[josm] 20/28: Add missing-sources for overpass-turbo-ffs.js & opening_hours.js.
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 9 22:27:05 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository josm.
commit a8885f6290d7f11daa98cc9500b839a283210c79
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Fri Oct 9 16:22:14 2015 +0200
Add missing-sources for overpass-turbo-ffs.js & opening_hours.js.
debian/changelog | 1 +
debian/missing-sources/opening_hours.js | 6934 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/missing-sources/overpass-turbo-ffs.js | 1170 +++++
3 files changed, 8105 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index d601c3f..c5c4f2c 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ josm (0.0.svn8800+dfsg2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Bump minimum required jmapviewer version to 1.11.
* Drop xjc command for removed wms-cache.xsd.
* Use embedded metadata-extractor for getFirstDirectoryOfType symbol.
+ * Add missing-sources for overpass-turbo-ffs.js & opening_hours.js.
-- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Fri, 09 Oct 2015 15:24:23 +0200
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/opening_hours.js b/debian/missing-sources/opening_hours.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df1fb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/opening_hours.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6934 @@
+ * For information see https://github.com/ypid/opening_hours.js
+ * and the docs directory which contains internal documentation and design.
+ */
+/* jshint laxbreak: true */
+/* jshint boss: true */
+/* jshint loopfunc: true */
+(function (root, factory) {
+ /* constants (holidays, error correction, lang) {{{ */
+ /* holidays {{{ */
+ /*
+ * The country code keys and the PH, SH keys are surrounded by '':
+ * :%s/^\s\+\zs"\([^"]\+\)"\(: {\)/'\1'\2/
+ * Fixed the indention with Vim Marco:
+ * /'PH'<cr>f{jVk%k,a:
+ * Fixed spacing in parenthesis:
+ * :%s/\[\zs\([^ ]\)/ \1/e | %s/\([^ ]\)\]/\1 \]/e | %s/,\([^ ]\)/, \1/e
+ */
+ var holidays = {
+ 'fr': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%AAtes_et_jours_f%C3%A9ri%C3%A9s_en_France
+ "Jour de l'an" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Vendredi saint" : [ 'easter', -2, [ 'Moselle', 'Bas-Rhin', 'Haut-Rhin', 'Guadeloupe', 'Martinique', 'Polynésie française' ] ],
+ "Lundi de Pâques" : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ "Saint-Pierre-Chanel" : [ 4, 28, [ 'Wallis-et-Futuna' ] ],
+ "Fête du Travail" : [ 5, 1 ],
+ "Fête de la Victoire" : [ 5, 8 ],
+ "Abolition de l'esclavage (Martinique)" : [ 5, 22, [ 'Martinique' ] ],
+ "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guadeloupe)" : [ 5, 27, [ 'Guadeloupe' ] ],
+ "Jeudi de l'Ascension" : [ 'easter', 39 ],
+ "Lundi de Pentecôte" : [ 'easter', 50 ],
+ "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guyane)" : [ 6, 10, [ 'Guyane' ] ],
+ "Fête de l'autonomie" : [ 6, 29, [ 'Polynésie française' ] ],
+ "Fête nationale" : [ 7, 14 ],
+ "Fête Victor Schoelcher" : [ 7, 21, [ 'Guadeloupe', 'Martinique' ] ],
+ "Fête du Territoire" : [ 7, 29, [ 'Wallis-et-Futuna' ] ],
+ "Assomption" : [ 8, 15 ],
+ "Fête de la citoyenneté" : [ 9, 24, [ 'Nouvelle-Calédonie' ] ],
+ "Toussaint" : [ 11, 1 ],
+ "Armistice" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Abolition de l'esclavage (Réunion)" : [ 12, 20, [ 'Réunion' ] ],
+ "Noël" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Saint-Étienne " : [ 12, 26, [ 'Moselle', 'Bas-Rhin', 'Haut-Rhin' ] ]
+ }
+ }, // }}}
+ 'de': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feiertage_in_Deutschland
+ 'Neujahrstag' : [ 1, 1 ], // month 1, day 1, whole Germany
+ 'Heilige Drei Könige' : [ 1, 6, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Sachsen-Anhalt'] ], // only in the specified states
+ 'Tag der Arbeit' : [ 5, 1 ], // whole Germany
+ 'Karfreitag' : [ 'easter', -2 ], // two days before easter
+ 'Ostersonntag' : [ 'easter', 0, [ 'Brandenburg'] ],
+ 'Ostermontag' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'Christi Himmelfahrt' : [ 'easter', 39 ],
+ 'Pfingstsonntag' : [ 'easter', 49, [ 'Brandenburg'] ],
+ 'Pfingstmontag' : [ 'easter', 50 ],
+ 'Fronleichnam' : [ 'easter', 60, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Hessen', 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'Rheinland-Pfalz', 'Saarland' ] ],
+ 'Mariä Himmelfahrt' : [ 8, 15, [ 'Saarland'] ],
+ 'Tag der Deutschen Einheit' : [ 10, 3 ],
+ 'Reformationstag' : [ 10, 31, [ 'Brandenburg', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern', 'Sachsen', 'Sachsen-Anhalt', 'Thüringen'] ],
+ 'Allerheiligen' : [ 11, 1, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'Rheinland-Pfalz', 'Saarland' ] ],
+ '1. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ '2. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ // 'Silvester' : [ 12, 31 ], // for testing
+ },
+ 'Baden-Württemberg': { // does only apply in Baden-Württemberg
+ // This more specific rule set overwrites the country wide one (they are just ignored).
+ // You may use this instead of the country wide with some
+ // additional holidays for some states, if one state
+ // totally disagrees about how to do holidays …
+ // 'PH': {
+ // '2. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ // },
+ // school holiday normally variate between states
+ 'SH': [ // generated by convert_ical_to_json
+ // You may can adjust this script to use other resources (for other countries) too.
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2005: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 3, 24, 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2006: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ 2007: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2008: [ 3, 17, /* to */ 3, 28 ],
+ 2009: [ 4, 9, /* to */ 4, 9, 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 17 ],
+ 2010: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 1, 4, 6, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 21, /* to */ 4, 21, 4, 26, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 5 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 25 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2005: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ],
+ 2006: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 10 ],
+ 2007: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ],
+ 2008: [ 5, 13, /* to */ 5, 23 ],
+ 2009: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 25 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 6, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 21 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 16 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2005: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ],
+ 2006: [ 8, 3, /* to */ 9, 16 ],
+ 2007: [ 7, 26, /* to */ 9, 8 ],
+ 2008: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 6 ],
+ 2009: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ],
+ 2010: [ 7, 29, /* to */ 9, 11 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 26, /* to */ 9, 8 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 7 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 13 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 9 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2005: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ],
+ 2006: [ 10, 30, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2007: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2008: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2009: [ 10, 26, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2010: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 10, 31, 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 28, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2005: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2006: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2007: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2008: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 10 ],
+ 2009: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ],
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 8 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2011: [ 2, 7, /* to */ 2, 19 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 17 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 15 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 15 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 14 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 13 ],
+ 2017: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 18 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 7 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 27 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 23 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 8 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 3, 30 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 19 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 22 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 29 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 21 ],
+ 2014: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 22, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 2, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 12, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 4, /* to */ 8, 13 ],
+ 2012: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 14, /* to */ 8, 23 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 29 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 3 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 2 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 18, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 21 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 14, /* to */ 10, 19 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 25 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 12, 31 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Hessen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 15 ],
+ 2018: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 7 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 14 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 10 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 16 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 5 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 15, /* to */ 10, 27 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 14, /* to */ 10, 26 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ],
+ 2017: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 12 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 11 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2017: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 13 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Schleswig-Holstein': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 17 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 15, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 17 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 7, /* to */ 4, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 12, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 4, /* to */ 8, 13 ],
+ 2012: [ 6, 25, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 14, /* to */ 8, 23 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 29 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 3 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 2 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 4 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 19 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 13, /* to */ 10, 25 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Berlin': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 9 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 8 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 31, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 29, /* to */ 8, 12 ],
+ 2012: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 19, /* to */ 8, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 9, /* to */ 8, 22 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 28 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 9, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 19, /* to */ 9, 1 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 12 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Saarland': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 15, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 12 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 20, /* to */ 2, 25 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 11, /* to */ 2, 16 ],
+ 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 8 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 16, /* to */ 2, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 14 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 17 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 6 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 4 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 14 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Bremen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 2 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ],
+ 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 3 ],
+ 2016: [ 1, 28, /* to */ 1, 29 ],
+ 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 19, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 11, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 16, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 22, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3, 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18, 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30, 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15, 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26, 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 17 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 7 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 2 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 11, 8 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Bayern': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 15, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 11 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 20, /* to */ 2, 24 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 11, /* to */ 2, 15 ],
+ 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 7 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 16, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 12 ],
+ 2017: [ 2, 27, /* to */ 3, 3 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 1 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 25 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 31 ],
+ 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 21 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 6, 5 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 16 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 8, 2, /* to */ 9, 13 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ],
+ 2012: [ 8, 1, /* to */ 9, 12 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 11 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 15 ],
+ 2015: [ 8, 1, /* to */ 9, 14 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 29, /* to */ 9, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 11, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 28, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 7 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 11, 4 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Niedersachsen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 2 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ],
+ 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 3 ],
+ 2016: [ 1, 28, /* to */ 1, 29 ],
+ 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 19, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 11, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 16, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 22, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3, 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18, 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30, 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15, 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26, 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 17 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 7 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 2 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 11, 8 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Nordrhein-Westfalen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 27, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ],
+ 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 27 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 9, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 22, /* to */ 9, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 19 ],
+ 2015: [ 6, 29, /* to */ 8, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 23 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 17, /* to */ 8, 29 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 11, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 8, /* to */ 10, 20 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 6, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 5, /* to */ 10, 17 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 8 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Sachsen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2011: [ 2, 12, /* to */ 2, 26 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 13, /* to */ 2, 25 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 15 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 17, /* to */ 3, 1 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 9, /* to */ 2, 21 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 20 ],
+ 2017: [ 2, 13, /* to */ 2, 24 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 22, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 6, /* to */ 4, 14 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 26 ],
+ 2015: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 13, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 22 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 6, 28, /* to */ 8, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 19 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 23 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 29 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 16 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 12, /* to */ 10, 24 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 3, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Thüringen': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 11 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 18, /* to */ 2, 23 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 17, /* to */ 2, 22 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 19, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 19 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 23 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 29 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 10 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 9 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2011: [ 6, 11, /* to */ 6, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 29 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 6, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 5, /* to */ 10, 17 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 12, 31 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Hamburg': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 1, 29, /* to */ 1, 29 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 1, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ],
+ 2016: [ 1, 29, /* to */ 1, 29 ],
+ 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 8, /* to */ 3, 20 ],
+ 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 18 ],
+ 2012: [ 3, 5, /* to */ 3, 16 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 4, /* to */ 3, 15 ],
+ 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 14 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 2, /* to */ 3, 13 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 18 ],
+ 2017: [ 3, 6, /* to */ 3, 17 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 22 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 26, /* to */ 4, 29, 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 30, /* to */ 5, 4, 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 10 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 28, /* to */ 5, 2, 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 11, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 20 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 22, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 18 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 30, /* to */ 8, 10 ],
+ 2012: [ 6, 21, /* to */ 8, 1 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 7, 31 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 10, /* to */ 8, 20 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 16, /* to */ 8, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 31 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 30 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 12 ],
+ 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 11 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 13, /* to */ 10, 24 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Sachsen-Anhalt': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 13 ],
+ 2011: [ 2, 5, /* to */ 2, 12 ],
+ 2012: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 11 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 8 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 12 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 14 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 10 ],
+ 2017: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 27 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 7 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 3, 30 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 17 ],
+ 2015: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 3, 24 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 13 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 22 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 18 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 25 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 6, 7 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 23 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 14 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ],
+ 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 24 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 5 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 28 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 9, 3 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 26 ],
+ 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 10 ],
+ 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 9 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 18, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 2 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 10, 25 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 24 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 5 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Rheinland-Pfalz': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 9 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 29 ],
+ 2012: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 20, /* to */ 4, 5 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 11, /* to */ 4, 25 ],
+ 2015: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 1 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 13 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 10 ],
+ 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 16 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 5 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 4 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 11 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 22 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 12 ],
+ 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 21 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 8 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Brandenburg': {
+ 'SH': [
+ {
+ name: 'Winterferien',
+ 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ],
+ 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 9 ],
+ 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 8 ],
+ 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ],
+ 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ],
+ 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Osterferien',
+ 2010: [ 3, 31, /* to */ 4, 10 ],
+ 2011: [ 4, 20, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2012: [ 4, 4, /* to */ 4, 14, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ],
+ 2013: [ 3, 27, /* to */ 4, 6 ],
+ 2014: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 26, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 11 ],
+ 2016: [ 3, 23, /* to */ 4, 2 ],
+ 2017: [ 4, 12, /* to */ 4, 22 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pfingstferien',
+ 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ],
+ 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ],
+ 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ],
+ 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ],
+ 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ],
+ 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sommerferien',
+ 2010: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 21 ],
+ 2011: [ 6, 30, /* to */ 8, 13 ],
+ 2012: [ 6, 21, /* to */ 8, 3 ],
+ 2013: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 8, 2 ],
+ 2014: [ 7, 10, /* to */ 8, 22 ],
+ 2015: [ 7, 16, /* to */ 8, 28 ],
+ 2016: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 9, 3 ],
+ 2017: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 9, 1 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Herbstferien',
+ 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ],
+ 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ],
+ 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 13 ],
+ 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 12, 11, 1, /* to */ 11, 1 ],
+ 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ],
+ 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ],
+ 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Weihnachtsferien',
+ 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ],
+ 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 4 ],
+ 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ],
+ 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'at': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feiertage_in_%C3%96sterreich
+ 'Neujahrstag' : [ 1, 1 ],
+ 'Heilige Drei Könige' : [ 1, 6 ],
+ // 'Josef' : [ 3, 19, [ 'Kärnten', 'Steiermark', 'Tirol', 'Vorarlberg' ] ],
+ // 'Karfreitag' : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ 'Ostermontag' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'Staatsfeiertag' : [ 5, 1 ],
+ // 'Florian' : [ 5, 4, [ 'Oberösterreich' ] ],
+ 'Christi Himmelfahrt' : [ 'easter', 39 ],
+ 'Pfingstmontag' : [ 'easter', 50 ],
+ 'Fronleichnam' : [ 'easter', 60 ],
+ 'Mariä Himmelfahrt' : [ 8, 15 ],
+ // 'Rupert' : [ 9, 24, [ 'Salzburg' ] ],
+ // 'Tag der Volksabstimmung' : [ 10, 10, [ 'Kärnten' ] ],
+ 'Nationalfeiertag' : [ 10, 26 ],
+ 'Allerheiligen' : [ 11, 1 ],
+ // 'Martin' : [ 11, 11, [ 'Burgenland' ] ],
+ // 'Leopold' : [ 11, 15, [ 'Niederösterreich', 'Wien' ] ],
+ 'Mariä Empfängnis' : [ 12, 8 ],
+ // 'Heiliger Abend' : [ 12, 24 ],
+ 'Christtag' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ 'Stefanitag' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ // 'Silvester' : [ 12, 31 ],
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'dk': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Denmark
+ 'Nytårsdag' : [ 1, 1 ],
+ 'Skærtorsdag' : [ 'easter', -3 ],
+ 'Langfredag' : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ 'Påskedag' : [ 'easter', 0 ],
+ '2. Påskedag' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'Store Bededag' : [ 'easter', 26 ],
+ 'Kristi Himmelfartsdag' : [ 'easter', 39 ],
+ 'Pinsedag' : [ 'easter', 49 ],
+ '2. Pinsedag' : [ 'easter', 50 ],
+ 'Grundlovsdag' : [ 6, 5 ], // constituion day, Not a church holiday, most treated almost but not quite as such
+ 'Juleaftensdag' : [ 12, 24 ], // Not an official church holiday, but by law, stores are closed
+ 'Juledag' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ '2. Juledag' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'ca': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Canada
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ 'Alberta': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Alberta Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Heritage Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'British Columbia': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 7 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "British Columbia Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Manitoba': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Louis Riel Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'New Brunswick': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "New Brunswick Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Newfoundland and Labrador': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Saint Patrick's Day" : [ 3, 17 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Saint George's Day" : [ 4, 23 ],
+ "Discovery Day" : [ 6, 24 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ 7, 1 ],
+ "Orangemen's Day" : [ 7, 12 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Armistice Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Northwest Territories': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "National Aboriginal Day" : [ 6, 21 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Nova Scotia': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Natal Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Nunavut': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Nunavut Day" : [ 7, 9 ],
+ "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Ontario': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "August Civic Public Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Prince Edward Island': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Islander Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Gold Cup Parade Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 18 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Quebec': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "Jour de l'an" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Vendredi saint" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Lundi de Pâques" : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ "Journée nationale des patriotes" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Fête nationale du Québec" : [ 6, 24 ],
+ "Fête du Canada" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Fête du Travail" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Jour de l'Action de grâce" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Noël" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Saskatchewan': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Saskatchewan Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ },
+ 'Yukon': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Heritage Day" : [ 'lastFebruarySunday', -2 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ],
+ "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ],
+ "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ],
+ "Discovery Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 14 ],
+ "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ],
+ "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ },
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'ru': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ },
+ 'Tatarstan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "День Республики Татарстан": [ 8, 30 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ "День Конституции Республики Татарстан": [ 11, 6 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Bashkortostan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ "День Республики Башкирии": [ 10, 11 ],
+ "День Конституции Башкортостана": [ 12, 24 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Chuvashia': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Чувашской республики": [ 6, 24 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Sakha Republic': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.B4.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.AF.D0.BA.D1.83.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B8
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Республики Саха": [ 4, 27 ],
+ "Ысыах": [ 6, 23 ],
+ "День государственности Республики Саха": [ 9, 27 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Republic of Kalmykia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B8_%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BC%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BC%D1%8B%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B8
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Цаган Сар": [ 1, 14 ],
+ "День принятия Степного Уложения (Конституции) Республики Калмыкия": [ 4, 5 ],
+ "День рождения Будды Шакьямун": [ 6, 6 ],
+ "Зул": [ 12, 15 ],
+ "День памяти жертв депортации калмыцкого народа": [ 12, 28 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Buryatia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%91%D1%83%D1%80%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B8
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ //
+ "Сагаалган": [ 1, 14 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Republic of Karelia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A0%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%8F
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Республики Карелия": [ 6, 8 ],
+ "День освобождения Карелии от фашистских захватчиков": [ 9, 30 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Удмуртская республика': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Государственности Удмуртской Республики": [ 5, 31 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Adygea': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ "День образования Республики Адыгея": [ 10, 5 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Republic of Dagestan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Конституции Республики Дагестан": [ 7, 26 ],
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "День единства народов Дагестана": [ 9, 15 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Ingushetia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%98%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B8
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День образования Республики Ингушетия": [ 6, 4 ],
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Карачаево-Черкесская республика': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День возрождения карачаевского народа": [ 5, 3 ],
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Chechen Republic': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A7%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День мира в Чеченской Республике": [ 4, 16 ],
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Кабардино-Балкарская республика': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День возрождения балкарского народа": [ 3, 28 ],
+ "Черкесский день траура": [ 5, 21 ],
+ "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ],
+ "День государственности Кабардино-Балкарской Республики": [ 9, 1 ],
+ "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Altai Republic': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Чага-Байрам": [ 1, 14 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Tuva': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Народный праздник Шагаа": [ 1, 14 ],
+ "День Республики Тыва": [ 8, 15 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Saratov Oblast': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Радоница": [ 4, 29 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Bryansk Oblast': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "Радоница": [ 4, 29 ],
+ "День освобождения города Брянска": [ 9, 17 ],
+ },
+ },
+ 'Komi Republic': {
+ 'PH': {
+ "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ],
+ "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ],
+ "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ],
+ "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ],
+ "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ],
+ "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ],
+ "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ],
+ "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ],
+ "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ],
+ "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ],
+ "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ],
+ "День России": [ 6, 12 ],
+ // local
+ "День Республики Коми": [ 8, 22 ],
+ },
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'ua': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0_%D1%82%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BC%27%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%96_%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%96_%D0%B2_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%96
+ "Новий рік" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Різдво" : [ 1, 7 ],
+ "Міжнародний жіночий день" : [ 3, 8 ],
+ "Великдень" : [ 'orthodox easter', 1 ],
+ "День Праці 1" : [ 5, 1 ],
+ "День Праці 2" : [ 5, 2 ],
+ "День Перемоги" : [ 5, 9 ],
+ "День Конституції України" : [ 6, 28 ],
+ "День Незалежності України" : [ 8, 24 ],
+ }
+ }, // }}}
+ 'us': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_States
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ },
+ 'Alabama': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': { // http://www.archives.alabama.gov/intro/holidays.html
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 21 ],
+ "Jefferson Davis' Birthday" : [ "firstJuneMonday", 0 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Alaska': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Seward's Day" : [ "lastMarchMonday", 0 ],
+ "Alaska Day" : [ 10, 18 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Arizona': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Arkansas': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "George Washington's Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'California': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "César Chávez Day" : [ 3, 31 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Colorado': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Connecticut': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Delaware': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Day After Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'District of Columbia': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Emancipation Day" : [ 4, 16 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Florida': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': { // http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0100-0199/0110/Sections/0110.117.html
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Friday after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Georgia': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Robert E. Lee's Birthday" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "lastAprilMonday", 0 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Guam': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Guam Discovery Day" : [ 3, 5 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Liberation Day" : [ 7, 21 ],
+ "All Souls' Day" : [ 11, 2 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Lady of Camarin Day" : [ 12, 8 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Hawaii': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day" : [ 3, 26 ],
+ "Kamehameha Day" : [ 6, 11 ],
+ "Statehood Day" : [ "firstAugustFriday", 14 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Idaho': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr.-Idaho Human Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Illinois': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ],
+ "Casimir Pulaski Day" : [ "firstMarchMonday", 0 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Indiana': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Primary Election Day" : [ "firstMayMonday", 1 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Iowa': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Kansas': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Kentucky': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Louisiana': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Mardi Gras" : [ "easter", -47 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Maine': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Patriots' Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Maryland': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Native American Heritage Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Massachusetts': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Patriots' Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Michigan': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Minnesota': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Mississippi': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "lastAprilMonday", 0 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Missouri': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Truman Day" : [ 5, 8 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Montana': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Nebraska': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Arbor Day" : [ "lastAprilFriday", 0 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Nevada': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Nevada Day" : [ "lastOctoberFriday", 0 ],
+ "Family Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'New Hampshire': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'New Jersey': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'New Mexico': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'New York': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'North Carolina': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Day after Christmas" : [ 12, 26 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'North Dakota': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Ohio': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Oklahoma': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Oregon': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Pennsylvania': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Flag Day" : [ 6, 14 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Puerto Rico': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "Día de Año Nuevo" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Día de Reyes" : [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Natalicio de Eugenio María de Hostos" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 7 ],
+ "Natalicio de Martin Luther King, Jr." : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Día de los Presidentes" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Día de la Abolición de Esclavitud" : [ 3, 22 ],
+ "Viernes Santo" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Natalicio de José de Diego" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ],
+ "Recordación de los Muertos de la Guerra" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Día de la Independencia" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Constitución de Puerto Rico" : [ 7, 25 ],
+ "Natalicio de Dr. José Celso Barbosa" : [ 7, 27 ],
+ "Día del Trabajo" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Día de la Raza Descubrimiento de América" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Día del Veterano" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Día del Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico" : [ 11, 19 ],
+ "Día de Acción de Gracias" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Noche Buena" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Día de Navidad" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Rhode Island': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Victory Day" : [ "firstAugustMonday", 7 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'South Carolina': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ 5, 10 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'South Dakota': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Native American Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Tennessee': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Texas': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Friday after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ],
+ "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Day after Christmas" : [ 12, 26 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'United States Virgin Islands': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Three Kings Day" : [ 1, 6 ],
+ "Transfer Day" : [ 3, 31 ],
+ "Holy Thursday" : [ "easter", -3 ],
+ "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ],
+ "Easter Monday" : [ "easter", 1 ],
+ "Emancipation Day" : [ 7, 3 ],
+ "Hurricane Supplication Day" : [ "firstJulyMonday", 21 ],
+ "Hurricane Thanksgiving" : [ 10, 25 ],
+ "Liberty Day" : [ 11, 1 ],
+ "Christmas Second Day" : [ 12, 26 ],
+ "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Utah': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Pioneer Day" : [ 7, 24 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Vermont': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Town Meeting Day" : [ "firstMarchTuesday", 0 ],
+ "Battle of Bennington" : [ "firstAugustMonday", 14 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Virginia': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Lee-Jackson Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 11 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Washington': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'West Virginia': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "West Virginia Day" : [ 6, 20 ],
+ "Lincoln's Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Wisconsin': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': { // http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/995/20
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ],
+ "Primary Election Day" : [ "firstAugustTuesday", 7 ],
+ "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ]
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'Wyoming': { /* {{{ */
+ 'PH': {
+ "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ],
+ "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ],
+ "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ],
+ "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ],
+ "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ],
+ "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ],
+ "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ],
+ "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ],
+ "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ]
+ }
+ } /* }}} */
+ }, // }}}
+ 'si': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // http://www.vlada.si/o_sloveniji/politicni_sistem/prazniki/
+ 'novo leto' : [ 1, 1 ],
+ 'Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik' : [ 2, 8 ],
+ 'velikonočna nedelja' : [ 'easter', 0 ],
+ 'velikonočni ponedeljek' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'dan upora proti okupatorju' : [ 4, 27 ],
+ 'praznik dela 1' : [ 5, 1 ],
+ 'praznik dela 2' : [ 5, 2 ],
+ 'binkoštna nedelja - binkošti' : [ 'easter', 49 ],
+ 'dan državnosti' : [ 6, 25 ],
+ 'Marijino vnebovzetje' : [ 8, 15 ],
+ 'dan reformacije' : [ 10, 31 ],
+ 'dan spomina na mrtve' : [ 11, 1 ],
+ 'božič' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ 'dan samostojnosti in enotnosti' : [ 12, 26 ]
+ }
+ }, // }}}
+ 'it': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // http://www.governo.it/Presidenza/ufficio_cerimoniale/cerimoniale/giornate.html
+ 'Capodanno' : [ 1, 1 ],
+ 'Epifania' : [ 1, 6 ],
+ 'Liberazione dal nazifascismo (1945)' : [ 4, 25 ],
+ 'Pasqua' : [ 'easter', 0 ],
+ 'Lunedì di Pasqua' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'Festa del lavoro' : [ 5, 1 ],
+ 'Festa della Repubblica' : [ 6, 2 ],
+ 'Assunzione di Maria' : [ 8, 15 ],
+ 'Ognissanti' : [ 11, 1 ],
+ 'Festa dell’unità nazionale' : [ 'firstSeptemberSunday', 0 ],
+ 'Immacolata Concezione' : [ 12, 8 ],
+ 'Natale di Gesù' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ 'Santo Stefano' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ 'cz': { // {{{
+ 'PH': { // http://www.mpsv.cz/cs/74 or english: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_Czech_Republic
+ 'Den obnovy samostatného českého státu' : [ 1, 1 ],
+ 'Velikonoční pondělí' : [ 'easter', 1 ],
+ 'Svátek práce' : [ 5, 1 ],
+ 'Den vítězství' : [ 5, 8 ],
+ 'Den slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje' : [ 7, 5 ],
+ 'Den upálení mistra Jana Husa' : [ 7, 6 ],
+ 'Den české státnosti' : [ 9, 28 ],
+ 'Den vzniku samostatného československého státu' : [ 10, 28 ],
+ 'Den boje za svobodu a demokracii' : [ 11, 17 ],
+ 'Štědrý den' : [ 12, 24 ],
+ '1. svátek vánoční' : [ 12, 25 ],
+ '2. svátek vánoční' : [ 12, 26 ],
+ },
+ }, // }}}
+ };
+ // }}}
+ // error correction {{{
+ // Initially taken form http://www.netzwolf.info/j/osm/time_domain.js
+ // Credits go to Netzwolf.
