Util/ProgramOptions.h => util/routed_options.hpp   |   76 +-
 {Util => util}/simple_logger.cpp                   |   58 +-
 {Util => util}/simple_logger.hpp                   |    4 +-
 {Util => util}/std_hash.hpp                        |   23 +-
 {Util => util}/string_util.hpp                     |   54 +-
 {Util => util}/timing_util.hpp                     |   36 +-
 util/trigonometry_table.hpp                        |  448 +
 {Util => util}/xml_renderer.hpp                    |   36 +-
 509 files changed, 52877 insertions(+), 7892 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b905eea..6ed5d2a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Thumbs.db
 # build related files #
 # Eclipse related files #
@@ -53,25 +53,8 @@ Thumbs.db
-# compiled protobuffers #
-# External Libs #
-# Visual Studio Temp + build Files #
+# Compiled Binary Files #
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 643e00d..ed023e4 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ install:
  - sudo apt-get -q install protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libprotobuf7 libprotobuf-dev libbz2-dev libstxxl-dev libstxxl1 libxml2-dev libzip-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev rubygems libtbb-dev
  - sudo apt-get -q install g++-4.8
  - sudo apt-get install libboost1.54-all-dev
+ - sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev
  # luabind
  - curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/DennisOSRM/f2eb7b948e6fe1ae319e/raw/install-luabind.sh | sudo bash
  # osmosis
@@ -24,10 +25,11 @@ before_script:
  - bundle install
  - mkdir build
  - cd build
- - cmake .. $CMAKEOPTIONS
- - make -j 2
- - make -j 2 tests
+ - make
+ - make tests
+ - make benchmarks
  - ./datastructure-tests
  - cd ..
  - cucumber -p verify
@@ -44,7 +46,9 @@ cache:
+ slack: mapbox:4A6euphDwfxAQnhLurXbu6A1
     - irc.oftc.net#osrm
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index b6a40f9..503171a 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)
   message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed.
 Please create a directory and run cmake from there, passing the path to this source directory as the last argument.
 This process created the file `CMakeCache.txt' and the directory `CMakeFiles'. Please delete them.")
+project(OSRM C CXX)
@@ -23,85 +23,89 @@ else()
   message(WARNING "Building on a 32 bit system is unsupported")
   message(FATAL_ERROR "Building with Microsoft compiler needs Visual Studio 2013 or later (Express version works too)")
+option(ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING "Adds additional JSON debug logging to the response" OFF)
+option(WITH_TOOLS "Build OSRM tools" OFF)
+option(BUILD_TOOLS "Build OSRM tools" OFF)
-add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Util/finger_print.cpp finger_print.cpp.alwaysbuild
+add_custom_target(FingerPrintConfigure ALL
     -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake
-    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Util/finger_print.cpp.in
-  COMMENT "Configuring finger_print.cpp"
+  COMMENT "Configuring revision fingerprint"
-add_custom_target(FingerPrintConfigure DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Util/finger_print.cpp)
 add_custom_target(tests DEPENDS datastructure-tests algorithm-tests)
 add_custom_target(benchmarks DEPENDS rtree-bench)
 set(BOOST_COMPONENTS date_time filesystem iostreams program_options regex system thread unit_test_framework)
-  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Util/git_sha.cpp.in
-  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Util/git_sha.cpp
+  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/util/git_sha.cpp.in
+  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/util/git_sha.cpp
 file(GLOB ExtractorGlob extractor/*.cpp)
 file(GLOB ImporterGlob data_structures/import_edge.cpp data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp)
 add_library(IMPORT OBJECT ${ImporterGlob})
-add_library(LOGGER OBJECT Util/simple_logger.cpp)
+add_library(LOGGER OBJECT util/simple_logger.cpp)
 add_library(PHANTOMNODE OBJECT data_structures/phantom_node.cpp)
-add_library(EXCEPTION OBJECT Util/osrm_exception.cpp)
+add_library(EXCEPTION OBJECT util/osrm_exception.cpp)
+add_library(MERCATOR OBJECT util/mercator.cpp)
+add_library(ANGLE OBJECT util/compute_angle.cpp)
 set(ExtractorSources extract.cpp ${ExtractorGlob})
 add_library(RESTRICTION OBJECT data_structures/restriction_map.cpp)
-file(GLOB PrepareGlob contractor/*.cpp data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp Util/compute_angle.cpp {RestrictionMapGlob})
+file(GLOB PrepareGlob contractor/*.cpp data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp {RestrictionMapGlob})
 set(PrepareSources prepare.cpp ${PrepareGlob})
-file(GLOB ServerGlob Server/*.cpp)
+file(GLOB ServerGlob server/*.cpp)
 file(GLOB DescriptorGlob descriptors/*.cpp)
-file(GLOB DatastructureGlob data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp data_structures/route_parameters.cpp Util/bearing.cpp)
+file(GLOB DatastructureGlob data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp data_structures/route_parameters.cpp util/bearing.cpp)
 list(REMOVE_ITEM DatastructureGlob data_structures/Coordinate.cpp)
-file(GLOB CoordinateGlob data_structures/Coordinate.cpp)
+file(GLOB CoordinateGlob data_structures/coordinate*.cpp)
 file(GLOB AlgorithmGlob algorithms/*.cpp)
-file(GLOB HttpGlob Server/Http/*.cpp)
-file(GLOB LibOSRMGlob Library/*.cpp)
-file(GLOB DataStructureTestsGlob UnitTests/data_structures/*.cpp data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp)
-file(GLOB AlgorithmTestsGlob UnitTests/Algorithms/*.cpp)
+file(GLOB HttpGlob server/http/*.cpp)
+file(GLOB LibOSRMGlob library/*.cpp)
+file(GLOB DataStructureTestsGlob unit_tests/data_structures/*.cpp data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp)
+file(GLOB AlgorithmTestsGlob unit_tests/algorithms/*.cpp)
-  ${CoordinateGlob}
 add_library(COORDINATE OBJECT ${CoordinateGlob})
-add_library(FINGERPRINT OBJECT Util/finger_print.cpp)
-add_library(GITDESCRIPTION OBJECT Util/git_sha.cpp)
+add_library(GITDESCRIPTION OBJECT util/git_sha.cpp)
+add_library(FINGERPRINT OBJECT util/fingerprint.cpp)
 add_dependencies(FINGERPRINT FingerPrintConfigure)
+add_dependencies(OSRM FingerPrintConfigure)
 add_executable(osrm-routed routed.cpp ${ServerGlob} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION>)
 # Unit tests
-add_executable(datastructure-tests EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL UnitTests/datastructure_tests.cpp ${DataStructureTestsGlob} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:COORDINATE> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:PHANTOMNODE> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION>)
+add_executable(algorithm-tests EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL unit_tests/algorithm_tests.cpp ${AlgorithmTestsGlob} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:COORDINATE> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:PHANTOMNODE> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION>)
 # Benchmarks
 # Check the release mode
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug)
   message(STATUS "Configuring OSRM in debug mode")
     message(STATUS "adding profiling flags")
     set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fno-inline")
     set(CMAKE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fno-inline")
@@ -119,46 +123,54 @@ if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Release)
   message(STATUS "Configuring OSRM in release mode")
   # Check if LTO is available
   set(LTO_FLAGS "")
-  if (HAS_LTO_FLAG)
-    set(LTO_FLAGS "${LTO_FLAGS} -flto")
+  check_cxx_compiler_flag("-flto" LTO_AVAILABLE)
+    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -flto")
+    set(CHECK_LTO_SRC "int main(){return 0;}")
+    check_cxx_source_compiles("${CHECK_LTO_SRC}" LTO_WORKS)
+    if(LTO_WORKS)
+      message(STATUS "LTO working")
+    else()
+      message(STATUS "LTO broken")
+    endif()
     # Since gcc 4.9 the LTO format is non-standart ('slim'), so we need to use the build-in tools
       message(STATUS "Using gcc specific binutils for LTO.")
       set(CMAKE_AR     "/usr/bin/gcc-ar")
       set(CMAKE_RANLIB "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib")
-  endif (HAS_LTO_FLAG)
+  endif()
-if (NOT WIN32)
+if(NOT WIN32)
+  add_definitions(-DBOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK)
 # Configuring compilers
   # using Clang
   #  -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-shadow -Wno-exit-time-destructors
   set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wunreachable-code -pedantic -fPIC")
   set(COLOR_FLAG "-fdiagnostics-color=auto")
-  CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("-fdiagnostics-color=auto" HAS_COLOR_FLAG)
+  check_cxx_compiler_flag("-fdiagnostics-color=auto" HAS_COLOR_FLAG)
     set(COLOR_FLAG "")
   # using GCC
   set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -pedantic -fPIC ${COLOR_FLAG}")
-  if (WIN32) # using mingw
+  if(WIN32) # using mingw
     add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) # define M_PI, M_1_PI etc.
-    SET(OPTIONAL_SOCKET_LIBS ws2_32 wsock32)
+    set(OPTIONAL_SOCKET_LIBS ws2_32 wsock32)
   # using Intel C++
   set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -static-intel -wd10237 -Wall -ipo -fPIC")
   # using Visual Studio C++
   set(BOOST_COMPONENTS ${BOOST_COMPONENTS} date_time chrono zlib)
@@ -171,8 +183,8 @@ elseif("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC")
 # Activate C++11
-  ADD_DEFINITIONS(-std=c++11)
+  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 ")
 # Configuring other platform dependencies
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@ include_directories(${LUABIND_INCLUDE_DIR})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${LUABIND_LIBRARY})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-prepare ${LUABIND_LIBRARY})
   target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${LUAJIT_LIBRARIES})
   target_link_libraries(osrm-prepare ${LUAJIT_LIBRARIES})
@@ -255,18 +267,20 @@ find_package(EXPAT REQUIRED)
 target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${EXPAT_LIBRARIES})
-find_package( STXXL REQUIRED )
+find_package(STXXL REQUIRED)
 target_link_libraries(OSRM ${STXXL_LIBRARY})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${STXXL_LIBRARY})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-prepare ${STXXL_LIBRARY})
-  # STXXL needs OpenMP library
-  target_link_libraries(osrm-extract gomp)
+  message(STATUS "OpenMP support found. Linking just in case for stxxl")
-find_package( OSMPBF REQUIRED )
+find_package(OSMPBF REQUIRED)
 target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${OSMPBF_LIBRARY})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-prepare ${OSMPBF_LIBRARY})
@@ -285,11 +299,16 @@ include_directories(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-extract ${ZLIB_LIBRARY})
 target_link_libraries(osrm-routed ${ZLIB_LIBRARY})
+  message(STATUS "Enabling json logging")
+  add_definitions(-DENABLE_JSON_LOGGING)
   message(STATUS "Activating OSRM internal tools")
     target_link_libraries(osrm-components ${TBB_LIBRARIES})
@@ -299,7 +318,7 @@ if(WITH_TOOLS OR BUILD_TOOLS)
     message(FATAL_ERROR "libgdal and/or development headers not found")
-  add_executable(osrm-cli tools/simpleclient.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER>)
+  add_executable(osrm-cli tools/simpleclient.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:COORDINATE>)
   target_link_libraries(osrm-cli ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${OPTIONAL_SOCKET_LIBS} OSRM)
   target_link_libraries(osrm-cli ${TBB_LIBRARIES})
   add_executable(osrm-io-benchmark tools/io-benchmark.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:GITDESCRIPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER>)
@@ -309,10 +328,12 @@ if(WITH_TOOLS OR BUILD_TOOLS)
     target_link_libraries(osrm-unlock-all rt)
-  add_executable(osrm-check-hsgr tools/check-hsgr.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:FINGERPRINT> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER>)
+  add_executable(osrm-check-hsgr tools/check-hsgr.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:FINGERPRINT> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:EXCEPTION> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:LOGGER>)
   target_link_libraries(osrm-check-hsgr ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
   target_link_libraries(osrm-springclean ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
+  target_link_libraries(osrm-graph-compare ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${TBB_LIBRARIES})
   install(TARGETS osrm-cli DESTINATION bin)
   install(TARGETS osrm-io-benchmark DESTINATION bin)
@@ -321,7 +342,8 @@ if(WITH_TOOLS OR BUILD_TOOLS)
   install(TARGETS osrm-springclean DESTINATION bin)
-file(GLOB InstallGlob Include/osrm/*.h Library/OSRM.h)
+file(GLOB InstallGlob include/osrm/*.hpp library/osrm.hpp)
+file(GLOB VariantGlob third_party/variant/*.hpp)
 # Add RPATH info to executables so that when they are run after being installed
 # (i.e., from /usr/local/bin/) the linker can find library dependencies. For
@@ -332,6 +354,7 @@ set_property(TARGET osrm-datastore PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE)
 install(FILES ${InstallGlob} DESTINATION include/osrm)
+install(FILES ${VariantGlob} DESTINATION include/variant)
 install(TARGETS osrm-extract DESTINATION bin)
 install(TARGETS osrm-prepare DESTINATION bin)
 install(TARGETS osrm-datastore DESTINATION bin)
@@ -340,13 +363,13 @@ install(TARGETS OSRM DESTINATION lib)
-foreach (lib ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
+foreach(lib ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
   get_filename_component(BOOST_LIBRARY_NAME "${lib}" NAME_WE)
-endforeach ()
-configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/pkgconfig.in libosrm.pc @ONLY)
+configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/pkgconfig.in libosrm.pc @ONLY)
 install(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libosrm.pc DESTINATION lib/pkgconfig)
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 114808e..31d044b 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ gem "cucumber"
 gem "rake"
 gem "osmlib-base"
 gem "sys-proctable"
-gem "rspec-expectations"
\ No newline at end of file
+gem "rspec-expectations"
diff --git a/Include/osrm/Coordinate.h b/Include/osrm/Coordinate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index baac61f..0000000
--- a/Include/osrm/Coordinate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <iosfwd> //for std::ostream
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-constexpr float COORDINATE_PRECISION = 1000000.f;
-struct FixedPointCoordinate
-    int lat;
-    int lon;
-    FixedPointCoordinate();
-    FixedPointCoordinate(int lat, int lon);
-    template<class T>
-    FixedPointCoordinate(const T &coordinate) : lat(coordinate.lat), lon(coordinate.lon)
-    {
-        static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(lat), decltype(coordinate.lat)>::value, "coordinate types incompatible");
-        static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(lon), decltype(coordinate.lon)>::value, "coordinate types incompatible");
-    }
-    void Reset();
-    bool isSet() const;
-    bool is_valid() const;
-    bool operator==(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const;
-    static double
-    ApproximateDistance(const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2);
-    static double ApproximateDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
-                                      const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
-    static float ApproximateEuclideanDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
-    static float
-    ApproximateEuclideanDistance(const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2);
-    static float ApproximateSquaredEuclideanDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
-                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
-    static void convertInternalLatLonToString(const int value, std::string &output);
-    static void convertInternalCoordinateToString(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate,
-                                                  std::string &output);
-    static void convertInternalReversedCoordinateToString(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate,
-                                                          std::string &output);
-    static float ComputePerpendicularDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location);
-    static float ComputePerpendicularDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
-                                              FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
-                                              float &ratio);
-    static int
-    OrderedPerpendicularDistanceApproximation(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
-                                              const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location);
-    static float GetBearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &A, const FixedPointCoordinate &B);
-    float GetBearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const;
-    void Output(std::ostream &out) const;
-    static float DegreeToRadian(const float degree);
-    static float RadianToDegree(const float radian);
-inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out_stream, FixedPointCoordinate const &coordinate)
-    coordinate.Output(out_stream);
-    return out_stream;
diff --git a/Include/osrm/Reply.h b/Include/osrm/Reply.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2ee1f4..0000000
--- a/Include/osrm/Reply.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#ifndef REPLY_H
-#define REPLY_H
-#include "Header.h"
-#include <boost/asio.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-namespace http
-const char okHTML[] = "";
-const char badRequestHTML[] = "{\"status\": 400,\"status_message\":\"Bad Request\"}";
-const char internalServerErrorHTML[] =
-    "{\"status\": 500,\"status_message\":\"Internal Server Error\"}";
-const char seperators[] = {':', ' '};
-const char crlf[] = {'\r', '\n'};
-const std::string okString = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
-const std::string badRequestString = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n";
-const std::string internalServerErrorString = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n";
-class Reply
-  public:
-    enum status_type
-    { ok = 200,
-      badRequest = 400,
-      internalServerError = 500 } status;
-    std::vector<Header> headers;
-    std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> ToBuffers();
-    std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> HeaderstoBuffers();
-    std::vector<char> content;
-    static Reply StockReply(status_type status);
-    void SetSize(const unsigned size);
-    void SetUncompressedSize();
-    Reply();
-  private:
-    std::string ToString(Reply::status_type status);
-    boost::asio::const_buffer ToBuffer(Reply::status_type status);
-#endif // REPLY_H
index 28fe97b..c77e5cd 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Server/APIGrammar.h b/Server/APIGrammar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a5cd0..0000000
--- a/Server/APIGrammar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#ifndef APIGRAMMAR_H_
-#define APIGRAMMAR_H_
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
-#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
-namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
-template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT>
-struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Iterator>
-    explicit APIGrammar(HandlerT * h) : APIGrammar::base_type(api_call), handler(h)
-    {
-        api_call = qi::lit('/') >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setService, handler, ::_1)] >> *(query) >> -(uturns);
-        query    = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | hint | u | cmp | language | instruction | geometry | alt_route | old_API | num_results) ) ;
-        zoom        = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit('z')            >> '=' >> qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setZoomLevel, handler, ::_1)];
-        output      = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("output")       >> '=' >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setOutputFormat, handler, ::_1)];
-        jsonp       = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("jsonp")        >> '=' >> stringwithPercent[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setJSONpParameter, handler, ::_1)];
-        checksum    = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("checksum")     >> '=' >> qi::uint_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setChecksum, handler, ::_1)];
-        instruction = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("instructions") >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setInstructionFlag, handler, ::_1)];
-        geometry    = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("geometry")     >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setGeometryFlag, handler, ::_1)];
-        cmp         = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("compression")  >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setCompressionFlag, handler, ::_1)];
-        location    = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("loc")          >> '=' >> (qi::double_ >> qi::lit(',') >> qi::double_)[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addCoordinate, handler, ::_1)];
-        hint        = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("hint")         >> '=' >> stringwithDot[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addHint, handler, ::_1)];
-        u           = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("u")            >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setUTurn, handler, ::_1)];
-        uturns      = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("uturns")       >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setAllUTurns, handler, ::_1)];
-        language    = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("hl")           >> '=' >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setLanguage, handler, ::_1)];
-        alt_route   = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("alt")          >> '=' >> qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setAlternateRouteFlag, handler, ::_1)];
-        old_API     = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("geomformat")   >> '=' >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setDeprecatedAPIFlag, handler, ::_1)];
-        num_results = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("num_results")  >> '=' >> qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setNumberOfResults, handler, ::_1)];
-        string            = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z"));
-        stringwithDot     = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z0-9_.-"));
-        stringwithPercent = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z0-9_.-") | qi::char_('[') | qi::char_(']') | (qi::char_('%') >> qi::char_("0-9A-Z") >> qi::char_("0-9A-Z") ));
-    }
-    qi::rule<Iterator> api_call, query;
-    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> service, zoom, output, string, jsonp, checksum, location, hint,
-                                      stringwithDot, stringwithPercent, language, instruction, geometry,
-                                      cmp, alt_route, u, uturns, old_API, num_results;
-    HandlerT * handler;
-#endif /* APIGRAMMAR_H_ */
diff --git a/Server/RequestHandler.cpp b/Server/RequestHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b1178ba..0000000
--- a/Server/RequestHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include "RequestHandler.h"
-#include "APIGrammar.h"
-#include "Http/Request.h"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../Library/OSRM.h"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
-#include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
-#include <osrm/RouteParameters.h>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-RequestHandler::RequestHandler() : routing_machine(nullptr) {}
-void RequestHandler::handle_request(const http::Request &req, http::Reply &reply)
-    // parse command
-    try
-    {
-        std::string request;
-        URIDecode(req.uri, request);
-        // deactivated as GCC apparently does not implement that, not even in 4.9
-        // std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
-        // SimpleLogger().Write() << std::put_time(std::localtime(&t), "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") <<
-        //     " " << req.endpoint.to_string() << " " <<
-        //     req.referrer << ( 0 == req.referrer.length() ? "- " :" ") <<
-        //     req.agent << ( 0 == req.agent.length() ? "- " :" ") << request;
-        time_t ltime;
-        struct tm *time_stamp;
-        ltime = time(nullptr);
-        time_stamp = localtime(&ltime);
-        // log timestamp
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << (time_stamp->tm_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") << time_stamp->tm_mday << "-"
-                               << (time_stamp->tm_mon + 1 < 10 ? "0" : "") << (time_stamp->tm_mon + 1) << "-"
-                               << 1900 + time_stamp->tm_year << " " << (time_stamp->tm_hour < 10 ? "0" : "")
-                               << time_stamp->tm_hour << ":" << (time_stamp->tm_min < 10 ? "0" : "") << time_stamp->tm_min
-                               << ":" << (time_stamp->tm_sec < 10 ? "0" : "") << time_stamp->tm_sec << " "
-                               << req.endpoint.to_string() << " " << req.referrer
-                               << (0 == req.referrer.length() ? "- " : " ") << req.agent
-                               << (0 == req.agent.length() ? "- " : " ") << request;
-        RouteParameters route_parameters;
-        APIGrammarParser api_parser(&route_parameters);
-        auto iter = request.begin();
-        const bool result = boost::spirit::qi::parse(iter, request.end(), api_parser);
-        // check if the was an error with the request
-        if (!result || (iter != request.end()))
-        {
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            reply.content.clear();
-            const auto position = std::distance(request.begin(), iter);
-            JSON::Object json_result;
-            json_result.values["status"] = 400;
-            std::string message = "Query string malformed close to position ";
-            message += cast::integral_to_string(position);
-            json_result.values["status_message"] = message;
-            JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
-            return;
-        }
-        // parsing done, lets call the right plugin to handle the request
-        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(routing_machine != nullptr, "pointer not init'ed");
-        if (!route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
-        { // prepend response with jsonp parameter
-            const std::string json_p = (route_parameters.jsonp_parameter + "(");
-            reply.content.insert(reply.content.end(), json_p.begin(), json_p.end());
-        }
-        routing_machine->RunQuery(route_parameters, reply);
-        if (!route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
-        { // append brace to jsonp response
-            reply.content.push_back(')');
-        }
-        // set headers
-        reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Length", cast::integral_to_string(reply.content.size()));
-        if ("gpx" == route_parameters.output_format)
-        { // gpx file
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type", "application/gpx+xml; charset=UTF-8");
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"route.gpx\"");
-        }
-        else if (route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
-        { // json file
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"response.json\"");
-        }
-        else
-        { // jsonp
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type", "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8");
-            reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"response.js\"");
-        }
-    }
-    catch (const std::exception &e)
-    {
-        reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::internalServerError);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[server error] code: " << e.what()
-                                         << ", uri: " << req.uri;
-        return;
-    }
-void RequestHandler::RegisterRoutingMachine(OSRM *osrm) { routing_machine = osrm; }
diff --git a/Server/RequestParser.cpp b/Server/RequestParser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a599381..0000000
--- a/Server/RequestParser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include "RequestParser.h"
-#include "Http/Request.h"
-namespace http
-RequestParser::RequestParser() : state_(method_start), header({"", ""}) {}
-void RequestParser::Reset() { state_ = method_start; }
-boost::tuple<boost::tribool, char *>
-RequestParser::Parse(Request &req, char *begin, char *end, http::CompressionType &compression_type)
-    while (begin != end)
-    {
-        boost::tribool result = consume(req, *begin++, compression_type);
-        if (result || !result)
-        {
-            return boost::make_tuple(result, begin);
-        }
-    }
-    boost::tribool result = boost::indeterminate;
-    return boost::make_tuple(result, begin);
-RequestParser::consume(Request &req, char input, http::CompressionType &compression_type)
-    switch (state_)
-    {
-    case method_start:
-        if (!isChar(input) || isCTL(input) || isTSpecial(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        state_ = method;
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case method:
-        if (input == ' ')
-        {
-            state_ = uri;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (!isChar(input) || isCTL(input) || isTSpecial(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case uri_start:
-        if (isCTL(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        state_ = uri;
-        req.uri.push_back(input);
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case uri:
-        if (input == ' ')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_h;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (isCTL(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        req.uri.push_back(input);
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case http_version_h:
-        if (input == 'H')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_t_1;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_t_1:
-        if (input == 'T')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_t_2;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_t_2:
-        if (input == 'T')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_p;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_p:
-        if (input == 'P')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_slash;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_slash:
-        if (input == '/')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_major_start;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_major_start:
-        if (isDigit(input))
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_major;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_major:
-        if (input == '.')
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_minor_start;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (isDigit(input))
-        {
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_minor_start:
-        if (isDigit(input))
-        {
-            state_ = http_version_minor;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case http_version_minor:
-        if (input == '\r')
-        {
-            state_ = expecting_newline_1;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (isDigit(input))
-        {
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case expecting_newline_1:
-        if (input == '\n')
-        {
-            state_ = header_line_start;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case header_line_start:
-        if (header.name == "Accept-Encoding")
-        {
-            /* giving gzip precedence over deflate */
-            if (header.value.find("deflate") != std::string::npos)
-            {
-                compression_type = deflateRFC1951;
-            }
-            if (header.value.find("gzip") != std::string::npos)
-            {
-                compression_type = gzipRFC1952;
-            }
-        }
-        if ("Referer" == header.name)
-        {
-            req.referrer = header.value;
-        }
-        if ("User-Agent" == header.name)
-        {
-            req.agent = header.value;
-        }
-        if (input == '\r')
-        {
-            state_ = expecting_newline_3;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (!isChar(input) || isCTL(input) || isTSpecial(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        state_ = header_name;
-        header.Clear();
-        header.name.push_back(input);
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case header_lws:
-        if (input == '\r')
-        {
-            state_ = expecting_newline_2;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (input == ' ' || input == '\t')
-        {
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (isCTL(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        state_ = header_value;
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case header_name:
-        if (input == ':')
-        {
-            state_ = space_before_header_value;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (!isChar(input) || isCTL(input) || isTSpecial(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        header.name.push_back(input);
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case space_before_header_value:
-        if (input == ' ')
-        {
-            state_ = header_value;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    case header_value:
-        if (input == '\r')
-        {
-            state_ = expecting_newline_2;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        if (isCTL(input))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        header.value.push_back(input);
-        return boost::indeterminate;
-    case expecting_newline_2:
-        if (input == '\n')
-        {
-            state_ = header_line_start;
-            return boost::indeterminate;
-        }
-        return false;
-    default: // expecting_newline_3:
-        return (input == '\n');
-        // default:
-        //     return false;
-    }
-inline bool RequestParser::isChar(int character) { return character >= 0 && character <= 127; }
-inline bool RequestParser::isCTL(int character)
-    return (character >= 0 && character <= 31) || (character == 127);
-inline bool RequestParser::isTSpecial(int character)
-    switch (character)
-    {
-    case '(':
-    case ')':
-    case '<':
-    case '>':
-    case '@':
-    case ',':
-    case ';':
-    case ':':
-    case '\\':
-    case '"':
-    case '/':
-    case '[':
-    case ']':
-    case '?':
-    case '=':
-    case '{':
-    case '}':
-    case ' ':
-    case '\t':
-        return true;
-    default:
-        return false;
-    }
-inline bool RequestParser::isDigit(int character) { return character >= '0' && character <= '9'; }
diff --git a/Util/TrigonometryTables.h b/Util/TrigonometryTables.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d145404..0000000
--- a/Util/TrigonometryTables.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,790 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
-constexpr unsigned short atan_table[4096] = {
-0x0000,  0x0014,  0x0028,  0x003d,  0x0051,  0x0065,
-0x007a,  0x008e,  0x00a3,  0x00b7,  0x00cb,  0x00e0,
-0x00f4,  0x0108,  0x011d,  0x0131,  0x0146,  0x015a,
-0x016e,  0x0183,  0x0197,  0x01ab,  0x01c0,  0x01d4,
-0x01e9,  0x01fd,  0x0211,  0x0226,  0x023a,  0x024e,
-0x0263,  0x0277,  0x028c,  0x02a0,  0x02b4,  0x02c9,
-0x02dd,  0x02f1,  0x0306,  0x031a,  0x032f,  0x0343,
-0x0357,  0x036c,  0x0380,  0x0394,  0x03a9,  0x03bd,
-0x03d2,  0x03e6,  0x03fa,  0x040f,  0x0423,  0x0437,
-0x044c,  0x0460,  0x0475,  0x0489,  0x049d,  0x04b2,
-0x04c6,  0x04da,  0x04ef,  0x0503,  0x0517,  0x052c,
-0x0540,  0x0555,  0x0569,  0x057d,  0x0592,  0x05a6,
-0x05ba,  0x05cf,  0x05e3,  0x05f8,  0x060c,  0x0620,
-0x0635,  0x0649,  0x065d,  0x0672,  0x0686,  0x069b,
-0x06af,  0x06c3,  0x06d8,  0x06ec,  0x0700,  0x0715,
-0x0729,  0x073d,  0x0752,  0x0766,  0x077b,  0x078f,
-0x07a3,  0x07b8,  0x07cc,  0x07e0,  0x07f5,  0x0809,
-0x081d,  0x0832,  0x0846,  0x085b,  0x086f,  0x0883,
-0x0898,  0x08ac,  0x08c0,  0x08d5,  0x08e9,  0x08fd,
-0x0912,  0x0926,  0x093b,  0x094f,  0x0963,  0x0978,
-0x098c,  0x09a0,  0x09b5,  0x09c9,  0x09dd,  0x09f2,
-0x0a06,  0x0a1a,  0x0a2f,  0x0a43,  0x0a58,  0x0a6c,
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-0x1c94,  0x1ca8,  0x1cbd,  0x1cd1,  0x1ce5,  0x1cf9,
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-0x1d87,  0x1d9b,  0x1daf,  0x1dc3,  0x1dd8,  0x1dec,
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-0x1e79,  0x1e8d,  0x1ea2,  0x1eb6,  0x1eca,  0x1ede,
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-0x3c6d,  0x3c81,  0x3c94,  0x3ca8,  0x3cbc,  0x3ccf,
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-0x3d59,  0x3d6d,  0x3d80,  0x3d94,  0x3da8,  0x3dbb,
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-0x4f1e,  0x4f31,  0x4f44,  0x4f57,  0x4f6b,  0x4f7e,
-0x4f91,  0x4fa4,  0x4fb7,  0x4fcb,  0x4fde,  0x4ff1,
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-0x6456,  0x6469,  0x647b,  0x648e,  0x64a0,  0x64b3,
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-0x69f2,  0x6a04,  0x6a16,  0x6a29,  0x6a3b,  0x6a4d,
-0x6a5f,  0x6a72,  0x6a84,  0x6a96,  0x6aa9,  0x6abb,
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-0x6b3b,  0x6b4d,  0x6b5f,  0x6b71,  0x6b84,  0x6b96,
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-0x6c15,  0x6c28,  0x6c3a,  0x6c4c,  0x6c5e,  0x6c70,
-0x6c83,  0x6c95,  0x6ca7,  0x6cb9,  0x6ccb,  0x6cde,
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-0x6d5d,  0x6d6f,  0x6d81,  0x6d93,  0x6da6,  0x6db8,
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-0x6e37,  0x6e49,  0x6e5b,  0x6e6d,  0x6e7f,  0x6e91,
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-0x6f7d,  0x6f8f,  0x6fa1,  0x6fb3,  0x6fc5,  0x6fd7,
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-0x7206,  0x7218,  0x722a,  0x723c,  0x724e,  0x7260,
-0x7272,  0x7284,  0x7296,  0x72a8,  0x72ba,  0x72cc,
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-0x748b,  0x749d,  0x74af,  0x74c1,  0x74d3,  0x74e5,
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-0x7921,  0x7933,  0x7945,  0x7956,  0x7968,  0x797a,
-0x798b,  0x799d,  0x79af,  0x79c0,  0x79d2,  0x79e4,
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-0x7a5f,  0x7a71,  0x7a82,  0x7a94,  0x7aa6,  0x7ab7,
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-0x7b33,  0x7b44,  0x7b56,  0x7b67,  0x7b79,  0x7b8b,
-0x7b9c,  0x7bae,  0x7bbf,  0x7bd1,  0x7be2,  0x7bf4,
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-0x7c6f,  0x7c81,  0x7c92,  0x7ca4,  0x7cb5,  0x7cc7,
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-0x7d41,  0x7d53,  0x7d64,  0x7d76,  0x7d87,  0x7d99,
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-0x7e13,  0x7e25,  0x7e36,  0x7e48,  0x7e59,  0x7e6b,
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-0x7f4d,  0x7f5f,  0x7f70,  0x7f82,  0x7f93,  0x7fa4,
-0x7fb6,  0x7fc7,  0x7fd9,  0x7fea,  0x7ffb,  0x800d,
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-0x8086,  0x8098,  0x80a9,  0x80bb,  0x80cc,  0x80dd,
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-0x8157,  0x8168,  0x8179,  0x818b,  0x819c,  0x81ad,
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-0x8226,  0x8238,  0x8249,  0x825a,  0x826c,  0x827d,
-0x828e,  0x829f,  0x82b1,  0x82c2,  0x82d3,  0x82e5,
-0x82f6,  0x8307,  0x8318,  0x832a,  0x833b,  0x834c,
-0x835d,  0x836f,  0x8380,  0x8391,  0x83a2,  0x83b3,
-0x83c5,  0x83d6,  0x83e7,  0x83f8,  0x840a,  0x841b,
-0x842c,  0x843d,  0x844e,  0x8460,  0x8471,  0x8482,
-0x8493,  0x84a4,  0x84b6,  0x84c7,  0x84d8,  0x84e9,
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-0x8561,  0x8572,  0x8584,  0x8595,  0x85a6,  0x85b7,
-0x85c8,  0x85d9,  0x85ea,  0x85fb,  0x860d,  0x861e,
-0x862f,  0x8640,  0x8651,  0x8662,  0x8673,  0x8684,
-0x8695,  0x86a7,  0x86b8,  0x86c9,  0x86da,  0x86eb,
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-0x8762,  0x8773,  0x8784,  0x8796,  0x87a7,  0x87b8,
-0x87c9,  0x87da,  0x87eb,  0x87fc,  0x880d,  0x881e,
-0x882f,  0x8840,  0x8851,  0x8862,  0x8873,  0x8884,
-0x8895,  0x88a6,  0x88b7,  0x88c8,  0x88d9,  0x88ea,
-0x88fb,  0x890c,  0x891d,  0x892e,  0x893f,  0x8950,
-0x8961,  0x8972,  0x8983,  0x8994,  0x89a5,  0x89b6,
-0x89c6,  0x89d7,  0x89e8,  0x89f9,  0x8a0a,  0x8a1b,
-0x8a2c,  0x8a3d,  0x8a4e,  0x8a5f,  0x8a70,  0x8a81,
-0x8a92,  0x8aa3,  0x8ab3,  0x8ac4,  0x8ad5,  0x8ae6,
-0x8af7,  0x8b08,  0x8b19,  0x8b2a,  0x8b3b,  0x8b4b,
-0x8b5c,  0x8b6d,  0x8b7e,  0x8b8f,  0x8ba0,  0x8bb1,
-0x8bc1,  0x8bd2,  0x8be3,  0x8bf4,  0x8c05,  0x8c16,
-0x8c27,  0x8c37,  0x8c48,  0x8c59,  0x8c6a,  0x8c7b,
-0x8c8c,  0x8c9c,  0x8cad,  0x8cbe,  0x8ccf,  0x8ce0,
-0x8cf0,  0x8d01,  0x8d12,  0x8d23,  0x8d34,  0x8d44,
-0x8d55,  0x8d66,  0x8d77,  0x8d87,  0x8d98,  0x8da9,
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-0x8e1e,  0x8e2f,  0x8e40,  0x8e50,  0x8e61,  0x8e72,
-0x8e83,  0x8e93,  0x8ea4,  0x8eb5,  0x8ec5,  0x8ed6,
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-0x8f4b,  0x8f5c,  0x8f6c,  0x8f7d,  0x8f8e,  0x8f9e,
-0x8faf,  0x8fc0,  0x8fd0,  0x8fe1,  0x8ff2,  0x9002,
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-0x91a2,  0x91b2,  0x91c3,  0x91d3,  0x91e4,  0x91f5,
-0x9205,  0x9216,  0x9226,  0x9237,  0x9247,  0x9258,
-0x9268,  0x9279,  0x9289,  0x929a,  0x92aa,  0x92bb,
-0x92cc,  0x92dc,  0x92ed,  0x92fd,  0x930e,  0x931e,
-0x932f,  0x933f,  0x9350,  0x9360,  0x9370,  0x9381,
-0x9391,  0x93a2,  0x93b2,  0x93c3,  0x93d3,  0x93e4,
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-0x9457,  0x9467,  0x9478,  0x9488,  0x9499,  0x94a9,
-0x94ba,  0x94ca,  0x94da,  0x94eb,  0x94fb,  0x950c,
-0x951c,  0x952c,  0x953d,  0x954d,  0x955e,  0x956e,
-0x957e,  0x958f,  0x959f,  0x95af,  0x95c0,  0x95d0,
-0x95e1,  0x95f1,  0x9601,  0x9612,  0x9622,  0x9632,
-0x9643,  0x9653,  0x9663,  0x9674,  0x9684,  0x9694,
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-0x9707,  0x9717,  0x9727,  0x9738,  0x9748,  0x9758,
-0x9768,  0x9779,  0x9789,  0x9799,  0x97aa,  0x97ba,
-0x97ca,  0x97da,  0x97eb,  0x97fb,  0x980b,  0x981b,
-0x982c,  0x983c,  0x984c,  0x985c,  0x986d,  0x987d,
-0x988d,  0x989d,  0x98ad,  0x98be,  0x98ce,  0x98de,
-0x98ee,  0x98ff,  0x990f,  0x991f,  0x992f,  0x993f,
-0x9950,  0x9960,  0x9970,  0x9980,  0x9990,  0x99a0,
-0x99b1,  0x99c1,  0x99d1,  0x99e1,  0x99f1,  0x9a01,
-0x9a12,  0x9a22,  0x9a32,  0x9a42,  0x9a52,  0x9a62,
-0x9a72,  0x9a83,  0x9a93,  0x9aa3,  0x9ab3,  0x9ac3,
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-0x9b94,  0x9ba4,  0x9bb5,  0x9bc5,  0x9bd5,  0x9be5,
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-0x9c55,  0x9c65,  0x9c75,  0x9c85,  0x9c95,  0x9ca5,
-0x9cb5,  0x9cc5,  0x9cd5,  0x9ce5,  0x9cf5,  0x9d05,
-0x9d15,  0x9d25,  0x9d35,  0x9d45,  0x9d55,  0x9d65,
-0x9d75,  0x9d85,  0x9d95,  0x9da5,  0x9db5,  0x9dc5,
-0x9dd5,  0x9de5,  0x9df5,  0x9e05,  0x9e15,  0x9e25,
-0x9e35,  0x9e45,  0x9e55,  0x9e65,  0x9e74,  0x9e84,
-0x9e94,  0x9ea4,  0x9eb4,  0x9ec4,  0x9ed4,  0x9ee4,
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-0x9f53,  0x9f63,  0x9f73,  0x9f83,  0x9f93,  0x9fa3,
-0x9fb2,  0x9fc2,  0x9fd2,  0x9fe2,  0x9ff2,  0xa002,
-0xa012,  0xa021,  0xa031,  0xa041,  0xa051,  0xa061,
-0xa071,  0xa080,  0xa090,  0xa0a0,  0xa0b0,  0xa0c0,
-0xa0cf,  0xa0df,  0xa0ef,  0xa0ff,  0xa10f,  0xa11e,
-0xa12e,  0xa13e,  0xa14e,  0xa15e,  0xa16d,  0xa17d,
-0xa18d,  0xa19d,  0xa1ac,  0xa1bc,  0xa1cc,  0xa1dc,
-0xa1eb,  0xa1fb,  0xa20b,  0xa21b,  0xa22a,  0xa23a,
-0xa24a,  0xa25a,  0xa269,  0xa279,  0xa289,  0xa298,
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-0xa306,  0xa316,  0xa326,  0xa335,  0xa345,  0xa355,
-0xa364,  0xa374,  0xa384,  0xa393,  0xa3a3,  0xa3b3,
-0xa3c2,  0xa3d2,  0xa3e2,  0xa3f1,  0xa401,  0xa411,
-0xa420,  0xa430,  0xa440,  0xa44f,  0xa45f,  0xa46e,
-0xa47e,  0xa48e,  0xa49d,  0xa4ad,  0xa4bc,  0xa4cc,
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-0xa539,  0xa549,  0xa558,  0xa568,  0xa577,  0xa587,
-0xa597,  0xa5a6,  0xa5b6,  0xa5c5,  0xa5d5,  0xa5e4,
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-0xa651,  0xa660,  0xa670,  0xa67f,  0xa68f,  0xa69e,
-0xa6ae,  0xa6bd,  0xa6cd,  0xa6dc,  0xa6ec,  0xa6fb,
-0xa70b,  0xa71a,  0xa72a,  0xa739,  0xa749,  0xa758,
-0xa768,  0xa777,  0xa787,  0xa796,  0xa7a5,  0xa7b5,
-0xa7c4,  0xa7d4,  0xa7e3,  0xa7f3,  0xa802,  0xa812,
-0xa821,  0xa830,  0xa840,  0xa84f,  0xa85f,  0xa86e,
-0xa87d,  0xa88d,  0xa89c,  0xa8ac,  0xa8bb,  0xa8ca,
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-0xa992,  0xa9a1,  0xa9b1,  0xa9c0,  0xa9cf,  0xa9df,
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-0xb105,  0xb114,  0xb123,  0xb132,  0xb141,  0xb150,
-0xb15f,  0xb16e,  0xb17d,  0xb18c,  0xb19b,  0xb1aa,
-0xb1b8,  0xb1c7,  0xb1d6,  0xb1e5,  0xb1f4,  0xb203,
-0xb212,  0xb221,  0xb22f,  0xb23e,  0xb24d,  0xb25c,
-0xb26b,  0xb27a,  0xb289,  0xb297,  0xb2a6,  0xb2b5,
-0xb2c4,  0xb2d3,  0xb2e2,  0xb2f1,  0xb2ff,  0xb30e,
-0xb31d,  0xb32c,  0xb33b,  0xb349,  0xb358,  0xb367,
-0xb376,  0xb385,  0xb393,  0xb3a2,  0xb3b1,  0xb3c0,
-0xb3cf,  0xb3dd,  0xb3ec,  0xb3fb,  0xb40a,  0xb418,
-0xb427,  0xb436,  0xb445,  0xb453,  0xb462,  0xb471,
-0xb480,  0xb48e,  0xb49d,  0xb4ac,  0xb4bb,  0xb4c9,
-0xb4d8,  0xb4e7,  0xb4f6,  0xb504,  0xb513,  0xb522,
-0xb530,  0xb53f,  0xb54e,  0xb55c,  0xb56b,  0xb57a,
-0xb588,  0xb597,  0xb5a6,  0xb5b5,  0xb5c3,  0xb5d2,
-0xb5e1,  0xb5ef,  0xb5fe,  0xb60d,  0xb61b,  0xb62a,
-0xb638,  0xb647,  0xb656,  0xb664,  0xb673,  0xb682,
-0xb690,  0xb69f,  0xb6ae,  0xb6bc,  0xb6cb,  0xb6d9,
-0xb6e8,  0xb6f7,  0xb705,  0xb714,  0xb722,  0xb731,
-0xb740,  0xb74e,  0xb75d,  0xb76b,  0xb77a,  0xb788,
-0xb797,  0xb7a6,  0xb7b4,  0xb7c3,  0xb7d1,  0xb7e0,
-0xb7ee,  0xb7fd,  0xb80b,  0xb81a,  0xb829,  0xb837,
-0xb846,  0xb854,  0xb863,  0xb871,  0xb880,  0xb88e,
-0xb89d,  0xb8ab,  0xb8ba,  0xb8c8,  0xb8d7,  0xb8e5,
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-0xb94b,  0xb959,  0xb968,  0xb976,  0xb984,  0xb993,
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-0xbb51,  0xbb60,  0xbb6e,  0xbb7c,  0xbb8b,  0xbb99,
-0xbba8,  0xbbb6,  0xbbc4,  0xbbd3,  0xbbe1,  0xbbef,
-0xbbfd,  0xbc0c,  0xbc1a,  0xbc28,  0xbc37,  0xbc45,
-0xbc53,  0xbc62,  0xbc70,  0xbc7e,  0xbc8c,  0xbc9b,
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-0xbd54,  0xbd62,  0xbd71,  0xbd7f,  0xbd8d,  0xbd9b,
-0xbdaa,  0xbdb8,  0xbdc6,  0xbdd4,  0xbde2,  0xbdf1,
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-0xbe54,  0xbe62,  0xbe70,  0xbe7f,  0xbe8d,  0xbe9b,
-0xbea9,  0xbeb7,  0xbec5,  0xbed4,  0xbee2,  0xbef0,
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-0xbf53,  0xbf61,  0xbf6f,  0xbf7d,  0xbf8b,  0xbf99,
-0xbfa7,  0xbfb6,  0xbfc4,  0xbfd2,  0xbfe0,  0xbfee,
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-0xc051,  0xc05f,  0xc06d,  0xc07b,  0xc089,  0xc097,
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-0xc0f9,  0xc107,  0xc115,  0xc123,  0xc131,  0xc13f,
-0xc14d,  0xc15b,  0xc169,  0xc177,  0xc185,  0xc193,
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-0xc1f5,  0xc203,  0xc211,  0xc21f,  0xc22d,  0xc23b,
-0xc249,  0xc257,  0xc265,  0xc273,  0xc281,  0xc28f,
-0xc29d,  0xc2ab,  0xc2b8,  0xc2c6,  0xc2d4,  0xc2e2,
-0xc2f0,  0xc2fe,  0xc30c,  0xc31a,  0xc328,  0xc336,
-0xc344,  0xc352,  0xc35f,  0xc36d,  0xc37b,  0xc389,
-0xc397,  0xc3a5,  0xc3b3,  0xc3c1,  0xc3ce,  0xc3dc,
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-0xc43d,  0xc44b,  0xc459,  0xc467,  0xc475,  0xc482,
-0xc490,  0xc49e,  0xc4ac,  0xc4ba,  0xc4c7,  0xc4d5,
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-0xc536,  0xc544,  0xc551,  0xc55f,  0xc56d,  0xc57b,
-0xc589,  0xc596,  0xc5a4,  0xc5b2,  0xc5c0,  0xc5cd,
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-0xc62d,  0xc63b,  0xc649,  0xc657,  0xc664,  0xc672,
-0xc680,  0xc68d,  0xc69b,  0xc6a9,  0xc6b7,  0xc6c4,
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-0xc724,  0xc732,  0xc73f,  0xc74d,  0xc75b,  0xc768,
-0xc776,  0xc784,  0xc791,  0xc79f,  0xc7ad,  0xc7ba,
-0xc7c8,  0xc7d6,  0xc7e3,  0xc7f1,  0xc7fe,  0xc80c,
-0xc81a,  0xc827,  0xc835,  0xc842,  0xc850,  0xc85e,
-0xc86b,  0xc879,  0xc886,  0xc894,  0xc8a2,  0xc8af,
-0xc8bd,  0xc8ca,  0xc8d8,  0xc8e5,  0xc8f3,  0xc901,
-0xc90e,  0xc91c,  0xc929,  0xc937,  0xc944,  0xc952,
-0xc95f,  0xc96d,  0xc97b,  0xc988,  0xc996,  0xc9a3,
-0xc9b1,  0xc9be,  0xc9cc,  0xc9d9,  0xc9e7,  0xc9f4,
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-0xca53,  0xca60,  0xca6e,  0xca7b,  0xca89,  0xca96,
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-0xcaf4,  0xcb02,  0xcb0f,  0xcb1d,  0xcb2a,  0xcb37,
-0xcb45,  0xcb52,  0xcb60,  0xcb6d,  0xcb7b,  0xcb88,
-0xcb95,  0xcba3,  0xcbb0,  0xcbbe,  0xcbcb,  0xcbd8,
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-0xcc36,  0xcc43,  0xcc51,  0xcc5e,  0xcc6c,  0xcc79,
-0xcc86,  0xcc94,  0xcca1,  0xccae,  0xccbc,  0xccc9,
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-0xce15,  0xce23,  0xce30,  0xce3d,  0xce4a,  0xce58,
-0xce65,  0xce72,  0xce7f,  0xce8d,  0xce9a,  0xcea7,
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-0xcf53,  0xcf60,  0xcf6d,  0xcf7a,  0xcf87,  0xcf95,
-0xcfa2,  0xcfaf,  0xcfbc,  0xcfc9,  0xcfd6,  0xcfe4,
-0xcff1,  0xcffe,  0xd00b,  0xd018,  0xd025,  0xd032,
-0xd040,  0xd04d,  0xd05a,  0xd067,  0xd074,  0xd081,
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-0xd12b,  0xd139,  0xd146,  0xd153,  0xd160,  0xd16d,
-0xd17a,  0xd187,  0xd194,  0xd1a1,  0xd1ae,  0xd1bb,
-0xd1c8,  0xd1d5,  0xd1e2,  0xd1ef,  0xd1fc,  0xd209,
-0xd216,  0xd223,  0xd230,  0xd23d,  0xd24a,  0xd257,
-0xd264,  0xd271,  0xd27e,  0xd28b,  0xd298,  0xd2a5,
-0xd2b2,  0xd2bf,  0xd2cc,  0xd2d9,  0xd2e6,  0xd2f3,
-0xd300,  0xd30d,  0xd31a,  0xd327,  0xd334,  0xd341,
-0xd34e,  0xd35b,  0xd368,  0xd375,  0xd382,  0xd38f,
-0xd39c,  0xd3a8,  0xd3b5,  0xd3c2,  0xd3cf,  0xd3dc,
-0xd3e9,  0xd3f6,  0xd403,  0xd410,  0xd41d,  0xd42a,
-0xd436,  0xd443,  0xd450,  0xd45d,  0xd46a,  0xd477,
-0xd484,  0xd491,  0xd49e,  0xd4aa,  0xd4b7,  0xd4c4,
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-0xd56b,  0xd578,  0xd585,  0xd591,  0xd59e,  0xd5ab,
-0xd5b8,  0xd5c5,  0xd5d1,  0xd5de,  0xd5eb,  0xd5f8,
-0xd605,  0xd611,  0xd61e,  0xd62b,  0xd638,  0xd645,
-0xd651,  0xd65e,  0xd66b,  0xd678,  0xd684,  0xd691,
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-0xd737,  0xd743,  0xd750,  0xd75d,  0xd769,  0xd776,
-0xd783,  0xd78f,  0xd79c,  0xd7a9,  0xd7b6,  0xd7c2,
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-0xd81b,  0xd828,  0xd834,  0xd841,  0xd84e,  0xd85a,
-0xd867,  0xd873,  0xd880,  0xd88d,  0xd899,  0xd8a6,
-0xd8b3,  0xd8bf,  0xd8cc,  0xd8d8,  0xd8e5,  0xd8f2,
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-0xd995,  0xd9a2,  0xd9ae,  0xd9bb,  0xd9c8,  0xd9d4,
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-0xda77,  0xda84,  0xda90,  0xda9d,  0xdaa9,  0xdab6,
-0xdac2,  0xdacf,  0xdadb,  0xdae7,  0xdaf4,  0xdb00,
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-0xdb58,  0xdb64,  0xdb71,  0xdb7d,  0xdb8a,  0xdb96,
-0xdba2,  0xdbaf,  0xdbbb,  0xdbc8,  0xdbd4,  0xdbe1,
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-0xdc38,  0xdc44,  0xdc50,  0xdc5d,  0xdc69,  0xdc76,
-0xdc82,  0xdc8e,  0xdc9b,  0xdca7,  0xdcb3,  0xdcc0,
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-0xdd16,  0xdd23,  0xdd2f,  0xdd3b,  0xdd48,  0xdd54,
-0xdd60,  0xdd6d,  0xdd79,  0xdd85,  0xdd92,  0xdd9e,
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-0xde3e,  0xde4a,  0xde57,  0xde63,  0xde6f,  0xde7b,
-0xde88,  0xde94,  0xdea0,  0xdeac,  0xdeb9,  0xdec5,
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-0xdff6,  0xe003,  0xe00f,  0xe01b,  0xe027,  0xe033,
-0xe03f,  0xe04c,  0xe058,  0xe064,  0xe070,  0xe07c,
-0xe088,  0xe094,  0xe0a1,  0xe0ad,  0xe0b9,  0xe0c5,
-0xe0d1,  0xe0dd,  0xe0e9,  0xe0f5,  0xe102,  0xe10e,
-0xe11a,  0xe126,  0xe132,  0xe13e,  0xe14a,  0xe156,
-0xe162,  0xe16e,  0xe17b,  0xe187,  0xe193,  0xe19f,
-0xe1ab,  0xe1b7,  0xe1c3,  0xe1cf,  0xe1db,  0xe1e7,
-0xe1f3,  0xe1ff,  0xe20b,  0xe217,  0xe223,  0xe22f,
-0xe23c,  0xe248,  0xe254,  0xe260,  0xe26c,  0xe278,
-0xe284,  0xe290,  0xe29c,  0xe2a8,  0xe2b4,  0xe2c0,
-0xe2cc,  0xe2d8,  0xe2e4,  0xe2f0,  0xe2fc,  0xe308,
-0xe314,  0xe320,  0xe32c,  0xe338,  0xe344,  0xe350,
-0xe35c,  0xe368,  0xe374,  0xe380,  0xe38b,  0xe397,
-0xe3a3,  0xe3af,  0xe3bb,  0xe3c7,  0xe3d3,  0xe3df,
-0xe3eb,  0xe3f7,  0xe403,  0xe40f,  0xe41b,  0xe427,
-0xe433,  0xe43f,  0xe44a,  0xe456,  0xe462,  0xe46e,
-0xe47a,  0xe486,  0xe492,  0xe49e,  0xe4aa,  0xe4b6,
-0xe4c1,  0xe4cd,  0xe4d9,  0xe4e5,  0xe4f1,  0xe4fd,
-0xe509,  0xe515,  0xe520,  0xe52c,  0xe538,  0xe544,
-0xe550,  0xe55c,  0xe567,  0xe573,  0xe57f,  0xe58b,
-0xe597,  0xe5a3,  0xe5af,  0xe5ba,  0xe5c6,  0xe5d2,
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-0xe625,  0xe630,  0xe63c,  0xe648,  0xe654,  0xe660,
-0xe66b,  0xe677,  0xe683,  0xe68f,  0xe69a,  0xe6a6,
-0xe6b2,  0xe6be,  0xe6ca,  0xe6d5,  0xe6e1,  0xe6ed,
-0xe6f9,  0xe704,  0xe710,  0xe71c,  0xe727,  0xe733,
-0xe73f,  0xe74b,  0xe756,  0xe762,  0xe76e,  0xe77a,
-0xe785,  0xe791,  0xe79d,  0xe7a8,  0xe7b4,  0xe7c0,
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-0xe812,  0xe81d,  0xe829,  0xe835,  0xe840,  0xe84c,
-0xe858,  0xe863,  0xe86f,  0xe87b,  0xe886,  0xe892,
-0xe89e,  0xe8a9,  0xe8b5,  0xe8c0,  0xe8cc,  0xe8d8,
-0xe8e3,  0xe8ef,  0xe8fb,  0xe906,  0xe912,  0xe91d,
-0xe929,  0xe935,  0xe940,  0xe94c,  0xe958,  0xe963,
-0xe96f,  0xe97a,  0xe986,  0xe991,  0xe99d,  0xe9a9,
-0xe9b4,  0xe9c0,  0xe9cb,  0xe9d7,  0xe9e3,  0xe9ee,
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-0xea84,  0xea90,  0xea9b,  0xeaa7,  0xeab2,  0xeabe,
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-0xf126,  0xf131,  0xf13c,  0xf147,  0xf153,  0xf15e,
-0xf169,  0xf174,  0xf17f,  0xf18a,  0xf195,  0xf1a0,
-0xf1ab,  0xf1b6,  0xf1c2,  0xf1cd,  0xf1d8,  0xf1e3,
-0xf1ee,  0xf1f9,  0xf204,  0xf20f,  0xf21a,  0xf225,
-0xf230,  0xf23b,  0xf246,  0xf251,  0xf25c,  0xf267,
-0xf272,  0xf27d,  0xf288,  0xf293,  0xf29f,  0xf2aa,
-0xf2b5,  0xf2c0,  0xf2cb,  0xf2d6,  0xf2e1,  0xf2ec,
-0xf2f7,  0xf302,  0xf30d,  0xf318,  0xf323,  0xf32e,
-0xf339,  0xf344,  0xf34f,  0xf35a,  0xf364,  0xf36f,
-0xf37a,  0xf385,  0xf390,  0xf39b,  0xf3a6,  0xf3b1,
-0xf3bc,  0xf3c7,  0xf3d2,  0xf3dd,  0xf3e8,  0xf3f3,
-0xf3fe,  0xf409,  0xf414,  0xf41f,  0xf42a,  0xf435,
-0xf43f,  0xf44a,  0xf455,  0xf460,  0xf46b,  0xf476,
-0xf481,  0xf48c,  0xf497,  0xf4a2,  0xf4ad,  0xf4b7,
-0xf4c2,  0xf4cd,  0xf4d8,  0xf4e3,  0xf4ee,  0xf4f9,
-0xf504,  0xf50f,  0xf519,  0xf524,  0xf52f,  0xf53a,
-0xf545,  0xf550,  0xf55b,  0xf565,  0xf570,  0xf57b,
-0xf586,  0xf591,  0xf59c,  0xf5a6,  0xf5b1,  0xf5bc,
-0xf5c7,  0xf5d2,  0xf5dd,  0xf5e7,  0xf5f2,  0xf5fd,
-0xf608,  0xf613,  0xf61d,  0xf628,  0xf633,  0xf63e,
-0xf649,  0xf653,  0xf65e,  0xf669,  0xf674,  0xf67f,
-0xf689,  0xf694,  0xf69f,  0xf6aa,  0xf6b4,  0xf6bf,
-0xf6ca,  0xf6d5,  0xf6e0,  0xf6ea,  0xf6f5,  0xf700,
-0xf70b,  0xf715,  0xf720,  0xf72b,  0xf736,  0xf740,
-0xf74b,  0xf756,  0xf760,  0xf76b,  0xf776,  0xf781,
-0xf78b,  0xf796,  0xf7a1,  0xf7ab,  0xf7b6,  0xf7c1,
-0xf7cc,  0xf7d6,  0xf7e1,  0xf7ec,  0xf7f6,  0xf801,
-0xf80c,  0xf816,  0xf821,  0xf82c,  0xf836,  0xf841,
-0xf84c,  0xf856,  0xf861,  0xf86c,  0xf876,  0xf881,
-0xf88c,  0xf896,  0xf8a1,  0xf8ac,  0xf8b6,  0xf8c1,
-0xf8cc,  0xf8d6,  0xf8e1,  0xf8ec,  0xf8f6,  0xf901,
-0xf90b,  0xf916,  0xf921,  0xf92b,  0xf936,  0xf941,
-0xf94b,  0xf956,  0xf960,  0xf96b,  0xf976,  0xf980,
-0xf98b,  0xf995,  0xf9a0,  0xf9aa,  0xf9b5,  0xf9c0,
-0xf9ca,  0xf9d5,  0xf9df,  0xf9ea,  0xf9f4,  0xf9ff,
-0xfa0a,  0xfa14,  0xfa1f,  0xfa29,  0xfa34,  0xfa3e,
-0xfa49,  0xfa53,  0xfa5e,  0xfa69,  0xfa73,  0xfa7e,
-0xfa88,  0xfa93,  0xfa9d,  0xfaa8,  0xfab2,  0xfabd,
-0xfac7,  0xfad2,  0xfadc,  0xfae7,  0xfaf1,  0xfafc,
-0xfb06,  0xfb11,  0xfb1b,  0xfb26,  0xfb30,  0xfb3b,
-0xfb45,  0xfb50,  0xfb5a,  0xfb65,  0xfb6f,  0xfb7a,
-0xfb84,  0xfb8f,  0xfb99,  0xfba4,  0xfbae,  0xfbb8,
-0xfbc3,  0xfbcd,  0xfbd8,  0xfbe2,  0xfbed,  0xfbf7,
-0xfc02,  0xfc0c,  0xfc16,  0xfc21,  0xfc2b,  0xfc36,
-0xfc40,  0xfc4b,  0xfc55,  0xfc5f,  0xfc6a,  0xfc74,
-0xfc7f,  0xfc89,  0xfc93,  0xfc9e,  0xfca8,  0xfcb3,
-0xfcbd,  0xfcc7,  0xfcd2,  0xfcdc,  0xfce7,  0xfcf1,
-0xfcfb,  0xfd06,  0xfd10,  0xfd1a,  0xfd25,  0xfd2f,
-0xfd3a,  0xfd44,  0xfd4e,  0xfd59,  0xfd63,  0xfd6d,
-0xfd78,  0xfd82,  0xfd8c,  0xfd97,  0xfda1,  0xfdab,
-0xfdb6,  0xfdc0,  0xfdca,  0xfdd5,  0xfddf,  0xfde9,
-0xfdf4,  0xfdfe,  0xfe08,  0xfe13,  0xfe1d,  0xfe27,
-0xfe32,  0xfe3c,  0xfe46,  0xfe50,  0xfe5b,  0xfe65,
-0xfe6f,  0xfe7a,  0xfe84,  0xfe8e,  0xfe98,  0xfea3,
-0xfead,  0xfeb7,  0xfec1,  0xfecc,  0xfed6,  0xfee0,
-0xfeeb,  0xfef5,  0xfeff,  0xff09,  0xff14,  0xff1e,
-0xff28,  0xff32,  0xff3c,  0xff47,  0xff51,  0xff5b,
-0xff65,  0xff70,  0xff7a,  0xff84,  0xff8e,  0xff98,
-0xffa3,  0xffad,  0xffb7,  0xffc1,  0xffcc,  0xffd6,
-0xffe0,  0xffea,  0xfff4,  0xffff
-// max value is pi/4
-constexpr double SCALING_FACTOR = 4. / M_PI * 0xFFFF;
-inline double atan2_lookup(double y, double x)
-    if (std::abs(x) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
-    {
-        if (y >= 0.)
-        {
-            return M_PI / 2.;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return -M_PI / 2.;
-        }
-    }
-    unsigned octant = 0;
-    if (x < 0.)
-    {
-        octant = 1;
-        x = -x;
-    }
-    if (y < 0.)
-    {
-        octant |= 2;
-        y = -y;
-    }
-    double t = y / x;
-    if (t > 1.0)
-    {
-        octant |= 4;
-        t = 1.0 / t;
-    }
-    double angle = atan_table[(unsigned)(t * 4095)] / SCALING_FACTOR;
-    switch (octant)
-    {
-    case 0:
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        angle = M_PI - angle;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        angle = -angle;
-        break;
-    case 3:
-        angle = -M_PI + angle;
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        angle = M_PI / 2.0 - angle;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        angle = M_PI / 2.0 + angle;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        angle = -M_PI / 2.0 + angle;
-        break;
-    case 7:
-        angle = -M_PI / 2.0 - angle;
-        break;
-    }
-    return angle;
diff --git a/Util/graph_loader.hpp b/Util/graph_loader.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab8eba..0000000
--- a/Util/graph_loader.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include "osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/import_edge.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/restriction.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/FingerPrint.h"
-#include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
-#include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-template <typename EdgeT>
-NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &input_stream,
-                                     std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list,
-                                     std::vector<NodeID> &barrier_node_list,
-                                     std::vector<NodeID> &traffic_light_node_list,
-                                     std::vector<QueryNode> *int_to_ext_node_id_map,
-                                     std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restriction_list)
-    const FingerPrint fingerprint_orig;
-    FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;
-    input_stream.read((char *)&fingerprint_loaded, sizeof(FingerPrint));
-    if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".osrm was prepared with different build.\n"
-                                            "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
-    }
-    std::unordered_map<NodeID, NodeID> ext_to_int_id_map;
-    NodeID n;
-    input_stream.read((char *)&n, sizeof(NodeID));
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Importing n = " << n << " nodes ";
-    ExternalMemoryNode current_node;
-    for (NodeID i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-    {
-        input_stream.read((char *)&current_node, sizeof(ExternalMemoryNode));
-        int_to_ext_node_id_map->emplace_back(current_node.lat, current_node.lon, current_node.node_id);
-        ext_to_int_id_map.emplace(current_node.node_id, i);
-        if (current_node.barrier)
-        {
-            barrier_node_list.emplace_back(i);
-        }
-        if (current_node.traffic_lights)
-        {
-            traffic_light_node_list.emplace_back(i);
-        }
-    }
-    // tighten vector sizes
-    barrier_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
-    traffic_light_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
-    // renumber nodes in turn restrictions
-    for (TurnRestriction &current_restriction : restriction_list)
-    {
-        auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.from.node);
-        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped from Node of restriction";
-            continue;
-        }
-        current_restriction.from.node = internal_id_iter->second;
-        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.via.node);
-        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped via node of restriction";
-            continue;
-        }
-        current_restriction.via.node = internal_id_iter->second;
-        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.to.node);
-        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped to node of restriction";
-            continue;
-        }
-        current_restriction.to.node = internal_id_iter->second;
-    }
-    EdgeWeight weight;
-    NodeID source, target;
-    unsigned nameID;
-    int length;
-    short dir; // direction (0 = open, 1 = forward, 2+ = open)
-    bool is_roundabout, ignore_in_grid, is_access_restricted, is_split;
-    TravelMode travel_mode;
-    EdgeID m;
-    input_stream.read((char *)&m, sizeof(unsigned));
-    edge_list.reserve(m);
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << " and " << m << " edges ";
-    for (EdgeID i = 0; i < m; ++i)
-    {
-        input_stream.read((char *)&source, sizeof(unsigned));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&target, sizeof(unsigned));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&length, sizeof(int));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&dir, sizeof(short));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&weight, sizeof(int));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&nameID, sizeof(unsigned));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&is_roundabout, sizeof(bool));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&ignore_in_grid, sizeof(bool));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&is_access_restricted, sizeof(bool));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&travel_mode, sizeof(TravelMode));
-        input_stream.read((char *)&is_split, sizeof(bool));
-        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(length > 0, "loaded null length edge");
-        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(weight > 0, "loaded null weight");
-        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 <= dir && dir <= 2, "loaded bogus direction");
-        bool forward = true;
-        bool backward = true;
-        if (1 == dir)
-        {
-            backward = false;
-        }
-        if (2 == dir)
-        {
-            forward = false;
-        }
-        // translate the external NodeIDs to internal IDs
-        auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(source);
-        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(source) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
-        {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << " unresolved source NodeID: " << source;
-            continue;
-        }
-        source = internal_id_iter->second;
-        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(target);
-        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(target) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
-        {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "unresolved target NodeID : " << target;
-            continue;
-        }
-        target = internal_id_iter->second;
-                         "nonexisting source or target");
-        if (source > target)
-        {
-            std::swap(source, target);
-            std::swap(forward, backward);
-        }
-        edge_list.emplace_back(source,
-                               target,
-                               nameID,
-                               weight,
-                               forward,
-                               backward,
-                               is_roundabout,
-                               ignore_in_grid,
-                               is_access_restricted,
-                               travel_mode,
-                               is_split);
-    }
-    ext_to_int_id_map.clear();
-    tbb::parallel_sort(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end());
-    for (unsigned i = 1; i < edge_list.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        if ((edge_list[i - 1].target == edge_list[i].target) &&
-            (edge_list[i - 1].source == edge_list[i].source))
-        {
-            const bool edge_flags_equivalent =
-                (edge_list[i - 1].forward == edge_list[i].forward) &&
-                (edge_list[i - 1].backward == edge_list[i].backward);
-            const bool edge_flags_are_superset1 =
-                (edge_list[i - 1].forward && edge_list[i - 1].backward) &&
-                (edge_list[i].forward != edge_list[i].backward);
-            const bool edge_flags_are_superset_2 =
-                (edge_list[i].forward && edge_list[i].backward) &&
-                (edge_list[i - 1].forward != edge_list[i - 1].backward);
-            if (edge_flags_equivalent)
-            {
-                edge_list[i].weight = std::min(edge_list[i - 1].weight, edge_list[i].weight);
-                edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
-            }
-            else if (edge_flags_are_superset1)
-            {
-                if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
-                {
-                    // edge i-1 is smaller and goes in both directions. Throw away the other edge
-                    edge_list[i].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // edge i-1 is open in both directions, but edge i is smaller in one direction.
-                    // Close edge i-1 in this direction
-                    edge_list[i - 1].forward = !edge_list[i].forward;
-                    edge_list[i - 1].backward = !edge_list[i].backward;
-                }
-            }
-            else if (edge_flags_are_superset_2)
-            {
-                if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
-                {
-                    // edge i-1 is smaller for one direction. edge i is open in both. close edge i
-                    // in the other direction
-                    edge_list[i].forward = !edge_list[i - 1].forward;
-                    edge_list[i].backward = !edge_list[i - 1].backward;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // edge i is smaller and goes in both direction. Throw away edge i-1
-                    edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    const auto new_end_iter = std::remove_if(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end(), [] (const EdgeT &edge)
-                                        {
-                                            return edge.source == SPECIAL_NODEID ||
-                                                   edge.target == SPECIAL_NODEID;
-                                        });
-    edge_list.erase(new_end_iter, edge_list.end()); // remove excess candidates.
-    edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Graph loaded ok and has " << edge_list.size() << " edges";
-    return n;
-template <typename NodeT, typename EdgeT>
-unsigned readHSGRFromStream(const boost::filesystem::path &hsgr_file,
-                            std::vector<NodeT> &node_list,
-                            std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list,
-                            unsigned *check_sum)
-    if (!boost::filesystem::exists(hsgr_file))
-    {
-        throw osrm::exception("hsgr file does not exist");
-    }
-    if (0 == boost::filesystem::file_size(hsgr_file))
-    {
-        throw osrm::exception("hsgr file is empty");
-    }
-    boost::filesystem::ifstream hsgr_input_stream(hsgr_file, std::ios::binary);
-    FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded, fingerprint_orig;
-    hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)&fingerprint_loaded, sizeof(FingerPrint));
-    if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".hsgr was prepared with different build.\n"
-                                            "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
-    }
-    unsigned number_of_nodes = 0;
-    unsigned number_of_edges = 0;
-    hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)check_sum, sizeof(unsigned));
-    hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)&number_of_nodes, sizeof(unsigned));
-    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != number_of_nodes, "number of nodes is zero");
-    hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)&number_of_edges, sizeof(unsigned));
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_nodes: " << number_of_nodes
-                           << ", number_of_edges: " << number_of_edges;
-    // BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( 0 != number_of_edges, "number of edges is zero");
-    node_list.resize(number_of_nodes);
-    hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)&(node_list[0]), number_of_nodes * sizeof(NodeT));
-    edge_list.resize(number_of_edges);
-    if (number_of_edges > 0)
-    {
-        hsgr_input_stream.read((char *)&(edge_list[0]), number_of_edges * sizeof(EdgeT));
-    }
-    hsgr_input_stream.close();
-    return number_of_nodes;
-#endif // GRAPHLOADER_H
diff --git a/Util/range_algorithms.hpp b/Util/range_algorithms.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 208236e..0000000
--- a/Util/range_algorithms.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-    open source routing machine
-    Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
- */
-#include <algorithm>
-namespace osrm {
-template<class Container>
-auto max_element(const Container & c) -> decltype(std::max_element(c.begin(), c.end()))
-    return std::max_element(c.begin(), c.end());
-template<class Container>
-auto max_element(const Container & c) -> decltype(std::max_element(c.cbegin(), c.cend()))
-    return std::max_element(c.cbegin(), c.cend());
diff --git a/algorithms/bayes_classifier.hpp b/algorithms/bayes_classifier.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3358144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/algorithms/bayes_classifier.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+struct NormalDistribution
+    NormalDistribution(const double mean, const double standard_deviation)
+        : mean(mean), standard_deviation(standard_deviation)
+    {
+    }
+    // FIXME implement log-probability version since its faster
+    double density_function(const double val) const
+    {
+        const double x = val - mean;
+        return 1.0 / (std::sqrt(2. * M_PI) * standard_deviation) *
+               std::exp(-x * x / (standard_deviation * standard_deviation));
+    }
+    double mean;
+    double standard_deviation;
+struct LaplaceDistribution
+    LaplaceDistribution(const double location, const double scale)
+        : location(location), scale(scale)
+    {
+    }
+    // FIXME implement log-probability version since its faster
+    double density_function(const double val) const
+    {
+        const double x = std::abs(val - location);
+        return 1.0 / (2. * scale) * std::exp(-x / scale);
+    }
+    double location;
+    double scale;
+template <typename PositiveDistributionT, typename NegativeDistributionT, typename ValueT>
+class BayesClassifier
+  public:
+    enum class ClassLabel : unsigned
+    {
+        NEGATIVE,
+        POSITIVE
+    };
+    using ClassificationT = std::pair<ClassLabel, double>;
+    BayesClassifier(const PositiveDistributionT &positive_distribution,
+                    const NegativeDistributionT &negative_distribution,
+                    const double positive_apriori_probability)
+        : positive_distribution(positive_distribution),
+          negative_distribution(negative_distribution),
+          positive_apriori_probability(positive_apriori_probability),
+          negative_apriori_probability(1. - positive_apriori_probability)
+    {
+    }
+    // Returns label and the probability of the label.
+    ClassificationT classify(const ValueT &v) const
+    {
+        const double positive_postpriori =
+            positive_apriori_probability * positive_distribution.density_function(v);
+        const double negative_postpriori =
+            negative_apriori_probability * negative_distribution.density_function(v);
+        const double norm = positive_postpriori + negative_postpriori;
+        if (positive_postpriori > negative_postpriori)
+        {
+            return std::make_pair(ClassLabel::POSITIVE, positive_postpriori / norm);
+        }
+        return std::make_pair(ClassLabel::NEGATIVE, negative_postpriori / norm);
+    }
+  private:
+    PositiveDistributionT positive_distribution;
+    NegativeDistributionT negative_distribution;
+    double positive_apriori_probability;
+    double negative_apriori_probability;
diff --git a/algorithms/bfs_components.hpp b/algorithms/bfs_components.hpp
index 57be635..b3f5364 100644
--- a/algorithms/bfs_components.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/bfs_components.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ template <typename GraphT> class BFSComponentExplorer
      * Explores the current component that starts at node using BFS.
     unsigned ExploreComponent(std::queue<std::pair<NodeID, NodeID>> &bfs_queue,
-                                     NodeID node,
-                                     unsigned current_component)
+                              NodeID node,
+                              unsigned current_component)
            Graphical representation of variables:
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ template <typename GraphT> class BFSComponentExplorer
             std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> current_queue_item = bfs_queue.front();
-            const NodeID v = current_queue_item.first; // current node
+            const NodeID v = current_queue_item.first;  // current node
             const NodeID u = current_queue_item.second; // parent
             // increment size counter of current component
diff --git a/algorithms/crc32_processor.hpp b/algorithms/crc32_processor.hpp
index a68514d..a31b4ad 100644
--- a/algorithms/crc32_processor.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/crc32_processor.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class IteratorbasedCRC32
         while (iter != end)
             using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
-            char *data = (char *)(&(*iter));
+            const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(*iter));
             if (use_hardware_implementation)
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class IteratorbasedCRC32
         return sse42_found;
-    unsigned compute_in_software(char *str, unsigned len)
+    unsigned compute_in_software(const char *str, unsigned len)
         crc_processor.process_bytes(str, len);
         return crc_processor.checksum();
     // adapted from http://byteworm.com/2010/10/13/crc32/
-    unsigned compute_in_hardware(char *str, unsigned len)
+    unsigned compute_in_hardware(const char *str, unsigned len)
 #if defined(__x86_64__)
         unsigned q = len / sizeof(unsigned);
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class IteratorbasedCRC32
-        str = (char *)p;
+        str = reinterpret_cast<char *>(p);
         while (r--)
             __asm__ __volatile__(".byte 0xf2, 0xf, 0x38, 0xf1, 0xf1;"
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class IteratorbasedCRC32
         return ecx;
-#if defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#if defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(__x86_64__)
     inline void
     __get_cpuid(int param, unsigned *eax, unsigned *ebx, unsigned *ecx, unsigned *edx) const
@@ -131,8 +131,7 @@ class IteratorbasedCRC32
 struct RangebasedCRC32
-    template<typename Iteratable>
-    unsigned operator()(const Iteratable &iterable)
+    template <typename Iteratable> unsigned operator()(const Iteratable &iterable)
         return crc32(std::begin(iterable), std::end(iterable));
diff --git a/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp b/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
index 362f0a5..fa7d782 100644
--- a/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
+++ b/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "douglas_peucker.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
@@ -65,12 +63,12 @@ struct CoordinatePairCalculator
         // compute distance (a,c)
         const float x_value_1 = (first_lon - float_lon1) * cos((float_lat1 + first_lat) / 2.f);
         const float y_value_1 = first_lat - float_lat1;
-        const float dist1 = sqrt(std::pow(x_value_1, 2) + std::pow(y_value_1, 2)) * earth_radius;
+        const float dist1 = std::hypot(x_value_1, y_value_1) * earth_radius;
         // compute distance (b,c)
         const float x_value_2 = (second_lon - float_lon1) * cos((float_lat1 + second_lat) / 2.f);
         const float y_value_2 = second_lat - float_lat1;
-        const float dist2 = sqrt(std::pow(x_value_2, 2) + std::pow(y_value_2, 2)) * earth_radius;
+        const float dist2 = std::hypot(x_value_2, y_value_2) * earth_radius;
         // return the minimum
         return static_cast<int>(std::min(dist1, dist2));
@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ void DouglasPeucker::Run(std::vector<SegmentInformation> &input_geometry, const
 void DouglasPeucker::Run(RandomAccessIt begin, RandomAccessIt end, const unsigned zoom_level)
-    unsigned size = std::distance(begin, end);
+    const auto size = std::distance(begin, end);
     if (size < 2)
diff --git a/algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp b/algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp
index 417e80a..da02982 100644
--- a/algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
+#include <array>
 #include <stack>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include <array>
 /* This class object computes the bitvector of indicating generalized input
  * points according to the (Ramer-)Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
  * bit indicating if the points is present in the generalization.
  * Note: points may also be pre-selected*/
-struct SegmentInformation;
-static const std::array<int, 19> DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS {{
+static const std::array<int, 19> DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS{{
     512440, // z0
     256720, // z1
     122560, // z2
diff --git a/algorithms/object_encoder.hpp b/algorithms/object_encoder.hpp
index af6e0d9..e880496 100644
--- a/algorithms/object_encoder.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/object_encoder.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/archive/iterators/base64_from_binary.hpp>
@@ -49,10 +49,9 @@ struct ObjectEncoder
-    template <class ObjectT>
-    static void EncodeToBase64(const ObjectT &object, std::string &encoded)
+    template <class ObjectT> static void EncodeToBase64(const ObjectT &object, std::string &encoded)
-        const char *char_ptr_to_object = (const char *)&object;
+        const char *char_ptr_to_object = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&object);
         std::vector<unsigned char> data(sizeof(object));
         std::copy(char_ptr_to_object, char_ptr_to_object + sizeof(ObjectT), data.begin());
@@ -71,8 +70,7 @@ struct ObjectEncoder
         replaceAll(encoded, "/", "_");
-    template <class ObjectT>
-    static void DecodeFromBase64(const std::string &input, ObjectT &object)
+    template <class ObjectT> static void DecodeFromBase64(const std::string &input, ObjectT &object)
@@ -81,9 +79,8 @@ struct ObjectEncoder
             replaceAll(encoded, "-", "+");
             replaceAll(encoded, "_", "/");
-            std::copy(binary_t(encoded.begin()),
-                      binary_t(encoded.begin() + encoded.length() - 1),
-                      (char *)&object);
+            std::copy(binary_t(encoded.begin()), binary_t(encoded.begin() + encoded.length() - 1),
+                      reinterpret_cast<char *>(&object));
         catch (...)
diff --git a/algorithms/polyline_compressor.cpp b/algorithms/polyline_compressor.cpp
index 2f2972b..d5fd582 100644
--- a/algorithms/polyline_compressor.cpp
+++ b/algorithms/polyline_compressor.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "polyline_compressor.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 std::string PolylineCompressor::encode_vector(std::vector<int> &numbers) const
@@ -56,19 +56,11 @@ std::string PolylineCompressor::encode_number(int number_to_encode) const
         const int next_value = (0x20 | (number_to_encode & 0x1f)) + 63;
         output += static_cast<char>(next_value);
-        if (92 == next_value)
-        {
-            output += static_cast<char>(next_value);
-        }
         number_to_encode >>= 5;
     number_to_encode += 63;
     output += static_cast<char>(number_to_encode);
-    if (92 == number_to_encode)
-    {
-        output += static_cast<char>(number_to_encode);
-    }
     return output;
diff --git a/algorithms/polyline_compressor.hpp b/algorithms/polyline_compressor.hpp
index 8bff4a0..933ac7a 100644
--- a/algorithms/polyline_compressor.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/polyline_compressor.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/algorithms/polyline_formatter.cpp b/algorithms/polyline_formatter.cpp
index d72496a..670a612 100644
--- a/algorithms/polyline_formatter.cpp
+++ b/algorithms/polyline_formatter.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "polyline_compressor.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 PolylineFormatter::printEncodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const
-    return JSON::String(PolylineCompressor().get_encoded_string(polyline));
+    return osrm::json::String(PolylineCompressor().get_encoded_string(polyline));
 PolylineFormatter::printUnencodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const
-    JSON::Array json_geometry_array;
+    osrm::json::Array json_geometry_array;
     for (const auto &segment : polyline)
         if (segment.necessary)
-            JSON::Array json_coordinate;
+            osrm::json::Array json_coordinate;
             json_coordinate.values.push_back(segment.location.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
             json_coordinate.values.push_back(segment.location.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
diff --git a/algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp b/algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp
index 1d4744d..68cc702 100644
--- a/algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 struct SegmentInformation;
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 struct PolylineFormatter
-    JSON::String printEncodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const;
+    osrm::json::String printEncodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const;
-    JSON::Array printUnencodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const;
+    osrm::json::Array printUnencodedString(const std::vector<SegmentInformation> &polyline) const;
diff --git a/algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp b/algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp
index 519452f..00dae89 100644
--- a/algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         for (const SegmentT &segment : segment_list)
-            if (segment.name_id != blocked_name_id && segment.length > result_segment.length && segment.name_id != 0)
+            if (segment.name_id != blocked_name_id && segment.length > result_segment.length &&
+                segment.name_id != 0)
                 result_segment = segment;
@@ -73,9 +74,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         SegmentT alternative_segment_1, alternative_segment_2;
         auto length_comperator = [](const SegmentT &a, const SegmentT &b)
-        { return a.length > b.length; };
+        {
+            return a.length > b.length;
+        };
         auto name_id_comperator = [](const SegmentT &a, const SegmentT &b)
-        { return a.name_id < b.name_id; };
+        {
+            return a.name_id < b.name_id;
+        };
         if (shortest_path_segments.empty())
@@ -87,8 +92,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         shortest_segment_1 = shortest_path_segments[0];
         if (!alternative_path_segments.empty())
-            std::sort(alternative_path_segments.begin(),
-                      alternative_path_segments.end(),
+            std::sort(alternative_path_segments.begin(), alternative_path_segments.end(),
             // also pick the longest segment for the alternative path
@@ -99,16 +103,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         // alternative
         std::vector<SegmentT> shortest_path_set_difference(shortest_path_segments.size());
         std::sort(shortest_path_segments.begin(), shortest_path_segments.end(), name_id_comperator);
-        std::sort(alternative_path_segments.begin(), alternative_path_segments.end(), name_id_comperator);
-        std::set_difference(shortest_path_segments.begin(),
-                            shortest_path_segments.end(),
-                            alternative_path_segments.begin(),
-                            alternative_path_segments.end(),
-                            shortest_path_set_difference.begin(),
-                            name_id_comperator);
-        std::sort(shortest_path_set_difference.begin(),
-                  shortest_path_set_difference.end(),
+        std::sort(alternative_path_segments.begin(), alternative_path_segments.end(),
+                  name_id_comperator);
+        std::set_difference(shortest_path_segments.begin(), shortest_path_segments.end(),
+                            alternative_path_segments.begin(), alternative_path_segments.end(),
+                            shortest_path_set_difference.begin(), name_id_comperator);
+        std::sort(shortest_path_set_difference.begin(), shortest_path_set_difference.end(),
         shortest_segment_2 =
             PickNextLongestSegment(shortest_path_set_difference, shortest_segment_1.name_id);
@@ -116,29 +117,23 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         // compute the set difference (for alternative path) depending on names between shortest and
         // alternative
         // vectors are still sorted, no need to do again
-        BOOST_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(shortest_path_segments.begin(),
-                                    shortest_path_segments.end(),
+        BOOST_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(shortest_path_segments.begin(), shortest_path_segments.end(),
-                                    alternative_path_segments.end(),
-                                    name_id_comperator));
+                                    alternative_path_segments.end(), name_id_comperator));
         std::vector<SegmentT> alternative_path_set_difference(alternative_path_segments.size());
-        std::set_difference(alternative_path_segments.begin(),
-                            alternative_path_segments.end(),
-                            shortest_path_segments.begin(),
-                            shortest_path_segments.end(),
-                            alternative_path_set_difference.begin(),
-                            name_id_comperator);
-        std::sort(alternative_path_set_difference.begin(),
-                  alternative_path_set_difference.end(),
+        std::set_difference(alternative_path_segments.begin(), alternative_path_segments.end(),
+                            shortest_path_segments.begin(), shortest_path_segments.end(),
+                            alternative_path_set_difference.begin(), name_id_comperator);
+        std::sort(alternative_path_set_difference.begin(), alternative_path_set_difference.end(),
         if (!alternative_path_segments.empty())
             alternative_segment_2 = PickNextLongestSegment(alternative_path_set_difference,
-                                                       alternative_segment_1.name_id);
+                                                           alternative_segment_1.name_id);
         // move the segments into the order in which they occur.
@@ -152,15 +147,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT, class SegmentT> struct ExtractRouteNames
         // fetching names for the selected segments
-        route_names.shortest_path_name_1 =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(shortest_segment_1.name_id);
-        route_names.shortest_path_name_2 =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(shortest_segment_2.name_id);
+        route_names.shortest_path_name_1 = facade->get_name_for_id(shortest_segment_1.name_id);
+        route_names.shortest_path_name_2 = facade->get_name_for_id(shortest_segment_2.name_id);
         route_names.alternative_path_name_1 =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(alternative_segment_1.name_id);
+            facade->get_name_for_id(alternative_segment_1.name_id);
         route_names.alternative_path_name_2 =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(alternative_segment_2.name_id);
+            facade->get_name_for_id(alternative_segment_2.name_id);
         return route_names;
diff --git a/algorithms/tiny_components.hpp b/algorithms/tiny_components.hpp
index 5cf5a75..8eb61a9 100644
--- a/algorithms/tiny_components.hpp
+++ b/algorithms/tiny_components.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/restriction_map.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/std_hash.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/std_hash.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <memory>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <vector>
-template <typename GraphT>
-class TarjanSCC
+template <typename GraphT> class TarjanSCC
     struct TarjanStackFrame
@@ -80,16 +78,15 @@ class TarjanSCC
     std::shared_ptr<GraphT> m_node_based_graph;
     std::unordered_set<NodeID> barrier_node_set;
     RestrictionMap m_restriction_map;
-    unsigned size_one_counter;
+    std::size_t size_one_counter;
-    template<class ContainerT>
+    template <class ContainerT>
     TarjanSCC(std::shared_ptr<GraphT> graph,
               const RestrictionMap &restrictions,
               const ContainerT &barrier_node_list)
-        : components_index(graph->GetNumberOfNodes(), SPECIAL_NODEID),
-          m_node_based_graph(graph), m_restriction_map(restrictions),
-          size_one_counter(0)
+        : components_index(graph->GetNumberOfNodes(), SPECIAL_NODEID), m_node_based_graph(graph),
+          m_restriction_map(restrictions), size_one_counter(0)
         barrier_node_set.insert(std::begin(barrier_node_list), std::end(barrier_node_list));
         BOOST_ASSERT(m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes() > 0);
@@ -98,17 +95,18 @@ class TarjanSCC
     void run()
+        const NodeID max_node_id = m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes();
         // The following is a hack to distinguish between stuff that happens
         // before the recursive call and stuff that happens after
         std::stack<TarjanStackFrame> recursion_stack;
         // true = stuff before, false = stuff after call
         std::stack<NodeID> tarjan_stack;
-        std::vector<TarjanNode> tarjan_node_list(m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
+        std::vector<TarjanNode> tarjan_node_list(max_node_id);
         unsigned component_index = 0, size_of_current_component = 0;
-        int index = 0;
-        const NodeID last_node = m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes();
-        std::vector<bool> processing_node_before_recursion(m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes(), true);
-        for(const NodeID node : osrm::irange(0u, last_node))
+        unsigned index = 0;
+        std::vector<bool> processing_node_before_recursion(max_node_id, true);
+        for (const NodeID node : osrm::irange(0u, max_node_id))
             if (SPECIAL_NODEID == components_index[node])
@@ -150,13 +148,11 @@ class TarjanSCC
                         const auto vprime = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(current_edge);
                         // Traverse outgoing edges
-                        if (barrier_node_set.find(v) != barrier_node_set.end() &&
-                            u != vprime)
+                        if (barrier_node_set.find(v) != barrier_node_set.end() && u != vprime)
                             // continue;
                         if (to_node_of_only_restriction != std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() &&
                             vprime == to_node_of_only_restriction)
@@ -219,35 +215,25 @@ class TarjanSCC
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "SCC run took: " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_RUN)/1000. << "s";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "SCC run took: " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_RUN) / 1000. << "s";
-        size_one_counter = std::count_if(component_size_vector.begin(),
-                                         component_size_vector.end(),
+        size_one_counter = std::count_if(component_size_vector.begin(), component_size_vector.end(),
                                          [](unsigned value)
-            return 1 == value;
-        });
+                                             return 1 == value;
+                                         });
-    std::size_t get_number_of_components() const
-    {
-        return component_size_vector.size();
-    }
+    std::size_t get_number_of_components() const { return component_size_vector.size(); }
-    unsigned get_size_one_count() const
-    {
-        return size_one_counter;
-    }
+    std::size_t get_size_one_count() const { return size_one_counter; }
     unsigned get_component_size(const NodeID node) const
         return component_size_vector[components_index[node]];
-    unsigned get_component_id(const NodeID node) const
-    {
-        return components_index[node];
-    }
+    unsigned get_component_id(const NodeID node) const { return components_index[node]; }
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index e650e1a..afb8dd4 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ branches:
     - develop
-# Operating system (build VM template)
-os: Windows Server 2012 R2
 # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning
   - git config --global core.autocrlf input
diff --git a/benchmarks/static_rtree.cpp b/benchmarks/static_rtree.cpp
index 7a24cfc..9d88331 100644
--- a/benchmarks/static_rtree.cpp
+++ b/benchmarks/static_rtree.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
+#include "../util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp"
-#include "../Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <random>
@@ -88,11 +88,9 @@ void Benchmark(BenchStaticRTree &rtree, unsigned num_queries)
         for (const auto &q : queries)
-            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(
-                q, phantom_node_vector, 3, num_results);
+            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(q, phantom_node_vector, 3, num_results);
-            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(
-                q, phantom_node_vector, 17, num_results);
+            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(q, phantom_node_vector, 17, num_results);
@@ -130,8 +128,7 @@ void Benchmark(BenchStaticRTree &rtree, unsigned num_queries)
-    std::cout << "Took " << TIMER_MSEC(query_node) << " msec for " << num_queries
-              << " queries."
+    std::cout << "Took " << TIMER_MSEC(query_node) << " msec for " << num_queries << " queries."
               << "\n";
     std::cout << TIMER_MSEC(query_node) / ((double)num_queries) << " msec/query."
               << "\n";
@@ -147,11 +144,9 @@ void Benchmark(BenchStaticRTree &rtree, unsigned num_queries)
         for (const auto &q : queries)
-            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(
-                q, phantom_node_vector, 3, num_results);
+            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(q, phantom_node_vector, 3, num_results);
-            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(
-                q, phantom_node_vector, 17, num_results);
+            rtree.IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(q, phantom_node_vector, 17, num_results);
diff --git a/cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake b/cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake
index 710368d..a3325d3 100644
--- a/cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake
+++ b/cmake/FingerPrint-Config.cmake
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-set(OLDFILE ${SOURCE_DIR}/Util/FingerPrint.cpp)
+set(OLDFILE ${SOURCE_DIR}/util/fingerprint_impl.hpp)
 file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/prepare.cpp MD5PREPARE)
 file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/data_structures/static_rtree.hpp MD5RTREE)
-file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/Util/graph_loader.hpp MD5GRAPH)
-file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/Server/DataStructures/InternalDataFacade.h MD5OBJECTS)
+file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/util/graph_loader.hpp MD5GRAPH)
+file(MD5 ${SOURCE_DIR}/server/data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp MD5OBJECTS)
-CONFIGURE_FILE( ${SOURCE_DIR}/Util/finger_print.cpp.in ${SOURCE_DIR}/Util/finger_print.cpp )
+CONFIGURE_FILE(${SOURCE_DIR}/util/fingerprint_impl.hpp.in ${SOURCE_DIR}/util/fingerprint_impl.hpp)
diff --git a/contractor/contractor.hpp b/contractor/contractor.hpp
index c8c107c..ccfabbc 100644
--- a/contractor/contractor.hpp
+++ b/contractor/contractor.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/query_edge.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
@@ -92,9 +92,11 @@ class Contractor
     using ContractorGraph = DynamicGraph<ContractorEdgeData>;
-    //    using ContractorHeap = BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, int, ContractorHeapData, ArrayStorage<NodeID, NodeID>
+    //    using ContractorHeap = BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, int, ContractorHeapData,
+    //    ArrayStorage<NodeID, NodeID>
     //    >;
-    using ContractorHeap = BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, int, ContractorHeapData, XORFastHashStorage<NodeID, NodeID>>;
+    using ContractorHeap =
+        BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, int, ContractorHeapData, XORFastHashStorage<NodeID, NodeID>>;
     using ContractorEdge = ContractorGraph::InputEdge;
     struct ContractorThreadData
@@ -131,15 +133,14 @@ class Contractor
         bool is_independent : 1;
     struct ThreadDataContainer
-        explicit ThreadDataContainer(int number_of_nodes) : number_of_nodes(number_of_nodes)  {}
+        explicit ThreadDataContainer(int number_of_nodes) : number_of_nodes(number_of_nodes) {}
-        inline ContractorThreadData* getThreadData()
+        inline ContractorThreadData *getThreadData()
             bool exists = false;
-            auto& ref = data.local(exists);
+            auto &ref = data.local(exists);
             if (!exists)
                 ref = std::make_shared<ContractorThreadData>(number_of_nodes);
@@ -149,7 +150,8 @@ class Contractor
         int number_of_nodes;
-        using EnumerableThreadData = tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<std::shared_ptr<ContractorThreadData>>;
+        using EnumerableThreadData =
+            tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<std::shared_ptr<ContractorThreadData>>;
         EnumerableThreadData data;
@@ -162,29 +164,25 @@ class Contractor
         const auto dend = input_edge_list.dend();
         for (auto diter = input_edge_list.dbegin(); diter != dend; ++diter)
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)) > 0, "edge distance < 1");
+            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)) > 0,
+                             "edge distance < 1");
 #ifndef NDEBUG
             if (static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 10)
-                SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Edge weight large -> "
-                                                 << static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1));
+                SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING)
+                    << "Edge weight large -> "
+                    << static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1));
             edges.emplace_back(diter->source, diter->target,
-                static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)),
-                1,
-                diter->edge_id,
-                false,
-                diter->forward ? true : false,
-                diter->backward ? true : false);
+                               static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)), 1,
+                               diter->edge_id, false, diter->forward ? true : false,
+                               diter->backward ? true : false);
             edges.emplace_back(diter->target, diter->source,
-                static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)),
-                1,
-                diter->edge_id,
-                false,
-                diter->backward ? true : false,
-                diter->forward ? true : false);
+                               static_cast<unsigned int>(std::max(diter->weight, 1)), 1,
+                               diter->edge_id, false, diter->backward ? true : false,
+                               diter->forward ? true : false);
         // clear input vector
@@ -282,20 +280,20 @@ class Contractor
         std::cout << "contractor finished initalization" << std::endl;
-    ~Contractor() { }
+    ~Contractor() {}
     void Run()
         // for the preperation we can use a big grain size, which is much faster (probably cache)
-        constexpr size_t InitGrainSize        = 100000;
-        constexpr size_t PQGrainSize          = 100000;
+        constexpr size_t InitGrainSize = 100000;
+        constexpr size_t PQGrainSize = 100000;
         // auto_partitioner will automatically increase the blocksize if we have
         // a lot of data. It is *important* for the last loop iterations
         // (which have a very small dataset) that it is devisible.
         constexpr size_t IndependentGrainSize = 1;
-        constexpr size_t ContractGrainSize    = 1;
-        constexpr size_t NeighboursGrainSize  = 1;
-        constexpr size_t DeleteGrainSize      = 1;
+        constexpr size_t ContractGrainSize = 1;
+        constexpr size_t NeighboursGrainSize = 1;
+        constexpr size_t DeleteGrainSize = 1;
         const NodeID number_of_nodes = contractor_graph->GetNumberOfNodes();
         Percent p(number_of_nodes);
@@ -307,30 +305,28 @@ class Contractor
         std::vector<float> node_priorities(number_of_nodes);
         std::vector<NodePriorityData> node_data(number_of_nodes);
         // initialize priorities in parallel
         tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, number_of_nodes, InitGrainSize),
-            [&remaining_nodes](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
-            {
-                for (int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
-                {
-                    remaining_nodes[x].id = x;
-                }
-            }
-        );
+                          [&remaining_nodes](const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
+                          {
+                              for (int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
+                              {
+                                  remaining_nodes[x].id = x;
+                              }
+                          });
         std::cout << "initializing elimination PQ ..." << std::flush;
         tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, number_of_nodes, PQGrainSize),
-            [this, &node_priorities, &node_data, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
-            {
-                ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
-                for (int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
-                {
-                    node_priorities[x] = this->EvaluateNodePriority(data, &node_data[x], x);
-                }
-            }
-        );
+                          [this, &node_priorities, &node_data, &thread_data_list](
+                              const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
+                          {
+                              ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
+                              for (int x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
+                              {
+                                  node_priorities[x] =
+                                      this->EvaluateNodePriority(data, &node_data[x], x);
+                              }
+                          });
         std::cout << "ok" << std::endl << "preprocessing " << number_of_nodes << " nodes ..."
                   << std::flush;
@@ -368,7 +364,8 @@ class Contractor
                     remaining_nodes[new_node_id].id = new_node_id;
                 // walk over all nodes
-                for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, contractor_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
+                for (const auto i :
+                     osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, contractor_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
                     const NodeID source = i;
                     for (auto current_edge : contractor_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(source))
@@ -384,11 +381,9 @@ class Contractor
                             // node is not yet contracted.
                             // add (renumbered) outgoing edges to new DynamicGraph.
-                            ContractorEdge new_edge = {
-                                new_node_id_from_orig_id_map[source],
-                                new_node_id_from_orig_id_map[target],
-                                data
-                            };
+                            ContractorEdge new_edge = {new_node_id_from_orig_id_map[source],
+                                                       new_node_id_from_orig_id_map[target],
+                                                       data};
                             new_edge.data.is_original_via_node_ID = true;
                             BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(UINT_MAX != new_node_id_from_orig_id_map[source],
@@ -427,28 +422,30 @@ class Contractor
             const int last = (int)remaining_nodes.size();
             tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, last, IndependentGrainSize),
-                [this, &node_priorities, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
-                {
-                    ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
-                    // determine independent node set
-                    for (int i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i)
-                    {
-                        const NodeID node = remaining_nodes[i].id;
-                        remaining_nodes[i].is_independent =
-                            this->IsNodeIndependent(node_priorities, data, node);
-                    }
-                }
-            );
-            const auto first = stable_partition(remaining_nodes.begin(),
-                                                remaining_nodes.end(),
+                              [this, &node_priorities, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](
+                                  const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
+                              {
+                                  ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
+                                  // determine independent node set
+                                  for (int i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i)
+                                  {
+                                      const NodeID node = remaining_nodes[i].id;
+                                      remaining_nodes[i].is_independent =
+                                          this->IsNodeIndependent(node_priorities, data, node);
+                                  }
+                              });
+            const auto first = stable_partition(remaining_nodes.begin(), remaining_nodes.end(),
                                                 [](RemainingNodeData node_data)
-                                                { return !node_data.is_independent; });
+                                                {
+                                                    return !node_data.is_independent;
+                                                });
             const int first_independent_node = static_cast<int>(first - remaining_nodes.begin());
             // contract independent nodes
-            tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, ContractGrainSize),
-                [this, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
+            tbb::parallel_for(
+                tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, ContractGrainSize),
+                [this, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
                     ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
                     for (int position = range.begin(); position != range.end(); ++position)
@@ -456,19 +453,18 @@ class Contractor
                         const NodeID x = remaining_nodes[position].id;
                         this->ContractNode<false>(data, x);
-                }
-            );
+                });
             // make sure we really sort each block
-            tbb::parallel_for(thread_data_list.data.range(),
-                [&](const ThreadDataContainer::EnumerableThreadData::range_type& range)
+            tbb::parallel_for(
+                thread_data_list.data.range(),
+                [&](const ThreadDataContainer::EnumerableThreadData::range_type &range)
-                    for (auto& data : range)
-                        std::sort(data->inserted_edges.begin(),
-                                  data->inserted_edges.end());
-                }
-            );
-            tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, DeleteGrainSize),
-                [this, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
+                    for (auto &data : range)
+                        std::sort(data->inserted_edges.begin(), data->inserted_edges.end());
+                });
+            tbb::parallel_for(
+                tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, DeleteGrainSize),
+                [this, &remaining_nodes, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
                     ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
                     for (int position = range.begin(); position != range.end(); ++position)
@@ -476,15 +472,15 @@ class Contractor
                         const NodeID x = remaining_nodes[position].id;
                         this->DeleteIncomingEdges(data, x);
-                }
-            );
+                });
             // insert new edges
-            for (auto& data : thread_data_list.data)
+            for (auto &data : thread_data_list.data)
                 for (const ContractorEdge &edge : data->inserted_edges)
-                    const EdgeID current_edge_ID = contractor_graph->FindEdge(edge.source, edge.target);
+                    const EdgeID current_edge_ID =
+                        contractor_graph->FindEdge(edge.source, edge.target);
                     if (current_edge_ID < contractor_graph->EndEdges(edge.source))
                         ContractorGraph::EdgeData &current_data =
@@ -503,8 +499,10 @@ class Contractor
-            tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, NeighboursGrainSize),
-                [this, &remaining_nodes, &node_priorities, &node_data, &thread_data_list](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range)
+            tbb::parallel_for(
+                tbb::blocked_range<int>(first_independent_node, last, NeighboursGrainSize),
+                [this, &remaining_nodes, &node_priorities, &node_data, &thread_data_list](
+                    const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range)
                     ContractorThreadData *data = thread_data_list.getThreadData();
                     for (int position = range.begin(); position != range.end(); ++position)
@@ -512,8 +510,7 @@ class Contractor
                         NodeID x = remaining_nodes[position].id;
                         this->UpdateNodeNeighbours(node_priorities, node_data, data, x);
-                }
-            );
+                });
             // remove contracted nodes from the pool
             number_of_contracted_nodes += last - first_independent_node;
@@ -774,17 +771,11 @@ class Contractor
                         inserted_edges.emplace_back(source, target, path_distance,
                                                     out_data.originalEdges + in_data.originalEdges,
-                                                    node,
-                                                    true,
-                                                    true,
-                                                    false);
+                                                    node, true, true, false);
                         inserted_edges.emplace_back(target, source, path_distance,
                                                     out_data.originalEdges + in_data.originalEdges,
-                                                    node,
-                                                    true,
-                                                    false,
-                                                    true);
+                                                    node, true, false, true);
@@ -883,10 +874,9 @@ class Contractor
         return true;
-    inline bool IsNodeIndependent(
-        const std::vector<float> &priorities,
-        ContractorThreadData *const data,
-        NodeID node) const
+    inline bool IsNodeIndependent(const std::vector<float> &priorities,
+                                  ContractorThreadData *const data,
+                                  NodeID node) const
         const float priority = priorities[node];
diff --git a/contractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp b/contractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp
index 144b1fa..268bb9f 100644
--- a/contractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp
+++ b/contractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "edge_based_graph_factory.hpp"
 #include "../algorithms/tiny_components.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/percent.hpp"
-#include "../Util/compute_angle.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/lua_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/compute_angle.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/lua_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
@@ -77,33 +77,25 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetEdgeBasedNodes(std::vector<EdgeBasedNode> &nodes)
-EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
-                                           const NodeID node_v,
-                                           const unsigned component_id)
+void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
+                                                const NodeID node_v,
+                                                const unsigned component_id)
     // merge edges together into one EdgeBasedNode
     // find forward edge id and
-    const EdgeID e1 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_u, node_v);
+    const EdgeID edge_id_1 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_u, node_v);
-    const EdgeData &forward_data = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(e1);
+    const EdgeData &forward_data = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(edge_id_1);
     // find reverse edge id and
-    const EdgeID e2 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_v, node_u);
+    const EdgeID edge_id_2 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_v, node_u);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    if (e2 == m_node_based_graph->EndEdges(node_v))
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Did not find edge (" << node_v << "," << node_u << ")";
-    }
-    BOOST_ASSERT(e2 < m_node_based_graph->EndEdges(node_v));
-    const EdgeData &reverse_data = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(e2);
+    const EdgeData &reverse_data = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(edge_id_2);
     if (forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID == SPECIAL_NODEID &&
         reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID == SPECIAL_NODEID)
@@ -111,17 +103,17 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
-    BOOST_ASSERT(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e1) ==
-                 m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e2));
-    if (m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e1))
+    BOOST_ASSERT(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(edge_id_1) ==
+                 m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(edge_id_2));
+    if (m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(edge_id_1))
-        BOOST_ASSERT(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e2));
+        BOOST_ASSERT(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(edge_id_2));
         // reconstruct geometry and put in each individual edge with its offset
         const std::vector<GeometryCompressor::CompressedNode> &forward_geometry =
-            m_geometry_compressor.GetBucketReference(e1);
+            m_geometry_compressor.GetBucketReference(edge_id_1);
         const std::vector<GeometryCompressor::CompressedNode> &reverse_geometry =
-            m_geometry_compressor.GetBucketReference(e2);
+            m_geometry_compressor.GetBucketReference(edge_id_2);
         BOOST_ASSERT(forward_geometry.size() == reverse_geometry.size());
         BOOST_ASSERT(0 != forward_geometry.size());
         const unsigned geometry_size = static_cast<unsigned>(forward_geometry.size());
@@ -172,20 +164,13 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
             BOOST_ASSERT(current_edge_target_coordinate_id != current_edge_source_coordinate_id);
             // build edges
-            m_edge_based_node_list.emplace_back(forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                                reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                                current_edge_source_coordinate_id,
-                                                current_edge_target_coordinate_id,
-                                                forward_data.nameID,
-                                                forward_geometry[i].second,
-                                                reverse_geometry[geometry_size - 1 - i].second,
-                                                forward_dist_prefix_sum[i],
-                                                reverse_dist_prefix_sum[i],
-                                                m_geometry_compressor.GetPositionForID(e1),
-                                                component_id,
-                                                i,
-                                                forward_data.travel_mode,
-                                                reverse_data.travel_mode);
+            m_edge_based_node_list.emplace_back(
+                forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID, reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID,
+                current_edge_source_coordinate_id, current_edge_target_coordinate_id,
+                forward_data.nameID, forward_geometry[i].second,
+                reverse_geometry[geometry_size - 1 - i].second, forward_dist_prefix_sum[i],
+                reverse_dist_prefix_sum[i], m_geometry_compressor.GetPositionForID(edge_id_1),
+                component_id, i, forward_data.travel_mode, reverse_data.travel_mode);
             current_edge_source_coordinate_id = current_edge_target_coordinate_id;
@@ -202,7 +187,7 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
-        BOOST_ASSERT(!m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e2));
+        BOOST_ASSERT(!m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(edge_id_2));
         if (forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID != SPECIAL_NODEID)
@@ -224,20 +209,10 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
         BOOST_ASSERT(forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID != SPECIAL_NODEID ||
                      reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID != SPECIAL_NODEID);
-        m_edge_based_node_list.emplace_back(forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                            reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                            node_u,
-                                            node_v,
-                                            forward_data.nameID,
-                                            forward_data.distance,
-                                            reverse_data.distance,
-                                            0,
-                                            0,
-                                            SPECIAL_EDGEID,
-                                            component_id,
-                                            0,
-                                            forward_data.travel_mode,
-                                            reverse_data.travel_mode);
+        m_edge_based_node_list.emplace_back(
+            forward_data.edgeBasedNodeID, reverse_data.edgeBasedNodeID, node_u, node_v,
+            forward_data.nameID, forward_data.distance, reverse_data.distance, 0, 0, SPECIAL_EDGEID,
+            component_id, 0, forward_data.travel_mode, reverse_data.travel_mode);
@@ -245,7 +220,8 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(const NodeID node_u,
 void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::FlushVectorToStream(
     std::ofstream &edge_data_file, std::vector<OriginalEdgeData> &original_edge_data_vector) const
-    if (original_edge_data_vector.empty()) {
+    if (original_edge_data_vector.empty())
+    {
     edge_data_file.write((char *)&(original_edge_data_vector[0]),
@@ -332,7 +308,6 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
         BOOST_ASSERT(node_u != node_v);
         const EdgeID forward_e1 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_u, node_v);
-        BOOST_ASSERT(m_node_based_graph->EndEdges(node_u) != forward_e1);
         BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_EDGEID != forward_e1);
         BOOST_ASSERT(node_v == m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(forward_e1));
         const EdgeID reverse_e1 = m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_w, node_v);
@@ -342,15 +317,13 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
         const EdgeData &fwd_edge_data1 = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(forward_e1);
         const EdgeData &rev_edge_data1 = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(reverse_e1);
-        if ((m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_u, node_w) != m_node_based_graph->EndEdges(node_u)) ||
-            (m_node_based_graph->FindEdge(node_w, node_u) != m_node_based_graph->EndEdges(node_w)))
+        if (m_node_based_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(node_u, node_w) != SPECIAL_EDGEID)
         if ( // TODO: rename to IsCompatibleTo
-                fwd_edge_data1.IsEqualTo(fwd_edge_data2) &&
-                rev_edge_data1.IsEqualTo(rev_edge_data2))
+            fwd_edge_data1.IsEqualTo(fwd_edge_data2) && rev_edge_data1.IsEqualTo(rev_edge_data2))
             // Get distances before graph is modified
             const int forward_weight1 = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(forward_e1).distance;
@@ -365,13 +338,12 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
             BOOST_ASSERT(0 != reverse_weight1);
             BOOST_ASSERT(0 != forward_weight2);
-            const bool add_traffic_signal_penalty =
-                (m_traffic_lights.find(node_v) != m_traffic_lights.end());
+            const bool has_node_penalty = m_traffic_lights.find(node_v) != m_traffic_lights.end();
             // add weight of e2's to e1
             m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(forward_e1).distance += fwd_edge_data2.distance;
             m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).distance += rev_edge_data2.distance;
-            if (add_traffic_signal_penalty)
+            if (has_node_penalty)
                 m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(forward_e1).distance +=
@@ -389,32 +361,21 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
             // update any involved turn restrictions
             m_restriction_map->FixupStartingTurnRestriction(node_u, node_v, node_w);
-            m_restriction_map->FixupArrivingTurnRestriction(node_u, node_v,
-                                                            node_w,
+            m_restriction_map->FixupArrivingTurnRestriction(node_u, node_v, node_w,
             m_restriction_map->FixupStartingTurnRestriction(node_w, node_v, node_u);
-            m_restriction_map->FixupArrivingTurnRestriction(node_w,
-                                                            node_v,
-                                                            node_u, m_node_based_graph);
+            m_restriction_map->FixupArrivingTurnRestriction(node_w, node_v, node_u,
+                                                            m_node_based_graph);
             // store compressed geometry in container
-                forward_e1,
-                forward_e2,
-                node_v,
-                node_w,
-                forward_weight1 +
-                    (add_traffic_signal_penalty ? speed_profile.traffic_signal_penalty : 0),
+                forward_e1, forward_e2, node_v, node_w,
+                forward_weight1 + (has_node_penalty ? speed_profile.traffic_signal_penalty : 0),
-                reverse_e1,
-                reverse_e2,
-                node_v,
-                node_u,
-                reverse_weight1,
-                reverse_weight2 +
-                    (add_traffic_signal_penalty ? speed_profile.traffic_signal_penalty : 0));
+                reverse_e1, reverse_e2, node_v, node_u, reverse_weight1,
+                reverse_weight2 + (has_node_penalty ? speed_profile.traffic_signal_penalty : 0));
             BOOST_ASSERT(m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(forward_e1).nameID ==
@@ -427,7 +388,7 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
     unsigned new_node_count = 0;
     unsigned new_edge_count = 0;
-    for(const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
+    for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
         if (m_node_based_graph->GetOutDegree(i) > 0)
@@ -436,10 +397,10 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CompressGeometry()
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "new nodes: " << new_node_count << ", edges " << new_edge_count;
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Node compression ratio: " << new_node_count /
-                                                                (double)original_number_of_nodes;
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Edge compression ratio: " << new_edge_count /
-                                                                (double)original_number_of_edges;
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Node compression ratio: "
+                           << new_node_count / (double)original_number_of_nodes;
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Edge compression ratio: "
+                           << new_edge_count / (double)original_number_of_edges;
@@ -477,62 +438,69 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedNodes()
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "Identifying components of the (compressed) road network";
     // Run a BFS on the undirected graph and identify small components
-    TarjanSCC<NodeBasedDynamicGraph> component_explorer(
-        m_node_based_graph, *m_restriction_map, m_barrier_nodes);
+    TarjanSCC<NodeBasedDynamicGraph> component_explorer(m_node_based_graph, *m_restriction_map,
+                                                        m_barrier_nodes);
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified: " << component_explorer.get_number_of_components() - removed_node_count
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified: "
+                           << component_explorer.get_number_of_components() - removed_node_count
                            << " (compressed) components";
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified " << component_explorer.get_size_one_count() - removed_node_count
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified "
+                           << component_explorer.get_size_one_count() - removed_node_count
                            << " (compressed) SCCs of size 1";
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "generating edge-expanded nodes";
     Percent progress(m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
     // loop over all edges and generate new set of nodes
-    for (const auto u : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
+    for (const auto node_u : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
-        BOOST_ASSERT(u < m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
-        progress.printStatus(u);
-        for (EdgeID e1 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(u))
+        BOOST_ASSERT(node_u != SPECIAL_NODEID);
+        BOOST_ASSERT(node_u < m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
+        progress.printStatus(node_u);
+        for (EdgeID e1 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node_u))
             const EdgeData &edge_data = m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(e1);
             BOOST_ASSERT(e1 != SPECIAL_EDGEID);
-            const NodeID v = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e1);
+            const NodeID node_v = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e1);
+            BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_NODEID != node_v);
             // pick only every other edge
-            if (u > v)
+            if (node_u > node_v)
-            BOOST_ASSERT(u < v);
+            BOOST_ASSERT(node_u < node_v);
             // Note: edges that end on barrier nodes or on a turn restriction
             // may actually be in two distinct components. We choose the smallest
-            const unsigned size_of_component = std::min(component_explorer.get_component_size(u),
-                                                        component_explorer.get_component_size(v));
+            const unsigned size_of_component =
+                std::min(component_explorer.get_component_size(node_u),
+                         component_explorer.get_component_size(node_v));
-            const unsigned id_of_smaller_component = [u,v,&component_explorer] {
-                if (component_explorer.get_component_size(u) < component_explorer.get_component_size(v))
+            const unsigned id_of_smaller_component = [node_u, node_v, &component_explorer]
+            {
+                if (component_explorer.get_component_size(node_u) <
+                    component_explorer.get_component_size(node_v))
-                    return component_explorer.get_component_id(u);
+                    return component_explorer.get_component_id(node_u);
-                return component_explorer.get_component_id(v);
+                return component_explorer.get_component_id(node_v);
-            const bool component_is_tiny = (size_of_component < 1000);
+            const bool component_is_tiny = size_of_component < 1000;
             if (edge_data.edgeBasedNodeID == SPECIAL_NODEID)
-                InsertEdgeBasedNode(v, u, (component_is_tiny ? id_of_smaller_component + 1 : 0));
+                InsertEdgeBasedNode(node_v, node_u,
+                                    (component_is_tiny ? id_of_smaller_component + 1 : 0));
-                InsertEdgeBasedNode(u, v, (component_is_tiny ? id_of_smaller_component + 1 : 0));
+                InsertEdgeBasedNode(node_u, node_v,
+                                    (component_is_tiny ? id_of_smaller_component + 1 : 0));
@@ -544,9 +512,8 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedNodes()
  * Actually it also generates OriginalEdgeData and serializes them...
-EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edge_data_filename,
-                                                 lua_State *lua_state)
+void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(
+    const std::string &original_edge_data_filename, lua_State *lua_state)
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "generating edge-expanded edges";
@@ -571,10 +538,10 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
     Percent progress(m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
-    for (const auto u : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
+    for (const auto node_u : osrm::irange(0u, m_node_based_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
-        progress.printStatus(u);
-        for (const EdgeID e1 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(u))
+        progress.printStatus(node_u);
+        for (const EdgeID e1 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node_u))
             if (!m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(e1).forward)
@@ -582,21 +549,21 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
-            const NodeID v = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e1);
-            const NodeID to_node_of_only_restriction =
-                m_restriction_map->CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(u, v);
-            const bool is_barrier_node = (m_barrier_nodes.find(v) != m_barrier_nodes.end());
+            const NodeID node_v = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e1);
+            const NodeID only_restriction_to_node =
+                m_restriction_map->CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(node_u, node_v);
+            const bool is_barrier_node = m_barrier_nodes.find(node_v) != m_barrier_nodes.end();
-            for (const EdgeID e2 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(v))
+            for (const EdgeID e2 : m_node_based_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node_v))
                 if (!m_node_based_graph->GetEdgeData(e2).forward)
-                const NodeID w = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e2);
+                const NodeID node_w = m_node_based_graph->GetTarget(e2);
-                if ((to_node_of_only_restriction != SPECIAL_NODEID) &&
-                    (w != to_node_of_only_restriction))
+                if ((only_restriction_to_node != SPECIAL_NODEID) &&
+                    (node_w != only_restriction_to_node))
                     // We are at an only_-restriction but not at the right turn.
@@ -605,7 +572,7 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
                 if (is_barrier_node)
-                    if (u != w)
+                    if (node_u != node_w)
@@ -613,7 +580,7 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
-                    if ((u == w) && (m_node_based_graph->GetOutDegree(v) > 1))
+                    if ((node_u == node_w) && (m_node_based_graph->GetOutDegree(node_v) > 1))
@@ -622,9 +589,9 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
                 // only add an edge if turn is not a U-turn except when it is
                 // at the end of a dead-end street
-                if (m_restriction_map->CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(u, v, w) &&
-                    (to_node_of_only_restriction == SPECIAL_NODEID) &&
-                    (w != to_node_of_only_restriction))
+                if (m_restriction_map->CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(node_u, node_v, node_w) &&
+                    (only_restriction_to_node == SPECIAL_NODEID) &&
+                    (node_w != only_restriction_to_node))
                     // We are at an only_-restriction but not at the right turn.
@@ -641,26 +608,28 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
                 // the following is the core of the loop.
                 unsigned distance = edge_data1.distance;
-                if (m_traffic_lights.find(v) != m_traffic_lights.end())
+                if (m_traffic_lights.find(node_v) != m_traffic_lights.end())
                     distance += speed_profile.traffic_signal_penalty;
                 // unpack last node of first segment if packed
-                const auto first_coordinate = m_node_info_list[(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e1) ?
-                                        m_geometry_compressor.GetLastNodeIDOfBucket(e1) :
-                                        u)];
+                const auto first_coordinate =
+                    m_node_info_list[(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e1)
+                                          ? m_geometry_compressor.GetLastNodeIDOfBucket(e1)
+                                          : node_u)];
                 // unpack first node of second segment if packed
-                const auto third_coordinate = m_node_info_list[(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e2) ?
-                                        m_geometry_compressor.GetFirstNodeIDOfBucket(e2) :
-                                        w)];
+                const auto third_coordinate =
+                    m_node_info_list[(m_geometry_compressor.HasEntryForID(e2)
+                                          ? m_geometry_compressor.GetFirstNodeIDOfBucket(e2)
+                                          : node_w)];
                 const double turn_angle = ComputeAngle::OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(
-                    first_coordinate, m_node_info_list[v], third_coordinate);
+                    first_coordinate, m_node_info_list[node_v], third_coordinate);
                 const int turn_penalty = GetTurnPenalty(turn_angle, lua_state);
-                TurnInstruction turn_instruction = AnalyzeTurn(u, v, w, turn_angle);
+                TurnInstruction turn_instruction = AnalyzeTurn(node_u, node_v, node_w, turn_angle);
                 if (turn_instruction == TurnInstruction::UTurn)
                     distance += speed_profile.u_turn_penalty;
@@ -675,10 +644,8 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
-                    (edge_is_compressed ? m_geometry_compressor.GetPositionForID(e1) : v),
-                    edge_data1.nameID,
-                    turn_instruction,
-                    edge_is_compressed,
+                    (edge_is_compressed ? m_geometry_compressor.GetPositionForID(e1) : node_v),
+                    edge_data1.nameID, turn_instruction, edge_is_compressed,
@@ -691,12 +658,9 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GenerateEdgeExpandedEdges(const std::string &original_edg
                 BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_NODEID != edge_data1.edgeBasedNodeID);
                 BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_NODEID != edge_data2.edgeBasedNodeID);
-                m_edge_based_edge_list.emplace_back(EdgeBasedEdge(edge_data1.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                                                  edge_data2.edgeBasedNodeID,
-                                                                  m_edge_based_edge_list.size(),
-                                                                  distance,
-                                                                  true,
-                                                                  false));
+                m_edge_based_edge_list.emplace_back(
+                    EdgeBasedEdge(edge_data1.edgeBasedNodeID, edge_data2.edgeBasedNodeID,
+                                  m_edge_based_edge_list.size(), distance, true, false));
@@ -727,7 +691,10 @@ int EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetTurnPenalty(double angle, lua_State *lua_state) co
             // call lua profile to compute turn penalty
             return luabind::call_function<int>(lua_state, "turn_function", 180. - angle);
-        catch (const luabind::error &er) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << er.what(); }
+        catch (const luabind::error &er)
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << er.what();
+        }
     return 0;
@@ -735,8 +702,7 @@ int EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetTurnPenalty(double angle, lua_State *lua_state) co
 TurnInstruction EdgeBasedGraphFactory::AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID node_u,
                                                    const NodeID node_v,
                                                    const NodeID node_w,
-                                                   const double angle)
-    const
+                                                   const double angle) const
     if (node_u == node_w)
diff --git a/contractor/geometry_compressor.cpp b/contractor/geometry_compressor.cpp
index 9458c44..3997cdc 100644
--- a/contractor/geometry_compressor.cpp
+++ b/contractor/geometry_compressor.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "geometry_compressor.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <limits>
 #include <string>
-int free_list_maximum = 0;
-int UniqueNumber() { return ++free_list_maximum; }
@@ -174,8 +171,8 @@ void GeometryCompressor::CompressEdge(const EdgeID edge_id_1,
         // found an existing list, append it to the list of edge_id_1
-        edge_bucket_list1.insert(
-            edge_bucket_list1.end(), edge_bucket_list2.begin(), edge_bucket_list2.end());
+        edge_bucket_list1.insert(edge_bucket_list1.end(), edge_bucket_list2.begin(),
+                                 edge_bucket_list2.end());
         // remove the list of edge_id_2
@@ -211,9 +208,8 @@ void GeometryCompressor::PrintStatistics() const
                               "\n  compressed edges: " << compressed_edges
                            << "\n  compressed geometries: " << compressed_geometries
                            << "\n  longest chain length: " << longest_chain_length
-                           << "\n  cmpr ratio: "
-                           << ((float)compressed_edges /
-                               std::max(compressed_geometries, (uint64_t)1))
+                           << "\n  cmpr ratio: " << ((float)compressed_edges /
+                                                     std::max(compressed_geometries, (uint64_t)1))
                            << "\n  avg chain length: "
                            << (float)compressed_geometries /
                                   std::max((uint64_t)1, compressed_edges);
@@ -226,16 +222,15 @@ GeometryCompressor::GetBucketReference(const EdgeID edge_id) const
     return m_compressed_geometries.at(index);
-    NodeID GeometryCompressor::GetFirstNodeIDOfBucket(const EdgeID edge_id) const
-    {
-        const auto &bucket = GetBucketReference(edge_id);
-        BOOST_ASSERT(bucket.size() >= 2);
-        return bucket[1].first;
-    }
-    NodeID GeometryCompressor::GetLastNodeIDOfBucket(const EdgeID edge_id) const
-    {
-        const auto &bucket = GetBucketReference(edge_id);
-        BOOST_ASSERT(bucket.size() >= 2);
-        return bucket[bucket.size()-2].first;
-    }
+NodeID GeometryCompressor::GetFirstNodeIDOfBucket(const EdgeID edge_id) const
+    const auto &bucket = GetBucketReference(edge_id);
+    BOOST_ASSERT(bucket.size() >= 2);
+    return bucket[1].first;
+NodeID GeometryCompressor::GetLastNodeIDOfBucket(const EdgeID edge_id) const
+    const auto &bucket = GetBucketReference(edge_id);
+    BOOST_ASSERT(bucket.size() >= 2);
+    return bucket[bucket.size() - 2].first;
diff --git a/contractor/geometry_compressor.hpp b/contractor/geometry_compressor.hpp
index dd5748d..ca83fa4 100644
--- a/contractor/geometry_compressor.hpp
+++ b/contractor/geometry_compressor.hpp
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ class GeometryCompressor
     NodeID GetLastNodeIDOfBucket(const EdgeID edge_id) const;
+    int free_list_maximum = 0;
     void IncreaseFreeList();
     std::vector<std::vector<CompressedNode>> m_compressed_geometries;
     std::vector<unsigned> m_free_list;
diff --git a/contractor/processing_chain.cpp b/contractor/processing_chain.cpp
index 23d406b..ccff7fd 100644
--- a/contractor/processing_chain.cpp
+++ b/contractor/processing_chain.cpp
 #include "../data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/restriction_map.hpp"
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/graph_loader.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/lua_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/graph_loader.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/lua_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
@@ -138,13 +138,9 @@ int Prepare::Process(int argc, char *argv[])
     static_assert(sizeof(ImportEdge) == 20,
                   "changing ImportEdge type has influence on memory consumption!");
-    NodeID number_of_node_based_nodes =
-        readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(input_stream,
-                                      edge_list,
-                                      barrier_node_list,
-                                      traffic_light_list,
-                                      &internal_to_external_node_map,
-                                      restriction_list);
+    NodeID number_of_node_based_nodes = readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(
+        input_stream, edge_list, barrier_node_list, traffic_light_list,
+        &internal_to_external_node_map, restriction_list);
     if (edge_list.empty())
@@ -162,11 +158,9 @@ int Prepare::Process(int argc, char *argv[])
     DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedEdge> edge_based_edge_list;
     // init node_based_edge_list, edge_based_edge_list by edgeList
-    number_of_edge_based_nodes = BuildEdgeExpandedGraph(lua_state,
-                                                        number_of_node_based_nodes,
-                                                        node_based_edge_list,
-                                                        edge_based_edge_list,
-                                                        speed_profile);
+    number_of_edge_based_nodes =
+        BuildEdgeExpandedGraph(lua_state, number_of_node_based_nodes, node_based_edge_list,
+                               edge_based_edge_list, speed_profile);
@@ -343,9 +337,8 @@ bool Prepare::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed only on command line
     boost::program_options::options_description generic_options("Options");
     generic_options.add_options()("version,v", "Show version")("help,h", "Show this help message")(
-        "config,c",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&config_file_path)
-            ->default_value("contractor.ini"),
+        "config,c", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&config_file_path)
+                        ->default_value("contractor.ini"),
         "Path to a configuration file.");
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed both on command line and in config file
@@ -354,21 +347,18 @@ bool Prepare::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
         "Restrictions file in .osrm.restrictions format")(
-        "profile,p",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&profile_path)
-            ->default_value("profile.lua"),
+        "profile,p", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&profile_path)
+                         ->default_value("profile.lua"),
         "Path to LUA routing profile")(
-        "threads,t",
-        boost::program_options::value<unsigned int>(&requested_num_threads)
-            ->default_value(tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads()),
+        "threads,t", boost::program_options::value<unsigned int>(&requested_num_threads)
+                         ->default_value(tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads()),
         "Number of threads to use");
     // hidden options, will be allowed both on command line and in config file, but will not be
     // shown to the user
     boost::program_options::options_description hidden_options("Hidden options");
-        "input,i",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&input_path),
+        "input,i", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&input_path),
         "Input file in .osm, .osm.bz2 or .osm.pbf format");
     // positional option
@@ -394,10 +384,11 @@ bool Prepare::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])
-    const auto& temp_config_path = option_variables["config"].as<boost::filesystem::path>();
+    const auto &temp_config_path = option_variables["config"].as<boost::filesystem::path>();
     if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(temp_config_path))
-        boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_config_file<char>(temp_config_path.string().c_str(), cmdline_options, true),
+        boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_config_file<char>(
+                                          temp_config_path.string().c_str(), cmdline_options, true),
@@ -458,9 +449,8 @@ void Prepare::CheckRestrictionsFile(FingerPrint &fingerprint_orig)
     \brief Setups scripting environment (lua-scripting)
     Also initializes speed profile.
-Prepare::SetupScriptingEnvironment(lua_State *lua_state,
-                                   EdgeBasedGraphFactory::SpeedProfileProperties &speed_profile)
+bool Prepare::SetupScriptingEnvironment(
+    lua_State *lua_state, EdgeBasedGraphFactory::SpeedProfileProperties &speed_profile)
     // open utility libraries string library;
@@ -509,14 +499,12 @@ Prepare::BuildEdgeExpandedGraph(lua_State *lua_state,
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "Generating edge-expanded graph representation";
     std::shared_ptr<NodeBasedDynamicGraph> node_based_graph =
         NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(number_of_node_based_nodes, edge_list);
-    std::unique_ptr<RestrictionMap> restriction_map = osrm::make_unique<RestrictionMap>(restriction_list);
+    std::unique_ptr<RestrictionMap> restriction_map =
+        osrm::make_unique<RestrictionMap>(restriction_list);
     std::shared_ptr<EdgeBasedGraphFactory> edge_based_graph_factory =
-        std::make_shared<EdgeBasedGraphFactory>(node_based_graph,
-                                                std::move(restriction_map),
-                                                barrier_node_list,
-                                                traffic_light_list,
-                                                internal_to_external_node_map,
-                                                speed_profile);
+        std::make_shared<EdgeBasedGraphFactory>(node_based_graph, std::move(restriction_map),
+                                                barrier_node_list, traffic_light_list,
+                                                internal_to_external_node_map, speed_profile);
@@ -574,8 +562,6 @@ void Prepare::WriteNodeMapping()
 void Prepare::BuildRTree(std::vector<EdgeBasedNode> &node_based_edge_list)
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "building r-tree ...";
-    StaticRTree<EdgeBasedNode>(node_based_edge_list,
-                               rtree_nodes_path.c_str(),
-                               rtree_leafs_path.c_str(),
-                               internal_to_external_node_map);
+    StaticRTree<EdgeBasedNode>(node_based_edge_list, rtree_nodes_path.c_str(),
+                               rtree_leafs_path.c_str(), internal_to_external_node_map);
diff --git a/data_structures/Coordinate.cpp b/data_structures/Coordinate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4305256..0000000
--- a/data_structures/Coordinate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
-#include "../Util/MercatorUtil.h"
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#include <bitset>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-    : lat(std::numeric_limits<int>::min()), lon(std::numeric_limits<int>::min())
-FixedPointCoordinate::FixedPointCoordinate(int lat, int lon) : lat(lat), lon(lon)
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    if (0 != (std::abs(lat) >> 30))
-    {
-        std::bitset<32> y_coordinate_vector(lat);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "broken lat: " << lat
-                                       << ", bits: " << y_coordinate_vector;
-    }
-    if (0 != (std::abs(lon) >> 30))
-    {
-        std::bitset<32> x_coordinate_vector(lon);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "broken lon: " << lon
-                                       << ", bits: " << x_coordinate_vector;
-    }
-void FixedPointCoordinate::Reset()
-    lat = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
-    lon = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
-bool FixedPointCoordinate::isSet() const
-    return (std::numeric_limits<int>::min() != lat) && (std::numeric_limits<int>::min() != lon);
-bool FixedPointCoordinate::is_valid() const
-    if (lat > 90 * COORDINATE_PRECISION || lat < -90 * COORDINATE_PRECISION ||
-        lon > 180 * COORDINATE_PRECISION || lon < -180 * COORDINATE_PRECISION)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool FixedPointCoordinate::operator==(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const
-    return lat == other.lat && lon == other.lon;
-double FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateDistance(const int lat1,
-                                                 const int lon1,
-                                                 const int lat2,
-                                                 const int lon2)
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lat1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lon1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lat2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lon2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    double RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
-    double lt1 = lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    double ln1 = lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    double lt2 = lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    double ln2 = lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    double dlat1 = lt1 * (RAD);
-    double dlong1 = ln1 * (RAD);
-    double dlat2 = lt2 * (RAD);
-    double dlong2 = ln2 * (RAD);
-    double dLong = dlong1 - dlong2;
-    double dLat = dlat1 - dlat2;
-    double aHarv = pow(sin(dLat / 2.0), 2.0) + cos(dlat1) * cos(dlat2) * pow(sin(dLong / 2.), 2);
-    double cHarv = 2. * atan2(sqrt(aHarv), sqrt(1.0 - aHarv));
-    // earth radius varies between 6,356.750-6,378.135 km (3,949.901-3,963.189mi)
-    // The IUGG value for the equatorial radius is 6378.137 km (3963.19 miles)
-    const double earth = 6372797.560856;
-    return earth * cHarv;
-double FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_1,
-                                                 const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_2)
-    return ApproximateDistance(
-        coordinate_1.lat, coordinate_1.lon, coordinate_2.lat, coordinate_2.lon);
-float FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_1,
-                                                         const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_2)
-    return ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-        coordinate_1.lat, coordinate_1.lon, coordinate_2.lat, coordinate_2.lon);
-float FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(const int lat1,
-                                                         const int lon1,
-                                                         const int lat2,
-                                                         const int lon2)
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lat1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lon1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lat2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lon2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
-    const float RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886f;
-    const float float_lat1 = (lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
-    const float float_lon1 = (lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
-    const float float_lat2 = (lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
-    const float float_lon2 = (lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
-    const float x_value = (float_lon2 - float_lon1) * cos((float_lat1 + float_lat2) / 2.f);
-    const float y_value = float_lat2 - float_lat1;
-    const float earth_radius = 6372797.560856f;
-    return sqrt(x_value * x_value + y_value * y_value) * earth_radius;
-FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &source_coordinate,
-                                                   const FixedPointCoordinate &target_coordinate,
-                                                   const FixedPointCoordinate &point)
-    // initialize values
-    const float x_value = static_cast<float>(lat2y(point.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    const float y_value = point.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    float a = static_cast<float>(lat2y(source_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    float b = source_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    float c = static_cast<float>(lat2y(target_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    float d = target_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    float p, q;
-    if (std::abs(a - c) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
-    {
-        const float slope = (d - b) / (c - a); // slope
-        // Projection of (x,y) on line joining (a,b) and (c,d)
-        p = ((x_value + (slope * y_value)) + (slope * slope * a - slope * b)) /
-            (1.f + slope * slope);
-        q = b + slope * (p - a);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        p = c;
-        q = y_value;
-    }
-    float ratio;
-    bool inverse_ratio = false;
-    // straight line segment on equator
-    if (std::abs(c) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() &&
-        std::abs(a) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
-    {
-        ratio = (q - b) / (d - b);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (std::abs(c) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
-        {
-            // swap start/end
-            std::swap(a, c);
-            std::swap(b, d);
-            inverse_ratio = true;
-        }
-        float nY = (d * p - c * q) / (a * d - b * c);
-        // discretize the result to coordinate precision. it's a hack!
-        if (std::abs(nY) < (1.f / COORDINATE_PRECISION))
-        {
-            nY = 0.f;
-        }
-        // compute ratio
-        ratio = (p - nY * a) / c;
-    }
-    if (std::isnan(ratio))
-    {
-        ratio = (target_coordinate == point ? 1.f : 0.f);
-    }
-    else if (std::abs(ratio) <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
-    {
-        ratio = 0.f;
-    }
-    else if (std::abs(ratio - 1.f) <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
-    {
-        ratio = 1.f;
-    }
-    // we need to do this, if we switched start/end coordinates
-    if (inverse_ratio)
-    {
-        ratio = 1.0f - ratio;
-    }
-    // compute the nearest location
-    FixedPointCoordinate nearest_location;
-    BOOST_ASSERT(!std::isnan(ratio));
-    if (ratio <= 0.f)
-    { // point is "left" of edge
-        nearest_location = source_coordinate;
-    }
-    else if (ratio >= 1.f)
-    { // point is "right" of edge
-        nearest_location = target_coordinate;
-    }
-    else
-    { // point lies in between
-        nearest_location.lat = static_cast<int>(y2lat(p) * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-        nearest_location.lon = static_cast<int>(q * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    }
-    BOOST_ASSERT(nearest_location.is_valid());
-    return FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(point, nearest_location);
-float FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
-                                                         const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
-                                                         const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
-                                                         FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
-                                                         float &ratio)
-    BOOST_ASSERT(query_location.is_valid());
-    // initialize values
-    const double x = lat2y(query_location.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const double y = query_location.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const double a = lat2y(segment_source.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const double b = segment_source.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const double c = lat2y(segment_target.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const double d = segment_target.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    double p, q /*,mX*/, nY;
-    if (std::abs(a - c) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
-    {
-        const double m = (d - b) / (c - a); // slope
-        // Projection of (x,y) on line joining (a,b) and (c,d)
-        p = ((x + (m * y)) + (m * m * a - m * b)) / (1.f + m * m);
-        q = b + m * (p - a);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        p = c;
-        q = y;
-    }
-    nY = (d * p - c * q) / (a * d - b * c);
-    // discretize the result to coordinate precision. it's a hack!
-    if (std::abs(nY) < (1.f / COORDINATE_PRECISION))
-    {
-        nY = 0.f;
-    }
-    // compute ratio
-    ratio = (p - nY * a) / c; // These values are actually n/m+n and m/m+n , we need
-    // not calculate the explicit values of m an n as we
-    // are just interested in the ratio
-    if (std::isnan(ratio))
-    {
-        ratio = (segment_target == query_location ? 1.f : 0.f);
-    }
-    else if (std::abs(ratio) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
-    {
-        ratio = 0.f;
-    }
-    else if (std::abs(ratio - 1.f) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
-    {
-        ratio = 1.f;
-    }
-    // compute nearest location
-    BOOST_ASSERT(!std::isnan(ratio));
-    if (ratio <= 0.f)
-    {
-        nearest_location = segment_source;
-    }
-    else if (ratio >= 1.f)
-    {
-        nearest_location = segment_target;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // point lies in between
-        nearest_location.lat = static_cast<int>(y2lat(p) * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-        nearest_location.lon = static_cast<int>(q * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    }
-    BOOST_ASSERT(nearest_location.is_valid());
-    const float approximate_distance =
-        FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(query_location, nearest_location);
-    BOOST_ASSERT(0. <= approximate_distance);
-    return approximate_distance;
-void FixedPointCoordinate::convertInternalLatLonToString(const int value, std::string &output)
-    char buffer[12];
-    buffer[11] = 0; // zero termination
-    output = printInt<11, 6>(buffer, value);
-void FixedPointCoordinate::convertInternalCoordinateToString(const FixedPointCoordinate &coord,
-                                                             std::string &output)
-    std::string tmp;
-    tmp.reserve(23);
-    convertInternalLatLonToString(coord.lon, tmp);
-    output = tmp;
-    output += ",";
-    convertInternalLatLonToString(coord.lat, tmp);
-    output += tmp;
-FixedPointCoordinate::convertInternalReversedCoordinateToString(const FixedPointCoordinate &coord,
-                                                                std::string &output)
-    std::string tmp;
-    tmp.reserve(23);
-    convertInternalLatLonToString(coord.lat, tmp);
-    output = tmp;
-    output += ",";
-    convertInternalLatLonToString(coord.lon, tmp);
-    output += tmp;
-void FixedPointCoordinate::Output(std::ostream &out) const
-    out << "(" << lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION << "," << lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION << ")";
-float FixedPointCoordinate::GetBearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
-                                       const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate)
-    const float lon_diff =
-        second_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION - first_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const float lon_delta = DegreeToRadian(lon_diff);
-    const float lat1 = DegreeToRadian(first_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const float lat2 = DegreeToRadian(second_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const float y = sin(lon_delta) * cos(lat2);
-    const float x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lon_delta);
-    float result = RadianToDegree(std::atan2(y, x));
-    while (result < 0.f)
-    {
-        result += 360.f;
-    }
-    while (result >= 360.f)
-    {
-        result -= 360.f;
-    }
-    return result;
-float FixedPointCoordinate::GetBearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const
-    const float lon_delta =
-        DegreeToRadian(lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION - other.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const float lat1 = DegreeToRadian(other.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const float lat2 = DegreeToRadian(lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const float y_value = std::sin(lon_delta) * std::cos(lat2);
-    const float x_value =
-        std::cos(lat1) * std::sin(lat2) - std::sin(lat1) * std::cos(lat2) * std::cos(lon_delta);
-    float result = RadianToDegree(std::atan2(y_value, x_value));
-    while (result < 0.f)
-    {
-        result += 360.f;
-    }
-    while (result >= 360.f)
-    {
-        result -= 360.f;
-    }
-    return result;
-float FixedPointCoordinate::DegreeToRadian(const float degree)
-    return degree * (static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180.f);
-float FixedPointCoordinate::RadianToDegree(const float radian)
-    return radian * (180.f * static_cast<float>(M_1_PI));
-// This distance computation does integer arithmetic only and is a lot faster than
-// the other distance function which are numerically correct('ish).
-// It preserves some order among the elements that make it useful for certain purposes
-int FixedPointCoordinate::OrderedPerpendicularDistanceApproximation(
-    const FixedPointCoordinate &input_point,
-    const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
-    const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target)
-    // initialize values
-    const float x = static_cast<float>(lat2y(input_point.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    const float y = input_point.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const float a = static_cast<float>(lat2y(segment_source.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    const float b = segment_source.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const float c = static_cast<float>(lat2y(segment_target.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-    const float d = segment_target.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    float p, q;
-    if (a == c)
-    {
-        p = c;
-        q = y;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        const float m = (d - b) / (c - a); // slope
-        // Projection of (x,y) on line joining (a,b) and (c,d)
-        p = ((x + (m * y)) + (m * m * a - m * b)) / (1.f + m * m);
-        q = b + m * (p - a);
-    }
-    const float nY = (d * p - c * q) / (a * d - b * c);
-    float ratio = (p - nY * a) / c; // These values are actually n/m+n and m/m+n , we need
-    // not calculate the explicit values of m an n as we
-    // are just interested in the ratio
-    if (std::isnan(ratio))
-    {
-        ratio = (segment_target == input_point) ? 1.f : 0.f;
-    }
-    // compute target quasi-location
-    int dx, dy;
-    if (ratio < 0.f)
-    {
-        dx = input_point.lon - segment_source.lon;
-        dy = input_point.lat - segment_source.lat;
-    }
-    else if (ratio > 1.f)
-    {
-        dx = input_point.lon - segment_target.lon;
-        dy = input_point.lat - segment_target.lat;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // point lies in between
-        dx = input_point.lon - static_cast<int>(q * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-        dy = input_point.lat - static_cast<int>(y2lat(p) * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    }
-    // return an approximation in the plane
-    return static_cast<int>(sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
diff --git a/data_structures/InputReaderFactory.h b/data_structures/InputReaderFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f6aa3c..0000000
--- a/data_structures/InputReaderFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <bzlib.h>
-#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
-struct BZ2Context
-    FILE *file;
-    BZFILE *bz2;
-    int error;
-    int nUnused;
-    char unused[BZ_MAX_UNUSED];
-int readFromBz2Stream(void *pointer, char *buffer, int len)
-    void *unusedTmpVoid = nullptr;
-    char *unusedTmp = nullptr;
-    BZ2Context *context = (BZ2Context *)pointer;
-    int read = 0;
-    while (0 == read &&
-           !(BZ_STREAM_END == context->error && 0 == context->nUnused && feof(context->file)))
-    {
-        read = BZ2_bzRead(&context->error, context->bz2, buffer, len);
-        if (BZ_OK == context->error)
-        {
-            return read;
-        }
-        else if (BZ_STREAM_END == context->error)
-        {
-            BZ2_bzReadGetUnused(&context->error, context->bz2, &unusedTmpVoid, &context->nUnused);
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(BZ_OK == context->error, "Could not BZ2_bzReadGetUnused");
-            unusedTmp = (char *)unusedTmpVoid;
-            for (int i = 0; i < context->nUnused; i++)
-            {
-                context->unused[i] = unusedTmp[i];
-            }
-            BZ2_bzReadClose(&context->error, context->bz2);
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(BZ_OK == context->error, "Could not BZ2_bzReadClose");
-            context->error = BZ_STREAM_END; // set to the stream end for next call to this function
-            if (0 == context->nUnused && feof(context->file))
-            {
-                return read;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                context->bz2 = BZ2_bzReadOpen(
-                    &context->error, context->file, 0, 0, context->unused, context->nUnused);
-                BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != context->bz2, "Could not open file");
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Could not read bz2 file");
-        }
-    }
-    return read;
-int closeBz2Stream(void *pointer)
-    BZ2Context *context = (BZ2Context *)pointer;
-    fclose(context->file);
-    delete context;
-    return 0;
-xmlTextReaderPtr inputReaderFactory(const char *name)
-    std::string inputName(name);
-    if (inputName.find(".osm.bz2") != std::string::npos)
-    {
-        BZ2Context *context = new BZ2Context();
-        context->error = false;
-        context->file = fopen(name, "r");
-        int error;
-        context->bz2 =
-            BZ2_bzReadOpen(&error, context->file, 0, 0, context->unused, context->nUnused);
-        if (context->bz2 == nullptr || context->file == nullptr)
-        {
-            delete context;
-            return nullptr;
-        }
-        return xmlReaderForIO(readFromBz2Stream, closeBz2Stream, (void *)context, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return xmlNewTextReaderFilename(name);
-    }
diff --git a/data_structures/binary_heap.hpp b/data_structures/binary_heap.hpp
index 049f12f..a23a6b0 100644
--- a/data_structures/binary_heap.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/binary_heap.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
 template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class ArrayStorage
-    explicit ArrayStorage(size_t size) : positions(new Key[size])
-    {
-        memset(positions, 0, size * sizeof(Key));
-    }
+    explicit ArrayStorage(size_t size) : positions(size, 0) {}
-    ~ArrayStorage() { delete[] positions; }
+    ~ArrayStorage() {}
     Key &operator[](NodeID node) { return positions[node]; }
+    Key peek_index(const NodeID node) const { return positions[node]; }
     void Clear() {}
-    Key *positions;
+    std::vector<Key> positions;
 template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class MapStorage
@@ -65,6 +63,16 @@ template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class MapStorage
     void Clear() { nodes.clear(); }
+    Key peek_index(const NodeID node) const
+    {
+        const auto iter = nodes.find(node);
+        if (nodes.end() != iter)
+        {
+            return iter->second;
+        }
+        return std::numeric_limits<Key>::max();
+    }
     std::map<NodeID, Key> nodes;
@@ -76,6 +84,16 @@ template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class UnorderedMapStorage
     Key &operator[](const NodeID node) { return nodes[node]; }
+    Key peek_index(const NodeID node) const
+    {
+        const auto iter = nodes.find(node);
+        if (std::end(nodes) != iter)
+        {
+            return iter->second;
+        }
+        return std::numeric_limits<Key>::max();
+    }
     Key const &operator[](const NodeID node) const
         auto iter = nodes.find(node);
@@ -132,13 +150,13 @@ class BinaryHeap
     Data &GetData(NodeID node)
-        const Key index = node_index[node];
+        const Key index = node_index.peek_index(node);
         return inserted_nodes[index].data;
     Data const &GetData(NodeID node) const
-        const Key index = node_index[node];
+        const Key index = node_index.peek_index(node);
         return inserted_nodes[index].data;
@@ -148,17 +166,17 @@ class BinaryHeap
         return inserted_nodes[index].weight;
-    bool WasRemoved(const NodeID node)
+    bool WasRemoved(const NodeID node) const
-        const Key index = node_index[node];
+        const Key index = node_index.peek_index(node);
         return inserted_nodes[index].key == 0;
-    bool WasInserted(const NodeID node)
+    bool WasInserted(const NodeID node) const
-        const Key index = node_index[node];
-        if (index >= static_cast<Key>(inserted_nodes.size()))
+        const auto index = node_index.peek_index(node);
+        if (index >= static_cast<decltype(index)>(inserted_nodes.size()))
             return false;
@@ -200,7 +218,7 @@ class BinaryHeap
     void DecreaseKey(NodeID node, Weight weight)
         BOOST_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<NodeID>::max() != node);
-        const Key &index = node_index[node];
+        const Key &index = node_index.peek_index(node);
         Key &key = inserted_nodes[index].key;
         BOOST_ASSERT(key >= 0);
@@ -235,12 +253,12 @@ class BinaryHeap
         const Key droppingIndex = heap[key].index;
         const Weight weight = heap[key].weight;
+        const Key heap_size = static_cast<Key>(heap.size());
         Key nextKey = key << 1;
-        while (nextKey < static_cast<Key>(heap.size()))
+        while (nextKey < heap_size)
             const Key nextKeyOther = nextKey + 1;
-            if ((nextKeyOther < static_cast<Key>(heap.size())) &&
-                (heap[nextKey].weight > heap[nextKeyOther].weight))
+            if ((nextKeyOther < heap_size) && (heap[nextKey].weight > heap[nextKeyOther].weight))
                 nextKey = nextKeyOther;
@@ -279,7 +297,7 @@ class BinaryHeap
     void CheckHeap()
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-        for (Key i = 2; i < (Key)heap.size(); ++i)
+        for (std::size_t i = 2; i < heap.size(); ++i)
             BOOST_ASSERT(heap[i].weight >= heap[i >> 1].weight);
diff --git a/data_structures/concurrent_queue.hpp b/data_structures/concurrent_queue.hpp
index b3d4e1a..7341a8c 100644
--- a/data_structures/concurrent_queue.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/concurrent_queue.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ template <typename Data> class ConcurrentQueue
     inline void push(const Data &data)
         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
-        m_not_full.wait(lock,
-                        [this]
-                        { return m_internal_queue.size() < m_internal_queue.capacity(); });
+        m_not_full.wait(lock, [this]
+                        {
+                            return m_internal_queue.size() < m_internal_queue.capacity();
+                        });
@@ -52,9 +53,10 @@ template <typename Data> class ConcurrentQueue
     inline void wait_and_pop(Data &popped_value)
         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
-        m_not_empty.wait(lock,
-                         [this]
-                         { return !m_internal_queue.empty(); });
+        m_not_empty.wait(lock, [this]
+                         {
+                             return !m_internal_queue.empty();
+                         });
         popped_value = m_internal_queue.front();
diff --git a/data_structures/coordinate.cpp b/data_structures/coordinate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3abe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_structures/coordinate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#include <bitset>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+    : lat(std::numeric_limits<int>::min()), lon(std::numeric_limits<int>::min())
+FixedPointCoordinate::FixedPointCoordinate(int lat, int lon) : lat(lat), lon(lon)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    if (0 != (std::abs(lat) >> 30))
+    {
+        std::bitset<32> y_coordinate_vector(lat);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "broken lat: " << lat
+                                       << ", bits: " << y_coordinate_vector;
+    }
+    if (0 != (std::abs(lon) >> 30))
+    {
+        std::bitset<32> x_coordinate_vector(lon);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "broken lon: " << lon
+                                       << ", bits: " << x_coordinate_vector;
+    }
+bool FixedPointCoordinate::is_valid() const
+    if (lat > 90 * COORDINATE_PRECISION || lat < -90 * COORDINATE_PRECISION ||
+        lon > 180 * COORDINATE_PRECISION || lon < -180 * COORDINATE_PRECISION)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool FixedPointCoordinate::operator==(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const
+    return lat == other.lat && lon == other.lon;
+void FixedPointCoordinate::output(std::ostream &out) const
+    out << "(" << lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION << "," << lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION << ")";
+float FixedPointCoordinate::bearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const
+    return coordinate_calculation::bearing(other, *this);
diff --git a/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.cpp b/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c44989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include "../util/mercator.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+constexpr static const float RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886f;
+// earth radius varies between 6,356.750-6,378.135 km (3,949.901-3,963.189mi)
+// The IUGG value for the equatorial radius is 6378.137 km (3963.19 miles)
+constexpr static const float earth_radius = 6372797.560856f;
+double coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(const int lat1,
+                                                     const int lon1,
+                                                     const int lat2,
+                                                     const int lon2)
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lat1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lon1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lat2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lon2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    const double lt1 = lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double ln1 = lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double lt2 = lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double ln2 = lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double dlat1 = lt1 * (RAD);
+    const double dlong1 = ln1 * (RAD);
+    const double dlat2 = lt2 * (RAD);
+    const double dlong2 = ln2 * (RAD);
+    const double dLong = dlong1 - dlong2;
+    const double dLat = dlat1 - dlat2;
+    const double aHarv = std::pow(std::sin(dLat / 2.0), 2.0) +
+                         std::cos(dlat1) * std::cos(dlat2) * std::pow(std::sin(dLong / 2.), 2);
+    const double cHarv = 2. * std::atan2(std::sqrt(aHarv), std::sqrt(1.0 - aHarv));
+    return earth_radius * cHarv;
+double coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_1,
+                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_2)
+    return great_circle_distance(coordinate_1.lat, coordinate_1.lon, coordinate_2.lat,
+                                 coordinate_2.lon);
+float coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_1,
+                                                 const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate_2)
+    return euclidean_distance(coordinate_1.lat, coordinate_1.lon, coordinate_2.lat,
+                              coordinate_2.lon);
+float coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(const int lat1,
+                                                 const int lon1,
+                                                 const int lat2,
+                                                 const int lon2)
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lat1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lon1 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lat2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    BOOST_ASSERT(lon2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
+    const float float_lat1 = (lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
+    const float float_lon1 = (lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
+    const float float_lat2 = (lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
+    const float float_lon2 = (lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
+    const float x_value = (float_lon2 - float_lon1) * std::cos((float_lat1 + float_lat2) / 2.f);
+    const float y_value = float_lat2 - float_lat1;
+    return std::hypot(x_value, y_value) * earth_radius;
+float coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &source_coordinate,
+                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &target_coordinate,
+                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location)
+    float ratio;
+    FixedPointCoordinate nearest_location;
+    return perpendicular_distance(source_coordinate, target_coordinate, query_location,
+                                  nearest_location, ratio);
+float coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+                                                     const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+                                                     FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
+                                                     float &ratio)
+    return perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+        segment_source, segment_target, query_location,
+        {mercator::lat2y(query_location.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION),
+         query_location.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION},
+        nearest_location, ratio);
+float coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &source_coordinate,
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &target_coordinate,
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+    const std::pair<double, double> &projected_coordinate)
+    float ratio;
+    FixedPointCoordinate nearest_location;
+    return perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(source_coordinate, target_coordinate,
+                                                            query_location, projected_coordinate,
+                                                            nearest_location, ratio);
+float coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+    const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+    const std::pair<double, double> &projected_coordinate,
+    FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
+    float &ratio)
+    BOOST_ASSERT(query_location.is_valid());
+    // initialize values
+    const double x = projected_coordinate.first;
+    const double y = projected_coordinate.second;
+    const double a = mercator::lat2y(segment_source.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const double b = segment_source.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double c = mercator::lat2y(segment_target.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const double d = segment_target.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    double p, q /*,mX*/, nY;
+    if (std::abs(a - c) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    {
+        const double m = (d - b) / (c - a); // slope
+        // Projection of (x,y) on line joining (a,b) and (c,d)
+        p = ((x + (m * y)) + (m * m * a - m * b)) / (1.f + m * m);
+        q = b + m * (p - a);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        p = c;
+        q = y;
+    }
+    nY = (d * p - c * q) / (a * d - b * c);
+    // discretize the result to coordinate precision. it's a hack!
+    if (std::abs(nY) < (1.f / COORDINATE_PRECISION))
+    {
+        nY = 0.f;
+    }
+    // compute ratio
+    ratio =
+        static_cast<float>((p - nY * a) / c); // These values are actually n/m+n and m/m+n , we need
+    // not calculate the explicit values of m an n as we
+    // are just interested in the ratio
+    if (std::isnan(ratio))
+    {
+        ratio = (segment_target == query_location ? 1.f : 0.f);
+    }
+    else if (std::abs(ratio) <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
+    {
+        ratio = 0.f;
+    }
+    else if (std::abs(ratio - 1.f) <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
+    {
+        ratio = 1.f;
+    }
+    // compute nearest location
+    BOOST_ASSERT(!std::isnan(ratio));
+    if (ratio <= 0.f)
+    {
+        nearest_location = segment_source;
+    }
+    else if (ratio >= 1.f)
+    {
+        nearest_location = segment_target;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // point lies in between
+        nearest_location.lat = static_cast<int>(mercator::y2lat(p) * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+        nearest_location.lon = static_cast<int>(q * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    }
+    BOOST_ASSERT(nearest_location.is_valid());
+    const float approximate_distance =
+        coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(query_location, nearest_location);
+    BOOST_ASSERT(0.f <= approximate_distance);
+    return approximate_distance;
+void coordinate_calculation::lat_or_lon_to_string(const int value, std::string &output)
+    char buffer[12];
+    buffer[11] = 0; // zero termination
+    output = printInt<11, 6>(buffer, value);
+float coordinate_calculation::deg_to_rad(const float degree)
+    return degree * (static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180.f);
+float coordinate_calculation::rad_to_deg(const float radian)
+    return radian * (180.f * static_cast<float>(M_1_PI));
+float coordinate_calculation::bearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
+                                      const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate)
+    const float lon_diff =
+        second_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION - first_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const float lon_delta = deg_to_rad(lon_diff);
+    const float lat1 = deg_to_rad(first_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const float lat2 = deg_to_rad(second_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const float y = std::sin(lon_delta) * std::cos(lat2);
+    const float x =
+        std::cos(lat1) * std::sin(lat2) - std::sin(lat1) * std::cos(lat2) * std::cos(lon_delta);
+    float result = rad_to_deg(std::atan2(y, x));
+    while (result < 0.f)
+    {
+        result += 360.f;
+    }
+    while (result >= 360.f)
+    {
+        result -= 360.f;
+    }
+    return result;
diff --git a/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp b/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73183df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+struct FixedPointCoordinate;
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+struct coordinate_calculation
+    static double
+    great_circle_distance(const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2);
+    static double great_circle_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
+                                        const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
+    static float euclidean_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
+                                    const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
+    static float euclidean_distance(const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2);
+    static void lat_or_lon_to_string(const int value, std::string &output);
+    static float perpendicular_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+                                        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+                                        const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location);
+    static float perpendicular_distance(const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+                                        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+                                        const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+                                        FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
+                                        float &ratio);
+    static float perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+        const std::pair<double, double> &projected_coordinate);
+    static float perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_source,
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &segment_target,
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &query_location,
+        const std::pair<double, double> &projected_coordinate,
+        FixedPointCoordinate &nearest_location,
+        float &ratio);
+    static float deg_to_rad(const float degree);
+    static float rad_to_deg(const float radian);
+    static float bearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &first_coordinate,
+                         const FixedPointCoordinate &second_coordinate);
diff --git a/data_structures/deallocating_vector.hpp b/data_structures/deallocating_vector.hpp
index 415fa69..de5a24d 100644
--- a/data_structures/deallocating_vector.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/deallocating_vector.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
 #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
+#include <limits>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 template <typename ElementT> struct DeallocatingVectorIteratorState
-    DeallocatingVectorIteratorState() : index(-1), bucket_list(nullptr) {}
+    DeallocatingVectorIteratorState()
+        : index(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()), bucket_list(nullptr)
+    {
+    }
     explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &r)
         : index(r.index), bucket_list(r.bucket_list)
@@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ template <typename ElementT> struct DeallocatingVectorIteratorState
     std::size_t index;
     std::vector<ElementT *> *bucket_list;
-    inline DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &operator=(const DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &other)
+    DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &operator=(const DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &other)
         index = other.index;
         bucket_list = other.bucket_list;
@@ -171,17 +175,20 @@ class DeallocatingVector
     // this forward-only iterator deallocates all buckets that have been visited
     using deallocation_iterator = DeallocatingVectorRemoveIterator<ElementT, ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK>;
-    DeallocatingVector() : current_size(0) { bucket_list.emplace_back(new ElementT[ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK]); }
+    DeallocatingVector() : current_size(0)
+    {
+        bucket_list.emplace_back(new ElementT[ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK]);
+    }
     ~DeallocatingVector() { clear(); }
-    inline void swap(DeallocatingVector<ElementT, ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK> &other)
+    void swap(DeallocatingVector<ElementT, ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK> &other)
         std::swap(current_size, other.current_size);
-    inline void clear()
+    void clear()
         // Delete[]'ing ptr's to all Buckets
         for (auto bucket : bucket_list)
@@ -192,11 +199,12 @@ class DeallocatingVector
                 bucket = nullptr;
-        bucket_list.clear(); bucket_list.shrink_to_fit();
+        bucket_list.clear();
+        bucket_list.shrink_to_fit();
         current_size = 0;
-    inline void push_back(const ElementT &element)
+    void push_back(const ElementT &element)
         const std::size_t current_capacity = capacity();
         if (current_size == current_capacity)
@@ -209,7 +217,7 @@ class DeallocatingVector
-    template <typename... Ts> inline void emplace_back(Ts &&... element)
+    template <typename... Ts> void emplace_back(Ts &&... element)
         const std::size_t current_capacity = capacity();
         if (current_size == current_capacity)
@@ -222,9 +230,9 @@ class DeallocatingVector
-    inline void reserve(const std::size_t) const { /* don't do anything */ }
+    void reserve(const std::size_t) const { /* don't do anything */}
-    inline void resize(const std::size_t new_size)
+    void resize(const std::size_t new_size)
         if (new_size >= current_size)
@@ -234,9 +242,10 @@ class DeallocatingVector
-        {   // down-size
+        { // down-size
             const std::size_t number_of_necessary_buckets = 1 + (new_size / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK);
-            for (const auto bucket_index : osrm::irange(number_of_necessary_buckets, bucket_list.size()))
+            for (const auto bucket_index :
+                 osrm::irange(number_of_necessary_buckets, bucket_list.size()))
                 if (nullptr != bucket_list[bucket_index])
@@ -248,58 +257,50 @@ class DeallocatingVector
         current_size = new_size;
-    inline std::size_t size() const { return current_size; }
+    std::size_t size() const { return current_size; }
-    inline std::size_t capacity() const { return bucket_list.size() * ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK; }
+    std::size_t capacity() const { return bucket_list.size() * ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK; }
-    inline iterator begin() { return iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), &bucket_list); }
+    iterator begin() { return iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), &bucket_list); }
-    inline iterator end() { return iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
+    iterator end() { return iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
-    inline deallocation_iterator dbegin()
+    deallocation_iterator dbegin()
         return deallocation_iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), &bucket_list);
-    inline deallocation_iterator dend() { return deallocation_iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
+    deallocation_iterator dend() { return deallocation_iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
-    inline const_iterator begin() const
+    const_iterator begin() const
         return const_iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), &bucket_list);
-    inline const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
+    const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(size(), &bucket_list); }
-    inline ElementT &operator[](const std::size_t index)
+    ElementT &operator[](const std::size_t index)
         const std::size_t _bucket = index / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         const std::size_t _index = index % ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         return (bucket_list[_bucket][_index]);
-    const inline ElementT &operator[](const std::size_t index) const
+    ElementT &operator[](const std::size_t index) const
         const std::size_t _bucket = index / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         const std::size_t _index = index % ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         return (bucket_list[_bucket][_index]);
-    inline ElementT &back()
-    {
-        const std::size_t _bucket = current_size / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
-        const std::size_t _index = current_size % ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
-        return (bucket_list[_bucket][_index]);
-    }
-    const inline ElementT &back() const
+    ElementT &back() const
         const std::size_t _bucket = current_size / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         const std::size_t _index = current_size % ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
         return (bucket_list[_bucket][_index]);
-    template<class InputIterator>
-    const inline void append(InputIterator first, const InputIterator last)
+    template <class InputIterator> void append(InputIterator first, const InputIterator last)
         InputIterator position = first;
         while (position != last)
@@ -310,4 +311,4 @@ class DeallocatingVector
diff --git a/data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp b/data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp
index 7244d1e..43e6c3a 100644
--- a/data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "deallocating_vector.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
 #include <limits>
+#include <tuple>
 #include <vector>
-#include <atomic>
 template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
@@ -55,26 +57,29 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
         NodeIterator target;
         EdgeDataT data;
-        InputEdge() : source(std::numeric_limits<NodeIterator>::max()), target(std::numeric_limits<NodeIterator>::max()) { }
+        InputEdge()
+            : source(std::numeric_limits<NodeIterator>::max()),
+              target(std::numeric_limits<NodeIterator>::max())
+        {
+        }
-        template<typename... Ts>
-        InputEdge(NodeIterator source, NodeIterator target, Ts &&...data) : source(source), target(target), data(std::forward<Ts>(data)...) { }
+        template <typename... Ts>
+        InputEdge(NodeIterator source, NodeIterator target, Ts &&... data)
+            : source(source), target(target), data(std::forward<Ts>(data)...)
+        {
+        }
-        bool operator<(const InputEdge &right) const
+        bool operator<(const InputEdge &rhs) const
-            if (source != right.source)
-            {
-                return source < right.source;
-            }
-            return target < right.target;
+            return std::tie(source, target) < std::tie(rhs.source, rhs.target);
     // Constructs an empty graph with a given number of nodes.
     explicit DynamicGraph(NodeIterator nodes) : number_of_nodes(nodes), number_of_edges(0)
-        node_list.reserve(number_of_nodes);
-        node_list.resize(number_of_nodes);
+        node_array.reserve(number_of_nodes);
+        node_array.resize(number_of_nodes);
         edge_list.reserve(number_of_nodes * 1.1);
@@ -83,30 +88,30 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     template <class ContainerT> DynamicGraph(const NodeIterator nodes, const ContainerT &graph)
         number_of_nodes = nodes;
-        number_of_edges = (EdgeIterator)graph.size();
-        node_list.reserve(number_of_nodes + 1);
-        node_list.resize(number_of_nodes + 1);
+        number_of_edges = static_cast<EdgeIterator>(graph.size());
+        // node_array.reserve(number_of_nodes + 1);
+        node_array.resize(number_of_nodes + 1);
         EdgeIterator edge = 0;
         EdgeIterator position = 0;
         for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, number_of_nodes))
-            EdgeIterator lastEdge = edge;
+            EdgeIterator last_edge = edge;
             while (edge < number_of_edges && graph[edge].source == node)
-            node_list[node].firstEdge = position;
-            node_list[node].edges = edge - lastEdge;
-            position += node_list[node].edges;
+            node_array[node].first_edge = position;
+            node_array[node].edges = edge - last_edge;
+            position += node_array[node].edges;
-        node_list.back().firstEdge = position;
+        node_array.back().first_edge = position;
         edge_list.reserve(static_cast<std::size_t>(edge_list.size() * 1.1));
         edge = 0;
         for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, number_of_nodes))
-            for (const auto i : osrm::irange(node_list[node].firstEdge,
-                                              node_list[node].firstEdge + node_list[node].edges))
+            for (const auto i : osrm::irange(node_array[node].first_edge,
+                                             node_array[node].first_edge + node_array[node].edges))
                 edge_list[i].target = graph[edge].target;
                 edge_list[i].data = graph[edge].data;
@@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const { return number_of_edges; }
-    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeIterator n) const { return node_list[n].edges; }
+    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeIterator n) const { return node_array[n].edges; }
     unsigned GetDirectedOutDegree(const NodeIterator n) const
@@ -146,12 +151,12 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     EdgeIterator BeginEdges(const NodeIterator n) const
-        return EdgeIterator(node_list[n].firstEdge);
+        return EdgeIterator(node_array[n].first_edge);
     EdgeIterator EndEdges(const NodeIterator n) const
-        return EdgeIterator(node_list[n].firstEdge + node_list[n].edges);
+        return EdgeIterator(node_array[n].first_edge + node_array[n].edges);
     EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeIterator node) const
@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     NodeIterator InsertNode()
-        node_list.emplace_back(node_list.back());
+        node_array.emplace_back(node_array.back());
         number_of_nodes += 1;
         return number_of_nodes;
@@ -170,14 +175,14 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     // adds an edge. Invalidates edge iterators for the source node
     EdgeIterator InsertEdge(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to, const EdgeDataT &data)
-        Node &node = node_list[from];
-        EdgeIterator newFirstEdge = node.edges + node.firstEdge;
+        Node &node = node_array[from];
+        EdgeIterator newFirstEdge = node.edges + node.first_edge;
         if (newFirstEdge >= edge_list.size() || !isDummy(newFirstEdge))
-            if (node.firstEdge != 0 && isDummy(node.firstEdge - 1))
+            if (node.first_edge != 0 && isDummy(node.first_edge - 1))
-                node.firstEdge--;
-                edge_list[node.firstEdge] = edge_list[node.firstEdge + node.edges];
+                node.first_edge--;
+                edge_list[node.first_edge] = edge_list[node.first_edge + node.edges];
@@ -192,32 +197,32 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
                 edge_list.resize(edge_list.size() + newSize);
                 for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, node.edges))
-                    edge_list[newFirstEdge + i] = edge_list[node.firstEdge + i];
-                    makeDummy(node.firstEdge + i);
+                    edge_list[newFirstEdge + i] = edge_list[node.first_edge + i];
+                    makeDummy(node.first_edge + i);
                 for (const auto i : osrm::irange(node.edges + 1, newSize))
                     makeDummy(newFirstEdge + i);
-                node.firstEdge = newFirstEdge;
+                node.first_edge = newFirstEdge;
-        Edge &edge = edge_list[node.firstEdge + node.edges];
+        Edge &edge = edge_list[node.first_edge + node.edges];
         edge.target = to;
         edge.data = data;
-        return EdgeIterator(node.firstEdge + node.edges);
+        return EdgeIterator(node.first_edge + node.edges);
     // removes an edge. Invalidates edge iterators for the source node
     void DeleteEdge(const NodeIterator source, const EdgeIterator e)
-        Node &node = node_list[source];
+        Node &node = node_array[source];
         BOOST_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != node.edges);
-        const unsigned last = node.firstEdge + node.edges;
+        const unsigned last = node.first_edge + node.edges;
         BOOST_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != last);
         // swap with last edge
         edge_list[e] = edge_list[last];
@@ -242,7 +247,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
         number_of_edges -= deleted;
-        node_list[source].edges -= deleted;
+        node_array[source].edges -= deleted;
         return deleted;
@@ -257,7 +262,46 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
                 return i;
-        return EndEdges(from);
+        return SPECIAL_EDGEID;
+    }
+    // searches for a specific edge
+    EdgeIterator FindSmallestEdge(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to) const
+    {
+        EdgeIterator smallest_edge = SPECIAL_EDGEID;
+        EdgeWeight smallest_weight = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
+        for (auto edge : GetAdjacentEdgeRange(from))
+        {
+            const NodeID target = GetTarget(edge);
+            const EdgeWeight weight = GetEdgeData(edge).distance;
+            if (target == to && weight < smallest_weight)
+            {
+                smallest_edge = edge;
+                smallest_weight = weight;
+            }
+        }
+        return smallest_edge;
+    }
+    EdgeIterator FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to) const
+    {
+        EdgeIterator tmp = FindEdge(from, to);
+        return (SPECIAL_NODEID != tmp ? tmp : FindEdge(to, from));
+    }
+    EdgeIterator
+    FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to, bool &result) const
+    {
+        EdgeIterator current_iterator = FindEdge(from, to);
+        if (SPECIAL_NODEID == current_iterator)
+        {
+            current_iterator = FindEdge(to, from);
+            if (SPECIAL_NODEID != current_iterator)
+            {
+                result = true;
+            }
+        }
+        return current_iterator;
@@ -274,7 +318,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     struct Node
         // index of the first edge
-        EdgeIterator firstEdge;
+        EdgeIterator first_edge;
         // amount of edges
         unsigned edges;
@@ -288,7 +332,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT> class DynamicGraph
     NodeIterator number_of_nodes;
     std::atomic_uint number_of_edges;
-    std::vector<Node> node_list;
+    std::vector<Node> node_array;
     DeallocatingVector<Edge> edge_list;
diff --git a/data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp b/data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp
index 98746d9..72a585a 100644
--- a/data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <limits>
 struct EdgeBasedNode
-    EdgeBasedNode() :
-        forward_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-        reverse_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-        u(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-        v(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-        name_id(0),
-        forward_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1),
-        reverse_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1),
-        forward_offset(0),
-        reverse_offset(0),
-        packed_geometry_id(SPECIAL_EDGEID),
-        component_id(-1),
-        fwd_segment_position( std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max() ),
-        forward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE),
-        backward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
-    { }
-    explicit EdgeBasedNode(
-        NodeID forward_edge_based_node_id,
-        NodeID reverse_edge_based_node_id,
-        NodeID u,
-        NodeID v,
-        unsigned name_id,
-        int forward_weight,
-        int reverse_weight,
-        int forward_offset,
-        int reverse_offset,
-        unsigned packed_geometry_id,
-        unsigned component_id,
-        unsigned short fwd_segment_position,
-        TravelMode forward_travel_mode,
-        TravelMode backward_travel_mode
-    ) :
-        forward_edge_based_node_id(forward_edge_based_node_id),
-        reverse_edge_based_node_id(reverse_edge_based_node_id),
-        u(u),
-        v(v),
-        name_id(name_id),
-        forward_weight(forward_weight),
-        reverse_weight(reverse_weight),
-        forward_offset(forward_offset),
-        reverse_offset(reverse_offset),
-        packed_geometry_id(packed_geometry_id),
-        component_id(component_id),
-        fwd_segment_position(fwd_segment_position),
-        forward_travel_mode(forward_travel_mode),
-        backward_travel_mode(backward_travel_mode)
+    EdgeBasedNode()
+        : forward_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID), reverse_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
+          u(SPECIAL_NODEID), v(SPECIAL_NODEID), name_id(0),
+          forward_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1), reverse_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1),
+          forward_offset(0), reverse_offset(0), packed_geometry_id(SPECIAL_EDGEID),
+          component_id(-1), fwd_segment_position(std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max()),
+          forward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE),
+          backward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
+    {
+    }
+    explicit EdgeBasedNode(NodeID forward_edge_based_node_id,
+                           NodeID reverse_edge_based_node_id,
+                           NodeID u,
+                           NodeID v,
+                           unsigned name_id,
+                           int forward_weight,
+                           int reverse_weight,
+                           int forward_offset,
+                           int reverse_offset,
+                           unsigned packed_geometry_id,
+                           unsigned component_id,
+                           unsigned short fwd_segment_position,
+                           TravelMode forward_travel_mode,
+                           TravelMode backward_travel_mode)
+        : forward_edge_based_node_id(forward_edge_based_node_id),
+          reverse_edge_based_node_id(reverse_edge_based_node_id), u(u), v(v), name_id(name_id),
+          forward_weight(forward_weight), reverse_weight(reverse_weight),
+          forward_offset(forward_offset), reverse_offset(reverse_offset),
+          packed_geometry_id(packed_geometry_id), component_id(component_id),
+          fwd_segment_position(fwd_segment_position), forward_travel_mode(forward_travel_mode),
+          backward_travel_mode(backward_travel_mode)
         BOOST_ASSERT((forward_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) ||
                      (reverse_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID));
-    static inline FixedPointCoordinate Centroid(const FixedPointCoordinate & a, const FixedPointCoordinate & b)
+    static inline FixedPointCoordinate Centroid(const FixedPointCoordinate &a,
+                                                const FixedPointCoordinate &b)
         FixedPointCoordinate centroid;
-        //The coordinates of the midpoint are given by:
-        centroid.lat = (a.lat + b.lat)/2;
-        centroid.lon = (a.lon + b.lon)/2;
+        // The coordinates of the midpoint are given by:
+        centroid.lat = (a.lat + b.lat) / 2;
+        centroid.lon = (a.lon + b.lon) / 2;
         return centroid;
-    bool IsCompressed() const
-    {
-        return packed_geometry_id != SPECIAL_EDGEID;
-    }
+    bool IsCompressed() const { return packed_geometry_id != SPECIAL_EDGEID; }
-    bool is_in_tiny_cc() const
-    {
-        return 0 != component_id;
-    }
+    bool is_in_tiny_cc() const { return 0 != component_id; }
     NodeID forward_edge_based_node_id; // needed for edge-expanded graph
     NodeID reverse_edge_based_node_id; // needed for edge-expanded graph
-    NodeID u;   // indices into the coordinates array
-    NodeID v;   // indices into the coordinates array
-    unsigned name_id;   // id of the edge name
-    int forward_weight; // weight of the edge
-    int reverse_weight; // weight in the other direction (may be different)
-    int forward_offset; // prefix sum of the weight up the edge TODO: short must suffice
-    int reverse_offset; // prefix sum of the weight from the edge TODO: short must suffice
+    NodeID u;                          // indices into the coordinates array
+    NodeID v;                          // indices into the coordinates array
+    unsigned name_id;                  // id of the edge name
+    int forward_weight;                // weight of the edge
+    int reverse_weight;                // weight in the other direction (may be different)
+    int forward_offset;          // prefix sum of the weight up the edge TODO: short must suffice
+    int reverse_offset;          // prefix sum of the weight from the edge TODO: short must suffice
     unsigned packed_geometry_id; // if set, then the edge represents a packed geometry
     unsigned component_id;
     unsigned short fwd_segment_position; // segment id in a compressed geometry
@@ -126,4 +106,4 @@ struct EdgeBasedNode
     TravelMode backward_travel_mode : 4;
diff --git a/data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp b/data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp
index cd6271b..72b8198 100644
--- a/data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/external_memory_node.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "external_memory_node.hpp"
+#include "query_node.hpp"
 #include <limits>
@@ -44,11 +45,8 @@ ExternalMemoryNode ExternalMemoryNode::min_value()
 ExternalMemoryNode ExternalMemoryNode::max_value()
-    return ExternalMemoryNode(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
-                              std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
-                              std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
-                              false,
-                              false);
+    return ExternalMemoryNode(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
+                              std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), false, false);
 bool ExternalMemoryNodeSTXXLCompare::operator()(const ExternalMemoryNode &left,
diff --git a/data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp b/data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp
index f88a23e..83b88e7 100644
--- a/data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "query_node.hpp"
-#include <string>
+#include "../typedefs.h"
 struct ExternalMemoryNode : QueryNode
diff --git a/data_structures/fixed_point_number.hpp b/data_structures/fixed_point_number.hpp
index eab6850..c7ed257 100644
--- a/data_structures/fixed_point_number.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/fixed_point_number.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp b/data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cccaf7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+namespace osrm
+namespace matching
+static const double log_2_pi = std::log(2. * M_PI);
+static const double IMPOSSIBLE_LOG_PROB = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+static const double MINIMAL_LOG_PROB = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
+static const std::size_t INVALID_STATE = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
+} // namespace matching
+} // namespace osrm
+// closures to precompute log -> only simple floating point operations
+struct EmissionLogProbability
+    double sigma_z;
+    double log_sigma_z;
+    EmissionLogProbability(const double sigma_z) : sigma_z(sigma_z), log_sigma_z(std::log(sigma_z))
+    {
+    }
+    double operator()(const double distance) const
+    {
+        return -0.5 * (osrm::matching::log_2_pi + (distance / sigma_z) * (distance / sigma_z)) -
+               log_sigma_z;
+    }
+struct TransitionLogProbability
+    double beta;
+    double log_beta;
+    TransitionLogProbability(const double beta) : beta(beta), log_beta(std::log(beta)) {}
+    double operator()(const double d_t) const { return -log_beta - d_t / beta; }
+template <class CandidateLists> struct HiddenMarkovModel
+    std::vector<std::vector<double>> viterbi;
+    std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>> parents;
+    std::vector<std::vector<float>> path_lengths;
+    std::vector<std::vector<bool>> pruned;
+    std::vector<std::vector<bool>> suspicious;
+    std::vector<bool> breakage;
+    const CandidateLists &candidates_list;
+    const EmissionLogProbability &emission_log_probability;
+    HiddenMarkovModel(const CandidateLists &candidates_list,
+                      const EmissionLogProbability &emission_log_probability)
+        : breakage(candidates_list.size()), candidates_list(candidates_list),
+          emission_log_probability(emission_log_probability)
+    {
+        for (const auto &l : candidates_list)
+        {
+            viterbi.emplace_back(l.size());
+            parents.emplace_back(l.size());
+            path_lengths.emplace_back(l.size());
+            suspicious.emplace_back(l.size());
+            pruned.emplace_back(l.size());
+        }
+        clear(0);
+    }
+    void clear(std::size_t initial_timestamp)
+    {
+        BOOST_ASSERT(viterbi.size() == parents.size() && parents.size() == path_lengths.size() &&
+                     path_lengths.size() == pruned.size() && pruned.size() == breakage.size());
+        for (const auto t : osrm::irange(initial_timestamp, viterbi.size()))
+        {
+            std::fill(viterbi[t].begin(), viterbi[t].end(), osrm::matching::IMPOSSIBLE_LOG_PROB);
+            std::fill(parents[t].begin(), parents[t].end(), std::make_pair(0u, 0u));
+            std::fill(path_lengths[t].begin(), path_lengths[t].end(), 0);
+            std::fill(suspicious[t].begin(), suspicious[t].end(), true);
+            std::fill(pruned[t].begin(), pruned[t].end(), true);
+        }
+        std::fill(breakage.begin() + initial_timestamp, breakage.end(), true);
+    }
+    std::size_t initialize(std::size_t initial_timestamp)
+    {
+        BOOST_ASSERT(initial_timestamp < candidates_list.size());
+        do
+        {
+            for (const auto s : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0u, viterbi[initial_timestamp].size()))
+            {
+                viterbi[initial_timestamp][s] =
+                    emission_log_probability(candidates_list[initial_timestamp][s].second);
+                parents[initial_timestamp][s] = std::make_pair(initial_timestamp, s);
+                pruned[initial_timestamp][s] =
+                    viterbi[initial_timestamp][s] < osrm::matching::MINIMAL_LOG_PROB;
+                suspicious[initial_timestamp][s] = false;
+                breakage[initial_timestamp] =
+                    breakage[initial_timestamp] && pruned[initial_timestamp][s];
+            }
+            ++initial_timestamp;
+        } while (breakage[initial_timestamp - 1]);
+        if (initial_timestamp >= viterbi.size())
+        {
+            return osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE;
+        }
+        BOOST_ASSERT(initial_timestamp > 0);
+        --initial_timestamp;
+        BOOST_ASSERT(breakage[initial_timestamp] == false);
+        return initial_timestamp;
+    }
diff --git a/data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp b/data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp
index 216b7c5..c097731 100644
--- a/data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/hilbert_value.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "hilbert_value.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 uint64_t HilbertCode::operator()(const FixedPointCoordinate &current_coordinate) const
diff --git a/data_structures/hilbert_value.hpp b/data_structures/hilbert_value.hpp
index e194029..7b8bffa 100644
--- a/data_structures/hilbert_value.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/hilbert_value.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/data_structures/import_edge.cpp b/data_structures/import_edge.cpp
index 55f5f16..f41b066 100644
--- a/data_structures/import_edge.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/import_edge.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "import_edge.hpp"
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include "travel_mode.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
 bool NodeBasedEdge::operator<(const NodeBasedEdge &other) const
@@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ NodeBasedEdge::NodeBasedEdge(NodeID source,
                              bool access_restricted,
                              TravelMode travel_mode,
                              bool is_split)
-    : source(source), target(target), name_id(name_id), weight(weight),
-      forward(forward), backward(backward), roundabout(roundabout), in_tiny_cc(in_tiny_cc),
+    : source(source), target(target), name_id(name_id), weight(weight), forward(forward),
+      backward(backward), roundabout(roundabout), in_tiny_cc(in_tiny_cc),
       access_restricted(access_restricted), is_split(is_split), travel_mode(travel_mode)
diff --git a/data_structures/import_edge.hpp b/data_structures/import_edge.hpp
index f9004d4..f422de1 100644
--- a/data_structures/import_edge.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/import_edge.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp b/data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp
similarity index 80%
rename from data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp
rename to data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp
index f9242cf..068b63a 100644
--- a/data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/phantom_node.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <vector>
 struct PathData
-        : node(SPECIAL_NODEID), name_id(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
-          segment_duration(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
-          turn_instruction(TurnInstruction::NoTurn),
-          travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
+        : node(SPECIAL_NODEID), name_id(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), segment_duration(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
+          turn_instruction(TurnInstruction::NoTurn), travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
@@ -52,8 +50,8 @@ struct PathData
              TurnInstruction turn_instruction,
              EdgeWeight segment_duration,
              TravelMode travel_mode)
-        : node(node), name_id(name_id), segment_duration(segment_duration), turn_instruction(turn_instruction),
-          travel_mode(travel_mode)
+        : node(node), name_id(name_id), segment_duration(segment_duration),
+          turn_instruction(turn_instruction), travel_mode(travel_mode)
     NodeID node;
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ struct PathData
     TravelMode travel_mode : 4;
-struct RawRouteData
+struct InternalRouteResult
     std::vector<std::vector<PathData>> unpacked_path_segments;
     std::vector<PathData> unpacked_alternative;
@@ -80,11 +78,10 @@ struct RawRouteData
         return (leg != unpacked_path_segments.size() - 1);
-    RawRouteData() :
-          shortest_path_length(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
-          alternative_path_length(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+    InternalRouteResult()
+        : shortest_path_length(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), alternative_path_length(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+#endif // RAW_ROUTE_DATA_H
diff --git a/data_structures/lru_cache.hpp b/data_structures/lru_cache.hpp
index cdbeb38..155ab1e 100644
--- a/data_structures/lru_cache.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/lru_cache.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT> class LRUCache
             result = e.value;
             // move to front
-            itemsInCache.splice(positionMap.find(key)->second, itemsInCache, itemsInCache.begin());
+            itemsInCache.splice(itemsInCache.begin(), itemsInCache, positionMap.find(key)->second);
             positionMap.find(key)->second = itemsInCache.begin();
             return true;
diff --git a/data_structures/node_based_graph.hpp b/data_structures/node_based_graph.hpp
index 8fe7b75..54e07a7 100644
--- a/data_structures/node_based_graph.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/node_based_graph.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "dynamic_graph.hpp"
 #include "import_edge.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ struct NodeBasedEdgeData
         : distance(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), edgeBasedNodeID(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-          nameID(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
-          isAccessRestricted(false), shortcut(false), forward(false), backward(false),
-          roundabout(false), ignore_in_grid(false), travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
+          nameID(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), isAccessRestricted(false), shortcut(false),
+          forward(false), backward(false), roundabout(false), ignore_in_grid(false),
+          travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ using SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraph = DynamicGraph<SimpleEdgeData>;
 inline std::shared_ptr<NodeBasedDynamicGraph>
 NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge> &input_edge_list)
-    static_assert(sizeof(NodeBasedEdgeData) == 16, "changing node based edge data size changes memory consumption");
+    static_assert(sizeof(NodeBasedEdgeData) == 16,
+                  "changing node based edge data size changes memory consumption");
     DeallocatingVector<NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge> edges_list;
     NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge edge;
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge
-        edge.data.distance = (std::max)((int)import_edge.weight, 1);
+        edge.data.distance = (std::max)(static_cast<int>(import_edge.weight), 1);
         BOOST_ASSERT(edge.data.distance > 0);
         edge.data.shortcut = false;
         edge.data.roundabout = import_edge.roundabout;
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge
     // remove duplicate edges
     tbb::parallel_sort(edges_list.begin(), edges_list.end());
     NodeID edge_count = 0;
-    for (NodeID i = 0; i < edges_list.size(); )
+    for (NodeID i = 0; i < edges_list.size();)
         const NodeID source = edges_list[i].source;
         const NodeID target = edges_list[i].target;
@@ -150,10 +151,10 @@ NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge
         forward_edge.data.forward = reverse_edge.data.backward = true;
         forward_edge.data.backward = reverse_edge.data.forward = false;
         forward_edge.data.shortcut = reverse_edge.data.shortcut = false;
-        forward_edge.data.distance = reverse_edge.data.distance =
-            std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+        forward_edge.data.distance = reverse_edge.data.distance = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
         // remove parallel edges
-        while (i < edges_list.size() && edges_list[i].source == source && edges_list[i].target == target)
+        while (i < edges_list.size() && edges_list[i].source == source &&
+               edges_list[i].target == target)
             if (edges_list[i].data.forward)
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge
         // merge edges (s,t) and (t,s) into bidirectional edge
         if (forward_edge.data.distance == reverse_edge.data.distance)
-            if ((int)forward_edge.data.distance != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+            if (static_cast<int>(forward_edge.data.distance) != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
                 forward_edge.data.backward = true;
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = forward_edge;
@@ -178,28 +179,31 @@ NodeBasedDynamicGraphFromImportEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<ImportEdge
         { // insert seperate edges
-            if (((int)forward_edge.data.distance) != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+            if (static_cast<int>(forward_edge.data.distance) != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = forward_edge;
-            if ((int)reverse_edge.data.distance != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
+            if (static_cast<int>(reverse_edge.data.distance) != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = reverse_edge;
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "merged " << edges_list.size() - edge_count << " edges out of " << edges_list.size();
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "merged " << edges_list.size() - edge_count << " edges out of "
+                           << edges_list.size();
-    auto graph = std::make_shared<NodeBasedDynamicGraph>(static_cast<NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator>(number_of_nodes), edges_list);
+    auto graph = std::make_shared<NodeBasedDynamicGraph>(
+        static_cast<NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator>(number_of_nodes), edges_list);
     return graph;
-template<class SimpleEdgeT>
+template <class SimpleEdgeT>
 inline std::shared_ptr<SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraph>
 SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraphFromEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<SimpleEdgeT> &input_edge_list)
-    static_assert(sizeof(NodeBasedEdgeData) == 16, "changing node based edge data size changes memory consumption");
+    static_assert(sizeof(NodeBasedEdgeData) == 16,
+                  "changing node based edge data size changes memory consumption");
     tbb::parallel_sort(input_edge_list.begin(), input_edge_list.end());
     DeallocatingVector<SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge> edges_list;
@@ -218,10 +222,10 @@ SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraphFromEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<SimpleEdge
-     // remove duplicate edges
+    // remove duplicate edges
     tbb::parallel_sort(edges_list.begin(), edges_list.end());
     NodeID edge_count = 0;
-    for (NodeID i = 0; i < edges_list.size(); )
+    for (NodeID i = 0; i < edges_list.size();)
         const NodeID source = edges_list[i].source;
         const NodeID target = edges_list[i].target;
@@ -236,33 +240,37 @@ SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraphFromEdges(int number_of_nodes, std::vector<SimpleEdge
         forward_edge = reverse_edge = edges_list[i];
         forward_edge.data.capacity = reverse_edge.data.capacity = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
         // remove parallel edges
-        while (i < edges_list.size() && edges_list[i].source == source && edges_list[i].target == target)
+        while (i < edges_list.size() && edges_list[i].source == source &&
+               edges_list[i].target == target)
-            forward_edge.data.capacity = std::min(edges_list[i].data.capacity, forward_edge.data.capacity);
-            reverse_edge.data.capacity = std::min(edges_list[i].data.capacity, reverse_edge.data.capacity);
+            forward_edge.data.capacity =
+                std::min(edges_list[i].data.capacity, forward_edge.data.capacity);
+            reverse_edge.data.capacity =
+                std::min(edges_list[i].data.capacity, reverse_edge.data.capacity);
         // merge edges (s,t) and (t,s) into bidirectional edge
         if (forward_edge.data.capacity == reverse_edge.data.capacity)
-            if ((int)forward_edge.data.capacity != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+            if (static_cast<int>(forward_edge.data.capacity) != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = forward_edge;
         { // insert seperate edges
-            if (((int)forward_edge.data.capacity) != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+            if (static_cast<int>(forward_edge.data.capacity) != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = forward_edge;
-            if ((int)reverse_edge.data.capacity != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+            if (static_cast<int>(reverse_edge.data.capacity) != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
                 edges_list[edge_count++] = reverse_edge;
-    SimpleLogger().Write() << "merged " << edges_list.size() - edge_count << " edges out of " << edges_list.size();
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "merged " << edges_list.size() - edge_count << " edges out of "
+                           << edges_list.size();
     auto graph = std::make_shared<SimpleNodeBasedDynamicGraph>(number_of_nodes, edges_list);
     return graph;
diff --git a/data_structures/node_id.hpp b/data_structures/node_id.hpp
index 4f07809..4d6fff0 100644
--- a/data_structures/node_id.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/node_id.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp b/data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp
index b4fdfd9..cbbc1b2 100644
--- a/data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -48,9 +48,8 @@ struct OriginalEdgeData
         : via_node(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
-          name_id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
-          turn_instruction(TurnInstruction::NoTurn), compressed_geometry(false),
-          travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
+          name_id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), turn_instruction(TurnInstruction::NoTurn),
+          compressed_geometry(false), travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
diff --git a/data_structures/percent.hpp b/data_structures/percent.hpp
index 0c4e152..392417e 100644
--- a/data_structures/percent.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/percent.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Percent
     explicit Percent(unsigned max_value, unsigned step = 5) { reinit(max_value, step); }
-   // Reinitializes
+    // Reinitializes
     void reinit(unsigned max_value, unsigned step = 5)
         m_max_value = max_value;
diff --git a/data_structures/phantom_node.cpp b/data_structures/phantom_node.cpp
index 413c0d7..eba6492 100644
--- a/data_structures/phantom_node.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/phantom_node.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "phantom_node.hpp"
-PhantomNode::PhantomNode(NodeID forward_node_id, NodeID reverse_node_id, unsigned name_id,
-            int forward_weight, int reverse_weight, int forward_offset, int reverse_offset,
-            unsigned packed_geometry_id, unsigned component_id, FixedPointCoordinate &location,
-            unsigned short fwd_segment_position,
-            TravelMode forward_travel_mode, TravelMode backward_travel_mode) :
-    forward_node_id(forward_node_id),
-    reverse_node_id(reverse_node_id),
-    name_id(name_id),
-    forward_weight(forward_weight),
-    reverse_weight(reverse_weight),
-    forward_offset(forward_offset),
-    reverse_offset(reverse_offset),
-    packed_geometry_id(packed_geometry_id),
-    component_id(component_id),
-    location(location),
-    fwd_segment_position(fwd_segment_position),
-    forward_travel_mode(forward_travel_mode),
-    backward_travel_mode(backward_travel_mode)
-{ }
-PhantomNode::PhantomNode() :
-    forward_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-    reverse_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
-    name_id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
-    forward_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
-    reverse_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
-    forward_offset(0),
-    reverse_offset(0),
-    packed_geometry_id(SPECIAL_EDGEID),
-    component_id(-1),
-    fwd_segment_position(0),
-    forward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE),
-    backward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
-{ }
+#include "../typedefs.h"
+#include "travel_mode.hpp"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <limits>
+PhantomNode::PhantomNode(NodeID forward_node_id,
+                         NodeID reverse_node_id,
+                         unsigned name_id,
+                         int forward_weight,
+                         int reverse_weight,
+                         int forward_offset,
+                         int reverse_offset,
+                         unsigned packed_geometry_id,
+                         unsigned component_id,
+                         FixedPointCoordinate &location,
+                         unsigned short fwd_segment_position,
+                         TravelMode forward_travel_mode,
+                         TravelMode backward_travel_mode)
+    : forward_node_id(forward_node_id), reverse_node_id(reverse_node_id), name_id(name_id),
+      forward_weight(forward_weight), reverse_weight(reverse_weight),
+      forward_offset(forward_offset), reverse_offset(reverse_offset),
+      packed_geometry_id(packed_geometry_id), component_id(component_id), location(location),
+      fwd_segment_position(fwd_segment_position), forward_travel_mode(forward_travel_mode),
+      backward_travel_mode(backward_travel_mode)
+    : forward_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID), reverse_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID),
+      name_id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), forward_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT),
+      reverse_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), forward_offset(0), reverse_offset(0),
+      packed_geometry_id(SPECIAL_EDGEID), component_id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
+      fwd_segment_position(0), forward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE),
+      backward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
 int PhantomNode::GetForwardWeightPlusOffset() const
@@ -82,43 +86,21 @@ int PhantomNode::GetReverseWeightPlusOffset() const
 bool PhantomNode::is_bidirected() const
-    return (forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) &&
-           (reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID);
+    return (forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) && (reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID);
-bool PhantomNode::is_compressed() const
-    return (forward_offset != 0) || (reverse_offset != 0);
+bool PhantomNode::is_compressed() const { return (forward_offset != 0) || (reverse_offset != 0); }
 bool PhantomNode::is_valid(const unsigned number_of_nodes) const
-    return
-        location.is_valid() &&
-        (
-            (forward_node_id < number_of_nodes) ||
-            (reverse_node_id < number_of_nodes)
-        ) &&
-        (
-            (forward_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT) ||
-            (reverse_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
-        ) &&
-        (name_id != INVALID_NAMEID
-    );
-bool PhantomNode::is_in_tiny_component() const
-    return component_id != 0;
-bool PhantomNode::is_valid() const
     return location.is_valid() &&
+           ((forward_node_id < number_of_nodes) || (reverse_node_id < number_of_nodes)) &&
+           ((forward_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT) || (reverse_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)) &&
            (name_id != INVALID_NAMEID);
-bool PhantomNode::operator==(const PhantomNode & other) const
-    return location == other.location;
+bool PhantomNode::is_in_tiny_component() const { return component_id != 0; }
+bool PhantomNode::is_valid() const { return location.is_valid() && (name_id != INVALID_NAMEID); }
+bool PhantomNode::operator==(const PhantomNode &other) const { return location == other.location; }
diff --git a/data_structures/phantom_node.hpp b/data_structures/phantom_node.hpp
index 9286fb9..b048eb7 100644
--- a/data_structures/phantom_node.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/phantom_node.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
-#include "../data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
+#include "travel_mode.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 struct PhantomNode
@@ -53,6 +55,28 @@ struct PhantomNode
+    template <class OtherT> PhantomNode(const OtherT &other, const FixedPointCoordinate &foot_point)
+    {
+        forward_node_id = other.forward_edge_based_node_id;
+        reverse_node_id = other.reverse_edge_based_node_id;
+        name_id = other.name_id;
+        forward_weight = other.forward_weight;
+        reverse_weight = other.reverse_weight;
+        forward_offset = other.forward_offset;
+        reverse_offset = other.reverse_offset;
+        packed_geometry_id = other.packed_geometry_id;
+        component_id = other.component_id;
+        location = foot_point;
+        fwd_segment_position = other.fwd_segment_position;
+        forward_travel_mode = other.forward_travel_mode;
+        backward_travel_mode = other.backward_travel_mode;
+    }
     NodeID forward_node_id;
     NodeID reverse_node_id;
     unsigned name_id;
@@ -81,14 +105,13 @@ struct PhantomNode
     bool is_in_tiny_component() const;
-    bool operator==(const PhantomNode & other) const;
+    bool operator==(const PhantomNode &other) const;
 using PhantomNodeArray = std::vector<std::vector<PhantomNode>>;
 class phantom_node_pair : public std::pair<PhantomNode, PhantomNode>
 struct PhantomNodeLists
@@ -103,26 +126,26 @@ struct PhantomNodes
     PhantomNode target_phantom;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PhantomNodes & pn)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PhantomNodes &pn)
     out << "source_coord: " << pn.source_phantom.location << "\n";
     out << "target_coord: " << pn.target_phantom.location << std::endl;
     return out;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PhantomNode & pn)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PhantomNode &pn)
-    out <<  "node1: " << pn.forward_node_id      << ", " <<
-            "node2: " << pn.reverse_node_id      << ", " <<
-            "name: "  << pn.name_id              << ", " <<
-            "fwd-w: " << pn.forward_weight       << ", " <<
-            "rev-w: " << pn.reverse_weight       << ", " <<
-            "fwd-o: " << pn.forward_offset       << ", " <<
-            "rev-o: " << pn.reverse_offset       << ", " <<
-            "geom: "  << pn.packed_geometry_id   << ", " <<
-            "comp: "  << pn.component_id         << ", " <<
-            "pos: "   << pn.fwd_segment_position << ", " <<
-            "loc: "   << pn.location;
+    out << "node1: " << pn.forward_node_id << ", "
+        << "node2: " << pn.reverse_node_id << ", "
+        << "name: " << pn.name_id << ", "
+        << "fwd-w: " << pn.forward_weight << ", "
+        << "rev-w: " << pn.reverse_weight << ", "
+        << "fwd-o: " << pn.forward_offset << ", "
+        << "rev-o: " << pn.reverse_offset << ", "
+        << "geom: " << pn.packed_geometry_id << ", "
+        << "comp: " << pn.component_id << ", "
+        << "pos: " << pn.fwd_segment_position << ", "
+        << "loc: " << pn.location;
     return out;
diff --git a/data_structures/query_edge.hpp b/data_structures/query_edge.hpp
index 84a7f15..417bb4a 100644
--- a/data_structures/query_edge.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/query_edge.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <tuple>
 struct QueryEdge
     NodeID source;
@@ -60,13 +62,9 @@ struct QueryEdge
-    bool operator<(const QueryEdge &right) const
+    bool operator<(const QueryEdge &rhs) const
-        if (source != right.source)
-        {
-            return source < right.source;
-        }
-        return target < right.target;
+        return std::tie(source, target) < std::tie(rhs.source, rhs.target);
     bool operator==(const QueryEdge &right) const
@@ -78,4 +76,4 @@ struct QueryEdge
-#endif /* QUERYEDGE_HPP_ */
+#endif // QUERYEDGE_HPP
diff --git a/data_structures/query_node.hpp b/data_structures/query_node.hpp
index 7705df0..f3e9904 100644
--- a/data_structures/query_node.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/query_node.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <limits>
 struct QueryNode
     using key_type = NodeID; // type of NodeID
-    using value_type = int; // type of lat,lons
+    using value_type = int;  // type of lat,lons
     explicit QueryNode(int lat, int lon, NodeID node_id) : lat(lat), lon(lon), node_id(node_id) {}
diff --git a/data_structures/range_table.hpp b/data_structures/range_table.hpp
index eef268b..4662f06 100644
--- a/data_structures/range_table.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/range_table.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
 #include "shared_memory_factory.hpp"
 #include "shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp"
  * and otherwise the compiler gets confused.
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE=16, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY = false> class RangeTable;
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE = 16, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY = false> class RangeTable;
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table);
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table);
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table);
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
+std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table);
  * Stores adjacent ranges in a compressed format.
@@ -58,33 +58,34 @@ std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEM
  * But each block consists of an absolute value and BLOCK_SIZE differential values.
  * So the effective block size is sizeof(unsigned) + BLOCK_SIZE.
