[gpsprune] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/18.1'
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 2 10:58:27 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gpsprune.
commit d47509456c1dfe64b676af396b9646f1cd86edee
Merge: 32df27f f54fd6a
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Fri Oct 2 12:40:36 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/18.1'
Upstream version 18.1
build.sh | 2 +-
tim/prune/GpsPrune.java | 4 +-
tim/prune/UpdateMessageBroker.java | 35 +-
tim/prune/data/Selection.java | 8 +-
tim/prune/data/SpeedCalculator.java | 36 +-
tim/prune/data/Timestamp.java | 10 +-
tim/prune/function/GetWikipediaFunction.java | 72 ++-
tim/prune/function/PhotoPopupFunction.java | 49 +-
tim/prune/function/charts/Charter.java | 2 +-
tim/prune/function/gpsies/TrackListModel.java | 17 +-
tim/prune/function/search/SearchResult.java | 19 +-
tim/prune/function/search/wikimedia_galleries.txt | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_cz.properties | 1 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_de.properties | 3 +-
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_de_CH.properties | 1 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_en.properties | 1 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_hu.properties | 1 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_nl.properties | 8 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_ro.properties | 1 +
tim/prune/lang/prune-texts_uk.properties | 36 +-
tim/prune/readme.txt | 16 +-
21 files changed, 929 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/gpsprune.git
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