+ //
+ // Key to word_error_correction is the token name except wrong_words
+ var word_error_correction = {
+ wrong_words: { /* {{{ */
+ 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
+ 'daytime': 'sunrise-sunset',
+ 'spring': 'Mar-May',
+ 'summer': 'Jun-Aug',
+ 'autumn': 'Sep-Nov',
+ 'winter': 'Dec-Feb',
+ '_': '-',
+ '=': '-',
+ }, '"<ko>" wird als "<ok>" interpertiert.': {
+ 'frühling': 'Mar-May',
+ 'frühjahr': 'Mar-May',
+ 'sommer': 'Jun-Aug',
+ 'herbst': 'Sep-Nov',
+ // 'winter': 'Dec-Feb', // Same as in English.
+ // 'morning': '08:00-12:00',
+ // 'evening': '13:00-18:00',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'werktags?': 'Mo-Fr',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze "<ok>" für "<ko>". Beispiel: "Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00; Tu off".': {
+ 'ruhetage?': 'off',
+ 'geschlossen': 'off',
+ 'geschl': 'off',
+ // 'ausser': 'off',
+ // 'außer': 'off',
+ }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
+ 'gesloten': 'off',
+ 'feestdag': 'PH',
+ 'feestdagen': 'PH',
+ }, 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>". Please avoid using "workday": https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:opening_hours#need_syntax_for_holidays_and_workingdays': {
+ // Used around 260 times but the problem is, that work day might be different in other countries.
+ 'wd': 'Mo-Fr',
+ 'on work days?': 'Mo-Fr',
+ 'weekdays?': 'Mo-Fr',
+ 'vardagar': 'Mo-Fr',
+ }, 'Please use something like "Mo off" instead "<ko>".': {
+ 'except': 'off',
+ }, 'Please omit "<ko>" or use a colon instead: "12:00-14:00".': {
+ 'h': '',
+ }, 'Please omit "<ko>".': {
+ 'season': '',
+ 'hs': '',
+ 'hrs': '',
+ 'hours': '',
+ // '·': '', // Sometimes used to separate opening hours (on websites).
+ }, 'Please omit "<ko>". The key must not be in the value.': {
+ 'opening_hours\\s*=': '',
+ }, 'Please omit "<ko>". You might want to express open end which can be specified as "12:00+" for example.': {
+ 'from': '',
+ }, 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>" in the case that you want to express open end times. Example: "12:00+".': {
+ '(:?bis|till?|-|–)? ?(?:open ?end|late)': '+',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". If the times are unsure or vary consider a comment e.g. 12:00-14:00 "only on sunshine".': {
+ '~': '-',
+ '~': '-',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Fallback rule: 12:00-14:00 || "call us"': {
+ 'otherwise': '||',
+ }, 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "?" temporally if the syntax will still be valid.': {
+ '\\?': 'unknown "please add this if known"',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Although using "–" is typographical correct, the opening_hours syntax is defined with the normal hyphen. Correct typography should be done on application level …': {
+ '–': '-',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
+ '→': '-',
+ '−': '-',
+ '—': '-',
+ 'ー': '-',
+ 'to': '-',
+ 'до': '-',
+ 'a': '-', // language unknown
+ 'as': '-', // language unknown
+ 'á': '-', // language unknown
+ 'ás': '-', // language unknown
+ 'às': '-', // language unknown
+ 'ate': '-', // language unknown
+ 'till?': '-',
+ 'until': '-',
+ 'through': '-',
+ 'and': ',',
+ '&': ',',
+ // '/': ',', // Can not be corrected as / is a valid token
+ ':': ':',
+ '°°': ':00',
+ 'always': '24/7',
+ 'always open': '24/7',
+ 'always closed': 'closed',
+ 'nonstop': '24/7',
+ '24x7': '24/7',
+ 'anytime': '24/7',
+ 'all day': '24/7',
+ 'daily': 'Mo-Su',
+ 'everyday': 'Mo-Su',
+ 'every day': 'Mo-Su',
+ 'all days': 'Mo-Su',
+ '7j/7': 'Mo-Su', // I guess that it means that
+ '7/7': 'Mo-Su', // I guess that it means that
+ /* {{{
+ * Fixing this causes to ignore the following warning: "There should be no
+ * reason to differ more than 6 days from a constrained
+ * weekdays. If so tell us …".
+ * The following mistake is expected to occur more often.
+ */
+ '7days': 'Mo-Su',
+ '7 days': 'Mo-Su',
+ // }}}
+ '7 days a week': 'Mo-Su',
+ '7 days/week': 'Mo-Su',
+ '24 hours 7 days a week': '24/7',
+ '24 hours': '00:00-24:00',
+ 'midday': '12:00',
+ 'midnight': '00:00',
+ '(?:public )?holidays?': 'PH',
+ '(?:one )?day after public holiday': 'PH +1 day',
+ '(?:one )?day before public holiday': 'PH -1 day',
+ 'school ?holidays?': 'SH',
+ /* Not implemented {{{ */
+ // 'day after school holiday': 'SH +1 day',
+ // 'one day after school holiday': 'SH +1 day',
+ // 'day before school holiday': 'SH -1 day',
+ // 'one day before school holiday': 'SH -1 day',
+ /* }}} */
+ 'weekends?': 'Sa,Su',
+ 'daylight': 'sunrise-sunset',
+ '(?:on|by)?(?:_| )?appointments?': '"on appointment"',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Those characters look very similar but are not the same!': {
+ 'оff': 'off', // Russian o
+ }, 'Please use time format in 24 hours notation ("<ko>"). If PM is used you might have to convert the hours to the 24 hours notation.': {
+ 'pm': '',
+ 'рм': '',
+ 'am': '',
+ 'ам': '',
+ }, 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>".': {
+ 'uhr': '',
+ 'geöffnet': '',
+ 'zwischen': '',
+ 'ist': '',
+ 'durchgehend': '',
+ 'öffnungszeit(?:en)?:?': '',
+ }, 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>". Sie möchten eventuell eine Öffnungszeit ohne vorgegebenes Ende (Open End) angeben. Beispiel: "12:00+"': {
+ 'ab': '',
+ 'von': '',
+ }, 'Es sieht so aus also möchten Sie zusätzliche Einschränkungen für eine Öffnungszeit geben. Falls sich dies nicht mit der Syntax ausdrücken lässt können Kommentare verwendet werden. Zusätzlich sollte eventuell das Schlüsselwort `open` benutzt werden. Bitte probiere "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'damen': 'open "Damen"',
+ 'herren': 'open "Herren"',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'bis': '-',
+ 'täglich': 'Mo-Su',
+ '(?:schul)?ferien': 'SH',
+ '(?:an|nur)? ?sonn-?(?: und |/)feiertag(?:s|en?)?': 'PH,Su',
+ 'nach(?: |_)vereinbarung': '"Nach Vereinbarung"',
+ 'nach(?: |_)absprache': '"Nach Absprache"',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>". Es ist war typografisch korrekt aber laut der Spezifikation für opening_hours nicht erlaubt. Siehe auch: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
+ '„': '"',
+ '“': '"',
+ '”': '"',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs might be typographically correct but are not defined in the specification. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
+ '«': '"',
+ '»': '"',
+ '‚': '"',
+ '‘': '"',
+ '’': '"',
+ '「': '"',
+ '」': '"',
+ '『': '"',
+ '』': '"',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs are not defined in the specification. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
+ "'": '"',
+ }, 'You might want to use comments instead of brackets (which are not valid in this context). If you do, replace "<ok>" with "<ko>".': {
+ // '(': '"',
+ // ')': '"',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" als Ersatz für "<ko>".': {
+ 'und': ',',
+ 'u': ',',
+ 'auch': ',',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ '(?:an )?feiertag(?:s|en?)?': 'PH',
+ }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
+ 'fermé': 'off',
+ 'et': ',',
+ 'à': '-',
+ 'jours fériés': 'PH',
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ month: { /* {{{ */
+ 'default': {
+ 'jan': 0,
+ 'feb': 1,
+ 'mar': 2,
+ 'apr': 3,
+ 'may': 4,
+ 'jun': 5,
+ 'jul': 6,
+ 'aug': 7,
+ 'sep': 8,
+ 'oct': 9,
+ 'nov': 10,
+ 'dec': 11,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
+ 'jänner': 0, // Austria
+ 'january': 0,
+ 'february': 1,
+ 'march': 2,
+ 'april': 3,
+ // 'may': 4,
+ 'june': 5,
+ 'july': 6,
+ 'august': 7,
+ 'september': 8,
+ 'sept': 8,
+ 'october': 9,
+ 'november': 10,
+ 'december': 11,
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'januar': 0,
+ 'februar': 1,
+ 'märz': 2,
+ 'maerz': 2,
+ 'mai': 4,
+ 'juni': 5,
+ 'juli': 6,
+ 'okt': 9,
+ 'oktober': 9,
+ 'dez': 11,
+ 'dezember': 11,
+ }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
+ 'janvier': 0,
+ 'février': 1,
+ 'fév': 1,
+ 'mars': 2,
+ 'avril': 3,
+ 'avr': 3,
+ 'mai': 4,
+ 'juin': 5,
+ 'juillet': 6,
+ 'août': 7,
+ 'aoû': 7,
+ 'septembre': 8,
+ 'octobre': 9,
+ 'novembre': 10,
+ 'décembre': 11,
+ }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
+ 'januari': 0,
+ 'februari': 1,
+ 'maart': 2,
+ 'mei': 4,
+ 'augustus': 7,
+ }
+ }, /* }}} */
+ calcday: {
+ 'default': {
+ 'day': 'day',
+ 'days': 'days',
+ },
+ },
+ weekday: { // {{{ Good source: http://www.omniglot.com/language/time/days.htm */
+ 'default': {
+ 'su': 0,
+ 'mo': 1,
+ 'tu': 2,
+ 'we': 3,
+ 'th': 4,
+ 'fr': 5,
+ 'sa': 6,
+ }, 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>"': {
+ 'm': 1,
+ 'w': 3,
+ 'f': 5,
+ }, 'Please use the abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
+ 'sun': 0,
+ 'sunday': 0,
+ 'sundays?': 0,
+ 'mon': 1,
+ 'mondays?': 1,
+ 'tues?': 2, // Used here: http://www.westerhambeauty.co.uk/contact.php
+ 'tuesdays?': 2,
+ 'weds?': 3,
+ 'wednesdays?': 3,
+ 'thu': 4,
+ 'thurs?': 4,
+ 'thursdays?': 4,
+ 'fri': 5,
+ 'fridays?': 5,
+ 'sat': 6,
+ 'saturdays?': 6,
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>". Could also mean Saturday in Polish …': {
+ 'so': 0,
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'son': 0,
+ 'sonn-': 0,
+ 'sonntags?': 0,
+ 'montags?': 1,
+ 'di': 2,
+ 'die?': 2,
+ 'dienstags?': 2,
+ 'mi': 3,
+ 'mit?': 3,
+ 'mittwochs?': 3,
+ 'don?': 4,
+ 'donnerstags?': 4,
+ 'fre': 5,
+ 'freitags?': 5,
+ 'sam': 6,
+ 'samstags?': 6,
+ }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
+ 'dim': 0,
+ 'dimanche': 0,
+ 'lun?': 1,
+ 'lundi': 1,
+ 'mardi': 2,
+ 'mer': 3,
+ 'mercredi': 3,
+ 'jeu?': 4,
+ 'jeudi': 4,
+ 'ven?': 5,
+ 'vendredi': 5,
+ 'samedi': 6,
+ }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
+ 'zon?': 0,
+ 'zontag': 0, // correct?
+ 'zondag': 0,
+ 'maandag': 1,
+ 'din': 2,
+ 'dinsdag': 2,
+ 'woe?': 3,
+ 'woensdag': 3,
+ 'donderdag': 4,
+ 'vri?': 5,
+ 'vrijdag': 5,
+ 'zat?': 6,
+ 'zaterdag': 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { // FIXME: Translate to Czech.
+ 'neděle': 0,
+ 'ne': 0,
+ 'pondělí': 1,
+ 'po': 1,
+ 'úterý': 2,
+ 'út': 2,
+ 'středa': 3,
+ 'st': 3,
+ 'čtvrtek': 4,
+ 'čt': 4,
+ 'pátek': 5,
+ 'pá': 5,
+ 'sobota': 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Spanish) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'martes': 0,
+ 'miércoles': 1,
+ 'jueves': 2,
+ 'viernes': 3,
+ 'sábado': 4,
+ 'domingo': 5,
+ 'lunes': 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Indonesian) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'selasa': 0,
+ 'rabu': 1,
+ 'kami': 2,
+ 'jumat': 3,
+ 'sabtu': 4,
+ 'minggu': 5,
+ 'senin': 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Swedish) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'söndag': 0,
+ 'söndagar': 0,
+ 'måndag': 1,
+ 'ma': 1,
+ 'tisdag': 2,
+ 'onsdag': 3, // Same in Danish
+ 'torsdag': 4,
+ 'fredag': 5,
+ 'lördag': 6,
+ 'lördagar': 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Polish) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'niedziela': 0,
+ 'niedz': 0,
+ 'n': 0,
+ 'ndz': 0,
+ 'poniedziałek': 1,
+ 'poniedzialek': 1,
+ 'pon': 1,
+ 'pn': 1,
+ 'wtorek': 2,
+ 'wt': 2,
+ 'środa': 3,
+ 'sroda': 3,
+ 'śr': 3,
+ 'sr': 3,
+ 'czwartek': 4,
+ 'czw': 4,
+ 'cz': 4,
+ 'piątek': 5,
+ 'piatek': 5,
+ 'pt': 5,
+ 'sobota': 6,
+ 'sob': 6,
+ // 'so': 6 // abbreviation also used in German
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Russian) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'воскресенье' : 0,
+ 'Вс' : 0,
+ "voskresen'ye": 0,
+ 'понедельник' : 1,
+ 'Пн' : 1,
+ "ponedel'nik" : 1,
+ 'вторник' : 2,
+ 'vtornik' : 2,
+ 'среда' : 3,
+ 'sreda' : 3,
+ 'четверг' : 4,
+ 'chetverk' : 4,
+ 'пятница' : 5,
+ 'pyatnitsa' : 5,
+ 'суббота' : 6,
+ 'subbota' : 6,
+ }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Danish) for "<ko>".': {
+ 'søndag' : 0,
+ 'mandag' : 1,
+ 'tirsdag': 2,
+ 'onsdag' : 3, // Same in Swedish
+ 'torsdag': 4,
+ 'fredag' : 5,
+ 'lørdag' : 6,
+ },
+ }, /* }}} */
+ timevar: { /* {{{ Special time variables which actual value depends on the date and the position of the facility. */
+ 'default': {
+ 'sunrise': 'sunrise',
+ 'sunset': 'sunset',
+ 'dawn': 'dawn',
+ 'dusk': 'dusk',
+ }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
+ 'sundown': 'sunset',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'morgendämmerung': 'dawn',
+ 'abenddämmerung': 'dusk',
+ 'sonnenaufgang': 'sunrise',
+ 'sonnenuntergang': 'sunset',
+ },
+ }, /* }}} */
+ 'event': { // variable events
+ 'default': {
+ 'easter': 'easter',
+ }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
+ 'ostern': 'easter',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ // }}}
+ /* error and warning messages {{{ */
+ var lang = {
+ 'unexpected token': 'Unexpected token: "__token__" This means that the syntax is not valid at that point or it is currently not supported.',
+ 'no string': 'The value (first parameter) is not a string.',
+ 'nothing': 'The value contains nothing meaningful which can be parsed.',
+ 'nothing useful': 'This rule does not contain anything useful. Please remove this empty rule.',
+ 'programmers joke': 'Might it be possible that you are a programmer and adding a semicolon after each statement is hardwired in your muscle memory ;) ?'