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-class RangeTable
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY> class RangeTable
+  public:
     using BlockT = std::array<unsigned char, BLOCK_SIZE>;
     using BlockContainerT = typename ShM<BlockT, USE_SHARED_MEMORY>::vector;
     using OffsetContainerT = typename ShM<unsigned, USE_SHARED_MEMORY>::vector;
     using RangeT = osrm::range<unsigned>;
-    friend std::ostream& operator<< <>(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable &table);
-    friend std::istream& operator>> <>(std::istream &in, RangeTable &table);
+    friend std::ostream &operator<<<>(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable &table);
+    friend std::istream &operator>><>(std::istream &in, RangeTable &table);
     RangeTable() : sum_lengths(0) {}
     // for loading from shared memory
-    explicit RangeTable(OffsetContainerT& external_offsets, BlockContainerT& external_blocks, const unsigned sum_lengths)
-    : sum_lengths(sum_lengths)
+    explicit RangeTable(OffsetContainerT &external_offsets,
+                        BlockContainerT &external_blocks,
+                        const unsigned sum_lengths)
+        : sum_lengths(sum_lengths)
     // construct table from length vector
-    explicit RangeTable(const std::vector<unsigned>& lengths)
+    explicit RangeTable(const std::vector<unsigned> &lengths)
-        const unsigned number_of_blocks = [&lengths]() {
+        const unsigned number_of_blocks = [&lengths]()
+        {
             unsigned num = (lengths.size() + 1) / (BLOCK_SIZE + 1);
             if ((lengths.size() + 1) % (BLOCK_SIZE + 1) != 0)
@@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ public:
                 block_sum += last_length;
-            BOOST_ASSERT((block_idx == 0 && block_offsets[block_counter] == lengths_prefix_sum)
-                || lengths_prefix_sum == (block_offsets[block_counter]+block_sum));
+            BOOST_ASSERT((block_idx == 0 && block_offsets[block_counter] == lengths_prefix_sum) ||
+                         lengths_prefix_sum == (block_offsets[block_counter] + block_sum));
             // block is full
             if (BLOCK_SIZE == block_idx)
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ public:
         // Last block can't be finished because we didn't add the sentinel
-        BOOST_ASSERT (block_counter == (number_of_blocks - 1));
+        BOOST_ASSERT(block_counter == (number_of_blocks - 1));
         // one block missing: starts with guard value
         if (0 == block_idx)
@@ -155,7 +156,8 @@ public:
-        BOOST_ASSERT(diff_blocks.size() == number_of_blocks && block_offsets.size() == number_of_blocks);
+        BOOST_ASSERT(diff_blocks.size() == number_of_blocks &&
+                     block_offsets.size() == number_of_blocks);
         sum_lengths = lengths_prefix_sum;
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ public:
         unsigned begin_idx = 0;
         unsigned end_idx = 0;
         begin_idx = block_offsets[block_idx];
-        const BlockT& block = diff_blocks[block_idx];
+        const BlockT &block = diff_blocks[block_idx];
         if (internal_idx > 0)
             begin_idx += PrefixSumAtIndex(internal_idx - 1, block);
@@ -195,9 +197,9 @@ public:
         return osrm::irange(begin_idx, end_idx);
-    inline unsigned PrefixSumAtIndex(int index, const BlockT& block) const;
+  private:
+    inline unsigned PrefixSumAtIndex(int index, const BlockT &block) const;
     // contains offset for each differential block
     OffsetContainerT block_offsets;
@@ -206,8 +208,9 @@ private:
     unsigned sum_lengths;
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-unsigned RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY>::PrefixSumAtIndex(int index, const BlockT& block) const
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
+unsigned RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY>::PrefixSumAtIndex(int index,
+                                                                     const BlockT &block) const
     // this loop looks inefficent, but a modern compiler
     // will emit nice SIMD here, at least for sensible block sizes. (I checked.)
@@ -220,39 +223,39 @@ unsigned RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY>::PrefixSumAtIndex(int index,
     return sum;
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table)
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table)
     // write number of block
     const unsigned number_of_blocks = table.diff_blocks.size();
-    out.write((char *) &number_of_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
+    out.write((char *)&number_of_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
     // write total length
-    out.write((char *) &table.sum_lengths, sizeof(unsigned));
+    out.write((char *)&table.sum_lengths, sizeof(unsigned));
     // write block offsets
-    out.write((char *) table.block_offsets.data(), sizeof(unsigned) * table.block_offsets.size());
+    out.write((char *)table.block_offsets.data(), sizeof(unsigned) * table.block_offsets.size());
     // write blocks
-    out.write((char *) table.diff_blocks.data(), BLOCK_SIZE * table.diff_blocks.size());
+    out.write((char *)table.diff_blocks.data(), BLOCK_SIZE * table.diff_blocks.size());
     return out;
-template<unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
-std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table)
+template <unsigned BLOCK_SIZE, bool USE_SHARED_MEMORY>
+std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, RangeTable<BLOCK_SIZE, USE_SHARED_MEMORY> &table)
     // read number of block
     unsigned number_of_blocks;
-    in.read((char *) &number_of_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
+    in.read((char *)&number_of_blocks, sizeof(unsigned));
     // read total length
-    in.read((char *) &table.sum_lengths, sizeof(unsigned));
+    in.read((char *)&table.sum_lengths, sizeof(unsigned));
     // read block offsets
-    in.read((char *) table.block_offsets.data(), sizeof(unsigned) * number_of_blocks);
+    in.read((char *)table.block_offsets.data(), sizeof(unsigned) * number_of_blocks);
     // read blocks
-    in.read((char *) table.diff_blocks.data(), BLOCK_SIZE * number_of_blocks);
+    in.read((char *)table.diff_blocks.data(), BLOCK_SIZE * number_of_blocks);
     return in;
+#endif // RANGE_TABLE_HPP
diff --git a/data_structures/rectangle.hpp b/data_structures/rectangle.hpp
index 2f6815c..55720a3 100644
--- a/data_structures/rectangle.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/rectangle.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include "coordinate_calculation.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <limits>
 // TODO: Make template type, add tests
 struct RectangleInt2D
-    RectangleInt2D() : min_lon(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()),
-                       max_lon(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()),
-                       min_lat(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()),
-                       max_lat(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) {}
+    RectangleInt2D()
+        : min_lon(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()),
+          max_lon(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()),
+          min_lat(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()), max_lat(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
+    {
+    }
     int32_t min_lon, max_lon;
     int32_t min_lat, max_lat;
-    inline void MergeBoundingBoxes(const RectangleInt2D &other)
+    void MergeBoundingBoxes(const RectangleInt2D &other)
         min_lon = std::min(min_lon, other.min_lon);
         max_lon = std::max(max_lon, other.max_lon);
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ struct RectangleInt2D
         BOOST_ASSERT(max_lon != std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
-    inline FixedPointCoordinate Centroid() const
+    FixedPointCoordinate Centroid() const
         FixedPointCoordinate centroid;
         // The coordinates of the midpoints are given by:
@@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ struct RectangleInt2D
         return centroid;
-    inline bool Intersects(const RectangleInt2D &other) const
+    bool Intersects(const RectangleInt2D &other) const
         FixedPointCoordinate upper_left(other.max_lat, other.min_lon);
         FixedPointCoordinate upper_right(other.max_lat, other.max_lon);
@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ struct RectangleInt2D
-    inline float GetMinDist(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
+    float GetMinDist(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
         const bool is_contained = Contains(location);
         if (is_contained)
@@ -88,66 +94,74 @@ struct RectangleInt2D
         enum Direction
-            INVALID    = 0,
-            NORTH      = 1,
-            SOUTH      = 2,
-            EAST       = 4,
+            INVALID = 0,
+            NORTH = 1,
+            SOUTH = 2,
+            EAST = 4,
             NORTH_EAST = 5,
             SOUTH_EAST = 6,
-            WEST       = 8,
+            WEST = 8,
             NORTH_WEST = 9,
             SOUTH_WEST = 10
         Direction d = INVALID;
         if (location.lat > max_lat)
-            d = (Direction) (d | NORTH);
+            d = (Direction)(d | NORTH);
         else if (location.lat < min_lat)
-            d = (Direction) (d | SOUTH);
+            d = (Direction)(d | SOUTH);
         if (location.lon > max_lon)
-            d = (Direction) (d | EAST);
+            d = (Direction)(d | EAST);
         else if (location.lon < min_lon)
-            d = (Direction) (d | WEST);
+            d = (Direction)(d | WEST);
         BOOST_ASSERT(d != INVALID);
         float min_dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
         switch (d)
-            case NORTH:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, location.lon));
-                break;
-            case SOUTH:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, location.lon));
-                break;
-            case WEST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, min_lon));
-                break;
-            case EAST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, max_lon));
-                break;
-            case NORTH_EAST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, max_lon));
-                break;
-            case NORTH_WEST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, min_lon));
-                break;
-            case SOUTH_EAST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, max_lon));
-                break;
-            case SOUTH_WEST:
-                min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, min_lon));
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
+        case NORTH:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, location.lon));
+            break;
+        case SOUTH:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, location.lon));
+            break;
+        case WEST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, min_lon));
+            break;
+        case EAST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, max_lon));
+            break;
+        case NORTH_EAST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, max_lon));
+            break;
+        case NORTH_WEST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, min_lon));
+            break;
+        case SOUTH_EAST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, max_lon));
+            break;
+        case SOUTH_WEST:
+            min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, min_lon));
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
-        BOOST_ASSERT(min_dist != std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+        BOOST_ASSERT(min_dist < std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
         return min_dist;
-    inline float GetMinMaxDist(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
+    float GetMinMaxDist(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
         float min_max_dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
         // Get minmax distance to each of the four sides
@@ -156,38 +170,36 @@ struct RectangleInt2D
         const FixedPointCoordinate lower_right(min_lat, max_lon);
         const FixedPointCoordinate lower_left(min_lat, min_lon);
-        min_max_dist = std::min(
-            min_max_dist,
-            std::max(
-                FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_left),
-                FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_right)));
-        min_max_dist = std::min(
-            min_max_dist,
-            std::max(
-                FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_right),
-                FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_right)));
-        min_max_dist = std::min(
-            min_max_dist,
-            std::max(FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_right),
-                     FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_left)));
-        min_max_dist = std::min(
-            min_max_dist,
-            std::max(FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_left),
-                     FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_left)));
+        min_max_dist =
+            std::min(min_max_dist,
+                     std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_left),
+                              coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_right)));
+        min_max_dist =
+            std::min(min_max_dist,
+                     std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_right),
+                              coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_right)));
+        min_max_dist =
+            std::min(min_max_dist,
+                     std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_right),
+                              coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_left)));
+        min_max_dist =
+            std::min(min_max_dist,
+                     std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_left),
+                              coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_left)));
         return min_max_dist;
-    inline bool Contains(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
+    bool Contains(const FixedPointCoordinate &location) const
         const bool lats_contained = (location.lat >= min_lat) && (location.lat <= max_lat);
         const bool lons_contained = (location.lon >= min_lon) && (location.lon <= max_lon);
         return lats_contained && lons_contained;
-    inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RectangleInt2D &rect)
+    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RectangleInt2D &rect)
         out << rect.min_lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION << "," << rect.min_lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION
             << " " << rect.max_lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION << ","
diff --git a/data_structures/restriction.hpp b/data_structures/restriction.hpp
index 5f6e9b0..b808d30 100644
--- a/data_structures/restriction.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/restriction.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -107,21 +107,19 @@ struct InputRestrictionContainer
 struct CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom
-    typedef InputRestrictionContainer value_type;
-    inline bool operator()(const InputRestrictionContainer &a,
-                           const InputRestrictionContainer &b) const
+    using value_type = InputRestrictionContainer;
+    bool operator()(const InputRestrictionContainer &a, const InputRestrictionContainer &b) const
         return a.restriction.from.way < b.restriction.from.way;
-    inline value_type max_value() const { return InputRestrictionContainer::max_value(); }
-    inline value_type min_value() const { return InputRestrictionContainer::min_value(); }
+    value_type max_value() const { return InputRestrictionContainer::max_value(); }
+    value_type min_value() const { return InputRestrictionContainer::min_value(); }
 struct CmpRestrictionContainerByTo
-    typedef InputRestrictionContainer value_type;
-    inline bool operator()(const InputRestrictionContainer &a,
-                           const InputRestrictionContainer &b) const
+    using value_type = InputRestrictionContainer;
+    bool operator()(const InputRestrictionContainer &a, const InputRestrictionContainer &b) const
         return a.restriction.to.way < b.restriction.to.way;
diff --git a/data_structures/restriction_map.cpp b/data_structures/restriction_map.cpp
index 3c13d73..017ee32 100644
--- a/data_structures/restriction_map.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/restriction_map.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "restriction_map.hpp"
-RestrictionMap::RestrictionMap(const std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restriction_list)
-        : m_count(0)
+RestrictionMap::RestrictionMap(const std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restriction_list) : m_count(0)
+    // decompose restriction consisting of a start, via and end node into a
+    // a pair of starting edge and a list of all end nodes
+    for (auto &restriction : restriction_list)
-        // decompose restriction consisting of a start, via and end node into a
-        // a pair of starting edge and a list of all end nodes
-        for (auto &restriction : restriction_list)
-        {
-            m_restriction_start_nodes.insert(restriction.from.node);
-            m_no_turn_via_node_set.insert(restriction.via.node);
+        m_restriction_start_nodes.insert(restriction.from.node);
+        m_no_turn_via_node_set.insert(restriction.via.node);
-            RestrictionSource restriction_source = {restriction.from.node, restriction.via.node};
+        RestrictionSource restriction_source = {restriction.from.node, restriction.via.node};
-            std::size_t index;
-            auto restriction_iter = m_restriction_map.find(restriction_source);
-            if (restriction_iter == m_restriction_map.end())
+        std::size_t index;
+        auto restriction_iter = m_restriction_map.find(restriction_source);
+        if (restriction_iter == m_restriction_map.end())
+        {
+            index = m_restriction_bucket_list.size();
+            m_restriction_bucket_list.resize(index + 1);
+            m_restriction_map.emplace(restriction_source, index);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            index = restriction_iter->second;
+            // Map already contains an is_only_*-restriction
+            if (m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).begin()->is_only)
-                index = m_restriction_bucket_list.size();
-                m_restriction_bucket_list.resize(index + 1);
-                m_restriction_map.emplace(restriction_source, index);
+                continue;
-            else
+            else if (restriction.flags.is_only)
-                index = restriction_iter->second;
-                // Map already contains an is_only_*-restriction
-                if (m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).begin()->is_only)
-                {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                else if (restriction.flags.is_only)
-                {
-                    // We are going to insert an is_only_*-restriction. There can be only one.
-                    m_count -= m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).size();
-                    m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).clear();
-                }
+                // We are going to insert an is_only_*-restriction. There can be only one.
+                m_count -= m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).size();
+                m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index).clear();
-            ++m_count;
-            m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index)
-                .emplace_back(restriction.to.node, restriction.flags.is_only);
+        ++m_count;
+        m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index)
+            .emplace_back(restriction.to.node, restriction.flags.is_only);
 bool RestrictionMap::IsViaNode(const NodeID node) const
     return m_no_turn_via_node_set.find(node) != m_no_turn_via_node_set.end();
 // Replaces start edge (v, w) with (u, w). Only start node changes.
 void RestrictionMap::FixupStartingTurnRestriction(const NodeID node_u,
                                                   const NodeID node_v,
@@ -145,18 +142,25 @@ bool RestrictionMap::CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(const NodeID node_u,
     const auto restriction_iter = m_restriction_map.find({node_u, node_v});
-    if (restriction_iter != m_restriction_map.end())
+    if (restriction_iter == m_restriction_map.end())
-        const unsigned index = restriction_iter->second;
-        const auto &bucket = m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index);
-        for (const RestrictionTarget &restriction_target : bucket)
+        return false;
+    }
+    const unsigned index = restriction_iter->second;
+    const auto &bucket = m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index);
+    for (const RestrictionTarget &restriction_target : bucket)
+    {
+        if (node_w == restriction_target.target_node && // target found
+            !restriction_target.is_only)                // and not an only_-restr.
-            if ((node_w == restriction_target.target_node) && // target found
-                (!restriction_target.is_only)                 // and not an only_-restr.
-                )
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (node_w != restriction_target.target_node && // target not found
+            restriction_target.is_only)                 // and is an only restriction
+        {
+            return true;
     return false;
diff --git a/data_structures/restriction_map.hpp b/data_structures/restriction_map.hpp
index 7633faf..27a6698 100644
--- a/data_structures/restriction_map.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/restriction_map.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <memory>
 #include "restriction.hpp"
-#include "../Util/std_hash.hpp"
+#include "../util/std_hash.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <memory>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <vector>
@@ -45,9 +44,7 @@ struct RestrictionSource
     NodeID start_node;
     NodeID via_node;
-    RestrictionSource(NodeID start, NodeID via) : start_node(start), via_node(via)
-    {
-    }
+    RestrictionSource(NodeID start, NodeID via) : start_node(start), via_node(via) {}
     friend inline bool operator==(const RestrictionSource &lhs, const RestrictionSource &rhs)
@@ -60,9 +57,7 @@ struct RestrictionTarget
     NodeID target_node;
     bool is_only;
-    explicit RestrictionTarget(NodeID target, bool only) : target_node(target), is_only(only)
-    {
-    }
+    explicit RestrictionTarget(NodeID target, bool only) : target_node(target), is_only(only) {}
     friend inline bool operator==(const RestrictionTarget &lhs, const RestrictionTarget &rhs)
@@ -99,7 +94,7 @@ class RestrictionMap
     RestrictionMap(const std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restriction_list);
     // Replace end v with w in each turn restriction containing u as via node
-    template<class GraphT>
+    template <class GraphT>
     void FixupArrivingTurnRestriction(const NodeID node_u,
                                       const NodeID node_v,
                                       const NodeID node_w,
@@ -136,6 +131,7 @@ class RestrictionMap
             const unsigned index = restriction_iterator->second;
             auto &bucket = m_restriction_bucket_list.at(index);
             for (RestrictionTarget &restriction_target : bucket)
                 if (node_v == restriction_target.target_node)
@@ -148,24 +144,18 @@ class RestrictionMap
     bool IsViaNode(const NodeID node) const;
     // Replaces start edge (v, w) with (u, w). Only start node changes.
-    void FixupStartingTurnRestriction(const NodeID node_u,
-                                      const NodeID node_v,
-                                      const NodeID node_w);
+    void
+    FixupStartingTurnRestriction(const NodeID node_u, const NodeID node_v, const NodeID node_w);
     // Check if edge (u, v) is the start of any turn restriction.
     // If so returns id of first target node.
     NodeID CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(const NodeID node_u, const NodeID node_v) const;
     // Checks if turn <u,v,w> is actually a turn restriction.
-    bool CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(const NodeID node_u,
-                                 const NodeID node_v,
-                                 const NodeID node_w) const;
+    bool
+    CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(const NodeID node_u, const NodeID node_v, const NodeID node_w) const;
-    std::size_t size()
-    {
-        return m_count;
-    }
+    std::size_t size() { return m_count; }
     // check of node is the start of any restriction
@@ -182,4 +172,4 @@ class RestrictionMap
     std::unordered_set<NodeID> m_no_turn_via_node_set;
diff --git a/data_structures/route_parameters.cpp b/data_structures/route_parameters.cpp
index 1019a91..3b615e2 100644
--- a/data_structures/route_parameters.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/route_parameters.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <osrm/RouteParameters.h>
 #include <boost/fusion/container/vector.hpp>
 #include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic.hpp>
 #include <boost/fusion/include/at_c.hpp>
+#include <osrm/route_parameters.hpp>
     : zoom_level(18), print_instructions(false), alternate_route(true), geometry(true),
-      compression(true), deprecatedAPI(false), uturn_default(false), check_sum(-1), num_results(1)
+      compression(true), deprecatedAPI(false), uturn_default(false), classify(false),
+      matching_beta(-1.0), gps_precision(-1.0), check_sum(-1), num_results(1)
@@ -83,6 +84,12 @@ void RouteParameters::setInstructionFlag(const bool flag) { print_instructions =
 void RouteParameters::setService(const std::string &service_string) { service = service_string; }
+void RouteParameters::setClassify(const bool flag) { classify = flag; }
+void RouteParameters::setMatchingBeta(const double beta) { matching_beta = beta; }
+void RouteParameters::setGPSPrecision(const double precision) { gps_precision = precision; }
 void RouteParameters::setOutputFormat(const std::string &format) { output_format = format; }
 void RouteParameters::setJSONpParameter(const std::string &parameter)
@@ -99,6 +106,15 @@ void RouteParameters::addHint(const std::string &hint)
+void RouteParameters::addTimestamp(const unsigned timestamp)
+    timestamps.resize(coordinates.size());
+    if (!timestamps.empty())
+    {
+        timestamps.back() = timestamp;
+    }
 void RouteParameters::setLanguage(const std::string &language_string)
     language = language_string;
@@ -108,10 +124,10 @@ void RouteParameters::setGeometryFlag(const bool flag) { geometry = flag; }
 void RouteParameters::setCompressionFlag(const bool flag) { compression = flag; }
-RouteParameters::addCoordinate(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &transmitted_coordinates)
+void RouteParameters::addCoordinate(
+    const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates)
-        static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<0>(transmitted_coordinates)),
-        static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<1>(transmitted_coordinates)));
+        static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<0>(received_coordinates)),
+        static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<1>(received_coordinates)));
diff --git a/data_structures/search_engine.hpp b/data_structures/search_engine.hpp
index 0b2b888..7e47b1f 100644
--- a/data_structures/search_engine.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/search_engine.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "search_engine_data.hpp"
 #include "../routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp"
 #include "../routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp"
+#include "../routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp"
 #include "../routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp"
 #include <type_traits>
@@ -45,13 +46,18 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class SearchEngine
     ShortestPathRouting<DataFacadeT> shortest_path;
     AlternativeRouting<DataFacadeT> alternative_path;
     ManyToManyRouting<DataFacadeT> distance_table;
+    MapMatching<DataFacadeT> map_matching;
     explicit SearchEngine(DataFacadeT *facade)
-        : facade(facade), shortest_path(facade, engine_working_data),
-          alternative_path(facade, engine_working_data), distance_table(facade, engine_working_data)
+        : facade(facade),
+          shortest_path(facade, engine_working_data),
+          alternative_path(facade, engine_working_data),
+          distance_table(facade, engine_working_data),
+          map_matching(facade, engine_working_data)
         static_assert(!std::is_pointer<DataFacadeT>::value, "don't instantiate with ptr type");
-        static_assert(std::is_object<DataFacadeT>::value, "don't instantiate with void, function, or reference");
+        static_assert(std::is_object<DataFacadeT>::value,
+                      "don't instantiate with void, function, or reference");
     ~SearchEngine() {}
diff --git a/data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp b/data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp
index 810762a..3282a0c 100644
--- a/data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp
+++ b/data_structures/search_engine_data.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 void SearchEngineData::InitializeOrClearFirstThreadLocalStorage(const unsigned number_of_nodes)
-    if (forwardHeap.get())
+    if (forward_heap_1.get())
-        forwardHeap->Clear();
+        forward_heap_1->Clear();
-        forwardHeap.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        forward_heap_1.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
-    if (backwardHeap.get())
+    if (reverse_heap_1.get())
-        backwardHeap->Clear();
+        reverse_heap_1->Clear();
-        backwardHeap.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        reverse_heap_1.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
 void SearchEngineData::InitializeOrClearSecondThreadLocalStorage(const unsigned number_of_nodes)
-    if (forwardHeap2.get())
+    if (forward_heap_2.get())
-        forwardHeap2->Clear();
+        forward_heap_2->Clear();
-        forwardHeap2.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        forward_heap_2.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
-    if (backwardHeap2.get())
+    if (reverse_heap_2.get())
-        backwardHeap2->Clear();
+        reverse_heap_2->Clear();
-        backwardHeap2.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        reverse_heap_2.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
 void SearchEngineData::InitializeOrClearThirdThreadLocalStorage(const unsigned number_of_nodes)
-    if (forwardHeap3.get())
+    if (forward_heap_3.get())
-        forwardHeap3->Clear();
+        forward_heap_3->Clear();
-        forwardHeap3.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        forward_heap_3.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
-    if (backwardHeap3.get())
+    if (reverse_heap_3.get())
-        backwardHeap3->Clear();
+        reverse_heap_3->Clear();
-        backwardHeap3.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
+        reverse_heap_3.reset(new QueryHeap(number_of_nodes));
diff --git a/data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp b/data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp
index 6c2efb1..8c1c161 100644
--- a/data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ struct SearchEngineData
     using QueryHeap = BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, int, HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int>>;
     using SearchEngineHeapPtr = boost::thread_specific_ptr<QueryHeap>;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap2;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap2;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap3;
-    static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap3;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forward_heap_1;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr reverse_heap_1;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forward_heap_2;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr reverse_heap_2;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr forward_heap_3;
+    static SearchEngineHeapPtr reverse_heap_3;
     void InitializeOrClearFirstThreadLocalStorage(const unsigned number_of_nodes);
diff --git a/data_structures/segment_information.hpp b/data_structures/segment_information.hpp
index dd1fc57..7118a32 100644
--- a/data_structures/segment_information.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/segment_information.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "turn_instructions.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 // Struct fits everything in one cache line
 struct SegmentInformation
@@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ struct SegmentInformation
diff --git a/data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp b/data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp
index dc714a6..58fed9b 100644
--- a/data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ class SharedMemory
-            shm = boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory(
-                boost::interprocess::open_or_create, key, size);
+            shm = boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory(boost::interprocess::open_or_create, key,
+                                                         size);
 #ifdef __linux__
             if (-1 == shmctl(shm.get_shmid(), SHM_LOCK, 0))
@@ -150,7 +150,10 @@ class SharedMemory
             boost::interprocess::xsi_key key(lock_file().string().c_str(), id);
             result = RegionExists(key);
-        catch (...) { result = false; }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            result = false;
+        }
         return result;
@@ -165,8 +168,14 @@ class SharedMemory
     static bool RegionExists(const boost::interprocess::xsi_key &key)
         bool result = true;
-        try { boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory shm(boost::interprocess::open_only, key); }
-        catch (...) { result = false; }
+        try
+        {
+            boost::interprocess::xsi_shared_memory shm(boost::interprocess::open_only, key);
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            result = false;
+        }
         return result;
@@ -198,12 +207,12 @@ class SharedMemory
 // Windows - specific code
 class SharedMemory
-    SharedMemory(const SharedMemory&) = delete;
+    SharedMemory(const SharedMemory &) = delete;
     // Remove shared memory on destruction
     class shm_remove
-        shm_remove(const shm_remove&) = delete;
+        shm_remove(const shm_remove &) = delete;
         char *m_shmid;
         bool m_initialized;
@@ -242,8 +251,7 @@ class SharedMemory
         if (0 == size)
         { // read_only
             shm = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(
-                boost::interprocess::open_only,
-                key,
+                boost::interprocess::open_only, key,
                 read_write ? boost::interprocess::read_write : boost::interprocess::read_only);
             region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region(
                 shm, read_write ? boost::interprocess::read_write : boost::interprocess::read_only);
@@ -255,8 +263,8 @@ class SharedMemory
-            shm = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(
-                boost::interprocess::open_or_create, key, boost::interprocess::read_write);
+            shm = boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(boost::interprocess::open_or_create,
+                                                            key, boost::interprocess::read_write);
             region = boost::interprocess::mapped_region(shm, boost::interprocess::read_write);
@@ -274,7 +282,10 @@ class SharedMemory
             build_key(id, k);
             result = RegionExists(k);
-        catch (...) { result = false; }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            result = false;
+        }
         return result;
@@ -286,20 +297,20 @@ class SharedMemory
-    static void build_key(int id, char *key)
-    {
-        sprintf(key, "%s.%d", "osrm.lock", id);
-    }
+    static void build_key(int id, char *key) { sprintf(key, "%s.%d", "osrm.lock", id); }
     static bool RegionExists(const char *key)
         bool result = true;
-            boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object shm(
-                boost::interprocess::open_only, key, boost::interprocess::read_write);
+            boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object shm(boost::interprocess::open_only, key,
+                                                          boost::interprocess::read_write);
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            result = false;
-        catch (...) { result = false; }
         return result;
diff --git a/data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp b/data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp
index d508e5f..dc51cff 100644
--- a/data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ template <> class SharedMemoryWrapper<bool>
 template <typename DataT, bool UseSharedMemory> struct ShM
     using vector = typename std::conditional<UseSharedMemory,
-                                      SharedMemoryWrapper<DataT>,
-                                      std::vector<DataT>>::type;
+                                             SharedMemoryWrapper<DataT>,
+                                             std::vector<DataT>>::type;
diff --git a/data_structures/static_graph.hpp b/data_structures/static_graph.hpp
index 05d65ee..7434b56 100644
--- a/data_structures/static_graph.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/static_graph.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "percent.hpp"
 #include "shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <limits>
 #include <utility>
@@ -57,8 +55,11 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT, bool UseSharedMemory = false> class StaticGraph
         NodeIterator target;
         EdgeDataT data;
-        template<typename... Ts>
-        InputEdge(NodeIterator source, NodeIterator target, Ts &&...data) : source(source), target(target), data(std::forward<Ts>(data)...) { }
+        template <typename... Ts>
+        InputEdge(NodeIterator source, NodeIterator target, Ts &&... data)
+            : source(source), target(target), data(std::forward<Ts>(data)...)
+        {
+        }
         bool operator<(const InputEdge &right) const
             if (source != right.source)
@@ -88,13 +89,12 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT, bool UseSharedMemory = false> class StaticGraph
     StaticGraph(const int nodes, std::vector<InputEdge> &graph)
-        tbb::parallel_sort(graph.begin(), graph.end());
         number_of_nodes = nodes;
         number_of_edges = static_cast<EdgeIterator>(graph.size());
         node_array.resize(number_of_nodes + 1);
         EdgeIterator edge = 0;
         EdgeIterator position = 0;
-        for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, number_of_nodes+1))
+        for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, number_of_nodes + 1))
             EdgeIterator last_edge = edge;
             while (edge < number_of_edges && graph[edge].source == node)
@@ -109,11 +109,10 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT, bool UseSharedMemory = false> class StaticGraph
         for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, number_of_nodes))
             EdgeIterator e = node_array[node + 1].first_edge;
-            for (EdgeIterator i = node_array[node].first_edge; i != e; ++i)
+            for (const auto i : osrm::irange(node_array[node].first_edge, e))
                 edge_array[i].target = graph[edge].target;
                 edge_array[i].data = graph[edge].data;
-                BOOST_ASSERT(edge_array[i].data.distance > 0);
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT, bool UseSharedMemory = false> class StaticGraph
         return NodeIterator(edge_array[e].target);
-    inline EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeIterator e) { return edge_array[e].data; }
+    EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeIterator e) { return edge_array[e].data; }
     const EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeIterator e) const { return edge_array[e].data; }
@@ -157,6 +156,19 @@ template <typename EdgeDataT, bool UseSharedMemory = false> class StaticGraph
     // searches for a specific edge
     EdgeIterator FindEdge(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to) const
+        for (const auto i : osrm::irange(BeginEdges(from), EndEdges(from)))
+        {
+            if (to == edge_array[i].target)
+            {
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+        return SPECIAL_EDGEID;
+    }
+    // searches for a specific edge
+    EdgeIterator FindSmallestEdge(const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to) const
+    {
         EdgeIterator smallest_edge = SPECIAL_EDGEID;
         EdgeWeight smallest_weight = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
         for (auto edge : GetAdjacentEdgeRange(from))
diff --git a/data_structures/static_kdtree.hpp b/data_structures/static_kdtree.hpp
index b173d3a..1e65dc8 100644
--- a/data_structures/static_kdtree.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/static_kdtree.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ class StaticKDTree
             Iterator middle = tree.left + (tree.right - tree.left) / 2;
-            std::nth_element(
-                kdtree + tree.left, kdtree + middle, kdtree + tree.right, Less(tree.dimension));
+            std::nth_element(kdtree + tree.left, kdtree + middle, kdtree + tree.right,
+                             Less(tree.dimension));
             s.push(Tree(tree.left, middle, (tree.dimension + 1) % k));
             s.push(Tree(middle + 1, tree.right, (tree.dimension + 1) % k));
diff --git a/data_structures/static_rtree.hpp b/data_structures/static_rtree.hpp
index f670ca3..f219a64 100644
--- a/data_structures/static_rtree.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/static_rtree.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "rectangle.hpp"
 #include "shared_memory_factory.hpp"
 #include "shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp"
-#include "../Util/floating_point.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/MercatorUtil.h"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "upper_bound.hpp"
+#include "../util/floating_point.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/mercator.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 template <class EdgeDataT,
           class CoordinateListT = std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate>,
           bool UseSharedMemory = false,
-          uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR=64,
-          uint32_t LEAF_NODE_SIZE=1024>
+          uint32_t BRANCHING_FACTOR = 64,
+          uint32_t LEAF_NODE_SIZE = 1024>
 class StaticRTree
@@ -86,19 +87,15 @@ class StaticRTree
             for (uint32_t i = 0; i < element_count; ++i)
-                min_lon = std::min(min_lon,
-                                   std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
-                                            coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
-                max_lon = std::max(max_lon,
-                                   std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
-                                            coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
-                min_lat = std::min(min_lat,
-                                   std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
-                                            coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
-                max_lat = std::max(max_lat,
-                                   std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
-                                            coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
+                min_lon = std::min(min_lon, std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
+                max_lon = std::max(max_lon, std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
+                min_lat = std::min(min_lat, std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
+                max_lat = std::max(max_lat, std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
             BOOST_ASSERT(min_lat != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
             BOOST_ASSERT(min_lon != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
@@ -149,58 +146,66 @@ class StaticRTree
             enum Direction
-                INVALID    = 0,
-                NORTH      = 1,
-                SOUTH      = 2,
-                EAST       = 4,
+                INVALID = 0,
+                NORTH = 1,
+                SOUTH = 2,
+                EAST = 4,
                 NORTH_EAST = 5,
                 SOUTH_EAST = 6,
-                WEST       = 8,
+                WEST = 8,
                 NORTH_WEST = 9,
                 SOUTH_WEST = 10
             Direction d = INVALID;
             if (location.lat > max_lat)
-                d = (Direction) (d | NORTH);
+                d = (Direction)(d | NORTH);
             else if (location.lat < min_lat)
-                d = (Direction) (d | SOUTH);
+                d = (Direction)(d | SOUTH);
             if (location.lon > max_lon)
-                d = (Direction) (d | EAST);
+                d = (Direction)(d | EAST);
             else if (location.lon < min_lon)
-                d = (Direction) (d | WEST);
+                d = (Direction)(d | WEST);
             BOOST_ASSERT(d != INVALID);
             float min_dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
             switch (d)
-                case NORTH:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, location.lon));
-                    break;
-                case SOUTH:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, location.lon));
-                    break;
-                case WEST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, min_lon));
-                    break;
-                case EAST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, max_lon));
-                    break;
-                case NORTH_EAST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, max_lon));
-                    break;
-                case NORTH_WEST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, min_lon));
-                    break;
-                case SOUTH_EAST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, max_lon));
-                    break;
-                case SOUTH_WEST:
-                    min_dist = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, min_lon));
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    break;
+            case NORTH:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, location.lon));
+                break;
+            case SOUTH:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, location.lon));
+                break;
+            case WEST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, min_lon));
+                break;
+            case EAST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(location.lat, max_lon));
+                break;
+            case NORTH_EAST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, max_lon));
+                break;
+            case NORTH_WEST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(max_lat, min_lon));
+                break;
+            case SOUTH_EAST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, max_lon));
+                break;
+            case SOUTH_WEST:
+                min_dist = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    location, FixedPointCoordinate(min_lat, min_lon));
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
             BOOST_ASSERT(min_dist != std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
@@ -219,25 +224,23 @@ class StaticRTree
             min_max_dist = std::min(
-                std::max(
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_left),
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_right)));
+                std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_left),
+                         coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_right)));
             min_max_dist = std::min(
-                std::max(
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_right),
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_right)));
+                std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_right),
+                         coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_right)));
             min_max_dist = std::min(
-                std::max(FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_right),
-                         FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_left)));
+                std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_right),
+                         coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_left)));
             min_max_dist = std::min(
-                std::max(FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, lower_left),
-                         FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(location, upper_left)));
+                std::max(coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, lower_left),
+                         coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(location, upper_left)));
             return min_max_dist;
@@ -377,7 +380,8 @@ class StaticRTree
                     current_centroid.lat =
-                        COORDINATE_PRECISION * lat2y(current_centroid.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+                        COORDINATE_PRECISION *
+                        mercator::lat2y(current_centroid.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
                     current_wrapper.m_hilbert_value = get_hilbert_number(current_centroid);
@@ -415,8 +419,8 @@ class StaticRTree
             // generate tree node that resemble the objects in leaf and store it for next level
-            InitializeMBRectangle(current_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle,
-                current_leaf.objects, current_leaf.object_count, coordinate_list);
+            InitializeMBRectangle(current_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle, current_leaf.objects,
+                                  current_leaf.object_count, coordinate_list);
             current_node.child_is_on_disk = true;
             current_node.children[0] = tree_nodes_in_level.size();
@@ -439,8 +443,7 @@ class StaticRTree
                 TreeNode parent_node;
                 // pack BRANCHING_FACTOR elements into tree_nodes each
                 for (uint32_t current_child_node_index = 0;
-                     BRANCHING_FACTOR > current_child_node_index;
-                     ++current_child_node_index)
+                     BRANCHING_FACTOR > current_child_node_index; ++current_child_node_index)
                     if (processed_tree_nodes_in_level < tree_nodes_in_level.size())
@@ -473,17 +476,17 @@ class StaticRTree
         tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0, search_tree_size),
                           [this, &search_tree_size](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range)
-            for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i)
-            {
-                TreeNode &current_tree_node = this->m_search_tree[i];
-                for (uint32_t j = 0; j < current_tree_node.child_count; ++j)
-                {
-                    const uint32_t old_id = current_tree_node.children[j];
-                    const uint32_t new_id = search_tree_size - old_id - 1;
-                    current_tree_node.children[j] = new_id;
-                }
-            }
-        });
+                              for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i)
+                              {
+                                  TreeNode &current_tree_node = this->m_search_tree[i];
+                                  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < current_tree_node.child_count; ++j)
+                                  {
+                                      const uint32_t old_id = current_tree_node.children[j];
+                                      const uint32_t new_id = search_tree_size - old_id - 1;
+                                      current_tree_node.children[j] = new_id;
+                                  }
+                              }
+                          });
         // open tree file
         boost::filesystem::ofstream tree_node_file(tree_node_filename, std::ios::binary);
@@ -605,12 +608,10 @@ class StaticRTree
-                        float current_minimum_distance =
-                            FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-                                input_coordinate.lat,
-                                input_coordinate.lon,
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.u).lat,
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.u).lon);
+                        float current_minimum_distance = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                            input_coordinate.lat, input_coordinate.lon,
+                            m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.u).lat,
+                            m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.u).lon);
                         if (current_minimum_distance < min_dist)
                             // found a new minimum
@@ -618,12 +619,10 @@ class StaticRTree
                             result_coordinate = m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.u);
-                        current_minimum_distance =
-                            FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-                                input_coordinate.lat,
-                                input_coordinate.lon,
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v).lat,
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v).lon);
+                        current_minimum_distance = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                            input_coordinate.lat, input_coordinate.lon,
+                            m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v).lat,
+                            m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v).lon);
                         if (current_minimum_distance < min_dist)
@@ -635,32 +634,34 @@ class StaticRTree
-                    min_max_dist = ExploreTreeNode(current_tree_node,
-                                                   input_coordinate,
-                                                   min_dist,
-                                                   min_max_dist,
-                                                   traversal_queue);
+                    min_max_dist = ExploreTreeNode(current_tree_node, input_coordinate, min_dist,
+                                                   min_max_dist, traversal_queue);
         return result_coordinate.is_valid();
-    // implementation of the Hjaltason/Samet query [3], a BFS traversal of the tree
-    // - searches for k elements nearest elements
-    // - continues to find the k+1st element from a big component if k elements
-    //   come from tiny components
-    bool
-    IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
-                                            std::vector<PhantomNode> &result_phantom_node_vector,
-                                            const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes,
-                                            const unsigned max_checked_elements = 4*LEAF_NODE_SIZE)
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+        std::vector<PhantomNode> &result_phantom_node_vector,
+        const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_checked_elements = 4 * LEAF_NODE_SIZE)
         unsigned inspected_elements = 0;
         unsigned number_of_elements_from_big_cc = 0;
         unsigned number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc = 0;
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+        unsigned pruned_elements = 0;
+        std::pair<double, double> projected_coordinate = {
+            mercator::lat2y(input_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION),
+            input_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION};
+        // upper bound pruning technique
+        upper_bound<float> pruning_bound(max_number_of_phantom_nodes);
         // initialize queue with root element
         std::priority_queue<IncrementalQueryCandidate> traversal_queue;
         traversal_queue.emplace(0.f, m_search_tree[0]);
@@ -672,7 +673,8 @@ class StaticRTree
             if (current_query_node.node.template is<TreeNode>())
             { // current object is a tree node
-                const TreeNode & current_tree_node = current_query_node.node.template get<TreeNode>();
+                const TreeNode &current_tree_node =
+                    current_query_node.node.template get<TreeNode>();
                 if (current_tree_node.child_is_on_disk)
                     LeafNode current_leaf_node;
@@ -682,16 +684,26 @@ class StaticRTree
                     for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, current_leaf_node.object_count))
                         const auto &current_edge = current_leaf_node.objects[i];
-                        const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                            FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
+                        const float current_perpendicular_distance = coordinate_calculation::
+                            perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v),
-                                input_coordinate);
+                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v), input_coordinate,
+                                projected_coordinate);
                         // distance must be non-negative
                         BOOST_ASSERT(0.f <= current_perpendicular_distance);
-                        // put element in queue
-                        traversal_queue.emplace(current_perpendicular_distance, current_edge);
+                        if (pruning_bound.get() >= current_perpendicular_distance ||
+                            current_edge.is_in_tiny_cc())
+                        {
+                            pruning_bound.insert(current_perpendicular_distance);
+                            traversal_queue.emplace(current_perpendicular_distance, current_edge);
+                        }
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+                        else
+                        {
+                            ++pruned_elements;
+                        }
@@ -701,8 +713,10 @@ class StaticRTree
                         const int32_t child_id = current_tree_node.children[i];
                         const TreeNode &child_tree_node = m_search_tree[child_id];
-                        const RectangleT &child_rectangle = child_tree_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle;
-                        const float lower_bound_to_element = child_rectangle.GetMinDist(input_coordinate);
+                        const RectangleT &child_rectangle =
+                            child_tree_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle;
+                        const float lower_bound_to_element =
+                            child_rectangle.GetMinDist(input_coordinate);
                         BOOST_ASSERT(0.f <= lower_bound_to_element);
                         traversal_queue.emplace(lower_bound_to_element, child_tree_node);
@@ -713,7 +727,8 @@ class StaticRTree
             { // current object is a leaf node
                 // inspecting an actual road segment
-                const EdgeDataT & current_segment = current_query_node.node.template get<EdgeDataT>();
+                const EdgeDataT &current_segment =
+                    current_query_node.node.template get<EdgeDataT>();
                 // continue searching for the first segment from a big component
                 if (number_of_elements_from_big_cc == 0 &&
@@ -726,29 +741,16 @@ class StaticRTree
                 // check if it is smaller than what we had before
                 float current_ratio = 0.f;
                 FixedPointCoordinate foot_point_coordinate_on_segment;
                 // const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
-                        m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.u),
-                        m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.v),
-                        input_coordinate,
-                        foot_point_coordinate_on_segment,
-                        current_ratio);
+                coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
+                    m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.u),
+                    m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.v), input_coordinate,
+                    projected_coordinate, foot_point_coordinate_on_segment, current_ratio);
                 // store phantom node in result vector
-                result_phantom_node_vector.emplace_back(
-                    current_segment.forward_edge_based_node_id,
-                    current_segment.reverse_edge_based_node_id,
-                    current_segment.name_id,
-                    current_segment.forward_weight,
-                    current_segment.reverse_weight,
-                    current_segment.forward_offset,
-                    current_segment.reverse_offset,
-                    current_segment.packed_geometry_id,
-                    current_segment.component_id,
-                    foot_point_coordinate_on_segment,
-                    current_segment.fwd_segment_position,
-                    current_segment.forward_travel_mode,
-                    current_segment.backward_travel_mode);
+                result_phantom_node_vector.emplace_back(current_segment,
+                                                        foot_point_coordinate_on_segment);
                 // Hack to fix rounding errors and wandering via nodes.
                 FixUpRoundingIssue(input_coordinate, result_phantom_node_vector.back());
@@ -766,39 +768,55 @@ class StaticRTree
                 { // found an element in a big component
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "result_phantom_node_vector.size(): " << result_phantom_node_vector.size();
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_number_of_phantom_nodes: " << max_number_of_phantom_nodes;
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_big_cc: " << number_of_elements_from_big_cc;
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc: " << number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc;
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "inspected_elements: " << inspected_elements;
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_checked_elements: " << max_checked_elements;
             // stop the search by flushing the queue
-            if ((result_phantom_node_vector.size() >= max_number_of_phantom_nodes && number_of_elements_from_big_cc > 0) ||
+            if ((result_phantom_node_vector.size() >= max_number_of_phantom_nodes &&
+                 number_of_elements_from_big_cc > 0) ||
                 inspected_elements >= max_checked_elements)
                 traversal_queue = std::priority_queue<IncrementalQueryCandidate>{};
-        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "inspected_elements: " << inspected_elements;
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "result_phantom_node_vector.size(): " <<
+// result_phantom_node_vector.size();
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_number_of_phantom_nodes: " << max_number_of_phantom_nodes;
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_big_cc: " <<
+// number_of_elements_from_big_cc;
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc: " <<
+// number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc;
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "inspected_elements: " << inspected_elements;
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_checked_elements: " << max_checked_elements;
+// SimpleLogger().Write() << "pruned_elements: " << pruned_elements;
         return !result_phantom_node_vector.empty();
-    // implementation of the Hjaltason/Samet query [3], a BFS traversal of the tree
-    bool
-    IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithDistance(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
-                                                        std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> &result_phantom_node_vector,
-                                                        const unsigned number_of_results,
-                                                        const unsigned max_checked_segments = 4*LEAF_NODE_SIZE)
+    // Returns elements within max_distance.
+    // If the minium of elements could not be found in the search radius, widen
+    // it until the minimum can be satisfied.
+    // At the number of returned nodes is capped at the given maximum.
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithDistance(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+        std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> &result_phantom_node_vector,
+        const double max_distance,
+        const unsigned min_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_checked_elements = 4 * LEAF_NODE_SIZE)
-        std::vector<float> min_found_distances(number_of_results, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+        unsigned inspected_elements = 0;
+        unsigned number_of_elements_from_big_cc = 0;
+        unsigned number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc = 0;
-        unsigned number_of_results_found_in_big_cc = 0;
-        unsigned number_of_results_found_in_tiny_cc = 0;
+        unsigned pruned_elements = 0;
-        unsigned inspected_segments = 0;
+        std::pair<double, double> projected_coordinate = {
+            mercator::lat2y(input_coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION),
+            input_coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION};
+        // upper bound pruning technique
+        upper_bound<float> pruning_bound(max_number_of_phantom_nodes);
         // initialize queue with root element
         std::priority_queue<IncrementalQueryCandidate> traversal_queue;
@@ -809,144 +827,141 @@ class StaticRTree
             const IncrementalQueryCandidate current_query_node = traversal_queue.top();
-            const float current_min_dist = min_found_distances[number_of_results-1];
-            if (current_query_node.min_dist > current_min_dist)
-            {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (current_query_node.RepresentsTreeNode())
-            {
-                const TreeNode & current_tree_node = current_query_node.node.template get<TreeNode>();
+            if (current_query_node.node.template is<TreeNode>())
+            { // current object is a tree node
+                const TreeNode &current_tree_node =
+                    current_query_node.node.template get<TreeNode>();
                 if (current_tree_node.child_is_on_disk)
                     LeafNode current_leaf_node;
                     LoadLeafFromDisk(current_tree_node.children[0], current_leaf_node);
-                    // Add all objects from leaf into queue
-                    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < current_leaf_node.object_count; ++i)
+                    // current object represents a block on disk
+                    for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, current_leaf_node.object_count))
                         const auto &current_edge = current_leaf_node.objects[i];
-                        const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                            FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
+                        const float current_perpendicular_distance = coordinate_calculation::
+                            perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v),
-                                input_coordinate);
+                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v), input_coordinate,
+                                projected_coordinate);
                         // distance must be non-negative
-                        BOOST_ASSERT(0. <= current_perpendicular_distance);
+                        BOOST_ASSERT(0.f <= current_perpendicular_distance);
-                        if (current_perpendicular_distance < current_min_dist)
+                        if (pruning_bound.get() >= current_perpendicular_distance ||
+                            current_edge.is_in_tiny_cc())
+                            pruning_bound.insert(current_perpendicular_distance);
                             traversal_queue.emplace(current_perpendicular_distance, current_edge);
+                        else
+                        {
+                            ++pruned_elements;
+                        }
-                    // for each child mbr
-                    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < current_tree_node.child_count; ++i)
+                    // for each child mbr get a lower bound and enqueue it
+                    for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, current_tree_node.child_count))
                         const int32_t child_id = current_tree_node.children[i];
                         const TreeNode &child_tree_node = m_search_tree[child_id];
-                        const RectangleT &child_rectangle = child_tree_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle;
-                        const float lower_bound_to_element = child_rectangle.GetMinDist(input_coordinate);
-                        // TODO - enough elements found, i.e. nearest distance > maximum distance?
-                        //        ie. some measure of 'confidence of accuracy'
+                        const RectangleT &child_rectangle =
+                            child_tree_node.minimum_bounding_rectangle;
+                        const float lower_bound_to_element =
+                            child_rectangle.GetMinDist(input_coordinate);
+                        BOOST_ASSERT(0.f <= lower_bound_to_element);
-                        // check if it needs to be explored by mindist
-                        if (lower_bound_to_element < current_min_dist)
-                        {
-                            traversal_queue.emplace(lower_bound_to_element, child_tree_node);
-                        }
+                        traversal_queue.emplace(lower_bound_to_element, child_tree_node);
-                    // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "added " << current_tree_node.child_count << " mbrs into queue of " << traversal_queue.size();
-            {
-                ++inspected_segments;
+            { // current object is a leaf node
+                ++inspected_elements;
                 // inspecting an actual road segment
-                const EdgeDataT & current_segment = current_query_node.node.template get<EdgeDataT>();
-                // don't collect too many results from small components
-                if (number_of_results_found_in_big_cc == number_of_results && !current_segment.is_in_tiny_cc)
-                {
-                    continue;
-                }
+                const EdgeDataT &current_segment =
+                    current_query_node.node.template get<EdgeDataT>();
-                // don't collect too many results from big components
-                if (number_of_results_found_in_tiny_cc == number_of_results && current_segment.is_in_tiny_cc)
+                // continue searching for the first segment from a big component
+                if (number_of_elements_from_big_cc == 0 &&
+                    number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc >= max_number_of_phantom_nodes - 1 &&
+                    current_segment.is_in_tiny_cc())
                 // check if it is smaller than what we had before
-                float current_ratio = 0.;
+                float current_ratio = 0.f;
                 FixedPointCoordinate foot_point_coordinate_on_segment;
                 const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                    FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
+                    coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance_from_projected_coordinate(
-                        m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.v),
-                        input_coordinate,
-                        foot_point_coordinate_on_segment,
-                        current_ratio);
-                BOOST_ASSERT(0. <= current_perpendicular_distance);
+                        m_coordinate_list->at(current_segment.v), input_coordinate,
+                        projected_coordinate, foot_point_coordinate_on_segment, current_ratio);
-                if ((current_perpendicular_distance < current_min_dist) &&
-                    !osrm::epsilon_compare(current_perpendicular_distance, current_min_dist))
+                if (number_of_elements_from_big_cc > 0 &&
+                    result_phantom_node_vector.size() >= min_number_of_phantom_nodes &&
+                    current_perpendicular_distance >= max_distance)
-                    // store phantom node in result vector
-                    result_phantom_node_vector.emplace_back(
+                    traversal_queue = std::priority_queue<IncrementalQueryCandidate>{};
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // store phantom node in result vector
+                result_phantom_node_vector.emplace_back(
+                    PhantomNode(
-                        current_segment.reverse_edge_based_node_id,
-                        current_segment.name_id,
-                        current_segment.forward_weight,
-                        current_segment.reverse_weight,
-                        current_segment.forward_offset,
-                        current_segment.reverse_offset,
-                        current_segment.packed_geometry_id,
-                        foot_point_coordinate_on_segment,
-                        current_segment.fwd_segment_position,
-                        current_perpendicular_distance);
-                    // Hack to fix rounding errors and wandering via nodes.
-                    FixUpRoundingIssue(input_coordinate, result_phantom_node_vector.back());
-                    // set forward and reverse weights on the phantom node
-                    SetForwardAndReverseWeightsOnPhantomNode(current_segment,
-                                                             result_phantom_node_vector.back());
-                    // do we have results only in a small scc
-                    if (current_segment.is_in_tiny_cc)
-                    {
-                        ++number_of_results_found_in_tiny_cc;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // found an element in a large component
-                        min_found_distances[number_of_results_found_in_big_cc] = current_perpendicular_distance;
-                        ++number_of_results_found_in_big_cc;
-                        // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << std::setprecision(8) << foot_point_coordinate_on_segment << " at " << current_perpendicular_distance;
-                    }
+                        current_segment.reverse_edge_based_node_id, current_segment.name_id,
+                        current_segment.forward_weight, current_segment.reverse_weight,
+                        current_segment.forward_offset, current_segment.reverse_offset,
+                        current_segment.packed_geometry_id, current_segment.component_id,
+                        foot_point_coordinate_on_segment, current_segment.fwd_segment_position,
+                        current_segment.forward_travel_mode, current_segment.backward_travel_mode),
+                    current_perpendicular_distance);
+                // Hack to fix rounding errors and wandering via nodes.
+                FixUpRoundingIssue(input_coordinate, result_phantom_node_vector.back().first);
+                // set forward and reverse weights on the phantom node
+                SetForwardAndReverseWeightsOnPhantomNode(current_segment,
+                                                         result_phantom_node_vector.back().first);
+                // update counts on what we found from which result class
+                if (current_segment.is_in_tiny_cc())
+                { // found an element in tiny component
+                    ++number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc;
+                }
+                else
+                { // found an element in a big component
+                    ++number_of_elements_from_big_cc;
-            // TODO add indicator to prune if maxdist > threshold
-            if (number_of_results == number_of_results_found_in_big_cc || inspected_segments >= max_checked_segments)
+            // stop the search by flushing the queue
+            if ((result_phantom_node_vector.size() >= max_number_of_phantom_nodes &&
+                 number_of_elements_from_big_cc > 0) ||
+                inspected_elements >= max_checked_elements)
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "flushing queue of " << traversal_queue.size() << " elements";
-                // work-around for traversal_queue.clear();
                 traversal_queue = std::priority_queue<IncrementalQueryCandidate>{};
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "result_phantom_node_vector.size(): " <<
+        // result_phantom_node_vector.size();
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_number_of_phantom_nodes: " << max_number_of_phantom_nodes;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_big_cc: " <<
+        // number_of_elements_from_big_cc;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc: " <<
+        // number_of_elements_from_tiny_cc;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "inspected_elements: " << inspected_elements;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "max_checked_elements: " << max_checked_elements;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << "pruned_elements: " << pruned_elements;
         return !result_phantom_node_vector.empty();
     bool FindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                       PhantomNode &result_phantom_node,
                                       const unsigned zoom_level)
@@ -985,11 +1000,9 @@ class StaticRTree
                         float current_ratio = 0.;
                         FixedPointCoordinate nearest;
                         const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                            FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
+                            coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(
-                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v),
-                                input_coordinate,
-                                nearest,
+                                m_coordinate_list->at(current_edge.v), input_coordinate, nearest,
                         BOOST_ASSERT(0. <= current_perpendicular_distance);
@@ -1017,11 +1030,8 @@ class StaticRTree
-                    min_max_dist = ExploreTreeNode(current_tree_node,
-                                                   input_coordinate,
-                                                   min_dist,
-                                                   min_max_dist,
-                                                   traversal_queue);
+                    min_max_dist = ExploreTreeNode(current_tree_node, input_coordinate, min_dist,
+                                                   min_max_dist, traversal_queue);
@@ -1038,45 +1048,46 @@ class StaticRTree
-    inline void SetForwardAndReverseWeightsOnPhantomNode(const EdgeDataT & nearest_edge,
+    inline void SetForwardAndReverseWeightsOnPhantomNode(const EdgeDataT &nearest_edge,
                                                          PhantomNode &result_phantom_node) const
-        const float distance_1 = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+        const float distance_1 = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
             m_coordinate_list->at(nearest_edge.u), result_phantom_node.location);
-        const float distance_2 = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+        const float distance_2 = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
             m_coordinate_list->at(nearest_edge.u), m_coordinate_list->at(nearest_edge.v));
         const float ratio = std::min(1.f, distance_1 / distance_2);
         using TreeWeightType = decltype(result_phantom_node.forward_weight);
-            "forward and reverse weight type in tree must be the same");
+                      "forward and reverse weight type in tree must be the same");
         if (SPECIAL_NODEID != result_phantom_node.forward_node_id)
-            const auto new_weight = static_cast<TreeWeightType>(result_phantom_node.forward_weight * ratio);
+            const auto new_weight =
+                static_cast<TreeWeightType>(result_phantom_node.forward_weight * ratio);
             result_phantom_node.forward_weight = new_weight;
         if (SPECIAL_NODEID != result_phantom_node.reverse_node_id)
-            const auto new_weight = static_cast<TreeWeightType>(result_phantom_node.reverse_weight * (1.f-ratio));
+            const auto new_weight =
+                static_cast<TreeWeightType>(result_phantom_node.reverse_weight * (1.f - ratio));
             result_phantom_node.reverse_weight = new_weight;
     // fixup locations if too close to inputs
     inline void FixUpRoundingIssue(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
-                                  PhantomNode &result_phantom_node) const
+                                   PhantomNode &result_phantom_node) const
-            if (1 == std::abs(input_coordinate.lon - result_phantom_node.location.lon))
-            {
-                result_phantom_node.location.lon = input_coordinate.lon;
-            }
-            if (1 == std::abs(input_coordinate.lat - result_phantom_node.location.lat))
-            {
-                result_phantom_node.location.lat = input_coordinate.lat;
-            }
+        if (1 == std::abs(input_coordinate.lon - result_phantom_node.location.lon))
+        {
+            result_phantom_node.location.lon = input_coordinate.lon;
+        }
+        if (1 == std::abs(input_coordinate.lat - result_phantom_node.location.lat))
+        {
+            result_phantom_node.location.lat = input_coordinate.lat;
+        }
     template <class QueueT>
@@ -1122,8 +1133,7 @@ class StaticRTree
         const uint64_t seek_pos = sizeof(uint64_t) + leaf_id * sizeof(LeafNode);
-        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(leaves_stream.good(),
-                         "Seeking to position in leaf file failed.");
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(leaves_stream.good(), "Seeking to position in leaf file failed.");
         leaves_stream.read((char *)&result_node, sizeof(LeafNode));
         BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(leaves_stream.good(), "Reading from leaf file failed.");
@@ -1136,26 +1146,26 @@ class StaticRTree
         return (a == b && c == d) || (a == c && b == d) || (a == d && b == c);
-    inline void InitializeMBRectangle(RectangleT& rectangle,
+    inline void InitializeMBRectangle(RectangleT &rectangle,
                                       const std::array<EdgeDataT, LEAF_NODE_SIZE> &objects,
                                       const uint32_t element_count,
                                       const std::vector<QueryNode> &coordinate_list)
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < element_count; ++i)
-            rectangle.min_lon = std::min(rectangle.min_lon,
-                               std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
-                                        coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
-            rectangle.max_lon = std::max(rectangle.max_lon,
-                               std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
-                                        coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
-            rectangle.min_lat = std::min(rectangle.min_lat,
-                               std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
-                                        coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
-            rectangle.max_lat = std::max(rectangle.max_lat,
-                               std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
-                                        coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
+            rectangle.min_lon =
+                std::min(rectangle.min_lon, std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
+            rectangle.max_lon =
+                std::max(rectangle.max_lon, std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lon,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lon));
+            rectangle.min_lat =
+                std::min(rectangle.min_lat, std::min(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
+            rectangle.max_lat =
+                std::max(rectangle.max_lat, std::max(coordinate_list.at(objects[i].u).lat,
+                                                     coordinate_list.at(objects[i].v).lat));
         BOOST_ASSERT(rectangle.min_lat != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
         BOOST_ASSERT(rectangle.min_lon != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
diff --git a/data_structures/travel_mode.hpp b/data_structures/travel_mode.hpp
index 345ec90..2bbe463 100644
--- a/data_structures/travel_mode.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/travel_mode.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-namespace {
 using TravelMode = unsigned char;
 static const TravelMode TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE = 0;
 static const TravelMode TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT = 1;
diff --git a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in b/data_structures/tribool.hpp
similarity index 86%
copy from Util/git_sha.cpp.in
copy to data_structures/tribool.hpp
index 5b19337..2d4b610 100644
--- a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in
+++ b/data_structures/tribool.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "git_sha.hpp"
+#ifndef TRIBOOL_HPP
+#define TRIBOOL_HPP
+namespace osrm
+enum class tribool : char
+    yes,
+    no,
+    indeterminate
+#endif // TRIBOOL_HPP
diff --git a/data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp b/data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp
index 4b36658..1ca065f 100644
--- a/data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 enum class TurnInstruction : unsigned char
-    NoTurn = 0, GoStraight, TurnSlightRight, TurnRight, TurnSharpRight, UTurn,
-    TurnSharpLeft, TurnLeft, TurnSlightLeft, ReachViaLocation, HeadOn, EnterRoundAbout,
-    LeaveRoundAbout, StayOnRoundAbout, StartAtEndOfStreet, ReachedYourDestination,
-    EnterAgainstAllowedDirection, LeaveAgainstAllowedDirection,
+    NoTurn = 0,
+    GoStraight,
+    TurnSlightRight,
+    TurnRight,
+    TurnSharpRight,
+    UTurn,
+    TurnSharpLeft,
+    TurnLeft,
+    TurnSlightLeft,
+    ReachViaLocation,
+    HeadOn,
+    EnterRoundAbout,
+    LeaveRoundAbout,
+    StayOnRoundAbout,
+    StartAtEndOfStreet,
+    ReachedYourDestination,
+    EnterAgainstAllowedDirection,
+    LeaveAgainstAllowedDirection,
     InverseAccessRestrictionFlag = 127,
     AccessRestrictionFlag = 128,
     AccessRestrictionPenalty = 129
@@ -42,7 +56,7 @@ enum class TurnInstruction : unsigned char
 struct TurnInstructionsClass
     TurnInstructionsClass() = delete;
-    TurnInstructionsClass(const TurnInstructionsClass&) = delete;
+    TurnInstructionsClass(const TurnInstructionsClass &) = delete;
     static inline TurnInstruction GetTurnDirectionOfInstruction(const double angle)
@@ -79,7 +93,8 @@ struct TurnInstructionsClass
     static inline bool TurnIsNecessary(const TurnInstruction turn_instruction)
-        if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn == turn_instruction || TurnInstruction::StayOnRoundAbout == turn_instruction)
+        if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn == turn_instruction ||
+            TurnInstruction::StayOnRoundAbout == turn_instruction)
             return false;
diff --git a/Util/integer_range.hpp b/data_structures/upper_bound.hpp
similarity index 54%
copy from Util/integer_range.hpp
copy to data_structures/upper_bound.hpp
index 030b2fa..80695f2 100644
--- a/Util/integer_range.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/upper_bound.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013,2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include <functional>
+#include <limits>
+#include <queue>
 #include <type_traits>
-namespace osrm
+// max pq holds k elements
+// insert if key is smaller than max
+// if size > k then remove element
+// get() always yields a bound to the k smallest element in the stream
-template <typename Integer> class range
+template <typename key_type> class upper_bound
-    Integer last;
-    Integer iter;
+    using parameter_type =
+        typename std::conditional<std::is_fundamental<key_type>::value, key_type, key_type &>::type;
-    range(Integer start, Integer end) : last(end), iter(start)
+    upper_bound() = delete;
+    upper_bound(std::size_t size) : size(size) {}
+    key_type get() const
-        static_assert(std::is_integral<Integer>::value, "range type must be integral");
+        if (queue.size() < size)
+        {
+            return std::numeric_limits<key_type>::max();
+        }
+        return queue.top();
-    // Iterable functions
-    const range &begin() const { return *this; }
-    const range &end() const { return *this; }
-    Integer front() const { return iter; }
-    Integer back() const { return last - 1; }
+    void insert(const parameter_type key)
+    {
+        if (key < get())
+        {
+            queue.emplace(key);
+            while (queue.size() > size)
+            {
+                queue.pop();
+            }
+        }
+    }
-    // Iterator functions
-    bool operator!=(const range &) const { return iter < last; }
-    void operator++() { ++iter; }
-    Integer operator*() const { return iter; }
+  private:
+    std::priority_queue<key_type, std::vector<key_type>, std::less<key_type>> queue;
+    const std::size_t size;
-// convenience function to construct an integer range with type deduction
-template <typename Integer>
-range<Integer> irange(const Integer first,
-                      const Integer last,
-                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type * = 0)
-    return range<Integer>(first, last);
+#endif // LOWER_BOUND_HPP
diff --git a/data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp b/data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp
index 1f6dc29..3af5ab1 100644
--- a/data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/xor_fast_hash.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ class XORFastHash
         table2.resize(2 << 16);
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < (2 << 16); ++i)
-            table1[i] = i;
-            table2[i] = i;
+            table1[i] = static_cast<unsigned short>(i);
+            table2[i] = static_cast<unsigned short>(i);
         std::random_shuffle(table1.begin(), table1.end());
         std::random_shuffle(table2.begin(), table2.end());
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ class XORMiniHash
         table4.resize(1 << 8);
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < (1 << 8); ++i)
-            table1[i] = i;
-            table2[i] = i;
-            table3[i] = i;
-            table4[i] = i;
+            table1[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
+            table2[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
+            table3[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
+            table4[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
         std::random_shuffle(table1.begin(), table1.end());
         std::random_shuffle(table2.begin(), table2.end());
diff --git a/data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp b/data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp
index 1d84260..ff65717 100644
--- a/data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp
+++ b/data_structures/xor_fast_hash_storage.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -38,22 +38,24 @@ template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class XORFastHashStorage
     struct HashCell
-        Key key;
-        NodeID id;
         unsigned time;
+        NodeID id;
+        Key key;
-            : key(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
-              time(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
+            : time(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), id(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()),
+              key(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
-        HashCell(const HashCell &other) : key(other.key), id(other.id), time(other.time) {}
+        HashCell(const HashCell &other) : time(other.key), id(other.id), key(other.time) {}
         operator Key() const { return key; }
-        void operator=(const Key &key_to_insert) { key = key_to_insert; }
+        void operator=(const Key key_to_insert) { key = key_to_insert; }
+    XORFastHashStorage() = delete;
     explicit XORFastHashStorage(size_t) : positions(2 << 16), current_timestamp(0) {}
     HashCell &operator[](const NodeID node)
@@ -64,23 +66,33 @@ template <typename NodeID, typename Key> class XORFastHashStorage
             ++position %= (2 << 16);
-        positions[position].id = node;
         positions[position].time = current_timestamp;
+        positions[position].id = node;
         return positions[position];
+    // peek into table, get key for node, think of it as a read-only operator[]
+    Key peek_index(const NodeID node) const
+    {
+        unsigned short position = fast_hasher(node);
+        while ((positions[position].time == current_timestamp) && (positions[position].id != node))
+        {
+            ++position %= (2 << 16);
+        }
+        return positions[position].key;
+    }
     void Clear()
         if (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() == current_timestamp)
-            positions.resize((2 << 16));
+            positions.resize(2 << 16);
-    XORFastHashStorage() : positions(2 << 16), current_timestamp(0) {}
     std::vector<HashCell> positions;
     XORFastHash fast_hasher;
     unsigned current_timestamp;
diff --git a/datastore.cpp b/datastore.cpp
index d292004..3c032a2 100644
--- a/datastore.cpp
+++ b/datastore.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/range_table.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/query_edge.hpp"
+#include "data_structures/query_node.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/shared_memory_vector_wrapper.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
+#include "data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
 #include "data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-#include "Server/DataStructures/BaseDataFacade.h"
-#include "Server/DataStructures/SharedDataType.h"
-#include "Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h"
-#include "Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h"
-#include "Util/DataStoreOptions.h"
-#include "Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "Util/FingerPrint.h"
+#include "server/data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp"
+#include "server/data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp"
+#include "server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp"
+#include "util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp"
+#include "util/datastore_options.hpp"
+#include "util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "util/fingerprint.hpp"
 #include "typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <osrm/server_paths.hpp>
 using RTreeLeaf = BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>::RTreeLeaf;
 using RTreeNode = StaticRTree<RTreeLeaf, ShM<FixedPointCoordinate, true>::vector, true>::TreeNode;
@@ -103,7 +106,8 @@ int main(const int argc, const char *argv[])
         const bool lock_flags = MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE;
         if (-1 == mlockall(lock_flags))
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Process " << argv[0] << " could not request RAM lock";
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Process " << argv[0]
+                                             << " could not request RAM lock";
@@ -340,8 +344,8 @@ int main(const int argc, const char *argv[])
         geometry_input_stream.read((char *)&number_of_geometries_indices, sizeof(unsigned));
-        boost::iostreams::seek(
-            geometry_input_stream, number_of_geometries_indices * sizeof(unsigned), BOOST_IOS::cur);
+        boost::iostreams::seek(geometry_input_stream,
+                               number_of_geometries_indices * sizeof(unsigned), BOOST_IOS::cur);
         geometry_input_stream.read((char *)&number_of_compressed_geometries, sizeof(unsigned));
@@ -410,9 +414,8 @@ int main(const int argc, const char *argv[])
         unsigned *name_id_ptr = shared_layout_ptr->GetBlockPtr<unsigned, true>(
             shared_memory_ptr, SharedDataLayout::NAME_ID_LIST);
-        TravelMode *travel_mode_ptr =
-            shared_layout_ptr->GetBlockPtr<TravelMode, true>(
-                shared_memory_ptr, SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE);
+        TravelMode *travel_mode_ptr = shared_layout_ptr->GetBlockPtr<TravelMode, true>(
+            shared_memory_ptr, SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE);
         TurnInstruction *turn_instructions_ptr =
             shared_layout_ptr->GetBlockPtr<TurnInstruction, true>(
diff --git a/descriptors/description_factory.cpp b/descriptors/description_factory.cpp
index 075eff0..e466562 100644
--- a/descriptors/description_factory.cpp
+++ b/descriptors/description_factory.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "description_factory.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
-#include "../typedefs.h"
 #include "../algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
+#include "../util/container.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
 DescriptionFactory::DescriptionFactory() : entire_length(0) { via_indices.push_back(0); }
@@ -45,9 +46,8 @@ void DescriptionFactory::SetStartSegment(const PhantomNode &source, const bool t
         (traversed_in_reverse ? source.reverse_weight : source.forward_weight);
     const TravelMode travel_mode =
         (traversed_in_reverse ? source.backward_travel_mode : source.forward_travel_mode);
-    AppendSegment(
-        source.location,
-        PathData(0, source.name_id, TurnInstruction::HeadOn, segment_duration, travel_mode));
+    AppendSegment(source.location, PathData(0, source.name_id, TurnInstruction::HeadOn,
+                                            segment_duration, travel_mode));
     BOOST_ASSERT(path_description.back().duration == segment_duration);
@@ -60,15 +60,10 @@ void DescriptionFactory::SetEndSegment(const PhantomNode &target,
         (traversed_in_reverse ? target.reverse_weight : target.forward_weight);
     const TravelMode travel_mode =
         (traversed_in_reverse ? target.backward_travel_mode : target.forward_travel_mode);
-    path_description.emplace_back(target.location,
-                                  target.name_id,
-                                  segment_duration,
-                                  0.f,
+    path_description.emplace_back(target.location, target.name_id, segment_duration, 0.f,
                                   is_via_location ? TurnInstruction::ReachViaLocation
                                                   : TurnInstruction::NoTurn,
-                                  true,
-                                  true,
-                                  travel_mode);
+                                  true, true, travel_mode);
     BOOST_ASSERT(path_description.back().duration == segment_duration);
@@ -99,15 +94,11 @@ void DescriptionFactory::AppendSegment(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate,
         return path_point.turn_instruction;
-    path_description.emplace_back(coordinate,
-                                  path_point.name_id,
-                                  path_point.segment_duration,
-                                  0.f,
-                                  turn,
-                                  path_point.travel_mode);
+    path_description.emplace_back(coordinate, path_point.name_id, path_point.segment_duration, 0.f,
+                                  turn, path_point.travel_mode);
-JSON::Value DescriptionFactory::AppendGeometryString(const bool return_encoded)
+osrm::json::Value DescriptionFactory::AppendGeometryString(const bool return_encoded)
     if (return_encoded)
@@ -122,3 +113,132 @@ void DescriptionFactory::BuildRouteSummary(const double distance, const unsigned
     summary.target_name_id = target_phantom.name_id;
     summary.BuildDurationAndLengthStrings(distance, time);
+void DescriptionFactory::Run(const unsigned zoom_level)
+    if (path_description.empty())
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /** starts at index 1 */
+    path_description[0].length = 0.f;
+    for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(1, path_description.size()))
+    {
+        // move down names by one, q&d hack
+        path_description[i - 1].name_id = path_description[i].name_id;
+        path_description[i].length = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+            path_description[i - 1].location, path_description[i].location);
+    }
+    /*Simplify turn instructions
+    Input :
+    10. Turn left on B 36 for 20 km
+    11. Continue on B 35; B 36 for 2 km
+    12. Continue on B 36 for 13 km
+    becomes:
+    10. Turn left on B 36 for 35 km
+    */
+    // TODO: rework to check only end and start of string.
+    //      stl string is way to expensive
+    //    unsigned lastTurn = 0;
+    //    for(unsigned i = 1; i < path_description.size(); ++i) {
+    //        string1 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(path_description[i].name_id);
+    //        if(TurnInstruction::GoStraight == path_description[i].turn_instruction) {
+    //            if(std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+";")
+    //                  || std::string::npos != string0.find(";"+string1)
+    //                  || std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+" ;")
+    //                    || std::string::npos != string0.find("; "+string1)
+    //                    ){
+    //                SimpleLogger().Write() << "->next correct: " << string0 << " contains " <<
+    //                string1;
+    //                for(; lastTurn != i; ++lastTurn)
+    //                    path_description[lastTurn].name_id = path_description[i].name_id;
+    //                path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
+    //            } else if(std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+";")
+    //                  || std::string::npos != string1.find(";"+string0)
+    //                    || std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+" ;")
+    //                    || std::string::npos != string1.find("; "+string0)
+    //                    ){
+    //                SimpleLogger().Write() << "->prev correct: " << string1 << " contains " <<
+    //                string0;
+    //                path_description[i].name_id = path_description[i-1].name_id;
+    //                path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
+    //            }
+    //        }
+    //        if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction) {
+    //            lastTurn = i;
+    //        }
+    //        string0 = string1;
+    //    }
+    float segment_length = 0.;
+    EdgeWeight segment_duration = 0;
+    std::size_t segment_start_index = 0;
+    for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(1, path_description.size()))
+    {
+        entire_length += path_description[i].length;
+        segment_length += path_description[i].length;
+        segment_duration += path_description[i].duration;
+        path_description[segment_start_index].length = segment_length;
+        path_description[segment_start_index].duration = segment_duration;
+        if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction)
+        {
+            BOOST_ASSERT(path_description[i].necessary);
+            segment_length = 0;
+            segment_duration = 0;
+            segment_start_index = i;
+        }
+    }
+    // Post-processing to remove empty or nearly empty path segments
+    if (path_description.size() > 2 &&
+        std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() > path_description.back().length)
+    {
+        path_description.pop_back();
+        path_description.back().necessary = true;
+        path_description.back().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
+        target_phantom.name_id = (path_description.end() - 2)->name_id;
+    }
+    if (path_description.size() > 2 &&
+        std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() > path_description.front().length)
+    {
+        path_description.erase(path_description.begin());
+        path_description.front().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::HeadOn;
+        path_description.front().necessary = true;
+        start_phantom.name_id = path_description.front().name_id;
+    }
+    // Generalize poly line
+    polyline_generalizer.Run(path_description.begin(), path_description.end(), zoom_level);
+    // fix what needs to be fixed else
+    unsigned necessary_segments = 0; // a running index that counts the necessary pieces
+    osrm::for_each_pair(
+        path_description, [&](SegmentInformation &first, const SegmentInformation &second)
+        {
+            if (!first.necessary)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            ++necessary_segments;
+            if (first.is_via_location)
+            { // mark the end of a leg (of several segments)
+                via_indices.push_back(necessary_segments);
+            }
+            const double angle = coordinate_calculation::bearing(first.location, second.location);
+            first.bearing = static_cast<short>(angle * 10);
+        });
+    via_indices.push_back(necessary_segments + 1);
+    BOOST_ASSERT(via_indices.size() >= 2);
+    return;
diff --git a/descriptors/description_factory.hpp b/descriptors/description_factory.hpp
index 9b96dd2..985f9c1 100644
--- a/descriptors/description_factory.hpp
+++ b/descriptors/description_factory.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/phantom_node.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-#include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ class DescriptionFactory
             // compute distance/duration for route summary
             distance = static_cast<unsigned>(std::round(raw_distance));
-            duration = static_cast<unsigned>(std::round(raw_duration / 10.));
+            duration = static_cast<EdgeWeight>(std::round(raw_duration / 10.));
     } summary;
@@ -86,141 +85,12 @@ class DescriptionFactory
     void SetEndSegment(const PhantomNode &start_phantom,
                        const bool traversed_in_reverse,
                        const bool is_via_location = false);
-    JSON::Value AppendGeometryString(const bool return_encoded);
+    osrm::json::Value AppendGeometryString(const bool return_encoded);
     std::vector<unsigned> const &GetViaIndices() const;
-    double get_entire_length() const
-    {
-        return entire_length;
-    }
-    template <class DataFacadeT> void Run(const DataFacadeT *facade, const unsigned zoomLevel)
-    {
-        if (path_description.empty())
-        {
-            return;
-        }
+    double get_entire_length() const { return entire_length; }
-        /** starts at index 1 */
-        path_description[0].length = 0;
-        for (unsigned i = 1; i < path_description.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            // move down names by one, q&d hack
-            path_description[i - 1].name_id = path_description[i].name_id;
-            path_description[i].length = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-                path_description[i - 1].location, path_description[i].location);
-        }
-        /*Simplify turn instructions
-        Input :
-        10. Turn left on B 36 for 20 km
-        11. Continue on B 35; B 36 for 2 km
-        12. Continue on B 36 for 13 km
-        becomes:
-        10. Turn left on B 36 for 35 km
-        */
-        // TODO: rework to check only end and start of string.
-        //      stl string is way to expensive
-        //    unsigned lastTurn = 0;
-        //    for(unsigned i = 1; i < path_description.size(); ++i) {
-        //        string1 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(path_description[i].name_id);
-        //        if(TurnInstruction::GoStraight == path_description[i].turn_instruction) {
-        //            if(std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+";")
-        //                  || std::string::npos != string0.find(";"+string1)
-        //                  || std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+" ;")
-        //                    || std::string::npos != string0.find("; "+string1)
-        //                    ){
-        //                SimpleLogger().Write() << "->next correct: " << string0 << " contains " <<
-        //                string1;
-        //                for(; lastTurn != i; ++lastTurn)
-        //                    path_description[lastTurn].name_id = path_description[i].name_id;
-        //                path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
-        //            } else if(std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+";")
-        //                  || std::string::npos != string1.find(";"+string0)
-        //                    || std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+" ;")
-        //                    || std::string::npos != string1.find("; "+string0)
-        //                    ){
-        //                SimpleLogger().Write() << "->prev correct: " << string1 << " contains " <<
-        //                string0;
-        //                path_description[i].name_id = path_description[i-1].name_id;
-        //                path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
-        //            }
-        //        }
-        //        if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction) {
-        //            lastTurn = i;
-        //        }
-        //        string0 = string1;
-        //    }
-        float segment_length = 0.;
-        unsigned segment_duration = 0;
-        unsigned segment_start_index = 0;
-        for (unsigned i = 1; i < path_description.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            entire_length += path_description[i].length;
-            segment_length += path_description[i].length;
-            segment_duration += path_description[i].duration;
-            path_description[segment_start_index].length = segment_length;
-            path_description[segment_start_index].duration = segment_duration;
-            if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction)
-            {
-                BOOST_ASSERT(path_description[i].necessary);
-                segment_length = 0;
-                segment_duration = 0;
-                segment_start_index = i;
-            }
-        }
-        // Post-processing to remove empty or nearly empty path segments
-        if (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() > path_description.back().length)
-        {
-            if (path_description.size() > 2)
-            {
-                path_description.pop_back();
-                path_description.back().necessary = true;
-                path_description.back().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
-                target_phantom.name_id = (path_description.end() - 2)->name_id;
-            }
-        }
-        if (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() > path_description.front().length)
-        {
-            if (path_description.size() > 2)
-            {
-                path_description.erase(path_description.begin());
-                path_description.front().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::HeadOn;
-                path_description.front().necessary = true;
-                start_phantom.name_id = path_description.front().name_id;
-            }
-        }
-        // Generalize poly line
-        polyline_generalizer.Run(path_description.begin(), path_description.end(), zoomLevel);
-        // fix what needs to be fixed else
-        unsigned necessary_pieces = 0; // a running index that counts the necessary pieces
-        for (unsigned i = 0; i < path_description.size() - 1 && path_description.size() >= 2; ++i)
-        {
-            if (path_description[i].necessary)
-            {
-                ++necessary_pieces;
-                if (path_description[i].is_via_location)
-                { // mark the end of a leg
-                    via_indices.push_back(necessary_pieces);
-                }
-                const double angle =
-                    path_description[i + 1].location.GetBearing(path_description[i].location);
-                path_description[i].bearing = static_cast<unsigned>(angle * 10);
-            }
-        }
-        via_indices.push_back(necessary_pieces + 1);
-        BOOST_ASSERT(via_indices.size() >= 2);
-        // BOOST_ASSERT(0 != necessary_pieces || path_description.empty());
-        return;
-    }
+    void Run(const unsigned zoom_level);
diff --git a/descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp b/descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp
index 31c08ea..497c216 100644
--- a/descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp
+++ b/descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/phantom_node.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
 struct DescriptorTable : public std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned>
     unsigned get_id(const std::string &key)
@@ -52,18 +54,16 @@ struct DescriptorTable : public std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned>
 struct DescriptorConfig
     DescriptorConfig() : instructions(true), geometry(true), encode_geometry(true), zoom_level(18)
-    template<class OtherT>
-    DescriptorConfig(const OtherT &other) : instructions(other.print_instructions),
-                                            geometry(other.geometry),
-                                            encode_geometry(other.compression),
-                                            zoom_level(other.zoom_level)
+    template <class OtherT>
+    DescriptorConfig(const OtherT &other)
+        : instructions(other.print_instructions), geometry(other.geometry),
+          encode_geometry(other.compression), zoom_level(other.zoom_level)
         BOOST_ASSERT(zoom_level >= 0);
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BaseDescriptor
     BaseDescriptor() {}
     // Maybe someone can explain the pure virtual destructor thing to me (dennis)
     virtual ~BaseDescriptor() {}
-    virtual void Run(const RawRouteData &raw_route, http::Reply &reply) = 0;
-    virtual void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &config) = 0;
+    virtual void Run(const InternalRouteResult &raw_route, osrm::json::Object &json_result) = 0;
+    virtual void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &c) = 0;
diff --git a/descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp b/descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp
index 2dd0034..fb4c5b9 100644
--- a/descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp
+++ b/descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "descriptor_base.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../Util/xml_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/xml_renderer.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -40,39 +41,39 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class GPXDescriptor final : public BaseDescriptor<D
     DescriptorConfig config;
     DataFacadeT *facade;
-    void AddRoutePoint(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate, JSON::Array &json_result)
+    void AddRoutePoint(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate, osrm::json::Array &json_route)
-        JSON::Object json_lat;
-        JSON::Object json_lon;
-        JSON::Array json_row;
+        osrm::json::Object json_lat;
+        osrm::json::Object json_lon;
+        osrm::json::Array json_row;
         std::string tmp;
-        FixedPointCoordinate::convertInternalLatLonToString(coordinate.lat, tmp);
+        coordinate_calculation::lat_or_lon_to_string(coordinate.lat, tmp);
         json_lat.values["_lat"] = tmp;
-        FixedPointCoordinate::convertInternalLatLonToString(coordinate.lon, tmp);
+        coordinate_calculation::lat_or_lon_to_string(coordinate.lon, tmp);
         json_lon.values["_lon"] = tmp;
-        JSON::Object entry;
+        osrm::json::Object entry;
         entry.values["rtept"] = json_row;
-        json_result.values.push_back(entry);
+        json_route.values.push_back(entry);
     explicit GPXDescriptor(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade) {}
-    void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &c) final { config = c; }
+    virtual void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &c) final { config = c; }
-    void Run(const RawRouteData &raw_route, http::Reply &reply) final
+    virtual void Run(const InternalRouteResult &raw_route, osrm::json::Object &json_result) final
-        JSON::Array json_result;
+        osrm::json::Array json_route;
         if (raw_route.shortest_path_length != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
-                          json_result);
+                          json_route);
             for (const std::vector<PathData> &path_data_vector : raw_route.unpacked_path_segments)
@@ -80,13 +81,14 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class GPXDescriptor final : public BaseDescriptor<D
                     const FixedPointCoordinate current_coordinate =
-                    AddRoutePoint(current_coordinate, json_result);
+                    AddRoutePoint(current_coordinate, json_route);
-                          json_result);
+                          json_route);
-        JSON::gpx_render(reply.content, json_result);
+        // osrm::json::gpx_render(reply.content, json_route);
+        json_result.values["route"] = json_route;
diff --git a/descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp b/descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp
index 2aae939..13b68c6 100644
--- a/descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp
+++ b/descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp
@@ -1,393 +1,392 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include "descriptor_base.hpp"
-#include "description_factory.hpp"
-#include "../algorithms/object_encoder.hpp"
-#include "../algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-#include "../Util/bearing.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
-#include <algorithm>
-template <class DataFacadeT> class JSONDescriptor final : public BaseDescriptor<DataFacadeT>
-  private:
-    DataFacadeT *facade;
-    DescriptorConfig config;
-    DescriptionFactory description_factory, alternate_description_factory;
-    FixedPointCoordinate current;
-    unsigned entered_restricted_area_count;
-    struct RoundAbout
-    {
-        RoundAbout() : start_index(INT_MAX), name_id(INVALID_NAMEID), leave_at_exit(INT_MAX) {}
-        int start_index;
-        unsigned name_id;
-        int leave_at_exit;
-    } round_about;
-    struct Segment
-    {
-        Segment() : name_id(INVALID_NAMEID), length(-1), position(0) {}
-        Segment(unsigned n, int l, unsigned p) : name_id(n), length(l), position(p) {}
-        unsigned name_id;
-        int length;
-        unsigned position;
-    };
-    std::vector<Segment> shortest_path_segments, alternative_path_segments;
-    ExtractRouteNames<DataFacadeT, Segment> GenerateRouteNames;
-  public:
-    explicit JSONDescriptor(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade), entered_restricted_area_count(0) {}
-    void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &c) final { config = c; }
-    unsigned DescribeLeg(const std::vector<PathData> route_leg,
-                         const PhantomNodes &leg_phantoms,
-                         const bool target_traversed_in_reverse,
-                         const bool is_via_leg)
-    {
-        unsigned added_element_count = 0;
-        // Get all the coordinates for the computed route
-        FixedPointCoordinate current_coordinate;
-        for (const PathData &path_data : route_leg)
-        {
-            current_coordinate = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(path_data.node);
-            description_factory.AppendSegment(current_coordinate, path_data);
-            ++added_element_count;
-        }
-        description_factory.SetEndSegment(
-            leg_phantoms.target_phantom, target_traversed_in_reverse, is_via_leg);
-        ++added_element_count;
-        BOOST_ASSERT((route_leg.size() + 1) == added_element_count);
-        return added_element_count;
-    }
-    void Run(const RawRouteData &raw_route, http::Reply &reply) final
-    {
-        JSON::Object json_result;
-        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT == raw_route.shortest_path_length)
-        {
-            // We do not need to do much, if there is no route ;-)
-            json_result.values["status"] = 207;
-            json_result.values["status_message"] = "Cannot find route between points";
-            JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
-            return;
-        }
-        // check if first segment is non-zero
-        std::string road_name = facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(
-            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom.name_id);
-        BOOST_ASSERT(raw_route.unpacked_path_segments.size() ==
-                     raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.size());
-        description_factory.SetStartSegment(
-            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom,
-            raw_route.source_traversed_in_reverse.front());
-        json_result.values["status"] = 0;
-        json_result.values["status_message"] = "Found route between points";
-        // for each unpacked segment add the leg to the description
-        for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, raw_route.unpacked_path_segments.size()))
-        {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-            const int added_segments =
-                DescribeLeg(raw_route.unpacked_path_segments[i],
-                            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates[i],
-                            raw_route.target_traversed_in_reverse[i],
-                            raw_route.is_via_leg(i));
-            BOOST_ASSERT(0 < added_segments);
-        }
-        description_factory.Run(facade, config.zoom_level);
-        if (config.geometry)
-        {
-            JSON::Value route_geometry =
-                description_factory.AppendGeometryString(config.encode_geometry);
-            json_result.values["route_geometry"] = route_geometry;
-        }
-        if (config.instructions)
-        {
-            JSON::Array json_route_instructions;
-            BuildTextualDescription(description_factory,
-                                    json_route_instructions,
-                                    raw_route.shortest_path_length,
-                                    shortest_path_segments);
-            json_result.values["route_instructions"] = json_route_instructions;
-        }
-        description_factory.BuildRouteSummary(description_factory.get_entire_length(),
-                                              raw_route.shortest_path_length);
-        JSON::Object json_route_summary;
-        json_route_summary.values["total_distance"] = description_factory.summary.distance;
-        json_route_summary.values["total_time"] = description_factory.summary.duration;
-        json_route_summary.values["start_point"] =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(description_factory.summary.source_name_id);
-        json_route_summary.values["end_point"] =
-            facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(description_factory.summary.target_name_id);
-        json_result.values["route_summary"] = json_route_summary;
-        BOOST_ASSERT(!raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.empty());
-        JSON::Array json_via_points_array;
-        JSON::Array json_first_coordinate;
-        json_first_coordinate.values.push_back(
-            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom.location.lat /
-        json_first_coordinate.values.push_back(
-            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom.location.lon /
-        json_via_points_array.values.push_back(json_first_coordinate);
-        for (const PhantomNodes &nodes : raw_route.segment_end_coordinates)
-        {
-            std::string tmp;
-            JSON::Array json_coordinate;
-            json_coordinate.values.push_back(nodes.target_phantom.location.lat /
-                                             COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-            json_coordinate.values.push_back(nodes.target_phantom.location.lon /
-                                             COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-            json_via_points_array.values.push_back(json_coordinate);
-        }
-        json_result.values["via_points"] = json_via_points_array;
-        JSON::Array json_via_indices_array;
-        std::vector<unsigned> const &shortest_leg_end_indices = description_factory.GetViaIndices();
-        json_via_indices_array.values.insert(json_via_indices_array.values.end(),
-                                             shortest_leg_end_indices.begin(),
-                                             shortest_leg_end_indices.end());
-        json_result.values["via_indices"] = json_via_indices_array;
-        // only one alternative route is computed at this time, so this is hardcoded
-        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != raw_route.alternative_path_length)
-        {
-            json_result.values["found_alternative"] = JSON::True();
-            BOOST_ASSERT(!raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.empty());
-            alternate_description_factory.SetStartSegment(
-                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom,
-                raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.front());
-            // Get all the coordinates for the computed route
-            for (const PathData &path_data : raw_route.unpacked_alternative)
-            {
-                current = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(path_data.node);
-                alternate_description_factory.AppendSegment(current, path_data);
-            }
-            alternate_description_factory.SetEndSegment(
-                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.back().target_phantom,
-                raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.back());
-            alternate_description_factory.Run(facade, config.zoom_level);
-            if (config.geometry)
-            {
-                JSON::Value alternate_geometry_string =
-                    alternate_description_factory.AppendGeometryString(config.encode_geometry);
-                JSON::Array json_alternate_geometries_array;
-                json_alternate_geometries_array.values.push_back(alternate_geometry_string);
-                json_result.values["alternative_geometries"] = json_alternate_geometries_array;
-            }
-            // Generate instructions for each alternative (simulated here)
-            JSON::Array json_alt_instructions;
-            JSON::Array json_current_alt_instructions;
-            if (config.instructions)
-            {
-                BuildTextualDescription(alternate_description_factory,
-                                        json_current_alt_instructions,
-                                        raw_route.alternative_path_length,
-                                        alternative_path_segments);
-                json_alt_instructions.values.push_back(json_current_alt_instructions);
-                json_result.values["alternative_instructions"] = json_alt_instructions;
-            }
-            alternate_description_factory.BuildRouteSummary(
-                alternate_description_factory.get_entire_length(), raw_route.alternative_path_length);
-            JSON::Object json_alternate_route_summary;
-            JSON::Array json_alternate_route_summary_array;
-            json_alternate_route_summary.values["total_distance"] =
-                alternate_description_factory.summary.distance;
-            json_alternate_route_summary.values["total_time"] =
-                alternate_description_factory.summary.duration;
-            json_alternate_route_summary.values["start_point"] = facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(
-                alternate_description_factory.summary.source_name_id);
-            json_alternate_route_summary.values["end_point"] = facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(
-                alternate_description_factory.summary.target_name_id);
-            json_alternate_route_summary_array.values.push_back(json_alternate_route_summary);
-            json_result.values["alternative_summaries"] = json_alternate_route_summary_array;
-            std::vector<unsigned> const &alternate_leg_end_indices =
-                alternate_description_factory.GetViaIndices();
-            JSON::Array json_altenative_indices_array;
-            json_altenative_indices_array.values.insert(json_altenative_indices_array.values.end(),
-                                                        alternate_leg_end_indices.begin(),
-                                                        alternate_leg_end_indices.end());
-            json_result.values["alternative_indices"] = json_altenative_indices_array;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            json_result.values["found_alternative"] = JSON::False();
-        }
-        // Get Names for both routes
-        RouteNames route_names =
-            GenerateRouteNames(shortest_path_segments, alternative_path_segments, facade);
-        JSON::Array json_route_names;
-        json_route_names.values.push_back(route_names.shortest_path_name_1);
-        json_route_names.values.push_back(route_names.shortest_path_name_2);
-        json_result.values["route_name"] = json_route_names;
-        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != raw_route.alternative_path_length)
-        {
-            JSON::Array json_alternate_names_array;
-            JSON::Array json_alternate_names;
-            json_alternate_names.values.push_back(route_names.alternative_path_name_1);
-            json_alternate_names.values.push_back(route_names.alternative_path_name_2);
-            json_alternate_names_array.values.push_back(json_alternate_names);
-            json_result.values["alternative_names"] = json_alternate_names_array;
-        }
-        JSON::Object json_hint_object;
-        json_hint_object.values["checksum"] = facade->GetCheckSum();
-        JSON::Array json_location_hint_array;
-        std::string hint;
-        for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.size()))
-        {
-            ObjectEncoder::EncodeToBase64(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates[i].source_phantom, hint);
-            json_location_hint_array.values.push_back(hint);
-        }
-        ObjectEncoder::EncodeToBase64(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.back().target_phantom, hint);
-        json_location_hint_array.values.push_back(hint);
-        json_hint_object.values["locations"] = json_location_hint_array;
-        json_result.values["hint_data"] = json_hint_object;
-        // render the content to the output array
-        TIMER_START(route_render);
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
-        TIMER_STOP(route_render);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rendering took: " << TIMER_MSEC(route_render);
-    }
-    // TODO: reorder parameters
-    inline void BuildTextualDescription(DescriptionFactory &description_factory,
-                                        JSON::Array &json_instruction_array,
-                                        const int route_length,
-                                        std::vector<Segment> &route_segments_list)
-    {
-        // Segment information has following format:
-        //["instruction id","streetname",length,position,time,"length","earth_direction",azimuth]
-        unsigned necessary_segments_running_index = 0;
-        round_about.leave_at_exit = 0;
-        round_about.name_id = 0;
-        std::string temp_dist, temp_length, temp_duration, temp_bearing, temp_instruction;
-        // Fetch data from Factory and generate a string from it.
-        for (const SegmentInformation &segment : description_factory.path_description)
-        {
-            JSON::Array json_instruction_row;
-            TurnInstruction current_instruction = segment.turn_instruction;
-            entered_restricted_area_count += (current_instruction != segment.turn_instruction);
-            if (TurnInstructionsClass::TurnIsNecessary(current_instruction))
-            {
-                if (TurnInstruction::EnterRoundAbout == current_instruction)
-                {
-                    round_about.name_id = segment.name_id;
-                    round_about.start_index = necessary_segments_running_index;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    std::string current_turn_instruction;
-                    if (TurnInstruction::LeaveRoundAbout == current_instruction)
-                    {
-                        temp_instruction =
-                            cast::integral_to_string(cast::enum_to_underlying(TurnInstruction::EnterRoundAbout));
-                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
-                        current_turn_instruction += "-";
-                        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(round_about.leave_at_exit + 1);
-                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
-                        round_about.leave_at_exit = 0;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(cast::enum_to_underlying(current_instruction));
-                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
-                    }
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(current_turn_instruction);
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(
-                        facade->GetEscapedNameForNameID(segment.name_id));
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(std::round(segment.length));
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(necessary_segments_running_index);
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(round(segment.duration / 10));
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(
-                        cast::integral_to_string(static_cast<unsigned>(segment.length)) + "m");
-                    const double bearing_value = (segment.bearing / 10.);
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(Bearing::Get(bearing_value));
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(
-                        static_cast<unsigned>(round(bearing_value)));
-                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(segment.travel_mode);
-                    route_segments_list.emplace_back(
-                        segment.name_id,
-                        static_cast<int>(segment.length),
-                        static_cast<unsigned>(route_segments_list.size()));
-                    json_instruction_array.values.push_back(json_instruction_row);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (TurnInstruction::StayOnRoundAbout == current_instruction)
-            {
-                ++round_about.leave_at_exit;
-            }
-            if (segment.necessary)
-            {
-                ++necessary_segments_running_index;
-            }
-        }
-        JSON::Array json_last_instruction_row;
-        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(cast::enum_to_underlying(TurnInstruction::ReachedYourDestination));
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(temp_instruction);
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back("");
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0);
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(necessary_segments_running_index - 1);
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0);
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back("0m");
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(Bearing::Get(0.0));
-        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0.);
-        json_instruction_array.values.push_back(json_last_instruction_row);
-    }
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "descriptor_base.hpp"
+#include "description_factory.hpp"
+#include "../algorithms/object_encoder.hpp"
+#include "../algorithms/route_name_extraction.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
+#include "../util/bearing.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+template <class DataFacadeT> class JSONDescriptor final : public BaseDescriptor<DataFacadeT>
+  private:
+    DataFacadeT *facade;
+    DescriptorConfig config;
+    DescriptionFactory description_factory, alternate_description_factory;
+    FixedPointCoordinate current;
+    unsigned entered_restricted_area_count;
+    struct RoundAbout
+    {
+        RoundAbout() : start_index(INT_MAX), name_id(INVALID_NAMEID), leave_at_exit(INT_MAX) {}
+        int start_index;
+        unsigned name_id;
+        int leave_at_exit;
+    } round_about;
+    struct Segment
+    {
+        Segment() : name_id(INVALID_NAMEID), length(-1), position(0) {}
+        Segment(unsigned n, int l, unsigned p) : name_id(n), length(l), position(p) {}
+        unsigned name_id;
+        int length;
+        unsigned position;
+    };
+    std::vector<Segment> shortest_path_segments, alternative_path_segments;
+    ExtractRouteNames<DataFacadeT, Segment> GenerateRouteNames;
+  public:
+    explicit JSONDescriptor(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade), entered_restricted_area_count(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void SetConfig(const DescriptorConfig &c) override final { config = c; }
+    unsigned DescribeLeg(const std::vector<PathData> &route_leg,
+                         const PhantomNodes &leg_phantoms,
+                         const bool target_traversed_in_reverse,
+                         const bool is_via_leg)
+    {
+        unsigned added_element_count = 0;
+        // Get all the coordinates for the computed route
+        FixedPointCoordinate current_coordinate;
+        for (const PathData &path_data : route_leg)
+        {
+            current_coordinate = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(path_data.node);
+            description_factory.AppendSegment(current_coordinate, path_data);
+            ++added_element_count;
+        }
+        description_factory.SetEndSegment(leg_phantoms.target_phantom, target_traversed_in_reverse,
+                                          is_via_leg);
+        ++added_element_count;
+        BOOST_ASSERT((route_leg.size() + 1) == added_element_count);
+        return added_element_count;
+    }
+    virtual void Run(const InternalRouteResult &raw_route,
+                     osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
+    {
+        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT == raw_route.shortest_path_length)
+        {
+            // We do not need to do much, if there is no route ;-)
+            json_result.values["status"] = 207;
+            json_result.values["status_message"] = "Cannot find route between points";
+            // osrm::json::render(reply.content, json_result);
+            return;
+        }
+        // check if first segment is non-zero
+        BOOST_ASSERT(raw_route.unpacked_path_segments.size() ==
+                     raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.size());
+        description_factory.SetStartSegment(
+            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom,
+            raw_route.source_traversed_in_reverse.front());
+        json_result.values["status"] = 0;
+        json_result.values["status_message"] = "Found route between points";
+        // for each unpacked segment add the leg to the description
+        for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, raw_route.unpacked_path_segments.size()))
+        {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            const int added_segments =
+                DescribeLeg(raw_route.unpacked_path_segments[i],
+                            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates[i],
+                            raw_route.target_traversed_in_reverse[i], raw_route.is_via_leg(i));
+            BOOST_ASSERT(0 < added_segments);
+        }
+        description_factory.Run(config.zoom_level);
+        if (config.geometry)
+        {
+            osrm::json::Value route_geometry =
+                description_factory.AppendGeometryString(config.encode_geometry);
+            json_result.values["route_geometry"] = route_geometry;
+        }
+        if (config.instructions)
+        {
+            osrm::json::Array json_route_instructions;
+            BuildTextualDescription(description_factory, json_route_instructions,
+                                    raw_route.shortest_path_length, shortest_path_segments);
+            json_result.values["route_instructions"] = json_route_instructions;
+        }
+        description_factory.BuildRouteSummary(description_factory.get_entire_length(),
+                                              raw_route.shortest_path_length);
+        osrm::json::Object json_route_summary;
+        json_route_summary.values["total_distance"] = description_factory.summary.distance;
+        json_route_summary.values["total_time"] = description_factory.summary.duration;
+        json_route_summary.values["start_point"] =
+            facade->get_name_for_id(description_factory.summary.source_name_id);
+        json_route_summary.values["end_point"] =
+            facade->get_name_for_id(description_factory.summary.target_name_id);
+        json_result.values["route_summary"] = json_route_summary;
+        BOOST_ASSERT(!raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.empty());
+        osrm::json::Array json_via_points_array;
+        osrm::json::Array json_first_coordinate;
+        json_first_coordinate.values.push_back(
+            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom.location.lat /
+        json_first_coordinate.values.push_back(
+            raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom.location.lon /
+        json_via_points_array.values.push_back(json_first_coordinate);
+        for (const PhantomNodes &nodes : raw_route.segment_end_coordinates)
+        {
+            std::string tmp;
+            osrm::json::Array json_coordinate;
+            json_coordinate.values.push_back(nodes.target_phantom.location.lat /
+                                             COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+            json_coordinate.values.push_back(nodes.target_phantom.location.lon /
+                                             COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+            json_via_points_array.values.push_back(json_coordinate);
+        }
+        json_result.values["via_points"] = json_via_points_array;
+        osrm::json::Array json_via_indices_array;
+        std::vector<unsigned> const &shortest_leg_end_indices = description_factory.GetViaIndices();
+        json_via_indices_array.values.insert(json_via_indices_array.values.end(),
+                                             shortest_leg_end_indices.begin(),
+                                             shortest_leg_end_indices.end());
+        json_result.values["via_indices"] = json_via_indices_array;
+        // only one alternative route is computed at this time, so this is hardcoded
+        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != raw_route.alternative_path_length)
+        {
+            json_result.values["found_alternative"] = osrm::json::True();
+            BOOST_ASSERT(!raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.empty());
+            alternate_description_factory.SetStartSegment(
+                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom,
+                raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.front());
+            // Get all the coordinates for the computed route
+            for (const PathData &path_data : raw_route.unpacked_alternative)
+            {
+                current = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(path_data.node);
+                alternate_description_factory.AppendSegment(current, path_data);
+            }
+            alternate_description_factory.SetEndSegment(
+                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.back().target_phantom,
+                raw_route.alt_source_traversed_in_reverse.back());
+            alternate_description_factory.Run(config.zoom_level);
+            if (config.geometry)
+            {
+                osrm::json::Value alternate_geometry_string =
+                    alternate_description_factory.AppendGeometryString(config.encode_geometry);
+                osrm::json::Array json_alternate_geometries_array;
+                json_alternate_geometries_array.values.push_back(alternate_geometry_string);
+                json_result.values["alternative_geometries"] = json_alternate_geometries_array;
+            }
+            // Generate instructions for each alternative (simulated here)
+            osrm::json::Array json_alt_instructions;
+            osrm::json::Array json_current_alt_instructions;
+            if (config.instructions)
+            {
+                BuildTextualDescription(
+                    alternate_description_factory, json_current_alt_instructions,
+                    raw_route.alternative_path_length, alternative_path_segments);
+                json_alt_instructions.values.push_back(json_current_alt_instructions);
+                json_result.values["alternative_instructions"] = json_alt_instructions;
+            }
+            alternate_description_factory.BuildRouteSummary(
+                alternate_description_factory.get_entire_length(),
+                raw_route.alternative_path_length);
+            osrm::json::Object json_alternate_route_summary;
+            osrm::json::Array json_alternate_route_summary_array;
+            json_alternate_route_summary.values["total_distance"] =
+                alternate_description_factory.summary.distance;
+            json_alternate_route_summary.values["total_time"] =
+                alternate_description_factory.summary.duration;
+            json_alternate_route_summary.values["start_point"] =
+                facade->get_name_for_id(alternate_description_factory.summary.source_name_id);
+            json_alternate_route_summary.values["end_point"] =
+                facade->get_name_for_id(alternate_description_factory.summary.target_name_id);
+            json_alternate_route_summary_array.values.push_back(json_alternate_route_summary);
+            json_result.values["alternative_summaries"] = json_alternate_route_summary_array;
+            std::vector<unsigned> const &alternate_leg_end_indices =
+                alternate_description_factory.GetViaIndices();
+            osrm::json::Array json_altenative_indices_array;
+            json_altenative_indices_array.values.insert(json_altenative_indices_array.values.end(),
+                                                        alternate_leg_end_indices.begin(),
+                                                        alternate_leg_end_indices.end());
+            json_result.values["alternative_indices"] = json_altenative_indices_array;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            json_result.values["found_alternative"] = osrm::json::False();
+        }
+        // Get Names for both routes
+        RouteNames route_names =
+            GenerateRouteNames(shortest_path_segments, alternative_path_segments, facade);
+        osrm::json::Array json_route_names;
+        json_route_names.values.push_back(route_names.shortest_path_name_1);
+        json_route_names.values.push_back(route_names.shortest_path_name_2);
+        json_result.values["route_name"] = json_route_names;
+        if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != raw_route.alternative_path_length)
+        {
+            osrm::json::Array json_alternate_names_array;
+            osrm::json::Array json_alternate_names;
+            json_alternate_names.values.push_back(route_names.alternative_path_name_1);
+            json_alternate_names.values.push_back(route_names.alternative_path_name_2);
+            json_alternate_names_array.values.push_back(json_alternate_names);
+            json_result.values["alternative_names"] = json_alternate_names_array;
+        }
+        osrm::json::Object json_hint_object;
+        json_hint_object.values["checksum"] = facade->GetCheckSum();
+        osrm::json::Array json_location_hint_array;
+        std::string hint;
+        for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.size()))
+        {
+            ObjectEncoder::EncodeToBase64(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates[i].source_phantom,
+                                          hint);
+            json_location_hint_array.values.push_back(hint);
+        }
+        ObjectEncoder::EncodeToBase64(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.back().target_phantom,
+                                      hint);
+        json_location_hint_array.values.push_back(hint);
+        json_hint_object.values["locations"] = json_location_hint_array;
+        json_result.values["hint_data"] = json_hint_object;
+        // render the content to the output array
+        // TIMER_START(route_render);
+        // osrm::json::render(reply.content, json_result);
+        // TIMER_STOP(route_render);
+        // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rendering took: " << TIMER_MSEC(route_render);
+    }
+    // TODO: reorder parameters
+    inline void BuildTextualDescription(DescriptionFactory &description_factory,
+                                        osrm::json::Array &json_instruction_array,
+                                        const int route_length,
+                                        std::vector<Segment> &route_segments_list)
+    {
+        // Segment information has following format:
+        //["instruction id","streetname",length,position,time,"length","earth_direction",azimuth]
+        unsigned necessary_segments_running_index = 0;
+        round_about.leave_at_exit = 0;
+        round_about.name_id = 0;
+        std::string temp_dist, temp_length, temp_duration, temp_bearing, temp_instruction;
+        // Fetch data from Factory and generate a string from it.
+        for (const SegmentInformation &segment : description_factory.path_description)
+        {
+            osrm::json::Array json_instruction_row;
+            TurnInstruction current_instruction = segment.turn_instruction;
+            entered_restricted_area_count += (current_instruction != segment.turn_instruction);
+            if (TurnInstructionsClass::TurnIsNecessary(current_instruction))
+            {
+                if (TurnInstruction::EnterRoundAbout == current_instruction)
+                {
+                    round_about.name_id = segment.name_id;
+                    round_about.start_index = necessary_segments_running_index;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    std::string current_turn_instruction;
+                    if (TurnInstruction::LeaveRoundAbout == current_instruction)
+                    {
+                        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(
+                            cast::enum_to_underlying(TurnInstruction::EnterRoundAbout));
+                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
+                        current_turn_instruction += "-";
+                        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(round_about.leave_at_exit + 1);
+                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
+                        round_about.leave_at_exit = 0;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        temp_instruction =
+                            cast::integral_to_string(cast::enum_to_underlying(current_instruction));
+                        current_turn_instruction += temp_instruction;
+                    }
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(current_turn_instruction);
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(facade->get_name_for_id(segment.name_id));
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(std::round(segment.length));
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(necessary_segments_running_index);
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(std::round(segment.duration / 10.));
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(
+                        cast::integral_to_string(static_cast<unsigned>(segment.length)) + "m");
+                    const double bearing_value = (segment.bearing / 10.);
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(bearing::get(bearing_value));
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(
+                        static_cast<unsigned>(round(bearing_value)));
+                    json_instruction_row.values.push_back(segment.travel_mode);
+                    route_segments_list.emplace_back(
+                        segment.name_id, static_cast<int>(segment.length),
+                        static_cast<unsigned>(route_segments_list.size()));
+                    json_instruction_array.values.push_back(json_instruction_row);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (TurnInstruction::StayOnRoundAbout == current_instruction)
+            {
+                ++round_about.leave_at_exit;
+            }
+            if (segment.necessary)
+            {
+                ++necessary_segments_running_index;
+            }
+        }
+        osrm::json::Array json_last_instruction_row;
+        temp_instruction = cast::integral_to_string(
+            cast::enum_to_underlying(TurnInstruction::ReachedYourDestination));
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(temp_instruction);
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back("");
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0);
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(necessary_segments_running_index - 1);
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0);
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back("0m");
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(bearing::get(0.0));
+        json_last_instruction_row.values.push_back(0.);
+        json_instruction_array.values.push_back(json_last_instruction_row);
+    }
+#endif /* JSON_DESCRIPTOR_H_ */
diff --git a/extract.cpp b/extract.cpp
index 2ad1f7a..a147629 100644
--- a/extract.cpp
+++ b/extract.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "extractor/extractor.hpp"
-#include "Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "extractor/extractor_options.hpp"
+#include "util/simple_logger.hpp"
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <exception>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        return Extractor().Run(argc, argv);
+        LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute();
+        ExtractorConfig extractor_config;
+        const return_code result = ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(argc, argv, extractor_config);
+        if (return_code::fail == result)
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (return_code::exit == result)
+        {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        ExtractorOptions::GenerateOutputFilesNames(extractor_config);
+        if (1 > extractor_config.requested_num_threads)
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Number of threads must be 1 or larger";
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.input_path))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING)
+                << "Input file " << extractor_config.input_path.string() << " not found!";
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.profile_path))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Profile " << extractor_config.profile_path.string()
+                                             << " not found!";
+            return 1;
+        }
+        return extractor().run(extractor_config);
     catch (const std::exception &e)
         SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[exception] " << e.what();
+        return 1;
diff --git a/extractor/extraction_containers.cpp b/extractor/extraction_containers.cpp
index 604f863..8c484eb 100644
--- a/extractor/extraction_containers.cpp
+++ b/extractor/extraction_containers.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "extraction_containers.hpp"
 #include "extraction_way.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/node_id.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/range_table.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
@@ -82,41 +83,34 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(erasing_dups) << "s" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting all nodes         ... " << std::flush;
-        stxxl::sort(all_nodes_list.begin(),
-                    all_nodes_list.end(),
-                    ExternalMemoryNodeSTXXLCompare(),
+        stxxl::sort(all_nodes_list.begin(), all_nodes_list.end(), ExternalMemoryNodeSTXXLCompare(),
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sorting_nodes) << "s" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting used ways         ... " << std::flush;
-        stxxl::sort(way_start_end_id_list.begin(),
-                    way_start_end_id_list.end(),
-                    FirstAndLastSegmentOfWayStxxlCompare(),
-                    stxxl_memory);
+        stxxl::sort(way_start_end_id_list.begin(), way_start_end_id_list.end(),
+                    FirstAndLastSegmentOfWayStxxlCompare(), stxxl_memory);
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sort_ways) << "s" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting " << restrictions_list.size() << " restrictions. by from... " << std::flush;
+        std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting " << restrictions_list.size()
+                  << " restrictions. by from... " << std::flush;
-        stxxl::sort(restrictions_list.begin(),
-                    restrictions_list.end(),
-                    CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom(),
-                    stxxl_memory);
+        stxxl::sort(restrictions_list.begin(), restrictions_list.end(),
+                    CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom(), stxxl_memory);
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sort_restrictions) << "s" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction starts ... " << std::flush;
         auto restrictions_iterator = restrictions_list.begin();
-        auto way_start_and_end_iterator = way_start_end_id_list.begin();
+        auto way_start_and_end_iterator = way_start_end_id_list.cbegin();
-        while (way_start_and_end_iterator != way_start_end_id_list.end() &&
+        while (way_start_and_end_iterator != way_start_end_id_list.cend() &&
                restrictions_iterator != restrictions_list.end())
             if (way_start_and_end_iterator->way_id < restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.way)
@@ -131,27 +125,19 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
-            BOOST_ASSERT(way_start_and_end_iterator->way_id == restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.way);
+            BOOST_ASSERT(way_start_and_end_iterator->way_id ==
+                         restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.way);
             const NodeID via_node_id = restrictions_iterator->restriction.via.node;
             if (way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
                 restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node =
-                    way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id;
-            }
-            else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
-            {
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node =
-                    way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id;
-            }
-            else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
-            {
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node =
-                    way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_target_id;
+                    way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_target_id;
             else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_target_id == via_node_id)
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node = way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id;
+                restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node =
+                    way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id;
@@ -161,19 +147,16 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrictions. by to  ... " << std::flush;
-        stxxl::sort(restrictions_list.begin(),
-                    restrictions_list.end(),
-                    CmpRestrictionContainerByTo(),
-                    stxxl_memory);
+        stxxl::sort(restrictions_list.begin(), restrictions_list.end(),
+                    CmpRestrictionContainerByTo(), stxxl_memory);
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sort_restrictions_to) << "s" << std::endl;
-        unsigned number_of_useable_restrictions = 0;
         std::cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction ends   ... " << std::flush;
         restrictions_iterator = restrictions_list.begin();
-        way_start_and_end_iterator = way_start_end_id_list.begin();
-        while (way_start_and_end_iterator != way_start_end_id_list.end() &&
+        way_start_and_end_iterator = way_start_end_id_list.cbegin();
+        while (way_start_and_end_iterator != way_start_end_id_list.cend() &&
                restrictions_iterator != restrictions_list.end())
             if (way_start_and_end_iterator->way_id < restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.way)
@@ -186,51 +169,48 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
-            NodeID via_node_id = restrictions_iterator->restriction.via.node;
-            if (way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
+            BOOST_ASSERT(way_start_and_end_iterator->way_id ==
+                         restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.way);
+            const NodeID via_node_id = restrictions_iterator->restriction.via.node;
+            if (way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node = way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_target_id;
+                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node =
+                    way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_target_id;
             else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_target_id == via_node_id)
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node = way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id;
-            }
-            else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id == via_node_id)
-            {
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node = way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_target_id;
-            }
-            else if (way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_target_id == via_node_id)
-            {
-                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node = way_start_and_end_iterator->first_segment_source_id;
-            }
-            if (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != restrictions_iterator->restriction.from.node &&
-                std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node)
-            {
-                ++number_of_useable_restrictions;
+                restrictions_iterator->restriction.to.node =
+                    way_start_and_end_iterator->last_segment_source_id;
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(fix_restriction_ends) << "s" << std::endl;
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "usable restrictions: " << number_of_useable_restrictions;
         // serialize restrictions
         std::ofstream restrictions_out_stream;
+        unsigned written_restriction_count = 0;
         restrictions_out_stream.open(restrictions_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
         restrictions_out_stream.write((char *)&fingerprint, sizeof(FingerPrint));
-        restrictions_out_stream.write((char *)&number_of_useable_restrictions, sizeof(unsigned));
+        const auto count_position = restrictions_out_stream.tellp();
+        restrictions_out_stream.write((char *)&written_restriction_count, sizeof(unsigned));
-        for(const auto & restriction_container : restrictions_list)
+        for (const auto &restriction_container : restrictions_list)
-            if (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != restriction_container.restriction.from.node &&
-                std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() != restriction_container.restriction.to.node)
+            if (SPECIAL_NODEID != restriction_container.restriction.from.node &&
+                SPECIAL_NODEID != restriction_container.restriction.to.node)
                 restrictions_out_stream.write((char *)&(restriction_container.restriction),
+                ++written_restriction_count;
+        restrictions_out_stream.seekp(count_position);
+        restrictions_out_stream.write((char *)&written_restriction_count, sizeof(unsigned));
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "usable restrictions: " << written_restriction_count;
         std::ofstream file_out_stream;
         file_out_stream.open(output_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
@@ -280,7 +260,6 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sort_edges_by_start) << "s" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "[extractor] Setting start coords      ... " << std::flush;
         file_out_stream.write((char *)&number_of_used_edges, sizeof(unsigned));
@@ -311,7 +290,8 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         // Sort Edges by target
         std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by target   ... " << std::flush;
-        stxxl::sort(all_edges_list.begin(), all_edges_list.end(), CmpEdgeByTargetID(), stxxl_memory);
+        stxxl::sort(all_edges_list.begin(), all_edges_list.end(), CmpEdgeByTargetID(),
+                    stxxl_memory);
         std::cout << "ok, after " << TIMER_SEC(sort_edges_by_target) << "s" << std::endl;
@@ -341,20 +321,19 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
                 edge_iterator->target_coordinate.lat = node_iterator->lat;
                 edge_iterator->target_coordinate.lon = node_iterator->lon;
-                const double distance = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-                    edge_iterator->source_coordinate.lat,
-                    edge_iterator->source_coordinate.lon,
-                    node_iterator->lat,
-                    node_iterator->lon);
+                const double distance = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                    edge_iterator->source_coordinate.lat, edge_iterator->source_coordinate.lon,
+                    node_iterator->lat, node_iterator->lon);
                 const double weight = (distance * 10.) / (edge_iterator->speed / 3.6);
                 int integer_weight = std::max(
-                    1,
-                    (int)std::floor(
-                        (edge_iterator->is_duration_set ? edge_iterator->speed : weight) + .5));
-                int integer_distance = std::max(1, (int)distance);
-                short zero = 0;
-                short one = 1;
+                    1, (int)std::floor(
+                           (edge_iterator->is_duration_set ? edge_iterator->speed : weight) + .5));
+                const int integer_distance = std::max(1, (int)distance);
+                const short zero = 0;
+                const short one = 1;
+                const bool yes = true;
+                const bool no = false;
                 file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->start, sizeof(unsigned));
                 file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->target, sizeof(unsigned));
@@ -379,15 +358,43 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
                 file_out_stream.write((char *)&integer_weight, sizeof(int));
                 file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->name_id, sizeof(unsigned));
-                file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->is_roundabout, sizeof(bool));
-                file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->is_in_tiny_cc, sizeof(bool));
-                file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->is_access_restricted, sizeof(bool));
+                if (edge_iterator->is_roundabout)
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&yes, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&no, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                if (edge_iterator->is_in_tiny_cc)
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&yes, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&no, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                if (edge_iterator->is_access_restricted)
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&yes, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&no, sizeof(bool));
+                }
                 // cannot take adress of bit field, so use local
-                const TravelMode  travel_mode = edge_iterator->travel_mode;
+                const TravelMode travel_mode = edge_iterator->travel_mode;
                 file_out_stream.write((char *)&travel_mode, sizeof(TravelMode));
-                file_out_stream.write((char *)&edge_iterator->is_split, sizeof(bool));
+                if (edge_iterator->is_split)
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&yes, sizeof(bool));
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    file_out_stream.write((char *)&no, sizeof(bool));
+                }
@@ -411,7 +418,8 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         std::vector<unsigned> name_lengths;
         for (const std::string &temp_string : name_list)
-            const unsigned string_length = std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(temp_string.length()), 255u);
+            const unsigned string_length =
+                std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(temp_string.length()), 255u);
             total_length += string_length;
@@ -419,11 +427,12 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         RangeTable<> table(name_lengths);
         name_file_stream << table;
-        name_file_stream.write((char*) &total_length, sizeof(unsigned));
+        name_file_stream.write((char *)&total_length, sizeof(unsigned));
         // write all chars consecutively
         for (const std::string &temp_string : name_list)
-            const unsigned string_length = std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(temp_string.length()), 255u);
+            const unsigned string_length =
+                std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(temp_string.length()), 255u);
             name_file_stream.write(temp_string.c_str(), string_length);
@@ -434,5 +443,8 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string &output_file_name,
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Processed " << number_of_used_nodes << " nodes and "
                                << number_of_used_edges << " edges";
-    catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << std::endl; }
+    catch (const std::exception &e)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << std::endl;
+    }
diff --git a/extractor/extraction_containers.hpp b/extractor/extraction_containers.hpp
index 8a1df8c..12d88a2 100644
--- a/extractor/extraction_containers.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extraction_containers.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/restriction.hpp"
-#include "../Util/FingerPrint.h"
+#include "../util/fingerprint.hpp"
 #include <stxxl/vector>
 class ExtractionContainers
 #ifndef _MSC_VER
-    constexpr static unsigned stxxl_memory = ((sizeof(std::size_t) == 4) ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
+    constexpr static unsigned stxxl_memory =
+        ((sizeof(std::size_t) == 4) ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
+                                    : std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
     const static unsigned stxxl_memory = ((sizeof(std::size_t) == 4) ? INT_MAX : UINT_MAX);
-    using  STXXLNodeIDVector = stxxl::vector<NodeID>;
-    using  STXXLNodeVector = stxxl::vector<ExternalMemoryNode>;
-    using  STXXLEdgeVector = stxxl::vector<InternalExtractorEdge>;
-    using  STXXLStringVector = stxxl::vector<std::string>;
-    using  STXXLRestrictionsVector = stxxl::vector<InputRestrictionContainer>;
-    using  STXXLWayIDStartEndVector = stxxl::vector<FirstAndLastSegmentOfWay>;
+    using STXXLNodeIDVector = stxxl::vector<NodeID>;
+    using STXXLNodeVector = stxxl::vector<ExternalMemoryNode>;
+    using STXXLEdgeVector = stxxl::vector<InternalExtractorEdge>;
+    using STXXLStringVector = stxxl::vector<std::string>;
+    using STXXLRestrictionsVector = stxxl::vector<InputRestrictionContainer>;
+    using STXXLWayIDStartEndVector = stxxl::vector<FirstAndLastSegmentOfWay>;
     STXXLNodeIDVector used_node_id_list;
     STXXLNodeVector all_nodes_list;
diff --git a/extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp b/extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp
index d2a73c9..d10200a 100644
--- a/extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/cast.hpp"
+#include "../util/cast.hpp"
+#include "../util/iso_8601_duration_parser.hpp"
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string_regex.hpp>
 #include <limits>
-namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
-// TODO: Move into LUA
-bool durationIsValid(const std::string &s)
+bool simple_duration_is_valid(const std::string &s)
-    boost::regex e(
+    boost::regex simple_format(
         boost::regex_constants::icase | boost::regex_constants::perl);
-    std::vector<std::string> result;
-    boost::algorithm::split_regex(result, s, boost::regex(":"));
-    const bool matched = regex_match(s, e);
-    return matched;
+    const bool simple_matched = regex_match(s, simple_format);
+    if (simple_matched)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
-unsigned parseDuration(const std::string &s)
+bool iso_8601_duration_is_valid(const std::string &s)
-    unsigned hours = 0;
-    unsigned minutes = 0;
-    unsigned seconds = 0;
-    boost::regex e(
-        "((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|(\\d|\\d\\d)",
-        boost::regex_constants::icase | boost::regex_constants::perl);
+    iso_8601_grammar<std::string::const_iterator> iso_parser;
+    const bool result = qi::parse(s.begin(), s.end(), iso_parser);
-    std::vector<std::string> result;
-    boost::algorithm::split_regex(result, s, boost::regex(":"));
-    const bool matched = regex_match(s, e);
-    if (matched)
+    // check if the was an error with the request
+    if (result && (0 != iso_parser.get_duration()))
-        if (1 == result.size())
-        {
-            minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
-        }
-        if (2 == result.size())
-        {
-            minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[1]);
-            hours = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
-        }
-        if (3 == result.size())
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool durationIsValid(const std::string &s)
+    return simple_duration_is_valid(s) || iso_8601_duration_is_valid(s);
+unsigned parseDuration(const std::string &s)
+    if (simple_duration_is_valid(s))
+    {
+        unsigned hours = 0;
+        unsigned minutes = 0;
+        unsigned seconds = 0;
+        boost::regex e(
+            "((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|(\\d|\\d\\d)",
+            boost::regex_constants::icase | boost::regex_constants::perl);
+        std::vector<std::string> result;
+        boost::algorithm::split_regex(result, s, boost::regex(":"));
+        const bool matched = regex_match(s, e);
+        if (matched)
-            seconds = cast::string_to_int(result[2]);
-            minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[1]);
-            hours = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
+            if (1 == result.size())
+            {
+                minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
+            }
+            if (2 == result.size())
+            {
+                minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[1]);
+                hours = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
+            }
+            if (3 == result.size())
+            {
+                seconds = cast::string_to_int(result[2]);
+                minutes = cast::string_to_int(result[1]);
+                hours = cast::string_to_int(result[0]);
+            }
+            return 10 * (3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds);
-        return 10 * (3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds);
+    else if (iso_8601_duration_is_valid(s))
+    {
+        iso_8601_grammar<std::string::const_iterator> iso_parser;
+        qi::parse(s.begin(), s.end(), iso_parser);
+        return iso_parser.get_duration();
+    }
     return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
diff --git a/extractor/extraction_node.hpp b/extractor/extraction_node.hpp
index defd333..e821d6f 100644
--- a/extractor/extraction_node.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extraction_node.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 struct ExtractionNode
-    ExtractionNode() : traffic_lights(false), barrier(false) { }
-    void clear()
-    {
-        traffic_lights = barrier = false;
-    }
+    ExtractionNode() : traffic_lights(false), barrier(false) {}
+    void clear() { traffic_lights = barrier = false; }
     bool traffic_lights;
     bool barrier;
diff --git a/extractor/extraction_way.hpp b/extractor/extraction_way.hpp
index b414487..d47de20 100644
--- a/extractor/extraction_way.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extraction_way.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -52,10 +52,12 @@ struct ExtractionWay
     enum Directions
-    { notSure = 0,
-      oneway,
-      bidirectional,
-      opposite };
+    {
+        notSure = 0,
+        oneway,
+        bidirectional,
+        opposite
+    };
     // These accessor methods exists to support the depreciated "way.direction" access
     // in LUA. Since the direction attribute was removed from ExtractionWay, the
@@ -69,19 +71,20 @@ struct ExtractionWay
         else if (Directions::opposite == m)
-          forward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE;
-          backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
+            forward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE;
+            backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
         else if (Directions::bidirectional == m)
-          forward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
-          backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
+            forward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
+            backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_DEFAULT;
     Directions get_direction() const
-        if (TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE != forward_travel_mode && TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE != backward_travel_mode)
+        if (TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE != forward_travel_mode &&
+            TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE != backward_travel_mode)
             return Directions::bidirectional;
diff --git a/extractor/extractor.cpp b/extractor/extractor.cpp
index 880e9e4..0581e4e 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor.cpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "extraction_node.hpp"
 #include "extraction_way.hpp"
 #include "extractor_callbacks.hpp"
-#include "extractor_options.hpp"
 #include "restriction_parser.hpp"
 #include "scripting_environment.hpp"
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/IniFileUtil.h"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
 #include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
-int Extractor::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
+int extractor::run(const ExtractorConfig &extractor_config)
-    ExtractorConfig extractor_config;
-        if (!ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(argc, argv, extractor_config))
-        {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        ExtractorOptions::GenerateOutputFilesNames(extractor_config);
-        if (1 > extractor_config.requested_num_threads)
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Number of threads must be 1 or larger";
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.input_path))
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING)
-                << "Input file " << extractor_config.input_path.string() << " not found!";
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if (!boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.profile_path))
-        {
-            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Profile " << extractor_config.profile_path.string()
-                                             << " not found!";
-            return 1;
-        }
         const unsigned recommended_num_threads = tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads();
-        const auto number_of_threads = std::min(recommended_num_threads, extractor_config.requested_num_threads);
+        const auto number_of_threads =
+            std::min(recommended_num_threads, extractor_config.requested_num_threads);
         tbb::task_scheduler_init init(number_of_threads);
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Input file: " << extractor_config.input_path.filename().string();
@@ -120,10 +94,10 @@ int Extractor::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
         osmium::io::Reader reader(input_file);
         const osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
-        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_nodes {0};
-        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_ways {0};
-        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_relations {0};
-        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_others {0};
+        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_nodes{0};
+        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_ways{0};
+        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_relations{0};
+        std::atomic<unsigned> number_of_others{0};
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Parsing in progress..";
@@ -160,7 +134,8 @@ int Extractor::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
             // create a vector of iterators into the buffer
             std::vector<osmium::memory::Buffer::const_iterator> osm_elements;
-            for (auto iter = std::begin(buffer); iter != std::end(buffer); ++iter) {
+            for (auto iter = std::begin(buffer); iter != std::end(buffer); ++iter)
+            {
@@ -170,55 +145,56 @@ int Extractor::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
             // parse OSM entities in parallel, store in resulting vectors
-            tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>(0, osm_elements.size()),
-                              [&](const tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t> &range)
-                              {
-                for (auto x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
+            tbb::parallel_for(
+                tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>(0, osm_elements.size()),
+                [&](const tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t> &range)
-                    const auto entity = osm_elements[x];
                     ExtractionNode result_node;
                     ExtractionWay result_way;
+                    lua_State *local_state = scripting_environment.get_lua_state();
-                    lua_State * local_state = scripting_environment.get_lua_state();
-                    switch (entity->type())
+                    for (auto x = range.begin(); x != range.end(); ++x)
-                    case osmium::item_type::node:
-                        ++number_of_nodes;
-                        luabind::call_function<void>(
-                            local_state,
-                            "node_function",
-                            boost::cref(static_cast<const osmium::Node &>(*entity)),
-                            boost::ref(result_node));
-                        resulting_nodes.push_back(std::make_pair(x, result_node));
-                        break;
-                    case osmium::item_type::way:
-                        ++number_of_ways;
-                        luabind::call_function<void>(
-                            local_state,
-                            "way_function",
-                            boost::cref(static_cast<const osmium::Way &>(*entity)),
-                            boost::ref(result_way));
-                        resulting_ways.push_back(std::make_pair(x, result_way));
-                        break;
-                    case osmium::item_type::relation:
-                        ++number_of_relations;
-                        resulting_restrictions.push_back(
-                            restriction_parser.TryParse(static_cast<const osmium::Relation &>(*entity)));
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        ++number_of_others;
-                        break;
+                        const auto entity = osm_elements[x];
+                        switch (entity->type())
+                        {
+                        case osmium::item_type::node:
+                            result_node.clear();
+                            ++number_of_nodes;
+                            luabind::call_function<void>(
+                                local_state, "node_function",
+                                boost::cref(static_cast<const osmium::Node &>(*entity)),
+                                boost::ref(result_node));
+                            resulting_nodes.push_back(std::make_pair(x, result_node));
+                            break;
+                        case osmium::item_type::way:
+                            result_way.clear();
+                            ++number_of_ways;
+                            luabind::call_function<void>(
+                                local_state, "way_function",
+                                boost::cref(static_cast<const osmium::Way &>(*entity)),
+                                boost::ref(result_way));
+                            resulting_ways.push_back(std::make_pair(x, result_way));
+                            break;
+                        case osmium::item_type::relation:
+                            ++number_of_relations;
+                            resulting_restrictions.push_back(restriction_parser.TryParse(
+                                static_cast<const osmium::Relation &>(*entity)));
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            ++number_of_others;
+                            break;
+                        }
-                }
-            });
+                });
             // put parsed objects thru extractor callbacks
             for (const auto &result : resulting_nodes)
-                    static_cast<const osmium::Node &>(*(osm_elements[result.first])), result.second);
+                    static_cast<const osmium::Node &>(*(osm_elements[result.first])),
+                    result.second);
             for (const auto &result : resulting_ways)
@@ -233,15 +209,10 @@ int Extractor::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Parsing finished after " << TIMER_SEC(parsing) << " seconds";
-        unsigned nn = number_of_nodes;
-        unsigned nw = number_of_ways;
-        unsigned nr = number_of_relations;
-        unsigned no = number_of_others;
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Raw input contains "
-                               << nn << " nodes, "
-                               << nw << " ways, and "
-                               << nr << " relations, and "
-                               << no << " unknown entities";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Raw input contains " << number_of_nodes.load() << " nodes, "
+                               << number_of_ways.load() << " ways, and "
+                               << number_of_relations.load() << " relations, and "
+                               << number_of_others.load() << " unknown entities";
diff --git a/extractor/extractor.hpp b/extractor/extractor.hpp
index e9edbea..8ea56c3 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor.hpp
@@ -1,13 +1,37 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include "extractor_options.hpp"
-/** \brief Class of 'extract' utility. */
-struct Extractor
+struct extractor
-    int Run(int argc, char *argv[]);
+    int run(const ExtractorConfig &extractor_config);
 #endif /* EXTRACTOR_HPP */
diff --git a/extractor/extractor_callbacks.cpp b/extractor/extractor_callbacks.cpp
index 87e4f4f..224468b 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor_callbacks.cpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor_callbacks.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/restriction.hpp"
-#include "../Util/container.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/container.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <limits>
 #include <string>
@@ -51,13 +51,12 @@ ExtractorCallbacks::ExtractorCallbacks(ExtractionContainers &extraction_containe
 void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessNode(const osmium::Node &input_node,
                                      const ExtractionNode &result_node)
-    external_memory.all_nodes_list.push_back({
-        static_cast<int>(input_node.location().lat() * COORDINATE_PRECISION),
-        static_cast<int>(input_node.location().lon() * COORDINATE_PRECISION),
-        static_cast<NodeID>(input_node.id()),
-        result_node.barrier,
-        result_node.traffic_lights
-    });
+    external_memory.all_nodes_list.push_back(
+        {static_cast<int>(input_node.location().lat() * COORDINATE_PRECISION),
+         static_cast<int>(input_node.location().lon() * COORDINATE_PRECISION),
+         static_cast<NodeID>(input_node.id()),
+         result_node.barrier,
+         result_node.traffic_lights});
 void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessRestriction(
@@ -69,7 +68,8 @@ void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessRestriction(
         // SimpleLogger().Write() << "from: " << restriction.get().restriction.from.node <<
         //                           ",via: " << restriction.get().restriction.via.node <<
         //                           ", to: " << restriction.get().restriction.to.node <<
-        //                           ", only: " << (restriction.get().restriction.flags.is_only ? "y" : "n");
+        //                           ", only: " << (restriction.get().restriction.flags.is_only ?
+        //                           "y" : "n");
 /** warning: caller needs to take care of synchronization! */
@@ -99,8 +99,10 @@ void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessWay(const osmium::Way &input_way, const Extracti
         // TODO: iterate all way segments and set duration corresponding to the length of each
         // segment
-        const_cast<ExtractionWay&>(parsed_way).forward_speed = parsed_way.duration / (input_way.nodes().size() - 1);
-        const_cast<ExtractionWay&>(parsed_way).backward_speed = parsed_way.duration / (input_way.nodes().size() - 1);
+        const_cast<ExtractionWay &>(parsed_way).forward_speed =
+            parsed_way.duration / (input_way.nodes().size() - 1);
+        const_cast<ExtractionWay &>(parsed_way).backward_speed =
+            parsed_way.duration / (input_way.nodes().size() - 1);
     if (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() >= std::abs(-1. - parsed_way.forward_speed))
@@ -129,41 +131,36 @@ void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessWay(const osmium::Way &input_way, const Extracti
                             ((parsed_way.forward_speed != parsed_way.backward_speed) ||
                              (parsed_way.forward_travel_mode != parsed_way.backward_travel_mode));
-    auto pair_wise_segment_split = [&](const osmium::NodeRef &first_node,
-                                       const osmium::NodeRef &last_node)
+    auto pair_wise_segment_split =
+        [&](const osmium::NodeRef &first_node, const osmium::NodeRef &last_node)
         // SimpleLogger().Write() << "adding edge (" << first_node.ref() << "," <<
         // last_node.ref() << "), fwd speed: " << parsed_way.forward_speed;
-            first_node.ref(),
-            last_node.ref(),
+            first_node.ref(), last_node.ref(),
             ((split_edge || TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE == parsed_way.backward_travel_mode)
                  ? ExtractionWay::oneway
                  : ExtractionWay::bidirectional),
-            parsed_way.forward_speed,
-            name_id,
-            parsed_way.roundabout,
-            parsed_way.ignore_in_grid,
-            (0 < parsed_way.duration),
-            parsed_way.is_access_restricted,
-            parsed_way.forward_travel_mode,
-            split_edge));
+            parsed_way.forward_speed, name_id, parsed_way.roundabout, parsed_way.ignore_in_grid,
+            (0 < parsed_way.duration), parsed_way.is_access_restricted,
+            parsed_way.forward_travel_mode, split_edge));
     const bool is_opposite_way = TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE == parsed_way.forward_travel_mode;
     if (is_opposite_way)
-        const_cast<ExtractionWay&>(parsed_way).forward_travel_mode = parsed_way.backward_travel_mode;
-        const_cast<ExtractionWay&>(parsed_way).backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE;
-        osrm::for_each_pair(
-            input_way.nodes().crbegin(), input_way.nodes().crend(), pair_wise_segment_split);
+        const_cast<ExtractionWay &>(parsed_way).forward_travel_mode =
+            parsed_way.backward_travel_mode;
+        const_cast<ExtractionWay &>(parsed_way).backward_travel_mode = TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE;
+        osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().crbegin(), input_way.nodes().crend(),
+                            pair_wise_segment_split);
-        osrm::for_each_pair(
-            input_way.nodes().cbegin(), input_way.nodes().cend(), pair_wise_segment_split);
+        osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().cbegin(), input_way.nodes().cend(),
+                            pair_wise_segment_split);
@@ -177,39 +174,30 @@ void ExtractorCallbacks::ProcessWay(const osmium::Way &input_way, const Extracti
     if (split_edge)
     { // Only true if the way should be split
-        BOOST_ASSERT(parsed_way.backward_travel_mode>0);
-        auto pair_wise_segment_split_2 = [&](const osmium::NodeRef &first_node,
-                                             const osmium::NodeRef &last_node)
+        BOOST_ASSERT(parsed_way.backward_travel_mode > 0);
+        auto pair_wise_segment_split_2 =
+            [&](const osmium::NodeRef &first_node, const osmium::NodeRef &last_node)
             // SimpleLogger().Write() << "adding edge (" << last_node.ref() << "," <<
             // first_node.ref() << "), bwd speed: " << parsed_way.backward_speed;
-            external_memory.all_edges_list.push_back(
-                InternalExtractorEdge(last_node.ref(),
-                                      first_node.ref(),
-                                      ExtractionWay::oneway,
-                                      parsed_way.backward_speed,
-                                      name_id,
-                                      parsed_way.roundabout,
-                                      parsed_way.ignore_in_grid,
-                                      (0 < parsed_way.duration),
-                                      parsed_way.is_access_restricted,
-                                      parsed_way.backward_travel_mode,
-                                      split_edge));
+            external_memory.all_edges_list.push_back(InternalExtractorEdge(
+                last_node.ref(), first_node.ref(), ExtractionWay::oneway, parsed_way.backward_speed,
+                name_id, parsed_way.roundabout, parsed_way.ignore_in_grid,
+                (0 < parsed_way.duration), parsed_way.is_access_restricted,
+                parsed_way.backward_travel_mode, split_edge));
         if (is_opposite_way)
             // SimpleLogger().Write() << "opposite2";
-            osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().crbegin(),
-                          input_way.nodes().crend(),
-                          pair_wise_segment_split_2);
+            osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().crbegin(), input_way.nodes().crend(),
+                                pair_wise_segment_split_2);
-            osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().cbegin(),
-                          input_way.nodes().cend(),
-                          pair_wise_segment_split_2);
+            osrm::for_each_pair(input_way.nodes().cbegin(), input_way.nodes().cend(),
+                                pair_wise_segment_split_2);
diff --git a/extractor/extractor_callbacks.hpp b/extractor/extractor_callbacks.hpp
index 0bb3010..8eab018 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor_callbacks.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor_callbacks.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/extractor/extractor_options.cpp b/extractor/extractor_options.cpp
index d14d8d9..9ae5cd4 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor_options.cpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor_options.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "extractor_options.hpp"
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/IniFileUtil.h"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/ini_file.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
 #include <tbb/task_scheduler_init.h>
-bool ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &extractor_config)
+ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &extractor_config)
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed only on command line
     boost::program_options::options_description generic_options("Options");
     generic_options.add_options()("version,v", "Show version")("help,h", "Show this help message")(
-        "config,c",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&extractor_config.config_file_path)
-            ->default_value("extractor.ini"),
+        "config,c", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(
+                        &extractor_config.config_file_path)->default_value("extractor.ini"),
         "Path to a configuration file.");
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed both on command line and in config file
@@ -60,10 +60,9 @@ bool ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &e
     // hidden options, will be allowed both on command line and in config file, but will not be
     // shown to the user
     boost::program_options::options_description hidden_options("Hidden options");
-    hidden_options.add_options()(
-        "input,i",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&extractor_config.input_path),
-        "Input file in .osm, .osm.bz2 or .osm.pbf format");
+    hidden_options.add_options()("input,i", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(
+                                                &extractor_config.input_path),
+                                 "Input file in .osm, .osm.bz2 or .osm.pbf format");
     // positional option
     boost::program_options::positional_options_description positional_options;
@@ -81,46 +80,54 @@ bool ExtractorOptions::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &e
     // parse command line options
-    boost::program_options::variables_map option_variables;
-    boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
-                                      .options(cmdline_options)
-                                      .positional(positional_options)
-                                      .run(),
-                                  option_variables);
-    if (option_variables.count("version"))
+    try
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION;
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (option_variables.count("help"))
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << visible_options;
-        return false;
-    }
+        boost::program_options::variables_map option_variables;
+        boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
+                                          .options(cmdline_options)
+                                          .positional(positional_options)
+                                          .run(),
+                                      option_variables);
+        if (option_variables.count("version"))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write() << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION;
+            return return_code::exit;
+        }
-    boost::program_options::notify(option_variables);
+        if (option_variables.count("help"))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write() << visible_options;
+            return return_code::exit;
+        }
-    // parse config file
-    if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.config_file_path))
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Reading options from: "
-                               << extractor_config.config_file_path.string();
-        std::string ini_file_contents =
-            ReadIniFileAndLowerContents(extractor_config.config_file_path);
-        std::stringstream config_stream(ini_file_contents);
-        boost::program_options::store(parse_config_file(config_stream, config_file_options),
-                                      option_variables);
-    }
-    if (!option_variables.count("input"))
+        // parse config file
+        if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(extractor_config.config_file_path))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write()
+                << "Reading options from: " << extractor_config.config_file_path.string();
+            std::string ini_file_contents =
+                read_file_lower_content(extractor_config.config_file_path);
+            std::stringstream config_stream(ini_file_contents);
+            boost::program_options::store(parse_config_file(config_stream, config_file_options),
+                                          option_variables);
+            boost::program_options::notify(option_variables);
+        }
+        if (!option_variables.count("input"))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write() << visible_options;
+            return return_code::exit;
+        }
+    }
+    catch (std::exception &e)
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << visible_options;
-        return false;
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << e.what();
+        return return_code::fail;
-    return true;
+    return return_code::ok;
 void ExtractorOptions::GenerateOutputFilesNames(ExtractorConfig &extractor_config)
diff --git a/extractor/extractor_options.hpp b/extractor/extractor_options.hpp
index 118da78..5712ea0 100644
--- a/extractor/extractor_options.hpp
+++ b/extractor/extractor_options.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "extractor.hpp"
+#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
+#include <string>
+enum class return_code : unsigned
+    ok,
+    fail,
+    exit
 struct ExtractorConfig
     ExtractorConfig() noexcept : requested_num_threads(0) {}
-    unsigned requested_num_threads;
     boost::filesystem::path config_file_path;
     boost::filesystem::path input_path;
     boost::filesystem::path profile_path;
@@ -41,11 +49,13 @@ struct ExtractorConfig
     std::string output_file_name;
     std::string restriction_file_name;
     std::string timestamp_file_name;
+    unsigned requested_num_threads;
 struct ExtractorOptions
-    static bool ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &extractor_config);
+    static return_code ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], ExtractorConfig &extractor_config);
     static void GenerateOutputFilesNames(ExtractorConfig &extractor_config);
diff --git a/extractor/first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp b/extractor/first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp
index 8e8ad72..3a26be7 100644
--- a/extractor/first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp
+++ b/extractor/first_and_last_segment_of_way.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/extractor/internal_extractor_edge.hpp b/extractor/internal_extractor_edge.hpp
index ffd2d4a..27e1af1 100644
--- a/extractor/internal_extractor_edge.hpp
+++ b/extractor/internal_extractor_edge.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include "../data_structures/travel_mode.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 struct InternalExtractorEdge
-        : start(0), target(0), direction(0), speed(0), name_id(0), is_roundabout(false),
+        : start(0), target(0), speed(0), name_id(0), direction(0), is_roundabout(false),
           is_in_tiny_cc(false), is_duration_set(false), is_access_restricted(false),
-          travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE), is_split(false)
+          is_split(false), travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE)
@@ -54,35 +55,36 @@ struct InternalExtractorEdge
                                    bool is_access_restricted,
                                    TravelMode travel_mode,
                                    bool is_split)
-        : start(start), target(target), direction(direction), speed(speed),
-          name_id(name_id), is_roundabout(is_roundabout), is_in_tiny_cc(is_in_tiny_cc),
+        : start(start), target(target), speed(speed), name_id(name_id), direction(direction),
+          is_roundabout(is_roundabout), is_in_tiny_cc(is_in_tiny_cc),
           is_duration_set(is_duration_set), is_access_restricted(is_access_restricted),
-          travel_mode(travel_mode), is_split(is_split)
+          is_split(is_split), travel_mode(travel_mode)
     // necessary static util functions for stxxl's sorting
     static InternalExtractorEdge min_value()
-        return InternalExtractorEdge(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE, false);
+        return InternalExtractorEdge(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false,
+                                     TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE, false);
     static InternalExtractorEdge max_value()
-        return InternalExtractorEdge(
-            SPECIAL_NODEID, SPECIAL_NODEID, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE, false);
+        return InternalExtractorEdge(SPECIAL_NODEID, SPECIAL_NODEID, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
+                                     false, TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE, false);
     NodeID start;
     NodeID target;
-    short direction;
     double speed;
     unsigned name_id;
-    bool is_roundabout;
-    bool is_in_tiny_cc;
-    bool is_duration_set;
-    bool is_access_restricted;
+    short direction;
+    bool is_roundabout : 1;
+    bool is_in_tiny_cc : 1;
+    bool is_duration_set : 1;
+    bool is_access_restricted : 1;
+    bool is_split : 1;
     TravelMode travel_mode : 4;
-    bool is_split;
     FixedPointCoordinate source_coordinate;
     FixedPointCoordinate target_coordinate;
diff --git a/extractor/restriction_parser.cpp b/extractor/restriction_parser.cpp
index 2f53d33..ea9cad2 100644
--- a/extractor/restriction_parser.cpp
+++ b/extractor/restriction_parser.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "scripting_environment.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
-#include "../Util/lua_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/lua_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string/regex.hpp>
 #include <boost/ref.hpp>
 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
 int lua_error_callback(lua_State *lua_state)
@@ -85,8 +87,8 @@ void RestrictionParser::ReadRestrictionExceptions(lua_State *lua_state)
         // get list of turn restriction exceptions
-        luabind::call_function<void>(
-            lua_state, "get_exceptions", boost::ref(restriction_exceptions));
+        luabind::call_function<void>(lua_state, "get_exceptions",
+                                     boost::ref(restriction_exceptions));
         const unsigned exception_count = restriction_exceptions.size();
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Found " << exception_count
                                << " exceptions to turn restrictions:";
@@ -166,9 +168,8 @@ RestrictionParser::TryParse(const osmium::Relation &relation) const
             BOOST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp("via", role));
-            // set the via node id
-            // SimpleLogger().Write() << "via: " << member.ref();
+            // set via node id
             restriction_container.restriction.via.node = member.ref();
@@ -177,37 +178,26 @@ RestrictionParser::TryParse(const osmium::Relation &relation) const
                          0 == strcmp("via", role));
             if (0 == strcmp("from", role))
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "from: " << member.ref();
                 restriction_container.restriction.from.way = member.ref();
             else if (0 == strcmp("to", role))
-                // SimpleLogger().Write() << "to: " << member.ref();
                 restriction_container.restriction.to.way = member.ref();
-            else if (0 == strcmp("via", role))
-            {
-                // not yet suppported
-                // restriction_container.restriction.via.way = member.ref();
-            }
+            // else if (0 == strcmp("via", role))
+            // {
+            //     not yet suppported
+            //     restriction_container.restriction.via.way = member.ref();
+            // }
         case osmium::item_type::relation:
             // not yet supported, but who knows what the future holds...
-            continue;
-            BOOST_ASSERT(false);
+            // shouldn't ever happen
-    // SimpleLogger().Write() << (restriction_container.restriction.flags.is_only ? "only" : "no")
-    //                        << "-restriction "
-    //                        << "<" << restriction_container.restriction.from.node << "->"
-    //                        << restriction_container.restriction.via.node << "->" <<
-    //                        restriction_container.restriction.to.node
-    //                        << ">";
     return mapbox::util::optional<InputRestrictionContainer>(restriction_container);
@@ -228,14 +218,16 @@ bool RestrictionParser::ShouldIgnoreRestriction(const std::string &except_tag_st
     // only a few exceptions are actually defined.
     std::vector<std::string> exceptions;
     boost::algorithm::split_regex(exceptions, except_tag_string, boost::regex("[;][ ]*"));
-    for (std::string &current_string : exceptions)
-    {
-        const auto string_iterator =
-            std::find(restriction_exceptions.begin(), restriction_exceptions.end(), current_string);
-        if (restriction_exceptions.end() != string_iterator)
-        {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
+    return std::any_of(std::begin(exceptions), std::end(exceptions),
+                       [&](const std::string &current_string)
+                       {
+                           if (std::end(restriction_exceptions) !=
+                               std::find(std::begin(restriction_exceptions),
+                                         std::end(restriction_exceptions), current_string))
+                           {
+                               return true;
+                           }
+                           return false;
+                       });
diff --git a/extractor/restriction_parser.hpp b/extractor/restriction_parser.hpp
index d5adb43..0a632d8 100644
--- a/extractor/restriction_parser.hpp
+++ b/extractor/restriction_parser.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ class RestrictionParser
     // RestrictionParser(ScriptingEnvironment &scripting_environment);
     RestrictionParser(lua_State *lua_state);
-    mapbox::util::optional<InputRestrictionContainer> TryParse(const osmium::Relation &relation) const;
+    mapbox::util::optional<InputRestrictionContainer>
+    TryParse(const osmium::Relation &relation) const;
     void ReadUseRestrictionsSetting(lua_State *lua_state);
diff --git a/extractor/scripting_environment.cpp b/extractor/scripting_environment.cpp
index c51651e..9727722 100644
--- a/extractor/scripting_environment.cpp
+++ b/extractor/scripting_environment.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "extraction_node.hpp"
 #include "extraction_way.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
-#include "../Util/lua_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/lua_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include <luabind/tag_function.hpp>
 #include <osmium/osm.hpp>
 #include <sstream>
-namespace {
 // wrapper method as luabind doesn't automatically overload funcs w/ default parameters
-template<class T>
-auto get_value_by_key(T const& object, const char *key) -> decltype(object.get_value_by_key(key))
+template <class T>
+auto get_value_by_key(T const &object, const char *key) -> decltype(object.get_value_by_key(key))
     return object.get_value_by_key(key, "");
@@ -59,16 +60,14 @@ int lua_error_callback(lua_State *L) // This is so I can use my own function as
-ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const std::string &file_name)
-: file_name(file_name)
+ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const std::string &file_name) : file_name(file_name)
     SimpleLogger().Write() << "Using script " << file_name;
-void ScriptingEnvironment::init_lua_state(lua_State* lua_state)
+void ScriptingEnvironment::init_lua_state(lua_State *lua_state)
-    typedef double (osmium::Location::* location_member_ptr_type)() const;
+    typedef double (osmium::Location::*location_member_ptr_type)() const;
     // open utility libraries string library;
@@ -83,41 +82,47 @@ void ScriptingEnvironment::init_lua_state(lua_State* lua_state)
         luabind::def("parseDuration", parseDuration),
-        .def("Add", static_cast<void (std::vector<std::string>::*)(const std::string &)>(&std::vector<std::string>::push_back)),
+            .def("Add", static_cast<void (std::vector<std::string>::*)(const std::string &)>(
+                            &std::vector<std::string>::push_back)),
-        .def<location_member_ptr_type>("lat", &osmium::Location::lat)
-        .def<location_member_ptr_type>("lon", &osmium::Location::lon),
+            .def<location_member_ptr_type>("lat", &osmium::Location::lat)
+            .def<location_member_ptr_type>("lon", &osmium::Location::lon),
-        // .def<node_member_ptr_type>("tags", &osmium::Node::tags)
-        .def("get_value_by_key", &osmium::Node::get_value_by_key)
-        .def("get_value_by_key", &get_value_by_key<osmium::Node>),
+            // .def<node_member_ptr_type>("tags", &osmium::Node::tags)
+            .def("location", &osmium::Node::location)
+            .def("get_value_by_key", &osmium::Node::get_value_by_key)
+            .def("get_value_by_key", &get_value_by_key<osmium::Node>)
+            .def("id", &osmium::Node::id),
-        .def_readwrite("traffic_lights", &ExtractionNode::traffic_lights)
-        .def_readwrite("barrier", &ExtractionNode::barrier),
+            .def_readwrite("traffic_lights", &ExtractionNode::traffic_lights)
+            .def_readwrite("barrier", &ExtractionNode::barrier),
-        // .def(luabind::constructor<>())
-        .def_readwrite("forward_speed", &ExtractionWay::forward_speed)
-        .def_readwrite("backward_speed", &ExtractionWay::backward_speed)
-        .def_readwrite("name", &ExtractionWay::name)
-        .def_readwrite("roundabout", &ExtractionWay::roundabout)
-        .def_readwrite("is_access_restricted", &ExtractionWay::is_access_restricted)
-        .def_readwrite("ignore_in_index", &ExtractionWay::ignore_in_grid)
-        .def_readwrite("duration", &ExtractionWay::duration)
-        .property("forward_mode", &ExtractionWay::get_forward_mode, &ExtractionWay::set_forward_mode)
-        .property("backward_mode", &ExtractionWay::get_backward_mode, &ExtractionWay::set_backward_mode)
-        .enum_("constants")[
-            luabind::value("notSure", 0),
-            luabind::value("oneway", 1),
-            luabind::value("bidirectional", 2),
-            luabind::value("opposite", 3)
-        ],
+            // .def(luabind::constructor<>())
+            .def_readwrite("forward_speed", &ExtractionWay::forward_speed)
+            .def_readwrite("backward_speed", &ExtractionWay::backward_speed)
+            .def_readwrite("name", &ExtractionWay::name)
+            .def_readwrite("roundabout", &ExtractionWay::roundabout)
+            .def_readwrite("is_access_restricted", &ExtractionWay::is_access_restricted)
+            .def_readwrite("ignore_in_index", &ExtractionWay::ignore_in_grid)
+            .def_readwrite("duration", &ExtractionWay::duration)
+            .property("forward_mode", &ExtractionWay::get_forward_mode,
+                      &ExtractionWay::set_forward_mode)
+            .property("backward_mode", &ExtractionWay::get_backward_mode,
+                      &ExtractionWay::set_backward_mode)
+            .enum_("constants")[
+                luabind::value("notSure", 0),
+                luabind::value("oneway", 1),
+                luabind::value("bidirectional", 2),
+                luabind::value("opposite", 3)
+            ],
-        .def("get_value_by_key", &osmium::Way::get_value_by_key)
-        .def("get_value_by_key", &get_value_by_key<osmium::Way>)
+            .def("get_value_by_key", &osmium::Way::get_value_by_key)
+            .def("get_value_by_key", &get_value_by_key<osmium::Way>)
+            .def("id", &osmium::Way::id)
     if (0 != luaL_dofile(lua_state, file_name.c_str()))
@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ lua_State *ScriptingEnvironment::get_lua_state()
     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(init_mutex);
     bool initialized = false;
-    auto& ref = script_contexts.local(initialized);
+    auto &ref = script_contexts.local(initialized);
     if (!initialized)
         std::shared_ptr<lua_State> state(luaL_newstate(), lua_close);
diff --git a/extractor/scripting_environment.hpp b/extractor/scripting_environment.hpp
index 6e0b079..be05103 100644
--- a/extractor/scripting_environment.hpp
+++ b/extractor/scripting_environment.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class ScriptingEnvironment
     lua_State *get_lua_state();
-    void init_lua_state(lua_State* lua_state);
-    std::mutex init_mutex; 
+    void init_lua_state(lua_State *lua_state);
+    std::mutex init_mutex;
     std::string file_name;
     tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<std::shared_ptr<lua_State>> script_contexts;
diff --git a/features/bicycle/bridge.feature b/features/bicycle/bridge.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2325816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/bicycle/bridge.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ at routing @bicycle @bridge
+Feature: Bicycle - Handle movable bridge
+    Background:
+        Given the profile "bicycle"
+    Scenario: Car - Use a ferry route
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c |   |   |
+            |   |   | d |   |   |
+            |   |   | e | f | g |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | highway | bridge  | bicycle |
+            | abc   | primary |         |         |
+            | cde   |         | movable | yes     |
+            | efg   | primary |         |         |
+        When I route I should get
+            | from | to | route       | modes |
+            | a    | g  | abc,cde,efg | 1,5,1 |
+            | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,5,1 |
+            | e    | c  | cde         | 5     |
+            | e    | b  | cde,abc     | 5,1   |
+            | e    | a  | cde,abc     | 5,1   |
+            | c    | e  | cde         | 5     |
+            | c    | f  | cde,efg     | 5,1   |
+            | c    | g  | cde,efg     | 5,1   |
+    Scenario: Car - Properly handle durations
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c |   |   |
+            |   |   | d |   |   |
+            |   |   | e | f | g |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | highway | bridge  | duration |
+            | abc   | primary |         |          |
+            | cde   |         | movable | 00:05:00 |
+            | efg   | primary |         |          |
+        When I route I should get
+            | from | to | route       | modes | speed   |
+            | a    | g  | abc,cde,efg | 1,5,1 | 5 km/h |
+            | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,5,1 | 3 km/h |
+            | c    | e  | cde         | 5     | 2 km/h |
+            | e    | c  | cde         | 5     | 2 km/h |
diff --git a/features/car/access.feature b/features/car/access.feature
index 37dfed4..5fd56f3 100644
--- a/features/car/access.feature
+++ b/features/car/access.feature
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ Feature: Car - Restricted access
             | private      |       |
             | agricultural |       |
             | forestry     |       |
+            | psv          |       |
             | some_tag     | x     |
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ Feature: Car - Restricted access
             | private      |       |
             | agricultural |       |
             | forestry     |       |
+            | psv          |       |
             | some_tag     | x     |
     Scenario: Car - Access tags on both node and way
diff --git a/features/car/barrier.feature b/features/car/barrier.feature
index e637049..7c89688 100644
--- a/features/car/barrier.feature
+++ b/features/car/barrier.feature
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Feature: Car - Barriers
             |                | x     |
             | bollard        |       |
             | gate           | x     |
+            | lift_gate      | x     |
             | cattle_grid    | x     |
             | border_control | x     |
             | toll_booth     | x     |
diff --git a/features/car/bridge.feature b/features/car/bridge.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41dc10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/car/bridge.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ at routing @car @bridge
+Feature: Car - Handle movable bridge
+    Background:
+        Given the profile "car"
+    Scenario: Car - Use a ferry route
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c |   |   |
+            |   |   | d |   |   |
+            |   |   | e | f | g |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | highway | bridge  | bicycle |
+            | abc   | primary |         |         |
+            | cde   |         | movable | yes     |
+            | efg   | primary |         |         |
+        When I route I should get
+            | from | to | route       | modes |
+            | a    | g  | abc,cde,efg | 1,3,1 |
+            | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,3,1 |
+            | e    | c  | cde         | 3     |
+            | e    | b  | cde,abc     | 3,1   |
+            | e    | a  | cde,abc     | 3,1   |
+            | c    | e  | cde         | 3     |
+            | c    | f  | cde,efg     | 3,1   |
+            | c    | g  | cde,efg     | 3,1   |
+    Scenario: Car - Properly handle durations
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c |   |   |
+            |   |   | d |   |   |
+            |   |   | e | f | g |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | highway | bridge  | duration |
+            | abc   | primary |         |          |
+            | cde   |         | movable | 00:05:00 |
+            | efg   | primary |         |          |
+        When I route I should get
+            | from | to | route       | modes | speed   |
+            | a    | g  | abc,cde,efg | 1,3,1 | 6 km/h |
+            | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,3,1 | 4 km/h |
+            | c    | e  | cde         | 3     | 2 km/h |
+            | e    | c  | cde         | 3     | 2 km/h |
diff --git a/features/car/ferry.feature b/features/car/ferry.feature
index abbe5ed..eb24559 100644
--- a/features/car/ferry.feature
+++ b/features/car/ferry.feature
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Feature: Car - Handle ferry routes
             | c    | f  | cde,efg     | 2,1   |
             | c    | g  | cde,efg     | 2,1   |
-    Scenario: Car - Properly handle durations
+    Scenario: Car - Properly handle simple durations
         Given the node map
             | a | b | c |   |   |
             |   |   | d |   |   |
@@ -45,3 +45,22 @@ Feature: Car - Handle ferry routes
             | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,2,1 | 20 km/h |
             | c    | e  | cde         | 2     | 12 km/h |
             | e    | c  | cde         | 2     | 12 km/h |
+    Scenario: Car - Properly handle ISO 8601 durations
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c |   |   |
+            |   |   | d |   |   |
+            |   |   | e | f | g |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | highway | route | duration |
+            | abc   | primary |       |          |
+            | cde   |         | ferry | PT1M     |
+            | efg   | primary |       |          |
+        When I route I should get
+            | from | to | route       | modes | speed   |
+            | a    | g  | abc,cde,efg | 1,2,1 | 26 km/h |
+            | b    | f  | abc,cde,efg | 1,2,1 | 20 km/h |
+            | c    | e  | cde         | 2     | 12 km/h |
+            | e    | c  | cde         | 2     | 12 km/h |
diff --git a/features/car/maxspeed.feature b/features/car/maxspeed.feature
index 8f85d3a..781f4c6 100644
--- a/features/car/maxspeed.feature
+++ b/features/car/maxspeed.feature
@@ -73,3 +73,23 @@ OSRM will use 4/5 of the projected free-flow speed.
             | runway    |         |        | 100      |                  |                   |       |
             | runway    |         |        |          | 100              |                   |       |
             | runway    |         |        |          |                  | 100               |       |
+    Scenario: Car - Too narrow streets should be ignored or incur a penalty
+        Then routability should be
+            | highway | maxspeed | width | maxspeed:forward | maxspeed:backward | forw    | backw   |
+            | primary |          |       |                  |                   | 63 km/h | 63 km/h |
+            | primary |          |   3   |                  |                   | 32 km/h | 32 km/h |
+            | primary | 60       |       |                  |                   | 59 km/h | 59 km/h |
+            | primary | 60       |   3   |                  |                   | 30 km/h | 30 km/h |
+            | primary |          |       | 60               |                   | 59 km/h | 63 km/h |
+            | primary |          |   3   | 60               |                   | 30 km/h | 32 km/h |
+            | primary |          |       |                  | 60                | 63 km/h | 59 km/h |
+            | primary |          |   3   |                  | 60                | 32 km/h | 30 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |       | 60               |                   | 59 km/h | 23 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |   3   | 60               |                   | 30 km/h |  7 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |       |                  | 60                | 23 km/h | 59 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |   3   |                  | 60                |  7 km/h | 30 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |       | 30               | 60                | 34 km/h | 59 km/h |
+            | primary | 15       |   3   | 30               | 60                | 15 km/h | 30 km/h |
diff --git a/features/options/routed/help.feature b/features/options/routed/help.feature
index 9603c40..c0fca47 100644
--- a/features/options/routed/help.feature
+++ b/features/options/routed/help.feature
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ Feature: osrm-routed command line options: help
         And stdout should contain "--ip"
         And stdout should contain "--port"
         And stdout should contain "--threads"
-        And stdout should contain "--sharedmemory"
-        And stdout should contain 22 lines
+        And stdout should contain "--shared-memory"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-table-size"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size"
+        And stdout should contain 26 lines
         And it should exit with code 0
     Scenario: osrm-routed - Help, short
@@ -48,8 +50,10 @@ Feature: osrm-routed command line options: help
         And stdout should contain "--ip"
         And stdout should contain "--port"
         And stdout should contain "--threads"
-        And stdout should contain "--sharedmemory"
-        And stdout should contain 22 lines
+        And stdout should contain "--shared-memory"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-table-size"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size"
+        And stdout should contain 26 lines
         And it should exit with code 0
     Scenario: osrm-routed - Help, long
@@ -72,6 +76,8 @@ Feature: osrm-routed command line options: help
         And stdout should contain "--ip"
         And stdout should contain "--port"
         And stdout should contain "--threads"
-        And stdout should contain "--sharedmemory"
-        And stdout should contain 22 lines
+        And stdout should contain "--shared-memory"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-table-size"
+        And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size"
+        And stdout should contain 26 lines
         And it should exit with code 0
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/matching.rb b/features/step_definitions/matching.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f3181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/step_definitions/matching.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+When /^I match I should get$/ do |table|
+  reprocess
+  actual = []
+  OSRMLoader.load(self,"#{prepared_file}.osrm") do
+    table.hashes.each_with_index do |row,ri|
+      if row['request']
+        got = {'request' => row['request'] }
+        response = request_url row['request']
+      else
+        params = @query_params
+        trace = []
+        timestamps = []
+        if row['trace']
+          row['trace'].each_char do |n|
+            node = find_node_by_name(n.strip)
+            raise "*** unknown waypoint node '#{n.strip}" unless node
+            trace << node
+          end
+          if row['timestamps']
+              timestamps = row['timestamps'].split(" ").compact.map { |t| t.to_i}
+          end
+          got = {'trace' => row['trace'] }
+          response = request_matching trace, timestamps, params
+        else
+          raise "*** no trace"
+        end
+      end
+      row.each_pair do |k,v|
+        if k =~ /param:(.*)/
+          if v=='(nil)'
+            params[$1]=nil
+          elsif v!=nil
+            params[$1]=v
+          end
+          got[k]=v
+        end
+      end
+      if response.body.empty? == false
+        json = JSON.parse response.body
+      end
+      if table.headers.include? 'status'
+        got['status'] = json['status'].to_s
+      end
+      if table.headers.include? 'message'
+        got['message'] = json['status_message']
+      end
+      if table.headers.include? '#'   # comment column
+        got['#'] = row['#']           # copy value so it always match
+      end
+      sub_matchings = []
+      if response.code == "200"
+        if table.headers.include? 'matchings'
+          sub_matchings = json['matchings'].compact.map { |sub| sub['matched_points']}
+        end
+      end
+      ok = true
+      encoded_result = ""
+      extended_target = ""
+      row['matchings'].split(',').each_with_index do |sub, sub_idx|
+        if sub_idx >= sub_matchings.length
+          ok = false
+          break
+        end
+        sub.length.times do |node_idx|
+          node = find_node_by_name(sub[node_idx])
+          out_node = sub_matchings[sub_idx][node_idx]
+          if FuzzyMatch.match_location out_node, node
+            encoded_result += sub[node_idx]
+            extended_target += sub[node_idx]
+          else
+            encoded_result += "? [#{out_node[0]},#{out_node[1]}]"
+            extended_target += "#{sub[node_idx]} [#{node.lat},#{node.lon}]"
+            ok = false
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      if ok
+        got['matchings'] = row['matchings']
+        got['timestamps'] = row['timestamps']
+      else
+        got['matchings'] = encoded_result
+        row['matchings'] = extended_target
+        log_fail row,got, { 'matching' => {:query => @query, :response => response} }
+      end
+      actual << got
+    end
+  end
+  table.routing_diff! actual
diff --git a/features/support/env.rb b/features/support/env.rb
index a01341d..f9a4fe4 100644
--- a/features/support/env.rb
+++ b/features/support/env.rb
@@ -64,6 +64,19 @@ unless File.exists? TEST_FOLDER
   raise "*** Test folder #{TEST_FOLDER} doesn't exist."
+def verify_osrm_is_not_running
+  if OSRMLoader::OSRMBaseLoader.new.osrm_up?
+    raise "*** osrm-routed is already running."
+  end
+def verify_existance_of_binaries
+  ["osrm-extract", "osrm-prepare", "osrm-routed"].each do |bin|  
+    unless File.exists? "#{BIN_PATH}/#{bin}"
+      raise "*** #{BIN_PATH}/#{bin} is missing. Build failed?"
+    end
+  end
 if ENV['OS']=~/Windows.*/ then
@@ -74,10 +87,9 @@ else
 AfterConfiguration do |config|
-  if OSRMLoader::OSRMBaseLoader.new.osrm_up?
-    raise "*** osrm-routed is already running."
-  end
+  verify_osrm_is_not_running
+  verify_existance_of_binaries
 at_exit do
diff --git a/features/support/launch.rb b/features/support/launch.rb
index 0f983c1..d8d23ae 100644
--- a/features/support/launch.rb
+++ b/features/support/launch.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ require 'json'
 # Only one isntance of osrm-routed is ever launched, to avoid collisions.
 # The default is to keep osrm-routed running and load data with datastore.
-# however, osrm-routed it shut down and relaunched for each scenario thats 
+# however, osrm-routed it shut down and relaunched for each scenario thats
 # loads data directly.
 class OSRMLoader
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class OSRMLoader
     def osrm_up
       return if osrm_up?
-      @@pid = Process.spawn("#{BIN_PATH}/osrm-routed --sharedmemory=1 --port #{OSRM_PORT}",:out=>OSRM_ROUTED_LOG_FILE, :err=>OSRM_ROUTED_LOG_FILE)
+      @@pid = Process.spawn("#{BIN_PATH}/osrm-routed --shared-memory=1 --port #{OSRM_PORT}",:out=>OSRM_ROUTED_LOG_FILE, :err=>OSRM_ROUTED_LOG_FILE)
       Process.detach(@@pid)    # avoid zombie processes
diff --git a/features/support/match.rb b/features/support/match.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf51189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/support/match.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require 'net/http'
+def request_matching trace=[], timestamps=[], options={}
+  defaults = { 'output' => 'json' }
+  locs = trace.compact.map { |w| "loc=#{w.lat},#{w.lon}" }
+  ts = timestamps.compact.map { |t| "t=#{t}" }
+  if ts.length > 0
+    trace_params = locs.zip(ts).map { |a| a.join('&')}
+  else
+    trace_params = locs
+  end
+  params = (trace_params + defaults.merge(options).to_param).join('&')
+  params = nil if params==""
+  uri = URI.parse ["#{HOST}/match", params].compact.join('?')
+  @query = uri.to_s
+  Timeout.timeout(OSRM_TIMEOUT) do
+    Net::HTTP.get_response uri
+  end
+rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
+  raise "*** osrm-routed is not running."
+rescue Timeout::Error
+  raise "*** osrm-routed did not respond."
diff --git a/features/testbot/loop.feature b/features/testbot/loop.feature
index fe898ec..72cad33 100644
--- a/features/testbot/loop.feature
+++ b/features/testbot/loop.feature
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ Feature: Avoid weird loops caused by rounding errors
             |   | d |   |
         And the ways
-            | nodes | highway   |
-            | ab    | primary   |
-            | bc    | primary   |
-            | cd    | primary   |
-            | be    | secondary |
-            | ef    | secondary |
-            | cf    | secondary |
+            | nodes | highway     |
+            | ab    | residential |
+            | bc    | residential |
+            | cd    | residential |
+            | be    | primary     |
+            | ef    | primary     |
+            | cf    | primary     |
         When I route I should get
             | waypoints | route             | turns                                      |
diff --git a/features/testbot/matching.feature b/features/testbot/matching.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..774e8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/testbot/matching.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ at match @testbot
+Feature: Basic Map Matching
+    Background:
+        Given the profile "testbot"
+        Given a grid size of 10 meters
+    Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace splitting
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c | d |
+            |   |   | e |   |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | oneway |
+            | abcd  | no     |
+        When I match I should get
+            | trace | timestamps | matchings |
+            | abcd  | 0 1 62 63  | ab,cd     |
+    Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with small distortion
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c | d | e |
+            |   | f |   |   |   |
+            |   |   |   |   |   |
+            |   |   |   |   |   |
+            |   |   |   |   |   |
+            |   | h |   |   | k |
+        # The second way does not need to be a oneway
+        # but the grid spacing triggers the uturn
+        # detection on f
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | oneway |
+            | abcde | no     |
+            | bfhke | yes    |
+        When I match I should get
+            | trace  | matchings |
+            | afcde  | abcde     |
+    Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with oneways
+        Given the node map
+            | a | b | c | d |
+            | e | f | g | h |
+        And the ways
+            | nodes | oneway |
+            | abcd  | yes    |
+            | hgfe  | yes    |
+        When I match I should get
+            | trace | matchings |
+            | dcba  | hgfe      |
diff --git a/Util/integer_range.hpp b/include/osrm/coordinate.hpp
similarity index 53%
copy from Util/integer_range.hpp
copy to include/osrm/coordinate.hpp
index 030b2fa..6318465 100644
--- a/Util/integer_range.hpp
+++ b/include/osrm/coordinate.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013,2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include <iosfwd> //for std::ostream
+#include <string>
 #include <type_traits>
-namespace osrm
+constexpr static const float COORDINATE_PRECISION = 1000000.f;
-template <typename Integer> class range
+struct FixedPointCoordinate
-  private:
-    Integer last;
-    Integer iter;
+    int lat;
+    int lon;
+    FixedPointCoordinate();
+    FixedPointCoordinate(int lat, int lon);
-  public:
-    range(Integer start, Integer end) : last(end), iter(start)
+    template <class T>
+    FixedPointCoordinate(const T &coordinate)
+        : lat(coordinate.lat), lon(coordinate.lon)
-        static_assert(std::is_integral<Integer>::value, "range type must be integral");
+        static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(lat), decltype(coordinate.lat)>::value,
+                      "coordinate types incompatible");
+        static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(lon), decltype(coordinate.lon)>::value,
+                      "coordinate types incompatible");
-    // Iterable functions
-    const range &begin() const { return *this; }
-    const range &end() const { return *this; }
-    Integer front() const { return iter; }
-    Integer back() const { return last - 1; }
+    bool is_valid() const;
+    bool operator==(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const;
-    // Iterator functions
-    bool operator!=(const range &) const { return iter < last; }
-    void operator++() { ++iter; }
-    Integer operator*() const { return iter; }
+    float bearing(const FixedPointCoordinate &other) const;
+    void output(std::ostream &out) const;
-// convenience function to construct an integer range with type deduction
-template <typename Integer>
-range<Integer> irange(const Integer first,
-                      const Integer last,
-                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type * = 0)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out_stream, FixedPointCoordinate const &coordinate)
-    return range<Integer>(first, last);
+    coordinate.output(out_stream);
+    return out_stream;
+#endif /* COORDINATE_HPP_ */
diff --git a/data_structures/json_container.hpp b/include/osrm/json_container.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from data_structures/json_container.hpp
rename to include/osrm/json_container.hpp
index 9bbbec4..40f39b8 100644
--- a/data_structures/json_container.hpp
+++ b/include/osrm/json_container.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // based on
 // https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mesos/tags/release-0.9.0-incubating-RC0/src/common/json.hpp
 #include <variant/variant.hpp>
 #include <string>
 #include <unordered_map>
-namespace JSON
+namespace osrm
+namespace json
 struct Object;
@@ -90,5 +92,5 @@ struct Array
 } // namespace JSON
+} // namespace osrm
diff --git a/prepare.cpp b/include/osrm/libosrm_config.hpp
similarity index 62%
copy from prepare.cpp
copy to include/osrm/libosrm_config.hpp
index e50f134..500abf5 100644
--- a/prepare.cpp
+++ b/include/osrm/libosrm_config.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "contractor/processing_chain.hpp"
-#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <osrm/server_paths.hpp>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+struct libosrm_config
-    try
+    libosrm_config(const libosrm_config &) = delete;
+    libosrm_config()
+        : max_locations_distance_table(100), max_locations_map_matching(-1),
+          use_shared_memory(false)
-        return Prepare().Process(argc, argv);
-    catch (boost::program_options::too_many_positional_options_error &)
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Only one file can be specified";
-        return 1;
-    }
-    catch (boost::program_options::error &e)
-    {
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << e.what();
-        return 1;
-    }
-    catch (const std::exception &e)
+    libosrm_config(const ServerPaths &paths, const bool flag, const int max_table, const int max_matching)
+        : server_paths(paths), max_locations_distance_table(max_table),
+          max_locations_map_matching(max_matching), use_shared_memory(flag)
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "Exception occured: " << e.what() << std::endl;
-        return 1;
+    ServerPaths server_paths;
+    int max_locations_distance_table;
+    int max_locations_map_matching;
+    bool use_shared_memory;
diff --git a/Include/osrm/RouteParameters.h b/include/osrm/route_parameters.hpp
similarity index 84%
rename from Include/osrm/RouteParameters.h
rename to include/osrm/route_parameters.hpp
index fd570a1..9babbd7 100644
--- a/Include/osrm/RouteParameters.h
+++ b/include/osrm/route_parameters.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <boost/fusion/container/vector/vector_fwd.hpp>
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct RouteParameters
     void setZoomLevel(const short level);
     void setNumberOfResults(const short number);
     void setAlternateRouteFlag(const bool flag);
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ struct RouteParameters
     void setAllUTurns(const bool flag);
+    void setClassify(const bool classify);
+    void setMatchingBeta(const double beta);
+    void setGPSPrecision(const double precision);
     void setDeprecatedAPIFlag(const std::string &);
     void setChecksum(const unsigned check_sum);
@@ -63,13 +69,15 @@ struct RouteParameters
     void addHint(const std::string &hint);
+    void addTimestamp(const unsigned timestamp);
     void setLanguage(const std::string &language);
     void setGeometryFlag(const bool flag);
     void setCompressionFlag(const bool flag);
-    void addCoordinate(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &coordinates);
+    void addCoordinate(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates);
     short zoom_level;
     bool print_instructions;
@@ -78,6 +86,9 @@ struct RouteParameters
     bool compression;
     bool deprecatedAPI;
     bool uturn_default;
+    bool classify;
+    double matching_beta;
+    double gps_precision;
     unsigned check_sum;
     short num_results;
     std::string service;
@@ -85,8 +96,9 @@ struct RouteParameters
     std::string jsonp_parameter;
     std::string language;
     std::vector<std::string> hints;
+    std::vector<unsigned> timestamps;
     std::vector<bool> uturns;
     std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> coordinates;
diff --git a/Include/osrm/ServerPaths.h b/include/osrm/server_paths.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from Include/osrm/ServerPaths.h
rename to include/osrm/server_paths.hpp
index 52b60c7..669ee7d 100644
--- a/Include/osrm/ServerPaths.h
+++ b/include/osrm/server_paths.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <string>
-typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, boost::filesystem::path> ServerPaths;
+using ServerPaths = std::unordered_map<std::string, boost::filesystem::path>;
 #endif // SERVER_PATH_H
diff --git a/Library/OSRM.h b/library/osrm.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from Library/OSRM.h
rename to library/osrm.hpp
index 372e82c..27acb40 100644
--- a/Library/OSRM.h
+++ b/library/osrm.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef OSRM_H
-#define OSRM_H
+#ifndef OSRM_HPP
+#define OSRM_HPP
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
+#include <osrm/libosrm_config.hpp>
 #include <memory>
 class OSRM_impl;
 struct RouteParameters;
-namespace http
+namespace osrm
-class Reply;
+namespace json
+struct Object;
 class OSRM
@@ -46,9 +49,9 @@ class OSRM
     std::unique_ptr<OSRM_impl> OSRM_pimpl_;
-    explicit OSRM(ServerPaths paths, const bool use_shared_memory = false);
+    explicit OSRM(libosrm_config &lib_config);
-    void RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply);
+    int RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, osrm::json::Object &json_result);
-#endif // OSRM_H
+#endif // OSRM_HPP
diff --git a/Library/OSRM_impl.cpp b/library/osrm_impl.cpp
similarity index 52%
rename from Library/OSRM_impl.cpp
rename to library/osrm_impl.cpp
index 40fef68..5bb58d1 100644
--- a/Library/OSRM_impl.cpp
+++ b/library/osrm_impl.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-namespace boost { namespace interprocess { class named_mutex; } }
-#include "OSRM_impl.h"
-#include "OSRM.h"
+namespace boost
+namespace interprocess
+class named_mutex;
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
-#include <osrm/RouteParameters.h>
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
+#include "osrm_impl.hpp"
+#include "osrm.hpp"
 #include "../plugins/distance_table.hpp"
 #include "../plugins/hello_world.hpp"
@@ -40,26 +42,29 @@ namespace boost { namespace interprocess { class named_mutex; } }
 #include "../plugins/nearest.hpp"
 #include "../plugins/timestamp.hpp"
 #include "../plugins/viaroute.hpp"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/BaseDataFacade.h"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/InternalDataFacade.h"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/SharedDataFacade.h"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/ProgramOptions.h"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../plugins/match.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/shared_datafacade.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/routed_options.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_condition.hpp>
 #include <boost/interprocess/sync/scoped_lock.hpp>
+#include <osrm/route_parameters.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-OSRM_impl::OSRM_impl(ServerPaths server_paths, const bool use_shared_memory)
+OSRM_impl::OSRM_impl(libosrm_config &lib_config)
-    if (use_shared_memory)
+    if (lib_config.use_shared_memory)
         barrier = osrm::make_unique<SharedBarriers>();
         query_data_facade = new SharedDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>();
@@ -67,15 +72,18 @@ OSRM_impl::OSRM_impl(ServerPaths server_paths, const bool use_shared_memory)
         // populate base path
-        populate_base_path(server_paths);
-        query_data_facade = new InternalDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>(server_paths);
+        populate_base_path(lib_config.server_paths);
+        query_data_facade = new InternalDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>(lib_config.server_paths);
     // The following plugins handle all requests.
-    RegisterPlugin(new DistanceTablePlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(query_data_facade));
+    RegisterPlugin(new DistanceTablePlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(
+        query_data_facade, lib_config.max_locations_distance_table));
     RegisterPlugin(new HelloWorldPlugin());
     RegisterPlugin(new LocatePlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(query_data_facade));
     RegisterPlugin(new NearestPlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(query_data_facade));
+    RegisterPlugin(new MapMatchingPlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(
+        query_data_facade, lib_config.max_locations_map_matching));
     RegisterPlugin(new TimestampPlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(query_data_facade));
     RegisterPlugin(new ViaRoutePlugin<BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData>>(query_data_facade));
@@ -99,67 +107,75 @@ void OSRM_impl::RegisterPlugin(BasePlugin *plugin)
     plugin_map.emplace(plugin->GetDescriptor(), plugin);
-void OSRM_impl::RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply)
+int OSRM_impl::RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, osrm::json::Object &json_result)
-    const PluginMap::const_iterator &iter = plugin_map.find(route_parameters.service);
+    const auto &plugin_iterator = plugin_map.find(route_parameters.service);
-    if (plugin_map.end() != iter)
+    if (plugin_map.end() == plugin_iterator)
-        reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
-        if (barrier)
-        {
-            // lock update pending
-            boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> pending_lock(
-                barrier->pending_update_mutex);
-            // lock query
-            boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> query_lock(
-                barrier->query_mutex);
-            // unlock update pending
-            pending_lock.unlock();
-            // increment query count
-            ++(barrier->number_of_queries);
-            (static_cast<SharedDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData> *>(query_data_facade))
-                ->CheckAndReloadFacade();
-        }
-        iter->second->HandleRequest(route_parameters, reply);
-        if (barrier)
-        {
-            // lock query
-            boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> query_lock(
-                barrier->query_mutex);
-            // decrement query count
-            --(barrier->number_of_queries);
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 <= barrier->number_of_queries, "invalid number of queries");
-            // notify all processes that were waiting for this condition
-            if (0 == barrier->number_of_queries)
-            {
-                barrier->no_running_queries_condition.notify_all();
-            }
-        }
+        return 400;
-    else
+    increase_concurrent_query_count();
+    plugin_iterator->second->HandleRequest(route_parameters, json_result);
+    decrease_concurrent_query_count();
+    return 200;
+// decrease number of concurrent queries
+void OSRM_impl::decrease_concurrent_query_count()
+    if (!barrier)
-        reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
+        return;
+    // lock query
+    boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> query_lock(
+        barrier->query_mutex);
-// proxy code for compilation firewall
+    // decrement query count
+    --(barrier->number_of_queries);
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 <= barrier->number_of_queries, "invalid number of queries");
-OSRM::OSRM(ServerPaths paths, const bool use_shared_memory)
-    : OSRM_pimpl_(osrm::make_unique<OSRM_impl>(paths, use_shared_memory))
+    // notify all processes that were waiting for this condition
+    if (0 == barrier->number_of_queries)
+    {
+        barrier->no_running_queries_condition.notify_all();
+    }
+// increase number of concurrent queries
+void OSRM_impl::increase_concurrent_query_count()
+    if (!barrier)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    // lock update pending
+    boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> pending_lock(
+        barrier->pending_update_mutex);
+    // lock query
+    boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::named_mutex> query_lock(
+        barrier->query_mutex);
+    // unlock update pending
+    pending_lock.unlock();
+    // increment query count
+    ++(barrier->number_of_queries);
+    (static_cast<SharedDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData> *>(query_data_facade))
+        ->CheckAndReloadFacade();
+// proxy code for compilation firewall
+OSRM::OSRM(libosrm_config &lib_config) : OSRM_pimpl_(osrm::make_unique<OSRM_impl>(lib_config)) {}
 OSRM::~OSRM() { OSRM_pimpl_.reset(); }
-void OSRM::RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply)
+int OSRM::RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, osrm::json::Object &json_result)
-    OSRM_pimpl_->RunQuery(route_parameters, reply);
+    return OSRM_pimpl_->RunQuery(route_parameters, json_result);
diff --git a/Library/OSRM_impl.h b/library/osrm_impl.hpp
similarity index 79%
rename from Library/OSRM_impl.h
rename to library/osrm_impl.hpp
index e8b47df..a736c04 100644
--- a/Library/OSRM_impl.h
+++ b/library/osrm_impl.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef OSRM_IMPL_H
-#define OSRM_IMPL_H
+#ifndef OSRM_IMPL_HPP
+#define OSRM_IMPL_HPP
 class BasePlugin;
-namespace http { class Reply; }
 struct RouteParameters;
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
 #include "../data_structures/query_edge.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <osrm/libosrm_config.hpp>
 #include <memory>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <string>
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class OSRM_impl
     using PluginMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, BasePlugin *>;
-    OSRM_impl(ServerPaths paths, const bool use_shared_memory);
+    OSRM_impl(libosrm_config &lib_config);
     OSRM_impl(const OSRM_impl &) = delete;
     virtual ~OSRM_impl();
-    void RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply);
+    int RunQuery(RouteParameters &route_parameters, osrm::json::Object &json_result);
     void RegisterPlugin(BasePlugin *plugin);
@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ class OSRM_impl
     std::unique_ptr<SharedBarriers> barrier;
     // base class pointer to the objects
     BaseDataFacade<QueryEdge::EdgeData> *query_data_facade;
+    // decrease number of concurrent queries
+    void decrease_concurrent_query_count();
+    // increase number of concurrent queries
+    void increase_concurrent_query_count();
-#endif // OSRM_IMPL_H
+#endif // OSRM_IMPL_HPP
diff --git a/plugins/distance_table.hpp b/plugins/distance_table.hpp
index 6ef90a5..d7a9804 100644
--- a/plugins/distance_table.hpp
+++ b/plugins/distance_table.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "plugin_base.hpp"
 #include "../algorithms/object_encoder.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/query_edge.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/search_engine.hpp"
 #include "../descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <cstdlib>
@@ -52,28 +53,33 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
     std::unique_ptr<SearchEngine<DataFacadeT>> search_engine_ptr;
+    int max_locations_distance_table;
-    explicit DistanceTablePlugin(DataFacadeT *facade) : descriptor_string("table"), facade(facade)
+    explicit DistanceTablePlugin(DataFacadeT *facade, const int max_locations_distance_table)
+        : max_locations_distance_table(max_locations_distance_table), descriptor_string("table"),
+          facade(facade)
         search_engine_ptr = osrm::make_unique<SearchEngine<DataFacadeT>>(facade);
     virtual ~DistanceTablePlugin() {}
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
         if (!check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.coordinates))
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            return;
+            return 400;
         const bool checksum_OK = (route_parameters.check_sum == facade->GetCheckSum());
         unsigned max_locations =
-            std::min(100u, static_cast<unsigned>(route_parameters.coordinates.size()));
+            std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(max_locations_distance_table),
+                     static_cast<unsigned>(route_parameters.coordinates.size()));
         PhantomNodeArray phantom_node_vector(max_locations);
         for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, max_locations))
@@ -89,8 +95,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
-                                                            phantom_node_vector[i],
-                                                            1);
+                                                            phantom_node_vector[i], 1);
@@ -102,23 +107,22 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
         if (!result_table)
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            return;
+            return 400;
-        JSON::Object json_object;
-        JSON::Array json_array;
+        osrm::json::Array json_array;
         const auto number_of_locations = phantom_node_vector.size();
         for (const auto row : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, number_of_locations))
-            JSON::Array json_row;
+            osrm::json::Array json_row;
             auto row_begin_iterator = result_table->begin() + (row * number_of_locations);
             auto row_end_iterator = result_table->begin() + ((row + 1) * number_of_locations);
             json_row.values.insert(json_row.values.end(), row_begin_iterator, row_end_iterator);
-        json_object.values["distance_table"] = json_array;
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_object);
+        json_result.values["distance_table"] = json_array;
+        // osrm::json::render(reply.content, json_object);
+        return 200;
@@ -126,4 +130,4 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
     DataFacadeT *facade;
diff --git a/plugins/hello_world.hpp b/plugins/hello_world.hpp
index c8b07b0..faf5b10 100644
--- a/plugins/hello_world.hpp
+++ b/plugins/hello_world.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "plugin_base.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../Util/cast.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/cast.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
@@ -44,13 +45,11 @@ class HelloWorldPlugin final : public BasePlugin
     HelloWorldPlugin() : descriptor_string("hello") {}
     virtual ~HelloWorldPlugin() {}
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &routeParameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &routeParameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
-        reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
-        JSON::Object json_result;
         std::string temp_string;
         json_result.values["title"] = "Hello World";
@@ -72,15 +71,17 @@ class HelloWorldPlugin final : public BasePlugin
         temp_string = cast::integral_to_string(routeParameters.coordinates.size());
         json_result.values["location_count"] = temp_string;
-        JSON::Array json_locations;
+        osrm::json::Array json_locations;
         unsigned counter = 0;
         for (const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate : routeParameters.coordinates)
-            JSON::Object json_location;
-            JSON::Array json_coordinates;
+            osrm::json::Object json_location;
+            osrm::json::Array json_coordinates;
-            json_coordinates.values.push_back(static_cast<double>(coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
-            json_coordinates.values.push_back(static_cast<double>(coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
+            json_coordinates.values.push_back(
+                static_cast<double>(coordinate.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
+            json_coordinates.values.push_back(
+                static_cast<double>(coordinate.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
             json_location.values[cast::integral_to_string(counter)] = json_coordinates;
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ class HelloWorldPlugin final : public BasePlugin
         json_result.values["locations"] = json_locations;
         json_result.values["hint_count"] = routeParameters.hints.size();
-        JSON::Array json_hints;
+        osrm::json::Array json_hints;
         counter = 0;
         for (const std::string &current_hint : routeParameters.hints)
@@ -96,12 +97,11 @@ class HelloWorldPlugin final : public BasePlugin
         json_result.values["hints"] = json_hints;
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
+        return 200;
     std::string descriptor_string;
+#endif // HELLO_WORLD_HPP
diff --git a/plugins/locate.hpp b/plugins/locate.hpp
index 6171395..144765a 100644
--- a/plugins/locate.hpp
+++ b/plugins/locate.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#ifndef LOCATE_HPP
+#define LOCATE_HPP
 #include "plugin_base.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
-#include "../Util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
@@ -41,18 +42,18 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class LocatePlugin final : public BasePlugin
     explicit LocatePlugin(DataFacadeT *facade) : descriptor_string("locate"), facade(facade) {}
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
         // check number of parameters
-        if (route_parameters.coordinates.empty() || !route_parameters.coordinates.front().is_valid())
+        if (route_parameters.coordinates.empty() ||
+            !route_parameters.coordinates.front().is_valid())
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            return;
+            return 400;
-        JSON::Object json_result;
         FixedPointCoordinate result;
         if (!facade->LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(route_parameters.coordinates.front(),
@@ -61,15 +62,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class LocatePlugin final : public BasePlugin
-            reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
             json_result.values["status"] = 0;
-            JSON::Array json_coordinate;
+            osrm::json::Array json_coordinate;
             json_coordinate.values.push_back(result.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
             json_coordinate.values.push_back(result.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
             json_result.values["mapped_coordinate"] = json_coordinate;
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
+        return 200;
@@ -77,4 +76,4 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class LocatePlugin final : public BasePlugin
     DataFacadeT *facade;
-#endif /* LOCATE_PLUGIN_H */
+#endif /* LOCATE_HPP */
diff --git a/plugins/match.hpp b/plugins/match.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a866947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/match.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#ifndef MATCH_HPP
+#define MATCH_HPP
+#include "plugin_base.hpp"
+#include "../algorithms/bayes_classifier.hpp"
+#include "../algorithms/object_encoder.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/search_engine.hpp"
+#include "../descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp"
+#include "../descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp"
+#include "../routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp"
+#include "../util/compute_angle.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+template <class DataFacadeT> class MapMatchingPlugin : public BasePlugin
+    constexpr static const unsigned max_number_of_candidates = 10;
+    std::shared_ptr<SearchEngine<DataFacadeT>> search_engine_ptr;
+    using ClassifierT = BayesClassifier<LaplaceDistribution, LaplaceDistribution, double>;
+    using TraceClassification = ClassifierT::ClassificationT;
+  public:
+    MapMatchingPlugin(DataFacadeT *facade, const int max_locations_map_matching)
+        : descriptor_string("match"), facade(facade),
+          max_locations_map_matching(max_locations_map_matching),
+          // the values where derived from fitting a laplace distribution
+          // to the values of manually classified traces
+          classifier(LaplaceDistribution(0.005986, 0.016646),
+                     LaplaceDistribution(0.054385, 0.458432),
+                     0.696774) // valid apriori probability
+    {
+        search_engine_ptr = std::make_shared<SearchEngine<DataFacadeT>>(facade);
+    }
+    virtual ~MapMatchingPlugin() {}
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    TraceClassification
+    classify(const float trace_length, const float matched_length, const int removed_points) const
+    {
+        const double distance_feature = -std::log(trace_length) + std::log(matched_length);
+        // matched to the same point
+        if (!std::isfinite(distance_feature))
+        {
+            return std::make_pair(ClassifierT::ClassLabel::NEGATIVE, 1.0);
+        }
+        const auto label_with_confidence = classifier.classify(distance_feature);
+        return label_with_confidence;
+    }
+    bool getCandiates(const std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> &input_coords,
+                      std::vector<double> &sub_trace_lengths,
+                      osrm::matching::CandidateLists &candidates_lists)
+    {
+        double last_distance =
+            coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(input_coords[0], input_coords[1]);
+        sub_trace_lengths.resize(input_coords.size());
+        sub_trace_lengths[0] = 0;
+        for (const auto current_coordinate : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, input_coords.size()))
+        {
+            bool allow_uturn = false;
+            if (0 < current_coordinate)
+            {
+                last_distance = coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(
+                    input_coords[current_coordinate - 1], input_coords[current_coordinate]);
+                sub_trace_lengths[current_coordinate] +=
+                    sub_trace_lengths[current_coordinate - 1] + last_distance;
+            }
+            if (input_coords.size() - 1 > current_coordinate && 0 < current_coordinate)
+            {
+                double turn_angle = ComputeAngle::OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(
+                    input_coords[current_coordinate - 1], input_coords[current_coordinate],
+                    input_coords[current_coordinate + 1]);
+                // sharp turns indicate a possible uturn
+                if (turn_angle <= 90.0 || turn_angle >= 270.0)
+                {
+                    allow_uturn = true;
+                }
+            }
+            std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> candidates;
+            if (!facade->IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithMaxDistance(
+                    input_coords[current_coordinate], candidates, last_distance / 2.0, 5,
+                    max_number_of_candidates))
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (allow_uturn)
+            {
+                candidates_lists.push_back(candidates);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                const auto compact_size = candidates.size();
+                for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, compact_size))
+                {
+                    // Split edge if it is bidirectional and append reverse direction to end of list
+                    if (candidates[i].first.forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID &&
+                        candidates[i].first.reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
+                    {
+                        PhantomNode reverse_node(candidates[i].first);
+                        reverse_node.forward_node_id = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+                        candidates.push_back(std::make_pair(reverse_node, candidates[i].second));
+                        candidates[i].first.reverse_node_id = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+                    }
+                }
+                candidates_lists.push_back(candidates);
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    osrm::json::Object submatchingToJSON(const osrm::matching::SubMatching &sub,
+                                         const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                                         const InternalRouteResult &raw_route)
+    {
+        osrm::json::Object subtrace;
+        if (route_parameters.classify)
+        {
+            subtrace.values["confidence"] = sub.confidence;
+        }
+        if (route_parameters.geometry)
+        {
+            DescriptionFactory factory;
+            FixedPointCoordinate current_coordinate;
+            factory.SetStartSegment(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.front().source_phantom,
+                                    raw_route.source_traversed_in_reverse.front());
+            for (const auto i :
+                 osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, raw_route.unpacked_path_segments.size()))
+            {
+                for (const PathData &path_data : raw_route.unpacked_path_segments[i])
+                {
+                    current_coordinate = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(path_data.node);
+                    factory.AppendSegment(current_coordinate, path_data);
+                }
+                factory.SetEndSegment(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates[i].target_phantom,
+                                      raw_route.target_traversed_in_reverse[i],
+                                      raw_route.is_via_leg(i));
+            }
+            // we need this because we don't run DP
+            for (auto &segment : factory.path_description)
+            {
+                segment.necessary = true;
+            }
+            subtrace.values["geometry"] =
+                factory.AppendGeometryString(route_parameters.compression);
+        }
+        subtrace.values["indices"] = osrm::json::make_array(sub.indices);
+        osrm::json::Array points;
+        for (const auto &node : sub.nodes)
+        {
+            points.values.emplace_back(
+                osrm::json::make_array(node.location.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION,
+                                       node.location.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION));
+        }
+        subtrace.values["matched_points"] = points;
+        return subtrace;
+    }
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) final
+    {
+        // check number of parameters
+        if (!check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.coordinates))
+        {
+            return 400;
+        }
+        std::vector<double> sub_trace_lengths;
+        osrm::matching::CandidateLists candidates_lists;
+        const auto &input_coords = route_parameters.coordinates;
+        const auto &input_timestamps = route_parameters.timestamps;
+        if (input_timestamps.size() > 0 && input_coords.size() != input_timestamps.size())
+        {
+            return 400;
+        }
+        // enforce maximum number of locations for performance reasons
+        if (max_locations_map_matching > 0 &&
+            static_cast<int>(input_coords.size()) < max_locations_map_matching)
+        {
+            return 400;
+        }
+        const bool found_candidates =
+            getCandiates(input_coords, sub_trace_lengths, candidates_lists);
+        if (!found_candidates)
+        {
+            return 400;
+        }
+        // setup logging if enabled
+        if (osrm::json::Logger::get())
+            osrm::json::Logger::get()->initialize("matching");
+        // call the actual map matching
+        osrm::matching::SubMatchingList sub_matchings;
+        search_engine_ptr->map_matching(candidates_lists, input_coords, input_timestamps,
+                                        route_parameters.matching_beta,
+                                        route_parameters.gps_precision, sub_matchings);
+        if (sub_matchings.empty())
+        {
+            return 400;
+        }
+        osrm::json::Array matchings;
+        for (auto &sub : sub_matchings)
+        {
+            // classify result
+            if (route_parameters.classify)
+            {
+                double trace_length =
+                    sub_trace_lengths[sub.indices.back()] - sub_trace_lengths[sub.indices.front()];
+                TraceClassification classification =
+                    classify(trace_length, sub.length,
+                             (sub.indices.back() - sub.indices.front() + 1) - sub.nodes.size());
+                if (classification.first == ClassifierT::ClassLabel::POSITIVE)
+                {
+                    sub.confidence = classification.second;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sub.confidence = 1 - classification.second;
+                }
+            }
+            BOOST_ASSERT(sub.nodes.size() > 1);
+            // FIXME we only run this to obtain the geometry
+            // The clean way would be to get this directly from the map matching plugin
+            InternalRouteResult raw_route;
+            PhantomNodes current_phantom_node_pair;
+            for (unsigned i = 0; i < sub.nodes.size() - 1; ++i)
+            {
+                current_phantom_node_pair.source_phantom = sub.nodes[i];
+                current_phantom_node_pair.target_phantom = sub.nodes[i + 1];
+                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.emplace_back(current_phantom_node_pair);
+            }
+            search_engine_ptr->shortest_path(
+                raw_route.segment_end_coordinates,
+                std::vector<bool>(raw_route.segment_end_coordinates.size(), true), raw_route);
+            matchings.values.emplace_back(submatchingToJSON(sub, route_parameters, raw_route));
+        }
+        if (osrm::json::Logger::get())
+            osrm::json::Logger::get()->render("matching", json_result);
+        json_result.values["matchings"] = matchings;
+        return 200;
+    }
+  private:
+    std::string descriptor_string;
+    DataFacadeT *facade;
+    int max_locations_map_matching;
+    ClassifierT classifier;
+#endif // MATCH_HPP
diff --git a/plugins/nearest.hpp b/plugins/nearest.hpp
index ac1079b..bf4cff3 100644
--- a/plugins/nearest.hpp
+++ b/plugins/nearest.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#ifndef NEAREST_HPP
+#define NEAREST_HPP
 #include "plugin_base.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/phantom_node.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
@@ -46,15 +47,16 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class NearestPlugin final : public BasePlugin
     explicit NearestPlugin(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade), descriptor_string("nearest") {}
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
         // check number of parameters
-        if (route_parameters.coordinates.empty() || !route_parameters.coordinates.front().is_valid())
+        if (route_parameters.coordinates.empty() ||
+            !route_parameters.coordinates.front().is_valid())
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            return;
+            return 400;
         auto number_of_results = static_cast<std::size_t>(route_parameters.num_results);
         std::vector<PhantomNode> phantom_node_vector;
@@ -62,51 +64,49 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class NearestPlugin final : public BasePlugin
-        JSON::Object json_result;
         if (phantom_node_vector.empty() || !phantom_node_vector.front().is_valid())
             json_result.values["status"] = 207;
-            reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
+            // reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
             json_result.values["status"] = 0;
             if (number_of_results > 1)
-                JSON::Array results;
+                osrm::json::Array results;
                 auto vector_length = phantom_node_vector.size();
-                for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, std::min(number_of_results, vector_length)))
+                for (const auto i :
+                     osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0, std::min(number_of_results, vector_length)))
-                    JSON::Array json_coordinate;
-                    JSON::Object result;
+                    osrm::json::Array json_coordinate;
+                    osrm::json::Object result;
                     json_coordinate.values.push_back(phantom_node_vector.at(i).location.lat /
                     json_coordinate.values.push_back(phantom_node_vector.at(i).location.lon /
                     result.values["mapped coordinate"] = json_coordinate;
-                    std::string temp_string;
-                    facade->GetName(phantom_node_vector.at(i).name_id, temp_string);
-                    result.values["name"] = temp_string;
+                    result.values["name"] =
+                        facade->get_name_for_id(phantom_node_vector.at(i).name_id);
                 json_result.values["results"] = results;
-                JSON::Array json_coordinate;
+                osrm::json::Array json_coordinate;
                 json_coordinate.values.push_back(phantom_node_vector.front().location.lat /
                 json_coordinate.values.push_back(phantom_node_vector.front().location.lon /
                 json_result.values["mapped_coordinate"] = json_coordinate;
-                std::string temp_string;
-                facade->GetName(phantom_node_vector.front().name_id, temp_string);
-                json_result.values["name"] = temp_string;
+                json_result.values["name"] =
+                    facade->get_name_for_id(phantom_node_vector.front().name_id);
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
+        return 200;
@@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class NearestPlugin final : public BasePlugin
     std::string descriptor_string;
-#endif /* NEAREST_PLUGIN_H */
+#endif /* NEAREST_HPP */
diff --git a/plugins/plugin_base.hpp b/plugins/plugin_base.hpp
index bb23a4d..acc8204 100644
--- a/plugins/plugin_base.hpp
+++ b/plugins/plugin_base.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef BASEPLUGIN_H_
-#define BASEPLUGIN_H_
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
-#include <osrm/RouteParameters.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <osrm/route_parameters.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
@@ -42,16 +43,15 @@ class BasePlugin
     // Maybe someone can explain the pure virtual destructor thing to me (dennis)
     virtual ~BasePlugin() {}
     virtual const std::string GetDescriptor() const = 0;
-    virtual void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &routeParameters, http::Reply &reply) = 0;
-    virtual bool check_all_coordinates(const std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> coordinates) const final
+    virtual int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &, osrm::json::Object &) = 0;
+    virtual bool
+    check_all_coordinates(const std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> &coordinates) const final
-        if (2 > coordinates.size() ||
-            std::any_of(std::begin(coordinates),
-                        std::end(coordinates),
-                        [](const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate)
-                        {
-                return !coordinate.is_valid();
-            }))
+        if (2 > coordinates.size() || std::any_of(std::begin(coordinates), std::end(coordinates),
+                                                  [](const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate)
+                                                  {
+                                                      return !coordinate.is_valid();
+                                                  }))
             return false;
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ class BasePlugin
-#endif /* BASEPLUGIN_H_ */
+#endif /* BASE_PLUGIN_HPP */
diff --git a/plugins/timestamp.hpp b/plugins/timestamp.hpp
index acdf32e..8a5d208 100644
--- a/plugins/timestamp.hpp
+++ b/plugins/timestamp.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "plugin_base.hpp"
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <string>
@@ -42,15 +43,14 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class TimestampPlugin final : public BasePlugin
         : facade(facade), descriptor_string("timestamp")
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
-        reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
-        JSON::Object json_result;
         json_result.values["status"] = 0;
         const std::string timestamp = facade->GetTimestamp();
         json_result.values["timestamp"] = timestamp;
-        JSON::render(reply.content, json_result);
+        return 200;
diff --git a/plugins/viaroute.hpp b/plugins/viaroute.hpp
index 236ee39..335bda1 100644
--- a/plugins/viaroute.hpp
+++ b/plugins/viaroute.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../descriptors/descriptor_base.hpp"
 #include "../descriptors/gpx_descriptor.hpp"
 #include "../descriptors/json_descriptor.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/json_renderer.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
 #include <cstdlib>
@@ -67,16 +69,15 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ViaRoutePlugin final : public BasePlugin
     virtual ~ViaRoutePlugin() {}
-    const std::string GetDescriptor() const final { return descriptor_string; }
+    const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
-    void HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters, http::Reply &reply) final
+    int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
+                      osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
         if (!check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.coordinates))
-            reply = http::Reply::StockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
-            return;
+            return 400;
-        reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
         std::vector<phantom_node_pair> phantom_node_pair_list(route_parameters.coordinates.size());
         const bool checksum_OK = (route_parameters.check_sum == facade->GetCheckSum());
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ViaRoutePlugin final : public BasePlugin
-        RawRouteData raw_route;
+        InternalRouteResult raw_route;
         auto build_phantom_pairs =
             [&raw_route](const phantom_node_pair &first_pair, const phantom_node_pair &second_pair)
@@ -183,7 +184,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ViaRoutePlugin final : public BasePlugin
-        descriptor->Run(raw_route, reply);
+        descriptor->Run(raw_route, json_result);
+        return 200;
diff --git a/prepare.cpp b/prepare.cpp
index e50f134..af10df0 100644
--- a/prepare.cpp
+++ b/prepare.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "contractor/processing_chain.hpp"
+#include "util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options/errors.hpp>
+#include <exception>
+#include <ostream>
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
diff --git a/profiles/bicycle.lua b/profiles/bicycle.lua
index 713c6b7..497321c 100644
--- a/profiles/bicycle.lua
+++ b/profiles/bicycle.lua
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ route_speeds = {
   ["ferry"] = 5
+bridge_speeds = {
+  ["movable"] = 5
 surface_speeds = {
   ["asphalt"] = default_speed,
   ["cobblestone:flattened"] = 10,
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ mode_normal = 1
 mode_pushing = 2
 mode_ferry = 3
 mode_train = 4
+mode_movable_bridge = 5
 local function parse_maxspeed(source)
     if not source then
@@ -159,12 +163,14 @@ function way_function (way, result)
   local railway = way:get_value_by_key("railway")
   local amenity = way:get_value_by_key("amenity")
   local public_transport = way:get_value_by_key("public_transport")
+  local bridge = way:get_value_by_key("bridge")
   if (not highway or highway == '') and
   (not route or route == '') and
   (not railway or railway=='') and
   (not amenity or amenity=='') and
   (not man_made or man_made=='') and
-  (not public_transport or public_transport=='')
+  (not public_transport or public_transport=='') and
+  (not bridge or bridge=='')
@@ -219,7 +225,17 @@ function way_function (way, result)
   -- speed
-  if route_speeds[route] then
+  local bridge_speed = bridge_speeds[bridge]
+  if (bridge_speed and bridge_speed > 0) then
+    highway = bridge;
+    if duration and durationIsValid(duration) then
+      result.duration = math.max( parseDuration(duration), 1 );
+    end
+    result.forward_mode = mode_movable_bridge
+    result.backward_mode = mode_movable_bridge
+    result.forward_speed = bridge_speed
+    result.backward_speed = bridge_speed
+  elseif route_speeds[route] then
     -- ferries (doesn't cover routes tagged using relations)
     result.forward_mode = mode_ferry
     result.backward_mode = mode_ferry
diff --git a/profiles/car.lua b/profiles/car.lua
index cd1f06b..813afd1 100644
--- a/profiles/car.lua
+++ b/profiles/car.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 -- Begin of globals
 --require("lib/access") --function temporarily inlined
-barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["checkpoint"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true, ["no"] = true, ["entrance"] = true }
+barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["checkpoint"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true, ["lift_gate"] = true, ["no"] = true, ["entrance"] = true }
 access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["motorcar"] = true, ["motor_vehicle"] = true, ["vehicle"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true }
-access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestry"] = true, ["emergency"] = true }
+access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestry"] = true, ["emergency"] = true, ["psv"] = true }
 access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true }
 access_tags = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle" }
 access_tags_hierachy = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle", "access" }
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ speed_profile = {
   ["service"] = 15,
 --  ["track"] = 5,
   ["ferry"] = 5,
+  ["movable"] = 5,
   ["shuttle_train"] = 10,
   ["default"] = 10
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ local speed_reduction = 0.8
 local mode_normal = 1
 local mode_ferry = 2
+local mode_movable_bridge = 3
 local function find_access_tag(source, access_tags_hierachy)
   for i,v in ipairs(access_tags_hierachy) do
@@ -203,9 +205,7 @@ function node_function (node, result)
     local barrier = node:get_value_by_key("barrier")
     if barrier and "" ~= barrier then
-      if barrier_whitelist[barrier] then
-        return
-      else
+      if not barrier_whitelist[barrier] then
         result.barrier = true
@@ -221,8 +221,9 @@ end
 function way_function (way, result)
   local highway = way:get_value_by_key("highway")
   local route = way:get_value_by_key("route")
+  local bridge = way:get_value_by_key("bridge")
-  if not ((highway and highway ~= "") or (route and route ~= "")) then
+  if not ((highway and highway ~= "") or (route and route ~= "") or (bridge and bridge ~= "")) then
@@ -248,15 +249,21 @@ function way_function (way, result)
+  local width = math.huge
+  local width_string = way:get_value_by_key("width")
+  if width_string and tonumber(width_string:match("%d*")) then
+    width = tonumber(width_string:match("%d*"))
+  end
   -- Check if we are allowed to access the way
   local access = find_access_tag(way, access_tags_hierachy)
   if access_tag_blacklist[access] then
-  -- Handling ferries and piers
+  -- handling ferries and piers
   local route_speed = speed_profile[route]
-  if(route_speed and route_speed > 0) then
+  if (route_speed and route_speed > 0) then
     highway = route;
     local duration  = way:get_value_by_key("duration")
     if duration and durationIsValid(duration) then
@@ -268,6 +275,21 @@ function way_function (way, result)
     result.backward_speed = route_speed
+  -- handling movable bridges
+  local bridge_speed = speed_profile[bridge]
+  local capacity_car = way:get_value_by_key("capacity:car")
+  if (bridge_speed and bridge_speed > 0) and (capacity_car ~= 0) then
+    highway = bridge;
+    local duration  = way:get_value_by_key("duration")
+    if duration and durationIsValid(duration) then
+      result.duration = max( parseDuration(duration), 1 );
+    end
+    result.forward_mode = mode_movable_bridge
+    result.backward_mode = mode_movable_bridge
+    result.forward_speed = bridge_speed
+    result.backward_speed = bridge_speed
+  end
   -- leave early of this way is not accessible
   if "" == highway then
@@ -385,12 +407,24 @@ function way_function (way, result)
     result.ignore_in_grid = true
   -- scale speeds to get better avg driving times
   if result.forward_speed > 0 then
-    result.forward_speed = result.forward_speed*speed_reduction + 11;
+    local scaled_speed = result.forward_speed*speed_reduction + 11;
+    local penalized_speed = math.huge
+    if width <= 3 then
+      penalized_speed = result.forward_speed / 2;
+    end
+    result.forward_speed = math.min(penalized_speed, scaled_speed)
   if result.backward_speed > 0 then
-    result.backward_speed = result.backward_speed*speed_reduction + 11;
+    local scaled_speed = result.backward_speed*speed_reduction + 11;
+    local penalized_speed = math.huge
+    if width <= 3 then
+      penalized_speed = result.backward_speed / 2;
+    end
+    result.backward_speed = math.min(penalized_speed, scaled_speed)
diff --git a/routed.cpp b/routed.cpp
index 1be6dd8..8b0e2e8 100644
--- a/routed.cpp
+++ b/routed.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "Library/OSRM.h"
-#include "Server/Server.h"
-#include "Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "Util/ProgramOptions.h"
-#include "Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "library/osrm.hpp"
+#include "server/server.hpp"
+#include "util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "util/routed_options.hpp"
+#include "util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #ifdef __linux__
 #include <sys/mman.h>
@@ -69,20 +69,16 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
-        bool use_shared_memory = false, trial_run = false;
+        bool trial_run = false;
         std::string ip_address;
         int ip_port, requested_thread_num;
-        ServerPaths server_paths;
+        libosrm_config lib_config;
-        const unsigned init_result = GenerateServerProgramOptions(argc,
-                                                                  argv,
-                                                                  server_paths,
-                                                                  ip_address,
-                                                                  ip_port,
-                                                                  requested_thread_num,
-                                                                  use_shared_memory,
-                                                                  trial_run);
+        const unsigned init_result = GenerateServerProgramOptions(
+            argc, argv, lib_config.server_paths, ip_address, ip_port, requested_thread_num,
+            lib_config.use_shared_memory, trial_run, lib_config.max_locations_distance_table,
+            lib_config.max_locations_map_matching);
         if (init_result == INIT_OK_DO_NOT_START_ENGINE)
             return 0;
@@ -101,7 +97,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION;
-        if (use_shared_memory)
+        if (lib_config.use_shared_memory)
             SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Loading from shared memory";
@@ -117,9 +113,8 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
         pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new_mask, &old_mask);
-        OSRM osrm_lib(server_paths, use_shared_memory);
-        auto routing_server =
-            Server::CreateServer(ip_address, ip_port, requested_thread_num);
+        OSRM osrm_lib(lib_config);
+        auto routing_server = Server::CreateServer(ip_address, ip_port, requested_thread_num);
@@ -129,7 +124,11 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
-            std::packaged_task<int()> server_task([&]()->int{ routing_server->Run(); return 0; });
+            std::packaged_task<int()> server_task([&]() -> int
+                                                  {
+                                                      routing_server->Run();
+                                                      return 0;
+                                                  });
             auto future = server_task.get_future();
             std::thread server_thread(std::move(server_task));
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
             if (status == std::future_status::ready)
-               server_thread.join();
+                server_thread.join();
diff --git a/routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp b/routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp
index 84b5856..1dcc020 100644
--- a/routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp
+++ b/routing_algorithms/alternative_path.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "routing_base.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/container.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/container.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
@@ -44,9 +44,11 @@ const double VIAPATH_ALPHA = 0.10;
 const double VIAPATH_EPSILON = 0.15; // alternative at most 15% longer
 const double VIAPATH_GAMMA = 0.75;   // alternative shares at most 75% with the shortest.
