Bug#785417: josm: please update josm to atleast svn 8339

shirish शिरीष shirishag75 at gmail.com
Sat May 16 17:15:01 UTC 2015


On 5/16/15, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Control: block -1 by 783538
> Hi shirish,

Hi Sebastian,

> I've updated JOSM in git, but upstream has switched the JCS which is not
> packaged for Debian yet. See the discussion on the debian-gis list:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-gis/2015/04/msg00029.html
> Some JCS build dependencies are missing too, so it's not easy to get it
> packaged. I need some help getting these new dependencies packaged.

I have subscribed to the RFP. While I cannot help with packaging, if
you can share the names of packages which are the build-dependencies
which are not packaged, if RFP is not filed for them, will file and
report here. If already filed, will subscribe and keep a lookout on
when those are packaged.

I could try helping out in any initial steps if that helps to
jumpstart the process. I do use fakeroot for building packages for
self (provided there is a debian directory) and also a tool whose name
I am forgetting atm to make a /debian directory with various default
values in debian/control and debian/rules files. It's been sometime
though since I have used that tool though, most probably it's
debhelper or one of it's dh_* packages. Anyways, my knowledge of java
extends to the fact of how to peek inside a .jar file or run it.

If I can help even a little in getting this jump-started please let me know.

Btw the two bugs filed one after the other for the same package was a
mistake. I was disturbed by some random event and completely forgot
that I already sent it. Sorry for making more work for you (to merge
the bugs together).

> In the mean time you can use the josm-tested from upstream:
> http://josm.openstreetmap.de/
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
> --
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          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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