+ + ' The thing is that the semicolon in the opening_hours syntax is defined as rule separator.'
+ + ' So for compatibility reasons you should omit this last semicolon.',
+ 'interpreted as year': 'The number __number__ will be interpreted as year.'
+ + ' This is probably not intended. Times can be specified as "12:00".',
+ 'rule before fallback empty': 'Rule before fallback rule does not contain anything useful',
+ 'hour min seperator': 'Please use ":" as hour/minute-separator',
+ 'warnings severity': 'The parameter optional_conf_parm["warnings_severity"] must be an integer number between 0 and 7 (inclusive).'
+ + ' Given __severity__'
+ + ', expected one of the following numbers: __allowed__.',
+ 'optional conf parm type': 'The optional_conf_parm parameter is of unknown type.'
+ + ' Given __given__',
+ 'conf param tag key missing': 'The optional_conf_parm["tag_key"] is missing, required by optional_conf_parm["map_value"].',
+ 'conf param mode invalid': 'The optional_conf_parm["mode"] parameter is a invalid number.'
+ + ' Gave __given__'
+ + ', expected one of the following numbers: __allowed__.',
+ 'conf param unkown type': 'The optional_conf_parm["__key__"] parameter is of unknown type.'
+ + ' Given __given__'
+ + ', expected __expected__.',
+ 'library bug': 'An error occurred during evaluation of the value "__value__".'
+ + ' Please file a bug report here: __url__.__message__',
+ 'use multi': 'You have used __count__ __part2__ Rules can be separated by ";".',
+ 'selector multi 2a': '__what__ in one rule. You may only use one in one rule.',
+ 'selector multi 2b': 'not connected __what__ in one rule. This is probably an error.'
+ + ' Equal selector types can (and should) always be written in conjunction separated by comma.'
+ + ' Example for time ranges "12:00-13:00,15:00-18:00".'
+ + ' Example for weekdays "Mo-We,Fr".',
+ 'selector state': 'state keywords',
+ 'comments': 'comments',
+ 'holiday ranges': 'holiday ranges',
+ 'months': 'months',
+ 'weekdays': 'weekdays',
+ 'ranges': 'ranges',
+ 'default state': "This rule which changes the default state (which is closed) for all following rules is not the first rule."
+ + " The rule will overwrite all previous rules."
+ + " It can be legitimate to change the default state to open for example"
+ + " and then only specify for which times the facility is closed.",
+ 'vague': "This rule is not very explicit because there is no time selector being used."
+ + " Please add a time selector to this rule or use a comment to make it more explicit.",
+ 'empty comment': "You have used an empty comment."
+ + " Please either write something in the comment or use the keyword unknown instead.",
+ 'separator_for_readability': "You have used the optional symbol <separator_for_readability> in the wrong place."
+ + " Please check the syntax specification to see where it could be used or remove it.",
+ 'strange 24/7': 'You used 24/7 in a way that is probably not interpreted as "24 hours 7 days a week".'
+ + ' For correctness you might want to use "open" or "closed"'
+ + ' for this rule and then write your exceptions which should achieve the same goal and is more clear'
+ + ' e.g. "open; Mo 12:00-14:00 off".',
+ 'public holiday': 'There was no PH (public holiday) specified. This is not very explicit.__part2__'
+ + ' Please either append a "PH off" rule if the amenity is closed on all public holidays'
+ + ' or use something like "Sa,Su,PH 12:00-16:00" to say that on Saturdays, Sundays and on public holidays the amenity is open 12:00-16:00.'
+ + ' If you are not certain try to find it out. If you can’t then do not add PH to the value and ignore this warning.',
+ 'public holiday part2': ' Unfortunately the tag key (e.g. "opening_hours", or "lit") is unknown to opening_hours.js. '
+ + 'This warning only applies to the key __keys__. If your value is for that key than read on. If not you can ignore the following.',
+ 'switched': 'The selector "__first__" was switched with'
+ + ' the selector "__second__"'
+ + ' for readablitity and compatibiltity reasons.',
+ 'no colon after': 'Please don’t use ":" after __token__.',
+ 'number -5 to 5': 'Number between -5 and 5 (except 0) expected.',
+ 'one weekday constraint': 'You can not use more than one constrained weekday in a month range',
+ 'range contrainted weekdays': 'You can not use a range of constrained weekdays in a month range',
+ 'expected': '"__symbol__" expected.',
+ 'range zero': 'You can not use __type__ ranges with period equals zero.',
+ 'period one year+': 'Please don’t use __type__ ranges with period equals one.'
+ + ' If you want to express that a facility is open starting from a year without limit use "<year>+".',
+ 'period one': 'Please don’t use __type__ ranges with period equals one.',
+ 'month 31': "The day for __month__ must be between 1 and 31.",
+ 'month 30': "Month __month__ doesn't have 31 days. The last day of __month__ is day 30.",
+ 'month feb': 'Month __month__ either has 28 or 29 days (leap years).',
+ 'point in time': 'hyphen (-) or open end (+) in time range __calc__expected.'
+ + ' For working with points in time, the mode for __libraryname__ has to be altered.'
+ + ' Maybe wrong tag?',
+ 'calculation': 'calculation',
+ 'time range continue': 'Time range does not continue as expected',
+ 'period continue': 'Time period does not continue as expected. Example "/01:30".',
+ 'time range mode': '__libraryname__ is running in "time range mode". Found point in time.',
+ 'point in time mode': '__libraryname__ is running in "points in time mode". Found time range.',
+ 'outside current day': 'Time range starts outside of the current day',
+ 'two midnights': 'Time spanning more than two midnights not supported',
+ 'without minutes': 'Time range without minutes specified. Not very explicit!'
+ + ' Please use this syntax instead "__syntax__".',
+ 'outside day': 'Time range starts outside of the current day',
+ 'zero calculation': 'Adding zero in a variable time calculation does not change the variable time.'
+ + ' Please omit the calculation (example: "sunrise-(sunset-00:00)").',
+ 'calculation syntax': 'Calculation with variable time is not in the right syntax',
+ 'missing': 'Missing "__symbol__"',
+ '(time)': '(time)',
+ 'bad range': 'Bad range: __from__-__to__',
+ '] or more numbers': '"]" or more numbers expected.',
+ 'additional rule no sense': 'An additional rule does not make sense here. Just use a ";" as rule separator.'
+ + ' See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#explain:additional_rule_separator',
+ 'unexpected token weekday range': 'Unexpected token in weekday range: __token__',
+ 'max differ': 'There should be no reason to differ more than __maxdiffer__ days from a __name__. If so tell us …',
+ 'adding 0': 'Adding 0 does not change the date. Please omit this.',
+ 'unexpected token holiday': 'Unexpected token (holiday parser): __token__',
+ 'no SH defintion': 'School holiday __name__ has no definition for the year __year__'
+ + ' You can also add them: __repository_url__',
+ 'no PH definition': 'There are no holidays __name__ defined for country __cc__.'
+ + ' You can also add them: __repository_url__',
+ 'no PH definition state': 'There are no holidays __name__ defined for country __cc__ and state __state__.'
+ + ' You can also add them: __repository_url__',
+ 'no country code': 'Country code missing which is needed to select the correct holidays (see README how to provide it)',
+ 'movable no formular': 'Movable day __name__ can not not be calculated.'
+ + ' Please add the formula how to calculate it.',
+ 'movable not in year': 'The movable day __name__ plus __days__'
+ + ' days is not in the year of the movable day anymore. Currently not supported.',
+ 'year range one year': 'A year range in which the start year is equal to the end year does not make sense.'
+ + ' Please remove the end year. E.g. "__year__ May 23"',
+ 'year range reverse': 'A year range in which the start year is greater than the end year does not make sense.'
+ + ' Please turn it over.',
+ 'year past': 'The year is in the past.',
+ 'unexpected token year range': 'Unexpected token in year range: __token__',
+ 'week range reverse': 'You have specified a week range in reverse order or leaping over a year. This is (currently) not supported.',
+ 'week negative': 'You have specified a week date less then one. A valid week date range is 1-53.',
+ 'week exceed': 'You have specified a week date greater then 53. A valid week date range is 1-53.',
+ 'week period less than 2': 'You have specified a week period which is less than two.'
+ + ' If you want to select the whole range from week __weekfrom__ to week __weekto__ then just omit the "/__period__".',
+ 'week period greater than 26': 'You have specified a week period which is greater than 26.'
+ + ' 26.5 is the half of the maximum 53 week dates per year so a week date period greater than 26 would only apply once per year.'
+ + ' Please specify the week selector as "week __weekfrom__" if that is what you want to express.',
+ 'unexpected token week range': 'Unexpected token in week range: __token__',
+ 'unexpected token month range': 'Unexpected token in month range: __token__',
+ 'day range reverse': 'Range in wrong order. From day is greater than to day.',
+ 'open end': 'Specified as open end. Closing time was guessed.',
+ 'date parameter needed': 'Date parameter needed.',
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // }}}
+ // make the library accessible for the outside world {{{
+ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ var moment, SunCalc, i18n;
+ // For nodejs
+ SunCalc = root.SunCalc || require('suncalc');
+ try { // as long as it is an optional dependency
+ moment = root.moment || require('moment');
+ } catch (er) {}
+ try { // as long as it is an optional dependency
+ i18n = require('./locales/core');
+ } catch (er) {}
+ module.exports = factory(SunCalc, moment, i18n, holidays, word_error_correction, lang);
+ } else {
+ // For browsers
+ root.opening_hours = factory(root.SunCalc, root.moment, root.i18n, holidays, word_error_correction, lang);
+ }
+ /// }}}
+}(this, function (SunCalc, moment, i18n, holidays, word_error_correction, lang) {
+ return function(value, nominatiomJSON, optional_conf_parm) {
+ // short constants {{{
+ var word_value_replacement = { // If the correct values can not be calculated.
+ dawn : 60 * 5 + 30,
+ sunrise : 60 * 6,
+ sunset : 60 * 18,
+ dusk : 60 * 18 + 30,
+ };
+ var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+ var weekdays = ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'];
+ var default_prettify_conf = {
+ // Update README.md if changed.
+ 'zero_pad_hour': true, // enforce ("%02d", hour)
+ 'one_zero_if_hour_zero': false, // only one zero "0" if hour is zero "0"
+ 'leave_off_closed': true, // leave keywords "off" and "closed" as is
+ 'keyword_for_off_closed': 'off', // use given keyword instead of "off" or "closed"
+ 'rule_sep_string': ' ', // separate rules by string
+ 'print_semicolon': true, // print token which separates normal rules
+ 'leave_weekday_sep_one_day_betw': true, // use the separator (either "," or "-" which is used to separate days which follow to each other like Sa,Su or Su-Mo
+ 'sep_one_day_between': ',', // separator which should be used
+ 'zero_pad_month_and_week_numbers': false, // Format week (e.g. `week 01`) and month day numbers (e.g. `Jan 01`) with "%02d".
+ 'locale': 'en', // use local language (needs moment.js / i18n.js)
+ };
+ var osm_tag_defaults = {
+ 'opening_hours' : { 'mode' : 0, 'warn_for_PH_missing' : true, },
+ 'collection_times' : { 'mode' : 2, },
+ 'opening_hours:.+' : { 'mode' : 0, },
+ '.+:opening_hours' : { 'mode' : 0, },
+ '.+:opening_hours:.+' : { 'mode' : 0, },
+ 'smoking_hours' : { 'mode' : 0, },
+ 'service_times' : { 'mode' : 2, },
+ 'happy_hours' : { 'mode' : 0, },
+ 'lit' : { 'mode' : 0,
+ map: {
+ 'yes' : 'sunset-sunrise open "specified as yes: At night (unknown time schedule or daylight detection)"',
+ 'automatic': 'unknown "specified as automatic: When someone enters the way the lights are turned on."',
+ 'no' : 'off "specified as no: There are no lights installed."',
+ 'interval' : 'unknown "specified as interval"',
+ 'limited' : 'unknown "specified as limited"',
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ var minutes_in_day = 60 * 24;
+ var msec_in_day = 1000 * 60 * minutes_in_day;
+ var msec_in_week = msec_in_day * 7;
+ var library_name = 'opening_hours.js';
+ var repository_url = 'https://github.com/ypid/' + library_name;
+ var issues_url = repository_url + '/issues?state=open';
+ // }}}
+ /* translation function {{{ */
+ /* Roughly compatibly to i18next so we can replace everything by i18next include later
+ * sprintf support
+ */
+ var locale = 'en'; // Default locale
+ if (typeof i18n === 'object') {
+ locale = i18n.lng();
+ }
+ var t = function(str, variables) {
+ if (
+ typeof i18n === 'object'
+ && typeof i18n.t === 'function'
+ && typeof locale === 'string'
+ && ['de'].indexOf(locale) !== -1
+ ) {
+ var global_locale = i18n.lng();
+ if (global_locale !== locale) {
+ i18n.setLng(locale);
+ }
+ var text = i18n.t('opening_hours:texts.' + str, variables);
+ if (global_locale !== locale) {
+ i18n.setLng(global_locale);
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
+ var text = lang[str];
+ if (typeof text === 'undefined') {
+ text = str;
+ }
+ return text.replace(/__([^_]*)__/g, function (match, c) {
+ return typeof variables[c] !== 'undefined'
+ ? variables[c]
+ : match
+ ;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Optional constructor parameters {{{ */
+ /* nominatiomJSON {{{
+ *
+ * required to reasonably calculate 'sunrise' and holidays.
+ */
+ var location_cc, location_state, lat, lon;
+ if (typeof nominatiomJSON === 'object' && nominatiomJSON !== null) {
+ if (typeof nominatiomJSON.address === 'object') {
+ if (typeof nominatiomJSON.address.country_code === 'string') {
+ location_cc = nominatiomJSON.address.country_code;
+ }
+ if (typeof nominatiomJSON.address.state === 'string') {
+ location_state = nominatiomJSON.address.state;
+ } else if (typeof nominatiomJSON.address.county === 'string') {
+ location_state = nominatiomJSON.address.county;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof nominatiomJSON.lon === 'string' && typeof nominatiomJSON.lat === 'string') {
+ lat = nominatiomJSON.lat;
+ lon = nominatiomJSON.lon;
+ }
+ } else if (nominatiomJSON === null) {
+ /* Set the location to some random value. This can be used if you don’t
+ * care about correct opening hours for more complex opening_hours
+ * values.
+ */
+ location_cc = 'de';
+ location_state = 'Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg';
+ lat = '49.5400039';
+ lon = '9.7937133';
+ } else if (typeof nominatiomJSON !== 'undefined') {
+ throw 'The nominatiomJSON parameter is of unknown type.'
+ + ' Given ' + typeof(nominatiomJSON)
+ + ', expected object.';
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* mode, locale, warnings_severity, tag_key, map_value {{{
+ *
+ * 0: time ranges (default), tags: opening_hours, lit, …
+ * 1: points in time
+ * 2: both (time ranges and points in time), tags: collection_times, service_times
+ */
+ var warnings_severity = 4;
+ /* Default, currently the highest severity supported.
+ * This number is expected to be >= 4. This is not explicitly checked.
+ */
+ var oh_mode;
+ var oh_map_value = false;
+ var oh_key, oh_regex_key;
+ if (typeof optional_conf_parm === 'number') {
+ oh_mode = optional_conf_parm;
+ } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm === 'object') {
+ locale = optional_conf_parm['locale'];
+ if (checkOptionalConfParm('mode', 'number')) {
+ oh_mode = optional_conf_parm['mode'];
+ }
+ if (checkOptionalConfParm('warnings_severity', 'number')) {
+ warnings_severity = optional_conf_parm['warnings_severity'];
+ if ([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ].indexOf(warnings_severity) === -1) {
+ throw t('warnings severity', { 'severity': warnings_severity, 'allowed': '[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]' });
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkOptionalConfParm('tag_key', 'string')) {
+ oh_key = optional_conf_parm['tag_key'];
+ }
+ if (checkOptionalConfParm('map_value', 'boolean')) {
+ oh_map_value = true;
+ }
+ } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm !== 'undefined') {
+ throw t('optional conf parm type', { 'given': typeof(optional_conf_parm) });
+ }
+ if (typeof oh_key === 'string') {
+ oh_regex_key = getRegexKeyForKeyFromOsmDefaults(oh_key)
+ if (oh_map_value
+ && typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['map'] === 'object'
+ && typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['map'][value] === 'string'
+ ) {
+ value = osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['map'][value];
+ }
+ } else if (oh_map_value) {
+ throw t('conf param tag key missing');
+ }
+ if (typeof oh_mode === 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof oh_key === 'string') {
+ if (typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['mode'] === 'number') {
+ oh_mode = osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['mode'];
+ } else {
+ oh_mode = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ oh_mode = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (oh_mode !== 0 && oh_mode !== 1 && oh_mode !== 2) {
+ throw t('conf param mode invalid', { 'given': oh_mode, 'allowed': '[ 0, 1, 2 ]' });
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ // Tokenize value and generate selector functions. {{{
+ if (typeof value !== 'string') {
+ throw t('no string');
+ }
+ if (value.match(/^(?:\s*;?\s*)+$/)) {
+ throw t('nothing');
+ }
+ var parsing_warnings = []; // Elements are fed into function formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, message)
+ var done_with_warnings = false; // The functions which throw warnings can be called multiple times.
+ var done_with_selector_reordering = false;
+ var done_with_selector_reordering_warnings = false;
+ var tokens = tokenize(value);
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(tokens, null, ' '));
+ var prettified_value = '';
+ var week_stable = true;
+ var rules = [];
+ var new_tokens = [];
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < tokens.length; nrule++) {
+ if (tokens[nrule][0].length === 0) {
+ // Rule does contain nothing useful e.g. second rule of '10:00-12:00;' (empty) which needs to be handled.
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, -1,
+ t('nothing useful')
+ + (nrule === tokens.length - 1 && nrule > 0 && !tokens[nrule][1] ?
+ ' ' + t('programmers joke') : '')
+ ]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var continue_at = 0;
+ var next_rule_is_additional = false;
+ do {
+ if (continue_at === tokens[nrule][0].length) break;
+ // Additional rule does contain nothing useful e.g. second rule of '10:00-12:00,' (empty) which needs to be handled.
+ var selectors = {
+ // Time selectors
+ time: [],
+ // Temporary array of selectors from time wrapped to the next day
+ wraptime: [],
+ // Date selectors
+ weekday: [],
+ holiday: [],
+ week: [],
+ month: [],
+ monthday: [],
+ year: [],
+ // Array with non-empty date selector types, with most optimal ordering
+ date: [],
+ fallback: tokens[nrule][1],
+ additional: continue_at ? true : false,
+ meaning: true,
+ unknown: false,
+ comment: undefined,
+ build_from_token_rule: undefined,
+ };
+ selectors.build_from_token_rule = [ nrule, continue_at, new_tokens.length ];
+ continue_at = parseGroup(tokens[nrule][0], continue_at, selectors, nrule);
+ if (typeof continue_at === 'object') {
+ continue_at = continue_at[0];
+ } else {
+ continue_at = 0;
+ }
+ // console.log('Current tokens: ' + JSON.stringify(tokens[nrule], null, ' '));
+ new_tokens.push(
+ [
+ tokens[nrule][0].slice(
+ selectors.build_from_token_rule[1],
+ continue_at === 0
+ ? tokens[nrule][0].length
+ : continue_at
+ ),
+ tokens[nrule][1],
+ tokens[nrule][2],
+ ]
+ );
+ if (next_rule_is_additional && new_tokens.length > 1) {
+ // Move 'rule separator' from last token of last rule to first token of this rule.
+ new_tokens[new_tokens.length - 1][0].unshift(new_tokens[new_tokens.length - 2][0].pop());
+ }
+ next_rule_is_additional = continue_at === 0 ? false : true;
+ if (selectors.year.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.year);
+ if (selectors.holiday.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.holiday);
+ if (selectors.month.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.month);
+ if (selectors.monthday.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.monthday);
+ if (selectors.week.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.week);
+ if (selectors.weekday.length > 0)
+ selectors.date.push(selectors.weekday);
+ // console.log('weekday: ' + JSON.stringify(selectors.weekday, null, '\t'));
+ rules.push(selectors);
+ // This handles selectors with time ranges wrapping over midnight (e.g. 10:00-02:00)
+ // it generates wrappers for all selectors and creates a new rule.
+ if (selectors.wraptime.length > 0) {
+ var wrapselectors = {
+ time: selectors.wraptime,
+ date: [],
+ meaning: selectors.meaning,
+ unknown: selectors.unknown,
+ comment: selectors.comment,
+ wrapped: true,
+ build_from_token_rule: selectors.build_from_token_rule,
+ };
+ for (var dselg = 0; dselg < selectors.date.length; dselg++) {
+ wrapselectors.date.push([]);
+ for (var dsel = 0; dsel < selectors.date[dselg].length; dsel++) {
+ wrapselectors.date[wrapselectors.date.length-1].push(
+ generateDateShifter(selectors.date[dselg][dsel], -msec_in_day)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ rules.push(wrapselectors);
+ }
+ } while (continue_at);
+ }
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(tokens, null, ' '));
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(new_tokens, null, ' '));
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Helper functions {{{ */
+ /* Get regex string key from key osm_tag_defaults. {{{
+ *
+ * :param key: Tag key e.g. opening_hours:kitchen.
+ * :returns: Regex key from osm_tag_defaults e.g. opening_hours:.*
+ */
+ function getRegexKeyForKeyFromOsmDefaults(key) {
+ var regex_key;
+ for (var osm_key in osm_tag_defaults) {
+ if (key === osm_key) { // Exact match.