-template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>
+template <class DataFacadeT>
+class AlternativeRouting final
+    : private BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, AlternativeRouting<DataFacadeT>>
-    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>;
+    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, AlternativeRouting<DataFacadeT>>;
     using EdgeData = typename DataFacadeT::EdgeData;
     using QueryHeap = SearchEngineData::QueryHeap;
     using SearchSpaceEdge = std::pair<NodeID, NodeID>;
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
     virtual ~AlternativeRouting() {}
-    void operator()(const PhantomNodes &phantom_node_pair, RawRouteData &raw_route_data)
+    void operator()(const PhantomNodes &phantom_node_pair, InternalRouteResult &raw_route_data)
         std::vector<NodeID> alternative_path;
         std::vector<NodeID> via_node_candidate_list;
@@ -93,17 +95,16 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
-        QueryHeap &forward_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.forwardHeap);
-        QueryHeap &reverse_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.backwardHeap);
-        QueryHeap &forward_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.forwardHeap2);
-        QueryHeap &reverse_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.backwardHeap2);
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_1);
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.reverse_heap_1);
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_2);
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.reverse_heap_2);
         int upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
         NodeID middle_node = SPECIAL_NODEID;
-        EdgeWeight min_edge_offset =
-            std::min(0, -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset());
-        min_edge_offset = std::min(min_edge_offset,
-                                   -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
+        const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset =
+            std::min(phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                     phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
         if (phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
@@ -148,22 +149,16 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
             if (0 < forward_heap1.Size())
-                AlternativeRoutingStep<true>(forward_heap1,
-                                             reverse_heap1,
-                                             &middle_node,
+                AlternativeRoutingStep<true>(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle_node,
-                                             via_node_candidate_list,
-                                             forward_search_space,
+                                             via_node_candidate_list, forward_search_space,
             if (0 < reverse_heap1.Size())
-                AlternativeRoutingStep<false>(reverse_heap1,
-                                              forward_heap1,
-                                              &middle_node,
+                AlternativeRoutingStep<false>(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle_node,
-                                              via_node_candidate_list,
-                                              reverse_search_space,
+                                              via_node_candidate_list, reverse_search_space,
@@ -274,19 +269,16 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         std::vector<NodeID> &packed_shortest_path = packed_forward_path;
         std::reverse(packed_shortest_path.begin(), packed_shortest_path.end());
-        packed_shortest_path.insert(
-            packed_shortest_path.end(), packed_reverse_path.begin(), packed_reverse_path.end());
+        packed_shortest_path.insert(packed_shortest_path.end(), packed_reverse_path.begin(),
+                                    packed_reverse_path.end());
         std::vector<RankedCandidateNode> ranked_candidates_list;
         // prioritizing via nodes for deep inspection
         for (const NodeID node : preselected_node_list)
             int length_of_via_path = 0, sharing_of_via_path = 0;
-            ComputeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(node,
-                                             &length_of_via_path,
-                                             &sharing_of_via_path,
-                                             packed_shortest_path,
-                                             min_edge_offset);
+            ComputeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(node, &length_of_via_path, &sharing_of_via_path,
+                                             packed_shortest_path, min_edge_offset);
             const int maximum_allowed_sharing =
                 static_cast<int>(upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance * VIAPATH_GAMMA);
             if (sharing_of_via_path <= maximum_allowed_sharing &&
@@ -302,16 +294,10 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         NodeID s_v_middle = SPECIAL_NODEID, v_t_middle = SPECIAL_NODEID;
         for (const RankedCandidateNode &candidate : ranked_candidates_list)
-            if (ViaNodeCandidatePassesTTest(forward_heap1,
-                                            reverse_heap1,
-                                            forward_heap2,
-                                            reverse_heap2,
-                                            candidate,
-                                            upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance,
-                                            &length_of_via_path,
-                                            &s_v_middle,
-                                            &v_t_middle,
-                                            min_edge_offset))
+            if (ViaNodeCandidatePassesTTest(
+                    forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, candidate,
+                    upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance, &length_of_via_path, &s_v_middle,
+                    &v_t_middle, min_edge_offset))
                 // select first admissable
                 selected_via_node = candidate.node;
@@ -343,13 +329,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
             std::vector<NodeID> packed_alternate_path;
             // retrieve alternate path
-            RetrievePackedAlternatePath(forward_heap1,
-                                        reverse_heap1,
-                                        forward_heap2,
-                                        reverse_heap2,
-                                        s_v_middle,
-                                        v_t_middle,
-                                        packed_alternate_path);
+            RetrievePackedAlternatePath(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, forward_heap2, reverse_heap2,
+                                        s_v_middle, v_t_middle, packed_alternate_path);
                 packed_alternate_path.front() != phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id));
@@ -357,8 +338,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
                 (packed_alternate_path.back() != phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_node_id));
             // unpack the alternate path
-            super::UnpackPath(
-                packed_alternate_path, phantom_node_pair, raw_route_data.unpacked_alternative);
+            super::UnpackPath(packed_alternate_path, phantom_node_pair,
+                              raw_route_data.unpacked_alternative);
             raw_route_data.alternative_path_length = length_of_via_path;
@@ -370,13 +351,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
     // unpack alternate <s,..,v,..,t> by exploring search spaces from v
-    inline void RetrievePackedAlternatePath(const QueryHeap &forward_heap1,
-                                            const QueryHeap &reverse_heap1,
-                                            const QueryHeap &forward_heap2,
-                                            const QueryHeap &reverse_heap2,
-                                            const NodeID s_v_middle,
-                                            const NodeID v_t_middle,
-                                            std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
+    void RetrievePackedAlternatePath(const QueryHeap &forward_heap1,
+                                     const QueryHeap &reverse_heap1,
+                                     const QueryHeap &forward_heap2,
+                                     const QueryHeap &reverse_heap2,
+                                     const NodeID s_v_middle,
+                                     const NodeID v_t_middle,
+                                     std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
         // fetch packed path [s,v)
         std::vector<NodeID> packed_v_t_path;
@@ -384,8 +365,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         packed_path.pop_back(); // remove middle node. It's in both half-paths
         // fetch patched path [v,t]
-        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-            forward_heap2, reverse_heap1, v_t_middle, packed_v_t_path);
+        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap2, reverse_heap1, v_t_middle,
+                                          packed_v_t_path);
         packed_path.insert(packed_path.end(), packed_v_t_path.begin(), packed_v_t_path.end());
@@ -394,19 +375,19 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
     // compute and unpack <s,..,v> and <v,..,t> by exploring search spaces
     // from v and intersecting against queues. only half-searches have to be
     // done at this stage
-    inline void ComputeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(const NodeID via_node,
-                                                 int *real_length_of_via_path,
-                                                 int *sharing_of_via_path,
-                                                 const std::vector<NodeID> &packed_shortest_path,
-                                                 const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset)
+    void ComputeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(const NodeID via_node,
+                                          int *real_length_of_via_path,
+                                          int *sharing_of_via_path,
+                                          const std::vector<NodeID> &packed_shortest_path,
+                                          const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset)
-        QueryHeap &existing_forward_heap = *engine_working_data.forwardHeap;
-        QueryHeap &existing_reverse_heap = *engine_working_data.backwardHeap;
-        QueryHeap &new_forward_heap = *engine_working_data.forwardHeap2;
-        QueryHeap &new_reverse_heap = *engine_working_data.backwardHeap2;
+        QueryHeap &existing_forward_heap = *engine_working_data.forward_heap_1;
+        QueryHeap &existing_reverse_heap = *engine_working_data.reverse_heap_1;
+        QueryHeap &new_forward_heap = *engine_working_data.forward_heap_2;
+        QueryHeap &new_reverse_heap = *engine_working_data.reverse_heap_2;
         std::vector<NodeID> packed_s_v_path;
         std::vector<NodeID> packed_v_t_path;
@@ -420,12 +401,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         // compute path <s,..,v> by reusing forward search from s
         while (!new_reverse_heap.Empty())
-            super::RoutingStep(new_reverse_heap,
-                               existing_forward_heap,
-                               &s_v_middle,
-                               &upper_bound_s_v_path_length,
-                               min_edge_offset,
-                               false);
+            super::RoutingStep(new_reverse_heap, existing_forward_heap, &s_v_middle,
+                               &upper_bound_s_v_path_length, min_edge_offset, false);
         // compute path <v,..,t> by reusing backward search from node t
         NodeID v_t_middle = SPECIAL_NODEID;
@@ -433,12 +410,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         new_forward_heap.Insert(via_node, 0, via_node);
         while (!new_forward_heap.Empty())
-            super::RoutingStep(new_forward_heap,
-                               existing_reverse_heap,
-                               &v_t_middle,
-                               &upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length,
-                               min_edge_offset,
-                               true);
+            super::RoutingStep(new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, &v_t_middle,
+                               &upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length, min_edge_offset, true);
         *real_length_of_via_path = upper_bound_s_v_path_length + upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length;
@@ -448,10 +421,10 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         // retrieve packed paths
-        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-            existing_forward_heap, new_reverse_heap, s_v_middle, packed_s_v_path);
-        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-            new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, v_t_middle, packed_v_t_path);
+        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(existing_forward_heap, new_reverse_heap, s_v_middle,
+                                          packed_s_v_path);
+        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, v_t_middle,
+                                          packed_v_t_path);
         // partial unpacking, compute sharing
         // First partially unpack s-->v until paths deviate, note length of common path.
@@ -484,12 +457,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         const int64_t packed_path_length =
             std::min(partially_unpacked_via_path.size(), partially_unpacked_shortest_path.size()) -
-        for (int64_t current_node = 0;
-             (current_node < packed_path_length) &&
-                 (partially_unpacked_via_path[current_node] ==
-                      partially_unpacked_shortest_path[current_node] &&
-                  partially_unpacked_via_path[current_node + 1] ==
-                      partially_unpacked_shortest_path[current_node + 1]);
+        for (int64_t current_node = 0; (current_node < packed_path_length) &&
+                                           (partially_unpacked_via_path[current_node] ==
+                                                partially_unpacked_shortest_path[current_node] &&
+                                            partially_unpacked_via_path[current_node + 1] ==
+                                                partially_unpacked_shortest_path[current_node + 1]);
             EdgeID selected_edge =
@@ -517,8 +489,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
                 if (packed_v_t_path[via_path_index] == packed_shortest_path[shortest_path_index])
                     super::UnpackEdge(packed_v_t_path[via_path_index - 1],
-                                      packed_v_t_path[via_path_index],
-                                      partially_unpacked_via_path);
+                                      packed_v_t_path[via_path_index], partially_unpacked_via_path);
                     super::UnpackEdge(packed_shortest_path[shortest_path_index - 1],
@@ -551,7 +522,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         // variable
-    // inline int approximateAmountOfSharing(
+    // int approximateAmountOfSharing(
     //     const NodeID alternate_path_middle_node_id,
     //     QueryHeap & forward_heap,
     //     QueryHeap & reverse_heap,
@@ -598,14 +569,17 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
     // todo: reorder parameters
     template <bool is_forward_directed>
-    inline void AlternativeRoutingStep(QueryHeap &forward_heap,
-                                       QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
-                                       NodeID *middle_node,
-                                       int *upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance,
-                                       std::vector<NodeID> &search_space_intersection,
-                                       std::vector<SearchSpaceEdge> &search_space,
-                                       const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset) const
+    void AlternativeRoutingStep(QueryHeap &heap1,
+                                QueryHeap &heap2,
+                                NodeID *middle_node,
+                                int *upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance,
+                                std::vector<NodeID> &search_space_intersection,
+                                std::vector<SearchSpaceEdge> &search_space,
+                                const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset) const
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap = (is_forward_directed ? heap1 : heap2);
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap = (is_forward_directed ? heap2 : heap1);
         const NodeID node = forward_heap.DeleteMin();
         const int distance = forward_heap.GetKey(node);
         // const NodeID parentnode = forward_heap.GetData(node).parent;
@@ -674,16 +648,16 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
     // conduct T-Test
-    inline bool ViaNodeCandidatePassesTTest(QueryHeap &existing_forward_heap,
-                                            QueryHeap &existing_reverse_heap,
-                                            QueryHeap &new_forward_heap,
-                                            QueryHeap &new_reverse_heap,
-                                            const RankedCandidateNode &candidate,
-                                            const int length_of_shortest_path,
-                                            int *length_of_via_path,
-                                            NodeID *s_v_middle,
-                                            NodeID *v_t_middle,
-                                            const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset) const
+    bool ViaNodeCandidatePassesTTest(QueryHeap &existing_forward_heap,
+                                     QueryHeap &existing_reverse_heap,
+                                     QueryHeap &new_forward_heap,
+                                     QueryHeap &new_reverse_heap,
+                                     const RankedCandidateNode &candidate,
+                                     const int length_of_shortest_path,
+                                     int *length_of_via_path,
+                                     NodeID *s_v_middle,
+                                     NodeID *v_t_middle,
+                                     const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset) const
@@ -696,12 +670,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         new_reverse_heap.Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
         while (new_reverse_heap.Size() > 0)
-            super::RoutingStep(new_reverse_heap,
-                               existing_forward_heap,
-                               s_v_middle,
-                               &upper_bound_s_v_path_length,
-                               min_edge_offset,
-                               false);
+            super::RoutingStep(new_reverse_heap, existing_forward_heap, s_v_middle,
+                               &upper_bound_s_v_path_length, min_edge_offset, false);
         if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT == upper_bound_s_v_path_length)
@@ -715,12 +685,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         new_forward_heap.Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
         while (new_forward_heap.Size() > 0)
-            super::RoutingStep(new_forward_heap,
-                               existing_reverse_heap,
-                               v_t_middle,
-                               &upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length,
-                               min_edge_offset,
-                               true);
+            super::RoutingStep(new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, v_t_middle,
+                               &upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length, min_edge_offset, true);
         if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT == upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length)
@@ -731,11 +697,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         *length_of_via_path = upper_bound_s_v_path_length + upper_bound_of_v_t_path_length;
         // retrieve packed paths
-        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-            existing_forward_heap, new_reverse_heap, *s_v_middle, packed_s_v_path);
+        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(existing_forward_heap, new_reverse_heap, *s_v_middle,
+                                          packed_s_v_path);
-        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-            new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, *v_t_middle, packed_v_t_path);
+        super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(new_forward_heap, existing_reverse_heap, *v_t_middle,
+                                          packed_v_t_path);
         NodeID s_P = *s_v_middle, t_P = *v_t_middle;
         if (SPECIAL_NODEID == s_P)
@@ -815,8 +781,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
         // Traverse path s-->v
         for (unsigned i = 0, packed_path_length = static_cast<unsigned>(packed_v_t_path.size() - 1);
-             (i < packed_path_length) && unpack_stack.empty();
-             ++i)
+             (i < packed_path_length) && unpack_stack.empty(); ++i)
             const EdgeID edgeID =
                 facade->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packed_v_t_path[i], packed_v_t_path[i + 1]);
@@ -876,8 +841,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
-        QueryHeap &forward_heap3 = *engine_working_data.forwardHeap3;
-        QueryHeap &reverse_heap3 = *engine_working_data.backwardHeap3;
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap3 = *engine_working_data.forward_heap_3;
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap3 = *engine_working_data.reverse_heap_3;
         int upper_bound = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
         NodeID middle = SPECIAL_NODEID;
@@ -888,13 +853,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class AlternativeRouting final : private BasicRouti
             if (!forward_heap3.Empty())
-                super::RoutingStep(
-                    forward_heap3, reverse_heap3, &middle, &upper_bound, min_edge_offset, true);
+                super::RoutingStep(forward_heap3, reverse_heap3, &middle, &upper_bound,
+                                   min_edge_offset, true);
             if (!reverse_heap3.Empty())
-                super::RoutingStep(
-                    reverse_heap3, forward_heap3, &middle, &upper_bound, min_edge_offset, false);
+                super::RoutingStep(reverse_heap3, forward_heap3, &middle, &upper_bound,
+                                   min_edge_offset, false);
         return (upper_bound <= t_test_path_length);
diff --git a/routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp b/routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp
index f1e9960..2388804 100644
--- a/routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp
+++ b/routing_algorithms/many_to_many.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
-template <class DataFacadeT> class ManyToManyRouting final : public BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>
+template <class DataFacadeT>
+class ManyToManyRouting final
+    : public BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, ManyToManyRouting<DataFacadeT>>
-    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>;
+    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, ManyToManyRouting<DataFacadeT>>;
     using QueryHeap = SearchEngineData::QueryHeap;
     SearchEngineData &engine_working_data;
@@ -64,8 +66,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ManyToManyRouting final : public BasicRouting
     ~ManyToManyRouting() {}
-    std::shared_ptr<std::vector<EdgeWeight>> operator()(const PhantomNodeArray &phantom_nodes_array)
-        const
+    std::shared_ptr<std::vector<EdgeWeight>>
+    operator()(const PhantomNodeArray &phantom_nodes_array) const
         const auto number_of_locations = phantom_nodes_array.size();
         std::shared_ptr<std::vector<EdgeWeight>> result_table =
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ManyToManyRouting final : public BasicRouting
-        QueryHeap &query_heap = *(engine_working_data.forwardHeap);
+        QueryHeap &query_heap = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_1);
         SearchSpaceWithBuckets search_space_with_buckets;
@@ -134,11 +136,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ManyToManyRouting final : public BasicRouting
             // explore search space
             while (!query_heap.Empty())
-                ForwardRoutingStep(source_id,
-                                   number_of_locations,
-                                   query_heap,
-                                   search_space_with_buckets,
-                                   result_table);
+                ForwardRoutingStep(source_id, number_of_locations, query_heap,
+                                   search_space_with_buckets, result_table);
@@ -237,8 +236,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ManyToManyRouting final : public BasicRouting
     // Stalling
     template <bool forward_direction>
-    inline bool StallAtNode(const NodeID node, const EdgeWeight distance, QueryHeap &query_heap)
-        const
+    inline bool
+    StallAtNode(const NodeID node, const EdgeWeight distance, QueryHeap &query_heap) const
         for (auto edge : super::facade->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node))
diff --git a/routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp b/routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..737494b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/routing_algorithms/map_matching.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "routing_base.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/matching_debug_info.hpp"
+#include <variant/variant.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <numeric>
+namespace osrm
+namespace matching
+struct SubMatching
+    std::vector<PhantomNode> nodes;
+    std::vector<unsigned> indices;
+    double length;
+    double confidence;
+using CandidateList = std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>>;
+using CandidateLists = std::vector<CandidateList>;
+using HMM = HiddenMarkovModel<CandidateLists>;
+using SubMatchingList = std::vector<SubMatching>;
+constexpr static const unsigned MAX_BROKEN_STATES = 6;
+constexpr static const unsigned MAX_BROKEN_TIME = 60;
+constexpr static const unsigned MAX_DISTANCE_DELTA = 200;
+constexpr static const unsigned SUSPICIOUS_DISTANCE_DELTA = 100;
+constexpr static const double default_beta = 5.0;
+constexpr static const double default_sigma_z = 4.07;
+// implements a hidden markov model map matching algorithm
+template <class DataFacadeT>
+class MapMatching final : public BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, MapMatching<DataFacadeT>>
+    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, MapMatching<DataFacadeT>>;
+    using QueryHeap = SearchEngineData::QueryHeap;
+    SearchEngineData &engine_working_data;
+  public:
+    MapMatching(DataFacadeT *facade, SearchEngineData &engine_working_data)
+        : super(facade), engine_working_data(engine_working_data)
+    {
+    }
+    void operator()(const osrm::matching::CandidateLists &candidates_list,
+                    const std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> &trace_coordinates,
+                    const std::vector<unsigned> &trace_timestamps,
+                    const double matching_beta,
+                    const double gps_precision,
+                    osrm::matching::SubMatchingList &sub_matchings) const
+    {
+        BOOST_ASSERT(!candidates_list.empty() && !trace_coordinates.empty());
+        // TODO replace default values with table lookup based on sampling frequency
+        EmissionLogProbability emission_log_probability(
+            gps_precision > 0. ? gps_precision : osrm::matching::default_sigma_z);
+        TransitionLogProbability transition_log_probability(
+            matching_beta > 0. ? matching_beta : osrm::matching::default_beta);
+        osrm::matching::HMM model(candidates_list, emission_log_probability);
+        std::size_t initial_timestamp = model.initialize(0);
+        if (initial_timestamp == osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        MatchingDebugInfo matching_debug(osrm::json::Logger::get());
+        matching_debug.initialize(candidates_list);
+        std::size_t breakage_begin = osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE;
+        std::vector<std::size_t> split_points;
+        std::vector<std::size_t> prev_unbroken_timestamps;
+        prev_unbroken_timestamps.reserve(candidates_list.size());
+        prev_unbroken_timestamps.push_back(initial_timestamp);
+        for (auto t = initial_timestamp + 1; t < candidates_list.size(); ++t)
+        {
+            // breakage recover has removed all previous good points
+            bool trace_split = prev_unbroken_timestamps.empty();
+            // use temporal information if available to determine a split
+            if (!trace_timestamps.empty())
+            {
+                trace_split =
+                    trace_split ||
+                    (trace_timestamps[t] - trace_timestamps[prev_unbroken_timestamps.back()] >
+                     osrm::matching::MAX_BROKEN_TIME);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                trace_split = trace_split || (t - prev_unbroken_timestamps.back() >
+                                              osrm::matching::MAX_BROKEN_STATES);
+            }
+            if (trace_split)
+            {
+                std::size_t split_index = t;
+                if (breakage_begin != osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE)
+                {
+                    split_index = breakage_begin;
+                    breakage_begin = osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE;
+                }
+                split_points.push_back(split_index);
+                // note: this preserves everything before split_index
+                model.clear(split_index);
+                std::size_t new_start = model.initialize(split_index);
+                // no new start was found -> stop viterbi calculation
+                if (new_start == osrm::matching::INVALID_STATE)
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                prev_unbroken_timestamps.clear();
+                prev_unbroken_timestamps.push_back(new_start);
+                // Important: We potentially go back here!
+                // However since t > new_start >= breakge_begin
+                // we can only reset trace_coordindates.size() times.
+                t = new_start + 1;
+            }
+            BOOST_ASSERT(!prev_unbroken_timestamps.empty());
+            const std::size_t prev_unbroken_timestamp = prev_unbroken_timestamps.back();
+            const auto &prev_viterbi = model.viterbi[prev_unbroken_timestamp];
+            const auto &prev_pruned = model.pruned[prev_unbroken_timestamp];
+            const auto &prev_unbroken_timestamps_list = candidates_list[prev_unbroken_timestamp];
+            const auto &prev_coordinate = trace_coordinates[prev_unbroken_timestamp];
+            auto &current_viterbi = model.viterbi[t];
+            auto &current_pruned = model.pruned[t];
+            auto &current_suspicious = model.suspicious[t];
+            auto &current_parents = model.parents[t];
+            auto &current_lengths = model.path_lengths[t];
+            const auto &current_timestamps_list = candidates_list[t];
+            const auto &current_coordinate = trace_coordinates[t];
+            engine_working_data.InitializeOrClearFirstThreadLocalStorage(
+                super::facade->GetNumberOfNodes());
+            engine_working_data.InitializeOrClearSecondThreadLocalStorage(
+                super::facade->GetNumberOfNodes());
+            QueryHeap &forward_heap = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_1);
+            QueryHeap &reverse_heap = *(engine_working_data.reverse_heap_1);
+            // compute d_t for this timestamp and the next one
+            for (const auto s : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0u, prev_viterbi.size()))
+            {
+                if (prev_pruned[s])
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                for (const auto s_prime : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0u, current_viterbi.size()))
+                {
+                    // how likely is candidate s_prime at time t to be emitted?
+                    const double emission_pr =
+                        emission_log_probability(candidates_list[t][s_prime].second);
+                    double new_value = prev_viterbi[s] + emission_pr;
+                    if (current_viterbi[s_prime] > new_value)
+                    {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    forward_heap.Clear();
+                    reverse_heap.Clear();
+                    // get distance diff between loc1/2 and locs/s_prime
+                    const auto network_distance = super::get_network_distance(
+                        forward_heap, reverse_heap, prev_unbroken_timestamps_list[s].first,
+                        current_timestamps_list[s_prime].first);
+                    const auto great_circle_distance =
+                        coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(prev_coordinate,
+                                                                      current_coordinate);
+                    const auto d_t = std::abs(network_distance - great_circle_distance);
+                    // very low probability transition -> prune
+                    if (d_t > osrm::matching::MAX_DISTANCE_DELTA)
+                    {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    const double transition_pr = transition_log_probability(d_t);
+                    new_value += transition_pr;
+                    matching_debug.add_transition_info(prev_unbroken_timestamp, t, s, s_prime,
+                                                       prev_viterbi[s], emission_pr, transition_pr,
+                                                       network_distance, great_circle_distance);
+                    if (new_value > current_viterbi[s_prime])
+                    {
+                        current_viterbi[s_prime] = new_value;
+                        current_parents[s_prime] = std::make_pair(prev_unbroken_timestamp, s);
+                        current_lengths[s_prime] = network_distance;
+                        current_pruned[s_prime] = false;
+                        current_suspicious[s_prime] = d_t > osrm::matching::SUSPICIOUS_DISTANCE_DELTA;
+                        model.breakage[t] = false;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (model.breakage[t])
+            {
+                // save start of breakage -> we need this as split point
+                if (t < breakage_begin)
+                {
+                    breakage_begin = t;
+                }
+                BOOST_ASSERT(prev_unbroken_timestamps.size() > 0);
+                // remove both ends of the breakage
+                prev_unbroken_timestamps.pop_back();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                prev_unbroken_timestamps.push_back(t);
+            }
+        }
+        matching_debug.set_viterbi(model.viterbi, model.pruned, model.suspicious);
+        if (!prev_unbroken_timestamps.empty())
+        {
+            split_points.push_back(prev_unbroken_timestamps.back() + 1);
+        }
+        std::size_t sub_matching_begin = initial_timestamp;
+        for (const auto sub_matching_end : split_points)
+        {
+            osrm::matching::SubMatching matching;
+            // find real end of trace
+            // not sure if this is really needed
+            std::size_t parent_timestamp_index = sub_matching_end - 1;
+            while (parent_timestamp_index >= sub_matching_begin &&
+                   model.breakage[parent_timestamp_index])
+            {
+                --parent_timestamp_index;
+            }
+            // matchings that only consist of one candidate are invalid
+            if (parent_timestamp_index - sub_matching_begin + 1 < 2)
+            {
+                sub_matching_begin = sub_matching_end;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // loop through the columns, and only compare the last entry
+            const auto max_element_iter =
+                std::max_element(model.viterbi[parent_timestamp_index].begin(),
+                                 model.viterbi[parent_timestamp_index].end());
+            std::size_t parent_candidate_index =
+                std::distance(model.viterbi[parent_timestamp_index].begin(), max_element_iter);
+            std::deque<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> reconstructed_indices;
+            while (parent_timestamp_index > sub_matching_begin)
+            {
+                if (model.breakage[parent_timestamp_index])
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                reconstructed_indices.emplace_front(parent_timestamp_index, parent_candidate_index);
+                const auto &next = model.parents[parent_timestamp_index][parent_candidate_index];
+                parent_timestamp_index = next.first;
+                parent_candidate_index = next.second;
+            }
+            reconstructed_indices.emplace_front(parent_timestamp_index, parent_candidate_index);
+            if (reconstructed_indices.size() < 2)
+            {
+                sub_matching_begin = sub_matching_end;
+                continue;
+            }
+            matching.length = 0.0f;
+            matching.nodes.resize(reconstructed_indices.size());
+            matching.indices.resize(reconstructed_indices.size());
+            for (const auto i : osrm::irange<std::size_t>(0u, reconstructed_indices.size()))
+            {
+                const auto timestamp_index = reconstructed_indices[i].first;
+                const auto location_index = reconstructed_indices[i].second;
+                matching.indices[i] = timestamp_index;
+                matching.nodes[i] = candidates_list[timestamp_index][location_index].first;
+                matching.length += model.path_lengths[timestamp_index][location_index];
+                matching_debug.add_chosen(timestamp_index, location_index);
+            }
+            sub_matchings.push_back(matching);
+            sub_matching_begin = sub_matching_end;
+        }
+        matching_debug.add_breakage(model.breakage);
+    }
+//[1] "Hidden Markov Map Matching Through Noise and Sparseness"; P. Newson and J. Krumm; 2009; ACM
+// GIS
+#endif /* MAP_MATCHING_HPP */
diff --git a/routing_algorithms/routing_base.hpp b/routing_algorithms/routing_base.hpp
index 20610ea..52c16a7 100644
--- a/routing_algorithms/routing_base.hpp
+++ b/routing_algorithms/routing_base.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../data_structures/raw_route_data.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-// #include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp.h"
+// #include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <stack>
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forwardHeap;
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::backwardHeap;
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forwardHeap2;
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::backwardHeap2;
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forwardHeap3;
-SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::backwardHeap3;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forward_heap_1;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::reverse_heap_1;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forward_heap_2;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::reverse_heap_2;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::forward_heap_3;
+SearchEngineData::SearchEngineHeapPtr SearchEngineData::reverse_heap_3;
-template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
+template <class DataFacadeT, class Derived> class BasicRoutingInterface
-    typedef typename DataFacadeT::EdgeData EdgeData;
+    using EdgeData = typename DataFacadeT::EdgeData;
     DataFacadeT *facade;
@@ -56,20 +57,21 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
     BasicRoutingInterface() = delete;
     BasicRoutingInterface(const BasicRoutingInterface &) = delete;
     explicit BasicRoutingInterface(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade) {}
-    virtual ~BasicRoutingInterface() {};
-    inline void RoutingStep(SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &forward_heap,
-                            SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
-                            NodeID *middle_node_id,
-                            int *upper_bound,
-                            const int min_edge_offset,
-                            const bool forward_direction) const
+    ~BasicRoutingInterface() {}
+    void RoutingStep(SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &forward_heap,
+                     SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
+                     NodeID *middle_node_id,
+                     int *upper_bound,
+                     const int min_edge_offset,
+                     const bool forward_direction) const
         const NodeID node = forward_heap.DeleteMin();
         const int distance = forward_heap.GetKey(node);
         // const NodeID parentnode = forward_heap.GetData(node).parent;
-        // SimpleLogger().Write() << (forward_direction ? "[fwd] " : "[rev] ") << "settled edge (" << parentnode << "," << node << "), dist: " << distance;
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << (forward_direction ? "[fwd] " : "[rev] ") << "settled edge ("
+        // << parentnode << "," << node << "), dist: " << distance;
         if (reverse_heap.WasInserted(node))
@@ -80,9 +82,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
                     *middle_node_id = node;
                     *upper_bound = new_distance;
-                //     SimpleLogger().Write() << "accepted middle node " << node << " at distance " << new_distance;
-                // } else {
-                //     SimpleLogger().Write() << "discared middle node " << node << " at distance " << new_distance;
+                    //     SimpleLogger().Write() << "accepted middle node " << node << " at
+                    //     distance " << new_distance;
+                    // } else {
+                    //     SimpleLogger().Write() << "discared middle node " << node << " at
+                    //     distance " << new_distance;
@@ -145,9 +149,9 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
-    inline void UnpackPath(const std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path,
-                           const PhantomNodes &phantom_node_pair,
-                           std::vector<PathData> &unpacked_path) const
+    void UnpackPath(const std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path,
+                    const PhantomNodes &phantom_node_pair,
+                    std::vector<PathData> &unpacked_path) const
         const bool start_traversed_in_reverse =
             (packed_path.front() != phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id);
@@ -228,15 +232,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
                 const TurnInstruction turn_instruction = facade->GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(ed.id);
                 const TravelMode travel_mode = facade->GetTravelModeForEdgeID(ed.id);
                 if (!facade->EdgeIsCompressed(ed.id))
-                    unpacked_path.emplace_back(facade->GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(ed.id),
-                                               name_index,
-                                               turn_instruction,
-                                               ed.distance,
-                                               travel_mode);
+                    unpacked_path.emplace_back(facade->GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(ed.id), name_index,
+                                               turn_instruction, ed.distance, travel_mode);
@@ -257,7 +257,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
                     BOOST_ASSERT(start_index <= end_index);
                     for (std::size_t i = start_index; i < end_index; ++i)
-                        unpacked_path.emplace_back(id_vector[i], name_index, TurnInstruction::NoTurn, 0, travel_mode);
+                        unpacked_path.emplace_back(id_vector[i], name_index,
+                                                   TurnInstruction::NoTurn, 0, travel_mode);
                     unpacked_path.back().turn_instruction = turn_instruction;
                     unpacked_path.back().segment_duration = ed.distance;
@@ -294,18 +295,19 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
             if (start_index > end_index)
-                start_index = std::min(start_index, id_vector.size()-1);
+                start_index = std::min(start_index, id_vector.size() - 1);
             for (std::size_t i = start_index; i != end_index; (start_index < end_index ? ++i : --i))
                 BOOST_ASSERT(i < id_vector.size());
-                BOOST_ASSERT(phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_travel_mode>0 );
-                unpacked_path.emplace_back(PathData{id_vector[i],
-                                                    phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.name_id,
-                                                    TurnInstruction::NoTurn,
-                                                    0,
-                                                    phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_travel_mode});
+                BOOST_ASSERT(phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_travel_mode > 0);
+                unpacked_path.emplace_back(
+                    PathData{id_vector[i],
+                             phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.name_id,
+                             TurnInstruction::NoTurn,
+                             0,
+                             phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_travel_mode});
@@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
-    inline void UnpackEdge(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, std::vector<NodeID> &unpacked_path) const
+    void UnpackEdge(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, std::vector<NodeID> &unpacked_path) const
         std::stack<std::pair<NodeID, NodeID>> recursion_stack;
         recursion_stack.emplace(s, t);
@@ -367,7 +369,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge_weight != std::numeric_limits<EdgeWeight>::max(), "edge weight invalid");
+            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(edge_weight != std::numeric_limits<EdgeWeight>::max(),
+                             "edge weight invalid");
             const EdgeData &ed = facade->GetEdgeData(smaller_edge_id);
             if (ed.shortcut)
@@ -386,10 +389,10 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
-    inline void RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &forward_heap,
-                                           const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
-                                           const NodeID middle_node_id,
-                                           std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
+    void RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &forward_heap,
+                                    const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
+                                    const NodeID middle_node_id,
+                                    std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
         RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(forward_heap, middle_node_id, packed_path);
         std::reverse(packed_path.begin(), packed_path.end());
@@ -397,9 +400,9 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
         RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(reverse_heap, middle_node_id, packed_path);
-    inline void RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &search_heap,
-                                                 const NodeID middle_node_id,
-                                                 std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
+    void RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(const SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &search_heap,
+                                          const NodeID middle_node_id,
+                                          std::vector<NodeID> &packed_path) const
         NodeID current_node_id = middle_node_id;
         while (current_node_id != search_heap.GetData(current_node_id).parent)
@@ -408,6 +411,84 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class BasicRoutingInterface
+    double get_network_distance(SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &forward_heap,
+                                SearchEngineData::QueryHeap &reverse_heap,
+                                const PhantomNode &source_phantom,
+                                const PhantomNode &target_phantom) const
+    {
+        EdgeWeight upper_bound = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
+        NodeID middle_node = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+        EdgeWeight edge_offset = std::min(0, -source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset());
+        edge_offset = std::min(edge_offset, -source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
+        if (source_phantom.forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
+        {
+            forward_heap.Insert(source_phantom.forward_node_id,
+                                -source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                                source_phantom.forward_node_id);
+        }
+        if (source_phantom.reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
+        {
+            forward_heap.Insert(source_phantom.reverse_node_id,
+                                -source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
+                                source_phantom.reverse_node_id);
+        }
+        if (target_phantom.forward_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
+        {
+            reverse_heap.Insert(target_phantom.forward_node_id,
+                                target_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                                target_phantom.forward_node_id);
+        }
+        if (target_phantom.reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
+        {
+            reverse_heap.Insert(target_phantom.reverse_node_id,
+                                target_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
+                                target_phantom.reverse_node_id);
+        }
+        // search from s and t till new_min/(1+epsilon) > length_of_shortest_path
+        while (0 < (forward_heap.Size() + reverse_heap.Size()))
+        {
+            if (0 < forward_heap.Size())
+            {
+                RoutingStep(forward_heap, reverse_heap, &middle_node, &upper_bound, edge_offset,
+                            true);
+            }
+            if (0 < reverse_heap.Size())
+            {
+                RoutingStep(reverse_heap, forward_heap, &middle_node, &upper_bound, edge_offset,
+                            false);
+            }
+        }
+        double distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+        if (upper_bound != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
+        {
+            std::vector<NodeID> packed_leg;
+            RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap, reverse_heap, middle_node, packed_leg);
+            std::vector<PathData> unpacked_path;
+            PhantomNodes nodes;
+            nodes.source_phantom = source_phantom;
+            nodes.target_phantom = target_phantom;
+            UnpackPath(packed_leg, nodes, unpacked_path);
+            FixedPointCoordinate previous_coordinate = source_phantom.location;
+            FixedPointCoordinate current_coordinate;
+            distance = 0;
+            for (const auto &p : unpacked_path)
+            {
+                current_coordinate = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(p.node);
+                distance += coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(previous_coordinate,
+                                                                          current_coordinate);
+                previous_coordinate = current_coordinate;
+            }
+            distance += coordinate_calculation::great_circle_distance(previous_coordinate,
+                                                                      target_phantom.location);
+        }
+        return distance;
+    }
diff --git a/routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp b/routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp
index cab09ab..3dedc2b 100644
--- a/routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp
+++ b/routing_algorithms/shortest_path.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "routing_base.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/search_engine_data.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
 #include "../typedefs.h"
-template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>
+template <class DataFacadeT>
+class ShortestPathRouting final
+    : public BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, ShortestPathRouting<DataFacadeT>>
-    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT>;
+    using super = BasicRoutingInterface<DataFacadeT, ShortestPathRouting<DataFacadeT>>;
     using QueryHeap = SearchEngineData::QueryHeap;
     SearchEngineData &engine_working_data;
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
     void operator()(const std::vector<PhantomNodes> &phantom_nodes_vector,
                     const std::vector<bool> &uturn_indicators,
-                    RawRouteData &raw_route_data) const
+                    InternalRouteResult &raw_route_data) const
         int distance1 = 0;
         int distance2 = 0;
@@ -69,10 +71,10 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
-        QueryHeap &forward_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.forwardHeap);
-        QueryHeap &reverse_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.backwardHeap);
-        QueryHeap &forward_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.forwardHeap2);
-        QueryHeap &reverse_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.backwardHeap2);
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_1);
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap1 = *(engine_working_data.reverse_heap_1);
+        QueryHeap &forward_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.forward_heap_2);
+        QueryHeap &reverse_heap2 = *(engine_working_data.reverse_heap_2);
         std::size_t current_leg = 0;
         // Get distance to next pair of target nodes.
@@ -88,8 +90,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
             middle1 = SPECIAL_NODEID;
             middle2 = SPECIAL_NODEID;
-            const bool allow_u_turn = current_leg > 0 && uturn_indicators.size() > current_leg && uturn_indicators[current_leg-1];
-            EdgeWeight min_edge_offset = 0;
+            const bool allow_u_turn = current_leg > 0 && uturn_indicators.size() > current_leg &&
+                                      uturn_indicators[current_leg - 1];
+            const EdgeWeight min_edge_offset =
+                std::min(phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                         phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
             // insert new starting nodes into forward heap, adjusted by previous distances.
             if ((allow_u_turn || search_from_1st_node) &&
@@ -97,35 +102,32 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
-                    (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                    -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
-                min_edge_offset = std::min(min_edge_offset, (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset());
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-a2 insert: " << phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id << ", w: " << (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-a2 insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id << ", w: " << -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
-                    (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
+                    -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset(),
-                min_edge_offset = std::min(min_edge_offset, (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset());
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-b2 insert: " << phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id << ", w: " << (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance1) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-b2 insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.forward_node_id << ", w: " << -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
             if ((allow_u_turn || search_from_2nd_node) &&
                 phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
-                    (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
+                    -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
-                min_edge_offset = std::min(min_edge_offset, (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-a2 insert: " << phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.reverse_node_id <<
-                //                     ", w: " << (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-a2 insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.reverse_node_id << ", w: " << -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
-                    (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
+                    -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset(),
-                min_edge_offset = std::min(min_edge_offset, (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset());
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-b2 insert: " << phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.reverse_node_id <<
-                //                     ", w: " << (allow_u_turn ? 0 : distance2) - phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "fwd-b2 insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.reverse_node_id << ", w: " << -phantom_node_pair.source_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
             // insert new backward nodes into backward heap, unadjusted.
@@ -134,17 +136,17 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rev-a insert: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_node_id <<
-                //                     ", w: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
-           }
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rev-a insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.forward_node_id << ", w: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.GetForwardWeightPlusOffset();
+            }
             if (phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.reverse_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
-                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rev-a insert: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.reverse_node_id <<
-                //                     ", w: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
+                // SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "rev-a insert: " <<
+                // phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.reverse_node_id << ", w: " << phantom_node_pair.target_phantom.GetReverseWeightPlusOffset();
             // run two-Target Dijkstra routing step.
@@ -152,13 +154,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
                 if (!forward_heap1.Empty())
-                    super::RoutingStep(
-                        forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle1, &local_upper_bound1, min_edge_offset, true);
+                    super::RoutingStep(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle1, &local_upper_bound1,
+                                       min_edge_offset, true);
                 if (!reverse_heap1.Empty())
-                    super::RoutingStep(
-                        reverse_heap1, forward_heap1, &middle1, &local_upper_bound1, min_edge_offset, false);
+                    super::RoutingStep(reverse_heap1, forward_heap1, &middle1, &local_upper_bound1,
+                                       min_edge_offset, false);
@@ -168,13 +170,13 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
                     if (!forward_heap2.Empty())
-                        super::RoutingStep(
-                            forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, &middle2, &local_upper_bound2, min_edge_offset, true);
+                        super::RoutingStep(forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, &middle2,
+                                           &local_upper_bound2, min_edge_offset, true);
                     if (!reverse_heap2.Empty())
-                        super::RoutingStep(
-                            reverse_heap2, forward_heap2, &middle2, &local_upper_bound2, min_edge_offset, false);
+                        super::RoutingStep(reverse_heap2, forward_heap2, &middle2,
+                                           &local_upper_bound2, min_edge_offset, false);
@@ -200,29 +202,31 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
             // Was at most one of the two paths not found?
-            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG((INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != distance1 || INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != distance2), "no path found");
+            BOOST_ASSERT_MSG((INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != distance1 || INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != distance2),
+                             "no path found");
             // Unpack paths if they exist
             std::vector<NodeID> temporary_packed_leg1;
             std::vector<NodeID> temporary_packed_leg2;
-            BOOST_ASSERT((unsigned)current_leg < packed_legs1.size());
-            BOOST_ASSERT((unsigned)current_leg < packed_legs2.size());
+            BOOST_ASSERT(current_leg < packed_legs1.size());
+            BOOST_ASSERT(current_leg < packed_legs2.size());
             if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != local_upper_bound1)
-                super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-                    forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, middle1, temporary_packed_leg1);
+                super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, middle1,
+                                                  temporary_packed_leg1);
             if (INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT != local_upper_bound2)
-                super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(
-                    forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, middle2, temporary_packed_leg2);
+                super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, middle2,
+                                                  temporary_packed_leg2);
             // if one of the paths was not found, replace it with the other one.
-            if ((allow_u_turn && local_upper_bound1 > local_upper_bound2) || temporary_packed_leg1.empty())
+            if ((allow_u_turn && local_upper_bound1 > local_upper_bound2) ||
+                temporary_packed_leg1.empty())
@@ -230,7 +234,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
                 local_upper_bound1 = local_upper_bound2;
-            if ((allow_u_turn && local_upper_bound2 > local_upper_bound1) || temporary_packed_leg2.empty())
+            if ((allow_u_turn && local_upper_bound2 > local_upper_bound1) ||
+                temporary_packed_leg2.empty())
@@ -287,7 +292,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
             BOOST_ASSERT(packed_legs2[current_leg].size() == temporary_packed_leg2.size());
-            if (!allow_u_turn && (packed_legs1[current_leg].back() == packed_legs2[current_leg].back()) &&
+            if (!allow_u_turn &&
+                (packed_legs1[current_leg].back() == packed_legs2[current_leg].back()) &&
                 const NodeID last_node_id = packed_legs2[current_leg].back();
@@ -298,8 +304,8 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
                 BOOST_ASSERT(search_from_1st_node != search_from_2nd_node);
-            distance1 = local_upper_bound1;
-            distance2 = local_upper_bound2;
+            distance1 += local_upper_bound1;
+            distance2 += local_upper_bound2;
@@ -324,9 +330,11 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class ShortestPathRouting final : public BasicRouti
-            (packed_legs1[index].front() != phantom_nodes_vector[index].source_phantom.forward_node_id));
+                (packed_legs1[index].front() !=
+                 phantom_nodes_vector[index].source_phantom.forward_node_id));
-            (packed_legs1[index].back() != phantom_nodes_vector[index].target_phantom.forward_node_id));
+                (packed_legs1[index].back() !=
+                 phantom_nodes_vector[index].target_phantom.forward_node_id));
         raw_route_data.shortest_path_length = std::min(distance1, distance2);
diff --git a/server/api_grammar.hpp b/server/api_grammar.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a629cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/api_grammar.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT> struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Iterator>
+    explicit APIGrammar(HandlerT *h) : APIGrammar::base_type(api_call), handler(h)
+    {
+        api_call = qi::lit('/') >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setService, handler, ::_1)] >>
+                   *(query) >> -(uturns);
+        query = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | hint | timestamp | u | cmp |
+                            language | instruction | geometry | alt_route | old_API | num_results |
+                            matching_beta | gps_precision | classify));
+        zoom = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit('z') >> '=' >>
+               qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setZoomLevel, handler, ::_1)];
+        output = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("output") >> '=' >>
+                 string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setOutputFormat, handler, ::_1)];
+        jsonp = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("jsonp") >> '=' >>
+                stringwithPercent[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setJSONpParameter, handler, ::_1)];
+        checksum = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("checksum") >> '=' >>
+                   qi::uint_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setChecksum, handler, ::_1)];
+        instruction = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("instructions") >> '=' >>
+                      qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setInstructionFlag, handler, ::_1)];
+        geometry = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("geometry") >> '=' >>
+                   qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setGeometryFlag, handler, ::_1)];
+        cmp = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("compression") >> '=' >>
+              qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setCompressionFlag, handler, ::_1)];
+        location = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("loc") >> '=' >>
+                   (qi::double_ >> qi::lit(',') >>
+                    qi::double_)[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addCoordinate, handler, ::_1)];
+        hint = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("hint") >> '=' >>
+               stringwithDot[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addHint, handler, ::_1)];
+        timestamp = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("t") >> '=' >>
+               qi::uint_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addTimestamp, handler, ::_1)];
+        u = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("u") >> '=' >>
+            qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setUTurn, handler, ::_1)];
+        uturns = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("uturns") >> '=' >>
+                 qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setAllUTurns, handler, ::_1)];
+        language = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("hl") >> '=' >>
+                   string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setLanguage, handler, ::_1)];
+        alt_route = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("alt") >> '=' >>
+                    qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setAlternateRouteFlag, handler, ::_1)];
+        old_API = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("geomformat") >> '=' >>
+                  string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setDeprecatedAPIFlag, handler, ::_1)];
+        num_results = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("num_results") >> '=' >>
+                      qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setNumberOfResults, handler, ::_1)];
+        matching_beta = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("matching_beta") >> '=' >>
+               qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setMatchingBeta, handler, ::_1)];
+        gps_precision = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("gps_precision") >> '=' >>
+               qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setGPSPrecision, handler, ::_1)];
+        classify = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("classify") >> '=' >>
+            qi::bool_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setClassify, handler, ::_1)];
+        string = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z"));
+        stringwithDot = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z0-9_.-"));
+        stringwithPercent = +(qi::char_("a-zA-Z0-9_.-") | qi::char_('[') | qi::char_(']') |
+                              (qi::char_('%') >> qi::char_("0-9A-Z") >> qi::char_("0-9A-Z")));
+    }
+    qi::rule<Iterator> api_call, query;
+    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> service, zoom, output, string, jsonp, checksum, location,
+        hint, timestamp, stringwithDot, stringwithPercent, language, instruction, geometry, cmp, alt_route, u,
+        uturns, old_API, num_results, matching_beta, gps_precision, classify;
+    HandlerT *handler;
+#endif /* API_GRAMMAR_HPP */
diff --git a/Server/Connection.cpp b/server/connection.cpp
similarity index 60%
rename from Server/Connection.cpp
rename to server/connection.cpp
index 82402a6..41b653e 100644
--- a/Server/Connection.cpp
+++ b/server/connection.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "Connection.h"
-#include "RequestHandler.h"
-#include "RequestParser.h"
+#include "connection.hpp"
+#include "request_handler.hpp"
+#include "request_parser.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ void Connection::start()
-        strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_read,
-                                this->shared_from_this(),
+        strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_read, this->shared_from_this(),
@@ -66,19 +65,17 @@ void Connection::handle_read(const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t
     // no error detected, let's parse the request
-    CompressionType compression_type(noCompression);
-    boost::tribool result;
-    boost::tie(result, boost::tuples::ignore) =
-        RequestParser().Parse(request,
-                              incoming_data_buffer.data(),
-                              incoming_data_buffer.data() + bytes_transferred,
-                              compression_type);
+    compression_type compression_type(no_compression);
+    osrm::tribool result;
+    std::tie(result, compression_type) =
+        request_parser.parse(current_request, incoming_data_buffer.data(),
+                             incoming_data_buffer.data() + bytes_transferred);
     // the request has been parsed
-    if (result)
+    if (result == osrm::tribool::yes)
-        request.endpoint = TCP_socket.remote_endpoint().address();
-        request_handler.handle_request(request, reply);
+        current_request.endpoint = TCP_socket.remote_endpoint().address();
+        request_handler.handle_request(current_request, current_reply);
         // Header compression_header;
         std::vector<char> compressed_output;
@@ -87,52 +84,51 @@ void Connection::handle_read(const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t
         // compress the result w/ gzip/deflate if requested
         switch (compression_type)
-        case deflateRFC1951:
+        case deflate_rfc1951:
             // use deflate for compression
-            reply.headers.insert(reply.headers.begin(), {"Content-Encoding", "deflate"});
-            CompressBufferCollection(reply.content, compression_type, compressed_output);
-            reply.SetSize(static_cast<unsigned>(compressed_output.size()));
-            output_buffer = reply.HeaderstoBuffers();
+            current_reply.headers.insert(current_reply.headers.begin(),
+                                         {"Content-Encoding", "deflate"});
+            compressed_output = compress_buffers(current_reply.content, compression_type);
+            current_reply.set_size(static_cast<unsigned>(compressed_output.size()));
+            output_buffer = current_reply.headers_to_buffers();
-        case gzipRFC1952:
+        case gzip_rfc1952:
             // use gzip for compression
-            reply.headers.insert(reply.headers.begin(), {"Content-Encoding", "gzip"});
-            CompressBufferCollection(reply.content, compression_type, compressed_output);
-            reply.SetSize(static_cast<unsigned>(compressed_output.size()));
-            output_buffer = reply.HeaderstoBuffers();
+            current_reply.headers.insert(current_reply.headers.begin(),
+                                         {"Content-Encoding", "gzip"});
+            compressed_output = compress_buffers(current_reply.content, compression_type);
+            current_reply.set_size(static_cast<unsigned>(compressed_output.size()));
+            output_buffer = current_reply.headers_to_buffers();
-        case noCompression:
+        case no_compression:
             // don't use any compression
-            reply.SetUncompressedSize();
-            output_buffer = reply.ToBuffers();
+            current_reply.set_uncompressed_size();
+            output_buffer = current_reply.to_buffers();
         // write result to stream
-        boost::asio::async_write(TCP_socket,
-                                 output_buffer,
-                                 strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_write,
-                                                         this->shared_from_this(),
-                                                         boost::asio::placeholders::error)));
+        boost::asio::async_write(
+            TCP_socket, output_buffer,
+            strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_write, this->shared_from_this(),
+                                    boost::asio::placeholders::error)));
-    else if (!result)
+    else if (result == osrm::tribool::no)
     { // request is not parseable
-        reply = Reply::StockReply(Reply::badRequest);
+        current_reply = reply::stock_reply(reply::bad_request);
-        boost::asio::async_write(TCP_socket,
-                                 reply.ToBuffers(),
-                                 strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_write,
-                                                         this->shared_from_this(),
-                                                         boost::asio::placeholders::error)));
+        boost::asio::async_write(
+            TCP_socket, current_reply.to_buffers(),
+            strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_write, this->shared_from_this(),
+                                    boost::asio::placeholders::error)));
         // we don't have a result yet, so continue reading
-            strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_read,
-                                    this->shared_from_this(),
+            strand.wrap(boost::bind(&Connection::handle_read, this->shared_from_this(),
@@ -149,26 +145,27 @@ void Connection::handle_write(const boost::system::error_code &error)
-void Connection::CompressBufferCollection(std::vector<char> uncompressed_data,
-                                          CompressionType compression_type,
-                                          std::vector<char> &compressed_data)
+std::vector<char> Connection::compress_buffers(const std::vector<char> &uncompressed_data,
+                                               const compression_type compression_type)
     boost::iostreams::gzip_params compression_parameters;
     // there's a trade-off between speed and size. speed wins
     compression_parameters.level = boost::iostreams::zlib::best_speed;
     // check which compression flavor is used
-    if (deflateRFC1951 == compression_type)
+    if (deflate_rfc1951 == compression_type)
         compression_parameters.noheader = true;
-    BOOST_ASSERT(compressed_data.empty());
+    std::vector<char> compressed_data;
     // plug data into boost's compression stream
     boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream gzip_stream;
     gzip_stream.write(&uncompressed_data[0], uncompressed_data.size());
+    return compressed_data;
diff --git a/Server/Connection.h b/server/connection.hpp
similarity index 74%
rename from Server/Connection.h
rename to server/connection.hpp
index 41b06d3..9228a18 100644
--- a/Server/Connection.h
+++ b/server/connection.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-// #include "RequestParser.h"
-#include "Http/CompressionType.h"
-#include "Http/Request.h"
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
+#include "http/compression_type.hpp"
+#include "http/reply.hpp"
+#include "http/request.hpp"
+#include "request_parser.hpp"
 #include <boost/array.hpp>
 #include <boost/asio.hpp>
 #include <boost/config.hpp>
 #include <boost/version.hpp>
- #include <memory>
- #include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
-//workaround for incomplete std::shared_ptr compatibility in old boost versions
+// workaround for incomplete std::shared_ptr compatibility in old boost versions
 #if BOOST_VERSION < 105300 || defined BOOST_NO_CXX11_SMART_PTR
-namespace boost {
-template<class T>
-const T* get_pointer(std::shared_ptr<T> const& p)
+namespace boost
-    return p.get();
+template <class T> const T *get_pointer(std::shared_ptr<T> const &p) { return p.get(); }
-template<class T>
-T* get_pointer(std::shared_ptr<T>& p)
-    return p.get();
+template <class T> T *get_pointer(std::shared_ptr<T> &p) { return p.get(); }
 } // namespace boost
 class RequestHandler;
 namespace http
@@ -87,18 +77,18 @@ class Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Connection>
     /// Handle completion of a write operation.
     void handle_write(const boost::system::error_code &e);
-    void CompressBufferCollection(std::vector<char> uncompressed_data,
-                                  CompressionType compression_type,
-                                  std::vector<char> &compressed_data);
+    std::vector<char> compress_buffers(const std::vector<char> &uncompressed_data,
+                                       const compression_type compression_type);
     boost::asio::io_service::strand strand;
     boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket TCP_socket;
     RequestHandler &request_handler;
+    RequestParser request_parser;
     boost::array<char, 8192> incoming_data_buffer;
-    Request request;
-    Reply reply;
+    request current_request;
+    reply current_reply;
 } // namespace http
-#endif // CONNECTION_H
diff --git a/Server/DataStructures/BaseDataFacade.h b/server/data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp
similarity index 83%
rename from Server/DataStructures/BaseDataFacade.h
rename to server/data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp
index 3ea391c..20d0430 100644
--- a/Server/DataStructures/BaseDataFacade.h
+++ b/server/data_structures/datafacade_base.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // Exposes all data access interfaces to the algorithms via base class ptr
 #include "../../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/phantom_node.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../../util/string_util.hpp"
 #include "../../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <string>
-typedef osrm::range<EdgeID> EdgeRange;
+using EdgeRange = osrm::range<EdgeID>;
 template <class EdgeDataT> class BaseDataFacade
-    typedef EdgeBasedNode RTreeLeaf;
-    typedef EdgeDataT EdgeData;
+    using RTreeLeaf = EdgeBasedNode;
+    using EdgeData = EdgeDataT;
     BaseDataFacade() {}
     virtual ~BaseDataFacade() {}
@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class BaseDataFacade
     virtual NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID e) const = 0;
-    // virtual EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) = 0;
     virtual const EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) const = 0;
     virtual EdgeID BeginEdges(const NodeID n) const = 0;
@@ -106,21 +104,20 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class BaseDataFacade
     virtual bool
     IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                             PhantomNode &resulting_phantom_node) = 0;
+    virtual bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithMaxDistance(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+        std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> &resulting_phantom_node_vector,
+        const double max_distance,
+        const unsigned min_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes) = 0;
     virtual unsigned GetCheckSum() const = 0;
     virtual unsigned GetNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const = 0;
-    virtual void GetName(const unsigned name_id, std::string &result) const = 0;
-    std::string GetEscapedNameForNameID(const unsigned name_id) const
-    {
-        std::string temporary_string;
-        GetName(name_id, temporary_string);
-        return EscapeJSONString(temporary_string);
-    }
+    virtual std::string get_name_for_id(const unsigned name_id) const = 0;
     virtual std::string GetTimestamp() const = 0;
diff --git a/Server/DataStructures/InternalDataFacade.h b/server/data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp
similarity index 80%
rename from Server/DataStructures/InternalDataFacade.h
rename to server/data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp
index d4f715c..823ac33 100644
--- a/Server/DataStructures/InternalDataFacade.h
+++ b/server/data_structures/internal_datafacade.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // implements all data storage when shared memory is _NOT_ used
-#include "BaseDataFacade.h"
+#include "datafacade_base.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/original_edge_data.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/range_table.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h"
-#include "../../Util/graph_loader.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../../util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp"
+#include "../../util/graph_loader.hpp"
+#include "../../util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <osrm/server_paths.hpp>
-template <class EdgeDataT> class InternalDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT>
+#include <limits>
+template <class EdgeDataT> class InternalDataFacade final : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT>
-    typedef BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT> super;
-    typedef StaticGraph<typename super::EdgeData> QueryGraph;
-    typedef typename QueryGraph::InputEdge InputEdge;
-    typedef typename super::RTreeLeaf RTreeLeaf;
+    using super = BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT>;
+    using QueryGraph = StaticGraph<typename super::EdgeData>;
+    using InputEdge = typename QueryGraph::InputEdge;
+    using RTreeLeaf = typename super::RTreeLeaf;
     InternalDataFacade() {}
@@ -309,94 +311,101 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class InternalDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<Edge
     // search graph access
-    unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfNodes(); }
-    unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfEdges(); }
+    unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const override final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfNodes(); }
-    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->GetOutDegree(n); }
+    unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const override final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfEdges(); }
-    NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID e) const final { return m_query_graph->GetTarget(e); }
+    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeID n) const override final
+    {
+        return m_query_graph->GetOutDegree(n);
+    }
-    // EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) final { return m_query_graph->GetEdgeData(e); }
+    NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID e) const override final { return m_query_graph->GetTarget(e); }
-    EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) const final { return m_query_graph->GetEdgeData(e); }
+    EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) const override final
+    {
+        return m_query_graph->GetEdgeData(e);
+    }
-    EdgeID BeginEdges(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->BeginEdges(n); }
+    EdgeID BeginEdges(const NodeID n) const override final { return m_query_graph->BeginEdges(n); }
-    EdgeID EndEdges(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->EndEdges(n); }
+    EdgeID EndEdges(const NodeID n) const override final { return m_query_graph->EndEdges(n); }
-    EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeID node) const final
+    EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeID node) const override final
         return m_query_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node);
     // searches for a specific edge
-    EdgeID FindEdge(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const final
+    EdgeID FindEdge(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdge(from, to);
-    EdgeID FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const final
+    EdgeID FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(from, to);
-    EdgeID FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool &result) const final
+    EdgeID
+    FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool &result) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(from, to, result);
     // node and edge information access
-    FixedPointCoordinate GetCoordinateOfNode(const unsigned id) const final
+    FixedPointCoordinate GetCoordinateOfNode(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_coordinate_list->at(id);
-    bool EdgeIsCompressed(const unsigned id) const { return m_edge_is_compressed.at(id); }
+    bool EdgeIsCompressed(const unsigned id) const override final
+    {
+        return m_edge_is_compressed.at(id);
+    }
-    TurnInstruction GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+    TurnInstruction GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_turn_instruction_list.at(id);
-    TravelMode GetTravelModeForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const
+    TravelMode GetTravelModeForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
-      return m_travel_mode_list.at(id);
+        return m_travel_mode_list.at(id);
     bool LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                             FixedPointCoordinate &result,
-                                            const unsigned zoom_level = 18) final
+                                            const unsigned zoom_level = 18) override final
         if (!m_static_rtree.get())
-        return m_static_rtree->LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(
-            input_coordinate, result, zoom_level);
+        return m_static_rtree->LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(input_coordinate, result,
+                                                                  zoom_level);
-    bool
-    IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
-                                            PhantomNode &resulting_phantom_node) final
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+                                                 PhantomNode &resulting_phantom_node) override final
         std::vector<PhantomNode> resulting_phantom_node_vector;
         auto result = IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(input_coordinate,
-                                                              resulting_phantom_node_vector,
-                                                              1);
+                                                              resulting_phantom_node_vector, 1);
         if (result)
             resulting_phantom_node = resulting_phantom_node_vector.front();
         return result;
     IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                             std::vector<PhantomNode> &resulting_phantom_node_vector,
-                                            const unsigned number_of_results) final
+                                            const unsigned number_of_results) override final
         if (!m_static_rtree.get())
@@ -407,49 +416,66 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class InternalDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<Edge
             input_coordinate, resulting_phantom_node_vector, number_of_results);
-    unsigned GetCheckSum() const final { return m_check_sum; }
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithMaxDistance(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+        std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> &resulting_phantom_node_vector,
+        const double max_distance,
+        const unsigned min_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes) override final
+    {
+        if (!m_static_rtree.get())
+        {
+            LoadRTree();
+        }
-    unsigned GetNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+        return m_static_rtree->IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithDistance(
+            input_coordinate, resulting_phantom_node_vector, max_distance,
+            min_number_of_phantom_nodes, max_number_of_phantom_nodes);
+    }
+    unsigned GetCheckSum() const override final { return m_check_sum; }
+    unsigned GetNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_name_ID_list.at(id);
-    };
+    }
-    void GetName(const unsigned name_id, std::string &result) const final
+    std::string get_name_for_id(const unsigned name_id) const override final
-        if (UINT_MAX == name_id)
+        if (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() == name_id)
-            result = "";
-            return;
+            return "";
         auto range = m_name_table.GetRange(name_id);
-        result.clear();
+        std::string result;
+        result.reserve(range.size());
         if (range.begin() != range.end())
             result.resize(range.back() - range.front() + 1);
             std::copy(m_names_char_list.begin() + range.front(),
-                      m_names_char_list.begin() + range.back() + 1,
-                      result.begin());
+                      m_names_char_list.begin() + range.back() + 1, result.begin());
+        return result;
-    virtual unsigned GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+    virtual unsigned GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_via_node_list.at(id);
     virtual void GetUncompressedGeometry(const unsigned id,
-                                         std::vector<unsigned> &result_nodes) const final
+                                         std::vector<unsigned> &result_nodes) const override final
         const unsigned begin = m_geometry_indices.at(id);
         const unsigned end = m_geometry_indices.at(id + 1);
-        result_nodes.insert(
-            result_nodes.begin(), m_geometry_list.begin() + begin, m_geometry_list.begin() + end);
+        result_nodes.insert(result_nodes.begin(), m_geometry_list.begin() + begin,
+                            m_geometry_list.begin() + end);
-    std::string GetTimestamp() const final { return m_timestamp; }
+    std::string GetTimestamp() const override final { return m_timestamp; }
diff --git a/Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h b/server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h
rename to server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp
index 36ba08b..e6f1234 100644
--- a/Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h
+++ b/server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_mutex.hpp>
 #include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_condition.hpp>
@@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ struct SharedBarriers
     int number_of_queries;
diff --git a/Server/DataStructures/SharedDataFacade.h b/server/data_structures/shared_datafacade.hpp
similarity index 75%
rename from Server/DataStructures/SharedDataFacade.h
rename to server/data_structures/shared_datafacade.hpp
index 9120f82..b156423 100644
--- a/Server/DataStructures/SharedDataFacade.h
+++ b/server/data_structures/shared_datafacade.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // implements all data storage when shared memory _IS_ used
-#include "BaseDataFacade.h"
-#include "SharedDataType.h"
+#include "datafacade_base.hpp"
+#include "shared_datatype.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/range_table.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h"
-#include "../../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../../util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp"
+#include "../../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
 #include <memory>
-template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT>
+template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade final : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDataT>
-    typedef EdgeDataT EdgeData;
-    typedef BaseDataFacade<EdgeData> super;
-    typedef StaticGraph<EdgeData, true> QueryGraph;
-    typedef typename StaticGraph<EdgeData, true>::NodeArrayEntry GraphNode;
-    typedef typename StaticGraph<EdgeData, true>::EdgeArrayEntry GraphEdge;
-    typedef typename RangeTable<16, true>::BlockT NameIndexBlock;
-    typedef typename QueryGraph::InputEdge InputEdge;
-    typedef typename super::RTreeLeaf RTreeLeaf;
+    using EdgeData = EdgeDataT;
+    using super = BaseDataFacade<EdgeData>;
+    using QueryGraph = StaticGraph<EdgeData, true>;
+    using GraphNode = typename StaticGraph<EdgeData, true>::NodeArrayEntry;
+    using GraphEdge = typename StaticGraph<EdgeData, true>::EdgeArrayEntry;
+    using NameIndexBlock = typename RangeTable<16, true>::BlockT;
+    using InputEdge = typename QueryGraph::InputEdge;
+    using RTreeLeaf = typename super::RTreeLeaf;
     using SharedRTree = StaticRTree<RTreeLeaf, ShM<FixedPointCoordinate, true>::vector, true>;
     using TimeStampedRTreePair = std::pair<unsigned, std::shared_ptr<SharedRTree>>;
     using RTreeNode = typename SharedRTree::TreeNode;
@@ -112,12 +113,11 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDa
         RTreeNode *tree_ptr =
             data_layout->GetBlockPtr<RTreeNode>(shared_memory, SharedDataLayout::R_SEARCH_TREE);
-        m_static_rtree.reset(new TimeStampedRTreePair(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+        m_static_rtree.reset(new TimeStampedRTreePair(
-                tree_ptr,
-                data_layout->num_entries[SharedDataLayout::R_SEARCH_TREE],
-                file_index_path,
-                m_coordinate_list)));
+                tree_ptr, data_layout->num_entries[SharedDataLayout::R_SEARCH_TREE],
+                file_index_path, m_coordinate_list)));
     void LoadGraph()
@@ -143,11 +143,10 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDa
         m_coordinate_list = osrm::make_unique<ShM<FixedPointCoordinate, true>::vector>(
             coordinate_list_ptr, data_layout->num_entries[SharedDataLayout::COORDINATE_LIST]);
-        TravelMode *travel_mode_list_ptr = data_layout->GetBlockPtr<TravelMode>(
-            shared_memory, SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE);
+        TravelMode *travel_mode_list_ptr =
+            data_layout->GetBlockPtr<TravelMode>(shared_memory, SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE);
         typename ShM<TravelMode, true>::vector travel_mode_list(
-            travel_mode_list_ptr,
-            data_layout->num_entries[SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE]);
+            travel_mode_list_ptr, data_layout->num_entries[SharedDataLayout::TRAVEL_MODE]);
         TurnInstruction *turn_instruction_list_ptr = data_layout->GetBlockPtr<TurnInstruction>(
@@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDa
                 SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Leaf file name " << file_index_path.string();
                 throw osrm::exception("Could not load leaf index file."
-                                    "Is any data loaded into shared memory?");
+                                      "Is any data loaded into shared memory?");
@@ -284,111 +283,117 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDa
     // search graph access
-    unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfNodes(); }
+    unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const override final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfNodes(); }
-    unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfEdges(); }
+    unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const override final { return m_query_graph->GetNumberOfEdges(); }
-    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->GetOutDegree(n); }
+    unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeID n) const override final
+    {
+        return m_query_graph->GetOutDegree(n);
+    }
-    NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID e) const final { return m_query_graph->GetTarget(e); }
+    NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID e) const override final { return m_query_graph->GetTarget(e); }
-    EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) const final { return m_query_graph->GetEdgeData(e); }
+    EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID e) const override final
+    {
+        return m_query_graph->GetEdgeData(e);
+    }
-    EdgeID BeginEdges(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->BeginEdges(n); }
+    EdgeID BeginEdges(const NodeID n) const override final { return m_query_graph->BeginEdges(n); }
-    EdgeID EndEdges(const NodeID n) const final { return m_query_graph->EndEdges(n); }
+    EdgeID EndEdges(const NodeID n) const override final { return m_query_graph->EndEdges(n); }
-    EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeID node) const final
+    EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeID node) const override final
         return m_query_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node);
     // searches for a specific edge
-    EdgeID FindEdge(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const final
+    EdgeID FindEdge(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdge(from, to);
-    EdgeID FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const final
+    EdgeID FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeID from, const NodeID to) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(from, to);
-    EdgeID FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool &result) const final
+    EdgeID
+    FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool &result) const override final
         return m_query_graph->FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(from, to, result);
     // node and edge information access
-    FixedPointCoordinate GetCoordinateOfNode(const NodeID id) const final
+    FixedPointCoordinate GetCoordinateOfNode(const NodeID id) const override final
         return m_coordinate_list->at(id);
-    virtual bool EdgeIsCompressed(const unsigned id) const final
+    virtual bool EdgeIsCompressed(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_edge_is_compressed.at(id);
     virtual void GetUncompressedGeometry(const unsigned id,
-                                         std::vector<unsigned> &result_nodes) const final
+                                         std::vector<unsigned> &result_nodes) const override final
         const unsigned begin = m_geometry_indices.at(id);
         const unsigned end = m_geometry_indices.at(id + 1);
-        result_nodes.insert(
-            result_nodes.begin(), m_geometry_list.begin() + begin, m_geometry_list.begin() + end);
+        result_nodes.insert(result_nodes.begin(), m_geometry_list.begin() + begin,
+                            m_geometry_list.begin() + end);
-    virtual unsigned GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+    virtual unsigned GetGeometryIndexForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_via_node_list.at(id);
-    TurnInstruction GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+    TurnInstruction GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_turn_instruction_list.at(id);
-    TravelMode GetTravelModeForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const
+    TravelMode GetTravelModeForEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_travel_mode_list.at(id);
     bool LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                             FixedPointCoordinate &result,
-                                            const unsigned zoom_level = 18) final
+                                            const unsigned zoom_level = 18) override final
         if (!m_static_rtree.get() || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP != m_static_rtree->first)
-        return m_static_rtree->second->LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(
-            input_coordinate, result, zoom_level);
+        return m_static_rtree->second->LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(input_coordinate, result,
+                                                                          zoom_level);
-    bool
-    IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
-                                            PhantomNode &resulting_phantom_node) final
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+                                                 PhantomNode &resulting_phantom_node) override final
         std::vector<PhantomNode> resulting_phantom_node_vector;
         auto result = IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(input_coordinate,
-                                                              resulting_phantom_node_vector,
-                                                              1);
+                                                              resulting_phantom_node_vector, 1);
         if (result)
             resulting_phantom_node = resulting_phantom_node_vector.front();
         return result;
     IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
                                             std::vector<PhantomNode> &resulting_phantom_node_vector,
-                                            const unsigned number_of_results) final
+                                            const unsigned number_of_results) override final
         if (!m_static_rtree.get() || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP != m_static_rtree->first)
@@ -399,33 +404,50 @@ template <class EdgeDataT> class SharedDataFacade : public BaseDataFacade<EdgeDa
             input_coordinate, resulting_phantom_node_vector, number_of_results);
-    unsigned GetCheckSum() const final { return m_check_sum; }
+    bool IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithMaxDistance(
+        const FixedPointCoordinate &input_coordinate,
+        std::vector<std::pair<PhantomNode, double>> &resulting_phantom_node_vector,
+        const double max_distance,
+        const unsigned min_number_of_phantom_nodes,
+        const unsigned max_number_of_phantom_nodes) override final
+    {
+        if (!m_static_rtree.get() || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP != m_static_rtree->first)
+        {
+            LoadRTree();
+        }
+        return m_static_rtree->second->IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinateWithDistance(
+            input_coordinate, resulting_phantom_node_vector, max_distance,
+            min_number_of_phantom_nodes, max_number_of_phantom_nodes);
+    }
+    unsigned GetCheckSum() const override final { return m_check_sum; }
-    unsigned GetNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const final
+    unsigned GetNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const override final
         return m_name_ID_list.at(id);
-    void GetName(const unsigned name_id, std::string &result) const final
+    std::string get_name_for_id(const unsigned name_id) const override final
-        if (UINT_MAX == name_id)
+        if (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() == name_id)
-            result = "";
-            return;
+            return "";
         auto range = m_name_table->GetRange(name_id);
-        result.clear();
+        std::string result;
+        result.reserve(range.size());
         if (range.begin() != range.end())
             result.resize(range.back() - range.front() + 1);
             std::copy(m_names_char_list.begin() + range.front(),
-                      m_names_char_list.begin() + range.back() + 1,
-                      result.begin());
+                      m_names_char_list.begin() + range.back() + 1, result.begin());
+        return result;
-    std::string GetTimestamp() const final { return m_timestamp; }
+    std::string GetTimestamp() const override final { return m_timestamp; }
diff --git a/Server/DataStructures/SharedDataType.h b/server/data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp
similarity index 52%
rename from Server/DataStructures/SharedDataType.h
rename to server/data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp
index 6357fd7..3261573 100644
--- a/Server/DataStructures/SharedDataType.h
+++ b/server/data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <array>
 // Added at the start and end of each block as sanity check
 static const char CANARY[] = "OSRM";
 struct SharedDataLayout
-    enum BlockID {
+    enum BlockID
+    {
         NAME_OFFSETS = 0,
@@ -64,54 +68,81 @@ struct SharedDataLayout
     std::array<uint64_t, NUM_BLOCKS> num_entries;
     std::array<uint64_t, NUM_BLOCKS> entry_size;
-    SharedDataLayout()
-    : num_entries()
-    , entry_size()
-    {
-    }
+    SharedDataLayout() : num_entries(), entry_size() {}
     void PrintInformation() const
         SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "-";
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "name_offsets_size:          " << num_entries[NAME_OFFSETS];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "name_blocks_size:           " << num_entries[NAME_BLOCKS];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "name_char_list_size:        " << num_entries[NAME_CHAR_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "name_id_list_size:          " << num_entries[NAME_ID_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "via_node_list_size:         " << num_entries[VIA_NODE_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "graph_node_list_size:       " << num_entries[GRAPH_NODE_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "graph_edge_list_size:       " << num_entries[GRAPH_EDGE_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "name_offsets_size:          " << num_entries[NAME_OFFSETS];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "name_blocks_size:           " << num_entries[NAME_BLOCKS];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "name_char_list_size:        " << num_entries[NAME_CHAR_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "name_id_list_size:          " << num_entries[NAME_ID_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "via_node_list_size:         " << num_entries[VIA_NODE_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "graph_node_list_size:       " << num_entries[GRAPH_NODE_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "graph_edge_list_size:       " << num_entries[GRAPH_EDGE_LIST];
         SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "timestamp_length:           " << num_entries[TIMESTAMP];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "coordinate_list_size:       " << num_entries[COORDINATE_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "turn_instruction_list_size: " << num_entries[TURN_INSTRUCTION];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "travel_mode_list_size:      " << num_entries[TRAVEL_MODE];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "r_search_tree_size:         " << num_entries[R_SEARCH_TREE];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "geometries_indicators:      " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS]
-                                       << "/" << ((num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS] / 8) + 1);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "geometries_index_list_size: " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDEX];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "geometries_list_size:       " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_LIST];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "sizeof(checksum):           " << entry_size[HSGR_CHECKSUM];
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_OFFSETS         " << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_OFFSETS         );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_BLOCKS          " << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_BLOCKS          );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_CHAR_LIST       " << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_CHAR_LIST       );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_ID_LIST         " << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_ID_LIST         );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "VIA_NODE_LIST        " << ": " << GetBlockSize(VIA_NODE_LIST        );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GRAPH_NODE_LIST      " << ": " << GetBlockSize(GRAPH_NODE_LIST      );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GRAPH_EDGE_LIST      " << ": " << GetBlockSize(GRAPH_EDGE_LIST      );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "COORDINATE_LIST      " << ": " << GetBlockSize(COORDINATE_LIST      );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TURN_INSTRUCTION     " << ": " << GetBlockSize(TURN_INSTRUCTION     );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TRAVEL_MODE          " << ": " << GetBlockSize(TRAVEL_MODE          );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "R_SEARCH_TREE        " << ": " << GetBlockSize(R_SEARCH_TREE        );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_INDEX     " << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_INDEX     );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_LIST      " << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_LIST      );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS" << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS);
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "HSGR_CHECKSUM        " << ": " << GetBlockSize(HSGR_CHECKSUM        );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TIMESTAMP            " << ": " << GetBlockSize(TIMESTAMP            );
-        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "FILE_INDEX_PATH      " << ": " << GetBlockSize(FILE_INDEX_PATH      );
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "coordinate_list_size:       " << num_entries[COORDINATE_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "turn_instruction_list_size: " << num_entries[TURN_INSTRUCTION];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "travel_mode_list_size:      " << num_entries[TRAVEL_MODE];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "r_search_tree_size:         " << num_entries[R_SEARCH_TREE];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "geometries_indicators:      " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS] << "/"
+            << ((num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS] / 8) + 1);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "geometries_index_list_size: " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDEX];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "geometries_list_size:       " << num_entries[GEOMETRIES_LIST];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG)
+            << "sizeof(checksum):           " << entry_size[HSGR_CHECKSUM];
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_OFFSETS         "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_OFFSETS);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_BLOCKS          "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_BLOCKS);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_CHAR_LIST       "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_CHAR_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "NAME_ID_LIST         "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(NAME_ID_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "VIA_NODE_LIST        "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(VIA_NODE_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GRAPH_NODE_LIST      "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(GRAPH_NODE_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GRAPH_EDGE_LIST      "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(GRAPH_EDGE_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "COORDINATE_LIST      "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(COORDINATE_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TURN_INSTRUCTION     "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(TURN_INSTRUCTION);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TRAVEL_MODE          "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(TRAVEL_MODE);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "R_SEARCH_TREE        "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(R_SEARCH_TREE);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_INDEX     "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_INDEX);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_LIST      "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_LIST);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS"
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "HSGR_CHECKSUM        "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(HSGR_CHECKSUM);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "TIMESTAMP            "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(TIMESTAMP);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "FILE_INDEX_PATH      "
+                                       << ": " << GetBlockSize(FILE_INDEX_PATH);
-    template<typename T>
-    inline void SetBlockSize(BlockID bid, uint64_t entries)
+    template <typename T> inline void SetBlockSize(BlockID bid, uint64_t entries)
         num_entries[bid] = entries;
         entry_size[bid] = sizeof(T);
@@ -122,7 +153,8 @@ struct SharedDataLayout
         // special encoding
         if (bid == GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS)
-            return (num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS]/32 + 1) * entry_size[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS];
+            return (num_entries[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS] / 32 + 1) *
+                   entry_size[GEOMETRIES_INDICATORS];
         return num_entries[bid] * entry_size[bid];
@@ -130,7 +162,7 @@ struct SharedDataLayout
     inline uint64_t GetSizeOfLayout() const
-        return GetBlockOffset(NUM_BLOCKS) + NUM_BLOCKS*2*sizeof(CANARY);
+        return GetBlockOffset(NUM_BLOCKS) + NUM_BLOCKS * 2 * sizeof(CANARY);
     inline uint64_t GetBlockOffset(BlockID bid) const
@@ -138,26 +170,26 @@ struct SharedDataLayout
         uint64_t result = sizeof(CANARY);
         for (auto i = 0; i < bid; i++)
-            result += GetBlockSize((BlockID) i) + 2*sizeof(CANARY);
+            result += GetBlockSize((BlockID)i) + 2 * sizeof(CANARY);
         return result;
-    template<typename T, bool WRITE_CANARY=false>
-    inline T* GetBlockPtr(char* shared_memory, BlockID bid)
+    template <typename T, bool WRITE_CANARY = false>
+    inline T *GetBlockPtr(char *shared_memory, BlockID bid)
-        T* ptr = (T*)(shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid));
+        T *ptr = (T *)(shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid));
         if (WRITE_CANARY)
-            char* start_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) - sizeof(CANARY);
-            char* end_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) + GetBlockSize(bid);
+            char *start_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) - sizeof(CANARY);
+            char *end_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) + GetBlockSize(bid);
             std::copy(CANARY, CANARY + sizeof(CANARY), start_canary_ptr);
             std::copy(CANARY, CANARY + sizeof(CANARY), end_canary_ptr);
-            char* start_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) - sizeof(CANARY);
-            char* end_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) + GetBlockSize(bid);
+            char *start_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) - sizeof(CANARY);
+            char *end_canary_ptr = shared_memory + GetBlockOffset(bid) + GetBlockSize(bid);
             bool start_canary_alive = std::equal(CANARY, CANARY + sizeof(CANARY), start_canary_ptr);
             bool end_canary_alive = std::equal(CANARY, CANARY + sizeof(CANARY), end_canary_ptr);
             if (!start_canary_alive)
@@ -175,13 +207,15 @@ struct SharedDataLayout
 enum SharedDataType
-  LAYOUT_1,
-  DATA_1,
-  LAYOUT_2,
-  DATA_2,
+    LAYOUT_1,
+    DATA_1,
+    LAYOUT_2,
+    DATA_2,
 struct SharedDataTimestamp
@@ -190,4 +224,4 @@ struct SharedDataTimestamp
     unsigned timestamp;
-#endif /* SHARED_DATA_TYPE_H_ */
+#endif /* SHARED_DATA_TYPE_HPP */
diff --git a/Server/Http/CompressionType.h b/server/http/compression_type.hpp
similarity index 85%
rename from Server/Http/CompressionType.h
rename to server/http/compression_type.hpp
index 3836cd7..f0dc692 100644
--- a/Server/Http/CompressionType.h
+++ b/server/http/compression_type.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 namespace http
-enum CompressionType
-{ noCompression,
-  gzipRFC1952,
-  deflateRFC1951 };
+enum compression_type
+    no_compression,
+    gzip_rfc1952,
+    deflate_rfc1951
diff --git a/Include/osrm/Header.h b/server/http/header.hpp
similarity index 76%
rename from Include/osrm/Header.h
rename to server/http/header.hpp
index d126c4c..08d2476 100644
--- a/Include/osrm/Header.h
+++ b/server/http/header.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef HTTP_HEADER_H
-#define HTTP_HEADER_H
+#ifndef HEADER_HPP
+#define HEADER_HPP
 #include <string>
 #include <algorithm>
 namespace http
-struct Header
+struct header
-    Header& operator=(const Header& other) = default;
-    Header(const std::string & name, const std::string & value) : name(name), value(value) {}
-    Header(Header && other) : name(std::move(other.name)), value(std::move(other.value)) {}
+    // explicitly use default copy c'tor as adding move c'tor
+    header &operator=(const header &other) = default;
+    header(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) : name(name), value(value) {}
+    header(header &&other) : name(std::move(other.name)), value(std::move(other.value)) {}
-    void Clear()
+    void clear()
@@ -50,4 +51,4 @@ struct Header
-#endif // HTTP_HEADER_H
+#endif // HEADER_HPP
diff --git a/Server/Http/Reply.cpp b/server/http/reply.cpp
similarity index 59%
rename from Server/Http/Reply.cpp
rename to server/http/reply.cpp
index e2cf0ae..036d1ae 100644
--- a/Server/Http/Reply.cpp
+++ b/server/http/reply.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
+#include "reply.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/cast.hpp"
+#include "../../util/cast.hpp"
 namespace http
-void Reply::SetSize(const unsigned size)
+const char ok_html[] = "";
+const char bad_request_html[] = "{\"status\": 400,\"status_message\":\"Bad Request\"}";
+const char internal_server_error_html[] =
+    "{\"status\": 500,\"status_message\":\"Internal Server Error\"}";
+const char seperators[] = {':', ' '};
+const char crlf[] = {'\r', '\n'};
+const std::string http_ok_string = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
+const std::string http_bad_request_string = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n";
+const std::string http_internal_server_error_string = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n";
+void reply::set_size(const std::size_t size)
-    for (Header &h : headers)
+    for (header &h : headers)
         if ("Content-Length" == h.name)
@@ -43,14 +53,13 @@ void Reply::SetSize(const unsigned size)
-// Sets the size of the uncompressed output.
-void Reply::SetUncompressedSize() { SetSize(static_cast<unsigned>(content.size())); }
+void reply::set_uncompressed_size() { set_size(content.size()); }
-std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> Reply::ToBuffers()
+std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> reply::to_buffers()
     std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;
-    buffers.push_back(ToBuffer(status));
-    for (const Header &h : headers)
+    buffers.push_back(status_to_buffer(status));
+    for (const header &h : headers)
@@ -62,13 +71,12 @@ std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> Reply::ToBuffers()
     return buffers;
-std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> Reply::HeaderstoBuffers()
+std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> reply::headers_to_buffers()
     std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;
-    buffers.push_back(ToBuffer(status));
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); ++i)
+    buffers.push_back(status_to_buffer(status));
+    for (const header &current_header : headers)
-        Header &current_header = headers[i];
@@ -78,13 +86,13 @@ std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> Reply::HeaderstoBuffers()
     return buffers;
-Reply Reply::StockReply(Reply::status_type status)
+reply reply::stock_reply(const reply::status_type status)
-    Reply reply;
+    reply reply;
     reply.status = status;
-    const std::string status_string = reply.ToString(status);
+    const std::string status_string = reply.status_to_string(status);
     reply.content.insert(reply.content.end(), status_string.begin(), status_string.end());
     reply.headers.emplace_back("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
     reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Length", cast::integral_to_string(reply.content.size()));
@@ -92,31 +100,31 @@ Reply Reply::StockReply(Reply::status_type status)
     return reply;
-std::string Reply::ToString(Reply::status_type status)
+std::string reply::status_to_string(const reply::status_type status)
-    if (Reply::ok == status)
+    if (reply::ok == status)
-        return okHTML;
+        return ok_html;
-    if (Reply::badRequest == status)
+    if (reply::bad_request == status)
-        return badRequestHTML;
+        return bad_request_html;
-    return internalServerErrorHTML;
+    return internal_server_error_html;
-boost::asio::const_buffer Reply::ToBuffer(Reply::status_type status)
+boost::asio::const_buffer reply::status_to_buffer(const reply::status_type status)
-    if (Reply::ok == status)
+    if (reply::ok == status)
-        return boost::asio::buffer(okString);
+        return boost::asio::buffer(http_ok_string);
-    if (Reply::internalServerError == status)
+    if (reply::internal_server_error == status)
-        return boost::asio::buffer(internalServerErrorString);
+        return boost::asio::buffer(http_internal_server_error_string);
-    return boost::asio::buffer(badRequestString);
+    return boost::asio::buffer(http_bad_request_string);
-Reply::Reply() : status(ok) {}
+reply::reply() : status(ok) {}
diff --git a/Server/Http/Request.h b/server/http/reply.hpp
similarity index 63%
copy from Server/Http/Request.h
copy to server/http/reply.hpp
index 4746a5e..733818c 100644
--- a/Server/Http/Request.h
+++ b/server/http/reply.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef REQUEST_H
-#define REQUEST_H
+#ifndef REPLY_HPP
+#define REPLY_HPP
+#include "header.hpp"
 #include <boost/asio.hpp>
-#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 namespace http
-struct Request
+class reply
-    std::string uri;
-    std::string referrer;
-    std::string agent;
-    boost::asio::ip::address endpoint;
+  public:
+    enum status_type
+    {
+        ok = 200,
+        bad_request = 400,
+        internal_server_error = 500
+    } status;
-} // namespace http
+    std::vector<header> headers;
+    std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> to_buffers();
+    std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> headers_to_buffers();
+    std::vector<char> content;
+    static reply stock_reply(const status_type status);
+    void set_size(const std::size_t size);
+    void set_uncompressed_size();
+    reply();
+  private:
+    std::string status_to_string(reply::status_type status);
+    boost::asio::const_buffer status_to_buffer(reply::status_type status);
-#endif // REQUEST_H
+#endif // REPLY_HPP
diff --git a/Server/Http/Request.h b/server/http/request.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from Server/Http/Request.h
rename to server/http/request.hpp
index 4746a5e..c487fba 100644
--- a/Server/Http/Request.h
+++ b/server/http/request.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef REQUEST_H
-#define REQUEST_H
+#ifndef REQUEST_HPP
+#define REQUEST_HPP
 #include <boost/asio.hpp>
 namespace http
-struct Request
+struct request
     std::string uri;
     std::string referrer;
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ struct Request
 } // namespace http
-#endif // REQUEST_H
+#endif // REQUEST_HPP
diff --git a/server/request_handler.cpp b/server/request_handler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c6e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/request_handler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "request_handler.hpp"
+#include "api_grammar.hpp"
+#include "http/reply.hpp"
+#include "http/request.hpp"
+#include "../library/osrm.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/string_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/xml_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <osrm/route_parameters.hpp>
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+RequestHandler::RequestHandler() : routing_machine(nullptr) {}
+void RequestHandler::handle_request(const http::request &current_request,
+                                    http::reply &current_reply)
+    // parse command
+    try
+    {
+        std::string request_string;
+        URIDecode(current_request.uri, request_string);
+        // deactivated as GCC apparently does not implement that, not even in 4.9
+        // std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
+        // SimpleLogger().Write() << std::put_time(std::localtime(&t), "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") <<
+        //     " " << current_request.endpoint.to_string() << " " <<
+        //     current_request.referrer << ( 0 == current_request.referrer.length() ? "- " :" ") <<
+        //     current_request.agent << ( 0 == current_request.agent.length() ? "- " :" ") <<
+        //     request;
+        time_t ltime;
+        struct tm *time_stamp;
+        ltime = time(nullptr);
+        time_stamp = localtime(&ltime);
+        // log timestamp
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << (time_stamp->tm_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") << time_stamp->tm_mday
+                               << "-" << (time_stamp->tm_mon + 1 < 10 ? "0" : "")
+                               << (time_stamp->tm_mon + 1) << "-" << 1900 + time_stamp->tm_year
+                               << " " << (time_stamp->tm_hour < 10 ? "0" : "")
+                               << time_stamp->tm_hour << ":" << (time_stamp->tm_min < 10 ? "0" : "")
+                               << time_stamp->tm_min << ":" << (time_stamp->tm_sec < 10 ? "0" : "")
+                               << time_stamp->tm_sec << " " << current_request.endpoint.to_string()
+                               << " " << current_request.referrer
+                               << (0 == current_request.referrer.length() ? "- " : " ")
+                               << current_request.agent
+                               << (0 == current_request.agent.length() ? "- " : " ")
+                               << request_string;
+        RouteParameters route_parameters;
+        APIGrammarParser api_parser(&route_parameters);
+        auto api_iterator = request_string.begin();
+        const bool result =
+            boost::spirit::qi::parse(api_iterator, request_string.end(), api_parser);
+        osrm::json::Object json_result;
+        // check if the was an error with the request
+        if (!result || (api_iterator != request_string.end()))
+        {
+            current_reply = http::reply::stock_reply(http::reply::bad_request);
+            current_reply.content.clear();
+            const auto position = std::distance(request_string.begin(), api_iterator);
+            json_result.values["status"] = 400;
+            std::string message = "Query string malformed close to position ";
+            message += cast::integral_to_string(position);
+            json_result.values["status_message"] = message;
+            osrm::json::render(current_reply.content, json_result);
+            return;
+        }
+        // parsing done, lets call the right plugin to handle the request
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(routing_machine != nullptr, "pointer not init'ed");
+        if (!route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
+        { // prepend response with jsonp parameter
+            const std::string json_p = (route_parameters.jsonp_parameter + "(");
+            current_reply.content.insert(current_reply.content.end(), json_p.begin(), json_p.end());
+        }
+        const auto return_code = routing_machine->RunQuery(route_parameters, json_result);
+        if (200 != return_code)
+        {
+            current_reply = http::reply::stock_reply(http::reply::bad_request);
+            current_reply.content.clear();
+            json_result.values["status"] = 400;
+            std::string message = "Bad Request";
+            json_result.values["status_message"] = message;
+            osrm::json::render(current_reply.content, json_result);
+            return;
+        }
+        current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
+        current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET");
+        current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
+                                           "X-Requested-With, Content-Type");
+        // set headers
+        current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Length",
+                                           cast::integral_to_string(current_reply.content.size()));
+        if ("gpx" == route_parameters.output_format)
+        { // gpx file
+            osrm::json::gpx_render(current_reply.content, json_result.values["route"]);
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type",
+                                               "application/gpx+xml; charset=UTF-8");
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition",
+                                               "attachment; filename=\"route.gpx\"");
+        }
+        else if (route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
+        { // json file
+            osrm::json::render(current_reply.content, json_result);
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition",
+                                               "inline; filename=\"response.json\"");
+        }
+        else
+        { // jsonp
+            osrm::json::render(current_reply.content, json_result);
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Type", "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8");
+            current_reply.headers.emplace_back("Content-Disposition",
+                                               "inline; filename=\"response.js\"");
+        }
+        if (!route_parameters.jsonp_parameter.empty())
+        { // append brace to jsonp response
+            current_reply.content.push_back(')');
+        }
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception &e)
+    {
+        current_reply = http::reply::stock_reply(http::reply::internal_server_error);
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[server error] code: " << e.what()
+                                         << ", uri: " << current_request.uri;
+        return;
+    }
+void RequestHandler::RegisterRoutingMachine(OSRM *osrm) { routing_machine = osrm; }
diff --git a/Server/RequestHandler.h b/server/request_handler.hpp
similarity index 86%
rename from Server/RequestHandler.h
rename to server/request_handler.hpp
index 7263dad..b4019db 100644
--- a/Server/RequestHandler.h
+++ b/server/request_handler.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <string>
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class OSRM;
 namespace http
-class Reply;
-struct Request;
+class reply;
+struct request;
 class RequestHandler
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ class RequestHandler
     RequestHandler(const RequestHandler &) = delete;
-    void handle_request(const http::Request &req, http::Reply &rep);
+    void handle_request(const http::request &current_request, http::reply &current_reply);
     void RegisterRoutingMachine(OSRM *osrm);
     OSRM *routing_machine;
diff --git a/server/request_parser.cpp b/server/request_parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584dcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/request_parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "request_parser.hpp"
+#include "http/compression_type.hpp"
+#include "http/header.hpp"
+#include "http/request.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/tribool.hpp"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <string>
+namespace http
+    : state(internal_state::method_start), current_header({"", ""}),
+      selected_compression(no_compression)
+std::tuple<osrm::tribool, compression_type>
+RequestParser::parse(request &current_request, char *begin, char *end)
+    while (begin != end)
+    {
+        osrm::tribool result = consume(current_request, *begin++);
+        if (result != osrm::tribool::indeterminate)
+        {
+            return std::make_tuple(result, selected_compression);
+        }
+    }
+    osrm::tribool result = osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    return std::make_tuple(result, selected_compression);
+osrm::tribool RequestParser::consume(request &current_request, const char input)
+    switch (state)
+    {
+    case internal_state::method_start:
+        if (!is_char(input) || is_CTL(input) || is_special(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        state = internal_state::method;
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::method:
+        if (input == ' ')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::uri;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (!is_char(input) || is_CTL(input) || is_special(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::uri_start:
+        if (is_CTL(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        state = internal_state::uri;
+        current_request.uri.push_back(input);
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::uri:
+        if (input == ' ')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_h;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (is_CTL(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        current_request.uri.push_back(input);
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::http_version_h:
+        if (input == 'H')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_t_1;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_t_1:
+        if (input == 'T')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_t_2;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_t_2:
+        if (input == 'T')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_p;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_p:
+        if (input == 'P')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_slash;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_slash:
+        if (input == '/')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_major_start;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_major_start:
+        if (is_digit(input))
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_major;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_major:
+        if (input == '.')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_minor_start;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (is_digit(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_minor_start:
+        if (is_digit(input))
+        {
+            state = internal_state::http_version_minor;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::http_version_minor:
+        if (input == '\r')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::expecting_newline_1;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (is_digit(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::expecting_newline_1:
+        if (input == '\n')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::header_line_start;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::header_line_start:
+        if (boost::iequals(current_header.name, "Accept-Encoding"))
+        {
+            /* giving gzip precedence over deflate */
+            if (boost::icontains(current_header.value, "deflate"))
+            {
+                selected_compression = deflate_rfc1951;
+            }
+            if (boost::icontains(current_header.value, "gzip"))
+            {
+                selected_compression = gzip_rfc1952;
+            }
+        }
+        if (boost::iequals(current_header.name, "Referer"))
+        {
+            current_request.referrer = current_header.value;
+        }
+        if (boost::iequals(current_header.name, "User-Agent"))
+        {
+            current_request.agent = current_header.value;
+        }
+        if (input == '\r')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::expecting_newline_3;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (!is_char(input) || is_CTL(input) || is_special(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        state = internal_state::header_name;
+        current_header.clear();
+        current_header.name.push_back(input);
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::header_lws:
+        if (input == '\r')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::expecting_newline_2;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (input == ' ' || input == '\t')
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (is_CTL(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        state = internal_state::header_value;
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::header_name:
+        if (input == ':')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::space_before_header_value;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (!is_char(input) || is_CTL(input) || is_special(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        current_header.name.push_back(input);
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::space_before_header_value:
+        if (input == ' ')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::header_value;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    case internal_state::header_value:
+        if (input == '\r')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::expecting_newline_2;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        if (is_CTL(input))
+        {
+            return osrm::tribool::no;
+        }
+        current_header.value.push_back(input);
+        return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+    case internal_state::expecting_newline_2:
+        if (input == '\n')
+        {
+            state = internal_state::header_line_start;
+            return osrm::tribool::indeterminate;
+        }
+        return osrm::tribool::no;
+    default: // expecting_newline_3
+        return input == '\n' ? osrm::tribool::yes : osrm::tribool::no;
+    }
+bool RequestParser::is_char(const int character) const
+    return character >= 0 && character <= 127;
+bool RequestParser::is_CTL(const int character) const
+    return (character >= 0 && character <= 31) || (character == 127);
+bool RequestParser::is_special(const int character) const
+    switch (character)
+    {
+    case '(':
+    case ')':
+    case '<':
+    case '>':
+    case '@':
+    case ',':
+    case ';':
+    case ':':
+    case '\\':
+    case '"':
+    case '/':
+    case '[':
+    case ']':
+    case '?':
+    case '=':
+    case '{':
+    case '}':
+    case ' ':
+    case '\t':
+        return true;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+bool RequestParser::is_digit(const int character) const
+    return character >= '0' && character <= '9';
diff --git a/Server/RequestParser.h b/server/request_parser.hpp
similarity index 51%
rename from Server/RequestParser.h
rename to server/request_parser.hpp
index 7f302a2..2b6bf69 100644
--- a/Server/RequestParser.h
+++ b/server/request_parser.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "Http/CompressionType.h"
-#include <osrm/Header.h>
+#include "http/compression_type.hpp"
+#include "http/header.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/tribool.hpp"
-#include <boost/logic/tribool.hpp>
-#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <tuple>
 namespace http
-struct Request;
+struct request;
 class RequestParser
-    void Reset();
-    boost::tuple<boost::tribool, char *>
-    Parse(Request &req, char *begin, char *end, CompressionType &compression_type);
+    std::tuple<osrm::tribool, compression_type>
+    parse(request &current_request, char *begin, char *end);
-    boost::tribool consume(Request &req, char input, CompressionType &compression_type);
-    inline bool isChar(int c);
-    inline bool isCTL(int c);
-    inline bool isTSpecial(int c);
-    inline bool isDigit(int c);
-    enum state
-    { method_start,
-      method,
-      uri_start,
-      uri,
-      http_version_h,
-      http_version_t_1,
-      http_version_t_2,
-      http_version_p,
-      http_version_slash,
-      http_version_major_start,
-      http_version_major,
-      http_version_minor_start,
-      http_version_minor,
-      expecting_newline_1,
-      header_line_start,
-      header_lws,
-      header_name,
-      space_before_header_value,
-      header_value,
-      expecting_newline_2,
-      expecting_newline_3 } state_;
-    Header header;
+    osrm::tribool consume(request &current_request, const char input);
+    bool is_char(const int character) const;
+    bool is_CTL(const int character) const;
+    bool is_special(const int character) const;
+    bool is_digit(const int character) const;
+    enum class internal_state : unsigned char
+    {
+        method_start,
+        method,
+        uri_start,
+        uri,
+        http_version_h,
+        http_version_t_1,
+        http_version_t_2,
+        http_version_p,
+        http_version_slash,
+        http_version_major_start,
+        http_version_major,
+        http_version_minor_start,
+        http_version_minor,
+        expecting_newline_1,
+        header_line_start,
+        header_lws,
+        header_name,
+        space_before_header_value,
+        header_value,
+        expecting_newline_2,
+        expecting_newline_3
+    } state;
+    header current_header;
+    compression_type selected_compression;
 } // namespace http
diff --git a/Server/Server.h b/server/server.hpp
similarity index 90%
rename from Server/Server.h
rename to server/server.hpp
index 8e0b101..0ec3163 100644
--- a/Server/Server.h
+++ b/server/server.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef SERVER_H
-#define SERVER_H
+#ifndef SERVER_HPP
+#define SERVER_HPP
-#include "Connection.h"
-#include "RequestHandler.h"
+#include "connection.hpp"
+#include "request_handler.hpp"
-#include "../Util/cast.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/cast.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/asio.hpp>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
 class Server
     // Note: returns a shared instead of a unique ptr as it is captured in a lambda somewhere else
-    static std::shared_ptr<Server> CreateServer(std::string &ip_address, int ip_port, unsigned requested_num_threads)
+    static std::shared_ptr<Server>
+    CreateServer(std::string &ip_address, int ip_port, unsigned requested_num_threads)
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "http 1.1 compression handled by zlib version " << zlibVersion();
         const unsigned hardware_threads = std::max(1u, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Server
     explicit Server(const std::string &address, const int port, const unsigned thread_pool_size)
         : thread_pool_size(thread_pool_size), acceptor(io_service),
-          new_connection(std::make_shared<http::Connection>(io_service, request_handler)), request_handler()
+          new_connection(std::make_shared<http::Connection>(io_service, request_handler))
         const std::string port_string = cast::integral_to_string(port);
@@ -116,4 +116,4 @@ class Server
     RequestHandler request_handler;
-#endif // SERVER_H
+#endif // SERVER_HPP
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/.gitignore b/third_party/libosmium/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5013903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/.travis.yml b/third_party/libosmium/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73dff72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#  Configuration for continuous integration service at travis-ci.org
+language: cpp
+ - gcc
+ - clang
+ # we need at least g++-4.8 for c++11 features
+ - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
+ - sudo apt-get update --yes --quiet
+ - cd ..
+ # upgrade compilers
+ - sudo apt-get install --yes gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
+ # make sure 'cpp' is the just installed current one
+ - sudo rm /usr/bin/cpp
+ - sudo ln -s /usr/bin/cpp-4.8 /usr/bin/cpp
+ # upgrade libosmium dependencies
+ - sudo apt-get install --yes make libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libsparsehash-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgeos++-dev libproj-dev libgdal1h libgdal-dev
+ - git clone https://github.com/osmcode/osm-testdata.git
+ # OSMPBF is too old, install from git
+ #- sudo apt-get install --yes libosmpbf-dev
+ - git clone https://github.com/scrosby/OSM-binary.git
+ - cd OSM-binary/src
+ - make
+ - sudo make install
+ - cd ../..
+ - cd libosmium
+ - true
+ - if [ "${CXX}" = 'g++' ]; then export CXX=g++-4.8; fi;
+ - mkdir build
+ - cd build
+ - make VERBOSE=1
+ - ctest --output-on-failure
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/.ycm_extra_conf.py b/third_party/libosmium/.ycm_extra_conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b87306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/.ycm_extra_conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#  Configuration for YouCompleteMe Vim plugin
+#  http://valloric.github.io/YouCompleteMe/
+from os.path import realpath, dirname
+basedir = dirname(realpath(__file__))
+# some default flags
+# for more information install clang-3.2-doc package and
+# check UsersManual.html
+flags = [
+# '-x' and 'c++' also required
+# use 'c' for C projects
+# libosmium include dirs
+'-I%s/include' % basedir,
+'-I%s/test/include' % basedir,
+'-I%s/test/data-test/include' % basedir,
+# include third party libraries
+# youcompleteme is calling this function to get flags
+# You can also set database for flags. Check: JSONCompilationDatabase.html in
+# clang-3.2-doc package
+def FlagsForFile( filename ):
+  return {
+    'flags': flags,
+    'do_cache': True
+  }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/CHANGELOG.md b/third_party/libosmium/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c345a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Change Log
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
+## [unreleased] -
+## [2.1.0] - 2015-03-31
+### Added
+- When writing PBF files, sorting the PBF stringtables is now optional.
+- More tests and documentation.
+### Changed
+- Some functions are now declared `noexcept`.
+- XML parser fails now if the top-level element is not `osm` or `osmChange`.
+### Fixed
+- Race condition in PBF reader.
+- Multipolygon collector was accessing non-existent NodeRef.
+- Doxygen documentation wan't showing all classes/functions due to a bug in
+  Doxygen (up to version 1.8.8). This version contains a workaround to fix
+  this.
+[unreleased]: https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/compare/v2.1.0...HEAD
+[2.1.0]: https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/compare/v2.0.0...v2.1.0
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e70a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)
+#  Project version
+set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Debug;Release;RelWithDebInfo;MinSizeRel;Dev"
+    "List of available configuration types"
+    FORCE)
+#  Build options
+#  (Change with -DOPTION=VALUE on cmake command line.)
+    set(dev_build ON)
+    set(dev_build OFF)
+option(BUILD_EXAMPLES   "compile example programs" ON)
+option(BUILD_TESTING    "compile unit tests, please run them with ctest" ON)
+option(BUILD_HEADERS    "compile every header file on its own" ${dev_build})
+option(BUILD_BENCHMARKS "compile benchmark programs" ${dev_build})
+option(BUILD_DATA_TESTS "compile data tests, please run them with ctest" ${dev_build})
+#  Find external dependencies
+find_package(Boost 1.38)
+mark_as_advanced(CLEAR BOOST_ROOT)
+    include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+    set(BOOST_ROOT "NOT FOUND: please choose" CACHE PATH "")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "PLEASE, specify the directory where the Boost library is installed in BOOST_ROOT")
+set(OSMIUM_INCLUDE_DIR include)
+find_package(Osmium COMPONENTS io gdal geos proj sparsehash)
+    find_path(GETOPT_INCLUDE_DIR getopt.h)
+    find_library(GETOPT_LIBRARY NAMES wingetopt)
+        include_directories(${GETOPT_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    else()
+        set(GETOPT_MISSING 1)
+    endif()
+#  Decide which C++ version to use (Minimum/default: C++11).
+        set(USE_CPP_VERSION c++11)
+    endif()
+    message(STATUS "Use C++ version: ${USE_CPP_VERSION}")
+    # following only available from cmake 2.8.12:
+    #   add_compile_options(-std=${USE_CPP_VERSION})
+    # so using this instead:
+    add_definitions(-std=${USE_CPP_VERSION})
+#  Compiler and Linker flags
+    set(USUAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS "-O3 -g")
+    add_definitions(-DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DMSWIN32 -DBGDWIN32
+                    -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0600)
+    CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during developer builds."
+    FORCE)
+    CACHE STRING "Flags used by the linker during developer builds."
+    FORCE)
+    CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during RELWITHDEBINFO builds."
+    FORCE)
+#  Build Type
+# In 'Dev' mode: compile with very strict warnings and turn them into errors.
+    if(NOT MSVC)
+        add_definitions(-Werror)
+    endif()
+    add_definitions(${OSMIUM_WARNING_OPTIONS})
+# Force RelWithDebInfo build type if none was given
+    set(build_type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+    set(build_type "RelWithDebInfo")
+set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${build_type}
+    "Choose the type of build, options are: ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}."
+    FORCE)
+#  Unit and data tests
+    find_program(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind)
+        "--trace-children=yes --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --error-exitcode=1")
+    add_subdirectory(test)
+    add_subdirectory(test/data-tests)
+#  Optional "cppcheck" target that checks C++ code
+message(STATUS "Looking for cppcheck")
+find_program(CPPCHECK cppcheck)
+    message(STATUS "Looking for cppcheck - found")
+        --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information,missingInclude)
+    # cpp doesn't find system includes for some reason, suppress that report
+    set(CPPCHECK_OPTIONS ${CPPCHECK_OPTIONS} --suppress=missingIncludeSystem)
+    file(GLOB_RECURSE ALL_INCLUDES   include/osmium/*.hpp)
+    file(GLOB         ALL_EXAMPLES   examples/*.cpp)
+    file(GLOB         ALL_UNIT_TESTS test/t/*/test_*.cpp)
+    file(GLOB         ALL_DATA_TESTS test/data-tests/*.cpp)
+    if(Osmium_DEBUG)
+        message(STATUS "Checking includes      : ${ALL_INCLUDES}")
+        message(STATUS "Checking example code  : ${ALL_EXAMPLES}")
+        message(STATUS "Checking unit test code: ${ALL_UNIT_TESTS}")
+        message(STATUS "Checking data test code: ${ALL_DATA_TESTS}")
+    endif()
+        ${ALL_INCLUDES}
+        ${ALL_EXAMPLES}
+        ${ALL_UNIT_TESTS}
+        ${ALL_DATA_TESTS})
+    add_custom_target(cppcheck
+        ${CPPCHECK}
+        --std=c++11 ${CPPCHECK_OPTIONS}
+        -I ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include
+        ${CPPCHECK_FILES}
+    )
+    message(STATUS "Looking for cppcheck - not found")
+    message(STATUS "  Build target 'cppcheck' will not be available.")
+#  Examples, benchmarks and documentation
+    add_subdirectory(examples)
+    add_subdirectory(benchmarks)
+#  Headers
+#  This will try to compile include files on their own to detect missing
+#  include directives and other dependency-related problems. Note that if this
+#  work, it is not enough to be sure it will compile in production code.
+#  But if it reports an error we know we are missing something.
+    file(GLOB_RECURSE
+         ALL_HPPS
+         include/osmium/*.hpp)
+    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY header_check)
+    foreach(hpp ${ALL_HPPS})
+        string(REPLACE ".hpp" "" tmp ${hpp})
+        string(REPLACE "/" "__" libname ${tmp})
+        # Create a dummy .cpp file that includes the header file we want to
+        # check.
+        set(DUMMYCPP ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/header_check/${libname}.cpp)
+        file(WRITE ${DUMMYCPP} "#include <${hpp}>\n")
+        # There is no way in CMake to just compile but not link a C++ file,
+        # so we pretend to build a library here.
+        add_library(${libname} STATIC ${DUMMYCPP} include/${hpp})
+        #### this is better but only supported from cmake 3.0:
+        ###add_library(${libname} OBJECT ${DUMMYCPP} include/${hpp})
+    endforeach()
+install(DIRECTORY include/osmium DESTINATION include)
+# We only have a copy of this file so we can use older boost versions which
+# don't have it. We probably don't want to install it.
+#install(FILES include/boost_unicode_iterator.hpp DESTINATION include)
+#  Packaging
+#  Print warnings at the end
+    message("\n========================== WARNING ==========================")
+    message("osm-testdata directory not found, data tests were disabled!\n")
+    message("You can get it from https://github.com/osmcode/osm-testdata")
+    message("Clone it into the same directory libosmium is in")
+    message("or set the OSM_TESTDATA cmake variable to its path.")
+    message("=============================================================\n")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/CONTRIBUTING.md b/third_party/libosmium/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323c847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Notes for Developers
+Read this if you want to contribute to Libosmium.
+## Versioning
+Osmium is currently considered in beta and doesn't use versioning yet. Proper
+versions will be introduced as soon as it is somewhat stable.
+## Namespace
+All Osmium code MUST be in the `osmium` namespace or one of its sub-namespaces.
+## Include-Only
+Osmium is a include-only library. You can't compile the library itself. There
+is no libosmium.so.
+One drawback ist that you can't have static data in classes, because there
+is no place to put this data.
+All free functions must be declared `inline`.
+## Coding Conventions
+These coding conventions have been changing over time and some code is still
+* All include files have `#ifdef` guards around them, macros are the path name
+  in all uppercase where the slashes (`/`) have been changed to underscore (`_`).
+* Class names begin with uppercase chars and use CamelCase. Smaller helper
+  classes are usually defined as struct and have lowercase names.
+* Macros (and only macros) are all uppercase. Use macros sparingly, usually
+  a constexpr is better.
+* Variables, attributes, and function names are lowercase with
+  `underscores_between_words`.
+* Class attribute names start with `m_` (member).
+* Template parameters are single uppercase letters or start with uppercase `T`
+  and use CamelCase.
+* Typedefs have `names_like_this_type` which end in `_type`.
+* Macros should only be used for controlling which parts of the code should be
+  included when compiling.
+* Use `descriptive_variable_names`, exceptions are well-established conventions
+  like `i` for a loop variable. Iterators are usually called `it`.
+* Declare variables where they are first used (C++ style), not at the beginning
+  of a function (old C style).
+* Names from external namespaces (even `std`) are always mentioned explicitly.
+  Do not use `using` (except for `std::swap`). This way we can't even by
+  accident pollute the namespace of the code including Osmium.
+* `#include` directives appear in three "blocks" after the copyright notice.
+  The blocks are separated by blank lines. First block contains `#include`s for
+  standard C/C++ includes, second block for any external libs used, third
+  block for osmium internal includes. Within each block `#include`s are usually
+  sorted by path name. All `#include`s use `<>` syntax not `""`.
+* Names not to be used from outside the library should be in a namespace
+  called `detail` under the namespace where they would otherwise appear. If
+  whole include files are never meant to be included from outside they should
+  be in a subdirectory called `detail`.
+* All files have suffix `.hpp`.
+* Closing } of all classes and namespaces should have a trailing comment
+  with the name of the class/namespace.
+* All constructors with one or more arguments should be declared "explicit"
+  unless there is a reason for them not to be. Document that reason.
+Keep to the indentation and other styles used in the code. Use `make indent`
+in the toplevel directory to fix indentation and styling. It calls `astyle`
+with the right parameters. This program is in the `astyle` Debian package.
+## C++11
+Osmium uses C++11 and you can use its features such as auto, lambdas,
+threading, etc. There are a few features we do not use, because even modern
+compilers don't support them yet. This list might change as we get more data
+about which compilers support which feature and what operating system versions
+or distributions have which versions of these compilers installed.
+GCC 4.6   - too old, not supported (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
+GCC 4.7.2 - can probably not be supported (Debian wheezy/stable)
+GCC 4.7.3 - works
+GCC 4.8   - works
+clang 3.0 - too old, not supported (Debian wheezy/stable, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
+clang 3.2 - works
+C++11 features you should not use:
+* Inherited Constructors (works only in GCC 4.8+ and clang 3.3+, not in Visual
+  Studio)
+## Checking your code
+The Osmium makefiles use pretty draconian warning options for the compiler.
+This is good. Code MUST never produce any warnings, even with those settings.
+If absolutely necessary pragmas can be used to disable certain warnings in
+specific areas of the code.
+If the static code checker `cppcheck` is installed, the CMake configuration
+will add a new build target `cppcheck` that will check all `.cpp` and `.hpp`
+files. Cppcheck finds some bugs that gcc/clang doesn't. But take the result
+with a grain of salt, it also sometimes produces wrong warnings.
+Set `BUILD_HEADERS=ON` in the CMake config to enable compiling all include
+files on their own to check whether dependencies are all okay. All include
+files MUST include all other include files they depend on.
+Call `cmake/iwyu.sh` to check for proper includes and forward declarations.
+This uses the clang-based `include-what-you-use` program. Note that it does
+produce some false reports and crashes often. The `osmium.imp` file can be
+used to define mappings for iwyu. See the IWYU tool at
+## Testing
+There are a unit tests using the Catch Unit Test Framework in the `test`
+directory and some data tests in `test/osm-testdata`. They are built by the
+default cmake config. Run `ctest` to run them. Many more tests are needed.
+## Documenting the code
+All namespaces, classes, functions, attributes, etc. should be documented.
+Osmium uses the Doxygen (www.doxygen.org) source code documentation system.
+If it is installed, the CMake configuration will add a new build target, so
+you can build it with `make doc`.
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/LICENSE.txt
similarity index 78%
copy from third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/LICENSE.txt
index f33d37e..36b7cd9 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
-This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-#include <osmium/io/reader.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
-#include <osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/Makefile b/third_party/libosmium/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2b83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+	mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && $(MAKE)
+	mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && $(MAKE) doc
+	if test -d build; then cd build && $(MAKE) clean; fi
+	rm -fr build
+#	debuild -I -us -uc
+#	debuild clean
+	astyle --style=java --indent-namespaces --indent-switches --pad-header --lineend=linux --suffix=none --recursive include/\*.hpp examples/\*.cpp test/\*.cpp
+#	astyle --style=java --indent-namespaces --indent-switches --pad-header --unpad-paren --align-pointer=type --lineend=linux --suffix=none --recursive include/\*.hpp examples/\*.cpp test/\*.cpp
+.PHONY: clean distclean deb deb-clean doc indent
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/README.md b/third_party/libosmium/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..503440e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Libosmium
+A fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data.
+[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/osmcode/libosmium.png)](http://travis-ci.org/osmcode/libosmium)
+[![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/mkbg6e6stdgq7c1b?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Mapbox/libosmium)
+Libosmium is developed on Linux, but also works on OSX and Windows (with some
+There are a few applications that use the Osmium library in the examples
+directory. See the [osmium-contrib](http://github.com/osmcode/osmium-contrib)
+repository for more example code.
+## Prerequisites
+Because Libosmium uses many C++11 features you need a modern compiler and
+standard C++ library. Osmium needs at least GCC 4.8 or clang (LLVM) 3.4.
+(Some parts may work with older versions.)
+Different parts of Libosmium (and the applications built on top of it) need
+different libraries. You DO NOT NEED to install all of them, just install those
+you need for your programs.
+For details see the
+[list of dependencies](https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/wiki/Libosmium-dependencies).
+## Directories
+* benchmarks: Some benchmarks checking different parts of Libosmium.
+* cmake: CMake configuration scripts.
+* doc: Config for documentation.
+* examples: Osmium example applications.
+* include: C/C++ include files. All of Libosmium is in those header files
+  which are needed for building Osmium applications.
+* test: Tests (see below).
+## Building
+Osmium is a header-only library, so there is nothing to build for the
+library itself.
+But there are some tests and examples that can be build. Libosmium uses
+    mkdir build
+    cd build
+    cmake ..
+    make
+This will build the examples and tests. Call `ctest` to run the tests.
+For more see the
+[Libosmium Wiki](https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/wiki/Building-Libosmium).
+## Testing
+See the
+[Libosmium Wiki](https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/wiki/Testing-Libosmium)
+for instructions.
+## Osmium on 32bit Machines
+Osmium works well on 64 bit machines, but on 32 bit machines there are some
+problems. Be aware that not everything will work on 32 bit architectures.
+This is mostly due to the 64 bit needed for node IDs. Also Osmium hasn't been
+tested well on 32 bit systems. Here are some issues you might run into:
+* Google Sparsehash does not work on 32 bit machines in our use case.
+* The `mmap` system call is called with a `size_t` argument, so it can't
+  give you more than 4GByte of memory on 32 bit systems. This might be a
+  problem.
+Please report any issues you have and we might be able to solve them.
+## Switching from the old Osmium
+If you have been using the old version of Osmium at
+https://github.com/joto/osmium you might want to read about the
+[changes needed](https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium/wiki/Changes-from-old-versions-of-Osmium).
+## License
+Libosmium is available under the Boost Software License. See LICENSE.txt.
+## Authors
+Libosmium was mainly written and is maintained by Jochen Topf
+(jochen at topf.org). See the git commit log for other authors.
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/appveyor.yml b/third_party/libosmium/appveyor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c8e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/appveyor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#  Configuration for continuous integration service at appveyor.com
+  matrix:
+  - config: Dev
+  - config: RelWithDebInfo
+# branches to build
+  # whitelist
+  only:
+    - master
+# Operating system (build VM template)
+os: Visual Studio 2014 CTP4
+# scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning
+# clone directory
+clone_folder: c:\projects\libosmium
+platform: x64
+  # show all availble env vars
+  - set
+  - echo cmake on AppVeyor
+  - cmake -version
+  - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
+  - set PATH=c:\projects\libosmium\cmake-3.1.0-win32-x86\bin;%PATH%
+  - set LODEPSDIR=c:\projects\libosmium\libosmium-deps
+  - set PROJ_LIB=%LODEPSDIR%\proj\share
+  - set GDAL_DATA=%LODEPSDIR%\gdal\data
+  #geos.dll
+  - set PATH=%LODEPSDIR%\geos\lib;%PATH%
+  #gdal.dll
+  - set PATH=%LODEPSDIR%\gdal\lib;%PATH%
+  #libexpat.dll
+  - set PATH=%LODEPSDIR%\expat\lib;%PATH%
+  #libtiff.dll
+  - set PATH=%LODEPSDIR%\libtiff\lib;%PATH%
+  #zlibwapi.dll
+  - set PATH=%LODEPSDIR%\zlib\lib;%PATH%
+  #convert backslashes in bzip2 path to forward slashes
+  #cmake cannot find it otherwise
+  - set LIBBZIP2=%LODEPSDIR%\bzip2\lib\libbz2.lib
+  - set LIBBZIP2=%LIBBZIP2:\=/%
+  - ps: Start-FileDownload https://mapnik.s3.amazonaws.com/deps/cmake-3.1.0-win32-x86.7z -FileName cm.7z
+  - ps: Start-FileDownload https://mapnik.s3.amazonaws.com/dist/dev/libosmium-deps-win-14.0-x64.7z -FileName lodeps.7z
+  - 7z x cm.7z | %windir%\system32\find "ing archive"
+  - 7z x lodeps.7z | %windir%\system32\find "ing archive"
+  - echo %LODEPSDIR%
+  - dir %LODEPSDIR%
+  - echo our own cmake
+  - cmake -version
+  - cd c:\projects
+  - git clone https://github.com/osmcode/osm-testdata.git
+  - cd c:\projects\libosmium
+  - mkdir build
+  - cd build
+  - echo %config%
+  - cmake .. -LA -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DOsmium_DEBUG=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%config% -DBUILD_BENCHMARKS=OFF -DBOOST_ROOT=%LODEPSDIR%\boost -DBoost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\boost\lib\libboost_program_options-vc140-mt-1_57.lib -DOSMPBF_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\osmpbf\lib\osmpbf.lib -DOSMPBF_INCLUDE_DIR=%LODEPSDIR%\osmpbf\include -DPROTOBUF_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\protobuf\lib\libprotobuf.lib -DPROTOBUF_LITE_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\protobuf\lib\libprotobuf-lite.lib -DPROTOBUF_INCLUDE_ [...]
+  - msbuild libosmium.sln /p:Configuration=%config% /toolsversion:14.0 /p:Platform=x64 /p:PlatformToolset=v140
+  #- cmake .. -LA -G "NMake Makefiles" -DOsmium_DEBUG=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%config% -DBOOST_ROOT=%LODEPSDIR%\boost -DBoost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\boost\lib\libboost_program_options-vc140-mt-1_57.lib -DOSMPBF_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\osmpbf\lib\osmpbf.lib -DOSMPBF_INCLUDE_DIR=%LODEPSDIR%\osmpbf\include -DPROTOBUF_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\protobuf\lib\libprotobuf.lib -DPROTOBUF_LITE_LIBRARY=%LODEPSDIR%\protobuf\lib\libprotobuf-lite.lib -DPROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR=%LODEPSDIR%\protobuf\incl [...]
+  #- nmake
+  # -LE fails_on_windows exempts tests we know will fail
+  - ctest --output-on-failure -C %config% -LE fails_on_windows
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a4ca16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium benchmarks
+message(STATUS "Configuring benchmarks")
+    count
+    count_tag
+    index_map
+    static_vs_dynamic_index
+    CACHE STRING "Benchmark programs"
+#  Configure benchmarks
+message(STATUS "Configuring benchmarks - Building these benchmarks:")
+foreach(benchmark ${BENCHMARKS})
+    message(STATUS "  - osmium_benchmark_${benchmark}")
+    add_executable(osmium_benchmark_${benchmark}
+                   "osmium_benchmark_${benchmark}.cpp")
+    target_link_libraries(osmium_benchmark_${benchmark}
+                          ${OSMIUM_IO_LIBRARIES}
+                          ${BENCHMARK_LIBS_${benchmark}})
+    configure_file(run_benchmark_${benchmark}.sh
+                   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/run_benchmark_${benchmark}.sh
+                   @ONLY)
+foreach(file setup run_benchmarks)
+    configure_file(${file}.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file}.sh @ONLY)
+message(STATUS "Configuring benchmarks - done")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/README.md b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f10045c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Benchmarks
+Benchmarks check the performance of different parts of Libosmium.
+## Preparations
+To run the benchmarks first make a directory for the data files somewhere
+(outside the repository) and set the `DATA_DIR` environment variable:
+    export DATA_DIR=benchmark_data
+    mkdir $DATA_DIR
+Then copy the OSM files you want to do the benchmarks with into this directory.
+You can use the `download_data.sh` script to download a selection of OSM files
+in different sizes, but you can use a different selection, too. The benchmarks
+will use whatever files you have in the `DATA_DIR` directory.
+The download script will start the data files names with a number in order of
+the size of the file from smallest to largest. You can use the same convention
+or use a different one. Benchmarks will be run on the files in alphabetical
+The files don't have to be in that directory, you can add soft links from that
+directory to the real file locations if that suits you.
+## Compiling the benchmarks
+To build the benchmarks set the `BUILD_BENCHMARKS` option when configuring with
+CMake and run the compilation by calling `make` (or whatever build tool you
+are using).
+## Running the benchmarks
+Go to the build directory and run `benchmarks/run_benchmarks.sh`. You can also
+run each benchmark on its own by calling the respective script in the
+`benchmarks` directory.
+Results of the benchmarks will be printed to stdout, you might want to redirect
+them into a file.
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/download_data.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/download_data.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a6a8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/download_data.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#  download_data.sh
+curl --location --output 1_liechtenstein.osm.pbf http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf   # about   1 MB
+curl --location --output 2_bremen.osm.pbf        http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/bremen-latest.osm.pbf  # about  13 MB
+curl --location --output 3_sachsen.osm.pbf       http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/sachsen-latest.osm.pbf # about 120 MB
+curl --location --output 4_germany.osm.pbf       http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany-latest.osm.pbf         # about   2 GB
+curl --location --output 5_planet.osm.pbf        http://planet.osm.org/pbf/planet-latest.osm.pbf                    # about  26 GB
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701d6fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+  The code in this file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+struct CountHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    int nodes = 0;
+    int ways = 0;
+    int relations = 0;
+    void node(osmium::Node&) {
+        ++nodes;
+    }
+    void way(osmium::Way&) {
+        ++ways;
+    }
+    void relation(osmium::Relation&) {
+        ++relations;
+    }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string input_filename = argv[1];
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename);
+    CountHandler handler;
+    osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    reader.close();
+    std::cout << "Nodes: "     << handler.nodes << "\n";
+    std::cout << "Ways: "      << handler.ways << "\n";
+    std::cout << "Relations: " << handler.relations << "\n";
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count_tag.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count_tag.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a77c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_count_tag.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+  The code in this file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+struct CountHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    int counter = 0;
+    int all = 0;
+    void node(osmium::Node& node) {
+        ++all;
+        const char* amenity = node.tags().get_value_by_key("amenity");
+        if (amenity && !strcmp(amenity, "post_box")) {
+            ++counter;
+        }
+    }
+    void way(osmium::Way&) {
+        ++all;
+    }
+    void relation(osmium::Relation&) {
+        ++all;
+    }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string input_filename = argv[1];
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename);
+    CountHandler handler;
+    osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    reader.close();
+    std::cout << "r_all=" << handler.all << " r_counter="  << handler.counter << "\n";
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_index_map.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_index_map.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa75fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_index_map.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  The code in this file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/index/map/all.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_type> location_handler_type;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 3) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE FORMAT\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string input_filename = argv[1];
+    std::string location_store = argv[2];
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename);
+    const auto& map_factory = osmium::index::MapFactory<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>::instance();
+    std::unique_ptr<index_type> index = map_factory.create_map(location_store);
+    location_handler_type location_handler(*index);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    osmium::apply(reader, location_handler);
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c47c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/osmium_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+  This benchmarks compares the run time for statically vs. dynamically
+  configured index maps. You can configure index maps at compile-time using
+  typedefs or at run-time using polymorphism.
+  This will read the input file into a buffer and then run the
+  NodeLocationForWays handler multiple times over the complete data. The
+  number of runs depends on the size of the input, but is never smaller
+  than 10.
+  Do not run this with very large input files! It will need about 10 times
+  as much RAM as the file size of the input file.
+  The code in this file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <osmium/index/map/all.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> static_index_type;
+const std::string location_store="sparse_mem_array";
+typedef osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> dynamic_index_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<static_index_type> static_location_handler_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<dynamic_index_type> dynamic_location_handler_type;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string input_filename = argv[1];
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = osmium::io::read_file(input_filename);
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    const auto& map_factory = osmium::index::MapFactory<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>::instance();
+    const auto buffer_size = buffer.committed() / (1024*1024); // buffer size in MBytes
+    const int runs = std::max(10, static_cast<int>(5000ull / buffer_size));
+    std::cout << "input: filename=" << input_filename << " buffer_size=" << buffer_size << "MBytes\n";
+    std::cout << "runs: " << runs << "\n";
+    double static_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+    double static_sum = 0;
+    double static_max = 0;
+    double dynamic_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+    double dynamic_sum = 0;
+    double dynamic_max = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < runs; ++i) {
+        {
+            // static index
+            osmium::memory::Buffer tmp_buffer(buffer.committed());
+            for (const auto& item : buffer) {
+                tmp_buffer.add_item(item);
+                tmp_buffer.commit();
+            }
+            static_index_type static_index;
+            static_location_handler_type static_location_handler(static_index);
+            auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+            osmium::apply(tmp_buffer, static_location_handler);
+            auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+            double duration = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(end-start).count();
+            if (duration < static_min) static_min = duration;
+            if (duration > static_max) static_max = duration;
+            static_sum += duration;
+        }
+        {
+            // dynamic index
+            osmium::memory::Buffer tmp_buffer(buffer.committed());
+            for (const auto& item : buffer) {
+                tmp_buffer.add_item(item);
+                tmp_buffer.commit();
+            }
+            std::unique_ptr<dynamic_index_type> index = map_factory.create_map(location_store);
+            dynamic_location_handler_type dynamic_location_handler(*index);
+            dynamic_location_handler.ignore_errors();
+            auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+            osmium::apply(tmp_buffer, dynamic_location_handler);
+            auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+            double duration = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(end-start).count();
+            if (duration < dynamic_min) dynamic_min = duration;
+            if (duration > dynamic_max) dynamic_max = duration;
+            dynamic_sum += duration;
+        }
+    }
+    double static_avg = static_sum/runs;
+    double dynamic_avg = dynamic_sum/runs;
+    std::cout << "static  min=" << static_min << "ms avg=" << static_avg << "ms max=" << static_max << "ms\n";
+    std::cout << "dynamic min=" << dynamic_min << "ms avg=" << dynamic_avg << "ms max=" << dynamic_max << "ms\n";
+    double rfactor = 100.0;
+    double diff_min = std::round((dynamic_min - static_min) * rfactor) / rfactor;
+    double diff_avg = std::round((dynamic_avg - static_avg) * rfactor) / rfactor;
+    double diff_max = std::round((dynamic_max - static_max) * rfactor) / rfactor;
+    double prfactor = 10.0;
+    double percent_min = std::round((100.0 * diff_min / static_min) * prfactor) / prfactor;
+    double percent_avg = std::round((100.0 * diff_avg / static_avg) * prfactor) / prfactor;
+    double percent_max = std::round((100.0 * diff_max / static_max) * prfactor) / prfactor;
+    std::cout << "difference:";
+    std::cout << " min=" << diff_min << "ms (" << percent_min << "%)";
+    std::cout << " avg=" << diff_avg << "ms (" << percent_avg << "%)";
+    std::cout << " max=" << diff_max << "ms (" << percent_max << "%)\n";
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d71508f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#  run_benchmark_count.sh
+set -e
+. @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/benchmarks/setup.sh
+echo "# file size num mem time cpu_kernel cpu_user cpu_percent cmd options"
+for data in $OB_DATA_FILES; do
+    filename=`basename $data`
+    filesize=`stat --format="%s" --dereference $data`
+    for n in $OB_SEQ; do
+        $OB_TIME_CMD -f "$filename $filesize $n $OB_TIME_FORMAT" $CMD $data 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed -e "s%$DATA_DIR/%%" | sed -e "s%$OB_DIR/%%"
+    done
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count_tag.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count_tag.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4fa6a10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_count_tag.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#  run_benchmark_count_tag.sh
+set -e
+. @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/benchmarks/setup.sh
+echo "# file size num mem time cpu_kernel cpu_user cpu_percent cmd options"
+for data in $OB_DATA_FILES; do
+    filename=`basename $data`
+    filesize=`stat --format="%s" --dereference $data`
+    for n in $OB_SEQ; do
+        $OB_TIME_CMD -f "$filename $filesize $n $OB_TIME_FORMAT" $CMD $data 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed -e "s%$DATA_DIR/%%" | sed -e "s%$OB_DIR/%%"
+    done
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_index_map.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_index_map.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30984d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_index_map.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#  run_benchmark_index_map.sh
+set -e
+. @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/benchmarks/setup.sh
+#MAPS="sparse_mem_map sparse_mem_table sparse_mem_array sparse_mmap_array sparse_file_array dense_mem_array dense_mmap_array dense_file_array"
+MAPS="sparse_mem_map sparse_mem_table sparse_mem_array sparse_mmap_array sparse_file_array"
+echo "# file size num mem time cpu_kernel cpu_user cpu_percent cmd options"
+for data in $OB_DATA_FILES; do
+    filename=`basename $data`
+    filesize=`stat --format="%s" --dereference $data`
+    for map in $MAPS; do
+        for n in $OB_SEQ; do
+            $OB_TIME_CMD -f "$filename $filesize $n $OB_TIME_FORMAT" $CMD $data $map 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed -e "s%$DATA_DIR/%%" | sed -e "s%$OB_DIR/%%"
+        done
+    done
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05e32f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#  run_benchmark_static_vs_dynamic_index.sh
+set -e
+. @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/benchmarks/setup.sh
+for data in $OB_DATA_FILES; do
+    filesize=`stat --format="%s" --dereference $data`
+    if [ $filesize -lt 500000000 ]; then
+        echo "========================"
+        $CMD $data
+    fi
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmarks.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmarks.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a20c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/run_benchmarks.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#  run_benchmarks.sh
+#  Run all benchmarks.
+set -e
+for benchmark in @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/benchmarks/run_benchmark_*.sh; do
+    name=`basename $benchmark`
+    echo "Running $name..."
+    $benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/setup.sh b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9733bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/benchmarks/setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#  setup.sh
+if [ -z $DATA_DIR ]; then
+    echo "Please set DATA_DIR environment variable before running benchmark"
+    exit 1
+OB_SEQ=`seq -s' ' 1 $OB_RUNS`
+OB_TIME_FORMAT="%M %e %S %U %P %C"
+OB_DATA_FILES=`find -L $DATA_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort`
+echo "---------------------"
+echo "CPU:"
+grep '^model name' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1
+grep '^cpu MHz' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1
+grep '^cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1
+grep '^siblings' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1
+echo "---------------------"
+echo "MEMORY:"
+echo "---------------------"
+echo "RESULTS:"
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindGem.cmake b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindGem.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5389d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindGem.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Author thomas.roehr at dfki.de
+# Version 0.3 2013-07-02
+#       - rely on `gem content` to find library and header
+#       - introduce GEM_OS_PKG to allow search via pkgconfig
+# Version 0.2 2010-01-14
+#       - add support for searching for multiple gems
+# Version 0.1 2010-12-15
+# 	- support basic search functionality 
+#       - tested to find rice
+# GEM_INCLUDE_DIRS	After successful search contains the include directores
+# GEM_LIBRARIES		After successful search contains the full path of each found library
+# Usage: 
+# find_package(Gem COMPONENTS rice hoe)
+# include_directories(${GEM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+# target_link_libraries(${GEM_LIBRARIES}
+# in case pkg-config should be used to search for the os pkg, set GEM_OS_PKG, i.e.
+# Check for how 'gem' should be called
+        "gem")
+# Making backward compatible
+    set(GEM_DEBUG TRUE)
+	MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the gem executable - install 'gem' first")
+	MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "If searching for a Gem you have to provide COMPONENTS with the name of the gem")
+foreach(Gem_NAME ${Gem_FIND_COMPONENTS})
+    set(GEM_${Gem_NAME}_FOUND TRUE)
+    list(APPEND components_found_vars GEM_${Gem_NAME}_FOUND)
+    # If the gem is installed as a gem
+    if(NOT GEM_OS_PKG)
+        # Use `gem content <gem-name>` to extract current information about installed gems
+        # Store the information into ${GEM_LOCAL_INFO}
+        if(GEM_RUN_RESULT STREQUAL "0")
+            list(APPEND FOUND_GEMS ${Gem_NAME})
+            set(_library_NAME_PATTERN lib${Gem_NAME}.a
+	        		   lib${Gem_NAME}.so
+	        		   lib${Gem_NAME}.dylib
+	        		   ${Gem_NAME}.a
+	        		   ${Gem_NAME}.so
+	        		   ${Gem_NAME}.dylib
+                       .*.a
+                       .*.so
+                       .*.dylib
+	        )
+            set(_header_SUFFIX_PATTERN
+                        .h
+                        .hh
+                        .hpp
+            )
+            # Create a list from the output results of the gem command
+            string(REPLACE "\n" ";" GEM_CONTENT_LIST "${GEM_LOCAL_INFO}")
+            foreach(_gem_CONTENT_PATH ${GEM_CONTENT_LIST})
+                # Convert so that only '/' Unix path separator are being using
+                # needed to do proper regex matching
+                FILE(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${_gem_CONTENT_PATH} gem_CONTENT_PATH)
+                # Identify library -- checking for a library in the gems 'lib' (sub)directory
+                # Search for an existing library, but only within the gems folder
+                foreach(_library_NAME ${_library_NAME_PATTERN})
+                    STRING(REGEX MATCH ".*${Gem_NAME}.*/lib/.*${_library_NAME}$" GEM_PATH_INFO "${gem_CONTENT_PATH}")
+                    if(NOT "${GEM_PATH_INFO}" STREQUAL "")
+                        list(APPEND GEM_LIBRARIES ${GEM_PATH_INFO})
+                        break()
+                    endif()
+                endforeach()
+                # Identify headers
+                # Checking for available headers in an include directory
+                foreach(_header_PATTERN ${_header_SUFFIX_PATTERN})
+                    STRING(REGEX MATCH ".*${Gem_NAME}.*/include/.*${_header_PATTERN}$" GEM_PATH_INFO "${gem_CONTENT_PATH}")
+                    if(NOT "${GEM_PATH_INFO}" STREQUAL "")
+                        STRING(REGEX REPLACE "(.*${Gem_NAME}.*/include/).*${_header_PATTERN}$" "\\1" GEM_PATH_INFO "${gem_CONTENT_PATH}")
+                        list(APPEND GEM_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GEM_PATH_INFO})
+                        break()
+                    endif()
+                endforeach()
+            endforeach()
+        else()
+            set(GEM_${Gem_NAME}_FOUND FALSE)
+        endif()
+    else(NOT GEM_OS_PKG)
+        pkg_check_modules(GEM_PKG ${Gem_NAME})
+        if(GEM_DEBUG)
+            message(STATUS "GEM_OS_PKG is defined")
+            message(STATUS "GEM_LIBRARIES ${GEM_LIBRARIES}")
+        endif()
+    endif()
+    if(GEM_DEBUG)
+		message(STATUS "${Gem_NAME} library dir: ${GEM_LIBRARIES}")
+		message(STATUS "${Gem_NAME} include dir: ${GEM_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
+    endif()
+# Compact the lists
+    REQUIRED_VARS ${components_found_vars}
+    FAIL_MESSAGE "Could not find all required gems")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOSMPBF.cmake b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOSMPBF.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deeebd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOSMPBF.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Locate OSMPBF library
+# This module defines
+#  OSMPBF_FOUND        - if false, do not try to link to OSMPBF
+#  OSMPBF_LIBRARIES    - full library path name
+#  OSMPBF_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find OSMPBF.hpp
+# Note that the expected include convention is
+#  #include <osmpbf/osmpbf.h>
+# and not
+#  #include <osmpbf.h>
+find_path(OSMPBF_INCLUDE_DIR osmpbf/osmpbf.h
+    PATH_SUFFIXES include
+    PATHS
+        ~/Library/Frameworks
+        /Library/Frameworks
+        /usr/local
+        /usr
+        /opt/local # DarwinPorts
+        /opt
+    NAMES osmpbf
+    PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib
+    PATHS
+        ~/Library/Frameworks
+        /Library/Frameworks
+        /usr/local
+        /usr
+        /opt/local
+        /opt
+# Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set OSMPBF_FOUND to TRUE if
+# all listed variables are TRUE.
+# Copy the results to the output variables.
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOsmium.cmake b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOsmium.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de41a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/FindOsmium.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+#  FindOsmium.cmake
+#  Find the Libosmium headers and, optionally, several components needed for
+#  different Libosmium functions.
+#  Usage:
+#    Copy this file somewhere into your project directory, where cmake can
+#    find it. Usually this will be a directory called "cmake" which you can
+#    add to the CMake module search path with the following line in your
+#    CMakeLists.txt:
+#    Then add the following in your CMakeLists.txt:
+#      find_package(Osmium REQUIRED COMPONENTS <XXX>)
+#      include_directories(${OSMIUM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+#    For the <XXX> substitute a space separated list of one or more of the
+#    following components:
+#      pbf        - include libraries needed for PBF input and output
+#      xml        - include libraries needed for XML input and output
+#      io         - include libraries needed for any type of input/output
+#      geos       - include if you want to use any of the GEOS functions
+#      gdal       - include if you want to use any of the OGR functions
+#      proj       - include if you want to use any of the Proj.4 functions
+#      sparsehash - include if you use the sparsehash index
+#    You can check for success with something like this:
+#      if(NOT OSMIUM_FOUND)
+#          message(WARNING "Libosmium not found!\n")
+#      endif()
+#  Variables:
+#    OSMIUM_FOUND         - True if Osmium found.
+#    OSMIUM_INCLUDE_DIRS  - Where to find include files.
+#    OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed for XML I/O.
+#    OSMIUM_PBF_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed for PBF I/O.
+#    OSMIUM_IO_LIBRARIES  - Libraries needed for XML or PBF I/O.
+#    OSMIUM_LIBRARIES     - All libraries Osmium uses somewhere.
+# Look for the header file.
+find_path(OSMIUM_INCLUDE_DIR osmium/osm.hpp
+    PATH_SUFFIXES include
+    PATHS
+        ../libosmium
+        ../../libosmium
+        libosmium
+        ~/Library/Frameworks
+        /Library/Frameworks
+        /usr/local
+        /usr/
+        /opt/local # DarwinPorts
+        /opt
+# Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set OSMIUM_FOUND to TRUE if
+# all listed variables are TRUE.
+find_package_handle_standard_args(OSMIUM REQUIRED_VARS OSMIUM_INCLUDE_DIR)
+# Copy the results to the output variables.
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Can not find libosmium headers, please install them or configure the paths")
+#  Check for optional components
+    foreach(_component ${Osmium_FIND_COMPONENTS})
+        string(TOUPPER ${_component} _component_uppercase)
+        set(Osmium_USE_${_component_uppercase} TRUE)
+    endforeach()
+# Component 'io' is an alias for 'pbf' and 'xml'
+    set(Osmium_USE_PBF TRUE)
+    set(Osmium_USE_XML TRUE)
+# Component 'ogr' is an alias for 'gdal'
+    set(Osmium_USE_GDAL TRUE)
+# Component 'pbf'
+    find_package(OSMPBF)
+    find_package(Protobuf)
+    find_package(ZLIB)
+    find_package(Threads)
+            ${OSMPBF_LIBRARIES}
+            ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}
+            ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}
+        )
+        if(WIN32)
+            list(APPEND OSMIUM_PBF_LIBRARIES ws2_32)
+        endif()
+            ${OSMPBF_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+            ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR}
+            ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}
+        )
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: Can not find some libraries for PBF input/output, please install them or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+# Component 'xml'
+    find_package(EXPAT)
+    find_package(BZip2)
+    find_package(ZLIB)
+    find_package(Threads)
+            ${EXPAT_LIBRARIES}
+            ${BZIP2_LIBRARIES}
+            ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}
+            ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}
+        )
+            ${EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR}
+            ${BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR}
+            ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}
+        )
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: Can not find some libraries for XML input/output, please install them or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+# Component 'geos'
+    find_path(GEOS_INCLUDE_DIR geos/geom.h)
+    find_library(GEOS_LIBRARY NAMES geos)
+        SET(GEOS_FOUND 1)
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: GEOS library is required but not found, please install it or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+# Component 'gdal' (alias 'ogr')
+    find_package(GDAL)
+    if(GDAL_FOUND)
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: GDAL library is required but not found, please install it or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+# Component 'proj'
+    find_path(PROJ_INCLUDE_DIR proj_api.h)
+    find_library(PROJ_LIBRARY NAMES proj)
+        set(PROJ_FOUND 1)
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: PROJ.4 library is required but not found, please install it or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+# Component 'sparsehash'
+    find_path(SPARSEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR google/sparsetable)
+        # Find size of sparsetable::size_type. This does not work on older
+        # CMake versions because they can do this check only in C, not in C++.
+        include(CheckTypeSize)
+        set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "google/sparsetable")
+        check_type_size("google::sparsetable<int>::size_type" SPARSETABLE_SIZE_TYPE LANGUAGE CXX)
+        # Falling back to checking size_t if google::sparsetable<int>::size_type
+        # could not be checked.
+            check_type_size("void*" VOID_PTR_SIZE)
+        endif()
+        # Sparsetable::size_type must be at least 8 bytes (64bit), otherwise
+        # OSM object IDs will not fit.
+            set(SPARSEHASH_FOUND 1)
+            add_definitions(-DOSMIUM_WITH_SPARSEHASH=${SPARSEHASH_FOUND})
+        else()
+            message(WARNING "Osmium: Disabled Google SparseHash library on 32bit system (size_type=${SPARSETABLE_SIZE_TYPE}).")
+        endif()
+    else()
+        set(_missing_libraries 1)
+        message(WARNING "Osmium: Google SparseHash library is required but not found, please install it or configure the paths.")
+    endif()
+#  Check that all required libraries are available
+if(Osmium_FIND_REQUIRED AND _missing_libraries)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Required library or libraries missing. Aborting.")
+#  Add compiler flags
+    add_definitions(-wd4996)
+    # Disable warning C4068: "unknown pragma" because we want it to ignore
+    # pragmas for other compilers.
+    add_definitions(-wd4068)
+    # Disable warning C4715: "not all control paths return a value" because
+    # it generates too many false positives.
+    add_definitions(-wd4715)
+    # Disable warning C4351: new behavior: elements of array '...' will be
+    # default initialized. The new behaviour is correct and we don't support
+    # old compilers anyway.
+    add_definitions(-wd4351)
+# following only available from cmake 2.8.12:
+#   add_compile_options(-stdlib=libc++)
+# so using this instead:
+    add_definitions(-stdlib=libc++)
+    set(LDFLAGS ${LDFLAGS} -stdlib=libc++)
+# This is a set of recommended warning options that can be added when compiling
+# libosmium code.
+    set(OSMIUM_WARNING_OPTIONS "/W3 /wd4514" CACHE STRING "Recommended warning options for libosmium")
+    set(OSMIUM_WARNING_OPTIONS "-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wredundant-decls -Wdisabled-optimization -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsign-promo -Wold-style-cast -Wno-return-type" CACHE STRING "Recommended warning options for libosmium")
+set(OSMIUM_DRACONIC_CLANG_OPTIONS "-Wdocumentation -Wunused-exception-parameter -Wmissing-declarations -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-unused-macros -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-padded -Wno-switch-enum -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-cast-align -Wno-float-equal")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/README b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a035f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+FindGem.cmake from https://github.com/rock-core/base-cmake
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/build.bat b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/build.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ffab12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/build.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
+set VERSION=Debug
+set PREFIX=d:\libs18d
+set BOOST_ROOT=d:\boost
+msbuild /clp:Verbosity=minimal /nologo libosmium.sln /flp1:logfile=build_errors.txt;errorsonly /flp2:logfile=build_warnings.txt;warningsonly
+set PATH=%PATH%;%PREFIX%/bin
+del test\osm-testdata\*.db
+del test\osm-testdata\*.json
+if "%TESTS%"=="ON" ctest -VV >build_tests.log
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/cmake/iwyu.sh b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/iwyu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d203844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/cmake/iwyu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This will run IWYU (Include What You Use) on includes files. The iwyu
+# program isn't very reliable and crashes often, but is still useful.
+# TODO: This script should be integrated with cmake in some way...
+cmdline="iwyu -Xiwyu --mapping_file=osmium.imp -std=c++11 -I include"
+mkdir -p build/check_reports
+for file in `find include/osmium -name \*.hpp`; do
+    mkdir -p `dirname build/check_reports/$file`
+    ifile="build/check_reports/${file%.hpp}.iwyu"
+    $cmdline $file >$ifile 2>&1
+    if grep -q 'has correct #includes/fwd-decls' ${ifile}; then
+        echo "\n\033[1m\033[32m========\033[0m \033[1m${file}\033[0m" >>$log
+        echo "[OK] ${file}"
+    elif grep -q 'Assertion failed' ${ifile}; then
+        echo "\n\033[1m======== ${file}\033[0m" >>$log
+        echo "[--] ${file}"
+        allok=no
+    else
+        echo "\n\033[1m\033[31m========\033[0m \033[1m${file}\033[0m" >>$log
+        echo "[  ] ${file}"
+        allok=no
+    fi
+    cat $ifile >>$log
+if [ "$allok" = "yes" ]; then
+    echo "All files OK"
+    echo "There were errors"
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/doc/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d69a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium documentation
+message(STATUS "Configuring documentation")
+message(STATUS "Looking for doxygen")
+    message(STATUS "Looking for doxygen - found")
+    configure_file(header.html ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/header.html @ONLY)
+    configure_file(Doxyfile.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Doxyfile @ONLY)
+    add_custom_target(doc
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Doxyfile
+        COMMENT "Generating API documentation with Doxygen" VERBATIM
+    )
+#            DESTINATION "share/doc/libosmium-dev")
+    message(STATUS "Looking for doxygen - not found")
+    message(STATUS "  Disabled making of documentation.")
+message(STATUS "Configuring documentation - done")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/Doxyfile.in b/third_party/libosmium/doc/Doxyfile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03e255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/Doxyfile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2313 @@
+# Doxyfile 1.8.7
+# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
+# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project.
+# All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in
+# front of the TAG it is preceding.
+# All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored.
+# The format is:
+# TAG = value [value, ...]
+# For lists, items can also be appended using:
+# TAG += value [value, ...]
+# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \").
+# Project related configuration options
+# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file
+# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text
+# before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv
+# built into libc) for the transcoding. See http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv
+# for the list of possible encodings.
+# The default value is: UTF-8.
+# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded by
+# double-quotes, unless you are using Doxywizard) that should identify the
+# project for which the documentation is generated. This name is used in the
+# title of most generated pages and in a few other places.
+# The default value is: My Project.
+PROJECT_NAME           = "Libosmium"
+# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number. This
+# could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
+# control system is used.
+# Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
+# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
+# quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short.
+PROJECT_BRIEF          = "Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data"
+# With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify an logo or icon that is included in
+# the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not exceed 55 pixels
+# and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. Doxygen will copy the logo
+# to the output directory.
+PROJECT_LOGO           =
+# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path
+# into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is
+# entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If
+# left blank the current directory will be used.
+# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create 4096 sub-
+# directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and
+# will distribute the generated files over these directories. Enabling this
+# option can be useful when feeding doxygen a huge amount of source files, where
+# putting all generated files in the same directory would otherwise causes
+# performance problems for the file system.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will allow non-ASCII
+# characters to appear in the names of generated files. If set to NO, non-ASCII
+# characters will be escaped, for example _xE3_x81_x84 will be used for Unicode
+# U+3044.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
+# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
+# information to generate all constant output in the proper language.
+# Possible values are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese,
+# Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (United States),
+# Esperanto, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian,
+# Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en (Japanese with English messages),
+# Korean, Korean-en (Korean with English messages), Latvian, Lithuanian,
+# Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
+# Serbian, Serbian-Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish,
+# Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
+# The default value is: English.
+OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
+# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES doxygen will include brief member
+# descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class
+# documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES doxygen will prepend the brief
+# description of a member or function before the detailed description
+# Note: If both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the
+# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
+# This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is
+# used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found
+# as the leading text of the brief description, will be stripped from the text
+# and the result, after processing the whole list, is used as the annotated
+# text. Otherwise, the brief description is used as-is. If left blank, the
+# following values are used ($name is automatically replaced with the name of
+# the entity):The $name class, The $name widget, The $name file, is, provides,
+# specifies, contains, represents, a, an and the.
+# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then
+# doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief
+# description.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all
+# inherited members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those
+# members were ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment
+# operators of the base classes will not be shown.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES doxygen will prepend the full path
+# before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set to NO the
+# shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The STRIP_FROM_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path.
+# Stripping is only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand
+# part of the path. The tag can be used to show relative paths in the file list.
+# If left blank the directory from which doxygen is run is used as the path to
+# strip.
+# Note that you can specify absolute paths here, but also relative paths, which
+# will be relative from the directory where doxygen is started.
+# This tag requires that the tag FULL_PATH_NAMES is set to YES.
+# The STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH tag can be used to strip a user-defined part of the
+# path mentioned in the documentation of a class, which tells the reader which
+# header file to include in order to use a class. If left blank only the name of
+# the header file containing the class definition is used. Otherwise one should
+# specify the list of include paths that are normally passed to the compiler
+# using the -I flag.
+# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter (but
+# less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems doesn't
+# support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
+# The default value is: NO.
+SHORT_NAMES            = NO
+# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the
+# first line (until the first dot) of a Javadoc-style comment as the brief
+# description. If set to NO, the Javadoc-style will behave just like regular Qt-
+# style comments (thus requiring an explicit @brief command for a brief
+# description.)
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first
+# line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If
+# set to NO, the Qt-style will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus
+# requiring an explicit \brief command for a brief description.)
+# The default value is: NO.
+QT_AUTOBRIEF           = NO
+# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make doxygen treat a
+# multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as
+# a brief description. This used to be the default behavior. The new default is
+# to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed description. Set this
+# tag to YES if you prefer the old behavior instead.
+# Note that setting this tag to YES also means that rational rose comments are
+# not recognized any more.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the
+# documentation from any documented member that it re-implements.
+# The default value is: YES.
+INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
+# If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce a
+# new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be
+# part of the file/class/namespace that contains it.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab. Doxygen
+# uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
+# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4.
+TAB_SIZE               = 8
+# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that act as commands in
+# the documentation. An alias has the form:
+# name=value
+# For example adding
+# "sideeffect=@par Side Effects:\n"
+# will allow you to put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the
+# documentation, which will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading
+# "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert
+# newlines.
+ALIASES                =
+# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
+# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
+# will allow you to use the command class in the itcl::class meaning.
+TCL_SUBST              =
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources
+# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For
+# instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all
+# members will be omitted, etc.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java or
+# Python sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored
+# for that language. For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages,
+# qualified scopes will look different, etc.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN tag to YES if your project consists of Fortran
+# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for Fortran.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL tag to YES if your project consists of VHDL
+# sources. Doxygen will then generate output that is tailored for VHDL.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it
+# parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given
+# extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it
+# using this tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and
+# language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript,
+# C#, C, C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran (fixed format Fortran:
+# FortranFixed, free formatted Fortran: FortranFree, unknown formatted Fortran:
+# Fortran. In the later case the parser tries to guess whether the code is fixed
+# or free formatted code, this is the default for Fortran type files), VHDL. For
+# instance to make doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP),
+# and .f files as C (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C.
+# Note For files without extension you can use no_extension as a placeholder.
+# Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise
+# the files are not read by doxygen.
+# If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments
+# according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable
+# documentation. See http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ for details.
+# The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can
+# mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in
+# case of backward compatibilities issues.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented
+# classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can
+# be prevented in individual cases by by putting a % sign in front of the word
+# or globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want
+# to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this
+# tag to YES in order to let doxygen match functions declarations and
+# definitions whose arguments contain STL classes (e.g. func(std::string);
+# versus func(std::string) {}). This also make the inheritance and collaboration
+# diagrams that involve STL classes more complete and accurate.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If you use Microsoft's C++/CLI language, you should set this option to YES to
+# enable parsing support.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip (see:
+# http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/sip/intro) sources only. Doxygen
+# will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public instead
+# of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present.
+# The default value is: NO.
+SIP_SUPPORT            = NO
+# For Microsoft's IDL there are propget and propput attributes to indicate
+# getter and setter methods for a property. Setting this option to YES will make
+# doxygen to replace the get and set methods by a property in the documentation.
+# This will only work if the methods are indeed getting or setting a simple
+# type. If this is not the case, or you want to show the methods anyway, you
+# should set this option to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC
+# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first
+# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default
+# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES to allow class member groups of the same type
+# (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a subgroup of that
+# type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to NO to prevent
+# subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using the
+# \nosubgrouping command.
+# The default value is: YES.
+SUBGROUPING            = YES
+# When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions
+# are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup)
+# instead of on a separate page (for HTML and Man pages) or section (for LaTeX
+# and RTF).
+# Note that this feature does not work in combination with
+# The default value is: NO.
+# When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions
+# with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in
+# the documentation of the scope in which they are defined (i.e. file,
+# namespace, or group documentation), provided this scope is documented. If set
+# to NO, structs, classes, and unions are shown on a separate page (for HTML and
+# Man pages) or section (for LaTeX and RTF).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# When TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT tag is enabled, a typedef of a struct, union, or
+# enum is documented as struct, union, or enum with the name of the typedef. So
+# typedef struct TypeS {} TypeT, will appear in the documentation as a struct
+# with name TypeT. When disabled the typedef will appear as a member of a file,
+# namespace, or class. And the struct will be named TypeS. This can typically be
+# useful for C code in case the coding convention dictates that all compound
+# types are typedef'ed and only the typedef is referenced, never the tag name.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The size of the symbol lookup cache can be set using LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE. This
+# cache is used to resolve symbols given their name and scope. Since this can be
+# an expensive process and often the same symbol appears multiple times in the
+# code, doxygen keeps a cache of pre-resolved symbols. If the cache is too small
+# doxygen will become slower. If the cache is too large, memory is wasted. The
+# cache size is given by this formula: 2^(16+LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE). The valid range
+# is 0..9, the default is 0, corresponding to a cache size of 2^16=65536
+# symbols. At the end of a run doxygen will report the cache usage and suggest
+# the optimal cache size from a speed point of view.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9, default value: 0.
+# Build related configuration options
+# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in
+# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available. Private
+# class members and static file members will be hidden unless the
+# EXTRACT_PRIVATE respectively EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES.
+# Note: This will also disable the warnings about undocumented members that are
+# normally produced when WARNINGS is set to YES.
+# The default value is: NO.
+EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
+# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class will
+# be included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES all members with package or internal
+# scope will be included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file will be
+# included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs) defined
+# locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO
+# only classes defined in header files are included. Does not have any effect
+# for Java sources.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This flag is only useful for Objective-C code. When set to YES local methods,
+# which are defined in the implementation section but not in the interface are
+# included in the documentation. If set to NO only methods in the interface are
+# included.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If this flag is set to YES, the members of anonymous namespaces will be
+# extracted and appear in the documentation as a namespace called
+# 'anonymous_namespace{file}', where file will be replaced with the base name of
+# the file that contains the anonymous namespace. By default anonymous namespace
+# are hidden.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these
+# members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation
+# section is generated. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all
+# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy. If set
+# to NO these classes will be included in the various overviews. This option has
+# no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend
+# (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO these declarations will be
+# included in the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide any
+# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function. If set to NO these
+# blocks will be appended to the function's detailed documentation block.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation that is typed after a
+# \internal command is included. If the tag is set to NO then the documentation
+# will be excluded. Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+INTERNAL_DOCS          = NO
+# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file
+# names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also
+# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
+# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
+# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
+# The default value is: system dependent.
+# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will show members with
+# their full class and namespace scopes in the documentation. If set to YES the
+# scope will be hidden.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES then doxygen will put a list of
+# the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SHOW_GROUPED_MEMB_INC tag is set to YES then Doxygen will add for each
+# grouped member an include statement to the documentation, telling the reader
+# which file to include in order to use the member.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include
+# files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES then a tag [inline] is inserted in the
+# documentation for inline members.
+# The default value is: YES.
+INLINE_INFO            = YES
+# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member
+# name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief
+# descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member
+# name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order. Note that
+# this will also influence the order of the classes in the class list.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
+# (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and
+# destructors are listed first. If set to NO the constructors will appear in the
+# respective orders defined by SORT_BRIEF_DOCS and SORT_MEMBER_DOCS.
+# Note: If SORT_BRIEF_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting brief
+# member documentation.
+# Note: If SORT_MEMBER_DOCS is set to NO this option is ignored for sorting
+# detailed member documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_GROUP_NAMES tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the hierarchy
+# of group names into alphabetical order. If set to NO the group names will
+# appear in their defined order.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME tag is set to YES, the class list will be sorted by
+# fully-qualified names, including namespaces. If set to NO, the class list will
+# be sorted only by class name, not including the namespace part.
+# Note: This option is not very useful if HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES is set to YES.
+# Note: This option applies only to the class list, not to the alphabetical
+# list.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING option is enabled and doxygen fails to do proper
+# type resolution of all parameters of a function it will reject a match between
+# the prototype and the implementation of a member function even if there is
+# only one candidate or it is obvious which candidate to choose by doing a
+# simple string match. By disabling STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING doxygen will still
+# accept a match between prototype and implementation in such cases.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the
+# todo list. This list is created by putting \todo commands in the
+# documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the
+# test list. This list is created by putting \test commands in the
+# documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO) the bug
+# list. This list is created by putting \bug commands in the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable ( YES) or disable ( NO)
+# the deprecated list. This list is created by putting \deprecated commands in
+# the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional documentation
+# sections, marked by \if <section_label> ... \endif and \cond <section_label>
+# ... \endcond blocks.
+# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines that the
+# initial value of a variable or macro / define can have for it to appear in the
+# documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified here
+# it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely. The
+# appearance of the value of individual variables and macros / defines can be
+# controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer command in the
+# documentation regardless of this setting.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 30.
+# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated at
+# the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the list
+# will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This
+# will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View
+# (if specified).
+# The default value is: YES.
+SHOW_FILES             = YES
+# Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces
+# page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the
+# Folder Tree View (if specified).
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that
+# doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from
+# the version control system). Doxygen will invoke the program by executing (via
+# popen()) the command command input-file, where command is the value of the
+# FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag, and input-file is the name of an input file provided
+# by doxygen. Whatever the program writes to standard output is used as the file
+# version. For an example see the documentation.
+# The LAYOUT_FILE tag can be used to specify a layout file which will be parsed
+# by doxygen. The layout file controls the global structure of the generated
+# output files in an output format independent way. To create the layout file
+# that represents doxygen's defaults, run doxygen with the -l option. You can
+# optionally specify a file name after the option, if omitted DoxygenLayout.xml
+# will be used as the name of the layout file.
+# Note that if you run doxygen from a directory containing a file called
+# DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE
+# tag is left empty.
+LAYOUT_FILE            =
+# The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing
+# the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib
+# extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool
+# to be installed. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX for more info.
+# For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using
+# LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the
+# search path. Do not use file names with spaces, bibtex cannot handle them. See
+# also \cite for info how to create references.
+CITE_BIB_FILES         =
+# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated to
+# standard output by doxygen. If QUIET is set to YES this implies that the
+# messages are off.
+# The default value is: NO.
+QUIET                  = YES
+# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are
+# generated to standard error ( stderr) by doxygen. If WARNINGS is set to YES
+# this implies that the warnings are on.
+# Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+WARNINGS               = YES
+# If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES, then doxygen will generate
+# warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag
+# will automatically be disabled.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
+# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters
+# in a documented function, or documenting parameters that don't exist or using
+# markup commands wrongly.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that
+# are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return
+# value. If set to NO doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete parameter
+# documentation, but not about the absence of documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that doxygen
+# can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text tags, which
+# will be replaced by the file and line number from which the warning originated
+# and the warning text. Optionally the format may contain $version, which will
+# be replaced by the version of the file (if it could be obtained via
+# The default value is: $file:$line: $text.
+WARN_FORMAT            = "$file:$line: $text"
+# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning and error
+# messages should be written. If left blank the output is written to standard
+# error (stderr).
+WARN_LOGFILE           =
+# Configuration options related to the input files
+# The INPUT tag is used to specify the files and/or directories that contain
+# documented source files. You may enter file names like myfile.cpp or
+# directories like /usr/src/myproject. Separate the files or directories with
+# spaces.
+# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched.
+INPUT                  = @PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/include/osmium \
+                         @PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@/doc/doc.txt
+# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
+# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
+# libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv
+# documentation (see: http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv) for the list of
+# possible encodings.
+# The default value is: UTF-8.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns (like *.cpp and
+# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank the
+# following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp, *.c++, *.java, *.ii,
+# *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h, *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp,
+# *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc, *.m, *.markdown,
+# *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.f90, *.f, *.for, *.tcl, *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf,
+# *.qsf, *.as and *.js.
+FILE_PATTERNS          = *.hpp
+# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should
+# be searched for input files as well.
+# The default value is: NO.
+RECURSIVE              = YES
+# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be
+# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
+# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
+# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
+# run.
+EXCLUDE                =
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
+# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
+# from the input.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude
+# certain files from those directories.
+# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to
+# exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/*
+EXCLUDE_PATTERNS       = detail
+# The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names
+# (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the
+# output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or if the
+# wildcard * is used, a substring. Examples: ANamespace, AClass,
+# AClass::ANamespace, ANamespace::*Test
+# Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to
+# exclude all test directories use the pattern */test/*
+EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS        = *::detail
+# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories
+# that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include
+# command).
+EXAMPLE_PATH           =
+# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
+# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and
+# *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left blank all
+# files are included.
+# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
+# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude commands
+# irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or directories
+# that contain images that are to be included in the documentation (see the
+# \image command).
+IMAGE_PATH             =
+# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should
+# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program
+# by executing (via popen()) the command:
+# <filter> <input-file>
+# where <filter> is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the
+# name of an input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter
+# program writes to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag
+# will be ignored.
+# Note that the filter must not add or remove lines; it is applied before the
+# code is scanned, but not when the output code is generated. If lines are added
+# or removed, the anchors will not be placed correctly.
+INPUT_FILTER           = "grep -v static_assert"
+# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern
+# basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the
+# filter if there is a match. The filters are a list of the form: pattern=filter
+# (like *.cpp=my_cpp_filter). See INPUT_FILTER for further information on how
+# filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the
+# patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied.
+# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
+# INPUT_FILTER ) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for
+# producing the source files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify source filters per file
+# pattern. A pattern will override the setting for FILTER_PATTERN (if any) and
+# it is also possible to disable source filtering for a specific pattern using
+# *.ext= (so without naming a filter).
+# This tag requires that the tag FILTER_SOURCE_FILES is set to YES.
+# If the USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE tag refers to the name of a markdown file that
+# is part of the input, its contents will be placed on the main page
+# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub
+# and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output.
+# Configuration options related to source browsing
+# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will be
+# generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources.
+# Note: To get rid of all source code in the generated output, make sure that
+# also VERBATIM_HEADERS is set to NO.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body of functions,
+# classes and enums directly into the documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any
+# special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and
+# Fortran comments will always remain visible.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented
+# function all documented functions referencing it will be listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented function
+# all documented entities called/used by that function will be listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE tag is set to YES and SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set
+# to YES, then the hyperlinks from functions in REFERENCES_RELATION and
+# REFERENCED_BY_RELATION lists will link to the source code. Otherwise they will
+# link to the documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the
+# source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype,
+# brief description and links to the definition and documentation. Since this
+# will make the HTML file larger and loading of large files a bit slower, you
+# can opt to disable this feature.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES.
+# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will
+# point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in
+# source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system
+# (see http://www.gnu.org/software/global/global.html). You will need version
+# 4.8.6 or higher.
+# To use it do the following:
+# - Install the latest version of global
+# - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file
+# - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree
+# - Run doxygen as normal
+# Doxygen will invoke htags (and that will in turn invoke gtags), so these
+# tools must be available from the command line (i.e. in the search path).
+# The result: instead of the source browser generated by doxygen, the links to
+# source code will now point to the output of htags.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES.
+USE_HTAGS              = NO
+# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set the YES then doxygen will generate a
+# verbatim copy of the header file for each class for which an include is
+# specified. Set to NO to disable this.
+# See also: Section \class.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index of all
+# compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project contains a lot of
+# classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in
+# which the alphabetical index list will be split.
+# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5.
+# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES.
+# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will
+# be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag
+# can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored
+# while generating the index headers.
+# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES.
+IGNORE_PREFIX          =
+# Configuration options related to the HTML output
+# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES doxygen will generate HTML output
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: html.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+HTML_OUTPUT            = html
+# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for each
+# generated HTML page (for example: .htm, .php, .asp).
+# The default value is: .html.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML header file for
+# each generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a
+# standard header.
+# To get valid HTML the header file that includes any scripts and style sheets
+# that doxygen needs, which is dependent on the configuration options used (e.g.
+# the setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW). It is highly recommended to start with a
+# default header using
+# doxygen -w html new_header.html new_footer.html new_stylesheet.css
+# YourConfigFile
+# and then modify the file new_header.html. See also section "Doxygen usage"
+# for information on how to generate the default header that doxygen normally
+# uses.
+# Note: The header is subject to change so you typically have to regenerate the
+# default header when upgrading to a newer version of doxygen. For a description
+# of the possible markers and block names see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+HTML_HEADER            = header.html
+# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a user-defined HTML footer for each
+# generated HTML page. If the tag is left blank doxygen will generate a standard
+# footer. See HTML_HEADER for more information on how to generate a default
+# footer and what special commands can be used inside the footer. See also
+# section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the default footer
+# that doxygen normally uses.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+HTML_FOOTER            =
+# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading style
+# sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to fine-tune the look of
+# the HTML output. If left blank doxygen will generate a default style sheet.
+# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the style
+# sheet that doxygen normally uses.
+# Note: It is recommended to use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of this tag, as
+# it is more robust and this tag (HTML_STYLESHEET) will in the future become
+# obsolete.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify an additional user-
+# defined cascading style sheet that is included after the standard style sheets
+# created by doxygen. Using this option one can overrule certain style aspects.
+# This is preferred over using HTML_STYLESHEET since it does not replace the
+# standard style sheet and is therefor more robust against future updates.
+# Doxygen will copy the style sheet file to the output directory. For an example
+# see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
+# other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note
+# that these files will be copied to the base HTML output directory. Use the
+# $relpath^ marker in the HTML_HEADER and/or HTML_FOOTER files to load these
+# files. In the HTML_STYLESHEET file, use the file name only. Also note that the
+# files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen
+# will adjust the colors in the stylesheet and background images according to
+# this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue for more information. For instance the value
+# 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300
+# purple, and 360 is red again.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT tag controls the purity (or saturation) of the colors
+# in the HTML output. For a value of 0 the output will use grayscales only. A
+# value of 255 will produce the most vivid colors.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 255, default value: 100.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA tag controls the gamma correction applied to the
+# luminance component of the colors in the HTML output. Values below 100
+# gradually make the output lighter, whereas values above 100 make the output
+# darker. The value divided by 100 is the actual gamma applied, so 80 represents
+# a gamma of 0.8, The value 220 represents a gamma of 2.2, and 100 does not
+# change the gamma.
+# Minimum value: 40, maximum value: 240, default value: 80.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the HTML_TIMESTAMP tag is set to YES then the footer of each generated HTML
+# page will contain the date and time when the page was generated. Setting this
+# to NO can help when comparing the output of multiple runs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
+# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the
+# page has loaded.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# With HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES one can control the preferred number of entries
+# shown in the various tree structured indices initially; the user can expand
+# and collapse entries dynamically later on. Doxygen will expand the tree to
+# such a level that at most the specified number of entries are visible (unless
+# a fully collapsed tree already exceeds this amount). So setting the number of
+# entries 1 will produce a full collapsed tree by default. 0 is a special value
+# representing an infinite number of entries and will result in a full expanded
+# tree by default.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9999, default value: 100.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be
+# generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development
+# environment (see: http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/), introduced with
+# OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a
+# Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in
+# that directory and running make install will install the docset in
+# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at
+# startup. See http://developer.apple.com/tools/creatingdocsetswithdoxygen.html
+# for more information.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# This tag determines the name of the docset feed. A documentation feed provides
+# an umbrella under which multiple documentation sets from a single provider
+# (such as a company or product suite) can be grouped.
+# The default value is: Doxygen generated docs.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_FEEDNAME        = "Doxygen generated docs"
+# This tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify the documentation
+# set bundle. This should be a reverse domain-name style string, e.g.
+# com.mycompany.MyDocSet. Doxygen will append .docset to the name.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID       = org.doxygen.Project
+# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID tag specifies a string that should uniquely identify
+# the documentation publisher. This should be a reverse domain-name style
+# string, e.g. com.mycompany.MyDocSet.documentation.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Publisher.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID    = org.doxygen.Publisher
+# The DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME tag identifies the documentation publisher.
+# The default value is: Publisher.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCSET is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three
+# additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The
+# index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop
+# (see: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21138) on
+# Windows.
+# The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output
+# generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML
+# files are now used as the Windows 98 help format, and will replace the old
+# Windows help format (.hlp) on all Windows platforms in the future. Compressed
+# HTML files also contain an index, a table of contents, and you can search for
+# words in the documentation. The HTML workshop also contains a viewer for
+# compressed HTML files.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The CHM_FILE tag can be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm
+# file. You can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be
+# written to the html output directory.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+CHM_FILE               =
+# The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path
+# including file name) of the HTML help compiler ( hhc.exe). If non-empty
+# doxygen will try to run the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
+# The file has to be specified with full path.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+HHC_LOCATION           =
+# The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (
+# YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file ( NO).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+GENERATE_CHI           = NO
+# The CHM_INDEX_ENCODING is used to encode HtmlHelp index ( hhk), content ( hhc)
+# and project file content.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+# The BINARY_TOC flag controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (
+# YES) or a normal table of contents ( NO) in the .chm file. Furthermore it
+# enables the Previous and Next buttons.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+BINARY_TOC             = NO
+# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members to
+# the table of contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
+TOC_EXPAND             = NO
+# If the GENERATE_QHP tag is set to YES and both QHP_NAMESPACE and
+# QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER are set, an additional index file will be generated that
+# can be used as input for Qt's qhelpgenerator to generate a Qt Compressed Help
+# (.qch) of the generated HTML documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+GENERATE_QHP           = NO
+# If the QHG_LOCATION tag is specified, the QCH_FILE tag can be used to specify
+# the file name of the resulting .qch file. The path specified is relative to
+# the HTML output folder.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+QCH_FILE               =
+# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help
+# Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace
+# (see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qthelpproject.html#namespace).
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+QHP_NAMESPACE          =
+# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt
+# Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual
+# Folders (see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qthelpproject.html#virtual-
+# folders).
+# The default value is: doc.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom
+# filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
+# Filters (see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qthelpproject.html#custom-
+# filters).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the
+# custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
+# Filters (see: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qthelpproject.html#custom-
+# filters).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this
+# project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see:
+# http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qthelpproject.html#filter-attributes).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+# The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's
+# qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the
+# generated .qhp file.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
+QHG_LOCATION           =
+# If the GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files will be
+# generated, together with the HTML files, they form an Eclipse help plugin. To
+# install this plugin and make it available under the help contents menu in
+# Eclipse, the contents of the directory containing the HTML and XML files needs
+# to be copied into the plugins directory of eclipse. The name of the directory
+# within the plugins directory should be the same as the ECLIPSE_DOC_ID value.
+# After copying Eclipse needs to be restarted before the help appears.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# A unique identifier for the Eclipse help plugin. When installing the plugin
+# the directory name containing the HTML and XML files should also have this
+# name. Each documentation set should have its own identifier.
+# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_ECLIPSEHELP is set to YES.
+ECLIPSE_DOC_ID         = org.doxygen.Project
+# If you want full control over the layout of the generated HTML pages it might
+# be necessary to disable the index and replace it with your own. The
+# DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index (tabs) at top
+# of each HTML page. A value of NO enables the index and the value YES disables
+# it. Since the tabs in the index contain the same information as the navigation
+# tree, you can set this option to YES if you also set GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+DISABLE_INDEX          = NO
+# The GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is used to specify whether a tree-like index
+# structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag
+# value is set to YES, a side panel will be generated containing a tree-like
+# index structure (just like the one that is generated for HTML Help). For this
+# to work a browser that supports JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required
+# (i.e. any modern browser). Windows users are probably better off using the
+# HTML help feature. Via custom stylesheets (see HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET) one can
+# further fine-tune the look of the index. As an example, the default style
+# sheet generated by doxygen has an example that shows how to put an image at
+# the root of the tree instead of the PROJECT_NAME. Since the tree basically has
+# the same information as the tab index, you could consider setting
+# DISABLE_INDEX to YES when enabling this option.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that
+# doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
+# Note that a value of 0 will completely suppress the enum values from appearing
+# in the overview section.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 20, default value: 4.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be used
+# to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree is shown.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1500, default value: 250.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+TREEVIEW_WIDTH         = 250
+# When the EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW option is set to YES doxygen will open links to
+# external symbols imported via tag files in a separate window.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in
+# the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful
+# doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML
+# output directory to force them to be regenerated.
+# Minimum value: 8, maximum value: 50, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images
+# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not
+# supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers.
+# Note that when changing this option you need to delete any form_*.png files in
+# the HTML output directory before the changes have effect.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see
+# http://www.mathjax.org) which uses client side Javascript for the rendering
+# instead of using prerendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX
+# installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When
+# enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path
+# to it using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+USE_MATHJAX            = NO
+# When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for
+# the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see:
+# http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/output.html) for more details.
+# Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best
+# compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG.
+# The default value is: HTML-CSS.
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# When MathJax is enabled you need to specify the location relative to the HTML
+# output directory using the MATHJAX_RELPATH option. The destination directory
+# should contain the MathJax.js script. For instance, if the mathjax directory
+# is located at the same level as the HTML output directory, then
+# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax
+# Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing
+# MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of
+# MathJax from http://www.mathjax.org before deployment.
+# The default value is: http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest.
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+MATHJAX_RELPATH        = http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest
+# The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax
+# extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces
+# of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site
+# (see: http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/output.html) for more details. For an
+# example see the documentation.
+# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
+# When the SEARCHENGINE tag is enabled doxygen will generate a search box for
+# the HTML output. The underlying search engine uses javascript and DHTML and
+# should work on any modern browser. Note that when using HTML help
+# there is already a search function so this one should typically be disabled.
+# For large projects the javascript based search engine can be slow, then
+# enabling SERVER_BASED_SEARCH may provide a better solution. It is possible to
+# search using the keyboard; to jump to the search box use <access key> + S
+# (what the <access key> is depends on the OS and browser, but it is typically
+# <CTRL>, <ALT>/<option>, or both). Inside the search box use the <cursor down
+# key> to jump into the search results window, the results can be navigated
+# using the <cursor keys>. Press <Enter> to select an item or <escape> to cancel
+# the search. The filter options can be selected when the cursor is inside the
+# search box by pressing <Shift>+<cursor down>. Also here use the <cursor keys>
+# to select a filter and <Enter> or <escape> to activate or cancel the filter
+# option.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
+# When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be
+# implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There
+# are two flavors of web server based searching depending on the EXTERNAL_SEARCH
+# setting. When disabled, doxygen will generate a PHP script for searching and
+# an index file used by the script. When EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled the indexing
+# and searching needs to be provided by external tools. See the section
+# "External Indexing and Searching" for details.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# When EXTERNAL_SEARCH tag is enabled doxygen will no longer generate the PHP
+# script for searching. Instead the search results are written to an XML file
+# which needs to be processed by an external indexer. Doxygen will invoke an
+# external search engine pointed to by the SEARCHENGINE_URL option to obtain the
+# search results.
+# Doxygen ships with an example indexer ( doxyindexer) and search engine
+# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
+# Xapian (see: http://xapian.org/).
+# See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# The SEARCHENGINE_URL should point to a search engine hosted by a web server
+# which will return the search results when EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled.
+# Doxygen ships with an example indexer ( doxyindexer) and search engine
+# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
+# Xapian (see: http://xapian.org/). See the section "External Indexing and
+# Searching" for details.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the unindexed
+# search data is written to a file for indexing by an external tool. With the
+# SEARCHDATA_FILE tag the name of this file can be specified.
+# The default file is: searchdata.xml.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+SEARCHDATA_FILE        = searchdata.xml
+# When SERVER_BASED_SEARCH and EXTERNAL_SEARCH are both enabled the
+# EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID tag can be used as an identifier for the project. This is
+# useful in combination with EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS to search through multiple
+# projects and redirect the results back to the right project.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# The EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS tag can be used to enable searching through doxygen
+# projects other than the one defined by this configuration file, but that are
+# all added to the same external search index. Each project needs to have a
+# unique id set via EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID. The search mapping then maps the id of
+# to a relative location where the documentation can be found. The format is:
+# EXTRA_SEARCH_MAPPINGS = tagname1=loc1 tagname2=loc2 ...
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen will generate LaTeX output.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: latex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+LATEX_OUTPUT           = latex
+# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
+# invoked.
+# Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for generating
+# bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the Makefile that is
+# written to the output directory.
+# The default file is: latex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+LATEX_CMD_NAME         = latex
+# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to generate
+# index for LaTeX.
+# The default file is: makeindex.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME     = makeindex
+# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen generates more compact LaTeX
+# documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some
+# trees in general.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+COMPACT_LATEX          = NO
+# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used by the
+# printer.
+# Possible values are: a4 (210 x 297 mm), letter (8.5 x 11 inches), legal (8.5 x
+# 14 inches) and executive (7.25 x 10.5 inches).
+# The default value is: a4.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+PAPER_TYPE             = a4wide
+# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be used to specify one or more LaTeX package names
+# that should be included in the LaTeX output. To get the times font for
+# instance you can specify
+# If left blank no extra packages will be included.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for the
+# generated LaTeX document. The header should contain everything until the first
+# chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard header. See
+# section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to let doxygen write the
+# default header to a separate file.
+# Note: Only use a user-defined header if you know what you are doing! The
+# following commands have a special meaning inside the header: $title,
+# $datetime, $date, $doxygenversion, $projectname, $projectnumber. Doxygen will
+# replace them by respectively the title of the page, the current date and time,
+# only the current date, the version number of doxygen, the project name (see
+# PROJECT_NAME), or the project number (see PROJECT_NUMBER).
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+LATEX_HEADER           =
+# The LATEX_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX footer for the
+# generated LaTeX document. The footer should contain everything after the last
+# chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a standard footer.
+# Note: Only use a user-defined footer if you know what you are doing!
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+LATEX_FOOTER           =
+# The LATEX_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
+# other source files which should be copied to the LATEX_OUTPUT output
+# directory. Note that the files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or
+# markers available.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated is
+# prepared for conversion to PDF (using ps2pdf or pdflatex). The PDF file will
+# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references. This
+# makes the output suitable for online browsing using a PDF viewer.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use pdflatex to generate
+# the PDF file directly from the LaTeX files. Set this option to YES to get a
+# higher quality PDF documentation.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+USE_PDFLATEX           = YES
+# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \batchmode
+# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep running
+# if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help. This option is also used
+# when generating formulas in HTML.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_HIDE_INDICES tag is set to YES then doxygen will not include the
+# index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.) in the output.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# If the LATEX_SOURCE_CODE tag is set to YES then doxygen will include source
+# code with syntax highlighting in the LaTeX output.
+# Note that which sources are shown also depends on other settings such as
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+# The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the
+# bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. See
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX and \cite for more info.
+# The default value is: plain.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
+LATEX_BIB_STYLE        = plain
+# Configuration options related to the RTF output
+# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES doxygen will generate RTF output. The
+# RTF output is optimized for Word 97 and may not look too pretty with other RTF
+# readers/editors.
+# The default value is: NO.
+GENERATE_RTF           = NO
+# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: rtf.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+RTF_OUTPUT             = rtf
+# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES doxygen generates more compact RTF
+# documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some
+# trees in general.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+COMPACT_RTF            = NO
+# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated will
+# contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will contain links (just like the HTML
+# output) instead of page references. This makes the output suitable for online
+# browsing using Word or some other Word compatible readers that support those
+# fields.
+# Note: WordPad (write) and others do not support links.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's config
+# file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide replacements,
+# missing definitions are set to their default value.
+# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the
+# default style sheet that doxygen normally uses.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Set optional variables used in the generation of an RTF document. Syntax is
+# similar to doxygen's config file. A template extensions file can be generated
+# using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the man page output
+# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES doxygen will generate man pages for
+# classes and files.
+# The default value is: NO.
+GENERATE_MAN           = NO
+# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it. A directory man3 will be created inside the directory specified by
+# The default directory is: man.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+MAN_OUTPUT             = man
+# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to the generated
+# man pages. In case the manual section does not start with a number, the number
+# 3 is prepended. The dot (.) at the beginning of the MAN_EXTENSION tag is
+# optional.
+# The default value is: .3.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+MAN_EXTENSION          = .3
+# The MAN_SUBDIR tag determines the name of the directory created within
+# MAN_OUTPUT in which the man pages are placed. If defaults to man followed by
+# MAN_EXTENSION with the initial . removed.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+MAN_SUBDIR             =
+# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and doxygen generates man output, then it
+# will generate one additional man file for each entity documented in the real
+# man page(s). These additional files only source the real man page, but without
+# them the man command would be unable to find the correct page.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_MAN is set to YES.
+MAN_LINKS              = NO
+# Configuration options related to the XML output
+# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES doxygen will generate an XML file that
+# captures the structure of the code including all documentation.
+# The default value is: NO.
+GENERATE_XML           = YES
+# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put. If a
+# relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in front of
+# it.
+# The default directory is: xml.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES.
+XML_OUTPUT             = xml
+# If the XML_PROGRAMLISTING tag is set to YES doxygen will dump the program
+# listings (including syntax highlighting and cross-referencing information) to
+# the XML output. Note that enabling this will significantly increase the size
+# of the XML output.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
+# If the GENERATE_DOCBOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate Docbook files
+# that can be used to generate PDF.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# The DOCBOOK_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the Docbook pages will be put.
+# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be put in
+# front of it.
+# The default directory is: docbook.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES.
+DOCBOOK_OUTPUT         = docbook
+# Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES doxygen will generate an AutoGen
+# Definitions (see http://autogen.sf.net) file that captures the structure of
+# the code including all documentation. Note that this feature is still
+# experimental and incomplete at the moment.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# Configuration options related to the Perl module output
+# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a Perl module
+# file that captures the structure of the code including all documentation.
+# Note that this feature is still experimental and incomplete at the moment.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES doxygen will generate the necessary
+# Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able to generate PDF and DVI
+# output from the Perl module output.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+PERLMOD_LATEX          = NO
+# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be nicely
+# formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful if you want to
+# understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this tag is set to NO the
+# size of the Perl module output will be much smaller and Perl will parse it
+# just the same.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file are
+# prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX. This is useful
+# so different doxyrules.make files included by the same Makefile don't
+# overwrite each other's variables.
+# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_PERLMOD is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
+# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES doxygen will evaluate all
+# C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES doxygen will expand all macro names
+# in the source code. If set to NO only conditional compilation will be
+# performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled way by setting
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then
+# the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES the includes files in the
+# INCLUDE_PATH will be searched if a #include is found.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by the
+# preprocessor.
+# This tag requires that the tag SEARCH_INCLUDES is set to YES.
+INCLUDE_PATH           =
+# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
+# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
+# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will be
+# used.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that are
+# defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of e.g.
+# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name or
+# name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the "=" are omitted, "=1"
+# is assumed. To prevent a macro definition from being undefined via #undef or
+# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+PREDEFINED             = __linux__
+# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
+# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
+# macro definition that is found in the sources will be used. Use the PREDEFINED
+# tag if you want to use a different macro definition that overrules the
+# definition found in the source code.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES then doxygen's preprocessor will
+# remove all references to function-like macros that are alone on a line, have
+# an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such function macros
+# are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse the parser if not
+# removed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+# Configuration options related to external references
+# The TAGFILES tag can be used to specify one or more tag files. For each tag
+# file the location of the external documentation should be added. The format of
+# a tag file without this location is as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ...
+# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows:
+# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ...
+# where loc1 and loc2 can be relative or absolute paths or URLs. See the
+# section "Linking to external documentation" for more information about the use
+# of tag files.
+# Note: Each tag file must have a unique name (where the name does NOT include
+# the path). If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen is
+# run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
+TAGFILES               =
+# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create a
+# tag file that is based on the input files it reads. See section "Linking to
+# external documentation" for more information about the usage of tag files.
+# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external class will be listed in the
+# class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes will be listed.
+# The default value is: NO.
+ALLEXTERNALS           = NO
+# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed in
+# the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will be
+# listed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If the EXTERNAL_PAGES tag is set to YES all external pages will be listed in
+# the related pages index. If set to NO, only the current project's pages will
+# be listed.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
+# interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl').
+# The default file (with absolute path) is: /usr/bin/perl.
+PERL_PATH              = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool
+# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a class diagram
+# (in HTML and LaTeX) for classes with base or super classes. Setting the tag to
+# NO turns the diagrams off. Note that this option also works with HAVE_DOT
+# disabled, but it is recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more
+# powerful graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc
+# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see:
+# http://www.mcternan.me.uk/mscgen/)) to produce the chart and insert it in the
+# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where
+# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the
+# default search path.
+MSCGEN_PATH            =
+# You can include diagrams made with dia in doxygen documentation. Doxygen will
+# then run dia to produce the diagram and insert it in the documentation. The
+# DIA_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where the dia binary resides.
+# If left empty dia is assumed to be found in the default search path.
+DIA_PATH               =
+# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide inheritance
+# and usage relations if the target is undocumented or is not a class.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is
+# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz (see:
+# http://www.graphviz.org/), a graph visualization toolkit from AT&T and Lucent
+# Bell Labs. The other options in this section have no effect if this option is
+# set to NO
+# The default value is: YES.
+HAVE_DOT               = YES
+# The DOT_NUM_THREADS specifies the number of dot invocations doxygen is allowed
+# to run in parallel. When set to 0 doxygen will base this on the number of
+# processors available in the system. You can set it explicitly to a value
+# larger than 0 to get control over the balance between CPU load and processing
+# speed.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 32, default value: 0.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_NUM_THREADS        = 0
+# When you want a differently looking font n the dot files that doxygen
+# generates you can specify the font name using DOT_FONTNAME. You need to make
+# sure dot is able to find the font, which can be done by putting it in a
+# standard location or by setting the DOTFONTPATH environment variable or by
+# setting DOT_FONTPATH to the directory containing the font.
+# The default value is: Helvetica.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_FONTNAME           = Helvetica
+# The DOT_FONTSIZE tag can be used to set the size (in points) of the font of
+# dot graphs.
+# Minimum value: 4, maximum value: 24, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_FONTSIZE           = 10
+# By default doxygen will tell dot to use the default font as specified with
+# DOT_FONTNAME. If you specify a different font using DOT_FONTNAME you can set
+# the path where dot can find it using this tag.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_FONTPATH           =
+# If the CLASS_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for
+# each documented class showing the direct and indirect inheritance relations.
+# Setting this tag to YES will force the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+CLASS_GRAPH            = YES
+# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a
+# graph for each documented class showing the direct and indirect implementation
+# dependencies (inheritance, containment, and class references variables) of the
+# class with other documented classes.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the GROUP_GRAPHS tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for
+# groups, showing the direct groups dependencies.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+GROUP_GRAPHS           = YES
+# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and
+# collaboration diagrams in a style similar to the OMG's Unified Modeling
+# Language.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+UML_LOOK               = NO
+# If the UML_LOOK tag is enabled, the fields and methods are shown inside the
+# class node. If there are many fields or methods and many nodes the graph may
+# become too big to be useful. The UML_LIMIT_NUM_FIELDS threshold limits the
+# number of items for each type to make the size more manageable. Set this to 0
+# for no limit. Note that the threshold may be exceeded by 50% before the limit
+# is enforced. So when you set the threshold to 10, up to 15 fields may appear,
+# but if the number exceeds 15, the total amount of fields shown is limited to
+# 10.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100, default value: 10.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the TEMPLATE_RELATIONS tag is set to YES then the inheritance and
+# collaboration graphs will show the relations between templates and their
+# instances.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing the
+# direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented
+# files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented file showing
+# the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with other documented
+# files.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the CALL_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a call
+# dependency graph for every global function or class method.
+# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run.
+# So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected
+# functions only using the \callgraph command.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+CALL_GRAPH             = NO
+# If the CALLER_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a caller
+# dependency graph for every global function or class method.
+# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run.
+# So in most cases it will be better to enable caller graphs for selected
+# functions only using the \callergraph command.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+CALLER_GRAPH           = NO
+# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY tag is set to YES then doxygen will graphical
+# hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the DIRECTORY_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will show the
+# dependencies a directory has on other directories in a graphical way. The
+# dependency relations are determined by the #include relations between the
+# files in the directories.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images
+# generated by dot.
+# Note: If you choose svg you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order
+# to make the SVG files visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this
+# requirement).
+# Possible values are: png, png:cairo, png:cairo:cairo, png:cairo:gd, png:gd,
+# png:gd:gd, jpg, jpg:cairo, jpg:cairo:gd, jpg:gd, jpg:gd:gd, gif, gif:cairo,
+# gif:cairo:gd, gif:gd, gif:gd:gd and svg.
+# The default value is: png.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT       = png
+# If DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to svg, then this option can be set to YES to
+# enable generation of interactive SVG images that allow zooming and panning.
+# Note that this requires a modern browser other than Internet Explorer. Tested
+# and working are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
+# Note: For IE 9+ you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make
+# the SVG files visible. Older versions of IE do not have SVG support.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The DOT_PATH tag can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be
+# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found in the path.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_PATH               =
+# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the \dotfile
+# command).
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOTFILE_DIRS           =
+# The MSCFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain msc files that are included in the documentation (see the \mscfile
+# command).
+MSCFILE_DIRS           =
+# The DIAFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
+# contain dia files that are included in the documentation (see the \diafile
+# command).
+DIAFILE_DIRS           =
+# The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of nodes
+# that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph becomes
+# larger than this value, doxygen will truncate the graph, which is visualized
+# by representing a node as a red box. Note that doxygen if the number of direct
+# children of the root node in a graph is already larger than
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES then the graph will not be shown at all. Also note that
+# the size of a graph can be further restricted by MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 10000, default value: 50.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the graphs
+# generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable from the
+# root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes that lay
+# further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this option to 1
+# or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large code bases. Also
+# note that the size of a graph can be further restricted by
+# DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES. Using a depth of 0 means no depth restriction.
+# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1000, default value: 0.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# Set the DOT_TRANSPARENT tag to YES to generate images with a transparent
+# background. This is disabled by default, because dot on Windows does not seem
+# to support this out of the box.
+# Warning: Depending on the platform used, enabling this option may lead to
+# badly anti-aliased labels on the edges of a graph (i.e. they become hard to
+# read).
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# Set the DOT_MULTI_TARGETS tag to YES allow dot to generate multiple output
+# files in one run (i.e. multiple -o and -T options on the command line). This
+# makes dot run faster, but since only newer versions of dot (>1.8.10) support
+# this, this feature is disabled by default.
+# The default value is: NO.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES doxygen will generate a legend page
+# explaining the meaning of the various boxes and arrows in the dot generated
+# graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES doxygen will remove the intermediate dot
+# files that are used to generate the various graphs.
+# The default value is: YES.
+# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
+DOT_CLEANUP            = YES
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/README.md b/third_party/libosmium/doc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ca8e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+The `header.html` is created with:
+`doxygen -w html header.html footer.html stylesheet.css`
+This might have to be rn again for newer Doxygen versions. After that add
+changes back in.
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/doc.txt b/third_party/libosmium/doc/doc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f06f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/doc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * @mainpage
+ *
+ * Osmium is a fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap
+ * data.
+ *
+ * This is the API documentation that was automatically created from the
+ * source code. For more information about the Osmium Library see
+ * http://osmcode.org/libosmium .
+ *
+ * Osmium is free software and available under the Boost Software License.
+ * The source code is available at https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium .
+ *
+ * Osmium is a header-only library. You do not need to compile and link it,
+ * just include the headers you need.
+ *
+ * Everything in namespaces called "detail" is for internal Osmium use only,
+ * do not depend on it in your code. Do not include any include files in
+ * directories named "detail" directly. Include files in directories called
+ * "experimental" and everything in namespaces called "experimental" is
+ * unsupported and may change at any time regardless of the status of the rest
+ * of the library.
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/header.html b/third_party/libosmium/doc/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495d500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- HTML header for doxygen 1.8.8-->
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8"/>
+<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9"/>
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
+<meta name="generator" content="Doxygen $doxygenversion"/>
+<!--BEGIN PROJECT_NAME--><title>$projectname: $title</title><!--END PROJECT_NAME-->
+<!--BEGIN !PROJECT_NAME--><title>$title</title><!--END !PROJECT_NAME-->
+<link href="$relpath^tabs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^jquery.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^dynsections.js"></script>
+<link href="$relpath^$stylesheet" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+<div id="top"><!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
+<div id="titlearea">
+<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr style="height: 56px;">
+  <td id="projectlogo"><img alt="Logo" src="$relpath^$projectlogo"/></td>
+  <td style="padding-left: 0.5em;">
+   <div id="projectname">$projectname
+   <!--BEGIN PROJECT_NUMBER--> <span id="projectnumber">$projectnumber</span><!--END PROJECT_NUMBER-->
+   </div>
+   <!--BEGIN PROJECT_BRIEF--><div id="projectbrief">$projectbrief</div><!--END PROJECT_BRIEF-->
+  </td>
+    <td style="padding-left: 0.5em;">
+    <div id="projectbrief">$projectbrief</div>
+    </td>
+   <td>$searchbox</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<!-- end header part -->
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/doc/osmium.css b/third_party/libosmium/doc/osmium.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6256e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/doc/osmium.css
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+body {
+    font-family: "Droid Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
+    background-color: #ffffff;
+    color: #202060;
+.tabs, .tabs2, .tabs3, .navpath ul, .tablist li {
+    background-image: none;
+.tabs, .tabs2, .tabs3 {
+    border-top: 1px solid #202060;
+div.contents {
+    margin: 0px;
+    padding-top: 10px;
+    padding-left: 12px;
+    padding-right: 8px;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/examples/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f5960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium examples
+message(STATUS "Configuring examples")
+    area_test
+    convert
+    count
+    create_node_cache
+    debug
+    index
+    read
+    serdump
+    toogr
+    toogr2
+    toogr2_exp
+    use_node_cache
+    CACHE STRING "Example programs"
+#  Examples depending on wingetopt
+set(GETOPT_EXAMPLES area_test convert serdump toogr toogr2 toogr2_exp)
+    foreach(example ${GETOPT_EXAMPLES})
+        list(APPEND EXAMPLE_LIBS_${example} ${GETOPT_LIBRARY})
+    endforeach()
+    message(STATUS "Configuring examples - Skipping examples because on Visual Studio the wingetopt library is needed and was not found:")
+    foreach(example ${GETOPT_EXAMPLES})
+        message(STATUS "  - osmium_${example}")
+        list(REMOVE_ITEM EXAMPLES ${example})
+    endforeach()
+#  Examples depending on SparseHash
+    list(REMOVE_ITEM EXAMPLES area_test)
+    message(STATUS "Configuring examples - Skipping examples because Google SparseHash not found:")
+    message(STATUS "  - osmium_area_test")
+#  Examples depending on Boost Program Options
+find_package(Boost 1.38 COMPONENTS program_options)
+    list(REMOVE_ITEM EXAMPLES index)
+    message(STATUS "Configuring examples - Skipping examples because Boost program_options not found:")
+    message(STATUS "  - osmium_index")
+#  Examples depending on GDAL/PROJ.4/SparseHash
+set(OGR_EXAMPLES toogr toogr2 toogr2_exp)
+    foreach(example ${OGR_EXAMPLES})
+        list(APPEND EXAMPLE_LIBS_${example} ${GDAL_LIBRARIES})
+        list(APPEND EXAMPLE_LIBS_${example} ${PROJ_LIBRARIES})
+    endforeach()
+    message(STATUS "Configuring examples - Skipping examples because GDAL and/or Proj.4 and/or SparseHash not found:")
+    foreach(example ${OGR_EXAMPLES})
+        message(STATUS "  - osmium_${example}")
+        list(REMOVE_ITEM EXAMPLES ${example})
+    endforeach()
+#  Configure examples
+message(STATUS "Configuring examples - Building these examples:")
+foreach(example ${EXAMPLES})
+    message(STATUS "  - osmium_${example}")
+    add_executable(osmium_${example} "osmium_${example}.cpp")
+    target_link_libraries(osmium_${example} ${OSMIUM_IO_LIBRARIES} ${EXAMPLE_LIBS_${example}})
+message(STATUS "Configuring examples - done")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_area_test.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_area_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2ba12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_area_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+  This is an example tool that creates multipolygons from OSM data
+  and dumps them to stdout.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <osmium/area/assembler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkt.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/dump.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+class WKTDump : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> m_factory ;
+    std::ostream& m_out;
+    WKTDump(std::ostream& out) :
+        m_out(out) {
+    }
+    void area(const osmium::Area& area) {
+        try {
+            m_out << m_factory.create_multipolygon(area) << "\n";
+        } catch (osmium::geometry_error& e) {
+            m_out << "GEOMETRY ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
+        }
+    }
+}; // class WKTDump
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_area_test [OPTIONS] OSMFILE\n\n"
+              << "Read OSMFILE and build multipolygons from it.\n"
+              << "\nOptions:\n"
+              << "  -h, --help           This help message\n"
+              << "  -w, --dump-wkt       Dump area geometries as WKT\n"
+              << "  -o, --dump-objects   Dump area objects\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",         no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {"dump-wkt",     no_argument, 0, 'w'},
+        {"dump-objects", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    osmium::handler::DynamicHandler handler;
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hwo", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            case 'w':
+                handler.set<WKTDump>(std::cout);
+                break;
+            case 'o':
+                handler.set<osmium::handler::Dump>(std::cout);
+                break;
+            default:
+                exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args != 1) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    osmium::io::File infile(argv[optind]);
+    osmium::area::Assembler::config_type assembler_config;
+    osmium::area::MultipolygonCollector<osmium::area::Assembler> collector(assembler_config);
+    std::cout << "Pass 1...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader1(infile, osmium::osm_entity_bits::relation);
+    collector.read_relations(reader1);
+    reader1.close();
+    std::cout << "Pass 1 done\n";
+    std::cout << "Memory:\n";
+    collector.used_memory();
+    index_pos_type index_pos;
+    index_neg_type index_neg;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos, index_neg);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors(); // XXX
+    std::cout << "Pass 2...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader2(infile);
+    osmium::apply(reader2, location_handler, collector.handler([&handler](osmium::memory::Buffer&& buffer) {
+        osmium::apply(buffer, handler);
+    }));
+    reader2.close();
+    std::cout << "Pass 2 done\n";
+    std::cout << "Memory:\n";
+    collector.used_memory();
+    std::vector<const osmium::Relation*> incomplete_relations = collector.get_incomplete_relations();
+    if (!incomplete_relations.empty()) {
+        std::cerr << "Warning! Some member ways missing for these multipolygon relations:";
+        for (const auto* relation : incomplete_relations) {
+            std::cerr << " " << relation->id();
+        }
+        std::cerr << "\n";
+    }
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_convert.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_convert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7956e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_convert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+  Convert OSM files from one format into another.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_output.hpp>
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_convert [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n\n" \
+              << "If INFILE or OUTFILE is not given stdin/stdout is assumed.\n" \
+              << "File format is autodetected from file name suffix.\n" \
+              << "Use -f and -t options to force file format.\n" \
+              << "\nFile types:\n" \
+              << "  osm        normal OSM file\n" \
+              << "  osc        OSM change file\n" \
+              << "  osh        OSM file with history information\n" \
+              << "\nFile format:\n" \
+              << "  (default)  XML encoding\n" \
+              << "  pbf        binary PBF encoding\n" \
+              << "  opl        OPL encoding\n" \
+              << "\nFile compression\n" \
+              << "  gz         compressed with gzip\n" \
+              << "  bz2        compressed with bzip2\n" \
+              << "\nOptions:\n" \
+              << "  -h, --help                This help message\n" \
+              << "  -f, --from-format=FORMAT  Input format\n" \
+              << "  -t, --to-format=FORMAT    Output format\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",        no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {"from-format", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+        {"to-format",   required_argument, 0, 't'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    std::string input_format;
+    std::string output_format;
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "dhf:t:", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            case 'f':
+                input_format = optarg;
+                break;
+            case 't':
+                output_format = optarg;
+                break;
+            default:
+                exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    std::string input;
+    std::string output;
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args > 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    } else if (remaining_args == 2) {
+        input =  argv[optind];
+        output = argv[optind+1];
+    } else if (remaining_args == 1) {
+        input =  argv[optind];
+    }
+    osmium::io::File infile(input, input_format);
+    osmium::io::File outfile(output, output_format);
+    if (infile.has_multiple_object_versions() && !outfile.has_multiple_object_versions()) {
+        std::cerr << "Warning! You are converting from an OSM file with (potentially) several versions of the same object to one that is not marked as such.\n";
+    }
+    int exit_code = 0;
+    try {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(infile);
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        header.set("generator", "osmium_convert");
+        osmium::io::Writer writer(outfile, header, osmium::io::overwrite::allow);
+        while (osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read()) {
+            writer(std::move(buffer));
+        }
+        writer.close();
+        reader.close();
+    } catch (std::exception& e) {
+        std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
+        exit_code = 1;
+    }
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    return exit_code;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_count.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_count.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca18bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_count.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  This is a small tool that counts the number of nodes, ways, and relations in
+  the input file.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+struct CountHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    int nodes = 0;
+    int ways = 0;
+    int relations = 0;
+    void node(osmium::Node&) {
+        ++nodes;
+    }
+    void way(osmium::Way&) {
+        ++ways;
+    }
+    void relation(osmium::Relation&) {
+        ++relations;
+    }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    osmium::io::File infile(argv[1]);
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(infile);
+    CountHandler handler;
+    osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    reader.close();
+    std::cout << "Nodes: "     << handler.nodes << "\n";
+    std::cout << "Ways: "      << handler.ways << "\n";
+    std::cout << "Relations: " << handler.relations << "\n";
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_create_node_cache.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_create_node_cache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f7596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_create_node_cache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+  This reads an OSM file and writes out the node locations to a cache
+  file.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::map::DenseMmapArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::DenseFileArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 3) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSM_FILE CACHE_FILE\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    std::string input_filename(argv[1]);
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename, osmium::osm_entity_bits::node);
+    int fd = open(argv[2], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
+    if (fd == -1) {
+        std::cerr << "Can not open node cache file '" << argv[2] << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    index_pos_type index_pos {fd};
+    index_neg_type index_neg;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos, index_neg);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    osmium::apply(reader, location_handler);
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    return 0;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_debug.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_debug.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6878ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_debug.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  This is a small tool to dump the contents of the input file.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/handler/dump.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
+    if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE [TYPES]\n";
+        std::cerr << "TYPES can be any combination of 'n', 'w', 'r', and 'c' to indicate what types of OSM entities you want (default: all).\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_types = osmium::osm_entity_bits::all;
+    if (argc == 3) {
+        read_types = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nothing;
+        std::string types = argv[2];
+        if (types.find('n') != std::string::npos) read_types |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::node;
+        if (types.find('w') != std::string::npos) read_types |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::way;
+        if (types.find('r') != std::string::npos) read_types |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::relation;
+        if (types.find('c') != std::string::npos) read_types |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::changeset;
+    }
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(argv[1], read_types);
+    osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+    std::cout << "HEADER:\n  generator=" << header.get("generator") << "\n";
+    for (auto& bbox : header.boxes()) {
+        std::cout << "  bbox=" << bbox << "\n";
+    }
+    osmium::handler::Dump dump(std::cout);
+    while (osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read()) {
+        osmium::apply(buffer, dump);
+    }
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_index.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_index.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b612140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_index.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+  Example program to look at Osmium indexes on disk.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/location.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/types.hpp>
+template <typename TKey, typename TValue>
+class IndexSearch {
+    typedef typename osmium::index::map::DenseFileArray<TKey, TValue> dense_index_type;
+    typedef typename osmium::index::map::SparseFileArray<TKey, TValue> sparse_index_type;
+    int m_fd;
+    bool m_dense_format;
+    void dump_dense() {
+        dense_index_type index(m_fd);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < index.size(); ++i) {
+            if (index.get(i) != TValue()) {
+                std::cout << i << " " << index.get(i) << "\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void dump_sparse() {
+        sparse_index_type index(m_fd);
+        for (auto& element : index) {
+            std::cout << element.first << " " << element.second << "\n";
+        }
+    }
+    bool search_dense(TKey key) {
+        dense_index_type index(m_fd);
+        try {
+            TValue value = index.get(key);
+            std::cout << key << " " << value << std::endl;
+        } catch (...) {
+            std::cout << key << " not found" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool search_sparse(TKey key) {
+        typedef typename sparse_index_type::element_type element_type;
+        sparse_index_type index(m_fd);
+        element_type elem {key, TValue()};
+        auto positions = std::equal_range(index.begin(), index.end(), elem, [](const element_type& lhs, const element_type& rhs) {
+            return lhs.first < rhs.first;
+        });
+        if (positions.first == positions.second) {
+            std::cout << key << " not found" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        for (auto& it = positions.first; it != positions.second; ++it) {
+            std::cout << it->first << " " << it->second << "\n";
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    IndexSearch(int fd, bool dense_format) :
+        m_fd(fd),
+        m_dense_format(dense_format) {
+    }
+    void dump() {
+        if (m_dense_format) {
+            dump_dense();
+        } else {
+            dump_sparse();
+        }
+    }
+    bool search(TKey key) {
+        if (m_dense_format) {
+            return search_dense(key);
+        } else {
+            return search_sparse(key);
+        }
+    }
+    bool search(std::vector<TKey> keys) {
+        bool found_all = true;
+        for (const auto key : keys) {
+            if (!search(key)) {
+                found_all = false;
+            }
+        }
+        return found_all;
+    }
+}; // class IndexSearch
+enum return_code : int {
+    okay      = 0,
+    not_found = 1,
+    error     = 2,
+    fatal     = 3
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+class Options {
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    Options(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+        try {
+            po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
+            desc.add_options()
+                ("help,h", "Print this help message")
+                ("array,a", po::value<std::string>(), "Read given index file in array format")
+                ("list,l", po::value<std::string>(), "Read given index file in list format")
+                ("dump,d", "Dump contents of index file to STDOUT")
+                ("search,s", po::value<std::vector<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type>>(), "Search for given id (Option can appear multiple times)")
+                ("type,t", po::value<std::string>(), "Type of value ('location' or 'offset')")
+            ;
+            po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
+            po::notify(vm);
+            if (vm.count("help")) {
+                std::cout << desc << "\n";
+                exit(return_code::okay);
+            }
+            if (vm.count("array") && vm.count("list")) {
+                std::cerr << "Only option --array or --list allowed." << std::endl;
+                exit(return_code::fatal);
+            }
+            if (!vm.count("array") && !vm.count("list")) {
+                std::cerr << "Need one of option --array or --list." << std::endl;
+                exit(return_code::fatal);
+            }
+            if (!vm.count("type")) {
+                std::cerr << "Need --type argument." << std::endl;
+                exit(return_code::fatal);
+            }
+            const std::string& type = vm["type"].as<std::string>();
+            if (type != "location" && type != "offset") {
+                std::cerr << "Unknown type '" << type << "'. Must be 'location' or 'offset'." << std::endl;
+                exit(return_code::fatal);
+            }
+        } catch (boost::program_options::error& e) {
+            std::cerr << "Error parsing command line: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+            exit(return_code::fatal);
+        }
+    }
+    const std::string& filename() const {
+        if (vm.count("array")) {
+            return vm["array"].as<std::string>();
+        } else {
+            return vm["list"].as<std::string>();
+        }
+    }
+    bool dense_format() const {
+        return vm.count("array") != 0;
+    }
+    bool do_dump() const {
+        return vm.count("dump") != 0;
+    }
+    std::vector<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type> search_keys() const {
+        return vm["search"].as<std::vector<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type>>();
+    }
+    bool type_is(const char* type) const {
+        return vm["type"].as<std::string>() == type;
+    }
+}; // class Options
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
+    Options options(argc, argv);
+    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(7);
+    int fd = open(options.filename().c_str(), O_RDWR);
+    bool result_okay = true;
+    if (options.type_is("location")) {
+        IndexSearch<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> is(fd, options.dense_format());
+        if (options.do_dump()) {
+            is.dump();
+        } else {
+            result_okay = is.search(options.search_keys());
+        }
+    } else {
+        IndexSearch<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, size_t> is(fd, options.dense_format());
+        if (options.do_dump()) {
+            is.dump();
+        } else {
+            result_okay = is.search(options.search_keys());
+        }
+    }
+    exit(result_okay ? return_code::okay : return_code::not_found);
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_read.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_read.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bb0299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_read.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  This is a small tool that reads and discards the contents of the input file.
+  (Used for timing.)
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    osmium::io::File infile(argv[1]);
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(infile);
+    while (osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read()) {
+        // do nothing
+    }
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_serdump.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_serdump.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a774a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_serdump.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+  This is a small tool to dump the contents of the input file
+  in serialized format to stdout.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# include <direct.h>
+#include <osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp>
+// ==============================================================================
+// Choose the following depending on the size of the input OSM files:
+// ==============================================================================
+// for smaller OSM files (extracts)
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, size_t> offset_index_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMapMmap<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, size_t> offset_index_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMapFile<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, size_t> offset_index_type;
+typedef osmium::index::multimap::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::unsigned_object_id_type> map_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::multimap::SparseMemMultimap<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::unsigned_object_id_type> map_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::multimap::Hybrid<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::unsigned_object_id_type> map_type;
+// ==============================================================================
+// for very large OSM files (planet)
+//typedef osmium::index::map::DenseMmapArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, size_t> offset_index_type;
+// ==============================================================================
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_serdump OSMFILE DIR\n" \
+              << "Serialize content of OSMFILE into data file in DIR.\n" \
+              << "\nOptions:\n" \
+              << "  -h, --help       This help message\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",      no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            default:
+                exit(2);
+        }
+    }
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE DIR\n";
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    std::string dir(argv[optind+1]);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    int result = ::mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0777);
+    int result = mkdir(dir.c_str());
+    if (result == -1 && errno != EEXIST) {
+        std::cerr << "Problem creating directory '" << dir << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    std::string data_file(dir + "/data.osm.ser");
+    int data_fd = ::open(data_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+    if (data_fd < 0) {
+        std::cerr << "Can't open data file '" << data_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    offset_index_type node_index;
+    offset_index_type way_index;
+    offset_index_type relation_index;
+    osmium::handler::DiskStore disk_store_handler(data_fd, node_index, way_index, relation_index);
+    map_type map_node2way;
+    map_type map_node2relation;
+    map_type map_way2relation;
+    map_type map_relation2relation;
+    osmium::handler::ObjectRelations object_relations_handler(map_node2way, map_node2relation, map_way2relation, map_relation2relation);
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(argv[1]);
+    while (osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read()) {
+        disk_store_handler(buffer); // XXX
+        osmium::apply(buffer, object_relations_handler);
+    }
+    reader.close();
+    {
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/nodes.idx");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open nodes index file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        node_index.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/ways.idx");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open ways index file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        way_index.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/relations.idx");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open relations index file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        relation_index.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        map_node2way.sort();
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/node2way.map");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open node->way map file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        map_node2way.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        map_node2relation.sort();
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/node2rel.map");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open node->rel map file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        map_node2relation.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        map_way2relation.sort();
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/way2rel.map");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open way->rel map file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        map_way2relation.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    {
+        map_relation2relation.sort();
+        std::string index_file(dir + "/rel2rel.map");
+        int fd = ::open(index_file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
+        if (fd < 0) {
+            std::cerr << "Can't open rel->rel map file '" << index_file << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+            exit(2);
+        }
+        map_relation2relation.dump_as_list(fd);
+        close(fd);
+    }
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8ab8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+  This is an example tool that converts OSM data to some output format
+  like Spatialite or Shapefiles using the OGR library.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <osmium/index/map/all.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+class MyOGRHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    OGRDataSource* m_data_source;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_point;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_linestring;
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> m_factory;
+    MyOGRHandler(const std::string& driver_name, const std::string& filename) {
+        OGRRegisterAll();
+        OGRSFDriver* driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver_name.c_str());
+        if (!driver) {
+            std::cerr << driver_name << " driver not available.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        CPLSetConfigOption("OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS", "FALSE");
+        const char* options[] = { "SPATIALITE=TRUE", nullptr };
+        m_data_source = driver->CreateDataSource(filename.c_str(), const_cast<char**>(options));
+        if (!m_data_source) {
+            std::cerr << "Creation of output file failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRSpatialReference sparef;
+        sparef.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
+        m_layer_point = m_data_source->CreateLayer("postboxes", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_point) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_point_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_operator("operator", OFTString);
+        layer_point_field_operator.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_operator) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating operator field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Transactions might make things faster, then again they might not.
+           Feel free to experiment and benchmark and report back. */
+        m_layer_point->StartTransaction();
+        m_layer_linestring = m_data_source->CreateLayer("roads", &sparef, wkbLineString, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_linestring) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_linestring_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_linestring_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        m_layer_linestring->StartTransaction();
+    }
+    ~MyOGRHandler() {
+        m_layer_linestring->CommitTransaction();
+        m_layer_point->CommitTransaction();
+        OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource(m_data_source);
+        OGRCleanupAll();
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        const char* amenity = node.tags().get_value_by_key("amenity");
+        if (amenity && !strcmp(amenity, "post_box")) {
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_point->GetLayerDefn());
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_factory.create_point(node);
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+            feature->SetField("operator", node.tags().get_value_by_key("operator"));
+            if (m_layer_point->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        }
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        const char* highway = way.tags().get_value_by_key("highway");
+        if (highway) {
+            try {
+                std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> ogr_linestring = m_factory.create_linestring(way);
+                OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_linestring->GetLayerDefn());
+                feature->SetGeometry(ogr_linestring.get());
+                feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(way.id()));
+                feature->SetField("type", highway);
+                if (m_layer_linestring->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                    std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+            } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+                std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for way " << way.id() << ".\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* ================================================== */
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_toogr [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n\n" \
+              << "If INFILE is not given stdin is assumed.\n" \
+              << "If OUTFILE is not given 'ogr_out' is used.\n" \
+              << "\nOptions:\n" \
+              << "  -h, --help                 This help message\n" \
+              << "  -l, --location_store=TYPE  Set location store\n" \
+              << "  -f, --format=FORMAT        Output OGR format (Default: 'SQLite')\n" \
+              << "  -L                         See available location stores\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    const auto& map_factory = osmium::index::MapFactory<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>::instance();
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",                 no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {"format",               required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+        {"location_store",       required_argument, 0, 'l'},
+        {"list_location_stores", no_argument, 0, 'L'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    std::string output_format { "SQLite" };
+    std::string location_store { "sparse_mem_array" };
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hf:l:L", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            case 'f':
+                output_format = optarg;
+                break;
+            case 'l':
+                location_store = optarg;
+                break;
+            case 'L':
+                std::cout << "Available map types:\n";
+                for (const auto& map_type : map_factory.map_types()) {
+                    std::cout << "  " << map_type << "\n";
+                }
+                exit(0);
+            default:
+                exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    std::string input_filename;
+    std::string output_filename("ogr_out");
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args > 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    } else if (remaining_args == 2) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+        output_filename = argv[optind+1];
+    } else if (remaining_args == 1) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+    } else {
+        input_filename = "-";
+    }
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename);
+    std::unique_ptr<index_pos_type> index_pos = map_factory.create_map(location_store);
+    index_neg_type index_neg;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(*index_pos, index_neg);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    MyOGRHandler ogr_handler(output_format, output_filename);
+    osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, ogr_handler);
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    int locations_fd = open("locations.dump", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);
+    if (locations_fd < 0) {
+        throw std::system_error(errno, std::system_category(), "Open failed");
+    }
+    index_pos->dump_as_list(locations_fd);
+    close(locations_fd);
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a966c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+  This is an example tool that converts OSM data to some output format
+  like Spatialite or Shapefiles using the OGR library.
+  This version does multipolygon handling (in contrast to the osmium_toogr
+  example which doesn't).
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+// usually you only need one or two of these
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/assembler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp>
+//#include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+class MyOGRHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    OGRDataSource* m_data_source;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_point;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_linestring;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_polygon;
+    // Choose one of the following:
+    // 1. Use WGS84, do not project coordinates.
+    //osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> m_factory {};
+    // 2. Project coordinates into "Web Mercator".
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<osmium::geom::MercatorProjection> m_factory;
+    // 3. Use any projection that the proj library can handle.
+    //    (Initialize projection with EPSG code or proj string).
+    //    In addition you need to link with "-lproj" and add
+    //    #include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>.
+    //osmium::geom::OGRFactory<osmium::geom::Projection> m_factory {osmium::geom::Projection(3857)};
+    MyOGRHandler(const std::string& driver_name, const std::string& filename) {
+        OGRRegisterAll();
+        OGRSFDriver* driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver_name.c_str());
+        if (!driver) {
+            std::cerr << driver_name << " driver not available.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        CPLSetConfigOption("OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS", "FALSE");
+        const char* options[] = { "SPATIALITE=TRUE", nullptr };
+        m_data_source = driver->CreateDataSource(filename.c_str(), const_cast<char**>(options));
+        if (!m_data_source) {
+            std::cerr << "Creation of output file failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRSpatialReference sparef;
+        sparef.importFromProj4(m_factory.proj_string().c_str());
+        m_layer_point = m_data_source->CreateLayer("postboxes", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_point) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_point_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_operator("operator", OFTString);
+        layer_point_field_operator.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_operator) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating operator field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Transactions might make things faster, then again they might not.
+           Feel free to experiment and benchmark and report back. */
+        m_layer_point->StartTransaction();
+        m_layer_linestring = m_data_source->CreateLayer("roads", &sparef, wkbLineString, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_linestring) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_linestring_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_linestring_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        m_layer_linestring->StartTransaction();
+        m_layer_polygon = m_data_source->CreateLayer("buildings", &sparef, wkbMultiPolygon, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_polygon) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_id("id", OFTInteger);
+        layer_polygon_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_polygon_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        m_layer_polygon->StartTransaction();
+    }
+    ~MyOGRHandler() {
+        m_layer_polygon->CommitTransaction();
+        m_layer_linestring->CommitTransaction();
+        m_layer_point->CommitTransaction();
+        OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource(m_data_source);
+        OGRCleanupAll();
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        const char* amenity = node.tags()["amenity"];
+        if (amenity && !strcmp(amenity, "post_box")) {
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_point->GetLayerDefn());
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_factory.create_point(node);
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+            feature->SetField("operator", node.tags()["operator"]);
+            if (m_layer_point->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        }
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        const char* highway = way.tags()["highway"];
+        if (highway) {
+            try {
+                std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> ogr_linestring = m_factory.create_linestring(way);
+                OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_linestring->GetLayerDefn());
+                feature->SetGeometry(ogr_linestring.get());
+                feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(way.id()));
+                feature->SetField("type", highway);
+                if (m_layer_linestring->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                    std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+            } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+                std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for way " << way.id() << ".\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void area(const osmium::Area& area) {
+        const char* building = area.tags()["building"];
+        if (building) {
+            try {
+                std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> ogr_polygon = m_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+                OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_polygon->GetLayerDefn());
+                feature->SetGeometry(ogr_polygon.get());
+                feature->SetField("id", static_cast<int>(area.id()));
+                feature->SetField("type", building);
+                std::string type = "";
+                if (area.from_way()) {
+                    type += "w";
+                } else {
+                    type += "r";
+                }
+                feature->SetField("type", type.c_str());
+                if (m_layer_polygon->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                    std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+            } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+                std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for area " << area.id() << " created from " << (area.from_way() ? "way" : "relation") << " with id=" << area.orig_id() << ".\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* ================================================== */
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_toogr [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n\n" \
+              << "If INFILE is not given stdin is assumed.\n" \
+              << "If OUTFILE is not given 'ogr_out' is used.\n" \
+              << "\nOptions:\n" \
+              << "  -h, --help           This help message\n" \
+              << "  -d, --debug          Enable debug output\n" \
+              << "  -f, --format=FORMAT  Output OGR format (Default: 'SQLite')\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",   no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {"debug",  no_argument, 0, 'd'},
+        {"format", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    std::string output_format("SQLite");
+    bool debug = false;
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hdf:", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            case 'd':
+                debug = true;
+                break;
+            case 'f':
+                output_format = optarg;
+                break;
+            default:
+                exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    std::string input_filename;
+    std::string output_filename("ogr_out");
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args > 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    } else if (remaining_args == 2) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+        output_filename = argv[optind+1];
+    } else if (remaining_args == 1) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+    } else {
+        input_filename = "-";
+    }
+    osmium::area::Assembler::config_type assembler_config;
+    assembler_config.enable_debug_output(debug);
+    osmium::area::MultipolygonCollector<osmium::area::Assembler> collector(assembler_config);
+    std::cerr << "Pass 1...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader1(input_filename);
+    collector.read_relations(reader1);
+    reader1.close();
+    std::cerr << "Pass 1 done\n";
+    index_pos_type index_pos;
+    index_neg_type index_neg;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos, index_neg);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    MyOGRHandler ogr_handler(output_format, output_filename);
+    std::cerr << "Pass 2...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader2(input_filename);
+    osmium::apply(reader2, location_handler, ogr_handler, collector.handler([&ogr_handler](const osmium::memory::Buffer& area_buffer) {
+        osmium::apply(area_buffer, ogr_handler);
+    }));
+    reader2.close();
+    std::cerr << "Pass 2 done\n";
+    std::vector<const osmium::Relation*> incomplete_relations = collector.get_incomplete_relations();
+    if (!incomplete_relations.empty()) {
+        std::cerr << "Warning! Some member ways missing for these multipolygon relations:";
+        for (const auto* relation : incomplete_relations) {
+            std::cerr << " " << relation->id();
+        }
+        std::cerr << "\n";
+    }
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2_exp.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2_exp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..474da96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_toogr2_exp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+  This is an example tool that converts OSM data to some output format
+  like Spatialite or Shapefiles using the OGR library.
+  This version does multipolygon handling (in contrast to the osmium_toogr
+  example which doesn't).
+  This version (..._exp) uses a new experimental unsupported interface.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp>
+//#include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_type> location_handler_type;
+class MyOGRHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    OGRDataSource* m_data_source;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_point;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_linestring;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_polygon;
+    // Choose one of the following:
+    // 1. Use WGS84, do not project coordinates.
+    //osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> m_factory {};
+    // 2. Project coordinates into "Web Mercator".
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<osmium::geom::MercatorProjection> m_factory;
+    // 3. Use any projection that the proj library can handle.
+    //    (Initialize projection with EPSG code or proj string).
+    //    In addition you need to link with "-lproj" and add
+    //    #include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>.
+    //osmium::geom::OGRFactory<osmium::geom::Projection> m_factory {osmium::geom::Projection(3857)};
+    MyOGRHandler(const std::string& driver_name, const std::string& filename) {
+        OGRRegisterAll();
+        OGRSFDriver* driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver_name.c_str());
+        if (!driver) {
+            std::cerr << driver_name << " driver not available.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        CPLSetConfigOption("OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS", "FALSE");
+        const char* options[] = { "SPATIALITE=TRUE", nullptr };
+        m_data_source = driver->CreateDataSource(filename.c_str(), const_cast<char**>(options));
+        if (!m_data_source) {
+            std::cerr << "Creation of output file failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRSpatialReference sparef;
+        sparef.importFromProj4(m_factory.proj_string().c_str());
+        m_layer_point = m_data_source->CreateLayer("postboxes", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_point) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_point_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_operator("operator", OFTString);
+        layer_point_field_operator.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_operator) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating operator field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Transactions might make things faster, then again they might not.
+           Feel free to experiment and benchmark and report back. */
+        m_layer_point->StartTransaction();
+        m_layer_linestring = m_data_source->CreateLayer("roads", &sparef, wkbLineString, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_linestring) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_linestring_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_linestring_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        m_layer_linestring->StartTransaction();
+        m_layer_polygon = m_data_source->CreateLayer("buildings", &sparef, wkbMultiPolygon, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_polygon) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_id("id", OFTInteger);
+        layer_polygon_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_polygon_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        m_layer_polygon->StartTransaction();
+    }
+    ~MyOGRHandler() {
+        m_layer_polygon->CommitTransaction();
+        m_layer_linestring->CommitTransaction();
+        m_layer_point->CommitTransaction();
+        OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource(m_data_source);
+        OGRCleanupAll();
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        const char* amenity = node.tags()["amenity"];
+        if (amenity && !strcmp(amenity, "post_box")) {
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_point->GetLayerDefn());
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_factory.create_point(node);
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+            feature->SetField("operator", node.tags()["operator"]);
+            if (m_layer_point->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        }
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        const char* highway = way.tags()["highway"];
+        if (highway) {
+            try {
+                std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> ogr_linestring = m_factory.create_linestring(way);
+                OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_linestring->GetLayerDefn());
+                feature->SetGeometry(ogr_linestring.get());
+                feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(way.id()));
+                feature->SetField("type", highway);
+                if (m_layer_linestring->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                    std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+            } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+                std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for way " << way.id() << ".\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void area(const osmium::Area& area) {
+        const char* building = area.tags()["building"];
+        if (building) {
+            try {
+                std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> ogr_polygon = m_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+                OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_polygon->GetLayerDefn());
+                feature->SetGeometry(ogr_polygon.get());
+                feature->SetField("id", static_cast<int>(area.id()));
+                feature->SetField("type", building);
+                std::string type = "";
+                if (area.from_way()) {
+                    type += "w";
+                } else {
+                    type += "r";
+                }
+                feature->SetField("type", type.c_str());
+                if (m_layer_polygon->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                    std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+            } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+                std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for area " << area.id() << " created from " << (area.from_way() ? "way" : "relation") << " with id=" << area.orig_id() << ".\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* ================================================== */
+void print_help() {
+    std::cout << "osmium_toogr [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]\n\n" \
+              << "If INFILE is not given stdin is assumed.\n" \
+              << "If OUTFILE is not given 'ogr_out' is used.\n" \
+              << "\nOptions:\n" \
+              << "  -h, --help           This help message\n" \
+              << "  -f, --format=FORMAT  Output OGR format (Default: 'SQLite')\n";
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        {"help",   no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+        {"format", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+        {0, 0, 0, 0}
+    };
+    std::string output_format("SQLite");
+    while (true) {
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hf:", long_options, 0);
+        if (c == -1) {
+            break;
+        }
+        switch (c) {
+            case 'h':
+                print_help();
+                exit(0);
+            case 'f':
+                output_format = optarg;
+                break;
+            default:
+                exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    std::string input_filename;
+    std::string output_filename("ogr_out");
+    int remaining_args = argc - optind;
+    if (remaining_args > 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    } else if (remaining_args == 2) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+        output_filename = argv[optind+1];
+    } else if (remaining_args == 1) {
+        input_filename =  argv[optind];
+    } else {
+        input_filename = "-";
+    }
+    index_type index_pos;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos);
+    osmium::experimental::FlexReader<location_handler_type> exr(input_filename, location_handler, osmium::osm_entity_bits::object);
+    MyOGRHandler ogr_handler(output_format, output_filename);
+    while (auto buffer = exr.read()) {
+        osmium::apply(buffer, ogr_handler);
+    }
+    exr.close();
+    std::vector<const osmium::Relation*> incomplete_relations = exr.collector().get_incomplete_relations();
+    if (!incomplete_relations.empty()) {
+        std::cerr << "Warning! Some member ways missing for these multipolygon relations:";
+        for (const auto* relation : incomplete_relations) {
+            std::cerr << " " << relation->id();
+        }
+        std::cerr << "\n";
+    }
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_use_node_cache.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_use_node_cache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b8f964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/examples/osmium_use_node_cache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+  This reads ways from an OSM file and writes out the node locations
+  it got from a node cache generated with osmium_create_node_cache.
+  The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+//typedef osmium::index::map::DenseMmapArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::DenseFileArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+class MyHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    void way(osmium::Way& way) {
+        for (auto& nr : way.nodes()) {
+            std::cout << nr << "\n";
+        }
+    }
+}; // class MyHandler
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 3) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSM_FILE CACHE_FILE\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    std::string input_filename(argv[1]);
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename, osmium::osm_entity_bits::way);
+    int fd = open(argv[2], O_RDWR);
+    if (fd == -1) {
+        std::cerr << "Can not open node cache file '" << argv[2] << "': " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    index_pos_type index_pos {fd};
+    index_neg_type index_neg;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos, index_neg);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    MyHandler handler;
+    osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, handler);
+    reader.close();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    return 0;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/include/boost_unicode_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/boost_unicode_iterator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7b68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/boost_unicode_iterator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004
+ * John Maddock
+ *
+ * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the 
+ * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
+ * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+  *   LOCATION:    see http://www.boost.org for most recent version.
+  *   FILE         unicode_iterator.hpp
+  *   VERSION      see <boost/version.hpp>
+  *   DESCRIPTION: Iterator adapters for converting between different Unicode encodings.
+  */
+1) Read Only, Input Adapters:
+template <class BaseIterator, class U8Type = ::boost::uint8_t>
+class u32_to_u8_iterator;
+Adapts sequence of UTF-32 code points to "look like" a sequence of UTF-8.
+template <class BaseIterator, class U32Type = ::boost::uint32_t>
+class u8_to_u32_iterator;
+Adapts sequence of UTF-8 code points to "look like" a sequence of UTF-32.
+template <class BaseIterator, class U16Type = ::boost::uint16_t>
+class u32_to_u16_iterator;
+Adapts sequence of UTF-32 code points to "look like" a sequence of UTF-16.
+template <class BaseIterator, class U32Type = ::boost::uint32_t>
+class u16_to_u32_iterator;
+Adapts sequence of UTF-16 code points to "look like" a sequence of UTF-32.
+2) Single pass output iterator adapters:
+template <class BaseIterator>
+class utf8_output_iterator;
+Accepts UTF-32 code points and forwards them on as UTF-8 code points.
+template <class BaseIterator>
+class utf16_output_iterator;
+Accepts UTF-32 code points and forwards them on as UTF-16 code points.
+#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <ios>
+#include <limits.h> // CHAR_BIT
+namespace boost{
+namespace detail{
+static const ::boost::uint16_t high_surrogate_base = 0xD7C0u;
+static const ::boost::uint16_t low_surrogate_base = 0xDC00u;
+static const ::boost::uint32_t ten_bit_mask = 0x3FFu;
+inline bool is_high_surrogate(::boost::uint16_t v)
+   return (v & 0xFFFFFC00u) == 0xd800u;
+inline bool is_low_surrogate(::boost::uint16_t v)
+   return (v & 0xFFFFFC00u) == 0xdc00u;
+template <class T>
+inline bool is_surrogate(T v)
+   return (v & 0xFFFFF800u) == 0xd800;
+inline unsigned utf8_byte_count(boost::uint8_t c)
+   // if the most significant bit with a zero in it is in position
+   // 8-N then there are N bytes in this UTF-8 sequence:
+   boost::uint8_t mask = 0x80u;
+   unsigned result = 0;
+   while(c & mask)
+   {
+      ++result;
+      mask >>= 1;
+   }
+   return (result == 0) ? 1 : ((result > 4) ? 4 : result);
+inline unsigned utf8_trailing_byte_count(boost::uint8_t c)
+   return utf8_byte_count(c) - 1;
+#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4100)
+inline void invalid_utf32_code_point(::boost::uint32_t val)
+   std::stringstream ss;
+   ss << "Invalid UTF-32 code point U+" << std::showbase << std::hex << val << " encountered while trying to encode UTF-16 sequence";
+   std::out_of_range e(ss.str());
+   std::out_of_range e("Invalid UTF-32 code point encountered while trying to encode UTF-16 sequence");
+   boost::throw_exception(e);
+#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
+#pragma warning(pop)
+} // namespace detail
+template <class BaseIterator, class U16Type = ::boost::uint16_t>
+class u32_to_u16_iterator
+   : public boost::iterator_facade<u32_to_u16_iterator<BaseIterator, U16Type>, U16Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U16Type>
+   typedef boost::iterator_facade<u32_to_u16_iterator<BaseIterator, U16Type>, U16Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U16Type> base_type;
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<BaseIterator>::value_type base_value_type;
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(base_value_type)*CHAR_BIT == 32);
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(U16Type)*CHAR_BIT == 16);
+   typename base_type::reference
+      dereference()const
+   {
+      if(m_current == 2)
+         extract_current();
+      return m_values[m_current];
+   }
+   bool equal(const u32_to_u16_iterator& that)const
+   {
+      if(m_position == that.m_position)
+      {
+         // Both m_currents must be equal, or both even
+         // this is the same as saying their sum must be even:
+         return (m_current + that.m_current) & 1u ? false : true;
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   void increment()
+   {
+      // if we have a pending read then read now, so that we know whether
+      // to skip a position, or move to a low-surrogate:
+      if(m_current == 2)
+      {
+         // pending read:
+         extract_current();
+      }
+      // move to the next surrogate position:
+      ++m_current;
+      // if we've reached the end skip a position:
+      if(m_values[m_current] == 0)
+      {
+         m_current = 2;
+         ++m_position;
+      }
+   }
+   void decrement()
+   {
+      if(m_current != 1)
+      {
+         // decrementing an iterator always leads to a valid position:
+         --m_position;
+         extract_current();
+         m_current = m_values[1] ? 1 : 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         m_current = 0;
+      }
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   // construct:
+   u32_to_u16_iterator() : m_position(), m_current(0)
+   {
+      m_values[0] = 0;
+      m_values[1] = 0;
+      m_values[2] = 0;
+   }
+   u32_to_u16_iterator(BaseIterator b) : m_position(b), m_current(2)
+   {
+      m_values[0] = 0;
+      m_values[1] = 0;
+      m_values[2] = 0;
+   }
+   void extract_current()const
+   {
+      // begin by checking for a code point out of range:
+      ::boost::uint32_t v = *m_position;
+      if(v >= 0x10000u)
+      {
+         if(v > 0x10FFFFu)
+            detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(*m_position);
+         // split into two surrogates:
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<U16Type>(v >> 10) + detail::high_surrogate_base;
+         m_values[1] = static_cast<U16Type>(v & detail::ten_bit_mask) + detail::low_surrogate_base;
+         m_current = 0;
+         BOOST_ASSERT(detail::is_high_surrogate(m_values[0]));
+         BOOST_ASSERT(detail::is_low_surrogate(m_values[1]));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         // 16-bit code point:
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<U16Type>(*m_position);
+         m_values[1] = 0;
+         m_current = 0;
+         // value must not be a surrogate:
+         if(detail::is_surrogate(m_values[0]))
+            detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(*m_position);
+      }
+   }
+   BaseIterator m_position;
+   mutable U16Type m_values[3];
+   mutable unsigned m_current;
+template <class BaseIterator, class U32Type = ::boost::uint32_t>
+class u16_to_u32_iterator
+   : public boost::iterator_facade<u16_to_u32_iterator<BaseIterator, U32Type>, U32Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U32Type>
+   typedef boost::iterator_facade<u16_to_u32_iterator<BaseIterator, U32Type>, U32Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U32Type> base_type;
+   // special values for pending iterator reads:
+   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(U32Type, pending_read = 0xffffffffu);
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<BaseIterator>::value_type base_value_type;
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(base_value_type)*CHAR_BIT == 16);
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(U32Type)*CHAR_BIT == 32);
+   typename base_type::reference
+      dereference()const
+   {
+      if(m_value == pending_read)
+         extract_current();
+      return m_value;
+   }
+   bool equal(const u16_to_u32_iterator& that)const
+   {
+      return m_position == that.m_position;
+   }
+   void increment()
+   {
+      // skip high surrogate first if there is one:
+      if(detail::is_high_surrogate(*m_position)) ++m_position;
+      ++m_position;
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   void decrement()
+   {
+      --m_position;
+      // if we have a low surrogate then go back one more:
+      if(detail::is_low_surrogate(*m_position)) 
+         --m_position;
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   // construct:
+   u16_to_u32_iterator() : m_position()
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   u16_to_u32_iterator(BaseIterator b) : m_position(b)
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   //
+   // Range checked version:
+   //
+   u16_to_u32_iterator(BaseIterator b, BaseIterator start, BaseIterator end) : m_position(b)
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+      //
+      // The range must not start with a low surrogate, or end in a high surrogate,
+      // otherwise we run the risk of running outside the underlying input range.
+      // Likewise b must not be located at a low surrogate.
+      //
+      boost::uint16_t val;
+      if(start != end)
+      {
+         if((b != start) && (b != end))
+         {
+            val = *b;
+            if(detail::is_surrogate(val) && ((val & 0xFC00u) == 0xDC00u))
+               invalid_code_point(val);
+         }
+         val = *start;
+         if(detail::is_surrogate(val) && ((val & 0xFC00u) == 0xDC00u))
+            invalid_code_point(val);
+         val = *--end;
+         if(detail::is_high_surrogate(val))
+            invalid_code_point(val);
+      }
+   }
+   static void invalid_code_point(::boost::uint16_t val)
+   {
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << "Misplaced UTF-16 surrogate U+" << std::showbase << std::hex << val << " encountered while trying to encode UTF-32 sequence";
+      std::out_of_range e(ss.str());
+      std::out_of_range e("Misplaced UTF-16 surrogate encountered while trying to encode UTF-32 sequence");
+      boost::throw_exception(e);
+   }
+   void extract_current()const
+   {
+      m_value = static_cast<U32Type>(static_cast< ::boost::uint16_t>(*m_position));
+      // if the last value is a high surrogate then adjust m_position and m_value as needed:
+      if(detail::is_high_surrogate(*m_position))
+      {
+         // precondition; next value must have be a low-surrogate:
+         BaseIterator next(m_position);
+         ::boost::uint16_t t = *++next;
+         if((t & 0xFC00u) != 0xDC00u)
+            invalid_code_point(t);
+         m_value = (m_value - detail::high_surrogate_base) << 10;
+         m_value |= (static_cast<U32Type>(static_cast< ::boost::uint16_t>(t)) & detail::ten_bit_mask);
+      }
+      // postcondition; result must not be a surrogate:
+      if(detail::is_surrogate(m_value))
+         invalid_code_point(static_cast< ::boost::uint16_t>(m_value));
+   }
+   BaseIterator m_position;
+   mutable U32Type m_value;
+template <class BaseIterator, class U8Type = ::boost::uint8_t>
+class u32_to_u8_iterator
+   : public boost::iterator_facade<u32_to_u8_iterator<BaseIterator, U8Type>, U8Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U8Type>
+   typedef boost::iterator_facade<u32_to_u8_iterator<BaseIterator, U8Type>, U8Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U8Type> base_type;
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<BaseIterator>::value_type base_value_type;
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(base_value_type)*CHAR_BIT == 32);
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(U8Type)*CHAR_BIT == 8);
+   typename base_type::reference
+      dereference()const
+   {
+      if(m_current == 4)
+         extract_current();
+      return m_values[m_current];
+   }
+   bool equal(const u32_to_u8_iterator& that)const
+   {
+      if(m_position == that.m_position)
+      {
+         // either the m_current's must be equal, or one must be 0 and 
+         // the other 4: which means neither must have bits 1 or 2 set:
+         return (m_current == that.m_current)
+            || (((m_current | that.m_current) & 3) == 0);
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   void increment()
+   {
+      // if we have a pending read then read now, so that we know whether
+      // to skip a position, or move to a low-surrogate:
+      if(m_current == 4)
+      {
+         // pending read:
+         extract_current();
+      }
+      // move to the next surrogate position:
+      ++m_current;
+      // if we've reached the end skip a position:
+      if(m_values[m_current] == 0)
+      {
+         m_current = 4;
+         ++m_position;
+      }
+   }
+   void decrement()
+   {
+      if((m_current & 3) == 0)
+      {
+         --m_position;
+         extract_current();
+         m_current = 3;
+         while(m_current && (m_values[m_current] == 0))
+            --m_current;
+      }
+      else
+         --m_current;
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   // construct:
+   u32_to_u8_iterator() : m_position(), m_current(0)
+   {
+      m_values[0] = 0;
+      m_values[1] = 0;
+      m_values[2] = 0;
+      m_values[3] = 0;
+      m_values[4] = 0;
+   }
+   u32_to_u8_iterator(BaseIterator b) : m_position(b), m_current(4)
+   {
+      m_values[0] = 0;
+      m_values[1] = 0;
+      m_values[2] = 0;
+      m_values[3] = 0;
+      m_values[4] = 0;
+   }
+   void extract_current()const
+   {
+      boost::uint32_t c = *m_position;
+      if(c > 0x10FFFFu)
+         detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(c);
+      if(c < 0x80u)
+      {
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>(c);
+         m_values[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+         m_values[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+         m_values[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+      }
+      else if(c < 0x800u)
+      {
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xC0u + (c >> 6));
+         m_values[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+         m_values[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+         m_values[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+      }
+      else if(c < 0x10000u)
+      {
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xE0u + (c >> 12));
+         m_values[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 6) & 0x3Fu));
+         m_values[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+         m_values[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0u);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         m_values[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xF0u + (c >> 18));
+         m_values[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 12) & 0x3Fu));
+         m_values[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 6) & 0x3Fu));
+         m_values[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+      }
+      m_current= 0;
+   }
+   BaseIterator m_position;
+   mutable U8Type m_values[5];
+   mutable unsigned m_current;
+template <class BaseIterator, class U32Type = ::boost::uint32_t>
+class u8_to_u32_iterator
+   : public boost::iterator_facade<u8_to_u32_iterator<BaseIterator, U32Type>, U32Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U32Type>
+   typedef boost::iterator_facade<u8_to_u32_iterator<BaseIterator, U32Type>, U32Type, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const U32Type> base_type;
+   // special values for pending iterator reads:
+   BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(U32Type, pending_read = 0xffffffffu);
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<BaseIterator>::value_type base_value_type;
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(base_value_type)*CHAR_BIT == 8);
+   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(U32Type)*CHAR_BIT == 32);
+   typename base_type::reference
+      dereference()const
+   {
+      if(m_value == pending_read)
+         extract_current();
+      return m_value;
+   }
+   bool equal(const u8_to_u32_iterator& that)const
+   {
+      return m_position == that.m_position;
+   }
+   void increment()
+   {
+      // We must not start with a continuation character:
+      if((static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(*m_position) & 0xC0) == 0x80)
+         invalid_sequence();
+      // skip high surrogate first if there is one:
+      unsigned c = detail::utf8_byte_count(*m_position);
+      if(m_value == pending_read)
+      {
+         // Since we haven't read in a value, we need to validate the code points:
+         for(unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i)
+         {
+            ++m_position;
+            // We must have a continuation byte:
+            if((i != c - 1) && ((static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(*m_position) & 0xC0) != 0x80))
+               invalid_sequence();
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         std::advance(m_position, c);
+      }
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   void decrement()
+   {
+      // Keep backtracking until we don't have a trailing character:
+      unsigned count = 0;
+      while((*--m_position & 0xC0u) == 0x80u) ++count;
+      // now check that the sequence was valid:
+      if(count != detail::utf8_trailing_byte_count(*m_position))
+         invalid_sequence();
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   // construct:
+   u8_to_u32_iterator() : m_position()
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   u8_to_u32_iterator(BaseIterator b) : m_position(b)
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+   }
+   //
+   // Checked constructor:
+   //
+   u8_to_u32_iterator(BaseIterator b, BaseIterator start, BaseIterator end) : m_position(b)
+   {
+      m_value = pending_read;
+      //
+      // We must not start with a continuation character, or end with a 
+      // truncated UTF-8 sequence otherwise we run the risk of going past
+      // the start/end of the underlying sequence:
+      //
+      if(start != end)
+      {
+         unsigned char v = *start;
+         if((v & 0xC0u) == 0x80u)
+            invalid_sequence();
+         if((b != start) && (b != end) && ((*b & 0xC0u) == 0x80u))
+            invalid_sequence();
+         BaseIterator pos = end;
+         do
+         {
+            v = *--pos;
+         }
+         while((start != pos) && ((v & 0xC0u) == 0x80u));
+         std::ptrdiff_t extra = detail::utf8_byte_count(v);
+         if(std::distance(pos, end) < extra)
+            invalid_sequence();
+      }
+   }
+   static void invalid_sequence()
+   {
+      std::out_of_range e("Invalid UTF-8 sequence encountered while trying to encode UTF-32 character");
+      boost::throw_exception(e);
+   }
+   void extract_current()const
+   {
+      m_value = static_cast<U32Type>(static_cast< ::boost::uint8_t>(*m_position));
+      // we must not have a continuation character:
+      if((m_value & 0xC0u) == 0x80u)
+         invalid_sequence();
+      // see how many extra bytes we have:
+      unsigned extra = detail::utf8_trailing_byte_count(*m_position);
+      // extract the extra bits, 6 from each extra byte:
+      BaseIterator next(m_position);
+      for(unsigned c = 0; c < extra; ++c)
+      {
+         ++next;
+         m_value <<= 6;
+         // We must have a continuation byte:
+         if((static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(*next) & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+            invalid_sequence();
+         m_value += static_cast<boost::uint8_t>(*next) & 0x3Fu;
+      }
+      // we now need to remove a few of the leftmost bits, but how many depends
+      // upon how many extra bytes we've extracted:
+      static const boost::uint32_t masks[4] = 
+      {
+         0x7Fu,
+         0x7FFu,
+         0xFFFFu,
+         0x1FFFFFu,
+      };
+      m_value &= masks[extra];
+      // check the result:
+      if(m_value > static_cast<U32Type>(0x10FFFFu))
+         invalid_sequence();
+   }
+   BaseIterator m_position;
+   mutable U32Type m_value;
+template <class BaseIterator>
+class utf16_output_iterator
+   typedef void                                   difference_type;
+   typedef void                                   value_type;
+   typedef boost::uint32_t*                       pointer;
+   typedef boost::uint32_t&                       reference;
+   typedef std::output_iterator_tag               iterator_category;
+   utf16_output_iterator(const BaseIterator& b)
+      : m_position(b){}
+   utf16_output_iterator(const utf16_output_iterator& that)
+      : m_position(that.m_position){}
+   utf16_output_iterator& operator=(const utf16_output_iterator& that)
+   {
+      m_position = that.m_position;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   const utf16_output_iterator& operator*()const
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   void operator=(boost::uint32_t val)const
+   {
+      push(val);
+   }
+   utf16_output_iterator& operator++()
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   utf16_output_iterator& operator++(int)
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   void push(boost::uint32_t v)const
+   {
+      if(v >= 0x10000u)
+      {
+         // begin by checking for a code point out of range:
+         if(v > 0x10FFFFu)
+            detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(v);
+         // split into two surrogates:
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(v >> 10) + detail::high_surrogate_base;
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(v & detail::ten_bit_mask) + detail::low_surrogate_base;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         // 16-bit code point:
+         // value must not be a surrogate:
+         if(detail::is_surrogate(v))
+            detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(v);
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(v);
+      }
+   }
+   mutable BaseIterator m_position;
+template <class BaseIterator>
+class utf8_output_iterator
+   typedef void                                   difference_type;
+   typedef void                                   value_type;
+   typedef boost::uint32_t*                       pointer;
+   typedef boost::uint32_t&                       reference;
+   typedef std::output_iterator_tag               iterator_category;
+   utf8_output_iterator(const BaseIterator& b)
+      : m_position(b){}
+   utf8_output_iterator(const utf8_output_iterator& that)
+      : m_position(that.m_position){}
+   utf8_output_iterator& operator=(const utf8_output_iterator& that)
+   {
+      m_position = that.m_position;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   const utf8_output_iterator& operator*()const
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   void operator=(boost::uint32_t val)const
+   {
+      push(val);
+   }
+   utf8_output_iterator& operator++()
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   utf8_output_iterator& operator++(int)
+   {
+      return *this;
+   }
+   BaseIterator base()const
+   {
+      return m_position;
+   }
+   void push(boost::uint32_t c)const
+   {
+      if(c > 0x10FFFFu)
+         detail::invalid_utf32_code_point(c);
+      if(c < 0x80u)
+      {
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(c);
+      }
+      else if(c < 0x800u)
+      {
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xC0u + (c >> 6));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+      }
+      else if(c < 0x10000u)
+      {
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xE0u + (c >> 12));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 6) & 0x3Fu));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0xF0u + (c >> 18));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 12) & 0x3Fu));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + ((c >> 6) & 0x3Fu));
+         *m_position++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80u + (c & 0x3Fu));
+      }
+   }
+   mutable BaseIterator m_position;
+} // namespace boost
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/include/mmap_for_windows.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/mmap_for_windows.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe62d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/mmap_for_windows.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+/* mmap() replacement for Windows
+ *
+ * Author: Mike Frysinger <vapier at gentoo.org>
+ * Placed into the public domain
+ */
+/* References:
+ * CreateFileMapping: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366537(VS.85).aspx
+ * CloseHandle:       http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724211(VS.85).aspx
+ * MapViewOfFile:     http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366761(VS.85).aspx
+ * UnmapViewOfFile:   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366882(VS.85).aspx
+ */
+#include <io.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#define PROT_READ     0x1
+#define PROT_WRITE    0x2
+/* This flag is only available in WinXP+ */
+#define PROT_EXEC     0x4
+#define PROT_EXEC        0x0
+#define MAP_SHARED    0x01
+#define MAP_PRIVATE   0x02
+#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
+#define MAP_FAILED    ((void *) -1)
+static DWORD dword_hi(uint64_t x) {
+    return static_cast<DWORD>(x >> 32);
+static DWORD dword_lo(uint64_t x) {
+    return static_cast<DWORD>(x & 0xffffffff);
+static void *mmap(void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
+    if (prot & ~(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
+        return MAP_FAILED;
+    if (fd == -1) {
+        if (!(flags & MAP_ANON) || offset)
+            return MAP_FAILED;
+    } else if (flags & MAP_ANON)
+        return MAP_FAILED;
+    DWORD flProtect;
+    if (prot & PROT_WRITE) {
+        if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
+            flProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE;
+        else
+            flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE;
+    } else if (prot & PROT_EXEC) {
+        if (prot & PROT_READ)
+            flProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
+        else if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
+            flProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE;
+    } else
+        flProtect = PAGE_READONLY;
+    uint64_t end = static_cast<uint64_t>(length) + offset;
+    HANDLE mmap_fd;
+    if (fd == -1)
+        mmap_fd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+    else
+        mmap_fd = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
+    HANDLE h = CreateFileMapping(mmap_fd, NULL, flProtect, dword_hi(end), dword_lo(end), NULL);
+    if (h == NULL)
+        return MAP_FAILED;
+    DWORD dwDesiredAccess;
+    if (prot & PROT_WRITE)
+        dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
+    else
+        dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_READ;
+    if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
+        dwDesiredAccess |= FILE_MAP_EXECUTE;
+    if (flags & MAP_PRIVATE)
+        dwDesiredAccess |= FILE_MAP_COPY;
+    void *ret = MapViewOfFile(h, dwDesiredAccess, dword_hi(offset), dword_lo(offset), length);
+    if (ret == NULL) {
+        CloseHandle(h);
+        ret = MAP_FAILED;
+    }
+    return ret;
+static int munmap(void *addr, size_t length)
+    return UnmapViewOfFile(addr) ? 0 : -1;
+    /* ruh-ro, we leaked handle from CreateFileMapping() ... */
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/assembler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/assembler.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/assembler.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/assembler.hpp
index 155fa24..0a5f123 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/assembler.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/assembler.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             // Enables debug output to stderr
             bool debug;
-            explicit AssemblerConfig(osmium::area::ProblemReporter* pr = nullptr, bool d=false) :
+            explicit AssemblerConfig(osmium::area::ProblemReporter* pr = nullptr, bool d = false) :
                 debug(d) {
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              * Enable or disable debug output to stderr. This is for Osmium
              * developers only.
-            void enable_debug_output(bool d=true) {
+            void enable_debug_output(bool d = true) {
                 debug = d;
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             bool add_to_existing_ring(osmium::area::detail::NodeRefSegment segment) {
-                int n=0;
+                int n = 0;
                 for (auto& ring : m_rings) {
                     if (debug()) {
                         std::cerr << "    check against ring " << n << " " << ring;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp
index 5b251bb..43569a8 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp
index 63fec5b..c0f545c 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/proto_ring.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-                const std::vector<ProtoRing*> inner_rings() const {
+                const std::vector<ProtoRing*>& inner_rings() const {
                     return m_inner;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp
index a14f792..ca6071e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/detail/segment_list.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                  * Enable or disable debug output to stderr. This is for Osmium
                  * developers only.
-                void enable_debug_output(bool debug=true) noexcept {
+                void enable_debug_output(bool debug = true) noexcept {
                     m_debug = debug;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp
index af48176..84a5262 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              * Overwritten from the base class.
             void way_not_in_any_relation(const osmium::Way& way) {
-                if (way.ends_have_same_location() && way.nodes().size() > 3) {
+                if (way.nodes().size() > 3 && way.ends_have_same_location()) {
                     // way is closed and has enough nodes, build simple multipolygon
                     try {
                         TAssembler assembler(m_assembler_config);
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp
index 5e255db..4ae4bb2 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp
index 29c7ad4..5e743c6 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_exception.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp
index a9eb135..c437a3f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,21 +33,38 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#define OSMIUM_COMPILE_WITH_CFLAGS_OGR `gdal-config --cflags`
-#define OSMIUM_LINK_WITH_LIBS_OGR `gdal-config --libs`
+ * @file
+ *
+ * This file contains code for reporting problems through OGR when
+ * assembling multipolygons.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libgdal`.
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4458)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic push
+# ifdef __clang__
+#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command"
+# endif
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
+#include <ogr_api.h>
+#include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#ifdef __clang__
-# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
-# include <ogr_api.h>
-# include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 #include <memory>
 #include <stdexcept>
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp
index 6bee568..ddcb343 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/area/problem_reporter_stream.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/builder/builder.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from third_party/osmium/builder/builder.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder.hpp
index 61e853e..dcb95e2 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/builder/builder.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <new>
+#include <string>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
@@ -98,10 +100,10 @@ namespace osmium {
              *             parent item (if any).
-            void add_padding(bool self=false) {
+            void add_padding(bool self = false) {
                 auto padding = osmium::memory::align_bytes - (size() % osmium::memory::align_bytes);
                 if (padding != osmium::memory::align_bytes) {
-                    std::memset(m_buffer.reserve_space(padding), 0, padding);
+                    std::fill_n(m_buffer.reserve_space(padding), padding, 0);
                     if (self) {
                     } else if (m_parent) {
@@ -123,7 +125,8 @@ namespace osmium {
             void add_item(const osmium::memory::Item* item) {
-                std::memcpy(m_buffer.reserve_space(item->padded_size()), item, item->padded_size());
+                unsigned char* target = m_buffer.reserve_space(item->padded_size());
+                std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(item), item->padded_size(), target);
@@ -146,7 +149,8 @@ namespace osmium {
              *               \0 byte.
             osmium::memory::item_size_type append(const char* data, const osmium::memory::item_size_type length) {
-                std::memcpy(m_buffer.reserve_space(length), data, length);
+                unsigned char* target = m_buffer.reserve_space(length);
+                std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data), length, target);
                 return length;
@@ -167,12 +171,11 @@ namespace osmium {
         template <class TItem>
         class ObjectBuilder : public Builder {
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::memory::Item, TItem>::value,
-                "ObjectBuilder can only build objects derived from osmium::memory::Item");
+            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::memory::Item, TItem>::value, "ObjectBuilder can only build objects derived from osmium::memory::Item");
-            explicit ObjectBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit ObjectBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 Builder(buffer, parent, sizeof(TItem)) {
                 new (&item()) TItem();
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp
index 3e00f81..eebdf33 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp
index 851eb85..058f89e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstring>
 #include <initializer_list>
 #include <new>
+#include <string>
 #include <utility>
 #include <osmium/builder/builder.hpp>
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit TagListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit TagListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 ObjectBuilder<TagList>(buffer, parent) {
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit NodeRefListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit NodeRefListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 ObjectBuilder<T>(buffer, parent) {
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            void add_node_ref(const object_id_type ref, const osmium::Location location=Location()) {
+            void add_node_ref(const object_id_type ref, const osmium::Location location = Location()) {
                 add_node_ref(NodeRef(ref, location));
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit RelationMemberListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit RelationMemberListBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 ObjectBuilder<RelationMemberList>(buffer, parent) {
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit OSMObjectBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit OSMObjectBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 ObjectBuilder<T>(buffer, parent) {
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit WayBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit WayBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 OSMObjectBuilder<osmium::Way>(buffer, parent) {
@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit AreaBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent=nullptr) :
+            explicit AreaBuilder(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, Builder* parent = nullptr) :
                 OSMObjectBuilder<osmium::Area>(buffer, parent) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
similarity index 97%
copy from third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
index 9864df5..4f9b3a1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp
index 576834c..0ddf7ff 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_iterator.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp
index b8db697..5e72a7b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/diff_visitor.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp
index bc59313..9d0bd66 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/dynamic_handler.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp
similarity index 69%
rename from third_party/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp
index 8dca152..f00a5ec 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/experimental/flex_reader.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 namespace osmium {
-     * Experimental code that is not "officially" supported.
+     * @brief Experimental code that is not "officially" supported.
     namespace experimental {
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             bool m_with_areas;
             osmium::osm_entity_bits::type m_entities;
-            typename TLocationHandler::index_pos_type m_index_pos;
-            typename TLocationHandler::index_neg_type m_index_neg;
-            TLocationHandler m_location_handler;
+            TLocationHandler& m_location_handler;
             osmium::io::Reader m_reader;
             osmium::area::Assembler::config_type m_assembler_config;
@@ -61,12 +59,10 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit FlexReader(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
-                m_with_areas(entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::area),
+            explicit FlexReader(const osmium::io::File& file, TLocationHandler& location_handler, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
+                m_with_areas((entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::area) != 0),
                 m_entities((entities & ~osmium::osm_entity_bits::area) | (m_with_areas ? osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way : osmium::osm_entity_bits::nothing)),
-                m_index_pos(),
-                m_index_neg(),
-                m_location_handler(m_index_pos, m_index_neg),
+                m_location_handler(location_handler),
                 m_reader(file, m_entities),
@@ -79,31 +75,33 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit FlexReader(const std::string& filename, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
-                FlexReader(osmium::io::File(filename), entities) {
+            explicit FlexReader(const std::string& filename, TLocationHandler& location_handler, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
+                FlexReader(osmium::io::File(filename), location_handler, entities) {
-            explicit FlexReader(const char* filename, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
-                FlexReader(osmium::io::File(filename), entities) {
+            explicit FlexReader(const char* filename, TLocationHandler& location_handler, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr) :
+                FlexReader(osmium::io::File(filename), location_handler, entities) {
-            std::vector<osmium::memory::Buffer> read() {
-                std::vector<osmium::memory::Buffer> buffers;
+            osmium::memory::Buffer read() {
                 osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = m_reader.read();
                 if (buffer) {
-                    buffers.push_back(std::move(buffer));
                     if (m_with_areas) {
-                        osmium::apply(buffers[0], m_location_handler, m_collector.handler([&buffers](osmium::memory::Buffer&& area_buffer) {
-                            buffers.push_back(std::move(area_buffer));
+                        std::vector<osmium::memory::Buffer> area_buffers;
+                        osmium::apply(buffer, m_location_handler, m_collector.handler([&area_buffers](osmium::memory::Buffer&& area_buffer) {
+                            area_buffers.push_back(std::move(area_buffer));
+                        for (const osmium::memory::Buffer& b : area_buffers) {
+                            buffer.add_buffer(b);
+                            buffer.commit();
+                        }
                     } else if (m_entities & (osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way)) {
-                        osmium::apply(buffers[0], m_location_handler);
+                        osmium::apply(buffer, m_location_handler);
-                return buffers;
+                return buffer;
             osmium::io::Header header() const {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp
index 1ff27fe..2bad57e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/factory.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/factory.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/factory.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/factory.hpp
index 4097b5d..518cbfb 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/factory.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/factory.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 return m_impl.linestring_finish(num_points);
-            linestring_type create_linestring(const osmium::WayNodeList& wnl, use_nodes un=use_nodes::unique, direction dir=direction::forward) {
+            linestring_type create_linestring(const osmium::WayNodeList& wnl, use_nodes un = use_nodes::unique, direction dir = direction::forward) {
                 size_t num_points = 0;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp
index f6d7ee6..7d59535 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geojson.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -133,9 +133,11 @@ namespace osmium {
                 multipolygon_type multipolygon_finish() {
-                    m_str.back() = ']';
-                    m_str += "}";
-                    return std::move(m_str);
+                    std::string str;
+                    std::swap(str, m_str);
+                    str.back() = ']';
+                    str += "}";
+                    return str;
             }; // class GeoJSONFactoryImpl
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/geos.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geos.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/geos.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geos.hpp
index 877520b..3c73637 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/geos.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/geos.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#define OSMIUM_COMPILE_WITH_CFLAGS_GEOS `geos-config --cflags`
-#define OSMIUM_LINK_WITH_LIBS_GEOS `geos-config --libs`
+ * @file
+ *
+ * This file contains code for conversion of OSM geometries into GDAL
+ * geometries.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libgeos`.
+ */
 #include <utility>
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp
index b8d0134..e62a31b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/haversine.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              * Calculate length of way.
             inline double distance(const osmium::WayNodeList& wnl) {
-                double sum_length=0;
+                double sum_length = 0;
                 for (auto it = wnl.begin(); it != wnl.end(); ++it) {
                     if (std::next(it) != wnl.end()) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp
index d170017..a6d1d57 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp
similarity index 83%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp
index 2727f2f..f33971c 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/ogr.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,22 +33,49 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#define OSMIUM_COMPILE_WITH_CFLAGS_OGR `gdal-config --cflags`
-#define OSMIUM_LINK_WITH_LIBS_OGR `gdal-config --libs`
+ * @file
+ *
+ * This file contains code for conversion of OSM geometries into OGR
+ * geometries.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libgdal`.
+ */
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#ifdef __clang__
-# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4458)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic push
+# ifdef __clang__
+#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command"
+# endif
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
+/* Strictly speaking the following include would be enough here,
+   but everybody using this file will very likely need the other includes,
+   so we are adding them here, so that not everybody will need all those
+   pragmas to disable warnings. */
+//#include <ogr_geometry.h>
+#include <ogr_api.h>
+#include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
-# include <ogr_geometry.h>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 #include <osmium/geom/coordinates.hpp>
 #include <osmium/geom/factory.hpp>
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/projection.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/projection.hpp
similarity index 86%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/projection.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/projection.hpp
index 72ff945..6419101 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/projection.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/projection.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,7 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * This file contains code for projecting OSM locations to arbitrary
+ * coordinate reference systems. It is based on the Proj.4 library.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libproj`.
+ */
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
@@ -79,11 +86,11 @@ namespace osmium {
             bool is_latlong() const {
-                return pj_is_latlong(m_crs.get());
+                return pj_is_latlong(m_crs.get()) != 0;
             bool is_geocent() const {
-                return pj_is_geocent(m_crs.get());
+                return pj_is_geocent(m_crs.get()) != 0;
@@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         }; // class CRS
-         * Functor that does projection from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) in to the given
+         * Functor that does projection from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to the given
          * CRS.
         class Projection {
@@ -130,16 +137,17 @@ namespace osmium {
             Coordinates operator()(osmium::Location location) const {
-                if (m_epsg == 4326) {
-                    return Coordinates(location.lon(), location.lat());
-                } else {
-                    Coordinates c = transform(m_crs_wgs84, m_crs_user, Coordinates(deg_to_rad(location.lon()), deg_to_rad(location.lat())));
+                Coordinates c {location.lon(), location.lat()};
+                if (m_epsg != 4326) {
+                    c = transform(m_crs_wgs84, m_crs_user, Coordinates(deg_to_rad(location.lon()), deg_to_rad(location.lat())));
                     if (m_crs_user.is_latlong()) {
                         c.x = rad_to_deg(c.x);
                         c.y = rad_to_deg(c.y);
-                    return c;
+                return c;
             int epsg() const noexcept {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/relations.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/relations.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/relations.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/relations.hpp
index e57e2f4..e9e2aa4 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/relations.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/relations.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/util.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/util.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/util.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/util.hpp
index 1f1a50d..5e9f822 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/util.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/util.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp
index 0748ede..2f32fe3 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkb.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdint>
-#include <cstring>
 #include <string>
 // Windows is only available for little endian architectures
@@ -71,10 +70,10 @@ namespace osmium {
             inline void str_push(std::string& str, T data) {
                 size_t size = str.size();
                 str.resize(size + sizeof(T));
-                std::memcpy(const_cast<char *>(&str[size]), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T));
+                std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T), &str[size]);
-            inline std::string convert_to_hex(std::string& str) {
+            inline std::string convert_to_hex(const std::string& str) {
                 static const char* lookup_hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
                 std::string out;
@@ -151,8 +150,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void set_size(const size_t offset, const size_t size) {
-                    const uint32_t s = static_cast_with_assert<uint32_t>(size);
-                    memcpy(&m_data[offset], &s, sizeof(uint32_t));
+                    *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&m_data[offset]) = static_cast_with_assert<uint32_t>(size);
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 typedef std::string multipolygon_type;
                 typedef std::string ring_type;
-                explicit WKBFactoryImpl(wkb_type wtype=wkb_type::wkb, out_type otype=out_type::binary) :
+                explicit WKBFactoryImpl(wkb_type wtype = wkb_type::wkb, out_type otype = out_type::binary) :
                     m_out_type(otype) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp
index 0ef304a..4fea96b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/geom/wkt.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -130,8 +130,10 @@ namespace osmium {
                 multipolygon_type multipolygon_finish() {
-                    m_str.back() = ')';
-                    return std::move(m_str);
+                    std::string str;
+                    std::swap(str, m_str);
+                    str.back() = ')';
+                    return str;
             }; // class WKTFactoryImpl
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler.hpp
index 62e59f8..34d8785 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler/chain.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/chain.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler/chain.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/chain.hpp
index 868632d..1af3962 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler/chain.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/chain.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp
index 2b7ffcf..ccae596 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/disk_store.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler/dump.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/dump.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler/dump.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/dump.hpp
index e62c4b0..a23236e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler/dump.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/dump.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit Dump(std::ostream& out, bool with_size=true, const std::string& prefix="") :
+            explicit Dump(std::ostream& out, bool with_size = true, const std::string& prefix = "") :
                 m_prefix(prefix) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp
index a273082..9b9fcbf 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <osmium/osm/types.hpp>
 #include <osmium/osm/way.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace handler {
@@ -61,11 +63,9 @@ namespace osmium {
         template <class TStoragePosIDs, class TStorageNegIDs = dummy_type>
         class NodeLocationsForWays : public osmium::handler::Handler {
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>, TStoragePosIDs>::value,
-                "Index class must be derived from osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>");
+            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>, TStoragePosIDs>::value, "Index class must be derived from osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>");
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>, TStorageNegIDs>::value,
-                "Index class must be derived from osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>");
+            static_assert(std::is_base_of<osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>, TStorageNegIDs>::value, "Index class must be derived from osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>");
@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ namespace osmium {
             NodeLocationsForWays(const NodeLocationsForWays&) = delete;
             NodeLocationsForWays& operator=(const NodeLocationsForWays&) = delete;
+            NodeLocationsForWays(NodeLocationsForWays&&) = default;
+            NodeLocationsForWays& operator=(NodeLocationsForWays&&) = default;
             ~NodeLocationsForWays() noexcept = default;
             void ignore_errors() {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp
index e73ce87..dc4aa45 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/handler/object_relations.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp
similarity index 58%
copy from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp
index 2102824..29dc1dc 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,26 +33,41 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <vector>
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace index {
-        namespace multimap {
-            template <typename T>
-            using StdVectorWrap = std::vector<T>;
-            template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMultimapMem = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
-        } // namespace multimap
+        namespace detail {
+            template <class T>
+            inline T* create_map_with_fd(const std::vector<std::string>& config) {
+                if (config.size() == 1) {
+                    return new T();
+                } else {
+                    assert(config.size() > 1);
+                    const std::string& filename = config[1];
+                    int fd = ::open(filename.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644);
+                    if (fd == -1) {
+                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("can't open file '") + filename + "': " + strerror(errno));
+                    }
+                    return new T(fd);
+                }
+            }
+        } // namespace detail
     } // namespace index
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
similarity index 88%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
index f066961..0ea4f9d 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ namespace osmium {
     namespace detail {
-        * This class looks and behaves like STL vector, but uses mmap internally.
-        */
+         * This class looks and behaves like STL vector, but uses mmap internally.
+         */
         template <typename T>
         class mmap_vector_anon : public mmap_vector_base<T, mmap_vector_anon> {
@@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 #endif // __linux__
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp
index fc96b27..3aff26d 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_base.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp>
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -180,4 +181,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp
similarity index 80%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp
index ca8f0eb..55077d1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ namespace osmium {
     namespace detail {
-        * This class looks and behaves like STL vector, but mmap's a file internally.
-        */
+         * This class looks and behaves like STL vector, but mmap's a file
+         * internally.
+         */
         template <typename T>
         class mmap_vector_file : public mmap_vector_base<T, mmap_vector_file> {
@@ -61,14 +62,16 @@ namespace osmium {
             explicit mmap_vector_file(int fd) :
                 mmap_vector_base<T, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>(
-                    osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::file_size(fd) == 0 ? osmium::detail::mmap_vector_size_increment : osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::file_size(fd),
+                    osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::file_size(fd) == 0 ?
+                        osmium::detail::mmap_vector_size_increment :
+                        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::file_size(fd),
                     osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::file_size(fd)) {
             void reserve(size_t new_capacity) {
                 if (new_capacity > this->capacity()) {
-                    osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::unmap(this->data(), this->capacity());
-                    this->data(osmium::detail::typed_mmap<T>::grow_and_map(new_capacity, this->m_fd));
+                    typed_mmap<T>::unmap(this->data(), this->capacity());
+                    this->data(typed_mmap<T>::grow_and_map(new_capacity, this->m_fd));
                     this->m_capacity = new_capacity;
@@ -79,4 +82,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp
index 3d00c50..06cab65 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/tmpfile.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp
index 8a952a4..77b065e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -226,4 +226,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp
similarity index 85%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/vector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp
index 7e47ccf..73c5a37 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <utility>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/map.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp>
@@ -54,6 +55,11 @@ namespace osmium {
+                typedef TValue element_type;
+                typedef TVector vector_type;
+                typedef typename vector_type::iterator iterator;
+                typedef typename vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
                 VectorBasedDenseMap() :
                     m_vector() {
@@ -100,6 +106,30 @@ namespace osmium {
+                iterator begin() {
+                    return m_vector.begin();
+                }
+                iterator end() {
+                    return m_vector.end();
+                }
+                const_iterator cbegin() const {
+                    return m_vector.cbegin();
+                }
+                const_iterator cend() const {
+                    return m_vector.cend();
+                }
+                const_iterator begin() const {
+                    return m_vector.cbegin();
+                }
+                const_iterator end() const {
+                    return m_vector.cend();
+                }
             }; // class VectorBasedDenseMap
@@ -169,7 +199,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     std::sort(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end());
-                void dump_as_list(int fd) const override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
                     osmium::io::detail::reliable_write(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(m_vector.data()), byte_size());
@@ -205,4 +235,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp
index b9dae43..c2b2e1f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <utility>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/multimap.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp>
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-                void dump_as_list(int fd) const override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
                     osmium::io::detail::reliable_write(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(m_vector.data()), byte_size());
@@ -148,4 +149,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/index.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/index.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/index.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/index.hpp
index ece8ec4..b73b319 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/index.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/index.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map.hpp
similarity index 61%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map.hpp
index 92b880f..7b44b8e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,10 +33,18 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <cstddef>
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
 #include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
-#include <osmium/index/index.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
+#include <osmium/util/string.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -76,8 +84,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
             class Map {
-                static_assert(std::is_integral<TId>::value && std::is_unsigned<TId>::value,
-                              "TId template parameter for class Map must be unsigned integral type");
+                static_assert(std::is_integral<TId>::value && std::is_unsigned<TId>::value, "TId template parameter for class Map must be unsigned integral type");
                 Map(const Map&) = delete;
                 Map& operator=(const Map&) = delete;
@@ -140,7 +147,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // default implementation is empty
-                virtual void dump_as_list(int /*fd*/) const {
+                virtual void dump_as_list(const int /*fd*/) {
                     std::runtime_error("can't dump as list");
@@ -148,6 +155,98 @@ namespace osmium {
         } // namespace map
+        template <typename TId, typename TValue>
+        class MapFactory {
+        public:
+            typedef TId id_type;
+            typedef TValue value_type;
+            typedef osmium::index::map::Map<id_type, value_type> map_type;
+            typedef std::function<map_type*(const std::vector<std::string>&)> create_map_func;
+        private:
+            std::map<const std::string, create_map_func> m_callbacks;
+            MapFactory() = default;
+            MapFactory(const MapFactory&) = delete;
+            MapFactory& operator=(const MapFactory&) = delete;
+            MapFactory(MapFactory&&) = delete;
+            MapFactory& operator=(MapFactory&&) = delete;
+            OSMIUM_NORETURN static void error(const std::string& map_type_name) {
+                std::string error_message {"Support for map type '"};
+                error_message += map_type_name;
+                error_message += "' not compiled into this binary.";
+                throw std::runtime_error(error_message);
+            }
+        public:
+            static MapFactory<id_type, value_type>& instance() {
+                static MapFactory<id_type, value_type> factory;
+                return factory;
+            }
+            bool register_map(const std::string& map_type_name, create_map_func func) {
+                return m_callbacks.emplace(map_type_name, func).second;
+            }
+            std::vector<std::string> map_types() const {
+                std::vector<std::string> result;
+                for (const auto& cb : m_callbacks) {
+                    result.push_back(cb.first);
+                }
+                std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
+                return result;
+            }
+            std::unique_ptr<map_type> create_map(const std::string& config_string) const {
+                std::vector<std::string> config = osmium::split_string(config_string, ',');
+                if (config.empty()) {
+                    throw std::runtime_error("Need non-empty map type name.");
+                }
+                auto it = m_callbacks.find(config[0]);
+                if (it != m_callbacks.end()) {
+                    return std::unique_ptr<map_type>((it->second)(config));
+                }
+                error(config[0]);
+            }
+        }; // class MapFactory
+        namespace map {
+            template <typename TId, typename TValue, template<typename, typename> class TMap>
+            struct create_map {
+                TMap<TId, TValue>* operator()(const std::vector<std::string>&) {
+                    return new TMap<TId, TValue>();
+                }
+            };
+        } // namespace map
+        template <typename TId, typename TValue, template<typename, typename> class TMap>
+        inline bool register_map(const std::string& name) {
+            return osmium::index::MapFactory<TId, TValue>::instance().register_map(name, [](const std::vector<std::string>& config) {
+                return map::create_map<TId, TValue, TMap>()(config);
+            });
+        }
+#define REGISTER_MAP(id, value, klass, name) \
+namespace { \
+    const bool registered_index_map_##name = osmium::index::register_map<id, value, klass>(#name); \
     } // namespace index
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/all.hpp
similarity index 63%
copy from third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/all.hpp
index 3eddc84..9ffadc0 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/all.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,11 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-// Workaround for MSVC which doesn't support constexpr in all cases yet
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# define OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR constexpr
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp>  // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp>   // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp>  // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>             // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>  // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp>    // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp>  // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp
similarity index 68%
copy from third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp
index 7ea76fa..d209a87 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#include <osmium/index/map/vector.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -43,10 +49,14 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using DenseMapFile = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
+            using DenseFileArray = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMapFile = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
+            struct create_map<TId, TValue, DenseFileArray> {
+                DenseFileArray<TId, TValue>* operator()(const std::vector<std::string>& config) {
+                    return osmium::index::detail::create_map_with_fd<DenseFileArray<TId, TValue>>(config);
+                }
+            };
         } // namespace map
@@ -54,4 +64,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp
similarity index 76%
copy from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp
index 2102824..b45eec4 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,24 +35,23 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <vector>
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace index {
-        namespace multimap {
-            template <typename T>
-            using StdVectorWrap = std::vector<T>;
+        namespace map {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMultimapMem = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
+            using DenseMemArray = VectorBasedDenseMap<std::vector<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
-        } // namespace multimap
+        } // namespace map
     } // namespace index
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_anon.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp
similarity index 77%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp
index a62e99a..fc60a1e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #ifdef __linux__
-#include <osmium/index/map/vector.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -45,10 +47,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using DenseMapMmap = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
-            template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMapMmap = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon>;
+            using DenseMmapArray = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
         } // namespace map
@@ -58,4 +57,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 #endif // __linux__
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp
index bafb810..de05d1d 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp
similarity index 68%
copy from third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
copy to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp
index 7ea76fa..2ba9315 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#include <osmium/index/map/vector.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/create_map_with_fd.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -43,10 +49,14 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using DenseMapFile = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
+            using SparseFileArray = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMapFile = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
+            struct create_map<TId, TValue, SparseFileArray> {
+                SparseFileArray<TId, TValue>* operator()(const std::vector<std::string>& config) {
+                    return osmium::index::detail::create_map_with_fd<SparseFileArray<TId, TValue>>(config);
+                }
+            };
         } // namespace map
@@ -54,4 +64,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp
similarity index 79%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_vector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp
index 238e9af..9adf41f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <vector>
-#include <osmium/index/map/vector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -43,14 +45,11 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
-            template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using DenseMapMem = VectorBasedDenseMap<std::vector<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
             template <typename T>
             using StdVectorWrap = std::vector<T>;
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMapMem = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
+            using SparseMemArray = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
         } // namespace map
@@ -58,4 +57,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_map.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp
similarity index 86%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_map.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp
index d2781a7..d053155 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/stl_map.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <vector>
 #include <osmium/index/map.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace index {
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              * lot of memory, but might make sense for small maps.
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            class StlMap : public osmium::index::map::Map<TId, TValue> {
+            class SparseMemMap : public osmium::index::map::Map<TId, TValue> {
                 // This is a rough estimate for the memory needed for each
                 // element in the map (id + value + pointers to left, right,
@@ -66,9 +69,9 @@ namespace osmium {
-                StlMap() = default;
+                SparseMemMap() = default;
-                ~StlMap() override final = default;
+                ~SparseMemMap() override final = default;
                 void set(const TId id, const TValue value) override final {
                     m_elements[id] = value;
@@ -94,14 +97,14 @@ namespace osmium {
-                void dump_as_list(const int fd) const override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
                     typedef typename std::map<TId, TValue>::value_type t;
                     std::vector<t> v;
                     std::copy(m_elements.begin(), m_elements.end(), std::back_inserter(v));
                     osmium::io::detail::reliable_write(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(v.data()), sizeof(t) * v.size());
-            }; // class StlMap
+            }; // class SparseMemMap
         } // namespace map
@@ -109,4 +112,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/sparse_table.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp
similarity index 84%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/sparse_table.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp
index 704e33e..09ee81b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/sparse_table.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,16 +33,20 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
-#include <stdexcept>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 #include <google/sparsetable>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/map.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace index {
@@ -50,9 +54,9 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
-            * The SparseTable index stores elements in a Google sparsetable,
+            * The SparseMemTable index stores elements in a Google sparsetable,
             * a data structure that can hold sparsly filled tables in a
-            * very space efficient way. It will resize automatically.
+            * space efficient way. It will resize automatically.
             * Use this index if the ID space is only sparsly
             * populated, such as when working with smaller OSM files (like
@@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             * This will only work on 64 bit machines.
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            class SparseTable : public osmium::index::map::Map<TId, TValue> {
+            class SparseMemTable : public osmium::index::map::Map<TId, TValue> {
                 TId m_grow_size;
@@ -79,12 +83,12 @@ namespace osmium {
                 *                  The storage will grow by at least this size
                 *                  every time it runs out of space.
-                explicit SparseTable(const TId grow_size=10000) :
+                explicit SparseMemTable(const TId grow_size = 10000) :
                     m_elements(grow_size) {
-                ~SparseTable() override final = default;
+                ~SparseMemTable() override final = default;
                 void set(const TId id, const TValue value) override final {
                     if (id >= m_elements.size()) {
@@ -117,9 +121,9 @@ namespace osmium {
-                void dump_as_list(const int fd) const override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
                     std::vector<std::pair<TId, TValue>> v;
-                    int n=0;
+                    int n = 0;
                     for (const TValue value : m_elements) {
                         if (value != osmium::index::empty_value<TValue>()) {
                             v.emplace_back(n, value);
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     osmium::io::detail::reliable_write(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(v.data()), sizeof(std::pair<TId, TValue>) * v.size());
-            }; // class SparseTable
+            }; // class SparseMemTable
         } // namespace map
@@ -137,4 +141,6 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
similarity index 74%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
index 7ea76fa..c85e2c9 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/map/mmap_vector_file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,12 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#include <osmium/index/map/vector.hpp>
-#include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp>
+#ifdef __linux__
+#include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_map.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -43,10 +47,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace map {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using DenseMapFile = VectorBasedDenseMap<osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file<TValue>, TId, TValue>;
-            template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMapFile = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
+            using SparseMmapArray = VectorBasedSparseMap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon>;
         } // namespace map
@@ -54,4 +55,6 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
+#endif // __linux__
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap.hpp
index f76c65d..c817b6f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
+#include <stdexcept>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
-#include <osmium/index/index.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 namespace osmium {
     namespace index {
@@ -51,8 +50,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
             class Multimap {
-                static_assert(std::is_integral<TId>::value && std::is_unsigned<TId>::value,
-                              "TId template parameter for class Multimap must be unsigned integral type");
+                static_assert(std::is_integral<TId>::value && std::is_unsigned<TId>::value, "TId template parameter for class Multimap must be unsigned integral type");
                 typedef typename std::pair<TId, TValue> element_type;
@@ -114,7 +112,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // default implementation is empty
-                virtual void dump_as_list(int /*fd*/) const {
+                virtual void dump_as_list(const int /*fd*/) {
                     std::runtime_error("can't dump as list");
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/all.hpp
similarity index 74%
rename from third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/all.hpp
index 3eddc84..8b0ae99 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/config/constexpr.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/all.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-// Workaround for MSVC which doesn't support constexpr in all cases yet
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# define OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR constexpr
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_file_array.hpp>   // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp>    // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mmap_array.hpp>   // IWYU pragma: keep
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp
index abaf31e..ac2d964 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/hybrid.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <utility>
+#include <osmium/index/index.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/multimap.hpp>
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp>
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/stl_multimap.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
             class HybridIterator {
-                typedef SparseMultimapMem<TId, TValue> main_map_type;
-                typedef StlMultimap<TId, TValue> extra_map_type;
+                typedef SparseMemArray<TId, TValue> main_map_type;
+                typedef SparseMemMultimap<TId, TValue> extra_map_type;
                 typedef typename std::pair<TId, TValue> element_type;
@@ -117,8 +118,8 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
             class Hybrid : public Multimap<TId, TValue> {
-                typedef SparseMultimapMem<TId, TValue> main_map_type;
-                typedef StlMultimap<TId, TValue> extra_map_type;
+                typedef SparseMemArray<TId, TValue> main_map_type;
+                typedef SparseMemMultimap<TId, TValue> extra_map_type;
                 main_map_type m_main;
                 extra_map_type m_extra;
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-                void dump_as_list(int fd) override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_file_array.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_file.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_file_array.hpp
index 0a925b4..0b9ae92 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_file_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_file.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace multimap {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMultimapFile = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
+            using SparseFileArray = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_file>;
         } // namespace multimap
@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp
similarity index 82%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp
index 2102824..c4140cb 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_vector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <vector>
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             using StdVectorWrap = std::vector<T>;
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMultimapMem = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
+            using SparseMemArray = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, StdVectorWrap>;
         } // namespace multimap
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_multimap.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp
similarity index 90%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_multimap.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp
index 3df07ab..5b47152 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/stl_multimap.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mem_multimap.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              * lot of memory, but might make sense for small maps.
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            class StlMultimap : public osmium::index::multimap::Multimap<TId, TValue> {
+            class SparseMemMultimap : public osmium::index::multimap::Multimap<TId, TValue> {
                 // This is a rough estimate for the memory needed for each
                 // element in the map (id + value + pointers to left, right,
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ namespace osmium {
-                StlMultimap() = default;
+                SparseMemMultimap() = default;
-                ~StlMultimap() noexcept override final = default;
+                ~SparseMemMultimap() noexcept override final = default;
                 void unsorted_set(const TId id, const TValue value) {
                     m_elements.emplace(id, value);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // intentionally left blank
-                void dump_as_list(const int fd) const override final {
+                void dump_as_list(const int fd) override final {
                     std::vector<element_type> v;
                     for (const auto& element : m_elements) {
                         v.emplace_back(element.first, element.second);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     osmium::io::detail::reliable_write(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(v.data()), sizeof(element_type) * v.size());
-            }; // class StlMultimap
+            }; // class SparseMemMultimap
         } // namespace multimap
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_anon.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
index b9de34a..9f92555 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/index/multimap/mmap_vector_anon.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/multimap/sparse_mmap_array.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #ifdef __linux__
-#include <osmium/index/multimap/vector.hpp>
 #include <osmium/index/detail/mmap_vector_anon.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/detail/vector_multimap.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace multimap {
             template <typename TId, typename TValue>
-            using SparseMultimapMmap = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon>;
+            using SparseMmapArray = VectorBasedSparseMultimap<TId, TValue, osmium::detail::mmap_vector_anon>;
         } // namespace multimap
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ namespace osmium {
 #endif // __linux__
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca4b136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
+obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
+this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
+execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
+Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
+do so, all subject to the following:
+The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
+the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
+must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
+all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
+works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
+a source language processor.
+#include <osmium/index/map.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::DenseFileArray, dense_file_array)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::DenseMemArray, dense_mem_array)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::DenseMmapArray, dense_mmap_array)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::SparseFileArray, sparse_file_array)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray, sparse_mem_array)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::SparseMemMap, sparse_mem_map)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::SparseMemTable, sparse_mem_table)
+    REGISTER_MAP(osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location, osmium::index::map::SparseMmapArray, sparse_mmap_array)
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp
similarity index 86%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp
index 03ad5ce..00e8ee2 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_compression.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read or write compressed OSM XML files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libz`
+ *            and `libbz2`.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/any_input.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_input.hpp
similarity index 82%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/any_input.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_input.hpp
index f60ff14..633fab3 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/any_input.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_input.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read all kinds of OSM files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with
+ *            `libprotobuf-lite`, `libosmpbf`, `ws2_32` (Windows only),
+ *            `libexpat`, `libz`, `libbz2`, and enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/any_compression.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/any_output.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_output.hpp
similarity index 83%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/any_output.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_output.hpp
index 9d97d7d..63de3ff 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/any_output.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/any_output.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to write all kinds of OSM files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with
+ *            `libprotobuf-lite`, `libosmpbf`, `ws2_32` (Windows only),
+ *            `libz`, `libbz2`, and enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/any_compression.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/opl_output.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp
similarity index 71%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp
index cbfaf9a..7e86c15 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,17 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read or write bzip2-compressed OSM XML
+ * files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libbz2`.
+ */
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
@@ -73,7 +82,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace detail {
-            OSMIUM_NORETURN inline void throw_bzip2_error(BZFILE* bzfile, const char* msg, int bzlib_error=0) {
+            OSMIUM_NORETURN inline void throw_bzip2_error(BZFILE* bzfile, const char* msg, int bzlib_error = 0) {
                 std::string error("bzip2 error: ");
                 error += msg;
                 error += ": ";
@@ -158,37 +167,39 @@ namespace osmium {
             std::string read() override final {
-                if (m_stream_end) {
-                    return std::string();
-                }
-                std::string buffer(osmium::io::Decompressor::input_buffer_size, '\0');
-                int error;
-                int nread = ::BZ2_bzRead(&error, m_bzfile, const_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), static_cast_with_assert<int>(buffer.size()));
-                if (error != BZ_OK && error != BZ_STREAM_END) {
-                    detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read failed", error);
-                }
-                if (error == BZ_STREAM_END) {
-                    void* unused;
-                    int nunused;
-                    if (! feof(m_file)) {
-                        ::BZ2_bzReadGetUnused(&error, m_bzfile, &unused, &nunused);
-                        if (error != BZ_OK) {
-                            detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "get unused failed", error);
-                        }
-                        std::string unused_data(static_cast<const char*>(unused), static_cast<std::string::size_type>(nunused));
-                        ::BZ2_bzReadClose(&error, m_bzfile);
-                        if (error != BZ_OK) {
-                            detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read close failed", error);
-                        }
-                        m_bzfile = ::BZ2_bzReadOpen(&error, m_file, 0, 0, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(unused_data.data())), static_cast_with_assert<int>(unused_data.size()));
-                        if (error != BZ_OK) {
-                            detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read open failed", error);
+                std::string buffer;
+                if (!m_stream_end) {
+                    buffer.resize(osmium::io::Decompressor::input_buffer_size);
+                    int error;
+                    int nread = ::BZ2_bzRead(&error, m_bzfile, const_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), static_cast_with_assert<int>(buffer.size()));
+                    if (error != BZ_OK && error != BZ_STREAM_END) {
+                        detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read failed", error);
+                    }
+                    if (error == BZ_STREAM_END) {
+                        void* unused;
+                        int nunused;
+                        if (! feof(m_file)) {
+                            ::BZ2_bzReadGetUnused(&error, m_bzfile, &unused, &nunused);
+                            if (error != BZ_OK) {
+                                detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "get unused failed", error);
+                            }
+                            std::string unused_data(static_cast<const char*>(unused), static_cast<std::string::size_type>(nunused));
+                            ::BZ2_bzReadClose(&error, m_bzfile);
+                            if (error != BZ_OK) {
+                                detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read close failed", error);
+                            }
+                            m_bzfile = ::BZ2_bzReadOpen(&error, m_file, 0, 0, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(unused_data.data())), static_cast_with_assert<int>(unused_data.size()));
+                            if (error != BZ_OK) {
+                                detail::throw_bzip2_error(m_bzfile, "read open failed", error);
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            m_stream_end = true;
-                    } else {
-                        m_stream_end = true;
+                    buffer.resize(static_cast<std::string::size_type>(nread));
-                buffer.resize(static_cast<std::string::size_type>(nread));
                 return buffer;
@@ -234,27 +245,28 @@ namespace osmium {
             std::string read() override final {
-                if (!m_buffer) {
-                    return std::string();
-                }
-                const size_t buffer_size = 10240;
-                std::string output(buffer_size, '\0');
-                m_bzstream.next_out = const_cast<char*>(output.data());
-                m_bzstream.avail_out = buffer_size;
-                int result = BZ2_bzDecompress(&m_bzstream);
+                std::string output;
+                if (m_buffer) {
+                    const size_t buffer_size = 10240;
+                    output.resize(buffer_size);
+                    m_bzstream.next_out = const_cast<char*>(output.data());
+                    m_bzstream.avail_out = buffer_size;
+                    int result = BZ2_bzDecompress(&m_bzstream);
+                    if (result != BZ_OK) {
+                        m_buffer = nullptr;
+                        m_buffer_size = 0;
+                    }
-                if (result != BZ_OK) {
-                    m_buffer = nullptr;
-                    m_buffer_size = 0;
-                }
+                    if (result != BZ_OK && result != BZ_STREAM_END) {
+                        std::string message("bzip2 error: decompress failed: ");
+                        throw bzip2_error(message, result);
+                    }
-                if (result != BZ_OK && result != BZ_STREAM_END) {
-                    std::string message("bzip2 error: decompress failed: ");
-                    throw bzip2_error(message, result);
+                    output.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(m_bzstream.next_out - output.data()));
-                output.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(m_bzstream.next_out - output.data()));
                 return output;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/compression.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/compression.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/compression.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/compression.hpp
index 5977640..c1f8de2 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/compression.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/compression.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            static constexpr size_t input_buffer_size = 256 * 1024;
+            static constexpr unsigned int input_buffer_size = 1024 * 1024;
             Decompressor() = default;
@@ -235,22 +235,24 @@ namespace osmium {
             std::string read() override final {
+                std::string buffer;
                 if (m_buffer) {
-                    if (m_buffer_size == 0) {
-                        return std::string();
+                    if (m_buffer_size != 0) {
+                        size_t size = m_buffer_size;
+                        m_buffer_size = 0;
+                        buffer.append(m_buffer, size);
-                    size_t size = m_buffer_size;
-                    m_buffer_size = 0;
-                    return std::string(m_buffer, size);
                 } else {
-                    std::string buffer(osmium::io::Decompressor::input_buffer_size, '\0');
-                    ssize_t nread = ::read(m_fd, const_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), buffer.size());
+                    buffer.resize(osmium::io::Decompressor::input_buffer_size);
+                    auto nread = ::read(m_fd, const_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), osmium::io::Decompressor::input_buffer_size);
                     if (nread < 0) {
                         throw std::system_error(errno, std::system_category(), "Read failed");
-                    buffer.resize(static_cast<size_t>(nread));
-                    return buffer;
+                    buffer.resize(nread);
+                return buffer;
             void close() override final {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp
index f88561b..03e1190 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/input_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -69,13 +69,11 @@ namespace osmium {
                 osmium::io::File m_file;
                 osmium::osm_entity_bits::type m_read_which_entities;
-                osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& m_input_queue;
                 osmium::io::Header m_header;
-                explicit InputFormat(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_which_entities, osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& input_queue) :
+                explicit InputFormat(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_which_entities) :
-                    m_read_which_entities(read_which_entities),
-                    m_input_queue(input_queue) {
+                    m_read_which_entities(read_which_entities) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp
similarity index 84%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp
index b21d118..cf92e13 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/opl_output_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ namespace osmium {
                 static constexpr size_t tmp_buffer_size = 100;
-                osmium::memory::Buffer m_input_buffer;
+                std::shared_ptr<osmium::memory::Buffer> m_input_buffer;
-                std::string m_out;
+                std::shared_ptr<std::string> m_out;
                 char m_tmp_buffer[tmp_buffer_size+1];
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ namespace osmium {
                     _snprintf(m_tmp_buffer, tmp_buffer_size, format, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
                     assert(len > 0 && static_cast<size_t>(len) < tmp_buffer_size);
-                    m_out += m_tmp_buffer;
+                    *m_out += m_tmp_buffer;
                 void append_encoded_string(const std::string& data) {
                     boost::u8_to_u32_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> it(data.cbegin(), data.cbegin(), data.cend());
                     boost::u8_to_u32_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> end(data.cend(), data.cend(), data.cend());
-                    boost::utf8_output_iterator<std::back_insert_iterator<std::string>> oit(std::back_inserter(m_out));
+                    boost::utf8_output_iterator<std::back_insert_iterator<std::string>> oit(std::back_inserter(*m_out));
                     for (; it != end; ++it) {
                         uint32_t c = *it;
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                             (0x00ae <= c && c <= 0x05ff)) {
                             *oit = c;
                         } else {
-                            m_out += '%';
+                            *m_out += '%';
                             output_formatted("%04x", c);
@@ -148,21 +148,21 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void write_meta(const osmium::OSMObject& object) {
                     output_formatted("%" PRId64 " v%d d", object.id(), object.version());
-                    m_out += (object.visible() ? 'V' : 'D');
+                    *m_out += (object.visible() ? 'V' : 'D');
                     output_formatted(" c%d t", object.changeset());
-                    m_out += object.timestamp().to_iso();
+                    *m_out += object.timestamp().to_iso();
                     output_formatted(" i%d u", object.uid());
-                    m_out += " T";
+                    *m_out += " T";
                     bool first = true;
                     for (const auto& tag : object.tags()) {
                         if (first) {
                             first = false;
                         } else {
-                            m_out += ',';
+                            *m_out += ',';
-                        m_out += '=';
+                        *m_out += '=';
@@ -171,101 +171,103 @@ namespace osmium {
                     if (location) {
                         output_formatted(" %c%.7f %c%.7f", x, location.lon_without_check(), y, location.lat_without_check());
                     } else {
-                        m_out += ' ';
-                        m_out += x;
-                        m_out += ' ';
-                        m_out += y;
+                        *m_out += ' ';
+                        *m_out += x;
+                        *m_out += ' ';
+                        *m_out += y;
                 explicit OPLOutputBlock(osmium::memory::Buffer&& buffer) :
-                    m_input_buffer(std::move(buffer)),
-                    m_out(),
+                    m_input_buffer(std::make_shared<osmium::memory::Buffer>(std::move(buffer))),
+                    m_out(std::make_shared<std::string>()),
                     m_tmp_buffer() {
-                OPLOutputBlock(const OPLOutputBlock&) = delete;
-                OPLOutputBlock& operator=(const OPLOutputBlock&) = delete;
+                OPLOutputBlock(const OPLOutputBlock&) = default;
+                OPLOutputBlock& operator=(const OPLOutputBlock&) = default;
                 OPLOutputBlock(OPLOutputBlock&&) = default;
                 OPLOutputBlock& operator=(OPLOutputBlock&&) = default;
+                ~OPLOutputBlock() = default;
                 std::string operator()() {
-                    osmium::apply(m_input_buffer.cbegin(), m_input_buffer.cend(), *this);
+                    osmium::apply(m_input_buffer->cbegin(), m_input_buffer->cend(), *this);
                     std::string out;
-                    std::swap(out, m_out);
+                    std::swap(out, *m_out);
                     return out;
                 void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
-                    m_out += 'n';
+                    *m_out += 'n';
                     write_location(node.location(), 'x', 'y');
-                    m_out += '\n';
+                    *m_out += '\n';
                 void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
-                    m_out += 'w';
+                    *m_out += 'w';
-                    m_out += " N";
+                    *m_out += " N";
                     bool first = true;
                     for (const auto& node_ref : way.nodes()) {
                         if (first) {
                             first = false;
                         } else {
-                            m_out += ',';
+                            *m_out += ',';
                         output_formatted("n%" PRId64, node_ref.ref());
-                    m_out += '\n';
+                    *m_out += '\n';
                 void relation(const osmium::Relation& relation) {
-                    m_out += 'r';
+                    *m_out += 'r';
-                    m_out += " M";
+                    *m_out += " M";
                     bool first = true;
                     for (const auto& member : relation.members()) {
                         if (first) {
                             first = false;
                         } else {
-                            m_out += ',';
+                            *m_out += ',';
-                        m_out += item_type_to_char(member.type());
+                        *m_out += item_type_to_char(member.type());
                         output_formatted("%" PRId64 "@", member.ref());
-                        m_out += member.role();
+                        *m_out += member.role();
-                    m_out += '\n';
+                    *m_out += '\n';
                 void changeset(const osmium::Changeset& changeset) {
                     output_formatted("c%d k%d s", changeset.id(), changeset.num_changes());
-                    m_out += changeset.created_at().to_iso();
-                    m_out += " e";
-                    m_out += changeset.closed_at().to_iso();
+                    *m_out += changeset.created_at().to_iso();
+                    *m_out += " e";
+                    *m_out += changeset.closed_at().to_iso();
                     output_formatted(" i%d u", changeset.uid());
                     write_location(changeset.bounds().bottom_left(), 'x', 'y');
                     write_location(changeset.bounds().top_right(), 'X', 'Y');
-                    m_out += " T";
+                    *m_out += " T";
                     bool first = true;
                     for (const auto& tag : changeset.tags()) {
                         if (first) {
                             first = false;
                         } else {
-                            m_out += ',';
+                            *m_out += ',';
-                        m_out += '=';
+                        *m_out += '=';
-                    m_out += '\n';
+                    *m_out += '\n';
             }; // OPLOutputBlock
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp
index ad9e702..529a189 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/output_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp
index 9814bd4..e64e51a 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#define OSMIUM_LINK_WITH_LIBS_PBF -pthread -lz -lprotobuf-lite -losmpbf
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <osmpbf/osmpbf.h>
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp
similarity index 85%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp
index 3491bed..ba8fb42 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ namespace osmium {
             class PBFInputFormat : public osmium::io::detail::InputFormat {
                 bool m_use_thread_pool;
+                bool m_eof { false };
                 queue_type m_queue;
-                std::atomic<bool> m_done;
+                std::atomic<bool> m_quit_input_thread;
                 std::thread m_reader;
                 osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& m_input_queue;
                 std::string m_input_buffer;
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void parse_osm_data(osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_types) {
-                    int n=0;
+                    int n = 0;
                     while (auto size = read_blob_header("OSMData")) {
                         if (m_use_thread_pool) {
@@ -164,11 +165,20 @@ namespace osmium {
-                        if (m_done) {
+                        if (m_quit_input_thread) {
-                    m_done = true;
+                    // Send an empty buffer to signal the reader that we are
+                    // done.
+                    std::promise<osmium::memory::Buffer> promise;
+                    m_queue.push(promise.get_future());
+                    promise.set_value(osmium::memory::Buffer{});
+                }
+                void signal_input_thread_to_quit() {
+                    m_quit_input_thread = true;
@@ -181,10 +191,10 @@ namespace osmium {
                  * @param input_queue String queue where data is read from.
                 PBFInputFormat(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_which_entities, osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& input_queue) :
-                    osmium::io::detail::InputFormat(file, read_which_entities, input_queue),
+                    osmium::io::detail::InputFormat(file, read_which_entities),
                     m_queue(20, "pbf_parser_results"), // XXX
-                    m_done(false),
+                    m_quit_input_thread(false),
                     m_input_buffer() {
@@ -199,25 +209,37 @@ namespace osmium {
                 ~PBFInputFormat() {
-                    m_done = true;
+                    signal_input_thread_to_quit();
                     if (m_reader.joinable()) {
-                 * Returns the next buffer with OSM data read from the PBF file.
-                 * Blocks if data is not available yet.
+                 * Returns the next buffer with OSM data read from the PBF
+                 * file. Blocks if data is not available yet.
                  * Returns an empty buffer at end of input.
                 osmium::memory::Buffer read() override {
-                    if (!m_done || !m_queue.empty()) {
-                        std::future<osmium::memory::Buffer> buffer_future;
-                        m_queue.wait_and_pop(buffer_future);
-                        return std::move(buffer_future.get());
+                    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer;
+                    if (m_eof) {
+                        return buffer;
-                    return osmium::memory::Buffer();
+                    std::future<osmium::memory::Buffer> buffer_future;
+                    m_queue.wait_and_pop(buffer_future);
+                    try {
+                        buffer = std::move(buffer_future.get());
+                        if (!buffer) {
+                            m_eof = true;
+                        }
+                        return buffer;
+                    } catch (...) {
+                        m_eof = true;
+                        signal_input_thread_to_quit();
+                        throw;
+                    }
             }; // class PBFInputFormat
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp
index 44f8ffb..288008f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -295,6 +295,14 @@ namespace osmium {
                 bool m_use_compression {true};
+                 * Should the string tables in the data blocks be sorted?
+                 *
+                 * Not sorting the string tables makes writing PBF files
+                 * slightly faster.
+                 */
+                bool m_sort_stringtables { true };
+                /**
                  * While the .osm.pbf-format is able to carry all meta information, it is
                  * also able to omit this information to reduce size.
@@ -340,6 +348,21 @@ namespace osmium {
                 ///// Blob writing /////
+                void delta_encode_string_ids() {
+                    if (pbf_nodes && pbf_nodes->has_dense()) {
+                        OSMPBF::DenseNodes* dense = pbf_nodes->mutable_dense();
+                        if (dense->has_denseinfo()) {
+                            OSMPBF::DenseInfo* denseinfo = dense->mutable_denseinfo();
+                            for (int i = 0, l=denseinfo->user_sid_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                                auto user_sid = denseinfo->user_sid(i);
+                                denseinfo->set_user_sid(i, m_delta_user_sid.update(user_sid));
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
                  * Before a PrimitiveBlock gets serialized, all interim StringTable-ids needs to be
                  * mapped to the associated real StringTable ids. This is done in this function.
@@ -351,7 +374,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // test, if the node-block has been allocated
                     if (pbf_nodes) {
                         // iterate over all nodes, passing them to the map_common_string_ids function
-                        for (int i=0, l=pbf_nodes->nodes_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                        for (int i = 0, l=pbf_nodes->nodes_size(); i<l; ++i) {
@@ -363,7 +386,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                             // in the densenodes structure keys and vals are encoded in an intermixed
                             // array, individual nodes are seperated by a value of 0 (0 in the StringTable
                             // is always unused). String-ids of 0 are thus kept alone.
-                            for (int i=0, l=dense->keys_vals_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                            for (int i = 0, l=dense->keys_vals_size(); i<l; ++i) {
                                 // map interim string-ids > 0 to real string ids
                                 auto sid = dense->keys_vals(i);
                                 if (sid > 0) {
@@ -377,7 +400,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                                 OSMPBF::DenseInfo* denseinfo = dense->mutable_denseinfo();
                                 // iterate over all username string-ids
-                                for (int i=0, l=denseinfo->user_sid_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                                for (int i = 0, l=denseinfo->user_sid_size(); i<l; ++i) {
                                     // map interim string-ids > 0 to real string ids
                                     auto user_sid = string_table.map_string_id(denseinfo->user_sid(i));
@@ -391,7 +414,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // test, if the ways-block has been allocated
                     if (pbf_ways) {
                         // iterate over all ways, passing them to the map_common_string_ids function
-                        for (int i=0, l=pbf_ways->ways_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                        for (int i = 0, l=pbf_ways->ways_size(); i<l; ++i) {
@@ -399,7 +422,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // test, if the relations-block has been allocated
                     if (pbf_relations) {
                         // iterate over all relations
-                        for (int i=0, l=pbf_relations->relations_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                        for (int i = 0, l=pbf_relations->relations_size(); i<l; ++i) {
                             // get a pointer to the relation
                             OSMPBF::Relation* relation = pbf_relations->mutable_relations(i);
@@ -408,7 +431,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                             // iterate over all relation members, mapping the interim string-ids
                             // of the role to real string ids
-                            for (int mi=0; mi < relation->roles_sid_size(); ++mi) {
+                            for (int mi = 0; mi < relation->roles_sid_size(); ++mi) {
                                 relation->set_roles_sid(mi, string_table.map_string_id(relation->roles_sid(mi)));
@@ -431,7 +454,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     // iterate over all tags and map the interim-ids of the key and the value to real ids
-                    for (int i=0, l=in->keys_size(); i<l; ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0, l=in->keys_size(); i<l; ++i) {
                         in->set_keys(i, string_table.map_string_id(in->keys(i)));
                         in->set_vals(i, string_table.map_string_id(in->vals(i)));
@@ -518,11 +541,13 @@ namespace osmium {
-                    // store the interim StringTable into the protobuf object
-                    string_table.store_stringtable(pbf_primitive_block.mutable_stringtable());
+                    string_table.store_stringtable(pbf_primitive_block.mutable_stringtable(), m_sort_stringtables);
-                    // map all interim string ids to real ids
-                    map_string_ids();
+                    if (m_sort_stringtables) {
+                        map_string_ids();
+                    } else {
+                        delta_encode_string_ids();
+                    }
                     std::promise<std::string> promise;
@@ -743,6 +768,9 @@ namespace osmium {
                     if (file.get("pbf_compression") == "none" || file.get("pbf_compression") == "false") {
                         m_use_compression = false;
+                    if (file.get("pbf_sort_stringtables") == "false") {
+                        m_sort_stringtables = false;
+                    }
                     if (file.get("pbf_add_metadata") == "false") {
                         m_should_add_metadata = false;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp
index 201c57c..65a11e1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_parser.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     m_date_factor = pbf_primitive_block.date_granularity() / 1000;
                     m_granularity = pbf_primitive_block.granularity();
-                    for (int i=0; i < pbf_primitive_block.primitivegroup_size(); ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < pbf_primitive_block.primitivegroup_size(); ++i) {
                         const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group = pbf_primitive_block.primitivegroup(i);
                         if (group.has_dense())  {
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void parse_node_group(const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group) {
-                    for (int i=0; i < group.nodes_size(); ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < group.nodes_size(); ++i) {
                         osmium::builder::NodeBuilder builder(m_buffer);
                         const OSMPBF::Node& pbf_node = group.nodes(i);
                         parse_attributes(builder, pbf_node);
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                         if (pbf_node.keys_size() > 0) {
                             osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(m_buffer, &builder);
-                            for (int tag=0; tag < pbf_node.keys_size(); ++tag) {
+                            for (int tag = 0; tag < pbf_node.keys_size(); ++tag) {
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void parse_way_group(const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group) {
-                    for (int i=0; i < group.ways_size(); ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < group.ways_size(); ++i) {
                         osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(m_buffer);
                         const OSMPBF::Way& pbf_way = group.ways(i);
                         parse_attributes(builder, pbf_way);
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                         if (pbf_way.refs_size() > 0) {
                             osmium::builder::WayNodeListBuilder wnl_builder(m_buffer, &builder);
                             int64_t ref = 0;
-                            for (int n=0; n < pbf_way.refs_size(); ++n) {
+                            for (int n = 0; n < pbf_way.refs_size(); ++n) {
                                 ref += pbf_way.refs(n);
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                         if (pbf_way.keys_size() > 0) {
                             osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(m_buffer, &builder);
-                            for (int tag=0; tag < pbf_way.keys_size(); ++tag) {
+                            for (int tag = 0; tag < pbf_way.keys_size(); ++tag) {
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void parse_relation_group(const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group) {
-                    for (int i=0; i < group.relations_size(); ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < group.relations_size(); ++i) {
                         osmium::builder::RelationBuilder builder(m_buffer);
                         const OSMPBF::Relation& pbf_relation = group.relations(i);
                         parse_attributes(builder, pbf_relation);
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                         if (pbf_relation.types_size() > 0) {
                             osmium::builder::RelationMemberListBuilder rml_builder(m_buffer, &builder);
                             int64_t ref = 0;
-                            for (int n=0; n < pbf_relation.types_size(); ++n) {
+                            for (int n = 0; n < pbf_relation.types_size(); ++n) {
                                 ref += pbf_relation.memids(n);
                                 rml_builder.add_member(osmpbf_membertype_to_item_type(pbf_relation.types(n)), ref, m_stringtable->s(pbf_relation.roles_sid(n)));
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                         if (pbf_relation.keys_size() > 0) {
                             osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(m_buffer, &builder);
-                            for (int tag=0; tag < pbf_relation.keys_size(); ++tag) {
+                            for (int tag = 0; tag < pbf_relation.keys_size(); ++tag) {
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     const OSMPBF::DenseNodes& dense = group.dense();
-                    for (int i=0; i < dense.id_size(); ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < dense.id_size(); ++i) {
                         bool visible = true;
                         last_dense_id        += dense.id(i);
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 osmium::io::Header header;
-                for (int i=0; i < pbf_header_block.required_features_size(); ++i) {
+                for (int i = 0; i < pbf_header_block.required_features_size(); ++i) {
                     const std::string& feature = pbf_header_block.required_features(i);
                     if (feature == "OsmSchema-V0.6") continue;
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     throw osmium::pbf_error(std::string("required feature not supported: ") + feature);
-                for (int i=0; i < pbf_header_block.optional_features_size(); ++i) {
+                for (int i = 0; i < pbf_header_block.optional_features_size(); ++i) {
                     const std::string& feature = pbf_header_block.optional_features(i);
                     header.set("pbf_optional_feature_" + std::to_string(i), feature);
@@ -412,30 +412,36 @@ namespace osmium {
             class DataBlobParser {
-                std::string m_input_buffer;
+                std::shared_ptr<std::string> m_input_buffer;
                 osmium::osm_entity_bits::type m_read_types;
                 DataBlobParser(std::string&& input_buffer, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_types) :
-                    m_input_buffer(std::move(input_buffer)),
+                    m_input_buffer(std::make_shared<std::string>(std::move(input_buffer))),
                     m_read_types(read_types) {
                     if (input_buffer.size() > OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size) {
                         throw osmium::pbf_error(std::string("invalid blob size: " + std::to_string(input_buffer.size())));
                 DataBlobParser(const DataBlobParser& other) :
                     m_read_types(other.m_read_types) {
-                }
+                }*/
+                DataBlobParser(const DataBlobParser&) = default;
+                DataBlobParser& operator=(const DataBlobParser&) = default;
+                DataBlobParser(DataBlobParser&&) = default;
+                DataBlobParser& operator=(DataBlobParser&&) = default;
-                DataBlobParser& operator=(const DataBlobParser&) = delete;
+                ~DataBlobParser() = default;
                 osmium::memory::Buffer operator()() {
-                    const std::unique_ptr<const std::string> data = unpack_blob(m_input_buffer);
+                    const std::unique_ptr<const std::string> data = unpack_blob(*m_input_buffer);
                     PBFPrimitiveBlockParser parser(*data, m_read_types);
-                    return std::move(parser());
+                    return parser();
             }; // class DataBlobParser
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp
similarity index 80%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp
index 6f6c54c..5f540f1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/pbf_stringtable.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -145,30 +145,44 @@ namespace osmium {
                  * implementation) is that the string table is sorted first by reverse count (ie descending)
                  * and then by reverse lexicographic order.
-                void store_stringtable(OSMPBF::StringTable* st) {
+                void store_stringtable(OSMPBF::StringTable* st, bool sort) {
                     // add empty StringTable entry at index 0
                     // StringTable index 0 is reserved as delimiter in the densenodes key/value list
                     // this line also ensures that there's always a valid StringTable
-                    std::multimap<string_info, std::string> sortedbycount;
+                    if (sort) {
+                        std::multimap<string_info, std::string> sortedbycount;
-                    m_id2id_map.resize(m_size+1);
+                        m_id2id_map.resize(m_size+1);
-                    std::transform(m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(),
-                                std::inserter(sortedbycount, sortedbycount.begin()),
-                                [](const std::pair<std::string, string_info>& p) {
-                                        return std::pair<string_info, std::string>(p.second, p.first);
-                                });
+                        std::transform(m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(),
+                                    std::inserter(sortedbycount, sortedbycount.begin()),
+                                    [](const std::pair<std::string, string_info>& p) {
+                                            return std::pair<string_info, std::string>(p.second, p.first);
+                                    });
-                    string_id_type n=0;
+                        string_id_type n = 0;
-                    for (const auto& mapping : sortedbycount) {
-                        // add the string of the current item to the pbf StringTable
-                        st->add_s(mapping.second);
+                        for (const auto& mapping : sortedbycount) {
+                            // add the string of the current item to the pbf StringTable
+                            st->add_s(mapping.second);
-                        // store the mapping from the interim-id to the real id
-                        m_id2id_map[mapping.first.interim_id] = ++n;
+                            // store the mapping from the interim-id to the real id
+                            m_id2id_map[mapping.first.interim_id] = ++n;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        std::vector<std::pair<string_id_type, const char*>> sortedbyid;
+                        sortedbyid.reserve(m_strings.size());
+                        for (const auto& p : m_strings) {
+                            sortedbyid.emplace_back(p.second.interim_id, p.first.c_str());
+                        }
+                        std::sort(sortedbyid.begin(), sortedbyid.end());
+                        for (const auto& mapping : sortedbyid) {
+                            st->add_s(mapping.second);
+                        }
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp
index 7c37139..bce4f55 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_thread.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp
index a949296..6651cce 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/read_write.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 # include <unistd.h>
 # include <io.h>
-typedef int ssize_t;
 #include <osmium/io/overwrite.hpp>
@@ -123,9 +122,14 @@ namespace osmium {
              * @throws std::system_error On error.
             inline void reliable_write(const int fd, const unsigned char* output_buffer, const size_t size) {
+                constexpr size_t max_write = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // Max 100 MByte per write
                 size_t offset = 0;
                 do {
-                    ssize_t length = ::write(fd, output_buffer + offset, size - offset);
+                    auto write_count = size - offset;
+                    if (write_count > max_write) {
+                        write_count = max_write;
+                    }
+                    auto length = ::write(fd, output_buffer + offset, static_cast<unsigned int>(write_count));
                     if (length < 0) {
                         throw std::system_error(errno, std::system_category(), "Write failed");
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp
index 49b7b5d..fad22ed 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/write_thread.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp
index 1564b78..c03f84d 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <atomic>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <chrono>
@@ -76,8 +74,8 @@ namespace osmium {
      * Exception thrown when the XML parser failed. The exception contains
-     * information about the place where the error happened and the type of
-     * error.
+     * (if available) information about the place where the error happened
+     * and the type of error.
     struct xml_error : public io_error {
@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         XML_Error error_code;
         std::string error_string;
-        xml_error(XML_Parser parser) :
+        explicit xml_error(XML_Parser parser) :
             io_error(std::string("XML parsing error at line ")
                     + std::to_string(XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser))
                     + ", column "
@@ -99,8 +97,20 @@ namespace osmium {
             error_string(XML_ErrorString(error_code)) {
+        explicit xml_error(const std::string& message) :
+            io_error(message),
+            line(0),
+            column(0),
+            error_code(),
+            error_string(message) {
+        }
     }; // struct xml_error
+    /**
+     * Exception thrown when an OSM XML files contains no version attribute
+     * on the 'osm' element or if the version is unknown.
+     */
     struct format_version_error : public io_error {
         std::string version;
@@ -436,6 +446,8 @@ namespace osmium {
                                 if (m_header.get("version") == "") {
                                     throw osmium::format_version_error();
+                            } else {
+                                throw osmium::xml_error(std::string("Unknown top-level element: ") + element);
                             m_context = context::top;
@@ -671,7 +683,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                  * @param input_queue String queue where data is read from.
                 explicit XMLInputFormat(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_which_entities, osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& input_queue) :
-                    osmium::io::detail::InputFormat(file, read_which_entities, input_queue),
+                    osmium::io::detail::InputFormat(file, read_which_entities),
                     m_queue(max_queue_size, "xml_parser_results"),
@@ -701,7 +713,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     return buffer;
-                void close() {
+                void close() override {
                     m_done = true;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp
similarity index 75%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp
index c8c7a38..65ba171 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ namespace osmium {
                     op_delete = 3
                 }; // enum class operation
-                osmium::memory::Buffer m_input_buffer;
+                std::shared_ptr<osmium::memory::Buffer> m_input_buffer;
-                std::string m_out;
+                std::shared_ptr<std::string> m_out;
                 operation m_last_op {operation::op_none};
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ namespace osmium {
                 const bool m_write_change_ops;
                 void write_spaces(int num) {
-                    for (; num!=0; --num) {
-                        m_out += ' ';
+                    for (; num != 0; --num) {
+                        *m_out += ' ';
@@ -144,33 +144,33 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void write_meta(const osmium::OSMObject& object) {
-                    oprintf(m_out, " id=\"%" PRId64 "\"", object.id());
+                    oprintf(*m_out, " id=\"%" PRId64 "\"", object.id());
                     if (object.version()) {
-                        oprintf(m_out, " version=\"%d\"", object.version());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " version=\"%d\"", object.version());
                     if (object.timestamp()) {
-                        m_out += " timestamp=\"";
-                        m_out += object.timestamp().to_iso();
-                        m_out += "\"";
+                        *m_out += " timestamp=\"";
+                        *m_out += object.timestamp().to_iso();
+                        *m_out += "\"";
                     if (!object.user_is_anonymous()) {
-                        oprintf(m_out, " uid=\"%d\" user=\"", object.uid());
-                        xml_string(m_out, object.user());
-                        m_out += "\"";
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " uid=\"%d\" user=\"", object.uid());
+                        xml_string(*m_out, object.user());
+                        *m_out += "\"";
                     if (object.changeset()) {
-                        oprintf(m_out, " changeset=\"%d\"", object.changeset());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " changeset=\"%d\"", object.changeset());
                     if (m_write_visible_flag) {
                         if (object.visible()) {
-                            m_out += " visible=\"true\"";
+                            *m_out += " visible=\"true\"";
                         } else {
-                            m_out += " visible=\"false\"";
+                            *m_out += " visible=\"false\"";
@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ namespace osmium {
                 void write_tags(const osmium::TagList& tags) {
                     for (const auto& tag : tags) {
-                        m_out += "  <tag k=\"";
-                        xml_string(m_out, tag.key());
-                        m_out += "\" v=\"";
-                        xml_string(m_out, tag.value());
-                        m_out += "\"/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "  <tag k=\"";
+                        xml_string(*m_out, tag.key());
+                        *m_out += "\" v=\"";
+                        xml_string(*m_out, tag.value());
+                        *m_out += "\"/>\n";
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ namespace osmium {
                         case operation::op_none:
                         case operation::op_create:
-                            m_out += "  </create>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  </create>\n";
                         case operation::op_modify:
-                            m_out += "  </modify>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  </modify>\n";
                         case operation::op_delete:
-                            m_out += "  </delete>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  </delete>\n";
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ namespace osmium {
                         case operation::op_none:
                         case operation::op_create:
-                            m_out += "  <create>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  <create>\n";
                         case operation::op_modify:
-                            m_out += "  <modify>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  <modify>\n";
                         case operation::op_delete:
-                            m_out += "  <delete>\n";
+                            *m_out += "  <delete>\n";
@@ -225,26 +225,29 @@ namespace osmium {
                 explicit XMLOutputBlock(osmium::memory::Buffer&& buffer, bool write_visible_flag, bool write_change_ops) :
-                    m_input_buffer(std::move(buffer)),
+                    m_input_buffer(std::make_shared<osmium::memory::Buffer>(std::move(buffer))),
+                    m_out(std::make_shared<std::string>()),
                     m_write_visible_flag(write_visible_flag && !write_change_ops),
                     m_write_change_ops(write_change_ops) {
-                XMLOutputBlock(const XMLOutputBlock&) = delete;
-                XMLOutputBlock& operator=(const XMLOutputBlock&) = delete;
+                XMLOutputBlock(const XMLOutputBlock&) = default;
+                XMLOutputBlock& operator=(const XMLOutputBlock&) = default;
                 XMLOutputBlock(XMLOutputBlock&&) = default;
                 XMLOutputBlock& operator=(XMLOutputBlock&&) = default;
+                ~XMLOutputBlock() = default;
                 std::string operator()() {
-                    osmium::apply(m_input_buffer.cbegin(), m_input_buffer.cend(), *this);
+                    osmium::apply(m_input_buffer->cbegin(), m_input_buffer->cend(), *this);
                     if (m_write_change_ops) {
                     std::string out;
-                    std::swap(out, m_out);
+                    std::swap(out, *m_out);
                     return out;
@@ -254,29 +257,29 @@ namespace osmium {
-                    m_out += "<node";
+                    *m_out += "<node";
                     if (node.location()) {
-                        m_out += " lat=\"";
-                        osmium::util::double2string(std::back_inserter(m_out), node.location().lat_without_check(), 7);
-                        m_out += "\" lon=\"";
-                        osmium::util::double2string(std::back_inserter(m_out), node.location().lon_without_check(), 7);
-                        m_out += "\"";
+                        *m_out += " lat=\"";
+                        osmium::util::double2string(std::back_inserter(*m_out), node.location().lat_without_check(), 7);
+                        *m_out += "\" lon=\"";
+                        osmium::util::double2string(std::back_inserter(*m_out), node.location().lon_without_check(), 7);
+                        *m_out += "\"";
                     if (node.tags().empty()) {
-                        m_out += "/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "/>\n";
-                    m_out += ">\n";
+                    *m_out += ">\n";
-                    m_out += "</node>\n";
+                    *m_out += "</node>\n";
                 void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
@@ -285,25 +288,25 @@ namespace osmium {
-                    m_out += "<way";
+                    *m_out += "<way";
                     if (way.tags().empty() && way.nodes().empty()) {
-                        m_out += "/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "/>\n";
-                    m_out += ">\n";
+                    *m_out += ">\n";
                     for (const auto& node_ref : way.nodes()) {
-                        oprintf(m_out, "  <nd ref=\"%" PRId64 "\"/>\n", node_ref.ref());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, "  <nd ref=\"%" PRId64 "\"/>\n", node_ref.ref());
-                    m_out += "</way>\n";
+                    *m_out += "</way>\n";
                 void relation(const osmium::Relation& relation) {
@@ -312,77 +315,77 @@ namespace osmium {
-                    m_out += "<relation";
+                    *m_out += "<relation";
                     if (relation.tags().empty() && relation.members().empty()) {
-                        m_out += "/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "/>\n";
-                    m_out += ">\n";
+                    *m_out += ">\n";
                     for (const auto& member : relation.members()) {
-                        m_out += "  <member type=\"";
-                        m_out += item_type_to_name(member.type());
-                        oprintf(m_out, "\" ref=\"%" PRId64 "\" role=\"", member.ref());
-                        xml_string(m_out, member.role());
-                        m_out += "\"/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "  <member type=\"";
+                        *m_out += item_type_to_name(member.type());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, "\" ref=\"%" PRId64 "\" role=\"", member.ref());
+                        xml_string(*m_out, member.role());
+                        *m_out += "\"/>\n";
-                    m_out += "</relation>\n";
+                    *m_out += "</relation>\n";
                 void changeset(const osmium::Changeset& changeset) {
-                    m_out += "<changeset";
+                    *m_out += "<changeset";
-                    oprintf(m_out, " id=\"%" PRId32 "\"", changeset.id());
+                    oprintf(*m_out, " id=\"%" PRId32 "\"", changeset.id());
                     if (changeset.created_at()) {
-                        m_out += " created_at=\"";
-                        m_out += changeset.created_at().to_iso();
-                        m_out += "\"";
+                        *m_out += " created_at=\"";
+                        *m_out += changeset.created_at().to_iso();
+                        *m_out += "\"";
-                    oprintf(m_out, " num_changes=\"%" PRId32 "\"", changeset.num_changes());
+                    oprintf(*m_out, " num_changes=\"%" PRId32 "\"", changeset.num_changes());
                     if (changeset.closed_at()) {
-                        m_out += " closed_at=\"";
-                        m_out += changeset.closed_at().to_iso();
-                        m_out += "\" open=\"false\"";
+                        *m_out += " closed_at=\"";
+                        *m_out += changeset.closed_at().to_iso();
+                        *m_out += "\" open=\"false\"";
                     } else {
-                        m_out += " open=\"true\"";
+                        *m_out += " open=\"true\"";
                     if (changeset.bounds()) {
-                        oprintf(m_out, " min_lon=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().bottom_left().lon_without_check());
-                        oprintf(m_out, " min_lat=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().bottom_left().lat_without_check());
-                        oprintf(m_out, " max_lon=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().top_right().lon_without_check());
-                        oprintf(m_out, " max_lat=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().top_right().lat_without_check());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " min_lon=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().bottom_left().lon_without_check());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " min_lat=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().bottom_left().lat_without_check());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " max_lon=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().top_right().lon_without_check());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, " max_lat=\"%.7f\"", changeset.bounds().top_right().lat_without_check());
                     if (!changeset.user_is_anonymous()) {
-                        m_out += " user=\"";
-                        xml_string(m_out, changeset.user());
-                        oprintf(m_out, "\" uid=\"%d\"", changeset.uid());
+                        *m_out += " user=\"";
+                        xml_string(*m_out, changeset.user());
+                        oprintf(*m_out, "\" uid=\"%d\"", changeset.uid());
                     if (changeset.tags().empty()) {
-                        m_out += "/>\n";
+                        *m_out += "/>\n";
-                    m_out += ">\n";
+                    *m_out += ">\n";
-                    m_out += "</changeset>\n";
+                    *m_out += "</changeset>\n";
             }; // class XMLOutputBlock
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp
similarity index 63%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp
index 84ab86c..a402bf7 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/detail/zlib.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <memory>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
 #include <zlib.h>
+#include <osmium/util/cast.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace io {
@@ -50,19 +50,26 @@ namespace osmium {
              * Compress data using zlib.
+             * Note that this function can not compress data larger than
+             * what fits in an unsigned long, on Windows this is usually 32bit.
+             *
              * @param input Data to compress.
              * @returns Compressed data.
             inline std::string zlib_compress(const std::string& input) {
-                unsigned long output_size = ::compressBound(input.size());
+                unsigned long output_size = ::compressBound(osmium::static_cast_with_assert<unsigned long>(input.size()));
                 std::string output(output_size, '\0');
-                if (::compress(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char *>(output.data())),
-                               &output_size,
-                               reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input.data()),
-                               input.size()) != Z_OK) {
-                    throw std::runtime_error("failed to compress data");
+                auto result = ::compress(
+                    reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char *>(output.data())),
+                    &output_size,
+                    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input.data()),
+                    osmium::static_cast_with_assert<unsigned long>(input.size())
+                );
+                if (result != Z_OK) {
+                    throw std::runtime_error(std::string("failed to compress data: ") + zError(result));
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ namespace osmium {
              * Uncompress data using zlib.
+             * Note that this function can not uncompress data larger than
+             * what fits in an unsigned long, on Windows this is usually 32bit.
+             *
              * @param input Compressed input data.
              * @param raw_size Size of uncompressed data.
              * @returns Uncompressed data.
@@ -80,11 +90,15 @@ namespace osmium {
             inline std::unique_ptr<std::string> zlib_uncompress(const std::string& input, unsigned long raw_size) {
                 auto output = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(new std::string(raw_size, '\0'));
-                if (::uncompress(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char *>(output->data())),
-                                 &raw_size,
-                                 reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input.data()),
-                                 input.size()) != Z_OK) {
-                    throw std::runtime_error("failed to uncompress data");
+                auto result = ::uncompress(
+                    reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char *>(output->data())),
+                    &raw_size,
+                    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input.data()),
+                    osmium::static_cast_with_assert<unsigned long>(input.size())
+                );
+                if (result != Z_OK) {
+                    throw std::runtime_error(std::string("failed to uncompress data: ") + zError(result));
                 return output;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/error.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/error.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/error.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/error.hpp
index 8fb9f05..07652bc 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/error.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/error.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/file.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/file.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file.hpp
index 21469b8..5b6c02f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/file.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <osmium/io/file_format.hpp>
 #include <osmium/io/file_compression.hpp>
 #include <osmium/util/options.hpp>
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp
index c718715..292ddcf 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_compression.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/file_format.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_format.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/file_format.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_format.hpp
index 5a4aa5c..1a63a5e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/file_format.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/file_format.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp
similarity index 84%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp
index db99acb..2723977 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,7 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read or write gzip-compressed OSM XML
+ * files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with `libz`.
+ */
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <string>
@@ -69,7 +76,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         namespace detail {
-            OSMIUM_NORETURN inline void throw_gzip_error(gzFile gzfile, const char* msg, int zlib_error=0) {
+            OSMIUM_NORETURN inline void throw_gzip_error(gzFile gzfile, const char* msg, int zlib_error = 0) {
                 std::string error("gzip error: ");
                 error += msg;
                 error += ": ";
@@ -192,30 +199,31 @@ namespace osmium {
             std::string read() override final {
-                if (!m_buffer) {
-                    return std::string();
-                }
+                std::string output;
-                const size_t buffer_size = 10240;
-                std::string output(buffer_size, '\0');
-                m_zstream.next_out = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(output.data()));
-                m_zstream.avail_out = buffer_size;
-                int result = inflate(&m_zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+                if (m_buffer) {
+                    const size_t buffer_size = 10240;
+                    output.append(buffer_size, '\0');
+                    m_zstream.next_out = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(output.data()));
+                    m_zstream.avail_out = buffer_size;
+                    int result = inflate(&m_zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
-                if (result != Z_OK) {
-                    m_buffer = nullptr;
-                    m_buffer_size = 0;
-                }
+                    if (result != Z_OK) {
+                        m_buffer = nullptr;
+                        m_buffer_size = 0;
+                    }
-                if (result != Z_OK && result != Z_STREAM_END) {
-                    std::string message("gzip error: inflate failed: ");
-                    if (m_zstream.msg) {
-                        message.append(m_zstream.msg);
+                    if (result != Z_OK && result != Z_STREAM_END) {
+                        std::string message("gzip error: inflate failed: ");
+                        if (m_zstream.msg) {
+                            message.append(m_zstream.msg);
+                        }
+                        throw osmium::gzip_error(message, result);
-                    throw osmium::gzip_error(message, result);
+                    output.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(m_zstream.next_out - reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output.data())));
-                output.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(m_zstream.next_out - reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(output.data())));
                 return output;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/header.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/header.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/header.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/header.hpp
index 0fdbf77..4b0830a 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/header.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/header.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp
index a2e3b83..f619729 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/input_iterator.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
 #include <osmium/memory/item.hpp>
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp
index 46a1224..04385d9 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/opl_output.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp
index e6a9cc0..608852f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -75,6 +75,14 @@ namespace osmium {
                 m_buffer_wrapper(std::make_shared<buffer_wrapper>(buffer_size)) {
+            OutputIterator(const OutputIterator&) = default;
+            OutputIterator(OutputIterator&&) = default;
+            OutputIterator& operator=(const OutputIterator&) = default;
+            OutputIterator& operator=(OutputIterator&&) = default;
+            ~OutputIterator() = default;
             void flush() {
                 osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(m_buffer_wrapper->buffer.capacity(), osmium::memory::Buffer::auto_grow::no);
                 std::swap(m_buffer_wrapper->buffer, buffer);
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp
index f29a932..e33894b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/overwrite.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp
similarity index 83%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp
index 8426f6c..766153e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_input.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read OSM PBF files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with
+ *            `libprotobuf-lite`, `libosmpbf`, `ws2_32` (Windows only),
+ *            `libz`, and enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/reader.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/detail/pbf_input_format.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp
similarity index 83%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp
index 9fd0396..5f46ede 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/pbf_output.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to write OSM PBF files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with
+ *            `libprotobuf-lite`, `libosmpbf`, `ws2_32` (Windows only),
+ *            `libz`, and enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/writer.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/detail/pbf_output_format.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/reader.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/reader.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader.hpp
index a9b8b95..c68a8e1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/reader.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 if (pid == 0) { // child
                     // close all file descriptors except one end of the pipe
-                    for (int i=0; i < 32; ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
                         if (i != pipefd[1]) {
@@ -258,11 +258,20 @@ namespace osmium {
                     return osmium::memory::Buffer();
-                osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = m_input->read();
-                if (!buffer) {
-                    m_input_done = true;
+                // m_input->read() can return an invalid buffer to signal EOF,
+                // or a valid buffer with or without data. A valid buffer
+                // without data is not an error, it just means we have to
+                // keep getting the next buffer until there is one with data.
+                while (true) {
+                    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = m_input->read();
+                    if (!buffer) {
+                        m_input_done = true;
+                        return buffer;
+                    }
+                    if (buffer.committed() > 0) {
+                        return buffer;
+                    }
-                return buffer;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp
index 8d71418..8620789 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/reader_iterator.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/writer.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/writer.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/writer.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/writer.hpp
index 7e9bd13..64afe20 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/writer.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/writer.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace osmium {
              *               defaults will be used. See the default constructor
              *               of osmium::io::Header for details.
              * @param allow_overwrite Allow overwriting of existing file? Can be
-             *               osmium::io::overwrite::allow or osmium::io::overwrite::no+
+             *               osmium::io::overwrite::allow or osmium::io::overwrite::no
              *               (default).
              * @throws std::runtime_error If the file could not be opened.
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
similarity index 86%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
index f33d37e..dfcd0a9 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_input.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to read OSM XML files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to link with
+ *            `libexpat`, and enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/reader.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/detail/xml_input_format.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp
similarity index 88%
rename from third_party/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp
index d5b839f..18a1386 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/io/xml_output.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Include this file if you want to write OSM XML files.
+ *
+ * @attention If you include this file, you'll need to enable multithreading.
+ */
 #include <osmium/io/writer.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
 #include <osmium/io/detail/xml_output_format.hpp> // IWYU pragma: export
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp
index fe040ca..85a3a46 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/buffer.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <cstring>
@@ -365,9 +366,9 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <class T>
             T& add_item(const T& item) {
-                unsigned char* ptr = reserve_space(item.padded_size());
-                std::memcpy(ptr, &item, item.padded_size());
-                return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr);
+                unsigned char* target = reserve_space(item.padded_size());
+                std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&item), item.padded_size(), target);
+                return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(target);
@@ -377,8 +378,8 @@ namespace osmium {
              * commit this data.
             void add_buffer(const Buffer& buffer) {
-                unsigned char* ptr = reserve_space(buffer.committed());
-                std::memcpy(ptr, buffer.data(), buffer.committed());
+                unsigned char* target = reserve_space(buffer.committed());
+                std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer.data()), buffer.committed(), target);
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/memory/collection.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/collection.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/memory/collection.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/collection.hpp
index b25dd64..7deb88b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/memory/collection.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/collection.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <osmium/memory/item.hpp>
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/memory/item.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/memory/item.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item.hpp
index 2d22f94..2679ca6 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/memory/item.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         template <typename T>
         inline T padded_length(T length) noexcept {
-            static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value,
-                          "Template parameter must be unsigned integral type");
+            static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "Template parameter must be unsigned integral type");
             return (length + align_bytes - 1) & ~(align_bytes - 1);
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit Item(item_size_type size=0, item_type type=item_type()) noexcept :
+            explicit Item(item_size_type size = 0, item_type type = item_type()) noexcept :
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp
index 34ed600..3e5b5fa 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/memory/item_iterator.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp
index 22029a1..7524703 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/object_pointer_collection.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm.hpp
index bf21c19..e92d9b8 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/area.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/area.hpp
similarity index 82%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/area.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/area.hpp
index a388de2..3e129d0 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/area.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/area.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -53,12 +53,14 @@ namespace osmium {
      * An outer ring of an Area.
-    class OuterRing : public NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::outer_ring> {
+    class OuterRing : public NodeRefList {
+        static constexpr osmium::item_type itemtype = osmium::item_type::outer_ring;
-            NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::outer_ring>() {
+            NodeRefList(itemtype) {
     }; // class OuterRing
@@ -68,12 +70,14 @@ namespace osmium {
      * An inner ring of an Area.
-    class InnerRing : public NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::inner_ring> {
+    class InnerRing : public NodeRefList {
+        static constexpr osmium::item_type itemtype = osmium::item_type::inner_ring;
-            NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::inner_ring>() {
+            NodeRefList(itemtype) {
     }; // class InnerRing
@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ namespace osmium {
      * @param type Type of object (way or relation)
      * @returns Area id
-    inline osmium::object_id_type object_id_to_area_id(osmium::object_id_type id, osmium::item_type type) {
+    inline osmium::object_id_type object_id_to_area_id(osmium::object_id_type id, osmium::item_type type) noexcept {
         osmium::object_id_type area_id = std::abs(id) * 2;
         if (type == osmium::item_type::relation) {
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ namespace osmium {
      * @param id Area id
      * @returns Way or Relation id.
-    inline osmium::object_id_type area_id_to_object_id(osmium::object_id_type id) {
+    inline osmium::object_id_type area_id_to_object_id(osmium::object_id_type id) noexcept {
         return id / 2;
@@ -131,15 +135,17 @@ namespace osmium {
          * Return the Id of the way or relation this area was created from.
-        osmium::object_id_type orig_id() const {
+        osmium::object_id_type orig_id() const noexcept {
             return osmium::area_id_to_object_id(id());
          * Count the number of outer and inner rings of this area.
+         *
+         * @returns Pair (number outer rings, number inner rings)
         std::pair<int, int> num_rings() const {
-            std::pair<int, int> counter;
+            std::pair<int, int> counter { 0, 0 };
             for (auto it = cbegin(); it != cend(); ++it) {
                 switch (it->type()) {
@@ -170,16 +176,31 @@ namespace osmium {
-         * Is this area a multipolygon, ie. has it more than one outer ring?
+         * Check whether this area is a multipolygon, ie. whether it has more
+         * than one outer ring?
         bool is_multipolygon() const {
             return num_rings().first > 1;
+        /**
+         * Get iterator for iterating over all inner rings in a specified outer
+         * ring.
+         *
+         * @param it Iterator specifying outer ring.
+         * @returns Iterator to first inner ring in specified outer ring.
+         */
         osmium::memory::ItemIterator<const osmium::InnerRing> inner_ring_cbegin(const osmium::memory::ItemIterator<const osmium::OuterRing>& it) const {
             return it.cast<const osmium::InnerRing>();
+        /**
+         * Get iterator for iterating over all inner rings in a specified outer
+         * ring.
+         *
+         * @param it Iterator specifying outer ring.
+         * @returns Iterator one past last inner ring in specified outer ring.
+         */
         osmium::memory::ItemIterator<const osmium::InnerRing> inner_ring_cend(const osmium::memory::ItemIterator<const osmium::OuterRing>& it) const {
             return std::next(it).cast<const osmium::InnerRing>();
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/box.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/box.hpp
similarity index 67%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/box.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/box.hpp
index 2b761fe..631f919 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/box.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/box.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <cassert>
 #include <iosfwd>
 #include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
@@ -41,7 +42,10 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 namespace osmium {
-     * Bounding box.
+     * Bounding box. A box is defined by two locations (bottom left location
+     * and top right location) or, alternatively by four coordinates (minx,
+     * miny, maxx, and maxy). If both locations are undefined, the box is
+     * undefined, too.
     class Box {
@@ -59,14 +63,33 @@ namespace osmium {
             m_top_right() {
+        /**
+         * Create box from minimum and maximum coordinates.
+         *
+         * @pre @code minx <= maxx && miny <= maxy @endcode
+         */
         Box(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) :
             m_bottom_left(minx, miny),
             m_top_right(maxx, maxy) {
+            assert(minx <= maxx && miny <= maxy);
+        /**
+         * Create box from bottom left and top right locations.
+         *
+         * @pre Either both locations must be defined or neither.
+         * @pre If both locations are defined, the
+         *      bottom left location must actually be to the left and below
+         *      the top right location. Same coordinates for bottom/top or
+         *      left/right are also okay.
+         */
         Box(const osmium::Location& bottom_left, const osmium::Location& top_right) :
             m_top_right(top_right) {
+            assert(
+                (!!bottom_left && !!top_right) ||
+                (bottom_left.x() <= top_right.x() && bottom_left.y() <= top_right.y())
+            );
         Box(const Box&) = default;
@@ -76,8 +99,13 @@ namespace osmium {
         ~Box() = default;
-         * Extend this bounding box by the given location. If the
-         * location is undefined, the bounding box is unchanged.
+         * Extend this bounding box by the specified location. If the
+         * location is undefined, the bounding box is unchanged. If
+         * the box is undefined it will only contain the location after
+         * this call.
+         *
+         * @param location The location we want to extend the box by.
+         * @returns A reference to this box.
         Box& extend(const Location& location) noexcept {
             if (location) {
@@ -103,8 +131,11 @@ namespace osmium {
-         * Extend this bounding box by the given box. If the
-         * box is undefined, the bounding box is unchanged.
+         * Extend this bounding box by the specified box. If the
+         * specified box is undefined, the bounding box is unchanged.
+         *
+         * @param box The box to extend by.
+         * @returns A reference to this box.
         Box& extend(const Box& box) noexcept {
@@ -113,52 +144,58 @@ namespace osmium {
-         * Box are defined, ie. contains defined coordinates.
+         * Box is defined, ie. contains defined locations.
         explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept {
             return static_cast<bool>(m_bottom_left);
-         * Box are valid, ie. defined and inside usual bounds
+         * Box is valid, ie. defined and inside usual bounds
          * (-180<=lon<=180, -90<=lat<=90).
-        constexpr bool valid() const noexcept {
+        OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR bool valid() const noexcept {
             return bottom_left().valid() && top_right().valid();
-         * Bottom-left location.
+         * Access bottom-left location.
         OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR Location bottom_left() const noexcept {
             return m_bottom_left;
-         * Bottom-left location.
+         * Access bottom-left location.
         Location& bottom_left() noexcept {
             return m_bottom_left;
-         * Top-right location.
+         * Access top-right location.
         OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR Location top_right() const noexcept {
             return m_top_right;
-         * Top-right location.
+         * Access top-right location.
         Location& top_right() noexcept {
             return m_top_right;
-         * Is the location inside the box?
+         * Check whether the location is inside the box.
+         *
+         * @pre Location must be defined.
+         * @pre Box must be defined.
-        bool contains(const osmium::Location& location) const {
+        bool contains(const osmium::Location& location) const noexcept {
+            assert(bottom_left());
+            assert(top_right());
+            assert(location);
             return location.x() >= bottom_left().x() && location.y() >= bottom_left().y() &&
                    location.x() <= top_right().x() && location.y() <= top_right().y();
@@ -166,7 +203,7 @@ namespace osmium {
          * Calculate size of the box in square degrees.
-         * @throws osmium::invalid_location unless all coordinates are valid
+         * @throws osmium::invalid_location unless all coordinates are valid.
         double size() const {
             return (m_top_right.lon() - m_bottom_left.lon()) *
@@ -176,14 +213,19 @@ namespace osmium {
     }; // class Box
-     * Boxes are equal if both locations are equal.
+     * Boxes are equal if both locations are equal. Undefined boxes will
+     * compare equal.
     inline OSMIUM_CONSTEXPR bool operator==(const Box& lhs, const Box& rhs) noexcept {
-        return lhs.bottom_left() == rhs.bottom_left() && lhs.top_right() == rhs.top_right();
+        return lhs.bottom_left() == rhs.bottom_left() &&
+               lhs.top_right() == rhs.top_right();
-     * Output a box to a stream.
+     * Output a box to a stream. The format is "(LON, LAT, LON, LAT)" or
+     * "(undefined)" if the box is undefined.
+     *
+     * @returns Reference to basic_ostream given as first parameter.
     template <typename TChar, typename TTraits>
     inline std::basic_ostream<TChar, TTraits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<TChar, TTraits>& out, const osmium::Box& box) {
@@ -202,6 +244,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         return out;
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp
similarity index 98%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp
index 2b79fb5..0ab4e9b 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/changeset.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -298,8 +298,7 @@ namespace osmium {
     }; // class Changeset
-    static_assert(sizeof(Changeset) % osmium::memory::align_bytes == 0,
-        "Class osmium::Changeset has wrong size to be aligned properly!");
+    static_assert(sizeof(Changeset) % osmium::memory::align_bytes == 0, "Class osmium::Changeset has wrong size to be aligned properly!");
      * Changesets are equal if their IDs are equal.
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp
similarity index 98%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp
index a8f91ec..55a5cef 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/entity.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity.hpp
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity.hpp
index e37ed4c..14861a2 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/entity.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <osmium/memory/item.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -67,6 +68,10 @@ namespace osmium {
             Item(size, type) {
+        bool type_is_in(osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entity_bits) const {
+            return (osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(type()) & entity_bits) != 0;
+        }
     }; // class OSMEntity
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp
similarity index 92%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp
index 2a4d964..1c1cb80 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
+#include <osmium/osm/item_type.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
@@ -92,6 +94,10 @@ namespace osmium {
             return lhs;
+        inline type from_item_type(osmium::item_type item_type) noexcept {
+            return static_cast<osmium::osm_entity_bits::type>(0x1 << (static_cast<uint16_t>(item_type) - 1));
+        }
     } // namespace osm_entity_bits
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp
similarity index 98%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp
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--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/item_type.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/location.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/location.hpp
similarity index 99%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/location.hpp
index cabecd5..0d4fdc1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/location.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/location.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/node.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node.hpp
similarity index 97%
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index 50146c5..123bfc4 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/node.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp
index ed50b9e..76afa75 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-        NodeRef(const osmium::object_id_type ref=0, const osmium::Location& location=Location()) noexcept :
+        NodeRef(const osmium::object_id_type ref = 0, const osmium::Location& location = Location()) noexcept :
             m_location(location) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp
similarity index 53%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp
index 321c952..f0dfedb 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/node_ref_list.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -44,51 +44,92 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 namespace osmium {
-     * A vector of NodeRef objects. Usually this is not instatiated directly,
+     * A vector of NodeRef objects. Usually this is not instantiated directly,
      * but one of its subclasses are used.
-    template <osmium::item_type TItemType>
     class NodeRefList : public osmium::memory::Item {
-        static constexpr osmium::item_type itemtype = TItemType;
-        NodeRefList() noexcept :
-            osmium::memory::Item(sizeof(NodeRefList), TItemType) {
+        NodeRefList(osmium::item_type itemtype) noexcept :
+            osmium::memory::Item(sizeof(NodeRefList), itemtype) {
+        /**
+         * Checks whether the node list is empty.
+         */
         bool empty() const noexcept {
             return sizeof(NodeRefList) == byte_size();
+        /**
+         * Returns the number of nodes in the list.
+         */
         size_t size() const noexcept {
-            assert((osmium::memory::Item::byte_size() - sizeof(NodeRefList)) % sizeof(NodeRef) == 0);
-            return (osmium::memory::Item::byte_size() - sizeof(NodeRefList)) / sizeof(NodeRef);
-        }
-        const NodeRef& operator[](size_t n) const {
+            auto size_node_refs = osmium::memory::Item::byte_size() - sizeof(NodeRefList);
+            assert(size_node_refs % sizeof(NodeRef) == 0);
+            return size_node_refs / sizeof(NodeRef);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Access specified element.
+         *
+         * @param n Get this element of the list.
+         * @pre @code n < size() @endcode
+         */
+        const NodeRef& operator[](size_t n) const noexcept {
+            assert(n < size());
             const NodeRef* node_ref = &*(cbegin());
             return node_ref[n];
-        const NodeRef& front() const {
+        /**
+         * Access the first element.
+         *
+         * @pre @code !empty() @endcode
+         */
+        const NodeRef& front() const noexcept {
+            assert(!empty());
             return operator[](0);
-        const NodeRef& back() const {
+        /**
+         * Access the last element.
+         *
+         * @pre @code !empty() @endcode
+         */
+        const NodeRef& back() const noexcept {
+            assert(!empty());
             return operator[](size()-1);
-        bool is_closed() const {
+        /**
+         * Checks whether the first and last node in the list have the same ID.
+         *
+         * @pre @code !empty() @endcode
+         */
+        bool is_closed() const noexcept {
             return front().ref() == back().ref();
-        bool ends_have_same_id() const {
+        /**
+         * Checks whether the first and last node in the list have the same ID.
+         *
+         * @pre @code !empty() @endcode
+         */
+        bool ends_have_same_id() const noexcept {
             return front().ref() == back().ref();
+        /**
+         * Checks whether the first and last node in the list have the same
+         * location. The ID is not checked.
+         *
+         * @pre @code !empty() @endcode
+         * @pre @code front().location() && back().location() @endcode
+         */
         bool ends_have_same_location() const {
+            assert(front().location() && back().location());
             return front().location() == back().location();
@@ -96,35 +137,43 @@ namespace osmium {
         typedef const NodeRef* const_iterator;
         typedef std::reverse_iterator<const NodeRef*> const_reverse_iterator;
-        iterator begin() {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the beginning.
+        iterator begin() noexcept {
             return iterator(data() + sizeof(NodeRefList));
-        iterator end() {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the end.
+        iterator end() noexcept {
             return iterator(data() + byte_size());
-        const_iterator cbegin() const {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the beginning.
+        const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {
             return const_iterator(data() + sizeof(NodeRefList));
-        const_iterator cend() const {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the end.
+        const_iterator cend() const noexcept {
             return const_iterator(data() + byte_size());
-        const_iterator begin() const {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the beginning.
+        const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
             return cbegin();
-        const_iterator end() const {
+        /// Returns an iterator to the end.
+        const_iterator end() const noexcept {
             return cend();
-        const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const {
+        /// Returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning.
+        const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept {
             return const_reverse_iterator(cend());
-        const_reverse_iterator crend() const {
+        /// Returns a reverse_iterator to the end.
+        const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept {
             return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/object.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/object.hpp
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--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/object.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/object.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp
similarity index 98%
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rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp
index db11b0d..bdf99e1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/relation.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/relation.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/relation.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/relation.hpp
index f5d0401..e5b42fe 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/relation.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/relation.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace osmium {
         static constexpr item_type collection_type = item_type::relation_member_list;
-        RelationMember(const object_id_type ref=0, const item_type type=item_type(), const bool full=false) noexcept :
+        RelationMember(const object_id_type ref = 0, const item_type type = item_type(), const bool full = false) noexcept :
             m_flags(full ? 1 : 0) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/segment.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/segment.hpp
similarity index 98%
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index 205036e..f3a82c9 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/segment.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/segment.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/tag.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/tag.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/tag.hpp
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index fe80de3..2e93ede 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/tag.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/tag.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp
similarity index 83%
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index 662b61f..6b6a6e1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace osmium {
             tm.tm_wday = 0;
             tm.tm_yday = 0;
             tm.tm_isdst = 0;
-            m_timestamp = _mkgmtime(&tm);
+            m_timestamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(_mkgmtime(&tm));
@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ namespace osmium {
             return static_cast<time_t>(m_timestamp);
+        explicit constexpr operator uint32_t() const noexcept {
+            return m_timestamp;
+        }
         template <typename T>
         void operator+=(T time_difference) noexcept {
             m_timestamp += time_difference;
@@ -127,24 +131,26 @@ namespace osmium {
          * Return UTC Unix time as string in ISO date/time format.
         std::string to_iso() const {
-            if (m_timestamp == 0) {
-                return std::string("");
-            }
-            struct tm tm;
-            time_t sse = seconds_since_epoch();
+            std::string s;
+            if (m_timestamp != 0) {
+                struct tm tm;
+                time_t sse = seconds_since_epoch();
 #ifndef _MSC_VER
-            gmtime_r(&sse, &tm);
+                gmtime_r(&sse, &tm);
-            gmtime_s(&tm, &sse);
+                gmtime_s(&tm, &sse);
-            std::string s(timestamp_length, '\0');
-            /* This const_cast is ok, because we know we have enough space
-               in the string for the format we are using (well at least until
-               the year will have 5 digits). And by setting the size
-               afterwards from the result of strftime we make sure thats set
-               right, too. */
-            s.resize(strftime(const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()), timestamp_length, timestamp_format(), &tm));
+                s.resize(timestamp_length);
+                /* This const_cast is ok, because we know we have enough space
+                in the string for the format we are using (well at least until
+                the year will have 5 digits). And by setting the size
+                afterwards from the result of strftime we make sure thats set
+                right, too. */
+                s.resize(strftime(const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()), timestamp_length, timestamp_format(), &tm));
+            }
             return s;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/types.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/types.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/types.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/types.hpp
index 532b549..aea61bd 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/types.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/types.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp
index 487e7bf..654ef7d 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/undirected_segment.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/osm/way.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/way.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/osm/way.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/way.hpp
index a30cf91..3c5f1f6 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/osm/way.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/osm/way.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -49,12 +49,14 @@ namespace osmium {
      * List of node references (id and location) in a way.
-    class WayNodeList : public NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::way_node_list> {
+    class WayNodeList : public NodeRefList {
+        static constexpr osmium::item_type itemtype = osmium::item_type::way_node_list;
-            NodeRefList<osmium::item_type::way_node_list>() {
+            NodeRefList(itemtype) {
     }; // class WayNodeList
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/relations/collector.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/collector.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/relations/collector.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/collector.hpp
index 60864d3..e3c4980 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/relations/collector.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/collector.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 RelationMeta relation_meta(offset);
-                int n=0;
+                int n = 0;
                 for (auto& member : m_relations_buffer.get<osmium::Relation>(offset).members()) {
                     if (static_cast<TCollector*>(this)->keep_member(relation_meta, member)) {
                         member_meta(member.type()).emplace_back(member.ref(), m_relations.size(), n);
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                     const size_t size_before = m_members_buffer.committed();
                     const size_t size_after = m_members_buffer.committed();
-                    double percent = size_before - size_after;
+                    double percent = static_cast<double>(size_before - size_after);
                     percent /= size_before;
                     percent *= 100;
                     std::cerr << "PURGE (size before=" << size_before << " after=" << size_after << " purged=" << (size_before - size_after) << " / " << static_cast<int>(percent) << "%)\n";
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp
index 5463a1c..a45088e 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/member_meta.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp
index 77ca0c1..a48c50a 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/relations/detail/relation_meta.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/tags/filter.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/filter.hpp
similarity index 92%
rename from third_party/osmium/tags/filter.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/filter.hpp
index 0a0fd3b..3c1946c 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/tags/filter.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/filter.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -135,6 +135,20 @@ namespace osmium {
                 return m_default_result;
+            /**
+             * Return the number of rules in this filter.
+             */
+            size_t count() const {
+                return m_rules.count();
+            }
+            /**
+             * Is this filter empty, ie are there no rules defined?
+             */
+            bool empty() const {
+                return m_rules.empty();
+            }
         }; // class Filter
         typedef Filter<std::string, std::string> KeyValueFilter;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp
index ae2703a..725c423 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp
similarity index 85%
rename from third_party/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp
index 41ef993..d7c78dc 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/tags/taglist.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ namespace osmium {
         template <class TFilter>
         inline bool match_any_of(const osmium::TagList& tag_list, TFilter&& filter) {
-            return std::any_of(tag_list.begin(), tag_list.end(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
+            return std::any_of(tag_list.cbegin(), tag_list.cend(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
         template <class TFilter>
         inline bool match_all_of(const osmium::TagList& tag_list, TFilter&& filter) {
-            return std::all_of(tag_list.begin(), tag_list.end(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
+            return std::all_of(tag_list.cbegin(), tag_list.cend(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
         template <class TFilter>
         inline bool match_none_of(const osmium::TagList& tag_list, TFilter&& filter) {
-            return std::none_of(tag_list.begin(), tag_list.end(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
+            return std::none_of(tag_list.cbegin(), tag_list.cend(), std::forward<TFilter>(filter));
     } // namespace tags
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp
index dbb47ff..fe0a492 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/function_wrapper.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ namespace osmium {
             function_wrapper(const function_wrapper&) = delete;
-            function_wrapper(function_wrapper&) = delete;
             function_wrapper& operator=(const function_wrapper&) = delete;
+            ~function_wrapper() = default;
             explicit operator bool() const {
                 return static_cast<bool>(impl);
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/pool.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/pool.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from third_party/osmium/thread/pool.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/pool.hpp
index 702be66..87dd1fb 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/pool.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/pool.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 try {
-                    for (int i=0; i < m_num_threads; ++i) {
+                    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_threads; ++i) {
                         m_threads.push_back(std::thread(&Pool::worker_thread, this));
                 } catch (...) {
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ namespace osmium {
             template <typename TFunction>
-            std::future<typename std::result_of<TFunction()>::type> submit(TFunction f) {
+            std::future<typename std::result_of<TFunction()>::type> submit(TFunction&& func) {
                 typedef typename std::result_of<TFunction()>::type result_type;
-                std::packaged_task<result_type()> task(std::move(f));
+                std::packaged_task<result_type()> task(std::forward<TFunction>(func));
                 std::future<result_type> future_result(task.get_future());
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/queue.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/queue.hpp
similarity index 93%
rename from third_party/osmium/thread/queue.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/queue.hpp
index b01dd39..baaf2dc 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/queue.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/queue.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -39,14 +39,17 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <mutex>
 #include <queue>
+#include <string>
 #include <thread>
 #include <utility>
+#include <osmium/util/compatibility.hpp>
 namespace osmium {
     namespace thread {
-        constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds full_queue_sleep_duration { 10 }; // XXX
+        static const std::chrono::milliseconds full_queue_sleep_duration { 10 }; // XXX
          *  A thread-safe queue.
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 m_data_available.wait(lock, [this] {
                     return !m_queue.empty();
-                value=std::move(m_queue.front());
+                value = std::move(m_queue.front());
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 })) {
-                value=std::move(m_queue.front());
+                value = std::move(m_queue.front());
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 if (m_queue.empty()) {
                     return false;
-                value=std::move(m_queue.front());
+                value = std::move(m_queue.front());
                 return true;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp
index e33dfe6..e76ade1 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/sorted_queue.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 m_data_available.wait(lock, [this] {
                     return !empty_intern();
-                value=std::move(m_queue.front());
+                value = std::move(m_queue.front());
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace osmium {
                 if (empty_intern()) {
                     return false;
-                value=std::move(m_queue.front());
+                value = std::move(m_queue.front());
                 return true;
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/util.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/util.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/thread/util.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/util.hpp
index 286ea5e..62bb82a 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/util.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/thread/util.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/cast.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/cast.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4866fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/cast.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
+obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
+this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
+execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
+Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
+do so, all subject to the following:
+The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
+the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
+must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
+all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
+works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
+a source language processor.
+#ifndef assert
+# include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace osmium {
+    // These functions are wrappers around static_cast<>() that call assert()
+    // to check that there is no integer overflow happening before doing the
+    // cast. There are several versions of this templated function here
+    // depending on the types of the input and output. In any case, both input
+    // and output have to be integral types. If the cast can't overflow, no
+    // check is done.
+    template <typename A, typename B>
+    struct are_real_integers :
+        std::integral_constant<bool,
+            std::is_integral<A>::value &&
+            std::is_integral<B>::value &&
+            !std::is_same<A, bool>::value &&
+            !std::is_same<B, bool>::value> {
+    };
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && std::is_same<T, F>::value, int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        return value;
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && (sizeof(T) > sizeof(F)), int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<F>::value && (sizeof(T) == sizeof(F)), int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && (sizeof(T) < sizeof(F)) && std::is_signed<T>::value && std::is_signed<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        assert(value >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() && value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(F)) && std::is_unsigned<T>::value && std::is_signed<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        assert(value >= 0 && static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<F>::type>(value) <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && (sizeof(T) < sizeof(F)) && std::is_unsigned<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        assert(value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<are_real_integers<T, F>::value && !std::is_same<T, F>::value && (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(F)) && std::is_signed<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
+    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
+        assert(static_cast<int64_t>(value) <= static_cast<int64_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()));
+        return static_cast<T>(value);
+    }
+} // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp
index 48a6db0..90d85c5 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/compatibility.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/config.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/config.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from third_party/osmium/util/config.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/config.hpp
index 6c86d68..3285eed 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/config.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/config.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <cstring>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER 
-#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
-#define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define strcasecmp _stricmp
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/double.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/double.hpp
similarity index 96%
rename from third_party/osmium/util/double.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/double.hpp
index 91f4ac7..85a2508 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/double.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/double.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <cstdio>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
 namespace osmium {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/options.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/options.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from third_party/osmium/util/options.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/options.hpp
index fc74980..fea0752 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/options.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/options.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/string.hpp
similarity index 61%
rename from third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/string.hpp
index 9864df5..54eb361 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/diff_handler.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/string.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -33,35 +33,36 @@ DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
-#include <osmium/osm/diff_object.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
 namespace osmium {
-     * @brief Osmium diff handlers provide access to differences between OSM object versions
+     * Split string on the separator character.
+     *
+     * @param str The string to be split.
+     * @param sep The separastor character.
+     * @returns Vector with the parts of the string split up.
-    namespace diff_handler {
-        class DiffHandler {
-        public:
-            DiffHandler() {
-            }
-            void node(const osmium::DiffNode&) const {
+    inline std::vector<std::string> split_string(const std::string& str, const char sep) {
+        std::vector<std::string> tokens;
+        if (!str.empty()) {
+            size_t pos = 0;
+            size_t nextpos = str.find_first_of(sep);
+            while (nextpos != std::string::npos) {
+                tokens.push_back(str.substr(pos, nextpos-pos));
+                pos = nextpos + 1;
+                nextpos = str.find_first_of(sep, pos);
+            tokens.push_back(str.substr(pos));
+        }
-            void way(const osmium::DiffWay&) const {
-            }
-            void relation(const osmium::DiffRelation&) const {
-            }
-        }; // class DiffHandler
-    } // namespace diff_handler
+        return tokens;
+    }
 } // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from third_party/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp
index 8709441..249d67f 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/util/verbose_output.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace osmium {
-            explicit VerboseOutput(bool verbose=false) noexcept :
+            explicit VerboseOutput(bool verbose = false) noexcept :
                 m_newline(true) {
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/visitor.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/visitor.hpp
similarity index 99%
rename from third_party/osmium/visitor.hpp
rename to third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/visitor.hpp
index d71a2e0..0250f11 100644
--- a/third_party/osmium/visitor.hpp
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/include/osmium/visitor.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
+Copyright 2013-2015 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
 Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/osmium.imp b/third_party/libosmium/osmium.imp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45794d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/osmium.imp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#  Configuration for Include-What-You-Use tool
+#  https://code.google.com/p/include-what-you-use/
+    { "include": ["<bits/fcntl-linux.h>", "private", "<fcntl.h>", "public"] },
+    { "include": ["<sys/types.h>", "public", "<cstdint>", "public"] }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba455b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium unit tests
+message(STATUS "Configuring unit tests")
+add_library(testlib STATIC test_main.cpp)
+set(ALL_TESTS "")
+#  Define function for adding tests
+#  add_unit_tests(group name [ENABLE_IF bool] [LIBS libs] [LABELS labels])
+#  group  - test group (directory)
+#  name   - name of test
+#  bool   - boolean variable telling whether the test should be run (optional)
+#  libs   - lib or libs that should be used when compiling test (optional)
+#  labels - additional labels this test should get (optional)
+function(add_unit_test _tgroup _tname)
+    set(_testid "${_tgroup}_${_tname}")
+    set(_tpath "${_tgroup}/${_tname}")
+    set(ALL_TESTS "${ALL_TESTS};${_tpath}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(_param "" "ENABLE_IF" "LIBS;LABELS" ${ARGN})
+    if(Osmium_DEBUG)
+        message("${_testid} ENABLE_IF=[${_param_ENABLE_IF}] LIBS=[${_param_LIBS}] LABELS=[${_param_LABELS}]")
+    endif()
+    if((NOT(DEFINED _param_ENABLE_IF)) OR (_param_ENABLE_IF))
+        if(Osmium_DEBUG)
+            message("Adding test: ${_tpath}")
+        endif()
+        add_executable(${_testid} t/${_tpath}.cpp)
+        target_link_libraries(${_testid} testlib)
+        if(DEFINED _param_LIBS)
+            if(Osmium_DEBUG)
+                message("  Adding libs: ${_param_LIBS}")
+            endif()
+            target_link_libraries(${_testid} ${_param_LIBS})
+        endif()
+        add_test(NAME ${_testid}
+                 COMMAND ${_testid}
+        )
+        set(_labels "unit;fast;${_tgroup}")
+        if(DEFINED _param_LABELS)
+            if(Osmium_DEBUG)
+                message("  Adding labels: ${_param_LABELS}")
+            endif()
+            set(_labels "${_labels};${_param_LABELS}")
+        endif()
+        set_tests_properties(${_testid} PROPERTIES
+            LABELS "${_labels}"
+        )
+    else()
+        message("Skipped test ${_tpath} because a dependency was not found")
+            "${OSMIUM_SKIPPED_TESTS} ${_tpath}"
+            CACHE STRING "Tests that were skipped because of missing dependecies")
+    endif()
+#  Add all tests.
+add_unit_test(area test_area_id)
+add_unit_test(area test_node_ref_segment)
+add_unit_test(basic test_box)
+add_unit_test(basic test_changeset)
+add_unit_test(basic test_entity_bits)
+add_unit_test(basic test_location)
+add_unit_test(basic test_node)
+add_unit_test(basic test_node_ref)
+add_unit_test(basic test_object_comparisons)
+add_unit_test(basic test_relation)
+add_unit_test(basic test_timestamp)
+add_unit_test(basic test_way)
+add_unit_test(buffer test_buffer_node)
+add_unit_test(buffer test_buffer_purge)
+add_unit_test(geom test_factory_with_projection
+add_unit_test(geom test_geojson)
+add_unit_test(geom test_geos ENABLE_IF ${GEOS_FOUND} LIBS ${GEOS_LIBRARY})
+add_unit_test(geom test_geos_wkb ENABLE_IF ${GEOS_FOUND} LIBS ${GEOS_LIBRARY})
+add_unit_test(geom test_mercator)
+add_unit_test(geom test_ogr ENABLE_IF ${GDAL_FOUND} LIBS ${GDAL_LIBRARY})
+add_unit_test(geom test_projection ENABLE_IF ${PROJ_FOUND} LIBS ${PROJ_LIBRARY})
+add_unit_test(geom test_wkb)
+add_unit_test(geom test_wkt)
+add_unit_test(index test_id_to_location ENABLE_IF ${SPARSEHASH_FOUND})
+add_unit_test(index test_typed_mmap)
+add_unit_test(index test_typed_mmap_grow LABELS "fails_on_windows")
+add_unit_test(io test_bzip2 ENABLE_IF ${BZIP2_FOUND} LIBS ${BZIP2_LIBRARIES})
+add_unit_test(io test_file_formats)
+add_unit_test(io test_reader LIBS "${OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES}")
+add_unit_test(io test_output_iterator ENABLE_IF ${Threads_FOUND} LIBS ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
+add_unit_test(tags test_filter)
+add_unit_test(tags test_operators)
+add_unit_test(tags test_tag_list)
+add_unit_test(thread test_pool ENABLE_IF ${Threads_FOUND} LIBS ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
+add_unit_test(util test_cast_with_assert)
+add_unit_test(util test_double)
+add_unit_test(util test_options)
+add_unit_test(util test_string)
+#  Check that all tests available in test/t/*/test_*.cpp are run.
+foreach(file ${TESTS_IN_DIR})
+    string(REPLACE ".cpp" "" out1 ${file})
+    string(REPLACE "//" "/" tname ${out1})
+    list(FIND ALL_TESTS ${tname} found)
+    if(${found} EQUAL -1)
+        message(WARNING "Test '${tname}' not found in cmake config. It will not be run!")
+    endif()
+message(STATUS "Configuring unit tests - done")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/README b/third_party/libosmium/test/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8195824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Osmium uses Catch (https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/) for its unit tests.
+Only one header file is needed (catch.hpp) which can be downloaded from
+http://builds.catch-lib.net/ and put into the include directory.
+Osmium needs a few changes to catch.hpp, they were patched in. To be able to
+compare with the original version, it is stored in include/catch_orig.hpp.
+Changes are:
+* Disable more warnings in GCC
+* CATCH_CONFIG_CPP11_NULLPTR must be set for MSVC
+* Problem with test running in loop: https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/issues/271
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/.gitignore b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98df22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89aead9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#  CMake Config
+#  Libosmium data tests
+message(STATUS "Configuring data tests")
+    message(STATUS "Sorry, building data tests needs GDAL and Expat")
+    message(STATUS "Configuring data tests - failed")
+    return()
+message(STATUS "Looking for osm-testdata")
+find_path(OSM_TESTDATA grid/data/all.osm HINT ../../../osm-testdata)
+    message(STATUS "Looking for osm-testdata - not found (data tests disabled)")
+    message(STATUS "Configuring data tests - failed")
+    return()
+message(STATUS "Looking for osm-testdata - found")
+#  testcases
+file(GLOB TESTCASE_CPPS testcases/*.cpp)
+add_executable(testdata-testcases testdata-testcases.cpp ${TESTCASE_CPPS})
+                      ${OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES}
+add_test(NAME testdata-testcases
+         COMMAND testdata-testcases
+set_tests_properties(testdata-testcases PROPERTIES
+    LABELS "data;fast")
+#  xml
+add_executable(testdata-xml testdata-xml.cpp)
+                      ${OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES}
+add_test(NAME testdata-xml
+         COMMAND testdata-xml
+set_tests_properties(testdata-xml PROPERTIES
+    LABELS "data;fast")
+#  overview
+add_executable(testdata-overview testdata-overview.cpp)
+                      ${OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES}
+                      ${GDAL_LIBRARIES}
+add_test(NAME testdata-overview
+         COMMAND testdata-overview ${OSM_TESTDATA}/grid/data/all.osm
+set_tests_properties(testdata-overview PROPERTIES
+    LABELS "data;slow")
+#  multipolygon
+find_package(Ruby 1.9)
+find_package(Gem COMPONENTS json)
+find_program(SPATIALITE spatialite)
+    add_executable(testdata-multipolygon testdata-multipolygon.cpp)
+    target_link_libraries(testdata-multipolygon
+                        ${OSMIUM_XML_LIBRARIES}
+                        ${GDAL_LIBRARIES}
+    )
+    add_test(NAME testdata-multipolygon
+                -D OSM_TESTDATA=${OSM_TESTDATA}
+                -D RUBY=${RUBY_EXECUTABLE}
+                -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/run-testdata-multipolygon.cmake)
+    set_tests_properties(testdata-multipolygon PROPERTIES LABELS "data;slow")
+    message(WARNING "Disabled testdata-multipolygon test because 'ruby' and/or 'json' ruby gem and/or 'spatialite' was not found")
+message(STATUS "Configuring data tests - done")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/README.md b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5138bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# OSM Testdata
+This directory contains software that can be used with the osm-testdata
+repository at https://github.com/osmcode/osm-testdata . To use it, clone
+the `osm-testdata` repository in the same directory where you cloned the
+`libosmium` repository.
+Tests will be built if the CMake option `BUILD_DATA_TESTS` is set and run as
+part of the `ctest` run.
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_basics_handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_basics_handler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757ab4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_basics_handler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm.hpp>
+ * Check some basics of the input data:
+ *
+ * 1. Correct number of nodes, ways, and relations
+ * 2. Correct ID space used by nodes, ways, and relations
+ * 3. No ID used more than once
+ */
+class CheckBasicsHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    // Lower bound for the id range allowed in this test.
+    int m_id_range;
+    // In the beginning these contains the number of nodes, ways, and relations
+    // supposedly in the data.osm file. They will be decremented on each object
+    // and have to be 0 at the end.
+    int m_num_nodes;
+    int m_num_ways;
+    int m_num_relations;
+    // All IDs encountered in the data.osm file will be stored in this set and
+    // checked for duplicates.
+    std::unordered_set<osmium::object_id_type> m_ids;
+    // Check id is in range [min, max] and that it isn't more than once in input.
+    void id_check(osmium::object_id_type id, osmium::object_id_type min, osmium::object_id_type max) {
+        if (id < m_id_range + min || id > m_id_range + max) {
+            std::cerr << "  id " << id << " out of range for this test case\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        auto r = m_ids.insert(id);
+        if (!r.second) {
+            std::cerr << "  id " << id << " contained twice in data.osm\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    static const int ids_per_testcase = 1000;
+    CheckBasicsHandler(int testcase, int nodes, int ways, int relations) :
+        osmium::handler::Handler(),
+        m_id_range(testcase * ids_per_testcase),
+        m_num_nodes(nodes),
+        m_num_ways(ways),
+        m_num_relations(relations) {
+    }
+    ~CheckBasicsHandler() {
+        if (m_num_nodes != 0) {
+            std::cerr << "  wrong number of nodes in data.osm\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        if (m_num_ways != 0) {
+            std::cerr << "  wrong number of ways in data.osm\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        if (m_num_relations != 0) {
+            std::cerr << "  wrong number of relations in data.osm\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        id_check(node.id(), 0, 799);
+        --m_num_nodes;
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        id_check(way.id(), 800, 899);
+        --m_num_ways;
+    }
+    void relations(const osmium::Relation& relation) {
+        id_check(relation.id(), 900, 999);
+        --m_num_relations;
+    }
+}; // CheckBasicsHandler
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_wkt_handler.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_wkt_handler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe0199e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/check_wkt_handler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include <cassert>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/types.hpp>
+class CheckWKTHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    std::map<osmium::object_id_type, std::string> m_geometries;
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> m_factory;
+    void read_wkt_file(const std::string& filename) {
+        std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::in);
+        if (in) {
+            osmium::object_id_type id;
+            std::string line;
+            while (std::getline(in, line)) {
+                size_t pos = line.find_first_of(' ');
+                if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+                    std::cerr << filename << " not formatted correctly\n";
+                    exit(1);
+                }
+                std::string id_str = line.substr(0, pos);
+                std::istringstream iss(id_str);
+                iss >> id;
+                if (m_geometries.find(id) != m_geometries.end()) {
+                     std::cerr << filename + " contains id " << id << "twice\n";
+                     exit(1);
+                }
+                m_geometries[id] = line.substr(pos+1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    CheckWKTHandler(const std::string& dirname, int test_id) :
+        osmium::handler::Handler() {
+        std::string filename = dirname + "/" + std::to_string(test_id / 100) + "/" + std::to_string(test_id) + "/";
+        read_wkt_file(filename + "nodes.wkt");
+        read_wkt_file(filename + "ways.wkt");
+    }
+    ~CheckWKTHandler() {
+        if (!m_geometries.empty()) {
+            for (const auto& geom : m_geometries) {
+                std::cerr << "geometry id " << geom.first << " not in data.osm.\n";
+            }
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        const std::string wkt = m_geometries[node.id()];
+        assert(wkt != "" && "Missing geometry for node in nodes.wkt");
+        std::string this_wkt = m_factory.create_point(node.location());
+        assert(wkt == this_wkt && "wkt geometries don't match");
+        m_geometries.erase(node.id());
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        const std::string wkt = m_geometries[way.id()];
+        assert(wkt != "" && "Missing geometry for way in ways.wkt");
+        std::string this_wkt = m_factory.create_linestring(way);
+        assert(wkt == this_wkt && "wkt geometries don't match");
+        m_geometries.erase(way.id());
+    }
+}; // CheckWKTHandler
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/common.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6fd3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef COMMON_HPP
+#define COMMON_HPP
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkt.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_neg_type;
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_pos_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_pos_type, index_neg_type> location_handler_type;
+#include "check_basics_handler.hpp"
+#include "check_wkt_handler.hpp"
+#include "testdata-testcases.hpp"
+#endif // COMMON_HPP
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/testdata-testcases.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/testdata-testcases.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d0c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/include/testdata-testcases.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include <catch.hpp>
+#include <string>
+extern std::string dirname;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/multipolygon.qgs b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/multipolygon.qgs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5553670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/multipolygon.qgs
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+<!DOCTYPE qgis PUBLIC 'http://mrcc.com/qgis.dtd' 'SYSTEM'>
+<qgis projectname="" version="2.2.0-Valmiera">
+    <title></title>
+    <relations/>
+    <mapcanvas>
+        <units>degrees</units>
+        <extent>
+            <xmin>0.77500024999999972</xmin>
+            <ymin>-0.84791712574962541</ymin>
+            <xmax>10.22498975000000065</xmax>
+            <ymax>3.94791712574962572</ymax>
+        </extent>
+        <projections>0</projections>
+        <destinationsrs>
+            <spatialrefsys>
+                <proj4>+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs</proj4>
+                <srsid>3452</srsid>
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+            <id>perrors20140228163658956</id>
+            <datasource>dbname='./multipolygon.db' table="perrors" (GEOMETRY) sql=</datasource>
+            <title></title>
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+                <value></value>
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+            <blendMode>0</blendMode>
+            <featureBlendMode>0</featureBlendMode>
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+                <bufferenabled fieldname="" on=""/>
+                <multilineenabled fieldname="" on=""/>
+                <selectedonly on=""/>
+            </labelattributes>
+            <edittypes>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="OGC_FID"/>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="id"/>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="node_id"/>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="object_id"/>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="problem_type"/>
+                <edittype labelontop="0" editable="1" type="0" name="type"/>
+            </edittypes>
+            <editform>.</editform>
+            <editforminit></editforminit>
+            <featformsuppress>0</featformsuppress>
+            <annotationform>.</annotationform>
+            <editorlayout>generatedlayout</editorlayout>
+            <excludeAttributesWMS/>
+            <excludeAttributesWFS/>
+            <attributeactions/>
+        </maplayer>
+    </projectlayers>
+    <properties>
+        <WMSContactPerson type="QString"></WMSContactPerson>
+        <WMSOnlineResource type="QString"></WMSOnlineResource>
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+            <value>0.82500024999999999</value>
+            <value>-0.35415386986094277</value>
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+            <Absolute type="bool">false</Absolute>
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+    </properties>
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/run-testdata-multipolygon.cmake b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/run-testdata-multipolygon.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d08f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/run-testdata-multipolygon.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#  Helper script that runs the 'multipolygon' test.
+# Remove files that might be left over from previous run
+file(REMOVE multipolygon.db multipolygon-tests.json)
+#  Create multipolygons from test data.
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/testdata-multipolygon
+        ${OSM_TESTDATA}/grid/data/all.osm
+    RESULT_VARIABLE _result
+    OUTPUT_FILE multipolygon.log
+    ERROR_FILE multipolygon.log
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running testdata-multipolygon command")
+#  Compare created multipolygons with reference data.
+    COMMAND ${RUBY} ${OSM_TESTDATA}/bin/compare-areas.rb
+        ${OSM_TESTDATA}/grid/data/tests.json
+        multipolygon-tests.json
+    RESULT_VARIABLE _result
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running compare-areas command")
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-100.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-100.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feafe77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-100.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "common.hpp"
+class TestHandler100 : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    TestHandler100() :
+        osmium::handler::Handler() {
+    }
+    void node(osmium::Node& node) {
+        if (node.id() == 100000) {
+            REQUIRE(node.version() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(node.timestamp() == osmium::Timestamp("2014-01-01T00:00:00Z"));
+            REQUIRE(node.uid() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(!strcmp(node.user(), "test"));
+            REQUIRE(node.changeset() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lon() == 1.02);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lat() == 1.02);
+        } else {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ID");
+        }
+    }
+}; // class TestHandler100
+TEST_CASE("100") {
+    SECTION("test 100") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(dirname + "/1/100/data.osm");
+        CheckBasicsHandler check_basics_handler(100, 1, 0, 0);
+        CheckWKTHandler check_wkt_handler(dirname, 100);
+        TestHandler100 test_handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, check_basics_handler, check_wkt_handler, test_handler);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-101.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-101.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2a5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-101.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "common.hpp"
+class TestHandler101 : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    TestHandler101() :
+        osmium::handler::Handler() {
+    }
+    void node(osmium::Node& node) {
+        if (node.id() == 101000) {
+            REQUIRE(node.version() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lon() == 1.12);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lat() == 1.02);
+        } else if (node.id() == 101001) {
+            REQUIRE(node.version() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lon() == 1.12);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lat() == 1.03);
+        } else if (node.id() == 101002) {
+        } else if (node.id() == 101003) {
+        } else {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ID");
+        }
+    }
+}; // class TestHandler101
+TEST_CASE("101") {
+    SECTION("test 101") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(dirname + "/1/101/data.osm");
+        CheckBasicsHandler check_basics_handler(101, 4, 0, 0);
+        CheckWKTHandler check_wkt_handler(dirname, 101);
+        TestHandler101 test_handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, check_basics_handler, check_wkt_handler, test_handler);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-110.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-110.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b039b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testcases/test-110.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "common.hpp"
+class TestHandler110 : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    TestHandler110() :
+        osmium::handler::Handler() {
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        if (node.id() == 110000) {
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lon() == 1.02);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lat() == 1.12);
+        } else if (node.id() == 110001) {
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lon() == 1.07);
+            REQUIRE(node.location().lat() == 1.13);
+        } else {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ID");
+        }
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        if (way.id() == 110800) {
+            REQUIRE(way.version() == 1);
+            REQUIRE(way.nodes().size() == 2);
+            REQUIRE(!way.is_closed());
+            const char *test_id = way.tags().get_value_by_key("test:id");
+            REQUIRE(test_id);
+            REQUIRE(!strcmp(test_id, "110"));
+        } else {
+            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ID");
+        }
+    }
+}; // class TestHandler110
+TEST_CASE("110") {
+    SECTION("test 110") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(dirname + "/1/110/data.osm");
+        index_pos_type index_pos;
+        index_neg_type index_neg;
+        location_handler_type location_handler(index_pos, index_neg);
+        location_handler.ignore_errors();
+        CheckBasicsHandler check_basics_handler(110, 2, 1, 0);
+        CheckWKTHandler check_wkt_handler(dirname, 110);
+        TestHandler110 test_handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, check_basics_handler, check_wkt_handler, test_handler);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-multipolygon.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-multipolygon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd0d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-multipolygon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/assembler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/multipolygon_collector.hpp>
+#include <osmium/area/problem_reporter_ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkt.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_type> location_handler_type;
+struct less_charptr {
+    bool operator()(const char* a, const char* b) const {
+        return std::strcmp(a, b) < 0;
+    }
+}; // less_charptr
+typedef std::map<const char*, const char*, less_charptr> tagmap_type;
+inline tagmap_type create_map(const osmium::TagList& taglist) {
+    tagmap_type map;
+    for (auto& tag : taglist) {
+        map[tag.key()] = tag.value();
+    }
+    return map;
+class TestHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    OGRDataSource* m_data_source;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_point;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_linestring;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_polygon;
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> m_ogr_factory;
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> m_wkt_factory;
+    std::ofstream m_out;
+    bool m_first_out {true};
+    TestHandler(OGRDataSource* data_source) :
+        m_data_source(data_source),
+        m_out("multipolygon-tests.json") {
+        OGRSpatialReference sparef;
+        sparef.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
+        /**************/
+        m_layer_point = m_data_source->CreateLayer("points", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_point) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_point_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_point_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_point_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateField(&layer_point_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /**************/
+        m_layer_linestring = m_data_source->CreateLayer("lines", &sparef, wkbLineString, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_linestring) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_linestring_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_linestring_field_type("type", OFTString);
+        layer_linestring_field_type.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_linestring->CreateField(&layer_linestring_field_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /**************/
+        m_layer_polygon = m_data_source->CreateLayer("multipolygons", &sparef, wkbMultiPolygon, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_polygon) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_id("id", OFTInteger);
+        layer_polygon_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_polygon_field_from_type("from_type", OFTString);
+        layer_polygon_field_from_type.SetWidth(1);
+        if (m_layer_polygon->CreateField(&layer_polygon_field_from_type) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating from_type field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    ~TestHandler() {
+        m_out << "\n]\n";
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_point->GetLayerDefn());
+        std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_ogr_factory.create_point(node);
+        feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+        feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+        feature->SetField("type", node.tags().get_value_by_key("type"));
+        if (m_layer_point->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        try {
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> ogr_linestring = m_ogr_factory.create_linestring(way);
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_linestring->GetLayerDefn());
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_linestring.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(way.id()));
+            feature->SetField("type", way.tags().get_value_by_key("type"));
+            if (m_layer_linestring->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+            std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for way " << way.id() << ".\n";
+        }
+    }
+    void area(const osmium::Area& area) {
+        if (m_first_out) {
+            m_out << "[\n";
+            m_first_out = false;
+        } else {
+            m_out << ",\n";
+        }
+        m_out << "{\n  \"test_id\": " << (area.orig_id() / 1000) << ",\n  \"area_id\": " << area.id() << ",\n  \"from_id\": " << area.orig_id() << ",\n  \"from_type\": \"" << (area.from_way() ? "way" : "relation") << "\",\n  \"wkt\": \"";
+        try {
+            std::string wkt = m_wkt_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+            m_out << wkt << "\",\n  \"tags\": {";
+            auto tagmap = create_map(area.tags());
+            bool first = true;
+            for (auto& tag : tagmap) {
+                if (first) {
+                    first = false;
+                } else {
+                    m_out << ", ";
+                }
+                m_out << '"' << tag.first << "\": \"" << tag.second << '"';
+            }
+            m_out << "}\n}";
+        } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+            m_out << "INVALID\"\n}";
+        }
+        try {
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> ogr_polygon = m_ogr_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_polygon->GetLayerDefn());
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_polygon.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<int>(area.orig_id()));
+            std::string from_type;
+            if (area.from_way()) {
+                from_type = "w";
+            } else {
+                from_type = "r";
+            }
+            feature->SetField("from_type", from_type.c_str());
+            if (m_layer_polygon->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+            std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for area " << area.id() << " created from " << (area.from_way() ? "way" : "relation") << " with id=" << area.orig_id() << ".\n";
+        }
+    }
+}; // class TestHandler
+/* ================================================== */
+OGRDataSource* initialize_database(const std::string& output_format, const std::string& output_filename) {
+    OGRRegisterAll();
+    OGRSFDriver* driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(output_format.c_str());
+    if (!driver) {
+        std::cerr << output_format << " driver not available.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    const char* options[] = { "SPATIALITE=TRUE", nullptr };
+    OGRDataSource* data_source = driver->CreateDataSource(output_filename.c_str(), const_cast<char**>(options));
+    if (!data_source) {
+        std::cerr << "Creation of output file failed.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    return data_source;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " INFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string output_format("SQLite");
+    std::string input_filename(argv[1]);
+    std::string output_filename("multipolygon.db");
+    OGRDataSource* data_source = initialize_database(output_format, output_filename);
+    osmium::area::ProblemReporterOGR problem_reporter(data_source);
+    osmium::area::Assembler::config_type assembler_config(&problem_reporter);
+    assembler_config.enable_debug_output();
+    osmium::area::MultipolygonCollector<osmium::area::Assembler> collector(assembler_config);
+    std::cerr << "Pass 1...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader1(input_filename);
+    collector.read_relations(reader1);
+    reader1.close();
+    std::cerr << "Pass 1 done\n";
+    index_type index;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    TestHandler test_handler(data_source);
+    std::cerr << "Pass 2...\n";
+    osmium::io::Reader reader2(input_filename);
+    osmium::apply(reader2, location_handler, test_handler, collector.handler([&test_handler](const osmium::memory::Buffer& area_buffer) {
+        osmium::apply(area_buffer, test_handler);
+    }));
+    reader2.close();
+    std::cerr << "Pass 2 done\n";
+    OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource(data_source);
+    OGRCleanupAll();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-overview.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-overview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d63dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-overview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* The code in this file is released into the Public Domain. */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+typedef osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_type> location_handler_type;
+class TestOverviewHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    OGRDataSource* m_data_source;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_nodes;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_labels;
+    OGRLayer* m_layer_ways;
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> m_factory;
+    TestOverviewHandler(const std::string& driver_name, const std::string& filename) {
+        OGRRegisterAll();
+        OGRSFDriver* driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver_name.c_str());
+        if (!driver) {
+            std::cerr << driver_name << " driver not available.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        CPLSetConfigOption("OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS", "FALSE");
+        const char* options[] = { "SPATIALITE=TRUE", nullptr };
+        m_data_source = driver->CreateDataSource(filename.c_str(), const_cast<char**>(options));
+        if (!m_data_source) {
+            std::cerr << "Creation of output file failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRSpatialReference sparef;
+        sparef.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
+        // nodes layer
+        m_layer_nodes = m_data_source->CreateLayer("nodes", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_nodes) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_nodes_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_nodes_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_nodes->CreateField(&layer_nodes_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        // labels layer
+        m_layer_labels = m_data_source->CreateLayer("labels", &sparef, wkbPoint, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_labels) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_labels_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_labels_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_labels->CreateField(&layer_labels_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_labels_field_label("label", OFTString);
+        layer_labels_field_label.SetWidth(30);
+        if (m_layer_labels->CreateField(&layer_labels_field_label) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating label field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        // ways layer
+        m_layer_ways = m_data_source->CreateLayer("ways", &sparef, wkbLineString, nullptr);
+        if (!m_layer_ways) {
+            std::cerr << "Layer creation failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_way_field_id("id", OFTReal);
+        layer_way_field_id.SetWidth(10);
+        if (m_layer_ways->CreateField(&layer_way_field_id) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating id field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        OGRFieldDefn layer_way_field_test("test", OFTInteger);
+        layer_way_field_test.SetWidth(3);
+        if (m_layer_ways->CreateField(&layer_way_field_test) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+            std::cerr << "Creating test field failed.\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    ~TestOverviewHandler() {
+        OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource(m_data_source);
+        OGRCleanupAll();
+    }
+    void node(const osmium::Node& node) {
+        const char* label = node.tags().get_value_by_key("label");
+        if (label) {
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_labels->GetLayerDefn());
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_factory.create_point(node);
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+            feature->SetField("label", label);
+            if (m_layer_labels->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        } else {
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_nodes->GetLayerDefn());
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> ogr_point = m_factory.create_point(node);
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_point.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(node.id()));
+            if (m_layer_nodes->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        }
+    }
+    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
+        try {
+            std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> ogr_linestring = m_factory.create_linestring(way);
+            OGRFeature* feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(m_layer_ways->GetLayerDefn());
+            feature->SetGeometry(ogr_linestring.get());
+            feature->SetField("id", static_cast<double>(way.id()));
+            const char* test = way.tags().get_value_by_key("test");
+            if (test) {
+                feature->SetField("test", test);
+            }
+            if (m_layer_ways->CreateFeature(feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
+                std::cerr << "Failed to create feature.\n";
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(feature);
+        } catch (osmium::geometry_error&) {
+            std::cerr << "Ignoring illegal geometry for way " << way.id() << ".\n";
+        }
+    }
+/* ================================================== */
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    if (argc != 2) {
+        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " INFILE\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    std::string output_format("SQLite");
+    std::string input_filename(argv[1]);
+    std::string output_filename("testdata-overview.db");
+    ::unlink(output_filename.c_str());
+    osmium::io::Reader reader(input_filename);
+    index_type index;
+    location_handler_type location_handler(index);
+    location_handler.ignore_errors();
+    TestOverviewHandler handler(output_format, output_filename);
+    osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, handler);
+    reader.close();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-testcases.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-testcases.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed6ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-testcases.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "testdata-testcases.hpp"
+#include <osmpbf/osmpbf.h>
+std::string dirname;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+    const char* testcases_dir = getenv("TESTCASES_DIR");
+    if (testcases_dir) {
+        dirname = testcases_dir;
+        std::cerr << "Running tests from '" << dirname << "' (from TESTCASES_DIR environment variable)\n";
+    } else {
+        std::cerr << "Please set TESTCASES_DIR environment variable.\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    int result = Catch::Session().run(argc, argv);
+    return result;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-xml.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-xml.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af4c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/data-tests/testdata-xml.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+/* The code in this file is released into the Public Domain. */
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/gzip_compression.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+std::string filename(const char* test_id, const char* suffix = "osm") {
+    const char* testdir = getenv("TESTDIR");
+    if (!testdir) {
+        std::cerr << "You have to set TESTDIR environment variable before running testdata-xml\n";
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    std::string f;
+    f += testdir;
+    f += "/";
+    f += test_id;
+    f += "/data.";
+    f += suffix;
+    return f;
+struct header_buffer_type {
+    osmium::io::Header header;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer;
+// =============================================
+// The following helper functions are used to call different parts of the
+// Osmium internals used to read and parse XML files. This way those parts
+// can be tested individually. These function can not be used in normal
+// operations, because they make certain assumptions, for instance that
+// file contents fit into small buffers.