+ regex_key = osm_key;
+ break;
+ } else if (key.match(osm_key)) {
+ regex_key = osm_key;
+ }
+ }
+ return regex_key;
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check given element in optional_conf_parm. {{{
+ *
+ * :param key: Key of optional_conf_parm.
+ * :param expected_type: Expected `typeof()` the parameter.
+ * :returns: True if the expected type matches the given type.
+ */
+ function checkOptionalConfParm(key, expected_type) {
+ if (typeof optional_conf_parm[key] === expected_type) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm[key] !== 'undefined') {
+ throw t('conf param unkown type', { 'key': key, 'given': typeof(optional_conf_parm[key]), 'expected': expected_type });
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Format warning or error message for the user. {{{
+ *
+ * :param nrule: Rule number starting with zero.
+ * :param at: Token position at which the issue occurred.
+ * :param message: Human readable string with the message.
+ * :returns: String with position of the warning or error marked for the user.
+ */
+ function formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, message) {
+ // FIXME: Change to new_tokens.
+ if (typeof nrule === 'number') {
+ var pos = 0;
+ if (nrule === -1) { // Usage of rule index not required because we do have access to value.length.
+ pos = value.length - at;
+ } else { // Issue accrued at a later time, position in string needs to be reconstructed.
+ if (typeof tokens[nrule][0][at] === 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof tokens[nrule][0] && at === -1) {
+ pos = value.length;
+ if (typeof tokens[nrule+1] === 'object' && typeof tokens[nrule+1][2] === 'number') {
+ pos -= tokens[nrule+1][2];
+ } else if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === 'number') {
+ pos -= tokens[nrule][2];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Given position is invalid.
+ //
+ formatLibraryBugMessage('Bug in warning generation code which could not determine the exact position of the warning or error in value.');
+ pos = value.length;
+ if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === 'number') {
+ // Fallback: Point to last token in the rule which caused the problem.
+ // Run real_test regularly to fix the problem before a user is confronted with it.
+ pos -= tokens[nrule][2];
+ console.warn('Last token for rule: ' + tokens[nrule]);
+ console.log(value.substring(0, pos) + ' <--- (' + message + ')');
+ console.log('\n');
+ } {
+ console.warn('tokens[nrule][2] is undefined. This is ok if nrule is the last rule.');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pos = value.length;
+ if (typeof tokens[nrule][0][at+1] === 'object') {
+ pos -= tokens[nrule][0][at+1][2];
+ } else if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === 'number') {
+ pos -= tokens[nrule][2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value.substring(0, pos) + ' <--- (' + message + ')';
+ } else if (typeof nrule === 'string') {
+ return nrule.substring(0, at) + ' <--- (' + message + ')';
+ }
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Format internal library error message. {{{
+ *
+ * :param message: Human readable string with the error message.
+ * :returns: Error message for the user.
+ */
+ function formatLibraryBugMessage(message) {
+ if (typeof message === 'undefined')
+ message = '';
+ else
+ message = ' ' + message;
+ message = t('library bug', { 'value': value, 'url': issues_url, 'message': message });
+ console.log(message);
+ return message;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Tokenize input stream. {{{
+ *
+ * :param value: Raw opening_hours value.
+ * :returns: Tokenized list object. Complex structure. Check the
+ * internal documentation in the doc directory for details.
+ */
+ function tokenize(value) {
+ var all_tokens = [];
+ var curr_rule_tokens = [];
+ var last_rule_fallback_terminated = false;
+ while (value !== '') {
+ // console.log("Parsing value: " + value);
+ var tmp;
+ if (tmp = value.match(/^week\b/i)) {
+ // Reserved keywords.
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toLowerCase(), tmp[0].toLowerCase(), value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(?:off\b|closed\b|open\b|unknown\b)/i)) {
+ // Reserved keywords.
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toLowerCase(), 'state', value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^24\/7/i)) {
+ // Reserved keyword.
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0], tmp[0], value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(?:PH|SH)/i)) {
+ // special day name (holidays)
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toUpperCase(), 'holiday', value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(2);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(&|_|→|–|−|—|ー|=|·|öffnungszeit(?:en)?:?|opening_hours\s*=|\?|~|~|:|°°|always (?:open|closed)|24x7|24 hours 7 days a week|24 hours|7 ?days(?:(?: a |\/)week)?|7j?\/7|all days?|every day|(:?bis|till?|-|–)? ?(?:open ?end|late)|(?:(?:one )?day (?:before|after) )?(?:school|public) holidays?|days?\b|до|рм|ам|jours fériés|on work days?|sonntags?|(?:nur |an )?sonn-?(?:(?: und |\/)feiertag(?:s|en?)?)?|(?:an )?feiertag(?:s|en?)?|(?:nach|on|by) (?:appo [...]
+ /* Handle all remaining words and specific other characters with error tolerance.
+ *
+ * à|á: Word boundary does not work with unicode chars: 'test à test'.match(/\bà\b/i)
+ * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10590098/javascript-regexp-word-boundaries-unicode-characters
+ * Order in the regular expression capturing group is important in some cases.
+ *
+ * mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa|su|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec: Prefer defended keywords
+ * if used in cases like 'mo12:00-14:00' (when keyword is followed by number).
+ */
+ var correct_val = returnCorrectWordOrToken(tmp[1].toLowerCase(), value.length);
+ // console.log('Error tolerance for string "' + tmp[1] + '" returned "' + correct_val + '".');
+ if (typeof correct_val === 'object') {
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([ correct_val[0], correct_val[1], value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (typeof correct_val === 'string') {
+ if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === 'pm') {
+ var hours_token_at = curr_rule_tokens.length - 1;
+ var hours_token;
+ if (hours_token_at >= 0) {
+ if (hours_token_at -2 >= 0 &&
+ matchTokens(
+ curr_rule_tokens, hours_token_at - 2,
+ 'number', 'timesep', 'number'
+ )
+ ) {
+ hours_token_at -= 2;
+ hours_token = curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at];
+ } else if (matchTokens(curr_rule_tokens, hours_token_at, 'number')) {
+ hours_token = curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at];
+ }
+ if (typeof hours_token === 'object' && hours_token[0] <= 12) {
+ hours_token[0] += 12;
+ curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at] = hours_token;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var correct_tokens = tokenize(correct_val)[0];
+ if (correct_tokens[1] === true) { // last_rule_fallback_terminated
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage();
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < correct_tokens[0].length; i++) {
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([correct_tokens[0][i][0], correct_tokens[0][i][1], value.length]);
+ // value.length - tmp[0].length does not have the desired effect for all test cases.
+ }
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ // value = correct_val + value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ // Does not work because it would generate the wrong length for formatWarnErrorMessage.
+ } else {
+ // other single-character tokens
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([value[0].toLowerCase(), value[0].toLowerCase(), value.length - 1 ]);
+ value = value.substr(1);
+ }
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^\d+/)) {
+ // number
+ if (Number(tmp[0]) > 1900) { // Assumed to be a year number.
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([Number(tmp[0]), 'year', value.length ]);
+ if (Number(tmp[0]) >= 2100) // Probably an error
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, value.length - 1,
+ t('interpreted as year', {number: Number(tmp[0])})
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([Number(tmp[0]), 'number', value.length ]);
+ }
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^"([^"]+)"/)) {
+ // Comment following the specification.
+ // Any character is allowed inside the comment except " itself.
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[1], 'comment', value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(["'„“‚‘’«「『])([^"'“”‘’»」』;|]*)(["'”“‘’»」』])/)) {
+ // Comments with error tolerance.
+ // The comments still have to be somewhat correct meaning
+ // the start and end quote signs used have to be
+ // appropriate. So “testing„ will not match as it is not a
+ // quote but rather something unknown which the user should
+ // fix first.
+ // console.log('Matched: ' + JSON.stringify(tmp));
+ for (var pos = 1; pos <= 3; pos += 2) {
+ // console.log('Pos: ' + pos + ', substring: ' + tmp[pos]);
+ var correct_val = returnCorrectWordOrToken(tmp[pos],
+ value.length - (pos === 3 ? tmp[1].length + tmp[2].length : 0)
+ );
+ if (typeof correct_val !== 'string' && tmp[pos] !== '"') {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage(
+ 'A character for error tolerance was allowed in the regular expression'
+ + ' but is not covered by word_error_correction'
+ + ' which is needed to format a proper message for the user.'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[2], 'comment', value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (value.match(/^;/)) {
+ // semicolon terminates rule
+ // next tokens belong to a new rule
+ all_tokens.push([ curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated, value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(1);
+ curr_rule_tokens = [];
+ last_rule_fallback_terminated = false;
+ } else if (value.match(/^\|\|/)) {
+ // || terminates rule
+ // Next tokens belong to a fallback rule.
+ if (curr_rule_tokens.length === 0)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(-1, value.length - 2, t('rule before fallback empty'));
+ all_tokens.push([ curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated, value.length ]);
+ curr_rule_tokens = [];
+ // curr_rule_tokens = [ [ '||', 'rule separator', value.length ] ];
+ // FIXME: Use this. Unknown bug needs to be solved in the process.
+ value = value.substr(2);
+ last_rule_fallback_terminated = true;
+ } else if (value.match(/^(?:␣|\s)/)) {
+ // Using "␣" as space is not expected to be a normal
+ // mistake. Just ignore it to make using taginfo easier.
+ value = value.substr(1);
+ } else if (tmp = value.match(/^\s+/)) {
+ // whitespace is ignored
+ value = value.substr(tmp[0].length);
+ } else if (value.match(/^[:.]/)) {
+ // time separator
+ if (value[0] === '.' && !done_with_warnings)
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, value.length - 1, t('hour min seperator')]);
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([ ':', 'timesep', value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(1);
+ } else {
+ // other single-character tokens
+ curr_rule_tokens.push([value[0].toLowerCase(), value[0].toLowerCase(), value.length ]);
+ value = value.substr(1);
+ }
+ }
+ all_tokens.push([ curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated ]);
+ return all_tokens;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* error correction/tolerance function {{{
+ * Go through word_error_correction hash and get correct value back.
+ *
+ * :param word: Wrong Word or character.
+ * :param value_length: Current value_length (used for warnings).
+ * :returns:
+ * * (valid) opening_hours sub string.
+ * * object with [ internal_value, token_name ] if value is correct.
+ * * undefined if word could not be found (and thus is not be corrected).
+ */
+ function returnCorrectWordOrToken(word, value_length) {
+ for (var token_name in word_error_correction) {
+ for (var comment in word_error_correction[token_name]) {
+ for (var old_val in word_error_correction[token_name][comment]) {
+ if (word.match(new RegExp('^' + old_val + '$'))) {
+ var val = word_error_correction[token_name][comment][old_val];
+ if (comment === 'default') {
+ // Return internal representation of word.
+ return [ val, token_name ];
+ } else if (token_name === 'wrong_words' && !done_with_warnings) {
+ // Replace wrong words or characters with correct ones.
+ // This will return a string which is then being tokenized.
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, value_length - word.length,
+ comment.replace(/<ko>/, word).replace(/<ok>/, val) ]);
+ return val;
+ } else {
+ // Get correct string value from the 'default' hash and generate warning.
+ var correct_abbr;
+ for (correct_abbr in word_error_correction[token_name]['default']) {
+ if (word_error_correction[token_name]['default'][correct_abbr] === val)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (typeof correct_abbr === 'undefined') {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage('Including the stacktrace.');
+ }
+ if (token_name !== 'timevar') {
+ // Everything else than timevar:
+ // E.g. 'Mo' start with a upper case letter.
+ // It just looks better.
+ correct_abbr = correct_abbr.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
+ + correct_abbr.slice(1);
+ }
+ if (!done_with_warnings)
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, value_length - word.length,
+ comment.replace(/<ko>/, word).replace(/<ok>/, correct_abbr) ]);
+ return [ val, token_name ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* return warnings as list {{{
+ *
+ * :param it: Iterator object if available (optional).
+ * :returns: Warnings as list with one warning per element.
+ */
+ function getWarnings(it) {
+ if (warnings_severity < 4) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if (!done_with_warnings && typeof it === 'object') {
+ /* getWarnings was called in a state without critical errors.
+ * We can do extended tests.
+ */
+ /* Place all tests in this function if an additional (high
+ * level) test is added and this does not require to rewrite
+ * big parts of (sub) selector parsers only to get the
+ * position. If that is the case, then rather place the test
+ * code in the (sub) selector parser function directly.
+ */
+ var wide_range_selector_order = [ 'year', 'month', 'week', 'holiday' ];
+ var small_range_selector_order = [ 'weekday', 'time', '24/7', 'state', 'comment'];
+ // How many times was a selector_type used per rule? {{{
+ var used_selectors = [];
+ var used_selectors_types_array = [];
+ var has_token = {};
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < new_tokens.length; nrule++) {
+ if (new_tokens[nrule][0].length === 0) continue;
+ // Rule does contain nothing useful e.g. second rule of '10:00-12:00;' (empty) which needs to be handled.
+ var selector_start_end_type = [ 0, 0, undefined ],
+ prettified_group_value = [];
+ // console.log(new_tokens[nrule][0]);
+ used_selectors[nrule] = {};
+ used_selectors_types_array[nrule] = [];
+ do {
+ selector_start_end_type = getSelectorRange(new_tokens[nrule][0], selector_start_end_type[1]);
+ // console.log(selector_start_end_type, new_tokens[nrule][0].length);
+ for (var token_pos = 0; token_pos <= selector_start_end_type[1]; token_pos++) {
+ if (typeof new_tokens[nrule][0][token_pos] === 'object' && new_tokens[nrule][0][token_pos][0] === 'PH') {
+ has_token['PH'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (selector_start_end_type[0] === selector_start_end_type[1] &&
+ new_tokens[nrule][0][selector_start_end_type[0]][0] === '24/7'
+ ) {
+ has_token['24/7'] = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]] !== 'object') {
+ used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]] = [ selector_start_end_type[1] ];
+ } else {
+ used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]].push(selector_start_end_type[1]);
+ }
+ used_selectors_types_array[nrule].push(selector_start_end_type[2]);
+ selector_start_end_type[1]++;
+ } while (selector_start_end_type[1] < new_tokens[nrule][0].length);
+ }
+ // console.log('used_selectors: ' + JSON.stringify(used_selectors, null, ' '));
+ // }}}
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < used_selectors.length; nrule++) {
+ /* Check if more than one not connected selector of the same type is used in one rule {{{ */
+ for (var selector_type in used_selectors[nrule]) {
+ // console.log(selector_type + ' use at: ' + used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length);
+ if (used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length > 1) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length - 1],
+ t('use multi', {
+ 'count': used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length,
+ 'part2': (
+ selector_type.match(/^(?:comment|state)/) ?
+ t('selector multi 2a', {'what': (selector_type === 'state' ? t('selector state'): t('comments'))})
+ :
+ t('selector multi 2b', {'what': t(selector_type + (selector_type.match(/^(?:month|weekday)$/) ? 's' : ' ranges'))})
+ )
+ })]
+ );
+ done_with_selector_reordering = true; // Correcting the selector order makes no sense if this kind of issue exists.
+ }
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check if change default state rule is not the first rule {{{ */
+ if ( typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === 'object'
+ && Object.keys(used_selectors[nrule]).length === 1
+ ) {
+ if (nrule !== 0) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, new_tokens[nrule][0].length - 1, t('default state')]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check if a rule (with state open) has no time selector {{{ */
+ } else if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].time === 'undefined') {
+ if ( ( typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === 'object'
+ && new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === 'open'
+ && typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === 'undefined'
+ ) || ( typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === 'undefined'
+ && typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === 'undefined'
+ ) &&
+ typeof used_selectors[nrule]['24/7'] === 'undefined'
+ ) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, new_tokens[nrule][0].length - 1, t('vague')]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check if empty comment was given {{{ */
+ if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === 'object'
+ && new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].comment[0]][0].length === 0
+ ) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule].comment[0], t('empty comment')]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check for valid use of <separator_for_readability> {{{ */
+ for (var i = 0; i < used_selectors_types_array[nrule].length - 1; i++) {
+ var selector_type = used_selectors_types_array[nrule][i];
+ var next_selector_type = used_selectors_types_array[nrule][i+1];
+ if ( ( wide_range_selector_order.indexOf(selector_type) !== -1
+ && wide_range_selector_order.indexOf(next_selector_type) !== -1
+ ) || ( small_range_selector_order.indexOf(selector_type) !== -1
+ && small_range_selector_order.indexOf(next_selector_type) !== -1)
+ ) {
+ if (new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][0]][0] === ':') {
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][0],
+ t('separator_for_readability')
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* FIXME: Enable (currently disabled): Check if rule with closed|off modifier is additional {{{ */
+ if (typeof new_tokens[nrule][0][0] === 'object'
+ && new_tokens[nrule][0][0][0] === ','
+ && new_tokens[nrule][0][0][1] === 'rule separator'
+ && typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === 'object'
+ && (
+ new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === 'closed'
+ || new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === 'off'
+ )
+ ) {
+ // parsing_warnings.push([nrule, new_tokens[nrule][0].length - 1,
+ // "This rule will be evaluated as closed but it was specified as additional rule."
+ // + " It is enough to specify this rule as normal rule using the \";\" character."
+ // + " See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#explain:rule_modifier:closed."
+ // ]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ }
+ /* Check if 24/7 is used and it does not mean 24/7 because there are other rules {{{ */
+ var has_advanced = it.advance();
+ if (has_advanced === true && has_token['24/7'] && !done_with_warnings) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, 0,
+ // Probably because of: "24/7; 12:00-14:00 open", ". Needs extra testing.
+ t('strange 24/7')
+ ]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Check for missing PH. {{{ */
+ if ( warnings_severity >= 5
+ && !has_token['PH']
+ && !has_token['24/7']
+ && !done_with_warnings
+ && (
+ (
+ typeof oh_key === 'string'
+ && osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]['warn_for_PH_missing']
+ )
+ || (typeof oh_key !== 'string')
+ )
+ ) {
+ var keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing = [];
+ for (var key in osm_tag_defaults) {
+ if (osm_tag_defaults[key]['warn_for_PH_missing']) {
+ keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ parsing_warnings.push([ -1, 0,
+ t('public holiday', { 'part2': (typeof oh_key !== 'string'
+ ? t('public holiday part2', {'keys': keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing.join(', ')}) : '')})
+ // + '(see README how to provide it)' // UI of the evaluation tool does not allow to provide it (currently).
+ ]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ prettifyValue();
+ }
+ done_with_warnings = true;
+ var warnings = [];
+ // FIXME: Sort based on parsing_warnings[1], tricky …
+ for (var i = 0; i < parsing_warnings.length; i++) {
+ warnings.push( formatWarnErrorMessage(parsing_warnings[i][0], parsing_warnings[i][1], parsing_warnings[i][2]) );
+ }
+ return warnings;
+ }
+ /* Helpers for getWarnings {{{ */
+ /* Check if token is the begin of a selector and why. {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :returns:
+ * * false the current token is not the begin of a selector.
+ * * Position in token array from where the decision was made that
+ * the token is the start of a selector.
+ */
+ function tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, at) {
+ if (typeof tokens[at][3] === 'string') {
+ return 3;
+ } else if (tokens[at][1] === 'comment'
+ || tokens[at][1] === 'state'
+ || tokens[at][1] === '24/7'
+ || tokens[at][1] === 'rule separator'
+ ){
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Get start and end position of a selector. {{{
+ * For example this value 'Mo-We,Fr' will return the position of the
+ * token lexeme 'Mo' and 'Fr' e.g. there indexes [ 0, 4 ] in the
+ * selector array of tokens.
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :returns: Array:
+ * 0. Index of first token in selector array of tokens.
+ * 1. Index of last token in selector array of tokens.
+ * 2. Selector type.
+ */
+ function getSelectorRange(tokens, at) {
+ var selector_start = at,
+ selector_end,
+ pos_in_token_array;
+ for (; selector_start >= 0; selector_start--) {
+ pos_in_token_array = tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, selector_start);
+ if (pos_in_token_array)
+ break;
+ }
+ selector_end = selector_start;
+ if (pos_in_token_array === 1) {
+ // Selector consists of a single token.
+ // Include tailing colon.
+ if (selector_end + 1 < tokens.length && tokens[selector_end + 1][0] === ':')
+ selector_end++;
+ return [ selector_start, selector_end, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array] ];
+ }
+ for (selector_end++; selector_end < tokens.length ; selector_end++) {
+ if (tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, selector_end))
+ return [ selector_start, selector_end - 1, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array] ];
+ }
+ return [ selector_start, selector_end - 1, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array] ];
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Prettify raw value from user. {{{
+ * The value is generated by putting the tokens back together to a string.
+ *
+ * :param argument_hash: Hash which can contain:
+ * 'conf': Configuration hash.
+ * 'get_internals: If true export internal data structures.
+ * 'rule_index: Only prettify the rule with this index.
+ * :returns: Prettified value string or object if get_internals is true.
+ */
+ function prettifyValue(argument_hash) {
+ var user_conf = {};
+ var get_internals = false;
+ var rule_index;
+ prettified_value = '';
+ var prettified_value_array = [];
+ if (typeof argument_hash === 'object') {
+ if (typeof argument_hash.conf === 'object') {
+ user_conf = argument_hash.conf;
+ }
+ if (typeof argument_hash.rule_index === 'number') {
+ rule_index = argument_hash.rule_index;
+ }
+ if (argument_hash.get_internals === true) {
+ get_internals = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var key in default_prettify_conf) {
+ if (typeof user_conf[key] === 'undefined') {
+ user_conf[key] = default_prettify_conf[key];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof moment !== 'undefined' && typeof user_conf['locale'] === 'string' && user_conf['locale'] !== 'en') {
+ var global_locale = moment.locale();
+ // build translation arrays from moment
+ moment.locale('en');
+ var weekdays_en = moment.weekdaysMin();
+ // monthShort would not return what we like
+ var months_en = moment.months().map(function (month) {
+ return month.substr(0,3);
+ });
+ // FIXME: Does not work in Firefox?