+std::string read_file(const char* test_id) {
+    int fd = osmium::io::detail::open_for_reading(filename(test_id));
+    assert(fd >= 0);
+    std::string input(10000, '\0');
+    auto n = ::read(fd, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(input.data())), 10000);
+    assert(n >= 0);
+    input.resize(static_cast<std::string::size_type>(n));
+    close(fd);
+    return input;
+std::string read_gz_file(const char* test_id, const char* suffix) {
+    int fd = osmium::io::detail::open_for_reading(filename(test_id, suffix));
+    assert(fd >= 0);
+    osmium::io::GzipDecompressor gzip_decompressor(fd);
+    std::string input = gzip_decompressor.read();
+    gzip_decompressor.close();
+    return input;
+header_buffer_type parse_xml(std::string input) {
+    osmium::thread::Queue<std::string> input_queue;
+    osmium::thread::Queue<osmium::memory::Buffer> output_queue;
+    std::promise<osmium::io::Header> header_promise;
+    std::atomic<bool> done {false};
+    input_queue.push(input);
+    input_queue.push(std::string()); // EOF marker
+    osmium::io::detail::XMLParser parser(input_queue, output_queue, header_promise, osmium::osm_entity_bits::all, done);
+    parser();
+    header_buffer_type result;
+    result.header = header_promise.get_future().get();
+    output_queue.wait_and_pop(result.buffer);
+    if (result.buffer) {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer;
+        output_queue.wait_and_pop(buffer);
+        assert(!buffer);
+    }
+    return result;
+header_buffer_type read_xml(const char* test_id) {
+    std::string input = read_file(test_id);
+    return parse_xml(input);
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 100") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        header_buffer_type r = read_xml("100-correct_but_no_data");
+        REQUIRE(r.header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        REQUIRE(0 == r.buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! r.buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("100-correct_but_no_data"));
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(0 == buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! buffer);
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader asking for header only") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("100-correct_but_no_data"), osmium::osm_entity_bits::nothing);
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        reader.close();
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 101") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(read_xml("101-missing_version"), osmium::format_version_error);
+        try {
+            read_xml("101-missing_version");
+        } catch (osmium::format_version_error& e) {
+            REQUIRE(e.version.empty());
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("101-missing_version"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::format_version_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 102") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(read_xml("102-wrong_version"), osmium::format_version_error);
+        try {
+            read_xml("102-wrong_version");
+        } catch (osmium::format_version_error& e) {
+            REQUIRE(e.version == "0.1");
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("102-wrong_version"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::format_version_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 103") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(read_xml("103-old_version"), osmium::format_version_error);
+        try {
+            read_xml("103-old_version");
+        } catch (osmium::format_version_error& e) {
+            REQUIRE(e.version == "0.5");
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("103-old_version"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::format_version_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 104") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(read_xml("104-empty_file"), osmium::xml_error);
+        try {
+            read_xml("104-empty_file");
+        } catch (osmium::xml_error& e) {
+            REQUIRE(e.line == 1);
+            REQUIRE(e.column == 0);
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("104-empty_file"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::xml_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 105") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(read_xml("105-incomplete_xml_file"), osmium::xml_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("105-incomplete_xml_file"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::xml_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 120") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        std::string data = read_gz_file("120-correct_gzip_file_without_data", "osm.gz");
+        REQUIRE(data.size() == 102);
+        header_buffer_type r = parse_xml(data);
+        REQUIRE(r.header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        REQUIRE(0 == r.buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! r.buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("120-correct_gzip_file_without_data", "osm.gz"));
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(0 == buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! buffer);
+        reader.close();
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 121") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+            read_gz_file("121-truncated_gzip_file", "osm.gz");
+        }, osmium::gzip_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("121-truncated_gzip_file", "osm.gz"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::gzip_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 122") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+            read_xml("122-no_osm_element");
+        }, osmium::xml_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+            osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("122-no_osm_element"));
+            osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+            osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+            reader.close();
+        }, osmium::xml_error);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 140") {
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("140-unicode"));
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        reader.close();
+        int count = 0;
+        for (auto it = buffer.begin<osmium::Node>(); it != buffer.end<osmium::Node>(); ++it) {
+            ++count;
+            REQUIRE(it->id() == count);
+            const osmium::TagList& t = it->tags();
+            const char* uc = t["unicode_char"];
+            auto len = atoi(t["unicode_utf8_length"]);
+            REQUIRE(len == strlen(uc));
+            REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, t["unicode_xml"]));
+// workaround for missing support for u8 string literals on Windows
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
+            switch (count) {
+                case 1:
+                    REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, u8"a"));
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, u8"\u00e4"));
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, u8"\u30dc"));
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, u8"\U0001d11e"));
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    REQUIRE(!strcmp(uc, u8"\U0001f6eb"));
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    REQUIRE(false); // should not be here
+            }
+        }
+        REQUIRE(count == 5);
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 141") {
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("141-entities"));
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        reader.close();
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() > 0);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.get<osmium::memory::Item>(0).type() == osmium::item_type::node);
+        const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get<osmium::Node>(0);
+        const osmium::TagList& tags = node.tags();
+        REQUIRE(!strcmp(tags["less-than"],    "<"));
+        REQUIRE(!strcmp(tags["greater-than"], ">"));
+        REQUIRE(!strcmp(tags["apostrophe"],   "'"));
+        REQUIRE(!strcmp(tags["ampersand"],    "&"));
+        REQUIRE(!strcmp(tags["quote"],        "\""));
+    }
+// =============================================
+TEST_CASE("Reading OSM XML 200") {
+    SECTION("Direct") {
+        header_buffer_type r = read_xml("200-nodes");
+        REQUIRE(r.header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        REQUIRE(r.buffer.committed() > 0);
+        REQUIRE(r.buffer.get<osmium::memory::Item>(0).type() == osmium::item_type::node);
+        REQUIRE(r.buffer.get<osmium::Node>(0).id() == 36966060);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(r.buffer.begin(), r.buffer.end()) == 3);
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("200-nodes"));
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() > 0);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.get<osmium::memory::Item>(0).type() == osmium::item_type::node);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.get<osmium::Node>(0).id() == 36966060);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 3);
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader asking for nodes") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("200-nodes"), osmium::osm_entity_bits::node);
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() > 0);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.get<osmium::memory::Item>(0).type() == osmium::item_type::node);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.get<osmium::Node>(0).id() == 36966060);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 3);
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader asking for header only") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("200-nodes"), osmium::osm_entity_bits::nothing);
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(0 == buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! buffer);
+        reader.close();
+    }
+    SECTION("Using Reader asking for ways") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(filename("200-nodes"), osmium::osm_entity_bits::way);
+        osmium::io::Header header = reader.header();
+        REQUIRE(header.get("generator") == "testdata");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(0 == buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(! buffer);
+        reader.close();
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb87af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9003 @@
+// This is needed for Windows
+ *  CATCH v1.0 build 53 (master branch)
+ *  Generated: 2014-08-20 08:08:19.533804
+ *  ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This file has been merged from multiple headers. Please don't edit it directly
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ *  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ */
+// #included from: internal/catch_suppress_warnings.h
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc99-extensions"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic"
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wctor-dtor-privacy"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-promo"
+#    define CLARA_CONFIG_MAIN
+#  endif
+// #included from: internal/catch_notimplemented_exception.h
+// #included from: catch_common.h
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME_LINE2( name, line ) name##line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY2( expr ) #expr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
+// #included from: catch_compiler_capabilities.h
+// Much of the following code is based on Boost (1.53)
+#ifdef __clang__
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_nullptr)
+#  endif
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_noexcept)
+#  endif
+#endif // __clang__
+// Borland
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#if (__BORLANDC__ > 0x582 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __BORLANDC__
+// EDG
+#ifdef __EDG_VERSION__
+#if (__EDG_VERSION__ > 238 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __EDG_VERSION__
+// Digital Mars
+#ifdef __DMC__
+#if (__DMC__ > 0x840 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __DMC__
+// GCC
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#if __GNUC__ < 3
+#if (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96 )
+#elif __GNUC__ >= 3
+// #define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Taking this out completely for now
+#endif // __GNUC__ < 3
+#if __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6 && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) )
+#endif // __GNUC__
+// Visual C++
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if (_MSC_VER >= 1310 ) // (VC++ 7.0+)
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// Use variadic macros if the compiler supports them
+#if ( defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 1400 && !defined __EDGE__) || \
+    ( defined __WAVE__ && __WAVE_HAS_VARIADICS ) || \
+    ( defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3 ) || \
+    ( !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L )
+// C++ language feature support
+// detect language version:
+#if (__cplusplus == 201103L)
+#  define CATCH_CPP11
+#elif (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
+// noexcept support:
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x) noexcept(x)
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT throw()
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x)
+namespace Catch {
+    class NonCopyable {
+        NonCopyable( NonCopyable const& );
+        void operator = ( NonCopyable const& );
+    protected:
+        NonCopyable() {}
+        virtual ~NonCopyable();
+    };
+    class SafeBool {
+    public:
+        typedef void (SafeBool::*type)() const;
+        static type makeSafe( bool value ) {
+            return value ? &SafeBool::trueValue : 0;
+        }
+    private:
+        void trueValue() const {}
+    };
+    template<typename ContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAll( ContainerT& container ) {
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete *it;
+    }
+    template<typename AssociativeContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAllValues( AssociativeContainerT& container ) {
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete it->second;
+    }
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix );
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix );
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix );
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s );
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s );
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str );
+    struct pluralise {
+        pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label );
+        friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser );
+        std::size_t m_count;
+        std::string m_label;
+    };
+    struct SourceLineInfo {
+        SourceLineInfo();
+        SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo && )                  = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo const& ) = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool empty() const;
+        bool operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const;
+        std::string file;
+        std::size_t line;
+    };
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info );
+    // This is just here to avoid compiler warnings with macro constants and boolean literals
+    inline bool isTrue( bool value ){ return value; }
+    inline bool alwaysTrue() { return true; }
+    inline bool alwaysFalse() { return false; }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo );
+    // Use this in variadic streaming macros to allow
+    //    >> +StreamEndStop
+    // as well as
+    //    >> stuff +StreamEndStop
+    struct StreamEndStop {
+        std::string operator+() {
+            return std::string();
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    T const& operator + ( T const& value, StreamEndStop ) {
+        return value;
+    }
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ::Catch::SourceLineInfo( __FILE__, static_cast<std::size_t>( __LINE__ ) )
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( msg ) ::Catch::throwLogicError( msg, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO );
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class NotImplementedException : public std::exception
+    {
+    public:
+        NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+        NotImplementedException( NotImplementedException const& ) {}
+        virtual ~NotImplementedException() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+        virtual const char* what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    private:
+        std::string m_what;
+        SourceLineInfo m_lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define CATCH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED throw Catch::NotImplementedException( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO )
+// #included from: internal/catch_context.h
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_generators.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct IGeneratorInfo {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorInfo();
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+        virtual std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorsForTest();
+        virtual IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) = 0;
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_ptr.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    // An intrusive reference counting smart pointer.
+    // T must implement addRef() and release() methods
+    // typically implementing the IShared interface
+    template<typename T>
+    class Ptr {
+    public:
+        Ptr() : m_p( NULL ){}
+        Ptr( T* p ) : m_p( p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        Ptr( Ptr const& other ) : m_p( other.m_p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        ~Ptr(){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+            m_p = NULL;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( T* p ){
+            Ptr temp( p );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( Ptr const& other ){
+            Ptr temp( other );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void swap( Ptr& other ) { std::swap( m_p, other.m_p ); }
+        T* get() { return m_p; }
+        const T* get() const{ return m_p; }
+        T& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
+        T* operator->() const { return m_p; }
+        bool operator !() const { return m_p == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const { return SafeBool::makeSafe( m_p != NULL ); }
+    private:
+        T* m_p;
+    };
+    struct IShared : NonCopyable {
+        virtual ~IShared();
+        virtual void addRef() const = 0;
+        virtual void release() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename T = IShared>
+    struct SharedImpl : T {
+        SharedImpl() : m_rc( 0 ){}
+        virtual void addRef() const {
+            ++m_rc;
+        }
+        virtual void release() const {
+            if( --m_rc == 0 )
+                delete this;
+        }
+        mutable unsigned int m_rc;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class Stream;
+    struct IResultCapture;
+    struct IRunner;
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IContext();
+        virtual IResultCapture* getResultCapture() = 0;
+        virtual IRunner* getRunner() = 0;
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) = 0;
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() = 0;
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableContext : IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IMutableContext();
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) = 0;
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) = 0;
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) = 0;
+    };
+    IContext& getCurrentContext();
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    void cleanUpContext();
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName );
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_registry.hpp
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_testcase.h
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct ITestCase : IShared {
+        virtual void invoke () const = 0;
+    protected:
+        virtual ~ITestCase();
+    };
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry {
+        virtual ~ITestCaseRegistry();
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const = 0;
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const = 0;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename C>
+class MethodTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    MethodTestCase( void (C::*method)() ) : m_method( method ) {}
+    virtual void invoke() const {
+        C obj;
+        (obj.*m_method)();
+    }
+    virtual ~MethodTestCase() {}
+    void (C::*m_method)();
+typedef void(*TestFunction)();
+struct NameAndDesc {
+    NameAndDesc( const char* _name = "", const char* _description= "" )
+    : name( _name ), description( _description )
+    {}
+    const char* name;
+    const char* description;
+struct AutoReg {
+    AutoReg(    TestFunction function,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc );
+    template<typename C>
+    AutoReg(    void (C::*method)(),
+                char const* className,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        registerTestCase(   new MethodTestCase<C>( method ),
+                            className,
+                            nameAndDesc,
+                            lineInfo );
+    }
+    void registerTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            char const* className,
+                            NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+    ~AutoReg();
+    AutoReg( AutoReg const& );
+    void operator= ( AutoReg const& );
+} // end namespace Catch
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( ... ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, ... ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, ... )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( Name, Desc ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, Name, Desc ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, TestName, Desc )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( TestName, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+// #included from: internal/catch_capture.hpp
+// #included from: catch_result_builder.h
+// #included from: catch_result_type.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // ResultWas::OfType enum
+    struct ResultWas { enum OfType {
+        Unknown = -1,
+        Ok = 0,
+        Info = 1,
+        Warning = 2,
+        FailureBit = 0x10,
+        ExpressionFailed = FailureBit | 1,
+        ExplicitFailure = FailureBit | 2,
+        Exception = 0x100 | FailureBit,
+        ThrewException = Exception | 1,
+        DidntThrowException = Exception | 2
+    }; };
+    inline bool isOk( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        return ( resultType & ResultWas::FailureBit ) == 0;
+    }
+    inline bool isJustInfo( int flags ) {
+        return flags == ResultWas::Info;
+    }
+    // ResultDisposition::Flags enum
+    struct ResultDisposition { enum Flags {
+        Normal = 0x00,
+        ContinueOnFailure = 0x01,   // Failures fail test, but execution continues
+        FalseTest = 0x02,           // Prefix expression with !
+        SuppressFail = 0x04         // Failures are reported but do not fail the test
+    }; };
+    inline ResultDisposition::Flags operator | ( ResultDisposition::Flags lhs, ResultDisposition::Flags rhs ) {
+        return static_cast<ResultDisposition::Flags>( static_cast<int>( lhs ) | static_cast<int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    inline bool shouldContinueOnFailure( int flags )    { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure ) != 0; }
+    inline bool isFalseTest( int flags )                { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::FalseTest ) != 0; }
+    inline bool shouldSuppressFailure( int flags )      { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::SuppressFail ) != 0; }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct AssertionInfo
+    {
+        AssertionInfo() {}
+        AssertionInfo(  std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                        ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        std::string capturedExpression;
+        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition;
+    };
+    struct AssertionResultData
+    {
+        AssertionResultData() : resultType( ResultWas::Unknown ) {}
+        std::string reconstructedExpression;
+        std::string message;
+        ResultWas::OfType resultType;
+    };
+    class AssertionResult {
+    public:
+        AssertionResult();
+        AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data );
+        ~AssertionResult();
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult const& )              = default;
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult && )                  = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult const& ) = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool isOk() const;
+        bool succeeded() const;
+        ResultWas::OfType getResultType() const;
+        bool hasExpression() const;
+        bool hasMessage() const;
+        std::string getExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpressionInMacro() const;
+        bool hasExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getMessage() const;
+        SourceLineInfo getSourceInfo() const;
+        std::string getTestMacroName() const;
+    protected:
+        AssertionInfo m_info;
+        AssertionResultData m_resultData;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TestFailureException{};
+    template<typename T> class ExpressionLhs;
+    struct STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison;
+    struct CopyableStream {
+        CopyableStream() {}
+        CopyableStream( CopyableStream const& other ) {
+            oss << other.oss.str();
+        }
+        CopyableStream& operator=( CopyableStream const& other ) {
+            oss.str("");
+            oss << other.oss.str();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+    };
+    class ResultBuilder {
+    public:
+        ResultBuilder(  char const* macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        char const* capturedExpression,
+                        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition );
+        template<typename T>
+        ExpressionLhs<T const&> operator->* ( T const& operand );
+        ExpressionLhs<bool> operator->* ( bool value );
+        template<typename T>
+        ResultBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+            m_stream.oss << value;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+        template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+        ResultBuilder& setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result );
+        ResultBuilder& setResultType( bool result );
+        ResultBuilder& setLhs( std::string const& lhs );
+        ResultBuilder& setRhs( std::string const& rhs );
+        ResultBuilder& setOp( std::string const& op );
+        void endExpression();
+        std::string reconstructExpression() const;
+        AssertionResult build() const;
+        void useActiveException( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition = ResultDisposition::Normal );
+        void captureResult( ResultWas::OfType resultType );
+        void captureExpression();
+        void react();
+        bool shouldDebugBreak() const;
+        bool allowThrows() const;
+    private:
+        AssertionInfo m_assertionInfo;
+        AssertionResultData m_data;
+        struct ExprComponents {
+            ExprComponents() : testFalse( false ) {}
+            bool testFalse;
+            std::string lhs, rhs, op;
+        } m_exprComponents;
+        CopyableStream m_stream;
+        bool m_shouldDebugBreak;
+        bool m_shouldThrow;
+    };
+} // namespace Catch
+// Include after due to circular dependency:
+// #included from: catch_expression_lhs.hpp
+// #included from: catch_evaluate.hpp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4389) // '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Internal {
+    enum Operator {
+        IsEqualTo,
+        IsNotEqualTo,
+        IsLessThan,
+        IsGreaterThan,
+        IsLessThanOrEqualTo,
+        IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
+    };
+    template<Operator Op> struct OperatorTraits             { static const char* getName(){ return "*error*"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsEqualTo>             { static const char* getName(){ return "=="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsNotEqualTo>          { static const char* getName(){ return "!="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThan>            { static const char* getName(){ return "<"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThan>         { static const char* getName(){ return ">"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThanOrEqualTo>   { static const char* getName(){ return "<="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>{ static const char* getName(){ return ">="; } };
+    template<typename T>
+    inline T& opCast(T const& t) { return const_cast<T&>(t); }
+// nullptr_t support based on pull request #154 from Konstantin Baumann
+    inline std::nullptr_t opCast(std::nullptr_t) { return nullptr; }
+    // So the compare overloads can be operator agnostic we convey the operator as a template
+    // enum, which is used to specialise an Evaluator for doing the comparison.
+    template<typename T1, typename T2, Operator Op>
+    class Evaluator{};
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) ==  opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsNotEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) != opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) < opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) > opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) >= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) <= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool applyEvaluator( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // This level of indirection allows us to specialise for integer types
+    // to avoid signed/ unsigned warnings
+    // "base" overload
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool compare( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to int
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to long
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // int to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // long to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // pointer to long (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( long lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to int (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( int lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to nullptr_t (when comparing against nullptr)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( std::nullptr_t, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( NULL, rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, std::nullptr_t ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, NULL );
+    }
+} // end of namespace Internal
+} // end of namespace Catch
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+// #included from: catch_tostring.h
+// #included from: catch_sfinae.hpp
+// Try to detect if the current compiler supports SFINAE
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TrueType {
+        static const bool value = true;
+        typedef void Enable;
+        char sizer[1];
+    };
+    struct FalseType {
+        static const bool value = false;
+        typedef void Disable;
+        char sizer[2];
+    };
+    template<bool> struct NotABooleanExpression;
+    template<bool c> struct If : NotABooleanExpression<c> {};
+    template<> struct If<true> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct If<false> : FalseType {};
+    template<int size> struct SizedIf;
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(TrueType)> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(FalseType)> : FalseType {};
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: catch_objc_arc.hpp
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#ifdef __has_feature
+#define CATCH_ARC_ENABLED __has_feature(objc_arc)
+void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj );
+id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel );
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj ) {
+    [obj release];
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+    return nil;
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* ){}
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+    return nil;
+#define CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED __unsafe_unretained
+#define CATCH_ARC_STRONG __strong
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+// SFINAE is currently disabled by default for all compilers.
+// If the non SFINAE version of IsStreamInsertable is ambiguous for you
+// and your compiler supports SFINAE, try #defining CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE
+    template<typename T>
+    class IsStreamInsertableHelper {
+        template<int N> struct TrueIfSizeable : TrueType {};
+        template<typename T2>
+        static TrueIfSizeable<sizeof((*(std::ostream*)0) << *((T2 const*)0))> dummy(T2*);
+        static FalseType dummy(...);
+    public:
+        typedef SizedIf<sizeof(dummy((T*)0))> type;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable : IsStreamInsertableHelper<T>::type {};
+    struct BorgType {
+        template<typename T> BorgType( T const& );
+    };
+    TrueType& testStreamable( std::ostream& );
+    FalseType testStreamable( FalseType );
+    FalseType operator<<( std::ostream const&, BorgType const& );
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable {
+        static std::ostream &s;
+        static T  const&t;
+        enum { value = sizeof( testStreamable(s << t) ) == sizeof( TrueType ) };
+    };
+    template<bool C>
+    struct StringMakerBase {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& ) { return "{?}"; }
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct StringMakerBase<true> {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& _value ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << _value;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    };
+    std::string rawMemoryToString( const void *object, std::size_t size );
+    template<typename T>
+    inline std::string rawMemoryToString( const T& object ) {
+      return rawMemoryToString( &object, sizeof(object) );
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value );
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker :
+    Detail::StringMakerBase<Detail::IsStreamInsertable<T>::value> {};
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker<T*> {
+    template<typename U>
+    static std::string convert( U* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+template<typename R, typename C>
+struct StringMaker<R C::*> {
+    static std::string convert( R C::* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
+template<typename T, typename Allocator>
+struct StringMaker<std::vector<T, Allocator> > {
+    static std::string convert( std::vector<T,Allocator> const& v ) {
+        return Detail::rangeToString( v.begin(), v.end() );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename T>
+    std::string makeString( T const& value ) {
+        return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+/// \brief converts any type to a string
+/// The default template forwards on to ostringstream - except when an
+/// ostringstream overload does not exist - in which case it attempts to detect
+/// that and writes {?}.
+/// Overload (not specialise) this template for custom typs that you don't want
+/// to provide an ostream overload for.
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value ) {
+    return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+// Built in overloads
+std::string toString( std::string const& value );
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value );
+std::string toString( const char* const value );
+std::string toString( char* const value );
+std::string toString( const wchar_t* const value );
+std::string toString( wchar_t* const value );
+std::string toString( int value );
+std::string toString( unsigned long value );
+std::string toString( unsigned int value );
+std::string toString( const double value );
+std::string toString( const float value );
+std::string toString( bool value );
+std::string toString( char value );
+std::string toString( signed char value );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t );
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject );
+    namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << "{ ";
+        if( first != last ) {
+            oss << toString( *first );
+            for( ++first ; first != last ; ++first ) {
+                oss << ", " << toString( *first );
+            }
+        }
+        oss << " }";
+        return oss.str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+// Wraps the LHS of an expression and captures the operator and RHS (if any) -
+// wrapping them all in a ResultBuilder object
+template<typename T>
+class ExpressionLhs {
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs const& );
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs && ) = delete;
+#  endif
+    ExpressionLhs( ResultBuilder& rb, T lhs ) : m_rb( rb ), m_lhs( lhs ) {}
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs const& ) = default;
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs && )     = default;
+#  endif
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator == ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator != ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator < ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator > ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator <= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator >= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& operator == ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& operator != ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    void endExpression() {
+        bool value = m_lhs ? true : false;
+        m_rb
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( value ) )
+            .setResultType( value )
+            .endExpression();
+    }
+    // Only simple binary expressions are allowed on the LHS.
+    // If more complex compositions are required then place the sub expression in parentheses
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator + ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator - ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator / ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator * ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+    template<Internal::Operator Op, typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& captureExpression( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return m_rb
+            .setResultType( Internal::compare<Op>( m_lhs, rhs ) )
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( m_lhs ) )
+            .setRhs( Catch::toString( rhs ) )
+            .setOp( Internal::OperatorTraits<Op>::getName() );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& m_rb;
+    T m_lhs;
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename T>
+    inline ExpressionLhs<T const&> ResultBuilder::operator->* ( T const& operand ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<T const&>( *this, operand );
+    }
+    inline ExpressionLhs<bool> ResultBuilder::operator->* ( bool value ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<bool>( *this, value );
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_message.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct MessageInfo {
+        MessageInfo(    std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType _type );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        ResultWas::OfType type;
+        std::string message;
+        unsigned int sequence;
+        bool operator == ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence == other.sequence;
+        }
+        bool operator < ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence < other.sequence;
+        }
+    private:
+        static unsigned int globalCount;
+    };
+    struct MessageBuilder {
+        MessageBuilder( std::string const& macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType type )
+        : m_info( macroName, lineInfo, type )
+        {}
+        template<typename T>
+        MessageBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+            m_stream << value;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+        std::ostringstream m_stream;
+    };
+    class ScopedMessage {
+    public:
+        ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder );
+        ScopedMessage( ScopedMessage const& other );
+        ~ScopedMessage();
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_capture.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class AssertionResult;
+    struct AssertionInfo;
+    struct SectionInfo;
+    struct MessageInfo;
+    class ScopedMessageBuilder;
+    struct Counts;
+    struct IResultCapture {
+        virtual ~IResultCapture();
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+        virtual bool sectionStarted(    SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+                                        Counts& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& name, Counts const& assertions, double _durationInSeconds ) = 0;
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const = 0;
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const = 0;
+    };
+    IResultCapture& getResultCapture();
+// #included from: catch_debugger.h
+// #included from: catch_platform.h
+#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch{
+    bool isDebuggerActive();
+    void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text );
+    // The following code snippet based on:
+    // http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/03/break-into-debugger.html
+    #ifdef DEBUG
+        #if defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__ppc__)
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() \
+                if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { \
+                    __asm__("li r0, 20\nsc\nnop\nli r0, 37\nli r4, 2\nsc\nnop\n" \
+                    : : : "memory","r0","r3","r4" ); \
+                }
+        #else
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) {__asm__("int $3\n" : : );}
+        #endif
+    #endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { __debugbreak(); }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall DebugBreak();
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { DebugBreak(); }
+#define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() Catch::alwaysTrue();
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_runner.h
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IRunner {
+        virtual ~IRunner();
+        virtual bool aborting() const = 0;
+    };
+// In the event of a failure works out if the debugger needs to be invoked
+// and/or an exception thrown and takes appropriate action.
+// This needs to be done as a macro so the debugger will stop in the user
+// source code rather than in Catch library code
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( resultBuilder ) \
+    if( resultBuilder.shouldDebugBreak() ) CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER(); \
+    resultBuilder.react();
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            ( __catchResult->*expr ).endExpression(); \
+        } \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false && (expr) ) ) // expr here is never evaluated at runtime but it forces the compiler to give it a look
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( !Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            expr; \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        } \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        if( __catchResult.allowThrows() ) \
+            try { \
+                expr; \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::DidntThrowException ); \
+            } \
+            catch( ... ) { \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+            } \
+        else \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        if( __catchResult.allowThrows() ) \
+            try { \
+                expr; \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::DidntThrowException ); \
+            } \
+            catch( exceptionType ) { \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+            } \
+            catch( ... ) { \
+                __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition ); \
+            } \
+        else \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, ... ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            __catchResult << __VA_ARGS__ + ::Catch::StreamEndStop(); \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( messageType ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+        } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, log ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            __catchResult << log + ::Catch::StreamEndStop(); \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( messageType ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+        } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( log, macroName ) \
+    Catch::ScopedMessage INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( scopedMessage ) = Catch::MessageBuilder( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::ResultWas::Info ) << log;
+#define INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #arg " " #matcher, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            std::string matcherAsString = ::Catch::Matchers::matcher.toString(); \
+            __catchResult \
+                .setLhs( Catch::toString( arg ) ) \
+                .setRhs( matcherAsString == "{?}" ? #matcher : matcherAsString ) \
+                .setOp( "matches" ) \
+                .setResultType( ::Catch::Matchers::matcher.match( arg ) ); \
+            __catchResult.captureExpression(); \
+        } catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition | Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+// #included from: internal/catch_section.h
+// #included from: catch_section_info.h
+namespace Catch {
+    struct SectionInfo {
+        SectionInfo
+            (   SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                std::string const& _name,
+                std::string const& _description = std::string() );
+        std::string name;
+        std::string description;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_totals.hpp
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Counts {
+        Counts() : passed( 0 ), failed( 0 ), failedButOk( 0 ) {}
+        Counts operator - ( Counts const& other ) const {
+            Counts diff;
+            diff.passed = passed - other.passed;
+            diff.failed = failed - other.failed;
+            diff.failedButOk = failedButOk - other.failedButOk;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Counts& operator += ( Counts const& other ) {
+            passed += other.passed;
+            failed += other.failed;
+            failedButOk += other.failedButOk;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::size_t total() const {
+            return passed + failed + failedButOk;
+        }
+        bool allPassed() const {
+            return failed == 0 && failedButOk == 0;
+        }
+        std::size_t passed;
+        std::size_t failed;
+        std::size_t failedButOk;
+    };
+    struct Totals {
+        Totals operator - ( Totals const& other ) const {
+            Totals diff;
+            diff.assertions = assertions - other.assertions;
+            diff.testCases = testCases - other.testCases;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals delta( Totals const& prevTotals ) const {
+            Totals diff = *this - prevTotals;
+            if( diff.assertions.failed > 0 )
+                ++diff.testCases.failed;
+            else if( diff.assertions.failedButOk > 0 )
+                ++diff.testCases.failedButOk;
+            else
+                ++diff.testCases.passed;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals& operator += ( Totals const& other ) {
+            assertions += other.assertions;
+            testCases += other.testCases;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Counts assertions;
+        Counts testCases;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_timer.h
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Timer {
+    public:
+        Timer() : m_ticks( 0 ) {}
+        void start();
+        unsigned int getElapsedNanoseconds() const;
+        unsigned int getElapsedMilliseconds() const;
+        double getElapsedSeconds() const;
+    private:
+        uint64_t m_ticks;
+    };
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Section {
+    public:
+        Section( SectionInfo const& info );
+        ~Section();
+        // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+        operator bool() const;
+    private:
+        Section( Section const& )              = delete;
+        Section( Section && )                  = delete;
+        Section& operator = ( Section const& ) = delete;
+        Section& operator = ( Section && )     = delete;
+        Section( Section const& info );
+        Section& operator = ( Section const& );
+        SectionInfo m_info;
+        std::string m_name;
+        Counts m_assertions;
+        bool m_sectionIncluded;
+        Timer m_timer;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( ... ) \
+        if( Catch::Section const& INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::SectionInfo( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, __VA_ARGS__ ) )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, desc ) \
+        if( Catch::Section const& INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::SectionInfo( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, name, desc ) )
+// #included from: internal/catch_generators.hpp
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename T>
+struct IGenerator {
+    virtual ~IGenerator() {}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const = 0;
+    virtual std::size_t size () const = 0;
+template<typename T>
+class BetweenGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    BetweenGenerator( T from, T to ) : m_from( from ), m_to( to ){}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_from+static_cast<int>( index );
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return static_cast<std::size_t>( 1+m_to-m_from );
+    }
+    T m_from;
+    T m_to;
+template<typename T>
+class ValuesGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    ValuesGenerator(){}
+    void add( T value ) {
+        m_values.push_back( value );
+    }
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_values[index];
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return m_values.size();
+    }
+    std::vector<T> m_values;
+template<typename T>
+class CompositeGenerator {
+    CompositeGenerator() : m_totalSize( 0 ) {}
+    // *** Move semantics, similar to auto_ptr ***
+    CompositeGenerator( CompositeGenerator& other )
+    :   m_fileInfo( other.m_fileInfo ),
+        m_totalSize( 0 )
+    {
+        move( other );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& setFileInfo( const char* fileInfo ) {
+        m_fileInfo = fileInfo;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~CompositeGenerator() {
+        deleteAll( m_composed );
+    }
+    operator T () const {
+        size_t overallIndex = getCurrentContext().getGeneratorIndex( m_fileInfo, m_totalSize );
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator it = m_composed.begin();
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_composed.end();
+        for( size_t index = 0; it != itEnd; ++it )
+        {
+            const IGenerator<T>* generator = *it;
+            if( overallIndex >= index && overallIndex < index + generator->size() )
+            {
+                return generator->getValue( overallIndex-index );
+            }
+            index += generator->size();
+        }
+        CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( "Indexed past end of generated range" );
+        return T(); // Suppress spurious "not all control paths return a value" warning in Visual Studio - if you know how to fix this please do so
+    }
+    void add( const IGenerator<T>* generator ) {
+        m_totalSize += generator->size();
+        m_composed.push_back( generator );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        move( other );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( T value ) {
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( value );
+        add( valuesGen );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void move( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        std::copy( other.m_composed.begin(), other.m_composed.end(), std::back_inserter( m_composed ) );
+        m_totalSize += other.m_totalSize;
+        other.m_composed.clear();
+    }
+    std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*> m_composed;
+    std::string m_fileInfo;
+    size_t m_totalSize;
+namespace Generators
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> between( T from, T to ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        generators.add( new BetweenGenerator<T>( from, to ) );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3 ){
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3, T val4 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        valuesGen->add( val4 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+} // end namespace Generators
+using namespace Generators;
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR2( line ) #line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_GENERATE( expr ) expr.setFileInfo( __FILE__ "(" INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR( __LINE__ ) ")" )
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_exception.h
+#include <string>
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_registry_hub.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslator;
+    struct IReporterRegistry;
+    struct IReporterFactory;
+    struct IRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IRegistryHub();
+        virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IMutableRegistryHub();
+        virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) = 0;
+    };
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub();
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub();
+    void cleanUp();
+    std::string translateActiveException();
+namespace Catch {
+    typedef std::string(*exceptionTranslateFunction)();
+    struct IExceptionTranslator {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslator();
+        virtual std::string translate() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry();
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const = 0;
+    };
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar {
+        template<typename T>
+        class ExceptionTranslator : public IExceptionTranslator {
+        public:
+            ExceptionTranslator( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) )
+            : m_translateFunction( translateFunction )
+            {}
+            virtual std::string translate() const {
+                try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                catch( T& ex ) {
+                    return m_translateFunction( ex );
+                }
+            }
+        protected:
+            std::string(*m_translateFunction)( T& );
+        };
+    public:
+        template<typename T>
+        ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerTranslator
+                ( new ExceptionTranslator<T>( translateFunction ) );
+        }
+    };
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature ); \
+    namespace{ Catch::ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator ) ); }\
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature )
+// #included from: internal/catch_approx.hpp
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+    class Approx {
+    public:
+        explicit Approx ( double value )
+        :   m_epsilon( std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()*100 ),
+            m_scale( 1.0 ),
+            m_value( value )
+        {}
+        Approx( Approx const& other )
+        :   m_epsilon( other.m_epsilon ),
+            m_scale( other.m_scale ),
+            m_value( other.m_value )
+        {}
+        static Approx custom() {
+            return Approx( 0 );
+        }
+        Approx operator()( double value ) {
+            Approx approx( value );
+            approx.epsilon( m_epsilon );
+            approx.scale( m_scale );
+            return approx;
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            // Thanks to Richard Harris for his help refining this formula
+            return fabs( lhs - rhs.m_value ) < rhs.m_epsilon * (rhs.m_scale + (std::max)( fabs(lhs), fabs(rhs.m_value) ) );
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( lhs, rhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        Approx& epsilon( double newEpsilon ) {
+            m_epsilon = newEpsilon;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Approx& scale( double newScale ) {
+            m_scale = newScale;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "Approx( " << Catch::toString( m_value ) << " )";
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    private:
+        double m_epsilon;
+        double m_scale;
+        double m_value;
+    };
+inline std::string toString<Detail::Approx>( Detail::Approx const& value ) {
+    return value.toString();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_matchers.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Matchers {
+    namespace Impl {
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    struct Matcher : SharedImpl<IShared>
+    {
+        typedef ExpressionT ExpressionType;
+        virtual ~Matcher() {}
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher> clone() const = 0;
+        virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename DerivedT, typename ExpressionT>
+    struct MatcherImpl : Matcher<ExpressionT> {
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > clone() const {
+            return Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> >( new DerivedT( static_cast<DerivedT const&>( *this ) ) );
+        }
+    };
+    namespace Generic {
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AllOf : public MatcherImpl<AllOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AllOf() {}
+            AllOf( AllOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AllOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( !m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return false;
+                return true;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " and ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AnyOf : public MatcherImpl<AnyOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AnyOf() {}
+            AnyOf( AnyOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AnyOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return true;
+                return false;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " or ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+    }
+    namespace StdString {
+        inline std::string makeString( std::string const& str ) { return str; }
+        inline std::string makeString( const char* str ) { return str ? std::string( str ) : std::string(); }
+        struct Equals : MatcherImpl<Equals, std::string> {
+            Equals( std::string const& str ) : m_str( str ){}
+            Equals( Equals const& other ) : m_str( other.m_str ){}
+            virtual ~Equals();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return m_str == expr;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "equals: \"" + m_str + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_str;
+        };
+        struct Contains : MatcherImpl<Contains, std::string> {
+            Contains( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            Contains( Contains const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~Contains();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) != std::string::npos;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "contains: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct StartsWith : MatcherImpl<StartsWith, std::string> {
+            StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            StartsWith( StartsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~StartsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == 0;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "starts with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct EndsWith : MatcherImpl<EndsWith, std::string> {
+            EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            EndsWith( EndsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~EndsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == expr.size() - m_substr.size();
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "ends with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+    } // namespace StdString
+    } // namespace Impl
+    // The following functions create the actual matcher objects.
+    // This allows the types to be inferred
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( std::string const& str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( str );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( const char* str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( Impl::StdString::makeString( str ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+} // namespace Matchers
+using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_tag_alias_registry.h
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TagAlias {
+        TagAlias( std::string _tag, SourceLineInfo _lineInfo ) : tag( _tag ), lineInfo( _lineInfo ) {}
+        std::string tag;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+    };
+    struct RegistrarForTagAliases {
+        RegistrarForTagAliases( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define CATCH_REGISTER_TAG_ALIAS( alias, spec ) namespace{ Catch::RegistrarForTagAliases INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( AutoRegisterTagAlias )( alias, spec, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+// #included from: catch_option.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // An optional type
+    template<typename T>
+    class Option {
+    public:
+        Option() : nullableValue( NULL ) {}
+        Option( T const& _value )
+        : nullableValue( new( storage ) T( _value ) )
+        {}
+        Option( Option const& _other )
+        : nullableValue( _other ? new( storage ) T( *_other ) : NULL )
+        {}
+        ~Option() {
+            reset();
+        }
+        Option& operator= ( Option const& _other ) {
+            if( &_other != this ) {
+                reset();
+                if( _other )
+                    nullableValue = new( storage ) T( *_other );
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Option& operator = ( T const& _value ) {
+            reset();
+            nullableValue = new( storage ) T( _value );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( nullableValue )
+                nullableValue->~T();
+            nullableValue = NULL;
+        }
+        T& operator*() { return *nullableValue; }
+        T const& operator*() const { return *nullableValue; }
+        T* operator->() { return nullableValue; }
+        const T* operator->() const { return nullableValue; }
+        T valueOr( T const& defaultValue ) const {
+            return nullableValue ? *nullableValue : defaultValue;
+        }
+        bool some() const { return nullableValue != NULL; }
+        bool none() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        bool operator !() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const {
+            return SafeBool::makeSafe( some() );
+        }
+    private:
+        T* nullableValue;
+        char storage[sizeof(T)];
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ITagAliasRegistry {
+        virtual ~ITagAliasRegistry();
+        virtual Option<TagAlias> find( std::string const& alias ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const = 0;
+        static ITagAliasRegistry const& get();
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// These files are included here so the single_include script doesn't put them
+// in the conditionally compiled sections
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_case_info.h
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ITestCase;
+    struct TestCaseInfo {
+        enum SpecialProperties{
+            None = 0,
+            IsHidden = 1 << 1,
+            ShouldFail = 1 << 2,
+            MayFail = 1 << 3,
+            Throws = 1 << 4
+        };
+        TestCaseInfo(   std::string const& _name,
+                        std::string const& _className,
+                        std::string const& _description,
+                        std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo );
+        TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other );
+        bool isHidden() const;
+        bool throws() const;
+        bool okToFail() const;
+        bool expectedToFail() const;
+        std::string name;
+        std::string className;
+        std::string description;
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::set<std::string> lcaseTags;
+        std::string tagsAsString;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        SpecialProperties properties;
+    };
+    class TestCase : public TestCaseInfo {
+    public:
+        TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info );
+        TestCase( TestCase const& other );
+        TestCase withName( std::string const& _newName ) const;
+        void invoke() const;
+        TestCaseInfo const& getTestCaseInfo() const;
+        void swap( TestCase& other );
+        bool operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        bool operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        TestCase& operator = ( TestCase const& other );
+    private:
+        Ptr<ITestCase> test;
+    };
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& name,
+                            std::string const& description,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: internal/catch_objc.hpp
+#import <objc/runtime.h>
+#include <string>
+// NB. Any general catch headers included here must be included
+// in catch.hpp first to make sure they are included by the single
+// header for non obj-usage
+// This protocol is really only here for (self) documenting purposes, since
+// all its methods are optional.
+ at protocol OcFixture
+ at optional
+-(void) setUp;
+-(void) tearDown;
+ at end
+namespace Catch {
+    class OcMethod : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        OcMethod( Class cls, SEL sel ) : m_cls( cls ), m_sel( sel ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            id obj = [[m_cls alloc] init];
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(setUp)  );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, m_sel );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(tearDown)  );
+            arcSafeRelease( obj );
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~OcMethod() {}
+        Class m_cls;
+        SEL m_sel;
+    };
+    namespace Detail{
+        inline std::string getAnnotation(   Class cls,
+                                            std::string const& annotationName,
+                                            std::string const& testCaseName ) {
+            NSString* selStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Catch_%s_%s", annotationName.c_str(), testCaseName.c_str()];
+            SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString( selStr );
+            arcSafeRelease( selStr );
+            id value = performOptionalSelector( cls, sel );
+            if( value )
+                return [(NSString*)value UTF8String];
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
+    inline size_t registerTestMethods() {
+        size_t noTestMethods = 0;
+        int noClasses = objc_getClassList( NULL, 0 );
+        Class* classes = (CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED Class *)malloc( sizeof(Class) * noClasses);
+        objc_getClassList( classes, noClasses );
+        for( int c = 0; c < noClasses; c++ ) {
+            Class cls = classes[c];
+            {
+                u_int count;
+                Method* methods = class_copyMethodList( cls, &count );
+                for( u_int m = 0; m < count ; m++ ) {
+                    SEL selector = method_getName(methods[m]);
+                    std::string methodName = sel_getName(selector);
+                    if( startsWith( methodName, "Catch_TestCase_" ) ) {
+                        std::string testCaseName = methodName.substr( 15 );
+                        std::string name = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Name", testCaseName );
+                        std::string desc = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Description", testCaseName );
+                        const char* className = class_getName( cls );
+                        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest( makeTestCase( new OcMethod( cls, selector ), className, name.c_str(), desc.c_str(), SourceLineInfo() ) );
+                        noTestMethods++;
+                    }
+                }
+                free(methods);
+            }
+        }
+        return noTestMethods;
+    }
+    namespace Matchers {
+        namespace Impl {
+        namespace NSStringMatchers {
+            template<typename MatcherT>
+            struct StringHolder : MatcherImpl<MatcherT, NSString*>{
+                StringHolder( NSString* substr ) : m_substr( [substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder( StringHolder const& other ) : m_substr( [other.m_substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder() {
+                    arcSafeRelease( m_substr );
+                }
+                NSString* m_substr;
+            };
+            struct Equals : StringHolder<Equals> {
+                Equals( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str isEqualToString:m_substr];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "equals string: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct Contains : StringHolder<Contains> {
+                Contains( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location != NSNotFound;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "contains string: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct StartsWith : StringHolder<StartsWith> {
+                StartsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == 0;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "starts with: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct EndsWith : StringHolder<EndsWith> {
+                EndsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == [str length] - [m_substr length];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "ends with: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+        } // namespace NSStringMatchers
+        } // namespace Impl
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals
+            Equals( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains
+            Contains( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith
+            StartsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith
+            EndsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith( substr ); }
+    } // namespace Matchers
+    using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+#define OC_TEST_CASE( name, desc )\
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Name_test ) \
+return @ name; \
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Description_test ) \
+{ \
+return @ desc; \
+} \
+-(void) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_TestCase_test )
+// #included from: internal/catch_impl.hpp
+// Collect all the implementation files together here
+// These are the equivalent of what would usually be cpp files
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
+// #included from: catch_runner.hpp
+// #included from: internal/catch_commandline.hpp
+// #included from: catch_config.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_spec_parser.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+// #included from: catch_test_spec.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec {
+        struct Pattern : SharedImpl<> {
+            virtual ~Pattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const = 0;
+        };
+        class NamePattern : public Pattern {
+            enum WildcardPosition {
+                NoWildcard = 0,
+                WildcardAtStart = 1,
+                WildcardAtEnd = 2,
+                WildcardAtBothEnds = WildcardAtStart | WildcardAtEnd
+            };
+        public:
+            NamePattern( std::string const& name ) : m_name( toLower( name ) ), m_wildcard( NoWildcard ) {
+                if( startsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 1 );
+                    m_wildcard = WildcardAtStart;
+                }
+                if( endsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 0, m_name.size()-1 );
+                    m_wildcard = static_cast<WildcardPosition>( m_wildcard | WildcardAtEnd );
+                }
+            }
+            virtual ~NamePattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                switch( m_wildcard ) {
+                    case NoWildcard:
+                        return m_name == toLower( testCase.name );
+                    case WildcardAtStart:
+                        return endsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtEnd:
+                        return startsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtBothEnds:
+                        return contains( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                }
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+                throw std::logic_error( "Unknown enum" );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_name;
+            WildcardPosition m_wildcard;
+        };
+        class TagPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            TagPattern( std::string const& tag ) : m_tag( toLower( tag ) ) {}
+            virtual ~TagPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                return testCase.lcaseTags.find( m_tag ) != testCase.lcaseTags.end();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_tag;
+        };
+        class ExcludedPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            ExcludedPattern( Ptr<Pattern> const& underlyingPattern ) : m_underlyingPattern( underlyingPattern ) {}
+            virtual ~ExcludedPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const { return !m_underlyingPattern->matches( testCase ); }
+        private:
+            Ptr<Pattern> m_underlyingPattern;
+        };
+        struct Filter {
+            std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> > m_patterns;
+            bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                // All patterns in a filter must match for the filter to be a match
+                for( std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> >::const_iterator it = m_patterns.begin(), itEnd = m_patterns.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    if( !(*it)->matches( testCase ) )
+                        return false;
+                    return true;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        bool hasFilters() const {
+            return !m_filters.empty();
+        }
+        bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+            // A TestSpec matches if any filter matches
+            for( std::vector<Filter>::const_iterator it = m_filters.begin(), itEnd = m_filters.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                if( it->matches( testCase ) )
+                    return true;
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<Filter> m_filters;
+        friend class TestSpecParser;
+    };
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpecParser {
+        enum Mode{ None, Name, QuotedName, Tag };
+        Mode m_mode;
+        bool m_exclusion;
+        std::size_t m_start, m_pos;
+        std::string m_arg;
+        TestSpec::Filter m_currentFilter;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+        ITagAliasRegistry const* m_tagAliases;
+    public:
+        TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry const& tagAliases ) : m_tagAliases( &tagAliases ) {}
+        TestSpecParser& parse( std::string const& arg ) {
+            m_mode = None;
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_start = std::string::npos;
+            m_arg = m_tagAliases->expandAliases( arg );
+            for( m_pos = 0; m_pos < m_arg.size(); ++m_pos )
+                visitChar( m_arg[m_pos] );
+            if( m_mode == Name )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        TestSpec testSpec() {
+            addFilter();
+            return m_testSpec;
+        }
+    private:
+        void visitChar( char c ) {
+            if( m_mode == None ) {
+                switch( c ) {
+                case ' ': return;
+                case '~': m_exclusion = true; return;
+                case '[': return startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                case '"': return startNewMode( QuotedName, ++m_pos );
+                default: startNewMode( Name, m_pos ); break;
+                }
+            }
+            if( m_mode == Name ) {
+                if( c == ',' ) {
+                    addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    addFilter();
+                }
+                else if( c == '[' ) {
+                    if( subString() == "exclude:" )
+                        m_exclusion = true;
+                    else
+                        addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                }
+            }
+            else if( m_mode == QuotedName && c == '"' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            else if( m_mode == Tag && c == ']' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::TagPattern>();
+        }
+        void startNewMode( Mode mode, std::size_t start ) {
+            m_mode = mode;
+            m_start = start;
+        }
+        std::string subString() const { return m_arg.substr( m_start, m_pos - m_start ); }
+        template<typename T>
+        void addPattern() {
+            std::string token = subString();
+            if( startsWith( token, "exclude:" ) ) {
+                m_exclusion = true;
+                token = token.substr( 8 );
+            }
+            if( !token.empty() ) {
+                Ptr<TestSpec::Pattern> pattern = new T( token );
+                if( m_exclusion )
+                    pattern = new TestSpec::ExcludedPattern( pattern );
+                m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back( pattern );
+            }
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_mode = None;
+        }
+        void addFilter() {
+            if( !m_currentFilter.m_patterns.empty() ) {
+                m_testSpec.m_filters.push_back( m_currentFilter );
+                m_currentFilter = TestSpec::Filter();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    inline TestSpec parseTestSpec( std::string const& arg ) {
+        return TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( arg ).testSpec();
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_config.h
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Verbosity { enum Level {
+        NoOutput = 0,
+        Quiet,
+        Normal
+    }; };
+    struct WarnAbout { enum What {
+        Nothing = 0x00,
+        NoAssertions = 0x01
+    }; };
+    struct ShowDurations { enum OrNot {
+        DefaultForReporter,
+        Always,
+        Never
+    }; };
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct IConfig : IShared {
+        virtual ~IConfig();
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const = 0;
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const = 0;
+        virtual std::string name() const = 0;
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const = 0;
+        virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const = 0;
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const = 0;
+        virtual int abortAfter() const = 0;
+        virtual bool showInvisibles() const = 0;
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const = 0;
+        virtual TestSpec const& testSpec() const = 0;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_stream.h
+#include <streambuf>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    class Stream {
+    public:
+        Stream();
+        Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned );
+        void release();
+        std::streambuf* streamBuf;
+    private:
+        bool isOwned;
+    };
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConfigData {
+        ConfigData()
+        :   listTests( false ),
+            listTags( false ),
+            listReporters( false ),
+            listTestNamesOnly( false ),
+            showSuccessfulTests( false ),
+            shouldDebugBreak( false ),
+            noThrow( false ),
+            showHelp( false ),
+            showInvisibles( false ),
+            abortAfter( -1 ),
+            verbosity( Verbosity::Normal ),
+            warnings( WarnAbout::Nothing ),
+            showDurations( ShowDurations::DefaultForReporter )
+        {}
+        bool listTests;
+        bool listTags;
+        bool listReporters;
+        bool listTestNamesOnly;
+        bool showSuccessfulTests;
+        bool shouldDebugBreak;
+        bool noThrow;
+        bool showHelp;
+        bool showInvisibles;
+        int abortAfter;
+        Verbosity::Level verbosity;
+        WarnAbout::What warnings;
+        ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations;
+        std::string reporterName;
+        std::string outputFilename;
+        std::string name;
+        std::string processName;
+        std::vector<std::string> testsOrTags;
+    };
+    class Config : public SharedImpl<IConfig> {
+    private:
+        Config( Config const& other );
+        Config& operator = ( Config const& other );
+        virtual void dummy();
+    public:
+        Config()
+        :   m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {}
+        Config( ConfigData const& data )
+        :   m_data( data ),
+            m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {
+            if( !data.testsOrTags.empty() ) {
+                TestSpecParser parser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() );
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < data.testsOrTags.size(); ++i )
+                    parser.parse( data.testsOrTags[i] );
+                m_testSpec = parser.testSpec();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~Config() {
+            m_os.rdbuf( std::cout.rdbuf() );
+            m_stream.release();
+        }
+        void setFilename( std::string const& filename ) {
+            m_data.outputFilename = filename;
+        }
+        std::string const& getFilename() const {
+            return m_data.outputFilename ;
+        }
+        bool listTests() const { return m_data.listTests; }
+        bool listTestNamesOnly() const { return m_data.listTestNamesOnly; }
+        bool listTags() const { return m_data.listTags; }
+        bool listReporters() const { return m_data.listReporters; }
+        std::string getProcessName() const { return m_data.processName; }
+        bool shouldDebugBreak() const { return m_data.shouldDebugBreak; }
+        void setStreamBuf( std::streambuf* buf ) {
+            m_os.rdbuf( buf ? buf : std::cout.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        void useStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+            Stream stream = createStream( streamName );
+            setStreamBuf( stream.streamBuf );
+            m_stream.release();
+            m_stream = stream;
+        }
+        std::string getReporterName() const { return m_data.reporterName; }
+        int abortAfter() const { return m_data.abortAfter; }
+        TestSpec const& testSpec() const { return m_testSpec; }
+        bool showHelp() const { return m_data.showHelp; }
+        bool showInvisibles() const { return m_data.showInvisibles; }
+        // IConfig interface
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const        { return !m_data.noThrow; }
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const    { return m_os; }
+        virtual std::string name() const        { return m_data.name.empty() ? m_data.processName : m_data.name; }
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const   { return m_data.showSuccessfulTests; }
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const { return m_data.warnings & WarnAbout::NoAssertions; }
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const { return m_data.showDurations; }
+    private:
+        ConfigData m_data;
+        Stream m_stream;
+        mutable std::ostream m_os;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_clara.h
+// Use Catch's value for console width (store Clara's off to the side, if present)
+// Declare Clara inside the Catch namespace
+#define STITCH_CLARA_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace Catch {
+// #included from: ../external/clara.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+// ----------- #included from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+// ----------- end of #include from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// ........... back in /Users/philnash/Dev/OSS/Clara/srcs/clara.h
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <memory>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Clara {
+    struct UnpositionalTag {};
+    extern UnpositionalTag _;
+    UnpositionalTag _;
+    namespace Detail {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = CLARA_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+        using namespace Tbc;
+        inline bool startsWith( std::string const& str, std::string const& prefix ) {
+            return str.size() >= prefix.size() && str.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+        }
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T>    struct IsBool       { static const bool value = false; };
+        template<>              struct IsBool<bool> { static const bool value = true; };
+        template<typename T>
+        void convertInto( std::string const& _source, T& _dest ) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << _source;
+            ss >> _dest;
+            if( ss.fail() )
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Unable to convert " + _source + " to destination type" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, std::string& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            std::string sourceLC = _source;
+            std::transform( sourceLC.begin(), sourceLC.end(), sourceLC.begin(), ::tolower );
+            if( sourceLC == "y" || sourceLC == "1" || sourceLC == "true" || sourceLC == "yes" || sourceLC == "on" )
+                _dest = true;
+            else if( sourceLC == "n" || sourceLC == "0" || sourceLC == "false" || sourceLC == "no" || sourceLC == "off" )
+                _dest = false;
+            else
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Expected a boolean value but did not recognise:\n  '" + _source + "'" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( bool _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        inline void convertInto( bool, T& ) {
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid conversion" );
+        }
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        struct IArgFunction {
+            virtual ~IArgFunction() {}
+            IArgFunction()                      = default;
+            IArgFunction( IArgFunction const& ) = default;
+#  endif
+            virtual void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const = 0;
+            virtual void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const = 0;
+            virtual bool takesArg() const = 0;
+            virtual IArgFunction* clone() const = 0;
+        };
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        class BoundArgFunction {
+        public:
+            BoundArgFunction() : functionObj( NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( IArgFunction<ConfigT>* _functionObj ) : functionObj( _functionObj ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( BoundArgFunction const& other ) : functionObj( other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction& operator = ( BoundArgFunction const& other ) {
+                IArgFunction<ConfigT>* newFunctionObj = other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL;
+                delete functionObj;
+                functionObj = newFunctionObj;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ~BoundArgFunction() { delete functionObj; }
+            void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const {
+                functionObj->set( config, value );
+            }
+            void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const {
+                functionObj->setFlag( config );
+            }
+            bool takesArg() const { return functionObj->takesArg(); }
+            bool isSet() const {
+                return functionObj != NULL;
+            }
+        private:
+            IArgFunction<ConfigT>* functionObj;
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct NullBinder : IArgFunction<C>{
+            virtual void set( C&, std::string const& ) const {}
+            virtual void setFlag( C& ) const {}
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return true; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new NullBinder( *this ); }
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundDataMember : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundDataMember( M C::* _member ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                convertInto( stringValue, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                convertInto( true, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundDataMember( *this ); }
+            M C::* member;
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundUnaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryMethod( void (C::*_member)( M ) ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)( M );
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundNullaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundNullaryMethod( void (C::*_member)() ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundNullaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)();
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundUnaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryFunction( void (*_function)( C& ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    function( obj );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                function( p );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C& );
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename T>
+        struct BoundBinaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundBinaryFunction( void (*_function)( C&, T ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& obj ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<T>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundBinaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C&, T );
+        };
+    } // namespace Detail
+    struct Parser {
+        Parser() : separators( " \t=:" ) {}
+        struct Token {
+            enum Type { Positional, ShortOpt, LongOpt };
+            Token( Type _type, std::string const& _data ) : type( _type ), data( _data ) {}
+            Type type;
+            std::string data;
+        };
+        void parseIntoTokens( int argc, char const * const * argv, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            const std::string doubleDash = "--";
+            for( int i = 1; i < argc && argv[i] != doubleDash; ++i )
+                parseIntoTokens( argv[i] , tokens);
+        }
+        void parseIntoTokens( std::string arg, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            while( !arg.empty() ) {
+                Parser::Token token( Parser::Token::Positional, arg );
+                arg = "";
+                if( token.data[0] == '-' ) {
+                    if( token.data.size() > 1 && token.data[1] == '-' ) {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::LongOpt, token.data.substr( 2 ) );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::ShortOpt, token.data.substr( 1 ) );
+                        if( token.data.size() > 1 && separators.find( token.data[1] ) == std::string::npos ) {
+                            arg = "-" + token.data.substr( 1 );
+                            token.data = token.data.substr( 0, 1 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if( token.type != Parser::Token::Positional ) {
+                    std::size_t pos = token.data.find_first_of( separators );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                        arg = token.data.substr( pos+1 );
+                        token.data = token.data.substr( 0, pos );
+                    }
+                }
+                tokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string separators;
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    struct CommonArgProperties {
+        CommonArgProperties() {}
+        CommonArgProperties( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : boundField( _boundField ) {}
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> boundField;
+        std::string description;
+        std::string detail;
+        std::string placeholder; // Only value if boundField takes an arg
+        bool takesArg() const {
+            return !placeholder.empty();
+        }
+        void validate() const {
+            if( !boundField.isSet() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "option not bound" );
+        }
+    };
+    struct OptionArgProperties {
+        std::vector<std::string> shortNames;
+        std::string longName;
+        bool hasShortName( std::string const& shortName ) const {
+            return std::find( shortNames.begin(), shortNames.end(), shortName ) != shortNames.end();
+        }
+        bool hasLongName( std::string const& _longName ) const {
+            return _longName == longName;
+        }
+    };
+    struct PositionalArgProperties {
+        PositionalArgProperties() : position( -1 ) {}
+        int position; // -1 means non-positional (floating)
+        bool isFixedPositional() const {
+            return position != -1;
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    class CommandLine {
+        struct Arg : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>, OptionArgProperties, PositionalArgProperties {
+            Arg() {}
+            Arg( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>( _boundField ) {}
+            using CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>::placeholder; // !TBD
+            std::string dbgName() const {
+                if( !longName.empty() )
+                    return "--" + longName;
+                if( !shortNames.empty() )
+                    return "-" + shortNames[0];
+                return "positional args";
+            }
+            std::string commands() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                bool first = true;
+                std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = shortNames.begin(), itEnd = shortNames.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    if( first )
+                        first = false;
+                    else
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "-" << *it;
+                }
+                if( !longName.empty() ) {
+                    if( !first )
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "--" << longName;
+                }
+                if( !placeholder.empty() )
+                    oss << " <" << placeholder << ">";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        };
+        // NOTE: std::auto_ptr is deprecated in c++11/c++0x
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus > 199711L
+        typedef std::unique_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        typedef std::auto_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        friend void addOptName( Arg& arg, std::string const& optName )
+        {
+            if( optName.empty() )
+                return;
+            if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "--" ) ) {
+                if( !arg.longName.empty() )
+                    throw std::logic_error( "Only one long opt may be specified. '"
+                        + arg.longName
+                        + "' already specified, now attempting to add '"
+                        + optName + "'" );
+                arg.longName = optName.substr( 2 );
+            }
+            else if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "-" ) )
+                arg.shortNames.push_back( optName.substr( 1 ) );
+            else
+                throw std::logic_error( "option must begin with - or --. Option was: '" + optName + "'" );
+        }
+        friend void setPositionalArg( Arg& arg, int position )
+        {
+            arg.position = position;
+        }
+        class ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            ArgBuilder( Arg* arg ) : m_arg( arg ) {}
+            // Bind a non-boolean data member (requires placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( M C::* field, std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a boolean data member (no placeholder required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( bool C::* field ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,bool>( field );
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, non-boolean argument (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( M ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( unaryMethod );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, boolean argument (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( bool ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,bool>( unaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a method that takes no arguments (will be called if opt is present)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* nullaryMethod)() ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundNullaryMethod<C>( nullaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (* unaryFunction)( C& ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryFunction<C>( unaryFunction );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename T>
+            void bind( void (* binaryFunction)( C&, T ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundBinaryFunction<C, T>( binaryFunction );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& describe( std::string const& description ) {
+                m_arg->description = description;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& detail( std::string const& detail ) {
+                m_arg->detail = detail;
+                return *this;
+            }
+        protected:
+            Arg* m_arg;
+        };
+        class OptBuilder : public ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            OptBuilder( Arg* arg ) : ArgBuilder( arg ) {}
+            OptBuilder( OptBuilder& other ) : ArgBuilder( other ) {}
+            OptBuilder& operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+                addOptName( *ArgBuilder::m_arg, optName );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        CommandLine()
+        :   m_boundProcessName( new Detail::NullBinder<ConfigT>() ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( 0 ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( false )
+        {}
+        CommandLine( CommandLine const& other )
+        :   m_boundProcessName( other.m_boundProcessName ),
+            m_options ( other.m_options ),
+            m_positionalArgs( other.m_positionalArgs ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( other.m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( other.m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+        {
+            if( other.m_floatingArg.get() )
+                m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg( *other.m_floatingArg ) );
+        }
+        CommandLine& setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( bool shouldThrow = true ) {
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens = shouldThrow;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        OptBuilder operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+            m_options.push_back( Arg() );
+            addOptName( m_options.back(), optName );
+            OptBuilder builder( &m_options.back() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( int position ) {
+            m_positionalArgs.insert( std::make_pair( position, Arg() ) );
+            if( position > m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition )
+                m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition = position;
+            setPositionalArg( m_positionalArgs[position], position );
+            ArgBuilder builder( &m_positionalArgs[position] );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        // Invoke this with the _ instance
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( UnpositionalTag ) {
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "Only one unpositional argument can be added" );
+            m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg() );
+            ArgBuilder builder( m_floatingArg.get() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( M C::* field ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( void (C::*_unaryMethod)( M ) ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( _unaryMethod );
+        }
+        void optUsage( std::ostream& os, std::size_t indent = 0, std::size_t width = Detail::consoleWidth ) const {
+            typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator itBegin = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end(), it;
+            std::size_t maxWidth = 0;
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                maxWidth = (std::max)( maxWidth, it->commands().size() );
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                Detail::Text usage( it->commands(), Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( maxWidth+indent )
+                                                        .setIndent( indent ) );
+                Detail::Text desc( it->description, Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( width - maxWidth - 3 ) );
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < (std::max)( usage.size(), desc.size() ); ++i ) {
+                    std::string usageCol = i < usage.size() ? usage[i] : "";
+                    os << usageCol;
+                    if( i < desc.size() && !desc[i].empty() )
+                        os  << std::string( indent + 2 + maxWidth - usageCol.size(), ' ' )
+                            << desc[i];
+                    os << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        std::string optUsage() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            optUsage( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void argSynopsis( std::ostream& os ) const {
+            for( int i = 1; i <= m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition; ++i ) {
+                if( i > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( i );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    os << "<" << it->second.placeholder << ">";
+                else if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                    os << "<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << ">";
+                else
+                    throw std::logic_error( "non consecutive positional arguments with no floating args" );
+            }
+            // !TBD No indication of mandatory args
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() ) {
+                if( m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                os << "[<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << "> ...]";
+            }
+        }
+        std::string argSynopsis() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            argSynopsis( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void usage( std::ostream& os, std::string const& procName ) const {
+            validate();
+            os << "usage:\n  " << procName << " ";
+            argSynopsis( os );
+            if( !m_options.empty() ) {
+                os << " [options]\n\nwhere options are: \n";
+                optUsage( os, 2 );
+            }
+            os << "\n";
+        }
+        std::string usage( std::string const& procName ) const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            usage( oss, procName );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        ConfigT parse( int argc, char const * const * argv ) const {
+            ConfigT config;
+            parseInto( argc, argv, config );
+            return config;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> parseInto( int argc, char const * const * argv, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::string processName = argv[0];
+            std::size_t lastSlash = processName.find_last_of( "/\\" );
+            if( lastSlash != std::string::npos )
+                processName = processName.substr( lastSlash+1 );
+            m_boundProcessName.set( config, processName );
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> tokens;
+            Parser parser;
+            parser.parseIntoTokens( argc, argv, tokens );
+            return populate( tokens, config );
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populate( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            validate();
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens = populateOptions( tokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFixedArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFloatingArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateOptions( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            std::vector<std::string> errors;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator it = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    Arg const& arg = *it;
+                    try {
+                        if( ( token.type == Parser::Token::ShortOpt && arg.hasShortName( token.data ) ) ||
+                            ( token.type == Parser::Token::LongOpt && arg.hasLongName( token.data ) ) ) {
+                            if( arg.takesArg() ) {
+                                if( i == tokens.size()-1 || tokens[i+1].type != Parser::Token::Positional )
+                                    errors.push_back( "Expected argument to option: " + token.data );
+                                else
+                                    arg.boundField.set( config, tokens[++i].data );
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                arg.boundField.setFlag( config );
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                        errors.push_back( std::string( ex.what() ) + "\n- while parsing: (" + arg.commands() + ")" );
+                    }
+                }
+                if( it == itEnd ) {
+                    if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional || !m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                    else if( m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        errors.push_back( "unrecognised option: " + token.data );
+                }
+            }
+            if( !errors.empty() ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = errors.begin(), itEnd = errors.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    if( it != errors.begin() )
+                        oss << "\n";
+                    oss << *it;
+                }
+                throw std::runtime_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFixedArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            int position = 1;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( position );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    it->second.boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    position++;
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFloatingArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            if( !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                return tokens;
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    m_floatingArg->boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        void validate() const
+        {
+            if( m_options.empty() && m_positionalArgs.empty() && !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "No options or arguments specified" );
+            for( typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator  it = m_options.begin(),
+                                                            itEnd = m_options.end();
+                    it != itEnd; ++it )
+                it->validate();
+        }
+    private:
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> m_boundProcessName;
+        std::vector<Arg> m_options;
+        std::map<int, Arg> m_positionalArgs;
+        ArgAutoPtr m_floatingArg;
+        int m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition;
+        bool m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens;
+    };
+} // end namespace Clara
+// Restore Clara's value for console width, if present
+#include <fstream>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline void abortAfterFirst( ConfigData& config ) { config.abortAfter = 1; }
+    inline void abortAfterX( ConfigData& config, int x ) {
+        if( x < 1 )
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Value after -x or --abortAfter must be greater than zero" );
+        config.abortAfter = x;
+    }
+    inline void addTestOrTags( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _testSpec ) { config.testsOrTags.push_back( _testSpec ); }
+    inline void addWarning( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _warning ) {
+        if( _warning == "NoAssertions" )
+            config.warnings = static_cast<WarnAbout::What>( config.warnings | WarnAbout::NoAssertions );
+        else
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Unrecognised warning: '" + _warning + "'" );
+    }
+    inline void setVerbosity( ConfigData& config, int level ) {
+        // !TBD: accept strings?
+        config.verbosity = static_cast<Verbosity::Level>( level );
+    }
+    inline void setShowDurations( ConfigData& config, bool _showDurations ) {
+        config.showDurations = _showDurations
+            ? ShowDurations::Always
+            : ShowDurations::Never;
+    }
+    inline void loadTestNamesFromFile( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _filename ) {
+        std::ifstream f( _filename.c_str() );
+        if( !f.is_open() )
+            throw std::domain_error( "Unable to load input file: " + _filename );
+        std::string line;
+        while( std::getline( f, line ) ) {
+            line = trim(line);
+            if( !line.empty() && !startsWith( line, "#" ) )
+                addTestOrTags( config, "\"" + line + "\"," );
+        }
+    }
+    inline Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> makeCommandLineParser() {
+        using namespace Clara;
+        CommandLine<ConfigData> cli;
+        cli.bindProcessName( &ConfigData::processName );
+        cli["-?"]["-h"]["--help"]
+            .describe( "display usage information" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showHelp );
+        cli["-l"]["--list-tests"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTests );
+        cli["-t"]["--list-tags"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching tags" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTags );
+        cli["-s"]["--success"]
+            .describe( "include successful tests in output" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showSuccessfulTests );
+        cli["-b"]["--break"]
+            .describe( "break into debugger on failure" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::shouldDebugBreak );
+        cli["-e"]["--nothrow"]
+            .describe( "skip exception tests" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::noThrow );
+        cli["-i"]["--invisibles"]
+            .describe( "show invisibles (tabs, newlines)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showInvisibles );
+        cli["-o"]["--out"]
+            .describe( "output filename" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::outputFilename, "filename" );
+        cli["-r"]["--reporter"]
+//            .placeholder( "name[:filename]" )
+            .describe( "reporter to use (defaults to console)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::reporterName, "name" );
+        cli["-n"]["--name"]
+            .describe( "suite name" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::name, "name" );
+        cli["-a"]["--abort"]
+            .describe( "abort at first failure" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterFirst );
+        cli["-x"]["--abortx"]
+            .describe( "abort after x failures" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterX, "no. failures" );
+        cli["-w"]["--warn"]
+            .describe( "enable warnings" )
+            .bind( &addWarning, "warning name" );
+// - needs updating if reinstated
+//        cli.into( &setVerbosity )
+//            .describe( "level of verbosity (0=no output)" )
+//            .shortOpt( "v")
+//            .longOpt( "verbosity" )
+//            .placeholder( "level" );
+        cli[_]
+            .describe( "which test or tests to use" )
+            .bind( &addTestOrTags, "test name, pattern or tags" );
+        cli["-d"]["--durations"]
+            .describe( "show test durations" )
+            .bind( &setShowDurations, "yes/no" );
+        cli["-f"]["--input-file"]
+            .describe( "load test names to run from a file" )
+            .bind( &loadTestNamesFromFile, "filename" );
+        // Less common commands which don't have a short form
+        cli["--list-test-names-only"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases names only" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTestNamesOnly );
+        cli["--list-reporters"]
+            .describe( "list all reporters" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listReporters );
+        return cli;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_list.hpp
+// #included from: catch_text.h
+// #included from: ../external/tbc_text_format.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#  endif
+# else
+# endif
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+namespace Catch {
+    using Tbc::Text;
+    using Tbc::TextAttributes;
+// #included from: catch_console_colour.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace Detail {
+        struct IColourImpl;
+    }
+    struct Colour {
+        enum Code {
+            None = 0,
+            White,
+            Red,
+            Green,
+            Blue,
+            Cyan,
+            Yellow,
+            Grey,
+            Bright = 0x10,
+            BrightRed = Bright | Red,
+            BrightGreen = Bright | Green,
+            LightGrey = Bright | Grey,
+            BrightWhite = Bright | White,
+            // By intention
+            FileName = LightGrey,
+            Warning = Yellow,
+            ResultError = BrightRed,
+            ResultSuccess = BrightGreen,
+            ResultExpectedFailure = Warning,
+            Error = BrightRed,
+            Success = Green,
+            OriginalExpression = Cyan,
+            ReconstructedExpression = Yellow,
+            SecondaryText = LightGrey,
+            Headers = White
+        };
+        // Use constructed object for RAII guard
+        Colour( Code _colourCode );
+        Colour( Colour const& other );
+        ~Colour();
+        // Use static method for one-shot changes
+        static void use( Code _colourCode );
+    private:
+        static Detail::IColourImpl* impl();
+        bool m_moved;
+    };
+    inline std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, Colour const& ) { return os; }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_reporter.h
+#include <string>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch
+    struct ReporterConfig {
+        explicit ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig )
+        :   m_stream( &_fullConfig->stream() ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig, std::ostream& _stream )
+        :   m_stream( &_stream ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        std::ostream& stream() const    { return *m_stream; }
+        Ptr<IConfig> fullConfig() const { return m_fullConfig; }
+    private:
+        std::ostream* m_stream;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_fullConfig;
+    };
+    struct ReporterPreferences {
+        ReporterPreferences()
+        : shouldRedirectStdOut( false )
+        {}
+        bool shouldRedirectStdOut;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct LazyStat : Option<T> {
+        LazyStat() : used( false ) {}
+        LazyStat& operator=( T const& _value ) {
+            Option<T>::operator=( _value );
+            used = false;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            Option<T>::reset();
+            used = false;
+        }
+        bool used;
+    };
+    struct TestRunInfo {
+        TestRunInfo( std::string const& _name ) : name( _name ) {}
+        std::string name;
+    };
+    struct GroupInfo {
+        GroupInfo(  std::string const& _name,
+                    std::size_t _groupIndex,
+                    std::size_t _groupsCount )
+        :   name( _name ),
+            groupIndex( _groupIndex ),
+            groupsCounts( _groupsCount )
+        {}
+        std::string name;
+        std::size_t groupIndex;
+        std::size_t groupsCounts;
+    };
+    struct AssertionStats {
+        AssertionStats( AssertionResult const& _assertionResult,
+                        std::vector<MessageInfo> const& _infoMessages,
+                        Totals const& _totals )
+        :   assertionResult( _assertionResult ),
+            infoMessages( _infoMessages ),
+            totals( _totals )
+        {
+            if( assertionResult.hasMessage() ) {
+                // Copy message into messages list.
+                // !TBD This should have been done earlier, somewhere
+                MessageBuilder builder( assertionResult.getTestMacroName(), assertionResult.getSourceInfo(), assertionResult.getResultType() );
+                builder << assertionResult.getMessage();
+                builder.m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+                infoMessages.push_back( builder.m_info );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~AssertionStats();
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats const& )              = default;
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats && )                  = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats const& ) = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        AssertionResult assertionResult;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> infoMessages;
+        Totals totals;
+    };
+    struct SectionStats {
+        SectionStats(   SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo,
+                        Counts const& _assertions,
+                        double _durationInSeconds,
+                        bool _missingAssertions )
+        :   sectionInfo( _sectionInfo ),
+            assertions( _assertions ),
+            durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds ),
+            missingAssertions( _missingAssertions )
+        {}
+        virtual ~SectionStats();
+        SectionStats( SectionStats const& )              = default;
+        SectionStats( SectionStats && )                  = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats const& ) = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        SectionInfo sectionInfo;
+        Counts assertions;
+        double durationInSeconds;
+        bool missingAssertions;
+    };
+    struct TestCaseStats {
+        TestCaseStats(  TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        std::string const& _stdOut,
+                        std::string const& _stdErr,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        : testInfo( _testInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            stdOut( _stdOut ),
+            stdErr( _stdErr ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestCaseStats();
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats const& )              = default;
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats && )                  = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats const& ) = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestCaseInfo testInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        std::string stdOut;
+        std::string stdErr;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestGroupStats {
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            aborting( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestGroupStats();
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats const& )              = default;
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats && )                  = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats const& ) = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        GroupInfo groupInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestRunStats {
+        TestRunStats(   TestRunInfo const& _runInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   runInfo( _runInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestRunStats();
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& _other )
+        :   runInfo( _other.runInfo ),
+            totals( _other.totals ),
+            aborting( _other.aborting )
+        {}
+#  else
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& )              = default;
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats && )                  = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats const& ) = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestRunInfo runInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct IStreamingReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IStreamingReporter();
+        // Implementing class must also provide the following static method:
+        // static std::string getDescription();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const = 0;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& testRunInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterFactory {
+        virtual ~IReporterFactory();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string getDescription() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterRegistry {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, IReporterFactory*> FactoryMap;
+        virtual ~IReporterRegistry();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual FactoryMap const& getFactories() const = 0;
+    };
+#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline std::size_t listTests( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available test cases:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        TextAttributes nameAttr, tagsAttr;
+        nameAttr.setInitialIndent( 2 ).setIndent( 4 );
+        tagsAttr.setIndent( 6 );
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            Colour::Code colour = testCaseInfo.isHidden()
+                ? Colour::SecondaryText
+                : Colour::None;
+            Colour colourGuard( colour );
+            std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.name, nameAttr ) << std::endl;
+            if( !testCaseInfo.tags.empty() )
+                std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.tagsAsString, tagsAttr ) << std::endl;
+        }
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        else
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "matching test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listTestsNamesOnly( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            std::cout << testCaseInfo.name << std::endl;
+        }
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    struct TagInfo {
+        TagInfo() : count ( 0 ) {}
+        void add( std::string const& spelling ) {
+            ++count;
+            spellings.insert( spelling );
+        }
+        std::string all() const {
+            std::string out;
+            for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = spellings.begin(), itEnd = spellings.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it )
+                out += "[" + *it + "]";
+            return out;
+        }
+        std::set<std::string> spellings;
+        std::size_t count;
+    };
+    inline std::size_t listTags( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Tags for matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available tags:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::map<std::string, TagInfo> tagCounts;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator  tagIt = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.begin(),
+                                                        tagItEnd = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.end();
+                    tagIt != tagItEnd;
+                    ++tagIt ) {
+                std::string tagName = *tagIt;
+                std::string lcaseTagName = toLower( tagName );
+                std::map<std::string, TagInfo>::iterator countIt = tagCounts.find( lcaseTagName );
+                if( countIt == tagCounts.end() )
+                    countIt = tagCounts.insert( std::make_pair( lcaseTagName, TagInfo() ) ).first;
+                countIt->second.add( tagName );
+            }
+        }
+        for( std::map<std::string, TagInfo>::const_iterator countIt = tagCounts.begin(),
+                                                            countItEnd = tagCounts.end();
+                countIt != countItEnd;
+                ++countIt ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "  " << std::setw(2) << countIt->second.count << "  ";
+            Text wrapper( countIt->second.all(), TextAttributes()
+                                                    .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                    .setIndent( oss.str().size() )
+                                                    .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-10 ) );
+            std::cout << oss.str() << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << pluralise( tagCounts.size(), "tag" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return tagCounts.size();
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listReporters( Config const& /*config*/ ) {
+        std::cout << "Available reports:\n";
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap::const_iterator itBegin = factories.begin(), itEnd = factories.end(), it;
+        std::size_t maxNameLen = 0;
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            maxNameLen = (std::max)( maxNameLen, it->first.size() );
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            Text wrapper( it->second->getDescription(), TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                        .setIndent( 7+maxNameLen )
+                                                        .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH - maxNameLen-8 ) );
+            std::cout << "  "
+                    << it->first
+                    << ":"
+                    << std::string( maxNameLen - it->first.size() + 2, ' ' )
+                    << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+        return factories.size();
+    }
+    inline Option<std::size_t> list( Config const& config ) {
+        Option<std::size_t> listedCount;
+        if( config.listTests() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTests( config );
+        if( config.listTestNamesOnly() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTestsNamesOnly( config );
+        if( config.listTags() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTags( config );
+        if( config.listReporters() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listReporters( config );
+        return listedCount;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_runner_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_tracker.hpp
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace SectionTracking {
+    class TrackedSection {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, TrackedSection> TrackedSections;
+    public:
+        enum RunState {
+            NotStarted,
+            Executing,
+            ExecutingChildren,
+            Completed
+        };
+        TrackedSection( std::string const& name, TrackedSection* parent )
+        :   m_name( name ), m_runState( NotStarted ), m_parent( parent )
+        {}
+        RunState runState() const { return m_runState; }
+        TrackedSection* findChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            TrackedSections::iterator it = m_children.find( childName );
+            return it != m_children.end()
+                ? &it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* acquireChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            if( TrackedSection* child = findChild( childName ) )
+                return child;
+            m_children.insert( std::make_pair( childName, TrackedSection( childName, this ) ) );
+            return findChild( childName );
+        }
+        void enter() {
+            if( m_runState == NotStarted )
+                m_runState = Executing;
+        }
+        void leave() {
+            for( TrackedSections::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), itEnd = m_children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( it->second.runState() != Completed ) {
+                    m_runState = ExecutingChildren;
+                    return;
+                }
+            m_runState = Completed;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* getParent() {
+            return m_parent;
+        }
+        bool hasChildren() const {
+            return !m_children.empty();
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string m_name;
+        RunState m_runState;
+        TrackedSections m_children;
+        TrackedSection* m_parent;
+    };
+    class TestCaseTracker {
+    public:
+        TestCaseTracker( std::string const& testCaseName )
+        :   m_testCase( testCaseName, NULL ),
+            m_currentSection( &m_testCase ),
+            m_completedASectionThisRun( false )
+        {}
+        bool enterSection( std::string const& name ) {
+            TrackedSection* child = m_currentSection->acquireChild( name );
+            if( m_completedASectionThisRun || child->runState() == TrackedSection::Completed )
+                return false;
+            m_currentSection = child;
+            m_currentSection->enter();
+            return true;
+        }
+        void leaveSection() {
+            m_currentSection->leave();
+            m_currentSection = m_currentSection->getParent();
+            assert( m_currentSection != NULL );
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = true;
+        }
+        bool currentSectionHasChildren() const {
+            return m_currentSection->hasChildren();
+        }
+        bool isCompleted() const {
+            return m_testCase.runState() == TrackedSection::Completed;
+        }
+        class Guard {
+        public:
+            Guard( TestCaseTracker& tracker ) : m_tracker( tracker ) {
+                m_tracker.enterTestCase();
+            }
+            ~Guard() {
+                m_tracker.leaveTestCase();
+            }
+        private:
+            Guard( Guard const& );
+            void operator = ( Guard const& );
+            TestCaseTracker& m_tracker;
+        };
+    private:
+        void enterTestCase() {
+            m_currentSection = &m_testCase;
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = false;
+            m_testCase.enter();
+        }
+        void leaveTestCase() {
+            m_testCase.leave();
+        }
+        TrackedSection m_testCase;
+        TrackedSection* m_currentSection;
+        bool m_completedASectionThisRun;
+    };
+} // namespace SectionTracking
+using SectionTracking::TestCaseTracker;
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamRedirect {
+    public:
+        StreamRedirect( std::ostream& stream, std::string& targetString )
+        :   m_stream( stream ),
+            m_prevBuf( stream.rdbuf() ),
+            m_targetString( targetString )
+        {
+            stream.rdbuf( m_oss.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        ~StreamRedirect() {
+            m_targetString += m_oss.str();
+            m_stream.rdbuf( m_prevBuf );
+        }
+    private:
+        std::ostream& m_stream;
+        std::streambuf* m_prevBuf;
+        std::ostringstream m_oss;
+        std::string& m_targetString;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class RunContext : public IResultCapture, public IRunner {
+        RunContext( RunContext const& );
+        void operator =( RunContext const& );
+    public:
+        explicit RunContext( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config, Ptr<IStreamingReporter> const& reporter )
+        :   m_runInfo( config->name() ),
+            m_context( getCurrentMutableContext() ),
+            m_activeTestCase( NULL ),
+            m_config( config ),
+            m_reporter( reporter ),
+            m_prevRunner( m_context.getRunner() ),
+            m_prevResultCapture( m_context.getResultCapture() ),
+            m_prevConfig( m_context.getConfig() )
+        {
+            m_context.setRunner( this );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_config );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( this );
+            m_reporter->testRunStarting( m_runInfo );
+        }
+        virtual ~RunContext() {
+            m_reporter->testRunEnded( TestRunStats( m_runInfo, m_totals, aborting() ) );
+            m_context.setRunner( m_prevRunner );
+            m_context.setConfig( NULL );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( m_prevResultCapture );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_prevConfig );
+        }
+        void testGroupStarting( std::string const& testSpec, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupStarting( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ) );
+        }
+        void testGroupEnded( std::string const& testSpec, Totals const& totals, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ), totals, aborting() ) );
+        }
+        Totals runTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            Totals prevTotals = m_totals;
+            std::string redirectedCout;
+            std::string redirectedCerr;
+            TestCaseInfo testInfo = testCase.getTestCaseInfo();
+            m_reporter->testCaseStarting( testInfo );
+            m_activeTestCase = &testCase;
+            m_testCaseTracker = TestCaseTracker( testInfo.name );
+            do {
+                do {
+                    runCurrentTest( redirectedCout, redirectedCerr );
+                }
+                while( !m_testCaseTracker->isCompleted() && !aborting() );
+            }
+            while( getCurrentContext().advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() && !aborting() );
+            Totals deltaTotals = m_totals.delta( prevTotals );
+            m_totals.testCases += deltaTotals.testCases;
+            m_reporter->testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats(   testInfo,
+                                                        deltaTotals,
+                                                        redirectedCout,
+                                                        redirectedCerr,
+                                                        aborting() ) );
+            m_activeTestCase = NULL;
+            m_testCaseTracker.reset();
+            return deltaTotals;
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig const> config() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    private: // IResultCapture
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) {
+            if( result.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.passed++;
+            }
+            else if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            }
+            if( m_reporter->assertionEnded( AssertionStats( result, m_messages, m_totals ) ) )
+                m_messages.clear();
+            // Reset working state
+            m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "", m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo, "{Unknown expression after the reported line}" , m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+            m_lastResult = result;
+        }
+        virtual bool sectionStarted (
+            SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+            Counts& assertions
+        )
+        {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << sectionInfo.name << "@" << sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            if( !m_testCaseTracker->enterSection( oss.str() ) )
+                return false;
+            m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo = sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( sectionInfo );
+            assertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            return true;
+        }
+        bool testForMissingAssertions( Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( assertions.total() != 0 ||
+                    !m_config->warnAboutMissingAssertions() ||
+                    m_testCaseTracker->currentSectionHasChildren() )
+                return false;
+            m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            assertions.failed++;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& info, Counts const& prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds ) {
+            /*if( std::uncaught_exception() ) { // XXX Hack that makes Catch not run in loop in certain situations
+                m_unfinishedSections.push_back( UnfinishedSections( info, prevAssertions, _durationInSeconds ) );
+                return;
+            }*/
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            m_testCaseTracker->leaveSection();
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( SectionStats( info, assertions, _durationInSeconds, missingAssertions ) );
+            m_messages.clear();
+        }
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.push_back( message );
+        }
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.erase( std::remove( m_messages.begin(), m_messages.end(), message ), m_messages.end() );
+        }
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const {
+            return m_activeTestCase
+                ? m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo().name
+                : "";
+        }
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const {
+            return &m_lastResult;
+        }
+    public:
+        // !TBD We need to do this another way!
+        bool aborting() const {
+            return m_totals.assertions.failed == static_cast<std::size_t>( m_config->abortAfter() );
+        }
+    private:
+        void runCurrentTest( std::string& redirectedCout, std::string& redirectedCerr ) {
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo();
+            SectionInfo testCaseSection( testCaseInfo.lineInfo, testCaseInfo.name, testCaseInfo.description );
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( testCaseSection );
+            Counts prevAssertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            double duration = 0;
+            try {
+                m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "TEST_CASE", testCaseInfo.lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                TestCaseTracker::Guard guard( *m_testCaseTracker );
+                Timer timer;
+                timer.start();
+                if( m_reporter->getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut ) {
+                    StreamRedirect coutRedir( std::cout, redirectedCout );
+                    StreamRedirect cerrRedir( std::cerr, redirectedCerr );
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                else {
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                duration = timer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            }
+            catch( TestFailureException& ) {
+                // This just means the test was aborted due to failure
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                ResultBuilder exResult( m_lastAssertionInfo.macroName.c_str(),
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo,
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.capturedExpression.c_str(),
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+                exResult.useActiveException();
+            }
+            // If sections ended prematurely due to an exception we stored their
+            // infos here so we can tear them down outside the unwind process.
+            for( std::vector<UnfinishedSections>::const_reverse_iterator it = m_unfinishedSections.rbegin(),
+                        itEnd = m_unfinishedSections.rend();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                sectionEnded( it->info, it->prevAssertions, it->durationInSeconds );
+            m_unfinishedSections.clear();
+            m_messages.clear();
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            if( testCaseInfo.okToFail() ) {
+                std::swap( assertions.failedButOk, assertions.failed );
+                m_totals.assertions.failed -= assertions.failedButOk;
+                m_totals.assertions.failedButOk += assertions.failedButOk;
+            }
+            SectionStats testCaseSectionStats( testCaseSection, assertions, duration, missingAssertions );
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( testCaseSectionStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        struct UnfinishedSections {
+            UnfinishedSections( SectionInfo const& _info, Counts const& _prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds )
+            : info( _info ), prevAssertions( _prevAssertions ), durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds )
+            {}
+            SectionInfo info;
+            Counts prevAssertions;
+            double durationInSeconds;
+        };
+        TestRunInfo m_runInfo;
+        IMutableContext& m_context;
+        TestCase const* m_activeTestCase;
+        Option<TestCaseTracker> m_testCaseTracker;
+        AssertionResult m_lastResult;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        Totals m_totals;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> m_messages;
+        IRunner* m_prevRunner;
+        IResultCapture* m_prevResultCapture;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_prevConfig;
+        AssertionInfo m_lastAssertionInfo;
+        std::vector<UnfinishedSections> m_unfinishedSections;
+    };
+    IResultCapture& getResultCapture() {
+        if( IResultCapture* capture = getCurrentContext().getResultCapture() )
+            return *capture;
+        else
+            throw std::logic_error( "No result capture instance" );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_version.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // Versioning information
+    struct Version {
+        Version(    unsigned int _majorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _minorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _buildNumber,
+                    char const* const _branchName )
+        :   majorVersion( _majorVersion ),
+            minorVersion( _minorVersion ),
+            buildNumber( _buildNumber ),
+            branchName( _branchName )
+        {}
+        unsigned int const majorVersion;
+        unsigned int const minorVersion;
+        unsigned int const buildNumber;
+        char const* const branchName;
+    private:
+        void operator=( Version const& );
+    };
+    extern Version libraryVersion;
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Runner {
+    public:
+        Runner( Ptr<Config> const& config )
+        :   m_config( config )
+        {
+            openStream();
+            makeReporter();
+        }
+        Totals runTests() {
+            RunContext context( m_config.get(), m_reporter );
+            Totals totals;
+            context.testGroupStarting( "", 1, 1 ); // deprecated?
+            TestSpec testSpec = m_config->testSpec();
+            if( !testSpec.hasFilters() )
+                testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "~[.]" ).testSpec(); // All not hidden tests
+            std::vector<TestCase> testCases;
+            getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, *m_config, testCases );
+            int testsRunForGroup = 0;
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = testCases.begin(), itEnd = testCases.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                testsRunForGroup++;
+                if( m_testsAlreadyRun.find( *it ) == m_testsAlreadyRun.end() ) {
+                    if( context.aborting() )
+                        break;
+                    totals += context.runTest( *it );
+                    m_testsAlreadyRun.insert( *it );
+                }
+            }
+            context.testGroupEnded( "", totals, 1, 1 );
+            return totals;
+        }
+    private:
+        void openStream() {
+            // Open output file, if specified
+            if( !m_config->getFilename().empty() ) {
+                m_ofs.open( m_config->getFilename().c_str() );
+                if( m_ofs.fail() ) {
+                    std::ostringstream oss;
+                    oss << "Unable to open file: '" << m_config->getFilename() << "'";
+                    throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+                }
+                m_config->setStreamBuf( m_ofs.rdbuf() );
+            }
+        }
+        void makeReporter() {
+            std::string reporterName = m_config->getReporterName().empty()
+                ? "console"
+                : m_config->getReporterName();
+            m_reporter = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().create( reporterName, m_config.get() );
+            if( !m_reporter ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "No reporter registered with name: '" << reporterName << "'";
+                throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+        std::ofstream m_ofs;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::set<TestCase> m_testsAlreadyRun;
+    };
+    class Session {
+        static bool alreadyInstantiated;
+    public:
+        struct OnUnusedOptions { enum DoWhat { Ignore, Fail }; };
+        Session()
+        : m_cli( makeCommandLineParser() ) {
+            if( alreadyInstantiated ) {
+                std::string msg = "Only one instance of Catch::Session can ever be used";
+                std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+                throw std::logic_error( msg );
+            }
+            alreadyInstantiated = true;
+        }
+        ~Session() {
+            Catch::cleanUp();
+        }
+        void showHelp( std::string const& processName ) {
+            std::cout << "\nCatch v"    << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                                        << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " build "
+                                        << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                std::cout << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << " branch)";
+            std::cout << "\n";
+            m_cli.usage( std::cout, processName );
+            std::cout << "For more detail usage please see the project docs\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        int applyCommandLine( int argc, char* const argv[], OnUnusedOptions::DoWhat unusedOptionBehaviour = OnUnusedOptions::Fail ) {
+            try {
+                m_cli.setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( unusedOptionBehaviour == OnUnusedOptions::Fail );
+                m_unusedTokens = m_cli.parseInto( argc, argv, m_configData );
+                if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                    showHelp( m_configData.processName );
+                m_config.reset();
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "\nError(s) in input:\n"
+                                << Text( ex.what(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) )
+                                << "\n\n";
+                }
+                m_cli.usage( std::cout, m_configData.processName );
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        void useConfigData( ConfigData const& _configData ) {
+            m_configData = _configData;
+            m_config.reset();
+        }
+        int run( int argc, char* const argv[] ) {
+            int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, argv );
+            if( returnCode == 0 )
+                returnCode = run();
+            return returnCode;
+        }
+        int run() {
+            if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                return 0;
+            try
+            {
+                config(); // Force config to be constructed
+                Runner runner( m_config );
+                // Handle list request
+                if( Option<std::size_t> listed = list( config() ) )
+                    return static_cast<int>( *listed );
+                return static_cast<int>( runner.runTests().assertions.failed );
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+        }
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> const& cli() const {
+            return m_cli;
+        }
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> const& unusedTokens() const {
+            return m_unusedTokens;
+        }
+        ConfigData& configData() {
+            return m_configData;
+        }
+        Config& config() {
+            if( !m_config )
+                m_config = new Config( m_configData );
+            return *m_config;
+        }
+    private:
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> m_cli;
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> m_unusedTokens;
+        ConfigData m_configData;
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+    };
+    bool Session::alreadyInstantiated = false;
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_registry_hub.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_registry_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestRegistry : public ITestCaseRegistry {
+    public:
+        TestRegistry() : m_unnamedCount( 0 ) {}
+        virtual ~TestRegistry();
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            std::string name = testCase.getTestCaseInfo().name;
+            if( name == "" ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "Anonymous test case " << ++m_unnamedCount;
+                return registerTest( testCase.withName( oss.str() ) );
+            }
+            if( m_functions.find( testCase ) == m_functions.end() ) {
+                m_functions.insert( testCase );
+                m_functionsInOrder.push_back( testCase );
+                if( !testCase.isHidden() )
+                    m_nonHiddenFunctions.push_back( testCase );
+            }
+            else {
+                TestCase const& prev = *m_functions.find( testCase );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "error: TEST_CASE( \"" << name << "\" ) already defined.\n"
+                                << "\tFirst seen at " << prev.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << "\n"
+                                << "\tRedefined at " << testCase.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << std::endl;
+                }
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const {
+            return m_functionsInOrder;
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllNonHiddenTests() const {
+            return m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        }
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const {
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator  it = m_functionsInOrder.begin(),
+                                                        itEnd = m_functionsInOrder.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( testSpec.matches( *it ) && ( config.allowThrows() || !it->throws() ) )
+                    matchingTestCases.push_back( *it );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::set<TestCase> m_functions;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_functionsInOrder;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        size_t m_unnamedCount;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class FreeFunctionTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        FreeFunctionTestCase( TestFunction fun ) : m_fun( fun ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            m_fun();
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~FreeFunctionTestCase();
+        TestFunction m_fun;
+    };
+    inline std::string extractClassName( std::string const& classOrQualifiedMethodName ) {
+        std::string className = classOrQualifiedMethodName;
+        if( startsWith( className, "&" ) )
+        {
+            std::size_t lastColons = className.rfind( "::" );
+            std::size_t penultimateColons = className.rfind( "::", lastColons-1 );
+            if( penultimateColons == std::string::npos )
+                penultimateColons = 1;
+            className = className.substr( penultimateColons, lastColons-penultimateColons );
+        }
+        return className;
+    }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    AutoReg::AutoReg(   TestFunction function,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc ) {
+        registerTestCase( new FreeFunctionTestCase( function ), "", nameAndDesc, lineInfo );
+    }
+    AutoReg::~AutoReg() {}
+    void AutoReg::registerTestCase( ITestCase* testCase,
+                                    char const* classOrQualifiedMethodName,
+                                    NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest
+            ( makeTestCase( testCase,
+                            extractClassName( classOrQualifiedMethodName ),
+                            nameAndDesc.name,
+                            nameAndDesc.description,
+                            lineInfo ) );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_reporter_registry.hpp
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    class ReporterRegistry : public IReporterRegistry {
+    public:
+        virtual ~ReporterRegistry() {
+            deleteAllValues( m_factories );
+        }
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const {
+            FactoryMap::const_iterator it =  m_factories.find( name );
+            if( it == m_factories.end() )
+                return NULL;
+            return it->second->create( ReporterConfig( config ) );
+        }
+        void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+            m_factories.insert( std::make_pair( name, factory ) );
+        }
+        FactoryMap const& getFactories() const {
+            return m_factories;
+        }
+    private:
+        FactoryMap m_factories;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_exception_translator_registry.hpp
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+#import "Foundation/Foundation.h"
+namespace Catch {
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistry : public IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+    public:
+        ~ExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+            deleteAll( m_translators );
+        }
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+            m_translators.push_back( translator );
+        }
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const {
+            try {
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+                // In Objective-C try objective-c exceptions first
+                @try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                @catch (NSException *exception) {
+                    return toString( [exception description] );
+                }
+                throw;
+            }
+            catch( TestFailureException& ) {
+                throw;
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                return ex.what();
+            }
+            catch( std::string& msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch( const char* msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( m_translators.begin() );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string tryTranslators( std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*>::const_iterator it ) const {
+            if( it == m_translators.end() )
+                return "Unknown exception";
+            try {
+                return (*it)->translate();
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( it+1 );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*> m_translators;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        class RegistryHub : public IRegistryHub, public IMutableRegistryHub {
+            RegistryHub( RegistryHub const& );
+            void operator=( RegistryHub const& );
+        public: // IRegistryHub
+            RegistryHub() {
+            }
+            virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const {
+                return m_reporterRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const {
+                return m_testCaseRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+                return m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+            }
+        public: // IMutableRegistryHub
+            virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+                m_reporterRegistry.registerReporter( name, factory );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) {
+                m_testCaseRegistry.registerTest( testInfo );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+                m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry.registerTranslator( translator );
+            }
+        private:
+            TestRegistry m_testCaseRegistry;
+            ReporterRegistry m_reporterRegistry;
+            ExceptionTranslatorRegistry m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+        };
+        // Single, global, instance
+        inline RegistryHub*& getTheRegistryHub() {
+            static RegistryHub* theRegistryHub = NULL;
+            if( !theRegistryHub )
+                theRegistryHub = new RegistryHub();
+            return theRegistryHub;
+        }
+    }
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    void cleanUp() {
+        delete getTheRegistryHub();
+        getTheRegistryHub() = NULL;
+        cleanUpContext();
+    }
+    std::string translateActiveException() {
+        return getRegistryHub().getExceptionTranslatorRegistry().translateActiveException();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_notimplemented_exception.hpp
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo )
+    :   m_lineInfo( lineInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << lineInfo << ": function ";
+        oss << "not implemented";
+        m_what = oss.str();
+    }
+    const char* NotImplementedException::what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+        return m_what.c_str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_context_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_stream.hpp
+// #included from: catch_streambuf.h
+#include <streambuf>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamBufBase : public std::streambuf {
+    public:
+        virtual ~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    };
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdio>
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename WriterF, size_t bufferSize=256>
+    class StreamBufImpl : public StreamBufBase {
+        char data[bufferSize];
+        WriterF m_writer;
+    public:
+        StreamBufImpl() {
+            setp( data, data + sizeof(data) );
+        }
+        ~StreamBufImpl() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+            sync();
+        }
+    private:
+        int overflow( int c ) {
+            sync();
+            if( c != EOF ) {
+                if( pbase() == epptr() )
+                    m_writer( std::string( 1, static_cast<char>( c ) ) );
+                else
+                    sputc( static_cast<char>( c ) );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        int sync() {
+            if( pbase() != pptr() ) {
+                m_writer( std::string( pbase(), static_cast<std::string::size_type>( pptr() - pbase() ) ) );
+                setp( pbase(), epptr() );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    struct OutputDebugWriter {
+        void operator()( std::string const&str ) {
+            writeToDebugConsole( str );
+        }
+    };
+    Stream::Stream()
+    : streamBuf( NULL ), isOwned( false )
+    {}
+    Stream::Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned )
+    : streamBuf( _streamBuf ), isOwned( _isOwned )
+    {}
+    void Stream::release() {
+        if( isOwned ) {
+            delete streamBuf;
+            streamBuf = NULL;
+            isOwned = false;
+        }
+    }
+namespace Catch {
+    class Context : public IMutableContext {
+        Context() : m_config( NULL ), m_runner( NULL ), m_resultCapture( NULL ) {}
+        Context( Context const& );
+        void operator=( Context const& );
+    public: // IContext
+        virtual IResultCapture* getResultCapture() {
+            return m_resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual IRunner* getRunner() {
+            return m_runner;
+        }
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) {
+            return getGeneratorsForCurrentTest()
+            .getGeneratorInfo( fileInfo, totalSize )
+            .getCurrentIndex();
+        }
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            return generators && generators->moveNext();
+        }
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    public: // IMutableContext
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) {
+            m_resultCapture = resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) {
+            m_runner = runner;
+        }
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) {
+            m_config = config;
+        }
+        friend IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    private:
+        IGeneratorsForTest* findGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            std::string testName = getResultCapture()->getCurrentTestName();
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*>::const_iterator it =
+            m_generatorsByTestName.find( testName );
+            return it != m_generatorsByTestName.end()
+                ? it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        IGeneratorsForTest& getGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            if( !generators ) {
+                std::string testName = getResultCapture()->getCurrentTestName();
+                generators = createGeneratorsForTest();
+                m_generatorsByTestName.insert( std::make_pair( testName, generators ) );
+            }
+            return *generators;
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        IRunner* m_runner;
+        IResultCapture* m_resultCapture;
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*> m_generatorsByTestName;
+    };
+    namespace {
+        Context* currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext() {
+        if( !currentContext )
+            currentContext = new Context();
+        return *currentContext;
+    }
+    IContext& getCurrentContext() {
+        return getCurrentMutableContext();
+    }
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+        if( streamName == "stdout" ) return Stream( std::cout.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "stderr" ) return Stream( std::cerr.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "debug" ) return Stream( new StreamBufImpl<OutputDebugWriter>, true );
+        throw std::domain_error( "Unknown stream: " + streamName );
+    }
+    void cleanUpContext() {
+        delete currentContext;
+        currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+// #included from: catch_console_colour_impl.hpp
+namespace Catch { namespace Detail {
+    struct IColourImpl {
+        virtual ~IColourImpl() {}
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) = 0;
+    };
+#if defined ( CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) /////////////////////////////////////////
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+#define NOMINMAX
+#ifdef __AFXDLL
+#include <AfxWin.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    class Win32ColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        Win32ColourImpl() : stdoutHandle( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) )
+        {
+            CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo;
+            GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( stdoutHandle, &csbiInfo );
+            originalAttributes = csbiInfo.wAttributes;
+        }
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:      return setTextAttribute( originalAttributes );
+                case Colour::White:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setTextAttribute( 0 );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setTextAttribute( WORD _textAttribute ) {
+            SetConsoleTextAttribute( stdoutHandle, _textAttribute );
+        }
+        HANDLE stdoutHandle;
+        WORD originalAttributes;
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static Win32ColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#else // Not Windows - assumed to be POSIX compatible //////////////////////////
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    // use POSIX/ ANSI console terminal codes
+    // Thanks to Adam Strzelecki for original contribution
+    // (http://github.com/nanoant)
+    // https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/pull/131
+    class PosixColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:
+                case Colour::White:     return setColour( "[0m" );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setColour( "[0;31m" );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setColour( "[0;32m" );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setColour( "[0:34m" );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setColour( "[0;36m" );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setColour( "[0;33m" );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setColour( "[1;30m" );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setColour( "[0;37m" );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setColour( "[1;31m" );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setColour( "[1;32m" );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setColour( "[1;37m" );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setColour( const char* _escapeCode ) {
+            std::cout << '\033' << _escapeCode;
+        }
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return isatty(STDOUT_FILENO);
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static PosixColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#endif // not Windows
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        struct NoColourImpl : Detail::IColourImpl {
+            void use( Colour::Code ) {}
+            static IColourImpl* instance() {
+                static NoColourImpl s_instance;
+                return &s_instance;
+            }
+        };
+        static bool shouldUseColour() {
+            return shouldUseColourForPlatform() && !isDebuggerActive();
+        }
+    }
+    Colour::Colour( Code _colourCode ) : m_moved( false ) { use( _colourCode ); }
+    Colour::Colour( Colour const& _other ) : m_moved( false ) { const_cast<Colour&>( _other ).m_moved = true; }
+    Colour::~Colour(){ if( !m_moved ) use( None ); }
+    void Colour::use( Code _colourCode ) {
+        impl()->use( _colourCode );
+    }
+    Detail::IColourImpl* Colour::impl() {
+        return shouldUseColour()
+            ? platformColourInstance()
+            : NoColourImpl::instance();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_generators_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct GeneratorInfo : IGeneratorInfo {
+        GeneratorInfo( std::size_t size )
+        :   m_size( size ),
+            m_currentIndex( 0 )
+        {}
+        bool moveNext() {
+            if( ++m_currentIndex == m_size ) {
+                m_currentIndex = 0;
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const {
+            return m_currentIndex;
+        }
+        std::size_t m_size;
+        std::size_t m_currentIndex;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class GeneratorsForTest : public IGeneratorsForTest {
+    public:
+        ~GeneratorsForTest() {
+            deleteAll( m_generatorsInOrder );
+        }
+        IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) {
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsByName.find( fileInfo );
+            if( it == m_generatorsByName.end() ) {
+                IGeneratorInfo* info = new GeneratorInfo( size );
+                m_generatorsByName.insert( std::make_pair( fileInfo, info ) );
+                m_generatorsInOrder.push_back( info );
+                return *info;
+            }
+            return *it->second;
+        }
+        bool moveNext() {
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsInOrder.begin();
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_generatorsInOrder.end();
+            for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( (*it)->moveNext() )
+                    return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsByName;
+        std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsInOrder;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest()
+    {
+        return new GeneratorsForTest();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    AssertionInfo::AssertionInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                    std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                                    ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        capturedExpression( _capturedExpression ),
+        resultDisposition( _resultDisposition )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult() {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data )
+    :   m_info( info ),
+        m_resultData( data )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::~AssertionResult() {}
+    // Result was a success
+    bool AssertionResult::succeeded() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType );
+    }
+    // Result was a success, or failure is suppressed
+    bool AssertionResult::isOk() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType ) || shouldSuppressFailure( m_info.resultDisposition );
+    }
+    ResultWas::OfType AssertionResult::getResultType() const {
+        return m_resultData.resultType;
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpression() const {
+        return !m_info.capturedExpression.empty();
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasMessage() const {
+        return !m_resultData.message.empty();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpression() const {
+        if( isFalseTest( m_info.resultDisposition ) )
+            return "!" + m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpressionInMacro() const {
+        if( m_info.macroName.empty() )
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.macroName + "( " + m_info.capturedExpression + " )";
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpandedExpression() const {
+        return hasExpression() && getExpandedExpression() != getExpression();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpandedExpression() const {
+        return m_resultData.reconstructedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getMessage() const {
+        return m_resultData.message;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo AssertionResult::getSourceInfo() const {
+        return m_info.lineInfo;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getTestMacroName() const {
+        return m_info.macroName;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_test_case_info.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    inline TestCaseInfo::SpecialProperties parseSpecialTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        if( tag == "." ||
+            tag == "hide" ||
+            tag == "!hide" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::IsHidden;
+        else if( tag == "!throws" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::Throws;
+        else if( tag == "!shouldfail" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::ShouldFail;
+        else if( tag == "!mayfail" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::MayFail;
+        else
+            return TestCaseInfo::None;
+    }
+    inline bool isReservedTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        return parseSpecialTag( tag ) == TestCaseInfo::None && tag.size() > 0 && !isalnum( tag[0] );
+    }
+    inline void enforceNotReservedTag( std::string const& tag, SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo ) {
+        if( isReservedTag( tag ) ) {
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                std::cerr
+                    << "Tag name [" << tag << "] not allowed.\n"
+                    << "Tag names starting with non alpha-numeric characters are reserved\n";
+            }
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                std::cerr << _lineInfo << std::endl;
+            }
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* _testCase,
+                            std::string const& _className,
+                            std::string const& _name,
+                            std::string const& _descOrTags,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    {
+        bool isHidden( startsWith( _name, "./" ) ); // Legacy support
+        // Parse out tags
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::string desc, tag;
+        bool inTag = false;
+        for( std::size_t i = 0; i < _descOrTags.size(); ++i ) {
+            char c = _descOrTags[i];
+            if( !inTag ) {
+                if( c == '[' )
+                    inTag = true;
+                else
+                    desc += c;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( c == ']' ) {
+                    enforceNotReservedTag( tag, _lineInfo );
+                    inTag = false;
+                    if( tag == "hide" || tag == "." )
+                        isHidden = true;
+                    else
+                        tags.insert( tag );
+                    tag.clear();
+                }
+                else
+                    tag += c;
+            }
+        }
+        if( isHidden ) {
+            tags.insert( "hide" );
+            tags.insert( "." );
+        }
+        TestCaseInfo info( _name, _className, desc, tags, _lineInfo );
+        return TestCase( _testCase, info );
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( std::string const& _name,
+                                std::string const& _className,
+                                std::string const& _description,
+                                std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    :   name( _name ),
+        className( _className ),
+        description( _description ),
+        tags( _tags ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        properties( None )
+    {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = _tags.begin(), itEnd = _tags.end(); it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            oss << "[" << *it << "]";
+            std::string lcaseTag = toLower( *it );
+            properties = static_cast<SpecialProperties>( properties | parseSpecialTag( lcaseTag ) );
+            lcaseTags.insert( lcaseTag );
+        }
+        tagsAsString = oss.str();
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other )
+    :   name( other.name ),
+        className( other.className ),
+        description( other.description ),
+        tags( other.tags ),
+        lcaseTags( other.lcaseTags ),
+        tagsAsString( other.tagsAsString ),
+        lineInfo( other.lineInfo ),
+        properties( other.properties )
+    {}
+    bool TestCaseInfo::isHidden() const {
+        return ( properties & IsHidden ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::throws() const {
+        return ( properties & Throws ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::okToFail() const {
+        return ( properties & (ShouldFail | MayFail ) ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::expectedToFail() const {
+        return ( properties & (ShouldFail ) ) != 0;
+    }
+    TestCase::TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info ) : TestCaseInfo( info ), test( testCase ) {}
+    TestCase::TestCase( TestCase const& other )
+    :   TestCaseInfo( other ),
+        test( other.test )
+    {}
+    TestCase TestCase::withName( std::string const& _newName ) const {
+        TestCase other( *this );
+        other.name = _newName;
+        return other;
+    }
+    void TestCase::swap( TestCase& other ) {
+        test.swap( other.test );
+        name.swap( other.name );
+        className.swap( other.className );
+        description.swap( other.description );
+        tags.swap( other.tags );
+        lcaseTags.swap( other.lcaseTags );
+        tagsAsString.swap( other.tagsAsString );
+        std::swap( TestCaseInfo::properties, static_cast<TestCaseInfo&>( other ).properties );
+        std::swap( lineInfo, other.lineInfo );
+    }
+    void TestCase::invoke() const {
+        test->invoke();
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return  test.get() == other.test.get() &&
+                name == other.name &&
+                className == other.className;
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return name < other.name;
+    }
+    TestCase& TestCase::operator = ( TestCase const& other ) {
+        TestCase temp( other );
+        swap( temp );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo const& TestCase::getTestCaseInfo() const
+    {
+        return *this;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_version.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // These numbers are maintained by a script
+    Version libraryVersion( 1, 0, 53, "master" );
+// #included from: catch_message.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    MessageInfo::MessageInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                ResultWas::OfType _type )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        type( _type ),
+        sequence( ++globalCount )
+    {}
+    // This may need protecting if threading support is added
+    unsigned int MessageInfo::globalCount = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ScopedMessage::ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder )
+    : m_info( builder.m_info )
+    {
+        m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+        getResultCapture().pushScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+    ScopedMessage::ScopedMessage( ScopedMessage const& other )
+    : m_info( other.m_info )
+    {}
+    ScopedMessage::~ScopedMessage() {
+        getResultCapture().popScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.hpp
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.h
+namespace Catch
+    // Deprecated
+    struct IReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IReporter();
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const = 0;
+        virtual void StartTesting() = 0;
+        virtual void EndTesting( Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartGroup( std::string const& groupName ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndGroup( std::string const& groupName, Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo, Totals const& totals, std::string const& stdOut, std::string const& stdErr ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartSection( std::string const& sectionName, std::string const& description ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndSection( std::string const& sectionName, Counts const& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( std::string const& sectionName ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( std::string const& testName ) = 0;
+        virtual void Aborted() = 0;
+        virtual void Result( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+    };
+    class LegacyReporterAdapter : public SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter>
+    {
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter );
+        virtual ~LegacyReporterAdapter();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& );
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& );
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo );
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo );
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo );
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& );
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats );
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats );
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats );
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats );
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats );
+    private:
+        Ptr<IReporter> m_legacyReporter;
+    };
+namespace Catch
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter )
+    :   m_legacyReporter( legacyReporter )
+    {}
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::~LegacyReporterAdapter() {}
+    ReporterPreferences LegacyReporterAdapter::getPreferences() const {
+        ReporterPreferences prefs;
+        prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = m_legacyReporter->shouldRedirectStdout();
+        return prefs;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTesting();
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartGroup( groupInfo.name );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTestCase( testInfo );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartSection( sectionInfo.name, sectionInfo.description );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        // Not on legacy interface
+    }
+    bool LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+        if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() != ResultWas::Ok ) {
+            for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = assertionStats.infoMessages.begin(), itEnd = assertionStats.infoMessages.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( it->type == ResultWas::Info ) {
+                    ResultBuilder rb( it->macroName.c_str(), it->lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                    rb << it->message;
+                    rb.setResultType( ResultWas::Info );
+                    AssertionResult result = rb.build();
+                    m_legacyReporter->Result( result );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        m_legacyReporter->Result( assertionStats.assertionResult );
+        return true;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+        if( sectionStats.missingAssertions )
+            m_legacyReporter->NoAssertionsInSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name );
+        m_legacyReporter->EndSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name, sectionStats.assertions );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTestCase
+            (   testCaseStats.testInfo,
+                testCaseStats.totals,
+                testCaseStats.stdOut,
+                testCaseStats.stdErr );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+        if( testGroupStats.aborting )
+            m_legacyReporter->Aborted();
+        m_legacyReporter->EndGroup( testGroupStats.groupInfo.name, testGroupStats.totals );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTesting( testRunStats.totals );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_timer.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            static uint64_t hz=0, hzo=0;
+            if (!hz) {
+                QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hz);
+                QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hzo);
+            }
+            uint64_t t;
+            QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&t);
+            return ((t-hzo)*1000000)/hz;
+        }
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            timeval t;
+            gettimeofday(&t,NULL);
+            return static_cast<uint64_t>( t.tv_sec ) * 1000000ull + static_cast<uint64_t>( t.tv_usec );
+        }
+    }
+    void Timer::start() {
+        m_ticks = getCurrentTicks();
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedNanoseconds() const {
+        return static_cast<unsigned int>(getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks);
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedMilliseconds() const {
+        return static_cast<unsigned int>((getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000);
+    }
+    double Timer::getElapsedSeconds() const {
+        return (getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000000.0;
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_common.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix ) {
+        return s.size() >= prefix.size() && s.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+    }
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix ) {
+        return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr( s.size()-suffix.size(), suffix.size() ) == suffix;
+    }
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix ) {
+        return s.find( infix ) != std::string::npos;
+    }
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s ) {
+        std::transform( s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower );
+    }
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s ) {
+        std::string lc = s;
+        toLowerInPlace( lc );
+        return lc;
+    }
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str ) {
+        static char const* whitespaceChars = "\n\r\t ";
+        std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        return start != std::string::npos ? str.substr( start, 1+end-start ) : "";
+    }
+    pluralise::pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label )
+    :   m_count( count ),
+        m_label( label )
+    {}
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser ) {
+        os << pluraliser.m_count << " " << pluraliser.m_label;
+        if( pluraliser.m_count != 1 )
+            os << "s";
+        return os;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo() : line( 0 ){}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line )
+    :   file( _file ),
+        line( _line )
+    {}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other )
+    :   file( other.file ),
+        line( other.line )
+    {}
+    bool SourceLineInfo::empty() const {
+        return file.empty();
+    }
+    bool SourceLineInfo::operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const {
+        return line == other.line && file == other.file;
+    }
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info ) {
+#ifndef __GNUG__
+        os << info.file << "(" << info.line << ")";
+        os << info.file << ":" << info.line;
+        return os;
+    }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << locationInfo << ": Internal Catch error: '" << message << "'";
+        if( alwaysTrue() )
+            throw std::logic_error( oss.str() );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_section.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    SectionInfo::SectionInfo
+        (   SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+            std::string const& _name,
+            std::string const& _description )
+    :   name( _name ),
+        description( _description ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo )
+    {}
+    Section::Section( SectionInfo const& info )
+    :   m_info( info ),
+        m_sectionIncluded( getResultCapture().sectionStarted( m_info, m_assertions ) )
+    {
+        m_timer.start();
+    }
+    Section::~Section() {
+        if( m_sectionIncluded )
+            getResultCapture().sectionEnded( m_info, m_assertions, m_timer.getElapsedSeconds() );
+    }
+    // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+    Section::operator bool() const {
+        return m_sectionIncluded;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_debugger.hpp
+#include <iostream>
+    #include <assert.h>
+    #include <stdbool.h>
+    #include <sys/types.h>
+    #include <unistd.h>
+    #include <sys/sysctl.h>
+    namespace Catch{
+        // The following function is taken directly from the following technical note:
+        // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa2004/qa1361.html
+        // Returns true if the current process is being debugged (either
+        // running under the debugger or has a debugger attached post facto).
+        bool isDebuggerActive(){
+            int                 mib[4];
+            struct kinfo_proc   info;
+            size_t              size;
+            // Initialize the flags so that, if sysctl fails for some bizarre
+            // reason, we get a predictable result.
+            info.kp_proc.p_flag = 0;
+            // Initialize mib, which tells sysctl the info we want, in this case
+            // we're looking for information about a specific process ID.
+            mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+            mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
+            mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
+            mib[3] = getpid();
+            // Call sysctl.
+            size = sizeof(info);
+            if( sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib) / sizeof(*mib), &info, &size, NULL, 0) != 0 ) {
+                std::cerr << "\n** Call to sysctl failed - unable to determine if debugger is active **\n" << std::endl;
+                return false;
+            }
+            // We're being debugged if the P_TRACED flag is set.
+            return ( (info.kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 );
+        }
+    } // namespace Catch
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+       inline bool isDebuggerActive() { return false; }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall OutputDebugStringA( const char* );
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            ::OutputDebugStringA( text.c_str() );
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            // !TBD: Need a version for Mac/ XCode and other IDEs
+            std::cout << text;
+        }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+// #included from: catch_tostring.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+    namespace {
+        struct Endianness {
+            enum Arch { Big, Little };
+            static Arch which() {
+                union _{
+                    int asInt;
+                    char asChar[sizeof (int)];
+                } u;
+                u.asInt = 1;
+                return ( u.asChar[sizeof(int)-1] == 1 ) ? Big : Little;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    std::string rawMemoryToString( const void *object, std::size_t size )
+    {
+        // Reverse order for little endian architectures
+        int i = 0, end = static_cast<int>( size ), inc = 1;
+        if( Endianness::which() == Endianness::Little ) {
+            i = end-1;
+            end = inc = -1;
+        }
+        unsigned char const *bytes = static_cast<unsigned char const *>(object);
+        std::ostringstream os;
+        os << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::hex;
+        for( ; i != end; i += inc )
+             os << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(bytes[i]);
+       return os.str();
+    }
+std::string toString( std::string const& value ) {
+    std::string s = value;
+    if( getCurrentContext().getConfig()->showInvisibles() ) {
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i ) {
+            std::string subs;
+            switch( s[i] ) {
+            case '\n': subs = "\\n"; break;
+            case '\t': subs = "\\t"; break;
+            default: break;
+            }
+            if( !subs.empty() ) {
+                s = s.substr( 0, i ) + subs + s.substr( i+1 );
+                ++i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return "\"" + s + "\"";
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value ) {
+    std::string s;
+    s.reserve( value.size() );
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i )
+        s += value[i] <= 0xff ? static_cast<char>( value[i] ) : '?';
+    return toString( s );
+std::string toString( const char* const value ) {
+    return value ? Catch::toString( std::string( value ) ) : std::string( "{null string}" );
+std::string toString( char* const value ) {
+    return Catch::toString( static_cast<const char*>( value ) );
+std::string toString( const wchar_t* const value )
+	return value ? Catch::toString( std::wstring(value) ) : std::string( "{null string}" );
+std::string toString( wchar_t* const value )
+	return Catch::toString( static_cast<const wchar_t*>( value ) );
+std::string toString( int value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned long value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    if( value > 8192 )
+        oss << "0x" << std::hex << value;
+    else
+        oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned int value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<unsigned long>( value ) );
+template<typename T>
+std::string fpToString( T value, int precision ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << std::setprecision( precision )
+        << std::fixed
+        << value;
+    std::string d = oss.str();
+    std::size_t i = d.find_last_not_of( '0' );
+    if( i != std::string::npos && i != d.size()-1 ) {
+        if( d[i] == '.' )
+            i++;
+        d = d.substr( 0, i+1 );
+    }
+    return d;
+std::string toString( const double value ) {
+    return fpToString( value, 10 );
+std::string toString( const float value ) {
+    return fpToString( value, 5 ) + "f";
+std::string toString( bool value ) {
+    return value ? "true" : "false";
+std::string toString( char value ) {
+    return value < ' '
+        ? toString( static_cast<unsigned int>( value ) )
+        : Detail::makeString( value );
+std::string toString( signed char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t ) {
+    return "nullptr";
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return "@" + toString([nsstring UTF8String]);
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return "@" + toString([nsstring UTF8String]);
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject ) {
+        return toString( [nsObject description] );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_result_builder.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    ResultBuilder::ResultBuilder(   char const* macroName,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                                    char const* capturedExpression,
+                                    ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition )
+    :   m_assertionInfo( macroName, lineInfo, capturedExpression, resultDisposition ),
+        m_shouldDebugBreak( false ),
+        m_shouldThrow( false )
+    {}
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setResultType( bool result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result ? ResultWas::Ok : ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setLhs( std::string const& lhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.lhs = lhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setRhs( std::string const& rhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.rhs = rhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setOp( std::string const& op ) {
+        m_exprComponents.op = op;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::endExpression() {
+        m_exprComponents.testFalse = isFalseTest( m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+        captureExpression();
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::useActiveException( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition ) {
+        m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition = resultDisposition;
+        m_stream.oss << Catch::translateActiveException();
+        captureResult( ResultWas::ThrewException );
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::captureResult( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        setResultType( resultType );
+        captureExpression();
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::captureExpression() {
+        AssertionResult result = build();
+        getResultCapture().assertionEnded( result );
+        if( !result.isOk() ) {
+            if( getCurrentContext().getConfig()->shouldDebugBreak() )
+                m_shouldDebugBreak = true;
+            if( getCurrentContext().getRunner()->aborting() || m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition == ResultDisposition::Normal )
+                m_shouldThrow = true;
+        }
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::react() {
+        if( m_shouldThrow )
+            throw Catch::TestFailureException();
+    }
+    bool ResultBuilder::shouldDebugBreak() const { return m_shouldDebugBreak; }
+    bool ResultBuilder::allowThrows() const { return getCurrentContext().getConfig()->allowThrows(); }
+    AssertionResult ResultBuilder::build() const
+    {
+        assert( m_data.resultType != ResultWas::Unknown );
+        AssertionResultData data = m_data;
+        // Flip bool results if testFalse is set
+        if( m_exprComponents.testFalse ) {
+            if( data.resultType == ResultWas::Ok )
+                data.resultType = ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+            else if( data.resultType == ResultWas::ExpressionFailed )
+                data.resultType = ResultWas::Ok;
+        }
+        data.message = m_stream.oss.str();
+        data.reconstructedExpression = reconstructExpression();
+        if( m_exprComponents.testFalse ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!" + data.reconstructedExpression;
+            else
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!(" + data.reconstructedExpression + ")";
+        }
+        return AssertionResult( m_assertionInfo, data );
+    }
+    std::string ResultBuilder::reconstructExpression() const {
+        if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs.empty() ? m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression : m_exprComponents.op + m_exprComponents.lhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op == "matches" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op != "!" ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.lhs.size() + m_exprComponents.rhs.size() < 40 &&
+                m_exprComponents.lhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos &&
+                m_exprComponents.rhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos )
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.op + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+            else
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + "\n" + m_exprComponents.op + "\n" + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        }
+        else
+            return "{can't expand - use " + m_assertionInfo.macroName + "_FALSE( " + m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression.substr(1) + " ) instead of " + m_assertionInfo.macroName + "( " + m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression + " ) for better diagnostics}";
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias_registry.hpp
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias_registry.h
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TagAliasRegistry : public ITagAliasRegistry {
+    public:
+        virtual ~TagAliasRegistry();
+        virtual Option<TagAlias> find( std::string const& alias ) const;
+        virtual std::string expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const;
+        void add( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+        static TagAliasRegistry& get();
+    private:
+        std::map<std::string, TagAlias> m_registry;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    TagAliasRegistry::~TagAliasRegistry() {}
+    Option<TagAlias> TagAliasRegistry::find( std::string const& alias ) const {
+        std::map<std::string, TagAlias>::const_iterator it = m_registry.find( alias );
+        if( it != m_registry.end() )
+            return it->second;
+        else
+            return Option<TagAlias>();
+    }
+    std::string TagAliasRegistry::expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const {
+        std::string expandedTestSpec = unexpandedTestSpec;
+        for( std::map<std::string, TagAlias>::const_iterator it = m_registry.begin(), itEnd = m_registry.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            std::size_t pos = expandedTestSpec.find( it->first );
+            if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                expandedTestSpec =  expandedTestSpec.substr( 0, pos ) +
+                                    it->second.tag +
+                                    expandedTestSpec.substr( pos + it->first.size() );
+            }
+        }
+        return expandedTestSpec;
+    }
+    void TagAliasRegistry::add( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        if( !startsWith( alias, "[@" ) || !endsWith( alias, "]" ) ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "error: tag alias, \"" << alias << "\" is not of the form [@alias name].\n" << lineInfo;
+            throw std::domain_error( oss.str().c_str() );
+        }
+        if( !m_registry.insert( std::make_pair( alias, TagAlias( tag, lineInfo ) ) ).second ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "error: tag alias, \"" << alias << "\" already registered.\n"
+                << "\tFirst seen at " << find(alias)->lineInfo << "\n"
+                << "\tRedefined at " << lineInfo;
+            throw std::domain_error( oss.str().c_str() );
+        }
+    }
+    TagAliasRegistry& TagAliasRegistry::get() {
+        static TagAliasRegistry instance;
+        return instance;
+    }
+    ITagAliasRegistry::~ITagAliasRegistry() {}
+    ITagAliasRegistry const& ITagAliasRegistry::get() { return TagAliasRegistry::get(); }
+    RegistrarForTagAliases::RegistrarForTagAliases( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        try {
+            TagAliasRegistry::get().add( alias, tag, lineInfo );
+        }
+        catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+            Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+            std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_xml.hpp
+// #included from: catch_reporter_bases.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct StreamingReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        StreamingReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        virtual ~StreamingReporterBase();
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& _testRunInfo ) {
+            currentTestRunInfo = _testRunInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo ) {
+            currentGroupInfo = _groupInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo = _testInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& /* _sectionStats */ ) {
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& /* _testCaseStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            assert( m_sectionStack.empty() );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& /* _testGroupStats */ ) {
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& /* _testRunStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+            currentTestRunInfo.reset();
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        LazyStat<TestRunInfo> currentTestRunInfo;
+        LazyStat<GroupInfo> currentGroupInfo;
+        LazyStat<TestCaseInfo> currentTestCaseInfo;
+        std::vector<SectionInfo> m_sectionStack;
+    };
+    struct CumulativeReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        template<typename T, typename ChildNodeT>
+        struct Node : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit Node( T const& _value ) : value( _value ) {}
+            virtual ~Node() {}
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<ChildNodeT> > ChildNodes;
+            T value;
+            ChildNodes children;
+        };
+        struct SectionNode : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit SectionNode( SectionStats const& _stats ) : stats( _stats ) {}
+            virtual ~SectionNode();
+            bool operator == ( SectionNode const& other ) const {
+                return stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == other.stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            }
+            bool operator == ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& other ) const {
+                return operator==( *other );
+            }
+            SectionStats stats;
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > ChildSections;
+            typedef std::vector<AssertionStats> Assertions;
+            ChildSections childSections;
+            Assertions assertions;
+            std::string stdOut;
+            std::string stdErr;
+        };
+        struct BySectionInfo {
+            BySectionInfo( SectionInfo const& other ) : m_other( other ) {}
+			BySectionInfo( BySectionInfo const& other ) : m_other( other.m_other ) {}
+            bool operator() ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& node ) const {
+                return node->stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == m_other.lineInfo;
+            }
+        private:
+			void operator=( BySectionInfo const& );
+            SectionInfo const& m_other;
+        };
+        typedef Node<TestCaseStats, SectionNode> TestCaseNode;
+        typedef Node<TestGroupStats, TestCaseNode> TestGroupNode;
+        typedef Node<TestRunStats, TestGroupNode> TestRunNode;
+        CumulativeReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~CumulativeReporterBase();
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+            SectionStats incompleteStats( sectionInfo, Counts(), 0, false );
+            Ptr<SectionNode> node;
+            if( m_sectionStack.empty() ) {
+                if( !m_rootSection )
+                    m_rootSection = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                node = m_rootSection;
+            }
+            else {
+                SectionNode& parentNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+                SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator it =
+                    std::find_if(   parentNode.childSections.begin(),
+                                    parentNode.childSections.end(),
+                                    BySectionInfo( sectionInfo ) );
+                if( it == parentNode.childSections.end() ) {
+                    node = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                    parentNode.childSections.push_back( node );
+                }
+                else
+                    node = *it;
+            }
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( node );
+            m_deepestSection = node;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& sectionNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            sectionNode.assertions.push_back( assertionStats );
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& node = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            node.stats = sectionStats;
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestCaseNode> node = new TestCaseNode( testCaseStats );
+            assert( m_sectionStack.size() == 0 );
+            node->children.push_back( m_rootSection );
+            m_testCases.push_back( node );
+            m_rootSection.reset();
+            assert( m_deepestSection );
+            m_deepestSection->stdOut = testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            m_deepestSection->stdErr = testCaseStats.stdErr;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestGroupNode> node = new TestGroupNode( testGroupStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testCases );
+            m_testGroups.push_back( node );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestRunNode> node = new TestRunNode( testRunStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testGroups );
+            m_testRuns.push_back( node );
+            testRunEndedCumulative();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() = 0;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        std::vector<AssertionStats> m_assertions;
+        std::vector<std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > > m_sections;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestCaseNode> > m_testCases;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestGroupNode> > m_testGroups;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestRunNode> > m_testRuns;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_rootSection;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_deepestSection;
+        std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > m_sectionStack;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename T>
+    class LegacyReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new LegacyReporterAdapter( new T( config ) );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    class ReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            // *** Please Note ***:
+            // - If you end up here looking at a compiler error because it's trying to register
+            // your custom reporter class be aware that the native reporter interface has changed
+            // to IStreamingReporter. The "legacy" interface, IReporter, is still supported via
+            // an adapter. Just use REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER to take advantage of the adapter.
+            // However please consider updating to the new interface as the old one is now
+            // deprecated and will probably be removed quite soon!
+            // Please contact me via github if you have any questions at all about this.
+            // In fact, ideally, please contact me anyway to let me know you've hit this - as I have
+            // no idea who is actually using custom reporters at all (possibly no-one!).
+            // The new interface is designed to minimise exposure to interface changes in the future.
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new T( config );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        ReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::LegacyReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::ReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_xmlwriter.hpp
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlWriter {
+    public:
+        class ScopedElement {
+        public:
+            ScopedElement( XmlWriter* writer )
+            :   m_writer( writer )
+            {}
+            ScopedElement( ScopedElement const& other )
+            :   m_writer( other.m_writer ){
+                other.m_writer = NULL;
+            }
+            ~ScopedElement() {
+                if( m_writer )
+                    m_writer->endElement();
+            }
+            ScopedElement& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+                m_writer->writeText( text, indent );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            template<typename T>
+            ScopedElement& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+                m_writer->writeAttribute( name, attribute );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        private:
+            mutable XmlWriter* m_writer;
+        };
+        XmlWriter()
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &std::cout )
+        {}
+        XmlWriter( std::ostream& os )
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &os )
+        {}
+        ~XmlWriter() {
+            while( !m_tags.empty() )
+                endElement();
+        }
+//#  ifndef CATCH_CPP11_OR_GREATER
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& other ) {
+//            XmlWriter temp( other );
+//            swap( temp );
+//            return *this;
+//        }
+//#  else
+//        XmlWriter( XmlWriter const& )              = default;
+//        XmlWriter( XmlWriter && )                  = default;
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& ) = default;
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter && )     = default;
+//#  endif
+//        void swap( XmlWriter& other ) {
+//            std::swap( m_tagIsOpen, other.m_tagIsOpen );
+//            std::swap( m_needsNewline, other.m_needsNewline );
+//            std::swap( m_tags, other.m_tags );
+//            std::swap( m_indent, other.m_indent );
+//            std::swap( m_os, other.m_os );
+//        }
+        XmlWriter& startElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<" << name;
+            m_tags.push_back( name );
+            m_indent += "  ";
+            m_tagIsOpen = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ScopedElement scopedElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ScopedElement scoped( this );
+            startElement( name );
+            return scoped;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& endElement() {
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            m_indent = m_indent.substr( 0, m_indent.size()-2 );
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << "/>\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                stream() << m_indent << "</" << m_tags.back() << ">\n";
+            }
+            m_tags.pop_back();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, std::string const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() && !attribute.empty() ) {
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"";
+                writeEncodedText( attribute );
+                stream() << "\"";
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, bool attribute ) {
+            stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << ( attribute ? "true" : "false" ) << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() )
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << attribute << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+            if( !text.empty() ){
+                bool tagWasOpen = m_tagIsOpen;
+                ensureTagClosed();
+                if( tagWasOpen && indent )
+                    stream() << m_indent;
+                writeEncodedText( text );
+                m_needsNewline = true;
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeComment( std::string const& text ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<!--" << text << "-->";
+            m_needsNewline = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeBlankLine() {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << "\n";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void setStream( std::ostream& os ) {
+            m_os = &os;
+        }
+    private:
+        XmlWriter( XmlWriter const& );
+        void operator=( XmlWriter const& );
+        std::ostream& stream() {
+            return *m_os;
+        }
+        void ensureTagClosed() {
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << ">\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void newlineIfNecessary() {
+            if( m_needsNewline ) {
+                stream() << "\n";
+                m_needsNewline = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void writeEncodedText( std::string const& text ) {
+            static const char* charsToEncode = "<&\"";
+            std::string mtext = text;
+            std::string::size_type pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            while( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                stream() << mtext.substr( 0, pos );
+                switch( mtext[pos] ) {
+                    case '<':
+                        stream() << "<";
+                        break;
+                    case '&':
+                        stream() << "&";
+                        break;
+                    case '\"':
+                        stream() << """;
+                        break;
+                }
+                mtext = mtext.substr( pos+1 );
+                pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            }
+            stream() << mtext;
+        }
+        bool m_tagIsOpen;
+        bool m_needsNewline;
+        std::vector<std::string> m_tags;
+        std::string m_indent;
+        std::ostream* m_os;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlReporter : public SharedImpl<IReporter> {
+    public:
+        XmlReporter( ReporterConfig const& config ) : m_config( config ), m_sectionDepth( 0 ) {}
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as an XML document";
+        }
+        virtual ~XmlReporter();
+    private: // IReporter
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const {
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void StartTesting() {
+            m_xml.setStream( m_config.stream() );
+            m_xml.startElement( "Catch" );
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->name().empty() )
+                m_xml.writeAttribute( "name", m_config.fullConfig()->name() );
+        }
+        virtual void EndTesting( const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed )
+                .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", totals.assertions.failedButOk );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartGroup( const std::string& groupName ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "Group" )
+                .writeAttribute( "name", groupName );
+        }
+        virtual void EndGroup( const std::string&, const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed )
+                .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", totals.assertions.failedButOk );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartSection( const std::string& sectionName, const std::string& description ) {
+            if( m_sectionDepth++ > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Section" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "name", trim( sectionName ) )
+                    .writeAttribute( "description", description );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void EndSection( const std::string& /*sectionName*/, const Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( --m_sectionDepth > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "successes", assertions.passed )
+                    .writeAttribute( "failures", assertions.failed )
+                    .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", assertions.failedButOk );
+                m_xml.endElement();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void StartTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo& testInfo ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "TestCase" ).writeAttribute( "name", trim( testInfo.name ) );
+            m_currentTestSuccess = true;
+        }
+        virtual void Result( const Catch::AssertionResult& assertionResult ) {
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->includeSuccessfulResults() && assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok )
+                return;
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Expression" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "success", assertionResult.succeeded() )
+                    .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                    .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Original" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpression() );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Expanded" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpandedExpression() );
+                m_currentTestSuccess &= assertionResult.succeeded();
+            }
+            switch( assertionResult.getResultType() ) {
+                case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Exception" )
+                        .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                        .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Info:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Info" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Warning" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Failure" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                case ResultWas::Ok:
+                case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                case ResultWas::Exception:
+                case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                    break;
+            }
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() )
+                m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void Aborted() {
+            // !TBD
+        }
+        virtual void EndTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo&, const Totals&, const std::string&, const std::string& ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResult" ).writeAttribute( "success", m_currentTestSuccess );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+    private:
+        ReporterConfig m_config;
+        bool m_currentTestSuccess;
+        XmlWriter m_xml;
+        int m_sectionDepth;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_junit.hpp
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class JunitReporter : public CumulativeReporterBase {
+    public:
+        JunitReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   CumulativeReporterBase( _config ),
+            xml( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~JunitReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results in an XML format that looks like Ant's junitreport target";
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& /*spec*/ ) {}
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = true;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& runInfo ) {
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testRunStarting( runInfo );
+            xml.startElement( "testsuites" );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+            suiteTimer.start();
+            stdOutForSuite.str("");
+            stdErrForSuite.str("");
+            unexpectedExceptions = 0;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupStarting( groupInfo );
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::ThrewException )
+                unexpectedExceptions++;
+            return CumulativeReporterBase::assertionEnded( assertionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            stdOutForSuite << testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            stdErrForSuite << testCaseStats.stdErr;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testCaseEnded( testCaseStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            double suiteTime = suiteTimer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupEnded( testGroupStats );
+            writeGroup( *m_testGroups.back(), suiteTime );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() {
+            xml.endElement();
+        }
+        void writeGroup( TestGroupNode const& groupNode, double suiteTime ) {
+            XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testsuite" );
+            TestGroupStats const& stats = groupNode.value;
+            xml.writeAttribute( "name", stats.groupInfo.name );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "errors", unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "failures", stats.totals.assertions.failed-unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "tests", stats.totals.assertions.total() );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "hostname", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Never )
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", "" );
+            else
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", suiteTime );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "timestamp", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            // Write test cases
+            for( TestGroupNode::ChildNodes::const_iterator
+                    it = groupNode.children.begin(), itEnd = groupNode.children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeTestCase( **it );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( stdOutForSuite.str() ), false );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( stdErrForSuite.str() ), false );
+        }
+        void writeTestCase( TestCaseNode const& testCaseNode ) {
+            TestCaseStats const& stats = testCaseNode.value;
+            // All test cases have exactly one section - which represents the
+            // test case itself. That section may have 0-n nested sections
+            assert( testCaseNode.children.size() == 1 );
+            SectionNode const& rootSection = *testCaseNode.children.front();
+            std::string className = stats.testInfo.className;
+            if( className.empty() ) {
+                if( rootSection.childSections.empty() )
+                    className = "global";
+            }
+            writeSection( className, "", rootSection );
+        }
+        void writeSection(  std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& rootName,
+                            SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            std::string name = trim( sectionNode.stats.sectionInfo.name );
+            if( !rootName.empty() )
+                name = rootName + "/" + name;
+            if( !sectionNode.assertions.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() ) {
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testcase" );
+                if( className.empty() ) {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", name );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", "root" );
+                }
+                else {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", className );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", name );
+                }
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", toString( sectionNode.stats.durationInSeconds ) );
+                writeAssertions( sectionNode );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdOut ), false );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdErr ), false );
+            }
+            for( SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.childSections.begin(),
+                    itEnd = sectionNode.childSections.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( className.empty() )
+                    writeSection( name, "", **it );
+                else
+                    writeSection( className, name, **it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertions( SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            for( SectionNode::Assertions::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.assertions.begin(), itEnd = sectionNode.assertions.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeAssertion( *it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertion( AssertionStats const& stats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = stats.assertionResult;
+            if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                std::string elementName;
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        elementName = "error";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    // We should never see these here:
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        elementName = "internalError";
+                        break;
+                }
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( elementName );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "message", result.getExpandedExpression() );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "type", result.getTestMacroName() );
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                if( !result.getMessage().empty() )
+                    oss << result.getMessage() << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator
+                        it = stats.infoMessages.begin(),
+                        itEnd = stats.infoMessages.end();
+                            it != itEnd;
+                            ++it )
+                    if( it->type == ResultWas::Info )
+                        oss << it->message << "\n";
+                oss << "at " << result.getSourceInfo();
+                xml.writeText( oss.str(), false );
+            }
+        }
+        XmlWriter xml;
+        Timer suiteTimer;
+        std::ostringstream stdOutForSuite;
+        std::ostringstream stdErrForSuite;
+        unsigned int unexpectedExceptions;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "junit", JunitReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_console.hpp
+#include <cstring>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConsoleReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        ConsoleReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   StreamingReporterBase( _config ),
+            m_headerPrinted( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~ConsoleReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as plain lines of text";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            lazyPrint();
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionStarting( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& _sectionStats ) {
+            if( _sectionStats.missingAssertions ) {
+                lazyPrint();
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 )
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in section";
+                else
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in test case";
+                stream << " '" << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << "'\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            if( m_headerPrinted ) {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << "Completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+                m_headerPrinted = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << " completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionEnded( _sectionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& _testCaseStats ) {
+            StreamingReporterBase::testCaseEnded( _testCaseStats );
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& _testGroupStats ) {
+            if( currentGroupInfo.used ) {
+                printSummaryDivider();
+                stream << "Summary for group '" << _testGroupStats.groupInfo.name << "':\n";
+                printTotals( _testGroupStats.totals );
+                stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::testGroupEnded( _testGroupStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            printTotalsDivider( _testRunStats.totals );
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            :   stream( _stream ),
+                stats( _stats ),
+                result( _stats.assertionResult ),
+                colour( Colour::None ),
+                message( result.getMessage() ),
+                messages( _stats.infoMessages ),
+                printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        colour = Colour::Success;
+                        passOrFail = "PASSED";
+                        //if( result.hasMessage() )
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() ) {
+                            colour = Colour::Success;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED - but was ok";
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            colour = Colour::Error;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        }
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "due to unexpected exception with message";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "because no exception was thrown where one was expected";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        messageLabel = "info";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        messageLabel = "warning";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with messages";
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        passOrFail = "** internal error **";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            void print() const {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                if( stats.totals.assertions.total() > 0 ) {
+                    if( result.isOk() )
+                        stream << "\n";
+                    printResultType();
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                    printReconstructedExpression();
+                }
+                else {
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+                printMessage();
+            }
+        private:
+            void printResultType() const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << passOrFail << ":\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::OriginalExpression );
+                    stream  << "  ";
+                    stream << result.getExpressionInMacro();
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    stream << "with expansion:\n";
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::ReconstructedExpression );
+                    stream << Text( result.getExpandedExpression(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() const {
+                if( !messageLabel.empty() )
+                    stream << messageLabel << ":" << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = messages.begin(), itEnd = messages.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || it->type != ResultWas::Info )
+                        stream << Text( it->message, TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ": ";
+            }
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            Colour::Code colour;
+            std::string passOrFail;
+            std::string messageLabel;
+            std::string message;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        void lazyPrint() {
+            if( !currentTestRunInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintRunInfo();
+            if( !currentGroupInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintGroupInfo();
+            if( !m_headerPrinted ) {
+                printTestCaseAndSectionHeader();
+                m_headerPrinted = true;
+            }
+        }
+        void lazyPrintRunInfo() {
+            stream  << "\n" << getLineOfChars<'~'>() << "\n";
+            Colour colour( Colour::SecondaryText );
+            stream  << currentTestRunInfo->name
+                    << " is a Catch v"  << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                    << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " b"
+                    << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                stream << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << ")";
+            stream  << " host application.\n"
+                    << "Run with -? for options\n\n";
+            currentTestRunInfo.used = true;
+        }
+        void lazyPrintGroupInfo() {
+            if( !currentGroupInfo->name.empty() && currentGroupInfo->groupsCounts > 1 ) {
+                printClosedHeader( "Group: " + currentGroupInfo->name );
+                currentGroupInfo.used = true;
+            }
+        }
+        void printTestCaseAndSectionHeader() {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            printOpenHeader( currentTestCaseInfo->name );
+            if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 ) {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                std::vector<SectionInfo>::const_iterator
+                    it = m_sectionStack.begin()+1, // Skip first section (test case)
+                    itEnd = m_sectionStack.end();
+                for( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    printHeaderString( it->name, 2 );
+            }
+            SourceLineInfo lineInfo = m_sectionStack.front().lineInfo;
+            if( !lineInfo.empty() ){
+                stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << lineInfo << "\n";
+            }
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        void printClosedHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            printOpenHeader( _name );
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        void printOpenHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            stream  << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                printHeaderString( _name );
+            }
+        }
+        // if string has a : in first line will set indent to follow it on
+        // subsequent lines
+        void printHeaderString( std::string const& _string, std::size_t indent = 0 ) {
+            std::size_t i = _string.find( ": " );
+            if( i != std::string::npos )
+                i+=2;
+            else
+                i = 0;
+            stream << Text( _string, TextAttributes()
+                                        .setIndent( indent+i)
+                                        .setInitialIndent( indent ) ) << "\n";
+        }
+        struct SummaryColumn {
+            SummaryColumn( std::string const& _label, Colour::Code _colour )
+            :   label( _label ),
+                colour( _colour )
+            {}
+            SummaryColumn addRow( std::size_t count ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << count;
+                std::string row = oss.str();
+                for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = rows.begin(); it != rows.end(); ++it ) {
+                    while( it->size() < row.size() )
+                        *it = " " + *it;
+                    while( it->size() > row.size() )
+                        row = " " + row;
+                }
+                rows.push_back( row );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            std::string label;
+            Colour::Code colour;
+            std::vector<std::string> rows;
+        };
+        void printTotals( Totals const& totals ) {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << "No tests ran\n";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() > 0 && totals.assertions.allPassed() ) {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::ResultSuccess ) << "All tests passed";
+                stream << " ("
+                        << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << " in "
+                        << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case" ) << ")"
+                        << "\n";
+            }
+            else {
+                std::vector<SummaryColumn> columns;
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "", Colour::None )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.total() )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.total() ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "passed", Colour::Success )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.passed )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.passed ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "failed", Colour::ResultError )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.failed )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.failed ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "failed as expected", Colour::ResultExpectedFailure )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.failedButOk )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.failedButOk ) );
+                printSummaryRow( "test cases", columns, 0 );
+                printSummaryRow( "assertions", columns, 1 );
+            }
+        }
+        void printSummaryRow( std::string const& label, std::vector<SummaryColumn> const& cols, std::size_t row ) {
+            for( std::vector<SummaryColumn>::const_iterator it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it ) {
+                std::string value = it->rows[row];
+                if( it->label.empty() ) {
+                    stream << label << ": ";
+                    if( value != "0" )
+                        stream << value;
+                    else
+                        stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << "- none -";
+                }
+                else if( value != "0" ) {
+                    stream  << Colour( Colour::LightGrey ) << " | ";
+                    stream  << Colour( it->colour )
+                            << value << " " << it->label;
+                }
+            }
+            stream << "\n";
+        }
+        static std::size_t makeRatio( std::size_t number, std::size_t total ) {
+            std::size_t ratio = total > 0 ? CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH * number/ total : 0;
+            return ( ratio == 0 && number > 0 ) ? 1 : ratio;
+        }
+        static std::size_t& findMax( std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j, std::size_t& k ) {
+            if( i > j && i > k )
+                return i;
+            else if( j > k )
+                return j;
+            else
+                return k;
+        }
+        void printTotalsDivider( Totals const& totals ) {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() > 0 ) {
+                std::size_t failedRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.failed, totals.testCases.total() );
+                std::size_t failedButOkRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.failedButOk, totals.testCases.total() );
+                std::size_t passedRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.passed, totals.testCases.total() );
+                while( failedRatio + failedButOkRatio + passedRatio < CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 )
+                    findMax( failedRatio, failedButOkRatio, passedRatio )++;
+                while( failedRatio + failedButOkRatio + passedRatio > CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 )
+                    findMax( failedRatio, failedButOkRatio, passedRatio )--;
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Error ) << std::string( failedRatio, '=' );
+                stream << Colour( Colour::ResultExpectedFailure ) << std::string( failedButOkRatio, '=' );
+                if( totals.testCases.allPassed() )
+                    stream << Colour( Colour::ResultSuccess ) << std::string( passedRatio, '=' );
+                else
+                    stream << Colour( Colour::Success ) << std::string( passedRatio, '=' );
+            }
+            else {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << std::string( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1, '=' );
+            }
+            stream << "\n";
+        }
+        void printSummaryDivider() {
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        template<char C>
+        static char const* getLineOfChars() {
+            static char line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH] = {0};
+            if( !*line ) {
+                memset( line, C, CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 );
+                line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1] = 0;
+            }
+            return line;
+        }
+    private:
+        bool m_headerPrinted;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "console", ConsoleReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_compact.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct CompactReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        CompactReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        : StreamingReporterBase( _config )
+        {}
+        virtual ~CompactReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results on a single line, suitable for IDEs";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            : stream( _stream )
+            , stats( _stats )
+            , result( _stats.assertionResult )
+            , messages( _stats.infoMessages )
+            , itMessage( _stats.infoMessages.begin() )
+            , printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {}
+            void print() {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                itMessage = messages.begin();
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, passedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        if ( ! result.hasExpression() )
+                            printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        else
+                            printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() )
+                            printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, failedString() + std::string( " - but was ok" ) );
+                        else
+                            printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "unexpected exception with message:" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "expected exception, got none" );
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "info" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "warning" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "explicitly" );
+                        printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, "** internal error **" );
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            // Colour::LightGrey
+            static Colour::Code dimColour() { return Colour::FileName; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "FAILED"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "PASSED"; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "failed"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "passed"; }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ":";
+            }
+            void printResultType( Colour::Code colour, std::string passOrFail ) const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                        stream << " " << passOrFail;
+                    }
+                    stream << ":";
+                }
+            }
+            void printIssue( std::string issue ) const {
+                stream << " " << issue;
+            }
+            void printExpressionWas() {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << ";";
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " expression was:";
+                    }
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << " " << result.getExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " for: ";
+                    }
+                    stream << result.getExpandedExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() {
+                if ( itMessage != messages.end() ) {
+                    stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                    ++itMessage;
+                }
+            }
+            void printRemainingMessages( Colour::Code colour = dimColour() ) {
+                if ( itMessage == messages.end() )
+                    return;
+                // using messages.end() directly yields compilation error:
+                std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itEnd = messages.end();
+                const std::size_t N = static_cast<std::size_t>( std::distance( itMessage, itEnd ) );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << " with " << pluralise( N, "message" ) << ":";
+                }
+                for(; itMessage != itEnd; ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || itMessage->type != ResultWas::Info ) {
+                        stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                        if ( ++itMessage != itEnd ) {
+                            Colour colourGuard( dimColour() );
+                            stream << " and";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itMessage;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        // Colour, message variants:
+        // - white: No tests ran.
+        // -   red: Failed [both/all] N test cases, failed [both/all] M assertions.
+        // - white: Passed [both/all] N test cases (no assertions).
+        // -   red: Failed N tests cases, failed M assertions.
+        // - green: Passed [both/all] N tests cases with M assertions.
+        std::string bothOrAll( std::size_t count ) const {
+            return count == 1 ? "" : count == 2 ? "both " : "all " ;
+        }
+        void printTotals( const Totals& totals ) const {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << "No tests ran.";
+            }
+            else if( totals.testCases.failed == totals.testCases.total() ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                const std::string qualify_assertions_failed =
+                    totals.assertions.failed == totals.assertions.total() ?
+                        bothOrAll( totals.assertions.failed ) : "";
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.failed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << qualify_assertions_failed <<
+                                 pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.total() )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.total(), "test case" )
+                              << " (no assertions).";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.failed ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultSuccess );
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.passed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case"  ) <<
+                    " with "  << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "compact", CompactReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    NonCopyable::~NonCopyable() {}
+    IShared::~IShared() {}
+    StreamBufBase::~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+    IContext::~IContext() {}
+    IResultCapture::~IResultCapture() {}
+    ITestCase::~ITestCase() {}
+    ITestCaseRegistry::~ITestCaseRegistry() {}
+    IRegistryHub::~IRegistryHub() {}
+    IMutableRegistryHub::~IMutableRegistryHub() {}
+    IExceptionTranslator::~IExceptionTranslator() {}
+    IExceptionTranslatorRegistry::~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {}
+    IReporter::~IReporter() {}
+    IReporterFactory::~IReporterFactory() {}
+    IReporterRegistry::~IReporterRegistry() {}
+    IStreamingReporter::~IStreamingReporter() {}
+    AssertionStats::~AssertionStats() {}
+    SectionStats::~SectionStats() {}
+    TestCaseStats::~TestCaseStats() {}
+    TestGroupStats::~TestGroupStats() {}
+    TestRunStats::~TestRunStats() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::SectionNode::~SectionNode() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::~CumulativeReporterBase() {}
+    StreamingReporterBase::~StreamingReporterBase() {}
+    ConsoleReporter::~ConsoleReporter() {}
+    CompactReporter::~CompactReporter() {}
+    IRunner::~IRunner() {}
+    IMutableContext::~IMutableContext() {}
+    IConfig::~IConfig() {}
+    XmlReporter::~XmlReporter() {}
+    JunitReporter::~JunitReporter() {}
+    TestRegistry::~TestRegistry() {}
+    FreeFunctionTestCase::~FreeFunctionTestCase() {}
+    IGeneratorInfo::~IGeneratorInfo() {}
+    IGeneratorsForTest::~IGeneratorsForTest() {}
+    TestSpec::Pattern::~Pattern() {}
+    TestSpec::NamePattern::~NamePattern() {}
+    TestSpec::TagPattern::~TagPattern() {}
+    TestSpec::ExcludedPattern::~ExcludedPattern() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Equals::~Equals() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Contains::~Contains() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::StartsWith::~StartsWith() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::EndsWith::~EndsWith() {}
+    void Config::dummy() {}
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: internal/catch_default_main.hpp
+#ifndef __OBJC__
+// Standard C/C++ main entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    return Catch::Session().run( argc, argv );
+#else // __OBJC__
+// Objective-C entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+    Catch::registerTestMethods();
+    int result = Catch::Session().run( argc, (char* const*)argv );
+    [pool drain];
+    return result;
+#endif // __OBJC__
+// If this config identifier is defined then all CATCH macros are prefixed with CATCH_
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CATCH_CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_WARN", msg )
+#define CATCH_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+#define CATCH_SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", msg )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", msg )
+#define CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( ... ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( name, tags ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO_METHOD( className, name, tags ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define CATCH_GIVEN( desc )    CATCH_SECTION( "Given: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_WHEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " When: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_WHEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_THEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " Then: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_THEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+// If CATCH_CONFIG_PREFIX_ALL is not defined then the CATCH_ prefix is not required
+#define REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE" )
+#define REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK" )
+#define CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THAT" )
+#define REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "WARN", msg )
+#define SCOPED_INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+#define SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", msg )
+    #define SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", msg )
+#define REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define SCENARIO( ... ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SCENARIO_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SCENARIO( name, tags ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define SCENARIO_METHOD( className, name, tags ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define GIVEN( desc )    SECTION( "   Given: " desc, "" )
+#define WHEN( desc )     SECTION( "    When: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_WHEN( desc ) SECTION( "And when: " desc, "" )
+#define THEN( desc )     SECTION( "    Then: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_THEN( desc ) SECTION( "     And: " desc, "" )
+using Catch::Detail::Approx;
+// #included from: internal/catch_reenable_warnings.h
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch_orig.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch_orig.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b8dfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/catch_orig.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8997 @@
+ *  CATCH v1.0 build 53 (master branch)
+ *  Generated: 2014-08-20 08:08:19.533804
+ *  ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This file has been merged from multiple headers. Please don't edit it directly
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ *  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ */
+// #included from: internal/catch_suppress_warnings.h
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc99-extensions"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic"
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#    define CLARA_CONFIG_MAIN
+#  endif
+// #included from: internal/catch_notimplemented_exception.h
+// #included from: catch_common.h
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME_LINE2( name, line ) name##line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY2( expr ) #expr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
+// #included from: catch_compiler_capabilities.h
+// Much of the following code is based on Boost (1.53)
+#ifdef __clang__
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_nullptr)
+#  endif
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_noexcept)
+#  endif
+#endif // __clang__
+// Borland
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#if (__BORLANDC__ > 0x582 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __BORLANDC__
+// EDG
+#ifdef __EDG_VERSION__
+#if (__EDG_VERSION__ > 238 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __EDG_VERSION__
+// Digital Mars
+#ifdef __DMC__
+#if (__DMC__ > 0x840 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __DMC__
+// GCC
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#if __GNUC__ < 3
+#if (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96 )
+#elif __GNUC__ >= 3
+// #define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Taking this out completely for now
+#endif // __GNUC__ < 3
+#if __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6 && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) )
+#endif // __GNUC__
+// Visual C++
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if (_MSC_VER >= 1310 ) // (VC++ 7.0+)
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// Use variadic macros if the compiler supports them
+#if ( defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 1400 && !defined __EDGE__) || \
+    ( defined __WAVE__ && __WAVE_HAS_VARIADICS ) || \
+    ( defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3 ) || \
+    ( !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L )
+// C++ language feature support
+// detect language version:
+#if (__cplusplus == 201103L)
+#  define CATCH_CPP11
+#elif (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
+// noexcept support:
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x) noexcept(x)
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT throw()
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x)
+namespace Catch {
+    class NonCopyable {
+        NonCopyable( NonCopyable const& );
+        void operator = ( NonCopyable const& );
+    protected:
+        NonCopyable() {}
+        virtual ~NonCopyable();
+    };
+    class SafeBool {
+    public:
+        typedef void (SafeBool::*type)() const;
+        static type makeSafe( bool value ) {
+            return value ? &SafeBool::trueValue : 0;
+        }
+    private:
+        void trueValue() const {}
+    };
+    template<typename ContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAll( ContainerT& container ) {
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete *it;
+    }
+    template<typename AssociativeContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAllValues( AssociativeContainerT& container ) {
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete it->second;
+    }
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix );
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix );
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix );
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s );
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s );
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str );
+    struct pluralise {
+        pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label );
+        friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser );
+        std::size_t m_count;
+        std::string m_label;
+    };
+    struct SourceLineInfo {
+        SourceLineInfo();
+        SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo && )                  = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo const& ) = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool empty() const;
+        bool operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const;
+        std::string file;
+        std::size_t line;
+    };
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info );
+    // This is just here to avoid compiler warnings with macro constants and boolean literals
+    inline bool isTrue( bool value ){ return value; }
+    inline bool alwaysTrue() { return true; }
+    inline bool alwaysFalse() { return false; }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo );
+    // Use this in variadic streaming macros to allow
+    //    >> +StreamEndStop
+    // as well as
+    //    >> stuff +StreamEndStop
+    struct StreamEndStop {
+        std::string operator+() {
+            return std::string();
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    T const& operator + ( T const& value, StreamEndStop ) {
+        return value;
+    }
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ::Catch::SourceLineInfo( __FILE__, static_cast<std::size_t>( __LINE__ ) )
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( msg ) ::Catch::throwLogicError( msg, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO );
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class NotImplementedException : public std::exception
+    {
+    public:
+        NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+        NotImplementedException( NotImplementedException const& ) {}
+        virtual ~NotImplementedException() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+        virtual const char* what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    private:
+        std::string m_what;
+        SourceLineInfo m_lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define CATCH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED throw Catch::NotImplementedException( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO )
+// #included from: internal/catch_context.h
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_generators.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct IGeneratorInfo {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorInfo();
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+        virtual std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorsForTest();
+        virtual IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) = 0;
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_ptr.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    // An intrusive reference counting smart pointer.
+    // T must implement addRef() and release() methods
+    // typically implementing the IShared interface
+    template<typename T>
+    class Ptr {
+    public:
+        Ptr() : m_p( NULL ){}
+        Ptr( T* p ) : m_p( p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        Ptr( Ptr const& other ) : m_p( other.m_p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        ~Ptr(){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+            m_p = NULL;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( T* p ){
+            Ptr temp( p );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( Ptr const& other ){
+            Ptr temp( other );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void swap( Ptr& other ) { std::swap( m_p, other.m_p ); }
+        T* get() { return m_p; }
+        const T* get() const{ return m_p; }
+        T& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
+        T* operator->() const { return m_p; }
+        bool operator !() const { return m_p == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const { return SafeBool::makeSafe( m_p != NULL ); }
+    private:
+        T* m_p;
+    };
+    struct IShared : NonCopyable {
+        virtual ~IShared();
+        virtual void addRef() const = 0;
+        virtual void release() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename T = IShared>
+    struct SharedImpl : T {
+        SharedImpl() : m_rc( 0 ){}
+        virtual void addRef() const {
+            ++m_rc;
+        }
+        virtual void release() const {
+            if( --m_rc == 0 )
+                delete this;
+        }
+        mutable unsigned int m_rc;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class Stream;
+    struct IResultCapture;
+    struct IRunner;
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IContext();
+        virtual IResultCapture* getResultCapture() = 0;
+        virtual IRunner* getRunner() = 0;
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) = 0;
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() = 0;
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableContext : IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IMutableContext();
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) = 0;
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) = 0;
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) = 0;
+    };
+    IContext& getCurrentContext();
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    void cleanUpContext();
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName );
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_registry.hpp
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_testcase.h
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct ITestCase : IShared {
+        virtual void invoke () const = 0;
+    protected:
+        virtual ~ITestCase();
+    };
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry {
+        virtual ~ITestCaseRegistry();
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const = 0;
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const = 0;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename C>
+class MethodTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    MethodTestCase( void (C::*method)() ) : m_method( method ) {}
+    virtual void invoke() const {
+        C obj;
+        (obj.*m_method)();
+    }
+    virtual ~MethodTestCase() {}
+    void (C::*m_method)();
+typedef void(*TestFunction)();
+struct NameAndDesc {
+    NameAndDesc( const char* _name = "", const char* _description= "" )
+    : name( _name ), description( _description )
+    {}
+    const char* name;
+    const char* description;
+struct AutoReg {
+    AutoReg(    TestFunction function,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc );
+    template<typename C>
+    AutoReg(    void (C::*method)(),
+                char const* className,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        registerTestCase(   new MethodTestCase<C>( method ),
+                            className,
+                            nameAndDesc,
+                            lineInfo );
+    }
+    void registerTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            char const* className,
+                            NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+    ~AutoReg();
+    AutoReg( AutoReg const& );
+    void operator= ( AutoReg const& );
+} // end namespace Catch
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( ... ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, ... ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, ... )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( Name, Desc ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, Name, Desc ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, TestName, Desc )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( TestName, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+// #included from: internal/catch_capture.hpp
+// #included from: catch_result_builder.h
+// #included from: catch_result_type.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // ResultWas::OfType enum
+    struct ResultWas { enum OfType {
+        Unknown = -1,
+        Ok = 0,
+        Info = 1,
+        Warning = 2,
+        FailureBit = 0x10,
+        ExpressionFailed = FailureBit | 1,
+        ExplicitFailure = FailureBit | 2,
+        Exception = 0x100 | FailureBit,
+        ThrewException = Exception | 1,
+        DidntThrowException = Exception | 2
+    }; };
+    inline bool isOk( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        return ( resultType & ResultWas::FailureBit ) == 0;
+    }
+    inline bool isJustInfo( int flags ) {
+        return flags == ResultWas::Info;
+    }
+    // ResultDisposition::Flags enum
+    struct ResultDisposition { enum Flags {
+        Normal = 0x00,
+        ContinueOnFailure = 0x01,   // Failures fail test, but execution continues
+        FalseTest = 0x02,           // Prefix expression with !
+        SuppressFail = 0x04         // Failures are reported but do not fail the test
+    }; };
+    inline ResultDisposition::Flags operator | ( ResultDisposition::Flags lhs, ResultDisposition::Flags rhs ) {
+        return static_cast<ResultDisposition::Flags>( static_cast<int>( lhs ) | static_cast<int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    inline bool shouldContinueOnFailure( int flags )    { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure ) != 0; }
+    inline bool isFalseTest( int flags )                { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::FalseTest ) != 0; }
+    inline bool shouldSuppressFailure( int flags )      { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::SuppressFail ) != 0; }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct AssertionInfo
+    {
+        AssertionInfo() {}
+        AssertionInfo(  std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                        ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        std::string capturedExpression;
+        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition;
+    };
+    struct AssertionResultData
+    {
+        AssertionResultData() : resultType( ResultWas::Unknown ) {}
+        std::string reconstructedExpression;
+        std::string message;
+        ResultWas::OfType resultType;
+    };
+    class AssertionResult {
+    public:
+        AssertionResult();
+        AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data );
+        ~AssertionResult();
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult const& )              = default;
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult && )                  = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult const& ) = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool isOk() const;
+        bool succeeded() const;
+        ResultWas::OfType getResultType() const;
+        bool hasExpression() const;
+        bool hasMessage() const;
+        std::string getExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpressionInMacro() const;
+        bool hasExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getMessage() const;
+        SourceLineInfo getSourceInfo() const;
+        std::string getTestMacroName() const;
+    protected:
+        AssertionInfo m_info;
+        AssertionResultData m_resultData;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TestFailureException{};
+    template<typename T> class ExpressionLhs;
+    struct STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison;
+    struct CopyableStream {
+        CopyableStream() {}
+        CopyableStream( CopyableStream const& other ) {
+            oss << other.oss.str();
+        }
+        CopyableStream& operator=( CopyableStream const& other ) {
+            oss.str("");
+            oss << other.oss.str();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+    };
+    class ResultBuilder {
+    public:
+        ResultBuilder(  char const* macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        char const* capturedExpression,
+                        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition );
+        template<typename T>
+        ExpressionLhs<T const&> operator->* ( T const& operand );
+        ExpressionLhs<bool> operator->* ( bool value );
+        template<typename T>
+        ResultBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+            m_stream.oss << value;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+        template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+        ResultBuilder& setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result );
+        ResultBuilder& setResultType( bool result );
+        ResultBuilder& setLhs( std::string const& lhs );
+        ResultBuilder& setRhs( std::string const& rhs );
+        ResultBuilder& setOp( std::string const& op );
+        void endExpression();
+        std::string reconstructExpression() const;
+        AssertionResult build() const;
+        void useActiveException( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition = ResultDisposition::Normal );
+        void captureResult( ResultWas::OfType resultType );
+        void captureExpression();
+        void react();
+        bool shouldDebugBreak() const;
+        bool allowThrows() const;
+    private:
+        AssertionInfo m_assertionInfo;
+        AssertionResultData m_data;
+        struct ExprComponents {
+            ExprComponents() : testFalse( false ) {}
+            bool testFalse;
+            std::string lhs, rhs, op;
+        } m_exprComponents;
+        CopyableStream m_stream;
+        bool m_shouldDebugBreak;
+        bool m_shouldThrow;
+    };
+} // namespace Catch
+// Include after due to circular dependency:
+// #included from: catch_expression_lhs.hpp
+// #included from: catch_evaluate.hpp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4389) // '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Internal {
+    enum Operator {
+        IsEqualTo,
+        IsNotEqualTo,
+        IsLessThan,
+        IsGreaterThan,
+        IsLessThanOrEqualTo,
+        IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
+    };
+    template<Operator Op> struct OperatorTraits             { static const char* getName(){ return "*error*"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsEqualTo>             { static const char* getName(){ return "=="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsNotEqualTo>          { static const char* getName(){ return "!="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThan>            { static const char* getName(){ return "<"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThan>         { static const char* getName(){ return ">"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThanOrEqualTo>   { static const char* getName(){ return "<="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>{ static const char* getName(){ return ">="; } };
+    template<typename T>
+    inline T& opCast(T const& t) { return const_cast<T&>(t); }
+// nullptr_t support based on pull request #154 from Konstantin Baumann
+    inline std::nullptr_t opCast(std::nullptr_t) { return nullptr; }
+    // So the compare overloads can be operator agnostic we convey the operator as a template
+    // enum, which is used to specialise an Evaluator for doing the comparison.
+    template<typename T1, typename T2, Operator Op>
+    class Evaluator{};
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) ==  opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsNotEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) != opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) < opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) > opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) >= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) <= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool applyEvaluator( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // This level of indirection allows us to specialise for integer types
+    // to avoid signed/ unsigned warnings
+    // "base" overload
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool compare( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to int
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to long
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // int to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // long to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // pointer to long (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( long lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to int (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( int lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to nullptr_t (when comparing against nullptr)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( std::nullptr_t, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( NULL, rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, std::nullptr_t ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, NULL );
+    }
+} // end of namespace Internal
+} // end of namespace Catch
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+// #included from: catch_tostring.h
+// #included from: catch_sfinae.hpp
+// Try to detect if the current compiler supports SFINAE
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TrueType {
+        static const bool value = true;
+        typedef void Enable;
+        char sizer[1];
+    };
+    struct FalseType {
+        static const bool value = false;
+        typedef void Disable;
+        char sizer[2];
+    };
+    template<bool> struct NotABooleanExpression;
+    template<bool c> struct If : NotABooleanExpression<c> {};
+    template<> struct If<true> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct If<false> : FalseType {};
+    template<int size> struct SizedIf;
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(TrueType)> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(FalseType)> : FalseType {};
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: catch_objc_arc.hpp
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#ifdef __has_feature
+#define CATCH_ARC_ENABLED __has_feature(objc_arc)
+void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj );
+id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel );
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj ) {
+    [obj release];
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+    return nil;
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* ){}
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+    return nil;
+#define CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED __unsafe_unretained
+#define CATCH_ARC_STRONG __strong
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+// SFINAE is currently disabled by default for all compilers.
+// If the non SFINAE version of IsStreamInsertable is ambiguous for you
+// and your compiler supports SFINAE, try #defining CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE
+    template<typename T>
+    class IsStreamInsertableHelper {
+        template<int N> struct TrueIfSizeable : TrueType {};
+        template<typename T2>
+        static TrueIfSizeable<sizeof((*(std::ostream*)0) << *((T2 const*)0))> dummy(T2*);
+        static FalseType dummy(...);
+    public:
+        typedef SizedIf<sizeof(dummy((T*)0))> type;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable : IsStreamInsertableHelper<T>::type {};
+    struct BorgType {
+        template<typename T> BorgType( T const& );
+    };
+    TrueType& testStreamable( std::ostream& );
+    FalseType testStreamable( FalseType );
+    FalseType operator<<( std::ostream const&, BorgType const& );
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable {
+        static std::ostream &s;
+        static T  const&t;
+        enum { value = sizeof( testStreamable(s << t) ) == sizeof( TrueType ) };
+    };
+    template<bool C>
+    struct StringMakerBase {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& ) { return "{?}"; }
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct StringMakerBase<true> {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& _value ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << _value;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    };
+    std::string rawMemoryToString( const void *object, std::size_t size );
+    template<typename T>
+    inline std::string rawMemoryToString( const T& object ) {
+      return rawMemoryToString( &object, sizeof(object) );
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value );
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker :
+    Detail::StringMakerBase<Detail::IsStreamInsertable<T>::value> {};
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker<T*> {
+    template<typename U>
+    static std::string convert( U* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+template<typename R, typename C>
+struct StringMaker<R C::*> {
+    static std::string convert( R C::* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
+template<typename T, typename Allocator>
+struct StringMaker<std::vector<T, Allocator> > {
+    static std::string convert( std::vector<T,Allocator> const& v ) {
+        return Detail::rangeToString( v.begin(), v.end() );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename T>
+    std::string makeString( T const& value ) {
+        return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+/// \brief converts any type to a string
+/// The default template forwards on to ostringstream - except when an
+/// ostringstream overload does not exist - in which case it attempts to detect
+/// that and writes {?}.
+/// Overload (not specialise) this template for custom typs that you don't want
+/// to provide an ostream overload for.
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value ) {
+    return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+// Built in overloads
+std::string toString( std::string const& value );
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value );
+std::string toString( const char* const value );
+std::string toString( char* const value );
+std::string toString( const wchar_t* const value );
+std::string toString( wchar_t* const value );
+std::string toString( int value );
+std::string toString( unsigned long value );
+std::string toString( unsigned int value );
+std::string toString( const double value );
+std::string toString( const float value );
+std::string toString( bool value );
+std::string toString( char value );
+std::string toString( signed char value );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t );
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject );
+    namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << "{ ";
+        if( first != last ) {
+            oss << toString( *first );
+            for( ++first ; first != last ; ++first ) {
+                oss << ", " << toString( *first );
+            }
+        }
+        oss << " }";
+        return oss.str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+// Wraps the LHS of an expression and captures the operator and RHS (if any) -
+// wrapping them all in a ResultBuilder object
+template<typename T>
+class ExpressionLhs {
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs const& );
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs && ) = delete;
+#  endif
+    ExpressionLhs( ResultBuilder& rb, T lhs ) : m_rb( rb ), m_lhs( lhs ) {}
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs const& ) = default;
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs && )     = default;
+#  endif
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator == ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator != ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator < ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator > ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator <= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& operator >= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& operator == ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& operator != ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    void endExpression() {
+        bool value = m_lhs ? true : false;
+        m_rb
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( value ) )
+            .setResultType( value )
+            .endExpression();
+    }
+    // Only simple binary expressions are allowed on the LHS.
+    // If more complex compositions are required then place the sub expression in parentheses
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator + ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator - ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator / ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator * ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+    template<Internal::Operator Op, typename RhsT>
+    ResultBuilder& captureExpression( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return m_rb
+            .setResultType( Internal::compare<Op>( m_lhs, rhs ) )
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( m_lhs ) )
+            .setRhs( Catch::toString( rhs ) )
+            .setOp( Internal::OperatorTraits<Op>::getName() );
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& m_rb;
+    T m_lhs;
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename T>
+    inline ExpressionLhs<T const&> ResultBuilder::operator->* ( T const& operand ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<T const&>( *this, operand );
+    }
+    inline ExpressionLhs<bool> ResultBuilder::operator->* ( bool value ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<bool>( *this, value );
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_message.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct MessageInfo {
+        MessageInfo(    std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType _type );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        ResultWas::OfType type;
+        std::string message;
+        unsigned int sequence;
+        bool operator == ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence == other.sequence;
+        }
+        bool operator < ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence < other.sequence;
+        }
+    private:
+        static unsigned int globalCount;
+    };
+    struct MessageBuilder {
+        MessageBuilder( std::string const& macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType type )
+        : m_info( macroName, lineInfo, type )
+        {}
+        template<typename T>
+        MessageBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+            m_stream << value;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+        std::ostringstream m_stream;
+    };
+    class ScopedMessage {
+    public:
+        ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder );
+        ScopedMessage( ScopedMessage const& other );
+        ~ScopedMessage();
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_capture.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class AssertionResult;
+    struct AssertionInfo;
+    struct SectionInfo;
+    struct MessageInfo;
+    class ScopedMessageBuilder;
+    struct Counts;
+    struct IResultCapture {
+        virtual ~IResultCapture();
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+        virtual bool sectionStarted(    SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+                                        Counts& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& name, Counts const& assertions, double _durationInSeconds ) = 0;
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const = 0;
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const = 0;
+    };
+    IResultCapture& getResultCapture();
+// #included from: catch_debugger.h
+// #included from: catch_platform.h
+#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch{
+    bool isDebuggerActive();
+    void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text );
+    // The following code snippet based on:
+    // http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/03/break-into-debugger.html
+    #ifdef DEBUG
+        #if defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__ppc__)
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() \
+                if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { \
+                    __asm__("li r0, 20\nsc\nnop\nli r0, 37\nli r4, 2\nsc\nnop\n" \
+                    : : : "memory","r0","r3","r4" ); \
+                }
+        #else
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) {__asm__("int $3\n" : : );}
+        #endif
+    #endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { __debugbreak(); }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall DebugBreak();
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { DebugBreak(); }
+#define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() Catch::alwaysTrue();
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_runner.h
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IRunner {
+        virtual ~IRunner();
+        virtual bool aborting() const = 0;
+    };
+// In the event of a failure works out if the debugger needs to be invoked
+// and/or an exception thrown and takes appropriate action.
+// This needs to be done as a macro so the debugger will stop in the user
+// source code rather than in Catch library code
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( resultBuilder ) \
+    if( resultBuilder.shouldDebugBreak() ) CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER(); \
+    resultBuilder.react();
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            ( __catchResult->*expr ).endExpression(); \
+        } \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false && (expr) ) ) // expr here is never evaluated at runtime but it forces the compiler to give it a look
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( !Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            expr; \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        } \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        if( __catchResult.allowThrows() ) \
+            try { \
+                expr; \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::DidntThrowException ); \
+            } \
+            catch( ... ) { \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+            } \
+        else \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        if( __catchResult.allowThrows() ) \
+            try { \
+                expr; \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::DidntThrowException ); \
+            } \
+            catch( exceptionType ) { \
+                __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+            } \
+            catch( ... ) { \
+                __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition ); \
+            } \
+        else \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, ... ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            __catchResult << __VA_ARGS__ + ::Catch::StreamEndStop(); \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( messageType ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+        } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, log ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            __catchResult << log + ::Catch::StreamEndStop(); \
+            __catchResult.captureResult( messageType ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+        } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( log, macroName ) \
+    Catch::ScopedMessage INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( scopedMessage ) = Catch::MessageBuilder( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::ResultWas::Info ) << log;
+#define INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::ResultBuilder __catchResult( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #arg " " #matcher, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            std::string matcherAsString = ::Catch::Matchers::matcher.toString(); \
+            __catchResult \
+                .setLhs( Catch::toString( arg ) ) \
+                .setRhs( matcherAsString == "{?}" ? #matcher : matcherAsString ) \
+                .setOp( "matches" ) \
+                .setResultType( ::Catch::Matchers::matcher.match( arg ) ); \
+            __catchResult.captureExpression(); \
+        } catch( ... ) { \
+            __catchResult.useActiveException( resultDisposition | Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure ); \
+        } \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT( __catchResult ) \
+    } while( Catch::alwaysFalse() )
+// #included from: internal/catch_section.h
+// #included from: catch_section_info.h
+namespace Catch {
+    struct SectionInfo {
+        SectionInfo
+            (   SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                std::string const& _name,
+                std::string const& _description = std::string() );
+        std::string name;
+        std::string description;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_totals.hpp
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Counts {
+        Counts() : passed( 0 ), failed( 0 ), failedButOk( 0 ) {}
+        Counts operator - ( Counts const& other ) const {
+            Counts diff;
+            diff.passed = passed - other.passed;
+            diff.failed = failed - other.failed;
+            diff.failedButOk = failedButOk - other.failedButOk;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Counts& operator += ( Counts const& other ) {
+            passed += other.passed;
+            failed += other.failed;
+            failedButOk += other.failedButOk;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::size_t total() const {
+            return passed + failed + failedButOk;
+        }
+        bool allPassed() const {
+            return failed == 0 && failedButOk == 0;
+        }
+        std::size_t passed;
+        std::size_t failed;
+        std::size_t failedButOk;
+    };
+    struct Totals {
+        Totals operator - ( Totals const& other ) const {
+            Totals diff;
+            diff.assertions = assertions - other.assertions;
+            diff.testCases = testCases - other.testCases;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals delta( Totals const& prevTotals ) const {
+            Totals diff = *this - prevTotals;
+            if( diff.assertions.failed > 0 )
+                ++diff.testCases.failed;
+            else if( diff.assertions.failedButOk > 0 )
+                ++diff.testCases.failedButOk;
+            else
+                ++diff.testCases.passed;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals& operator += ( Totals const& other ) {
+            assertions += other.assertions;
+            testCases += other.testCases;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Counts assertions;
+        Counts testCases;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_timer.h
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Timer {
+    public:
+        Timer() : m_ticks( 0 ) {}
+        void start();
+        unsigned int getElapsedNanoseconds() const;
+        unsigned int getElapsedMilliseconds() const;
+        double getElapsedSeconds() const;
+    private:
+        uint64_t m_ticks;
+    };
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Section {
+    public:
+        Section( SectionInfo const& info );
+        ~Section();
+        // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+        operator bool() const;
+    private:
+        Section( Section const& )              = delete;
+        Section( Section && )                  = delete;
+        Section& operator = ( Section const& ) = delete;
+        Section& operator = ( Section && )     = delete;
+        Section( Section const& info );
+        Section& operator = ( Section const& );
+        SectionInfo m_info;
+        std::string m_name;
+        Counts m_assertions;
+        bool m_sectionIncluded;
+        Timer m_timer;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( ... ) \
+        if( Catch::Section const& INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::SectionInfo( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, __VA_ARGS__ ) )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, desc ) \
+        if( Catch::Section const& INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::SectionInfo( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, name, desc ) )
+// #included from: internal/catch_generators.hpp
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename T>
+struct IGenerator {
+    virtual ~IGenerator() {}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const = 0;
+    virtual std::size_t size () const = 0;
+template<typename T>
+class BetweenGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    BetweenGenerator( T from, T to ) : m_from( from ), m_to( to ){}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_from+static_cast<int>( index );
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return static_cast<std::size_t>( 1+m_to-m_from );
+    }
+    T m_from;
+    T m_to;
+template<typename T>
+class ValuesGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    ValuesGenerator(){}
+    void add( T value ) {
+        m_values.push_back( value );
+    }
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_values[index];
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return m_values.size();
+    }
+    std::vector<T> m_values;
+template<typename T>
+class CompositeGenerator {
+    CompositeGenerator() : m_totalSize( 0 ) {}
+    // *** Move semantics, similar to auto_ptr ***
+    CompositeGenerator( CompositeGenerator& other )
+    :   m_fileInfo( other.m_fileInfo ),
+        m_totalSize( 0 )
+    {
+        move( other );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& setFileInfo( const char* fileInfo ) {
+        m_fileInfo = fileInfo;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~CompositeGenerator() {
+        deleteAll( m_composed );
+    }
+    operator T () const {
+        size_t overallIndex = getCurrentContext().getGeneratorIndex( m_fileInfo, m_totalSize );
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator it = m_composed.begin();
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_composed.end();
+        for( size_t index = 0; it != itEnd; ++it )
+        {
+            const IGenerator<T>* generator = *it;
+            if( overallIndex >= index && overallIndex < index + generator->size() )
+            {
+                return generator->getValue( overallIndex-index );
+            }
+            index += generator->size();
+        }
+        CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( "Indexed past end of generated range" );
+        return T(); // Suppress spurious "not all control paths return a value" warning in Visual Studio - if you know how to fix this please do so
+    }
+    void add( const IGenerator<T>* generator ) {
+        m_totalSize += generator->size();
+        m_composed.push_back( generator );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        move( other );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( T value ) {
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( value );
+        add( valuesGen );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void move( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        std::copy( other.m_composed.begin(), other.m_composed.end(), std::back_inserter( m_composed ) );
+        m_totalSize += other.m_totalSize;
+        other.m_composed.clear();
+    }
+    std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*> m_composed;
+    std::string m_fileInfo;
+    size_t m_totalSize;
+namespace Generators
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> between( T from, T to ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        generators.add( new BetweenGenerator<T>( from, to ) );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3 ){
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3, T val4 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        valuesGen->add( val4 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+} // end namespace Generators
+using namespace Generators;
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR2( line ) #line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_GENERATE( expr ) expr.setFileInfo( __FILE__ "(" INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR( __LINE__ ) ")" )
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_exception.h
+#include <string>
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_registry_hub.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslator;
+    struct IReporterRegistry;
+    struct IReporterFactory;
+    struct IRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IRegistryHub();
+        virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IMutableRegistryHub();
+        virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) = 0;
+    };
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub();
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub();
+    void cleanUp();
+    std::string translateActiveException();
+namespace Catch {
+    typedef std::string(*exceptionTranslateFunction)();
+    struct IExceptionTranslator {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslator();
+        virtual std::string translate() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry();
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const = 0;
+    };
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar {
+        template<typename T>
+        class ExceptionTranslator : public IExceptionTranslator {
+        public:
+            ExceptionTranslator( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) )
+            : m_translateFunction( translateFunction )
+            {}
+            virtual std::string translate() const {
+                try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                catch( T& ex ) {
+                    return m_translateFunction( ex );
+                }
+            }
+        protected:
+            std::string(*m_translateFunction)( T& );
+        };
+    public:
+        template<typename T>
+        ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerTranslator
+                ( new ExceptionTranslator<T>( translateFunction ) );
+        }
+    };
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature ); \
+    namespace{ Catch::ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator ) ); }\
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature )
+// #included from: internal/catch_approx.hpp
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+    class Approx {
+    public:
+        explicit Approx ( double value )
+        :   m_epsilon( std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()*100 ),
+            m_scale( 1.0 ),
+            m_value( value )
+        {}
+        Approx( Approx const& other )
+        :   m_epsilon( other.m_epsilon ),
+            m_scale( other.m_scale ),
+            m_value( other.m_value )
+        {}
+        static Approx custom() {
+            return Approx( 0 );
+        }
+        Approx operator()( double value ) {
+            Approx approx( value );
+            approx.epsilon( m_epsilon );
+            approx.scale( m_scale );
+            return approx;
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            // Thanks to Richard Harris for his help refining this formula
+            return fabs( lhs - rhs.m_value ) < rhs.m_epsilon * (rhs.m_scale + (std::max)( fabs(lhs), fabs(rhs.m_value) ) );
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( lhs, rhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        Approx& epsilon( double newEpsilon ) {
+            m_epsilon = newEpsilon;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Approx& scale( double newScale ) {
+            m_scale = newScale;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "Approx( " << Catch::toString( m_value ) << " )";
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    private:
+        double m_epsilon;
+        double m_scale;
+        double m_value;
+    };
+inline std::string toString<Detail::Approx>( Detail::Approx const& value ) {
+    return value.toString();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_matchers.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Matchers {
+    namespace Impl {
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    struct Matcher : SharedImpl<IShared>
+    {
+        typedef ExpressionT ExpressionType;
+        virtual ~Matcher() {}
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher> clone() const = 0;
+        virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename DerivedT, typename ExpressionT>
+    struct MatcherImpl : Matcher<ExpressionT> {
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > clone() const {
+            return Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> >( new DerivedT( static_cast<DerivedT const&>( *this ) ) );
+        }
+    };
+    namespace Generic {
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AllOf : public MatcherImpl<AllOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AllOf() {}
+            AllOf( AllOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AllOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( !m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return false;
+                return true;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " and ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AnyOf : public MatcherImpl<AnyOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AnyOf() {}
+            AnyOf( AnyOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AnyOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return true;
+                return false;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " or ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+    }
+    namespace StdString {
+        inline std::string makeString( std::string const& str ) { return str; }
+        inline std::string makeString( const char* str ) { return str ? std::string( str ) : std::string(); }
+        struct Equals : MatcherImpl<Equals, std::string> {
+            Equals( std::string const& str ) : m_str( str ){}
+            Equals( Equals const& other ) : m_str( other.m_str ){}
+            virtual ~Equals();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return m_str == expr;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "equals: \"" + m_str + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_str;
+        };
+        struct Contains : MatcherImpl<Contains, std::string> {
+            Contains( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            Contains( Contains const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~Contains();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) != std::string::npos;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "contains: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct StartsWith : MatcherImpl<StartsWith, std::string> {
+            StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            StartsWith( StartsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~StartsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == 0;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "starts with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct EndsWith : MatcherImpl<EndsWith, std::string> {
+            EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            EndsWith( EndsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~EndsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == expr.size() - m_substr.size();
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "ends with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+    } // namespace StdString
+    } // namespace Impl
+    // The following functions create the actual matcher objects.
+    // This allows the types to be inferred
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( std::string const& str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( str );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( const char* str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( Impl::StdString::makeString( str ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+} // namespace Matchers
+using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_tag_alias_registry.h
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TagAlias {
+        TagAlias( std::string _tag, SourceLineInfo _lineInfo ) : tag( _tag ), lineInfo( _lineInfo ) {}
+        std::string tag;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+    };
+    struct RegistrarForTagAliases {
+        RegistrarForTagAliases( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define CATCH_REGISTER_TAG_ALIAS( alias, spec ) namespace{ Catch::RegistrarForTagAliases INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( AutoRegisterTagAlias )( alias, spec, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+// #included from: catch_option.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // An optional type
+    template<typename T>
+    class Option {
+    public:
+        Option() : nullableValue( NULL ) {}
+        Option( T const& _value )
+        : nullableValue( new( storage ) T( _value ) )
+        {}
+        Option( Option const& _other )
+        : nullableValue( _other ? new( storage ) T( *_other ) : NULL )
+        {}
+        ~Option() {
+            reset();
+        }
+        Option& operator= ( Option const& _other ) {
+            if( &_other != this ) {
+                reset();
+                if( _other )
+                    nullableValue = new( storage ) T( *_other );
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Option& operator = ( T const& _value ) {
+            reset();
+            nullableValue = new( storage ) T( _value );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( nullableValue )
+                nullableValue->~T();
+            nullableValue = NULL;
+        }
+        T& operator*() { return *nullableValue; }
+        T const& operator*() const { return *nullableValue; }
+        T* operator->() { return nullableValue; }
+        const T* operator->() const { return nullableValue; }
+        T valueOr( T const& defaultValue ) const {
+            return nullableValue ? *nullableValue : defaultValue;
+        }
+        bool some() const { return nullableValue != NULL; }
+        bool none() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        bool operator !() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const {
+            return SafeBool::makeSafe( some() );
+        }
+    private:
+        T* nullableValue;
+        char storage[sizeof(T)];
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ITagAliasRegistry {
+        virtual ~ITagAliasRegistry();
+        virtual Option<TagAlias> find( std::string const& alias ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const = 0;
+        static ITagAliasRegistry const& get();
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// These files are included here so the single_include script doesn't put them
+// in the conditionally compiled sections
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_case_info.h
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ITestCase;
+    struct TestCaseInfo {
+        enum SpecialProperties{
+            None = 0,
+            IsHidden = 1 << 1,
+            ShouldFail = 1 << 2,
+            MayFail = 1 << 3,
+            Throws = 1 << 4
+        };
+        TestCaseInfo(   std::string const& _name,
+                        std::string const& _className,
+                        std::string const& _description,
+                        std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo );
+        TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other );
+        bool isHidden() const;
+        bool throws() const;
+        bool okToFail() const;
+        bool expectedToFail() const;
+        std::string name;
+        std::string className;
+        std::string description;
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::set<std::string> lcaseTags;
+        std::string tagsAsString;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        SpecialProperties properties;
+    };
+    class TestCase : public TestCaseInfo {
+    public:
+        TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info );
+        TestCase( TestCase const& other );
+        TestCase withName( std::string const& _newName ) const;
+        void invoke() const;
+        TestCaseInfo const& getTestCaseInfo() const;
+        void swap( TestCase& other );
+        bool operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        bool operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        TestCase& operator = ( TestCase const& other );
+    private:
+        Ptr<ITestCase> test;
+    };
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& name,
+                            std::string const& description,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: internal/catch_objc.hpp
+#import <objc/runtime.h>
+#include <string>
+// NB. Any general catch headers included here must be included
+// in catch.hpp first to make sure they are included by the single
+// header for non obj-usage
+// This protocol is really only here for (self) documenting purposes, since
+// all its methods are optional.