+ moment.locale(user_conf['locale']);
+ var weekdays_local = moment.weekdaysMin();
+ var months_local = moment.months().map(function (month) {
+ return month.substr(0,3);
+ });
+ // console.log(months_local);
+ moment.locale(global_locale);
+ }
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < new_tokens.length; nrule++) {
+ if (new_tokens[nrule][0].length === 0) continue;
+ // Rule does contain nothing useful e.g. second rule of '10:00-12:00;' (empty) which needs to be handled.
+ if (typeof rule_index === 'number') {
+ if (rule_index !== nrule) continue;
+ } else {
+ if (nrule !== 0)
+ prettified_value += (
+ new_tokens[nrule][1]
+ ? user_conf.rule_sep_string + '|| '
+ : (
+ new_tokens[nrule][0][0][1] === 'rule separator'
+ ? ','
+ : (
+ user_conf.print_semicolon
+ ? ';'
+ : ''
+ )
+ ) +
+ user_conf.rule_sep_string);
+ }
+ var selector_start_end_type = [ 0, 0, undefined ];
+ var prettified_group_value = [];
+ var count = 0;
+ // console.log(new_tokens[nrule][0]);
+ do {
+ selector_start_end_type = getSelectorRange(new_tokens[nrule][0], selector_start_end_type[1]);
+ // console.log(selector_start_end_type, new_tokens[nrule][0].length, count);
+ if (count > 50) {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage('infinite loop');
+ }
+ if (selector_start_end_type[2] !== 'rule separator') {
+ prettified_group_value.push(
+ [
+ selector_start_end_type,
+ prettifySelector(
+ new_tokens[nrule][0],
+ selector_start_end_type[0],
+ selector_start_end_type[1],
+ selector_start_end_type[2],
+ user_conf
+ ),
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ selector_start_end_type[1]++;
+ count++;
+ // console.log(selector_start_end_type, new_tokens[nrule][0].length, count);
+ } while (selector_start_end_type[1] < new_tokens[nrule][0].length);
+ // console.log('Prettified value: ' + JSON.stringify(prettified_group_value, null, ' '));
+ var not_sorted_prettified_group_value = prettified_group_value.slice();
+ if (!done_with_selector_reordering) {
+ prettified_group_value.sort(
+ function (a, b) {
+ var selector_order = [ 'year', 'month', 'week', 'holiday', 'weekday', 'time', '24/7', 'state', 'comment'];
+ return selector_order.indexOf(a[0][2]) - selector_order.indexOf(b[0][2]);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ var old_prettified_value_length = prettified_value.length;
+ if (typeof user_conf['locale'] === 'string' && user_conf['locale'] !== 'en') {
+ var global_locale = i18n.lng();
+ if (global_locale !== user_conf['locale']) {
+ i18n.setLng(user_conf['locale']);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < prettified_group_value.length; i++) {
+ type = prettified_group_value[i][0][2];
+ if (type === 'weekday') {
+ for(var key in weekdays_en) {
+ prettified_group_value[i][1] = prettified_group_value[i][1].replace(new RegExp(weekdays_en[key], 'g'), weekdays_local[key]);
+ }
+ } else if (type === 'month') {
+ for(var key in months_en) {
+ prettified_group_value[i][1] = prettified_group_value[i][1].replace(new RegExp(months_en[key], 'g'), months_local[key]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ prettified_group_value[i][1] = i18n.t(['opening_hours:pretty.' + prettified_group_value[i][1], prettified_group_value[i][1]]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (global_locale !== locale) {
+ i18n.setLng(global_locale);
+ }
+ }
+ prettified_value += prettified_group_value.map(
+ function (array) {
+ return array[1];
+ }
+ ).join(' ');
+ prettified_value_array.push( prettified_group_value );
+ if (!done_with_selector_reordering_warnings) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = not_sorted_prettified_group_value.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (not_sorted_prettified_group_value[i] !== prettified_group_value[i]) {
+ // console.log(i + ': ' + prettified_group_value[i][0][2]);
+ var length = i + old_prettified_value_length; // i: Number of spaces in string.
+ for (var x = 0; x <= i; x++) {
+ length += prettified_group_value[x][1].length;
+ // console.log('Length: ' + length + ' ' + prettified_group_value[x][1]);
+ }
+ // console.log(length);
+ parsing_warnings.push([ prettified_value, length, t('switched', {
+ 'first': prettified_group_value[i][0][2],
+ 'second': not_sorted_prettified_group_value[i][0][2]
+ })
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done_with_selector_reordering_warnings = true;
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(prettified_value_array, null, ' '));
+ if (get_internals) {
+ return [ prettified_value_array, new_tokens ];
+ } else {
+ return prettified_value;
+ }
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Check selector array of tokens for specific token name pattern. {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position at which the matching should begin.
+ * :param token_name(s): One or many token_name strings which have to match in that order.
+ * :returns: true if token_name(s) match in order false otherwise.
+ */
+ function matchTokens(tokens, at /*, matches... */) {
+ if (at + arguments.length - 2 > tokens.length)
+ return false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
+ if (tokens[at + i][1] !== arguments[i + 2])
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Generate selector wrapper with time offset {{{
+ *
+ * :param func: Generated selector code function.
+ * :param shirt: Time to shift in milliseconds.
+ * :param token_name(s): One or many token_name strings which have to match in that order.
+ * :returns: See selector code.
+ */
+ function generateDateShifter(func, shift) {
+ return function(date) {
+ var res = func(new Date(date.getTime() + shift));
+ if (typeof res[1] === 'undefined')
+ return res;
+ return [ res[0], new Date(res[1].getTime() - shift) ];
+ };
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Top-level parser {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param selectors: Reference to selector object.
+ * :param nrule: Rule number starting with 0.
+ * :returns: See selector code.
+ */
+ function parseGroup(tokens, at, selectors, nrule) {
+ var rule_modifier_specified = false;
+ // console.log(tokens); // useful for debugging of tokenize
+ while (at < tokens.length) {
+ // console.log('Parsing at position', at +':', tokens[at]);
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'weekday')) {
+ at = parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, '24/7')) {
+ selectors.time.push(function(date) { return [true]; });
+ // Not needed. If there is no selector it automatically matches everything.
+ // WRONG: This only works if there is no other selector in this selector group ...
+ at++;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'holiday')) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+1, ','))
+ at = parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, true);
+ else
+ at = parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, false);
+ week_stable = false;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month', 'number')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month', 'weekday')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'year', 'month', 'number')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'year', 'event')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'event')) {
+ at = parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule);
+ week_stable = false;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'year')) {
+ at = parseYearRange(tokens, at);
+ week_stable = false;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month')) {
+ at = parseMonthRange(tokens, at);
+ // week_stable = false; // Decided based on the actual value/tokens.
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'week')) {
+ tokens[at][3] = 'week';
+ at = parseWeekRange(tokens, at);
+ } else if (at !== 0 && at !== tokens.length - 1 && tokens[at][0] === ':') {
+ /* Ignore colon if they appear somewhere else than as time separator.
+ * Except the start or end of the value.
+ * This provides compatibility with the syntax proposed by Netzwolf:
+ * https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#separator_for_readability
+ * Check for valid use of <separator_for_readability> is implemented in function getWarnings().
+ */
+ if (!done_with_warnings && matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'holiday'))
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t('no colon after', { 'token': tokens[at-1][1] })]);
+ at++;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', 'timesep')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'timevar')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, '(', 'timevar')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', '-')) {
+ at = parseTimeRange(tokens, at, selectors, false);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'state')) {
+ if (tokens[at][0] === 'open') {
+ selectors.meaning = true;
+ } else if (tokens[at][0] === 'closed' || tokens[at][0] === 'off') {
+ selectors.meaning = false;
+ } else {
+ selectors.meaning = false;
+ selectors.unknown = true;
+ }
+ rule_modifier_specified = true;
+ at++;
+ if (typeof tokens[at] === 'object' && tokens[at][0] === ',') // additional rule
+ at = [ at + 1 ];
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'comment')) {
+ selectors.comment = tokens[at][0];
+ if (!rule_modifier_specified) {
+ // Then it is unknown. Either with unknown explicitly
+ // specified or just a comment.
+ selectors.meaning = false;
+ selectors.unknown = true;
+ }
+ rule_modifier_specified = true;
+ at++;
+ if (typeof tokens[at] === 'object' && tokens[at][0] === ',') // additional rule
+ at = [ at + 1 ];
+ } else if ((at === 0 || at === tokens.length - 1) && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'rule separator')) {
+ at++;
+ console.log("value: " + nrule);
+ // throw formatLibraryBugMessage('Not implemented yet.');
+ } else {
+ var warnings = getWarnings();
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token', {token: tokens[at][1] })) + (warnings ? (' ' + warnings.join('; ')) : '');
+ }
+ if (typeof at === 'object') { // additional rule
+ tokens[at[0] - 1][1] = 'rule separator';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ function get_last_token_pos_in_token_group(tokens, at, last_at) {
+ for (at++; at < last_at; at++) {
+ if (typeof tokens[at] === 'object') {
+ if (typeof tokens[at][3] === 'string'
+ || tokens[at][1] === 'comment'
+ || tokens[at][1] === 'state'){
+ return at - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return last_at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // helper functions for sub parser {{{
+ /* For given date, returns date moved to the start of the day with an offset specified in minutes. {{{
+ * For example, if date is 2014-05-19_18:17:12, dateAtDayMinutes would
+ * return 2014-05-19_02:00:00 for minutes=120.
+ *
+ * :param date: Date object.
+ * :param minutes: Minutes used as offset starting from midnight of current day.
+ * :returns: Moved date object.
+ */
+ function dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes) {
+ return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, minutes);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* For given date, returns date moved to the specific day of week {{{
+ *
+ * :param date: Date object.
+ * :param weekday: Integer number for day of week. Starting with zero (Sunday).
+ * :returns: Moved date object.
+ */
+ function dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday) {
+ var delta = weekday - date.getDay();
+ return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + delta + (delta < 0 ? 7 : 0));
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Function to determine whether an array contains a value {{{
+ * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1181586
+ *
+ * :param needle: Element to find.
+ * :returns: Index of element if present, if not present returns -1.
+ */
+ function indexOf(needle) {
+ if(typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') {
+ indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
+ } else {
+ indexOf = function(needle) {
+ var i = -1, index = -1;
+ for(i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
+ if(this[i] === needle) {
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ };
+ }
+ return indexOf.call(this, needle);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Numeric list parser (1,2,3-4,-1) {{{
+ * Used in weekday parser above.
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param func: Function func(from, to, at).
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the list any more.
+ */
+ function parseNumRange(tokens, at, func) {
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', '-', 'number')) {
+ // Number range
+ func(tokens[at][0], tokens[at+2][0], at);
+ at += 3;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, '-', 'number')) {
+ // Negative number
+ func(-tokens[at+1][0], -tokens[at+1][0], at);
+ at += 2;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')) {
+ // Single number
+ func(tokens[at][0], tokens[at][0], at);
+ at++;
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + matchTokens(tokens, at, '-'),
+ 'Unexpected token in number range: ' + tokens[at][1]);
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* List parser for constrained weekdays in month range {{{
+ * e.g. Su[-1] which selects the last Sunday of the month.
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :returns: Array:
+ * 0. Constrained weekday number.
+ * 1. Position at which the token does not belong to the list any more (after ']' token).
+ */
+ function getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at) {
+ var number = 0;
+ var endat = parseNumRange(tokens, at, function(from, to, at) {
+ // bad number
+ if (from === 0 || from < -5 || from > 5)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at,
+ t('number -5 to 5'));
+ if (from === to) {
+ if (number !== 0)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at,
+ t('one weekday constraint'));
+ number = from;
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2,
+ t('range contrainted weekdays'));
+ }
+ });
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, endat, ']'))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, endat, t('expected', {symbol: ']'}));
+ return [ number, endat + 1 ];
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // Check if period is ok. Period 0 or 1 don’t make much sense.
+ function checkPeriod(at, period, period_type, parm_string) {
+ if (done_with_warnings)
+ return;
+ if (period === 0) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at,
+ t('range zero', { 'type': period_type }));
+ } else if (period === 1) {
+ if (typeof parm_string === 'string' && parm_string === 'no_end_year')
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t('period one year+', {'type': period_type})]);
+ else
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t('period one', {'type': period_type})]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get date moved to constrained weekday (and moved for add_days. {{{
+ * E.g. used for 'Aug Su[-1] -1 day'.
+ *
+ * :param year: Year as integer.
+ * :param month: Month as integer starting with zero.
+ * :param weekday: Integer number for day of week. Starting with zero (Sunday).
+ * :param constrained_weekday: Position where to start.
+ * :returns: Date object.
+ */
+ function getDateForConstrainedWeekday(year, month, weekday, constrained_weekday, add_days) {
+ var tmp_date = dateAtNextWeekday(
+ new Date(year, month + (constrained_weekday[0] > 0 ? 0 : 1), 1), weekday);
+ tmp_date.setDate(tmp_date.getDate() + (constrained_weekday[0] + (constrained_weekday[0] > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7);
+ if (typeof add_days === 'object' && add_days[1])
+ tmp_date.setDate(tmp_date.getDate() + add_days[0]);
+ return tmp_date;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Check if date is valid. {{{
+ *
+ * :param month: Month as integer starting with zero.
+ * :param date: Day of month as integer.
+ * :returns: undefined. There is no real return value. This function just throws an exception if something is wrong.
+ */
+ function checkIfDateIsValid(month, day, nrule, at) {
+ // May use this instead. The problem is that this does not give feedback as precise as the code which is used in this function.
+ // var testDate = new Date(year, month, day);
+ // if (testDate.getDate() !== day || testDate.getMonth() !== month || testDate.getFullYear() !== year) {
+ // console.error('date not valid');
+ // }
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Month#Julian_and_Gregorian_calendars
+ if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('month 31', {'month': months[month]}));
+ } else if ((month === 3 || month === 5 || month === 8 || month === 10) && day === 31) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('month 30', {'month': months[month]}));
+ } else if (month === 1 && day === 30) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('month feb', {'month': months[month]}));
+ }
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // }}}
+ /* Time range parser (10:00-12:00,14:00-16:00) {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param selectors: Reference to selector object.
+ * :param extended_open_end: Used for combined time range with open end.
+ * extended_open_end: <time> - <time> +
+ * param at is here A (if extended_open_end is true)
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseTimeRange(tokens, at, selectors, extended_open_end) {
+ if (!extended_open_end)
+ tokens[at][3] = 'time';
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ var has_time_var_calc = [], has_normal_time = []; // element 0: start time, 1: end time
+ has_normal_time[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', 'timesep', 'number');
+ has_time_var_calc[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, '(', 'timevar');
+ var minutes_from,
+ minutes_to;
+ if (has_normal_time[0] || matchTokens(tokens, at, 'timevar') || has_time_var_calc[0]) {
+ // relying on the fact that always *one* of them is true
+ var is_point_in_time = false; // default no time range
+ var has_open_end = false; // default no open end
+ var timevar_add = [ 0, 0 ];
+ var timevar_string = []; // capture timevar string like 'sunrise' to calculate it for the current date.
+ var point_in_time_period;
+ // minutes_from
+ if (has_normal_time[0]) {
+ minutes_from = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at+has_time_var_calc[0]);
+ } else {
+ timevar_string[0] = tokens[at+has_time_var_calc[0]][0];
+ minutes_from = word_value_replacement[timevar_string[0]];
+ if (has_time_var_calc[0]) {
+ timevar_add[0] = parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at);
+ minutes_from += timevar_add[0];
+ }
+ }
+ var at_end_time = at+(has_normal_time[0] ? 3 : (has_time_var_calc[0] ? 7 : 1))+1; // after '-'
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time - 1, '-')) { // not time range
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time - 1, '+')) {
+ has_open_end = true;
+ } else {
+ if (oh_mode === 0) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule,
+ at+(
+ has_normal_time[0] ? (
+ typeof tokens[at+3] === 'object' ? 3 : 2
+ ) : (
+ has_time_var_calc[0] ? 2 : (
+ typeof tokens[at+1] === 'object' ? 1 : 0
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ t('point in time', {
+ 'calc': (has_time_var_calc[0] ? t('calculation') + ' ' : ''),
+ 'libraryname': library_name
+ }));
+ } else {
+ minutes_to = minutes_from + 1;
+ is_point_in_time = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // minutes_to
+ if (has_open_end) {
+ if (extended_open_end === 1)
+ minutes_from += minutes_in_day;
+ if (minutes_from >= 22 * 60)
+ minutes_to = minutes_from + 8 * 60;
+ else if (minutes_from >= 17 * 60)
+ minutes_to = minutes_from + 10 * 60;
+ else
+ minutes_to = minutes_in_day;
+ } else if (!is_point_in_time) {
+ has_normal_time[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, 'number', 'timesep', 'number');
+ has_time_var_calc[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, '(', 'timevar');
+ if (!has_normal_time[1] && !matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, 'timevar') && !has_time_var_calc[1]) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time - (typeof tokens[at_end_time] === 'object' ? 0 : 1),
+ t('time range continue'));
+ } else {
+ if (has_normal_time[1]) {
+ minutes_to = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at_end_time);
+ } else {
+ timevar_string[1] = tokens[at_end_time+has_time_var_calc[1]][0];
+ minutes_to = word_value_replacement[timevar_string[1]];
+ }
+ if (has_time_var_calc[1]) {
+ timevar_add[1] = parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at_end_time);
+ minutes_to += timevar_add[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ at = at_end_time + (is_point_in_time ? -1 :
+ (has_normal_time[1] ? 3 : (has_time_var_calc[1] ? 7 : !has_open_end))
+ );
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, '/', 'number')) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, 'timesep', 'number')) { // /hours:minutes
+ point_in_time_period = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at + 1);
+ at += 4;
+ } else { // /minutes
+ point_in_time_period = tokens[at + 1][0];
+ at += 2;
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'timesep'))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at,
+ t('period continue'));
+ }
+ // Check at this later state in the if condition to get the correct position.
+ if (oh_mode === 0)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1,
+ t('time range mode', {'libraryname': library_name}));
+ is_point_in_time = true;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, '+')) {
+ parseTimeRange(tokens, at_end_time, selectors, minutes_to < minutes_from ? 1 : true);
+ at++;
+ } else if (oh_mode === 1 && !is_point_in_time) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time,
+ t('point in time mode', {'libraryname': library_name}));
+ }
+ if (typeof lat === 'string') { // lon will also be defined (see above)
+ if (!has_normal_time[0] || !(has_normal_time[1] || has_open_end || is_point_in_time) ) {
+ week_stable = false;
+ }
+ } else { // we can not calculate exact times so we use the already applied constants (word_value_replacement).
+ timevar_string = [];
+ }
+ // Normalize minutes into range.
+ if (!extended_open_end && minutes_from >= minutes_in_day)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time - 2, t('outside current day'));
+ if (minutes_to < minutes_from || ((has_normal_time[0] && has_normal_time[1]) && minutes_from === minutes_to))
+ minutes_to += minutes_in_day;
+ if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day * 2)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time + (has_normal_time[1] ? 4 : (has_time_var_calc[1] ? 7 : 1)) - 2,
+ t('two midnights'));
+ // This shortcut makes always-open range check faster.
+ if (minutes_from === 0 && minutes_to === minutes_in_day) {
+ selectors.time.push(function(date) { return [true]; });
+ } else {
+ if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day) { // has_normal_time[1] must be true
+ selectors.time.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (timevar_string[0]) {
+ var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
+ minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0];
+ }
+ if (timevar_string[1]) {
+ var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
+ minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1];
+ minutes_to += minutes_in_day;
+ // Needs to be added because it was added by
+ // normal times: if (minutes_to < minutes_from)
+ // above the selector construction.
+ } else if (is_point_in_time && typeof point_in_time_period !== 'number') {
+ minutes_to = minutes_from + 1;
+ }
+ if (typeof point_in_time_period === 'number') {
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from) {
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ } else if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
+ for (var cur_min = minutes_from; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
+ if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)];
+ } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
+ } else {
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ else
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end, extended_open_end];
+ }
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end));
+ selectors.wraptime.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (timevar_string[0]) {
+ var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
+ minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0];
+ }
+ if (timevar_string[1]) {
+ var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
+ minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1];
+ // minutes_in_day does not need to be added.
+ // For normal times in it was added in: if (minutes_to < // minutes_from)
+ // above the selector construction and
+ // subtracted in the selector construction call
+ // which returns the selector function.
+ }
+ if (typeof point_in_time_period === 'number') {
+ if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
+ for (var cur_min = 0; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
+ if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)];
+ } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end, extended_open_end];
+ }
+ return [false, undefined];
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to - minutes_in_day, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end));
+ } else {
+ selectors.time.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (timevar_string[0]) {
+ var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
+ minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0];
+ }
+ if (timevar_string[1]) {
+ var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
+ minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1];
+ } else if (is_point_in_time && typeof point_in_time_period !== 'number') {
+ minutes_to = minutes_from + 1;
+ }
+ if (typeof point_in_time_period === 'number') {
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from) {
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ } else if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
+ for (var cur_min = minutes_from; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
+ if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)];
+ } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
+ } else {
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ else if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end];
+ else
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from + minutes_in_day)];
+ }
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', '-', 'number')) { // "Mo 09-18" (Please don’t use this) -> "Mo 09:00-18:00".