+ at protocol OcFixture
+ at optional
+-(void) setUp;
+-(void) tearDown;
+ at end
+namespace Catch {
+    class OcMethod : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        OcMethod( Class cls, SEL sel ) : m_cls( cls ), m_sel( sel ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            id obj = [[m_cls alloc] init];
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(setUp)  );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, m_sel );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(tearDown)  );
+            arcSafeRelease( obj );
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~OcMethod() {}
+        Class m_cls;
+        SEL m_sel;
+    };
+    namespace Detail{
+        inline std::string getAnnotation(   Class cls,
+                                            std::string const& annotationName,
+                                            std::string const& testCaseName ) {
+            NSString* selStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Catch_%s_%s", annotationName.c_str(), testCaseName.c_str()];
+            SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString( selStr );
+            arcSafeRelease( selStr );
+            id value = performOptionalSelector( cls, sel );
+            if( value )
+                return [(NSString*)value UTF8String];
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
+    inline size_t registerTestMethods() {
+        size_t noTestMethods = 0;
+        int noClasses = objc_getClassList( NULL, 0 );
+        Class* classes = (CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED Class *)malloc( sizeof(Class) * noClasses);
+        objc_getClassList( classes, noClasses );
+        for( int c = 0; c < noClasses; c++ ) {
+            Class cls = classes[c];
+            {
+                u_int count;
+                Method* methods = class_copyMethodList( cls, &count );
+                for( u_int m = 0; m < count ; m++ ) {
+                    SEL selector = method_getName(methods[m]);
+                    std::string methodName = sel_getName(selector);
+                    if( startsWith( methodName, "Catch_TestCase_" ) ) {
+                        std::string testCaseName = methodName.substr( 15 );
+                        std::string name = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Name", testCaseName );
+                        std::string desc = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Description", testCaseName );
+                        const char* className = class_getName( cls );
+                        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest( makeTestCase( new OcMethod( cls, selector ), className, name.c_str(), desc.c_str(), SourceLineInfo() ) );
+                        noTestMethods++;
+                    }
+                }
+                free(methods);
+            }
+        }
+        return noTestMethods;
+    }
+    namespace Matchers {
+        namespace Impl {
+        namespace NSStringMatchers {
+            template<typename MatcherT>
+            struct StringHolder : MatcherImpl<MatcherT, NSString*>{
+                StringHolder( NSString* substr ) : m_substr( [substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder( StringHolder const& other ) : m_substr( [other.m_substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder() {
+                    arcSafeRelease( m_substr );
+                }
+                NSString* m_substr;
+            };
+            struct Equals : StringHolder<Equals> {
+                Equals( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str isEqualToString:m_substr];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "equals string: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct Contains : StringHolder<Contains> {
+                Contains( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location != NSNotFound;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "contains string: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct StartsWith : StringHolder<StartsWith> {
+                StartsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == 0;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "starts with: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+            struct EndsWith : StringHolder<EndsWith> {
+                EndsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == [str length] - [m_substr length];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "ends with: " + Catch::toString( m_substr );
+                }
+            };
+        } // namespace NSStringMatchers
+        } // namespace Impl
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals
+            Equals( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains
+            Contains( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith
+            StartsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith
+            EndsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith( substr ); }
+    } // namespace Matchers
+    using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+#define OC_TEST_CASE( name, desc )\
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Name_test ) \
+return @ name; \
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Description_test ) \
+{ \
+return @ desc; \
+} \
+-(void) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_TestCase_test )
+// #included from: internal/catch_impl.hpp
+// Collect all the implementation files together here
+// These are the equivalent of what would usually be cpp files
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
+// #included from: catch_runner.hpp
+// #included from: internal/catch_commandline.hpp
+// #included from: catch_config.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_spec_parser.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+// #included from: catch_test_spec.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec {
+        struct Pattern : SharedImpl<> {
+            virtual ~Pattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const = 0;
+        };
+        class NamePattern : public Pattern {
+            enum WildcardPosition {
+                NoWildcard = 0,
+                WildcardAtStart = 1,
+                WildcardAtEnd = 2,
+                WildcardAtBothEnds = WildcardAtStart | WildcardAtEnd
+            };
+        public:
+            NamePattern( std::string const& name ) : m_name( toLower( name ) ), m_wildcard( NoWildcard ) {
+                if( startsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 1 );
+                    m_wildcard = WildcardAtStart;
+                }
+                if( endsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 0, m_name.size()-1 );
+                    m_wildcard = static_cast<WildcardPosition>( m_wildcard | WildcardAtEnd );
+                }
+            }
+            virtual ~NamePattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                switch( m_wildcard ) {
+                    case NoWildcard:
+                        return m_name == toLower( testCase.name );
+                    case WildcardAtStart:
+                        return endsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtEnd:
+                        return startsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtBothEnds:
+                        return contains( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                }
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+                throw std::logic_error( "Unknown enum" );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_name;
+            WildcardPosition m_wildcard;
+        };
+        class TagPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            TagPattern( std::string const& tag ) : m_tag( toLower( tag ) ) {}
+            virtual ~TagPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                return testCase.lcaseTags.find( m_tag ) != testCase.lcaseTags.end();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_tag;
+        };
+        class ExcludedPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            ExcludedPattern( Ptr<Pattern> const& underlyingPattern ) : m_underlyingPattern( underlyingPattern ) {}
+            virtual ~ExcludedPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const { return !m_underlyingPattern->matches( testCase ); }
+        private:
+            Ptr<Pattern> m_underlyingPattern;
+        };
+        struct Filter {
+            std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> > m_patterns;
+            bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                // All patterns in a filter must match for the filter to be a match
+                for( std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> >::const_iterator it = m_patterns.begin(), itEnd = m_patterns.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    if( !(*it)->matches( testCase ) )
+                        return false;
+                    return true;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        bool hasFilters() const {
+            return !m_filters.empty();
+        }
+        bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+            // A TestSpec matches if any filter matches
+            for( std::vector<Filter>::const_iterator it = m_filters.begin(), itEnd = m_filters.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                if( it->matches( testCase ) )
+                    return true;
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<Filter> m_filters;
+        friend class TestSpecParser;
+    };
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpecParser {
+        enum Mode{ None, Name, QuotedName, Tag };
+        Mode m_mode;
+        bool m_exclusion;
+        std::size_t m_start, m_pos;
+        std::string m_arg;
+        TestSpec::Filter m_currentFilter;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+        ITagAliasRegistry const* m_tagAliases;
+    public:
+        TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry const& tagAliases ) : m_tagAliases( &tagAliases ) {}
+        TestSpecParser& parse( std::string const& arg ) {
+            m_mode = None;
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_start = std::string::npos;
+            m_arg = m_tagAliases->expandAliases( arg );
+            for( m_pos = 0; m_pos < m_arg.size(); ++m_pos )
+                visitChar( m_arg[m_pos] );
+            if( m_mode == Name )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        TestSpec testSpec() {
+            addFilter();
+            return m_testSpec;
+        }
+    private:
+        void visitChar( char c ) {
+            if( m_mode == None ) {
+                switch( c ) {
+                case ' ': return;
+                case '~': m_exclusion = true; return;
+                case '[': return startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                case '"': return startNewMode( QuotedName, ++m_pos );
+                default: startNewMode( Name, m_pos ); break;
+                }
+            }
+            if( m_mode == Name ) {
+                if( c == ',' ) {
+                    addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    addFilter();
+                }
+                else if( c == '[' ) {
+                    if( subString() == "exclude:" )
+                        m_exclusion = true;
+                    else
+                        addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                }
+            }
+            else if( m_mode == QuotedName && c == '"' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            else if( m_mode == Tag && c == ']' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::TagPattern>();
+        }
+        void startNewMode( Mode mode, std::size_t start ) {
+            m_mode = mode;
+            m_start = start;
+        }
+        std::string subString() const { return m_arg.substr( m_start, m_pos - m_start ); }
+        template<typename T>
+        void addPattern() {
+            std::string token = subString();
+            if( startsWith( token, "exclude:" ) ) {
+                m_exclusion = true;
+                token = token.substr( 8 );
+            }
+            if( !token.empty() ) {
+                Ptr<TestSpec::Pattern> pattern = new T( token );
+                if( m_exclusion )
+                    pattern = new TestSpec::ExcludedPattern( pattern );
+                m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back( pattern );
+            }
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_mode = None;
+        }
+        void addFilter() {
+            if( !m_currentFilter.m_patterns.empty() ) {
+                m_testSpec.m_filters.push_back( m_currentFilter );
+                m_currentFilter = TestSpec::Filter();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    inline TestSpec parseTestSpec( std::string const& arg ) {
+        return TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( arg ).testSpec();
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_config.h
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Verbosity { enum Level {
+        NoOutput = 0,
+        Quiet,
+        Normal
+    }; };
+    struct WarnAbout { enum What {
+        Nothing = 0x00,
+        NoAssertions = 0x01
+    }; };
+    struct ShowDurations { enum OrNot {
+        DefaultForReporter,
+        Always,
+        Never
+    }; };
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct IConfig : IShared {
+        virtual ~IConfig();
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const = 0;
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const = 0;
+        virtual std::string name() const = 0;
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const = 0;
+        virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const = 0;
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const = 0;
+        virtual int abortAfter() const = 0;
+        virtual bool showInvisibles() const = 0;
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const = 0;
+        virtual TestSpec const& testSpec() const = 0;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_stream.h
+#include <streambuf>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    class Stream {
+    public:
+        Stream();
+        Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned );
+        void release();
+        std::streambuf* streamBuf;
+    private:
+        bool isOwned;
+    };
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConfigData {
+        ConfigData()
+        :   listTests( false ),
+            listTags( false ),
+            listReporters( false ),
+            listTestNamesOnly( false ),
+            showSuccessfulTests( false ),
+            shouldDebugBreak( false ),
+            noThrow( false ),
+            showHelp( false ),
+            showInvisibles( false ),
+            abortAfter( -1 ),
+            verbosity( Verbosity::Normal ),
+            warnings( WarnAbout::Nothing ),
+            showDurations( ShowDurations::DefaultForReporter )
+        {}
+        bool listTests;
+        bool listTags;
+        bool listReporters;
+        bool listTestNamesOnly;
+        bool showSuccessfulTests;
+        bool shouldDebugBreak;
+        bool noThrow;
+        bool showHelp;
+        bool showInvisibles;
+        int abortAfter;
+        Verbosity::Level verbosity;
+        WarnAbout::What warnings;
+        ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations;
+        std::string reporterName;
+        std::string outputFilename;
+        std::string name;
+        std::string processName;
+        std::vector<std::string> testsOrTags;
+    };
+    class Config : public SharedImpl<IConfig> {
+    private:
+        Config( Config const& other );
+        Config& operator = ( Config const& other );
+        virtual void dummy();
+    public:
+        Config()
+        :   m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {}
+        Config( ConfigData const& data )
+        :   m_data( data ),
+            m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {
+            if( !data.testsOrTags.empty() ) {
+                TestSpecParser parser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() );
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < data.testsOrTags.size(); ++i )
+                    parser.parse( data.testsOrTags[i] );
+                m_testSpec = parser.testSpec();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~Config() {
+            m_os.rdbuf( std::cout.rdbuf() );
+            m_stream.release();
+        }
+        void setFilename( std::string const& filename ) {
+            m_data.outputFilename = filename;
+        }
+        std::string const& getFilename() const {
+            return m_data.outputFilename ;
+        }
+        bool listTests() const { return m_data.listTests; }
+        bool listTestNamesOnly() const { return m_data.listTestNamesOnly; }
+        bool listTags() const { return m_data.listTags; }
+        bool listReporters() const { return m_data.listReporters; }
+        std::string getProcessName() const { return m_data.processName; }
+        bool shouldDebugBreak() const { return m_data.shouldDebugBreak; }
+        void setStreamBuf( std::streambuf* buf ) {
+            m_os.rdbuf( buf ? buf : std::cout.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        void useStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+            Stream stream = createStream( streamName );
+            setStreamBuf( stream.streamBuf );
+            m_stream.release();
+            m_stream = stream;
+        }
+        std::string getReporterName() const { return m_data.reporterName; }
+        int abortAfter() const { return m_data.abortAfter; }
+        TestSpec const& testSpec() const { return m_testSpec; }
+        bool showHelp() const { return m_data.showHelp; }
+        bool showInvisibles() const { return m_data.showInvisibles; }
+        // IConfig interface
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const        { return !m_data.noThrow; }
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const    { return m_os; }
+        virtual std::string name() const        { return m_data.name.empty() ? m_data.processName : m_data.name; }
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const   { return m_data.showSuccessfulTests; }
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const { return m_data.warnings & WarnAbout::NoAssertions; }
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const { return m_data.showDurations; }
+    private:
+        ConfigData m_data;
+        Stream m_stream;
+        mutable std::ostream m_os;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_clara.h
+// Use Catch's value for console width (store Clara's off to the side, if present)
+// Declare Clara inside the Catch namespace
+#define STITCH_CLARA_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace Catch {
+// #included from: ../external/clara.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+// ----------- #included from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+// ----------- end of #include from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// ........... back in /Users/philnash/Dev/OSS/Clara/srcs/clara.h
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <memory>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Clara {
+    struct UnpositionalTag {};
+    extern UnpositionalTag _;
+    UnpositionalTag _;
+    namespace Detail {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = CLARA_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+        using namespace Tbc;
+        inline bool startsWith( std::string const& str, std::string const& prefix ) {
+            return str.size() >= prefix.size() && str.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+        }
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T>    struct IsBool       { static const bool value = false; };
+        template<>              struct IsBool<bool> { static const bool value = true; };
+        template<typename T>
+        void convertInto( std::string const& _source, T& _dest ) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << _source;
+            ss >> _dest;
+            if( ss.fail() )
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Unable to convert " + _source + " to destination type" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, std::string& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            std::string sourceLC = _source;
+            std::transform( sourceLC.begin(), sourceLC.end(), sourceLC.begin(), ::tolower );
+            if( sourceLC == "y" || sourceLC == "1" || sourceLC == "true" || sourceLC == "yes" || sourceLC == "on" )
+                _dest = true;
+            else if( sourceLC == "n" || sourceLC == "0" || sourceLC == "false" || sourceLC == "no" || sourceLC == "off" )
+                _dest = false;
+            else
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Expected a boolean value but did not recognise:\n  '" + _source + "'" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( bool _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        inline void convertInto( bool, T& ) {
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid conversion" );
+        }
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        struct IArgFunction {
+            virtual ~IArgFunction() {}
+            IArgFunction()                      = default;
+            IArgFunction( IArgFunction const& ) = default;
+#  endif
+            virtual void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const = 0;
+            virtual void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const = 0;
+            virtual bool takesArg() const = 0;
+            virtual IArgFunction* clone() const = 0;
+        };
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        class BoundArgFunction {
+        public:
+            BoundArgFunction() : functionObj( NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( IArgFunction<ConfigT>* _functionObj ) : functionObj( _functionObj ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( BoundArgFunction const& other ) : functionObj( other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction& operator = ( BoundArgFunction const& other ) {
+                IArgFunction<ConfigT>* newFunctionObj = other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL;
+                delete functionObj;
+                functionObj = newFunctionObj;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ~BoundArgFunction() { delete functionObj; }
+            void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const {
+                functionObj->set( config, value );
+            }
+            void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const {
+                functionObj->setFlag( config );
+            }
+            bool takesArg() const { return functionObj->takesArg(); }
+            bool isSet() const {
+                return functionObj != NULL;
+            }
+        private:
+            IArgFunction<ConfigT>* functionObj;
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct NullBinder : IArgFunction<C>{
+            virtual void set( C&, std::string const& ) const {}
+            virtual void setFlag( C& ) const {}
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return true; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new NullBinder( *this ); }
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundDataMember : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundDataMember( M C::* _member ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                convertInto( stringValue, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                convertInto( true, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundDataMember( *this ); }
+            M C::* member;
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundUnaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryMethod( void (C::*_member)( M ) ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)( M );
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundNullaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundNullaryMethod( void (C::*_member)() ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundNullaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)();
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundUnaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryFunction( void (*_function)( C& ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    function( obj );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                function( p );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C& );
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename T>
+        struct BoundBinaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundBinaryFunction( void (*_function)( C&, T ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& obj ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<T>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundBinaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C&, T );
+        };
+    } // namespace Detail
+    struct Parser {
+        Parser() : separators( " \t=:" ) {}
+        struct Token {
+            enum Type { Positional, ShortOpt, LongOpt };
+            Token( Type _type, std::string const& _data ) : type( _type ), data( _data ) {}
+            Type type;
+            std::string data;
+        };
+        void parseIntoTokens( int argc, char const * const * argv, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            const std::string doubleDash = "--";
+            for( int i = 1; i < argc && argv[i] != doubleDash; ++i )
+                parseIntoTokens( argv[i] , tokens);
+        }
+        void parseIntoTokens( std::string arg, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            while( !arg.empty() ) {
+                Parser::Token token( Parser::Token::Positional, arg );
+                arg = "";
+                if( token.data[0] == '-' ) {
+                    if( token.data.size() > 1 && token.data[1] == '-' ) {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::LongOpt, token.data.substr( 2 ) );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::ShortOpt, token.data.substr( 1 ) );
+                        if( token.data.size() > 1 && separators.find( token.data[1] ) == std::string::npos ) {
+                            arg = "-" + token.data.substr( 1 );
+                            token.data = token.data.substr( 0, 1 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if( token.type != Parser::Token::Positional ) {
+                    std::size_t pos = token.data.find_first_of( separators );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                        arg = token.data.substr( pos+1 );
+                        token.data = token.data.substr( 0, pos );
+                    }
+                }
+                tokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string separators;
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    struct CommonArgProperties {
+        CommonArgProperties() {}
+        CommonArgProperties( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : boundField( _boundField ) {}
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> boundField;
+        std::string description;
+        std::string detail;
+        std::string placeholder; // Only value if boundField takes an arg
+        bool takesArg() const {
+            return !placeholder.empty();
+        }
+        void validate() const {
+            if( !boundField.isSet() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "option not bound" );
+        }
+    };
+    struct OptionArgProperties {
+        std::vector<std::string> shortNames;
+        std::string longName;
+        bool hasShortName( std::string const& shortName ) const {
+            return std::find( shortNames.begin(), shortNames.end(), shortName ) != shortNames.end();
+        }
+        bool hasLongName( std::string const& _longName ) const {
+            return _longName == longName;
+        }
+    };
+    struct PositionalArgProperties {
+        PositionalArgProperties() : position( -1 ) {}
+        int position; // -1 means non-positional (floating)
+        bool isFixedPositional() const {
+            return position != -1;
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    class CommandLine {
+        struct Arg : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>, OptionArgProperties, PositionalArgProperties {
+            Arg() {}
+            Arg( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>( _boundField ) {}
+            using CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>::placeholder; // !TBD
+            std::string dbgName() const {
+                if( !longName.empty() )
+                    return "--" + longName;
+                if( !shortNames.empty() )
+                    return "-" + shortNames[0];
+                return "positional args";
+            }
+            std::string commands() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                bool first = true;
+                std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = shortNames.begin(), itEnd = shortNames.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    if( first )
+                        first = false;
+                    else
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "-" << *it;
+                }
+                if( !longName.empty() ) {
+                    if( !first )
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "--" << longName;
+                }
+                if( !placeholder.empty() )
+                    oss << " <" << placeholder << ">";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        };
+        // NOTE: std::auto_ptr is deprecated in c++11/c++0x
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus > 199711L
+        typedef std::unique_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        typedef std::auto_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        friend void addOptName( Arg& arg, std::string const& optName )
+        {
+            if( optName.empty() )
+                return;
+            if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "--" ) ) {
+                if( !arg.longName.empty() )
+                    throw std::logic_error( "Only one long opt may be specified. '"
+                        + arg.longName
+                        + "' already specified, now attempting to add '"
+                        + optName + "'" );
+                arg.longName = optName.substr( 2 );
+            }
+            else if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "-" ) )
+                arg.shortNames.push_back( optName.substr( 1 ) );
+            else
+                throw std::logic_error( "option must begin with - or --. Option was: '" + optName + "'" );
+        }
+        friend void setPositionalArg( Arg& arg, int position )
+        {
+            arg.position = position;
+        }
+        class ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            ArgBuilder( Arg* arg ) : m_arg( arg ) {}
+            // Bind a non-boolean data member (requires placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( M C::* field, std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a boolean data member (no placeholder required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( bool C::* field ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,bool>( field );
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, non-boolean argument (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( M ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( unaryMethod );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, boolean argument (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( bool ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,bool>( unaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a method that takes no arguments (will be called if opt is present)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* nullaryMethod)() ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundNullaryMethod<C>( nullaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (* unaryFunction)( C& ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryFunction<C>( unaryFunction );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename T>
+            void bind( void (* binaryFunction)( C&, T ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundBinaryFunction<C, T>( binaryFunction );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& describe( std::string const& description ) {
+                m_arg->description = description;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& detail( std::string const& detail ) {
+                m_arg->detail = detail;
+                return *this;
+            }
+        protected:
+            Arg* m_arg;
+        };
+        class OptBuilder : public ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            OptBuilder( Arg* arg ) : ArgBuilder( arg ) {}
+            OptBuilder( OptBuilder& other ) : ArgBuilder( other ) {}
+            OptBuilder& operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+                addOptName( *ArgBuilder::m_arg, optName );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        CommandLine()
+        :   m_boundProcessName( new Detail::NullBinder<ConfigT>() ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( 0 ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( false )
+        {}
+        CommandLine( CommandLine const& other )
+        :   m_boundProcessName( other.m_boundProcessName ),
+            m_options ( other.m_options ),
+            m_positionalArgs( other.m_positionalArgs ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( other.m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( other.m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+        {
+            if( other.m_floatingArg.get() )
+                m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg( *other.m_floatingArg ) );
+        }
+        CommandLine& setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( bool shouldThrow = true ) {
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens = shouldThrow;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        OptBuilder operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+            m_options.push_back( Arg() );
+            addOptName( m_options.back(), optName );
+            OptBuilder builder( &m_options.back() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( int position ) {
+            m_positionalArgs.insert( std::make_pair( position, Arg() ) );
+            if( position > m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition )
+                m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition = position;
+            setPositionalArg( m_positionalArgs[position], position );
+            ArgBuilder builder( &m_positionalArgs[position] );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        // Invoke this with the _ instance
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( UnpositionalTag ) {
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "Only one unpositional argument can be added" );
+            m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg() );
+            ArgBuilder builder( m_floatingArg.get() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( M C::* field ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( void (C::*_unaryMethod)( M ) ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( _unaryMethod );
+        }
+        void optUsage( std::ostream& os, std::size_t indent = 0, std::size_t width = Detail::consoleWidth ) const {
+            typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator itBegin = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end(), it;
+            std::size_t maxWidth = 0;
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                maxWidth = (std::max)( maxWidth, it->commands().size() );
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                Detail::Text usage( it->commands(), Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( maxWidth+indent )
+                                                        .setIndent( indent ) );
+                Detail::Text desc( it->description, Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( width - maxWidth - 3 ) );
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < (std::max)( usage.size(), desc.size() ); ++i ) {
+                    std::string usageCol = i < usage.size() ? usage[i] : "";
+                    os << usageCol;
+                    if( i < desc.size() && !desc[i].empty() )
+                        os  << std::string( indent + 2 + maxWidth - usageCol.size(), ' ' )
+                            << desc[i];
+                    os << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        std::string optUsage() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            optUsage( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void argSynopsis( std::ostream& os ) const {
+            for( int i = 1; i <= m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition; ++i ) {
+                if( i > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( i );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    os << "<" << it->second.placeholder << ">";
+                else if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                    os << "<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << ">";
+                else
+                    throw std::logic_error( "non consecutive positional arguments with no floating args" );
+            }
+            // !TBD No indication of mandatory args
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() ) {
+                if( m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                os << "[<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << "> ...]";
+            }
+        }
+        std::string argSynopsis() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            argSynopsis( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void usage( std::ostream& os, std::string const& procName ) const {
+            validate();
+            os << "usage:\n  " << procName << " ";
+            argSynopsis( os );
+            if( !m_options.empty() ) {
+                os << " [options]\n\nwhere options are: \n";
+                optUsage( os, 2 );
+            }
+            os << "\n";
+        }
+        std::string usage( std::string const& procName ) const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            usage( oss, procName );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        ConfigT parse( int argc, char const * const * argv ) const {
+            ConfigT config;
+            parseInto( argc, argv, config );
+            return config;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> parseInto( int argc, char const * const * argv, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::string processName = argv[0];
+            std::size_t lastSlash = processName.find_last_of( "/\\" );
+            if( lastSlash != std::string::npos )
+                processName = processName.substr( lastSlash+1 );
+            m_boundProcessName.set( config, processName );
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> tokens;
+            Parser parser;
+            parser.parseIntoTokens( argc, argv, tokens );
+            return populate( tokens, config );
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populate( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            validate();
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens = populateOptions( tokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFixedArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFloatingArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateOptions( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            std::vector<std::string> errors;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator it = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    Arg const& arg = *it;
+                    try {
+                        if( ( token.type == Parser::Token::ShortOpt && arg.hasShortName( token.data ) ) ||
+                            ( token.type == Parser::Token::LongOpt && arg.hasLongName( token.data ) ) ) {
+                            if( arg.takesArg() ) {
+                                if( i == tokens.size()-1 || tokens[i+1].type != Parser::Token::Positional )
+                                    errors.push_back( "Expected argument to option: " + token.data );
+                                else
+                                    arg.boundField.set( config, tokens[++i].data );
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                arg.boundField.setFlag( config );
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                        errors.push_back( std::string( ex.what() ) + "\n- while parsing: (" + arg.commands() + ")" );
+                    }
+                }
+                if( it == itEnd ) {
+                    if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional || !m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                    else if( m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        errors.push_back( "unrecognised option: " + token.data );
+                }
+            }
+            if( !errors.empty() ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = errors.begin(), itEnd = errors.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    if( it != errors.begin() )
+                        oss << "\n";
+                    oss << *it;
+                }
+                throw std::runtime_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFixedArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            int position = 1;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( position );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    it->second.boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    position++;
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFloatingArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            if( !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                return tokens;
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    m_floatingArg->boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        void validate() const
+        {
+            if( m_options.empty() && m_positionalArgs.empty() && !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "No options or arguments specified" );
+            for( typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator  it = m_options.begin(),
+                                                            itEnd = m_options.end();
+                    it != itEnd; ++it )
+                it->validate();
+        }
+    private:
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> m_boundProcessName;
+        std::vector<Arg> m_options;
+        std::map<int, Arg> m_positionalArgs;
+        ArgAutoPtr m_floatingArg;
+        int m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition;
+        bool m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens;
+    };
+} // end namespace Clara
+// Restore Clara's value for console width, if present
+#include <fstream>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline void abortAfterFirst( ConfigData& config ) { config.abortAfter = 1; }
+    inline void abortAfterX( ConfigData& config, int x ) {
+        if( x < 1 )
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Value after -x or --abortAfter must be greater than zero" );
+        config.abortAfter = x;
+    }
+    inline void addTestOrTags( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _testSpec ) { config.testsOrTags.push_back( _testSpec ); }
+    inline void addWarning( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _warning ) {
+        if( _warning == "NoAssertions" )
+            config.warnings = static_cast<WarnAbout::What>( config.warnings | WarnAbout::NoAssertions );
+        else
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Unrecognised warning: '" + _warning + "'" );
+    }
+    inline void setVerbosity( ConfigData& config, int level ) {
+        // !TBD: accept strings?
+        config.verbosity = static_cast<Verbosity::Level>( level );
+    }
+    inline void setShowDurations( ConfigData& config, bool _showDurations ) {
+        config.showDurations = _showDurations
+            ? ShowDurations::Always
+            : ShowDurations::Never;
+    }
+    inline void loadTestNamesFromFile( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _filename ) {
+        std::ifstream f( _filename.c_str() );
+        if( !f.is_open() )
+            throw std::domain_error( "Unable to load input file: " + _filename );
+        std::string line;
+        while( std::getline( f, line ) ) {
+            line = trim(line);
+            if( !line.empty() && !startsWith( line, "#" ) )
+                addTestOrTags( config, "\"" + line + "\"," );
+        }
+    }
+    inline Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> makeCommandLineParser() {
+        using namespace Clara;
+        CommandLine<ConfigData> cli;
+        cli.bindProcessName( &ConfigData::processName );
+        cli["-?"]["-h"]["--help"]
+            .describe( "display usage information" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showHelp );
+        cli["-l"]["--list-tests"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTests );
+        cli["-t"]["--list-tags"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching tags" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTags );
+        cli["-s"]["--success"]
+            .describe( "include successful tests in output" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showSuccessfulTests );
+        cli["-b"]["--break"]
+            .describe( "break into debugger on failure" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::shouldDebugBreak );
+        cli["-e"]["--nothrow"]
+            .describe( "skip exception tests" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::noThrow );
+        cli["-i"]["--invisibles"]
+            .describe( "show invisibles (tabs, newlines)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showInvisibles );
+        cli["-o"]["--out"]
+            .describe( "output filename" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::outputFilename, "filename" );
+        cli["-r"]["--reporter"]
+//            .placeholder( "name[:filename]" )
+            .describe( "reporter to use (defaults to console)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::reporterName, "name" );
+        cli["-n"]["--name"]
+            .describe( "suite name" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::name, "name" );
+        cli["-a"]["--abort"]
+            .describe( "abort at first failure" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterFirst );
+        cli["-x"]["--abortx"]
+            .describe( "abort after x failures" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterX, "no. failures" );
+        cli["-w"]["--warn"]
+            .describe( "enable warnings" )
+            .bind( &addWarning, "warning name" );
+// - needs updating if reinstated
+//        cli.into( &setVerbosity )
+//            .describe( "level of verbosity (0=no output)" )
+//            .shortOpt( "v")
+//            .longOpt( "verbosity" )
+//            .placeholder( "level" );
+        cli[_]
+            .describe( "which test or tests to use" )
+            .bind( &addTestOrTags, "test name, pattern or tags" );
+        cli["-d"]["--durations"]
+            .describe( "show test durations" )
+            .bind( &setShowDurations, "yes/no" );
+        cli["-f"]["--input-file"]
+            .describe( "load test names to run from a file" )
+            .bind( &loadTestNamesFromFile, "filename" );
+        // Less common commands which don't have a short form
+        cli["--list-test-names-only"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases names only" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTestNamesOnly );
+        cli["--list-reporters"]
+            .describe( "list all reporters" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listReporters );
+        return cli;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_list.hpp
+// #included from: catch_text.h
+// #included from: ../external/tbc_text_format.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#  endif
+# else
+# endif
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+namespace Catch {
+    using Tbc::Text;
+    using Tbc::TextAttributes;
+// #included from: catch_console_colour.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace Detail {
+        struct IColourImpl;
+    }
+    struct Colour {
+        enum Code {
+            None = 0,
+            White,
+            Red,
+            Green,
+            Blue,
+            Cyan,
+            Yellow,
+            Grey,
+            Bright = 0x10,
+            BrightRed = Bright | Red,
+            BrightGreen = Bright | Green,
+            LightGrey = Bright | Grey,
+            BrightWhite = Bright | White,
+            // By intention
+            FileName = LightGrey,
+            Warning = Yellow,
+            ResultError = BrightRed,
+            ResultSuccess = BrightGreen,
+            ResultExpectedFailure = Warning,
+            Error = BrightRed,
+            Success = Green,
+            OriginalExpression = Cyan,
+            ReconstructedExpression = Yellow,
+            SecondaryText = LightGrey,
+            Headers = White
+        };
+        // Use constructed object for RAII guard
+        Colour( Code _colourCode );
+        Colour( Colour const& other );
+        ~Colour();
+        // Use static method for one-shot changes
+        static void use( Code _colourCode );
+    private:
+        static Detail::IColourImpl* impl();
+        bool m_moved;
+    };
+    inline std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, Colour const& ) { return os; }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_reporter.h
+#include <string>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch
+    struct ReporterConfig {
+        explicit ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig )
+        :   m_stream( &_fullConfig->stream() ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig, std::ostream& _stream )
+        :   m_stream( &_stream ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        std::ostream& stream() const    { return *m_stream; }
+        Ptr<IConfig> fullConfig() const { return m_fullConfig; }
+    private:
+        std::ostream* m_stream;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_fullConfig;
+    };
+    struct ReporterPreferences {
+        ReporterPreferences()
+        : shouldRedirectStdOut( false )
+        {}
+        bool shouldRedirectStdOut;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct LazyStat : Option<T> {
+        LazyStat() : used( false ) {}
+        LazyStat& operator=( T const& _value ) {
+            Option<T>::operator=( _value );
+            used = false;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            Option<T>::reset();
+            used = false;
+        }
+        bool used;
+    };
+    struct TestRunInfo {
+        TestRunInfo( std::string const& _name ) : name( _name ) {}
+        std::string name;
+    };
+    struct GroupInfo {
+        GroupInfo(  std::string const& _name,
+                    std::size_t _groupIndex,
+                    std::size_t _groupsCount )
+        :   name( _name ),
+            groupIndex( _groupIndex ),
+            groupsCounts( _groupsCount )
+        {}
+        std::string name;
+        std::size_t groupIndex;
+        std::size_t groupsCounts;
+    };
+    struct AssertionStats {
+        AssertionStats( AssertionResult const& _assertionResult,
+                        std::vector<MessageInfo> const& _infoMessages,
+                        Totals const& _totals )
+        :   assertionResult( _assertionResult ),
+            infoMessages( _infoMessages ),
+            totals( _totals )
+        {
+            if( assertionResult.hasMessage() ) {
+                // Copy message into messages list.
+                // !TBD This should have been done earlier, somewhere
+                MessageBuilder builder( assertionResult.getTestMacroName(), assertionResult.getSourceInfo(), assertionResult.getResultType() );
+                builder << assertionResult.getMessage();
+                builder.m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+                infoMessages.push_back( builder.m_info );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~AssertionStats();
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats const& )              = default;
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats && )                  = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats const& ) = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        AssertionResult assertionResult;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> infoMessages;
+        Totals totals;
+    };
+    struct SectionStats {
+        SectionStats(   SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo,
+                        Counts const& _assertions,
+                        double _durationInSeconds,
+                        bool _missingAssertions )
+        :   sectionInfo( _sectionInfo ),
+            assertions( _assertions ),
+            durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds ),
+            missingAssertions( _missingAssertions )
+        {}
+        virtual ~SectionStats();
+        SectionStats( SectionStats const& )              = default;
+        SectionStats( SectionStats && )                  = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats const& ) = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        SectionInfo sectionInfo;
+        Counts assertions;
+        double durationInSeconds;
+        bool missingAssertions;
+    };
+    struct TestCaseStats {
+        TestCaseStats(  TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        std::string const& _stdOut,
+                        std::string const& _stdErr,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        : testInfo( _testInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            stdOut( _stdOut ),
+            stdErr( _stdErr ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestCaseStats();
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats const& )              = default;
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats && )                  = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats const& ) = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestCaseInfo testInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        std::string stdOut;
+        std::string stdErr;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestGroupStats {
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            aborting( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestGroupStats();
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats const& )              = default;
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats && )                  = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats const& ) = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        GroupInfo groupInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestRunStats {
+        TestRunStats(   TestRunInfo const& _runInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   runInfo( _runInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestRunStats();
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& _other )
+        :   runInfo( _other.runInfo ),
+            totals( _other.totals ),
+            aborting( _other.aborting )
+        {}
+#  else
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& )              = default;
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats && )                  = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats const& ) = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestRunInfo runInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct IStreamingReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IStreamingReporter();
+        // Implementing class must also provide the following static method:
+        // static std::string getDescription();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const = 0;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& testRunInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterFactory {
+        virtual ~IReporterFactory();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string getDescription() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterRegistry {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, IReporterFactory*> FactoryMap;
+        virtual ~IReporterRegistry();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual FactoryMap const& getFactories() const = 0;
+    };
+#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline std::size_t listTests( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available test cases:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        TextAttributes nameAttr, tagsAttr;
+        nameAttr.setInitialIndent( 2 ).setIndent( 4 );
+        tagsAttr.setIndent( 6 );
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            Colour::Code colour = testCaseInfo.isHidden()
+                ? Colour::SecondaryText
+                : Colour::None;
+            Colour colourGuard( colour );
+            std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.name, nameAttr ) << std::endl;
+            if( !testCaseInfo.tags.empty() )
+                std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.tagsAsString, tagsAttr ) << std::endl;
+        }
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        else
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "matching test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listTestsNamesOnly( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            std::cout << testCaseInfo.name << std::endl;
+        }
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    struct TagInfo {
+        TagInfo() : count ( 0 ) {}
+        void add( std::string const& spelling ) {
+            ++count;
+            spellings.insert( spelling );
+        }
+        std::string all() const {
+            std::string out;
+            for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = spellings.begin(), itEnd = spellings.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it )
+                out += "[" + *it + "]";
+            return out;
+        }
+        std::set<std::string> spellings;
+        std::size_t count;
+    };
+    inline std::size_t listTags( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Tags for matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available tags:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::map<std::string, TagInfo> tagCounts;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator  tagIt = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.begin(),
+                                                        tagItEnd = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.end();
+                    tagIt != tagItEnd;
+                    ++tagIt ) {
+                std::string tagName = *tagIt;
+                std::string lcaseTagName = toLower( tagName );
+                std::map<std::string, TagInfo>::iterator countIt = tagCounts.find( lcaseTagName );
+                if( countIt == tagCounts.end() )
+                    countIt = tagCounts.insert( std::make_pair( lcaseTagName, TagInfo() ) ).first;
+                countIt->second.add( tagName );
+            }
+        }
+        for( std::map<std::string, TagInfo>::const_iterator countIt = tagCounts.begin(),
+                                                            countItEnd = tagCounts.end();
+                countIt != countItEnd;
+                ++countIt ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "  " << std::setw(2) << countIt->second.count << "  ";
+            Text wrapper( countIt->second.all(), TextAttributes()
+                                                    .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                    .setIndent( oss.str().size() )
+                                                    .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-10 ) );
+            std::cout << oss.str() << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << pluralise( tagCounts.size(), "tag" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return tagCounts.size();
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listReporters( Config const& /*config*/ ) {
+        std::cout << "Available reports:\n";
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap::const_iterator itBegin = factories.begin(), itEnd = factories.end(), it;
+        std::size_t maxNameLen = 0;
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            maxNameLen = (std::max)( maxNameLen, it->first.size() );
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            Text wrapper( it->second->getDescription(), TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                        .setIndent( 7+maxNameLen )
+                                                        .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH - maxNameLen-8 ) );
+            std::cout << "  "
+                    << it->first
+                    << ":"
+                    << std::string( maxNameLen - it->first.size() + 2, ' ' )
+                    << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+        return factories.size();
+    }
+    inline Option<std::size_t> list( Config const& config ) {
+        Option<std::size_t> listedCount;
+        if( config.listTests() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTests( config );
+        if( config.listTestNamesOnly() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTestsNamesOnly( config );
+        if( config.listTags() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTags( config );
+        if( config.listReporters() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listReporters( config );
+        return listedCount;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_runner_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_tracker.hpp
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace SectionTracking {
+    class TrackedSection {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, TrackedSection> TrackedSections;
+    public:
+        enum RunState {
+            NotStarted,
+            Executing,
+            ExecutingChildren,
+            Completed
+        };
+        TrackedSection( std::string const& name, TrackedSection* parent )
+        :   m_name( name ), m_runState( NotStarted ), m_parent( parent )
+        {}
+        RunState runState() const { return m_runState; }
+        TrackedSection* findChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            TrackedSections::iterator it = m_children.find( childName );
+            return it != m_children.end()
+                ? &it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* acquireChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            if( TrackedSection* child = findChild( childName ) )
+                return child;
+            m_children.insert( std::make_pair( childName, TrackedSection( childName, this ) ) );
+            return findChild( childName );
+        }
+        void enter() {
+            if( m_runState == NotStarted )
+                m_runState = Executing;
+        }
+        void leave() {
+            for( TrackedSections::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), itEnd = m_children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( it->second.runState() != Completed ) {
+                    m_runState = ExecutingChildren;
+                    return;
+                }
+            m_runState = Completed;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* getParent() {
+            return m_parent;
+        }
+        bool hasChildren() const {
+            return !m_children.empty();
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string m_name;
+        RunState m_runState;
+        TrackedSections m_children;
+        TrackedSection* m_parent;
+    };
+    class TestCaseTracker {
+    public:
+        TestCaseTracker( std::string const& testCaseName )
+        :   m_testCase( testCaseName, NULL ),
+            m_currentSection( &m_testCase ),
+            m_completedASectionThisRun( false )
+        {}
+        bool enterSection( std::string const& name ) {
+            TrackedSection* child = m_currentSection->acquireChild( name );
+            if( m_completedASectionThisRun || child->runState() == TrackedSection::Completed )
+                return false;
+            m_currentSection = child;
+            m_currentSection->enter();
+            return true;
+        }
+        void leaveSection() {
+            m_currentSection->leave();
+            m_currentSection = m_currentSection->getParent();
+            assert( m_currentSection != NULL );
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = true;
+        }
+        bool currentSectionHasChildren() const {
+            return m_currentSection->hasChildren();
+        }
+        bool isCompleted() const {
+            return m_testCase.runState() == TrackedSection::Completed;
+        }
+        class Guard {
+        public:
+            Guard( TestCaseTracker& tracker ) : m_tracker( tracker ) {
+                m_tracker.enterTestCase();
+            }
+            ~Guard() {
+                m_tracker.leaveTestCase();
+            }
+        private:
+            Guard( Guard const& );
+            void operator = ( Guard const& );
+            TestCaseTracker& m_tracker;
+        };
+    private:
+        void enterTestCase() {
+            m_currentSection = &m_testCase;
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = false;
+            m_testCase.enter();
+        }
+        void leaveTestCase() {
+            m_testCase.leave();
+        }
+        TrackedSection m_testCase;
+        TrackedSection* m_currentSection;
+        bool m_completedASectionThisRun;
+    };
+} // namespace SectionTracking
+using SectionTracking::TestCaseTracker;
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamRedirect {
+    public:
+        StreamRedirect( std::ostream& stream, std::string& targetString )
+        :   m_stream( stream ),
+            m_prevBuf( stream.rdbuf() ),
+            m_targetString( targetString )
+        {
+            stream.rdbuf( m_oss.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        ~StreamRedirect() {
+            m_targetString += m_oss.str();
+            m_stream.rdbuf( m_prevBuf );
+        }
+    private:
+        std::ostream& m_stream;
+        std::streambuf* m_prevBuf;
+        std::ostringstream m_oss;
+        std::string& m_targetString;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class RunContext : public IResultCapture, public IRunner {
+        RunContext( RunContext const& );
+        void operator =( RunContext const& );
+    public:
+        explicit RunContext( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config, Ptr<IStreamingReporter> const& reporter )
+        :   m_runInfo( config->name() ),
+            m_context( getCurrentMutableContext() ),
+            m_activeTestCase( NULL ),
+            m_config( config ),
+            m_reporter( reporter ),
+            m_prevRunner( m_context.getRunner() ),
+            m_prevResultCapture( m_context.getResultCapture() ),
+            m_prevConfig( m_context.getConfig() )
+        {
+            m_context.setRunner( this );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_config );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( this );
+            m_reporter->testRunStarting( m_runInfo );
+        }
+        virtual ~RunContext() {
+            m_reporter->testRunEnded( TestRunStats( m_runInfo, m_totals, aborting() ) );
+            m_context.setRunner( m_prevRunner );
+            m_context.setConfig( NULL );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( m_prevResultCapture );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_prevConfig );
+        }
+        void testGroupStarting( std::string const& testSpec, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupStarting( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ) );
+        }
+        void testGroupEnded( std::string const& testSpec, Totals const& totals, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ), totals, aborting() ) );
+        }
+        Totals runTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            Totals prevTotals = m_totals;
+            std::string redirectedCout;
+            std::string redirectedCerr;
+            TestCaseInfo testInfo = testCase.getTestCaseInfo();
+            m_reporter->testCaseStarting( testInfo );
+            m_activeTestCase = &testCase;
+            m_testCaseTracker = TestCaseTracker( testInfo.name );
+            do {
+                do {
+                    runCurrentTest( redirectedCout, redirectedCerr );
+                }
+                while( !m_testCaseTracker->isCompleted() && !aborting() );
+            }
+            while( getCurrentContext().advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() && !aborting() );
+            Totals deltaTotals = m_totals.delta( prevTotals );
+            m_totals.testCases += deltaTotals.testCases;
+            m_reporter->testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats(   testInfo,
+                                                        deltaTotals,
+                                                        redirectedCout,
+                                                        redirectedCerr,
+                                                        aborting() ) );
+            m_activeTestCase = NULL;
+            m_testCaseTracker.reset();
+            return deltaTotals;
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig const> config() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    private: // IResultCapture
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) {
+            if( result.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.passed++;
+            }
+            else if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            }
+            if( m_reporter->assertionEnded( AssertionStats( result, m_messages, m_totals ) ) )
+                m_messages.clear();
+            // Reset working state
+            m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "", m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo, "{Unknown expression after the reported line}" , m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+            m_lastResult = result;
+        }
+        virtual bool sectionStarted (
+            SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+            Counts& assertions
+        )
+        {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << sectionInfo.name << "@" << sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            if( !m_testCaseTracker->enterSection( oss.str() ) )
+                return false;
+            m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo = sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( sectionInfo );
+            assertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            return true;
+        }
+        bool testForMissingAssertions( Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( assertions.total() != 0 ||
+                    !m_config->warnAboutMissingAssertions() ||
+                    m_testCaseTracker->currentSectionHasChildren() )
+                return false;
+            m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            assertions.failed++;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& info, Counts const& prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds ) {
+            if( std::uncaught_exception() ) {
+                m_unfinishedSections.push_back( UnfinishedSections( info, prevAssertions, _durationInSeconds ) );
+                return;
+            }
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            m_testCaseTracker->leaveSection();
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( SectionStats( info, assertions, _durationInSeconds, missingAssertions ) );
+            m_messages.clear();
+        }
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.push_back( message );
+        }
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.erase( std::remove( m_messages.begin(), m_messages.end(), message ), m_messages.end() );
+        }
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const {
+            return m_activeTestCase
+                ? m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo().name
+                : "";
+        }
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const {
+            return &m_lastResult;
+        }
+    public:
+        // !TBD We need to do this another way!
+        bool aborting() const {
+            return m_totals.assertions.failed == static_cast<std::size_t>( m_config->abortAfter() );
+        }
+    private:
+        void runCurrentTest( std::string& redirectedCout, std::string& redirectedCerr ) {
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo();
+            SectionInfo testCaseSection( testCaseInfo.lineInfo, testCaseInfo.name, testCaseInfo.description );
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( testCaseSection );
+            Counts prevAssertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            double duration = 0;
+            try {
+                m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "TEST_CASE", testCaseInfo.lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                TestCaseTracker::Guard guard( *m_testCaseTracker );
+                Timer timer;
+                timer.start();
+                if( m_reporter->getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut ) {
+                    StreamRedirect coutRedir( std::cout, redirectedCout );
+                    StreamRedirect cerrRedir( std::cerr, redirectedCerr );
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                else {
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                duration = timer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            }
+            catch( TestFailureException& ) {
+                // This just means the test was aborted due to failure
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                ResultBuilder exResult( m_lastAssertionInfo.macroName.c_str(),
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo,
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.capturedExpression.c_str(),
+                                        m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+                exResult.useActiveException();
+            }
+            // If sections ended prematurely due to an exception we stored their
+            // infos here so we can tear them down outside the unwind process.
+            for( std::vector<UnfinishedSections>::const_reverse_iterator it = m_unfinishedSections.rbegin(),
+                        itEnd = m_unfinishedSections.rend();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                sectionEnded( it->info, it->prevAssertions, it->durationInSeconds );
+            m_unfinishedSections.clear();
+            m_messages.clear();
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            if( testCaseInfo.okToFail() ) {
+                std::swap( assertions.failedButOk, assertions.failed );
+                m_totals.assertions.failed -= assertions.failedButOk;
+                m_totals.assertions.failedButOk += assertions.failedButOk;
+            }
+            SectionStats testCaseSectionStats( testCaseSection, assertions, duration, missingAssertions );
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( testCaseSectionStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        struct UnfinishedSections {
+            UnfinishedSections( SectionInfo const& _info, Counts const& _prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds )
+            : info( _info ), prevAssertions( _prevAssertions ), durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds )
+            {}
+            SectionInfo info;
+            Counts prevAssertions;
+            double durationInSeconds;
+        };
+        TestRunInfo m_runInfo;
+        IMutableContext& m_context;
+        TestCase const* m_activeTestCase;
+        Option<TestCaseTracker> m_testCaseTracker;
+        AssertionResult m_lastResult;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        Totals m_totals;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> m_messages;
+        IRunner* m_prevRunner;
+        IResultCapture* m_prevResultCapture;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_prevConfig;
+        AssertionInfo m_lastAssertionInfo;
+        std::vector<UnfinishedSections> m_unfinishedSections;
+    };
+    IResultCapture& getResultCapture() {
+        if( IResultCapture* capture = getCurrentContext().getResultCapture() )
+            return *capture;
+        else
+            throw std::logic_error( "No result capture instance" );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_version.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // Versioning information
+    struct Version {
+        Version(    unsigned int _majorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _minorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _buildNumber,
+                    char const* const _branchName )
+        :   majorVersion( _majorVersion ),
+            minorVersion( _minorVersion ),
+            buildNumber( _buildNumber ),
+            branchName( _branchName )
+        {}
+        unsigned int const majorVersion;
+        unsigned int const minorVersion;
+        unsigned int const buildNumber;
+        char const* const branchName;
+    private:
+        void operator=( Version const& );
+    };
+    extern Version libraryVersion;
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Runner {
+    public:
+        Runner( Ptr<Config> const& config )
+        :   m_config( config )
+        {
+            openStream();
+            makeReporter();
+        }
+        Totals runTests() {
+            RunContext context( m_config.get(), m_reporter );
+            Totals totals;
+            context.testGroupStarting( "", 1, 1 ); // deprecated?
+            TestSpec testSpec = m_config->testSpec();
+            if( !testSpec.hasFilters() )
+                testSpec = TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( "~[.]" ).testSpec(); // All not hidden tests
+            std::vector<TestCase> testCases;
+            getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, *m_config, testCases );
+            int testsRunForGroup = 0;
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = testCases.begin(), itEnd = testCases.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                testsRunForGroup++;
+                if( m_testsAlreadyRun.find( *it ) == m_testsAlreadyRun.end() ) {
+                    if( context.aborting() )
+                        break;
+                    totals += context.runTest( *it );
+                    m_testsAlreadyRun.insert( *it );
+                }
+            }
+            context.testGroupEnded( "", totals, 1, 1 );
+            return totals;
+        }
+    private:
+        void openStream() {
+            // Open output file, if specified
+            if( !m_config->getFilename().empty() ) {
+                m_ofs.open( m_config->getFilename().c_str() );
+                if( m_ofs.fail() ) {
+                    std::ostringstream oss;
+                    oss << "Unable to open file: '" << m_config->getFilename() << "'";
+                    throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+                }
+                m_config->setStreamBuf( m_ofs.rdbuf() );
+            }
+        }
+        void makeReporter() {
+            std::string reporterName = m_config->getReporterName().empty()
+                ? "console"
+                : m_config->getReporterName();
+            m_reporter = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().create( reporterName, m_config.get() );
+            if( !m_reporter ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "No reporter registered with name: '" << reporterName << "'";
+                throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+        std::ofstream m_ofs;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::set<TestCase> m_testsAlreadyRun;
+    };
+    class Session {
+        static bool alreadyInstantiated;
+    public:
+        struct OnUnusedOptions { enum DoWhat { Ignore, Fail }; };
+        Session()
+        : m_cli( makeCommandLineParser() ) {
+            if( alreadyInstantiated ) {
+                std::string msg = "Only one instance of Catch::Session can ever be used";
+                std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+                throw std::logic_error( msg );
+            }
+            alreadyInstantiated = true;
+        }
+        ~Session() {
+            Catch::cleanUp();
+        }
+        void showHelp( std::string const& processName ) {
+            std::cout << "\nCatch v"    << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                                        << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " build "
+                                        << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                std::cout << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << " branch)";
+            std::cout << "\n";
+            m_cli.usage( std::cout, processName );
+            std::cout << "For more detail usage please see the project docs\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        int applyCommandLine( int argc, char* const argv[], OnUnusedOptions::DoWhat unusedOptionBehaviour = OnUnusedOptions::Fail ) {
+            try {
+                m_cli.setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( unusedOptionBehaviour == OnUnusedOptions::Fail );
+                m_unusedTokens = m_cli.parseInto( argc, argv, m_configData );
+                if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                    showHelp( m_configData.processName );
+                m_config.reset();
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "\nError(s) in input:\n"
+                                << Text( ex.what(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) )
+                                << "\n\n";
+                }
+                m_cli.usage( std::cout, m_configData.processName );
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        void useConfigData( ConfigData const& _configData ) {
+            m_configData = _configData;
+            m_config.reset();
+        }
+        int run( int argc, char* const argv[] ) {
+            int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, argv );
+            if( returnCode == 0 )
+                returnCode = run();
+            return returnCode;
+        }
+        int run() {
+            if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                return 0;
+            try
+            {
+                config(); // Force config to be constructed
+                Runner runner( m_config );
+                // Handle list request
+                if( Option<std::size_t> listed = list( config() ) )
+                    return static_cast<int>( *listed );
+                return static_cast<int>( runner.runTests().assertions.failed );
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+        }
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> const& cli() const {
+            return m_cli;
+        }
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> const& unusedTokens() const {
+            return m_unusedTokens;
+        }
+        ConfigData& configData() {
+            return m_configData;
+        }
+        Config& config() {
+            if( !m_config )
+                m_config = new Config( m_configData );
+            return *m_config;
+        }
+    private:
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> m_cli;
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> m_unusedTokens;
+        ConfigData m_configData;
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+    };
+    bool Session::alreadyInstantiated = false;
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_registry_hub.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_registry_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestRegistry : public ITestCaseRegistry {
+    public:
+        TestRegistry() : m_unnamedCount( 0 ) {}
+        virtual ~TestRegistry();
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            std::string name = testCase.getTestCaseInfo().name;
+            if( name == "" ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "Anonymous test case " << ++m_unnamedCount;
+                return registerTest( testCase.withName( oss.str() ) );
+            }
+            if( m_functions.find( testCase ) == m_functions.end() ) {
+                m_functions.insert( testCase );
+                m_functionsInOrder.push_back( testCase );
+                if( !testCase.isHidden() )
+                    m_nonHiddenFunctions.push_back( testCase );
+            }
+            else {
+                TestCase const& prev = *m_functions.find( testCase );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "error: TEST_CASE( \"" << name << "\" ) already defined.\n"
+                                << "\tFirst seen at " << prev.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << "\n"
+                                << "\tRedefined at " << testCase.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << std::endl;
+                }
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const {
+            return m_functionsInOrder;
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllNonHiddenTests() const {
+            return m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        }
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const {
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator  it = m_functionsInOrder.begin(),
+                                                        itEnd = m_functionsInOrder.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( testSpec.matches( *it ) && ( config.allowThrows() || !it->throws() ) )
+                    matchingTestCases.push_back( *it );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::set<TestCase> m_functions;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_functionsInOrder;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        size_t m_unnamedCount;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class FreeFunctionTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        FreeFunctionTestCase( TestFunction fun ) : m_fun( fun ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            m_fun();
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~FreeFunctionTestCase();
+        TestFunction m_fun;
+    };
+    inline std::string extractClassName( std::string const& classOrQualifiedMethodName ) {
+        std::string className = classOrQualifiedMethodName;
+        if( startsWith( className, "&" ) )
+        {
+            std::size_t lastColons = className.rfind( "::" );
+            std::size_t penultimateColons = className.rfind( "::", lastColons-1 );
+            if( penultimateColons == std::string::npos )
+                penultimateColons = 1;
+            className = className.substr( penultimateColons, lastColons-penultimateColons );
+        }
+        return className;
+    }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    AutoReg::AutoReg(   TestFunction function,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc ) {
+        registerTestCase( new FreeFunctionTestCase( function ), "", nameAndDesc, lineInfo );
+    }
+    AutoReg::~AutoReg() {}
+    void AutoReg::registerTestCase( ITestCase* testCase,
+                                    char const* classOrQualifiedMethodName,
+                                    NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest
+            ( makeTestCase( testCase,
+                            extractClassName( classOrQualifiedMethodName ),
+                            nameAndDesc.name,
+                            nameAndDesc.description,
+                            lineInfo ) );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_reporter_registry.hpp
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    class ReporterRegistry : public IReporterRegistry {
+    public:
+        virtual ~ReporterRegistry() {
+            deleteAllValues( m_factories );
+        }
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const {
+            FactoryMap::const_iterator it =  m_factories.find( name );
+            if( it == m_factories.end() )
+                return NULL;
+            return it->second->create( ReporterConfig( config ) );
+        }
+        void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+            m_factories.insert( std::make_pair( name, factory ) );
+        }
+        FactoryMap const& getFactories() const {
+            return m_factories;
+        }
+    private:
+        FactoryMap m_factories;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_exception_translator_registry.hpp
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+#import "Foundation/Foundation.h"
+namespace Catch {
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistry : public IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+    public:
+        ~ExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+            deleteAll( m_translators );
+        }
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+            m_translators.push_back( translator );
+        }
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const {
+            try {
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+                // In Objective-C try objective-c exceptions first
+                @try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                @catch (NSException *exception) {
+                    return toString( [exception description] );
+                }
+                throw;
+            }
+            catch( TestFailureException& ) {
+                throw;
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                return ex.what();
+            }
+            catch( std::string& msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch( const char* msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( m_translators.begin() );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string tryTranslators( std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*>::const_iterator it ) const {
+            if( it == m_translators.end() )
+                return "Unknown exception";
+            try {
+                return (*it)->translate();
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( it+1 );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*> m_translators;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        class RegistryHub : public IRegistryHub, public IMutableRegistryHub {
+            RegistryHub( RegistryHub const& );
+            void operator=( RegistryHub const& );
+        public: // IRegistryHub
+            RegistryHub() {
+            }
+            virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const {
+                return m_reporterRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const {
+                return m_testCaseRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+                return m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+            }
+        public: // IMutableRegistryHub
+            virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+                m_reporterRegistry.registerReporter( name, factory );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) {
+                m_testCaseRegistry.registerTest( testInfo );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+                m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry.registerTranslator( translator );
+            }
+        private:
+            TestRegistry m_testCaseRegistry;
+            ReporterRegistry m_reporterRegistry;
+            ExceptionTranslatorRegistry m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+        };
+        // Single, global, instance
+        inline RegistryHub*& getTheRegistryHub() {
+            static RegistryHub* theRegistryHub = NULL;
+            if( !theRegistryHub )
+                theRegistryHub = new RegistryHub();
+            return theRegistryHub;
+        }
+    }
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    void cleanUp() {
+        delete getTheRegistryHub();
+        getTheRegistryHub() = NULL;
+        cleanUpContext();
+    }
+    std::string translateActiveException() {
+        return getRegistryHub().getExceptionTranslatorRegistry().translateActiveException();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_notimplemented_exception.hpp
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo )
+    :   m_lineInfo( lineInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << lineInfo << ": function ";
+        oss << "not implemented";
+        m_what = oss.str();
+    }
+    const char* NotImplementedException::what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+        return m_what.c_str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_context_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_stream.hpp
+// #included from: catch_streambuf.h
+#include <streambuf>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamBufBase : public std::streambuf {
+    public:
+        virtual ~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    };
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdio>
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename WriterF, size_t bufferSize=256>
+    class StreamBufImpl : public StreamBufBase {
+        char data[bufferSize];
+        WriterF m_writer;
+    public:
+        StreamBufImpl() {
+            setp( data, data + sizeof(data) );
+        }
+        ~StreamBufImpl() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+            sync();
+        }
+    private:
+        int overflow( int c ) {
+            sync();
+            if( c != EOF ) {
+                if( pbase() == epptr() )
+                    m_writer( std::string( 1, static_cast<char>( c ) ) );
+                else
+                    sputc( static_cast<char>( c ) );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        int sync() {
+            if( pbase() != pptr() ) {
+                m_writer( std::string( pbase(), static_cast<std::string::size_type>( pptr() - pbase() ) ) );
+                setp( pbase(), epptr() );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    struct OutputDebugWriter {
+        void operator()( std::string const&str ) {
+            writeToDebugConsole( str );
+        }
+    };
+    Stream::Stream()
+    : streamBuf( NULL ), isOwned( false )
+    {}
+    Stream::Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned )
+    : streamBuf( _streamBuf ), isOwned( _isOwned )
+    {}
+    void Stream::release() {
+        if( isOwned ) {
+            delete streamBuf;
+            streamBuf = NULL;
+            isOwned = false;
+        }
+    }
+namespace Catch {
+    class Context : public IMutableContext {
+        Context() : m_config( NULL ), m_runner( NULL ), m_resultCapture( NULL ) {}
+        Context( Context const& );
+        void operator=( Context const& );
+    public: // IContext
+        virtual IResultCapture* getResultCapture() {
+            return m_resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual IRunner* getRunner() {
+            return m_runner;
+        }
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) {
+            return getGeneratorsForCurrentTest()
+            .getGeneratorInfo( fileInfo, totalSize )
+            .getCurrentIndex();
+        }
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            return generators && generators->moveNext();
+        }
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    public: // IMutableContext
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) {
+            m_resultCapture = resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) {
+            m_runner = runner;
+        }
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) {
+            m_config = config;
+        }
+        friend IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    private:
+        IGeneratorsForTest* findGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            std::string testName = getResultCapture()->getCurrentTestName();
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*>::const_iterator it =
+            m_generatorsByTestName.find( testName );
+            return it != m_generatorsByTestName.end()
+                ? it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        IGeneratorsForTest& getGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            if( !generators ) {
+                std::string testName = getResultCapture()->getCurrentTestName();
+                generators = createGeneratorsForTest();
+                m_generatorsByTestName.insert( std::make_pair( testName, generators ) );
+            }
+            return *generators;
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        IRunner* m_runner;
+        IResultCapture* m_resultCapture;
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*> m_generatorsByTestName;
+    };
+    namespace {
+        Context* currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext() {
+        if( !currentContext )
+            currentContext = new Context();
+        return *currentContext;
+    }
+    IContext& getCurrentContext() {
+        return getCurrentMutableContext();
+    }
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+        if( streamName == "stdout" ) return Stream( std::cout.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "stderr" ) return Stream( std::cerr.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "debug" ) return Stream( new StreamBufImpl<OutputDebugWriter>, true );
+        throw std::domain_error( "Unknown stream: " + streamName );
+    }
+    void cleanUpContext() {
+        delete currentContext;
+        currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+// #included from: catch_console_colour_impl.hpp
+namespace Catch { namespace Detail {
+    struct IColourImpl {
+        virtual ~IColourImpl() {}
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) = 0;
+    };
+#if defined ( CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) /////////////////////////////////////////
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+#define NOMINMAX
+#ifdef __AFXDLL
+#include <AfxWin.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    class Win32ColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        Win32ColourImpl() : stdoutHandle( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) )
+        {
+            CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo;
+            GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( stdoutHandle, &csbiInfo );
+            originalAttributes = csbiInfo.wAttributes;
+        }
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:      return setTextAttribute( originalAttributes );
+                case Colour::White:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setTextAttribute( 0 );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setTextAttribute( WORD _textAttribute ) {
+            SetConsoleTextAttribute( stdoutHandle, _textAttribute );
+        }
+        HANDLE stdoutHandle;
+        WORD originalAttributes;
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static Win32ColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#else // Not Windows - assumed to be POSIX compatible //////////////////////////
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    // use POSIX/ ANSI console terminal codes
+    // Thanks to Adam Strzelecki for original contribution
+    // (http://github.com/nanoant)
+    // https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/pull/131
+    class PosixColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:
+                case Colour::White:     return setColour( "[0m" );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setColour( "[0;31m" );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setColour( "[0;32m" );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setColour( "[0:34m" );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setColour( "[0;36m" );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setColour( "[0;33m" );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setColour( "[1;30m" );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setColour( "[0;37m" );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setColour( "[1;31m" );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setColour( "[1;32m" );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setColour( "[1;37m" );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setColour( const char* _escapeCode ) {
+            std::cout << '\033' << _escapeCode;
+        }
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return isatty(STDOUT_FILENO);
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static PosixColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#endif // not Windows
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        struct NoColourImpl : Detail::IColourImpl {
+            void use( Colour::Code ) {}
+            static IColourImpl* instance() {
+                static NoColourImpl s_instance;
+                return &s_instance;
+            }
+        };
+        static bool shouldUseColour() {
+            return shouldUseColourForPlatform() && !isDebuggerActive();
+        }
+    }
+    Colour::Colour( Code _colourCode ) : m_moved( false ) { use( _colourCode ); }
+    Colour::Colour( Colour const& _other ) : m_moved( false ) { const_cast<Colour&>( _other ).m_moved = true; }
+    Colour::~Colour(){ if( !m_moved ) use( None ); }
+    void Colour::use( Code _colourCode ) {
+        impl()->use( _colourCode );
+    }
+    Detail::IColourImpl* Colour::impl() {
+        return shouldUseColour()
+            ? platformColourInstance()
+            : NoColourImpl::instance();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_generators_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct GeneratorInfo : IGeneratorInfo {
+        GeneratorInfo( std::size_t size )
+        :   m_size( size ),
+            m_currentIndex( 0 )
+        {}
+        bool moveNext() {
+            if( ++m_currentIndex == m_size ) {
+                m_currentIndex = 0;
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const {
+            return m_currentIndex;
+        }
+        std::size_t m_size;
+        std::size_t m_currentIndex;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class GeneratorsForTest : public IGeneratorsForTest {
+    public:
+        ~GeneratorsForTest() {
+            deleteAll( m_generatorsInOrder );
+        }
+        IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) {
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsByName.find( fileInfo );
+            if( it == m_generatorsByName.end() ) {
+                IGeneratorInfo* info = new GeneratorInfo( size );
+                m_generatorsByName.insert( std::make_pair( fileInfo, info ) );
+                m_generatorsInOrder.push_back( info );
+                return *info;
+            }
+            return *it->second;
+        }
+        bool moveNext() {
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsInOrder.begin();
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_generatorsInOrder.end();
+            for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( (*it)->moveNext() )
+                    return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsByName;
+        std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsInOrder;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest()
+    {
+        return new GeneratorsForTest();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    AssertionInfo::AssertionInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                    std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                                    ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        capturedExpression( _capturedExpression ),
+        resultDisposition( _resultDisposition )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult() {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data )
+    :   m_info( info ),
+        m_resultData( data )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::~AssertionResult() {}
+    // Result was a success
+    bool AssertionResult::succeeded() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType );
+    }
+    // Result was a success, or failure is suppressed
+    bool AssertionResult::isOk() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType ) || shouldSuppressFailure( m_info.resultDisposition );
+    }
+    ResultWas::OfType AssertionResult::getResultType() const {
+        return m_resultData.resultType;
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpression() const {
+        return !m_info.capturedExpression.empty();
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasMessage() const {
+        return !m_resultData.message.empty();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpression() const {
+        if( isFalseTest( m_info.resultDisposition ) )
+            return "!" + m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpressionInMacro() const {
+        if( m_info.macroName.empty() )
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.macroName + "( " + m_info.capturedExpression + " )";
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpandedExpression() const {
+        return hasExpression() && getExpandedExpression() != getExpression();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpandedExpression() const {
+        return m_resultData.reconstructedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getMessage() const {
+        return m_resultData.message;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo AssertionResult::getSourceInfo() const {
+        return m_info.lineInfo;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getTestMacroName() const {
+        return m_info.macroName;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_test_case_info.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    inline TestCaseInfo::SpecialProperties parseSpecialTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        if( tag == "." ||
+            tag == "hide" ||
+            tag == "!hide" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::IsHidden;
+        else if( tag == "!throws" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::Throws;
+        else if( tag == "!shouldfail" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::ShouldFail;
+        else if( tag == "!mayfail" )
+            return TestCaseInfo::MayFail;
+        else
+            return TestCaseInfo::None;
+    }
+    inline bool isReservedTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        return parseSpecialTag( tag ) == TestCaseInfo::None && tag.size() > 0 && !isalnum( tag[0] );
+    }
+    inline void enforceNotReservedTag( std::string const& tag, SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo ) {
+        if( isReservedTag( tag ) ) {
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                std::cerr
+                    << "Tag name [" << tag << "] not allowed.\n"
+                    << "Tag names starting with non alpha-numeric characters are reserved\n";
+            }
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                std::cerr << _lineInfo << std::endl;
+            }
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* _testCase,
+                            std::string const& _className,
+                            std::string const& _name,
+                            std::string const& _descOrTags,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    {
+        bool isHidden( startsWith( _name, "./" ) ); // Legacy support
+        // Parse out tags
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::string desc, tag;
+        bool inTag = false;
+        for( std::size_t i = 0; i < _descOrTags.size(); ++i ) {
+            char c = _descOrTags[i];
+            if( !inTag ) {
+                if( c == '[' )
+                    inTag = true;
+                else
+                    desc += c;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( c == ']' ) {
+                    enforceNotReservedTag( tag, _lineInfo );
+                    inTag = false;
+                    if( tag == "hide" || tag == "." )
+                        isHidden = true;
+                    else
+                        tags.insert( tag );
+                    tag.clear();
+                }
+                else
+                    tag += c;
+            }
+        }
+        if( isHidden ) {
+            tags.insert( "hide" );
+            tags.insert( "." );
+        }
+        TestCaseInfo info( _name, _className, desc, tags, _lineInfo );
+        return TestCase( _testCase, info );
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( std::string const& _name,
+                                std::string const& _className,
+                                std::string const& _description,
+                                std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    :   name( _name ),
+        className( _className ),
+        description( _description ),
+        tags( _tags ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        properties( None )
+    {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = _tags.begin(), itEnd = _tags.end(); it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            oss << "[" << *it << "]";
+            std::string lcaseTag = toLower( *it );
+            properties = static_cast<SpecialProperties>( properties | parseSpecialTag( lcaseTag ) );
+            lcaseTags.insert( lcaseTag );
+        }
+        tagsAsString = oss.str();
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other )
+    :   name( other.name ),
+        className( other.className ),
+        description( other.description ),
+        tags( other.tags ),
+        lcaseTags( other.lcaseTags ),
+        tagsAsString( other.tagsAsString ),
+        lineInfo( other.lineInfo ),
+        properties( other.properties )
+    {}
+    bool TestCaseInfo::isHidden() const {
+        return ( properties & IsHidden ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::throws() const {
+        return ( properties & Throws ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::okToFail() const {
+        return ( properties & (ShouldFail | MayFail ) ) != 0;
+    }
+    bool TestCaseInfo::expectedToFail() const {
+        return ( properties & (ShouldFail ) ) != 0;
+    }
+    TestCase::TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info ) : TestCaseInfo( info ), test( testCase ) {}
+    TestCase::TestCase( TestCase const& other )
+    :   TestCaseInfo( other ),
+        test( other.test )
+    {}
+    TestCase TestCase::withName( std::string const& _newName ) const {
+        TestCase other( *this );
+        other.name = _newName;
+        return other;
+    }
+    void TestCase::swap( TestCase& other ) {
+        test.swap( other.test );
+        name.swap( other.name );
+        className.swap( other.className );
+        description.swap( other.description );
+        tags.swap( other.tags );
+        lcaseTags.swap( other.lcaseTags );
+        tagsAsString.swap( other.tagsAsString );
+        std::swap( TestCaseInfo::properties, static_cast<TestCaseInfo&>( other ).properties );
+        std::swap( lineInfo, other.lineInfo );
+    }
+    void TestCase::invoke() const {
+        test->invoke();
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return  test.get() == other.test.get() &&
+                name == other.name &&
+                className == other.className;
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return name < other.name;
+    }
+    TestCase& TestCase::operator = ( TestCase const& other ) {
+        TestCase temp( other );
+        swap( temp );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo const& TestCase::getTestCaseInfo() const
+    {
+        return *this;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_version.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // These numbers are maintained by a script
+    Version libraryVersion( 1, 0, 53, "master" );
+// #included from: catch_message.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    MessageInfo::MessageInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                ResultWas::OfType _type )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        type( _type ),
+        sequence( ++globalCount )
+    {}
+    // This may need protecting if threading support is added
+    unsigned int MessageInfo::globalCount = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ScopedMessage::ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder )
+    : m_info( builder.m_info )
+    {
+        m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+        getResultCapture().pushScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+    ScopedMessage::ScopedMessage( ScopedMessage const& other )
+    : m_info( other.m_info )
+    {}
+    ScopedMessage::~ScopedMessage() {
+        getResultCapture().popScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.hpp
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.h
+namespace Catch
+    // Deprecated
+    struct IReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IReporter();
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const = 0;
+        virtual void StartTesting() = 0;
+        virtual void EndTesting( Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartGroup( std::string const& groupName ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndGroup( std::string const& groupName, Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo, Totals const& totals, std::string const& stdOut, std::string const& stdErr ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartSection( std::string const& sectionName, std::string const& description ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndSection( std::string const& sectionName, Counts const& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( std::string const& sectionName ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( std::string const& testName ) = 0;
+        virtual void Aborted() = 0;
+        virtual void Result( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+    };
+    class LegacyReporterAdapter : public SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter>
+    {
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter );
+        virtual ~LegacyReporterAdapter();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& );
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& );
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo );
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo );
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo );
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& );
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats );
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats );
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats );
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats );
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats );
+    private:
+        Ptr<IReporter> m_legacyReporter;
+    };
+namespace Catch
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter )
+    :   m_legacyReporter( legacyReporter )
+    {}
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::~LegacyReporterAdapter() {}
+    ReporterPreferences LegacyReporterAdapter::getPreferences() const {
+        ReporterPreferences prefs;
+        prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = m_legacyReporter->shouldRedirectStdout();
+        return prefs;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTesting();
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartGroup( groupInfo.name );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTestCase( testInfo );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartSection( sectionInfo.name, sectionInfo.description );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        // Not on legacy interface
+    }
+    bool LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+        if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() != ResultWas::Ok ) {
+            for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = assertionStats.infoMessages.begin(), itEnd = assertionStats.infoMessages.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( it->type == ResultWas::Info ) {
+                    ResultBuilder rb( it->macroName.c_str(), it->lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                    rb << it->message;
+                    rb.setResultType( ResultWas::Info );
+                    AssertionResult result = rb.build();
+                    m_legacyReporter->Result( result );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        m_legacyReporter->Result( assertionStats.assertionResult );
+        return true;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+        if( sectionStats.missingAssertions )
+            m_legacyReporter->NoAssertionsInSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name );
+        m_legacyReporter->EndSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name, sectionStats.assertions );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTestCase
+            (   testCaseStats.testInfo,
+                testCaseStats.totals,
+                testCaseStats.stdOut,
+                testCaseStats.stdErr );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+        if( testGroupStats.aborting )
+            m_legacyReporter->Aborted();
+        m_legacyReporter->EndGroup( testGroupStats.groupInfo.name, testGroupStats.totals );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTesting( testRunStats.totals );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_timer.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            static uint64_t hz=0, hzo=0;
+            if (!hz) {
+                QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hz);
+                QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hzo);
+            }
+            uint64_t t;
+            QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&t);
+            return ((t-hzo)*1000000)/hz;
+        }
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            timeval t;
+            gettimeofday(&t,NULL);
+            return static_cast<uint64_t>( t.tv_sec ) * 1000000ull + static_cast<uint64_t>( t.tv_usec );
+        }
+    }
+    void Timer::start() {
+        m_ticks = getCurrentTicks();
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedNanoseconds() const {
+        return static_cast<unsigned int>(getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks);
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedMilliseconds() const {
+        return static_cast<unsigned int>((getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000);
+    }
+    double Timer::getElapsedSeconds() const {
+        return (getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000000.0;
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_common.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix ) {
+        return s.size() >= prefix.size() && s.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+    }
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix ) {
+        return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr( s.size()-suffix.size(), suffix.size() ) == suffix;
+    }
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix ) {
+        return s.find( infix ) != std::string::npos;
+    }
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s ) {
+        std::transform( s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower );
+    }
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s ) {
+        std::string lc = s;
+        toLowerInPlace( lc );
+        return lc;
+    }
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str ) {
+        static char const* whitespaceChars = "\n\r\t ";
+        std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        return start != std::string::npos ? str.substr( start, 1+end-start ) : "";
+    }
+    pluralise::pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label )
+    :   m_count( count ),
+        m_label( label )
+    {}
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser ) {
+        os << pluraliser.m_count << " " << pluraliser.m_label;
+        if( pluraliser.m_count != 1 )
+            os << "s";
+        return os;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo() : line( 0 ){}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line )
+    :   file( _file ),
+        line( _line )
+    {}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other )
+    :   file( other.file ),
+        line( other.line )
+    {}
+    bool SourceLineInfo::empty() const {
+        return file.empty();
+    }
+    bool SourceLineInfo::operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const {
+        return line == other.line && file == other.file;
+    }
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info ) {
+#ifndef __GNUG__
+        os << info.file << "(" << info.line << ")";
+        os << info.file << ":" << info.line;
+        return os;
+    }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << locationInfo << ": Internal Catch error: '" << message << "'";
+        if( alwaysTrue() )
+            throw std::logic_error( oss.str() );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_section.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    SectionInfo::SectionInfo
+        (   SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+            std::string const& _name,
+            std::string const& _description )
+    :   name( _name ),
+        description( _description ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo )
+    {}
+    Section::Section( SectionInfo const& info )
+    :   m_info( info ),
+        m_sectionIncluded( getResultCapture().sectionStarted( m_info, m_assertions ) )
+    {
+        m_timer.start();
+    }
+    Section::~Section() {
+        if( m_sectionIncluded )
+            getResultCapture().sectionEnded( m_info, m_assertions, m_timer.getElapsedSeconds() );
+    }
+    // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+    Section::operator bool() const {
+        return m_sectionIncluded;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_debugger.hpp
+#include <iostream>
+    #include <assert.h>
+    #include <stdbool.h>
+    #include <sys/types.h>
+    #include <unistd.h>
+    #include <sys/sysctl.h>
+    namespace Catch{
+        // The following function is taken directly from the following technical note:
+        // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa2004/qa1361.html
+        // Returns true if the current process is being debugged (either
+        // running under the debugger or has a debugger attached post facto).
+        bool isDebuggerActive(){
+            int                 mib[4];
+            struct kinfo_proc   info;
+            size_t              size;
+            // Initialize the flags so that, if sysctl fails for some bizarre
+            // reason, we get a predictable result.
+            info.kp_proc.p_flag = 0;
+            // Initialize mib, which tells sysctl the info we want, in this case
+            // we're looking for information about a specific process ID.
+            mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+            mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
+            mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
+            mib[3] = getpid();
+            // Call sysctl.
+            size = sizeof(info);
+            if( sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib) / sizeof(*mib), &info, &size, NULL, 0) != 0 ) {
+                std::cerr << "\n** Call to sysctl failed - unable to determine if debugger is active **\n" << std::endl;
+                return false;
+            }
+            // We're being debugged if the P_TRACED flag is set.
+            return ( (info.kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 );
+        }
+    } // namespace Catch
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+       inline bool isDebuggerActive() { return false; }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall OutputDebugStringA( const char* );
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            ::OutputDebugStringA( text.c_str() );
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            // !TBD: Need a version for Mac/ XCode and other IDEs
+            std::cout << text;
+        }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+// #included from: catch_tostring.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+    namespace {
+        struct Endianness {
+            enum Arch { Big, Little };
+            static Arch which() {
+                union _{
+                    int asInt;
+                    char asChar[sizeof (int)];
+                } u;
+                u.asInt = 1;
+                return ( u.asChar[sizeof(int)-1] == 1 ) ? Big : Little;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    std::string rawMemoryToString( const void *object, std::size_t size )
+    {
+        // Reverse order for little endian architectures
+        int i = 0, end = static_cast<int>( size ), inc = 1;
+        if( Endianness::which() == Endianness::Little ) {
+            i = end-1;
+            end = inc = -1;
+        }
+        unsigned char const *bytes = static_cast<unsigned char const *>(object);
+        std::ostringstream os;
+        os << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::hex;
+        for( ; i != end; i += inc )
+             os << std::setw(2) << static_cast<unsigned>(bytes[i]);
+       return os.str();
+    }
+std::string toString( std::string const& value ) {
+    std::string s = value;
+    if( getCurrentContext().getConfig()->showInvisibles() ) {
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i ) {
+            std::string subs;
+            switch( s[i] ) {
+            case '\n': subs = "\\n"; break;
+            case '\t': subs = "\\t"; break;
+            default: break;
+            }
+            if( !subs.empty() ) {
+                s = s.substr( 0, i ) + subs + s.substr( i+1 );
+                ++i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return "\"" + s + "\"";
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value ) {
+    std::string s;
+    s.reserve( value.size() );
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i )
+        s += value[i] <= 0xff ? static_cast<char>( value[i] ) : '?';
+    return toString( s );
+std::string toString( const char* const value ) {
+    return value ? Catch::toString( std::string( value ) ) : std::string( "{null string}" );
+std::string toString( char* const value ) {
+    return Catch::toString( static_cast<const char*>( value ) );
+std::string toString( const wchar_t* const value )
+	return value ? Catch::toString( std::wstring(value) ) : std::string( "{null string}" );
+std::string toString( wchar_t* const value )
+	return Catch::toString( static_cast<const wchar_t*>( value ) );
+std::string toString( int value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned long value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    if( value > 8192 )
+        oss << "0x" << std::hex << value;
+    else
+        oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned int value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<unsigned long>( value ) );
+template<typename T>
+std::string fpToString( T value, int precision ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << std::setprecision( precision )
+        << std::fixed
+        << value;
+    std::string d = oss.str();
+    std::size_t i = d.find_last_not_of( '0' );
+    if( i != std::string::npos && i != d.size()-1 ) {
+        if( d[i] == '.' )
+            i++;
+        d = d.substr( 0, i+1 );
+    }
+    return d;
+std::string toString( const double value ) {
+    return fpToString( value, 10 );
+std::string toString( const float value ) {
+    return fpToString( value, 5 ) + "f";
+std::string toString( bool value ) {
+    return value ? "true" : "false";
+std::string toString( char value ) {
+    return value < ' '
+        ? toString( static_cast<unsigned int>( value ) )
+        : Detail::makeString( value );
+std::string toString( signed char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t ) {
+    return "nullptr";
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return "@" + toString([nsstring UTF8String]);
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return "@" + toString([nsstring UTF8String]);
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject ) {
+        return toString( [nsObject description] );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_result_builder.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    ResultBuilder::ResultBuilder(   char const* macroName,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                                    char const* capturedExpression,
+                                    ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition )
+    :   m_assertionInfo( macroName, lineInfo, capturedExpression, resultDisposition ),
+        m_shouldDebugBreak( false ),
+        m_shouldThrow( false )
+    {}
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setResultType( bool result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result ? ResultWas::Ok : ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setLhs( std::string const& lhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.lhs = lhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setRhs( std::string const& rhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.rhs = rhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ResultBuilder& ResultBuilder::setOp( std::string const& op ) {
+        m_exprComponents.op = op;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::endExpression() {
+        m_exprComponents.testFalse = isFalseTest( m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+        captureExpression();
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::useActiveException( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition ) {
+        m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition = resultDisposition;
+        m_stream.oss << Catch::translateActiveException();
+        captureResult( ResultWas::ThrewException );
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::captureResult( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        setResultType( resultType );
+        captureExpression();
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::captureExpression() {
+        AssertionResult result = build();
+        getResultCapture().assertionEnded( result );
+        if( !result.isOk() ) {
+            if( getCurrentContext().getConfig()->shouldDebugBreak() )
+                m_shouldDebugBreak = true;
+            if( getCurrentContext().getRunner()->aborting() || m_assertionInfo.resultDisposition == ResultDisposition::Normal )
+                m_shouldThrow = true;
+        }
+    }
+    void ResultBuilder::react() {
+        if( m_shouldThrow )
+            throw Catch::TestFailureException();
+    }
+    bool ResultBuilder::shouldDebugBreak() const { return m_shouldDebugBreak; }
+    bool ResultBuilder::allowThrows() const { return getCurrentContext().getConfig()->allowThrows(); }
+    AssertionResult ResultBuilder::build() const
+    {
+        assert( m_data.resultType != ResultWas::Unknown );
+        AssertionResultData data = m_data;
+        // Flip bool results if testFalse is set
+        if( m_exprComponents.testFalse ) {
+            if( data.resultType == ResultWas::Ok )
+                data.resultType = ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+            else if( data.resultType == ResultWas::ExpressionFailed )
+                data.resultType = ResultWas::Ok;
+        }
+        data.message = m_stream.oss.str();
+        data.reconstructedExpression = reconstructExpression();
+        if( m_exprComponents.testFalse ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!" + data.reconstructedExpression;
+            else
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!(" + data.reconstructedExpression + ")";
+        }
+        return AssertionResult( m_assertionInfo, data );
+    }
+    std::string ResultBuilder::reconstructExpression() const {
+        if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs.empty() ? m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression : m_exprComponents.op + m_exprComponents.lhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op == "matches" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op != "!" ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.lhs.size() + m_exprComponents.rhs.size() < 40 &&
+                m_exprComponents.lhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos &&
+                m_exprComponents.rhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos )
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.op + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+            else
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + "\n" + m_exprComponents.op + "\n" + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        }
+        else
+            return "{can't expand - use " + m_assertionInfo.macroName + "_FALSE( " + m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression.substr(1) + " ) instead of " + m_assertionInfo.macroName + "( " + m_assertionInfo.capturedExpression + " ) for better diagnostics}";
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias_registry.hpp
+// #included from: catch_tag_alias_registry.h
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TagAliasRegistry : public ITagAliasRegistry {
+    public:
+        virtual ~TagAliasRegistry();
+        virtual Option<TagAlias> find( std::string const& alias ) const;
+        virtual std::string expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const;
+        void add( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+        static TagAliasRegistry& get();
+    private:
+        std::map<std::string, TagAlias> m_registry;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    TagAliasRegistry::~TagAliasRegistry() {}
+    Option<TagAlias> TagAliasRegistry::find( std::string const& alias ) const {
+        std::map<std::string, TagAlias>::const_iterator it = m_registry.find( alias );
+        if( it != m_registry.end() )
+            return it->second;
+        else
+            return Option<TagAlias>();
+    }
+    std::string TagAliasRegistry::expandAliases( std::string const& unexpandedTestSpec ) const {
+        std::string expandedTestSpec = unexpandedTestSpec;
+        for( std::map<std::string, TagAlias>::const_iterator it = m_registry.begin(), itEnd = m_registry.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            std::size_t pos = expandedTestSpec.find( it->first );
+            if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                expandedTestSpec =  expandedTestSpec.substr( 0, pos ) +
+                                    it->second.tag +
+                                    expandedTestSpec.substr( pos + it->first.size() );
+            }
+        }
+        return expandedTestSpec;
+    }
+    void TagAliasRegistry::add( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        if( !startsWith( alias, "[@" ) || !endsWith( alias, "]" ) ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "error: tag alias, \"" << alias << "\" is not of the form [@alias name].\n" << lineInfo;
+            throw std::domain_error( oss.str().c_str() );
+        }
+        if( !m_registry.insert( std::make_pair( alias, TagAlias( tag, lineInfo ) ) ).second ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "error: tag alias, \"" << alias << "\" already registered.\n"
+                << "\tFirst seen at " << find(alias)->lineInfo << "\n"
+                << "\tRedefined at " << lineInfo;
+            throw std::domain_error( oss.str().c_str() );
+        }
+    }
+    TagAliasRegistry& TagAliasRegistry::get() {
+        static TagAliasRegistry instance;
+        return instance;
+    }
+    ITagAliasRegistry::~ITagAliasRegistry() {}
+    ITagAliasRegistry const& ITagAliasRegistry::get() { return TagAliasRegistry::get(); }
+    RegistrarForTagAliases::RegistrarForTagAliases( char const* alias, char const* tag, SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        try {
+            TagAliasRegistry::get().add( alias, tag, lineInfo );
+        }
+        catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+            Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+            std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_xml.hpp
+// #included from: catch_reporter_bases.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct StreamingReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        StreamingReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        virtual ~StreamingReporterBase();
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& _testRunInfo ) {
+            currentTestRunInfo = _testRunInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo ) {
+            currentGroupInfo = _groupInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo = _testInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& /* _sectionStats */ ) {
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& /* _testCaseStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            assert( m_sectionStack.empty() );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& /* _testGroupStats */ ) {
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& /* _testRunStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+            currentTestRunInfo.reset();
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        LazyStat<TestRunInfo> currentTestRunInfo;
+        LazyStat<GroupInfo> currentGroupInfo;
+        LazyStat<TestCaseInfo> currentTestCaseInfo;
+        std::vector<SectionInfo> m_sectionStack;
+    };
+    struct CumulativeReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        template<typename T, typename ChildNodeT>
+        struct Node : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit Node( T const& _value ) : value( _value ) {}
+            virtual ~Node() {}
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<ChildNodeT> > ChildNodes;
+            T value;
+            ChildNodes children;
+        };
+        struct SectionNode : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit SectionNode( SectionStats const& _stats ) : stats( _stats ) {}
+            virtual ~SectionNode();
+            bool operator == ( SectionNode const& other ) const {
+                return stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == other.stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            }
+            bool operator == ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& other ) const {
+                return operator==( *other );
+            }
+            SectionStats stats;
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > ChildSections;
+            typedef std::vector<AssertionStats> Assertions;
+            ChildSections childSections;
+            Assertions assertions;
+            std::string stdOut;
+            std::string stdErr;
+        };
+        struct BySectionInfo {
+            BySectionInfo( SectionInfo const& other ) : m_other( other ) {}
+			BySectionInfo( BySectionInfo const& other ) : m_other( other.m_other ) {}
+            bool operator() ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& node ) const {
+                return node->stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == m_other.lineInfo;
+            }
+        private:
+			void operator=( BySectionInfo const& );
+            SectionInfo const& m_other;
+        };
+        typedef Node<TestCaseStats, SectionNode> TestCaseNode;
+        typedef Node<TestGroupStats, TestCaseNode> TestGroupNode;
+        typedef Node<TestRunStats, TestGroupNode> TestRunNode;
+        CumulativeReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~CumulativeReporterBase();
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+            SectionStats incompleteStats( sectionInfo, Counts(), 0, false );
+            Ptr<SectionNode> node;
+            if( m_sectionStack.empty() ) {
+                if( !m_rootSection )
+                    m_rootSection = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                node = m_rootSection;
+            }
+            else {
+                SectionNode& parentNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+                SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator it =
+                    std::find_if(   parentNode.childSections.begin(),
+                                    parentNode.childSections.end(),
+                                    BySectionInfo( sectionInfo ) );
+                if( it == parentNode.childSections.end() ) {
+                    node = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                    parentNode.childSections.push_back( node );
+                }
+                else
+                    node = *it;
+            }
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( node );
+            m_deepestSection = node;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& sectionNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            sectionNode.assertions.push_back( assertionStats );
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& node = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            node.stats = sectionStats;
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestCaseNode> node = new TestCaseNode( testCaseStats );
+            assert( m_sectionStack.size() == 0 );
+            node->children.push_back( m_rootSection );
+            m_testCases.push_back( node );
+            m_rootSection.reset();
+            assert( m_deepestSection );
+            m_deepestSection->stdOut = testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            m_deepestSection->stdErr = testCaseStats.stdErr;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestGroupNode> node = new TestGroupNode( testGroupStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testCases );
+            m_testGroups.push_back( node );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestRunNode> node = new TestRunNode( testRunStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testGroups );
+            m_testRuns.push_back( node );
+            testRunEndedCumulative();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() = 0;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        std::vector<AssertionStats> m_assertions;
+        std::vector<std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > > m_sections;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestCaseNode> > m_testCases;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestGroupNode> > m_testGroups;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestRunNode> > m_testRuns;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_rootSection;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_deepestSection;
+        std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > m_sectionStack;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename T>
+    class LegacyReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new LegacyReporterAdapter( new T( config ) );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    class ReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            // *** Please Note ***:
+            // - If you end up here looking at a compiler error because it's trying to register
+            // your custom reporter class be aware that the native reporter interface has changed
+            // to IStreamingReporter. The "legacy" interface, IReporter, is still supported via
+            // an adapter. Just use REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER to take advantage of the adapter.
+            // However please consider updating to the new interface as the old one is now
+            // deprecated and will probably be removed quite soon!
+            // Please contact me via github if you have any questions at all about this.
+            // In fact, ideally, please contact me anyway to let me know you've hit this - as I have
+            // no idea who is actually using custom reporters at all (possibly no-one!).
+            // The new interface is designed to minimise exposure to interface changes in the future.
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new T( config );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        ReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::LegacyReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::ReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_xmlwriter.hpp
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlWriter {
+    public:
+        class ScopedElement {
+        public:
+            ScopedElement( XmlWriter* writer )
+            :   m_writer( writer )
+            {}
+            ScopedElement( ScopedElement const& other )
+            :   m_writer( other.m_writer ){
+                other.m_writer = NULL;
+            }
+            ~ScopedElement() {
+                if( m_writer )
+                    m_writer->endElement();
+            }
+            ScopedElement& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+                m_writer->writeText( text, indent );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            template<typename T>
+            ScopedElement& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+                m_writer->writeAttribute( name, attribute );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        private:
+            mutable XmlWriter* m_writer;
+        };
+        XmlWriter()
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &std::cout )
+        {}
+        XmlWriter( std::ostream& os )
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &os )
+        {}
+        ~XmlWriter() {
+            while( !m_tags.empty() )
+                endElement();
+        }
+//#  ifndef CATCH_CPP11_OR_GREATER
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& other ) {
+//            XmlWriter temp( other );
+//            swap( temp );
+//            return *this;
+//        }
+//#  else
+//        XmlWriter( XmlWriter const& )              = default;
+//        XmlWriter( XmlWriter && )                  = default;
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& ) = default;
+//        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter && )     = default;
+//#  endif
+//        void swap( XmlWriter& other ) {
+//            std::swap( m_tagIsOpen, other.m_tagIsOpen );
+//            std::swap( m_needsNewline, other.m_needsNewline );
+//            std::swap( m_tags, other.m_tags );
+//            std::swap( m_indent, other.m_indent );
+//            std::swap( m_os, other.m_os );
+//        }
+        XmlWriter& startElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<" << name;
+            m_tags.push_back( name );
+            m_indent += "  ";
+            m_tagIsOpen = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ScopedElement scopedElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ScopedElement scoped( this );
+            startElement( name );
+            return scoped;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& endElement() {
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            m_indent = m_indent.substr( 0, m_indent.size()-2 );
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << "/>\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                stream() << m_indent << "</" << m_tags.back() << ">\n";
+            }
+            m_tags.pop_back();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, std::string const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() && !attribute.empty() ) {
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"";
+                writeEncodedText( attribute );
+                stream() << "\"";
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, bool attribute ) {
+            stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << ( attribute ? "true" : "false" ) << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() )
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << attribute << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+            if( !text.empty() ){
+                bool tagWasOpen = m_tagIsOpen;
+                ensureTagClosed();
+                if( tagWasOpen && indent )
+                    stream() << m_indent;
+                writeEncodedText( text );
+                m_needsNewline = true;
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeComment( std::string const& text ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<!--" << text << "-->";
+            m_needsNewline = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeBlankLine() {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << "\n";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void setStream( std::ostream& os ) {
+            m_os = &os;
+        }
+    private:
+        XmlWriter( XmlWriter const& );
+        void operator=( XmlWriter const& );
+        std::ostream& stream() {
+            return *m_os;
+        }
+        void ensureTagClosed() {
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << ">\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void newlineIfNecessary() {
+            if( m_needsNewline ) {
+                stream() << "\n";
+                m_needsNewline = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void writeEncodedText( std::string const& text ) {
+            static const char* charsToEncode = "<&\"";
+            std::string mtext = text;
+            std::string::size_type pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            while( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                stream() << mtext.substr( 0, pos );
+                switch( mtext[pos] ) {
+                    case '<':
+                        stream() << "<";
+                        break;
+                    case '&':
+                        stream() << "&";
+                        break;
+                    case '\"':
+                        stream() << """;
+                        break;
+                }
+                mtext = mtext.substr( pos+1 );
+                pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            }
+            stream() << mtext;
+        }
+        bool m_tagIsOpen;
+        bool m_needsNewline;
+        std::vector<std::string> m_tags;
+        std::string m_indent;
+        std::ostream* m_os;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlReporter : public SharedImpl<IReporter> {
+    public:
+        XmlReporter( ReporterConfig const& config ) : m_config( config ), m_sectionDepth( 0 ) {}
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as an XML document";
+        }
+        virtual ~XmlReporter();
+    private: // IReporter
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const {
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void StartTesting() {
+            m_xml.setStream( m_config.stream() );
+            m_xml.startElement( "Catch" );
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->name().empty() )
+                m_xml.writeAttribute( "name", m_config.fullConfig()->name() );
+        }
+        virtual void EndTesting( const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed )
+                .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", totals.assertions.failedButOk );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartGroup( const std::string& groupName ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "Group" )
+                .writeAttribute( "name", groupName );
+        }
+        virtual void EndGroup( const std::string&, const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed )
+                .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", totals.assertions.failedButOk );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartSection( const std::string& sectionName, const std::string& description ) {
+            if( m_sectionDepth++ > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Section" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "name", trim( sectionName ) )
+                    .writeAttribute( "description", description );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void EndSection( const std::string& /*sectionName*/, const Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( --m_sectionDepth > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "successes", assertions.passed )
+                    .writeAttribute( "failures", assertions.failed )
+                    .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", assertions.failedButOk );
+                m_xml.endElement();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void StartTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo& testInfo ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "TestCase" ).writeAttribute( "name", trim( testInfo.name ) );
+            m_currentTestSuccess = true;
+        }
+        virtual void Result( const Catch::AssertionResult& assertionResult ) {
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->includeSuccessfulResults() && assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok )
+                return;
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Expression" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "success", assertionResult.succeeded() )
+                    .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                    .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Original" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpression() );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Expanded" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpandedExpression() );
+                m_currentTestSuccess &= assertionResult.succeeded();
+            }
+            switch( assertionResult.getResultType() ) {
+                case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Exception" )
+                        .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                        .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Info:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Info" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Warning" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Failure" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                case ResultWas::Ok:
+                case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                case ResultWas::Exception:
+                case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                    break;
+            }
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() )
+                m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void Aborted() {
+            // !TBD
+        }
+        virtual void EndTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo&, const Totals&, const std::string&, const std::string& ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResult" ).writeAttribute( "success", m_currentTestSuccess );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+    private:
+        ReporterConfig m_config;
+        bool m_currentTestSuccess;
+        XmlWriter m_xml;
+        int m_sectionDepth;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_junit.hpp
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class JunitReporter : public CumulativeReporterBase {
+    public:
+        JunitReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   CumulativeReporterBase( _config ),
+            xml( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~JunitReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results in an XML format that looks like Ant's junitreport target";
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& /*spec*/ ) {}
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = true;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& runInfo ) {
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testRunStarting( runInfo );
+            xml.startElement( "testsuites" );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+            suiteTimer.start();
+            stdOutForSuite.str("");
+            stdErrForSuite.str("");
+            unexpectedExceptions = 0;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupStarting( groupInfo );
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::ThrewException )
+                unexpectedExceptions++;
+            return CumulativeReporterBase::assertionEnded( assertionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            stdOutForSuite << testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            stdErrForSuite << testCaseStats.stdErr;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testCaseEnded( testCaseStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            double suiteTime = suiteTimer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupEnded( testGroupStats );
+            writeGroup( *m_testGroups.back(), suiteTime );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() {
+            xml.endElement();
+        }
+        void writeGroup( TestGroupNode const& groupNode, double suiteTime ) {
+            XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testsuite" );
+            TestGroupStats const& stats = groupNode.value;
+            xml.writeAttribute( "name", stats.groupInfo.name );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "errors", unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "failures", stats.totals.assertions.failed-unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "tests", stats.totals.assertions.total() );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "hostname", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Never )
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", "" );
+            else
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", suiteTime );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "timestamp", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            // Write test cases
+            for( TestGroupNode::ChildNodes::const_iterator
+                    it = groupNode.children.begin(), itEnd = groupNode.children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeTestCase( **it );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( stdOutForSuite.str() ), false );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( stdErrForSuite.str() ), false );
+        }
+        void writeTestCase( TestCaseNode const& testCaseNode ) {
+            TestCaseStats const& stats = testCaseNode.value;
+            // All test cases have exactly one section - which represents the
+            // test case itself. That section may have 0-n nested sections
+            assert( testCaseNode.children.size() == 1 );
+            SectionNode const& rootSection = *testCaseNode.children.front();
+            std::string className = stats.testInfo.className;
+            if( className.empty() ) {
+                if( rootSection.childSections.empty() )
+                    className = "global";
+            }
+            writeSection( className, "", rootSection );
+        }
+        void writeSection(  std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& rootName,
+                            SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            std::string name = trim( sectionNode.stats.sectionInfo.name );
+            if( !rootName.empty() )
+                name = rootName + "/" + name;
+            if( !sectionNode.assertions.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() ) {
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testcase" );
+                if( className.empty() ) {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", name );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", "root" );
+                }
+                else {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", className );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", name );
+                }
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", toString( sectionNode.stats.durationInSeconds ) );
+                writeAssertions( sectionNode );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdOut ), false );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdErr ), false );
+            }
+            for( SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.childSections.begin(),
+                    itEnd = sectionNode.childSections.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( className.empty() )
+                    writeSection( name, "", **it );
+                else
+                    writeSection( className, name, **it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertions( SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            for( SectionNode::Assertions::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.assertions.begin(), itEnd = sectionNode.assertions.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeAssertion( *it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertion( AssertionStats const& stats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = stats.assertionResult;
+            if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                std::string elementName;
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        elementName = "error";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    // We should never see these here:
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        elementName = "internalError";
+                        break;
+                }
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( elementName );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "message", result.getExpandedExpression() );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "type", result.getTestMacroName() );
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                if( !result.getMessage().empty() )
+                    oss << result.getMessage() << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator
+                        it = stats.infoMessages.begin(),
+                        itEnd = stats.infoMessages.end();
+                            it != itEnd;
+                            ++it )
+                    if( it->type == ResultWas::Info )
+                        oss << it->message << "\n";
+                oss << "at " << result.getSourceInfo();
+                xml.writeText( oss.str(), false );
+            }
+        }
+        XmlWriter xml;
+        Timer suiteTimer;
+        std::ostringstream stdOutForSuite;
+        std::ostringstream stdErrForSuite;
+        unsigned int unexpectedExceptions;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "junit", JunitReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_console.hpp
+#include <cstring>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConsoleReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        ConsoleReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   StreamingReporterBase( _config ),
+            m_headerPrinted( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~ConsoleReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as plain lines of text";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            lazyPrint();
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionStarting( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& _sectionStats ) {
+            if( _sectionStats.missingAssertions ) {
+                lazyPrint();
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 )
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in section";
+                else
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in test case";
+                stream << " '" << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << "'\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            if( m_headerPrinted ) {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << "Completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+                m_headerPrinted = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << " completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionEnded( _sectionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& _testCaseStats ) {
+            StreamingReporterBase::testCaseEnded( _testCaseStats );
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& _testGroupStats ) {
+            if( currentGroupInfo.used ) {
+                printSummaryDivider();
+                stream << "Summary for group '" << _testGroupStats.groupInfo.name << "':\n";
+                printTotals( _testGroupStats.totals );
+                stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::testGroupEnded( _testGroupStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            printTotalsDivider( _testRunStats.totals );
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            :   stream( _stream ),
+                stats( _stats ),
+                result( _stats.assertionResult ),
+                colour( Colour::None ),
+                message( result.getMessage() ),
+                messages( _stats.infoMessages ),
+                printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        colour = Colour::Success;
+                        passOrFail = "PASSED";
+                        //if( result.hasMessage() )
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() ) {
+                            colour = Colour::Success;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED - but was ok";
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            colour = Colour::Error;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        }
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "due to unexpected exception with message";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "because no exception was thrown where one was expected";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        messageLabel = "info";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        messageLabel = "warning";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with messages";
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        passOrFail = "** internal error **";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            void print() const {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                if( stats.totals.assertions.total() > 0 ) {
+                    if( result.isOk() )
+                        stream << "\n";
+                    printResultType();
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                    printReconstructedExpression();
+                }
+                else {
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+                printMessage();
+            }
+        private:
+            void printResultType() const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << passOrFail << ":\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::OriginalExpression );
+                    stream  << "  ";
+                    stream << result.getExpressionInMacro();
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    stream << "with expansion:\n";
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::ReconstructedExpression );
+                    stream << Text( result.getExpandedExpression(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() const {
+                if( !messageLabel.empty() )
+                    stream << messageLabel << ":" << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = messages.begin(), itEnd = messages.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || it->type != ResultWas::Info )
+                        stream << Text( it->message, TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ": ";
+            }
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            Colour::Code colour;
+            std::string passOrFail;
+            std::string messageLabel;
+            std::string message;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        void lazyPrint() {
+            if( !currentTestRunInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintRunInfo();
+            if( !currentGroupInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintGroupInfo();
+            if( !m_headerPrinted ) {
+                printTestCaseAndSectionHeader();
+                m_headerPrinted = true;
+            }
+        }
+        void lazyPrintRunInfo() {
+            stream  << "\n" << getLineOfChars<'~'>() << "\n";
+            Colour colour( Colour::SecondaryText );
+            stream  << currentTestRunInfo->name
+                    << " is a Catch v"  << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                    << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " b"
+                    << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                stream << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << ")";
+            stream  << " host application.\n"
+                    << "Run with -? for options\n\n";
+            currentTestRunInfo.used = true;
+        }
+        void lazyPrintGroupInfo() {
+            if( !currentGroupInfo->name.empty() && currentGroupInfo->groupsCounts > 1 ) {
+                printClosedHeader( "Group: " + currentGroupInfo->name );
+                currentGroupInfo.used = true;
+            }
+        }
+        void printTestCaseAndSectionHeader() {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            printOpenHeader( currentTestCaseInfo->name );
+            if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 ) {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                std::vector<SectionInfo>::const_iterator
+                    it = m_sectionStack.begin()+1, // Skip first section (test case)
+                    itEnd = m_sectionStack.end();
+                for( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    printHeaderString( it->name, 2 );
+            }
+            SourceLineInfo lineInfo = m_sectionStack.front().lineInfo;
+            if( !lineInfo.empty() ){
+                stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << lineInfo << "\n";
+            }
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        void printClosedHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            printOpenHeader( _name );
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        void printOpenHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            stream  << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                printHeaderString( _name );
+            }
+        }
+        // if string has a : in first line will set indent to follow it on
+        // subsequent lines
+        void printHeaderString( std::string const& _string, std::size_t indent = 0 ) {
+            std::size_t i = _string.find( ": " );
+            if( i != std::string::npos )
+                i+=2;
+            else
+                i = 0;
+            stream << Text( _string, TextAttributes()
+                                        .setIndent( indent+i)
+                                        .setInitialIndent( indent ) ) << "\n";
+        }
+        struct SummaryColumn {
+            SummaryColumn( std::string const& _label, Colour::Code _colour )
+            :   label( _label ),
+                colour( _colour )
+            {}
+            SummaryColumn addRow( std::size_t count ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << count;
+                std::string row = oss.str();
+                for( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = rows.begin(); it != rows.end(); ++it ) {
+                    while( it->size() < row.size() )
+                        *it = " " + *it;
+                    while( it->size() > row.size() )
+                        row = " " + row;
+                }
+                rows.push_back( row );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            std::string label;
+            Colour::Code colour;
+            std::vector<std::string> rows;
+        };
+        void printTotals( Totals const& totals ) {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << "No tests ran\n";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() > 0 && totals.assertions.allPassed() ) {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::ResultSuccess ) << "All tests passed";
+                stream << " ("
+                        << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << " in "
+                        << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case" ) << ")"
+                        << "\n";
+            }
+            else {
+                std::vector<SummaryColumn> columns;
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "", Colour::None )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.total() )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.total() ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "passed", Colour::Success )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.passed )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.passed ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "failed", Colour::ResultError )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.failed )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.failed ) );
+                columns.push_back( SummaryColumn( "failed as expected", Colour::ResultExpectedFailure )
+                                        .addRow( totals.testCases.failedButOk )
+                                        .addRow( totals.assertions.failedButOk ) );
+                printSummaryRow( "test cases", columns, 0 );
+                printSummaryRow( "assertions", columns, 1 );
+            }
+        }
+        void printSummaryRow( std::string const& label, std::vector<SummaryColumn> const& cols, std::size_t row ) {
+            for( std::vector<SummaryColumn>::const_iterator it = cols.begin(); it != cols.end(); ++it ) {
+                std::string value = it->rows[row];
+                if( it->label.empty() ) {
+                    stream << label << ": ";
+                    if( value != "0" )
+                        stream << value;
+                    else
+                        stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << "- none -";
+                }
+                else if( value != "0" ) {
+                    stream  << Colour( Colour::LightGrey ) << " | ";
+                    stream  << Colour( it->colour )
+                            << value << " " << it->label;
+                }
+            }
+            stream << "\n";
+        }
+        static std::size_t makeRatio( std::size_t number, std::size_t total ) {
+            std::size_t ratio = total > 0 ? CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH * number/ total : 0;
+            return ( ratio == 0 && number > 0 ) ? 1 : ratio;
+        }
+        static std::size_t& findMax( std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j, std::size_t& k ) {
+            if( i > j && i > k )
+                return i;
+            else if( j > k )
+                return j;
+            else
+                return k;
+        }
+        void printTotalsDivider( Totals const& totals ) {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() > 0 ) {
+                std::size_t failedRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.failed, totals.testCases.total() );
+                std::size_t failedButOkRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.failedButOk, totals.testCases.total() );
+                std::size_t passedRatio = makeRatio( totals.testCases.passed, totals.testCases.total() );
+                while( failedRatio + failedButOkRatio + passedRatio < CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 )
+                    findMax( failedRatio, failedButOkRatio, passedRatio )++;
+                while( failedRatio + failedButOkRatio + passedRatio > CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 )
+                    findMax( failedRatio, failedButOkRatio, passedRatio )--;
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Error ) << std::string( failedRatio, '=' );
+                stream << Colour( Colour::ResultExpectedFailure ) << std::string( failedButOkRatio, '=' );
+                if( totals.testCases.allPassed() )
+                    stream << Colour( Colour::ResultSuccess ) << std::string( passedRatio, '=' );
+                else
+                    stream << Colour( Colour::Success ) << std::string( passedRatio, '=' );
+            }
+            else {
+                stream << Colour( Colour::Warning ) << std::string( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1, '=' );
+            }
+            stream << "\n";
+        }
+        void printSummaryDivider() {
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        template<char C>
+        static char const* getLineOfChars() {
+            static char line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH] = {0};
+            if( !*line ) {
+                memset( line, C, CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 );
+                line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1] = 0;
+            }
+            return line;
+        }
+    private:
+        bool m_headerPrinted;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "console", ConsoleReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_compact.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct CompactReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        CompactReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        : StreamingReporterBase( _config )
+        {}
+        virtual ~CompactReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results on a single line, suitable for IDEs";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            : stream( _stream )
+            , stats( _stats )
+            , result( _stats.assertionResult )
+            , messages( _stats.infoMessages )
+            , itMessage( _stats.infoMessages.begin() )
+            , printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {}
+            void print() {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                itMessage = messages.begin();
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, passedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        if ( ! result.hasExpression() )
+                            printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        else
+                            printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() )
+                            printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, failedString() + std::string( " - but was ok" ) );
+                        else
+                            printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "unexpected exception with message:" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "expected exception, got none" );
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "info" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "warning" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "explicitly" );
+                        printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, "** internal error **" );
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            // Colour::LightGrey
+            static Colour::Code dimColour() { return Colour::FileName; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "FAILED"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "PASSED"; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "failed"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "passed"; }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ":";
+            }
+            void printResultType( Colour::Code colour, std::string passOrFail ) const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                        stream << " " << passOrFail;
+                    }
+                    stream << ":";
+                }
+            }
+            void printIssue( std::string issue ) const {
+                stream << " " << issue;
+            }
+            void printExpressionWas() {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << ";";
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " expression was:";
+                    }
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << " " << result.getExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " for: ";
+                    }
+                    stream << result.getExpandedExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() {
+                if ( itMessage != messages.end() ) {
+                    stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                    ++itMessage;
+                }
+            }
+            void printRemainingMessages( Colour::Code colour = dimColour() ) {
+                if ( itMessage == messages.end() )
+                    return;
+                // using messages.end() directly yields compilation error:
+                std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itEnd = messages.end();
+                const std::size_t N = static_cast<std::size_t>( std::distance( itMessage, itEnd ) );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << " with " << pluralise( N, "message" ) << ":";
+                }
+                for(; itMessage != itEnd; ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || itMessage->type != ResultWas::Info ) {
+                        stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                        if ( ++itMessage != itEnd ) {
+                            Colour colourGuard( dimColour() );
+                            stream << " and";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itMessage;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        // Colour, message variants:
+        // - white: No tests ran.
+        // -   red: Failed [both/all] N test cases, failed [both/all] M assertions.
+        // - white: Passed [both/all] N test cases (no assertions).
+        // -   red: Failed N tests cases, failed M assertions.
+        // - green: Passed [both/all] N tests cases with M assertions.
+        std::string bothOrAll( std::size_t count ) const {
+            return count == 1 ? "" : count == 2 ? "both " : "all " ;
+        }
+        void printTotals( const Totals& totals ) const {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << "No tests ran.";
+            }
+            else if( totals.testCases.failed == totals.testCases.total() ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                const std::string qualify_assertions_failed =
+                    totals.assertions.failed == totals.assertions.total() ?
+                        bothOrAll( totals.assertions.failed ) : "";
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.failed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << qualify_assertions_failed <<
+                                 pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.total() )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.total(), "test case" )
+                              << " (no assertions).";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.failed ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultSuccess );
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.passed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case"  ) <<
+                    " with "  << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "compact", CompactReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    NonCopyable::~NonCopyable() {}
+    IShared::~IShared() {}
+    StreamBufBase::~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+    IContext::~IContext() {}
+    IResultCapture::~IResultCapture() {}
+    ITestCase::~ITestCase() {}
+    ITestCaseRegistry::~ITestCaseRegistry() {}
+    IRegistryHub::~IRegistryHub() {}
+    IMutableRegistryHub::~IMutableRegistryHub() {}
+    IExceptionTranslator::~IExceptionTranslator() {}
+    IExceptionTranslatorRegistry::~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {}
+    IReporter::~IReporter() {}
+    IReporterFactory::~IReporterFactory() {}
+    IReporterRegistry::~IReporterRegistry() {}
+    IStreamingReporter::~IStreamingReporter() {}
+    AssertionStats::~AssertionStats() {}
+    SectionStats::~SectionStats() {}
+    TestCaseStats::~TestCaseStats() {}
+    TestGroupStats::~TestGroupStats() {}
+    TestRunStats::~TestRunStats() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::SectionNode::~SectionNode() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::~CumulativeReporterBase() {}
+    StreamingReporterBase::~StreamingReporterBase() {}
+    ConsoleReporter::~ConsoleReporter() {}
+    CompactReporter::~CompactReporter() {}
+    IRunner::~IRunner() {}
+    IMutableContext::~IMutableContext() {}
+    IConfig::~IConfig() {}
+    XmlReporter::~XmlReporter() {}
+    JunitReporter::~JunitReporter() {}
+    TestRegistry::~TestRegistry() {}
+    FreeFunctionTestCase::~FreeFunctionTestCase() {}
+    IGeneratorInfo::~IGeneratorInfo() {}
+    IGeneratorsForTest::~IGeneratorsForTest() {}
+    TestSpec::Pattern::~Pattern() {}
+    TestSpec::NamePattern::~NamePattern() {}
+    TestSpec::TagPattern::~TagPattern() {}
+    TestSpec::ExcludedPattern::~ExcludedPattern() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Equals::~Equals() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Contains::~Contains() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::StartsWith::~StartsWith() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::EndsWith::~EndsWith() {}
+    void Config::dummy() {}
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: internal/catch_default_main.hpp
+#ifndef __OBJC__
+// Standard C/C++ main entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    return Catch::Session().run( argc, argv );
+#else // __OBJC__
+// Objective-C entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+    Catch::registerTestMethods();
+    int result = Catch::Session().run( argc, (char* const*)argv );
+    [pool drain];
+    return result;
+#endif // __OBJC__
+// If this config identifier is defined then all CATCH macros are prefixed with CATCH_
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CATCH_CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_WARN", msg )
+#define CATCH_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+#define CATCH_SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", msg )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", msg )
+#define CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( ... ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( name, tags ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO_METHOD( className, name, tags ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define CATCH_GIVEN( desc )    CATCH_SECTION( "Given: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_WHEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " When: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_WHEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_THEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " Then: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_THEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+// If CATCH_CONFIG_PREFIX_ALL is not defined then the CATCH_ prefix is not required
+#define REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE" )
+#define REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK" )
+#define CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::FalseTest, "CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THAT" )
+#define REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "WARN", msg )
+#define SCOPED_INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+#define SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", msg )
+    #define SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", msg )
+#define REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define SCENARIO( ... ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SCENARIO_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SCENARIO( name, tags ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define SCENARIO_METHOD( className, name, tags ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define GIVEN( desc )    SECTION( "   Given: " desc, "" )
+#define WHEN( desc )     SECTION( "    When: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_WHEN( desc ) SECTION( "And when: " desc, "" )
+#define THEN( desc )     SECTION( "    Then: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_THEN( desc ) SECTION( "     And: " desc, "" )
+using Catch::Detail::Approx;
+// #included from: internal/catch_reenable_warnings.h
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#elif defined __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/include/utils.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/utils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..662155a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/utils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+inline std::string with_data_dir(const char* filename) {
+    const char* data_dir = getenv("OSMIUM_TEST_DATA_DIR");
+    std::string result;
+    if (data_dir) {
+        result = data_dir;
+        result += '/';
+    }
+    result += filename;
+    return result;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/include/win_mkstemp.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/win_mkstemp.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..693c266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/include/win_mkstemp.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * mkstemp.c
+ *
+ * Provides a trivial replacement for the POSIX `mkstemp()' function,
+ * suitable for use in MinGW (Win32) applications.
+ *
+ * This file is part of the MinGW32 package set.
+ *
+ * Contributed by Keith Marshall <keithmarshall at users.sourceforge.net>
+ * Patched to VS2013 by alex85k
+ *
+ * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may
+ * use, modify or distribute it freely.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but
+ * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of
+ */
+#ifndef WIN_MKSTEMP_H
+#define WIN_MKSTEMP_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <share.h>
+inline int mkstemp( char *templ )
+  int maxtry = 26, rtn = -1;
+  while( maxtry-- && (rtn < 0) )
+  {
+    char *r = _mktemp( templ );
+    if( r == NULL )
+      return -1;
+    rtn = sopen( r, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_BINARY, SH_DENYRW, 0600 );
+  }
+  return rtn;
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_area_id.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_area_id.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbd8d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_area_id.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/area.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("area_id") {
+    SECTION("object_id_to_area_id_conversion") {
+        REQUIRE( 46 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id( 23, osmium::item_type::way));
+        REQUIRE( 47 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id( 23, osmium::item_type::relation));
+        REQUIRE(  0 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id(  0, osmium::item_type::way));
+        REQUIRE(  1 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id(  0, osmium::item_type::relation));
+        REQUIRE(-24 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id(-12, osmium::item_type::way));
+        REQUIRE(-25 == osmium::object_id_to_area_id(-12, osmium::item_type::relation));
+    }
+    SECTION("area_id_to_object_id_conversion") {
+        REQUIRE( 23 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id( 46));
+        REQUIRE( 23 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id( 47));
+        REQUIRE(  0 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id(  0));
+        REQUIRE(  0 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id(  1));
+        REQUIRE(-12 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id(-24));
+        REQUIRE(-12 == osmium::area_id_to_object_id(-25));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_node_ref_segment.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_node_ref_segment.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3097687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/area/test_node_ref_segment.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/area/detail/node_ref_segment.hpp>
+using osmium::area::detail::NodeRefSegment;
+TEST_CASE("NodeRefSegmentClass") {
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_default_parameters") {
+        NodeRefSegment s;
+        REQUIRE(s.first().ref() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(s.first().location() == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(s.second().ref() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(s.second().location() == osmium::Location());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation") {
+        osmium::NodeRef nr1(1, { 1.2, 3.4 });
+        osmium::NodeRef nr2(2, { 1.4, 3.1 });
+        osmium::NodeRef nr3(3, { 1.2, 3.6 });
+        osmium::NodeRef nr4(4, { 1.2, 3.7 });
+        NodeRefSegment s1(nr1, nr2, nullptr, nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(s1.first().ref() == 1);
+        REQUIRE(s1.second().ref() == 2);
+        NodeRefSegment s2(nr2, nr3, nullptr, nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(s2.first().ref() == 3);
+        REQUIRE(s2.second().ref() == 2);
+        NodeRefSegment s3(nr3, nr4, nullptr, nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(s3.first().ref() == 3);
+        REQUIRE(s3.second().ref() == 4);
+    }
+    SECTION("intersection") {
+        NodeRefSegment s1({ 1, {0.0, 0.0}}, { 2, {2.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s2({ 3, {0.0, 2.0}}, { 4, {2.0, 0.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s3({ 5, {2.0, 0.0}}, { 6, {4.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s4({ 7, {1.0, 0.0}}, { 8, {3.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s5({ 9, {0.0, 4.0}}, {10, {4.0, 0.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s6({11, {0.0, 0.0}}, {12, {1.0, 1.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        NodeRefSegment s7({13, {1.0, 1.0}}, {14, {3.0, 3.0}}, nullptr, nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s2) == osmium::Location(1.0, 1.0));
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s3) == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s2, s3) == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s4) == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s5) == osmium::Location(2.0, 2.0));
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s1) == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s6) == osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(calculate_intersection(s1, s7) == osmium::Location());
+    }
+    SECTION("to_left_of") {
+        osmium::Location loc { 2.0, 2.0 };
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {0.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {4.0, 0.0}}, {1, {4.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 0.0}}, {1, {1.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {1.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {2.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {3.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {4.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {4.0, 3.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 3.0}}, {1, {2.0, 0.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 3.0}}, {1, {3.0, 1.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 3.0}}, {1, {3.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {2.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {2.0, 0.0}}, {1, {2.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {2.0, 0.0}}, {1, {2.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {2.0, 2.0}}, {1, {2.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {0.0, 1.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 0.0}}, {1, {0.0, 1.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {1.0, 3.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {2.0, 0.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {3.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {1.0, 0.0}}, {1, {1.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {1.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {1.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 0.0}}, {1, {0.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc));
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 2.0}}, {1, {4.0, 4.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {0.0, 1.0}}, {1, {2.0, 2.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+        REQUIRE(NodeRefSegment({0, {2.0, 2.0}}, {1, {4.0, 0.0}}, nullptr, nullptr).to_left_of(loc) == false);
+    }
+    SECTION("ordering") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref1(1, { 1.0, 3.0 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref2(2, { 1.4, 2.9 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref3(3, { 1.2, 3.0 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref4(4, { 1.2, 3.3 });
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 < node_ref2);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref2 < node_ref3);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 < node_ref3);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 >= node_ref1);
+        REQUIRE( osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref2));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_less()(node_ref2, node_ref3));
+        REQUIRE( osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref3));
+        REQUIRE( osmium::location_less()(node_ref3, node_ref4));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref1));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/helper.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/helper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61e0769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/helper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+inline void add_tags(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, osmium::builder::Builder& builder, const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags) {
+    osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(buffer, &builder);
+    for (auto& tag : tags) {
+        tl_builder.add_tag(tag.first, tag.second);
+    }
+inline osmium::Node& buffer_add_node(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, const char* user, const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags, const osmium::Location& location) {
+    osmium::builder::NodeBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object().set_location(location);
+inline osmium::Way& buffer_add_way(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, const char* user, const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags, const std::vector<osmium::object_id_type>& nodes) {
+    osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    osmium::builder::WayNodeListBuilder wnl_builder(buffer, &builder);
+    for (const osmium::object_id_type ref : nodes) {
+        wnl_builder.add_node_ref(ref);
+    }
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object();
+inline osmium::Way& buffer_add_way(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, const char* user, const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags, const std::vector<std::pair<osmium::object_id_type, osmium::Location>>& nodes) {
+    osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    osmium::builder::WayNodeListBuilder wnl_builder(buffer, &builder);
+    for (auto& p : nodes) {
+        wnl_builder.add_node_ref(p.first, p.second);
+    }
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object();
+inline osmium::Relation& buffer_add_relation(
+        osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer,
+        const char* user,
+        const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags, const std::vector<std::tuple<char, osmium::object_id_type, const char*>>& members) {
+    osmium::builder::RelationBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    osmium::builder::RelationMemberListBuilder rml_builder(buffer, &builder);
+    for (const auto& member : members) {
+        rml_builder.add_member(osmium::char_to_item_type(std::get<0>(member)), std::get<1>(member), std::get<2>(member));
+    }
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object();
+inline osmium::Area& buffer_add_area(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, const char* user,
+        const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags,
+        const std::vector<std::pair<bool,
+            std::vector<std::pair<osmium::object_id_type, osmium::Location>>>>& rings) {
+    osmium::builder::AreaBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    for (auto& ring : rings) {
+        if (ring.first) {
+            osmium::builder::OuterRingBuilder ring_builder(buffer, &builder);
+            for (auto& p : ring.second) {
+                ring_builder.add_node_ref(p.first, p.second);
+            }
+        } else {
+            osmium::builder::InnerRingBuilder ring_builder(buffer, &builder);
+            for (auto& p : ring.second) {
+                ring_builder.add_node_ref(p.first, p.second);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object();
+inline osmium::Changeset& buffer_add_changeset(osmium::memory::Buffer& buffer, const char* user, const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>>& tags) {
+    osmium::builder::ChangesetBuilder builder(buffer);
+    builder.add_user(user);
+    add_tags(buffer, builder, tags);
+    buffer.commit();
+    return builder.object();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_box.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_box.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8182fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_box.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <osmium/osm/box.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/relations.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Box") {
+    SECTION("instantiation") {
+        osmium::Box b;
+        REQUIRE(!b);
+        REQUIRE(!b.bottom_left());
+        REQUIRE(!b.top_right());
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(b.size(), osmium::invalid_location);
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_and_extend_with_undefined") {
+        osmium::Box b;
+        REQUIRE(!b);
+        b.extend(osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(!b.bottom_left());
+        REQUIRE(!b.top_right());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_and_extend") {
+        osmium::Box b;
+        osmium::Location loc1 { 1.2, 3.4 };
+        b.extend(loc1);
+        REQUIRE(!!b);
+        REQUIRE(!!b.bottom_left());
+        REQUIRE(!!b.top_right());
+        REQUIRE(b.contains(loc1));
+        osmium::Location loc2 { 3.4, 4.5 };
+        osmium::Location loc3 { 5.6, 7.8 };
+        b.extend(loc2);
+        b.extend(loc3);
+        REQUIRE(b.bottom_left() == osmium::Location(1.2, 3.4));
+        REQUIRE(b.top_right() == osmium::Location(5.6, 7.8));
+        // extend with undefined doesn't change anything
+        b.extend(osmium::Location());
+        REQUIRE(b.bottom_left() == osmium::Location(1.2, 3.4));
+        REQUIRE(b.top_right() == osmium::Location(5.6, 7.8));
+        REQUIRE(b.contains(loc1));
+        REQUIRE(b.contains(loc2));
+        REQUIRE(b.contains(loc3));
+    }
+    SECTION("output_defined") {
+        osmium::Box b;
+        b.extend(osmium::Location(1.2, 3.4));
+        b.extend(osmium::Location(5.6, 7.8));
+        std::stringstream out;
+        out << b;
+        REQUIRE(out.str() == "(1.2,3.4,5.6,7.8)");
+        REQUIRE(b.size() == Approx(19.36).epsilon(0.000001));
+    }
+    SECTION("output_undefined") {
+        osmium::Box b;
+        std::stringstream out;
+        out << b;
+        REQUIRE(out.str() == "(undefined)");
+    }
+    SECTION("box_inside_box") {
+        osmium::Box outer;
+        outer.extend(osmium::Location(1, 1));
+        outer.extend(osmium::Location(10, 10));
+        osmium::Box inner;
+        inner.extend(osmium::Location(2, 2));
+        inner.extend(osmium::Location(4, 4));
+        osmium::Box overlap;
+        overlap.extend(osmium::Location(3, 3));
+        overlap.extend(osmium::Location(5, 5));
+        REQUIRE( osmium::geom::contains(inner, outer));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::geom::contains(outer, inner));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::geom::contains(overlap, inner));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::geom::contains(inner, overlap));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_changeset.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_changeset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2549c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_changeset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/changeset.hpp>
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("Basic_Changeset") {
+SECTION("changeset_builder") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10 * 1000);
+    osmium::Changeset& cs1 = buffer_add_changeset(buffer,
+        "user",
+        {{"comment", "foo"}});
+    cs1.set_id(42)
+       .set_created_at(100)
+       .set_closed_at(200)
+       .set_num_changes(7)
+       .set_uid(9);
+    REQUIRE(42 == cs1.id());
+    REQUIRE(9 == cs1.uid());
+    REQUIRE(7 == cs1.num_changes());
+    REQUIRE(true == cs1.closed());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Timestamp(100) == cs1.created_at());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Timestamp(200) == cs1.closed_at());
+    REQUIRE(1 == cs1.tags().size());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("user") == cs1.user());
+    osmium::Changeset& cs2 = buffer_add_changeset(buffer,
+        "user",
+        {{"comment", "foo"}, {"foo", "bar"}});
+    cs2.set_id(43)
+       .set_created_at(120)
+       .set_num_changes(21)
+       .set_uid(9);
+    REQUIRE(43 == cs2.id());
+    REQUIRE(9 == cs2.uid());
+    REQUIRE(21 == cs2.num_changes());
+    REQUIRE(false == cs2.closed());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Timestamp(120) == cs2.created_at());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Timestamp() == cs2.closed_at());
+    REQUIRE(2 == cs2.tags().size());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("user") == cs2.user());
+    REQUIRE(cs1 != cs2);
+    REQUIRE(cs1 < cs2);
+    REQUIRE(cs1 <= cs2);
+    REQUIRE(false == (cs1 > cs2));
+    REQUIRE(false == (cs1 >= cs2));
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_entity_bits.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_entity_bits.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f15068b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_entity_bits.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/entity_bits.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("entity_bits") {
+    SECTION("can_be_set_and_checked") {
+        osmium::osm_entity_bits::type entities = osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way;
+        REQUIRE(entities == (osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way));
+        entities |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::relation;
+        REQUIRE((entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::object));
+        entities |= osmium::osm_entity_bits::area;
+        REQUIRE(entities == osmium::osm_entity_bits::object);
+        REQUIRE(! (entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::changeset));
+        entities &= osmium::osm_entity_bits::node;
+        REQUIRE((entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::node));
+        REQUIRE(! (entities & osmium::osm_entity_bits::way));
+        REQUIRE(entities == osmium::osm_entity_bits::node);
+        REQUIRE(osmium::osm_entity_bits::node      == osmium::osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(osmium::item_type::node));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::osm_entity_bits::way       == osmium::osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(osmium::item_type::way));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::osm_entity_bits::relation  == osmium::osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(osmium::item_type::relation));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::osm_entity_bits::changeset == osmium::osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(osmium::item_type::changeset));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::osm_entity_bits::area      == osmium::osm_entity_bits::from_item_type(osmium::item_type::area));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_location.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_location.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd8d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_location.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <osmium/osm/location.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Location") {
+// fails on MSVC and doesn't really matter
+// static_assert(std::is_literal_type<osmium::Location>::value, "osmium::Location not literal type");
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_default_parameters") {
+        osmium::Location loc;
+        REQUIRE(!loc);
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.lon(), osmium::invalid_location);
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.lat(), osmium::invalid_location);
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters") {
+        osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5);
+        REQUIRE(!!loc1);
+        REQUIRE(12000000 == loc1.x());
+        REQUIRE(45000000 == loc1.y());
+        REQUIRE(1.2 == loc1.lon());
+        REQUIRE(4.5 == loc1.lat());
+        osmium::Location loc2(loc1);
+        REQUIRE(4.5 == loc2.lat());
+        osmium::Location loc3 = loc1;
+        REQUIRE(4.5 == loc3.lat());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_constructor_with_universal_initializer") {
+        osmium::Location loc { 2.2, 3.3 };
+        REQUIRE(2.2 == loc.lon());
+        REQUIRE(3.3 == loc.lat());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_constructor_with_initializer_list") {
+        osmium::Location loc({ 4.4, 5.5 });
+        REQUIRE(4.4 == loc.lon());
+        REQUIRE(5.5 == loc.lat());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_operator_equal") {
+        osmium::Location loc = { 5.5, 6.6 };
+        REQUIRE(5.5 == loc.lon());
+        REQUIRE(6.6 == loc.lat());
+    }
+    SECTION("equality") {
+        osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5);
+        osmium::Location loc2(1.2, 4.5);
+        osmium::Location loc3(1.5, 1.5);
+        REQUIRE(loc1 == loc2);
+        REQUIRE(loc1 != loc3);
+    }
+    SECTION("order") {
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-1.2, 10.0) < osmium::Location(1.2, 10.0));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(1.2, 10.0) > osmium::Location(-1.2, 10.0));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(10.2, 20.0) < osmium::Location(11.2, 20.2));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(10.2, 20.2) < osmium::Location(11.2, 20.0));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(11.2, 20.2) > osmium::Location(10.2, 20.0));
+    }
+    SECTION("validity") {
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(0.0, 0.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(1.2, 4.5).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-1.2, 4.5).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-180.0, -90.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(180.0, -90.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-180.0, 90.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::Location(180.0, 90.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(200.0, 4.5).valid());
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(-1.2, -100.0).valid());
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(-180.0, 90.005).valid());
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_iterator_comma_separator") {
+        char buffer[100];
+        osmium::Location loc(-3.2, 47.3);
+        *loc.as_string(buffer, ',') = 0;
+        REQUIRE(std::string("-3.2,47.3") == buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_iterator_space_separator") {
+        char buffer[100];
+        osmium::Location loc(0.0, 7.0);
+        *loc.as_string(buffer, ' ') = 0;
+        REQUIRE(std::string("0 7") == buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_iterator_check_precision") {
+        char buffer[100];
+        osmium::Location loc(-179.9999999, -90.0);
+        *loc.as_string(buffer, ' ') = 0;
+        REQUIRE(std::string("-179.9999999 -90") == buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_iterator_undefined_location") {
+        char buffer[100];
+        osmium::Location loc;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.as_string(buffer, ','), osmium::invalid_location);
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_string_comman_separator") {
+        std::string s;
+        osmium::Location loc(-3.2, 47.3);
+        loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ',');
+        REQUIRE(s == "-3.2,47.3");
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_string_space_separator") {
+        std::string s;
+        osmium::Location loc(0.0, 7.0);
+        loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ' ');
+        REQUIRE(s == "0 7");
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_string_check_precision") {
+        std::string s;
+        osmium::Location loc(-179.9999999, -90.0);
+        loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ' ');
+        REQUIRE(s == "-179.9999999 -90");
+    }
+    SECTION("output_to_string_undefined_location") {
+        std::string s;
+        osmium::Location loc;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ','), osmium::invalid_location);
+    }
+    SECTION("output_defined") {
+        osmium::Location p(-3.2, 47.3);
+        std::stringstream out;
+        out << p;
+        REQUIRE(out.str() == "(-3.2,47.3)");
+    }
+    SECTION("output_undefined") {
+        osmium::Location p;
+        std::stringstream out;
+        out << p;
+        REQUIRE(out.str() == "(undefined,undefined)");
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2c899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/node.hpp>
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("Basic_Node") {
+SECTION("node_builder") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Node& node = buffer_add_node(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {{"amenity", "pub"}, {"name", "OSM BAR"}},
+        {3.5, 4.7});
+    node.set_id(17)
+        .set_version(3)
+        .set_visible(true)
+        .set_changeset(333)
+        .set_uid(21)
+        .set_timestamp(123);
+    REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+    REQUIRE(node.type_is_in(osmium::osm_entity_bits::node));
+    REQUIRE(node.type_is_in(osmium::osm_entity_bits::nwr));
+    REQUIRE(17l == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(17ul == node.positive_id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == node.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(false == node.deleted());
+    REQUIRE(333 == node.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == node.uid());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("foo") == node.user());
+    REQUIRE(123 == node.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Location(3.5, 4.7) == node.location());
+    REQUIRE(2 == node.tags().size());
+    node.set_visible(false);
+    REQUIRE(false == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.deleted());
+SECTION("node_default_attributes") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Node& node = buffer_add_node(buffer, "", {}, osmium::Location{});
+    REQUIRE(0l == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(0ul == node.positive_id());
+    REQUIRE(0 == node.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(0 == node.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(0 == node.uid());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("") == node.user());
+    REQUIRE(0 == node.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Location() == node.location());
+    REQUIRE(0 == node.tags().size());
+SECTION("set_node_attributes_from_string") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Node& node = buffer_add_node(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {{"amenity", "pub"}, {"name", "OSM BAR"}},
+        {3.5, 4.7});
+    node.set_id("-17")
+        .set_version("3")
+        .set_visible(true)
+        .set_changeset("333")
+        .set_uid("21");
+    REQUIRE(-17l == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(17ul == node.positive_id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == node.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(333 == node.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == node.uid());
+SECTION("large_id") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Node& node = buffer_add_node(buffer, "", {}, osmium::Location{});
+    int64_t id = 3000000000l;
+    node.set_id(id);
+    REQUIRE(id == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(static_cast<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type>(id) == node.positive_id());
+    node.set_id(-id);
+    REQUIRE(-id == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(static_cast<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type>(id) == node.positive_id());
+SECTION("tags") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Node& node = buffer_add_node(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {{"amenity", "pub"}, {"name", "OSM BAR"}},
+        {3.5, 4.7});
+    REQUIRE(nullptr == node.tags().get_value_by_key("fail"));
+    REQUIRE(std::string("pub") == node.tags().get_value_by_key("amenity"));
+    REQUIRE(std::string("pub") == node.get_value_by_key("amenity"));
+    REQUIRE(std::string("default") == node.tags().get_value_by_key("fail", "default"));
+    REQUIRE(std::string("pub") == node.tags().get_value_by_key("amenity", "default"));
+    REQUIRE(std::string("pub") == node.get_value_by_key("amenity", "default"));
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node_ref.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node_ref.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7ccbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_node_ref.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/node_ref.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("NodeRef") {
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_default_parameters") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref;
+        REQUIRE(node_ref.ref() == 0);
+//    REQUIRE(!node_ref.has_location());
+    }
+    SECTION("instantiation_with_id") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref(7);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref.ref() == 7);
+    }
+    SECTION("equality") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref1(7, { 1.2, 3.4 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref2(7, { 1.4, 3.1 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref3(9, { 1.2, 3.4 });
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 == node_ref2);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 != node_ref3);
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_equal()(node_ref1, node_ref2));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_equal()(node_ref2, node_ref3));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::location_equal()(node_ref1, node_ref3));
+    }
+    SECTION("set_location") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref(7);
+        REQUIRE(!node_ref.location().valid());
+        REQUIRE(node_ref.location() == osmium::Location());
+        node_ref.set_location(osmium::Location(13.5, -7.2));
+        REQUIRE(node_ref.location().lon() == 13.5);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref.location().valid());
+    }
+    SECTION("ordering") {
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref1(1, { 1.0, 3.0 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref2(2, { 1.4, 2.9 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref3(3, { 1.2, 3.0 });
+        osmium::NodeRef node_ref4(4, { 1.2, 3.3 });
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 < node_ref2);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref2 < node_ref3);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 < node_ref3);
+        REQUIRE(node_ref1 >= node_ref1);
+        REQUIRE(osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref2));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_less()(node_ref2, node_ref3));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref3));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::location_less()(node_ref3, node_ref4));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::location_less()(node_ref1, node_ref1));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_object_comparisons.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_object_comparisons.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfdcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_object_comparisons.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/object_comparisons.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Object_Comparisons") {
+    SECTION("order") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10 * 1000);
+        {
+            // add node 1
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add node 2
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        auto it = buffer.begin();
+        osmium::Node& node1 = static_cast<osmium::Node&>(*it);
+        osmium::Node& node2 = static_cast<osmium::Node&>(*(++it));
+        node1.set_id(10);
+        node1.set_version(1);
+        node2.set_id(15);
+        node2.set_version(2);
+        REQUIRE(true == (node1 < node2));
+        REQUIRE(false == (node1 > node2));
+        node1.set_id(20);
+        node1.set_version(1);
+        node2.set_id(20);
+        node2.set_version(2);
+        REQUIRE(true == (node1 < node2));
+        REQUIRE(false == (node1 > node2));
+        node1.set_id(-10);
+        node1.set_version(2);
+        node2.set_id(-15);
+        node2.set_version(1);
+        REQUIRE(true == (node1 < node2));
+        REQUIRE(false == (node1 > node2));
+    }
+    SECTION("order_types") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10 * 1000);
+        {
+            // add node 1
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Node& node = node_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+            node.set_id(3);
+            node.set_version(3);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add node 2
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Node& node = node_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+            node.set_id(3);
+            node.set_version(4);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add node 3
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Node& node = node_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+            node.set_id(3);
+            node.set_version(4);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add way
+            osmium::builder::WayBuilder way_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Way& way = way_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::way == way.type());
+            way.set_id(2);
+            way.set_version(2);
+            way_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add relation
+            osmium::builder::RelationBuilder relation_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Relation& relation = relation_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::relation == relation.type());
+            relation.set_id(1);
+            relation.set_version(1);
+            relation_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        auto it = buffer.begin();
+        const osmium::Node& node1 = static_cast<const osmium::Node&>(*it);
+        const osmium::Node& node2 = static_cast<const osmium::Node&>(*(++it));
+        const osmium::Node& node3 = static_cast<const osmium::Node&>(*(++it));
+        const osmium::Way& way = static_cast<const osmium::Way&>(*(++it));
+        const osmium::Relation& relation = static_cast<const osmium::Relation&>(*(++it));
+        REQUIRE(true == (node1 < node2));
+        REQUIRE(true == (node2 < way));
+        REQUIRE(false == (node2 > way));
+        REQUIRE(true == (way < relation));
+        REQUIRE(true == (node1 < relation));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_order_type_id_version()(node1, node2));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_order_type_id_reverse_version()(node2, node1));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_order_type_id_version()(node1, way));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_order_type_id_reverse_version()(node1, way));
+        REQUIRE(false == osmium::object_equal_type_id_version()(node1, node2));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_equal_type_id_version()(node2, node3));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_equal_type_id()(node1, node2));
+        REQUIRE(true == osmium::object_equal_type_id()(node2, node3));
+        REQUIRE(false == osmium::object_equal_type_id_version()(node1, way));
+        REQUIRE(false == osmium::object_equal_type_id_version()(node1, relation));
+        REQUIRE(false == osmium::object_equal_type_id()(node1, relation));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_relation.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_relation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c62a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_relation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/relation.hpp>
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("Basic_Relation") {
+SECTION("relation_builder") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Relation& relation = buffer_add_relation(buffer,
+        "foo", {
+            {"type", "multipolygon"},
+            {"name", "Sherwood Forest"}
+        }, {
+            std::make_tuple('w', 1, "inner"),
+            std::make_tuple('w', 2, ""),
+            std::make_tuple('w', 3, "outer")
+        });
+    relation.set_id(17)
+        .set_version(3)
+        .set_visible(true)
+        .set_changeset(333)
+        .set_uid(21)
+        .set_timestamp(123);
+    REQUIRE(17 == relation.id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == relation.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == relation.visible());
+    REQUIRE(333 == relation.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == relation.uid());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("foo") == relation.user());
+    REQUIRE(123 == relation.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(2 == relation.tags().size());
+    REQUIRE(3 == relation.members().size());
+    int n=1;
+    for (auto& member : relation.members()) {
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::way == member.type());
+        REQUIRE(n == member.ref());
+        switch (n) {
+            case 1:
+                REQUIRE(std::string("inner") == member.role());
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                REQUIRE(std::string("") == member.role());
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                REQUIRE(std::string("outer") == member.role());
+                break;
+            default:
+                REQUIRE(false);
+        }
+        ++n;
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_timestamp.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_timestamp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a04a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_timestamp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <osmium/osm/timestamp.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Timestamp") {
+    SECTION("can be default initialized to invalid value") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t;
+        REQUIRE(0 == t);
+        REQUIRE("" == t.to_iso());
+    }
+    SECTION("invalid value is zero") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t(static_cast<time_t>(0));
+        REQUIRE(0 == t);
+        REQUIRE("" == t.to_iso());
+    }
+    SECTION("can be initialized from time_t") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t(static_cast<time_t>(1));
+        REQUIRE(1 == t);
+        REQUIRE("1970-01-01T00:00:01Z" == t.to_iso());
+    }
+    SECTION("can be initialized from string") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z");
+        REQUIRE("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z" == t.to_iso());
+    }
+    SECTION("can be implicitly cast to time_t") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t(4242);
+        time_t x = t;
+        REQUIRE(x == 4242);
+    }
+    SECTION("uint32_t can be initialized from Timestamp") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t(4242);
+        uint32_t x { t };
+        REQUIRE(x == 4242);
+    }
+    SECTION("can be compared") {
+        osmium::Timestamp t1(10);
+        osmium::Timestamp t2(50);
+        REQUIRE(t1 < t2);
+    }
+    SECTION("can be written to stream") {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        osmium::Timestamp t(1);
+        ss << t;
+        REQUIRE("1970-01-01T00:00:01Z" == ss.str());
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_way.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_way.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2ba06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/basic/test_way.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/way.hpp>
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("Basic_Way") {
+SECTION("way_builder") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Way& way = buffer_add_way(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {{"highway", "residential"}, {"name", "High Street"}},
+        {1, 3, 2});
+    way.set_id(17)
+        .set_version(3)
+        .set_visible(true)
+        .set_changeset(333)
+        .set_uid(21)
+        .set_timestamp(123);
+    REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::way == way.type());
+    REQUIRE(way.type_is_in(osmium::osm_entity_bits::way));
+    REQUIRE(way.type_is_in(osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way));
+    REQUIRE(17 == way.id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == way.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == way.visible());
+    REQUIRE(333 == way.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == way.uid());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("foo") == way.user());
+    REQUIRE(123 == way.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(2 == way.tags().size());
+    REQUIRE(3 == way.nodes().size());
+    REQUIRE(1 == way.nodes()[0].ref());
+    REQUIRE(3 == way.nodes()[1].ref());
+    REQUIRE(2 == way.nodes()[2].ref());
+    REQUIRE(! way.is_closed());
+SECTION("closed_way") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Way& way = buffer_add_way(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {{"highway", "residential"}, {"name", "High Street"}},
+        {1, 3, 1});
+    REQUIRE(way.is_closed());
+SECTION("way_builder_with_helpers") {
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    {
+        osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(buffer);
+        builder.add_user("username");
+        builder.add_tags({
+            {"amenity", "restaurant"},
+            {"name", "Zum goldenen Schwanen"}
+        });
+        builder.add_node_refs({
+            {22, {3.5, 4.7}},
+            {67, {4.1, 2.2}}
+        });
+    }
+    buffer.commit();
+    osmium::Way& way = buffer.get<osmium::Way>(0);
+    REQUIRE(std::string("username") == way.user());
+    REQUIRE(2 == way.tags().size());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("amenity") == way.tags().begin()->key());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("Zum goldenen Schwanen") == way.tags()["name"]);
+    REQUIRE(2 == way.nodes().size());
+    REQUIRE(22 == way.nodes()[0].ref());
+    REQUIRE(4.1 == way.nodes()[1].location().lon());
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_node.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc8f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/node.hpp>
+void check_node_1(osmium::Node& node) {
+    REQUIRE(1 == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == node.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(333 == node.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == node.uid());
+    REQUIRE(123 == node.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Location(3.5, 4.7) == node.location());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("testuser") == node.user());
+    for (osmium::memory::Item& item : node) {
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::tag_list == item.type());
+    }
+    REQUIRE(node.tags().begin() == node.tags().end());
+    REQUIRE(node.tags().empty());
+    REQUIRE(0 == std::distance(node.tags().begin(), node.tags().end()));
+void check_node_2(osmium::Node& node) {
+    REQUIRE(2 == node.id());
+    REQUIRE(3 == node.version());
+    REQUIRE(true == node.visible());
+    REQUIRE(333 == node.changeset());
+    REQUIRE(21 == node.uid());
+    REQUIRE(123 == node.timestamp());
+    REQUIRE(osmium::Location(3.5, 4.7) == node.location());
+    REQUIRE(std::string("testuser") == node.user());
+    for (osmium::memory::Item& item : node) {
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::tag_list == item.type());
+    }
+    REQUIRE(!node.tags().empty());
+    REQUIRE(2 == std::distance(node.tags().begin(), node.tags().end()));
+    int n = 0;
+    for (const osmium::Tag& tag : node.tags()) {
+        switch (n) {
+            case 0:
+                REQUIRE(std::string("amenity") == tag.key());
+                REQUIRE(std::string("bank") == tag.value());
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                REQUIRE(std::string("name") == tag.key());
+                REQUIRE(std::string("OSM Savings") == tag.value());
+                break;
+        }
+        ++n;
+    }
+    REQUIRE(2 == n);
+TEST_CASE("Buffer_Node") {
+    SECTION("buffer_node") {
+        constexpr size_t buffer_size = 10000;
+        unsigned char data[buffer_size];
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(data, buffer_size, 0);
+        {
+            // add node 1
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Node& node = node_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+            node.set_id(1);
+            node.set_version(3);
+            node.set_visible(true);
+            node.set_changeset(333);
+            node.set_uid(21);
+            node.set_timestamp(123);
+            node.set_location(osmium::Location(3.5, 4.7));
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        {
+            // add node 2
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            osmium::Node& node = node_builder.object();
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == node.type());
+            node.set_id(2);
+            node.set_version(3);
+            node.set_visible(true);
+            node.set_changeset(333);
+            node.set_uid(21);
+            node.set_timestamp(123);
+            node.set_location(osmium::Location(3.5, 4.7));
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            {
+                osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tag_builder(buffer, &node_builder);
+                tag_builder.add_tag("amenity", "bank");
+                tag_builder.add_tag("name", "OSM Savings");
+            }
+            buffer.commit();
+        }
+        REQUIRE(2 == std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()));
+        int item_no = 0;
+        for (osmium::memory::Item& item : buffer) {
+            REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::node == item.type());
+            osmium::Node& node = static_cast<osmium::Node&>(item);
+            switch (item_no) {
+                case 0:
+                    check_node_1(node);
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    check_node_2(node);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            ++item_no;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_purge.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_purge.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cdfe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/buffer/test_buffer_purge.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/node.hpp>
+struct CallbackClass {
+    int count = 0;
+    void moving_in_buffer(size_t old_offset, size_t new_offset) {
+        REQUIRE(old_offset > new_offset);
+        ++count;
+    }
+}; // struct CallbackClass
+TEST_CASE("Purge data from buffer") {
+    constexpr size_t buffer_size = 10000;
+    SECTION("purge empty buffer") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 0);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 0);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == 0);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with one object but nothing to delete") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 1);
+        size_t committed = buffer.committed();
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 0);
+        REQUIRE(committed == buffer.committed());
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 1);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with one object which gets deleted") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 1);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 0);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 0);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with two objects, first gets deleted") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size1 = buffer.committed();
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size2 = buffer.committed() - size1;
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 2);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 1);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 1);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == size2);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with two objects, second gets deleted") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser_longer_name");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size1 = buffer.committed();
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size2 = buffer.committed() - size1;
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 2);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 0);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 1);
+        REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == size1);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with three objects, middle one gets deleted") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser_longer_name");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size1 = buffer.committed();
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size2 = buffer.committed() - size1;
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("sn");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size3 = buffer.committed() - (size1 + size2);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 3);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 1);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 2);
+    }
+    SECTION("purge buffer with three objects, all get deleted") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(buffer_size);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser_longer_name");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size1 = buffer.committed();
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("testuser");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size2 = buffer.committed() - size1;
+        {
+            osmium::builder::NodeBuilder node_builder(buffer);
+            node_builder.add_user("sn");
+            node_builder.object().set_removed(true);
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        size_t size3 = buffer.committed() - (size1 + size2);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 3);
+        CallbackClass callback;
+        buffer.purge_removed(&callback);
+        REQUIRE(callback.count == 0);
+        REQUIRE(std::distance(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()) == 0);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/helper.hpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/helper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0cefe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/helper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <geos/io/WKBWriter.h>
+inline std::string geos_to_wkb(const geos::geom::Geometry* geometry) {
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    geos::io::WKBWriter wkb_writer;
+    wkb_writer.writeHEX(*geometry, ss);
+    return ss.str();
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_factory_with_projection.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_factory_with_projection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42fc864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_factory_with_projection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/geom/geos.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkb.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkt.hpp>
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("Projection") {
+    SECTION("point_mercator") {
+        osmium::geom::WKTFactory<osmium::geom::MercatorProjection> factory(2);
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+        REQUIRE(std::string {"POINT(356222.37 467961.14)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    SECTION("point_epsg_3857") {
+        osmium::geom::WKTFactory<osmium::geom::Projection> factory(osmium::geom::Projection(3857), 2);
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+        REQUIRE(std::string {"POINT(356222.37 467961.14)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    SECTION("wkb_with_parameter") {
+        osmium::geom::WKBFactory<osmium::geom::Projection> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::Projection(3857), osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+        osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<osmium::geom::Projection> geos_factory(osmium::geom::Projection(3857));
+        std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2));
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> geos_point = geos_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2));
+        REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos_point.get()) == wkb);
+    }
+    SECTION("cleanup") {
+        // trying to make valgrind happy, but there is still a memory leak in proj library
+        pj_deallocate_grids();
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geojson.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geojson.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7df35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geojson.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/geojson.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("GeoJSON_Geometry") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    std::string json {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[3.2,4.2]}"} == json);
+SECTION("empty_point") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_point(osmium::Location()), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.2,4.2],[3.5,4.7],[3.6,4.9]]}"} == json);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.6,4.9],[3.5,4.7],[3.2,4.2]]}"} == json);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.2,4.2],[3.5,4.7],[3.5,4.7],[3.6,4.9]]}"} == json);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.6,4.9],[3.5,4.7],[3.5,4.7],[3.2,4.2]]}"} == json);
+    }
+SECTION("empty_linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {});
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+SECTION("linestring_with_two_same_locations") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.5, 4.7}}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.5,4.7],[3.5,4.7]]}"} == json);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"LineString\",\"coordinates\":[[3.5,4.7],[3.5,4.7]]}"} == json);
+    }
+SECTION("linestring_with_undefined_location") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, osmium::Location()}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("area_1outer_0inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+                {2, {3.5, 4.7}},
+                {3, {3.6, 4.9}},
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}}
+            }}
+        });
+    REQUIRE(!area.is_multipolygon());
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin(), area.cend()) == 2);
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin<osmium::OuterRing>(), area.cend<osmium::OuterRing>()) == area.num_rings().first);
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[3.2,4.2],[3.5,4.7],[3.6,4.9],[3.2,4.2]]]]}"} == json);
+    }
+SECTION("area_1outer_1inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {8.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {8.0, 8.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 8.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    REQUIRE(!area.is_multipolygon());
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin(), area.cend()) == 3);
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin<osmium::OuterRing>(), area.cend<osmium::OuterRing>()) == area.num_rings().first);
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin<osmium::InnerRing>(), area.cend<osmium::InnerRing>()) == area.num_rings().second);
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[0.1,0.1],[9.1,0.1],[9.1,9.1],[0.1,9.1],[0.1,0.1]],[[1,1],[8,1],[8,8],[1,8],[1,1]]]]}"} == json);
+    }
+SECTION("area_2outer_2inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GeoJSONFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {4.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {4.0, 4.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 4.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}},
+                {11, {5.0, 7.0}},
+                {12, {7.0, 7.0}},
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}}
+            }},
+            { true, {
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}},
+                {101, {11.0, 10.0}},
+                {102, {11.0, 11.0}},
+                {103, {10.0, 11.0}},
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    REQUIRE(area.is_multipolygon());
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin(), area.cend()) == 5);
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin<osmium::OuterRing>(), area.cend<osmium::OuterRing>()) == area.num_rings().first);
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(area.cbegin<osmium::InnerRing>(), area.cend<osmium::InnerRing>()) == area.num_rings().second);
+    int outer_ring=0;
+    int inner_ring=0;
+    for (auto it_outer = area.cbegin<osmium::OuterRing>(); it_outer !=  area.cend<osmium::OuterRing>(); ++it_outer) {
+        if (outer_ring == 0) {
+            REQUIRE(it_outer->front().ref() == 1);
+        } else if (outer_ring == 1) {
+            REQUIRE(it_outer->front().ref() == 100);
+        } else {
+            REQUIRE(false);
+        }
+        for (auto it_inner = area.inner_ring_cbegin(it_outer); it_inner != area.inner_ring_cend(it_outer); ++it_inner) {
+            if (outer_ring == 0 && inner_ring == 0) {
+                REQUIRE(it_inner->front().ref() == 5);
+            } else if (outer_ring == 0 && inner_ring == 1) {
+                REQUIRE(it_inner->front().ref() == 10);
+            } else {
+                REQUIRE(false);
+            }
+            ++inner_ring;
+        }
+        inner_ring = 0;
+        ++outer_ring;
+    }
+    {
+        std::string json {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"{\"type\":\"MultiPolygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[[0.1,0.1],[9.1,0.1],[9.1,9.1],[0.1,9.1],[0.1,0.1]],[[1,1],[4,1],[4,4],[1,4],[1,1]],[[5,5],[5,7],[7,7],[5,5]]],[[[10,10],[11,10],[11,11],[10,11],[10,10]]]]}"} == json);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93228b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/geos.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("GEOS_Geometry") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> point {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(3.2 == point->getX());
+    REQUIRE(4.2 == point->getY());
+    REQUIRE(-1 == point->getSRID());
+SECTION("non_default_srid") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory(4326);
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> point {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(3.2 == point->getX());
+    REQUIRE(4.2 == point->getY());
+    REQUIRE(4326 == point->getSRID());
+SECTION("empty_point") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_point(osmium::Location()), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+        REQUIRE(3 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p0 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == p0->getX());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p2 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(2));
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == p2->getX());
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(3 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p0 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == p0->getX());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p2 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(2));
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == p2->getX());
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(4 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p0 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == p0->getX());
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(4 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> p0 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(linestring->getPointN(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == p0->getX());
+    }
+SECTION("area_1outer_0inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+                {2, {3.5, 4.7}},
+                {3, {3.6, 4.9}},
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(1 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const geos::geom::Polygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::Polygon*>(mp->getGeometryN(0));
+    REQUIRE(0 == p0->getNumInteriorRing());
+    const geos::geom::LineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(4 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> l0e_p0 = std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point>(l0e->getPointN(1));
+    REQUIRE(3.5 == l0e_p0->getX());
+SECTION("area_1outer_1inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {8.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {8.0, 8.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 8.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(1 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const geos::geom::Polygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::Polygon*>(mp->getGeometryN(0));
+    REQUIRE(1 == p0->getNumInteriorRing());
+    const geos::geom::LineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    const geos::geom::LineString* l0i0 = p0->getInteriorRingN(0);
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0i0->getNumPoints());
+SECTION("area_2outer_2inner") {
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {4.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {4.0, 4.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 4.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}},
+                {11, {5.0, 7.0}},
+                {12, {7.0, 7.0}},
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}}
+            }},
+            { true, {
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}},
+                {101, {11.0, 10.0}},
+                {102, {11.0, 11.0}},
+                {103, {10.0, 11.0}},
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(2 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const geos::geom::Polygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::Polygon*>(mp->getGeometryN(0));
+    REQUIRE(2 == p0->getNumInteriorRing());
+    const geos::geom::LineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    const geos::geom::Polygon* p1 = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::Polygon*>(mp->getGeometryN(1));
+    REQUIRE(0 == p1->getNumInteriorRing());
+    const geos::geom::LineString* l1e = p1->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l1e->getNumPoints());
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos_wkb.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos_wkb.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f54427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_geos_wkb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/geos.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkb.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+#include "helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("WKB_Geometry_with_GEOS") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;
+    std::string wkb {wkb_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::Point> geos_point = geos_factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2));
+    REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos_point.get()) == wkb);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_linestring(wnl);
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> geos = geos_factory.create_linestring(wnl);
+        REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward);
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> geos = geos_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward);
+        REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all);
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> geos = geos_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all);
+        REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward);
+        std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::LineString> geos = geos_factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward);
+        REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+    }
+SECTION("area_1outer_0inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+                {2, {3.5, 4.7}},
+                {3, {3.6, 4.9}},
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> geos = geos_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+SECTION("area_1outer_1inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {8.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {8.0, 8.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 8.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> geos = geos_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
+SECTION("area_2outer_2inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> wkb_factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::geom::GEOSFactory<> geos_factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {4.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {4.0, 4.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 4.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}},
+                {11, {5.0, 7.0}},
+                {12, {7.0, 7.0}},
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}}
+            }},
+            { true, {
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}},
+                {101, {11.0, 10.0}},
+                {102, {11.0, 11.0}},
+                {103, {10.0, 11.0}},
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::string wkb = wkb_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    std::unique_ptr<geos::geom::MultiPolygon> geos = geos_factory.create_multipolygon(area);
+    REQUIRE(geos_to_wkb(geos.get()) == wkb);
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_mercator.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_mercator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc16e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_mercator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Mercator") {
+    SECTION("mercator_projection") {
+        osmium::geom::MercatorProjection projection;
+        REQUIRE(3857 == projection.epsg());
+        REQUIRE("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" == projection.proj_string());
+    }
+    SECTION("low_level_mercator_functions") {
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates c1(17.839, -3.249);
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates r1 = osmium::geom::mercator_to_lonlat(osmium::geom::lonlat_to_mercator(c1));
+        REQUIRE(r1.x == Approx(c1.x).epsilon(0.000001));
+        REQUIRE(r1.y == Approx(c1.y).epsilon(0.000001));
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates c2(-89.2, 15.915);
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates r2 = osmium::geom::mercator_to_lonlat(osmium::geom::lonlat_to_mercator(c2));
+        REQUIRE(r2.x == Approx(c2.x).epsilon(0.000001));
+        REQUIRE(r2.y == Approx(c2.y).epsilon(0.000001));
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates c3(180.0, 85.0);
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates r3 = osmium::geom::mercator_to_lonlat(osmium::geom::lonlat_to_mercator(c3));
+        REQUIRE(r3.x == Approx(c3.x).epsilon(0.000001));
+        REQUIRE(r3.y == Approx(c3.y).epsilon(0.000001));
+    }
+    SECTION("mercator_bounds") {
+        osmium::Location mmax(180.0, osmium::geom::MERCATOR_MAX_LAT);
+        osmium::geom::Coordinates c = osmium::geom::lonlat_to_mercator(mmax);
+        REQUIRE(c.x == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.001));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::geom::detail::y_to_lat(osmium::geom::detail::lon_to_x(180.0)) == Approx(osmium::geom::MERCATOR_MAX_LAT).epsilon(0.0000001));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_ogr.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_ogr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28a1071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_ogr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/ogr.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("OGR_Geometry") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    std::unique_ptr<OGRPoint> point {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(3.2 == point->getX());
+    REQUIRE(4.2 == point->getY());
+SECTION("empty_point") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_point(osmium::Location()), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+        REQUIRE(3 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == linestring->getX(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == linestring->getX(2));
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(3 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == linestring->getX(0));
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == linestring->getX(2));
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(4 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        REQUIRE(3.2 == linestring->getX(0));
+    }
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<OGRLineString> linestring {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(4 == linestring->getNumPoints());
+        REQUIRE(3.6 == linestring->getX(0));
+    }
+SECTION("area_1outer_0inner") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+                {2, {3.5, 4.7}},
+                {3, {3.6, 4.9}},
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(1 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const OGRPolygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const OGRPolygon*>(mp->getGeometryRef(0));
+    REQUIRE(0 == p0->getNumInteriorRings());
+    const OGRLineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(4 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    REQUIRE(3.5 == l0e->getX(1));
+SECTION("area_1outer_1inner") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {8.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {8.0, 8.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 8.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(1 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const OGRPolygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const OGRPolygon*>(mp->getGeometryRef(0));
+    REQUIRE(1 == p0->getNumInteriorRings());
+    const OGRLineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    const OGRLineString* l0i0 = p0->getInteriorRing(0);
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0i0->getNumPoints());
+SECTION("area_2outer_2inner") {
+    osmium::geom::OGRFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {4.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {4.0, 4.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 4.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}},
+                {11, {5.0, 7.0}},
+                {12, {7.0, 7.0}},
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}}
+            }},
+            { true, {
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}},
+                {101, {11.0, 10.0}},
+                {102, {11.0, 11.0}},
+                {103, {10.0, 11.0}},
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    std::unique_ptr<OGRMultiPolygon> mp {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+    REQUIRE(2 == mp->getNumGeometries());
+    const OGRPolygon* p0 = dynamic_cast<const OGRPolygon*>(mp->getGeometryRef(0));
+    REQUIRE(2 == p0->getNumInteriorRings());
+    const OGRLineString* l0e = p0->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l0e->getNumPoints());
+    const OGRPolygon* p1 = dynamic_cast<const OGRPolygon*>(mp->getGeometryRef(1));
+    REQUIRE(0 == p1->getNumInteriorRings());
+    const OGRLineString* l1e = p1->getExteriorRing();
+    REQUIRE(5 == l1e->getNumPoints());
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_projection.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_projection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2257d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_projection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/geom/factory.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/mercator_projection.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/projection.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Projection") {
+SECTION("identity_projection") {
+    osmium::geom::IdentityProjection projection;
+    REQUIRE(4326 == projection.epsg());
+    REQUIRE("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" == projection.proj_string());
+SECTION("project_location_4326") {
+    osmium::geom::Projection projection(4326);
+    REQUIRE(4326 == projection.epsg());
+    REQUIRE("+init=epsg:4326" == projection.proj_string());
+    const osmium::Location loc(1.0, 2.0);
+    const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {1.0, 2.0};
+    REQUIRE(c == projection(loc));
+SECTION("project_location_4326_string") {
+    osmium::geom::Projection projection("+init=epsg:4326");
+    REQUIRE(-1 == projection.epsg());
+    REQUIRE("+init=epsg:4326" == projection.proj_string());
+    const osmium::Location loc(1.0, 2.0);
+    const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {1.0, 2.0};
+    REQUIRE(c == projection(loc));
+SECTION("unknown_projection_string") {
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::geom::Projection projection("abc"), osmium::projection_error);
+SECTION("unknown_epsg_code") {
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::geom::Projection projection(9999999), osmium::projection_error);
+SECTION("project_location_3857") {
+    osmium::geom::Projection projection(3857);
+    REQUIRE(3857 == projection.epsg());
+    REQUIRE("+init=epsg:3857" == projection.proj_string());
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(0.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {0.0, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(180.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {20037508.34, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(180.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {20037508.34, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(0.0, 85.0511288);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {0.0, 20037508.34};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+SECTION("project_location_mercator") {
+    osmium::geom::MercatorProjection projection;
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(0.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {0.0, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(180.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {20037508.34, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(180.0, 0.0);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {20037508.34, 0.0};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(0.0, 85.0511288);
+        const osmium::geom::Coordinates c {0.0, 20037508.34};
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).x == Approx(c.x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection(loc).y == Approx(c.y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+SECTION("compare_mercators") {
+    osmium::geom::MercatorProjection projection_merc;
+    osmium::geom::Projection projection_3857(3857);
+    REQUIRE(3857 == projection_3857.epsg());
+    REQUIRE("+init=epsg:3857" == projection_3857.proj_string());
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(4.2, 27.3);
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).x == Approx(projection_3857(loc).x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).y == Approx(projection_3857(loc).y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(160.789, -42.42);
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).x == Approx(projection_3857(loc).x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).y == Approx(projection_3857(loc).y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(-0.001, 0.001);
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).x == Approx(projection_3857(loc).x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).y == Approx(projection_3857(loc).y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
+    {
+        const osmium::Location loc(-85.2, -85.2);
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).x == Approx(projection_3857(loc).x).epsilon(0.1));
+        REQUIRE(projection_merc(loc).y == Approx(projection_3857(loc).y).epsilon(0.1));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkb.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkb.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730ee75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkb.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("WKB_Geometry_byte_order_dependent") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    std::string wkb {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(std::string{"01010000009A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC1040"} == wkb);
+SECTION("point_ewkb") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::ewkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    std::string wkb {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(std::string{"0101000020E61000009A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC1040"} == wkb);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"0102000000030000009A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC10400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC1240CDCCCCCCCCCC0C409A99999999991340"} == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"010200000003000000CDCCCCCCCCCC0C409A999999999913400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12409A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC1040"} == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"0102000000040000009A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC10400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC1240CDCCCCCCCCCC0C409A99999999991340"} == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"010200000004000000CDCCCCCCCCCC0C409A999999999913400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12409A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC1040"} == wkb);
+    }
+SECTION("linestring_ewkb") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::ewkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    std::string ewkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+    REQUIRE(std::string{"0102000020E6100000030000009A99999999990940CDCCCCCCCCCC10400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC1240CDCCCCCCCCCC0C409A99999999991340"} == ewkb);
+SECTION("linestring_with_two_same_locations") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.5, 4.7}}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"0102000000020000000000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC1240"} == wkb);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkb {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"0102000000020000000000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC12400000000000000C40CDCCCCCCCCCC1240"} == wkb);
+    }
+SECTION("linestring_with_undefined_location") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, osmium::Location()}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::invalid_location);
+TEST_CASE("WKB_Geometry_byte_order_independent") {
+SECTION("empty_point") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_point(osmium::Location()), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("empty_linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::WKBFactory<> factory(osmium::geom::wkb_type::wkb, osmium::geom::out_type::hex);
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {});
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkt.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff1417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/geom/test_wkt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/geom/wkt.hpp>
+#include "../basic/helper.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("WKT_Geometry") {
+SECTION("point") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    std::string wkt {factory.create_point(osmium::Location(3.2, 4.2))};
+    REQUIRE(std::string{"POINT(3.2 4.2)"} == wkt);
+SECTION("empty_point") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_point(osmium::Location()), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+        {3, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {4, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.6, 4.9}}
+    });
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.2 4.2,3.5 4.7,3.6 4.9)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.6 4.9,3.5 4.7,3.2 4.2)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.2 4.2,3.5 4.7,3.5 4.7,3.6 4.9)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.6 4.9,3.5 4.7,3.5 4.7,3.2 4.2)"} == wkt);
+    }
+SECTION("empty_linestring") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {});
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+SECTION("linestring_with_two_same_locations") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, {3.5, 4.7}}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::geometry_error);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::unique, osmium::geom::direction::backward), osmium::geometry_error);
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.5 4.7,3.5 4.7)"} == wkt);
+    }
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_linestring(wnl, osmium::geom::use_nodes::all, osmium::geom::direction::backward)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"LINESTRING(3.5 4.7,3.5 4.7)"} == wkt);
+    }
+SECTION("linestring_with_undefined_location") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    auto& wnl = osmium::builder::build_way_node_list(buffer, {
+        {1, {3.5, 4.7}},
+        {2, osmium::Location()}
+    });
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(factory.create_linestring(wnl), osmium::invalid_location);
+SECTION("area_1outer_0inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}},
+                {2, {3.5, 4.7}},
+                {3, {3.6, 4.9}},
+                {1, {3.2, 4.2}}
+            }}
+        });
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"MULTIPOLYGON(((3.2 4.2,3.5 4.7,3.6 4.9,3.2 4.2)))"} == wkt);
+    }
+SECTION("area_1outer_1inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {8.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {8.0, 8.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 8.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"MULTIPOLYGON(((0.1 0.1,9.1 0.1,9.1 9.1,0.1 9.1,0.1 0.1),(1 1,8 1,8 8,1 8,1 1)))"} == wkt);
+    }
+SECTION("area_2outer_2inner") {
+    osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> factory;
+    osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10000);
+    osmium::Area& area = buffer_add_area(buffer,
+        "foo",
+        {},
+        {
+            { true, {
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}},
+                {2, {9.1, 0.1}},
+                {3, {9.1, 9.1}},
+                {4, {0.1, 9.1}},
+                {1, {0.1, 0.1}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}},
+                {6, {4.0, 1.0}},
+                {7, {4.0, 4.0}},
+                {8, {1.0, 4.0}},
+                {5, {1.0, 1.0}}
+            }},
+            { false, {
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}},
+                {11, {5.0, 7.0}},
+                {12, {7.0, 7.0}},
+                {10, {5.0, 5.0}}
+            }},
+            { true, {
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}},
+                {101, {11.0, 10.0}},
+                {102, {11.0, 11.0}},
+                {103, {10.0, 11.0}},
+                {100, {10.0, 10.0}}
+            }}
+        });
+    {
+        std::string wkt {factory.create_multipolygon(area)};
+        REQUIRE(std::string{"MULTIPOLYGON(((0.1 0.1,9.1 0.1,9.1 9.1,0.1 9.1,0.1 0.1),(1 1,4 1,4 4,1 4,1 1),(5 5,5 7,7 7,5 5)),((10 10,11 10,11 11,10 11,10 10)))"} == wkt);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_id_to_location.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_id_to_location.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aca238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_id_to_location.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/osm/types.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/location.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dense_mmap_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/dummy.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_file_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_map.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mem_table.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/map/sparse_mmap_array.hpp>
+#include <osmium/index/node_locations_map.hpp>
+template <typename TIndex>
+void test_func_all(TIndex& index) {
+    osmium::unsigned_object_id_type id1 = 12;
+    osmium::unsigned_object_id_type id2 = 3;
+    osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5);
+    osmium::Location loc2(3.5, -7.2);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(id1), osmium::not_found);
+    index.set(id1, loc1);
+    index.set(id2, loc2);
+    index.sort();
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(5), osmium::not_found);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(100), osmium::not_found);
+template <typename TIndex>
+void test_func_real(TIndex& index) {
+    osmium::unsigned_object_id_type id1 = 12;
+    osmium::unsigned_object_id_type id2 = 3;
+    osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5);
+    osmium::Location loc2(3.5, -7.2);
+    index.set(id1, loc1);
+    index.set(id2, loc2);
+    index.sort();
+    REQUIRE(loc1 == index.get(id1));
+    REQUIRE(loc2 == index.get(id2));
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(5), osmium::not_found);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(100), osmium::not_found);
+    index.clear();
+    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(index.get(id1), osmium::not_found);
+TEST_CASE("IdToLocation") {
+    SECTION("Dummy") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::Dummy<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.size());
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.used_memory());
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.size());
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.used_memory());
+    }
+    SECTION("DenseMemArray") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::DenseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        index1.reserve(1000);
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        index_type index2;
+        index2.reserve(1000);
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+#ifdef __linux__
+    SECTION("DenseMmapArray") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::DenseMmapArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        index_type index2;
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+# pragma message("not running 'DenseMapMmap' test case on this machine")
+    SECTION("DenseFileArray") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::DenseFileArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        index_type index2;
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+    SECTION("SparseMemTable") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemTable<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        index_type index2;
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+    SECTION("SparseMemMap") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemMap<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        index_type index2;
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+    SECTION("SparseMemArray") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::SparseMemArray<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> index_type;
+        index_type index1;
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.size());
+        REQUIRE(0 == index1.used_memory());
+        test_func_all<index_type>(index1);
+        REQUIRE(2 == index1.size());
+        index_type index2;
+        test_func_real<index_type>(index2);
+    }
+    SECTION("Dynamic map choice") {
+        typedef osmium::index::map::Map<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location> map_type;
+        const auto& map_factory = osmium::index::MapFactory<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>::instance();
+        std::vector<std::string> map_type_names = map_factory.map_types();
+        REQUIRE(map_type_names.size() >= 5);
+        for (const auto& map_type_name : map_type_names) {
+            std::unique_ptr<map_type> index1 = map_factory.create_map(map_type_name);
+            index1->reserve(1000);
+            test_func_all<map_type>(*index1);
+            std::unique_ptr<map_type> index2 = map_factory.create_map(map_type_name);
+            index2->reserve(1000);
+            test_func_real<map_type>(*index2);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc17bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_WIN32))
+#include "win_mkstemp.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("TypedMmap") {
+    SECTION("Mmap") {
+        uint64_t* data = osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::map(10);
+        data[0] = 4ul;
+        data[3] = 9ul;
+        data[9] = 25ul;
+        REQUIRE(4ul == data[0]);
+        REQUIRE(9ul == data[3]);
+        REQUIRE(25ul == data[9]);
+        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::unmap(data, 10);
+    }
+    SECTION("MmapSizeZero") {
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::map(0), std::system_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("MmapHugeSize") {
+        // this is a horrible hack to only run the test on 64bit machines.
+        if (sizeof(size_t) >= 8) {
+            REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::map(1ULL << (sizeof(size_t) * 6)), std::system_error);
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef __linux__
+    SECTION("Remap") {
+        uint64_t* data = osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::map(10);
+        data[0] = 4ul;
+        data[3] = 9ul;
+        data[9] = 25ul;
+        uint64_t* new_data = osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::remap(data, 10, 1000);
+        REQUIRE(4ul == new_data[0]);
+        REQUIRE(9ul == new_data[3]);
+        REQUIRE(25ul == new_data[9]);
+    }
+# pragma message("not running 'Remap' test case on this machine")
+    SECTION("FileSize") {
+        const int size = 100;
+        char filename[] = "test_mmap_file_size_XXXXXX";
+        const int fd = mkstemp(filename);
+        REQUIRE(fd > 0);
+        REQUIRE(0 == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        REQUIRE(0 == ftruncate(fd, size * sizeof(uint64_t)));
+        REQUIRE(size == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::grow_file(size / 2, fd);
+        REQUIRE(size == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::grow_file(size, fd);
+        REQUIRE(size == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::grow_file(size * 2, fd);
+        REQUIRE((size * 2) == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        REQUIRE(0 == close(fd));
+        REQUIRE(0 == unlink(filename));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap_grow.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap_grow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ee0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/index/test_typed_mmap_grow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/index/detail/typed_mmap.hpp>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_WIN32))
+#include "win_mkstemp.hpp"
+TEST_CASE("TypedMmapGrow") {
+    SECTION("GrowAndMap") {
+        const int size = 100;
+        char filename[] = "test_mmap_grow_and_map_XXXXXX";
+        const int fd = mkstemp(filename);
+        REQUIRE(fd > 0);
+        uint64_t* data = osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::grow_and_map(size, fd);
+        REQUIRE(size == osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::file_size(fd));
+        data[0] = 1ul;
+        data[1] = 8ul;
+        data[99] = 27ul;
+        REQUIRE(1ul == data[0]);
+        REQUIRE(8ul == data[1]);
+        REQUIRE(27ul == data[99]);
+        osmium::detail::typed_mmap<uint64_t>::unmap(data, size);
+        REQUIRE(0 == close(fd));
+        REQUIRE(0 == unlink(filename));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffb77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<osm version="0.6" generator="testdata" upload="false">
+    <node id="1" version="1" timestamp="2014-01-01T00:00:00Z" uid="1" user="test" changeset="1" lon="1.02" lat="1.02"/>
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.bz2 b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f38797
Binary files /dev/null and b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.bz2 differ
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.gz b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07edb90
Binary files /dev/null and b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data.osm.gz differ
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755d6af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt.bz2 b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ee7e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/data_bzip2.txt.bz2 differ
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_bzip2.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_bzip2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc30b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_bzip2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <osmium/io/bzip2_compression.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Bzip2") {
+    SECTION("read_compressed_file") {
+        std::string input_file = with_data_dir("t/io/data_bzip2.txt.bz2");
+        int fd = ::open(input_file.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+        REQUIRE(fd > 0);
+        size_t size = 0;
+        std::string all;
+        {
+            osmium::io::Bzip2Decompressor decomp(fd);
+            for (std::string data = decomp.read(); !data.empty(); data = decomp.read()) {
+                size += data.size();
+                all += data;
+            }
+        }
+        REQUIRE(9 == size);
+        REQUIRE("TESTDATA\n" == all);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_file_formats.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_file_formats.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8785d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_file_formats.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <osmium/io/file.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("FileFormats") {
+    SECTION("default_file_format") {
+        osmium::io::File f;
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::unknown == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("stdin_stdout_empty") {
+        osmium::io::File f {""};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::unknown == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("stdin_stdout_dash") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"-"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::unknown == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("stdin_stdout_bz2") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"-", "osm.bz2"};
+        REQUIRE("" == f.filename());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::bzip2 == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osm") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osm_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm.pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_opl") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.opl"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osm_opl") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm.opl"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osm_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_opl_bz2") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm.opl.bz2"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::bzip2 == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osc_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osc.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_opl_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osh.opl.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("detect_file_format_by_suffix_osh_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osh.pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osm") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osm_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm.pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_opl") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "opl"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osm_opl") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm.opl"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osm_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osm_opl_bz2") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm.opl.bz2"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::bzip2 == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(false == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osc_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osc.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osh_opl_gz") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osh.opl.gz"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::opl == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::gzip == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("override_file_format_by_suffix_osh_pbf") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osh.pbf"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("format_options_pbf_history") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "pbf,history=true"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE(true == f.has_multiple_object_versions());
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("format_options_pbf_foo") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.osm", "pbf,foo=bar"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::pbf == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE("bar" == f.get("foo"));
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("format_options_xml_abc_something") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.bla", "xml,abc,some=thing"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::xml == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE("true" == f.get("abc"));
+        REQUIRE("thing" == f.get("some"));
+        REQUIRE(2 == std::distance(f.begin(), f.end()));
+        f.check();
+    }
+    SECTION("unknown_format_foo_bar") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test.foo.bar"};
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_format::unknown == f.format());
+        REQUIRE(osmium::io::file_compression::none == f.compression());
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("unknown_format_foo") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "foo"};
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("unknown_format_osm_foo") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "osm.foo"};
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("unknown_format_bla_equals_foo") {
+        osmium::io::File f {"test", "bla=foo"};
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(f.check(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_output_iterator.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_output_iterator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1f570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_output_iterator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/io/xml_output.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/output_iterator.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/writer.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("output iterator") {
+    SECTION("should be copy constructable") {
+        osmium::io::Header header;
+        osmium::io::Writer writer("test.osm", header, osmium::io::overwrite::allow);
+        osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out1(writer);
+        osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out2(out1);
+    }
+    SECTION("should be copy assignable") {
+        osmium::io::Header header;
+        osmium::io::Writer writer1("test1.osm", header, osmium::io::overwrite::allow);
+        osmium::io::Writer writer2("test2.osm", header, osmium::io::overwrite::allow);
+        osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out1(writer1);
+        osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out2(writer2);
+        out2 = out1;
+    }
+    SECTION("should be incrementable") {
+        osmium::io::Header header;
+        osmium::io::Writer writer("test.osm", header, osmium::io::overwrite::allow);
+        osmium::io::OutputIterator<osmium::io::Writer> out(writer);
+        ++out;
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_reader.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_reader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a06d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/io/test_reader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/any_compression.hpp>
+#include <osmium/io/xml_input.hpp>
+#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
+#include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
+struct CountHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
+    int count = 0;
+    void node(osmium::Node&) {
+        ++count;
+    }
+}; // class CountHandler
+TEST_CASE("Reader") {
+    SECTION("reader can be initialized with file") {
+        osmium::io::File file(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm"));
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        osmium::handler::Handler handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    }
+    SECTION("reader can be initialized with string") {
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm"));
+        osmium::handler::Handler handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    }
+    SECTION("should return invalid buffer after eof") {
+        osmium::io::File file(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm"));
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        REQUIRE(!reader.eof());
+        while (osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read()) {
+        }
+        REQUIRE(reader.eof());
+        // extra read always returns invalid buffer
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer = reader.read();
+        REQUIRE(!buffer);
+    }
+    SECTION("should not hang when apply() is called twice on reader") {
+        osmium::io::File file(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm"));
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        osmium::handler::Handler handler;
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+    }
+    SECTION("should work with a buffer with uncompressed data") {
+        int fd = osmium::io::detail::open_for_reading(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm"));
+        REQUIRE(fd >= 0);
+        const size_t buffer_size = 1000;
+        char buffer[buffer_size];
+        auto length = ::read(fd, buffer, buffer_size);
+        REQUIRE(length > 0);
+        osmium::io::File file(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "osm");
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        CountHandler handler;
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 0);
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 1);
+    }
+    SECTION("should work with a buffer with gzip-compressed data") {
+        int fd = osmium::io::detail::open_for_reading(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm.gz"));
+        REQUIRE(fd >= 0);
+        const size_t buffer_size = 1000;
+        char buffer[buffer_size];
+        auto length = ::read(fd, buffer, buffer_size);
+        REQUIRE(length > 0);
+        osmium::io::File file(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "osm.gz");
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        CountHandler handler;
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 0);
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 1);
+    }
+    SECTION("should work with a buffer with bzip2-compressed data") {
+        int fd = osmium::io::detail::open_for_reading(with_data_dir("t/io/data.osm.bz2"));
+        REQUIRE(fd >= 0);
+        const size_t buffer_size = 1000;
+        char buffer[buffer_size];
+        auto length = ::read(fd, buffer, buffer_size);
+        REQUIRE(length > 0);
+        osmium::io::File file(buffer, static_cast<size_t>(length), "osm.bz2");
+        osmium::io::Reader reader(file);
+        CountHandler handler;
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 0);
+        osmium::apply(reader, handler);
+        REQUIRE(handler.count == 1);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_filter.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_filter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eefa5b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_filter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/tag.hpp>
+#include <osmium/tags/taglist.hpp>
+#include <osmium/tags/filter.hpp>
+#include <osmium/tags/regex_filter.hpp>
+template <class TFilter>
+void check_filter(const osmium::TagList& tag_list, const TFilter filter, const std::vector<bool>& reference) {
+    REQUIRE(tag_list.size() == reference.size());
+    auto t_it = tag_list.begin();
+    for (auto it = reference.begin(); it != reference.end(); ++t_it, ++it) {
+        REQUIRE(filter(*t_it) == *it);
+    }
+    typename TFilter::iterator fi_begin(filter, tag_list.begin(), tag_list.end());
+    typename TFilter::iterator fi_end(filter, tag_list.end(), tag_list.end());
+    REQUIRE(std::distance(fi_begin, fi_end) == std::count(reference.begin(), reference.end(), true));
+TEST_CASE("Filter") {
+    SECTION("KeyFilter_matches_some_tags") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway").add(true, "railway");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },  // match
+            { "name", "Main Street" }, // no match
+            { "source", "GPS" }        // no match
+        });
+        std::vector<bool> results = { true, false, false };
+        check_filter(tag_list, filter, results);
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyFilter_iterator_filters_tags") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway").add(true, "source");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },  // match
+            { "name", "Main Street" }, // no match
+            { "source", "GPS" }        // no match
+        });
+        osmium::tags::KeyFilter::iterator it(filter, tl.begin(), tl.end());
+        const osmium::tags::KeyFilter::iterator end(filter, tl.end(), tl.end());
+        REQUIRE(2 == std::distance(it, end));
+        REQUIRE(it != end);
+        REQUIRE(std::string("highway") == it->key());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("primary") == it->value());
+        ++it;
+        REQUIRE(std::string("source") == it->key());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("GPS") == it->value());
+        REQUIRE(++it == end);
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_matches_some_tags") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway", "residential").add(true, "highway", "primary").add(true, "railway");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "railway", "tram" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        std::vector<bool> results = {true, true, false};
+        check_filter(tag_list, filter, results);
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_ordering_matters") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter1(false);
+        filter1.add(true, "highway").add(false, "highway", "road");
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter2(false);
+        filter2.add(false, "highway", "road").add(true, "highway");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list1 = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "road" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" }
+        });
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list2 = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" }
+        });
+        check_filter(tag_list1, filter1, {true, false});
+        check_filter(tag_list1, filter2, {false, false});
+        check_filter(tag_list2, filter2, {true, false});
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_matches_against_taglist_with_any") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway", "primary").add(true, "name");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "railway", "tram" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        REQUIRE( osmium::tags::match_any_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::tags::match_all_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::tags::match_none_of(tag_list, filter));
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_matches_against_taglist_with_all") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway", "primary").add(true, "name");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" }
+        });
+        REQUIRE( osmium::tags::match_any_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE( osmium::tags::match_all_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::tags::match_none_of(tag_list, filter));
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_matches_against_taglist_with_none") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway", "road").add(true, "source");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" }
+        });
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::tags::match_any_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE(!osmium::tags::match_all_of(tag_list, filter));
+        REQUIRE( osmium::tags::match_none_of(tag_list, filter));
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyValueFilter_matches_against_taglist_with_any_called_with_rvalue") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "railway", "tram" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        REQUIRE(osmium::tags::match_any_of(tag_list,
+                                           osmium::tags::KeyValueFilter().add(true, "highway", "primary").add(true, "name")));
+    }
+    SECTION("RegexFilter_matches_some_tags") {
+        osmium::tags::RegexFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "highway", std::regex(".*_link"));
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list1 = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary_link" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list2 = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        check_filter(tag_list1, filter, {true, false});
+        check_filter(tag_list2, filter, {false, false});
+    }
+    SECTION("RegexFilter_matches_some_tags_with_lvalue_regex") {
+        osmium::tags::RegexFilter filter(false);
+        std::regex r(".*straße");
+        filter.add(true, "name", r);
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Hauptstraße" }
+        });
+        check_filter(tag_list, filter, {false, true});
+    }
+    SECTION("KeyPrefixFilter_matches_some_tags") {
+        osmium::tags::KeyPrefixFilter filter(false);
+        filter.add(true, "name:");
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tag_list = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name:de", "Hauptstraße" }
+        });
+        check_filter(tag_list, filter, {false, true});
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_operators.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_operators.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a53c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_operators.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <osmium/builder/osm_object_builder.hpp>
+#include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/tag.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Operators") {
+    SECTION("Equal") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer1(10240);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(buffer1);
+            tl_builder.add_tag("highway", "primary");
+            tl_builder.add_tag("name", "Main Street");
+            tl_builder.add_tag("source", "GPS");
+        }
+        buffer1.commit();
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer2(10240);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(buffer2);
+            tl_builder.add_tag("highway", "primary");
+        }
+        buffer2.commit();
+        const osmium::TagList& tl1 = buffer1.get<const osmium::TagList>(0);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl2 = buffer2.get<const osmium::TagList>(0);
+        auto tagit1 = tl1.begin();
+        auto tagit2 = tl2.begin();
+        REQUIRE(*tagit1 == *tagit2);
+        ++tagit1;
+        REQUIRE(!(*tagit1 == *tagit2));
+    }
+    SECTION("Order") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        {
+            osmium::builder::TagListBuilder tl_builder(buffer);
+            tl_builder.add_tag("highway", "residential");
+            tl_builder.add_tag("highway", "primary");
+            tl_builder.add_tag("name", "Main Street");
+            tl_builder.add_tag("amenity", "post_box");
+        }
+        buffer.commit();
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = buffer.get<const osmium::TagList>(0);
+        const osmium::Tag& t1 = *(tl.begin());
+        const osmium::Tag& t2 = *(std::next(tl.begin(), 1));
+        const osmium::Tag& t3 = *(std::next(tl.begin(), 2));
+        const osmium::Tag& t4 = *(std::next(tl.begin(), 3));
+        REQUIRE(t2 < t1);
+        REQUIRE(t1 < t3);
+        REQUIRE(t2 < t3);
+        REQUIRE(t4 < t1);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_tag_list.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_tag_list.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2512d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/tags/test_tag_list.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/builder/builder_helper.hpp>
+#include <osmium/memory/buffer.hpp>
+#include <osmium/osm/tag.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("tag_list") {
+    SECTION("can_be_created_from_initializer_list") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = osmium::builder::build_tag_list(buffer, {
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" },
+            { "source", "GPS" }
+        });
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::tag_list == tl.type());
+        REQUIRE(3 == tl.size());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("highway") == tl.begin()->key());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("primary") == tl.begin()->value());
+    }
+    SECTION("can_be_created_from_map") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = osmium::builder::build_tag_list_from_map(buffer, std::map<const char*, const char*>({
+            { "highway", "primary" },
+            { "name", "Main Street" }
+        }));
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::tag_list == tl.type());
+        REQUIRE(2 == tl.size());
+        if (std::string("highway") == tl.begin()->key()) {
+            REQUIRE(std::string("primary") == tl.begin()->value());
+            REQUIRE(std::string("name") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->key());
+            REQUIRE(std::string("Main Street") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->value());
+        } else {
+            REQUIRE(std::string("highway") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->key());
+            REQUIRE(std::string("primary") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->value());
+            REQUIRE(std::string("name") == tl.begin()->key());
+            REQUIRE(std::string("Main Street") == tl.begin()->value());
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("can_be_created_with_callback") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = osmium::builder::build_tag_list_from_func(buffer, [](osmium::builder::TagListBuilder& tlb) {
+            tlb.add_tag("highway", "primary");
+            tlb.add_tag("bridge", "true");
+        });
+        REQUIRE(osmium::item_type::tag_list == tl.type());
+        REQUIRE(2 == tl.size());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("bridge") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->key());
+        REQUIRE(std::string("true") == std::next(tl.begin(), 1)->value());
+    }
+    SECTION("returns_value_by_key") {
+        osmium::memory::Buffer buffer(10240);
+        const osmium::TagList& tl = osmium::builder::build_tag_list_from_func(buffer, [](osmium::builder::TagListBuilder& tlb) {
+            tlb.add_tag("highway", "primary");
+            tlb.add_tag("bridge", "true");
+        });
+        REQUIRE(std::string("primary") == tl.get_value_by_key("highway"));
+        REQUIRE(nullptr == tl.get_value_by_key("name"));
+        REQUIRE(std::string("foo") == tl.get_value_by_key("name", "foo"));
+        REQUIRE(std::string("true") == tl["bridge"]);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/thread/test_pool.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/thread/test_pool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66bb373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/thread/test_pool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <thread>
+#include <osmium/thread/pool.hpp>
+static std::atomic<int> result;
+struct test_job_ok {
+    void operator()() const {
+        result = 1;
+    }
+struct test_job_with_result {
+    int operator()() const {
+        return 42;
+    }
+struct test_job_throw {
+    void operator()() const {
+        throw std::runtime_error("exception in pool thread");
+    }
+TEST_CASE("thread") {
+    SECTION("can get access to thread pool") {
+        auto& pool = osmium::thread::Pool::instance();
+        REQUIRE(pool.queue_empty());
+    }
+    SECTION("can send job to thread pool") {
+        auto& pool = osmium::thread::Pool::instance();
+        result = 0;
+        auto future = pool.submit(test_job_ok {});
+        // wait a bit for the other thread to get a chance to run
+        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
+        REQUIRE(result == 1);
+        future.get();
+        REQUIRE(true);
+    }
+    SECTION("can send job to thread pool") {
+        auto& pool = osmium::thread::Pool::instance();
+        auto future = pool.submit(test_job_with_result {});
+        REQUIRE(future.get() == 42);
+    }
+    SECTION("can throw from job in thread pool") {
+        auto& pool = osmium::thread::Pool::instance();
+        result = 0;
+        bool got_exception = false;
+        auto future = pool.submit(test_job_throw {});
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(future.get(), std::runtime_error);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_cast_with_assert.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_cast_with_assert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0231f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_cast_with_assert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+// Define assert() to throw this error. This enables the tests to check that
+// the assert() fails.
+struct assert_error : public std::runtime_error {
+    assert_error(const char* what_arg) : std::runtime_error(what_arg) {
+    }
+#define assert(x) if (!(x)) { throw(assert_error(#x)); }
+#include <osmium/util/cast.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("static_cast_with_assert") {
+    SECTION("same types is always okay") {
+        int f = 10;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("casting to larger type is always okay") {
+        int16_t f = 10;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int32_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int32_t -> int_16t should not trigger assert for small int") {
+        int32_t f = 100;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int32_t -> int_16t should trigger assert for large int") {
+        int32_t f = 100000;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int16_t>(f), assert_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int16_t -> uint16_t should not trigger assert for zero") {
+        int16_t f = 0;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int16_t -> uint16_t should not trigger assert for positive int") {
+        int16_t f = 1;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int16_t -> uint16_t should trigger assert for negative int") {
+        int16_t f = -1;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f), assert_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast uint32_t -> uint_16t should not trigger assert for zero") {
+        uint32_t f = 0;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast uint32_t -> uint_16t should not trigger assert for small int") {
+        uint32_t f = 100;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast int32_t -> int_16t should trigger assert for large int") {
+        uint32_t f = 100000;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::static_cast_with_assert<uint16_t>(f), assert_error);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast uint16_t -> int16_t should not trigger assert for small int") {
+        uint16_t f = 1;
+        auto t = osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int16_t>(f);
+        REQUIRE(t == f);
+    }
+    SECTION("cast uint16_t -> int16_t should trigger assert for large int") {
+        uint16_t f = 65000;
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::static_cast_with_assert<int16_t>(f), assert_error);
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_double.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_double.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cc87a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_double.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/util/double.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Double") {
+    SECTION("double2string") {
+        std::string s1;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s1, 1.123, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s1 == "1.123");
+        std::string s2;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s2, 1.000, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s2 == "1");
+        std::string s3;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s3, 0.0, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s3 == "0");
+        std::string s4;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s4, 0.020, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s4 == "0.02");
+        std::string s5;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s5, -0.020, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s5 == "-0.02");
+        std::string s6;
+        osmium::util::double2string(s6, -0.0, 7);
+        REQUIRE(s6 == "-0");
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_options.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_options.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..969f201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_options.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <osmium/util/options.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("Options") {
+    SECTION("set_simple") {
+        osmium::util::Options o;
+        o.set("foo", "bar");
+        REQUIRE("bar" == o.get("foo"));
+        REQUIRE("" == o.get("empty"));
+        REQUIRE("default" == o.get("empty", "default"));
+        REQUIRE(!o.is_true("foo"));
+        REQUIRE(!o.is_true("empty"));
+        REQUIRE(1 == o.size());
+    }
+    SECTION("set_from_bool") {
+        osmium::util::Options o;
+        o.set("t", true);
+        o.set("f", false);
+        REQUIRE("true" == o.get("t"));
+        REQUIRE("false" == o.get("f"));
+        REQUIRE("" == o.get("empty"));
+        REQUIRE(o.is_true("t"));
+        REQUIRE(!o.is_true("f"));
+        REQUIRE(2 == o.size());
+    }
+    SECTION("set_from_single_string_with_equals") {
+        osmium::util::Options o;
+        o.set("foo=bar");
+        REQUIRE("bar" == o.get("foo"));
+        REQUIRE(1 == o.size());
+    }
+    SECTION("set_from_single_string_without_equals") {
+        osmium::util::Options o;
+        o.set("foo");
+        REQUIRE("true" == o.get("foo"));
+        REQUIRE(o.is_true("foo"));
+        REQUIRE(1 == o.size());
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_string.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_string.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa49787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/t/util/test_string.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include <osmium/util/string.hpp>
+TEST_CASE("split_string") {
+    SECTION("split_string string") {
+        std::string str { "foo,baramba,baz" };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"foo", "baramba", "baz"};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string string without sep") {
+        std::string str { "foo" };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"foo"};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string string with empty at end") {
+        std::string str { "foo,bar," };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"foo", "bar", ""};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string string with empty in middle") {
+        std::string str { "foo,,bar" };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"foo", "", "bar"};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string string with empty at start") {
+        std::string str { ",bar,baz" };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"", "bar", "baz"};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string sep") {
+        std::string str { "," };
+        std::vector<std::string> result = {"", ""};
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
+    SECTION("split_string empty string") {
+        std::string str { "" };
+        std::vector<std::string> result;
+        REQUIRE(result == osmium::split_string(str, ','));
+    }
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/test_main.cpp b/third_party/libosmium/test/test_main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7c351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/test_main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
diff --git a/third_party/libosmium/test/valgrind.supp b/third_party/libosmium/test/valgrind.supp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ef1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libosmium/test/valgrind.supp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#  This file describes messages that Valgrind should suppress, because they
+#  are about problems outside Libosmium that we can't fix anyway.
+#  See http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/manual-core.html#manual-core.suppress
+   dl_error1
+   Memcheck:Cond
+   fun:index
+   fun:expand_dynamic_string_token
+   fun:fillin_rpath
+   fun:_dl_init_paths
+   fun:dl_main
+   fun:_dl_sysdep_start
+   fun:_dl_start
+   dl_error2
+   Memcheck:Cond
+   fun:index
+   fun:expand_dynamic_string_token
+   fun:_dl_map_object
+   fun:map_doit
+   fun:_dl_catch_error
+   fun:do_preload
+   fun:dl_main
+   fun:_dl_sysdep_start
+   fun:_dl_start
+   libpoppler_leak
+   Memcheck:Leak
+   fun:malloc
+   fun:gmalloc
+   fun:copyString
+   tmpfile
+   Memcheck:Leak
+   fun:malloc
+   fun:fdopen@@GLIBC_*
+   fun:tmpfile@@GLIBC_*
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/checked_task.hpp b/third_party/osmium/thread/checked_task.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c664c..0000000
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/checked_task.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
-#include <chrono>
-#include <future>
-#include <thread>
-#include <utility>
-namespace osmium {
-    namespace thread {
-        template <class T>
-        class CheckedTask {
-            std::thread m_thread;
-            std::future<bool> m_future;
-        public:
-            template <class... TArgs>
-            explicit CheckedTask(TArgs&&... args) {
-                std::packaged_task<bool()> pack_task(T(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...));
-                m_future = pack_task.get_future();
-                m_thread = std::thread(std::move(pack_task));
-            }
-            ~CheckedTask() {
-                // Make sure task is done.
-                if (m_thread.joinable()) {
-                    m_thread.join();
-                }
-            }
-            CheckedTask(const CheckedTask&) = delete;
-            CheckedTask& operator=(const CheckedTask&) = delete;
-            /**
-             * Check task for exceptions.
-             *
-             * If an exception happened in the task, re-throw it in this
-             * thread. This will not do anything if there was no exception.
-             */
-            void check_for_exception() {
-                if (m_future.valid() && m_future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) == std::future_status::ready) {
-                    m_future.get();
-                }
-            }
-            /**
-             * Close the task. This will raise in this thread any exception the
-             * task generated in the other thread.
-             */
-            void close() {
-                // If an exception happened in the task, re-throw
-                // it in this thread. This will block if the task
-                // isn't finished.
-                if (m_future.valid()) {
-                    m_future.get();
-                }
-                // Make sure task is done.
-                if (m_thread.joinable()) {
-                    m_thread.join();
-                }
-            }
-        }; // class CheckedTask
-    } // namespace thread
-} // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/thread/name.hpp b/third_party/osmium/thread/name.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ec5c4..0000000
--- a/third_party/osmium/thread/name.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
-#ifdef __linux__
-# include <sys/prctl.h>
-namespace osmium {
-    namespace thread {
-        /**
-         * Set name of current thread for debugging. This only works on Linux.
-         */
-#ifdef __linux__
-        inline void set_thread_name(const char* name) {
-            prctl(PR_SET_NAME, name, 0, 0, 0);
-        }
-        inline void set_thread_name(const char*) {
-            // intentionally left blank
-        }
-    } // namespace thread
-} // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/osmium/util/cast.hpp b/third_party/osmium/util/cast.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7503267..0000000
--- a/third_party/osmium/util/cast.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of Osmium (http://osmcode.org/libosmium).
-Copyright 2013,2014 Jochen Topf <jochen at topf.org> and others (see README).
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
-#include <cassert>
-#include <limits>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace osmium {
-    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<F>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value && std::is_signed<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
-    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
-        static_assert(sizeof(T) < sizeof(F), "unnecessary static_cast_with_assert when casting into type of equal or larger size");
-        assert(value >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() && value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
-        return static_cast<T>(value);
-    }
-    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<F>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value && std::is_signed<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
-    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
-        static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(F), "unnecessary static_cast_with_assert when casting into type of larger size");
-        assert(value >= 0 && static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<F>::type>(value) <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
-        return static_cast<T>(value);
-    }
-    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<F>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
-    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
-        static_assert(sizeof(T) < sizeof(F), "unnecessary static_cast_with_assert when casting into type of equal or larger size");
-        assert(value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
-        return static_cast<T>(value);
-    }
-    template <typename T, typename F, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<F>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<F>::value, int>::type = 0>
-    inline T static_cast_with_assert(const F value) {
-        static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(F), "unnecessary static_cast_with_assert when casting into type of larger size");
-        assert(value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
-        return static_cast<T>(value);
-    }
-} // namespace osmium
diff --git a/third_party/variant/.gitignore b/third_party/variant/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5620e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/variant/.travis.yml b/third_party/variant/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1e655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+language: cpp
+# http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/multi-os/
+  - linux
+  - osx
+ - clang
+ - gcc
+ - true
+ - true
+ - true
+ - source "scripts/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}.sh"
diff --git a/third_party/variant/Jamroot b/third_party/variant/Jamroot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aead870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/Jamroot
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+local BOOST_DIR = "/opt/boost" ;
+#using clang : : ;
+lib system : : <name>boost_system <search>$(BOOST_DIR)/lib ;
+lib timer : chrono : <name>boost_timer <search>$(BOOST_DIR)/lib ;
+lib chrono : system : <name>boost_chrono <search>$(BOOST_DIR)/lib ;
+exe variant-test
+    :
+    test/bench_variant.cpp
+    .//system
+    .//timer
+    .//chrono
+    :
+    <include>$(BOOST_DIR)/include
+    <include>./
+    <cxxflags>-std=c++11
+    #<define>SINGLE_THREADED
+    <variant>release:<cxxflags>-march=native
+    ;
+exe binary-visitor-test
+    :
+    test/binary_visitor_test.cpp
+    .//system
+    .//timer
+    .//chrono
+    :
+    <include>$(BOOST_DIR)/include
+    <include>./
+    <cxxflags>-std=c++11
+    <variant>release:<cxxflags>-march=native
+    ;
+exe recursive-wrapper-test
+    :
+    test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp
+    .//system
+    .//timer
+    .//chrono
+    :
+    <include>$(BOOST_DIR)/include
+    <include>./
+    <cxxflags>-std=c++11
+    <variant>release:<cxxflags>-march=native
+    ;
+exe unique-ptr-test
+    :
+    test/unique_ptr_test.cpp
+    .//system
+    .//timer
+    .//chrono
+    :
+    <include>$(BOOST_DIR)/include
+    <include>./
+    <cxxflags>-std=c++11
+    <variant>release:<cxxflags>-march=native
+    ;
+exe reference_wrapper_test
+    :
+    test/reference_wrapper_test.cpp
+    .//system
+    .//timer
+    .//chrono
+    :
+    <include>$(BOOST_DIR)/include
+    <include>./
+    <cxxflags>-std=c++11
+    <variant>release:<cxxflags>-march=native
+    ;
diff --git a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in b/third_party/variant/LICENSE
similarity index 59%
copy from Util/git_sha.cpp.in
copy to third_party/variant/LICENSE
index 5b19337..6c4ce40 100644
--- a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in
+++ b/third_party/variant/LICENSE
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) MapBox
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
-of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
-list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
-other materials provided with the distribution.
+- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+  list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+  other materials provided with the distribution.
+- Neither the name "MapBox" nor the names of its contributors may be
+  used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+  specific prior written permission.
-#include "git_sha.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/variant/Makefile b/third_party/variant/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae3d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+CXX := $(CXX)
+BOOST_LIBS = -lboost_timer -lboost_system -lboost_chrono
+RELEASE_FLAGS = -O3 -DNDEBUG -finline-functions -march=native -DSINGLE_THREADED
+DEBUG_FLAGS = -O0 -g -DDEBUG -fno-inline-functions
+COMMON_FLAGS = -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wsign-conversion -Wshadow -Wunused-parameter -pedantic -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++11
+OS:=$(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
+	CXXFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++
+	LDFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++ -F/ -framework CoreFoundation
+    BOOST_LIBS += -lrt
+ifeq (sizes,$(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
+  RUN_ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
+  $(eval $(RUN_ARGS):;@:)
+  ifndef RUN_ARGS
+  $(error sizes target requires you pass full path to boost variant.hpp)
+  endif
+all: out/bench-variant out/unique_ptr_test out/unique_ptr_test out/recursive_wrapper_test out/binary_visitor_test
+	git clone --depth 1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp.git ./deps/gyp
+gyp: ./deps/gyp
+	deps/gyp/gyp --depth=. -Goutput_dir=./ --generator-output=./out -f make
+	make V=1 -C ./out tests
+	./out/Release/tests
+out/bench-variant-debug: Makefile test/bench_variant.cpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/bench-variant-debug test/bench_variant.cpp -I./ $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+out/bench-variant: Makefile test/bench_variant.cpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/bench-variant test/bench_variant.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+out/unique_ptr_test: Makefile test/unique_ptr_test.cpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/unique_ptr_test test/unique_ptr_test.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+out/recursive_wrapper_test: Makefile test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/recursive_wrapper_test test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+out/binary_visitor_test: Makefile test/binary_visitor_test.cpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/binary_visitor_test test/binary_visitor_test.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS)
+bench: out/bench-variant out/unique_ptr_test out/unique_ptr_test out/recursive_wrapper_test out/binary_visitor_test
+	./out/bench-variant 100000
+	./out/unique_ptr_test 100000
+	./out/recursive_wrapper_test 100000
+	./out/binary_visitor_test 100000
+out/unit: Makefile test/unit.cpp test/optional_unit.cpp optional.hpp variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/unit test/unit.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+	$(CXX) -o out/optional_unit test/optional_unit.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+test: out/unit
+	./out/unit
+	./out/optional_unit
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	$(CXX) -o out/cov-test --coverage test/unit.cpp -I./ $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+sizes: Makefile variant.hpp
+	mkdir -p ./out
+	@$(CXX) -o ./out/variant_hello_world.out variant.hpp $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) &&  du -h ./out/variant_hello_world.out
+	@$(CXX) -o ./out/boost_variant_hello_world.out $(RUN_ARGS) $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) &&  du -h ./out/boost_variant_hello_world.out
+	@$(CXX) -o ./out/variant_hello_world ./test/variant_hello_world.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) &&  du -h ./out/variant_hello_world
+	@$(CXX) -o ./out/boost_variant_hello_world ./test/boost_variant_hello_world.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) &&  du -h ./out/boost_variant_hello_world
+profile: out/bench-variant-debug
+	mkdir -p profiling/
+	rm -rf profiling/*
+	iprofiler -timeprofiler -d profiling/ ./out/bench-variant-debug 500000
+	rm -rf ./out
+	rm -rf *.dSYM
+	rm -f unit.gc*
+	rm -f *gcov
+	rm -f test/unit.gc*
+	rm -f test/*gcov
+pgo: out Makefile variant.hpp
+	$(CXX) -o out/bench-variant test/bench_variant.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS) -pg -fprofile-generate
+	./test-variant 500000 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+	$(CXX) -o out/bench-variant test/bench_variant.cpp -I./ $(RELEASE_FLAGS) $(COMMON_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BOOST_LIBS) -fprofile-use
+.PHONY: sizes test
diff --git a/third_party/variant/README.md b/third_party/variant/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..791131d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Mapbox Variant
+An alternative to `boost::variant` for C++11.
+[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mapbox/variant.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/mapbox/variant)
+[![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/v9tatx21j1k0fcgy)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Mapbox/variant)
+[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/mapbox/variant/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/mapbox/variant?branch=master)
+# Why use Mapbox Variant?
+Mapbox variant has the same speedy performance of `boost::variant` but is faster to compile, results in smaller binaries, and has no dependencies.
+For example on OS X 10.9 with clang++ and libc++:
+Test | Mapbox Variant | Boost Variant
+---- | -------------- | -------------
+Size of pre-compiled header (release / debug) | 2.8/2.8 MB         | 12/15 MB
+Size of simple program linking variant (release / debug)     | 8/24 K             | 12/40 K
+Time to compile header     | 185 ms             |  675 ms
+# Depends
+ - Compiler supporting `-std=c++11`
+Tested with
+ - g++-4.7
+ - g++-4.8
+ - clang++-3.4
+ - clang++-3.5
+ - Visual C++ Compiler November 2013 CTP
+ - Visual C++ Compiler 2014 CTP 4
+Note: get the "2013 Nov CTP" release at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41151 and the 2014 CTP at http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/visual-studio-14-ctp-vs.aspx
+# Usage
+There is nothing to build, just include `variant.hpp` and `recursive_wrapper.hpp` in your project.
+# Tests
+The tests depend on:
+ - Boost headers (for benchmarking against `boost::variant`)
+ - Boost built with `--with-timer` (used for benchmark timing)
+On Unix systems set your boost includes and libs locations and run `make test`:
+    export LDFLAGS='-L/opt/boost/lib'
+    export CXXFLAGS='-I/opt/boost/include'
+    make test
+On windows do:
+    vcbuild
+## Benchmark
+On Unix systems run the benchmark like:
+    make bench
+## Check object sizes
+    make sizes /path/to/boost/variant.hpp
diff --git a/third_party/variant/appveyor.yml b/third_party/variant/appveyor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7c599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/appveyor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  - x64
+  - x86
+  - Debug
+  - Release
+  - SET PATH=c:\python27;%PATH%
+  - SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\;%PATH%
+  - git clone --quiet --depth 1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp.git deps/gyp
+  # note windows requires --generator-output to be absolute
+  - python deps/gyp/gyp_main.py variant.gyp --depth=. -f msvs -G msvs_version=2013
+  - set MSBUILD_PLATFORM=%platform%
+  - if "%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x86" set MSBUILD_PLATFORM=Win32
+  - msbuild variant.sln /nologo /p:Configuration=%configuration%;Platform=%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%
+  - .\"%configuration%"\tests.exe
+build: OFF
+test: OFF
+test_script: OFF
+deploy: OFF
diff --git a/third_party/variant/common.gypi b/third_party/variant/common.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e333b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/common.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+  "conditions": [
+    ["OS=='win'", {
+          "target_defaults": {
+            "default_configuration": "Release_x64",
+            "msbuild_toolset":"CTP_Nov2013",
+            "msvs_settings": {
+              "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+                "ExceptionHandling": 1, # /EHsc
+                "RuntimeTypeInfo": "true" # /GR
+              }
+            },
+            "configurations": {
+              "Debug_Win32": {
+                "msvs_configuration_platform": "Win32",
+                "defines": [ "DEBUG","_DEBUG"],
+                "msvs_settings": {
+                  "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+                    "RuntimeLibrary": "1", # static debug /MTd
+                    "Optimization": 0, # /Od, no optimization
+                    "MinimalRebuild": "false",
+                    "OmitFramePointers": "false",
+                    "BasicRuntimeChecks": 3 # /RTC1
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              "Debug_x64": {
+                "msvs_configuration_platform": "x64",
+                "defines": [ "DEBUG","_DEBUG"],
+                "msvs_settings": {
+                  "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+                    "RuntimeLibrary": "1", # static debug /MTd
+                    "Optimization": 0, # /Od, no optimization
+                    "MinimalRebuild": "false",
+                    "OmitFramePointers": "false",
+                    "BasicRuntimeChecks": 3 # /RTC1
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              "Release_Win32": {
+                "msvs_configuration_platform": "Win32",
+                "defines": [ "NDEBUG"],
+                "msvs_settings": {
+                  "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+                    "RuntimeLibrary": 0, # static release
+                    "Optimization": 3, # /Ox, full optimization
+                    "FavorSizeOrSpeed": 1, # /Ot, favour speed over size
+                    "InlineFunctionExpansion": 2, # /Ob2, inline anything eligible
+                    "WholeProgramOptimization": "true", # /GL, whole program optimization, needed for LTCG
+                    "OmitFramePointers": "true",
+                    "EnableFunctionLevelLinking": "true",
+                    "EnableIntrinsicFunctions": "true",
+                    "AdditionalOptions": [
+                      "/MP", # compile across multiple CPUs
+                    ],
+                    "DebugInformationFormat": "0"
+                  },
+                  "VCLibrarianTool": {
+                    "AdditionalOptions": [
+                      "/LTCG" # link time code generation
+                    ],
+                  },
+                  "VCLinkerTool": {
+                    "LinkTimeCodeGeneration": 1, # link-time code generation
+                    "OptimizeReferences": 2, # /OPT:REF
+                    "EnableCOMDATFolding": 2, # /OPT:ICF
+                    "LinkIncremental": 1, # disable incremental linking
+                    "GenerateDebugInformation": "false"
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              "Release_x64": {
+                "msvs_configuration_platform": "x64",
+                "defines": [ "NDEBUG"],
+                "msvs_settings": {
+                  "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+                    "RuntimeLibrary": 0, # static release
+                    "Optimization": 3, # /Ox, full optimization
+                    "FavorSizeOrSpeed": 1, # /Ot, favour speed over size
+                    "InlineFunctionExpansion": 2, # /Ob2, inline anything eligible
+                    "WholeProgramOptimization": "true", # /GL, whole program optimization, needed for LTCG
+                    "OmitFramePointers": "true",
+                    "EnableFunctionLevelLinking": "true",
+                    "EnableIntrinsicFunctions": "true",
+                    "AdditionalOptions": [
+                      "/MP", # compile across multiple CPUs
+                    ],
+                    "DebugInformationFormat": "0"
+                  },
+                  "VCLibrarianTool": {
+                    "AdditionalOptions": [
+                      "/LTCG" # link time code generation
+                    ],
+                  },
+                  "VCLinkerTool": {
+                    "LinkTimeCodeGeneration": 1, # link-time code generation
+                    "OptimizeReferences": 2, # /OPT:REF
+                    "EnableCOMDATFolding": 2, # /OPT:ICF
+                    "LinkIncremental": 1, # disable incremental linking
+                    "GenerateDebugInformation": "false"
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+    }, {
+        "target_defaults": {
+            "default_configuration": "Release",
+            "xcode_settings": {
+              "CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libc++",
+              "CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD":"c++11",
+              "GCC_VERSION": "com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0",
+            },
+            "cflags_cc": ["-std=c++11"],
+            "configurations": {
+                "Debug": {
+                    "defines": [
+                        "DEBUG"
+                    ],
+                    "xcode_settings": {
+                        "GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL": "0",
+                        "GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS": "YES",
+                        "OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS": [ "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-pedantic", "-g", "-O0" ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "Release": {
+                    "defines": [
+                        "NDEBUG"
+                    ],
+                    "xcode_settings": {
+                        "GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL": "3",
+                        "GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS": "NO",
+                        "DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING": "YES",
+                        "GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN": "YES",
+                        "OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS": [ "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-pedantic", "-O3" ]
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }]
+  ]
diff --git a/third_party/variant/scripts/linux.sh b/third_party/variant/scripts/linux.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f173db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/scripts/linux.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e -u
+set -o pipefail
+# ppa for latest boost
+sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:boost-latest/ppa
+# ppa for g++ 4.7 and 4.8
+sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
+sudo apt-get update -y
+# install boost headers and g++ upgrades
+sudo apt-get -y -qq install boost1.55 gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 gcc-4.7 g++-4.7
+if [[ "$CXX" == "clang++" ]]; then
+    echo 'running tests against clang++'
+    make test
+    make bench
+    make clean
+    # run tests against g++ 4.7
+    export CXX="g++-4.7"; export CC="gcc-4.7"
+    echo 'running tests against g++ 4.7'
+    make test
+    make bench
+    make clean
+    # run tests against g++ 4.8
+    export CXX="g++-4.8"; export CC="gcc-4.8"
+    echo 'running tests against g++ 4.8'
+    make test
+    make bench
+    make clean
+# compare object sizes against boost::variant
+echo 'comparing object sizes to boost::variant'
+make sizes /usr/include/boost/variant.hpp
+make clean
+# test building with gyp
+echo 'testing build with gyp'
+make gyp
+# run coverage when using clang++
+if [[ $CXX == "clang++" ]]; then
+    make clean
+    make coverage
+    git status
+    ./out/cov-test
+    cp unit*gc* test/
+    sudo pip install cpp-coveralls
+    coveralls -i variant.hpp -i recursive_wrapper.hpp --gcov-options '\-lp'
+# set strictness back to normal
+# to avoid tripping up travis
+set +e +u
diff --git a/third_party/variant/scripts/osx.sh b/third_party/variant/scripts/osx.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14149ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/scripts/osx.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e -u
+set -o pipefail
+# install boost headers
+brew unlink boost
+brew install boost
+# run tests
+make test
+make bench
+make clean
+# compare object sizes against boost::variant
+make sizes `brew --prefix`/include/boost/variant.hpp
+make clean
+# test building with gyp
+make gyp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/bench_variant.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/bench_variant.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f271245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/bench_variant.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
+#include "variant.hpp"
+#define TEXT "Testing various variant implementations with a longish string ........................................."
+using namespace mapbox;
+namespace test {
+template <typename V>
+struct Holder
+    typedef V value_type;
+    std::vector<value_type> data;
+    template <typename T>
+    void append_move(T && obj)
+    {
+        data.emplace_back(std::forward<T>(obj));
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    void append(T const& obj)
+    {
+        data.push_back(obj);
+    }
+} // namespace test
+struct print : util::static_visitor<>
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << val << ":" << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+    }
+template <typename V>
+struct dummy : boost::static_visitor<>
+    dummy(V & v)
+        : v_(v) {}
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        v_ = val;
+    }
+    V & v_;
+template <typename V>
+struct dummy2 : util::static_visitor<>
+    dummy2(V & v)
+        : v_(v) {}
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        v_.template set<T>(val);
+    }
+    V & v_;
+void run_boost_test(std::size_t runs)
+    test::Holder<boost::variant<int, double, std::string>> h;
+    h.data.reserve(runs);
+    for (std::size_t i=0; i< runs; ++i)
+    {
+        h.append_move(std::string(TEXT));
+        h.append_move(123);
+        h.append_move(3.14159);
+    }
+    boost::variant<int, double, std::string> v;
+    for (auto const& v2 : h.data)
+    {
+        dummy<boost::variant<int, double, std::string>> d(v);
+        boost::apply_visitor(d, v2);
+    }
+void run_variant_test(std::size_t runs)
+    test::Holder<util::variant<int, double, std::string>> h;
+    h.data.reserve(runs);
+    for (std::size_t i=0; i< runs; ++i)
+    {
+        h.append_move(std::string(TEXT));
+        h.append_move(123);
+        h.append_move(3.14159);
+    }
+    util::variant<int, double, std::string> v;
+    for (auto const& v2 : h.data)
+    {
+        dummy2<util::variant<int, double, std::string>> d(v);
+        util::apply_visitor (d, v2);
+    }
+int main (int argc, char** argv)
+    if (argc!=2)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " <num-runs>" << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    const std::size_t THREADS = 4;
+    const std::size_t NUM_RUNS = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::stol(argv[1]));
+    {
+        std::cerr << "custom variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        run_variant_test(NUM_RUNS);
+    }
+    {
+        std::cerr << "boost variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        run_boost_test(NUM_RUNS);
+    }
+    {
+        std::cerr << "custom variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        run_variant_test(NUM_RUNS);
+    }
+    {
+        std::cerr << "boost variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        run_boost_test(NUM_RUNS);
+    }
+    {
+        typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> thread_group;
+        typedef thread_group::value_type value_type;
+        thread_group tg;
+        std::cerr << "custom variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;
+        for (std::size_t i=0; i<THREADS; ++i)
+        {
+            tg.emplace_back(new std::thread(run_variant_test, NUM_RUNS));
+        }
+        std::for_each(tg.begin(), tg.end(), [](value_type & t) {if (t->joinable()) t->join();});
+    }
+    {
+        typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> thread_group;
+        typedef thread_group::value_type value_type;
+        thread_group tg;
+        std::cerr << "boost variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;
+        for (std::size_t i=0; i<THREADS; ++i)
+        {
+            tg.emplace_back(new std::thread(run_boost_test, NUM_RUNS));
+        }
+        std::for_each(tg.begin(), tg.end(), [](value_type & t) {if (t->joinable()) t->join();});
+    }
+    {
+        typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> thread_group;
+        typedef thread_group::value_type value_type;
+        thread_group tg;
+        std::cerr << "custom variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;
+        for (std::size_t i=0; i<THREADS; ++i)
+        {
+            tg.emplace_back(new std::thread(run_variant_test, NUM_RUNS));
+        }
+        std::for_each(tg.begin(), tg.end(), [](value_type & t) {if (t->joinable()) t->join();});
+    }
+    {
+        typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> thread_group;
+        typedef thread_group::value_type value_type;
+        thread_group tg;
+        std::cerr << "boost variant: ";
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;
+        for (std::size_t i=0; i<THREADS; ++i)
+        {
+            tg.emplace_back(new std::thread(run_boost_test, NUM_RUNS));
+        }
+        std::for_each(tg.begin(), tg.end(), [](value_type & t) {if (t->joinable()) t->join();});
+    }
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/binary_visitor_test.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/binary_visitor_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2a30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/binary_visitor_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
+#include "variant.hpp"
+#include "variant_io.hpp"
+using namespace mapbox;
+namespace test {
+template <typename T>
+struct string_to_number {};
+template <>
+struct string_to_number<double>
+    double operator() (std::string const& str) const
+    {
+        return std::stod(str);
+    }
+template <>
+struct string_to_number<std::int64_t>
+    std::int64_t operator() (std::string const& str) const
+    {
+        return std::stoll(str);
+    }
+template <>
+struct string_to_number<std::uint64_t>
+    std::uint64_t operator() (std::string const& str) const
+    {
+        return std::stoull(str);
+    }
+template <>
+struct string_to_number<bool>
+    bool operator() (std::string const& str) const
+    {
+        bool result;
+        std::istringstream(str) >> std::boolalpha >> result;
+        return result;
+    }
+struct javascript_equal_visitor : util::static_visitor<bool>
+    template <typename T>
+    bool operator() (T lhs, T rhs) const
+    {
+        return lhs == rhs;
+    }
+    template <typename T, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type>
+    bool operator() (T lhs, std::string const& rhs) const
+    {
+        return lhs == string_to_number<T>()(rhs);
+    }
+    template <typename T, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type>
+    bool operator() (std::string const& lhs, T rhs) const
+    {
+        return string_to_number<T>()(lhs) == rhs;
+    }
+    template <typename T0, typename T1>
+    bool operator() (T0 lhs, T1 rhs) const
+    {
+        return lhs == static_cast<T0>(rhs);
+    }
+template <typename T>
+struct javascript_equal
+    javascript_equal(T const& lhs)
+        : lhs_(lhs) {}
+    bool operator() (T const& rhs) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(test::javascript_equal_visitor(), lhs_, rhs);
+    }
+    T const& lhs_;
+} // namespace test
+int main (/*int argc, char** argv*/)
+    typedef util::variant<bool, std::int64_t, std::uint64_t, double, std::string> variant_type;
+    variant_type v0(3.14159);
+    variant_type v1(std::string("3.14159"));
+    variant_type v2(std::uint64_t(1));
+    std::cerr << v0 << " == " << v1 << " -> "
+              << std::boolalpha << util::apply_visitor(test::javascript_equal_visitor(), v0, v1) << std::endl;
+    std::vector<variant_type> vec;
+    vec.emplace_back(std::string("1"));
+    vec.push_back(variant_type(std::uint64_t(2)));
+    vec.push_back(variant_type(std::uint64_t(3)));
+    vec.push_back(std::string("3.14159"));
+    vec.emplace_back(3.14159);
+    //auto itr = std::find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [&v0](variant_type const& val) {
+    //        return util::apply_visitor(test::javascript_equal_visitor(), v0, val);
+    //    });
+    auto itr = std::find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), test::javascript_equal<variant_type>(v2));
+    if (itr != std::end(vec))
+    {
+        std::cout << "found " << *itr << std::endl;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        std::cout << "can't find " << v2 << '\n';
+    }
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/boost_variant_hello_world.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/boost_variant_hello_world.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d0925a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/boost_variant_hello_world.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <stdexcept>
+struct check : boost::static_visitor<>
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        if (val != 0) throw std::runtime_error("invalid");
+    }
+int main() {
+    typedef boost::variant<bool, int, double> variant_type;
+    variant_type v(0);
+    boost::apply_visitor(check(), v);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/catch.hpp b/third_party/variant/test/catch.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057c82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/catch.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8683 @@
+ *  CATCH v1.0 build 45 (master branch)
+ *  Generated: 2014-05-19 18:22:42.461908
+ *  ----------------------------------------------------------
+ *  This file has been merged from multiple headers. Please don't edit it directly
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ *  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ */
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc99-extensions"
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat"
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic"
+#    define CLARA_CONFIG_MAIN
+#  endif
+// #included from: internal/catch_notimplemented_exception.h
+// #included from: catch_common.h
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME_LINE2( name, line ) name##line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY2( expr ) #expr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
+// #included from: catch_compiler_capabilities.h
+// Much of the following code is based on Boost (1.53)
+#ifdef __clang__
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_nullptr)
+#  endif
+#  if __has_feature(cxx_noexcept)
+#  endif
+#endif // __clang__
+// Borland
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#if (__BORLANDC__ > 0x582 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __BORLANDC__
+// EDG
+#ifdef __EDG_VERSION__
+#if (__EDG_VERSION__ > 238 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __EDG_VERSION__
+// Digital Mars
+#ifdef __DMC__
+#if (__DMC__ > 0x840 )
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // __DMC__
+// GCC
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#if __GNUC__ < 3
+#if (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96 )
+#elif __GNUC__ >= 3
+// #define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Taking this out completely for now
+#endif // __GNUC__ < 3
+#if __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6 && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) )
+#endif // __GNUC__
+// Visual C++
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if (_MSC_VER >= 1310 ) // (VC++ 7.0+)
+//#define CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE // Not confirmed
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// Use variadic macros if the compiler supports them
+#if ( defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER > 1400 && !defined __EDGE__) || \
+    ( defined __WAVE__ && __WAVE_HAS_VARIADICS ) || \
+    ( defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3 ) || \
+    ( !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L )
+// C++ language feature support
+// detect language version:
+#if (__cplusplus == 201103L)
+#  define CATCH_CPP11
+#elif (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
+// noexcept support:
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT noexcept
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x) noexcept(x)
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT throw()
+#  define CATCH_NOEXCEPT_IS(x)
+namespace Catch {
+    class NonCopyable {
+        NonCopyable( NonCopyable const& );
+        void operator = ( NonCopyable const& );
+    protected:
+        NonCopyable() {}
+        virtual ~NonCopyable();
+    };
+    class SafeBool {
+    public:
+        typedef void (SafeBool::*type)() const;
+        static type makeSafe( bool value ) {
+            return value ? &SafeBool::trueValue : 0;
+        }
+    private:
+        void trueValue() const {}
+    };
+    template<typename ContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAll( ContainerT& container ) {
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename ContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete *it;
+    }
+    template<typename AssociativeContainerT>
+    inline void deleteAllValues( AssociativeContainerT& container ) {
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator it = container.begin();
+        typename AssociativeContainerT::const_iterator itEnd = container.end();
+        for(; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            delete it->second;
+    }
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix );
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix );
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix );
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s );
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s );
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str );
+    struct pluralise {
+        pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label );
+        friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser );
+        std::size_t m_count;
+        std::string m_label;
+    };
+    struct SourceLineInfo {
+        SourceLineInfo();
+        SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other );
+        SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo && )                  = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo const& ) = default;
+        SourceLineInfo& operator = ( SourceLineInfo && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool empty() const;
+        bool operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const;
+        std::string file;
+        std::size_t line;
+    };
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info );
+    // This is just here to avoid compiler warnings with macro constants and boolean literals
+    inline bool isTrue( bool value ){ return value; }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo );
+    // Use this in variadic streaming macros to allow
+    //    >> +StreamEndStop
+    // as well as
+    //    >> stuff +StreamEndStop
+    struct StreamEndStop {
+        std::string operator+() {
+            return std::string();
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    T const& operator + ( T const& value, StreamEndStop ) {
+        return value;
+    }
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ::Catch::SourceLineInfo( __FILE__, static_cast<std::size_t>( __LINE__ ) )
+#define CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( msg ) ::Catch::throwLogicError( msg, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO );
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class NotImplementedException : public std::exception
+    {
+    public:
+        NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+        virtual ~NotImplementedException() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+        virtual const char* what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    private:
+        std::string m_what;
+        SourceLineInfo m_lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define CATCH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED throw Catch::NotImplementedException( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO )
+// #included from: internal/catch_context.h
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_generators.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct IGeneratorInfo {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorInfo();
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+        virtual std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest {
+        virtual ~IGeneratorsForTest();
+        virtual IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) = 0;
+        virtual bool moveNext() = 0;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_ptr.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    // An intrusive reference counting smart pointer.
+    // T must implement addRef() and release() methods
+    // typically implementing the IShared interface
+    template<typename T>
+    class Ptr {
+    public:
+        Ptr() : m_p( NULL ){}
+        Ptr( T* p ) : m_p( p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        Ptr( Ptr const& other ) : m_p( other.m_p ){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->addRef();
+        }
+        ~Ptr(){
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( m_p )
+                m_p->release();
+            m_p = NULL;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( T* p ){
+            Ptr temp( p );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Ptr& operator = ( Ptr const& other ){
+            Ptr temp( other );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void swap( Ptr& other ) { std::swap( m_p, other.m_p ); }
+        T* get() { return m_p; }
+        const T* get() const{ return m_p; }
+        T& operator*() const { return *m_p; }
+        T* operator->() const { return m_p; }
+        bool operator !() const { return m_p == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const { return SafeBool::makeSafe( m_p != NULL ); }
+    private:
+        T* m_p;
+    };
+    struct IShared : NonCopyable {
+        virtual ~IShared();
+        virtual void addRef() const = 0;
+        virtual void release() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename T = IShared>
+    struct SharedImpl : T {
+        SharedImpl() : m_rc( 0 ){}
+        virtual void addRef() const {
+            ++m_rc;
+        }
+        virtual void release() const {
+            if( --m_rc == 0 )
+                delete this;
+        }
+        mutable unsigned int m_rc;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class Stream;
+    struct IResultCapture;
+    struct IRunner;
+    struct IGeneratorsForTest;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IContext();
+        virtual IResultCapture& getResultCapture() = 0;
+        virtual IRunner& getRunner() = 0;
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) = 0;
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() = 0;
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableContext : IContext
+    {
+        virtual ~IMutableContext();
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) = 0;
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) = 0;
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) = 0;
+    };
+    IContext& getCurrentContext();
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    void cleanUpContext();
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName );
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_registry.hpp
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_testcase.h
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct ITestCase : IShared {
+        virtual void invoke () const = 0;
+    protected:
+        virtual ~ITestCase();
+    };
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IConfig;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry {
+        virtual ~ITestCaseRegistry();
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const = 0;
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const = 0;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename C>
+class MethodTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    MethodTestCase( void (C::*method)() ) : m_method( method ) {}
+    virtual void invoke() const {
+        C obj;
+        (obj.*m_method)();
+    }
+    virtual ~MethodTestCase() {}
+    void (C::*m_method)();
+typedef void(*TestFunction)();
+struct NameAndDesc {
+    NameAndDesc( const char* _name = "", const char* _description= "" )
+    : name( _name ), description( _description )
+    {}
+    const char* name;
+    const char* description;
+struct AutoReg {
+    AutoReg(    TestFunction function,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc );
+    template<typename C>
+    AutoReg(    void (C::*method)(),
+                char const* className,
+                NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        registerTestCase(   new MethodTestCase<C>( method ),
+                            className,
+                            nameAndDesc,
+                            lineInfo );
+    }
+    void registerTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            char const* className,
+                            NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+    ~AutoReg();
+    AutoReg( AutoReg const& );
+    void operator= ( AutoReg const& );
+} // end namespace Catch
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( ... ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, ... ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, ... )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( __VA_ARGS__ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( Name, Desc ) \
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )(); \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ) ); }\
+        static void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )()
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( QualifiedMethod, Name, Desc ) \
+        namespace{ Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar )( &QualifiedMethod, "&" #QualifiedMethod, Catch::NameAndDesc( Name, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( ClassName, TestName, Desc )\
+        namespace{ \
+            struct INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ ) : ClassName{ \
+                void test(); \
+            }; \
+            Catch::AutoReg INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( autoRegistrar ) ( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test, #ClassName, Catch::NameAndDesc( TestName, Desc ), CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO ); \
+        } \
+        void INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( ____C_A_T_C_H____T_E_S_T____ )::test()
+// #included from: internal/catch_capture.hpp
+// #included from: catch_expression_decomposer.hpp
+// #included from: catch_expression_lhs.hpp
+// #included from: catch_expressionresult_builder.h
+// #included from: catch_tostring.h
+// #included from: catch_sfinae.hpp
+// Try to detect if the current compiler supports SFINAE
+namespace Catch {
+    struct TrueType {
+        static const bool value = true;
+        typedef void Enable;
+        char sizer[1];
+    };
+    struct FalseType {
+        static const bool value = false;
+        typedef void Disable;
+        char sizer[2];
+    };
+    template<bool> struct NotABooleanExpression;
+    template<bool c> struct If : NotABooleanExpression<c> {};
+    template<> struct If<true> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct If<false> : FalseType {};
+    template<int size> struct SizedIf;
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(TrueType)> : TrueType {};
+    template<> struct SizedIf<sizeof(FalseType)> : FalseType {};
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <limits>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: catch_objc_arc.hpp
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#ifdef __has_feature
+#define CATCH_ARC_ENABLED __has_feature(objc_arc)
+void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj );
+id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel );
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* obj ) {
+    [obj release];
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+    return nil;
+inline void arcSafeRelease( NSObject* ){}
+inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
+    if( [obj respondsToSelector: sel] )
+        return [obj performSelector: sel];
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+    return nil;
+#define CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED __unsafe_unretained
+#define CATCH_ARC_STRONG __strong
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+// SFINAE is currently disabled by default for all compilers.
+// If the non SFINAE version of IsStreamInsertable is ambiguous for you
+// and your compiler supports SFINAE, try #defining CATCH_CONFIG_SFINAE
+    template<typename T>
+    class IsStreamInsertableHelper {
+        template<int N> struct TrueIfSizeable : TrueType {};
+        template<typename T2>
+        static TrueIfSizeable<sizeof((*(std::ostream*)0) << *((T2 const*)0))> dummy(T2*);
+        static FalseType dummy(...);
+    public:
+        typedef SizedIf<sizeof(dummy((T*)0))> type;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable : IsStreamInsertableHelper<T>::type {};
+    struct BorgType {
+        template<typename T> BorgType( T const& );
+    };
+    TrueType& testStreamable( std::ostream& );
+    FalseType testStreamable( FalseType );
+    FalseType operator<<( std::ostream const&, BorgType const& );
+    template<typename T>
+    struct IsStreamInsertable {
+        static std::ostream &s;
+        static T  const&t;
+        enum { value = sizeof( testStreamable(s << t) ) == sizeof( TrueType ) };
+    };
+    template<bool C>
+    struct StringMakerBase {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& ) { return "{?}"; }
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct StringMakerBase<true> {
+        template<typename T>
+        static std::string convert( T const& _value ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << _value;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    };
+    struct Endianness {
+        enum Arch { Big, Little };
+        static Arch which() {
+            union _{
+                int asInt;
+                char asChar[sizeof (int)];
+            } u;
+            u.asInt = 1;
+            return ( u.asChar[sizeof(int)-1] == 1 ) ? Big : Little;
+        }
+    };
+    // Writes the raw memory into a string, considering endianness
+    template<typename T>
+    std::string rawMemoryToString( T value ) {
+        union _ {
+            T typedValue;
+            unsigned char bytes[sizeof(T)];
+        } u;
+        u.typedValue = value;
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << "0x";
+        int i = 0, end = sizeof(T), inc = 1;
+        if( Endianness::which() == Endianness::Little ) {
+            i = end-1;
+            end = inc = -1;
+        }
+        for( ; i != end; i += inc )
+            oss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (unsigned int)u.bytes[i];
+        return oss.str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value );
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker :
+    Detail::StringMakerBase<Detail::IsStreamInsertable<T>::value> {};
+template<typename T>
+struct StringMaker<T*> {
+    template<typename U>
+    static std::string convert( U* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+template<typename R, typename C>
+struct StringMaker<R C::*> {
+    static std::string convert( R C::* p ) {
+        if( !p )
+            return INTERNAL_CATCH_STRINGIFY( NULL );
+        else
+            return Detail::rawMemoryToString( p );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
+template<typename T, typename Allocator>
+struct StringMaker<std::vector<T, Allocator> > {
+    static std::string convert( std::vector<T,Allocator> const& v ) {
+        return Detail::rangeToString( v.begin(), v.end() );
+    }
+namespace Detail {
+    template<typename T>
+    std::string makeString( T const& value ) {
+        return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+    }
+} // end namespace Detail
+/// \brief converts any type to a string
+/// The default template forwards on to ostringstream - except when an
+/// ostringstream overload does not exist - in which case it attempts to detect
+/// that and writes {?}.
+/// Overload (not specialise) this template for custom typs that you don't want
+/// to provide an ostream overload for.
+template<typename T>
+std::string toString( T const& value ) {
+    return StringMaker<T>::convert( value );
+// Built in overloads
+std::string toString( std::string const& value );
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value );
+std::string toString( const char* const value );
+std::string toString( char* const value );
+std::string toString( int value );
+std::string toString( unsigned long value );
+std::string toString( unsigned int value );
+std::string toString( const double value );
+std::string toString( bool value );
+std::string toString( char value );
+std::string toString( signed char value );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t );
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring );
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject );
+    namespace Detail {
+    template<typename InputIterator>
+    std::string rangeToString( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << "{ ";
+        if( first != last ) {
+            oss << toString( *first );
+            for( ++first ; first != last ; ++first ) {
+                oss << ", " << toString( *first );
+            }
+        }
+        oss << " }";
+        return oss.str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.h
+#include <string>
+// #included from: catch_result_type.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // ResultWas::OfType enum
+    struct ResultWas { enum OfType {
+        Unknown = -1,
+        Ok = 0,
+        Info = 1,
+        Warning = 2,
+        FailureBit = 0x10,
+        ExpressionFailed = FailureBit | 1,
+        ExplicitFailure = FailureBit | 2,
+        Exception = 0x100 | FailureBit,
+        ThrewException = Exception | 1,
+        DidntThrowException = Exception | 2
+    }; };
+    inline bool isOk( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        return ( resultType & ResultWas::FailureBit ) == 0;
+    }
+    inline bool isJustInfo( int flags ) {
+        return flags == ResultWas::Info;
+    }
+    // ResultAction::Value enum
+    struct ResultAction { enum Value {
+        None,
+        Failed = 1, // Failure - but no debug break if Debug bit not set
+        Debug = 2,  // If this bit is set, invoke the debugger
+        Abort = 4   // Test run should abort
+    }; };
+    // ResultDisposition::Flags enum
+    struct ResultDisposition { enum Flags {
+            Normal = 0x00,
+            ContinueOnFailure = 0x01,   // Failures fail test, but execution continues
+            NegateResult = 0x02,        // Prefix expressiom with !
+            SuppressFail = 0x04         // Failures are reported but do not fail the test
+    }; };
+    inline ResultDisposition::Flags operator | ( ResultDisposition::Flags lhs, ResultDisposition::Flags rhs ) {
+        return static_cast<ResultDisposition::Flags>( static_cast<int>( lhs ) | static_cast<int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    inline bool shouldContinueOnFailure( int flags )    { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure ) != 0; }
+    inline bool shouldNegate( int flags )               { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::NegateResult ) != 0; }
+    inline bool shouldSuppressFailure( int flags )      { return ( flags & ResultDisposition::SuppressFail ) != 0; }
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    struct AssertionInfo
+    {
+        AssertionInfo() {}
+        AssertionInfo(  std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                        ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        std::string capturedExpression;
+        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition;
+    };
+    struct AssertionResultData
+    {
+        AssertionResultData() : resultType( ResultWas::Unknown ) {}
+        std::string reconstructedExpression;
+        std::string message;
+        ResultWas::OfType resultType;
+    };
+    class AssertionResult {
+    public:
+        AssertionResult();
+        AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data );
+        ~AssertionResult();
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult const& )              = default;
+         AssertionResult( AssertionResult && )                  = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult const& ) = default;
+         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        bool isOk() const;
+        bool succeeded() const;
+        ResultWas::OfType getResultType() const;
+        bool hasExpression() const;
+        bool hasMessage() const;
+        std::string getExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpressionInMacro() const;
+        bool hasExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getExpandedExpression() const;
+        std::string getMessage() const;
+        SourceLineInfo getSourceInfo() const;
+        std::string getTestMacroName() const;
+    protected:
+        AssertionInfo m_info;
+        AssertionResultData m_resultData;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_evaluate.hpp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4389) // '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Internal {
+    enum Operator {
+        IsEqualTo,
+        IsNotEqualTo,
+        IsLessThan,
+        IsGreaterThan,
+        IsLessThanOrEqualTo,
+        IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
+    };
+    template<Operator Op> struct OperatorTraits             { static const char* getName(){ return "*error*"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsEqualTo>             { static const char* getName(){ return "=="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsNotEqualTo>          { static const char* getName(){ return "!="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThan>            { static const char* getName(){ return "<"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThan>         { static const char* getName(){ return ">"; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsLessThanOrEqualTo>   { static const char* getName(){ return "<="; } };
+    template<> struct OperatorTraits<IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>{ static const char* getName(){ return ">="; } };
+    template<typename T>
+    inline T& opCast(T const& t) { return const_cast<T&>(t); }
+// nullptr_t support based on pull request #154 from Konstantin Baumann
+    inline std::nullptr_t opCast(std::nullptr_t) { return nullptr; }
+    // So the compare overloads can be operator agnostic we convey the operator as a template
+    // enum, which is used to specialise an Evaluator for doing the comparison.
+    template<typename T1, typename T2, Operator Op>
+    class Evaluator{};
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) ==  opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsNotEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) != opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) < opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThan> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) > opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) >= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct Evaluator<T1, T2, IsLessThanOrEqualTo> {
+        static bool evaluate( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+            return opCast( lhs ) <= opCast( rhs );
+        }
+    };
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool applyEvaluator( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // This level of indirection allows us to specialise for integer types
+    // to avoid signed/ unsigned warnings
+    // "base" overload
+    template<Operator Op, typename T1, typename T2>
+    bool compare( T1 const& lhs, T2 const& rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T1, T2, Op>::evaluate( lhs, rhs );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to int
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned int>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // unsigned X to long
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned int lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned long lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( unsigned char lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( lhs, static_cast<unsigned long>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // int to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( int lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned int>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // long to unsigned X
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned int rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned long rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op> bool compare( long lhs, unsigned char rhs ) {
+        return applyEvaluator<Op>( static_cast<unsigned long>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    // pointer to long (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( long lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, long rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to int (when comparing against NULL)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( int lhs, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( reinterpret_cast<T*>( lhs ), rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, int rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, reinterpret_cast<T*>( rhs ) );
+    }
+    // pointer to nullptr_t (when comparing against nullptr)
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( std::nullptr_t, T* rhs ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( NULL, rhs );
+    }
+    template<Operator Op, typename T> bool compare( T* lhs, std::nullptr_t ) {
+        return Evaluator<T*, T*, Op>::evaluate( lhs, NULL );
+    }
+} // end of namespace Internal
+} // end of namespace Catch
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+namespace Catch {
+struct STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison;
+// Wraps the (stringised versions of) the lhs, operator and rhs of an expression - as well as
+// the result of evaluating it. This is used to build an AssertionResult object
+class ExpressionResultBuilder {
+    ExpressionResultBuilder( ResultWas::OfType resultType = ResultWas::Unknown );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder( ExpressionResultBuilder const& other );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator=(ExpressionResultBuilder const& other );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& setResultType( bool result );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& setLhs( std::string const& lhs );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& setRhs( std::string const& rhs );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& setOp( std::string const& op );
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& endExpression( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition );
+    template<typename T>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+        m_stream << value;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    std::string reconstructExpression( AssertionInfo const& info ) const;
+    AssertionResult buildResult( AssertionInfo const& info ) const;
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+    AssertionResultData m_data;
+    struct ExprComponents {
+        ExprComponents() : shouldNegate( false ) {}
+        bool shouldNegate;
+        std::string lhs, rhs, op;
+    } m_exprComponents;
+    std::ostringstream m_stream;
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+// Wraps the LHS of an expression and captures the operator and RHS (if any) -
+// wrapping them all in an ExpressionResultBuilder object
+template<typename T>
+class ExpressionLhs {
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs const& );
+    ExpressionLhs& operator = ( ExpressionLhs && ) = delete;
+#  endif
+    ExpressionLhs( T lhs ) : m_lhs( lhs ) {}
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs const& ) = default;
+    ExpressionLhs( ExpressionLhs && )     = default;
+#  endif
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator == ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator != ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator < ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator > ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThan>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator <= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsLessThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    template<typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator >= ( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator == ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& operator != ( bool rhs ) {
+        return captureExpression<Internal::IsNotEqualTo>( rhs );
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& endExpression( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition ) {
+        bool value = m_lhs ? true : false;
+        return m_result
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( value ) )
+            .setResultType( value )
+            .endExpression( resultDisposition );
+    }
+    // Only simple binary expressions are allowed on the LHS.
+    // If more complex compositions are required then place the sub expression in parentheses
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator + ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator - ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator / ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator * ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator && ( RhsT const& );
+    template<typename RhsT> STATIC_ASSERT_Expression_Too_Complex_Please_Rewrite_As_Binary_Comparison& operator || ( RhsT const& );
+    template<Internal::Operator Op, typename RhsT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& captureExpression( RhsT const& rhs ) {
+        return m_result
+            .setResultType( Internal::compare<Op>( m_lhs, rhs ) )
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( m_lhs ) )
+            .setRhs( Catch::toString( rhs ) )
+            .setOp( Internal::OperatorTraits<Op>::getName() );
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder m_result;
+    T m_lhs;
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+// Captures the LHS of the expression and wraps it in an Expression Lhs object
+class ExpressionDecomposer {
+    template<typename T>
+    ExpressionLhs<T const&> operator->* ( T const& operand ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<T const&>( operand );
+    }
+    ExpressionLhs<bool> operator->* ( bool value ) {
+        return ExpressionLhs<bool>( value );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_message.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct MessageInfo {
+        MessageInfo(    std::string const& _macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType _type );
+        std::string macroName;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        ResultWas::OfType type;
+        std::string message;
+        unsigned int sequence;
+        bool operator == ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence == other.sequence;
+        }
+        bool operator < ( MessageInfo const& other ) const {
+            return sequence < other.sequence;
+        }
+    private:
+        static unsigned int globalCount;
+    };
+    struct MessageBuilder {
+        MessageBuilder( std::string const& macroName,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        ResultWas::OfType type )
+        : m_info( macroName, lineInfo, type )
+        {}
+        template<typename T>
+        MessageBuilder& operator << ( T const& value ) {
+            m_stream << value;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+        std::ostringstream m_stream;
+    };
+    class ScopedMessage {
+    public:
+        ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder );
+        ~ScopedMessage();
+        MessageInfo m_info;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_capture.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    class ExpressionResultBuilder;
+    class AssertionResult;
+    struct AssertionInfo;
+    struct SectionInfo;
+    struct MessageInfo;
+    class ScopedMessageBuilder;
+    struct Counts;
+    struct IResultCapture {
+        virtual ~IResultCapture();
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+        virtual bool sectionStarted(    SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+                                        Counts& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& name, Counts const& assertions, double _durationInSeconds ) = 0;
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) = 0;
+        virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const = 0;
+        virtual ResultAction::Value acceptExpression( ExpressionResultBuilder const& assertionResult, AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const = 0;
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const = 0;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_debugger.h
+// #included from: catch_platform.h
+#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch{
+    bool isDebuggerActive();
+    void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text );
+    // The following code snippet based on:
+    // http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/03/break-into-debugger.html
+    #ifdef DEBUG
+        #if defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__ppc__)
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() \
+                if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { \
+                    __asm__("li r0, 20\nsc\nnop\nli r0, 37\nli r4, 2\nsc\nnop\n" \
+                    : : : "memory","r0","r3","r4" ); \
+                }
+        #else
+            #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) {__asm__("int $3\n" : : );}
+        #endif
+    #endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { __debugbreak(); }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall DebugBreak();
+    #define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() if( Catch::isDebuggerActive() ) { DebugBreak(); }
+#define CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER() Catch::isTrue( true );
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_registry_hub.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct ITestCaseRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+    struct IExceptionTranslator;
+    struct IReporterRegistry;
+    struct IReporterFactory;
+    struct IRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IRegistryHub();
+        virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const = 0;
+        virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() = 0;
+    };
+    struct IMutableRegistryHub {
+        virtual ~IMutableRegistryHub();
+        virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) = 0;
+    };
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub();
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub();
+    void cleanUp();
+    std::string translateActiveException();
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_config.h
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Verbosity { enum Level {
+        NoOutput = 0,
+        Quiet,
+        Normal
+    }; };
+    struct WarnAbout { enum What {
+        Nothing = 0x00,
+        NoAssertions = 0x01
+    }; };
+    struct ShowDurations { enum OrNot {
+        DefaultForReporter,
+        Always,
+        Never
+    }; };
+    class TestSpec;
+    struct IConfig : IShared {
+        virtual ~IConfig();
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const = 0;
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const = 0;
+        virtual std::string name() const = 0;
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const = 0;
+        virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const = 0;
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const = 0;
+        virtual int abortAfter() const = 0;
+        virtual bool showInvisibles() const = 0;
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const = 0;
+        virtual TestSpec const& testSpec() const = 0;
+    };
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline IResultCapture& getResultCapture() {
+        return getCurrentContext().getResultCapture();
+    }
+    template<typename MatcherT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( MatcherT const& matcher,
+                                                                std::string const& matcherCallAsString ) {
+        std::string matcherAsString = matcher.toString();
+        if( matcherAsString == "{?}" )
+            matcherAsString = matcherCallAsString;
+        return ExpressionResultBuilder()
+            .setRhs( matcherAsString )
+            .setOp( "matches" );
+    }
+    template<typename MatcherT, typename ArgT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( MatcherT const& matcher,
+                                                                ArgT const& arg,
+                                                                std::string const& matcherCallAsString ) {
+        return expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( matcher, matcherCallAsString )
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( arg ) )
+            .setResultType( matcher.match( arg ) );
+    }
+    template<typename MatcherT, typename ArgT>
+    ExpressionResultBuilder expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( MatcherT const& matcher,
+                                                                ArgT* arg,
+                                                                std::string const& matcherCallAsString ) {
+        return expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( matcher, matcherCallAsString )
+            .setLhs( Catch::toString( arg ) )
+            .setResultType( matcher.match( arg ) );
+    }
+struct TestFailureException{};
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( evaluatedExpr, resultDisposition, originalExpr ) \
+    if( Catch::ResultAction::Value internal_catch_action = Catch::getResultCapture().acceptExpression( evaluatedExpr, __assertionInfo )  ) { \
+        if( internal_catch_action & Catch::ResultAction::Debug ) CATCH_BREAK_INTO_DEBUGGER(); \
+        if( internal_catch_action & Catch::ResultAction::Abort ) throw Catch::TestFailureException(); \
+        if( !Catch::shouldContinueOnFailure( resultDisposition ) ) throw Catch::TestFailureException(); \
+        Catch::isTrue( false && originalExpr ); \
+    }
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( ( Catch::ExpressionDecomposer()->*expr ).endExpression( resultDisposition ), resultDisposition, expr ); \
+        } catch( Catch::TestFailureException& ) { \
+            throw; \
+        } catch( ... ) { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::ThrewException ) << Catch::translateActiveException(), \
+                Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, expr ); \
+        } \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ); \
+    if( !Catch::getResultCapture().getLastResult()->succeeded() )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            expr; \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ), resultDisposition, false ); \
+        } \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::ThrewException ) << Catch::translateActiveException(), resultDisposition, false ); \
+        } \
+} while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_IMPL( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition ) \
+    try { \
+        if( Catch::getCurrentContext().getConfig()->allowThrows() ) { \
+            expr; \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::DidntThrowException ), resultDisposition, false ); \
+        } \
+    } \
+    catch( Catch::TestFailureException& ) { \
+        throw; \
+    } \
+    catch( exceptionType ) { \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::Ok ), resultDisposition, false ); \
+    }
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_IMPL( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition ) \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #expr, resultDisposition ); \
+        INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_IMPL( expr, exceptionType, resultDisposition ) \
+        catch( ... ) { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( ( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::ThrewException ) << Catch::translateActiveException() ), \
+                resultDisposition | Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, false ); \
+        } \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, ... ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( messageType ) << __VA_ARGS__ +::Catch::StreamEndStop(), resultDisposition, true ) \
+        } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( messageType, resultDisposition, macroName, log ) \
+        do { \
+            Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, "", resultDisposition ); \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( messageType ) << log, resultDisposition, true ) \
+        } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( log, macroName ) \
+    Catch::ScopedMessage INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( scopedMessage ) = Catch::MessageBuilder( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, Catch::ResultWas::Info ) << log;
+#define INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, resultDisposition, macroName ) \
+    do { \
+        Catch::AssertionInfo __assertionInfo( macroName, CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, #arg " " #matcher, resultDisposition ); \
+        try { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( ( Catch::expressionResultBuilderFromMatcher( ::Catch::Matchers::matcher, arg, #matcher ) ), resultDisposition, false ); \
+        } catch( Catch::TestFailureException& ) { \
+            throw; \
+        } catch( ... ) { \
+            INTERNAL_CATCH_ACCEPT_EXPR( ( Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( Catch::ResultWas::ThrewException ) << Catch::translateActiveException() ), \
+                resultDisposition | Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, false ); \
+        } \
+    } while( Catch::isTrue( false ) )
+// #included from: internal/catch_section.h
+// #included from: catch_section_info.h
+namespace Catch {
+    struct SectionInfo {
+        SectionInfo(    std::string const& _name,
+                        std::string const& _description,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+        :   name( _name ),
+            description( _description ),
+            lineInfo( _lineInfo )
+        {}
+        std::string name;
+        std::string description;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_totals.hpp
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct Counts {
+        Counts() : passed( 0 ), failed( 0 ) {}
+        Counts operator - ( Counts const& other ) const {
+            Counts diff;
+            diff.passed = passed - other.passed;
+            diff.failed = failed - other.failed;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Counts& operator += ( Counts const& other ) {
+            passed += other.passed;
+            failed += other.failed;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::size_t total() const {
+            return passed + failed;
+        }
+        std::size_t passed;
+        std::size_t failed;
+    };
+    struct Totals {
+        Totals operator - ( Totals const& other ) const {
+            Totals diff;
+            diff.assertions = assertions - other.assertions;
+            diff.testCases = testCases - other.testCases;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals delta( Totals const& prevTotals ) const {
+            Totals diff = *this - prevTotals;
+            if( diff.assertions.failed > 0 )
+                ++diff.testCases.failed;
+            else
+                ++diff.testCases.passed;
+            return diff;
+        }
+        Totals& operator += ( Totals const& other ) {
+            assertions += other.assertions;
+            testCases += other.testCases;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Counts assertions;
+        Counts testCases;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_timer.h
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Timer {
+    public:
+        Timer() : m_ticks( 0 ) {}
+        void start();
+        unsigned int getElapsedNanoseconds() const;
+        unsigned int getElapsedMilliseconds() const;
+        double getElapsedSeconds() const;
+    private:
+        uint64_t m_ticks;
+    };
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Section {
+    public:
+        Section(    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                    std::string const& name,
+                    std::string const& description = "" );
+        ~Section();
+        Section( Section const& )              = default;
+        Section( Section && )                  = default;
+        Section& operator = ( Section const& ) = default;
+        Section& operator = ( Section && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+        operator bool();
+    private:
+        SectionInfo m_info;
+        std::string m_name;
+        Counts m_assertions;
+        bool m_sectionIncluded;
+        Timer m_timer;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( ... ) \
+        if( Catch::Section INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::Section( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, __VA_ARGS__ ) )
+    #define INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, desc ) \
+        if( Catch::Section INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_Section ) = Catch::Section( CATCH_INTERNAL_LINEINFO, name, desc ) )
+// #included from: internal/catch_generators.hpp
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace Catch {
+template<typename T>
+struct IGenerator {
+    virtual ~IGenerator() {}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const = 0;
+    virtual std::size_t size () const = 0;
+template<typename T>
+class BetweenGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    BetweenGenerator( T from, T to ) : m_from( from ), m_to( to ){}
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_from+static_cast<int>( index );
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return static_cast<std::size_t>( 1+m_to-m_from );
+    }
+    T m_from;
+    T m_to;
+template<typename T>
+class ValuesGenerator : public IGenerator<T> {
+    ValuesGenerator(){}
+    void add( T value ) {
+        m_values.push_back( value );
+    }
+    virtual T getValue( std::size_t index ) const {
+        return m_values[index];
+    }
+    virtual std::size_t size() const {
+        return m_values.size();
+    }
+    std::vector<T> m_values;
+template<typename T>
+class CompositeGenerator {
+    CompositeGenerator() : m_totalSize( 0 ) {}
+    // *** Move semantics, similar to auto_ptr ***
+    CompositeGenerator( CompositeGenerator& other )
+    :   m_fileInfo( other.m_fileInfo ),
+        m_totalSize( 0 )
+    {
+        move( other );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& setFileInfo( const char* fileInfo ) {
+        m_fileInfo = fileInfo;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~CompositeGenerator() {
+        deleteAll( m_composed );
+    }
+    operator T () const {
+        size_t overallIndex = getCurrentContext().getGeneratorIndex( m_fileInfo, m_totalSize );
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator it = m_composed.begin();
+        typename std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_composed.end();
+        for( size_t index = 0; it != itEnd; ++it )
+        {
+            const IGenerator<T>* generator = *it;
+            if( overallIndex >= index && overallIndex < index + generator->size() )
+            {
+                return generator->getValue( overallIndex-index );
+            }
+            index += generator->size();
+        }
+        CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( "Indexed past end of generated range" );
+        return T(); // Suppress spurious "not all control paths return a value" warning in Visual Studio - if you know how to fix this please do so
+    }
+    void add( const IGenerator<T>* generator ) {
+        m_totalSize += generator->size();
+        m_composed.push_back( generator );
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        move( other );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    CompositeGenerator& then( T value ) {
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( value );
+        add( valuesGen );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    void move( CompositeGenerator& other ) {
+        std::copy( other.m_composed.begin(), other.m_composed.end(), std::back_inserter( m_composed ) );
+        m_totalSize += other.m_totalSize;
+        other.m_composed.clear();
+    }
+    std::vector<const IGenerator<T>*> m_composed;
+    std::string m_fileInfo;
+    size_t m_totalSize;
+namespace Generators
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> between( T from, T to ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        generators.add( new BetweenGenerator<T>( from, to ) );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3 ){
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    CompositeGenerator<T> values( T val1, T val2, T val3, T val4 ) {
+        CompositeGenerator<T> generators;
+        ValuesGenerator<T>* valuesGen = new ValuesGenerator<T>();
+        valuesGen->add( val1 );
+        valuesGen->add( val2 );
+        valuesGen->add( val3 );
+        valuesGen->add( val4 );
+        generators.add( valuesGen );
+        return generators;
+    }
+} // end namespace Generators
+using namespace Generators;
+} // end namespace Catch
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR2( line ) #line
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_GENERATE( expr ) expr.setFileInfo( __FILE__ "(" INTERNAL_CATCH_LINESTR( __LINE__ ) ")" )
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_exception.h
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    typedef std::string(*exceptionTranslateFunction)();
+    struct IExceptionTranslator {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslator();
+        virtual std::string translate() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+        virtual ~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry();
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const = 0;
+    };
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar {
+        template<typename T>
+        class ExceptionTranslator : public IExceptionTranslator {
+        public:
+            ExceptionTranslator( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) )
+            : m_translateFunction( translateFunction )
+            {}
+            virtual std::string translate() const {
+                try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                catch( T& ex ) {
+                    return m_translateFunction( ex );
+                }
+            }
+        protected:
+            std::string(*m_translateFunction)( T& );
+        };
+    public:
+        template<typename T>
+        ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar( std::string(*translateFunction)( T& ) ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerTranslator
+                ( new ExceptionTranslator<T>( translateFunction ) );
+        }
+    };
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature ); \
+    namespace{ Catch::ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionRegistrar )( &INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator ) ); }\
+    static std::string INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME(  catch_internal_ExceptionTranslator )( signature )
+// #included from: internal/catch_approx.hpp
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Detail {
+    class Approx {
+    public:
+        explicit Approx ( double value )
+        :   m_epsilon( std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()*100 ),
+            m_scale( 1.0 ),
+            m_value( value )
+        {}
+        Approx( Approx const& other )
+        :   m_epsilon( other.m_epsilon ),
+            m_scale( other.m_scale ),
+            m_value( other.m_value )
+        {}
+        static Approx custom() {
+            return Approx( 0 );
+        }
+        Approx operator()( double value ) {
+            Approx approx( value );
+            approx.epsilon( m_epsilon );
+            approx.scale( m_scale );
+            return approx;
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            // Thanks to Richard Harris for his help refining this formula
+            return fabs( lhs - rhs.m_value ) < rhs.m_epsilon * (rhs.m_scale + (std::max)( fabs(lhs), fabs(rhs.m_value) ) );
+        }
+        friend bool operator == ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( double lhs, Approx const& rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( lhs, rhs );
+        }
+        friend bool operator != ( Approx const& lhs, double rhs ) {
+            return !operator==( rhs, lhs );
+        }
+        Approx& epsilon( double newEpsilon ) {
+            m_epsilon = newEpsilon;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Approx& scale( double newScale ) {
+            m_scale = newScale;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "Approx( " << Catch::toString( m_value ) << " )";
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+    private:
+        double m_epsilon;
+        double m_scale;
+        double m_value;
+    };
+inline std::string toString<Detail::Approx>( Detail::Approx const& value ) {
+    return value.toString();
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_matchers.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+namespace Matchers {
+    namespace Impl {
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    struct Matcher : SharedImpl<IShared>
+    {
+        typedef ExpressionT ExpressionType;
+        virtual ~Matcher() {}
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher> clone() const = 0;
+        virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename DerivedT, typename ExpressionT>
+    struct MatcherImpl : Matcher<ExpressionT> {
+        virtual Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > clone() const {
+            return Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> >( new DerivedT( static_cast<DerivedT const&>( *this ) ) );
+        }
+    };
+    namespace Generic {
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AllOf : public MatcherImpl<AllOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AllOf() {}
+            AllOf( AllOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AllOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( !m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return false;
+                return true;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " and ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+        template<typename ExpressionT>
+        class AnyOf : public MatcherImpl<AnyOf<ExpressionT>, ExpressionT> {
+        public:
+            AnyOf() {}
+            AnyOf( AnyOf const& other ) : m_matchers( other.m_matchers ) {}
+            AnyOf& add( Matcher<ExpressionT> const& matcher ) {
+                m_matchers.push_back( matcher.clone() );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            virtual bool match( ExpressionT const& expr ) const
+            {
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i )
+                    if( m_matchers[i]->match( expr ) )
+                        return true;
+                return false;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "( ";
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < m_matchers.size(); ++i ) {
+                    if( i != 0 )
+                        oss << " or ";
+                    oss << m_matchers[i]->toString();
+                }
+                oss << " )";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::vector<Ptr<Matcher<ExpressionT> > > m_matchers;
+        };
+    }
+    namespace StdString {
+        inline std::string makeString( std::string const& str ) { return str; }
+        inline std::string makeString( const char* str ) { return str ? std::string( str ) : std::string(); }
+        struct Equals : MatcherImpl<Equals, std::string> {
+            Equals( std::string const& str ) : m_str( str ){}
+            Equals( Equals const& other ) : m_str( other.m_str ){}
+            virtual ~Equals();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return m_str == expr;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "equals: \"" + m_str + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_str;
+        };
+        struct Contains : MatcherImpl<Contains, std::string> {
+            Contains( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            Contains( Contains const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~Contains();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) != std::string::npos;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "contains: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct StartsWith : MatcherImpl<StartsWith, std::string> {
+            StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            StartsWith( StartsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~StartsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == 0;
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "starts with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+        struct EndsWith : MatcherImpl<EndsWith, std::string> {
+            EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) : m_substr( substr ){}
+            EndsWith( EndsWith const& other ) : m_substr( other.m_substr ){}
+            virtual ~EndsWith();
+            virtual bool match( std::string const& expr ) const {
+                return expr.find( m_substr ) == expr.size() - m_substr.size();
+            }
+            virtual std::string toString() const {
+                return "ends with: \"" + m_substr + "\"";
+            }
+            std::string m_substr;
+        };
+    } // namespace StdString
+    } // namespace Impl
+    // The following functions create the actual matcher objects.
+    // This allows the types to be inferred
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT> AllOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AllOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 );
+    }
+    template<typename ExpressionT>
+    inline Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT> AnyOf( Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m1,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m2,
+                                                    Impl::Matcher<ExpressionT> const& m3 ) {
+        return Impl::Generic::AnyOf<ExpressionT>().add( m1 ).add( m2 ).add( m3 );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( std::string const& str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( str );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Equals      Equals( const char* str ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Equals( Impl::StdString::makeString( str ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::Contains    Contains( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::Contains( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::StartsWith  StartsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::StartsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( std::string const& substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( substr );
+    }
+    inline Impl::StdString::EndsWith    EndsWith( const char* substr ) {
+        return Impl::StdString::EndsWith( Impl::StdString::makeString( substr ) );
+    }
+} // namespace Matchers
+using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+// These files are included here so the single_include script doesn't put them
+// in the conditionally compiled sections
+// #included from: internal/catch_test_case_info.h
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ITestCase;
+    struct TestCaseInfo {
+        TestCaseInfo(   std::string const& _name,
+                        std::string const& _className,
+                        std::string const& _description,
+                        std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                        bool _isHidden,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo );
+        TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other );
+        std::string name;
+        std::string className;
+        std::string description;
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::string tagsAsString;
+        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
+        bool isHidden;
+        bool throws;
+    };
+    class TestCase : public TestCaseInfo {
+    public:
+        TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info );
+        TestCase( TestCase const& other );
+        TestCase withName( std::string const& _newName ) const;
+        void invoke() const;
+        TestCaseInfo const& getTestCaseInfo() const;
+        bool isHidden() const;
+        bool throws() const;
+        void swap( TestCase& other );
+        bool operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        bool operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const;
+        TestCase& operator = ( TestCase const& other );
+    private:
+        Ptr<ITestCase> test;
+    };
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* testCase,
+                            std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& name,
+                            std::string const& description,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: internal/catch_interfaces_runner.h
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestCase;
+    struct IRunner {
+        virtual ~IRunner();
+    };
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+// #included from: internal/catch_objc.hpp
+#import <objc/runtime.h>
+#include <string>
+// NB. Any general catch headers included here must be included
+// in catch.hpp first to make sure they are included by the single
+// header for non obj-usage
+// This protocol is really only here for (self) documenting purposes, since
+// all its methods are optional.
+ at protocol OcFixture
+ at optional
+-(void) setUp;
+-(void) tearDown;
+ at end
+namespace Catch {
+    class OcMethod : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        OcMethod( Class cls, SEL sel ) : m_cls( cls ), m_sel( sel ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            id obj = [[m_cls alloc] init];
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(setUp)  );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, m_sel );
+            performOptionalSelector( obj, @selector(tearDown)  );
+            arcSafeRelease( obj );
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~OcMethod() {}
+        Class m_cls;
+        SEL m_sel;
+    };
+    namespace Detail{
+        inline std::string getAnnotation(   Class cls,
+                                            std::string const& annotationName,
+                                            std::string const& testCaseName ) {
+            NSString* selStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Catch_%s_%s", annotationName.c_str(), testCaseName.c_str()];
+            SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString( selStr );
+            arcSafeRelease( selStr );
+            id value = performOptionalSelector( cls, sel );
+            if( value )
+                return [(NSString*)value UTF8String];
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
+    inline size_t registerTestMethods() {
+        size_t noTestMethods = 0;
+        int noClasses = objc_getClassList( NULL, 0 );
+        Class* classes = (CATCH_UNSAFE_UNRETAINED Class *)malloc( sizeof(Class) * noClasses);
+        objc_getClassList( classes, noClasses );
+        for( int c = 0; c < noClasses; c++ ) {
+            Class cls = classes[c];
+            {
+                u_int count;
+                Method* methods = class_copyMethodList( cls, &count );
+                for( u_int m = 0; m < count ; m++ ) {
+                    SEL selector = method_getName(methods[m]);
+                    std::string methodName = sel_getName(selector);
+                    if( startsWith( methodName, "Catch_TestCase_" ) ) {
+                        std::string testCaseName = methodName.substr( 15 );
+                        std::string name = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Name", testCaseName );
+                        std::string desc = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Description", testCaseName );
+                        const char* className = class_getName( cls );
+                        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest( makeTestCase( new OcMethod( cls, selector ), className, name.c_str(), desc.c_str(), SourceLineInfo() ) );
+                        noTestMethods++;
+                    }
+                }
+                free(methods);
+            }
+        }
+        return noTestMethods;
+    }
+    namespace Matchers {
+        namespace Impl {
+        namespace NSStringMatchers {
+            template<typename MatcherT>
+            struct StringHolder : MatcherImpl<MatcherT, NSString*>{
+                StringHolder( NSString* substr ) : m_substr( [substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder( StringHolder const& other ) : m_substr( [other.m_substr copy] ){}
+                StringHolder() {
+                    arcSafeRelease( m_substr );
+                }
+                NSString* m_substr;
+            };
+            struct Equals : StringHolder<Equals> {
+                Equals( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str isEqualToString:m_substr];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "equals string: \"" + Catch::toString( m_substr ) + "\"";
+                }
+            };
+            struct Contains : StringHolder<Contains> {
+                Contains( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location != NSNotFound;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "contains string: \"" + Catch::toString( m_substr ) + "\"";
+                }
+            };
+            struct StartsWith : StringHolder<StartsWith> {
+                StartsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == 0;
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "starts with: \"" + Catch::toString( m_substr ) + "\"";
+                }
+            };
+            struct EndsWith : StringHolder<EndsWith> {
+                EndsWith( NSString* substr ) : StringHolder( substr ){}
+                virtual bool match( ExpressionType const& str ) const {
+                    return  (str != nil || m_substr == nil ) &&
+                            [str rangeOfString:m_substr].location == [str length] - [m_substr length];
+                }
+                virtual std::string toString() const {
+                    return "ends with: \"" + Catch::toString( m_substr ) + "\"";
+                }
+            };
+        } // namespace NSStringMatchers
+        } // namespace Impl
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals
+            Equals( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Equals( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains
+            Contains( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::Contains( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith
+            StartsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::StartsWith( substr ); }
+        inline Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith
+            EndsWith( NSString* substr ){ return Impl::NSStringMatchers::EndsWith( substr ); }
+    } // namespace Matchers
+    using namespace Matchers;
+} // namespace Catch
+#define OC_TEST_CASE( name, desc )\
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Name_test ) \
+return @ name; \
++(NSString*) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_Description_test ) \
+{ \
+return @ desc; \
+} \
+-(void) INTERNAL_CATCH_UNIQUE_NAME( Catch_TestCase_test )
+// #included from: internal/catch_impl.hpp
+// Collect all the implementation files together here
+// These are the equivalent of what would usually be cpp files
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
+// #included from: catch_runner.hpp
+// #included from: internal/catch_commandline.hpp
+// #included from: catch_config.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_spec_parser.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+// #included from: catch_test_spec.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpec {
+        struct Pattern : SharedImpl<> {
+            virtual ~Pattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const = 0;
+        };
+        class NamePattern : public Pattern {
+            enum WildcardPosition {
+                NoWildcard = 0,
+                WildcardAtStart = 1,
+                WildcardAtEnd = 2,
+                WildcardAtBothEnds = WildcardAtStart | WildcardAtEnd
+            };
+        public:
+            NamePattern( std::string const& name ) : m_name( toLower( name ) ), m_wildcard( NoWildcard ) {
+                if( startsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 1 );
+                    m_wildcard = WildcardAtStart;
+                }
+                if( endsWith( m_name, "*" ) ) {
+                    m_name = m_name.substr( 0, m_name.size()-1 );
+                    m_wildcard = (WildcardPosition)( m_wildcard | WildcardAtEnd );
+                }
+            }
+            virtual ~NamePattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                switch( m_wildcard ) {
+                    case NoWildcard:
+                        return m_name == toLower( testCase.name );
+                    case WildcardAtStart:
+                        return endsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtEnd:
+                        return startsWith( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                    case WildcardAtBothEnds:
+                        return contains( toLower( testCase.name ), m_name );
+                }
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code"
+                throw std::logic_error( "Unknown enum" );
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_name;
+            WildcardPosition m_wildcard;
+        };
+        class TagPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            TagPattern( std::string const& tag ) : m_tag( toLower( tag ) ) {}
+            virtual ~TagPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                return testCase.tags.find( m_tag ) != testCase.tags.end();
+            }
+        private:
+            std::string m_tag;
+        };
+        class ExcludedPattern : public Pattern {
+        public:
+            ExcludedPattern( Ptr<Pattern> const& underlyingPattern ) : m_underlyingPattern( underlyingPattern ) {}
+            virtual ~ExcludedPattern();
+            virtual bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const { return !m_underlyingPattern->matches( testCase ); }
+        private:
+            Ptr<Pattern> m_underlyingPattern;
+        };
+        struct Filter {
+            std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> > m_patterns;
+            bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+                // All patterns in a filter must match for the filter to be a match
+                for( std::vector<Ptr<Pattern> >::const_iterator it = m_patterns.begin(), itEnd = m_patterns.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    if( !(*it)->matches( testCase ) )
+                        return false;
+                    return true;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        bool hasFilters() const {
+            return !m_filters.empty();
+        }
+        bool matches( TestCaseInfo const& testCase ) const {
+            // A TestSpec matches if any filter matches
+            for( std::vector<Filter>::const_iterator it = m_filters.begin(), itEnd = m_filters.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
+                if( it->matches( testCase ) )
+                    return true;
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<Filter> m_filters;
+        friend class TestSpecParser;
+    };
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestSpecParser {
+        enum Mode{ None, Name, QuotedName, Tag };
+        Mode m_mode;
+        bool m_exclusion;
+        std::size_t m_start, m_pos;
+        std::string m_arg;
+        TestSpec::Filter m_currentFilter;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+    public:
+        TestSpecParser parse( std::string const& arg ) {
+            m_mode = None;
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_start = std::string::npos;
+            m_arg = arg;
+            for( m_pos = 0; m_pos < m_arg.size(); ++m_pos )
+                visitChar( m_arg[m_pos] );
+            if( m_mode == Name )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            addFilter();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        TestSpec testSpec() {
+            return m_testSpec;
+        }
+    private:
+        void visitChar( char c ) {
+            if( m_mode == None ) {
+                switch( c ) {
+                case ' ': return;
+                case '~': m_exclusion = true; return;
+                case '[': return startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                case '"': return startNewMode( QuotedName, ++m_pos );
+                default: startNewMode( Name, m_pos ); break;
+                }
+            }
+            if( m_mode == Name ) {
+                if( c == ',' ) {
+                    addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    addFilter();
+                }
+                else if( c == '[' ) {
+                    if( subString() == "exclude:" )
+                        m_exclusion = true;
+                    else
+                        addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+                    startNewMode( Tag, ++m_pos );
+                }
+            }
+            else if( m_mode == QuotedName && c == '"' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::NamePattern>();
+            else if( m_mode == Tag && c == ']' )
+                addPattern<TestSpec::TagPattern>();
+        }
+        void startNewMode( Mode mode, std::size_t start ) {
+            m_mode = mode;
+            m_start = start;
+        }
+        std::string subString() const { return m_arg.substr( m_start, m_pos - m_start ); }
+        template<typename T>
+        void addPattern() {
+            std::string token = subString();
+            if( startsWith( token, "exclude:" ) ) {
+                m_exclusion = true;
+                token = token.substr( 8 );
+            }
+            if( !token.empty() ) {
+                Ptr<TestSpec::Pattern> pattern = new T( token );
+                if( m_exclusion )
+                    pattern = new TestSpec::ExcludedPattern( pattern );
+                m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back( pattern );
+            }
+            m_exclusion = false;
+            m_mode = None;
+        }
+        void addFilter() {
+            if( !m_currentFilter.m_patterns.empty() ) {
+                m_testSpec.m_filters.push_back( m_currentFilter );
+                m_currentFilter = TestSpec::Filter();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    inline TestSpec parseTestSpec( std::string const& arg ) {
+        return TestSpecParser().parse( arg ).testSpec();
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_stream.h
+#include <streambuf>
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
+namespace Catch {
+    class Stream {
+    public:
+        Stream();
+        Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned );
+        void release();
+        std::streambuf* streamBuf;
+    private:
+        bool isOwned;
+    };
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConfigData {
+        ConfigData()
+        :   listTests( false ),
+            listTags( false ),
+            listReporters( false ),
+            listTestNamesOnly( false ),
+            showSuccessfulTests( false ),
+            shouldDebugBreak( false ),
+            noThrow( false ),
+            showHelp( false ),
+            showInvisibles( false ),
+            abortAfter( -1 ),
+            verbosity( Verbosity::Normal ),
+            warnings( WarnAbout::Nothing ),
+            showDurations( ShowDurations::DefaultForReporter )
+        {}
+        bool listTests;
+        bool listTags;
+        bool listReporters;
+        bool listTestNamesOnly;
+        bool showSuccessfulTests;
+        bool shouldDebugBreak;
+        bool noThrow;
+        bool showHelp;
+        bool showInvisibles;
+        int abortAfter;
+        Verbosity::Level verbosity;
+        WarnAbout::What warnings;
+        ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations;
+        std::string reporterName;
+        std::string outputFilename;
+        std::string name;
+        std::string processName;
+        std::vector<std::string> testsOrTags;
+    };
+    class Config : public SharedImpl<IConfig> {
+    private:
+        Config( Config const& other );
+        Config& operator = ( Config const& other );
+        virtual void dummy();
+    public:
+        Config()
+        :   m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {}
+        Config( ConfigData const& data )
+        :   m_data( data ),
+            m_os( std::cout.rdbuf() )
+        {
+            if( !data.testsOrTags.empty() ) {
+                TestSpecParser parser;
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < data.testsOrTags.size(); ++i )
+                    parser.parse( data.testsOrTags[i] );
+                m_testSpec = parser.testSpec();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~Config() {
+            m_os.rdbuf( std::cout.rdbuf() );
+            m_stream.release();
+        }
+        void setFilename( std::string const& filename ) {
+            m_data.outputFilename = filename;
+        }
+        std::string const& getFilename() const {
+            return m_data.outputFilename ;
+        }
+        bool listTests() const { return m_data.listTests; }
+        bool listTestNamesOnly() const { return m_data.listTestNamesOnly; }
+        bool listTags() const { return m_data.listTags; }
+        bool listReporters() const { return m_data.listReporters; }
+        std::string getProcessName() const { return m_data.processName; }
+        bool shouldDebugBreak() const { return m_data.shouldDebugBreak; }
+        void setStreamBuf( std::streambuf* buf ) {
+            m_os.rdbuf( buf ? buf : std::cout.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        void useStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+            Stream stream = createStream( streamName );
+            setStreamBuf( stream.streamBuf );
+            m_stream.release();
+            m_stream = stream;
+        }
+        std::string getReporterName() const { return m_data.reporterName; }
+        int abortAfter() const { return m_data.abortAfter; }
+        TestSpec const& testSpec() const { return m_testSpec; }
+        bool showHelp() const { return m_data.showHelp; }
+        bool showInvisibles() const { return m_data.showInvisibles; }
+        // IConfig interface
+        virtual bool allowThrows() const        { return !m_data.noThrow; }
+        virtual std::ostream& stream() const    { return m_os; }
+        virtual std::string name() const        { return m_data.name.empty() ? m_data.processName : m_data.name; }
+        virtual bool includeSuccessfulResults() const   { return m_data.showSuccessfulTests; }
+        virtual bool warnAboutMissingAssertions() const { return m_data.warnings & WarnAbout::NoAssertions; }
+        virtual ShowDurations::OrNot showDurations() const { return m_data.showDurations; }
+    private:
+        ConfigData m_data;
+        Stream m_stream;
+        mutable std::ostream m_os;
+        TestSpec m_testSpec;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_clara.h
+// Use Catch's value for console width (store Clara's off to the side, if present)
+// Declare Clara inside the Catch namespace
+#define STITCH_CLARA_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace Catch {
+// #included from: ../external/clara.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+// ----------- #included from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+// ----------- end of #include from tbc_text_format.h -----------
+// ........... back in /Users/philnash/Dev/OSS/Clara/srcs/clara.h
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <memory>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Clara {
+    struct UnpositionalTag {};
+    extern UnpositionalTag _;
+    UnpositionalTag _;
+    namespace Detail {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = CLARA_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+        using namespace Tbc;
+        inline bool startsWith( std::string const& str, std::string const& prefix ) {
+            return str.size() >= prefix.size() && str.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+        }
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const&>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T> struct RemoveConstRef<T const>{ typedef T type; };
+        template<typename T>    struct IsBool       { static const bool value = false; };
+        template<>              struct IsBool<bool> { static const bool value = true; };
+        template<typename T>
+        void convertInto( std::string const& _source, T& _dest ) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << _source;
+            ss >> _dest;
+            if( ss.fail() )
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Unable to convert " + _source + " to destination type" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, std::string& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( std::string const& _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            std::string sourceLC = _source;
+            std::transform( sourceLC.begin(), sourceLC.end(), sourceLC.begin(), ::tolower );
+            if( sourceLC == "y" || sourceLC == "1" || sourceLC == "true" || sourceLC == "yes" || sourceLC == "on" )
+                _dest = true;
+            else if( sourceLC == "n" || sourceLC == "0" || sourceLC == "false" || sourceLC == "no" || sourceLC == "off" )
+                _dest = false;
+            else
+                throw std::runtime_error( "Expected a boolean value but did not recognise:\n  '" + _source + "'" );
+        }
+        inline void convertInto( bool _source, bool& _dest ) {
+            _dest = _source;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        inline void convertInto( bool, T& ) {
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid conversion" );
+        }
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        struct IArgFunction {
+            virtual ~IArgFunction() {}
+            IArgFunction()                      = default;
+            IArgFunction( IArgFunction const& ) = default;
+#  endif
+            virtual void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const = 0;
+            virtual void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const = 0;
+            virtual bool takesArg() const = 0;
+            virtual IArgFunction* clone() const = 0;
+        };
+        template<typename ConfigT>
+        class BoundArgFunction {
+        public:
+            BoundArgFunction() : functionObj( NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( IArgFunction<ConfigT>* _functionObj ) : functionObj( _functionObj ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction( BoundArgFunction const& other ) : functionObj( other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL ) {}
+            BoundArgFunction& operator = ( BoundArgFunction const& other ) {
+                IArgFunction<ConfigT>* newFunctionObj = other.functionObj ? other.functionObj->clone() : NULL;
+                delete functionObj;
+                functionObj = newFunctionObj;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ~BoundArgFunction() { delete functionObj; }
+            void set( ConfigT& config, std::string const& value ) const {
+                functionObj->set( config, value );
+            }
+            void setFlag( ConfigT& config ) const {
+                functionObj->setFlag( config );
+            }
+            bool takesArg() const { return functionObj->takesArg(); }
+            bool isSet() const {
+                return functionObj != NULL;
+            }
+        private:
+            IArgFunction<ConfigT>* functionObj;
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct NullBinder : IArgFunction<C>{
+            virtual void set( C&, std::string const& ) const {}
+            virtual void setFlag( C& ) const {}
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return true; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new NullBinder( *this ); }
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundDataMember : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundDataMember( M C::* _member ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                convertInto( stringValue, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                convertInto( true, p.*member );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundDataMember( *this ); }
+            M C::* member;
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        struct BoundUnaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryMethod( void (C::*_member)( M ) ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<M>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                (p.*member)( value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<M>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)( M );
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundNullaryMethod : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundNullaryMethod( void (C::*_member)() ) : member( _member ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& p, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                (p.*member)();
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundNullaryMethod( *this ); }
+            void (C::*member)();
+        };
+        template<typename C>
+        struct BoundUnaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundUnaryFunction( void (*_function)( C& ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                bool value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                if( value )
+                    function( obj );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& p ) const {
+                function( p );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return false; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundUnaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C& );
+        };
+        template<typename C, typename T>
+        struct BoundBinaryFunction : IArgFunction<C>{
+            BoundBinaryFunction( void (*_function)( C&, T ) ) : function( _function ) {}
+            virtual void set( C& obj, std::string const& stringValue ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( stringValue, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual void setFlag( C& obj ) const {
+                typename RemoveConstRef<T>::type value;
+                convertInto( true, value );
+                function( obj, value );
+            }
+            virtual bool takesArg() const { return !IsBool<T>::value; }
+            virtual IArgFunction<C>* clone() const { return new BoundBinaryFunction( *this ); }
+            void (*function)( C&, T );
+        };
+    } // namespace Detail
+    struct Parser {
+        Parser() : separators( " \t=:" ) {}
+        struct Token {
+            enum Type { Positional, ShortOpt, LongOpt };
+            Token( Type _type, std::string const& _data ) : type( _type ), data( _data ) {}
+            Type type;
+            std::string data;
+        };
+        void parseIntoTokens( int argc, char const * const * argv, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            const std::string doubleDash = "--";
+            for( int i = 1; i < argc && argv[i] != doubleDash; ++i )
+                parseIntoTokens( argv[i] , tokens);
+        }
+        void parseIntoTokens( std::string arg, std::vector<Parser::Token>& tokens ) const {
+            while( !arg.empty() ) {
+                Parser::Token token( Parser::Token::Positional, arg );
+                arg = "";
+                if( token.data[0] == '-' ) {
+                    if( token.data.size() > 1 && token.data[1] == '-' ) {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::LongOpt, token.data.substr( 2 ) );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        token = Parser::Token( Parser::Token::ShortOpt, token.data.substr( 1 ) );
+                        if( token.data.size() > 1 && separators.find( token.data[1] ) == std::string::npos ) {
+                            arg = "-" + token.data.substr( 1 );
+                            token.data = token.data.substr( 0, 1 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if( token.type != Parser::Token::Positional ) {
+                    std::size_t pos = token.data.find_first_of( separators );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                        arg = token.data.substr( pos+1 );
+                        token.data = token.data.substr( 0, pos );
+                    }
+                }
+                tokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string separators;
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    struct CommonArgProperties {
+        CommonArgProperties() {}
+        CommonArgProperties( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : boundField( _boundField ) {}
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> boundField;
+        std::string description;
+        std::string detail;
+        std::string placeholder; // Only value if boundField takes an arg
+        bool takesArg() const {
+            return !placeholder.empty();
+        }
+        void validate() const {
+            if( !boundField.isSet() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "option not bound" );
+        }
+    };
+    struct OptionArgProperties {
+        std::vector<std::string> shortNames;
+        std::string longName;
+        bool hasShortName( std::string const& shortName ) const {
+            return std::find( shortNames.begin(), shortNames.end(), shortName ) != shortNames.end();
+        }
+        bool hasLongName( std::string const& _longName ) const {
+            return _longName == longName;
+        }
+    };
+    struct PositionalArgProperties {
+        PositionalArgProperties() : position( -1 ) {}
+        int position; // -1 means non-positional (floating)
+        bool isFixedPositional() const {
+            return position != -1;
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename ConfigT>
+    class CommandLine {
+        struct Arg : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>, OptionArgProperties, PositionalArgProperties {
+            Arg() {}
+            Arg( Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> const& _boundField ) : CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>( _boundField ) {}
+            using CommonArgProperties<ConfigT>::placeholder; // !TBD
+            std::string dbgName() const {
+                if( !longName.empty() )
+                    return "--" + longName;
+                if( !shortNames.empty() )
+                    return "-" + shortNames[0];
+                return "positional args";
+            }
+            std::string commands() const {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                bool first = true;
+                std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = shortNames.begin(), itEnd = shortNames.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    if( first )
+                        first = false;
+                    else
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "-" << *it;
+                }
+                if( !longName.empty() ) {
+                    if( !first )
+                        oss << ", ";
+                    oss << "--" << longName;
+                }
+                if( !placeholder.empty() )
+                    oss << " <" << placeholder << ">";
+                return oss.str();
+            }
+        };
+        // NOTE: std::auto_ptr is deprecated in c++11/c++0x
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus > 199711L
+        typedef std::unique_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        typedef std::auto_ptr<Arg> ArgAutoPtr;
+        friend void addOptName( Arg& arg, std::string const& optName )
+        {
+            if( optName.empty() )
+                return;
+            if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "--" ) ) {
+                if( !arg.longName.empty() )
+                    throw std::logic_error( "Only one long opt may be specified. '"
+                        + arg.longName
+                        + "' already specified, now attempting to add '"
+                        + optName + "'" );
+                arg.longName = optName.substr( 2 );
+            }
+            else if( Detail::startsWith( optName, "-" ) )
+                arg.shortNames.push_back( optName.substr( 1 ) );
+            else
+                throw std::logic_error( "option must begin with - or --. Option was: '" + optName + "'" );
+        }
+        friend void setPositionalArg( Arg& arg, int position )
+        {
+            arg.position = position;
+        }
+        class ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            ArgBuilder( Arg* arg ) : m_arg( arg ) {}
+            // Bind a non-boolean data member (requires placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( M C::* field, std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a boolean data member (no placeholder required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( bool C::* field ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,bool>( field );
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, non-boolean argument (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename M>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( M ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( unaryMethod );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            // Bind a method taking a single, boolean argument (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* unaryMethod)( bool ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,bool>( unaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a method that takes no arguments (will be called if opt is present)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (C::* nullaryMethod)() ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundNullaryMethod<C>( nullaryMethod );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (no placeholder string required)
+            template<typename C>
+            void bind( void (* unaryFunction)( C& ) ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundUnaryFunction<C>( unaryFunction );
+            }
+            // Bind a free function taking a single argument - the object to operate on (requires a placeholder string)
+            template<typename C, typename T>
+            void bind( void (* binaryFunction)( C&, T ), std::string const& placeholder ) {
+                m_arg->boundField = new Detail::BoundBinaryFunction<C, T>( binaryFunction );
+                m_arg->placeholder = placeholder;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& describe( std::string const& description ) {
+                m_arg->description = description;
+                return *this;
+            }
+            ArgBuilder& detail( std::string const& detail ) {
+                m_arg->detail = detail;
+                return *this;
+            }
+        protected:
+            Arg* m_arg;
+        };
+        class OptBuilder : public ArgBuilder {
+        public:
+            OptBuilder( Arg* arg ) : ArgBuilder( arg ) {}
+            OptBuilder( OptBuilder& other ) : ArgBuilder( other ) {}
+            OptBuilder& operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+                addOptName( *ArgBuilder::m_arg, optName );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        CommandLine()
+        :   m_boundProcessName( new Detail::NullBinder<ConfigT>() ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( 0 ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( false )
+        {}
+        CommandLine( CommandLine const& other )
+        :   m_boundProcessName( other.m_boundProcessName ),
+            m_options ( other.m_options ),
+            m_positionalArgs( other.m_positionalArgs ),
+            m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition( other.m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition ),
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens( other.m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+        {
+            if( other.m_floatingArg.get() )
+                m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg( *other.m_floatingArg ) );
+        }
+        CommandLine& setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( bool shouldThrow = true ) {
+            m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens = shouldThrow;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        OptBuilder operator[]( std::string const& optName ) {
+            m_options.push_back( Arg() );
+            addOptName( m_options.back(), optName );
+            OptBuilder builder( &m_options.back() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( int position ) {
+            m_positionalArgs.insert( std::make_pair( position, Arg() ) );
+            if( position > m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition )
+                m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition = position;
+            setPositionalArg( m_positionalArgs[position], position );
+            ArgBuilder builder( &m_positionalArgs[position] );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        // Invoke this with the _ instance
+        ArgBuilder operator[]( UnpositionalTag ) {
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "Only one unpositional argument can be added" );
+            m_floatingArg = ArgAutoPtr( new Arg() );
+            ArgBuilder builder( m_floatingArg.get() );
+            return builder;
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( M C::* field ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundDataMember<C,M>( field );
+        }
+        template<typename C, typename M>
+        void bindProcessName( void (C::*_unaryMethod)( M ) ) {
+            m_boundProcessName = new Detail::BoundUnaryMethod<C,M>( _unaryMethod );
+        }
+        void optUsage( std::ostream& os, std::size_t indent = 0, std::size_t width = Detail::consoleWidth ) const {
+            typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator itBegin = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end(), it;
+            std::size_t maxWidth = 0;
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                maxWidth = (std::max)( maxWidth, it->commands().size() );
+            for( it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                Detail::Text usage( it->commands(), Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( maxWidth+indent )
+                                                        .setIndent( indent ) );
+                Detail::Text desc( it->description, Detail::TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setWidth( width - maxWidth - 3 ) );
+                for( std::size_t i = 0; i < (std::max)( usage.size(), desc.size() ); ++i ) {
+                    std::string usageCol = i < usage.size() ? usage[i] : "";
+                    os << usageCol;
+                    if( i < desc.size() && !desc[i].empty() )
+                        os  << std::string( indent + 2 + maxWidth - usageCol.size(), ' ' )
+                            << desc[i];
+                    os << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        std::string optUsage() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            optUsage( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void argSynopsis( std::ostream& os ) const {
+            for( int i = 1; i <= m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition; ++i ) {
+                if( i > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( i );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    os << "<" << it->second.placeholder << ">";
+                else if( m_floatingArg.get() )
+                    os << "<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << ">";
+                else
+                    throw std::logic_error( "non consecutive positional arguments with no floating args" );
+            }
+            // !TBD No indication of mandatory args
+            if( m_floatingArg.get() ) {
+                if( m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition > 1 )
+                    os << " ";
+                os << "[<" << m_floatingArg->placeholder << "> ...]";
+            }
+        }
+        std::string argSynopsis() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            argSynopsis( oss );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        void usage( std::ostream& os, std::string const& procName ) const {
+            validate();
+            os << "usage:\n  " << procName << " ";
+            argSynopsis( os );
+            if( !m_options.empty() ) {
+                os << " [options]\n\nwhere options are: \n";
+                optUsage( os, 2 );
+            }
+            os << "\n";
+        }
+        std::string usage( std::string const& procName ) const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            usage( oss, procName );
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        ConfigT parse( int argc, char const * const * argv ) const {
+            ConfigT config;
+            parseInto( argc, argv, config );
+            return config;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> parseInto( int argc, char const * const * argv, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::string processName = argv[0];
+            std::size_t lastSlash = processName.find_last_of( "/\\" );
+            if( lastSlash != std::string::npos )
+                processName = processName.substr( lastSlash+1 );
+            m_boundProcessName.set( config, processName );
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> tokens;
+            Parser parser;
+            parser.parseIntoTokens( argc, argv, tokens );
+            return populate( tokens, config );
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populate( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            validate();
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens = populateOptions( tokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFixedArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            unusedTokens = populateFloatingArgs( unusedTokens, config );
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateOptions( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            std::vector<std::string> errors;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator it = m_options.begin(), itEnd = m_options.end();
+                for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                    Arg const& arg = *it;
+                    try {
+                        if( ( token.type == Parser::Token::ShortOpt && arg.hasShortName( token.data ) ) ||
+                            ( token.type == Parser::Token::LongOpt && arg.hasLongName( token.data ) ) ) {
+                            if( arg.takesArg() ) {
+                                if( i == tokens.size()-1 || tokens[i+1].type != Parser::Token::Positional )
+                                    errors.push_back( "Expected argument to option: " + token.data );
+                                else
+                                    arg.boundField.set( config, tokens[++i].data );
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                arg.boundField.setFlag( config );
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                        errors.push_back( std::string( ex.what() ) + "\n- while parsing: (" + arg.commands() + ")" );
+                    }
+                }
+                if( it == itEnd ) {
+                    if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional || !m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                    else if( m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens )
+                        errors.push_back( "unrecognised option: " + token.data );
+                }
+            }
+            if( !errors.empty() ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = errors.begin(), itEnd = errors.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    if( it != errors.begin() )
+                        oss << "\n";
+                    oss << *it;
+                }
+                throw std::runtime_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFixedArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            int position = 1;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                typename std::map<int, Arg>::const_iterator it = m_positionalArgs.find( position );
+                if( it != m_positionalArgs.end() )
+                    it->second.boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    position++;
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        std::vector<Parser::Token> populateFloatingArgs( std::vector<Parser::Token> const& tokens, ConfigT& config ) const {
+            if( !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                return tokens;
+            std::vector<Parser::Token> unusedTokens;
+            for( std::size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
+                Parser::Token const& token = tokens[i];
+                if( token.type == Parser::Token::Positional )
+                    m_floatingArg->boundField.set( config, token.data );
+                else
+                    unusedTokens.push_back( token );
+            }
+            return unusedTokens;
+        }
+        void validate() const
+        {
+            if( m_options.empty() && m_positionalArgs.empty() && !m_floatingArg.get() )
+                throw std::logic_error( "No options or arguments specified" );
+            for( typename std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator  it = m_options.begin(),
+                                                            itEnd = m_options.end();
+                    it != itEnd; ++it )
+                it->validate();
+        }
+    private:
+        Detail::BoundArgFunction<ConfigT> m_boundProcessName;
+        std::vector<Arg> m_options;
+        std::map<int, Arg> m_positionalArgs;
+        ArgAutoPtr m_floatingArg;
+        int m_highestSpecifiedArgPosition;
+        bool m_throwOnUnrecognisedTokens;
+    };
+} // end namespace Clara
+// Restore Clara's value for console width, if present
+#include <fstream>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline void abortAfterFirst( ConfigData& config ) { config.abortAfter = 1; }
+    inline void abortAfterX( ConfigData& config, int x ) {
+        if( x < 1 )
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Value after -x or --abortAfter must be greater than zero" );
+        config.abortAfter = x;
+    }
+    inline void addTestOrTags( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _testSpec ) { config.testsOrTags.push_back( _testSpec ); }
+    inline void addWarning( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _warning ) {
+        if( _warning == "NoAssertions" )
+            config.warnings = (WarnAbout::What)( config.warnings | WarnAbout::NoAssertions );
+        else
+            throw std::runtime_error( "Unrecognised warning: '" + _warning + "'" );
+    }
+    inline void setVerbosity( ConfigData& config, int level ) {
+        // !TBD: accept strings?
+        config.verbosity = (Verbosity::Level)level;
+    }
+    inline void setShowDurations( ConfigData& config, bool _showDurations ) {
+        config.showDurations = _showDurations
+            ? ShowDurations::Always
+            : ShowDurations::Never;
+    }
+    inline void loadTestNamesFromFile( ConfigData& config, std::string const& _filename ) {
+        std::ifstream f( _filename.c_str() );
+        if( !f.is_open() )
+            throw std::domain_error( "Unable to load input file: " + _filename );
+        std::string line;
+        while( std::getline( f, line ) ) {
+            line = trim(line);
+            if( !line.empty() && !startsWith( line, "#" ) )
+                addTestOrTags( config, "\"" + line + "\"" );
+        }
+    }
+    inline Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> makeCommandLineParser() {
+        using namespace Clara;
+        CommandLine<ConfigData> cli;
+        cli.bindProcessName( &ConfigData::processName );
+        cli["-?"]["-h"]["--help"]
+            .describe( "display usage information" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showHelp );
+        cli["-l"]["--list-tests"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTests );
+        cli["-t"]["--list-tags"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching tags" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTags );
+        cli["-s"]["--success"]
+            .describe( "include successful tests in output" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showSuccessfulTests );
+        cli["-b"]["--break"]
+            .describe( "break into debugger on failure" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::shouldDebugBreak );
+        cli["-e"]["--nothrow"]
+            .describe( "skip exception tests" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::noThrow );
+        cli["-i"]["--invisibles"]
+            .describe( "show invisibles (tabs, newlines)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::showInvisibles );
+        cli["-o"]["--out"]
+            .describe( "output filename" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::outputFilename, "filename" );
+        cli["-r"]["--reporter"]
+//            .placeholder( "name[:filename]" )
+            .describe( "reporter to use (defaults to console)" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::reporterName, "name" );
+        cli["-n"]["--name"]
+            .describe( "suite name" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::name, "name" );
+        cli["-a"]["--abort"]
+            .describe( "abort at first failure" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterFirst );
+        cli["-x"]["--abortx"]
+            .describe( "abort after x failures" )
+            .bind( &abortAfterX, "no. failures" );
+        cli["-w"]["--warn"]
+            .describe( "enable warnings" )
+            .bind( &addWarning, "warning name" );
+// - needs updating if reinstated
+//        cli.into( &setVerbosity )
+//            .describe( "level of verbosity (0=no output)" )
+//            .shortOpt( "v")
+//            .longOpt( "verbosity" )
+//            .placeholder( "level" );
+        cli[_]
+            .describe( "which test or tests to use" )
+            .bind( &addTestOrTags, "test name, pattern or tags" );
+        cli["-d"]["--durations"]
+            .describe( "show test durations" )
+            .bind( &setShowDurations, "yes/no" );
+        cli["-f"]["--input-file"]
+            .describe( "load test names to run from a file" )
+            .bind( &loadTestNamesFromFile, "filename" );
+        // Less common commands which don't have a short form
+        cli["--list-test-names-only"]
+            .describe( "list all/matching test cases names only" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listTestNamesOnly );
+        cli["--list-reporters"]
+            .describe( "list all reporters" )
+            .bind( &ConfigData::listReporters );
+        return cli;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_list.hpp
+// #included from: catch_text.h
+// #included from: ../external/tbc_text_format.h
+// Only use header guard if we are not using an outer namespace
+#  endif
+# else
+# endif
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+// Use optional outer namespace
+namespace Tbc {
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = TBC_TEXT_FORMAT_CONSOLE_WIDTH;
+    const unsigned int consoleWidth = 80;
+    struct TextAttributes {
+        TextAttributes()
+        :   initialIndent( std::string::npos ),
+            indent( 0 ),
+            width( consoleWidth-1 ),
+            tabChar( '\t' )
+        {}
+        TextAttributes& setInitialIndent( std::size_t _value )  { initialIndent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setIndent( std::size_t _value )         { indent = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setWidth( std::size_t _value )          { width = _value; return *this; }
+        TextAttributes& setTabChar( char _value )               { tabChar = _value; return *this; }
+        std::size_t initialIndent;  // indent of first line, or npos
+        std::size_t indent;         // indent of subsequent lines, or all if initialIndent is npos
+        std::size_t width;          // maximum width of text, including indent. Longer text will wrap
+        char tabChar;               // If this char is seen the indent is changed to current pos
+    };
+    class Text {
+    public:
+        Text( std::string const& _str, TextAttributes const& _attr = TextAttributes() )
+        : attr( _attr )
+        {
+            std::string wrappableChars = " [({.,/|\\-";
+            std::size_t indent = _attr.initialIndent != std::string::npos
+                ? _attr.initialIndent
+                : _attr.indent;
+            std::string remainder = _str;
+            while( !remainder.empty() ) {
+                if( lines.size() >= 1000 ) {
+                    lines.push_back( "... message truncated due to excessive size" );
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::size_t tabPos = std::string::npos;
+                std::size_t width = (std::min)( remainder.size(), _attr.width - indent );
+                std::size_t pos = remainder.find_first_of( '\n' );
+                if( pos <= width ) {
+                    width = pos;
+                }
+                pos = remainder.find_last_of( _attr.tabChar, width );
+                if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                    tabPos = pos;
+                    if( remainder[width] == '\n' )
+                        width--;
+                    remainder = remainder.substr( 0, tabPos ) + remainder.substr( tabPos+1 );
+                }
+                if( width == remainder.size() ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                }
+                else if( remainder[width] == '\n' ) {
+                    spliceLine( indent, remainder, width );
+                    if( width <= 1 || remainder.size() != 1 )
+                        remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    indent = _attr.indent;
+                }
+                else {
+                    pos = remainder.find_last_of( wrappableChars, width );
+                    if( pos != std::string::npos && pos > 0 ) {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, pos );
+                        if( remainder[0] == ' ' )
+                            remainder = remainder.substr( 1 );
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        spliceLine( indent, remainder, width-1 );
+                        lines.back() += "-";
+                    }
+                    if( lines.size() == 1 )
+                        indent = _attr.indent;
+                    if( tabPos != std::string::npos )
+                        indent += tabPos;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void spliceLine( std::size_t _indent, std::string& _remainder, std::size_t _pos ) {
+            lines.push_back( std::string( _indent, ' ' ) + _remainder.substr( 0, _pos ) );
+            _remainder = _remainder.substr( _pos );
+        }
+        typedef std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+        const_iterator begin() const { return lines.begin(); }
+        const_iterator end() const { return lines.end(); }
+        std::string const& last() const { return lines.back(); }
+        std::size_t size() const { return lines.size(); }
+        std::string const& operator[]( std::size_t _index ) const { return lines[_index]; }
+        std::string toString() const {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << *this;
+            return oss.str();
+        }
+        inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& _stream, Text const& _text ) {
+            for( Text::const_iterator it = _text.begin(), itEnd = _text.end();
+                it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( it != _text.begin() )
+                    _stream << "\n";
+                _stream << *it;
+            }
+            return _stream;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string str;
+        TextAttributes attr;
+        std::vector<std::string> lines;
+    };
+} // end namespace Tbc
+} // end outer namespace
+namespace Catch {
+    using Tbc::Text;
+    using Tbc::TextAttributes;
+// #included from: catch_console_colour.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace Detail {
+        struct IColourImpl;
+    }
+    struct Colour {
+        enum Code {
+            None = 0,
+            White,
+            Red,
+            Green,
+            Blue,
+            Cyan,
+            Yellow,
+            Grey,
+            Bright = 0x10,
+            BrightRed = Bright | Red,
+            BrightGreen = Bright | Green,
+            LightGrey = Bright | Grey,
+            BrightWhite = Bright | White,
+            // By intention
+            FileName = LightGrey,
+            ResultError = BrightRed,
+            ResultSuccess = BrightGreen,
+            Error = BrightRed,
+            Success = Green,
+            OriginalExpression = Cyan,
+            ReconstructedExpression = Yellow,
+            SecondaryText = LightGrey,
+            Headers = White
+        };
+        // Use constructed object for RAII guard
+        Colour( Code _colourCode );
+        ~Colour();
+        // Use static method for one-shot changes
+        static void use( Code _colourCode );
+    private:
+        static Detail::IColourImpl* impl();
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_interfaces_reporter.h
+// #included from: catch_option.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // An optional type
+    template<typename T>
+    class Option {
+    public:
+        Option() : nullableValue( NULL ) {}
+        Option( T const& _value )
+        : nullableValue( new( storage ) T( _value ) )
+        {}
+        Option( Option const& _other )
+        : nullableValue( _other ? new( storage ) T( *_other ) : NULL )
+        {}
+        ~Option() {
+            reset();
+        }
+        Option& operator= ( Option const& _other ) {
+            if( &_other != this ) {
+                reset();
+                if( _other )
+                    nullableValue = new( storage ) T( *_other );
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        Option& operator = ( T const& _value ) {
+            reset();
+            nullableValue = new( storage ) T( _value );
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            if( nullableValue )
+                nullableValue->~T();
+            nullableValue = NULL;
+        }
+        T& operator*() { return *nullableValue; }
+        T const& operator*() const { return *nullableValue; }
+        T* operator->() { return nullableValue; }
+        const T* operator->() const { return nullableValue; }
+        T valueOr( T const& defaultValue ) const {
+            return nullableValue ? *nullableValue : defaultValue;
+        }
+        bool some() const { return nullableValue != NULL; }
+        bool none() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        bool operator !() const { return nullableValue == NULL; }
+        operator SafeBool::type() const {
+            return SafeBool::makeSafe( some() );
+        }
+    private:
+        T* nullableValue;
+        char storage[sizeof(T)];
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+#include <string>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch
+    struct ReporterConfig {
+        explicit ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig )
+        :   m_stream( &_fullConfig->stream() ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        ReporterConfig( Ptr<IConfig> const& _fullConfig, std::ostream& _stream )
+        :   m_stream( &_stream ), m_fullConfig( _fullConfig ) {}
+        std::ostream& stream() const    { return *m_stream; }
+        Ptr<IConfig> fullConfig() const { return m_fullConfig; }
+    private:
+        std::ostream* m_stream;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_fullConfig;
+    };
+    struct ReporterPreferences {
+        ReporterPreferences()
+        : shouldRedirectStdOut( false )
+        {}
+        bool shouldRedirectStdOut;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct LazyStat : Option<T> {
+        LazyStat() : used( false ) {}
+        LazyStat& operator=( T const& _value ) {
+            Option<T>::operator=( _value );
+            used = false;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        void reset() {
+            Option<T>::reset();
+            used = false;
+        }
+        bool used;
+    };
+    struct TestRunInfo {
+        TestRunInfo( std::string const& _name ) : name( _name ) {}
+        std::string name;
+    };
+    struct GroupInfo {
+        GroupInfo(  std::string const& _name,
+                    std::size_t _groupIndex,
+                    std::size_t _groupsCount )
+        :   name( _name ),
+            groupIndex( _groupIndex ),
+            groupsCounts( _groupsCount )
+        {}
+        std::string name;
+        std::size_t groupIndex;
+        std::size_t groupsCounts;
+    };
+    struct AssertionStats {
+        AssertionStats( AssertionResult const& _assertionResult,
+                        std::vector<MessageInfo> const& _infoMessages,
+                        Totals const& _totals )
+        :   assertionResult( _assertionResult ),
+            infoMessages( _infoMessages ),
+            totals( _totals )
+        {
+            if( assertionResult.hasMessage() ) {
+                // Copy message into messages list.
+                // !TBD This should have been done earlier, somewhere
+                MessageBuilder builder( assertionResult.getTestMacroName(), assertionResult.getSourceInfo(), assertionResult.getResultType() );
+                builder << assertionResult.getMessage();
+                builder.m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+                infoMessages.push_back( builder.m_info );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual ~AssertionStats();
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats const& )              = default;
+        AssertionStats( AssertionStats && )                  = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats const& ) = default;
+        AssertionStats& operator = ( AssertionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        AssertionResult assertionResult;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> infoMessages;
+        Totals totals;
+    };
+    struct SectionStats {
+        SectionStats(   SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo,
+                        Counts const& _assertions,
+                        double _durationInSeconds,
+                        bool _missingAssertions )
+        :   sectionInfo( _sectionInfo ),
+            assertions( _assertions ),
+            durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds ),
+            missingAssertions( _missingAssertions )
+        {}
+        virtual ~SectionStats();
+        SectionStats( SectionStats const& )              = default;
+        SectionStats( SectionStats && )                  = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats const& ) = default;
+        SectionStats& operator = ( SectionStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        SectionInfo sectionInfo;
+        Counts assertions;
+        double durationInSeconds;
+        bool missingAssertions;
+    };
+    struct TestCaseStats {
+        TestCaseStats(  TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        std::string const& _stdOut,
+                        std::string const& _stdErr,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        : testInfo( _testInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            stdOut( _stdOut ),
+            stdErr( _stdErr ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestCaseStats();
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats const& )              = default;
+        TestCaseStats( TestCaseStats && )                  = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats const& ) = default;
+        TestCaseStats& operator = ( TestCaseStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestCaseInfo testInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        std::string stdOut;
+        std::string stdErr;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestGroupStats {
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        TestGroupStats( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo )
+        :   groupInfo( _groupInfo ),
+            aborting( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestGroupStats();
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats const& )              = default;
+        TestGroupStats( TestGroupStats && )                  = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats const& ) = default;
+        TestGroupStats& operator = ( TestGroupStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        GroupInfo groupInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct TestRunStats {
+        TestRunStats(   TestRunInfo const& _runInfo,
+                        Totals const& _totals,
+                        bool _aborting )
+        :   runInfo( _runInfo ),
+            totals( _totals ),
+            aborting( _aborting )
+        {}
+        virtual ~TestRunStats();
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& _other )
+        :   runInfo( _other.runInfo ),
+            totals( _other.totals ),
+            aborting( _other.aborting )
+        {}
+#  else
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats const& )              = default;
+        TestRunStats( TestRunStats && )                  = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats const& ) = default;
+        TestRunStats& operator = ( TestRunStats && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        TestRunInfo runInfo;
+        Totals totals;
+        bool aborting;
+    };
+    struct IStreamingReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IStreamingReporter();
+        // Implementing class must also provide the following static method:
+        // static std::string getDescription();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const = 0;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& testRunInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) = 0;
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterFactory {
+        virtual ~IReporterFactory();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual std::string getDescription() const = 0;
+    };
+    struct IReporterRegistry {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, IReporterFactory*> FactoryMap;
+        virtual ~IReporterRegistry();
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const = 0;
+        virtual FactoryMap const& getFactories() const = 0;
+    };
+#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Catch {
+    inline std::size_t listTests( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available test cases:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser().parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        TextAttributes nameAttr, tagsAttr;
+        nameAttr.setInitialIndent( 2 ).setIndent( 4 );
+        tagsAttr.setIndent( 6 );
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            Colour::Code colour = testCaseInfo.isHidden
+                ? Colour::SecondaryText
+                : Colour::None;
+            Colour colourGuard( colour );
+            std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.name, nameAttr ) << std::endl;
+            if( !testCaseInfo.tags.empty() )
+                std::cout << Text( testCaseInfo.tagsAsString, tagsAttr ) << std::endl;
+        }
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        else
+            std::cout << pluralise( matchedTests, "matching test case" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listTestsNamesOnly( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( !config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser().parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        std::size_t matchedTests = 0;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            matchedTests++;
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = it->getTestCaseInfo();
+            std::cout << testCaseInfo.name << std::endl;
+        }
+        return matchedTests;
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listTags( Config const& config ) {
+        TestSpec testSpec = config.testSpec();
+        if( config.testSpec().hasFilters() )
+            std::cout << "Tags for matching test cases:\n";
+        else {
+            std::cout << "All available tags:\n";
+            testSpec = TestSpecParser().parse( "*" ).testSpec();
+        }
+        std::map<std::string, int> tagCounts;
+        std::vector<TestCase> matchedTestCases;
+        getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, config, matchedTestCases );
+        for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = matchedTestCases.begin(), itEnd = matchedTestCases.end();
+                it != itEnd;
+                ++it ) {
+            for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator  tagIt = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.begin(),
+                                                        tagItEnd = it->getTestCaseInfo().tags.end();
+                    tagIt != tagItEnd;
+                    ++tagIt ) {
+                std::string tagName = *tagIt;
+                std::map<std::string, int>::iterator countIt = tagCounts.find( tagName );
+                if( countIt == tagCounts.end() )
+                    tagCounts.insert( std::make_pair( tagName, 1 ) );
+                else
+                    countIt->second++;
+            }
+        }
+        for( std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator countIt = tagCounts.begin(),
+                                                        countItEnd = tagCounts.end();
+                countIt != countItEnd;
+                ++countIt ) {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << "  " << countIt->second << "  ";
+            Text wrapper( "[" + countIt->first + "]", TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                        .setIndent( oss.str().size() )
+                                                        .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-10 ) );
+            std::cout << oss.str() << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << pluralise( tagCounts.size(), "tag" ) << "\n" << std::endl;
+        return tagCounts.size();
+    }
+    inline std::size_t listReporters( Config const& /*config*/ ) {
+        std::cout << "Available reports:\n";
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
+        IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap::const_iterator itBegin = factories.begin(), itEnd = factories.end(), it;
+        std::size_t maxNameLen = 0;
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it )
+            maxNameLen = (std::max)( maxNameLen, it->first.size() );
+        for(it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            Text wrapper( it->second->getDescription(), TextAttributes()
+                                                        .setInitialIndent( 0 )
+                                                        .setIndent( 7+maxNameLen )
+                                                        .setWidth( CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH - maxNameLen-8 ) );
+            std::cout << "  "
+                    << it->first
+                    << ":"
+                    << std::string( maxNameLen - it->first.size() + 2, ' ' )
+                    << wrapper << "\n";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+        return factories.size();
+    }
+    inline Option<std::size_t> list( Config const& config ) {
+        Option<std::size_t> listedCount;
+        if( config.listTests() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTests( config );
+        if( config.listTestNamesOnly() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTestsNamesOnly( config );
+        if( config.listTags() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTags( config );
+        if( config.listReporters() )
+            listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listReporters( config );
+        return listedCount;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_runner_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_tracker.hpp
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace SectionTracking {
+    class TrackedSection {
+        typedef std::map<std::string, TrackedSection> TrackedSections;
+    public:
+        enum RunState {
+            NotStarted,
+            Executing,
+            ExecutingChildren,
+            Completed
+        };
+        TrackedSection( std::string const& name, TrackedSection* parent )
+        :   m_name( name ), m_runState( NotStarted ), m_parent( parent )
+        {}
+        RunState runState() const { return m_runState; }
+        TrackedSection* findChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            TrackedSections::iterator it = m_children.find( childName );
+            return it != m_children.end()
+                ? &it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* acquireChild( std::string const& childName ) {
+            if( TrackedSection* child = findChild( childName ) )
+                return child;
+            m_children.insert( std::make_pair( childName, TrackedSection( childName, this ) ) );
+            return findChild( childName );
+        }
+        void enter() {
+            if( m_runState == NotStarted )
+                m_runState = Executing;
+        }
+        void leave() {
+            for( TrackedSections::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(), itEnd = m_children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( it->second.runState() != Completed ) {
+                    m_runState = ExecutingChildren;
+                    return;
+                }
+            m_runState = Completed;
+        }
+        TrackedSection* getParent() {
+            return m_parent;
+        }
+        bool hasChildren() const {
+            return !m_children.empty();
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string m_name;
+        RunState m_runState;
+        TrackedSections m_children;
+        TrackedSection* m_parent;
+    };
+    class TestCaseTracker {
+    public:
+        TestCaseTracker( std::string const& testCaseName )
+        :   m_testCase( testCaseName, NULL ),
+            m_currentSection( &m_testCase ),
+            m_completedASectionThisRun( false )
+        {}
+        bool enterSection( std::string const& name ) {
+            TrackedSection* child = m_currentSection->acquireChild( name );
+            if( m_completedASectionThisRun || child->runState() == TrackedSection::Completed )
+                return false;
+            m_currentSection = child;
+            m_currentSection->enter();
+            return true;
+        }
+        void leaveSection() {
+            m_currentSection->leave();
+            m_currentSection = m_currentSection->getParent();
+            assert( m_currentSection != NULL );
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = true;
+        }
+        bool currentSectionHasChildren() const {
+            return m_currentSection->hasChildren();
+        }
+        bool isCompleted() const {
+            return m_testCase.runState() == TrackedSection::Completed;
+        }
+        class Guard {
+        public:
+            Guard( TestCaseTracker& tracker ) : m_tracker( tracker ) {
+                m_tracker.enterTestCase();
+            }
+            ~Guard() {
+                m_tracker.leaveTestCase();
+            }
+        private:
+            Guard( Guard const& );
+            void operator = ( Guard const& );
+            TestCaseTracker& m_tracker;
+        };
+    private:
+        void enterTestCase() {
+            m_currentSection = &m_testCase;
+            m_completedASectionThisRun = false;
+            m_testCase.enter();
+        }
+        void leaveTestCase() {
+            m_testCase.leave();
+        }
+        TrackedSection m_testCase;
+        TrackedSection* m_currentSection;
+        bool m_completedASectionThisRun;
+    };
+} // namespace SectionTracking
+using SectionTracking::TestCaseTracker;
+} // namespace Catch
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamRedirect {
+    public:
+        StreamRedirect( std::ostream& stream, std::string& targetString )
+        :   m_stream( stream ),
+            m_prevBuf( stream.rdbuf() ),
+            m_targetString( targetString )
+        {
+            stream.rdbuf( m_oss.rdbuf() );
+        }
+        ~StreamRedirect() {
+            m_targetString += m_oss.str();
+            m_stream.rdbuf( m_prevBuf );
+        }
+    private:
+        std::ostream& m_stream;
+        std::streambuf* m_prevBuf;
+        std::ostringstream m_oss;
+        std::string& m_targetString;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class RunContext : public IResultCapture, public IRunner {
+        RunContext( RunContext const& );
+        void operator =( RunContext const& );
+    public:
+        explicit RunContext( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config, Ptr<IStreamingReporter> const& reporter )
+        :   m_runInfo( config->name() ),
+            m_context( getCurrentMutableContext() ),
+            m_activeTestCase( NULL ),
+            m_config( config ),
+            m_reporter( reporter ),
+            m_prevRunner( &m_context.getRunner() ),
+            m_prevResultCapture( &m_context.getResultCapture() ),
+            m_prevConfig( m_context.getConfig() )
+        {
+            m_context.setRunner( this );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_config );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( this );
+            m_reporter->testRunStarting( m_runInfo );
+        }
+        virtual ~RunContext() {
+            m_reporter->testRunEnded( TestRunStats( m_runInfo, m_totals, aborting() ) );
+            m_context.setRunner( m_prevRunner );
+            m_context.setConfig( NULL );
+            m_context.setResultCapture( m_prevResultCapture );
+            m_context.setConfig( m_prevConfig );
+        }
+        void testGroupStarting( std::string const& testSpec, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupStarting( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ) );
+        }
+        void testGroupEnded( std::string const& testSpec, Totals const& totals, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
+            m_reporter->testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ), totals, aborting() ) );
+        }
+        Totals runTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            Totals prevTotals = m_totals;
+            std::string redirectedCout;
+            std::string redirectedCerr;
+            TestCaseInfo testInfo = testCase.getTestCaseInfo();
+            m_reporter->testCaseStarting( testInfo );
+            m_activeTestCase = &testCase;
+            m_testCaseTracker = TestCaseTracker( testInfo.name );
+            do {
+                do {
+                    runCurrentTest( redirectedCout, redirectedCerr );
+                }
+                while( !m_testCaseTracker->isCompleted() && !aborting() );
+            }
+            while( getCurrentContext().advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() && !aborting() );
+            Totals deltaTotals = m_totals.delta( prevTotals );
+            m_totals.testCases += deltaTotals.testCases;
+            m_reporter->testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats(   testInfo,
+                                                        deltaTotals,
+                                                        redirectedCout,
+                                                        redirectedCerr,
+                                                        aborting() ) );
+            m_activeTestCase = NULL;
+            m_testCaseTracker.reset();
+            return deltaTotals;
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig const> config() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    private: // IResultCapture
+        virtual ResultAction::Value acceptExpression( ExpressionResultBuilder const& assertionResult, AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) {
+            m_lastAssertionInfo = assertionInfo;
+            return actOnCurrentResult( assertionResult.buildResult( assertionInfo ) );
+        }
+        virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) {
+            if( result.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.passed++;
+            }
+            else if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            }
+            if( m_reporter->assertionEnded( AssertionStats( result, m_messages, m_totals ) ) )
+                m_messages.clear();
+            // Reset working state
+            m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "", m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo, "{Unknown expression after the reported line}" , m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
+        }
+        virtual bool sectionStarted (
+            SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
+            Counts& assertions
+        )
+        {
+            std::ostringstream oss;
+            oss << sectionInfo.name << "@" << sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            if( !m_testCaseTracker->enterSection( oss.str() ) )
+                return false;
+            m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo = sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( sectionInfo );
+            assertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            return true;
+        }
+        bool testForMissingAssertions( Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( assertions.total() != 0 ||
+                    !m_config->warnAboutMissingAssertions() ||
+                    m_testCaseTracker->currentSectionHasChildren() )
+                return false;
+            m_totals.assertions.failed++;
+            assertions.failed++;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& info, Counts const& prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds ) {
+            if( std::uncaught_exception() ) {
+                m_unfinishedSections.push_back( UnfinishedSections( info, prevAssertions, _durationInSeconds ) );
+                return;
+            }
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            m_testCaseTracker->leaveSection();
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( SectionStats( info, assertions, _durationInSeconds, missingAssertions ) );
+            m_messages.clear();
+        }
+        virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.push_back( message );
+        }
+        virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
+            m_messages.erase( std::remove( m_messages.begin(), m_messages.end(), message ), m_messages.end() );
+        }
+        virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const {
+            return m_config->shouldDebugBreak();
+        }
+        virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const {
+            return m_activeTestCase
+                ? m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo().name
+                : "";
+        }
+        virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const {
+            return &m_lastResult;
+        }
+    public:
+        // !TBD We need to do this another way!
+        bool aborting() const {
+            return m_totals.assertions.failed == static_cast<std::size_t>( m_config->abortAfter() );
+        }
+    private:
+        ResultAction::Value actOnCurrentResult( AssertionResult const& result ) {
+            m_lastResult = result;
+            assertionEnded( m_lastResult );
+            ResultAction::Value action = ResultAction::None;
+            if( !m_lastResult.isOk() ) {
+                action = ResultAction::Failed;
+                if( shouldDebugBreak() )
+                    action = (ResultAction::Value)( action | ResultAction::Debug );
+                if( aborting() )
+                    action = (ResultAction::Value)( action | ResultAction::Abort );
+            }
+            return action;
+        }
+        void runCurrentTest( std::string& redirectedCout, std::string& redirectedCerr ) {
+            TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo();
+            SectionInfo testCaseSection( testCaseInfo.name, testCaseInfo.description, testCaseInfo.lineInfo );
+            m_reporter->sectionStarting( testCaseSection );
+            Counts prevAssertions = m_totals.assertions;
+            double duration = 0;
+            try {
+                m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "TEST_CASE", testCaseInfo.lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                TestCaseTracker::Guard guard( *m_testCaseTracker );
+                Timer timer;
+                timer.start();
+                if( m_reporter->getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut ) {
+                    StreamRedirect coutRedir( std::cout, redirectedCout );
+                    StreamRedirect cerrRedir( std::cerr, redirectedCerr );
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                else {
+                    m_activeTestCase->invoke();
+                }
+                duration = timer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            }
+            catch( TestFailureException& ) {
+                // This just means the test was aborted due to failure
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                ExpressionResultBuilder exResult( ResultWas::ThrewException );
+                exResult << translateActiveException();
+                actOnCurrentResult( exResult.buildResult( m_lastAssertionInfo )  );
+            }
+            // If sections ended prematurely due to an exception we stored their
+            // infos here so we can tear them down outside the unwind process.
+            for( std::vector<UnfinishedSections>::const_reverse_iterator it = m_unfinishedSections.rbegin(),
+                        itEnd = m_unfinishedSections.rend();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                sectionEnded( it->info, it->prevAssertions, it->durationInSeconds );
+            m_unfinishedSections.clear();
+            m_messages.clear();
+            Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
+            bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
+            SectionStats testCaseSectionStats( testCaseSection, assertions, duration, missingAssertions );
+            m_reporter->sectionEnded( testCaseSectionStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        struct UnfinishedSections {
+            UnfinishedSections( SectionInfo const& _info, Counts const& _prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds )
+            : info( _info ), prevAssertions( _prevAssertions ), durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds )
+            {}
+            SectionInfo info;
+            Counts prevAssertions;
+            double durationInSeconds;
+        };
+        TestRunInfo m_runInfo;
+        IMutableContext& m_context;
+        TestCase const* m_activeTestCase;
+        Option<TestCaseTracker> m_testCaseTracker;
+        AssertionResult m_lastResult;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        Totals m_totals;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::vector<MessageInfo> m_messages;
+        IRunner* m_prevRunner;
+        IResultCapture* m_prevResultCapture;
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_prevConfig;
+        AssertionInfo m_lastAssertionInfo;
+        std::vector<UnfinishedSections> m_unfinishedSections;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: internal/catch_version.h
+namespace Catch {
+    // Versioning information
+    struct Version {
+        Version(    unsigned int _majorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _minorVersion,
+                    unsigned int _buildNumber,
+                    char const* const _branchName )
+        :   majorVersion( _majorVersion ),
+            minorVersion( _minorVersion ),
+            buildNumber( _buildNumber ),
+            branchName( _branchName )
+        {}
+        unsigned int const majorVersion;
+        unsigned int const minorVersion;
+        unsigned int const buildNumber;
+        char const* const branchName;
+    private:
+        void operator=( Version const& );
+    };
+    extern Version libraryVersion;
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits>
+namespace Catch {
+    class Runner {
+    public:
+        Runner( Ptr<Config> const& config )
+        :   m_config( config )
+        {
+            openStream();
+            makeReporter();
+        }
+        Totals runTests() {
+            RunContext context( m_config.get(), m_reporter );
+            Totals totals;
+            context.testGroupStarting( "", 1, 1 ); // deprecated?
+            TestSpec testSpec = m_config->testSpec();
+            if( !testSpec.hasFilters() )
+                testSpec = TestSpecParser().parse( "~[.]" ).testSpec(); // All not hidden tests
+            std::vector<TestCase> testCases;
+            getRegistryHub().getTestCaseRegistry().getFilteredTests( testSpec, *m_config, testCases );
+            int testsRunForGroup = 0;
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator it = testCases.begin(), itEnd = testCases.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                testsRunForGroup++;
+                if( m_testsAlreadyRun.find( *it ) == m_testsAlreadyRun.end() ) {
+                    if( context.aborting() )
+                        break;
+                    totals += context.runTest( *it );
+                    m_testsAlreadyRun.insert( *it );
+                }
+            }
+            context.testGroupEnded( "", totals, 1, 1 );
+            return totals;
+        }
+    private:
+        void openStream() {
+            // Open output file, if specified
+            if( !m_config->getFilename().empty() ) {
+                m_ofs.open( m_config->getFilename().c_str() );
+                if( m_ofs.fail() ) {
+                    std::ostringstream oss;
+                    oss << "Unable to open file: '" << m_config->getFilename() << "'";
+                    throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+                }
+                m_config->setStreamBuf( m_ofs.rdbuf() );
+            }
+        }
+        void makeReporter() {
+            std::string reporterName = m_config->getReporterName().empty()
+                ? "console"
+                : m_config->getReporterName();
+            m_reporter = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().create( reporterName, m_config.get() );
+            if( !m_reporter ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "No reporter registered with name: '" << reporterName << "'";
+                throw std::domain_error( oss.str() );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+        std::ofstream m_ofs;
+        Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
+        std::set<TestCase> m_testsAlreadyRun;
+    };
+    class Session {
+        static bool alreadyInstantiated;
+    public:
+        struct OnUnusedOptions { enum DoWhat { Ignore, Fail }; };
+        Session()
+        : m_cli( makeCommandLineParser() ) {
+            if( alreadyInstantiated ) {
+                std::string msg = "Only one instance of Catch::Session can ever be used";
+                std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+                throw std::logic_error( msg );
+            }
+            alreadyInstantiated = true;
+        }
+        ~Session() {
+            Catch::cleanUp();
+        }
+        void showHelp( std::string const& processName ) {
+            std::cout << "\nCatch v"    << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                                        << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " build "
+                                        << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                std::cout << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << " branch)";
+            std::cout << "\n";
+            m_cli.usage( std::cout, processName );
+            std::cout << "For more detail usage please see the project docs\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        int applyCommandLine( int argc, char* const argv[], OnUnusedOptions::DoWhat unusedOptionBehaviour = OnUnusedOptions::Fail ) {
+            try {
+                m_cli.setThrowOnUnrecognisedTokens( unusedOptionBehaviour == OnUnusedOptions::Fail );
+                m_unusedTokens = m_cli.parseInto( argc, argv, m_configData );
+                if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                    showHelp( m_configData.processName );
+                m_config.reset();
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "\nError(s) in input:\n"
+                                << Text( ex.what(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) )
+                                << "\n\n";
+                }
+                m_cli.usage( std::cout, m_configData.processName );
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        void useConfigData( ConfigData const& _configData ) {
+            m_configData = _configData;
+            m_config.reset();
+        }
+        int run( int argc, char* const argv[] ) {
+            int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, argv );
+            if( returnCode == 0 )
+                returnCode = run();
+            return returnCode;
+        }
+        int run() {
+            if( m_configData.showHelp )
+                return 0;
+            try
+            {
+                config(); // Force config to be constructed
+                Runner runner( m_config );
+                // Handle list request
+                if( Option<std::size_t> listed = list( config() ) )
+                    return static_cast<int>( *listed );
+                return static_cast<int>( runner.runTests().assertions.failed );
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+                return (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+            }
+        }
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> const& cli() const {
+            return m_cli;
+        }
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> const& unusedTokens() const {
+            return m_unusedTokens;
+        }
+        ConfigData& configData() {
+            return m_configData;
+        }
+        Config& config() {
+            if( !m_config )
+                m_config = new Config( m_configData );
+            return *m_config;
+        }
+    private:
+        Clara::CommandLine<ConfigData> m_cli;
+        std::vector<Clara::Parser::Token> m_unusedTokens;
+        ConfigData m_configData;
+        Ptr<Config> m_config;
+    };
+    bool Session::alreadyInstantiated = false;
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_registry_hub.hpp
+// #included from: catch_test_case_registry_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    class TestRegistry : public ITestCaseRegistry {
+    public:
+        TestRegistry() : m_unnamedCount( 0 ) {}
+        virtual ~TestRegistry();
+        virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
+            std::string name = testCase.getTestCaseInfo().name;
+            if( name == "" ) {
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                oss << "Anonymous test case " << ++m_unnamedCount;
+                return registerTest( testCase.withName( oss.str() ) );
+            }
+            if( m_functions.find( testCase ) == m_functions.end() ) {
+                m_functions.insert( testCase );
+                m_functionsInOrder.push_back( testCase );
+                if( !testCase.isHidden() )
+                    m_nonHiddenFunctions.push_back( testCase );
+            }
+            else {
+                TestCase const& prev = *m_functions.find( testCase );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                    std::cerr   << "error: TEST_CASE( \"" << name << "\" ) already defined.\n"
+                                << "\tFirst seen at " << prev.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << "\n"
+                                << "\tRedefined at " << testCase.getTestCaseInfo().lineInfo << std::endl;
+                }
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllTests() const {
+            return m_functionsInOrder;
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<TestCase> const& getAllNonHiddenTests() const {
+            return m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        }
+        virtual void getFilteredTests( TestSpec const& testSpec, IConfig const& config, std::vector<TestCase>& matchingTestCases ) const {
+            for( std::vector<TestCase>::const_iterator  it = m_functionsInOrder.begin(),
+                                                        itEnd = m_functionsInOrder.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( testSpec.matches( *it ) && ( config.allowThrows() || !it->throws() ) )
+                    matchingTestCases.push_back( *it );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::set<TestCase> m_functions;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_functionsInOrder;
+        std::vector<TestCase> m_nonHiddenFunctions;
+        size_t m_unnamedCount;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class FreeFunctionTestCase : public SharedImpl<ITestCase> {
+    public:
+        FreeFunctionTestCase( TestFunction fun ) : m_fun( fun ) {}
+        virtual void invoke() const {
+            m_fun();
+        }
+    private:
+        virtual ~FreeFunctionTestCase();
+        TestFunction m_fun;
+    };
+    inline std::string extractClassName( std::string const& classOrQualifiedMethodName ) {
+        std::string className = classOrQualifiedMethodName;
+        if( startsWith( className, "&" ) )
+        {
+            std::size_t lastColons = className.rfind( "::" );
+            std::size_t penultimateColons = className.rfind( "::", lastColons-1 );
+            if( penultimateColons == std::string::npos )
+                penultimateColons = 1;
+            className = className.substr( penultimateColons, lastColons-penultimateColons );
+        }
+        return className;
+    }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    AutoReg::AutoReg(   TestFunction function,
+                        SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc ) {
+        registerTestCase( new FreeFunctionTestCase( function ), "", nameAndDesc, lineInfo );
+    }
+    AutoReg::~AutoReg() {}
+    void AutoReg::registerTestCase( ITestCase* testCase,
+                                    char const* classOrQualifiedMethodName,
+                                    NameAndDesc const& nameAndDesc,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo ) {
+        getMutableRegistryHub().registerTest
+            ( makeTestCase( testCase,
+                            extractClassName( classOrQualifiedMethodName ),
+                            nameAndDesc.name,
+                            nameAndDesc.description,
+                            lineInfo ) );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_reporter_registry.hpp
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    class ReporterRegistry : public IReporterRegistry {
+    public:
+        virtual ~ReporterRegistry() {
+            deleteAllValues( m_factories );
+        }
+        virtual IStreamingReporter* create( std::string const& name, Ptr<IConfig> const& config ) const {
+            FactoryMap::const_iterator it =  m_factories.find( name );
+            if( it == m_factories.end() )
+                return NULL;
+            return it->second->create( ReporterConfig( config ) );
+        }
+        void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+            m_factories.insert( std::make_pair( name, factory ) );
+        }
+        FactoryMap const& getFactories() const {
+            return m_factories;
+        }
+    private:
+        FactoryMap m_factories;
+    };
+// #included from: catch_exception_translator_registry.hpp
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+#import "Foundation/Foundation.h"
+namespace Catch {
+    class ExceptionTranslatorRegistry : public IExceptionTranslatorRegistry {
+    public:
+        ~ExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+            deleteAll( m_translators );
+        }
+        virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+            m_translators.push_back( translator );
+        }
+        virtual std::string translateActiveException() const {
+            try {
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+                // In Objective-C try objective-c exceptions first
+                @try {
+                    throw;
+                }
+                @catch (NSException *exception) {
+                    return toString( [exception description] );
+                }
+                throw;
+            }
+            catch( std::exception& ex ) {
+                return ex.what();
+            }
+            catch( std::string& msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch( const char* msg ) {
+                return msg;
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( m_translators.begin() );
+            }
+        }
+        std::string tryTranslators( std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*>::const_iterator it ) const {
+            if( it == m_translators.end() )
+                return "Unknown exception";
+            try {
+                return (*it)->translate();
+            }
+            catch(...) {
+                return tryTranslators( it+1 );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        std::vector<const IExceptionTranslator*> m_translators;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        class RegistryHub : public IRegistryHub, public IMutableRegistryHub {
+            RegistryHub( RegistryHub const& );
+            void operator=( RegistryHub const& );
+        public: // IRegistryHub
+            RegistryHub() {
+            }
+            virtual IReporterRegistry const& getReporterRegistry() const {
+                return m_reporterRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual ITestCaseRegistry const& getTestCaseRegistry() const {
+                return m_testCaseRegistry;
+            }
+            virtual IExceptionTranslatorRegistry& getExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {
+                return m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+            }
+        public: // IMutableRegistryHub
+            virtual void registerReporter( std::string const& name, IReporterFactory* factory ) {
+                m_reporterRegistry.registerReporter( name, factory );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTest( TestCase const& testInfo ) {
+                m_testCaseRegistry.registerTest( testInfo );
+            }
+            virtual void registerTranslator( const IExceptionTranslator* translator ) {
+                m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry.registerTranslator( translator );
+            }
+        private:
+            TestRegistry m_testCaseRegistry;
+            ReporterRegistry m_reporterRegistry;
+            ExceptionTranslatorRegistry m_exceptionTranslatorRegistry;
+        };
+        // Single, global, instance
+        inline RegistryHub*& getTheRegistryHub() {
+            static RegistryHub* theRegistryHub = NULL;
+            if( !theRegistryHub )
+                theRegistryHub = new RegistryHub();
+            return theRegistryHub;
+        }
+    }
+    IRegistryHub& getRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    IMutableRegistryHub& getMutableRegistryHub() {
+        return *getTheRegistryHub();
+    }
+    void cleanUp() {
+        delete getTheRegistryHub();
+        getTheRegistryHub() = NULL;
+        cleanUpContext();
+    }
+    std::string translateActiveException() {
+        return getRegistryHub().getExceptionTranslatorRegistry().translateActiveException();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_notimplemented_exception.hpp
+#include <ostream>
+namespace Catch {
+    NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException( SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo )
+    :   m_lineInfo( lineInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << lineInfo << ": function ";
+        oss << "not implemented";
+        m_what = oss.str();
+    }
+    const char* NotImplementedException::what() const CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+        return m_what.c_str();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_context_impl.hpp
+// #included from: catch_stream.hpp
+// #included from: catch_streambuf.h
+#include <streambuf>
+namespace Catch {
+    class StreamBufBase : public std::streambuf {
+    public:
+        virtual ~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT;
+    };
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdio>
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename WriterF, size_t bufferSize=256>
+    class StreamBufImpl : public StreamBufBase {
+        char data[bufferSize];
+        WriterF m_writer;
+    public:
+        StreamBufImpl() {
+            setp( data, data + sizeof(data) );
+        }
+        ~StreamBufImpl() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {
+            sync();
+        }
+    private:
+        int overflow( int c ) {
+            sync();
+            if( c != EOF ) {
+                if( pbase() == epptr() )
+                    m_writer( std::string( 1, static_cast<char>( c ) ) );
+                else
+                    sputc( static_cast<char>( c ) );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        int sync() {
+            if( pbase() != pptr() ) {
+                m_writer( std::string( pbase(), static_cast<std::string::size_type>( pptr() - pbase() ) ) );
+                setp( pbase(), epptr() );
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    struct OutputDebugWriter {
+        void operator()( std::string const&str ) {
+            writeToDebugConsole( str );
+        }
+    };
+    Stream::Stream()
+    : streamBuf( NULL ), isOwned( false )
+    {}
+    Stream::Stream( std::streambuf* _streamBuf, bool _isOwned )
+    : streamBuf( _streamBuf ), isOwned( _isOwned )
+    {}
+    void Stream::release() {
+        if( isOwned ) {
+            delete streamBuf;
+            streamBuf = NULL;
+            isOwned = false;
+        }
+    }
+namespace Catch {
+    class Context : public IMutableContext {
+        Context() : m_config( NULL ), m_runner( NULL ), m_resultCapture( NULL ) {}
+        Context( Context const& );
+        void operator=( Context const& );
+    public: // IContext
+        virtual IResultCapture& getResultCapture() {
+            return *m_resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual IRunner& getRunner() {
+            return *m_runner;
+        }
+        virtual size_t getGeneratorIndex( std::string const& fileInfo, size_t totalSize ) {
+            return getGeneratorsForCurrentTest()
+            .getGeneratorInfo( fileInfo, totalSize )
+            .getCurrentIndex();
+        }
+        virtual bool advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            return generators && generators->moveNext();
+        }
+        virtual Ptr<IConfig const> getConfig() const {
+            return m_config;
+        }
+    public: // IMutableContext
+        virtual void setResultCapture( IResultCapture* resultCapture ) {
+            m_resultCapture = resultCapture;
+        }
+        virtual void setRunner( IRunner* runner ) {
+            m_runner = runner;
+        }
+        virtual void setConfig( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config ) {
+            m_config = config;
+        }
+        friend IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext();
+    private:
+        IGeneratorsForTest* findGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            std::string testName = getResultCapture().getCurrentTestName();
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*>::const_iterator it =
+            m_generatorsByTestName.find( testName );
+            return it != m_generatorsByTestName.end()
+                ? it->second
+                : NULL;
+        }
+        IGeneratorsForTest& getGeneratorsForCurrentTest() {
+            IGeneratorsForTest* generators = findGeneratorsForCurrentTest();
+            if( !generators ) {
+                std::string testName = getResultCapture().getCurrentTestName();
+                generators = createGeneratorsForTest();
+                m_generatorsByTestName.insert( std::make_pair( testName, generators ) );
+            }
+            return *generators;
+        }
+    private:
+        Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
+        IRunner* m_runner;
+        IResultCapture* m_resultCapture;
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorsForTest*> m_generatorsByTestName;
+    };
+    namespace {
+        Context* currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+    IMutableContext& getCurrentMutableContext() {
+        if( !currentContext )
+            currentContext = new Context();
+        return *currentContext;
+    }
+    IContext& getCurrentContext() {
+        return getCurrentMutableContext();
+    }
+    Stream createStream( std::string const& streamName ) {
+        if( streamName == "stdout" ) return Stream( std::cout.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "stderr" ) return Stream( std::cerr.rdbuf(), false );
+        if( streamName == "debug" ) return Stream( new StreamBufImpl<OutputDebugWriter>, true );
+        throw std::domain_error( "Unknown stream: " + streamName );
+    }
+    void cleanUpContext() {
+        delete currentContext;
+        currentContext = NULL;
+    }
+// #included from: catch_console_colour_impl.hpp
+namespace Catch { namespace Detail {
+    struct IColourImpl {
+        virtual ~IColourImpl() {}
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) = 0;
+    };
+#if defined ( CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) /////////////////////////////////////////
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+#define NOMINMAX
+#ifdef __AFXDLL
+#include <AfxWin.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    class Win32ColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        Win32ColourImpl() : stdoutHandle( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) )
+        {
+            CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo;
+            GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( stdoutHandle, &csbiInfo );
+            originalAttributes = csbiInfo.wAttributes;
+        }
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:      return setTextAttribute( originalAttributes );
+                case Colour::White:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setTextAttribute( 0 );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setTextAttribute( FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setTextAttribute( WORD _textAttribute ) {
+            SetConsoleTextAttribute( stdoutHandle, _textAttribute );
+        }
+        HANDLE stdoutHandle;
+        WORD originalAttributes;
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static Win32ColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#else // Not Windows - assumed to be POSIX compatible //////////////////////////
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace Catch {
+namespace {
+    // use POSIX/ ANSI console terminal codes
+    // Thanks to Adam Strzelecki for original contribution
+    // (http://github.com/nanoant)
+    // https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/pull/131
+    class PosixColourImpl : public Detail::IColourImpl {
+    public:
+        virtual void use( Colour::Code _colourCode ) {
+            switch( _colourCode ) {
+                case Colour::None:
+                case Colour::White:     return setColour( "[0m" );
+                case Colour::Red:       return setColour( "[0;31m" );
+                case Colour::Green:     return setColour( "[0;32m" );
+                case Colour::Blue:      return setColour( "[0:34m" );
+                case Colour::Cyan:      return setColour( "[0;36m" );
+                case Colour::Yellow:    return setColour( "[0;33m" );
+                case Colour::Grey:      return setColour( "[1;30m" );
+                case Colour::LightGrey:     return setColour( "[0;37m" );
+                case Colour::BrightRed:     return setColour( "[1;31m" );
+                case Colour::BrightGreen:   return setColour( "[1;32m" );
+                case Colour::BrightWhite:   return setColour( "[1;37m" );
+                case Colour::Bright: throw std::logic_error( "not a colour" );
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void setColour( const char* _escapeCode ) {
+            std::cout << '\033' << _escapeCode;
+        }
+    };
+    inline bool shouldUseColourForPlatform() {
+        return isatty(STDOUT_FILENO);
+    }
+    static Detail::IColourImpl* platformColourInstance() {
+        static PosixColourImpl s_instance;
+        return &s_instance;
+    }
+} // end anon namespace
+} // end namespace Catch
+#endif // not Windows
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        struct NoColourImpl : Detail::IColourImpl {
+            void use( Colour::Code ) {}
+            static IColourImpl* instance() {
+                static NoColourImpl s_instance;
+                return &s_instance;
+            }
+        };
+        static bool shouldUseColour() {
+            return shouldUseColourForPlatform() && !isDebuggerActive();
+        }
+    }
+    Colour::Colour( Code _colourCode ){ use( _colourCode ); }
+    Colour::~Colour(){ use( None ); }
+    void Colour::use( Code _colourCode ) {
+        impl()->use( _colourCode );
+    }
+    Detail::IColourImpl* Colour::impl() {
+        return shouldUseColour()
+            ? platformColourInstance()
+            : NoColourImpl::instance();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_generators_impl.hpp
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct GeneratorInfo : IGeneratorInfo {
+        GeneratorInfo( std::size_t size )
+        :   m_size( size ),
+            m_currentIndex( 0 )
+        {}
+        bool moveNext() {
+            if( ++m_currentIndex == m_size ) {
+                m_currentIndex = 0;
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        std::size_t getCurrentIndex() const {
+            return m_currentIndex;
+        }
+        std::size_t m_size;
+        std::size_t m_currentIndex;
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    class GeneratorsForTest : public IGeneratorsForTest {
+    public:
+        ~GeneratorsForTest() {
+            deleteAll( m_generatorsInOrder );
+        }
+        IGeneratorInfo& getGeneratorInfo( std::string const& fileInfo, std::size_t size ) {
+            std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsByName.find( fileInfo );
+            if( it == m_generatorsByName.end() ) {
+                IGeneratorInfo* info = new GeneratorInfo( size );
+                m_generatorsByName.insert( std::make_pair( fileInfo, info ) );
+                m_generatorsInOrder.push_back( info );
+                return *info;
+            }
+            return *it->second;
+        }
+        bool moveNext() {
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator it = m_generatorsInOrder.begin();
+            std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_generatorsInOrder.end();
+            for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+                if( (*it)->moveNext() )
+                    return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::map<std::string, IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsByName;
+        std::vector<IGeneratorInfo*> m_generatorsInOrder;
+    };
+    IGeneratorsForTest* createGeneratorsForTest()
+    {
+        return new GeneratorsForTest();
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_assertionresult.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    AssertionInfo::AssertionInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                    SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                    std::string const& _capturedExpression,
+                                    ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        capturedExpression( _capturedExpression ),
+        resultDisposition( _resultDisposition )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult() {}
+    AssertionResult::AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data )
+    :   m_info( info ),
+        m_resultData( data )
+    {}
+    AssertionResult::~AssertionResult() {}
+    // Result was a success
+    bool AssertionResult::succeeded() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType );
+    }
+    // Result was a success, or failure is suppressed
+    bool AssertionResult::isOk() const {
+        return Catch::isOk( m_resultData.resultType ) || shouldSuppressFailure( m_info.resultDisposition );
+    }
+    ResultWas::OfType AssertionResult::getResultType() const {
+        return m_resultData.resultType;
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpression() const {
+        return !m_info.capturedExpression.empty();
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasMessage() const {
+        return !m_resultData.message.empty();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpression() const {
+        if( shouldNegate( m_info.resultDisposition ) )
+            return "!" + m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpressionInMacro() const {
+        if( m_info.macroName.empty() )
+            return m_info.capturedExpression;
+        else
+            return m_info.macroName + "( " + m_info.capturedExpression + " )";
+    }
+    bool AssertionResult::hasExpandedExpression() const {
+        return hasExpression() && getExpandedExpression() != getExpression();
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getExpandedExpression() const {
+        return m_resultData.reconstructedExpression;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getMessage() const {
+        return m_resultData.message;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo AssertionResult::getSourceInfo() const {
+        return m_info.lineInfo;
+    }
+    std::string AssertionResult::getTestMacroName() const {
+        return m_info.macroName;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_expressionresult_builder.hpp
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    ExpressionResultBuilder::ExpressionResultBuilder( ResultWas::OfType resultType ) {
+        m_data.resultType = resultType;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder::ExpressionResultBuilder( ExpressionResultBuilder const& other )
+    :   m_data( other.m_data ),
+        m_exprComponents( other.m_exprComponents )
+    {
+        m_stream << other.m_stream.str();
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::operator=(ExpressionResultBuilder const& other ) {
+        m_data = other.m_data;
+        m_exprComponents = other.m_exprComponents;
+        m_stream.str("");
+        m_stream << other.m_stream.str();
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::setResultType( ResultWas::OfType result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::setResultType( bool result ) {
+        m_data.resultType = result ? ResultWas::Ok : ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::endExpression( ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition ) {
+        m_exprComponents.shouldNegate = shouldNegate( resultDisposition );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::setLhs( std::string const& lhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.lhs = lhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::setRhs( std::string const& rhs ) {
+        m_exprComponents.rhs = rhs;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ExpressionResultBuilder& ExpressionResultBuilder::setOp( std::string const& op ) {
+        m_exprComponents.op = op;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    AssertionResult ExpressionResultBuilder::buildResult( AssertionInfo const& info ) const
+    {
+        assert( m_data.resultType != ResultWas::Unknown );
+        AssertionResultData data = m_data;
+        // Flip bool results if shouldNegate is set
+        if( m_exprComponents.shouldNegate && data.resultType == ResultWas::Ok )
+            data.resultType = ResultWas::ExpressionFailed;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.shouldNegate && data.resultType == ResultWas::ExpressionFailed )
+            data.resultType = ResultWas::Ok;
+        data.message = m_stream.str();
+        data.reconstructedExpression = reconstructExpression( info );
+        if( m_exprComponents.shouldNegate ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!" + data.reconstructedExpression;
+            else
+                data.reconstructedExpression = "!(" + data.reconstructedExpression + ")";
+        }
+        return AssertionResult( info, data );
+    }
+    std::string ExpressionResultBuilder::reconstructExpression( AssertionInfo const& info ) const {
+        if( m_exprComponents.op == "" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs.empty() ? info.capturedExpression : m_exprComponents.op + m_exprComponents.lhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op == "matches" )
+            return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        else if( m_exprComponents.op != "!" ) {
+            if( m_exprComponents.lhs.size() + m_exprComponents.rhs.size() < 40 &&
+                m_exprComponents.lhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos &&
+                m_exprComponents.rhs.find("\n") == std::string::npos )
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + " " + m_exprComponents.op + " " + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+            else
+                return m_exprComponents.lhs + "\n" + m_exprComponents.op + "\n" + m_exprComponents.rhs;
+        }
+        else
+            return "{can't expand - use " + info.macroName + "_FALSE( " + info.capturedExpression.substr(1) + " ) instead of " + info.macroName + "( " + info.capturedExpression + " ) for better diagnostics}";
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_test_case_info.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    inline bool isSpecialTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        return  tag == "." ||
+                tag == "hide" ||
+                tag == "!hide" ||
+                tag == "!throws";
+    }
+    inline bool isReservedTag( std::string const& tag ) {
+        return !isSpecialTag( tag ) && tag.size() > 0 && !isalnum( tag[0] );
+    }
+    inline void enforceNotReservedTag( std::string const& tag, SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo ) {
+        if( isReservedTag( tag ) ) {
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
+                std::cerr
+                    << "Tag name [" << tag << "] not allowed.\n"
+                    << "Tag names starting with non alpha-numeric characters are reserved\n";
+            }
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                std::cerr << _lineInfo << std::endl;
+            }
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    TestCase makeTestCase(  ITestCase* _testCase,
+                            std::string const& _className,
+                            std::string const& _name,
+                            std::string const& _descOrTags,
+                            SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    {
+        bool isHidden( startsWith( _name, "./" ) ); // Legacy support
+        // Parse out tags
+        std::set<std::string> tags;
+        std::string desc, tag;
+        bool inTag = false;
+        for( std::size_t i = 0; i < _descOrTags.size(); ++i ) {
+            char c = _descOrTags[i];
+            if( !inTag ) {
+                if( c == '[' )
+                    inTag = true;
+                else
+                    desc += c;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( c == ']' ) {
+                    enforceNotReservedTag( tag, _lineInfo );
+                    inTag = false;
+                    if( tag == "hide" || tag == "." ) {
+                        tags.insert( "hide" );
+                        tags.insert( "." );
+                        isHidden = true;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        tags.insert( tag );
+                    }
+                    tag.clear();
+                }
+                else
+                    tag += c;
+            }
+        }
+        TestCaseInfo info( _name, _className, desc, tags, isHidden, _lineInfo );
+        return TestCase( _testCase, info );
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( std::string const& _name,
+                                std::string const& _className,
+                                std::string const& _description,
+                                std::set<std::string> const& _tags,
+                                bool _isHidden,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo )
+    :   name( _name ),
+        className( _className ),
+        description( _description ),
+        tags( _tags ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        isHidden( _isHidden ),
+        throws( false )
+    {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = _tags.begin(), itEnd = _tags.end(); it != itEnd; ++it ) {
+            oss << "[" << *it << "]";
+            if( *it == "!throws" )
+                throws = true;
+        }
+        tagsAsString = oss.str();
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo::TestCaseInfo( TestCaseInfo const& other )
+    :   name( other.name ),
+        className( other.className ),
+        description( other.description ),
+        tags( other.tags ),
+        tagsAsString( other.tagsAsString ),
+        lineInfo( other.lineInfo ),
+        isHidden( other.isHidden ),
+        throws( other.throws )
+    {}
+    TestCase::TestCase( ITestCase* testCase, TestCaseInfo const& info ) : TestCaseInfo( info ), test( testCase ) {}
+    TestCase::TestCase( TestCase const& other )
+    :   TestCaseInfo( other ),
+        test( other.test )
+    {}
+    TestCase TestCase::withName( std::string const& _newName ) const {
+        TestCase other( *this );
+        other.name = _newName;
+        return other;
+    }
+    void TestCase::invoke() const {
+        test->invoke();
+    }
+    bool TestCase::isHidden() const {
+        return TestCaseInfo::isHidden;
+    }
+    bool TestCase::throws() const {
+        return TestCaseInfo::throws;
+    }
+    void TestCase::swap( TestCase& other ) {
+        test.swap( other.test );
+        className.swap( other.className );
+        name.swap( other.name );
+        description.swap( other.description );
+        std::swap( lineInfo, other.lineInfo );
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator == ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return  test.get() == other.test.get() &&
+                name == other.name &&
+                className == other.className;
+    }
+    bool TestCase::operator < ( TestCase const& other ) const {
+        return name < other.name;
+    }
+    TestCase& TestCase::operator = ( TestCase const& other ) {
+        TestCase temp( other );
+        swap( temp );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    TestCaseInfo const& TestCase::getTestCaseInfo() const
+    {
+        return *this;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_version.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    // These numbers are maintained by a script
+    Version libraryVersion( 1, 0, 45, "master" );
+// #included from: catch_message.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    MessageInfo::MessageInfo(   std::string const& _macroName,
+                                SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
+                                ResultWas::OfType _type )
+    :   macroName( _macroName ),
+        lineInfo( _lineInfo ),
+        type( _type ),
+        sequence( ++globalCount )
+    {}
+    // This may need protecting if threading support is added
+    unsigned int MessageInfo::globalCount = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    ScopedMessage::ScopedMessage( MessageBuilder const& builder )
+    : m_info( builder.m_info )
+    {
+        m_info.message = builder.m_stream.str();
+        getResultCapture().pushScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+    ScopedMessage::~ScopedMessage() {
+        getResultCapture().popScopedMessage( m_info );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.hpp
+// #included from: catch_legacy_reporter_adapter.h
+namespace Catch
+    // Deprecated
+    struct IReporter : IShared {
+        virtual ~IReporter();
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const = 0;
+        virtual void StartTesting() = 0;
+        virtual void EndTesting( Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartGroup( std::string const& groupName ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndGroup( std::string const& groupName, Totals const& totals ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndTestCase( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo, Totals const& totals, std::string const& stdOut, std::string const& stdErr ) = 0;
+        virtual void StartSection( std::string const& sectionName, std::string const& description ) = 0;
+        virtual void EndSection( std::string const& sectionName, Counts const& assertions ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( std::string const& sectionName ) = 0;
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( std::string const& testName ) = 0;
+        virtual void Aborted() = 0;
+        virtual void Result( AssertionResult const& result ) = 0;
+    };
+    class LegacyReporterAdapter : public SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter>
+    {
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter );
+        virtual ~LegacyReporterAdapter();
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const;
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& );
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& );
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo );
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo );
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo );
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& );
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats );
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats );
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats );
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats );
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats );
+    private:
+        Ptr<IReporter> m_legacyReporter;
+    };
+namespace Catch
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::LegacyReporterAdapter( Ptr<IReporter> const& legacyReporter )
+    :   m_legacyReporter( legacyReporter )
+    {}
+    LegacyReporterAdapter::~LegacyReporterAdapter() {}
+    ReporterPreferences LegacyReporterAdapter::getPreferences() const {
+        ReporterPreferences prefs;
+        prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = m_legacyReporter->shouldRedirectStdout();
+        return prefs;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTesting();
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartGroup( groupInfo.name );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartTestCase( testInfo );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->StartSection( sectionInfo.name, sectionInfo.description );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        // Not on legacy interface
+    }
+    bool LegacyReporterAdapter::assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+        if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() != ResultWas::Ok ) {
+            for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = assertionStats.infoMessages.begin(), itEnd = assertionStats.infoMessages.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it ) {
+                if( it->type == ResultWas::Info ) {
+                    ExpressionResultBuilder expressionBuilder( it->type );
+                        expressionBuilder << it->message;
+                    AssertionInfo info( it->macroName, it->lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
+                    AssertionResult result = expressionBuilder.buildResult( info );
+                    m_legacyReporter->Result( result );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        m_legacyReporter->Result( assertionStats.assertionResult );
+        return true;
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+        if( sectionStats.missingAssertions )
+            m_legacyReporter->NoAssertionsInSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name );
+        m_legacyReporter->EndSection( sectionStats.sectionInfo.name, sectionStats.assertions );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTestCase
+            (   testCaseStats.testInfo,
+                testCaseStats.totals,
+                testCaseStats.stdOut,
+                testCaseStats.stdErr );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+        if( testGroupStats.aborting )
+            m_legacyReporter->Aborted();
+        m_legacyReporter->EndGroup( testGroupStats.groupInfo.name, testGroupStats.totals );
+    }
+    void LegacyReporterAdapter::testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+        m_legacyReporter->EndTesting( testRunStats.totals );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_timer.hpp
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    namespace {
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            static uint64_t hz=0, hzo=0;
+            if (!hz) {
+                QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hz);
+                QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&hzo);
+            }
+            uint64_t t;
+            QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&t);
+            return ((t-hzo)*1000000)/hz;
+        }
+        uint64_t getCurrentTicks() {
+            timeval t;
+            gettimeofday(&t,NULL);
+            return (uint64_t)t.tv_sec * 1000000ull + (uint64_t)t.tv_usec;
+        }
+    }
+    void Timer::start() {
+        m_ticks = getCurrentTicks();
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedNanoseconds() const {
+        return (unsigned int)(getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks);
+    }
+    unsigned int Timer::getElapsedMilliseconds() const {
+        return (unsigned int)((getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000);
+    }
+    double Timer::getElapsedSeconds() const {
+        return (getCurrentTicks() - m_ticks)/1000000.0;
+    }
+} // namespace Catch
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: catch_common.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    bool startsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& prefix ) {
+        return s.size() >= prefix.size() && s.substr( 0, prefix.size() ) == prefix;
+    }
+    bool endsWith( std::string const& s, std::string const& suffix ) {
+        return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr( s.size()-suffix.size(), suffix.size() ) == suffix;
+    }
+    bool contains( std::string const& s, std::string const& infix ) {
+        return s.find( infix ) != std::string::npos;
+    }
+    void toLowerInPlace( std::string& s ) {
+        std::transform( s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower );
+    }
+    std::string toLower( std::string const& s ) {
+        std::string lc = s;
+        toLowerInPlace( lc );
+        return lc;
+    }
+    std::string trim( std::string const& str ) {
+        static char const* whitespaceChars = "\n\r\t ";
+        std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of( whitespaceChars );
+        return start != std::string::npos ? str.substr( start, 1+end-start ) : "";
+    }
+    pluralise::pluralise( std::size_t count, std::string const& label )
+    :   m_count( count ),
+        m_label( label )
+    {}
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, pluralise const& pluraliser ) {
+        os << pluraliser.m_count << " " << pluraliser.m_label;
+        if( pluraliser.m_count != 1 )
+            os << "s";
+        return os;
+    }
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo() : line( 0 ){}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( char const* _file, std::size_t _line )
+    :   file( _file ),
+        line( _line )
+    {}
+    SourceLineInfo::SourceLineInfo( SourceLineInfo const& other )
+    :   file( other.file ),
+        line( other.line )
+    {}
+    bool SourceLineInfo::empty() const {
+        return file.empty();
+    }
+    bool SourceLineInfo::operator == ( SourceLineInfo const& other ) const {
+        return line == other.line && file == other.file;
+    }
+    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info ) {
+#ifndef __GNUG__
+        os << info.file << "(" << info.line << ")";
+        os << info.file << ":" << info.line;
+        return os;
+    }
+    void throwLogicError( std::string const& message, SourceLineInfo const& locationInfo ) {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << locationInfo << ": Internal Catch error: '" << message << "'";
+        if( isTrue( true ))
+            throw std::logic_error( oss.str() );
+    }
+// #included from: catch_section.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    Section::Section(   SourceLineInfo const& lineInfo,
+                        std::string const& name,
+                        std::string const& description )
+    :   m_info( name, description, lineInfo ),
+        m_sectionIncluded( getCurrentContext().getResultCapture().sectionStarted( m_info, m_assertions ) )
+    {
+        m_timer.start();
+    }
+    Section::~Section() {
+        if( m_sectionIncluded )
+            getCurrentContext().getResultCapture().sectionEnded( m_info, m_assertions, m_timer.getElapsedSeconds() );
+    }
+    // This indicates whether the section should be executed or not
+    Section::operator bool() {
+        return m_sectionIncluded;
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: catch_debugger.hpp
+#include <iostream>
+    #include <assert.h>
+    #include <stdbool.h>
+    #include <sys/types.h>
+    #include <unistd.h>
+    #include <sys/sysctl.h>
+    namespace Catch{
+        // The following function is taken directly from the following technical note:
+        // http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa2004/qa1361.html
+        // Returns true if the current process is being debugged (either
+        // running under the debugger or has a debugger attached post facto).
+        bool isDebuggerActive(){
+            int                 mib[4];
+            struct kinfo_proc   info;
+            size_t              size;
+            // Initialize the flags so that, if sysctl fails for some bizarre
+            // reason, we get a predictable result.
+            info.kp_proc.p_flag = 0;
+            // Initialize mib, which tells sysctl the info we want, in this case
+            // we're looking for information about a specific process ID.
+            mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+            mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
+            mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
+            mib[3] = getpid();
+            // Call sysctl.
+            size = sizeof(info);
+            if( sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib) / sizeof(*mib), &info, &size, NULL, 0) != 0 ) {
+                std::cerr << "\n** Call to sysctl failed - unable to determine if debugger is active **\n" << std::endl;
+                return false;
+            }
+            // We're being debugged if the P_TRACED flag is set.
+            return ( (info.kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 );
+        }
+    } // namespace Catch
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall IsDebuggerPresent();
+    namespace Catch {
+        bool isDebuggerActive() {
+            return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0;
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+       inline bool isDebuggerActive() { return false; }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+    extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall OutputDebugStringA( const char* );
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            ::OutputDebugStringA( text.c_str() );
+        }
+    }
+    namespace Catch {
+        void writeToDebugConsole( std::string const& text ) {
+            // !TBD: Need a version for Mac/ XCode and other IDEs
+            std::cout << text;
+        }
+    }
+#endif // Platform
+// #included from: catch_tostring.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+std::string toString( std::string const& value ) {
+    std::string s = value;
+    if( getCurrentContext().getConfig()->showInvisibles() ) {
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i ) {
+            std::string subs;
+            switch( s[i] ) {
+            case '\n': subs = "\\n"; break;
+            case '\t': subs = "\\t"; break;
+            default: break;
+            }
+            if( !subs.empty() ) {
+                s = s.substr( 0, i ) + subs + s.substr( i+1 );
+                ++i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return "\"" + s + "\"";
+std::string toString( std::wstring const& value ) {
+    std::string s;
+    s.reserve( value.size() );
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i )
+        s += value[i] <= 0xff ? static_cast<char>( value[i] ) : '?';
+    return toString( s );
+std::string toString( const char* const value ) {
+    return value ? Catch::toString( std::string( value ) ) : std::string( "{null string}" );
+std::string toString( char* const value ) {
+    return Catch::toString( static_cast<const char*>( value ) );
+std::string toString( int value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned long value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    if( value > 8192 )
+        oss << "0x" << std::hex << value;
+    else
+        oss << value;
+    return oss.str();
+std::string toString( unsigned int value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<unsigned long>( value ) );
+std::string toString( const double value ) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << std::setprecision( 10 )
+        << std::fixed
+        << value;
+    std::string d = oss.str();
+    std::size_t i = d.find_last_not_of( '0' );
+    if( i != std::string::npos && i != d.size()-1 ) {
+        if( d[i] == '.' )
+            i++;
+        d = d.substr( 0, i+1 );
+    }
+    return d;
+std::string toString( bool value ) {
+    return value ? "true" : "false";
+std::string toString( char value ) {
+    return value < ' '
+        ? toString( static_cast<unsigned int>( value ) )
+        : Detail::makeString( value );
+std::string toString( signed char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( unsigned char value ) {
+    return toString( static_cast<char>( value ) );
+std::string toString( std::nullptr_t ) {
+    return "nullptr";
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+    std::string toString( NSString const * const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return std::string( "@\"" ) + [nsstring UTF8String] + "\"";
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSString * CATCH_ARC_STRONG const& nsstring ) {
+        if( !nsstring )
+            return "nil";
+        return std::string( "@\"" ) + [nsstring UTF8String] + "\"";
+    }
+    std::string toString( NSObject* const& nsObject ) {
+        return toString( [nsObject description] );
+    }
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_xml.hpp
+// #included from: catch_reporter_bases.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct StreamingReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        StreamingReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        virtual ~StreamingReporterBase();
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& ) {}
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& _testRunInfo ) {
+            currentTestRunInfo = _testRunInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& _groupInfo ) {
+            currentGroupInfo = _groupInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& _testInfo ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo = _testInfo;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& /* _sectionStats */ ) {
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& /* _testCaseStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            assert( m_sectionStack.empty() );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& /* _testGroupStats */ ) {
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& /* _testRunStats */ ) {
+            currentTestCaseInfo.reset();
+            currentGroupInfo.reset();
+            currentTestRunInfo.reset();
+        }
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        LazyStat<TestRunInfo> currentTestRunInfo;
+        LazyStat<GroupInfo> currentGroupInfo;
+        LazyStat<TestCaseInfo> currentTestCaseInfo;
+        std::vector<SectionInfo> m_sectionStack;
+    };
+    struct CumulativeReporterBase : SharedImpl<IStreamingReporter> {
+        template<typename T, typename ChildNodeT>
+        struct Node : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit Node( T const& _value ) : value( _value ) {}
+            virtual ~Node() {}
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<ChildNodeT> > ChildNodes;
+            T value;
+            ChildNodes children;
+        };
+        struct SectionNode : SharedImpl<> {
+            explicit SectionNode( SectionStats const& _stats ) : stats( _stats ) {}
+            virtual ~SectionNode();
+            bool operator == ( SectionNode const& other ) const {
+                return stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == other.stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo;
+            }
+            bool operator == ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& other ) const {
+                return operator==( *other );
+            }
+            SectionStats stats;
+            typedef std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > ChildSections;
+            typedef std::vector<AssertionStats> Assertions;
+            ChildSections childSections;
+            Assertions assertions;
+            std::string stdOut;
+            std::string stdErr;
+        };
+        struct BySectionInfo {
+            BySectionInfo( SectionInfo const& other ) : m_other( other ) {}
+            bool operator() ( Ptr<SectionNode> const& node ) const {
+                return node->stats.sectionInfo.lineInfo == m_other.lineInfo;
+            }
+        private:
+            BySectionInfo& operator=( BySectionInfo const& other ); // = delete;
+            SectionInfo const& m_other;
+        };
+        typedef Node<TestCaseStats, SectionNode> TestCaseNode;
+        typedef Node<TestGroupStats, TestCaseNode> TestGroupNode;
+        typedef Node<TestRunStats, TestGroupNode> TestRunNode;
+        CumulativeReporterBase( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   m_config( _config.fullConfig() ),
+            stream( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~CumulativeReporterBase();
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) {
+            SectionStats incompleteStats( sectionInfo, Counts(), 0, false );
+            Ptr<SectionNode> node;
+            if( m_sectionStack.empty() ) {
+                if( !m_rootSection )
+                    m_rootSection = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                node = m_rootSection;
+            }
+            else {
+                SectionNode& parentNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+                SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator it =
+                    std::find_if(   parentNode.childSections.begin(),
+                                    parentNode.childSections.end(),
+                                    BySectionInfo( sectionInfo ) );
+                if( it == parentNode.childSections.end() ) {
+                    node = new SectionNode( incompleteStats );
+                    parentNode.childSections.push_back( node );
+                }
+                else
+                    node = *it;
+            }
+            m_sectionStack.push_back( node );
+            m_deepestSection = node;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {}
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& sectionNode = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            sectionNode.assertions.push_back( assertionStats );
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            SectionNode& node = *m_sectionStack.back();
+            node.stats = sectionStats;
+            m_sectionStack.pop_back();
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestCaseNode> node = new TestCaseNode( testCaseStats );
+            assert( m_sectionStack.size() == 0 );
+            node->children.push_back( m_rootSection );
+            m_testCases.push_back( node );
+            m_rootSection.reset();
+            assert( m_deepestSection );
+            m_deepestSection->stdOut = testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            m_deepestSection->stdErr = testCaseStats.stdErr;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestGroupNode> node = new TestGroupNode( testGroupStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testCases );
+            m_testGroups.push_back( node );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) {
+            Ptr<TestRunNode> node = new TestRunNode( testRunStats );
+            node->children.swap( m_testGroups );
+            m_testRuns.push_back( node );
+            testRunEndedCumulative();
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() = 0;
+        Ptr<IConfig> m_config;
+        std::ostream& stream;
+        std::vector<AssertionStats> m_assertions;
+        std::vector<std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > > m_sections;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestCaseNode> > m_testCases;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestGroupNode> > m_testGroups;
+        std::vector<Ptr<TestRunNode> > m_testRuns;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_rootSection;
+        Ptr<SectionNode> m_deepestSection;
+        std::vector<Ptr<SectionNode> > m_sectionStack;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    template<typename T>
+    class LegacyReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new LegacyReporterAdapter( new T( config ) );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        LegacyReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    class ReporterRegistrar {
+        class ReporterFactory : public IReporterFactory {
+            // *** Please Note ***:
+            // - If you end up here looking at a compiler error because it's trying to register
+            // your custom reporter class be aware that the native reporter interface has changed
+            // to IStreamingReporter. The "legacy" interface, IReporter, is still supported via
+            // an adapter. Just use REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER to take advantage of the adapter.
+            // However please consider updating to the new interface as the old one is now
+            // deprecated and will probably be removed quite soon!
+            // Please contact me via github if you have any questions at all about this.
+            // In fact, ideally, please contact me anyway to let me know you've hit this - as I have
+            // no idea who is actually using custom reporters at all (possibly no-one!).
+            // The new interface is designed to minimise exposure to interface changes in the future.
+            virtual IStreamingReporter* create( ReporterConfig const& config ) const {
+                return new T( config );
+            }
+            virtual std::string getDescription() const {
+                return T::getDescription();
+            }
+        };
+    public:
+        ReporterRegistrar( std::string const& name ) {
+            getMutableRegistryHub().registerReporter( name, new ReporterFactory() );
+        }
+    };
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_LEGACY_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::LegacyReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+#define INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) \
+    namespace{ Catch::ReporterRegistrar<reporterType> catch_internal_RegistrarFor##reporterType( name ); }
+// #included from: ../internal/catch_xmlwriter.hpp
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlWriter {
+    public:
+        class ScopedElement {
+        public:
+            ScopedElement( XmlWriter* writer )
+            :   m_writer( writer )
+            {}
+            ScopedElement( ScopedElement const& other )
+            :   m_writer( other.m_writer ){
+                other.m_writer = NULL;
+            }
+            ~ScopedElement() {
+                if( m_writer )
+                    m_writer->endElement();
+            }
+            ScopedElement& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+                m_writer->writeText( text, indent );
+                return *this;
+            }
+            template<typename T>
+            ScopedElement& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+                m_writer->writeAttribute( name, attribute );
+                return *this;
+            }
+        private:
+            mutable XmlWriter* m_writer;
+        };
+        XmlWriter()
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &std::cout )
+        {}
+        XmlWriter( std::ostream& os )
+        :   m_tagIsOpen( false ),
+            m_needsNewline( false ),
+            m_os( &os )
+        {}
+        ~XmlWriter() {
+            while( !m_tags.empty() )
+                endElement();
+        }
+        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& other ) {
+            XmlWriter temp( other );
+            swap( temp );
+            return *this;
+        }
+#  else
+        XmlWriter( XmlWriter const& )              = default;
+        XmlWriter( XmlWriter && )                  = default;
+        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter const& ) = default;
+        XmlWriter& operator = ( XmlWriter && )     = default;
+#  endif
+        void swap( XmlWriter& other ) {
+            std::swap( m_tagIsOpen, other.m_tagIsOpen );
+            std::swap( m_needsNewline, other.m_needsNewline );
+            std::swap( m_tags, other.m_tags );
+            std::swap( m_indent, other.m_indent );
+            std::swap( m_os, other.m_os );
+        }
+        XmlWriter& startElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<" << name;
+            m_tags.push_back( name );
+            m_indent += "  ";
+            m_tagIsOpen = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ScopedElement scopedElement( std::string const& name ) {
+            ScopedElement scoped( this );
+            startElement( name );
+            return scoped;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& endElement() {
+            newlineIfNecessary();
+            m_indent = m_indent.substr( 0, m_indent.size()-2 );
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << "/>\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                stream() << m_indent << "</" << m_tags.back() << ">\n";
+            }
+            m_tags.pop_back();
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, std::string const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() && !attribute.empty() ) {
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"";
+                writeEncodedText( attribute );
+                stream() << "\"";
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, bool attribute ) {
+            stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << ( attribute ? "true" : "false" ) << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        template<typename T>
+        XmlWriter& writeAttribute( std::string const& name, T const& attribute ) {
+            if( !name.empty() )
+                stream() << " " << name << "=\"" << attribute << "\"";
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeText( std::string const& text, bool indent = true ) {
+            if( !text.empty() ){
+                bool tagWasOpen = m_tagIsOpen;
+                ensureTagClosed();
+                if( tagWasOpen && indent )
+                    stream() << m_indent;
+                writeEncodedText( text );
+                m_needsNewline = true;
+            }
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeComment( std::string const& text ) {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << m_indent << "<!--" << text << "-->";
+            m_needsNewline = true;
+            return *this;
+        }
+        XmlWriter& writeBlankLine() {
+            ensureTagClosed();
+            stream() << "\n";
+            return *this;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::ostream& stream() {
+            return *m_os;
+        }
+        void ensureTagClosed() {
+            if( m_tagIsOpen ) {
+                stream() << ">\n";
+                m_tagIsOpen = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void newlineIfNecessary() {
+            if( m_needsNewline ) {
+                stream() << "\n";
+                m_needsNewline = false;
+            }
+        }
+        void writeEncodedText( std::string const& text ) {
+            static const char* charsToEncode = "<&\"";
+            std::string mtext = text;
+            std::string::size_type pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            while( pos != std::string::npos ) {
+                stream() << mtext.substr( 0, pos );
+                switch( mtext[pos] ) {
+                    case '<':
+                        stream() << "<";
+                        break;
+                    case '&':
+                        stream() << "&";
+                        break;
+                    case '\"':
+                        stream() << """;
+                        break;
+                }
+                mtext = mtext.substr( pos+1 );
+                pos = mtext.find_first_of( charsToEncode );
+            }
+            stream() << mtext;
+        }
+        bool m_tagIsOpen;
+        bool m_needsNewline;
+        std::vector<std::string> m_tags;
+        std::string m_indent;
+        std::ostream* m_os;
+    };
+namespace Catch {
+    class XmlReporter : public SharedImpl<IReporter> {
+    public:
+        XmlReporter( ReporterConfig const& config ) : m_config( config ), m_sectionDepth( 0 ) {}
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as an XML document";
+        }
+        virtual ~XmlReporter();
+    private: // IReporter
+        virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const {
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void StartTesting() {
+            m_xml = XmlWriter( m_config.stream() );
+            m_xml.startElement( "Catch" );
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->name().empty() )
+                m_xml.writeAttribute( "name", m_config.fullConfig()->name() );
+        }
+        virtual void EndTesting( const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartGroup( const std::string& groupName ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "Group" )
+                .writeAttribute( "name", groupName );
+        }
+        virtual void EndGroup( const std::string&, const Totals& totals ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                .writeAttribute( "successes", totals.assertions.passed )
+                .writeAttribute( "failures", totals.assertions.failed );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void StartSection( const std::string& sectionName, const std::string& description ) {
+            if( m_sectionDepth++ > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Section" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "name", trim( sectionName ) )
+                    .writeAttribute( "description", description );
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInSection( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void NoAssertionsInTestCase( const std::string& ) {}
+        virtual void EndSection( const std::string& /*sectionName*/, const Counts& assertions ) {
+            if( --m_sectionDepth > 0 ) {
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "successes", assertions.passed )
+                    .writeAttribute( "failures", assertions.failed );
+                m_xml.endElement();
+            }
+        }
+        virtual void StartTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo& testInfo ) {
+            m_xml.startElement( "TestCase" ).writeAttribute( "name", trim( testInfo.name ) );
+            m_currentTestSuccess = true;
+        }
+        virtual void Result( const Catch::AssertionResult& assertionResult ) {
+            if( !m_config.fullConfig()->includeSuccessfulResults() && assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok )
+                return;
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() ) {
+                m_xml.startElement( "Expression" )
+                    .writeAttribute( "success", assertionResult.succeeded() )
+                    .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                    .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Original" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpression() );
+                m_xml.scopedElement( "Expanded" )
+                    .writeText( assertionResult.getExpandedExpression() );
+                m_currentTestSuccess &= assertionResult.succeeded();
+            }
+            switch( assertionResult.getResultType() ) {
+                case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Exception" )
+                        .writeAttribute( "filename", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().file )
+                        .writeAttribute( "line", assertionResult.getSourceInfo().line )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Info:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Info" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Warning" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                    m_xml.scopedElement( "Failure" )
+                        .writeText( assertionResult.getMessage() );
+                    m_currentTestSuccess = false;
+                    break;
+                case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                case ResultWas::Ok:
+                case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                case ResultWas::Exception:
+                case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                    break;
+            }
+            if( assertionResult.hasExpression() )
+                m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+        virtual void Aborted() {
+            // !TBD
+        }
+        virtual void EndTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo&, const Totals&, const std::string&, const std::string& ) {
+            m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResult" ).writeAttribute( "success", m_currentTestSuccess );
+            m_xml.endElement();
+        }
+    private:
+        ReporterConfig m_config;
+        bool m_currentTestSuccess;
+        XmlWriter m_xml;
+        int m_sectionDepth;
+    };
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_junit.hpp
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace Catch {
+    class JunitReporter : public CumulativeReporterBase {
+    public:
+        JunitReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   CumulativeReporterBase( _config ),
+            xml( _config.stream() )
+        {}
+        ~JunitReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results in an XML format that looks like Ant's junitreport target";
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& /*spec*/ ) {}
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = true;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& runInfo ) {
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testRunStarting( runInfo );
+            xml.startElement( "testsuites" );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
+            suiteTimer.start();
+            stdOutForSuite.str("");
+            stdErrForSuite.str("");
+            unexpectedExceptions = 0;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupStarting( groupInfo );
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) {
+            if( assertionStats.assertionResult.getResultType() == ResultWas::ThrewException )
+                unexpectedExceptions++;
+            return CumulativeReporterBase::assertionEnded( assertionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) {
+            stdOutForSuite << testCaseStats.stdOut;
+            stdErrForSuite << testCaseStats.stdErr;
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testCaseEnded( testCaseStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) {
+            double suiteTime = suiteTimer.getElapsedSeconds();
+            CumulativeReporterBase::testGroupEnded( testGroupStats );
+            writeGroup( *m_testGroups.back(), suiteTime );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEndedCumulative() {
+            xml.endElement();
+        }
+        void writeGroup( TestGroupNode const& groupNode, double suiteTime ) {
+            XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testsuite" );
+            TestGroupStats const& stats = groupNode.value;
+            xml.writeAttribute( "name", stats.groupInfo.name );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "errors", unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "failures", stats.totals.assertions.failed-unexpectedExceptions );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "tests", stats.totals.assertions.total() );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "hostname", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Never )
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", "" );
+            else
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", suiteTime );
+            xml.writeAttribute( "timestamp", "tbd" ); // !TBD
+            // Write test cases
+            for( TestGroupNode::ChildNodes::const_iterator
+                    it = groupNode.children.begin(), itEnd = groupNode.children.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeTestCase( **it );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( stdOutForSuite.str() ), false );
+            xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( stdErrForSuite.str() ), false );
+        }
+        void writeTestCase( TestCaseNode const& testCaseNode ) {
+            TestCaseStats const& stats = testCaseNode.value;
+            // All test cases have exactly one section - which represents the
+            // test case itself. That section may have 0-n nested sections
+            assert( testCaseNode.children.size() == 1 );
+            SectionNode const& rootSection = *testCaseNode.children.front();
+            std::string className = stats.testInfo.className;
+            if( className.empty() ) {
+                if( rootSection.childSections.empty() )
+                    className = "global";
+            }
+            writeSection( className, "", rootSection );
+        }
+        void writeSection(  std::string const& className,
+                            std::string const& rootName,
+                            SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            std::string name = trim( sectionNode.stats.sectionInfo.name );
+            if( !rootName.empty() )
+                name = rootName + "/" + name;
+            if( !sectionNode.assertions.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() ||
+                !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() ) {
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testcase" );
+                if( className.empty() ) {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", name );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", "root" );
+                }
+                else {
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "classname", className );
+                    xml.writeAttribute( "name", name );
+                }
+                xml.writeAttribute( "time", toString( sectionNode.stats.durationInSeconds ) );
+                writeAssertions( sectionNode );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdOut.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdOut ), false );
+                if( !sectionNode.stdErr.empty() )
+                    xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( sectionNode.stdErr ), false );
+            }
+            for( SectionNode::ChildSections::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.childSections.begin(),
+                    itEnd = sectionNode.childSections.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                if( className.empty() )
+                    writeSection( name, "", **it );
+                else
+                    writeSection( className, name, **it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertions( SectionNode const& sectionNode ) {
+            for( SectionNode::Assertions::const_iterator
+                    it = sectionNode.assertions.begin(), itEnd = sectionNode.assertions.end();
+                    it != itEnd;
+                    ++it )
+                writeAssertion( *it );
+        }
+        void writeAssertion( AssertionStats const& stats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = stats.assertionResult;
+            if( !result.isOk() ) {
+                std::string elementName;
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        elementName = "error";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        elementName = "failure";
+                        break;
+                    // We should never see these here:
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        elementName = "internalError";
+                        break;
+                }
+                XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( elementName );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "message", result.getExpandedExpression() );
+                xml.writeAttribute( "type", result.getTestMacroName() );
+                std::ostringstream oss;
+                if( !result.getMessage().empty() )
+                    oss << result.getMessage() << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator
+                        it = stats.infoMessages.begin(),
+                        itEnd = stats.infoMessages.end();
+                            it != itEnd;
+                            ++it )
+                    if( it->type == ResultWas::Info )
+                        oss << it->message << "\n";
+                oss << "at " << result.getSourceInfo();
+                xml.writeText( oss.str(), false );
+            }
+        }
+        XmlWriter xml;
+        Timer suiteTimer;
+        std::ostringstream stdOutForSuite;
+        std::ostringstream stdErrForSuite;
+        unsigned int unexpectedExceptions;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "junit", JunitReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_console.hpp
+#include <cstring>
+namespace Catch {
+    struct ConsoleReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        ConsoleReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        :   StreamingReporterBase( _config ),
+            m_headerPrinted( false ),
+            m_atLeastOneTestCasePrinted( false )
+        {}
+        virtual ~ConsoleReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results as plain lines of text";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            lazyPrint();
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& _sectionInfo ) {
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionStarting( _sectionInfo );
+        }
+        virtual void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& _sectionStats ) {
+            if( _sectionStats.missingAssertions ) {
+                lazyPrint();
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 )
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in section";
+                else
+                    stream << "\nNo assertions in test case";
+                stream << " '" << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << "'\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            if( m_headerPrinted ) {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << "Completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+                m_headerPrinted = false;
+            }
+            else {
+                if( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always )
+                    stream << _sectionStats.sectionInfo.name << " completed in " << _sectionStats.durationInSeconds << "s" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::sectionEnded( _sectionStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& _testCaseStats ) {
+            StreamingReporterBase::testCaseEnded( _testCaseStats );
+            m_headerPrinted = false;
+        }
+        virtual void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& _testGroupStats ) {
+            if( currentGroupInfo.used ) {
+                printSummaryDivider();
+                stream << "Summary for group '" << _testGroupStats.groupInfo.name << "':\n";
+                printTotals( _testGroupStats.totals );
+                stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            }
+            StreamingReporterBase::testGroupEnded( _testGroupStats );
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            if( m_atLeastOneTestCasePrinted )
+                printTotalsDivider();
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            :   stream( _stream ),
+                stats( _stats ),
+                result( _stats.assertionResult ),
+                colour( Colour::None ),
+                message( result.getMessage() ),
+                messages( _stats.infoMessages ),
+                printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        colour = Colour::Success;
+                        passOrFail = "PASSED";
+                        //if( result.hasMessage() )
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() ) {
+                            colour = Colour::Success;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED - but was ok";
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            colour = Colour::Error;
+                            passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        }
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "with messages";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "due to unexpected exception with message";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        messageLabel = "because no exception was thrown where one was expected";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        messageLabel = "info";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        messageLabel = "warning";
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        passOrFail = "FAILED";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() == 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with message";
+                        if( _stats.infoMessages.size() > 1 )
+                            messageLabel = "explicitly with messages";
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        passOrFail = "** internal error **";
+                        colour = Colour::Error;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            void print() const {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                if( stats.totals.assertions.total() > 0 ) {
+                    if( result.isOk() )
+                        stream << "\n";
+                    printResultType();
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                    printReconstructedExpression();
+                }
+                else {
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+                printMessage();
+            }
+        private:
+            void printResultType() const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << passOrFail << ":\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::OriginalExpression );
+                    stream  << "  ";
+                    stream << result.getExpressionInMacro();
+                    stream << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    stream << "with expansion:\n";
+                    Colour colourGuard( Colour::ReconstructedExpression );
+                    stream << Text( result.getExpandedExpression(), TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() const {
+                if( !messageLabel.empty() )
+                    stream << messageLabel << ":" << "\n";
+                for( std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator it = messages.begin(), itEnd = messages.end();
+                        it != itEnd;
+                        ++it ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || it->type != ResultWas::Info )
+                        stream << Text( it->message, TextAttributes().setIndent(2) ) << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ": ";
+            }
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            Colour::Code colour;
+            std::string passOrFail;
+            std::string messageLabel;
+            std::string message;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        void lazyPrint() {
+            if( !currentTestRunInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintRunInfo();
+            if( !currentGroupInfo.used )
+                lazyPrintGroupInfo();
+            if( !m_headerPrinted ) {
+                printTestCaseAndSectionHeader();
+                m_headerPrinted = true;
+            }
+            m_atLeastOneTestCasePrinted = true;
+        }
+        void lazyPrintRunInfo() {
+            stream  << "\n" << getLineOfChars<'~'>() << "\n";
+            Colour colour( Colour::SecondaryText );
+            stream  << currentTestRunInfo->name
+                    << " is a Catch v"  << libraryVersion.majorVersion << "."
+                    << libraryVersion.minorVersion << " b"
+                    << libraryVersion.buildNumber;
+            if( libraryVersion.branchName != std::string( "master" ) )
+                stream << " (" << libraryVersion.branchName << ")";
+            stream  << " host application.\n"
+                    << "Run with -? for options\n\n";
+            currentTestRunInfo.used = true;
+        }
+        void lazyPrintGroupInfo() {
+            if( !currentGroupInfo->name.empty() && currentGroupInfo->groupsCounts > 1 ) {
+                printClosedHeader( "Group: " + currentGroupInfo->name );
+                currentGroupInfo.used = true;
+            }
+        }
+        void printTestCaseAndSectionHeader() {
+            assert( !m_sectionStack.empty() );
+            printOpenHeader( currentTestCaseInfo->name );
+            if( m_sectionStack.size() > 1 ) {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                std::vector<SectionInfo>::const_iterator
+                    it = m_sectionStack.begin()+1, // Skip first section (test case)
+                    itEnd = m_sectionStack.end();
+                for( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
+                    printHeaderString( it->name, 2 );
+            }
+            SourceLineInfo lineInfo = m_sectionStack.front().lineInfo;
+            if( !lineInfo.empty() ){
+                stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << lineInfo << "\n";
+            }
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n" << std::endl;
+        }
+        void printClosedHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            printOpenHeader( _name );
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'.'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        void printOpenHeader( std::string const& _name ) {
+            stream  << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+            {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Headers );
+                printHeaderString( _name );
+            }
+        }
+        // if string has a : in first line will set indent to follow it on
+        // subsequent lines
+        void printHeaderString( std::string const& _string, std::size_t indent = 0 ) {
+            std::size_t i = _string.find( ": " );
+            if( i != std::string::npos )
+                i+=2;
+            else
+                i = 0;
+            stream << Text( _string, TextAttributes()
+                                        .setIndent( indent+i)
+                                        .setInitialIndent( indent ) ) << "\n";
+        }
+        void printTotals( const Totals& totals ) {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << "No tests ran";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() == 0 ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::Yellow );
+                printCounts( "test case", totals.testCases );
+                stream << " (no assertions)";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.failed ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                printCounts( "test case", totals.testCases );
+                if( totals.testCases.failed > 0 ) {
+                    stream << " (";
+                    printCounts( "assertion", totals.assertions );
+                    stream << ")";
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultSuccess );
+                stream << "All tests passed ("
+                        << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << " in "
+                        << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case" ) << ")";
+            }
+        }
+        void printCounts( std::string const& label, Counts const& counts ) {
+            if( counts.total() == 1 ) {
+                stream << "1 " << label << " - ";
+                if( counts.failed )
+                    stream << "failed";
+                else
+                    stream << "passed";
+            }
+            else {
+                stream << counts.total() << " " << label << "s ";
+                if( counts.passed ) {
+                    if( counts.failed )
+                        stream << "- " << counts.failed << " failed";
+                    else if( counts.passed == 2 )
+                        stream << "- both passed";
+                    else
+                        stream << "- all passed";
+                }
+                else {
+                    if( counts.failed == 2 )
+                        stream << "- both failed";
+                    else
+                        stream << "- all failed";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void printTotalsDivider() {
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'='>() << "\n";
+        }
+        void printSummaryDivider() {
+            stream << getLineOfChars<'-'>() << "\n";
+        }
+        template<char C>
+        static char const* getLineOfChars() {
+            static char line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH] = {0};
+            if( !*line ) {
+                memset( line, C, CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1 );
+                line[CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH-1] = 0;
+            }
+            return line;
+        }
+    private:
+        bool m_headerPrinted;
+        bool m_atLeastOneTestCasePrinted;
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "console", ConsoleReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+// #included from: ../reporters/catch_reporter_compact.hpp
+namespace Catch {
+    struct CompactReporter : StreamingReporterBase {
+        CompactReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config )
+        : StreamingReporterBase( _config )
+        {}
+        virtual ~CompactReporter();
+        static std::string getDescription() {
+            return "Reports test results on a single line, suitable for IDEs";
+        }
+        virtual ReporterPreferences getPreferences() const {
+            ReporterPreferences prefs;
+            prefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = false;
+            return prefs;
+        }
+        virtual void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& spec ) {
+            stream << "No test cases matched '" << spec << "'" << std::endl;
+        }
+        virtual void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) {
+        }
+        virtual bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& _assertionStats ) {
+            AssertionResult const& result = _assertionStats.assertionResult;
+            bool printInfoMessages = true;
+            // Drop out if result was successful and we're not printing those
+            if( !m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() && result.isOk() ) {
+                if( result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning )
+                    return false;
+                printInfoMessages = false;
+            }
+            AssertionPrinter printer( stream, _assertionStats, printInfoMessages );
+            printer.print();
+            stream << std::endl;
+            return true;
+        }
+        virtual void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& _testRunStats ) {
+            printTotals( _testRunStats.totals );
+            stream << "\n" << std::endl;
+            StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( _testRunStats );
+        }
+    private:
+        class AssertionPrinter {
+            void operator= ( AssertionPrinter const& );
+        public:
+            AssertionPrinter( std::ostream& _stream, AssertionStats const& _stats, bool _printInfoMessages )
+            : stream( _stream )
+            , stats( _stats )
+            , result( _stats.assertionResult )
+            , messages( _stats.infoMessages )
+            , itMessage( _stats.infoMessages.begin() )
+            , printInfoMessages( _printInfoMessages )
+            {}
+            void print() {
+                printSourceInfo();
+                itMessage = messages.begin();
+                switch( result.getResultType() ) {
+                    case ResultWas::Ok:
+                        printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, passedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        if ( ! result.hasExpression() )
+                            printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        else
+                            printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
+                        if( result.isOk() )
+                            printResultType( Colour::ResultSuccess, failedString() + std::string( " - but was ok" ) );
+                        else
+                            printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printOriginalExpression();
+                        printReconstructedExpression();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ThrewException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "unexpected exception with message:" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "expected exception, got none" );
+                        printExpressionWas();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Info:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "info" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::Warning:
+                        printResultType( Colour::None, "warning" );
+                        printMessage();
+                        printRemainingMessages();
+                        break;
+                    case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, failedString() );
+                        printIssue( "explicitly" );
+                        printRemainingMessages( Colour::None );
+                        break;
+                    // These cases are here to prevent compiler warnings
+                    case ResultWas::Unknown:
+                    case ResultWas::FailureBit:
+                    case ResultWas::Exception:
+                        printResultType( Colour::Error, "** internal error **" );
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            // Colour::LightGrey
+            static Colour dimColour() { return Colour::FileName; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "FAILED"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "PASSED"; }
+            static const char* failedString() { return "failed"; }
+            static const char* passedString() { return "passed"; }
+            void printSourceInfo() const {
+                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
+                stream << result.getSourceInfo() << ":";
+            }
+            void printResultType( Colour colour, std::string passOrFail ) const {
+                if( !passOrFail.empty() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                        stream << " " << passOrFail;
+                    }
+                    stream << ":";
+                }
+            }
+            void printIssue( std::string issue ) const {
+                stream << " " << issue;
+            }
+            void printExpressionWas() {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << ";";
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " expression was:";
+                    }
+                    printOriginalExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printOriginalExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpression() ) {
+                    stream << " " << result.getExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printReconstructedExpression() const {
+                if( result.hasExpandedExpression() ) {
+                    {
+                        Colour colour( dimColour() );
+                        stream << " for: ";
+                    }
+                    stream << result.getExpandedExpression();
+                }
+            }
+            void printMessage() {
+                if ( itMessage != messages.end() ) {
+                    stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                    ++itMessage;
+                }
+            }
+            void printRemainingMessages( Colour colour = dimColour() ) {
+                if ( itMessage == messages.end() )
+                    return;
+                // using messages.end() directly yields compilation error:
+                std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itEnd = messages.end();
+                const std::size_t N = static_cast<std::size_t>( std::distance( itMessage, itEnd ) );
+                {
+                    Colour colourGuard( colour );
+                    stream << " with " << pluralise( N, "message" ) << ":";
+                }
+                for(; itMessage != itEnd; ) {
+                    // If this assertion is a warning ignore any INFO messages
+                    if( printInfoMessages || itMessage->type != ResultWas::Info ) {
+                        stream << " '" << itMessage->message << "'";
+                        if ( ++itMessage != itEnd ) {
+                            Colour colourGuard( dimColour() );
+                            stream << " and";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        private:
+            std::ostream& stream;
+            AssertionStats const& stats;
+            AssertionResult const& result;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo> messages;
+            std::vector<MessageInfo>::const_iterator itMessage;
+            bool printInfoMessages;
+        };
+        // Colour, message variants:
+        // - white: No tests ran.
+        // -   red: Failed [both/all] N test cases, failed [both/all] M assertions.
+        // - white: Passed [both/all] N test cases (no assertions).
+        // -   red: Failed N tests cases, failed M assertions.
+        // - green: Passed [both/all] N tests cases with M assertions.
+        std::string bothOrAll( std::size_t count ) const {
+            return count == 1 ? "" : count == 2 ? "both " : "all " ;
+        }
+        void printTotals( const Totals& totals ) const {
+            if( totals.testCases.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream << "No tests ran.";
+            }
+            else if( totals.testCases.failed == totals.testCases.total() ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                const std::string qualify_assertions_failed =
+                    totals.assertions.failed == totals.assertions.total() ?
+                        bothOrAll( totals.assertions.failed ) : "";
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.failed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << qualify_assertions_failed <<
+                                 pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.total() == 0 ) {
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.total() )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.total(), "test case" )
+                              << " (no assertions).";
+            }
+            else if( totals.assertions.failed ) {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultError );
+                stream <<
+                    "Failed " << pluralise( totals.testCases.failed, "test case"  ) << ", "
+                    "failed " << pluralise( totals.assertions.failed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+            else {
+                Colour colour( Colour::ResultSuccess );
+                stream <<
+                    "Passed " << bothOrAll( totals.testCases.passed )
+                              << pluralise( totals.testCases.passed, "test case"  ) <<
+                    " with "  << pluralise( totals.assertions.passed, "assertion" ) << ".";
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "compact", CompactReporter )
+} // end namespace Catch
+namespace Catch {
+    NonCopyable::~NonCopyable() {}
+    IShared::~IShared() {}
+    StreamBufBase::~StreamBufBase() CATCH_NOEXCEPT {}
+    IContext::~IContext() {}
+    IResultCapture::~IResultCapture() {}
+    ITestCase::~ITestCase() {}
+    ITestCaseRegistry::~ITestCaseRegistry() {}
+    IRegistryHub::~IRegistryHub() {}
+    IMutableRegistryHub::~IMutableRegistryHub() {}
+    IExceptionTranslator::~IExceptionTranslator() {}
+    IExceptionTranslatorRegistry::~IExceptionTranslatorRegistry() {}
+    IReporter::~IReporter() {}
+    IReporterFactory::~IReporterFactory() {}
+    IReporterRegistry::~IReporterRegistry() {}
+    IStreamingReporter::~IStreamingReporter() {}
+    AssertionStats::~AssertionStats() {}
+    SectionStats::~SectionStats() {}
+    TestCaseStats::~TestCaseStats() {}
+    TestGroupStats::~TestGroupStats() {}
+    TestRunStats::~TestRunStats() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::SectionNode::~SectionNode() {}
+    CumulativeReporterBase::~CumulativeReporterBase() {}
+    StreamingReporterBase::~StreamingReporterBase() {}
+    ConsoleReporter::~ConsoleReporter() {}
+    CompactReporter::~CompactReporter() {}
+    IRunner::~IRunner() {}
+    IMutableContext::~IMutableContext() {}
+    IConfig::~IConfig() {}
+    XmlReporter::~XmlReporter() {}
+    JunitReporter::~JunitReporter() {}
+    TestRegistry::~TestRegistry() {}
+    FreeFunctionTestCase::~FreeFunctionTestCase() {}
+    IGeneratorInfo::~IGeneratorInfo() {}
+    IGeneratorsForTest::~IGeneratorsForTest() {}
+    TestSpec::Pattern::~Pattern() {}
+    TestSpec::NamePattern::~NamePattern() {}
+    TestSpec::TagPattern::~TagPattern() {}
+    TestSpec::ExcludedPattern::~ExcludedPattern() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Equals::~Equals() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::Contains::~Contains() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::StartsWith::~StartsWith() {}
+    Matchers::Impl::StdString::EndsWith::~EndsWith() {}
+    void Config::dummy() {}
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+// #included from: internal/catch_default_main.hpp
+#ifndef __OBJC__
+// Standard C/C++ main entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    return Catch::Session().run( argc, argv );
+#else // __OBJC__
+// Objective-C entry point
+int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+    Catch::registerTestMethods();
+    int result = Catch::Session().run( argc, (char* const*)argv );
+    [pool drain];
+    return result;
+#endif // __OBJC__
+// If this config identifier is defined then all CATCH macros are prefixed with CATCH_
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::NegateResult, "CATCH_REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, ..., Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::NegateResult, "CATCH_CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CATCH_CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, ..., Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_CHECK_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define CATCH_WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_WARN", msg )
+#define CATCH_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+#define CATCH_SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CATCH_CAPTURE" )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define CATCH_SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define CATCH_FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "CATCH_FAIL", msg )
+    #define CATCH_SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CATCH_SUCCEED", msg )
+#define CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( ... ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_SCENARIO( name, tags ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define CATCH_GIVEN( desc )    CATCH_SECTION( "Given: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_WHEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " When: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_WHEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_THEN( desc )     CATCH_SECTION( " Then: " desc, "" )
+#define CATCH_AND_THEN( desc ) CATCH_SECTION( "  And: " desc, "" )
+// If CATCH_CONFIG_PREFIX_ALL is not defined then the CATCH_ prefix is not required
+#define REQUIRE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE" )
+#define REQUIRE_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal | Catch::ResultDisposition::NegateResult, "REQUIRE_FALSE" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, ..., Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS" )
+#define REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THROWS_AS" )
+#define REQUIRE_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK" )
+#define CHECK_FALSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::NegateResult, "CHECK_FALSE" )
+#define CHECKED_IF( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_IF( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_IF" )
+#define CHECKED_ELSE( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_ELSE( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECKED_ELSE" )
+#define CHECK_NOFAIL( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure | Catch::ResultDisposition::SuppressFail, "CHECK_NOFAIL" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS( expr )  INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS( expr, ..., Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS" )
+#define CHECK_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_THROWS_AS( expr, exceptionType, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THROWS_AS" )
+#define CHECK_NOTHROW( expr ) INTERNAL_CATCH_NO_THROW( expr, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_NOTHROW" )
+#define CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "CHECK_THAT" )
+#define REQUIRE_THAT( arg, matcher ) INTERNAL_CHECK_THAT( arg, matcher, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "REQUIRE_THAT" )
+#define INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define WARN( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Warning, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "WARN", msg )
+#define SCOPED_INFO( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( msg, "INFO" )
+#define CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+#define SCOPED_CAPTURE( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_INFO( #msg " := " << msg, "CAPTURE" )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define FAIL( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", __VA_ARGS__ )
+    #define TEST_CASE( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TESTCASE( name, description )
+    #define TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, name, description )
+    #define METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE( method, name, description )
+    #define SECTION( name, description ) INTERNAL_CATCH_SECTION( name, description )
+    #define FAIL( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::ExplicitFailure, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, "FAIL", msg )
+    #define SUCCEED( msg ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, "SUCCEED", msg )
+#define REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType ) INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( name, reporterType )
+// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
+#define SCENARIO( ... ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define SCENARIO( name, tags ) TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " name, tags )
+#define GIVEN( desc )    SECTION( "   Given: " desc, "" )
+#define WHEN( desc )     SECTION( "    When: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_WHEN( desc ) SECTION( "And when: " desc, "" )
+#define THEN( desc )     SECTION( "    Then: " desc, "" )
+#define AND_THEN( desc ) SECTION( "     And: " desc, "" )
+using Catch::Detail::Approx;
+#ifdef __clang__
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/optional_unit.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/optional_unit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6573ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/optional_unit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include "optional.hpp"
+using namespace mapbox;
+struct dummy {
+    dummy(int _m_1, int _m_2) : m_1(_m_1), m_2(_m_2) {}
+    int m_1;
+    int m_2;
+int main (int argc, char* const argv[])
+    int result = Catch::Session().run(argc, argv);
+    if (!result) printf("\x1b[1;32m ✓ \x1b[0m\n");
+    return result;
+TEST_CASE( "optional can be instantiated with a POD type", "[optiona]" ) {
+    mapbox::util::optional<double> dbl_opt;
+    REQUIRE(!dbl_opt);
+    dbl_opt = 3.1415;
+    REQUIRE(dbl_opt);
+    REQUIRE(dbl_opt.get() == 3.1415);
+    REQUIRE(*dbl_opt == 3.1415);
+TEST_CASE( "copy c'tor", "[optiona]" ) {
+    mapbox::util::optional<double> dbl_opt;
+    REQUIRE(!dbl_opt);
+    dbl_opt = 3.1415;
+    REQUIRE(dbl_opt);
+    mapbox::util::optional<double> other = dbl_opt;
+    REQUIRE(other.get() == 3.1415);
+    REQUIRE(*other == 3.1415);
+TEST_CASE( "const operator*, const get()", "[optiona]" ) {
+    mapbox::util::optional<double> dbl_opt = 3.1415;
+    REQUIRE(dbl_opt);
+    const double pi1 = dbl_opt.get();
+    const double pi2 = *dbl_opt;
+    REQUIRE(pi1 == 3.1415);
+    REQUIRE(pi2 == 3.1415);
+TEST_CASE( "emplace initialization, reset", "[optional]" ) {
+    mapbox::util::optional<dummy> dummy_opt;
+    REQUIRE(!dummy_opt);
+    // rvalues, baby!