+ minutes_from = tokens[at][0] * 60;
+ minutes_to = tokens[at+2][0] * 60;
+ if (!done_with_warnings)
+ parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at + 2, t('without minutes', {
+ 'syntax': (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? '0' : '') + tokens[at][0] + ':00-'
+ + (tokens[at+2][0] < 10 ? '0' : '') + tokens[at+2][0] + ':00'
+ })]);
+ if (minutes_from >= minutes_in_day)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('outside day'));
+ if (minutes_to < minutes_from)
+ minutes_to += minutes_in_day;
+ if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day * 2)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t('two midnights'));
+ if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day) {
+ selectors.time.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ else
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to)];
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to));
+ selectors.wraptime.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to)];
+ else
+ return [false, undefined];
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to - minutes_in_day));
+ } else {
+ selectors.time.push(function(minutes_from, minutes_to) { return function(date) {
+ var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
+ if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
+ else if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end];
+ else
+ return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from + minutes_in_day)];
+ }}(minutes_from, minutes_to));
+ }
+ at += 3;
+ } else { // additional rule
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, '('))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, 'Missing variable time (e.g. sunrise) after: "' + tokens[at][1] + '"');
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number', 'timesep'))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+1, 'Missing minutes in time range after: "' + tokens[at+1][1] + '"');
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number'))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + (typeof tokens[at+1] === 'object' ? 1 : 0),
+ 'Missing time separator in time range after: "' + tokens[at][1] + '"');
+ return [ at ];
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Helpers for time range parser {{{ */
+ /* Get time in minutes from <hour>:<minute> (tokens). {{{
+ * Only used if throwing an error is wanted.
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param nrule: Rule number starting with 0.
+ * :param at: Position at which the time begins.
+ * :returns: Time in minutes.
+ */
+ function getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at) {
+ if (tokens[at+2][0] > 59)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2,
+ 'Minutes are greater than 59.');
+ return tokens[at][0] * 60 + tokens[at+2][0];
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Get time in minutes from "(sunrise-01:30)" {{{
+ * Extract the added or subtracted time from "(sunrise-01:30)"
+ * returns time in minutes e.g. -90.
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where the specification for the point in time could be.
+ * :returns: Time in minutes on suggest, throws an exception otherwise.
+ */
+ function parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at) {
+ var error;
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+2, '+') || matchTokens(tokens, at+2, '-')) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+3, 'number', 'timesep', 'number')) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+6, ')')) {
+ var add_or_subtract = tokens[at+2][0] === '+' ? '1' : '-1';
+ var minutes = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at+3) * add_or_subtract;
+ if (minutes === 0)
+ parsing_warnings.push([ nrule, at+5, t('zero calculation') ]
+ );
+ return minutes;
+ } else {
+ error = [ at+6, '. ' + t('missing', {'symbol': ")"}) + '.'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = [ at+5, ' ' + t('(time)') + '.'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = [ at+2, '. ' + t('expected', {'symbol': '+" or "-'})];
+ }
+ if (error)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, error[0],
+ t('calculation syntax')+ error[1]);
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ /* Weekday range parser (Mo,We-Fr,Sa[1-2,-1],PH). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where the weekday tokens could be.
+ * :param selectors: Reference to selector object.
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors, in_holiday_selector) {
+ if (!in_holiday_selector) {
+ in_holiday_selector = true;
+ tokens[at][3] = 'weekday';
+ }
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'weekday', '[')) {
+ // Conditional weekday (Mo[3])
+ var numbers = [];
+ // Get list of constraints
+ var endat = parseNumRange(tokens, at+2, function(from, to, at) {
+ // bad number
+ if (from === 0 || from < -5 || from > 5)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at,
+ t('number -5 to 5'));
+ if (from === to) {
+ numbers.push(from);
+ } else if (from < to) {
+ for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
+ // bad number
+ if (i === 0 || i < -5 || i > 5)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2,
+ t('number -5 to 5'));
+ numbers.push(i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2,
+ t('bad range',{'from': from, 'to': to}));
+ }
+ });
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, endat, ']'))
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, endat, t('] or more numbers'));
+ var add_days = getMoveDays(tokens, endat+1, 6, 'constrained weekdays');
+ week_stable = false;
+ // Create selector for each list element.
+ for (var nnumber = 0; nnumber < numbers.length; nnumber++) {
+ selectors.weekday.push(function(weekday, number, add_days) { return function(date) {
+ var date_num = getValueForDate(date, false); // Year not needed to distinguish.
+ var start_of_this_month = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
+ var start_of_next_month = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);
+ var target_day_this_month;
+ target_day_this_month = getDateForConstrainedWeekday(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), weekday, [ number ]);
+ var target_day_with_added_days_this_month = new Date(target_day_this_month.getFullYear(),
+ target_day_this_month.getMonth(), target_day_this_month.getDate() + add_days);
+ // The target day with added days can be before this month
+ if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() < start_of_this_month.getTime()) {
+ // but in this case, the target day without the days added needs to be in this month
+ if (target_day_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_this_month.getTime()) {
+ // so we calculate it for the month
+ // following this month and hope that the
+ // target day will actually be this month.
+ target_day_with_added_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(
+ new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) + 1, 1), weekday);
+ target_day_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate()
+ + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days);
+ } else {
+ // Calculated target day is not inside this month
+ // therefore the specified weekday (e.g. fifth Sunday)
+ // does not exist this month. Try it next month.
+ return [false, start_of_next_month];
+ }
+ } else if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime()) {
+ // The target day is in the next month. If the target day without the added days is not in this month
+ if (target_day_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime())
+ return [false, start_of_next_month];
+ }
+ var target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month;
+ if (add_days > 0) {
+ target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(
+ new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) -1, 1), weekday);
+ target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getDate()
+ + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days);
+ if (date_num === getValueForDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month, false))
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
+ } else if (add_days < 0) {
+ target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(
+ new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) + 1, 1), weekday);
+ target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getDate()
+ + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days);
+ if (target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime()) {
+ if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime())
+ return [false, target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month];
+ } else {
+ if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() < start_of_next_month.getTime()
+ && getValueForDate(target_day_with_added_days_this_month, false) === date_num)
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
+ target_day_with_added_days_this_month = target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month;
+ }
+ }
+ // we hit the target day
+ if (date.getDate() === target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate()) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
+ }
+ // we're before target day
+ if (date.getDate() < target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate()) {
+ return [false, target_day_with_added_days_this_month];
+ }
+ // we're after target day, set check date to next month
+ return [false, start_of_next_month];
+ }}(tokens[at][0], numbers[nnumber], add_days[0]));
+ }
+ at = endat + 1 + add_days[1];
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'weekday')) {
+ // Single weekday (Mo) or weekday range (Mo-Fr)
+ var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-', 'weekday');
+ var weekday_from = tokens[at][0];
+ var weekday_to = is_range ? tokens[at+2][0] : weekday_from;
+ var inside = true;
+ // handle reversed range
+ if (weekday_to < weekday_from) {
+ var tmp = weekday_to;
+ weekday_to = weekday_from - 1;
+ weekday_from = tmp + 1;
+ inside = false;
+ }
+ if (weekday_to < weekday_from) { // handle full range
+ selectors.weekday.push(function(date) { return [true]; });
+ // Not needed. If there is no selector it automatically matches everything.
+ // WRONG: This only works if there is no other selector in this selector group ...
+ } else {
+ selectors.weekday.push(function(weekday_from, weekday_to, inside) { return function(date) {
+ var ourweekday = date.getDay();
+ if (ourweekday < weekday_from || ourweekday > weekday_to) {
+ return [!inside, dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday_from)];
+ } else {
+ return [inside, dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday_to + 1)];
+ }
+ }}(weekday_from, weekday_to, inside));
+ }
+ at += is_range ? 3 : 1;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'holiday')) {
+ week_stable = false;
+ return parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, true, in_holiday_selector);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ',')) { // additional rule
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(
+ nrule,
+ at - 1,
+ t('additional rule no sense'));
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token weekday range', {'token': tokens[at][1]}));
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Get the number of days a date should be moved (if any). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where the date moving tokens could be.
+ * :param max_differ: Maximal number of days to move (could also be zero if there are no day move tokens).
+ * :returns: Array:
+ * 0. Days to add.
+ * 1. How many tokens.
+ */
+ function getMoveDays(tokens, at, max_differ, name) {
+ var add_days = [ 0, 0 ]; // [ 'days to add', 'how many tokens' ]
+ add_days[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, '+') || (matchTokens(tokens, at, '-') ? -1 : 0);
+ if (add_days[0] !== 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at+1, 'number', 'calcday')) {
+ // continues with '+ 5 days' or something like that
+ if (tokens[at+1][0] > max_differ)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2,
+ t('max differ',{'maxdiffer': max_differ, 'name': name}));
+ add_days[0] *= tokens[at+1][0];
+ if (add_days[0] === 0 && !done_with_warnings)
+ parsing_warnings.push([ nrule, at+2, t('adding 0') ]);
+ add_days[1] = 3;
+ } else {
+ add_days[0] = 0;
+ }
+ return add_days;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Holiday parser for public and school holidays (PH,SH) {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param selectors: Reference to selector object.
+ * :param push_to_weekday: Will push the selector into the weekday selector array which has the desired side effect of working in conjunction with the weekday selectors (either the holiday match or the weekday), which is the normal and expected behavior.
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, push_to_weekday, in_holiday_selector) {
+ if (!in_holiday_selector) {
+ if (push_to_weekday)
+ tokens[at][3] = 'weekday';
+ else
+ tokens[at][3] = 'holiday'; // Could also be holiday but this is not important here.
+ }
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'holiday')) {
+ if (tokens[at][0] === 'PH') {
+ var applying_holidays = getMatchingHoliday(tokens[at][0]);
+ // Only allow moving one day in the past or in the future.
+ // This makes implementation easier because only one holiday is assumed to be moved to the next year.
+ var add_days = getMoveDays(tokens, at+1, 1, 'public holiday');
+ var selector = function(applying_holidays, add_days) { return function(date) {
+ var holidays = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear(), add_days);
+ // Needs to be calculated each time because of movable days.
+ var date_num = getValueForDate(date, true);
+ for (var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) {
+ var next_holiday_date_num = getValueForDate(holidays[i][0], true);
+ if (date_num < next_holiday_date_num) {
+ if (add_days[0] > 0) {
+ // Calculate the last holiday from previous year to tested against it.
+ var holidays_last_year = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear() - 1, add_days);
+ var last_holiday_last_year = holidays_last_year[holidays_last_year.length - 1];
+ var last_holiday_last_year_num = getValueForDate(last_holiday_last_year[0], true);
+ if (date_num < last_holiday_last_year_num ) {
+ return [ false, last_holiday_last_year[0] ];
+ } else if (date_num === last_holiday_last_year_num) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(last_holiday_last_year[0], minutes_in_day),
+ 'Day after ' +last_holiday_last_year[1] ];
+ }
+ }
+ return [ false, holidays[i][0] ];
+ } else if (date_num === next_holiday_date_num) {
+ return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1),
+ (add_days[0] > 0 ? 'Day after ' : (add_days[0] < 0 ? 'Day before ' : '')) + holidays[i][1] ];
+ }
+ }
+ if (add_days[0] < 0) {
+ // Calculate the first holiday from next year to tested against it.
+ var holidays_next_year = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear() + 1, add_days);
+ var first_holidays_next_year = holidays_next_year[0];
+ var first_holidays_next_year_num = getValueForDate(first_holidays_next_year[0], true);
+ if (date_num === first_holidays_next_year_num) {
+ return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(first_holidays_next_year[0], minutes_in_day),
+ 'Day before ' + first_holidays_next_year[1] ];
+ }
+ }
+ // continue next year
+ return [ false, new Date(holidays[0][0].getFullYear() + 1,
+ holidays[0][0].getMonth(),
+ holidays[0][0].getDate()) ];
+ }}(applying_holidays, add_days);
+ if (push_to_weekday)
+ selectors.weekday.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.holiday.push(selector);
+ at += 1 + add_days[1];
+ } else if (tokens[at][0] === 'SH') {
+ var applying_holidays = getMatchingHoliday(tokens[at][0]);
+ var holidays = []; // needs to be sorted each time because of movable days
+ var selector = function(applying_holidays) { return function(date) {
+ var date_num = getValueForDate(date);
+ // Iterate over holiday array containing the different holiday ranges.
+ for (var i = 0; i < applying_holidays.length; i++) {
+ var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[i], date.getFullYear());
+ for (var h = 0; h < holiday.length; h+=4) {
+ var holiday_to_plus = new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[2+h] - 1, holiday[3+h] + 1);
+ var holiday_from = (holiday[0+h] - 1) * 100 + holiday[1+h];
+ var holiday_to = (holiday[2+h] - 1) * 100 + holiday[3+h];
+ holiday_to_plus = getValueForDate(holiday_to_plus);
+ var holiday_ends_next_year = holiday_to < holiday_from;
+ if (date_num < holiday_from) { // date is before selected holiday
+ // check if we are in the holidays from the last year spanning into this year
+ var last_year_holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[applying_holidays.length - 1], date.getFullYear() - 1, false);
+ if (typeof last_year_holiday === 'object') {
+ var last_year_holiday_from = (last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 4] - 1) * 100
+ + last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 3]; // e.g. 1125
+ var last_year_holiday_to = (last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 2] - 1) * 100
+ + last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 1]; // e.g. 0005
+ // console.log(last_year_holiday_from, last_year_holiday_to);
+ if (last_year_holiday_from > last_year_holiday_to && date_num <= last_year_holiday_to)
+ return [ true, new Date(date.getFullYear(),
+ last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 2] - 1,
+ last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 1] + 1),
+ applying_holidays[applying_holidays.length - 1].name ];
+ else
+ return [ false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0+h] - 1, holiday[1+h]) ];
+ } else { // school holidays for last year are not defined.
+ return [ false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0+h] - 1, holiday[1+h]) ];
+ }
+ } else if (holiday_from <= date_num && (date_num < holiday_to_plus || holiday_ends_next_year)) {
+ return [ true, new Date(date.getFullYear() + holiday_ends_next_year, holiday[2+h] - 1, holiday[3+h] + 1),
+ applying_holidays[i].name ];
+ } else if (holiday_to_plus === date_num) { // selected holiday end is equal to month and day
+ if (h + 4 < holiday.length) { // next holiday is next date range of the same holidays
+ h += 4;
+ return [ false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0+h] - 1, holiday[1+h]) ];
+ } else {
+ if (i + 1 === applying_holidays.length) { // last holidays are handled, continue all over again
+ var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[0], date.getFullYear() + 1);
+ return [ false, new Date(date.getFullYear() + !holiday_ends_next_year, holiday[0+h] - 1, holiday[1+h]) ];
+ } else { // return the start of the next holidays
+ var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[i+1], date.getFullYear());
+ return [ false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0] - 1, holiday[1]) ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [ false ];
+ }}(applying_holidays);
+ if (push_to_weekday)
+ selectors.weekday.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.holiday.push(selector);
+ at += 1; // FIXME: test
+ }
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'weekday')) {
+ return parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors, true);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ',')) { // additional rule
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(
+ nrule,
+ at - 1,
+ t('additional rule no sense'));
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token holiday', {'token': tokens[at][1]}));
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // Helpers for holiday parsers {{{
+ /* Returns a number for a date which can then be used to compare just the dates (without the time). {{{
+ * This is necessary because a selector could be called for the middle of the day and we need to tell if it matches that day.
+ * Example: Returns 20150015 for Jan 15 2015
+ *
+ * :param date: Date object.
+ * :param include_year: Boolean. If true include the year.
+ * :returns: Number for the date.
+ */
+ function getValueForDate(date, include_year) {
+ // Implicit because undefined evaluates to false.
+ // include_year = typeof include_year !== 'undefined' ? include_year : false;
+ return (include_year ? date.getFullYear() * 10000 : 0) + date.getMonth() * 100 + date.getDate();
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // return the school holiday definition e.g. [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 5 ],
+ // for the specified year
+ function getSHForYear(SH_hash, year, fatal) {
+ if (typeof fatal === 'undefined')
+ fatal = true;
+ var holiday = SH_hash[year];
+ if (typeof holiday === 'undefined') {
+ holiday = SH_hash['default']; // applies for any year without explicit definition
+ if (typeof holiday === 'undefined') {
+ if (fatal) {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t('no SH definition', {'name': SH_hash.name, 'year': year, 'repository_url': repository_url}));
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return holiday;
+ }
+ // Return closed holiday definition available.
+ // First try to get the state, if missing get the country wide holidays
+ // (which can be limited to some states).
+ function getMatchingHoliday(type_of_holidays) {
+ if (typeof location_cc === 'string') {
+ if (holidays.hasOwnProperty(location_cc)) {
+ if (typeof location_state === 'string'
+ && holidays[location_cc][location_state]
+ && holidays[location_cc][location_state][type_of_holidays]) {
+ // if holidays for the state are specified use it
+ // and ignore lesser specific ones (for the country)
+ return holidays[location_cc][location_state][type_of_holidays];
+ } else if (holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays]) {
+ // holidays are only defined country wide
+ var matching_holiday = {}; // holidays in the country wide scope can be limited to certain states
+ for (var holiday_name in holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays]) {
+ if (typeof holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays][holiday_name][2] === 'object') {
+ if (-1 !== holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays][holiday_name][2].indexOf(location_state))
+ matching_holiday[holiday_name] = holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays][holiday_name];
+ } else {
+ matching_holiday[holiday_name] = holidays[location_cc][type_of_holidays][holiday_name];
+ }
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(matching_holiday).length === 0)
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t('no PH definition',
+ {'name': type_of_holidays, 'cc': location_cc, 'repository_url': repository_url}));
+ return matching_holiday;
+ } else {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t('no PH definition state',
+ {'name': type_of_holidays, 'cc': location_cc, 'state': location_state, 'repository_url': repository_url}));
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t('no PH definition',
+ {'name': type_of_holidays, 'cc': location_cc, 'repository_url': repository_url}));
+ }
+ } else { /* We have no idea which holidays do apply because the country code was not provided. */
+ throw t('no country code');
+ }
+ }
+ function getMovableEventsForYear(Y) {
+ // calculate easter
+ var C = Math.floor(Y/100);
+ var N = Y - 19*Math.floor(Y/19);
+ var K = Math.floor((C - 17)/25);
+ var I = C - Math.floor(C/4) - Math.floor((C - K)/3) + 19*N + 15;
+ I = I - 30*Math.floor((I/30));
+ I = I - Math.floor(I/28)*(1 - Math.floor(I/28)*Math.floor(29/(I + 1))*Math.floor((21 - N)/11));
+ var J = Y + Math.floor(Y/4) + I + 2 - C + Math.floor(C/4);
+ J = J - 7*Math.floor(J/7);
+ var L = I - J;
+ var M = 3 + Math.floor((L + 40)/44);
+ var D = L + 28 - 31*Math.floor(M/4);
+ // calculate orthodox easter
+ var oA = Y % 4;
+ var oB = Y % 7;
+ var oC = Y % 19;
+ var oD = (19*oC + 15) % 30;
+ var oE = (2*oA+4*oB - oD + 34) % 7;
+ var oF = oD+oE;
+ var oDate;
+ if (oF < 9) {
+ oDate = new Date(Y, 4-1, oF+4);
+ } else {
+ if ((oF+4)<31) {
+ oDate = new Date(Y, 4-1, oF+4);
+ } else {
+ oDate = new Date(Y, 5-1, oF-26);
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate last Sunday in February
+ var lastFebruaryDay = new Date(Y, 2, 0);
+ var lastFebruarySunday = lastFebruaryDay.getDate() - lastFebruaryDay.getDay();
+ // calculate Victoria Day. last Monday before or on May 24
+ var may_24 = new Date(Y, 4, 24);
+ var victoriaDay = 24 - ((6 + may_24.getDay()) % 7);
+ // calculate Canada Day. July 1st unless 1st is on Sunday, then July 2.