+    dummy_opt.emplace(1, 2);
+    REQUIRE(dummy_opt);
+    REQUIRE(dummy_opt.get().m_1 == 1);
+    REQUIRE((*dummy_opt).m_2 == 2);
+    dummy_opt.reset();
+    REQUIRE(!dummy_opt);
+TEST_CASE( "assignment", "[optional]") {
+    mapbox::util::optional<int> a;
+    mapbox::util::optional<int> b;
+    a = 1; b = 3;
+    REQUIRE(a.get() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(b.get() == 3);
+    b = a;
+    REQUIRE(a.get() == b.get());
+    REQUIRE(b.get() == 1);
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd79b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/recursive_wrapper_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
+#include "variant.hpp"
+using namespace mapbox;
+namespace test {
+struct add;
+struct sub;
+template <typename OpTag> struct binary_op;
+typedef util::variant<int ,
+                      util::recursive_wrapper<binary_op<add>>,
+                      util::recursive_wrapper<binary_op<sub>>
+                      > expression;
+template <typename Op>
+struct binary_op
+    expression left;  // variant instantiated here...
+    expression right;
+    binary_op(expression && lhs, expression && rhs)
+        : left(std::move(lhs)), right(std::move(rhs))
+    {
+    }
+struct print : util::static_visitor<void>
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << val << ":" << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+    }
+struct test : util::static_visitor<std::string>
+    template <typename T>
+    std::string operator() (T const& obj) const
+    {
+        return std::string("TYPE_ID=") + typeid(obj).name();
+    }
+struct calculator : public util::static_visitor<int>
+    int operator()(int value) const
+    {
+        return value;
+    }
+    int operator()(binary_op<add> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary.left)
+            + util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary.right);
+    }
+    int operator()(binary_op<sub> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary.left)
+            - util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary.right);
+    }
+struct to_string : public util::static_visitor<std::string>
+    std::string operator()(int value) const
+    {
+        return std::to_string(value);
+    }
+    std::string operator()(binary_op<add> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary.left) + std::string("+")
+            + util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary.right);
+    }
+    std::string operator()(binary_op<sub> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary.left) + std::string("-")
+            + util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary.right);
+    }
+} // namespace test
+int main (int argc, char** argv)
+    if (argc != 2)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Usage" << argv[0] << " <num-iter>" << std::endl;
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    const std::size_t NUM_ITER = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::stol(argv[1]));
+    test::expression result(
+        test::binary_op<test::sub>(
+            test::binary_op<test::add>(2, 3), 4));
+    std::cerr << "TYPE OF RESULT-> " << util::apply_visitor(test::test(), result) << std::endl;
+    {
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        int total = 0;
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; ++i)
+        {
+            total += util::apply_visitor(test::calculator(), result);
+        }
+        std::cerr << "total=" << total << std::endl;
+    }
+    std::cerr << util::apply_visitor(test::to_string(), result) << "=" << util::apply_visitor(test::calculator(), result) << std::endl;
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/reference_wrapper_test.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/reference_wrapper_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2abf027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/reference_wrapper_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
+#include "variant.hpp"
+using namespace mapbox;
+namespace test {
+struct point
+    point (double x_, double y_)
+        : x(x_), y(y_) {}
+    double x;
+    double y;
+struct line_string : std::vector<point> {};
+struct polygon : std::vector<line_string> {};
+using variant = util::variant<std::reference_wrapper<const point>,
+                              std::reference_wrapper<const line_string>,
+                              std::reference_wrapper<const polygon>>;
+struct print
+    using result_type = void;
+    void operator() (point const& pt) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Point(" << pt.x << "," << pt.y << ")" << std::endl;
+    }
+    void operator() (line_string const& line) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Line(";
+        for (auto const& pt : line)
+        {
+            std::cerr << pt.x << " " << pt.y << ",";
+        }
+        std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
+    }
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+    }
+int main (int argc, char** argv)
+    std::cerr << sizeof(test::polygon) << std::endl;
+    std::cerr << sizeof(test::variant) << std::endl;
+    test::point pt(123,456);
+    test::variant var = std::move(std::cref(pt));
+    util::apply_visitor(test::print(), var);
+    test::line_string line;
+    line.push_back(pt);
+    line.push_back(pt);
+    line.push_back(test::point(999,333));
+    var = std::move(std::cref(line));
+    util::apply_visitor(test::print(), var);
+    std::cerr << "Is line (cref) ? " << var.is<std::reference_wrapper<test::line_string const>>() << std::endl;
+    auto const& line2 = var.get<test::line_string>(); // accessing underlying type of std::reference_wrapper<T>
+    test::print printer;
+    printer(line2);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/unique_ptr_test.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/unique_ptr_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a51efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/unique_ptr_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
+#include "variant.hpp"
+using namespace mapbox;
+namespace test {
+struct add;
+struct sub;
+template <typename OpTag> struct binary_op;
+typedef util::variant<int ,
+                      std::unique_ptr<binary_op<add>>,
+                      std::unique_ptr<binary_op<sub>>
+                      > expression;
+template <typename Op>
+struct binary_op
+    expression left;  // variant instantiated here...
+    expression right;
+    binary_op(expression && lhs, expression && rhs)
+        : left(std::move(lhs)), right(std::move(rhs)) {}
+struct print : util::static_visitor<void>
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        std::cerr << val << ":" << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+    }
+struct test : util::static_visitor<std::string>
+    template <typename T>
+    std::string operator() (T const& obj) const
+    {
+        return std::string("TYPE_ID=") + typeid(obj).name();
+    }
+struct calculator : public util::static_visitor<int>
+    int operator()(int value) const
+    {
+        return value;
+    }
+    int operator()(std::unique_ptr<binary_op<add>> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary->left)
+            + util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary->right);
+    }
+    int operator()(std::unique_ptr<binary_op<sub>> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary->left)
+            - util::apply_visitor(calculator(), binary->right);
+    }
+struct to_string : public util::static_visitor<std::string>
+    std::string operator()(int value) const
+    {
+        return std::to_string(value);
+    }
+    std::string operator()(std::unique_ptr<binary_op<add>> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary->left) + std::string("+")
+            + util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary->right);
+    }
+    std::string operator()(std::unique_ptr<binary_op<sub>> const& binary) const
+    {
+        return util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary->left) + std::string("-")
+            + util::apply_visitor(to_string(), binary->right);
+    }
+} // namespace test
+int main (int argc, char** argv)
+    if (argc != 2)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "Usage" << argv[0] << " <num-iter>" << std::endl;
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    const std::size_t NUM_ITER = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::stol(argv[1]));
+    test::expression sum(std::unique_ptr<test::binary_op<test::add>>(new test::binary_op<test::add>(2, 3)));
+    test::expression result(std::unique_ptr<test::binary_op<test::sub>>(new test::binary_op<test::sub>(std::move(sum), 4)));
+    std::cerr << "TYPE OF RESULT-> " << util::apply_visitor(test::test(), result) << std::endl;
+    {
+        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
+        int total = 0;
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITER; ++i)
+        {
+            total += util::apply_visitor(test::calculator(), result);
+        }
+        std::cerr << "total=" << total << std::endl;
+    }
+    std::cerr << util::apply_visitor(test::to_string(), result) << "=" << util::apply_visitor(test::calculator(), result) << std::endl;
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/unit.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/unit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b874c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/unit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include "variant.hpp"
+#include "variant_io.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace mapbox;
+template <typename T>
+struct mutating_visitor
+    mutating_visitor(T & val)
+        : val_(val) {}
+    void operator() (T & val) const
+    {
+        val = val_;
+    }
+    template <typename T1>
+    void operator() (T1& ) const {} // no-op
+    T & val_;
+TEST_CASE( "variant version", "[variant]" ) {
+    unsigned int version = VARIANT_VERSION;
+    REQUIRE(version == 100);
+    #if VARIANT_VERSION == 100
+        REQUIRE(true);
+    #else
+        REQUIRE(false);
+    #endif
+TEST_CASE( "variant can be moved into vector", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<bool,std::string> variant_type;
+    variant_type v(std::string("test"));
+    std::vector<variant_type> vec;
+    vec.emplace_back(std::move(v));
+    REQUIRE(v.get<std::string>() != std::string("test"));
+    REQUIRE(vec.at(0).get<std::string>() == std::string("test"));
+TEST_CASE( "variant should support built-in types", "[variant]" ) {
+    SECTION( "bool" ) {
+        util::variant<bool> v(true);
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<bool>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<bool>() == true);
+        v.set<bool>(false);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<bool>() == false);
+        v = true;
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<bool>(true));
+    }
+    SECTION( "nullptr" ) {
+        typedef std::nullptr_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        // TODO: commented since it breaks on windows: 'operator << is ambiguous'
+        //REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == nullptr);
+        // FIXME: does not compile: ./variant.hpp:340:14: error: use of overloaded operator '<<' is ambiguous (with operand types 'std::__1::basic_ostream<char>' and 'const nullptr_t')
+        // https://github.com/mapbox/variant/issues/14
+        //REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(nullptr));
+    }
+    SECTION( "unique_ptr" ) {
+        typedef std::unique_ptr<std::string> value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(value_type(new std::string("hello")));
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(*v.get<value_type>().get() == *value_type(new std::string("hello")).get());
+    }
+    SECTION( "string" ) {
+        typedef std::string value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(value_type("hello"));
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type("hello"));
+        v.set<value_type>(value_type("there"));
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type("there"));
+        v = value_type("variant");
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type("variant")));
+    }
+    SECTION( "size_t" ) {
+        typedef std::size_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        v.set<value_type>(value_type(0));
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type(0));
+        v = value_type(1);
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type(1)));
+    }
+    SECTION( "int8_t" ) {
+        typedef std::int8_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        v.set<value_type>(0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type(0));
+        v = value_type(1);
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type(1)));
+    }
+    SECTION( "int16_t" ) {
+        typedef std::int16_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        v.set<value_type>(0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type(0));
+        v = value_type(1);
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type(1)));
+    }
+    SECTION( "int32_t" ) {
+        typedef std::int32_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        v.set<value_type>(0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type(0));
+        v = value_type(1);
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type(1)));
+    }
+    SECTION( "int64_t" ) {
+        typedef std::int64_t value_type;
+        util::variant<value_type> v(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        REQUIRE(v.valid());
+        REQUIRE(v.is<value_type>());
+        REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max());
+        v.set<value_type>(0);
+        REQUIRE(v.get<value_type>() == value_type(0));
+        v = value_type(1);
+        REQUIRE(v == util::variant<value_type>(value_type(1)));
+    }
+struct MissionInteger
+    typedef uint64_t value_type;
+    value_type val_;
+    public:
+      MissionInteger(uint64_t val) :
+       val_(val) {}
+    bool operator==(MissionInteger const& rhs) const
+    {
+        return (val_ == rhs.get());
+    }
+    uint64_t get() const
+    {
+        return val_;
+    }
+// TODO - remove after https://github.com/mapbox/variant/issues/14
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MissionInteger const& rhs)
+    os << rhs.get();
+    return os;
+TEST_CASE( "variant should support custom types", "[variant]" ) {
+    // http://www.missionintegers.com/integer/34838300
+    util::variant<MissionInteger> v(MissionInteger(34838300));
+    REQUIRE(v.valid());
+    REQUIRE(v.is<MissionInteger>());
+    REQUIRE(v.get_type_index() == 0);
+    REQUIRE(v.get<MissionInteger>() == MissionInteger(34838300));
+    REQUIRE(v.get<MissionInteger>().get() == MissionInteger::value_type(34838300));
+    // TODO: should both of the set usages below compile?
+    v.set<MissionInteger>(MissionInteger::value_type(0));
+    v.set<MissionInteger>(MissionInteger(0));
+    REQUIRE(v.get<MissionInteger>().get() == MissionInteger::value_type(0));
+    v = MissionInteger(1);
+    REQUIRE(v == util::variant<MissionInteger>(MissionInteger(1)));
+// Test internal api
+TEST_CASE( "variant should correctly index types", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<bool,std::string,std::uint64_t,std::int64_t,double,float> variant_type;
+    // Index is in reverse order
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(true).get_type_index() == 5);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::string("test")).get_type_index() == 4);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::uint64_t(0)).get_type_index() == 3);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::int64_t(0)).get_type_index() == 2);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(double(0.0)).get_type_index() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(float(0.0)).get_type_index() == 0);
+// Test internal api
+TEST_CASE( "variant::which() returns zero based index of stored type", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<bool,std::string,std::uint64_t,std::int64_t,double,float> variant_type;
+    // Index is in reverse order
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(true).which() == 0);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::string("test")).which() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::uint64_t(0)).which() == 2);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(std::int64_t(0)).which() == 3);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(double(0.0)).which() == 4);
+    REQUIRE(variant_type(float(0.0)).which() == 5);
+TEST_CASE( "get with type not in variant type list should throw", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<int> variant_type;
+    variant_type var = 5;
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 5);
+TEST_CASE( "get with wrong type (here: double) should throw", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<int, double> variant_type;
+    variant_type var = 5;
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 5);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS(var.get<double>());
+TEST_CASE( "get with wrong type (here: int) should throw", "[variant]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<int, double> variant_type;
+    variant_type var = 5.0;
+    REQUIRE(var.get<double>() == 5.0);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS(var.get<int>());
+TEST_CASE( "implicit conversion", "[variant][implicit conversion]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<int> variant_type;
+    variant_type var(5.0); // converted to int
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 5);
+    var = 6.0; // works for operator=, too
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 6);
+TEST_CASE( "implicit conversion to first type in variant type list", "[variant][implicit conversion]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<long, char> variant_type;
+    variant_type var = 5.0; // converted to long
+    REQUIRE(var.get<long>() == 5);
+    REQUIRE_THROWS(var.get<char>());
+TEST_CASE( "implicit conversion to unsigned char", "[variant][implicit conversion]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<unsigned char> variant_type;
+    variant_type var = 100.0;
+    CHECK(var.get<unsigned char>() == static_cast<unsigned char>(100.0));
+    CHECK(var.get<unsigned char>() == static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned int>(100.0)));
+struct dummy {};
+TEST_CASE( "variant value traits", "[variant::detail]" ) {
+    // Users should not create variants with duplicated types
+    // however our type indexing should still work
+    // Index is in reverse order
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<bool, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == 3));
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<int, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == 2));
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<double, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == 1));
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<std::string, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == 0));
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<dummy, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == util::detail::invalid_value));
+    REQUIRE((util::detail::value_traits<std::vector<int>, bool, int, double, std::string>::index == util::detail::invalid_value));
+TEST_CASE( "variant default constructor", "[variant][default constructor]" ) {
+    // By default variant is initialised with (default constructed) first type in template parameters pack
+    // As a result first type in Types... must be default constructable
+    // NOTE: index in reverse order -> index = N - 1
+    REQUIRE((util::variant<int, double, std::string>().get_type_index() == 2));
+    REQUIRE((util::variant<int, double, std::string>(util::no_init()).get_type_index() == util::detail::invalid_value));
+TEST_CASE( "variant visitation", "[visitor][unary visitor]" ) {
+    util::variant<int, double, std::string> var(123);
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 123);
+    int val = 456;
+    mutating_visitor<int> visitor(val);
+    util::apply_visitor(visitor, var);
+    REQUIRE(var.get<int>() == 456);
+TEST_CASE( "variant printer", "[visitor][unary visitor][printer]" ) {
+    typedef util::variant<int, double, std::string> variant_type;
+    std::vector<variant_type> var = {2.1, 123, "foo", 456};
+    std::stringstream out;
+    std::copy(var.begin(), var.end(), std::ostream_iterator<variant_type>(out, ","));
+    out << var[2];
+    REQUIRE(out.str() == "2.1,123,foo,456,foo");
+int main (int argc, char* const argv[])
+    int result = Catch::Session().run(argc, argv);
+    if (!result) printf("\x1b[1;32m ✓ \x1b[0m\n");
+    return result;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/test/variant_hello_world.cpp b/third_party/variant/test/variant_hello_world.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b445fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/test/variant_hello_world.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "variant.hpp"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <stdexcept>
+using namespace mapbox;
+struct check : util::static_visitor<>
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator() (T const& val) const
+    {
+        if (val != 0) throw std::runtime_error("invalid");
+    }
+int main() {
+    typedef util::variant<bool, int, double> variant_type;
+    variant_type v(0);
+    util::apply_visitor(check(), v);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/variant.gyp b/third_party/variant/variant.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..712cafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/variant.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  "includes": [
+      "common.gypi"
+  ],
+  "targets": [
+    {
+      "target_name": "tests",
+      "type": "executable",
+      "sources": [
+        "test/unit.cpp"
+      ],
+      "xcode_settings": {
+        "SDKROOT": "macosx",
+        "SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS":["macosx"]
+      },
+      "include_dirs": [
+          "./"
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/variant/variant.hpp b/third_party/variant/variant.hpp
index 3b56594..837b162 100644
--- a/third_party/variant/variant.hpp
+++ b/third_party/variant/variant.hpp
@@ -34,7 +34,19 @@
 // translates to 100
-namespace mapbox { namespace util { namespace detail {
+namespace mapbox { namespace util {
+// static visitor
+template <typename R = void>
+struct static_visitor
+    using result_type = R;
+    static_visitor() {}
+    ~static_visitor() {}
+namespace detail {
 static constexpr std::size_t invalid_value = std::size_t(-1);
@@ -109,19 +121,39 @@ struct select_type<0, T, Types...>
     using type = T;
-} // namespace detail
-// static visitor
-template <typename R = void>
-struct static_visitor
+template <typename T, typename R = void>
+struct enable_if_type { using type = R; };
+template <typename F, typename V, typename Enable = void>
+struct result_of_unary_visit
-    using result_type = R;
-    static_visitor() {}
-    ~static_visitor() {}
+    using type = typename std::result_of<F(V&)>::type;
+template <typename F, typename V>
+struct result_of_unary_visit<F, V, typename enable_if_type<typename F::result_type>::type >
+    using type = typename F::result_type;
+template <typename F, typename V, class Enable = void>
+struct result_of_binary_visit
+    using type = typename std::result_of<F(V&,V&)>::type;
+template <typename F, typename V>
+struct result_of_binary_visit<F, V, typename enable_if_type<typename F::result_type>::type >
+    using type = typename F::result_type;
+} // namespace detail
 template <std::size_t arg1, std::size_t ... others>
 struct static_max;
@@ -218,14 +250,25 @@ struct unwrapper<recursive_wrapper<T>>
+template <typename T>
+struct unwrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>>
+    auto operator() (std::reference_wrapper<T> const& obj) const
+        -> typename std::reference_wrapper<T>::type const&
+    {
+        return obj.get();
+    }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename...Types>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename...Types>
 struct dispatcher;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T, typename...Types>
-struct dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename...Types>
+struct dispatcher<F, V, R, T, Types...>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const& v, F f)
         if (v.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types))
@@ -234,7 +277,7 @@ struct dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
-            return dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v, f);
+            return dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v, f);
@@ -246,15 +289,15 @@ struct dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
-            return dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v, f);
+            return dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v, f);
-template<typename F, typename V>
-struct dispatcher<F, V>
+template<typename F, typename V, typename R>
+struct dispatcher<F, V, R>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const&, F)
         throw std::runtime_error(std::string("unary dispatch: FAIL ") + typeid(V).name());
@@ -267,13 +310,13 @@ struct dispatcher<F, V>
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T, typename...Types>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename...Types>
 struct binary_dispatcher_rhs;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T0, typename T1, typename...Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1, typename...Types>
+struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, T1, Types...>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F f)
         if (rhs.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types)) // call binary functor
@@ -283,7 +326,7 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
-            return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, f);
@@ -296,16 +339,16 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
-            return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, f);
-template<typename F, typename V, typename T>
-struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T>
+template<typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T>
+struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const&, V const&, F)
         throw std::runtime_error("binary dispatch: FAIL");
@@ -317,13 +360,13 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T>
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T, typename...Types>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R,  typename T, typename...Types>
 struct binary_dispatcher_lhs;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T0, typename T1, typename...Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1, typename...Types>
+struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, T1, Types...>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F f)
         if (lhs.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types)) // call binary functor
@@ -332,7 +375,7 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
-            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, f);
@@ -344,16 +387,16 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T0, T1, Types...>
-            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, f);
-template<typename F, typename V, typename T>
-struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T>
+template<typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T>
+struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const&, V const&, F)
         throw std::runtime_error("binary dispatch: FAIL");
@@ -365,13 +408,13 @@ struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T>
-template <typename F, typename V, typename...Types>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename...Types>
 struct binary_dispatcher;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename T, typename...Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
+template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename...Types>
+struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, T, Types...>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const& v0, V const& v1, F f)
         if (v0.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types))
@@ -382,14 +425,14 @@ struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
-                return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
+                return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
         else if (v1.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types))
-            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
-        return binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
+        return binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply(V & v0, V & v1, F f)
@@ -402,21 +445,21 @@ struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, T, Types...>
-                return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
+                return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
         else if (v1.get_type_index() == sizeof...(Types))
-            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
+            return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
-        return binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
+        return binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
-template<typename F, typename V>
-struct binary_dispatcher<F, V>
+template<typename F, typename V, typename R>
+struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, R>
-    using result_type = typename F::result_type;
+    using result_type = R;
     VARIANT_INLINE static result_type apply_const(V const&, V const&, F)
         throw std::runtime_error("binary dispatch: FAIL");
@@ -448,7 +491,7 @@ struct less_comp
 template <typename Variant, typename Comp>
-class comparer : public static_visitor<bool>
+class comparer
     explicit comparer(Variant const& lhs) noexcept
@@ -465,24 +508,6 @@ private:
     Variant const& lhs_;
-// operator<< helper
-template <typename Out>
-class printer : public static_visitor<>
-    explicit printer(Out & out)
-        : out_(out) {}
-    printer& operator=(printer const&) = delete;
-// visitor
-    template <typename T>
-    void operator()(T const& operand) const
-    {
-        out_ << operand;
-    }
-    Out & out_;
 } // namespace detail
@@ -504,7 +529,6 @@ private:
     VARIANT_INLINE variant()
         : type_index(sizeof...(Types) - 1)
@@ -588,7 +612,8 @@ public:
         type_index = detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index;
-    template<typename T>
+    // get<T>()
+    template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<(detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
     VARIANT_INLINE T& get()
         if (type_index == detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index)
@@ -597,11 +622,13 @@ public:
-            throw std::runtime_error("in get()");
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
-    template<typename T>
+    template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
+                          (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)
+                          >::type* = nullptr>
     VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
         if (type_index == detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index)
@@ -610,7 +637,69 @@ public:
-            throw std::runtime_error("in get()");
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
+        }
+    }
+    // get<T>() - T stored as recursive_wrapper<T>
+    template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
+                          (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)
+                          >::type* = nullptr>
+    VARIANT_INLINE T& get()
+    {
+        if (type_index == detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
+        {
+            return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename T,typename std::enable_if<
+                         (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)
+                         >::type* = nullptr>
+    VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
+    {
+        if (type_index == detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
+        {
+            return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T> const*>(&data)).get();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
+        }
+    }
+    // get<T>() - T stored as std::reference_wrapper<T>
+    template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
+                          (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)
+                          >::type* = nullptr>
+    VARIANT_INLINE T& get()
+    {
+        if (type_index == detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
+        {
+            return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename T,typename std::enable_if<
+                         (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T const>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)
+                         >::type* = nullptr>
+    VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
+    {
+        if (type_index == detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T const>, Types...>::index)
+        {
+            return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T const> const*>(&data)).get();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("in get<T>()");
@@ -619,22 +708,33 @@ public:
         return type_index;
+    VARIANT_INLINE int which() const noexcept
+    {
+        return static_cast<int>(sizeof...(Types) - type_index - 1);
+    }
     // visitor
     // unary
     template <typename F, typename V>
     static visit(V const& v, F f)
-        -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v, f))
+        -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V,
+                    typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F,
+                    typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type, Types...>::apply_const(v, f))
-        return detail::dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v, f);
+        using R = typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F, typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type;
+        return detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v, f);
     // non-const
     template <typename F, typename V>
     static visit(V & v, F f)
-        -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v, f))
+        -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V,
+                    typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F,
+                    typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type, Types...>::apply(v, f))
-        return detail::dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v, f);
+        using R = typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F, typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type;
+        return detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v, f);
     // binary
@@ -642,17 +742,23 @@ public:
     template <typename F, typename V>
     static binary_visit(V const& v0, V const& v1, F f)
-        -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f))
+        -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V,
+                    typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F,
+                    typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f))
-        return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
+        using R = typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F,typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type;
+        return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, f);
     // non-const
     template <typename F, typename V>
     static binary_visit(V& v0, V& v1, F f)
-        -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f))
+        -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V,
+                    typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F,
+                    typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f))
-        return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
+        using R = typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F,typename detail::select_type<0, Types...>::type>::type;
+        return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, f);
     ~variant() noexcept
@@ -713,28 +819,18 @@ auto VARIANT_INLINE static apply_visitor(F f, V & v0, V & v1) -> decltype(V::bin
 // getter interface
 template<typename ResultType, typename T>
-ResultType &  get(T & var)
+ResultType & get(T & var)
     return var.template get<ResultType>();
 template<typename ResultType, typename T>
-ResultType const&  get(T const& var)
+ResultType const& get(T const& var)
     return var.template get<ResultType>();
-// operator<<
-template <typename charT, typename traits, typename... Types>
-VARIANT_INLINE std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
-operator<< (std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, variant<Types...> const& rhs)
-    detail::printer<std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>> visitor(out);
-    apply_visitor(visitor, rhs);
-    return out;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/variant_io.hpp b/third_party/variant/variant_io.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0c137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/variant_io.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+namespace mapbox { namespace util {
+namespace detail {
+// operator<< helper
+template <typename Out>
+class printer
+    explicit printer(Out & out)
+        : out_(out) {}
+    printer& operator=(printer const&) = delete;
+// visitor
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator()(T const& operand) const
+    {
+        out_ << operand;
+    }
+    Out & out_;
+// operator<<
+template <typename charT, typename traits, typename... Types>
+VARIANT_INLINE std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
+operator<< (std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, variant<Types...> const& rhs)
+    detail::printer<std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>> visitor(out);
+    apply_visitor(visitor, rhs);
+    return out;
diff --git a/third_party/variant/vcbuild.bat b/third_party/variant/vcbuild.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21489a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/variant/vcbuild.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+SET configuration=Debug
+IF NOT EXIST deps\gyp\ git clone --depth 1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp.git deps/gyp
+IF EXIST %configuration% rd /s /q %configuration%
+del variant.sln
+del tests.vcxproj
+C:\Python27\python.exe deps/gyp/gyp_main.py variant.gyp --depth=. -f msvs -G msvs_version=2013
+msbuild variant.sln /nologo /p:Configuration=%configuration%;Platform=Win32
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/check-hsgr.cpp b/tools/check-hsgr.cpp
index 9173dc4..2418a47 100644
--- a/tools/check-hsgr.cpp
+++ b/tools/check-hsgr.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../data_structures/percent.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/query_edge.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
-#include "../Util/integer_range.hpp"
-#include "../Util/graph_loader.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/graph_loader.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                 if (SPECIAL_EDGEID == edge_id_1)
                     throw osrm::exception("cannot find first segment of edge (" +
-                                        std::to_string(node_u) + "," + std::to_string(data.id) +
-                                        "," + std::to_string(node_v) + "), eid: " +
-                                        std::to_string(eid));
+                                          std::to_string(node_u) + "," + std::to_string(data.id) +
+                                          "," + std::to_string(node_v) + "), eid: " +
+                                          std::to_string(eid));
                 const EdgeID edge_id_2 = m_query_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(data.id, node_v);
                 if (SPECIAL_EDGEID == edge_id_2)
                     throw osrm::exception("cannot find second segment of edge (" +
-                                        std::to_string(node_u) + "," + std::to_string(data.id) +
-                                        "," + std::to_string(node_v) + "), eid: " +
-                                        std::to_string(eid));
+                                          std::to_string(node_u) + "," + std::to_string(data.id) +
+                                          "," + std::to_string(node_v) + "), eid: " +
+                                          std::to_string(eid));
diff --git a/tools/components.cpp b/tools/components.cpp
index 607d86b..7ac64f8 100644
--- a/tools/components.cpp
+++ b/tools/components.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../typedefs.h"
 #include "../algorithms/tiny_components.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
 #include "../data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp"
-#include "../Util/graph_loader.hpp"
-#include "../Util/make_unique.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/FingerPrint.h"
+#include "../data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
+#include "../util/fingerprint.hpp"
+#include "../util/graph_loader.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined (_WIN32)
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)
 #include <gdal.h>
 #include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
 #include <gdal/ogrsf_frmts.h>
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-std::vector<QueryNode> coordinate_list;
-std::vector<TurnRestriction> restriction_list;
-std::vector<NodeID> bollard_node_list;
-std::vector<NodeID> traffic_lights_list;
 struct TarjanEdgeData
     TarjanEdgeData() : distance(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), name_id(INVALID_NAMEID) {}
-    TarjanEdgeData(int distance, unsigned name_id) : distance(distance), name_id(name_id) {}
-    int distance;
+    TarjanEdgeData(unsigned distance, unsigned name_id) : distance(distance), name_id(name_id) {}
+    unsigned distance;
     unsigned name_id;
-using TarjanDynamicGraph = DynamicGraph<TarjanEdgeData>;
-using TarjanEdge = TarjanDynamicGraph::InputEdge;
+using TarjanGraph = StaticGraph<TarjanEdgeData>;
+using TarjanEdge = TarjanGraph::InputEdge;
 void DeleteFileIfExists(const std::string &file_name)
@@ -74,9 +74,15 @@ void DeleteFileIfExists(const std::string &file_name)
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    std::vector<QueryNode> coordinate_list;
+    std::vector<TurnRestriction> restriction_list;
+    std::vector<NodeID> bollard_node_list;
+    std::vector<NodeID> traffic_lights_list;
@@ -92,7 +98,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         std::ifstream restriction_ifstream(argv[2], std::ios::binary);
         const FingerPrint fingerprint_orig;
         FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;
-        restriction_ifstream.read((char *)&fingerprint_loaded, sizeof(FingerPrint));
+        restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded),
+                                  sizeof(FingerPrint));
         // check fingerprint and warn if necessary
         if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
@@ -106,13 +113,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             throw osrm::exception("Could not access <osrm-restrictions> files");
         uint32_t usable_restrictions = 0;
-        restriction_ifstream.read((char *)&usable_restrictions, sizeof(uint32_t));
+        restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&usable_restrictions), sizeof(uint32_t));
         // load restrictions
         if (usable_restrictions > 0)
-            restriction_ifstream.read((char *)&(restriction_list[0]),
+            restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&restriction_list[0]),
                                       usable_restrictions * sizeof(TurnRestriction));
@@ -125,15 +132,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // load graph data
         std::vector<ImportEdge> edge_list;
-        const NodeID number_of_nodes = readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(input_stream,
-                                                                     edge_list,
-                                                                     bollard_node_list,
-                                                                     traffic_lights_list,
-                                                                     &coordinate_list,
-                                                                     restriction_list);
+        const NodeID number_of_nodes =
+            readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(input_stream, edge_list, bollard_node_list,
+                                          traffic_lights_list, &coordinate_list, restriction_list);
         BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(restriction_list.size() == usable_restrictions,
                          "size of restriction_list changed");
@@ -145,8 +148,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // Building an node-based graph
-        DeallocatingVector<TarjanEdge> graph_edge_list;
-        for (const NodeBasedEdge &input_edge : edge_list)
+        std::vector<TarjanEdge> graph_edge_list;
+//        DeallocatingVector<TarjanEdge> graph_edge_list;
+        for (const auto &input_edge : edge_list)
             if (input_edge.source == input_edge.target)
@@ -155,17 +159,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             if (input_edge.forward)
-                graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.source,
-                                       input_edge.target,
-                                       (std::max)((int)input_edge.weight, 1),
-                                       input_edge.name_id);
+                graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.source, input_edge.target,
+                                             (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1), input_edge.name_id);
             if (input_edge.backward)
-                graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.target,
-                                       input_edge.source,
-                                       (std::max)((int)input_edge.weight, 1),
-                                       input_edge.name_id);
+                graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.target, input_edge.source,
+                                             (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1), input_edge.name_id);
@@ -174,20 +174,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                          "input edge vector not properly deallocated");
         tbb::parallel_sort(graph_edge_list.begin(), graph_edge_list.end());
-        auto graph = std::make_shared<TarjanDynamicGraph>(number_of_nodes, graph_edge_list);
-        edge_list.clear();
-        edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
+        const auto graph = std::make_shared<TarjanGraph>(number_of_nodes, graph_edge_list);
+        graph_edge_list.clear();
+        graph_edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Starting SCC graph traversal";
         RestrictionMap restriction_map(restriction_list);
-        auto tarjan = osrm::make_unique<TarjanSCC<TarjanDynamicGraph>>(graph,
+        auto tarjan = osrm::make_unique<TarjanSCC<TarjanGraph>>(graph,
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified: " << tarjan->get_number_of_components()
-                           << " many components";
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified " << tarjan->get_size_one_count() << " SCCs of size 1";
+                               << " many components";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "identified " << tarjan->get_size_one_count() << " size 1 SCCs";
         // output
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        Percent p(graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
+        Percent percentage(graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
@@ -225,34 +225,32 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             throw osrm::exception("Layer creation failed.");
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "shapefile setup took " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_RUN_SETUP)/1000. << "s";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "shapefile setup took " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_RUN_SETUP) / 1000.
+                               << "s";
-        uint64_t total_network_distance = 0;
-        p.reinit(graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
+        uint64_t total_network_length = 0;
+        percentage.reinit(graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
         for (const NodeID source : osrm::irange(0u, graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
-            p.printIncrement();
+            percentage.printIncrement();
             for (const auto current_edge : graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(source))
-                const TarjanDynamicGraph::NodeIterator target = graph->GetTarget(current_edge);
+                const TarjanGraph::NodeIterator target = graph->GetTarget(current_edge);
-                if (source < target || graph->EndEdges(target) == graph->FindEdge(target, source))
+                if (source < target || SPECIAL_EDGEID == graph->FindEdge(target, source))
-                    total_network_distance +=
-                        100 * FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-                                  coordinate_list[source].lat,
-                                  coordinate_list[source].lon,
-                                  coordinate_list[target].lat,
-                                  coordinate_list[target].lon);
+                    total_network_length +=
+                        100 * coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
+                                  coordinate_list[source].lat, coordinate_list[source].lon,
+                                  coordinate_list[target].lat, coordinate_list[target].lon);
                     BOOST_ASSERT(current_edge != SPECIAL_EDGEID);
                     BOOST_ASSERT(source != SPECIAL_NODEID);
                     BOOST_ASSERT(target != SPECIAL_NODEID);
-                    const unsigned size_of_containing_component =
-                        std::min(tarjan->get_component_size(source),
-                                 tarjan->get_component_size(target));
+                    const unsigned size_of_containing_component = std::min(
+                        tarjan->get_component_size(source), tarjan->get_component_size(target));
                     // edges that end on bollard nodes may actually be in two distinct components
                     if (size_of_containing_component < 1000)
@@ -278,10 +276,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "generating output took: " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_OUTPUT)/1000. << "s";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "generating output took: " << TIMER_MSEC(SCC_OUTPUT) / 1000.
+                               << "s";
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "total network distance: "
-                               << (uint64_t)total_network_distance / 100 / 1000. << " km";
+                               << static_cast<uint64_t>(total_network_length / 100 / 1000.)
+                               << " km";
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "finished component analysis";
diff --git a/tools/graph_compare.cpp b/tools/graph_compare.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8adc06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/graph_compare.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#include "../data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/import_edge.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/restriction.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/static_graph.hpp"
+#include "../util/fingerprint.hpp"
+#include "../util/graph_loader.hpp"
+#include "../util/integer_range.hpp"
+#include "../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+struct TarjanEdgeData
+    TarjanEdgeData() : distance(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT), name_id(INVALID_NAMEID) {}
+    TarjanEdgeData(unsigned distance, unsigned name_id) : distance(distance), name_id(name_id) {}
+    unsigned distance;
+    unsigned name_id;
+using StaticTestGraph = StaticGraph<TarjanEdgeData>;
+using DynamicTestGraph = StaticGraph<TarjanEdgeData>;
+using StaticEdge = StaticTestGraph::InputEdge;
+using DynamicEdge = DynamicTestGraph::InputEdge;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    std::vector<QueryNode> coordinate_list;
+    std::vector<TurnRestriction> restriction_list;
+    std::vector<NodeID> bollard_node_list;
+    std::vector<NodeID> traffic_lights_list;
+    LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute();
+    try
+    {
+        // enable logging
+        if (argc < 3)
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "usage:\n" << argv[0]
+                                             << " <osrm> <osrm.restrictions>";
+            return -1;
+        }
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Using restrictions from file: " << argv[2];
+        std::ifstream restriction_ifstream(argv[2], std::ios::binary);
+        const FingerPrint fingerprint_orig;
+        FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;
+        restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded),
+                                  sizeof(FingerPrint));
+        // check fingerprint and warn if necessary
+        if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << argv[2] << " was prepared with a different build. "
+                                                           "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
+        }
+        if (!restriction_ifstream.good())
+        {
+            throw osrm::exception("Could not access <osrm-restrictions> files");
+        }
+        uint32_t usable_restrictions = 0;
+        restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&usable_restrictions), sizeof(uint32_t));
+        restriction_list.resize(usable_restrictions);
+        // load restrictions
+        if (usable_restrictions > 0)
+        {
+            restriction_ifstream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&restriction_list[0]),
+                                      usable_restrictions * sizeof(TurnRestriction));
+        }
+        restriction_ifstream.close();
+        std::ifstream input_stream(argv[1], std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
+        if (!input_stream.is_open())
+        {
+            throw osrm::exception("Cannot open osrm file");
+        }
+        // load graph data
+        std::vector<ImportEdge> edge_list;
+        const NodeID number_of_nodes =
+            readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(input_stream, edge_list, bollard_node_list,
+                                          traffic_lights_list, &coordinate_list, restriction_list);
+        input_stream.close();
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(restriction_list.size() == usable_restrictions,
+                         "size of restriction_list changed");
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << restriction_list.size() << " restrictions, "
+                               << bollard_node_list.size() << " bollard nodes, "
+                               << traffic_lights_list.size() << " traffic lights";
+        traffic_lights_list.clear();
+        traffic_lights_list.shrink_to_fit();
+        // Building an node-based graph
+        std::vector<StaticEdge> static_graph_edge_list;
+        std::vector<DynamicEdge> dynamic_graph_edge_list;
+        for (const auto &input_edge : edge_list)
+        {
+            if (input_edge.source == input_edge.target)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (input_edge.forward)
+            {
+                static_graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.source, input_edge.target,
+                                                    (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1),
+                                                    input_edge.name_id);
+                dynamic_graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.source, input_edge.target,
+                                                     (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1),
+                                                     input_edge.name_id);
+            }
+            if (input_edge.backward)
+            {
+                dynamic_graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.target, input_edge.source,
+                                                     (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1),
+                                                     input_edge.name_id);
+                static_graph_edge_list.emplace_back(input_edge.target, input_edge.source,
+                                                    (std::max)(input_edge.weight, 1),
+                                                    input_edge.name_id);
+            }
+        }
+        edge_list.clear();
+        edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 == edge_list.size() && 0 == edge_list.capacity(),
+                         "input edge vector not properly deallocated");
+        tbb::parallel_sort(static_graph_edge_list.begin(), static_graph_edge_list.end());
+        tbb::parallel_sort(dynamic_graph_edge_list.begin(), dynamic_graph_edge_list.end());
+        auto static_graph =
+            osrm::make_unique<StaticTestGraph>(number_of_nodes, static_graph_edge_list);
+        auto dynamic_graph =
+            osrm::make_unique<DynamicTestGraph>(number_of_nodes, dynamic_graph_edge_list);
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Starting static/dynamic graph comparison";
+        BOOST_ASSERT(static_graph->GetNumberOfNodes() == dynamic_graph->GetNumberOfNodes());
+        BOOST_ASSERT(static_graph->GetNumberOfEdges() == dynamic_graph->GetNumberOfEdges());
+        for (const auto node : osrm::irange(0u, static_graph->GetNumberOfNodes()))
+        {
+            const auto static_range = static_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node);
+            const auto dynamic_range = dynamic_graph->GetAdjacentEdgeRange(node);
+            SimpleLogger().Write() << "checking node " << node << "/"
+                                   << static_graph->GetNumberOfNodes();
+            BOOST_ASSERT(static_range.size() == dynamic_range.size());
+            const auto static_begin = static_graph->BeginEdges(node);
+            const auto dynamic_begin = dynamic_graph->BeginEdges(node);
+            // check raw interface
+            for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, static_range.size()))
+            {
+                const auto static_target = static_graph->GetTarget(static_begin + i);
+                const auto dynamic_target = dynamic_graph->GetTarget(dynamic_begin + i);
+                BOOST_ASSERT(static_target == dynamic_target);
+                const auto static_data = static_graph->GetEdgeData(static_begin + i);
+                const auto dynamic_data = dynamic_graph->GetEdgeData(dynamic_begin + i);
+                BOOST_ASSERT(static_data.distance == dynamic_data.distance);
+                BOOST_ASSERT(static_data.name_id == dynamic_data.name_id);
+            }
+            // check range interface
+            std::vector<EdgeID> static_target_ids, dynamic_target_ids;
+            std::vector<TarjanEdgeData> static_edge_data, dynamic_edge_data;
+            for (const auto static_id : static_range)
+            {
+                static_target_ids.push_back(static_graph->GetTarget(static_id));
+                static_edge_data.push_back(static_graph->GetEdgeData(static_id));
+            }
+            for (const auto dynamic_id : dynamic_range)
+            {
+                dynamic_target_ids.push_back(dynamic_graph->GetTarget(dynamic_id));
+                dynamic_edge_data.push_back(dynamic_graph->GetEdgeData(dynamic_id));
+            }
+            BOOST_ASSERT(static_target_ids.size() == dynamic_target_ids.size());
+            BOOST_ASSERT(std::equal(std::begin(static_target_ids), std::end(static_target_ids),
+                                    std::begin(dynamic_target_ids)));
+        }
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Graph comparison finished successfully";
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception &e)
+    {
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "[exception] " << e.what();
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/tools/io-benchmark.cpp b/tools/io-benchmark.cpp
index c6da3ad..ae76327 100644
--- a/tools/io-benchmark.cpp
+++ b/tools/io-benchmark.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Util/timing_util.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../util/timing_util.hpp"
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ void RunStatistics(std::vector<double> &timings_vector, Statistics &stats)
     double primary_sum = std::accumulate(timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(), 0.0);
     stats.mean = primary_sum / timings_vector.size();
-    double primary_sq_sum = std::inner_product(
-        timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(), timings_vector.begin(), 0.0);
+    double primary_sq_sum = std::inner_product(timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(),
+                                               timings_vector.begin(), 0.0);
     stats.dev = std::sqrt(primary_sq_sum / timings_vector.size() - (stats.mean * stats.mean));
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Not supported on FreeBSD";
-        return 0;
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Not supported on FreeBSD";
+    return 0;
 #ifdef _WIN32
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "Not supported on Windows";
-        return 0;
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Not supported on Windows";
+    return 0;
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> uniform_dist(0, number_of_blocks - 1);
             for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
-                unsigned block_to_read =uniform_dist(e1);
+                unsigned block_to_read = uniform_dist(e1);
                 off_t current_offset = block_to_read * 4096;
 #ifdef __APPLE__
diff --git a/tools/simpleclient.cpp b/tools/simpleclient.cpp
index d9c8217..ce590cc 100644
--- a/tools/simpleclient.cpp
+++ b/tools/simpleclient.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Library/OSRM.h"
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/ProgramOptions.h"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../library/osrm.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/json_renderer.hpp"
+#include "../util/routed_options.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <osrm/Reply.h>
-#include <osrm/RouteParameters.h>
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <osrm/libosrm_config.hpp>
+#include <osrm/route_parameters.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
-#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stack>
 #include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-// Dude, real recursions on the OS stack? You must be brave...
-void print_tree(boost::property_tree::ptree const &property_tree, const unsigned recursion_depth)
-    auto end = property_tree.end();
-    for (auto tree_iterator = property_tree.begin(); tree_iterator != end; ++tree_iterator)
-    {
-        for (unsigned current_recursion = 0; current_recursion < recursion_depth;
-             ++current_recursion)
-        {
-            std::cout << " " << std::flush;
-        }
-        std::cout << tree_iterator->first << ": " << tree_iterator->second.get_value<std::string>()
-                  << std::endl;
-        print_tree(tree_iterator->second, recursion_depth + 1);
-    }
 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
@@ -65,27 +43,25 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
         std::string ip_address;
-        int ip_port, requested_thread_num;
-        bool use_shared_memory = false, trial_run = false;
-        ServerPaths server_paths;
-        const unsigned init_result = GenerateServerProgramOptions(argc,
-                                                                  argv,
-                                                                  server_paths,
-                                                                  ip_address,
-                                                                  ip_port,
-                                                                  requested_thread_num,
-                                                                  use_shared_memory,
-                                                                  trial_run);
-        if (init_result == INIT_FAILED)
+        int ip_port, requested_thread_num, max_locations_map_matching;
+        bool trial_run = false;
+        libosrm_config lib_config;
+        const unsigned init_result = GenerateServerProgramOptions(
+            argc, argv, lib_config.server_paths, ip_address, ip_port, requested_thread_num,
+            lib_config.use_shared_memory, trial_run, lib_config.max_locations_distance_table,
+            max_locations_map_matching);
+        if (init_result == INIT_OK_DO_NOT_START_ENGINE)
             return 0;
+        if (init_result == INIT_FAILED)
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION;
-        OSRM routing_machine(server_paths, use_shared_memory);
+        OSRM routing_machine(lib_config);
         RouteParameters route_parameters;
         route_parameters.zoom_level = 18;           // no generalization
@@ -93,7 +69,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
         route_parameters.alternate_route = true;    // get an alternate route, too
         route_parameters.geometry = true;           // retrieve geometry of route
         route_parameters.compression = true;        // polyline encoding
-        route_parameters.check_sum = UINT_MAX;      // see wiki
+        route_parameters.check_sum = -1;            // see wiki
         route_parameters.service = "viaroute";      // that's routing
         route_parameters.output_format = "json";
         route_parameters.jsonp_parameter = ""; // set for jsonp wrapping
@@ -106,23 +82,10 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
         // target_coordinate
         route_parameters.coordinates.emplace_back(52.513191 * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
                                                   13.415852 * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-        http::Reply osrm_reply;
-        routing_machine.RunQuery(route_parameters, osrm_reply);
-        // attention: super-inefficient hack below:
-        std::stringstream my_stream;
-        for (const auto &element : osrm_reply.content)
-        {
-            std::cout << element;
-            my_stream << element;
-        }
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-        boost::property_tree::ptree property_tree;
-        boost::property_tree::read_json(my_stream, property_tree);
-        print_tree(property_tree, 0);
+        osrm::json::Object json_result;
+        const int result_code = routing_machine.RunQuery(route_parameters, json_result);
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "http code: " << result_code;
+        osrm::json::render(SimpleLogger().Write(), json_result);
     catch (std::exception &current_exception)
diff --git a/tools/springclean.cpp b/tools/springclean.cpp
index 878940a..2d89106 100644
--- a/tools/springclean.cpp
+++ b/tools/springclean.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <cstdio>
 #include "../data_structures/shared_memory_factory.hpp"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/SharedDataType.h"
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/shared_datatype.hpp"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
 void delete_region(const SharedDataType region)
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ int main()
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "----------------------";
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "This tool may put osrm-routed into an undefined state!";
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Type 'Y' to acknowledge that you know what your are doing.";
-        SimpleLogger().Write() << "\n\nDo you want to purge all shared memory allocated " <<
-                                  "by osrm-datastore? [type 'Y' to confirm]";
+        SimpleLogger().Write() << "\n\nDo you want to purge all shared memory allocated "
+                               << "by osrm-datastore? [type 'Y' to confirm]";
         const auto letter = getchar();
         if (letter != 'Y')
diff --git a/tools/unlock_all_mutexes.cpp b/tools/unlock_all_mutexes.cpp
index faef736..299aa61 100644
--- a/tools/unlock_all_mutexes.cpp
+++ b/tools/unlock_all_mutexes.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../Util/git_sha.hpp"
-#include "../Util/simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "../Server/DataStructures/SharedBarriers.h"
+#include "../util/git_sha.hpp"
+#include "../util/simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../server/data_structures/shared_barriers.hpp"
 #include <iostream>
diff --git a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp b/unit_tests/algorithm_tests.cpp
similarity index 96%
copy from UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
copy to unit_tests/algorithm_tests.cpp
index 216a713..0a9f3fd 100644
--- a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/algorithm_tests.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  * This file will contain an automatically generated main function.
diff --git a/UnitTests/Algorithms/DouglasPeuckerTest.cpp b/unit_tests/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
similarity index 74%
rename from UnitTests/Algorithms/DouglasPeuckerTest.cpp
rename to unit_tests/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
index 27818e5..9654e4d 100644
--- a/UnitTests/Algorithms/DouglasPeuckerTest.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/algorithms/douglas_peucker.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "../../algorithms/douglas_peucker.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/segment_information.hpp"
-#include "../../Include/osrm/Coordinate.h"
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
 #include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
 SegmentInformation getTestInfo(int lat, int lon, bool necessary)
-    return SegmentInformation(FixedPointCoordinate(lat, lon),
-                              0, 0, 0, TurnInstruction::HeadOn, necessary, false, 0);
+    return SegmentInformation(FixedPointCoordinate(lat, lon), 0, 0, 0, TurnInstruction::HeadOn,
+                              necessary, false, 0);
@@ -52,17 +53,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(all_necessary_test)
      *  /     \
      * x       x
-    std::vector<SegmentInformation> info = {
-        getTestInfo(5, 5, true),
-        getTestInfo(6, 6, true),
-        getTestInfo(10, 10, true),
-        getTestInfo(5, 15, true)
-    };
+    std::vector<SegmentInformation> info = {getTestInfo(5, 5, true),
+                                            getTestInfo(6, 6, true),
+                                            getTestInfo(10, 10, true),
+                                            getTestInfo(5, 15, true)};
     DouglasPeucker dp;
     for (unsigned z = 0; z < DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS.size(); z++)
         dp.Run(info, z);
-        for (const auto& i : info)
+        for (const auto &i : info)
             BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(i.necessary, true);
@@ -82,17 +81,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(remove_second_node_test)
          *        x
         std::vector<SegmentInformation> info = {
-            getTestInfo(5  * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
-                        5  * COORDINATE_PRECISION, true),
-            getTestInfo(5  * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
-                        5  * COORDINATE_PRECISION + DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS[z], false),
-            getTestInfo(10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
-                        10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, false),
+            getTestInfo(5 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, 5 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, true),
+            getTestInfo(5 * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
+                        5 * COORDINATE_PRECISION + DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS[z], false),
+            getTestInfo(10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, 10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, false),
             getTestInfo(10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
                         10 + COORDINATE_PRECISION + DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS[z] * 2, false),
-            getTestInfo(5  * COORDINATE_PRECISION,
-                        15 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, false),
+            getTestInfo(5 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, 15 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, false),
                         15 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, true),
         BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Threshold (" << z << "): " << DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_THRESHOLDS[z]);
diff --git a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp b/unit_tests/algorithms/duration_parsing.cpp
similarity index 50%
copy from UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
copy to unit_tests/algorithms/duration_parsing.cpp
index 216a713..ec3b819 100644
--- a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/algorithms/duration_parsing.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE algorithm tests
+#include "../../extractor/extraction_helper_functions.hpp"
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
- * This file will contain an automatically generated main function.
- */
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(durationIsValid("00:01"), true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(durationIsValid("00:01:01"), true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(durationIsValid("PT15M"), true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("00:01"), 600);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("00:01:01"), 610);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("01:01"), 36600);
+    // check all combinations of iso duration tokens
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT1M1S"), 610);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT1H1S"), 36010);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT15M"), 9000);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT15S"), 150);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT15H"), 540000);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT1H15M"), 45000);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT1H15M1S"), 45010);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT15m"), 9000);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parseDuration("PT1h15m"), 45000);
diff --git a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp b/unit_tests/algorithms/string_util.cpp
similarity index 52%
copy from UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
copy to unit_tests/algorithms/string_util.cpp
index 216a713..865ddd5 100644
--- a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/algorithms/string_util.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE algorithm tests
+#include "../../util/string_util.hpp"
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
- * This file will contain an automatically generated main function.
- */
+#include <iostream>
+    std::string input{"ababababababa"};
+    const std::string sub{"a"};
+    const std::string other{"c"};
+    replaceAll(input, sub, other);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(input, "cbcbcbcbcbcbc");
+    std::string input{"\b\\"};
+    std::string output{escape_JSON(input)};
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output, "\\b\\\\");
+    input = "Aleja \"Solidarnosci\"";
+    output = escape_JSON(input);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output, "Aleja \\\"Solidarnosci\\\"");
+    const std::string input{"\b\\"};
+    char buffer[12];
+    buffer[11] = 0; // zero termination
+    std::string output = printInt<11, 8>(buffer, 314158976);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output, "3.14158976");
+    buffer[11] = 0;
+    output = printInt<11, 8>(buffer, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output, "0.00000000");
+    output = printInt<11, 8>(buffer, -314158976);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(output, "-3.14158976");
diff --git a/UnitTests/data_structures/BinaryHeapTest.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/binary_heap.cpp
similarity index 98%
rename from UnitTests/data_structures/BinaryHeapTest.cpp
rename to unit_tests/data_structures/binary_heap.cpp
index 9cfdae2..d039710 100644
--- a/UnitTests/data_structures/BinaryHeapTest.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/binary_heap.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/coordinate.cpp
similarity index 62%
rename from UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
rename to unit_tests/data_structures/coordinate.cpp
index 216a713..6e89156 100644
--- a/UnitTests/algorithm_tests.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/coordinate.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE algorithm tests
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
- * This file will contain an automatically generated main function.
- */
+#include "../../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+// Regression test for bug captured in #1347
+    FixedPointCoordinate u(10 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, -100 * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    FixedPointCoordinate v(10.001 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, -100.002 * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    FixedPointCoordinate q(10.002 * COORDINATE_PRECISION, -100.001 * COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    float d1 = coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(u, v, q);
+    float ratio;
+    FixedPointCoordinate nearest_location;
+    float d2 = coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(u, v, q, nearest_location, ratio);
+    BOOST_CHECK_LE(std::abs(d1 - d2), 0.01f);
diff --git a/unit_tests/data_structures/dynamic_graph.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/dynamic_graph.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dc7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/dynamic_graph.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "../../data_structures/dynamic_graph.hpp"
+#include "../../util/make_unique.hpp"
+#include "../../typedefs.h"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
+#include <random>
+#include <unordered_map>
+struct TestData
+    EdgeID id;
+typedef DynamicGraph<TestData> TestDynamicGraph;
+typedef TestDynamicGraph::InputEdge TestInputEdge;
+    /*
+     *  (0) -1-> (1)
+     *  ^ ^
+     *  2 5
+     *  | |
+     *  (3) -3-> (4)
+     *      <-4-
+     */
+    std::vector<TestInputEdge> input_edges = {
+        TestInputEdge{0, 1, TestData{1}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 0, TestData{2}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 4, TestData{3}},
+        TestInputEdge{4, 3, TestData{4}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 0, TestData{5}}
+    };
+    TestDynamicGraph simple_graph(5, input_edges);
+    auto eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(0, 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(1, 0);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeInEitherDirection(1, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
+    bool reverse = false;
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(1, 0, reverse);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(reverse);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 1);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(0, 4);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 4);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 3);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeInEitherDirection(3, 4);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 3);
+    eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 2);
diff --git a/UnitTests/data_structures/RangeTableTest.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/range_table.cpp
similarity index 95%
rename from UnitTests/data_structures/RangeTableTest.cpp
rename to unit_tests/data_structures/range_table.cpp
index 9c92532..ec3b724 100644
--- a/UnitTests/data_structures/RangeTableTest.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/range_table.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ void ConstructionTest(std::vector<unsigned> lengths, std::vector<unsigned> offse
-ComputeLengthsOffsets(std::vector<unsigned> &lengths, std::vector<unsigned> &offsets, unsigned num)
+void ComputeLengthsOffsets(std::vector<unsigned> &lengths,
+                           std::vector<unsigned> &offsets,
+                           unsigned num)
     offsets.resize(num + 1);
diff --git a/UnitTests/data_structures/StaticGraphTest.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/static_graph.cpp
similarity index 75%
rename from UnitTests/data_structures/StaticGraphTest.cpp
rename to unit_tests/data_structures/static_graph.cpp
index 4f82f8e..ed303b7 100644
--- a/UnitTests/data_structures/StaticGraphTest.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/static_graph.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -40,15 +40,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(static_graph)
 struct TestData
     EdgeID id;
-    bool shortcut;
-    unsigned distance;
-struct TestEdge
-    unsigned source;
-    unsigned target;
-    unsigned distance;
 typedef StaticGraph<TestData> TestStaticGraph;
@@ -58,7 +49,7 @@ typedef TestStaticGraph::InputEdge TestInputEdge;
 constexpr unsigned TEST_NUM_NODES = 100;
 constexpr unsigned TEST_NUM_EDGES = 500;
-// Choosen by a fair W20 dice roll (this value is completely arbitrary)
+// Chosen by a fair W20 dice roll (this value is completely arbitrary)
 constexpr unsigned RANDOM_SEED = 15;
 template <unsigned NUM_NODES, unsigned NUM_EDGES> struct RandomArrayEntryFixture
@@ -94,8 +85,7 @@ template <unsigned NUM_NODES, unsigned NUM_EDGES> struct RandomArrayEntryFixture
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_EDGES; i++)
-                TestEdgeArrayEntry{static_cast<unsigned>(node_udist(g)),
-                                   TestData{i, false, static_cast<unsigned>(lengths_udist(g))}});
+                TestEdgeArrayEntry{static_cast<unsigned>(node_udist(g)), TestData{i}});
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; i++)
@@ -128,49 +118,37 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(array_test, TestRandomArrayEntryFixture)
-TestStaticGraph GraphFromEdgeList(const std::vector<TestEdge> &edges)
-    std::vector<TestInputEdge> input_edges;
-    unsigned i = 0;
-    unsigned num_nodes = 0;
-    for (const auto &e : edges)
-    {
-        input_edges.push_back(TestInputEdge{e.source, e.target, TestData{i++, false, e.distance}});
-        num_nodes = std::max(num_nodes, std::max(e.source, e.target));
-    }
-    return TestStaticGraph(num_nodes, input_edges);
      *  (0) -1-> (1)
      *  ^ ^
-     *  2 1
+     *  2 5
      *  | |
-     *  (3) -4-> (4)
-     *      <-3-
+     *  (3) -3-> (4)
+     *      <-4-
-    TestStaticGraph simple_graph = GraphFromEdgeList({TestEdge{0, 1, 1},
-                                                      TestEdge{3, 0, 2},
-                                                      TestEdge{3, 4, 4},
-                                                      TestEdge{4, 3, 3},
-                                                      TestEdge{3, 0, 1}});
+    std::vector<TestInputEdge> input_edges = {
+        TestInputEdge{0, 1, TestData{1}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 0, TestData{2}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 4, TestData{3}},
+        TestInputEdge{4, 3, TestData{4}},
+        TestInputEdge{3, 0, TestData{5}}
+    };
+    TestStaticGraph simple_graph(5, input_edges);
     auto eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(0, 1);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(1, 0);
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeInEitherDirection(1, 0);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
     bool reverse = false;
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(1, 0, reverse);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 1);
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 1);
@@ -179,13 +157,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(find_test)
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 4);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 2);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 3);
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdgeInEitherDirection(3, 4);
-    // I think this is wrong behaviour! Should be 3.
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 2);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 3);
     eit = simple_graph.FindEdge(3, 0);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 4);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(simple_graph.GetEdgeData(eit).id, 2);
diff --git a/UnitTests/data_structures/StaticRTreeTest.cpp b/unit_tests/data_structures/static_rtree.cpp
similarity index 88%
rename from UnitTests/data_structures/StaticRTreeTest.cpp
rename to unit_tests/data_structures/static_rtree.cpp
index cf3dfd0..42bc718 100644
--- a/UnitTests/data_structures/StaticRTreeTest.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/data_structures/static_rtree.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include "../../data_structures/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/static_rtree.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
 #include "../../data_structures/edge_based_node.hpp"
-#include "../../Util/floating_point.hpp"
+#include "../../util/floating_point.hpp"
 #include "../../typedefs.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
 #include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <random>
 #include <unordered_set>
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class LinearSearchNN
             const FixedPointCoordinate &start = coords->at(e.u);
             const FixedPointCoordinate &end = coords->at(e.v);
-            float distance = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+            float distance = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                 input_coordinate.lat, input_coordinate.lon, start.lat, start.lon);
             if (distance < min_dist)
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class LinearSearchNN
                 min_dist = distance;
-            distance = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+            distance = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                 input_coordinate.lat, input_coordinate.lon, end.lat, end.lon);
             if (distance < min_dist)
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ class LinearSearchNN
             float current_ratio = 0.;
             FixedPointCoordinate nearest;
             const float current_perpendicular_distance =
-                FixedPointCoordinate::ComputePerpendicularDistance(
+                coordinate_calculation::perpendicular_distance(
                     coords->at(e.u), coords->at(e.v), input_coordinate, nearest, current_ratio);
             if ((current_perpendicular_distance < min_dist) &&
@@ -148,9 +149,9 @@ class LinearSearchNN
                 result_phantom_node.location.lat = input_coordinate.lat;
-            const float distance_1 = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+            const float distance_1 = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                 coords->at(nearest_edge.u), result_phantom_node.location);
-            const float distance_2 = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+            const float distance_2 = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                 coords->at(nearest_edge.u), coords->at(nearest_edge.v));
             const float ratio = std::min(1.f, distance_1 / distance_2);
@@ -259,17 +260,17 @@ struct GraphFixture
 typedef RandomGraphFixture<TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * 3, TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE / 2>
+    TestRandomGraphFixture_LeafHalfFull;
 typedef RandomGraphFixture<TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * 5, TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE>
+    TestRandomGraphFixture_LeafFull;
 typedef RandomGraphFixture<TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * 10, TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * 2>
+    TestRandomGraphFixture_TwoLeaves;
 typedef RandomGraphFixture<TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * TEST_BRANCHING_FACTOR * 3,
                            TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * TEST_BRANCHING_FACTOR>
+    TestRandomGraphFixture_Branch;
 typedef RandomGraphFixture<TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * TEST_BRANCHING_FACTOR * 3,
                            TEST_LEAF_NODE_SIZE * TEST_BRANCHING_FACTOR * 2>
+    TestRandomGraphFixture_MultipleLevels;
 template <typename RTreeT>
 void simple_verify_rtree(RTreeT &rtree,
@@ -285,11 +286,11 @@ void simple_verify_rtree(RTreeT &rtree,
         bool found_u = rtree.LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(pu, result_u, 1);
         bool found_v = rtree.LocateClosestEndPointForCoordinate(pv, result_v, 1);
         BOOST_CHECK(found_u && found_v);
-        float dist_u = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-            result_u.lat, result_u.lon, pu.lat, pu.lon);
+        float dist_u =
+            coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(result_u.lat, result_u.lon, pu.lat, pu.lon);
         BOOST_CHECK_LE(dist_u, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
-        float dist_v = FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
-            result_v.lat, result_v.lon, pv.lat, pv.lon);
+        float dist_v =
+            coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(result_v.lat, result_v.lon, pv.lat, pv.lon);
         BOOST_CHECK_LE(dist_v, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ void build_rtree(const std::string &prefix,
     const std::string coords_path = prefix + ".nodes";
     boost::filesystem::ofstream node_stream(coords_path, std::ios::binary);
-    const unsigned num_nodes = fixture->nodes.size();
+    const auto num_nodes = static_cast<unsigned>(fixture->nodes.size());
     node_stream.write((char *)&num_nodes, sizeof(unsigned));
     node_stream.write((char *)&(fixture->nodes[0]), num_nodes * sizeof(QueryNode));
@@ -388,30 +389,31 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(regression_test)
     typedef std::pair<float, float> Coord;
     typedef std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> Edge;
-    GraphFixture fixture({
-                          Coord(40.0, 0.0),
-                          Coord(35.0, 5.0),
+    GraphFixture fixture(
+        {
+         Coord(40.0, 0.0),
+         Coord(35.0, 5.0),
-                          Coord(5.0, 5.0),
-                          Coord(0.0, 10.0),
+         Coord(5.0, 5.0),
+         Coord(0.0, 10.0),
-                          Coord(20.0, 10.0),
-                          Coord(20.0, 5.0),
+         Coord(20.0, 10.0),
+         Coord(20.0, 5.0),
-                          Coord(40.0, 100.0),
-                          Coord(35.0, 105.0),
+         Coord(40.0, 100.0),
+         Coord(35.0, 105.0),
-                          Coord(5.0, 105.0),
-                          Coord(0.0, 110.0),
-                         },
-                         {Edge(0, 1), Edge(2, 3), Edge(4, 5), Edge(6, 7), Edge(8, 9)});
+         Coord(5.0, 105.0),
+         Coord(0.0, 110.0),
+        },
+        {Edge(0, 1), Edge(2, 3), Edge(4, 5), Edge(6, 7), Edge(8, 9)});
     typedef StaticRTree<TestData, std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate>, false, 2, 3> MiniStaticRTree;
     std::string leaves_path;
     std::string nodes_path;
-    build_rtree<GraphFixture, MiniStaticRTree>(
-        "test_regression", &fixture, leaves_path, nodes_path);
+    build_rtree<GraphFixture, MiniStaticRTree>("test_regression", &fixture, leaves_path,
+                                               nodes_path);
     MiniStaticRTree rtree(nodes_path, leaves_path, fixture.coords);
     // query a node just right of the center of the gap
@@ -449,30 +451,30 @@ void TestRectangle(double width, double height, double center_lat, double center
     /* Distance to line segments of rectangle */
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           north, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.max_lat, north.lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           south, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.min_lat, south.lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           west, FixedPointCoordinate(west.lat, rect.min_lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           east, FixedPointCoordinate(east.lat, rect.max_lon)));
     /* Distance to corner points */
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           north_east, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.max_lat, rect.max_lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           north_west, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.max_lat, rect.min_lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           south_east, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.min_lat, rect.max_lon)));
-                      FixedPointCoordinate::ApproximateEuclideanDistance(
+                      coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance(
                           south_west, FixedPointCoordinate(rect.min_lat, rect.min_lon)));
diff --git a/UnitTests/datastructure_tests.cpp b/unit_tests/datastructure_tests.cpp
similarity index 96%
rename from UnitTests/datastructure_tests.cpp
rename to unit_tests/datastructure_tests.cpp
index ab39d8d..850d619 100644
--- a/UnitTests/datastructure_tests.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/datastructure_tests.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/bearing.cpp b/util/bearing.cpp
similarity index 70%
copy from Util/bearing.cpp
copy to util/bearing.cpp
index 1cdcf30..48fd7f9 100644
--- a/Util/bearing.cpp
+++ b/util/bearing.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "bearing.hpp"
-std::string Bearing::Get(const double heading)
+std::string bearing::get(const double heading) noexcept
+    if (heading <= 22.5)
+    {
+        return "N";
+    }
+    if (heading <= 67.5)
+    {
+        return "NE";
+    }
+    if (heading <= 112.5)
+    {
+        return "E";
+    }
+    if (heading <= 157.5)
+    {
+        return "SE";
+    }
     if (heading <= 202.5)
-        if (heading >= 0. && heading <= 22.5)
-        {
-            return "N";
-        }
-        if (heading > 22.5 && heading <= 67.5)
-        {
-            return "NE";
-        }
-        if (heading > 67.5 && heading <= 112.5)
-        {
-            return "E";
-        }
-        if (heading > 112.5 && heading <= 157.5)
-        {
-            return "SE";
-        }
         return "S";
-    if (heading > 202.5 && heading <= 247.5)
+    if (heading <= 247.5)
         return "SW";
-    if (heading > 247.5 && heading <= 292.5)
+    if (heading <= 292.5)
         return "W";
-    if (heading > 292.5 && heading <= 337.5)
+    if (heading <= 337.5)
         return "NW";
diff --git a/Util/bearing.hpp b/util/bearing.hpp
similarity index 87%
copy from Util/bearing.hpp
copy to util/bearing.hpp
index a30ec2f..8b16ebc 100644
--- a/Util/bearing.hpp
+++ b/util/bearing.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef BEARING_HPP_
-#define BEARING_HPP_
+#ifndef BEARING_HPP
+#define BEARING_HPP
 #include <string>
-struct Bearing
+struct bearing
-    static std::string Get(const double heading);
+    static std::string get(const double heading) noexcept;
-#endif // BEARING_HPP_
+#endif // BEARING_HPP
diff --git a/Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h b/util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h
rename to util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp
index aeab380..2e41abd 100644
--- a/Util/BoostFileSystemFix.h
+++ b/util/boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/cast.hpp b/util/cast.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from Util/cast.hpp
rename to util/cast.hpp
index 9d09761..6d6ff65 100644
--- a/Util/cast.hpp
+++ b/util/cast.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ struct cast
     // convert scoped enums to integers
     template <typename Enumeration>
-    static auto enum_to_underlying(Enumeration const value) -> typename std::underlying_type<Enumeration>::type
+    static auto enum_to_underlying(Enumeration const value) ->
+        typename std::underlying_type<Enumeration>::type
         return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<Enumeration>::type>(value);
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ struct cast
     // source: http://tinodidriksen.com/2011/05/28/cpp-convert-string-to-double-speed/
-    static double string_to_double(const char *p)
+    static double string_to_double(const char *p) noexcept
         double r = 0.0;
         bool neg = false;
@@ -145,13 +146,10 @@ struct cast
     template <typename T> struct scientific_policy : boost::spirit::karma::real_policies<T>
         //  we want the numbers always to be in fixed format
-        static int floatfield(T)
-        {
-            return boost::spirit::karma::real_policies<T>::fmtflags::fixed;
-        }
+        static int floatfield(T) { return boost::spirit::karma::real_policies<T>::fmtflags::fixed; }
         static unsigned int precision(T) { return 6; }
-    typedef boost::spirit::karma::real_generator<double, scientific_policy<double>> science_type;
+    using science_type = boost::spirit::karma::real_generator<double, scientific_policy<double>>;
     static std::string double_fixed_to_string(const double value)
@@ -174,8 +172,7 @@ struct cast
         return output;
-    static void double_with_two_digits_to_string(const double value,
-                                                              std::string &output)
+    static void double_with_two_digits_to_string(const double value, std::string &output)
         // The largest 32-bit integer is 4294967295, that is 10 chars
         // On the safe side, add 1 for sign, and 1 for trailing zero
diff --git a/Util/compute_angle.cpp b/util/compute_angle.cpp
similarity index 71%
rename from Util/compute_angle.cpp
rename to util/compute_angle.cpp
index b6350e4..8cd8aa4 100644
--- a/Util/compute_angle.cpp
+++ b/util/compute_angle.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "compute_angle.hpp"
-#include "TrigonometryTables.h"
-#include "../Util/MercatorUtil.h"
-#include <osrm/Coordinate.h>
+#include "trigonometry_table.hpp"
+#include "../util/mercator.hpp"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
 #include <cmath>
-double ComputeAngle::OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(const FixedPointCoordinate &A,
-                                                  const FixedPointCoordinate &C,
-                                                  const FixedPointCoordinate &B)
+double ComputeAngle::OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(const FixedPointCoordinate &first,
+                                                  const FixedPointCoordinate &second,
+                                                  const FixedPointCoordinate &third) noexcept
-    const double v1x = (A.lon - C.lon) / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const double v1y = lat2y(A.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION) - lat2y(C.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
-    const double v2x = (B.lon - C.lon) / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
-    const double v2y = lat2y(B.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION) - lat2y(C.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const double v1x = (first.lon - second.lon) / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double v1y = mercator::lat2y(first.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION) -
+                       mercator::lat2y(second.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+    const double v2x = (third.lon - second.lon) / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
+    const double v2y = mercator::lat2y(third.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION) -
+                       mercator::lat2y(second.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
     double angle = (atan2_lookup(v2y, v2x) - atan2_lookup(v1y, v1x)) * 180. / M_PI;
     while (angle < 0.)
diff --git a/Util/compute_angle.hpp b/util/compute_angle.hpp
similarity index 88%
rename from Util/compute_angle.hpp
rename to util/compute_angle.hpp
index 72c861a..da84caf 100644
--- a/Util/compute_angle.hpp
+++ b/util/compute_angle.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 struct FixedPointCoordinate;
-struct NodeInfo;
 struct ComputeAngle
-    /* Get angle of line segment (A,C)->(C,B), atan2 magic, formerly cosine theorem*/
-    static double OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(const FixedPointCoordinate &A,
-                                               const FixedPointCoordinate &C,
-                                               const FixedPointCoordinate &B);
+    // Get angle of line segment (A,C)->(C,B)
+    // atan2 magic, formerly cosine theorem
+    static double OfThreeFixedPointCoordinates(const FixedPointCoordinate &first,
+                                               const FixedPointCoordinate &second,
+                                               const FixedPointCoordinate &third) noexcept;
diff --git a/Util/container.hpp b/util/container.hpp
similarity index 62%
rename from Util/container.hpp
rename to util/container.hpp
index 343ebe9..d455e94 100644
--- a/Util/container.hpp
+++ b/util/container.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iterator>
 namespace osrm
-template <typename T> void sort_unique_resize(std::vector<T> &vector)
+namespace detail
-    std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
-    const auto number_of_unique_elements = std::unique(vector.begin(), vector.end()) - vector.begin();
-    vector.resize(number_of_unique_elements);
+// Culled by SFINAE if reserve does not exist or is not accessible
+template <typename T>
+constexpr auto has_resize_method(T &t) noexcept -> decltype(t.resize(0), bool())
+    return true;
+// Used as fallback when SFINAE culls the template method
+constexpr bool has_resize_method(...) noexcept { return false; }
+template <typename Container> void sort_unique_resize(Container &vector) noexcept
+    std::sort(std::begin(vector), std::end(vector));
+    const auto number_of_unique_elements =
+        std::unique(std::begin(vector), std::end(vector)) - std::begin(vector);
+    if (detail::has_resize_method(vector))
+    {
+        vector.resize(number_of_unique_elements);
+    }
 // template <typename T> inline void sort_unique_resize_shrink_vector(std::vector<T> &vector)
@@ -47,9 +64,11 @@ template <typename T> void sort_unique_resize(std::vector<T> &vector)
 //     vector.shrink_to_fit();
 // }
-// template <typename T> inline void remove_consecutive_duplicates_from_vector(std::vector<T> &vector)
+// template <typename T> inline void remove_consecutive_duplicates_from_vector(std::vector<T>
+// &vector)
 // {
-//     const auto number_of_unique_elements = std::unique(vector.begin(), vector.end()) - vector.begin();
+//     const auto number_of_unique_elements = std::unique(vector.begin(), vector.end()) -
+//     vector.begin();
 //     vector.resize(number_of_unique_elements);
 // }
@@ -67,7 +86,8 @@ Function for_each_pair(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, Function func
     while (next != end)
         function(*begin, *next);
-        begin = std::next(begin); next = std::next(next);
+        begin = std::next(begin);
+        next = std::next(next);
     return function;
@@ -78,5 +98,14 @@ Function for_each_pair(ContainerT &container, Function function)
     return for_each_pair(std::begin(container), std::end(container), function);
+template <class Container> void append_to_container(Container &&a) {}
+template <class Container, typename T, typename... Args>
+void append_to_container(Container &&container, T value, Args &&... args)
+    container.emplace_back(value);
+    append_to_container(std::forward<Container>(container), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-#endif /* CONTAINER_HPP_ */
+} // namespace osrm
+#endif /* CONTAINER_HPP */
diff --git a/Util/DataStoreOptions.h b/util/datastore_options.hpp
similarity index 89%
rename from Util/DataStoreOptions.h
rename to util/datastore_options.hpp
index 389c723..76edc78 100644
--- a/Util/DataStoreOptions.h
+++ b/util/datastore_options.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "BoostFileSystemFix.h"
+#include "boost_filesystem_2_fix.hpp"
 #include "git_sha.hpp"
-#include "IniFileUtil.h"
+#include "ini_file.hpp"
 #include "osrm_exception.hpp"
 #include "simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
+#include <osrm/server_paths.hpp>
 #include <boost/any.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
@@ -47,34 +47,29 @@ bool GenerateDataStoreOptions(const int argc, const char *argv[], ServerPaths &p
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed only on command line
     boost::program_options::options_description generic_options("Options");
-    generic_options.add_options()("version,v", "Show version")("help,h", "Show this help message")
-        ("springclean,s", "Remove all regions in shared memory")("config,c",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["config"])
-            ->default_value("server.ini"),
+    generic_options.add_options()("version,v", "Show version")("help,h", "Show this help message")(
+        "springclean,s", "Remove all regions in shared memory")(
+        "config,c", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["config"])
+                        ->default_value("server.ini"),
         "Path to a configuration file");
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed both on command line
     // as well as in a config file
     boost::program_options::options_description config_options("Configuration");
-        "hsgrdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["hsgrdata"]),
+        "hsgrdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["hsgrdata"]),
         ".hsgr file")("nodesdata",
                       ".nodes file")(
-        "edgesdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["edgesdata"]),
+        "edgesdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["edgesdata"]),
         ".edges file")("geometry",
                        ".geometry file")(
-        "ramindex",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["ramindex"]),
+        "ramindex", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["ramindex"]),
         ".ramIndex file")(
-        "fileindex",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["fileindex"]),
+        "fileindex", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["fileindex"]),
         ".fileIndex file")(
-        "namesdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["namesdata"]),
+        "namesdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["namesdata"]),
         ".names file")("timestamp",
                        ".timestamp file");
@@ -83,8 +78,7 @@ bool GenerateDataStoreOptions(const int argc, const char *argv[], ServerPaths &p
     // file, but will not be shown to the user
     boost::program_options::options_description hidden_options("Hidden options");
-        "base,b",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["base"]),
+        "base,b", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["base"]),
         "base path to .osrm file");
     // positional option
@@ -157,7 +151,7 @@ bool GenerateDataStoreOptions(const int argc, const char *argv[], ServerPaths &p
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Reading options from: " << path_iterator->second.string();
-        std::string ini_file_contents = ReadIniFileAndLowerContents(path_iterator->second);
+        std::string ini_file_contents = read_file_lower_content(path_iterator->second);
         std::stringstream config_stream(ini_file_contents);
         boost::program_options::store(parse_config_file(config_stream, config_file_options),
@@ -276,4 +270,4 @@ bool GenerateDataStoreOptions(const int argc, const char *argv[], ServerPaths &p
     return true;
-#endif /* DATA_STORE_OPTIONS_H */
diff --git a/Util/git_sha.hpp b/util/fingerprint.cpp
similarity index 93%
copy from Util/git_sha.hpp
copy to util/fingerprint.cpp
index d1f18a6..8c7ab40 100644
--- a/Util/git_sha.hpp
+++ b/util/fingerprint.cpp
-#ifndef GIT_SHA_HPP
-#define GIT_SHA_HPP
-extern char g_GIT_DESCRIPTION[];
-#endif //GIT_SHA_HPP
+#include "fingerprint.hpp"
+#include "fingerprint_impl.hpp"
diff --git a/Util/FingerPrint.h b/util/fingerprint.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from Util/FingerPrint.h
rename to util/fingerprint.hpp
index 5fd04b6..82eb136 100644
--- a/Util/FingerPrint.h
+++ b/util/fingerprint.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class FingerPrint
-    FingerPrint(const FingerPrint&) = delete;
+    FingerPrint(const FingerPrint &) = delete;
     const boost::uuids::uuid &GetFingerPrint() const;
     bool IsMagicNumberOK() const;
diff --git a/Util/finger_print.cpp.in b/util/fingerprint_impl.hpp.in
similarity index 97%
rename from Util/finger_print.cpp.in
rename to util/fingerprint_impl.hpp.in
index c73756e..9259afd 100644
--- a/Util/finger_print.cpp.in
+++ b/util/fingerprint_impl.hpp.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "FingerPrint.h"
 #include "osrm_exception.hpp"
 #include <boost/uuid/name_generator.hpp>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <string>
diff --git a/Util/floating_point.hpp b/util/floating_point.hpp
similarity index 96%
copy from Util/floating_point.hpp
copy to util/floating_point.hpp
index 5c48102..13f2d3b 100644
--- a/Util/floating_point.hpp
+++ b/util/floating_point.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in b/util/git_sha.cpp.in
similarity index 96%
rename from Util/git_sha.cpp.in
rename to util/git_sha.cpp.in
index 5b19337..e3686da 100644
--- a/Util/git_sha.cpp.in
+++ b/util/git_sha.cpp.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/git_sha.hpp b/util/git_sha.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from Util/git_sha.hpp
rename to util/git_sha.hpp
index d1f18a6..b0a9a7c 100644
--- a/Util/git_sha.hpp
+++ b/util/git_sha.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 extern char g_GIT_DESCRIPTION[];
-#endif //GIT_SHA_HPP
+#endif // GIT_SHA_HPP
diff --git a/util/graph_loader.hpp b/util/graph_loader.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d741334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/graph_loader.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "fingerprint.hpp"
+#include "osrm_exception.hpp"
+#include "simple_logger.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/external_memory_node.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/import_edge.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/query_node.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/restriction.hpp"
+#include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <tbb/parallel_sort.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+template <typename EdgeT>
+NodeID read_undirected_osrm_stream(std::istream &input_stream,
+                                   std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list,
+                                   std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> &coordinate_list)
+    const FingerPrint fingerprint_orig;
+    FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded), sizeof(FingerPrint));
+    if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
+    {
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".osrm was prepared with different build.\n"
+                                            "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
+    }
+    std::unordered_map<NodeID, NodeID> ext_to_int_id_map;
+    NodeID n;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&n), sizeof(NodeID));
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Importing n = " << n << " nodes ";
+    ExternalMemoryNode current_node;
+    for (NodeID i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+    {
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&current_node), sizeof(ExternalMemoryNode));
+        coordinate_list.emplace_back(current_node.lat, current_node.lon);
+        ext_to_int_id_map.emplace(current_node.node_id, i);
+        // if (current_node.barrier)
+        // {
+        //     barrier_node_list.emplace_back(i);
+        // }
+        // if (current_node.traffic_lights)
+        // {
+        //     traffic_light_node_list.emplace_back(i);
+        // }
+    }
+    // tighten vector sizes
+    // barrier_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    // traffic_light_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    // renumber nodes in turn restrictions
+    // for (TurnRestriction &current_restriction : restriction_list)
+    // {
+    //     auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.from.node);
+    //     if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+    //     {
+    //         SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped from node " <<
+    //         current_restriction.from.node
+    //                                        << " of restriction";
+    //         continue;
+    //     }
+    //     current_restriction.from.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+    //     internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.via.node);
+    //     if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+    //     {
+    //         SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped via node " <<
+    //         current_restriction.via.node
+    //                                        << " of restriction";
+    //         continue;
+    //     }
+    //     current_restriction.via.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+    //     internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.to.node);
+    //     if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+    //     {
+    //         SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped to node " << current_restriction.to.node
+    //                                        << " of restriction";
+    //         continue;
+    //     }
+    //     current_restriction.to.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+    // }
+    EdgeWeight weight;
+    NodeID source, target;
+    unsigned nameID;
+    int length;
+    short dir; // direction (0 = open, 1 = forward, 2+ = open)
+    bool is_roundabout, ignore_in_grid, is_access_restricted, is_split;
+    TravelMode travel_mode;
+    EdgeID m;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m), sizeof(unsigned));
+    edge_list.reserve(m);
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << " and " << m << " edges ";
+    for (EdgeID i = 0; i < m; ++i)
+    {
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&source), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&target), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&length), sizeof(int));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&dir), sizeof(short));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&weight), sizeof(int));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&nameID), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_roundabout), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ignore_in_grid), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_access_restricted), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&travel_mode), sizeof(TravelMode));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_split), sizeof(bool));
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(length > 0, "loaded null length edge");
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(weight > 0, "loaded null weight");
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 <= dir && dir <= 2, "loaded bogus direction");
+        // bool forward = true;
+        // bool backward = true;
+        // if (1 == dir)
+        // {
+        //     backward = false;
+        // }
+        // if (2 == dir)
+        // {
+        //     forward = false;
+        // }
+        // translate the external NodeIDs to internal IDs
+        auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(source);
+        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(source) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << " unresolved source NodeID: " << source;
+            continue;
+        }
+        source = internal_id_iter->second;
+        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(target);
+        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(target) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "unresolved target NodeID : " << target;
+            continue;
+        }
+        target = internal_id_iter->second;
+                         "nonexisting source or target");
+        if (source > target)
+        {
+            std::swap(source, target);
+            // std::swap(forward, backward);
+        }
+        edge_list.emplace_back(source, target);
+    }
+    ext_to_int_id_map.clear();
+    tbb::parallel_sort(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end());
+    // for (unsigned i = 1; i < edge_list.size(); ++i)
+    // {
+    //     if ((edge_list[i - 1].target == edge_list[i].target) &&
+    //         (edge_list[i - 1].source == edge_list[i].source))
+    //     {
+    //         const bool edge_flags_equivalent = (edge_list[i - 1].forward == edge_list[i].forward)
+    //         &&
+    //                                            (edge_list[i - 1].backward ==
+    //                                            edge_list[i].backward);
+    //         const bool edge_flags_are_superset1 =
+    //             (edge_list[i - 1].forward && edge_list[i - 1].backward) &&
+    //             (edge_list[i].forward != edge_list[i].backward);
+    //         const bool edge_flags_are_superset_2 =
+    //             (edge_list[i].forward && edge_list[i].backward) &&
+    //             (edge_list[i - 1].forward != edge_list[i - 1].backward);
+    //         if (edge_flags_equivalent)
+    //         {
+    //             edge_list[i].weight = std::min(edge_list[i - 1].weight, edge_list[i].weight);
+    //             edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+    //         }
+    //         else if (edge_flags_are_superset1)
+    //         {
+    //             if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
+    //             {
+    //                 // edge i-1 is smaller and goes in both directions. Throw away the other edge
+    //                 edge_list[i].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+    //             }
+    //             else
+    //             {
+    //                 // edge i-1 is open in both directions, but edge i is smaller in one
+    //                 direction.
+    //                 // Close edge i-1 in this direction
+    //                 edge_list[i - 1].forward = !edge_list[i].forward;
+    //                 edge_list[i - 1].backward = !edge_list[i].backward;
+    //             }
+    //         }
+    //         else if (edge_flags_are_superset_2)
+    //         {
+    //             if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
+    //             {
+    //                 // edge i-1 is smaller for one direction. edge i is open in both. close edge
+    //                 i
+    //                 // in the other direction
+    //                 edge_list[i].forward = !edge_list[i - 1].forward;
+    //                 edge_list[i].backward = !edge_list[i - 1].backward;
+    //             }
+    //             else
+    //             {
+    //                 // edge i is smaller and goes in both direction. Throw away edge i-1
+    //                 edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+    //             }
+    //         }
+    //     }
+    // }
+    // const auto new_end_iter =
+    //     std::remove_if(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end(), [](const EdgeT &edge)
+    //                    {
+    //                        return edge.source == SPECIAL_NODEID || edge.target == SPECIAL_NODEID;
+    //                    });
+    // edge_list.erase(new_end_iter, edge_list.end()); // remove excess candidates.
+    // edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Graph loaded ok and has " << edge_list.size() << " edges";
+    return n;
+template <typename EdgeT>
+NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &input_stream,
+                                     std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list,
+                                     std::vector<NodeID> &barrier_node_list,
+                                     std::vector<NodeID> &traffic_light_node_list,
+                                     std::vector<QueryNode> *int_to_ext_node_id_map,
+                                     std::vector<TurnRestriction> &restriction_list)
+    const FingerPrint fingerprint_orig;
+    FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded), sizeof(FingerPrint));
+    if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
+    {
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".osrm was prepared with different build.\n"
+                                            "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
+    }
+    std::unordered_map<NodeID, NodeID> ext_to_int_id_map;
+    NodeID n;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&n), sizeof(NodeID));
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Importing n = " << n << " nodes ";
+    ExternalMemoryNode current_node;
+    for (NodeID i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+    {
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&current_node), sizeof(ExternalMemoryNode));
+        int_to_ext_node_id_map->emplace_back(current_node.lat, current_node.lon,
+                                             current_node.node_id);
+        ext_to_int_id_map.emplace(current_node.node_id, i);
+        if (current_node.barrier)
+        {
+            barrier_node_list.emplace_back(i);
+        }
+        if (current_node.traffic_lights)
+        {
+            traffic_light_node_list.emplace_back(i);
+        }
+    }
+    // tighten vector sizes
+    barrier_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    traffic_light_node_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    // renumber nodes in turn restrictions
+    for (TurnRestriction &current_restriction : restriction_list)
+    {
+        auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.from.node);
+        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped from node " << current_restriction.from.node
+                                           << " of restriction";
+            continue;
+        }
+        current_restriction.from.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.via.node);
+        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped via node " << current_restriction.via.node
+                                           << " of restriction";
+            continue;
+        }
+        current_restriction.via.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(current_restriction.to.node);
+        if (internal_id_iter == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "Unmapped to node " << current_restriction.to.node
+                                           << " of restriction";
+            continue;
+        }
+        current_restriction.to.node = internal_id_iter->second;
+    }
+    EdgeWeight weight;
+    NodeID source, target;
+    unsigned nameID;
+    int length;
+    short dir; // direction (0 = open, 1 = forward, 2+ = open)
+    bool is_roundabout, ignore_in_grid, is_access_restricted, is_split;
+    TravelMode travel_mode;
+    EdgeID m;
+    input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m), sizeof(unsigned));
+    edge_list.reserve(m);
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << " and " << m << " edges ";
+    for (EdgeID i = 0; i < m; ++i)
+    {
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&source), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&target), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&length), sizeof(int));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&dir), sizeof(short));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&weight), sizeof(int));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&nameID), sizeof(unsigned));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_roundabout), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ignore_in_grid), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_access_restricted), sizeof(bool));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&travel_mode), sizeof(TravelMode));
+        input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is_split), sizeof(bool));
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(length > 0, "loaded null length edge");
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(weight > 0, "loaded null weight");
+        BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 <= dir && dir <= 2, "loaded bogus direction");
+        bool forward = true;
+        bool backward = true;
+        if (1 == dir)
+        {
+            backward = false;
+        }
+        if (2 == dir)
+        {
+            forward = false;
+        }
+        // translate the external NodeIDs to internal IDs
+        auto internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(source);
+        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(source) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << " unresolved source NodeID: " << source;
+            continue;
+        }
+        source = internal_id_iter->second;
+        internal_id_iter = ext_to_int_id_map.find(target);
+        if (ext_to_int_id_map.find(target) == ext_to_int_id_map.end())
+        {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+            SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "unresolved target NodeID : " << target;
+            continue;
+        }
+        target = internal_id_iter->second;
+                         "nonexisting source or target");
+        if (source > target)
+        {
+            std::swap(source, target);
+            std::swap(forward, backward);
+        }
+        edge_list.emplace_back(source, target, nameID, weight, forward, backward, is_roundabout,
+                               ignore_in_grid, is_access_restricted, travel_mode, is_split);
+    }
+    ext_to_int_id_map.clear();
+    tbb::parallel_sort(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end());
+    for (unsigned i = 1; i < edge_list.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        if ((edge_list[i - 1].target == edge_list[i].target) &&
+            (edge_list[i - 1].source == edge_list[i].source))
+        {
+            const bool edge_flags_equivalent = (edge_list[i - 1].forward == edge_list[i].forward) &&
+                                               (edge_list[i - 1].backward == edge_list[i].backward);
+            const bool edge_flags_are_superset1 =
+                (edge_list[i - 1].forward && edge_list[i - 1].backward) &&
+                (edge_list[i].forward != edge_list[i].backward);
+            const bool edge_flags_are_superset_2 =
+                (edge_list[i].forward && edge_list[i].backward) &&
+                (edge_list[i - 1].forward != edge_list[i - 1].backward);
+            if (edge_flags_equivalent)
+            {
+                edge_list[i].weight = std::min(edge_list[i - 1].weight, edge_list[i].weight);
+                edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+            }
+            else if (edge_flags_are_superset1)
+            {
+                if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
+                {
+                    // edge i-1 is smaller and goes in both directions. Throw away the other edge
+                    edge_list[i].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // edge i-1 is open in both directions, but edge i is smaller in one direction.
+                    // Close edge i-1 in this direction
+                    edge_list[i - 1].forward = !edge_list[i].forward;
+                    edge_list[i - 1].backward = !edge_list[i].backward;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (edge_flags_are_superset_2)
+            {
+                if (edge_list[i - 1].weight <= edge_list[i].weight)
+                {
+                    // edge i-1 is smaller for one direction. edge i is open in both. close edge i
+                    // in the other direction
+                    edge_list[i].forward = !edge_list[i - 1].forward;
+                    edge_list[i].backward = !edge_list[i - 1].backward;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // edge i is smaller and goes in both direction. Throw away edge i-1
+                    edge_list[i - 1].source = SPECIAL_NODEID;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    const auto new_end_iter =
+        std::remove_if(edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end(), [](const EdgeT &edge)
+                       {
+                           return edge.source == SPECIAL_NODEID || edge.target == SPECIAL_NODEID;
+                       });
+    edge_list.erase(new_end_iter, edge_list.end()); // remove excess candidates.
+    edge_list.shrink_to_fit();
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "Graph loaded ok and has " << edge_list.size() << " edges";
+    return n;
+template <typename NodeT, typename EdgeT>
+unsigned readHSGRFromStream(const boost::filesystem::path &hsgr_file,
+                            std::vector<NodeT> &node_list,
+                            std::vector<EdgeT> &edge_list,
+                            unsigned *check_sum)
+    if (!boost::filesystem::exists(hsgr_file))
+    {
+        throw osrm::exception("hsgr file does not exist");
+    }
+    if (0 == boost::filesystem::file_size(hsgr_file))
+    {
+        throw osrm::exception("hsgr file is empty");
+    }
+    boost::filesystem::ifstream hsgr_input_stream(hsgr_file, std::ios::binary);
+    FingerPrint fingerprint_loaded, fingerprint_orig;
+    hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fingerprint_loaded), sizeof(FingerPrint));
+    if (!fingerprint_loaded.TestGraphUtil(fingerprint_orig))
+    {
+        SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << ".hsgr was prepared with different build.\n"
+                                            "Reprocess to get rid of this warning.";
+    }
+    unsigned number_of_nodes = 0;
+    unsigned number_of_edges = 0;
+    hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(check_sum), sizeof(unsigned));
+    hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&number_of_nodes), sizeof(unsigned));
+    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != number_of_nodes, "number of nodes is zero");
+    hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&number_of_edges), sizeof(unsigned));
+    SimpleLogger().Write() << "number_of_nodes: " << number_of_nodes
+                           << ", number_of_edges: " << number_of_edges;
+    // BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( 0 != number_of_edges, "number of edges is zero");
+    node_list.resize(number_of_nodes);
+    hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&node_list[0]),
+                           number_of_nodes * sizeof(NodeT));
+    edge_list.resize(number_of_edges);
+    if (number_of_edges > 0)
+    {
+        hsgr_input_stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&edge_list[0]),
+                               number_of_edges * sizeof(EdgeT));
+    }
+    hsgr_input_stream.close();
+    return number_of_nodes;
diff --git a/Util/IniFileUtil.h b/util/ini_file.hpp
similarity index 74%
rename from Util/IniFileUtil.h
rename to util/ini_file.hpp
index ea1d7a1..b42f9ae 100644
--- a/Util/IniFileUtil.h
+++ b/util/ini_file.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef INI_FILE_UTIL_H
-#define INI_FILE_UTIL_H
+#ifndef INI_FILE_HPP
+#define INI_FILE_HPP
 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
-#include <boost/regex.hpp>
-#include <regex>
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <string>
 // support old capitalized option names by down-casing them with a regex replace
-inline std::string ReadIniFileAndLowerContents(const boost::filesystem::path &path)
+std::string read_file_lower_content(const boost::filesystem::path &path)
     boost::filesystem::fstream config_stream(path);
     std::string ini_file_content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(config_stream)),
-                          std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
-    boost::regex regex( "^([^=]*)" ); //match from start of line to '='
-    std::string format( "\\L$1\\E" ); //replace with downcased substring
-    return boost::regex_replace( ini_file_content, regex, format );
+                                 std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
+    std::transform(std::begin(ini_file_content), std::end(ini_file_content),
+                   std::begin(ini_file_content), ::tolower);
+    return ini_file_content;
-#endif // INI_FILE_UTIL_H
+#endif // INI_FILE_HPP
diff --git a/Util/integer_range.hpp b/util/integer_range.hpp
similarity index 71%
rename from Util/integer_range.hpp
rename to util/integer_range.hpp
index 030b2fa..46b69ba 100644
--- a/Util/integer_range.hpp
+++ b/util/integer_range.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013,2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -40,28 +40,30 @@ template <typename Integer> class range
     Integer iter;
-    range(Integer start, Integer end) : last(end), iter(start)
+    range(Integer start, Integer end) noexcept : last(end), iter(start)
         static_assert(std::is_integral<Integer>::value, "range type must be integral");
     // Iterable functions
-    const range &begin() const { return *this; }
-    const range &end() const { return *this; }
-    Integer front() const { return iter; }
-    Integer back() const { return last - 1; }
+    const range &begin() const noexcept { return *this; }
+    const range &end() const noexcept { return *this; }
+    Integer front() const noexcept { return iter; }
+    Integer back() const noexcept { return last - 1; }
+    Integer size() const noexcept { return last - iter; }
     // Iterator functions
-    bool operator!=(const range &) const { return iter < last; }
-    void operator++() { ++iter; }
-    Integer operator*() const { return iter; }
+    bool operator!=(const range &) const noexcept { return iter < last; }
+    void operator++() noexcept { ++iter; }
+    Integer operator*() const noexcept { return iter; }
 // convenience function to construct an integer range with type deduction
 template <typename Integer>
-range<Integer> irange(const Integer first,
-                      const Integer last,
-                      typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type * = 0)
+irange(const Integer first,
+       const Integer last,
+       typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type * = 0) noexcept
     return range<Integer>(first, last);
diff --git a/util/iso_8601_duration_parser.hpp b/util/iso_8601_duration_parser.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1981c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/iso_8601_duration_parser.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+template <typename Iterator> struct iso_8601_grammar : qi::grammar<Iterator>
+    iso_8601_grammar()
+        : iso_8601_grammar::base_type(iso_period), temp(0), hours(0), minutes(0), seconds(0)
+    {
+        iso_period = qi::lit('P') >> qi::lit('T') >>
+                     ((value >> hour >> value >> minute >> value >> second) |
+                      (value >> hour >> value >> minute) | (value >> hour >> value >> second) |
+                      (value >> hour) | (value >> minute >> value >> second) | (value >> minute) |
+                      (value >> second));
+        value = qi::uint_[boost::bind(&iso_8601_grammar<Iterator>::set_temp, this, ::_1)];
+        second = (qi::lit('s') |
+                  qi::lit('S'))[boost::bind(&iso_8601_grammar<Iterator>::set_seconds, this)];
+        minute = (qi::lit('m') |
+                  qi::lit('M'))[boost::bind(&iso_8601_grammar<Iterator>::set_minutes, this)];
+        hour = (qi::lit('h') |
+                qi::lit('H'))[boost::bind(&iso_8601_grammar<Iterator>::set_hours, this)];
+    }
+    qi::rule<Iterator> iso_period;
+    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> value, hour, minute, second;
+    unsigned temp;
+    unsigned hours;
+    unsigned minutes;
+    unsigned seconds;
+    void set_temp(unsigned number) { temp = number; }
+    void set_hours()
+    {
+        if (temp < 24)
+        {
+            hours = temp;
+        }
+    }
+    void set_minutes()
+    {
+        if (temp < 60)
+        {
+            minutes = temp;
+        }
+    }
+    void set_seconds()
+    {
+        if (temp < 60)
+        {
+            seconds = temp;
+        }
+    }
+    unsigned get_duration() const
+    {
+        unsigned temp = 10 * (3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds);
+        if (temp == 0)
+        {
+            temp = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
+        }
+        return temp;
+    }
diff --git a/Util/iterator_range.hpp b/util/iterator_range.hpp
similarity index 60%
rename from Util/iterator_range.hpp
rename to util/iterator_range.hpp
index a057d7c..f4fa4f8 100644
--- a/Util/iterator_range.hpp
+++ b/util/iterator_range.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef RANGE_HPP_
-#define RANGE_HPP_
 namespace osrm
-namespace util
-template <typename Iterator> class Range
+template <typename Iterator> class iter_range
-    Range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
+    iter_range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) noexcept : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
-    Iterator begin() const { return begin_; }
-    Iterator end() const { return end_; }
+    Iterator begin() const noexcept { return begin_; }
+    Iterator end() const noexcept { return end_; }
     Iterator begin_;
@@ -48,25 +46,26 @@ template <typename Iterator> class Range
 // Convenience functions for template parameter inference,
 // akin to std::make_pair.
-template <typename Iterator> Range<Iterator> range(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+template <typename Iterator>
+iter_range<Iterator> integer_range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) noexcept
-    return Range<Iterator>(begin, end);
+    return iter_range<Iterator>(begin, end);
 template <typename Reversable>
-Range<typename Reversable::reverse_iterator> reverse(Reversable *reversable)
+iter_range<typename Reversable::reverse_iterator> reverse(Reversable *reversable) noexcept
-    return Range<typename Reversable::reverse_iterator>(reversable->rbegin(), reversable->rend());
+    return iter_range<typename Reversable::reverse_iterator>(reversable->rbegin(),
+                                                             reversable->rend());
 template <typename ConstReversable>
-Range<typename ConstReversable::const_reverse_iterator>
-const_reverse(const ConstReversable *const_reversable)
+iter_range<typename ConstReversable::const_reverse_iterator>
+const_reverse(const ConstReversable *const_reversable) noexcept
-    return Range<typename ConstReversable::const_reverse_iterator>(const_reversable->crbegin(),
-                                                                   const_reversable->crend());
+    return iter_range<typename ConstReversable::const_reverse_iterator>(const_reversable->crbegin(),
+                                                                        const_reversable->crend());
-#endif // RANGE_HPP_
diff --git a/Util/bearing.cpp b/util/json_logger.hpp
similarity index 57%
rename from Util/bearing.cpp
rename to util/json_logger.hpp
index 1cdcf30..b7de7cb 100644
--- a/Util/bearing.cpp
+++ b/util/json_logger.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "bearing.hpp"
-std::string Bearing::Get(const double heading)
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+namespace osrm
-    if (heading <= 202.5)
+namespace json
+// Used to append additional debugging information to the JSON response in a
+// thread safe manner.
+class Logger
+    using MapT = std::unordered_map<std::string, osrm::json::Value>;
+  public:
+    static Logger* get()
-        if (heading >= 0. && heading <= 22.5)
-        {
-            return "N";
-        }
-        if (heading > 22.5 && heading <= 67.5)
-        {
-            return "NE";
-        }
-        if (heading > 67.5 && heading <= 112.5)
-        {
-            return "E";
-        }
-        if (heading > 112.5 && heading <= 157.5)
+        static Logger logger;
+        bool return_logger = true;
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+        return_logger = false;
+        return_logger = true;
+        if (return_logger)
-            return "SE";
+            return &logger;
-        return "S";
-    }
-    if (heading > 202.5 && heading <= 247.5)
-    {
-        return "SW";
+        return nullptr;
-    if (heading > 247.5 && heading <= 292.5)
+    void initialize(const std::string& name)
-        return "W";
+        if (!map.get())
+        {
+            map.reset(new MapT());
+        }
+        (*map)[name] = Object();
-    if (heading > 292.5 && heading <= 337.5)
+    void render(const std::string& name, Object& obj) const
-        return "NW";
+        obj.values["debug"] = map->at(name);
-    return "N";
+    boost::thread_specific_ptr<MapT> map;
+#endif /* JSON_LOGGER_HPP */
diff --git a/Util/json_renderer.hpp b/util/json_renderer.hpp
similarity index 91%
rename from Util/json_renderer.hpp
rename to util/json_renderer.hpp
index dd6089c..e5bbf6f 100644
--- a/Util/json_renderer.hpp
+++ b/util/json_renderer.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
 #include "cast.hpp"
+#include "string_util.hpp"
-namespace JSON {
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+namespace osrm
+namespace json
 struct Renderer : mapbox::util::static_visitor<>
     explicit Renderer(std::ostream &_out) : out(_out) {}
-    void operator()(const String &string) const { out << "\"" << string.value << "\""; }
+    void operator()(const String &string) const
+    {
+        out << "\"";
+        out << escape_JSON(string.value);
+        out << "\"";
+    }
     void operator()(const Number &number) const
@@ -97,7 +107,8 @@ struct ArrayRenderer : mapbox::util::static_visitor<>
     void operator()(const String &string) const
-        out.insert(out.end(), string.value.begin(), string.value.end());
+        const auto string_to_insert = escape_JSON(string.value);
+        out.insert(std::end(out), std::begin(string_to_insert), std::end(string_to_insert));
@@ -177,6 +188,6 @@ inline void render(std::vector<char> &out, const Object &object)
     mapbox::util::apply_visitor(ArrayRenderer(out), value);
-} // namespace JSON
+} // namespace json
+} // namespace osrm
diff --git a/util/json_util.hpp b/util/json_util.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb8a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/json_util.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#ifndef JSON_UTIL_HPP
+#define JSON_UTIL_HPP
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+namespace osrm
+namespace json
+// Make sure we don't have inf and NaN values
+template <typename T> T clamp_float(T d)
+    if (std::isnan(d) || std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() == d)
+    {
+        return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+    }
+    if (-std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() == d)
+    {
+        return std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
+    }
+    return d;
+template <typename... Args> osrm::json::Array make_array(Args... args)
+    osrm::json::Array a;
+    append_to_container(a.values, args...);
+    return a;
+template <typename T> osrm::json::Array make_array(const std::vector<T> &vector)
+    osrm::json::Array a;
+    for (const auto &v : vector)
+    {
+        a.values.emplace_back(v);
+    }
+    return a;
+// template specialization needed as clang does not play nice
+template <> osrm::json::Array make_array(const std::vector<bool> &vector)
+    osrm::json::Array a;
+    for (const bool v : vector)
+    {
+        a.values.emplace_back(v);
+    }
+    return a;
+// Easy acces to object hierachies
+osrm::json::Value &get(osrm::json::Value &value) { return value; }
+template <typename... Keys>
+osrm::json::Value &get(osrm::json::Value &value, const char *key, Keys... keys)
+    using recursive_object_t = mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper<osrm::json::Object>;
+    return get(value.get<recursive_object_t>().get().values[key], keys...);
+template <typename... Keys>
+osrm::json::Value &get(osrm::json::Value &value, unsigned key, Keys... keys)
+    using recursive_array_t = mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper<osrm::json::Array>;
+    return get(value.get<recursive_array_t>().get().values[key], keys...);
+} // namespace json
+} // namespace osrm
+#endif // JSON_UTIL_HPP
diff --git a/Util/lua_util.hpp b/util/lua_util.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from Util/lua_util.hpp
rename to util/lua_util.hpp
index f367949..af6277c 100644
--- a/Util/lua_util.hpp
+++ b/util/lua_util.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/make_unique.hpp b/util/make_unique.hpp
similarity index 51%
rename from Util/make_unique.hpp
rename to util/make_unique.hpp
index 07786fe..83e2301 100644
--- a/Util/make_unique.hpp
+++ b/util/make_unique.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 namespace osrm
-// Taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn439780.asp
-// Note, that the snippet was broken there and needed minor massaging
+// Implement make_unique according to N3656. Taken from libcxx's implementation
-// make_unique<T>
-template <class T, class... Types> std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Types &&... Args)
+/// \brief Constructs a `new T()` with the given args and returns a
+///        `unique_ptr<T>` which owns the object.
+/// Example:
+///     auto p = make_unique<int>();
+///     auto p = make_unique<std::tuple<int, int>>(0, 1);
+template <class T, class... Args>
+typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
+make_unique(Args &&... args)
-    return (std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Types>(Args)...)));
+    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
-// make_unique<T[]>
-template <class T> std::unique_ptr<T[]> make_unique(std::size_t Size)
+/// \brief Constructs a `new T[n]` with the given args and returns a
+///        `unique_ptr<T[]>` which owns the object.
+/// \param n size of the new array.
+/// Example:
+///     auto p = make_unique<int[]>(2); // value-initializes the array with 0's.
+template <class T>
+typename std::enable_if<std::is_array<T>::value && std::extent<T>::value == 0,
+                        std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
+make_unique(size_t n)
-    return (std::unique_ptr<T>(new T[Size]()));
+    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new typename std::remove_extent<T>::type[n]());
-// make_unique<T[N]> disallowed
-template <class T, class... Types>
-typename std::enable_if<std::extent<T>::value != 0, void>::type make_unique(Types &&...) = delete;
+/// This function isn't used and is only here to provide better compile errors.
+template <class T, class... Args>
+typename std::enable_if<std::extent<T>::value != 0>::type make_unique(Args &&...) = delete;
-#endif //MAKE_UNIQUE_H_
+#endif // MAKE_UNIQUE_H_
diff --git a/util/matching_debug_info.hpp b/util/matching_debug_info.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf878e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/matching_debug_info.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "json_logger.hpp"
+#include "json_util.hpp"
+#include "../data_structures/hidden_markov_model.hpp"
+#include <osrm/coordinate.hpp>
+// Provides the debug interface for introspection tools
+struct MatchingDebugInfo
+    MatchingDebugInfo(const osrm::json::Logger *logger) : logger(logger)
+    {
+        if (logger)
+        {
+            object = &logger->map->at("matching");
+        }
+    }
+    template <class CandidateLists> void initialize(const CandidateLists &candidates_list)
+    {
+        // json logger not enabled
+        if (!logger)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        osrm::json::Array states;
+        for (unsigned t = 0; t < candidates_list.size(); t++)
+        {
+            osrm::json::Array timestamps;
+            for (unsigned s = 0; s < candidates_list[t].size(); s++)
+            {
+                osrm::json::Object state;
+                state.values["transitions"] = osrm::json::Array();
+                state.values["coordinate"] = osrm::json::make_array(
+                    candidates_list[t][s].first.location.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION,
+                    candidates_list[t][s].first.location.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
+                state.values["viterbi"] =
+                    osrm::json::clamp_float(osrm::matching::IMPOSSIBLE_LOG_PROB);
+                state.values["pruned"] = 0u;
+                timestamps.values.push_back(state);
+            }
+            states.values.push_back(timestamps);
+        }
+        osrm::json::get(*object, "states") = states;
+    }
+    void add_transition_info(const unsigned prev_t,
+                             const unsigned current_t,
+                             const unsigned prev_state,
+                             const unsigned current_state,
+                             const double prev_viterbi,
+                             const double emission_pr,
+                             const double transition_pr,
+                             const double network_distance,
+                             const double great_circle_distance)
+    {
+        // json logger not enabled
+        if (!logger)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        osrm::json::Object transistion;
+        transistion.values["to"] = osrm::json::make_array(current_t, current_state);
+        transistion.values["properties"] = osrm::json::make_array(
+            osrm::json::clamp_float(prev_viterbi), osrm::json::clamp_float(emission_pr),
+            osrm::json::clamp_float(transition_pr), network_distance, great_circle_distance);
+        osrm::json::get(*object, "states", prev_t, prev_state, "transitions")
+            .get<mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper<osrm::json::Array>>()
+            .get()
+            .values.push_back(transistion);
+    }
+    void set_viterbi(const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &viterbi,
+                     const std::vector<std::vector<bool>> &pruned,
+                     const std::vector<std::vector<bool>> &suspicious)
+    {
+        // json logger not enabled
+        if (!logger)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        for (auto t = 0u; t < viterbi.size(); t++)
+        {
+            for (auto s_prime = 0u; s_prime < viterbi[t].size(); ++s_prime)
+            {
+                osrm::json::get(*object, "states", t, s_prime, "viterbi") =
+                    osrm::json::clamp_float(viterbi[t][s_prime]);
+                osrm::json::get(*object, "states", t, s_prime, "pruned") =
+                    static_cast<unsigned>(pruned[t][s_prime]);
+                osrm::json::get(*object, "states", t, s_prime, "suspicious") =
+                    static_cast<unsigned>(suspicious[t][s_prime]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void add_chosen(const unsigned t, const unsigned s)
+    {
+        // json logger not enabled
+        if (!logger)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        osrm::json::get(*object, "states", t, s, "chosen") = true;
+    }
+    void add_breakage(const std::vector<bool> &breakage)
+    {
+        // json logger not enabled
+        if (!logger)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        osrm::json::get(*object, "breakage") = osrm::json::make_array(breakage);
+    }
+    const osrm::json::Logger *logger;
+    osrm::json::Value *object;
diff --git a/Util/MercatorUtil.h b/util/mercator.cpp
similarity index 78%
rename from Util/MercatorUtil.h
rename to util/mercator.cpp
index b4a15b7..0ccd999 100644
--- a/Util/MercatorUtil.h
+++ b/util/mercator.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+#include "mercator.hpp"
 #include <cmath>
-inline double y2lat(const double a)
+double mercator::y2lat(const double value) noexcept
-    return 180. * M_1_PI * (2. * std::atan(std::exp(a * M_PI / 180.)) - M_PI_2);
+    return 180. * M_1_PI * (2. * std::atan(std::exp(value * M_PI / 180.)) - M_PI_2);
-inline double lat2y(const double a)
+double mercator::lat2y(const double latitude) noexcept
-    return 180. * M_1_PI * std::log(std::tan(M_PI_4 + a * (M_PI / 180.) / 2.));
+    return 180. * M_1_PI * std::log(std::tan(M_PI_4 + latitude * (M_PI / 180.) / 2.));
-#endif // MERCATOR_UTIL_H
diff --git a/Util/bearing.hpp b/util/mercator.hpp
similarity index 84%
rename from Util/bearing.hpp
rename to util/mercator.hpp
index a30ec2f..e994c84 100644
--- a/Util/bearing.hpp
+++ b/util/mercator.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#ifndef BEARING_HPP_
-#define BEARING_HPP_
-#include <string>
-struct Bearing
+struct mercator
-    static std::string Get(const double heading);
+    static double y2lat(const double value) noexcept;
+    static double lat2y(const double latitude) noexcept;
-#endif // BEARING_HPP_
+#endif // MERCATOR_HPP
diff --git a/Util/osrm_exception.cpp b/util/osrm_exception.cpp
similarity index 63%
rename from Util/osrm_exception.cpp
rename to util/osrm_exception.cpp
index ebdac6d..9738b8e 100644
--- a/Util/osrm_exception.cpp
+++ b/util/osrm_exception.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 namespace osrm
-    // This function exists to 'anchor' the class, and stop the compiler from
-    // copying vtable and RTTI info into every object file that includes
-    // this header. (Caught by -Wweak-vtables under Clang.)
-    // More information from the LLVM Coding Standards:
-    // If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has
-    // virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must
-    // always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without
-    // this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every .o file that
-    // #includes the header, bloating .o file sizes and increasing link times.
-    void exception::anchor() const { }
+// This function exists to 'anchor' the class, and stop the compiler from
+// copying vtable and RTTI info into every object file that includes
+// this header. (Caught by -Wweak-vtables under Clang.)
+// More information from the LLVM Coding Standards:
+// If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has
+// virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must
+// always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without
+// this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every .o file that
+// #includes the header, bloating .o file sizes and increasing link times.
+void exception::anchor() const {}
diff --git a/Util/osrm_exception.hpp b/util/osrm_exception.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from Util/osrm_exception.hpp
rename to util/osrm_exception.hpp
index ac5044a..e9a0138 100644
--- a/Util/osrm_exception.hpp
+++ b/util/osrm_exception.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
diff --git a/Util/floating_point.hpp b/util/range_algorithms.hpp
similarity index 72%
rename from Util/floating_point.hpp
rename to util/range_algorithms.hpp
index 5c48102..4d01d29 100644
--- a/Util/floating_point.hpp
+++ b/util/range_algorithms.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
-#include <type_traits>
+#include <algorithm>
 namespace osrm
-template <typename FloatT> bool epsilon_compare(const FloatT number1, const FloatT number2)
+template <class Container>
+auto max_element(const Container &c) -> decltype(std::max_element(c.begin(), c.end()))
+    return std::max_element(c.begin(), c.end());
+template <class Container>
+auto max_element(const Container &c) -> decltype(std::max_element(c.cbegin(), c.cend()))
-    static_assert(std::is_floating_point<FloatT>::value, "type must be floating point");
-    return (std::abs(number1 - number2) < std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::epsilon());
+    return std::max_element(c.cbegin(), c.cend());
diff --git a/Util/ProgramOptions.h b/util/routed_options.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from Util/ProgramOptions.h
rename to util/routed_options.hpp
index 3329b31..046ab71 100644
--- a/Util/ProgramOptions.h
+++ b/util/routed_options.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "git_sha.hpp"
-#include "IniFileUtil.h"
+#include "ini_file.hpp"
 #include "osrm_exception.hpp"
 #include "simple_logger.hpp"
-#include <osrm/ServerPaths.h>
 #include <boost/any.hpp>
 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <osrm/server_paths.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 const static unsigned INIT_OK_START_ENGINE = 0;
 const static unsigned INIT_OK_DO_NOT_START_ENGINE = 1;
 const static unsigned INIT_FAILED = -1;
@@ -151,61 +150,59 @@ inline unsigned GenerateServerProgramOptions(const int argc,
                                              int &ip_port,
                                              int &requested_num_threads,
                                              bool &use_shared_memory,
-                                             bool &trial)
+                                             bool &trial,
+                                             int &max_locations_distance_table,
+                                             int &max_locations_map_matching)
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed only on command line
     boost::program_options::options_description generic_options("Options");
     generic_options.add_options()("version,v", "Show version")("help,h", "Show this help message")(
-        "config,c",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["config"])
-            ->default_value("server.ini"),
+        "config,c", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["config"])
+                        ->default_value("server.ini"),
         "Path to a configuration file")(
-        "trial",
-        boost::program_options::value<bool>(&trial)->implicit_value(true),
+        "trial", boost::program_options::value<bool>(&trial)->implicit_value(true),
         "Quit after initialization");
     // declare a group of options that will be allowed both on command line
     // as well as in a config file
     boost::program_options::options_description config_options("Configuration");
-        "hsgrdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["hsgrdata"]),
+        "hsgrdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["hsgrdata"]),
         ".hsgr file")("nodesdata",
                       ".nodes file")(
-        "edgesdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["edgesdata"]),
+        "edgesdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["edgesdata"]),
         ".edges file")("geometry",
                        ".geometry file")(
-        "ramindex",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["ramindex"]),
+        "ramindex", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["ramindex"]),
         ".ramIndex file")(
-        "fileindex",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["fileindex"]),
+        "fileindex", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["fileindex"]),
         "File index file")(
-        "namesdata",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["namesdata"]),
+        "namesdata", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["namesdata"]),
         ".names file")("timestamp",
                        ".timestamp file")(
-        "ip,i",
-        boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&ip_address)->default_value(""),
-        "IP address")(
-        "port,p", boost::program_options::value<int>(&ip_port)->default_value(5000), "TCP/IP port")(
-        "threads,t",
-        boost::program_options::value<int>(&requested_num_threads)->default_value(8),
+        "ip,i", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&ip_address)->default_value(""),
+        "IP address")("port,p", boost::program_options::value<int>(&ip_port)->default_value(5000),
+                      "TCP/IP port")(
+        "threads,t", boost::program_options::value<int>(&requested_num_threads)->default_value(8),
         "Number of threads to use")(
-        "sharedmemory,s",
+        "shared-memory,s",
-        "Load data from shared memory");
+        "Load data from shared memory")(
+        "max-table-size,m",
+        boost::program_options::value<int>(&max_locations_distance_table)->default_value(100),
+        "Max. locations supported in distance table query")(
+        "max-matching-size,m",
+        boost::program_options::value<int>(&max_locations_map_matching)->default_value(2),
+        "Max. locations supported in map matching query");
     // hidden options, will be allowed both on command line and in config
     // file, but will not be shown to the user
     boost::program_options::options_description hidden_options("Hidden options");
-        "base,b",
-        boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["base"]),
+        "base,b", boost::program_options::value<boost::filesystem::path>(&paths["base"]),
         "base path to .osrm file");
     // positional option
@@ -251,7 +248,7 @@ inline unsigned GenerateServerProgramOptions(const int argc,
         SimpleLogger().Write() << "Reading options from: " << path_iterator->second.string();
-        std::string ini_file_contents = ReadIniFileAndLowerContents(path_iterator->second);
+        std::string ini_file_contents = read_file_lower_content(path_iterator->second);
         std::stringstream config_stream(ini_file_contents);
         boost::program_options::store(parse_config_file(config_stream, config_file_options),
@@ -272,8 +269,17 @@ inline unsigned GenerateServerProgramOptions(const int argc,
         return INIT_OK_START_ENGINE;
+    if (1 > max_locations_distance_table)
+    {
+        throw osrm::exception("Max location for distance table must be a positive number");
+    }
+    if (2 > max_locations_map_matching)
+    {
+        throw osrm::exception("Max location for map matching must be at least two");
+    }
     SimpleLogger().Write() << visible_options;
-#endif /* PROGRAM_OPTIONS_H */
diff --git a/Util/simple_logger.cpp b/util/simple_logger.cpp
similarity index 77%
rename from Util/simple_logger.cpp
rename to util/simple_logger.cpp
index dbbf348..e3f4f8e 100644
--- a/Util/simple_logger.cpp
+++ b/util/simple_logger.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 #include "simple_logger.hpp"
-#include "osrm_exception.hpp"
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <cstdio>
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 #include <io.h>
 #define isatty _isatty
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <ostream>
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <mutex>
+#include <string>
-static const char COL_RESET[] { "\x1b[0m"};
-static const char RED[] { "\x1b[31m"};
+static const char COL_RESET[]{"\x1b[0m"};
+static const char RED[]{"\x1b[31m"};
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-static const char YELLOW[] { "\x1b[33m"};
+static const char YELLOW[]{"\x1b[33m"};
 // static const char GREEN[] { "\x1b[32m"};
 // static const char BLUE[] { "\x1b[34m"};
@@ -78,34 +71,26 @@ std::mutex &SimpleLogger::get_mutex()
     return mtx;
-std::ostringstream &SimpleLogger::Write(LogLevel lvl)
+std::ostringstream &SimpleLogger::Write(LogLevel lvl) noexcept
     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(get_mutex());
-    try
+    level = lvl;
+    os << "[";
+    switch (level)
-        level = lvl;
-        os << "[";
-        switch (level)
-        {
-        case logWARNING:
-            os << "warn";
-            break;
-        case logDEBUG:
+    case logWARNING:
+        os << "warn";
+        break;
+    case logDEBUG:
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-            os << "debug";
+        os << "debug";
-            break;
-        default: //logINFO:
-            os << "info";
-            break;
-        }
-        os << "] ";
-    }
-    catch (const std::exception &e)
-    {
-        // encapsulate in osrm::exception
-        throw osrm::exception(std::string(e.what()) + ", getting ostringstream");
+        break;
+    default: // logINFO:
+        os << "info";
+        break;
+    os << "] ";
     return os;
@@ -127,7 +112,8 @@ SimpleLogger::~SimpleLogger()
                       << std::endl;
-        default: //logINFO:
+        case logINFO:
+        default:
             std::cout << os.str() << (is_terminal ? COL_RESET : "") << std::endl;
diff --git a/Util/simple_logger.hpp b/util/simple_logger.hpp
similarity index 94%
rename from Util/simple_logger.hpp
rename to util/simple_logger.hpp
index 077fa2e..df61a9d 100644
--- a/Util/simple_logger.hpp
+++ b/util/simple_logger.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class SimpleLogger
     virtual ~SimpleLogger();
     std::mutex &get_mutex();
-    std::ostringstream &Write(LogLevel l = logINFO);
+    std::ostringstream &Write(LogLevel l = logINFO) noexcept;
     std::ostringstream os;
diff --git a/Util/std_hash.hpp b/util/std_hash.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from Util/std_hash.hpp
rename to util/std_hash.hpp
index 59c4ad9..9e78fcc 100644
--- a/Util/std_hash.hpp
+++ b/util/std_hash.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // this is largely inspired by boost's hash combine as can be found in
 // "The C++ Standard Library" 2nd Edition. Nicolai M. Josuttis. 2012.
-namespace {
-template<typename T>
-void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, const T& val)
+template <typename T> void hash_combine(std::size_t &seed, const T &val)
     seed ^= std::hash<T>()(val) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
-template<typename T>
-void hash_val(std::size_t &seed, const T& val)
-    hash_combine(seed, val);
+template <typename T> void hash_val(std::size_t &seed, const T &val) { hash_combine(seed, val); }
-template<typename T, typename ... Types>
-void hash_val(std::size_t &seed, const T& val, const Types& ... args)
+template <typename T, typename... Types>
+void hash_val(std::size_t &seed, const T &val, const Types &... args)
     hash_combine(seed, val);
-    hash_val(seed, args ...);
+    hash_val(seed, args...);
-template<typename ... Types>
-std::size_t hash_val(const Types&... args)
+template <typename... Types> std::size_t hash_val(const Types &... args)
     std::size_t seed = 0;
     hash_val(seed, args...);
diff --git a/Util/string_util.hpp b/util/string_util.hpp
similarity index 80%
rename from Util/string_util.hpp
rename to util/string_util.hpp
index 08af554..3bfce00 100644
--- a/Util/string_util.hpp
+++ b/util/string_util.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 // work with negative values to prevent overflowing when taking -value
 template <int length, int precision> static inline char *printInt(char *buffer, int value)
-    bool minus = true;
-    if (value > 0)
+    static_assert(length > 0, "length must be positive");
+    static_assert(precision > 0, "precision must be positive");
+    const bool minus = [&value]
-        minus = false;
-        value = -value;
-    }
+        if (value >= 0)
+        {
+            value = -value;
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }();
     buffer += length - 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++)
+    for (int i = 0; i < precision; ++i)
         *buffer = '0' - (value % 10);
         value /= 10;
-        buffer--;
+        --buffer;
     *buffer = '.';
-    buffer--;
-    for (int i = precision + 1; i < length; i++)
+    --buffer;
+    for (int i = precision + 1; i < length; ++i)
         *buffer = '0' - (value % 10);
         value /= 10;
         if (value == 0)
+        {
-        buffer--;
+        }
+        --buffer;
     if (minus)
-        buffer--;
+        --buffer;
         *buffer = '-';
     return buffer;
@@ -77,13 +88,14 @@ inline void replaceAll(std::string &s, const std::string &sub, const std::string
     boost::replace_all(s, sub, other);
-inline std::string EscapeJSONString(const std::string &input)
+inline std::string escape_JSON(const std::string &input)
+    // escape and skip reallocations if possible
     std::string output;
-    output.reserve(input.size());
-    for (auto iter = input.begin(); iter != input.end(); ++iter)
+    output.reserve(input.size() + 4); // +4 assumes two backslashes on avg
+    for (const char letter : input)
-        switch (iter[0])
+        switch (letter)
         case '\\':
             output += "\\\\";
@@ -110,23 +122,19 @@ inline std::string EscapeJSONString(const std::string &input)
             output += "\\t";
-            output += *iter;
+            output.append(1, letter);
     return output;
-static std::string originals[] = {"&", "\"", "<", ">", "'", "[", "]", "\\"};
-static std::string entities[] = {
-    "&", """, "<", ">", "'", "&91;", "&93;", " \"};
 inline std::size_t URIDecode(const std::string &input, std::string &output)
-    auto src_iter = input.begin();
+    auto src_iter = std::begin(input);
     output.resize(input.size() + 1);
     std::size_t decoded_length = 0;
-    for (decoded_length = 0; src_iter != input.end(); ++decoded_length)
+    for (decoded_length = 0; src_iter != std::end(input); ++decoded_length)
         if (src_iter[0] == '%' && src_iter[1] && src_iter[2] && isxdigit(src_iter[1]) &&
diff --git a/Util/timing_util.hpp b/util/timing_util.hpp
similarity index 55%
rename from Util/timing_util.hpp
rename to util/timing_util.hpp
index 1bbea47..c0c59c8 100644
--- a/Util/timing_util.hpp
+++ b/util/timing_util.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
@@ -42,39 +42,49 @@ struct GlobalTimer
 class GlobalTimerFactory
-    static GlobalTimerFactory& get()
+  public:
+    static GlobalTimerFactory &get()
         static GlobalTimerFactory instance;
         return instance;
-    GlobalTimer& getGlobalTimer(const std::string& name)
+    GlobalTimer &getGlobalTimer(const std::string &name)
         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(map_mutex);
         return timer_map[name];
+  private:
     std::mutex map_mutex;
     std::unordered_map<std::string, GlobalTimer> timer_map;
-#define GLOBAL_TIMER_AQUIRE(_X) auto& _X##_global_timer = GlobalTimerFactory::get().getGlobalTimer(#_X)
+#define GLOBAL_TIMER_AQUIRE(_X)                                                                    \
+    auto &_X##_global_timer = GlobalTimerFactory::get().getGlobalTimer(#_X)
 #define GLOBAL_TIMER_RESET(_X) _X##_global_timer.time = 0
-#define GLOBAL_TIMER_STOP(_X) TIMER_STOP(_X); _X##_global_timer.time += TIMER_NSEC(_X)
+#define GLOBAL_TIMER_STOP(_X)                                                                      \
+    TIMER_STOP(_X);                                                                                \
+    _X##_global_timer.time += TIMER_NSEC(_X)
 #define GLOBAL_TIMER_NSEC(_X) static_cast<double>(_X##_global_timer.time)
 #define GLOBAL_TIMER_USEC(_X) (_X##_global_timer.time / 1000.0)
 #define GLOBAL_TIMER_MSEC(_X) (_X##_global_timer.time / 1000.0 / 1000.0)
-#define GLOBAL_TIMER_SEC(_X) (_X##_global_timer.time  / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0)
+#define GLOBAL_TIMER_SEC(_X) (_X##_global_timer.time / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0)
 #define TIMER_START(_X) auto _X##_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), _X##_stop = _X##_start
 #define TIMER_STOP(_X) _X##_stop = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()
-#define TIMER_NSEC(_X) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
-#define TIMER_USEC(_X) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
-#define TIMER_MSEC(_X) (0.000001*std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count())
-#define TIMER_SEC(_X)  (0.000001*std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count())
-#define TIMER_MIN(_X) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
+#define TIMER_NSEC(_X)                                                                             \
+    std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
+#define TIMER_USEC(_X)                                                                             \
+    std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
+#define TIMER_MSEC(_X)                                                                             \
+    (0.000001 *                                                                                    \
+     std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count())
+#define TIMER_SEC(_X)                                                                              \
+    (0.000001 *                                                                                    \
+     std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count())
+#define TIMER_MIN(_X)                                                                              \
+    std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(_X##_stop - _X##_start).count()
 #endif // TIMING_UTIL_HPP
diff --git a/util/trigonometry_table.hpp b/util/trigonometry_table.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234a94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/trigonometry_table.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
+of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+other materials provided with the distribution.
+#include "../typedefs.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+constexpr unsigned short atan_table[4096] = {
+    0x0000, 0x0014, 0x0028, 0x003d, 0x0051, 0x0065, 0x007a, 0x008e, 0x00a3, 0x00b7, 0x00cb, 0x00e0,
+    0x00f4, 0x0108, 0x011d, 0x0131, 0x0146, 0x015a, 0x016e, 0x0183, 0x0197, 0x01ab, 0x01c0, 0x01d4,
+    0x01e9, 0x01fd, 0x0211, 0x0226, 0x023a, 0x024e, 0x0263, 0x0277, 0x028c, 0x02a0, 0x02b4, 0x02c9,
+    0x02dd, 0x02f1, 0x0306, 0x031a, 0x032f, 0x0343, 0x0357, 0x036c, 0x0380, 0x0394, 0x03a9, 0x03bd,
+    0x03d2, 0x03e6, 0x03fa, 0x040f, 0x0423, 0x0437, 0x044c, 0x0460, 0x0475, 0x0489, 0x049d, 0x04b2,
+    0x04c6, 0x04da, 0x04ef, 0x0503, 0x0517, 0x052c, 0x0540, 0x0555, 0x0569, 0x057d, 0x0592, 0x05a6,
+    0x05ba, 0x05cf, 0x05e3, 0x05f8, 0x060c, 0x0620, 0x0635, 0x0649, 0x065d, 0x0672, 0x0686, 0x069b,
+    0x06af, 0x06c3, 0x06d8, 0x06ec, 0x0700, 0x0715, 0x0729, 0x073d, 0x0752, 0x0766, 0x077b, 0x078f,
+    0x07a3, 0x07b8, 0x07cc, 0x07e0, 0x07f5, 0x0809, 0x081d, 0x0832, 0x0846, 0x085b, 0x086f, 0x0883,
+    0x0898, 0x08ac, 0x08c0, 0x08d5, 0x08e9, 0x08fd, 0x0912, 0x0926, 0x093b, 0x094f, 0x0963, 0x0978,
+    0x098c, 0x09a0, 0x09b5, 0x09c9, 0x09dd, 0x09f2, 0x0a06, 0x0a1a, 0x0a2f, 0x0a43, 0x0a58, 0x0a6c,
+    0x0a80, 0x0a95, 0x0aa9, 0x0abd, 0x0ad2, 0x0ae6, 0x0afa, 0x0b0f, 0x0b23, 0x0b37, 0x0b4c, 0x0b60,
+    0x0b75, 0x0b89, 0x0b9d, 0x0bb2, 0x0bc6, 0x0bda, 0x0bef, 0x0c03, 0x0c17, 0x0c2c, 0x0c40, 0x0c54,
+    0x0c69, 0x0c7d, 0x0c91, 0x0ca6, 0x0cba, 0x0cce, 0x0ce3, 0x0cf7, 0x0d0b, 0x0d20, 0x0d34, 0x0d48,
+    0x0d5d, 0x0d71, 0x0d86, 0x0d9a, 0x0dae, 0x0dc3, 0x0dd7, 0x0deb, 0x0e00, 0x0e14, 0x0e28, 0x0e3d,
+    0x0e51, 0x0e65, 0x0e7a, 0x0e8e, 0x0ea2, 0x0eb7, 0x0ecb, 0x0edf, 0x0ef4, 0x0f08, 0x0f1c, 0x0f31,
+    0x0f45, 0x0f59, 0x0f6e, 0x0f82, 0x0f96, 0x0fab, 0x0fbf, 0x0fd3, 0x0fe8, 0x0ffc, 0x1010, 0x1025,
+    0x1039, 0x104d, 0x1062, 0x1076, 0x108a, 0x109e, 0x10b3, 0x10c7, 0x10db, 0x10f0, 0x1104, 0x1118,
+    0x112d, 0x1141, 0x1155, 0x116a, 0x117e, 0x1192, 0x11a7, 0x11bb, 0x11cf, 0x11e4, 0x11f8, 0x120c,
+    0x1221, 0x1235, 0x1249, 0x125d, 0x1272, 0x1286, 0x129a, 0x12af, 0x12c3, 0x12d7, 0x12ec, 0x1300,
+    0x1314, 0x1329, 0x133d, 0x1351, 0x1365, 0x137a, 0x138e, 0x13a2, 0x13b7, 0x13cb, 0x13df, 0x13f4,
+    0x1408, 0x141c, 0x1431, 0x1445, 0x1459, 0x146d, 0x1482, 0x1496, 0x14aa, 0x14bf, 0x14d3, 0x14e7,
+    0x14fb, 0x1510, 0x1524, 0x1538, 0x154d, 0x1561, 0x1575, 0x1589, 0x159e, 0x15b2, 0x15c6, 0x15db,
+    0x15ef, 0x1603, 0x1617, 0x162c, 0x1640, 0x1654, 0x1669, 0x167d, 0x1691, 0x16a5, 0x16ba, 0x16ce,
+    0x16e2, 0x16f7, 0x170b, 0x171f, 0x1733, 0x1748, 0x175c, 0x1770, 0x1784, 0x1799, 0x17ad, 0x17c1,
+    0x17d6, 0x17ea, 0x17fe, 0x1812, 0x1827, 0x183b, 0x184f, 0x1863, 0x1878, 0x188c, 0x18a0, 0x18b4,
+    0x18c9, 0x18dd, 0x18f1, 0x1905, 0x191a, 0x192e, 0x1942, 0x1957, 0x196b, 0x197f, 0x1993, 0x19a8,
+    0x19bc, 0x19d0, 0x19e4, 0x19f9, 0x1a0d, 0x1a21, 0x1a35, 0x1a49, 0x1a5e, 0x1a72, 0x1a86, 0x1a9a,
+    0x1aaf, 0x1ac3, 0x1ad7, 0x1aeb, 0x1b00, 0x1b14, 0x1b28, 0x1b3c, 0x1b51, 0x1b65, 0x1b79, 0x1b8d,
+    0x1ba2, 0x1bb6, 0x1bca, 0x1bde, 0x1bf2, 0x1c07, 0x1c1b, 0x1c2f, 0x1c43, 0x1c58, 0x1c6c, 0x1c80,
+    0x1c94, 0x1ca8, 0x1cbd, 0x1cd1, 0x1ce5, 0x1cf9, 0x1d0e, 0x1d22, 0x1d36, 0x1d4a, 0x1d5e, 0x1d73,
+    0x1d87, 0x1d9b, 0x1daf, 0x1dc3, 0x1dd8, 0x1dec, 0x1e00, 0x1e14, 0x1e28, 0x1e3d, 0x1e51, 0x1e65,
+    0x1e79, 0x1e8d, 0x1ea2, 0x1eb6, 0x1eca, 0x1ede, 0x1ef2, 0x1f07, 0x1f1b, 0x1f2f, 0x1f43, 0x1f57,
+    0x1f6c, 0x1f80, 0x1f94, 0x1fa8, 0x1fbc, 0x1fd1, 0x1fe5, 0x1ff9, 0x200d, 0x2021, 0x2035, 0x204a,
+    0x205e, 0x2072, 0x2086, 0x209a, 0x20ae, 0x20c3, 0x20d7, 0x20eb, 0x20ff, 0x2113, 0x2127, 0x213c,
+    0x2150, 0x2164, 0x2178, 0x218c, 0x21a0, 0x21b5, 0x21c9, 0x21dd, 0x21f1, 0x2205, 0x2219, 0x222e,
+    0x2242, 0x2256, 0x226a, 0x227e, 0x2292, 0x22a6, 0x22bb, 0x22cf, 0x22e3, 0x22f7, 0x230b, 0x231f,
+    0x2333, 0x2348, 0x235c, 0x2370, 0x2384, 0x2398, 0x23ac, 0x23c0, 0x23d5, 0x23e9, 0x23fd, 0x2411,
+    0x2425, 0x2439, 0x244d, 0x2461, 0x2476, 0x248a, 0x249e, 0x24b2, 0x24c6, 0x24da, 0x24ee, 0x2502,
+    0x2517, 0x252b, 0x253f, 0x2553, 0x2567, 0x257b, 0x258f, 0x25a3, 0x25b7, 0x25cb, 0x25e0, 0x25f4,
+    0x2608, 0x261c, 0x2630, 0x2644, 0x2658, 0x266c, 0x2680, 0x2694, 0x26a9, 0x26bd, 0x26d1, 0x26e5,
+    0x26f9, 0x270d, 0x2721, 0x2735, 0x2749, 0x275d, 0x2771, 0x2785, 0x279a, 0x27ae, 0x27c2, 0x27d6,
+    0x27ea, 0x27fe, 0x2812, 0x2826, 0x283a, 0x284e, 0x2862, 0x2876, 0x288a, 0x289e, 0x28b3, 0x28c7,
+    0x28db, 0x28ef, 0x2903, 0x2917, 0x292b, 0x293f, 0x2953, 0x2967, 0x297b, 0x298f, 0x29a3, 0x29b7,
+    0x29cb, 0x29df, 0x29f3, 0x2a07, 0x2a1b, 0x2a2f, 0x2a43, 0x2a58, 0x2a6c, 0x2a80, 0x2a94, 0x2aa8,
+    0x2abc, 0x2ad0, 0x2ae4, 0x2af8, 0x2b0c, 0x2b20, 0x2b34, 0x2b48, 0x2b5c, 0x2b70, 0x2b84, 0x2b98,
+    0x2bac, 0x2bc0, 0x2bd4, 0x2be8, 0x2bfc, 0x2c10, 0x2c24, 0x2c38, 0x2c4c, 0x2c60, 0x2c74, 0x2c88,
+    0x2c9c, 0x2cb0, 0x2cc4, 0x2cd8, 0x2cec, 0x2d00, 0x2d14, 0x2d28, 0x2d3c, 0x2d50, 0x2d64, 0x2d78,
+    0x2d8c, 0x2da0, 0x2db4, 0x2dc8, 0x2ddc, 0x2df0, 0x2e04, 0x2e18, 0x2e2c, 0x2e40, 0x2e54, 0x2e68,
+    0x2e7c, 0x2e90, 0x2ea3, 0x2eb7, 0x2ecb, 0x2edf, 0x2ef3, 0x2f07, 0x2f1b, 0x2f2f, 0x2f43, 0x2f57,
+    0x2f6b, 0x2f7f, 0x2f93, 0x2fa7, 0x2fbb, 0x2fcf, 0x2fe3, 0x2ff7, 0x300b, 0x301e, 0x3032, 0x3046,
+    0x305a, 0x306e, 0x3082, 0x3096, 0x30aa, 0x30be, 0x30d2, 0x30e6, 0x30fa, 0x310e, 0x3122, 0x3135,
+    0x3149, 0x315d, 0x3171, 0x3185, 0x3199, 0x31ad, 0x31c1, 0x31d5, 0x31e9, 0x31fd, 0x3210, 0x3224,
+    0x3238, 0x324c, 0x3260, 0x3274, 0x3288, 0x329c, 0x32b0, 0x32c3, 0x32d7, 0x32eb, 0x32ff, 0x3313,
+    0x3327, 0x333b, 0x334f, 0x3363, 0x3376, 0x338a, 0x339e, 0x33b2, 0x33c6, 0x33da, 0x33ee, 0x3401,
+    0x3415, 0x3429, 0x343d, 0x3451, 0x3465, 0x3479, 0x348c, 0x34a0, 0x34b4, 0x34c8, 0x34dc, 0x34f0,
+    0x3504, 0x3517, 0x352b, 0x353f, 0x3553, 0x3567, 0x357b, 0x358e, 0x35a2, 0x35b6, 0x35ca, 0x35de,
+    0x35f2, 0x3605, 0x3619, 0x362d, 0x3641, 0x3655, 0x3668, 0x367c, 0x3690, 0x36a4, 0x36b8, 0x36cb,
+    0x36df, 0x36f3, 0x3707, 0x371b, 0x372f, 0x3742, 0x3756, 0x376a, 0x377e, 0x3791, 0x37a5, 0x37b9,
+    0x37cd, 0x37e1, 0x37f4, 0x3808, 0x381c, 0x3830, 0x3844, 0x3857, 0x386b, 0x387f, 0x3893, 0x38a6,
+    0x38ba, 0x38ce, 0x38e2, 0x38f5, 0x3909, 0x391d, 0x3931, 0x3944, 0x3958, 0x396c, 0x3980, 0x3993,
+    0x39a7, 0x39bb, 0x39cf, 0x39e2, 0x39f6, 0x3a0a, 0x3a1e, 0x3a31, 0x3a45, 0x3a59, 0x3a6d, 0x3a80,
+    0x3a94, 0x3aa8, 0x3abb, 0x3acf, 0x3ae3, 0x3af7, 0x3b0a, 0x3b1e, 0x3b32, 0x3b45, 0x3b59, 0x3b6d,
+    0x3b81, 0x3b94, 0x3ba8, 0x3bbc, 0x3bcf, 0x3be3, 0x3bf7, 0x3c0b, 0x3c1e, 0x3c32, 0x3c46, 0x3c59,
+    0x3c6d, 0x3c81, 0x3c94, 0x3ca8, 0x3cbc, 0x3ccf, 0x3ce3, 0x3cf7, 0x3d0a, 0x3d1e, 0x3d32, 0x3d45,
+    0x3d59, 0x3d6d, 0x3d80, 0x3d94, 0x3da8, 0x3dbb, 0x3dcf, 0x3de3, 0x3df6, 0x3e0a, 0x3e1e, 0x3e31,
+    0x3e45, 0x3e59, 0x3e6c, 0x3e80, 0x3e93, 0x3ea7, 0x3ebb, 0x3ece, 0x3ee2, 0x3ef6, 0x3f09, 0x3f1d,
+    0x3f30, 0x3f44, 0x3f58, 0x3f6b, 0x3f7f, 0x3f93, 0x3fa6, 0x3fba, 0x3fcd, 0x3fe1, 0x3ff5, 0x4008,
+    0x401c, 0x402f, 0x4043, 0x4057, 0x406a, 0x407e, 0x4091, 0x40a5, 0x40b8, 0x40cc, 0x40e0, 0x40f3,
+    0x4107, 0x411a, 0x412e, 0x4142, 0x4155, 0x4169, 0x417c, 0x4190, 0x41a3, 0x41b7, 0x41ca, 0x41de,
+    0x41f2, 0x4205, 0x4219, 0x422c, 0x4240, 0x4253, 0x4267, 0x427a, 0x428e, 0x42a1, 0x42b5, 0x42c9,
+    0x42dc, 0x42f0, 0x4303, 0x4317, 0x432a, 0x433e, 0x4351, 0x4365, 0x4378, 0x438c, 0x439f, 0x43b3,
+    0x43c6, 0x43da, 0x43ed, 0x4401, 0x4414, 0x4428, 0x443b, 0x444f, 0x4462, 0x4476, 0x4489, 0x449d,
+    0x44b0, 0x44c4, 0x44d7, 0x44eb, 0x44fe, 0x4512, 0x4525, 0x4539, 0x454c, 0x4560, 0x4573, 0x4586,
+    0x459a, 0x45ad, 0x45c1, 0x45d4, 0x45e8, 0x45fb, 0x460f, 0x4622, 0x4636, 0x4649, 0x465c, 0x4670,
+    0x4683, 0x4697, 0x46aa, 0x46be, 0x46d1, 0x46e5, 0x46f8, 0x470b, 0x471f, 0x4732, 0x4746, 0x4759,
+    0x476c, 0x4780, 0x4793, 0x47a7, 0x47ba, 0x47cd, 0x47e1, 0x47f4, 0x4808, 0x481b, 0x482e, 0x4842,
+    0x4855, 0x4869, 0x487c, 0x488f, 0x48a3, 0x48b6, 0x48ca, 0x48dd, 0x48f0, 0x4904, 0x4917, 0x492a,
+    0x493e, 0x4951, 0x4965, 0x4978, 0x498b, 0x499f, 0x49b2, 0x49c5, 0x49d9, 0x49ec, 0x49ff, 0x4a13,
+    0x4a26, 0x4a39, 0x4a4d, 0x4a60, 0x4a73, 0x4a87, 0x4a9a, 0x4aad, 0x4ac1, 0x4ad4, 0x4ae7, 0x4afb,
+    0x4b0e, 0x4b21, 0x4b35, 0x4b48, 0x4b5b, 0x4b6f, 0x4b82, 0x4b95, 0x4ba8, 0x4bbc, 0x4bcf, 0x4be2,
+    0x4bf6, 0x4c09, 0x4c1c, 0x4c2f, 0x4c43, 0x4c56, 0x4c69, 0x4c7d, 0x4c90, 0x4ca3, 0x4cb6, 0x4cca,
+    0x4cdd, 0x4cf0, 0x4d03, 0x4d17, 0x4d2a, 0x4d3d, 0x4d50, 0x4d64, 0x4d77, 0x4d8a, 0x4d9d, 0x4db1,
+    0x4dc4, 0x4dd7, 0x4dea, 0x4dfe, 0x4e11, 0x4e24, 0x4e37, 0x4e4b, 0x4e5e, 0x4e71, 0x4e84, 0x4e97,
+    0x4eab, 0x4ebe, 0x4ed1, 0x4ee4, 0x4ef7, 0x4f0b, 0x4f1e, 0x4f31, 0x4f44, 0x4f57, 0x4f6b, 0x4f7e,
+    0x4f91, 0x4fa4, 0x4fb7, 0x4fcb, 0x4fde, 0x4ff1, 0x5004, 0x5017, 0x502a, 0x503e, 0x5051, 0x5064,
+    0x5077, 0x508a, 0x509d, 0x50b1, 0x50c4, 0x50d7, 0x50ea, 0x50fd, 0x5110, 0x5123, 0x5137, 0x514a,
+    0x515d, 0x5170, 0x5183, 0x5196, 0x51a9, 0x51bc, 0x51d0, 0x51e3, 0x51f6, 0x5209, 0x521c, 0x522f,
+    0x5242, 0x5255, 0x5268, 0x527c, 0x528f, 0x52a2, 0x52b5, 0x52c8, 0x52db, 0x52ee, 0x5301, 0x5314,
+    0x5327, 0x533a, 0x534e, 0x5361, 0x5374, 0x5387, 0x539a, 0x53ad, 0x53c0, 0x53d3, 0x53e6, 0x53f9,
+    0x540c, 0x541f, 0x5432, 0x5445, 0x5458, 0x546b, 0x547e, 0x5491, 0x54a5, 0x54b8, 0x54cb, 0x54de,
+    0x54f1, 0x5504, 0x5517, 0x552a, 0x553d, 0x5550, 0x5563, 0x5576, 0x5589, 0x559c, 0x55af, 0x55c2,
+    0x55d5, 0x55e8, 0x55fb, 0x560e, 0x5621, 0x5634, 0x5647, 0x565a, 0x566d, 0x5680, 0x5693, 0x56a6,
+    0x56b9, 0x56cb, 0x56de, 0x56f1, 0x5704, 0x5717, 0x572a, 0x573d, 0x5750, 0x5763, 0x5776, 0x5789,
+    0x579c, 0x57af, 0x57c2, 0x57d5, 0x57e8, 0x57fb, 0x580e, 0x5820, 0x5833, 0x5846, 0x5859, 0x586c,
+    0x587f, 0x5892, 0x58a5, 0x58b8, 0x58cb, 0x58de, 0x58f0, 0x5903, 0x5916, 0x5929, 0x593c, 0x594f,
+    0x5962, 0x5975, 0x5988, 0x599a, 0x59ad, 0x59c0, 0x59d3, 0x59e6, 0x59f9, 0x5a0c, 0x5a1f, 0x5a31,
+    0x5a44, 0x5a57, 0x5a6a, 0x5a7d, 0x5a90, 0x5aa2, 0x5ab5, 0x5ac8, 0x5adb, 0x5aee, 0x5b01, 0x5b13,
+    0x5b26, 0x5b39, 0x5b4c, 0x5b5f, 0x5b72, 0x5b84, 0x5b97, 0x5baa, 0x5bbd, 0x5bd0, 0x5be2, 0x5bf5,
+    0x5c08, 0x5c1b, 0x5c2e, 0x5c40, 0x5c53, 0x5c66, 0x5c79, 0x5c8c, 0x5c9e, 0x5cb1, 0x5cc4, 0x5cd7,
+    0x5ce9, 0x5cfc, 0x5d0f, 0x5d22, 0x5d34, 0x5d47, 0x5d5a, 0x5d6d, 0x5d7f, 0x5d92, 0x5da5, 0x5db8,
+    0x5dca, 0x5ddd, 0x5df0, 0x5e03, 0x5e15, 0x5e28, 0x5e3b, 0x5e4d, 0x5e60, 0x5e73, 0x5e86, 0x5e98,
+    0x5eab, 0x5ebe, 0x5ed0, 0x5ee3, 0x5ef6, 0x5f09, 0x5f1b, 0x5f2e, 0x5f41, 0x5f53, 0x5f66, 0x5f79,
+    0x5f8b, 0x5f9e, 0x5fb1, 0x5fc3, 0x5fd6, 0x5fe9, 0x5ffb, 0x600e, 0x6021, 0x6033, 0x6046, 0x6059,
+    0x606b, 0x607e, 0x6091, 0x60a3, 0x60b6, 0x60c8, 0x60db, 0x60ee, 0x6100, 0x6113, 0x6126, 0x6138,
+    0x614b, 0x615d, 0x6170, 0x6183, 0x6195, 0x61a8, 0x61ba, 0x61cd, 0x61e0, 0x61f2, 0x6205, 0x6217,
+    0x622a, 0x623d, 0x624f, 0x6262, 0x6274, 0x6287, 0x6299, 0x62ac, 0x62bf, 0x62d1, 0x62e4, 0x62f6,
+    0x6309, 0x631b, 0x632e, 0x6340, 0x6353, 0x6366, 0x6378, 0x638b, 0x639d, 0x63b0, 0x63c2, 0x63d5,
+    0x63e7, 0x63fa, 0x640c, 0x641f, 0x6431, 0x6444, 0x6456, 0x6469, 0x647b, 0x648e, 0x64a0, 0x64b3,
+    0x64c5, 0x64d8, 0x64ea, 0x64fd, 0x650f, 0x6522, 0x6534, 0x6547, 0x6559, 0x656c, 0x657e, 0x6591,
+    0x65a3, 0x65b5, 0x65c8, 0x65da, 0x65ed, 0x65ff, 0x6612, 0x6624, 0x6637, 0x6649, 0x665b, 0x666e,
+    0x6680, 0x6693, 0x66a5, 0x66b8, 0x66ca, 0x66dc, 0x66ef, 0x6701, 0x6714, 0x6726, 0x6738, 0x674b,
+    0x675d, 0x6770, 0x6782, 0x6794, 0x67a7, 0x67b9, 0x67cc, 0x67de, 0x67f0, 0x6803, 0x6815, 0x6827,
+    0x683a, 0x684c, 0x685e, 0x6871, 0x6883, 0x6896, 0x68a8, 0x68ba, 0x68cd, 0x68df, 0x68f1, 0x6904,
+    0x6916, 0x6928, 0x693b, 0x694d, 0x695f, 0x6972, 0x6984, 0x6996, 0x69a8, 0x69bb, 0x69cd, 0x69df,
+    0x69f2, 0x6a04, 0x6a16, 0x6a29, 0x6a3b, 0x6a4d, 0x6a5f, 0x6a72, 0x6a84, 0x6a96, 0x6aa9, 0x6abb,
+    0x6acd, 0x6adf, 0x6af2, 0x6b04, 0x6b16, 0x6b28, 0x6b3b, 0x6b4d, 0x6b5f, 0x6b71, 0x6b84, 0x6b96,
+    0x6ba8, 0x6bba, 0x6bcd, 0x6bdf, 0x6bf1, 0x6c03, 0x6c15, 0x6c28, 0x6c3a, 0x6c4c, 0x6c5e, 0x6c70,
+    0x6c83, 0x6c95, 0x6ca7, 0x6cb9, 0x6ccb, 0x6cde, 0x6cf0, 0x6d02, 0x6d14, 0x6d26, 0x6d39, 0x6d4b,
+    0x6d5d, 0x6d6f, 0x6d81, 0x6d93, 0x6da6, 0x6db8, 0x6dca, 0x6ddc, 0x6dee, 0x6e00, 0x6e12, 0x6e25,
+    0x6e37, 0x6e49, 0x6e5b, 0x6e6d, 0x6e7f, 0x6e91, 0x6ea3, 0x6eb6, 0x6ec8, 0x6eda, 0x6eec, 0x6efe,
+    0x6f10, 0x6f22, 0x6f34, 0x6f46, 0x6f58, 0x6f6b, 0x6f7d, 0x6f8f, 0x6fa1, 0x6fb3, 0x6fc5, 0x6fd7,
+    0x6fe9, 0x6ffb, 0x700d, 0x701f, 0x7031, 0x7043, 0x7055, 0x7068, 0x707a, 0x708c, 0x709e, 0x70b0,
+    0x70c2, 0x70d4, 0x70e6, 0x70f8, 0x710a, 0x711c, 0x712e, 0x7140, 0x7152, 0x7164, 0x7176, 0x7188,
+    0x719a, 0x71ac, 0x71be, 0x71d0, 0x71e2, 0x71f4, 0x7206, 0x7218, 0x722a, 0x723c, 0x724e, 0x7260,
+    0x7272, 0x7284, 0x7296, 0x72a8, 0x72ba, 0x72cc, 0x72dd, 0x72ef, 0x7301, 0x7313, 0x7325, 0x7337,
+    0x7349, 0x735b, 0x736d, 0x737f, 0x7391, 0x73a3, 0x73b5, 0x73c7, 0x73d8, 0x73ea, 0x73fc, 0x740e,
+    0x7420, 0x7432, 0x7444, 0x7456, 0x7468, 0x747a, 0x748b, 0x749d, 0x74af, 0x74c1, 0x74d3, 0x74e5,
+    0x74f7, 0x7509, 0x751a, 0x752c, 0x753e, 0x7550, 0x7562, 0x7574, 0x7585, 0x7597, 0x75a9, 0x75bb,
+    0x75cd, 0x75df, 0x75f0, 0x7602, 0x7614, 0x7626, 0x7638, 0x764a, 0x765b, 0x766d, 0x767f, 0x7691,
+    0x76a3, 0x76b4, 0x76c6, 0x76d8, 0x76ea, 0x76fb, 0x770d, 0x771f, 0x7731, 0x7743, 0x7754, 0x7766,
+    0x7778, 0x778a, 0x779b, 0x77ad, 0x77bf, 0x77d1, 0x77e2, 0x77f4, 0x7806, 0x7818, 0x7829, 0x783b,
+    0x784d, 0x785e, 0x7870, 0x7882, 0x7894, 0x78a5, 0x78b7, 0x78c9, 0x78da, 0x78ec, 0x78fe, 0x7910,
+    0x7921, 0x7933, 0x7945, 0x7956, 0x7968, 0x797a, 0x798b, 0x799d, 0x79af, 0x79c0, 0x79d2, 0x79e4,
+    0x79f5, 0x7a07, 0x7a19, 0x7a2a, 0x7a3c, 0x7a4e, 0x7a5f, 0x7a71, 0x7a82, 0x7a94, 0x7aa6, 0x7ab7,
+    0x7ac9, 0x7adb, 0x7aec, 0x7afe, 0x7b0f, 0x7b21, 0x7b33, 0x7b44, 0x7b56, 0x7b67, 0x7b79, 0x7b8b,
+    0x7b9c, 0x7bae, 0x7bbf, 0x7bd1, 0x7be2, 0x7bf4, 0x7c06, 0x7c17, 0x7c29, 0x7c3a, 0x7c4c, 0x7c5d,
+    0x7c6f, 0x7c81, 0x7c92, 0x7ca4, 0x7cb5, 0x7cc7, 0x7cd8, 0x7cea, 0x7cfb, 0x7d0d, 0x7d1e, 0x7d30,
+    0x7d41, 0x7d53, 0x7d64, 0x7d76, 0x7d87, 0x7d99, 0x7daa, 0x7dbc, 0x7dcd, 0x7ddf, 0x7df0, 0x7e02,
+    0x7e13, 0x7e25, 0x7e36, 0x7e48, 0x7e59, 0x7e6b, 0x7e7c, 0x7e8e, 0x7e9f, 0x7eb0, 0x7ec2, 0x7ed3,
+    0x7ee5, 0x7ef6, 0x7f08, 0x7f19, 0x7f2b, 0x7f3c, 0x7f4d, 0x7f5f, 0x7f70, 0x7f82, 0x7f93, 0x7fa4,
+    0x7fb6, 0x7fc7, 0x7fd9, 0x7fea, 0x7ffb, 0x800d, 0x801e, 0x8030, 0x8041, 0x8052, 0x8064, 0x8075,
+    0x8086, 0x8098, 0x80a9, 0x80bb, 0x80cc, 0x80dd, 0x80ef, 0x8100, 0x8111, 0x8123, 0x8134, 0x8145,
+    0x8157, 0x8168, 0x8179, 0x818b, 0x819c, 0x81ad, 0x81bf, 0x81d0, 0x81e1, 0x81f3, 0x8204, 0x8215,
+    0x8226, 0x8238, 0x8249, 0x825a, 0x826c, 0x827d, 0x828e, 0x829f, 0x82b1, 0x82c2, 0x82d3, 0x82e5,
+    0x82f6, 0x8307, 0x8318, 0x832a, 0x833b, 0x834c, 0x835d, 0x836f, 0x8380, 0x8391, 0x83a2, 0x83b3,
+    0x83c5, 0x83d6, 0x83e7, 0x83f8, 0x840a, 0x841b, 0x842c, 0x843d, 0x844e, 0x8460, 0x8471, 0x8482,
+    0x8493, 0x84a4, 0x84b6, 0x84c7, 0x84d8, 0x84e9, 0x84fa, 0x850b, 0x851d, 0x852e, 0x853f, 0x8550,
+    0x8561, 0x8572, 0x8584, 0x8595, 0x85a6, 0x85b7, 0x85c8, 0x85d9, 0x85ea, 0x85fb, 0x860d, 0x861e,
+    0x862f, 0x8640, 0x8651, 0x8662, 0x8673, 0x8684, 0x8695, 0x86a7, 0x86b8, 0x86c9, 0x86da, 0x86eb,
+    0x86fc, 0x870d, 0x871e, 0x872f, 0x8740, 0x8751, 0x8762, 0x8773, 0x8784, 0x8796, 0x87a7, 0x87b8,
+    0x87c9, 0x87da, 0x87eb, 0x87fc, 0x880d, 0x881e, 0x882f, 0x8840, 0x8851, 0x8862, 0x8873, 0x8884,
+    0x8895, 0x88a6, 0x88b7, 0x88c8, 0x88d9, 0x88ea, 0x88fb, 0x890c, 0x891d, 0x892e, 0x893f, 0x8950,
+    0x8961, 0x8972, 0x8983, 0x8994, 0x89a5, 0x89b6, 0x89c6, 0x89d7, 0x89e8, 0x89f9, 0x8a0a, 0x8a1b,
+    0x8a2c, 0x8a3d, 0x8a4e, 0x8a5f, 0x8a70, 0x8a81, 0x8a92, 0x8aa3, 0x8ab3, 0x8ac4, 0x8ad5, 0x8ae6,
+    0x8af7, 0x8b08, 0x8b19, 0x8b2a, 0x8b3b, 0x8b4b, 0x8b5c, 0x8b6d, 0x8b7e, 0x8b8f, 0x8ba0, 0x8bb1,
+    0x8bc1, 0x8bd2, 0x8be3, 0x8bf4, 0x8c05, 0x8c16, 0x8c27, 0x8c37, 0x8c48, 0x8c59, 0x8c6a, 0x8c7b,
+    0x8c8c, 0x8c9c, 0x8cad, 0x8cbe, 0x8ccf, 0x8ce0, 0x8cf0, 0x8d01, 0x8d12, 0x8d23, 0x8d34, 0x8d44,
+    0x8d55, 0x8d66, 0x8d77, 0x8d87, 0x8d98, 0x8da9, 0x8dba, 0x8dca, 0x8ddb, 0x8dec, 0x8dfd, 0x8e0d,
+    0x8e1e, 0x8e2f, 0x8e40, 0x8e50, 0x8e61, 0x8e72, 0x8e83, 0x8e93, 0x8ea4, 0x8eb5, 0x8ec5, 0x8ed6,
+    0x8ee7, 0x8ef8, 0x8f08, 0x8f19, 0x8f2a, 0x8f3a, 0x8f4b, 0x8f5c, 0x8f6c, 0x8f7d, 0x8f8e, 0x8f9e,
+    0x8faf, 0x8fc0, 0x8fd0, 0x8fe1, 0x8ff2, 0x9002, 0x9013, 0x9024, 0x9034, 0x9045, 0x9056, 0x9066,
+    0x9077, 0x9088, 0x9098, 0x90a9, 0x90b9, 0x90ca, 0x90db, 0x90eb, 0x90fc, 0x910c, 0x911d, 0x912e,
+    0x913e, 0x914f, 0x915f, 0x9170, 0x9181, 0x9191, 0x91a2, 0x91b2, 0x91c3, 0x91d3, 0x91e4, 0x91f5,
+    0x9205, 0x9216, 0x9226, 0x9237, 0x9247, 0x9258, 0x9268, 0x9279, 0x9289, 0x929a, 0x92aa, 0x92bb,
+    0x92cc, 0x92dc, 0x92ed, 0x92fd, 0x930e, 0x931e, 0x932f, 0x933f, 0x9350, 0x9360, 0x9370, 0x9381,
+    0x9391, 0x93a2, 0x93b2, 0x93c3, 0x93d3, 0x93e4, 0x93f4, 0x9405, 0x9415, 0x9426, 0x9436, 0x9447,
+    0x9457, 0x9467, 0x9478, 0x9488, 0x9499, 0x94a9, 0x94ba, 0x94ca, 0x94da, 0x94eb, 0x94fb, 0x950c,
+    0x951c, 0x952c, 0x953d, 0x954d, 0x955e, 0x956e, 0x957e, 0x958f, 0x959f, 0x95af, 0x95c0, 0x95d0,
+    0x95e1, 0x95f1, 0x9601, 0x9612, 0x9622, 0x9632, 0x9643, 0x9653, 0x9663, 0x9674, 0x9684, 0x9694,
+    0x96a5, 0x96b5, 0x96c5, 0x96d6, 0x96e6, 0x96f6, 0x9707, 0x9717, 0x9727, 0x9738, 0x9748, 0x9758,
+    0x9768, 0x9779, 0x9789, 0x9799, 0x97aa, 0x97ba, 0x97ca, 0x97da, 0x97eb, 0x97fb, 0x980b, 0x981b,
+    0x982c, 0x983c, 0x984c, 0x985c, 0x986d, 0x987d, 0x988d, 0x989d, 0x98ad, 0x98be, 0x98ce, 0x98de,
+    0x98ee, 0x98ff, 0x990f, 0x991f, 0x992f, 0x993f, 0x9950, 0x9960, 0x9970, 0x9980, 0x9990, 0x99a0,
+    0x99b1, 0x99c1, 0x99d1, 0x99e1, 0x99f1, 0x9a01, 0x9a12, 0x9a22, 0x9a32, 0x9a42, 0x9a52, 0x9a62,
+    0x9a72, 0x9a83, 0x9a93, 0x9aa3, 0x9ab3, 0x9ac3, 0x9ad3, 0x9ae3, 0x9af3, 0x9b04, 0x9b14, 0x9b24,
+    0x9b34, 0x9b44, 0x9b54, 0x9b64, 0x9b74, 0x9b84, 0x9b94, 0x9ba4, 0x9bb5, 0x9bc5, 0x9bd5, 0x9be5,
+    0x9bf5, 0x9c05, 0x9c15, 0x9c25, 0x9c35, 0x9c45, 0x9c55, 0x9c65, 0x9c75, 0x9c85, 0x9c95, 0x9ca5,
+    0x9cb5, 0x9cc5, 0x9cd5, 0x9ce5, 0x9cf5, 0x9d05, 0x9d15, 0x9d25, 0x9d35, 0x9d45, 0x9d55, 0x9d65,
+    0x9d75, 0x9d85, 0x9d95, 0x9da5, 0x9db5, 0x9dc5, 0x9dd5, 0x9de5, 0x9df5, 0x9e05, 0x9e15, 0x9e25,
+    0x9e35, 0x9e45, 0x9e55, 0x9e65, 0x9e74, 0x9e84, 0x9e94, 0x9ea4, 0x9eb4, 0x9ec4, 0x9ed4, 0x9ee4,
+    0x9ef4, 0x9f04, 0x9f14, 0x9f23, 0x9f33, 0x9f43, 0x9f53, 0x9f63, 0x9f73, 0x9f83, 0x9f93, 0x9fa3,
+    0x9fb2, 0x9fc2, 0x9fd2, 0x9fe2, 0x9ff2, 0xa002, 0xa012, 0xa021, 0xa031, 0xa041, 0xa051, 0xa061,
+    0xa071, 0xa080, 0xa090, 0xa0a0, 0xa0b0, 0xa0c0, 0xa0cf, 0xa0df, 0xa0ef, 0xa0ff, 0xa10f, 0xa11e,
+    0xa12e, 0xa13e, 0xa14e, 0xa15e, 0xa16d, 0xa17d, 0xa18d, 0xa19d, 0xa1ac, 0xa1bc, 0xa1cc, 0xa1dc,
+    0xa1eb, 0xa1fb, 0xa20b, 0xa21b, 0xa22a, 0xa23a, 0xa24a, 0xa25a, 0xa269, 0xa279, 0xa289, 0xa298,
+    0xa2a8, 0xa2b8, 0xa2c8, 0xa2d7, 0xa2e7, 0xa2f7, 0xa306, 0xa316, 0xa326, 0xa335, 0xa345, 0xa355,
+    0xa364, 0xa374, 0xa384, 0xa393, 0xa3a3, 0xa3b3, 0xa3c2, 0xa3d2, 0xa3e2, 0xa3f1, 0xa401, 0xa411,
+    0xa420, 0xa430, 0xa440, 0xa44f, 0xa45f, 0xa46e, 0xa47e, 0xa48e, 0xa49d, 0xa4ad, 0xa4bc, 0xa4cc,
+    0xa4dc, 0xa4eb, 0xa4fb, 0xa50a, 0xa51a, 0xa52a, 0xa539, 0xa549, 0xa558, 0xa568, 0xa577, 0xa587,
+    0xa597, 0xa5a6, 0xa5b6, 0xa5c5, 0xa5d5, 0xa5e4, 0xa5f4, 0xa603, 0xa613, 0xa622, 0xa632, 0xa641,
+    0xa651, 0xa660, 0xa670, 0xa67f, 0xa68f, 0xa69e, 0xa6ae, 0xa6bd, 0xa6cd, 0xa6dc, 0xa6ec, 0xa6fb,
+    0xa70b, 0xa71a, 0xa72a, 0xa739, 0xa749, 0xa758, 0xa768, 0xa777, 0xa787, 0xa796, 0xa7a5, 0xa7b5,
+    0xa7c4, 0xa7d4, 0xa7e3, 0xa7f3, 0xa802, 0xa812, 0xa821, 0xa830, 0xa840, 0xa84f, 0xa85f, 0xa86e,
+    0xa87d, 0xa88d, 0xa89c, 0xa8ac, 0xa8bb, 0xa8ca, 0xa8da, 0xa8e9, 0xa8f8, 0xa908, 0xa917, 0xa927,
+    0xa936, 0xa945, 0xa955, 0xa964, 0xa973, 0xa983, 0xa992, 0xa9a1, 0xa9b1, 0xa9c0, 0xa9cf, 0xa9df,
+    0xa9ee, 0xa9fd, 0xaa0d, 0xaa1c, 0xaa2b, 0xaa3b, 0xaa4a, 0xaa59, 0xaa69, 0xaa78, 0xaa87, 0xaa96,
+    0xaaa6, 0xaab5, 0xaac4, 0xaad4, 0xaae3, 0xaaf2, 0xab01, 0xab11, 0xab20, 0xab2f, 0xab3e, 0xab4e,
+    0xab5d, 0xab6c, 0xab7b, 0xab8b, 0xab9a, 0xaba9, 0xabb8, 0xabc7, 0xabd7, 0xabe6, 0xabf5, 0xac04,
+    0xac14, 0xac23, 0xac32, 0xac41, 0xac50, 0xac60, 0xac6f, 0xac7e, 0xac8d, 0xac9c, 0xacab, 0xacbb,
+    0xacca, 0xacd9, 0xace8, 0xacf7, 0xad06, 0xad16, 0xad25, 0xad34, 0xad43, 0xad52, 0xad61, 0xad70,
+    0xad80, 0xad8f, 0xad9e, 0xadad, 0xadbc, 0xadcb, 0xadda, 0xade9, 0xadf8, 0xae08, 0xae17, 0xae26,
+    0xae35, 0xae44, 0xae53, 0xae62, 0xae71, 0xae80, 0xae8f, 0xae9e, 0xaead, 0xaebd, 0xaecc, 0xaedb,
+    0xaeea, 0xaef9, 0xaf08, 0xaf17, 0xaf26, 0xaf35, 0xaf44, 0xaf53, 0xaf62, 0xaf71, 0xaf80, 0xaf8f,
+    0xaf9e, 0xafad, 0xafbc, 0xafcb, 0xafda, 0xafe9, 0xaff8, 0xb007, 0xb016, 0xb025, 0xb034, 0xb043,
+    0xb052, 0xb061, 0xb070, 0xb07f, 0xb08e, 0xb09d, 0xb0ac, 0xb0bb, 0xb0ca, 0xb0d9, 0xb0e8, 0xb0f6,
+    0xb105, 0xb114, 0xb123, 0xb132, 0xb141, 0xb150, 0xb15f, 0xb16e, 0xb17d, 0xb18c, 0xb19b, 0xb1aa,
+    0xb1b8, 0xb1c7, 0xb1d6, 0xb1e5, 0xb1f4, 0xb203, 0xb212, 0xb221, 0xb22f, 0xb23e, 0xb24d, 0xb25c,
+    0xb26b, 0xb27a, 0xb289, 0xb297, 0xb2a6, 0xb2b5, 0xb2c4, 0xb2d3, 0xb2e2, 0xb2f1, 0xb2ff, 0xb30e,
+    0xb31d, 0xb32c, 0xb33b, 0xb349, 0xb358, 0xb367, 0xb376, 0xb385, 0xb393, 0xb3a2, 0xb3b1, 0xb3c0,
+    0xb3cf, 0xb3dd, 0xb3ec, 0xb3fb, 0xb40a, 0xb418, 0xb427, 0xb436, 0xb445, 0xb453, 0xb462, 0xb471,
+    0xb480, 0xb48e, 0xb49d, 0xb4ac, 0xb4bb, 0xb4c9, 0xb4d8, 0xb4e7, 0xb4f6, 0xb504, 0xb513, 0xb522,
+    0xb530, 0xb53f, 0xb54e, 0xb55c, 0xb56b, 0xb57a, 0xb588, 0xb597, 0xb5a6, 0xb5b5, 0xb5c3, 0xb5d2,
+    0xb5e1, 0xb5ef, 0xb5fe, 0xb60d, 0xb61b, 0xb62a, 0xb638, 0xb647, 0xb656, 0xb664, 0xb673, 0xb682,
+    0xb690, 0xb69f, 0xb6ae, 0xb6bc, 0xb6cb, 0xb6d9, 0xb6e8, 0xb6f7, 0xb705, 0xb714, 0xb722, 0xb731,
+    0xb740, 0xb74e, 0xb75d, 0xb76b, 0xb77a, 0xb788, 0xb797, 0xb7a6, 0xb7b4, 0xb7c3, 0xb7d1, 0xb7e0,
+    0xb7ee, 0xb7fd, 0xb80b, 0xb81a, 0xb829, 0xb837, 0xb846, 0xb854, 0xb863, 0xb871, 0xb880, 0xb88e,
+    0xb89d, 0xb8ab, 0xb8ba, 0xb8c8, 0xb8d7, 0xb8e5, 0xb8f4, 0xb902, 0xb911, 0xb91f, 0xb92e, 0xb93c,
+    0xb94b, 0xb959, 0xb968, 0xb976, 0xb984, 0xb993, 0xb9a1, 0xb9b0, 0xb9be, 0xb9cd, 0xb9db, 0xb9ea,
+    0xb9f8, 0xba06, 0xba15, 0xba23, 0xba32, 0xba40, 0xba4f, 0xba5d, 0xba6b, 0xba7a, 0xba88, 0xba97,
+    0xbaa5, 0xbab3, 0xbac2, 0xbad0, 0xbade, 0xbaed, 0xbafb, 0xbb0a, 0xbb18, 0xbb26, 0xbb35, 0xbb43,
+    0xbb51, 0xbb60, 0xbb6e, 0xbb7c, 0xbb8b, 0xbb99, 0xbba8, 0xbbb6, 0xbbc4, 0xbbd3, 0xbbe1, 0xbbef,
+    0xbbfd, 0xbc0c, 0xbc1a, 0xbc28, 0xbc37, 0xbc45, 0xbc53, 0xbc62, 0xbc70, 0xbc7e, 0xbc8c, 0xbc9b,
+    0xbca9, 0xbcb7, 0xbcc6, 0xbcd4, 0xbce2, 0xbcf0, 0xbcff, 0xbd0d, 0xbd1b, 0xbd29, 0xbd38, 0xbd46,
+    0xbd54, 0xbd62, 0xbd71, 0xbd7f, 0xbd8d, 0xbd9b, 0xbdaa, 0xbdb8, 0xbdc6, 0xbdd4, 0xbde2, 0xbdf1,
+    0xbdff, 0xbe0d, 0xbe1b, 0xbe29, 0xbe38, 0xbe46, 0xbe54, 0xbe62, 0xbe70, 0xbe7f, 0xbe8d, 0xbe9b,
+    0xbea9, 0xbeb7, 0xbec5, 0xbed4, 0xbee2, 0xbef0, 0xbefe, 0xbf0c, 0xbf1a, 0xbf28, 0xbf37, 0xbf45,
+    0xbf53, 0xbf61, 0xbf6f, 0xbf7d, 0xbf8b, 0xbf99, 0xbfa7, 0xbfb6, 0xbfc4, 0xbfd2, 0xbfe0, 0xbfee,
+    0xbffc, 0xc00a, 0xc018, 0xc026, 0xc034, 0xc042, 0xc051, 0xc05f, 0xc06d, 0xc07b, 0xc089, 0xc097,
+    0xc0a5, 0xc0b3, 0xc0c1, 0xc0cf, 0xc0dd, 0xc0eb, 0xc0f9, 0xc107, 0xc115, 0xc123, 0xc131, 0xc13f,
+    0xc14d, 0xc15b, 0xc169, 0xc177, 0xc185, 0xc193, 0xc1a1, 0xc1af, 0xc1bd, 0xc1cb, 0xc1d9, 0xc1e7,
+    0xc1f5, 0xc203, 0xc211, 0xc21f, 0xc22d, 0xc23b, 0xc249, 0xc257, 0xc265, 0xc273, 0xc281, 0xc28f,
+    0xc29d, 0xc2ab, 0xc2b8, 0xc2c6, 0xc2d4, 0xc2e2, 0xc2f0, 0xc2fe, 0xc30c, 0xc31a, 0xc328, 0xc336,
+    0xc344, 0xc352, 0xc35f, 0xc36d, 0xc37b, 0xc389, 0xc397, 0xc3a5, 0xc3b3, 0xc3c1, 0xc3ce, 0xc3dc,
+    0xc3ea, 0xc3f8, 0xc406, 0xc414, 0xc422, 0xc42f, 0xc43d, 0xc44b, 0xc459, 0xc467, 0xc475, 0xc482,
+    0xc490, 0xc49e, 0xc4ac, 0xc4ba, 0xc4c7, 0xc4d5, 0xc4e3, 0xc4f1, 0xc4ff, 0xc50d, 0xc51a, 0xc528,
+    0xc536, 0xc544, 0xc551, 0xc55f, 0xc56d, 0xc57b, 0xc589, 0xc596, 0xc5a4, 0xc5b2, 0xc5c0, 0xc5cd,
+    0xc5db, 0xc5e9, 0xc5f7, 0xc604, 0xc612, 0xc620, 0xc62d, 0xc63b, 0xc649, 0xc657, 0xc664, 0xc672,
+    0xc680, 0xc68d, 0xc69b, 0xc6a9, 0xc6b7, 0xc6c4, 0xc6d2, 0xc6e0, 0xc6ed, 0xc6fb, 0xc709, 0xc716,
+    0xc724, 0xc732, 0xc73f, 0xc74d, 0xc75b, 0xc768, 0xc776, 0xc784, 0xc791, 0xc79f, 0xc7ad, 0xc7ba,
+    0xc7c8, 0xc7d6, 0xc7e3, 0xc7f1, 0xc7fe, 0xc80c, 0xc81a, 0xc827, 0xc835, 0xc842, 0xc850, 0xc85e,
+    0xc86b, 0xc879, 0xc886, 0xc894, 0xc8a2, 0xc8af, 0xc8bd, 0xc8ca, 0xc8d8, 0xc8e5, 0xc8f3, 0xc901,
+    0xc90e, 0xc91c, 0xc929, 0xc937, 0xc944, 0xc952, 0xc95f, 0xc96d, 0xc97b, 0xc988, 0xc996, 0xc9a3,
+    0xc9b1, 0xc9be, 0xc9cc, 0xc9d9, 0xc9e7, 0xc9f4, 0xca02, 0xca0f, 0xca1d, 0xca2a, 0xca38, 0xca45,
+    0xca53, 0xca60, 0xca6e, 0xca7b, 0xca89, 0xca96, 0xcaa4, 0xcab1, 0xcabe, 0xcacc, 0xcad9, 0xcae7,
+    0xcaf4, 0xcb02, 0xcb0f, 0xcb1d, 0xcb2a, 0xcb37, 0xcb45, 0xcb52, 0xcb60, 0xcb6d, 0xcb7b, 0xcb88,
+    0xcb95, 0xcba3, 0xcbb0, 0xcbbe, 0xcbcb, 0xcbd8, 0xcbe6, 0xcbf3, 0xcc01, 0xcc0e, 0xcc1b, 0xcc29,
+    0xcc36, 0xcc43, 0xcc51, 0xcc5e, 0xcc6c, 0xcc79, 0xcc86, 0xcc94, 0xcca1, 0xccae, 0xccbc, 0xccc9,
+    0xccd6, 0xcce4, 0xccf1, 0xccfe, 0xcd0c, 0xcd19, 0xcd26, 0xcd34, 0xcd41, 0xcd4e, 0xcd5b, 0xcd69,
+    0xcd76, 0xcd83, 0xcd91, 0xcd9e, 0xcdab, 0xcdb9, 0xcdc6, 0xcdd3, 0xcde0, 0xcdee, 0xcdfb, 0xce08,
+    0xce15, 0xce23, 0xce30, 0xce3d, 0xce4a, 0xce58, 0xce65, 0xce72, 0xce7f, 0xce8d, 0xce9a, 0xcea7,
+    0xceb4, 0xcec2, 0xcecf, 0xcedc, 0xcee9, 0xcef6, 0xcf04, 0xcf11, 0xcf1e, 0xcf2b, 0xcf38, 0xcf46,
+    0xcf53, 0xcf60, 0xcf6d, 0xcf7a, 0xcf87, 0xcf95, 0xcfa2, 0xcfaf, 0xcfbc, 0xcfc9, 0xcfd6, 0xcfe4,
+    0xcff1, 0xcffe, 0xd00b, 0xd018, 0xd025, 0xd032, 0xd040, 0xd04d, 0xd05a, 0xd067, 0xd074, 0xd081,
+    0xd08e, 0xd09b, 0xd0a9, 0xd0b6, 0xd0c3, 0xd0d0, 0xd0dd, 0xd0ea, 0xd0f7, 0xd104, 0xd111, 0xd11e,
+    0xd12b, 0xd139, 0xd146, 0xd153, 0xd160, 0xd16d, 0xd17a, 0xd187, 0xd194, 0xd1a1, 0xd1ae, 0xd1bb,
+    0xd1c8, 0xd1d5, 0xd1e2, 0xd1ef, 0xd1fc, 0xd209, 0xd216, 0xd223, 0xd230, 0xd23d, 0xd24a, 0xd257,
+    0xd264, 0xd271, 0xd27e, 0xd28b, 0xd298, 0xd2a5, 0xd2b2, 0xd2bf, 0xd2cc, 0xd2d9, 0xd2e6, 0xd2f3,
+    0xd300, 0xd30d, 0xd31a, 0xd327, 0xd334, 0xd341, 0xd34e, 0xd35b, 0xd368, 0xd375, 0xd382, 0xd38f,
+    0xd39c, 0xd3a8, 0xd3b5, 0xd3c2, 0xd3cf, 0xd3dc, 0xd3e9, 0xd3f6, 0xd403, 0xd410, 0xd41d, 0xd42a,
+    0xd436, 0xd443, 0xd450, 0xd45d, 0xd46a, 0xd477, 0xd484, 0xd491, 0xd49e, 0xd4aa, 0xd4b7, 0xd4c4,
+    0xd4d1, 0xd4de, 0xd4eb, 0xd4f8, 0xd504, 0xd511, 0xd51e, 0xd52b, 0xd538, 0xd545, 0xd551, 0xd55e,
+    0xd56b, 0xd578, 0xd585, 0xd591, 0xd59e, 0xd5ab, 0xd5b8, 0xd5c5, 0xd5d1, 0xd5de, 0xd5eb, 0xd5f8,
+    0xd605, 0xd611, 0xd61e, 0xd62b, 0xd638, 0xd645, 0xd651, 0xd65e, 0xd66b, 0xd678, 0xd684, 0xd691,
+    0xd69e, 0xd6ab, 0xd6b7, 0xd6c4, 0xd6d1, 0xd6de, 0xd6ea, 0xd6f7, 0xd704, 0xd710, 0xd71d, 0xd72a,
+    0xd737, 0xd743, 0xd750, 0xd75d, 0xd769, 0xd776, 0xd783, 0xd78f, 0xd79c, 0xd7a9, 0xd7b6, 0xd7c2,
+    0xd7cf, 0xd7dc, 0xd7e8, 0xd7f5, 0xd802, 0xd80e, 0xd81b, 0xd828, 0xd834, 0xd841, 0xd84e, 0xd85a,
+    0xd867, 0xd873, 0xd880, 0xd88d, 0xd899, 0xd8a6, 0xd8b3, 0xd8bf, 0xd8cc, 0xd8d8, 0xd8e5, 0xd8f2,
+    0xd8fe, 0xd90b, 0xd917, 0xd924, 0xd931, 0xd93d, 0xd94a, 0xd956, 0xd963, 0xd970, 0xd97c, 0xd989,
+    0xd995, 0xd9a2, 0xd9ae, 0xd9bb, 0xd9c8, 0xd9d4, 0xd9e1, 0xd9ed, 0xd9fa, 0xda06, 0xda13, 0xda1f,
+    0xda2c, 0xda38, 0xda45, 0xda51, 0xda5e, 0xda6a, 0xda77, 0xda84, 0xda90, 0xda9d, 0xdaa9, 0xdab6,
+    0xdac2, 0xdacf, 0xdadb, 0xdae7, 0xdaf4, 0xdb00, 0xdb0d, 0xdb19, 0xdb26, 0xdb32, 0xdb3f, 0xdb4b,
+    0xdb58, 0xdb64, 0xdb71, 0xdb7d, 0xdb8a, 0xdb96, 0xdba2, 0xdbaf, 0xdbbb, 0xdbc8, 0xdbd4, 0xdbe1,
+    0xdbed, 0xdbf9, 0xdc06, 0xdc12, 0xdc1f, 0xdc2b, 0xdc38, 0xdc44, 0xdc50, 0xdc5d, 0xdc69, 0xdc76,
+    0xdc82, 0xdc8e, 0xdc9b, 0xdca7, 0xdcb3, 0xdcc0, 0xdccc, 0xdcd9, 0xdce5, 0xdcf1, 0xdcfe, 0xdd0a,
+    0xdd16, 0xdd23, 0xdd2f, 0xdd3b, 0xdd48, 0xdd54, 0xdd60, 0xdd6d, 0xdd79, 0xdd85, 0xdd92, 0xdd9e,
+    0xddaa, 0xddb7, 0xddc3, 0xddcf, 0xdddc, 0xdde8, 0xddf4, 0xde01, 0xde0d, 0xde19, 0xde25, 0xde32,
+    0xde3e, 0xde4a, 0xde57, 0xde63, 0xde6f, 0xde7b, 0xde88, 0xde94, 0xdea0, 0xdeac, 0xdeb9, 0xdec5,
+    0xded1, 0xdedd, 0xdeea, 0xdef6, 0xdf02, 0xdf0e, 0xdf1b, 0xdf27, 0xdf33, 0xdf3f, 0xdf4c, 0xdf58,
+    0xdf64, 0xdf70, 0xdf7c, 0xdf89, 0xdf95, 0xdfa1, 0xdfad, 0xdfb9, 0xdfc6, 0xdfd2, 0xdfde, 0xdfea,
+    0xdff6, 0xe003, 0xe00f, 0xe01b, 0xe027, 0xe033, 0xe03f, 0xe04c, 0xe058, 0xe064, 0xe070, 0xe07c,
+    0xe088, 0xe094, 0xe0a1, 0xe0ad, 0xe0b9, 0xe0c5, 0xe0d1, 0xe0dd, 0xe0e9, 0xe0f5, 0xe102, 0xe10e,
+    0xe11a, 0xe126, 0xe132, 0xe13e, 0xe14a, 0xe156, 0xe162, 0xe16e, 0xe17b, 0xe187, 0xe193, 0xe19f,
+    0xe1ab, 0xe1b7, 0xe1c3, 0xe1cf, 0xe1db, 0xe1e7, 0xe1f3, 0xe1ff, 0xe20b, 0xe217, 0xe223, 0xe22f,
+    0xe23c, 0xe248, 0xe254, 0xe260, 0xe26c, 0xe278, 0xe284, 0xe290, 0xe29c, 0xe2a8, 0xe2b4, 0xe2c0,
+    0xe2cc, 0xe2d8, 0xe2e4, 0xe2f0, 0xe2fc, 0xe308, 0xe314, 0xe320, 0xe32c, 0xe338, 0xe344, 0xe350,
+    0xe35c, 0xe368, 0xe374, 0xe380, 0xe38b, 0xe397, 0xe3a3, 0xe3af, 0xe3bb, 0xe3c7, 0xe3d3, 0xe3df,
+    0xe3eb, 0xe3f7, 0xe403, 0xe40f, 0xe41b, 0xe427, 0xe433, 0xe43f, 0xe44a, 0xe456, 0xe462, 0xe46e,
+    0xe47a, 0xe486, 0xe492, 0xe49e, 0xe4aa, 0xe4b6, 0xe4c1, 0xe4cd, 0xe4d9, 0xe4e5, 0xe4f1, 0xe4fd,
+    0xe509, 0xe515, 0xe520, 0xe52c, 0xe538, 0xe544, 0xe550, 0xe55c, 0xe567, 0xe573, 0xe57f, 0xe58b,
+    0xe597, 0xe5a3, 0xe5af, 0xe5ba, 0xe5c6, 0xe5d2, 0xe5de, 0xe5ea, 0xe5f5, 0xe601, 0xe60d, 0xe619,
+    0xe625, 0xe630, 0xe63c, 0xe648, 0xe654, 0xe660, 0xe66b, 0xe677, 0xe683, 0xe68f, 0xe69a, 0xe6a6,
+    0xe6b2, 0xe6be, 0xe6ca, 0xe6d5, 0xe6e1, 0xe6ed, 0xe6f9, 0xe704, 0xe710, 0xe71c, 0xe727, 0xe733,
+    0xe73f, 0xe74b, 0xe756, 0xe762, 0xe76e, 0xe77a, 0xe785, 0xe791, 0xe79d, 0xe7a8, 0xe7b4, 0xe7c0,
+    0xe7cb, 0xe7d7, 0xe7e3, 0xe7ef, 0xe7fa, 0xe806, 0xe812, 0xe81d, 0xe829, 0xe835, 0xe840, 0xe84c,
+    0xe858, 0xe863, 0xe86f, 0xe87b, 0xe886, 0xe892, 0xe89e, 0xe8a9, 0xe8b5, 0xe8c0, 0xe8cc, 0xe8d8,
+    0xe8e3, 0xe8ef, 0xe8fb, 0xe906, 0xe912, 0xe91d, 0xe929, 0xe935, 0xe940, 0xe94c, 0xe958, 0xe963,
+    0xe96f, 0xe97a, 0xe986, 0xe991, 0xe99d, 0xe9a9, 0xe9b4, 0xe9c0, 0xe9cb, 0xe9d7, 0xe9e3, 0xe9ee,
+    0xe9fa, 0xea05, 0xea11, 0xea1c, 0xea28, 0xea33, 0xea3f, 0xea4a, 0xea56, 0xea62, 0xea6d, 0xea79,
+    0xea84, 0xea90, 0xea9b, 0xeaa7, 0xeab2, 0xeabe, 0xeac9, 0xead5, 0xeae0, 0xeaec, 0xeaf7, 0xeb03,
+    0xeb0e, 0xeb1a, 0xeb25, 0xeb31, 0xeb3c, 0xeb48, 0xeb53, 0xeb5f, 0xeb6a, 0xeb76, 0xeb81, 0xeb8d,
+    0xeb98, 0xeba3, 0xebaf, 0xebba, 0xebc6, 0xebd1, 0xebdd, 0xebe8, 0xebf4, 0xebff, 0xec0a, 0xec16,
+    0xec21, 0xec2d, 0xec38, 0xec44, 0xec4f, 0xec5a, 0xec66, 0xec71, 0xec7d, 0xec88, 0xec93, 0xec9f,
+    0xecaa, 0xecb6, 0xecc1, 0xeccc, 0xecd8, 0xece3, 0xecef, 0xecfa, 0xed05, 0xed11, 0xed1c, 0xed27,
+    0xed33, 0xed3e, 0xed4a, 0xed55, 0xed60, 0xed6c, 0xed77, 0xed82, 0xed8e, 0xed99, 0xeda4, 0xedb0,
+    0xedbb, 0xedc6, 0xedd2, 0xeddd, 0xede8, 0xedf4, 0xedff, 0xee0a, 0xee15, 0xee21, 0xee2c, 0xee37,
+    0xee43, 0xee4e, 0xee59, 0xee65, 0xee70, 0xee7b, 0xee86, 0xee92, 0xee9d, 0xeea8, 0xeeb3, 0xeebf,
+    0xeeca, 0xeed5, 0xeee1, 0xeeec, 0xeef7, 0xef02, 0xef0e, 0xef19, 0xef24, 0xef2f, 0xef3a, 0xef46,
+    0xef51, 0xef5c, 0xef67, 0xef73, 0xef7e, 0xef89, 0xef94, 0xef9f, 0xefab, 0xefb6, 0xefc1, 0xefcc,
+    0xefd7, 0xefe3, 0xefee, 0xeff9, 0xf004, 0xf00f, 0xf01b, 0xf026, 0xf031, 0xf03c, 0xf047, 0xf052,
+    0xf05e, 0xf069, 0xf074, 0xf07f, 0xf08a, 0xf095, 0xf0a1, 0xf0ac, 0xf0b7, 0xf0c2, 0xf0cd, 0xf0d8,
+    0xf0e3, 0xf0ef, 0xf0fa, 0xf105, 0xf110, 0xf11b, 0xf126, 0xf131, 0xf13c, 0xf147, 0xf153, 0xf15e,
+    0xf169, 0xf174, 0xf17f, 0xf18a, 0xf195, 0xf1a0, 0xf1ab, 0xf1b6, 0xf1c2, 0xf1cd, 0xf1d8, 0xf1e3,
+    0xf1ee, 0xf1f9, 0xf204, 0xf20f, 0xf21a, 0xf225, 0xf230, 0xf23b, 0xf246, 0xf251, 0xf25c, 0xf267,
+    0xf272, 0xf27d, 0xf288, 0xf293, 0xf29f, 0xf2aa, 0xf2b5, 0xf2c0, 0xf2cb, 0xf2d6, 0xf2e1, 0xf2ec,
+    0xf2f7, 0xf302, 0xf30d, 0xf318, 0xf323, 0xf32e, 0xf339, 0xf344, 0xf34f, 0xf35a, 0xf364, 0xf36f,
+    0xf37a, 0xf385, 0xf390, 0xf39b, 0xf3a6, 0xf3b1, 0xf3bc, 0xf3c7, 0xf3d2, 0xf3dd, 0xf3e8, 0xf3f3,
+    0xf3fe, 0xf409, 0xf414, 0xf41f, 0xf42a, 0xf435, 0xf43f, 0xf44a, 0xf455, 0xf460, 0xf46b, 0xf476,
+    0xf481, 0xf48c, 0xf497, 0xf4a2, 0xf4ad, 0xf4b7, 0xf4c2, 0xf4cd, 0xf4d8, 0xf4e3, 0xf4ee, 0xf4f9,
+    0xf504, 0xf50f, 0xf519, 0xf524, 0xf52f, 0xf53a, 0xf545, 0xf550, 0xf55b, 0xf565, 0xf570, 0xf57b,
+    0xf586, 0xf591, 0xf59c, 0xf5a6, 0xf5b1, 0xf5bc, 0xf5c7, 0xf5d2, 0xf5dd, 0xf5e7, 0xf5f2, 0xf5fd,
+    0xf608, 0xf613, 0xf61d, 0xf628, 0xf633, 0xf63e, 0xf649, 0xf653, 0xf65e, 0xf669, 0xf674, 0xf67f,
+    0xf689, 0xf694, 0xf69f, 0xf6aa, 0xf6b4, 0xf6bf, 0xf6ca, 0xf6d5, 0xf6e0, 0xf6ea, 0xf6f5, 0xf700,
+    0xf70b, 0xf715, 0xf720, 0xf72b, 0xf736, 0xf740, 0xf74b, 0xf756, 0xf760, 0xf76b, 0xf776, 0xf781,
+    0xf78b, 0xf796, 0xf7a1, 0xf7ab, 0xf7b6, 0xf7c1, 0xf7cc, 0xf7d6, 0xf7e1, 0xf7ec, 0xf7f6, 0xf801,
+    0xf80c, 0xf816, 0xf821, 0xf82c, 0xf836, 0xf841, 0xf84c, 0xf856, 0xf861, 0xf86c, 0xf876, 0xf881,
+    0xf88c, 0xf896, 0xf8a1, 0xf8ac, 0xf8b6, 0xf8c1, 0xf8cc, 0xf8d6, 0xf8e1, 0xf8ec, 0xf8f6, 0xf901,
+    0xf90b, 0xf916, 0xf921, 0xf92b, 0xf936, 0xf941, 0xf94b, 0xf956, 0xf960, 0xf96b, 0xf976, 0xf980,
+    0xf98b, 0xf995, 0xf9a0, 0xf9aa, 0xf9b5, 0xf9c0, 0xf9ca, 0xf9d5, 0xf9df, 0xf9ea, 0xf9f4, 0xf9ff,
+    0xfa0a, 0xfa14, 0xfa1f, 0xfa29, 0xfa34, 0xfa3e, 0xfa49, 0xfa53, 0xfa5e, 0xfa69, 0xfa73, 0xfa7e,
+    0xfa88, 0xfa93, 0xfa9d, 0xfaa8, 0xfab2, 0xfabd, 0xfac7, 0xfad2, 0xfadc, 0xfae7, 0xfaf1, 0xfafc,
+    0xfb06, 0xfb11, 0xfb1b, 0xfb26, 0xfb30, 0xfb3b, 0xfb45, 0xfb50, 0xfb5a, 0xfb65, 0xfb6f, 0xfb7a,
+    0xfb84, 0xfb8f, 0xfb99, 0xfba4, 0xfbae, 0xfbb8, 0xfbc3, 0xfbcd, 0xfbd8, 0xfbe2, 0xfbed, 0xfbf7,
+    0xfc02, 0xfc0c, 0xfc16, 0xfc21, 0xfc2b, 0xfc36, 0xfc40, 0xfc4b, 0xfc55, 0xfc5f, 0xfc6a, 0xfc74,
+    0xfc7f, 0xfc89, 0xfc93, 0xfc9e, 0xfca8, 0xfcb3, 0xfcbd, 0xfcc7, 0xfcd2, 0xfcdc, 0xfce7, 0xfcf1,
+    0xfcfb, 0xfd06, 0xfd10, 0xfd1a, 0xfd25, 0xfd2f, 0xfd3a, 0xfd44, 0xfd4e, 0xfd59, 0xfd63, 0xfd6d,
+    0xfd78, 0xfd82, 0xfd8c, 0xfd97, 0xfda1, 0xfdab, 0xfdb6, 0xfdc0, 0xfdca, 0xfdd5, 0xfddf, 0xfde9,
+    0xfdf4, 0xfdfe, 0xfe08, 0xfe13, 0xfe1d, 0xfe27, 0xfe32, 0xfe3c, 0xfe46, 0xfe50, 0xfe5b, 0xfe65,
+    0xfe6f, 0xfe7a, 0xfe84, 0xfe8e, 0xfe98, 0xfea3, 0xfead, 0xfeb7, 0xfec1, 0xfecc, 0xfed6, 0xfee0,
+    0xfeeb, 0xfef5, 0xfeff, 0xff09, 0xff14, 0xff1e, 0xff28, 0xff32, 0xff3c, 0xff47, 0xff51, 0xff5b,
+    0xff65, 0xff70, 0xff7a, 0xff84, 0xff8e, 0xff98, 0xffa3, 0xffad, 0xffb7, 0xffc1, 0xffcc, 0xffd6,
+    0xffe0, 0xffea, 0xfff4, 0xffff};
+// max value is pi/4
+constexpr double SCALING_FACTOR = 4. / M_PI * 0xFFFF;
+inline double atan2_lookup(double y, double x)
+    if (std::abs(x) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    {
+        if (y >= 0.)
+        {
+            return M_PI / 2.;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return -M_PI / 2.;
+        }
+    }
+    unsigned octant = 0;
+    if (x < 0.)
+    {
+        octant = 1;
+        x = -x;
+    }
+    if (y < 0.)
+    {
+        octant |= 2;
+        y = -y;
+    }
+    double t = y / x;
+    if (t > 1.0)
+    {
+        octant |= 4;
+        t = 1.0 / t;
+    }
+    double angle = atan_table[(unsigned)(t * 4095)] / SCALING_FACTOR;
+    switch (octant)
+    {
+    case 0:
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        angle = M_PI - angle;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        angle = -angle;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        angle = -M_PI + angle;
+        break;
+    case 4:
+        angle = M_PI / 2.0 - angle;
+        break;
+    case 5:
+        angle = M_PI / 2.0 + angle;
+        break;
+    case 6:
+        angle = -M_PI / 2.0 + angle;
+        break;
+    case 7:
+        angle = -M_PI / 2.0 - angle;
+        break;
+    }
+    return angle;
diff --git a/Util/xml_renderer.hpp b/util/xml_renderer.hpp
similarity index 81%
rename from Util/xml_renderer.hpp
rename to util/xml_renderer.hpp
index 46e0501..4ef1e5d 100644
--- a/Util/xml_renderer.hpp
+++ b/util/xml_renderer.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others
+Copyright (c) 2014, Project OSRM contributors
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-#include "../data_structures/json_container.hpp"
 #include "cast.hpp"
-namespace JSON {
+#include <osrm/json_container.hpp>
+namespace osrm
+namespace json
 struct XMLToArrayRenderer : mapbox::util::static_visitor<>
@@ -65,7 +69,6 @@ struct XMLToArrayRenderer : mapbox::util::static_visitor<>
                 out.push_back(' ');
                 out.insert(out.end(), ++(*iterator).first.begin(), (*iterator).first.end());
             mapbox::util::apply_visitor(XMLToArrayRenderer(out), (*iterator).second);
             if (iterator->first.at(0) != '_')
@@ -110,31 +113,30 @@ struct XMLToArrayRenderer : mapbox::util::static_visitor<>
     std::vector<char> &out;
-template<class JSONObject>
-inline void xml_render(std::vector<char> &out, const JSONObject &object)
+template <class JSONObject> inline void xml_render(std::vector<char> &out, const JSONObject &object)
     Value value = object;
     mapbox::util::apply_visitor(XMLToArrayRenderer(out), value);
-template<class JSONObject>
-inline void gpx_render(std::vector<char> &out, const JSONObject &object)
+template <class JSONObject> inline void gpx_render(std::vector<char> &out, const JSONObject &object)
     // add header
-    const std::string header {"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><gpx creator=\"OSRM Routing Engine\""
-     " version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1\" xmlns:xsi=\"http:"
-     "//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.topogr"
-     "afix.com/GPX/1/1 gpx.xsd\"><metadata><copyright author=\"Project OSRM\"><lice"
-     "nse>Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors (ODbL)</license></copyright></metadat"
-     "a><rte>"};
+    const std::string header{
+        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><gpx creator=\"OSRM Routing Engine\""
+        " version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1\" xmlns:xsi=\"http:"
+        "//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.topogr"
+        "afix.com/GPX/1/1 gpx.xsd\"><metadata><copyright author=\"Project OSRM\"><lice"
+        "nse>Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors (ODbL)</license></copyright></metadat"
+        "a><rte>"};
     out.insert(out.end(), header.begin(), header.end());
     xml_render(out, object);
-    const std::string footer {"</rte></gpx>"};
+    const std::string footer{"</rte></gpx>"};
     out.insert(out.end(), footer.begin(), footer.end());
-} // namespace JSON
+} // namespace json
+} // namespace osrm

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