+ var july_1 = new Date(Y, 6, 1);
+ var canadaDay = july_1.getDay() === 0 ? 2 : 1;
+ function firstWeekdayOfMonth(month, weekday){
+ var first = new Date(Y, month, 1);
+ return 1 + ((7 + weekday - first.getDay()) % 7);
+ }
+ function lastWeekdayOfMonth(month, weekday){
+ var last = new Date(Y, month+1, 0);
+ var offset=((7 + last.getDay() - weekday) % 7);
+ return last.getDate() - offset;
+ }
+ return {
+ 'easter' : new Date(Y, M - 1, D),
+ 'orthodox easter' : oDate,
+ 'victoriaDay' : new Date(Y, 4, victoriaDay),
+ 'canadaDay' : new Date(Y, 6, canadaDay),
+ 'firstJanuaryMonday' : new Date(Y, 0, firstWeekdayOfMonth(0, 1)),
+ 'firstFebruaryMonday' : new Date(Y, 1, firstWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1)),
+ 'lastFebruarySunday' : new Date(Y, 1, lastFebruarySunday),
+ 'firstMarchMonday' : new Date(Y, 2, firstWeekdayOfMonth(2, 1)),
+ 'firstAprilMonday' : new Date(Y, 3, firstWeekdayOfMonth(3, 1)),
+ 'firstMayMonday' : new Date(Y, 4, firstWeekdayOfMonth(4, 1)),
+ 'firstJuneMonday' : new Date(Y, 5, firstWeekdayOfMonth(5, 1)),
+ 'firstJulyMonday' : new Date(Y, 6, firstWeekdayOfMonth(6, 1)),
+ 'firstAugustMonday' : new Date(Y, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 1)),
+ 'firstSeptemberMonday' : new Date(Y, 8, firstWeekdayOfMonth(8, 1)),
+ 'firstSeptemberSunday' : new Date(Y, 8, firstWeekdayOfMonth(8, 0)),
+ 'firstOctoberMonday' : new Date(Y, 9, firstWeekdayOfMonth(9, 1)),
+ 'firstNovemberMonday' : new Date(Y, 10, firstWeekdayOfMonth(10, 1)),
+ 'firstMarchTuesday' : new Date(Y, 2, firstWeekdayOfMonth(2, 2)),
+ 'firstAugustTuesday' : new Date(Y, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 2)),
+ 'firstAugustFriday' : new Date(Y, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 5)),
+ 'firstNovemberThursday' : new Date(Y, 10, firstWeekdayOfMonth(10, 4)),
+ 'lastMayMonday' : new Date(Y, 4, lastWeekdayOfMonth(4, 1)),
+ 'lastMarchMonday' : new Date(Y, 2, lastWeekdayOfMonth(2, 1)),
+ 'lastAprilMonday' : new Date(Y, 3, lastWeekdayOfMonth(3, 1)),
+ 'lastAprilFriday' : new Date(Y, 3, lastWeekdayOfMonth(3, 5)),
+ 'lastOctoberFriday' : new Date(Y, 9, lastWeekdayOfMonth(9, 5)),
+ };
+ }
+ function getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, year, add_days) {
+ var movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(year);
+ var sorted_holidays = [];
+ var next_holiday;
+ for (var holiday_name in applying_holidays) {
+ if (typeof applying_holidays[holiday_name][0] === 'string') {
+ var selected_movableDay = movableDays[applying_holidays[holiday_name][0]];
+ if (!selected_movableDay)
+ throw t('movable no formular', {'name': applying_holidays[holiday_name][0]});
+ next_holiday = new Date(selected_movableDay.getFullYear(),
+ selected_movableDay.getMonth(),
+ selected_movableDay.getDate()
+ + applying_holidays[holiday_name][1]
+ );
+ if (year !== next_holiday.getFullYear())
+ throw t('movable not in year', {
+ 'name': applying_holidays[holiday_name][0], 'days': applying_holidays[holiday_name][1]});
+ } else {
+ next_holiday = new Date(year,
+ applying_holidays[holiday_name][0] - 1,
+ applying_holidays[holiday_name][1]
+ );
+ }
+ if (add_days[0])
+ next_holiday.setDate(next_holiday.getDate() + add_days[0]);
+ sorted_holidays.push([ next_holiday, holiday_name ]);
+ }
+ sorted_holidays = sorted_holidays.sort(function(a,b){
+ if (a[0].getTime() < b[0].getTime()) return -1;
+ if (a[0].getTime() > b[0].getTime()) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ return sorted_holidays;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // }}}
+ /* Year range parser (2013,2016-2018,2020/2). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseYearRange(tokens, at) {
+ tokens[at][3] = 'year';
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'year')) {
+ var is_range = false,
+ has_period,
+ period;
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-', 'year', '/', 'number')) {
+ is_range = true;
+ has_period = true;
+ period = parseInt(tokens[at+4][0]);
+ checkPeriod(at+4, period, 'year');
+ } else {
+ is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-', 'year');
+ has_period = matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '/', 'number');
+ if (has_period) {
+ period = parseInt(tokens[at+2][0]);
+ checkPeriod(at+2, period, 'year', 'no_end_year');
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '+')) {
+ period = 1;
+ has_period = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ var year_from = parseInt(tokens[at][0]);
+ // error checking {{{
+ if (is_range && tokens[at+2][0] <= year_from) {
+ // handle reversed range
+ if (tokens[at+2][0] === year_from) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('year range one year', {'year': year_from }));
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('year range reverse'));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_range && year_from < new Date().getFullYear()) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([ nrule, at, t('year past') ]);
+ }
+ if (is_range && tokens[at+2][0] < new Date().getFullYear()) {
+ parsing_warnings.push([ nrule, at+2, t('year past') ]);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ selectors.year.push(function(tokens, at, year_from, is_range, has_period, period) { return function(date) {
+ var ouryear = date.getFullYear();
+ var year_to = is_range ? parseInt(tokens[at+2][0]) : year_from;
+ if (ouryear < year_from ){
+ return [false, new Date(year_from, 0, 1)];
+ } else if (has_period) {
+ if (year_from <= ouryear) {
+ if (is_range && ouryear > year_to)
+ return [false];
+ if (period > 0) {
+ if ((ouryear - year_from) % period === 0) {
+ return [true, new Date(ouryear + 1, 0, 1)];
+ } else {
+ return [false, new Date(ouryear + period - 1, 0, 1)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (is_range) {
+ if (ouryear <= year_to)
+ return [true, new Date(year_to + 1, 0, 1)];
+ } else if (ouryear === year_from) {
+ return [true];
+ }
+ return [false];
+ }}(tokens, at, year_from, is_range, has_period, period));
+ at += 1 + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (has_period ? (has_period === 2 ? 1 : 2) : 0);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ',')) { // additional rule
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t('additional rule no sense'));
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token year range', {'token': tokens[at][1]}));
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Week range parser (week 11-20, week 1-53/2). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseWeekRange(tokens, at) {
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'week')) {
+ at++;
+ }
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')) {
+ var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-', 'number'), period = 0;
+ var week_from = tokens[at][0];
+ var week_to = is_range ? tokens[at+2][0] : week_from;
+ if (week_from > week_to) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+2, t('week range reverse'));
+ }
+ if (week_from < 1) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('week negative'));
+ }
+ if (week_to > 53) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, is_range ? at+2 : at, t('week exceed'));
+ }
+ if (is_range) {
+ period = matchTokens(tokens, at+3, '/', 'number');
+ if (period) {
+ period = tokens[at+4][0];
+ if (period < 2) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+4, t('week period less than 2', {
+ 'weekfrom': week_from, 'weekto': week_to, 'period': period}));
+ } else if (period > 26) {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+4, t('week period greater than 26', {
+ 'weekfrom': week_from
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (week_stable && (!(week_from <= 1 && week_to >= 53) || period)) {
+ week_stable = false;
+ }
+ if (!period && week_from === 1 && week_to === 53) {
+ /* Shortcut and work around bug. */
+ selectors.week.push(function(date) { return [true]; });
+ } else {
+ selectors.week.push(function(week_from, week_to, is_range, period) { return function(date) {
+ var ourweek = getWeekNumber(date);
+ // console.log("week_from: %s, week_to: %s", week_from, week_to);
+ // console.log("ourweek: %s, date: %s", ourweek, date);
+ // before range
+ if (ourweek < week_from) {
+ // console.log("Before: " + getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_from, date));
+ return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_from, date)];
+ }
+ // we're after range, set check date to next year
+ if (ourweek > week_to) {
+ // console.log("After");
+ return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_from, date)];
+ }
+ // we're in range
+ if (period) {
+ var in_period = (ourweek - week_from) % period === 0;
+ if (in_period) {
+ return [true, getNextDateOfISOWeek(ourweek + 1, date)];
+ } else {
+ return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(ourweek + period - 1, date)];
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log("Match");
+ return [true, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_to === 53 ? 1 : week_to + 1, date)];
+ }}(week_from, week_to, is_range, period));
+ }
+ at += 1 + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ',')) { // additional rule
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t('additional rule no sense'));
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token week range', {'token': tokens[at][1]}));
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/6117889
+ /* For a given date, get the ISO week number
+ *
+ * Based on information at:
+ *
+ * http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/weekcalc.htm#WNR
+ *
+ * Algorithm is to find nearest thursday, it's year
+ * is the year of the week number. Then get weeks
+ * between that date and the first day of that year.
+ *
+ * Note that dates in one year can be weeks of previous
+ * or next year, overlap is up to 3 days.
+ *
+ * e.g. 2014/12/29 is Monday in week 1 of 2015
+ * 2012/1/1 is Sunday in week 52 of 2011
+ */
+ function getWeekNumber(d) {
+ // Copy date so don't modify original
+ d = new Date(+d);
+ d.setHours(0,0,0);
+ // Set to nearest Thursday: current date + 4 - current day number
+ // Make Sunday's day number 7
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() + 4 - (d.getDay()||7));
+ // Get first day of year
+ var yearStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(),0,1);
+ // Calculate full weeks to nearest Thursday
+ return Math.ceil(( ( (d - yearStart) / 86400000) + 1)/7)
+ }
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/16591175
+ function getDateOfISOWeek(w, y) {
+ var simple = new Date(y, 0, 1 + (w - 1) * 7);
+ var dow = simple.getDay();
+ var ISOweekStart = simple;
+ if (dow <= 4)
+ ISOweekStart.setDate(simple.getDate() - simple.getDay() + 1);
+ else
+ ISOweekStart.setDate(simple.getDate() + 8 - simple.getDay());
+ return ISOweekStart;
+ }
+ function getNextDateOfISOWeek(week, date) {
+ var next_date;
+ for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
+ next_date = getDateOfISOWeek(week, date.getFullYear() + i);
+ if (next_date.getTime() > date.getTime()) {
+ return next_date;
+ }
+ }
+ throw formatLibraryBugMessage();
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Month range parser (Jan,Feb-Mar). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param push_to_monthday: Will push the selector into the monthday selector array which has the desired side effect of working in conjunction with the monthday selectors (either the month match or the monthday).
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseMonthRange(tokens, at, push_to_monthday, in_selector) {
+ if (!in_selector)
+ tokens[at][3] = 'month';
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ // Use parseMonthdayRange if '<month> <daynum>' and not '<month> <hour>:<minute>'
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month', 'number') && !matchTokens(tokens, at+2, 'timesep', 'number')) {
+ return parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule, true);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month')) {
+ // Single month (Jan) or month range (Feb-Mar)
+ var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-', 'month');
+ var month_from = tokens[at][0];
+ var month_to = is_range ? tokens[at+2][0] : month_from;
+ if (is_range && week_stable) {
+ if (month_from !== (month_to + 1) % 12)
+ week_stable = false;
+ } else {
+ week_stable = false;
+ }
+ var inside = true;
+ // handle reversed range
+ if (month_to < month_from) {
+ var tmp = month_to;
+ month_to = month_from - 1;
+ month_from = tmp + 1;
+ inside = false;
+ }
+ var selector = function(tokens, at, month_from, month_to, is_range, inside) { return function(date) {
+ var ourmonth = date.getMonth();
+ // handle full range
+ if (month_to < month_from)
+ return [!inside];
+ if (ourmonth < month_from || ourmonth > month_to) {
+ return [!inside, dateAtNextMonth(date, month_from)];
+ } else {
+ return [inside, dateAtNextMonth(date, month_to + 1)];
+ }
+ }}(tokens, at, month_from, month_to, is_range, inside);
+ if (push_to_monthday === true)
+ selectors.monthday.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.month.push(selector);
+ at += is_range ? 3 : 1;
+ } else {
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t('unexpected token month range', {'token': tokens[at][1]}));
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ function dateAtNextMonth(date, month) {
+ return new Date(date.getFullYear(), month < date.getMonth() ? month + 12 : month);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Month day range parser (Jan 26-31; Jan 26-Feb 26). {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param nrule: Rule number starting with 0.
+ * :param push_to_month: Will push the selector into the month selector array which has the desired side effect of working in conjunction with the month selectors (either the month match or the monthday).
+ * :returns: Position at which the token does not belong to the selector anymore.
+ */
+ function parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule, push_to_month) {
+ if (!push_to_month)
+ tokens[at][3] = 'month';
+ for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
+ var has_year = [], has_month = [], has_event = [], has_calc = [], has_constrained_weekday = [];
+ has_year[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, 'year');
+ has_month[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at+has_year[0], 'month', 'number');
+ has_event[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at+has_year[0], 'event');
+ if (has_event[0])
+ has_calc[0] = getMoveDays(tokens, at+has_year[0]+1, 200, 'event like easter');
+ var at_range_sep;
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at+has_year[0], 'month', 'weekday', '[')) {
+ has_constrained_weekday[0] = getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at+has_year[0]+3);
+ has_calc[0] = getMoveDays(tokens, has_constrained_weekday[0][1], 6, 'constrained weekdays');
+ at_range_sep = has_constrained_weekday[0][1] + (typeof has_calc[0] === 'object' && has_calc[0][1] ? 3 : 0);
+ } else {
+ at_range_sep = at+has_year[0]
+ + (has_event[0]
+ ? (typeof has_calc[0] === 'object' && has_calc[0][1] ? 4 : 1)
+ : 2);
+ }
+ var at_sec_event_or_month;
+ if ((has_month[0] || has_event[0] || has_constrained_weekday[0]) && matchTokens(tokens, at_range_sep, '-')) {
+ has_year[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_range_sep+1, 'year');
+ at_sec_event_or_month = at_range_sep+1+has_year[1];
+ has_month[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, 'month', 'number');
+ if (!has_month[1]) {
+ has_event[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, 'event');
+ if (has_event[1]) {
+ has_calc[1] = getMoveDays(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month+1, 366, 'event like easter');
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, 'month', 'weekday', '[')) {
+ has_constrained_weekday[1] = getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month+3);
+ has_calc[1] = getMoveDays(tokens, has_constrained_weekday[1][1], 6, 'constrained weekdays');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // monthday range like Jan 26-Feb 26 {{{
+ if (has_year[0] === has_year[1] && (has_month[1] || has_event[1] || has_constrained_weekday[1])) {
+ if (has_month[0])
+ checkIfDateIsValid(tokens[at+has_year[0]][0], tokens[at+has_year[0]+1][0], nrule, at+has_year[0]+1);
+ if (has_month[1])
+ checkIfDateIsValid(tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], tokens[at_sec_event_or_month+1][0], nrule, at_sec_event_or_month+1);
+ var selector = function(tokens, at, nrule, has_year, has_event, has_calc, at_sec_event_or_month, has_constrained_weekday) { return function(date) {
+ var start_of_next_year = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
+ var movableDays,
+ from_date;
+ if (has_event[0]) {
+ movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(has_year[0] ? parseInt(tokens[at][0]) : date.getFullYear());
+ from_date = movableDays[tokens[at+has_year[0]][0]];
+ if (typeof has_calc[0] === 'object' && has_calc[0][1]) {
+ var from_year_before_calc = from_date.getFullYear();
+ from_date.setDate(from_date.getDate() + has_calc[0][0]);
+ if (from_year_before_calc !== from_date.getFullYear())
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+has_year[0]+has_calc[0][1]*3,
+ t('movable not in year', {'name': tokens[at+has_year[0]][0], 'days': has_calc[0][0]}));
+ }
+ } else if (has_constrained_weekday[0]) {
+ from_date = getDateForConstrainedWeekday((has_year[0] ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear()), // year
+ tokens[at+has_year[0]][0], // month
+ tokens[at+has_year[0]+1][0], // weekday
+ has_constrained_weekday[0],
+ has_calc[0]);
+ } else {
+ from_date = new Date((has_year[0] ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear()),
+ tokens[at+has_year[0]][0], tokens[at+has_year[0]+1][0]);
+ }
+ var to_date;
+ if (has_event[1]) {
+ movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(has_year[1]
+ ? parseInt(tokens[at_sec_event_or_month-1][0])
+ : date.getFullYear());
+ to_date = movableDays[tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0]];
+ if (typeof has_calc[1] === 'object' && has_calc[1][1]) {
+ var to_year_before_calc = to_date.getFullYear();
+ to_date.setDate(to_date.getDate() + has_calc[1][0]);
+ if (to_year_before_calc !== to_date.getFullYear())
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_sec_event_or_month+has_calc[1][1],
+ t('movable not in year', {'name': tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], 'days': has_calc[1][0] }));
+ }
+ } else if (has_constrained_weekday[1]) {
+ to_date = getDateForConstrainedWeekday((has_year[1] ? tokens[at_sec_event_or_month-1][0] : date.getFullYear()), // year
+ tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], // month
+ tokens[at_sec_event_or_month+1][0], // weekday
+ has_constrained_weekday[1],
+ has_calc[1]);
+ } else {
+ to_date = new Date((has_year[1] ? tokens[at_sec_event_or_month-1][0] : date.getFullYear()),
+ tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], tokens[at_sec_event_or_month+1][0] + 1);
+ }
+ var inside = true;
+ if (to_date < from_date) {
+ var tmp = to_date;
+ to_date = from_date;
+ from_date = tmp;
+ inside = false;
+ }
+ if (date.getTime() < from_date.getTime()) {
+ return [!inside, from_date];
+ } else if (date.getTime() < to_date.getTime()) {
+ return [inside, to_date];
+ } else {
+ if (has_year[0]) {
+ return [!inside];
+ } else {
+ return [!inside, start_of_next_year];
+ }
+ }
+ }}(tokens, at, nrule, has_year, has_event, has_calc, at_sec_event_or_month, has_constrained_weekday);
+ if (push_to_month === true)
+ selectors.month.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.monthday.push(selector);
+ at = (has_constrained_weekday[1]
+ ? has_constrained_weekday[1][1]
+ : at_sec_event_or_month + (has_event[1] ? 1 : 2))
+ + (typeof has_calc[1] === 'object' ? has_calc[1][1] : 0);
+ // }}}
+ // Monthday range like Jan 26-31 {{{
+ } else if (has_month[0]) {
+ has_year = has_year[0];
+ var year = tokens[at][0]; // Could be month if has no year. Tested later.
+ var month = tokens[at+has_year][0];
+ var first_round = true;
+ do {
+ var range_from = tokens[at+1 + has_year][0];
+ var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at+2+has_year, '-', 'number');
+ var period = undefined;
+ var range_to = tokens[at+has_year+(is_range ? 3 : 1)][0] + 1;
+ if (is_range && matchTokens(tokens, at+has_year+4, '/', 'number')) {
+ period = tokens[at+has_year+5][0];
+ checkPeriod(at+has_year+5, period, 'day');
+ }
+ if (first_round) {
+ var at_timesep_if_monthRange = at + has_year + 1 // at month number
+ + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0)
+ + !(is_range || period); // if not range nor has period, add one
+ // Check for '<month> <timespan>'
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange, 'timesep', 'number')
+ && (matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange+2, '+')
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange+2, '-')
+ || oh_mode !== 0)) {
+ return parseMonthRange(tokens, at, true, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // error checking {{{
+ if (range_to < range_from)
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+has_year+3, t('day range reverse'));
+ checkIfDateIsValid(month, range_from, nrule, at+1 + has_year);
+ checkIfDateIsValid(month, range_to - 1 /* added previously */,
+ nrule, at+has_year+(is_range ? 3 : 1));
+ // }}}
+ var selector = function(year, has_year, month, range_from, range_to, period) { return function(date) {
+ var start_of_next_year = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
+ var from_date = new Date(has_year ? year : date.getFullYear(),
+ month, range_from);
+ if (month === 1 && range_from !== from_date.getDate()) // Only on leap years does this day exist.
+ return [false]; // If day 29 does not exist,
+ // then the date object adds one day to date
+ // and this selector should not match.
+ var to_date = new Date(from_date.getFullYear(),
+ month, range_to);
+ if (month === 1 && is_range && range_to !== to_date.getDate()) // Only on leap years does this day exist.
+ return [false];
+ if (date.getTime() < from_date.getTime())
+ return [false, from_date];
+ else if (date.getTime() >= to_date.getTime())
+ return [false, start_of_next_year];
+ else if (!period)
+ return [true, to_date];
+ var nday = Math.floor((date.getTime() - from_date.getTime()) / msec_in_day);
+ var in_period = nday % period;
+ if (in_period === 0)
+ return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1)];
+ else
+ return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + period - in_period)];
+ }}(year, has_year, month, range_from, range_to, period);
+ if (push_to_month === true)
+ selectors.month.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.monthday.push(selector);
+ at += 2 + has_year + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0);
+ first_round = false;
+ }
+ while (matchTokens(tokens, at, ',', 'number'))
+ // }}}
+ // Only event like easter {{{
+ } else if (has_event[0]) {
+ var selector = function(tokens, at, nrule, has_year, add_days) { return function(date) {
+ // console.log('enter selector with date: ' + date);
+ var movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear((has_year ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear()));
+ var event_date = movableDays[tokens[at+has_year][0]];
+ if (!event_date)
+ throw t('movable no formular', {'name': tokens[at+has_year][0]});
+ if (add_days[0]) {
+ event_date.setDate(event_date.getDate() + add_days[0]);
+ if (date.getFullYear() !== event_date.getFullYear())
+ throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at+has_year+add_days[1], t('movable not in year', {
+ 'name': tokens[at+has_year][0], 'days': add_days[0]}));
+ }
+ if (date.getTime() < event_date.getTime())
+ return [false, event_date];
+ // else if (date.getTime() < event_date.getTime() + msec_in_day) // does not work because of daylight saving times
+ else if (event_date.getMonth() * 100 + event_date.getDate() === date.getMonth() * 100 + date.getDate())
+ return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1)];
+ else
+ return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1)];
+ }}(tokens, at, nrule, has_year[0], has_calc[0]);
+ if (push_to_month === true)
+ selectors.month.push(selector);
+ else
+ selectors.monthday.push(selector);
+ at += has_year[0] + has_event[0] + (typeof has_calc[0][1] === 'number' && has_calc[0][1] ? 3 : 0);
+ // }}}
+ } else if (has_constrained_weekday[0]) {
+ at = parseMonthRange(tokens, at);
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month')) {
+ return parseMonthRange(tokens, at, true, true);
+ } else {
+ // throw 'Unexpected token in monthday range: "' + tokens[at] + '"';
+ return at;
+ }
+ if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ','))
+ break;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ /* Main selector traversal function (return state array for date). {{{
+ * Checks for given date which rule and those which state and comment applies.
+ *
+ * :param date: Date object.
+ * :returns: Array:
+ * 0. resultstate: State: true for 'open', false for 'closed'.
+ * 1. changedate: Next change as date object.
+ * 2. unknown: true if state open is not sure.
+ * 3. comment: Comment which applies for this time range (from date to changedate).
+ * 4. match_rule: Rule number starting with 0 (nrule).
+ */
+ this.getStatePair = function(date) {
+ var resultstate = false;
+ var changedate;
+ var unknown = false;
+ var comment;
+ var match_rule;
+ var date_matching_rules = [];
+ /* Go though all date selectors and check if they return something
+ * else than closed for the given date.
+ */
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < rules.length; nrule++) {
+ var matching_date_rule = true;
+ // console.log(nrule, 'length', rules[nrule].date.length);
+ /* Try each date selector type. */
+ for (var ndateselector = 0; ndateselector < rules[nrule].date.length; ndateselector++) {
+ var dateselectors = rules[nrule].date[ndateselector];
+ // console.log(nrule, ndateselector);
+ var has_matching_selector = false;
+ for (var datesel = 0; datesel < dateselectors.length; datesel++) {
+ var res = dateselectors[datesel](date);
+ if (res[0]) {
+ has_matching_selector = true;
+ if (typeof res[2] === 'string') { // holiday name
+ comment = [ res[2], nrule ];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof changedate === 'undefined' || (typeof res[1] === 'object' && res[1].getTime() < changedate.getTime()))
+ changedate = res[1];
+ }
+ if (!has_matching_selector) {
+ matching_date_rule = false;
+ // We can ignore other date selectors, as the state won't change
+ // anyway until THIS selector matches (due to conjunction of date
+ // selectors of different types).
+ // This is also an optimization, if widest date selector types
+ // are checked first.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matching_date_rule) {
+ /* The following lines implement date overwriting logic (e.g. for
+ * "Mo-Fr 10:00-20:00; We 10:00-16:00", We rule overrides Mo-Fr rule partly (We).
+ *
+ * This is the only way to be consistent. I thought about ("22:00-02:00; Tu 12:00-14:00") letting Th override 22:00-02:00 partly:
+ * Like: Th 00:00-02:00,12:00-14:00 but this would result in including 22:00-00:00 for Th which is probably not what you want.
+ */
+ if ((rules[nrule].date.length > 0 || nrule > 0 && rules[nrule].meaning && rules[nrule-1].date.length === 0)
+ && (rules[nrule].meaning || rules[nrule].unknown)
+ && !rules[nrule].wrapped && !rules[nrule].additional && !rules[nrule].fallback
+ ) {
+ // var old_date_matching_rules = date_matching_rules;
+ date_matching_rules = [];
+ // for (var nrule = 0; nrule < old_date_matching_rules.length; nrule++) {
+ // if (!rules[old_date_matching_rules[nrule]].wrapped)
+ // date_matching_rules.push(nrule);
+ // }
+ }
+ date_matching_rules.push(nrule);
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log(date_matching_rules);
+ rule:
+ for (var nrule = 0; nrule < date_matching_rules.length; nrule++) {
+ var rule = date_matching_rules[nrule];
+ // console.log('Processing rule ' + rule + ': with date ' + date
+ // + ' and ' + rules[rule].time.length + ' time selectors (comment: "' + rules[rule].comment + '").');
+ /* There is no time specified, state applies to the whole day. */
+ if (rules[rule].time.length === 0) {
+ // console.log('there is no time', date);
+ if (!rules[rule].fallback || (rules[rule].fallback && !(resultstate || unknown))) {
+ resultstate = rules[rule].meaning;
+ unknown = rules[rule].unknown;
+ match_rule = rule;
+ // if (rules[rule].fallback)
+ // break rule; // fallback rule matched, no need for checking the rest
+ // WRONG: What if closing rules follow?
+ }
+ }
+ for (var timesel = 0; timesel < rules[rule].time.length; timesel++) {
+ var res = rules[rule].time[timesel](date);
+ // console.log('res:', res);
+ if (res[0]) {
+ if (!rules[rule].fallback || (rules[rule].fallback && !(resultstate || unknown))) {
+ resultstate = rules[rule].meaning;
+ unknown = rules[rule].unknown;
+ match_rule = rule;
+ /* Reset open end comment */
+ if (typeof comment === 'object' && comment[0] === t('open end'))
+ comment = undefined;
+ // open end
+ if (res[2] === true && (resultstate || unknown)) {
+ comment = [ t('open end'), match_rule ];
+ resultstate = false;
+ unknown = true;
+ /* Hack to make second rule in '07:00+,12:00-16:00; 16:00-24:00 closed "needed because of open end"' obsolete {{{ */
+ if (typeof rules[rule].time[timesel+1] === 'function') {
+ var next_res = rules[rule].time[timesel+1](date);
+ if ( !next_res[0]
+ // && next_res[2]
+ && typeof next_res[1] === 'object'
+ // && getValueForDate(next_res[1], true) !== getValueForDate(date, true) // Just to be sure.
+ && rules[rule].time[timesel](new Date(date.getTime() - 1))[0]
+ /* To distinguish the following two values:
+ * 'sunrise-14:00,14:00+',
+ * '07:00+,12:00-16:00',
+ */
+ ) {
+ // console.log("07:00+,12:00-16:00 matched.");
+ resultstate = false;
+ unknown = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hack to handle '17:00+,13:00-02:00' {{{ */
+ /* Not enabled. To complicated, just don‘t use them …
+ * It gets even crazier …
+ * Time wrapping over midnight is
+ * stored in the next internal rule:
+ * '17:00-00:00 unknown "Specified as open end. Closing time was guessed.", 13:00-00:00 open' // First internal rule.
+ * + ', ' overwritten part: 00:00-03:00 open + '00:00-02:00 open', // Second internal rule.
+ */
+ if ( false
+ && typeof rules[rule-1] === 'object'
+ && rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString() === rules[rule-1].build_from_token_rule.toString()
+ && typeof rules[rule] === 'object'
+ && rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString() === rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString()
+ ) {
+ var last_wrapping_time_selector = rules[rule].time[rules[rule].time.length - 1];
+ var last_w_res = last_wrapping_time_selector(new Date(date.getTime() - 1));
+ // console.log(last_w_res);
+ if ( last_w_res[0]
+ && typeof last_w_res[2] === 'undefined'
+ && (typeof last_w_res[2] === 'undefined' || last_w_res[2] === false) // Do not match for 'Tu 23:59-40:00+'
+ && typeof last_w_res[1] === 'object'
+ && date.getTime() === last_w_res[1].getTime()
+ ) {
+ // '05:00-06:00,17:00+,13:00-02:00',
+ // console.log("17:00+,13:00-02:00 matched.");
+ // console.log(JSON.stringify(rules, null, ' '));
+ resultstate = false;
+ unknown = false;
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ }
+ /* }}} */
+ }
+ if (rules[rule].fallback) {
+ if (typeof changedate === 'undefined' || (typeof res[1] !== 'undefined' && res[1] < changedate)) {
+ // FIXME: Changing undefined does not break the test framework.
+ changedate = res[1];
+ }
+ // break rule; // Fallback rule matched, no need for checking the rest.
+ // WRONG: What if 'off' is used after fallback rule.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof changedate === 'undefined' || (typeof res[1] === 'object' && res[1] < changedate))
+ changedate = res[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof rules[match_rule] === 'object' && typeof rules[match_rule].comment === 'string') {
+ /* Only use comment if one is explicitly specified. */
+ comment = rules[match_rule].comment;
+ } else if (typeof comment === 'object') {
+ if (comment[1] === match_rule) {
+ comment = comment[0];
+ } else {
+ comment = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log('changedate', changedate, resultstate, comment, match_rule);
+ return [ resultstate, changedate, unknown, comment, match_rule ];
+ };
+ // }}}
+ /* Generate prettified value for selector based on tokens. {{{
+ *
+ * :param tokens: List of token objects.
+ * :param at: Position where to start.
+ * :param last_at: Position where to stop.
+ * :param conf: Configuration options.
+ * :returns: Prettified value.
+ */
+ function prettifySelector(tokens, selector_start, selector_end, selector_type, conf) {
+ var prettified_value = '';
+ var at = selector_start;
+ while (at <= selector_end) {
+ // console.log('At: ' + at + ', token: ' + tokens[at]);
+ if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'weekday')) {
+ if (!conf.leave_weekday_sep_one_day_betw
+ && at - selector_start > 1 && (matchTokens(tokens, at-1, ',') || matchTokens(tokens, at-1, '-'))
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at-2, 'weekday')
+ && tokens[at][0] === (tokens[at-2][0] + 1) % 7) {
+ prettified_value = prettified_value.substring(0, prettified_value.length - 1) + conf.sep_one_day_between;
+ }
+ prettified_value += weekdays[tokens[at][0]];
+ } else if (at - selector_start > 0 // e.g. '09:0' -> '09:00'
+ && selector_type === 'time'
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'timesep')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')) {
+ prettified_value += (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? '0' : '') + tokens[at][0].toString();
+ } else if (selector_type === 'time' // e.g. '9:00' -> ' 09:00'
+ && conf.zero_pad_hour
+ && at !== tokens.length
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at+1, 'timesep')) {
+ prettified_value += (
+ tokens[at][0] < 10 ?
+ (tokens[at][0] === 0 && conf.one_zero_if_hour_zero ?
+ '' : '0') :
+ '') + tokens[at][0].toString();
+ } else if (selector_type === 'time' // e.g. '9-18' -> '09:00-18:00'
+ && at + 2 <= selector_end
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at+1, '-')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at+2, 'number')) {
+ prettified_value += (tokens[at][0] < 10 ?
+ (tokens[at][0] === 0 && conf.one_zero_if_hour_zero ? '' : '0')
+ : '') + tokens[at][0].toString();
+ prettified_value += ':00-'
+ + (tokens[at+2][0] < 10 ? '0' : '') + tokens[at+2][0].toString()
+ + ':00';
+ at += 2;
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'comment')) {
+ prettified_value += '"' + tokens[at][0].toString() + '"';
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'closed')) {
+ prettified_value += (conf.leave_off_closed ? tokens[at][0] : conf.keyword_for_off_closed);
+ } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'number')
+ && (matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'month') && selector_type === 'month'
+ || matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'week') && selector_type === 'week'
+ )) {
+ prettified_value += ' '
+ + (conf.zero_pad_month_and_week_numbers && tokens[at][0] < 10 ? '0' : '')
+ + tokens[at][0];
+ } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'year')) {
+ prettified_value += ' ' + months[[tokens[at][0]]];
+ } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, 'event')
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at-1, 'year')) {
+ prettified_value += ' ' + tokens[at][0];
+ } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, 'month')) {
+ prettified_value += months[[tokens[at][0]]];
+ if (at + 1 <= selector_end && matchTokens(tokens, at+1, 'weekday'))
+ prettified_value += ' ';
+ } else if (at + 2 <= selector_end
+ && (matchTokens(tokens, at, '-') || matchTokens(tokens, at, '+'))
+ && matchTokens(tokens, at+1, 'number', 'calcday')) {
+ prettified_value += ' ' + tokens[at][0] + tokens[at+1][0] + ' day' + (Math.abs(tokens[at+1][0]) === 1 ? '' : 's');
+ at += 2;
+ } else if (at === selector_end
+ && selector_type === 'weekday'
+ && tokens[at][0] === ':') {
+ // Do nothing.
+ } else {
+ prettified_value += tokens[at][0].toString();
+ }
+ at++;
+ }
+ return prettified_value;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ //======================================================================
+ // Public interface {{{
+ // All functions below are considered public.
+ //======================================================================
+ // Simple API {{{
+ this.getState = function(date) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ return it.getState();
+ };
+ this.getUnknown = function(date) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ return it.getUnknown();
+ };
+ this.getStateString = function(date, past) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ return it.getStateString(past);
+ };
+ this.getComment = function(date) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ return it.getComment();
+ };
+ this.getMatchingRule = function(date) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ return it.getMatchingRule();
+ };
+ /* Not available for iterator API {{{ */
+ /* getWarnings: Get warnings, empty list if none {{{ */
+ this.getWarnings = function() {
+ var it = this.getIterator();
+ return getWarnings(it);
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* prettifyValue: Get a nicely formated value {{{ */
+ this.prettifyValue = function(argument_hash) {
+ this.getWarnings();
+ /* getWarnings has to be run before prettifyValue because some
+ * decisions if certain aspects makes sense to prettify or not
+ * are influenced by warnings.
+ * Basically, both functions depend on each other in some way :(
+ * See done_with_selector_reordering.
+ */
+ return prettifyValue(argument_hash);
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getNextChange: Get time of next status change {{{ */
+ this.getNextChange = function(date, maxdate) {
+ var it = this.getIterator(date);
+ if (!it.advance(maxdate))
+ return undefined;
+ return it.getDate();
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* isWeekStable: Checks whether open intervals are same for every week. {{{ */
+ this.isWeekStable = function() {
+ return week_stable;
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ // High-level API {{{
+ /* getOpenIntervals: Get array of open intervals between two dates {{{ */
+ this.getOpenIntervals = function(from, to) {
+ var res = [];
+ var it = this.getIterator(from);
+ if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown())
+ res.push([from, undefined, it.getUnknown(), it.getComment()]);
+ while (it.advance(to)) {
+ if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) {
+ if (res.length !== 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === 'undefined') {
+ // last state was also open or unknown
+ res[res.length - 1][1] = it.getDate();
+ }
+ res.push([it.getDate(), undefined, it.getUnknown(), it.getComment()]);
+ } else {
+ if (res.length !== 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === 'undefined') {
+ // only use the first time as closing/change time and ignore closing times which might follow
+ res[res.length - 1][1] = it.getDate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (res.length > 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === 'undefined')
+ res[res.length - 1][1] = to;
+ return res;
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getOpenDuration: Get total number of milliseconds a facility is open,unknown within a given date range {{{ */
+ this.getOpenDuration = function(from, to) {
+ // console.log('-----------');
+ var open = 0;
+ var unknown = 0;
+ var it = this.getIterator(from);
+ var prevdate = (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) ? from : undefined;
+ var prevstate = it.getState();
+ var prevunknown = it.getUnknown();
+ while (it.advance(to)) {
+ if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) {
+ if (typeof prevdate === 'object') {
+ // last state was also open or unknown
+ if (prevunknown) //
+ unknown += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ else if (prevstate)
+ open += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ }
+ prevdate = it.getDate();
+ prevstate = it.getState();
+ prevunknown = it.getUnknown();
+ // console.log('if', prevdate, open / (1000 * 60 * 60), unknown / (1000 * 60 * 60));
+ } else {
+ // console.log('else', prevdate);
+ if (typeof prevdate === 'object') {
+ if (prevunknown)
+ unknown += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ else
+ open += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ prevdate = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof prevdate === 'object') {
+ if (prevunknown)
+ unknown += to.getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ else
+ open += to.getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
+ }
+ return [ open, unknown ];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ // Iterator API {{{
+ this.getIterator = function(date) {
+ return new function(oh) {
+ if (typeof date === 'undefined')
+ date = new Date();
+ var prevstate = [ undefined, date, undefined, undefined, undefined ];
+ var state = oh.getStatePair(date);
+ /* getDate {{{ */
+ this.getDate = function() {
+ return prevstate[1];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* setDate {{{ */
+ this.setDate = function(date) {
+ if (typeof date !== 'object')
+ throw t('date parameter needed');
+ prevstate = [ undefined, date, undefined, undefined, undefined ];
+ state = oh.getStatePair(date);
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getState: Check whether facility is `open' {{{ */
+ this.getState = function() {
+ return state[0];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getUnknown: Checks whether the opening state is conditional or unknown {{{ */
+ this.getUnknown = function() {
+ return state[2];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getStateString: Get state string. Either 'open', 'unknown' or 'closed' {{{ */
+ this.getStateString = function(past) {
+ return (state[0] ? 'open' : (state[2] ? 'unknown' : (past ? 'closed' : 'close')));
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getComment: Get the comment, undefined in none {{{ */
+ this.getComment = function() {
+ return state[3];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* getMatchingRule: Get the rule which matched thus deterrents the current state {{{ */
+ this.getMatchingRule = function() {
+ if (typeof state[4] === 'undefined')
+ return undefined;
+ return rules[state[4]].build_from_token_rule[2];
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* advance: Advances to the next position {{{ */
+ this.advance = function(datelimit) {
+ if (typeof datelimit === 'undefined')
+ datelimit = new Date(prevstate[1].getTime() + msec_in_day * 366 * 5);
+ else if (datelimit.getTime() <= prevstate[1].getTime())
+ return false; // The limit for advance needs to be after the current time.
+ do {
+ // open range, we won't be able to advance
+ if (typeof state[1] === 'undefined')
+ return false;
+ // console.log('\n' + 'previous check time:', prevstate[1]
+ // + ', current check time:',
+ // // (state[1].getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + state[1].getHours() +
+ // // ':'+(state[1].getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '')+ state[1].getMinutes(), state[1].getDate(),
+ // state[1],
+ // (state[0] ? 'open' : (state[2] ? 'unknown' : 'closed')) + ', comment:', state[3]);
+ // We're going backwards or staying at place.
+ // This always indicates coding error in a selector code.
+ if (state[1].getTime() <= prevstate[1].getTime())
+ throw 'Fatal: infinite loop in nextChange';
+ // don't advance beyond limits (same as open range)
+ if (state[1].getTime() >= datelimit.getTime())
+ return false;
+ // do advance
+ prevstate = state;
+ state = oh.getStatePair(prevstate[1]);
+ } while (state[0] === prevstate[0] && state[2] === prevstate[2] && state[3] === prevstate[3]);
+ return true;
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ }(this);
+ };
+ /* }}} */
+ /* }}} */
+ };
+// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 noet foldmarker={{{,}}} foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker :
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/overpass-turbo-ffs.js b/debian/missing-sources/overpass-turbo-ffs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399fa45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/overpass-turbo-ffs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1170 @@
+// ffs/wizard module
+if (typeof turbo === "undefined") turbo={};
+turbo.ffs = function() {
+ var ffs = {};
+ var freeFormQuery;
+ /* this converts a random boolean expression into a normalized form:
+ * A∧B∧… ∨ C∧D∧… ∨ …
+ * for example: A∧(B∨C) ⇔ (A∧B)∨(A∧C)
+ */
+ function normalize(query) {
+ var normalized_query = {
+ logical:"or",
+ queries:[]
+ };
+ function normalize_recursive(rem_query) {
+ if (!rem_query.logical) {
+ return [{
+ logical: "and",
+ queries: [rem_query]
+ }];
+ } else if (rem_query.logical === "and") {
+ var c1 = normalize_recursive( rem_query.queries[0] );
+ var c2 = normalize_recursive( rem_query.queries[1] );
+ // return cross product of c1 and c2
+ var c = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<c1.length; i++)
+ for (var j=0; j<c2.length; j++) {
+ c.push({
+ logical: "and",
+ queries: c1[i].queries.concat(c2[j].queries)
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ } else if (rem_query.logical === "or") {
+ var c1 = normalize_recursive( rem_query.queries[0] );
+ var c2 = normalize_recursive( rem_query.queries[1] );
+ return [].concat(c1,c2);
+ } else {
+ alert("unsupported boolean operator: "+rem_query.logical);
+ }
+ }
+ normalized_query.queries = normalize_recursive(query);
+ return normalized_query;
+ }
+ function escRegexp(str) {
+ return str.replace(/([()[{*+.$^\\|?])/g, '\\$1');
+ }
+ ffs.construct_query = function(search, comment) {
+ function quote_comment_str(s) {
+ // quote strings that are to be used within c-style comments
+ // replace any comment-ending sequences in these strings that would break the resulting query
+ return s.replace(/\*\//g,'[…]').replace(/\n/g,'\\n');
+ }
+ try {
+ ffs = turbo.ffs.parser.parse(search);
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("ffs parse error");
+ return false;
+ }
+ var query_parts = [];
+ var bounds_part;
+ query_parts.push('/*');
+ if (comment) {
+ query_parts.push(comment)
+ } else {
+ query_parts.push('This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.');
+ query_parts.push('The original search was:');
+ query_parts.push('“'+quote_comment_str(search)+'”');
+ }
+ query_parts.push('*/');
+ query_parts.push('[out:json][timeout:25];');
+ switch(ffs.bounds) {
+ case "area":
+ query_parts.push('// fetch area “'+ffs.area+'” to search in');
+ query_parts.push('{{geocodeArea:'+ffs.area+'}}->.searchArea;');
+ bounds_part = '(area.searchArea)';
+ break;
+ case "around":
+ query_parts.push('// adjust the search radius (in meters) here');
+ query_parts.push('{{radius=1000}}');
+ bounds_part = '(around:{{radius}},{{geocodeCoords:'+ffs.area+'}})';
+ break;
+ case "bbox":
+ bounds_part = '({{bbox}})';
+ break;
+ case "global":
+ bounds_part = undefined;
+ break;
+ default:
+ alert("unknown bounds condition: "+ffs.bounds);
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ function get_query_clause(condition) {
+ function esc(str) {
+ if (typeof str !== "string") return;
+ // see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#Escaping
+ return str.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/"/g,"\\\"") // need to escape those
+ .replace(/\t/g,"\\t").replace(/\n/g,"\\n"); // also escape newlines an tabs for better readability of the query
+ }
+ var key = esc(condition.key);
+ var val = esc(condition.val);
+ // convert substring searches into matching regexp ones
+ if (condition.query === "substr") {
+ condition.query = "like";
+ condition.val={regex:escRegexp(condition.val)};
+ }
+ // special case for empty values
+ // see https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/53
+ if (val === '') {
+ if (condition.query === "eq") {
+ condition.query = "like";
+ condition.val={regex:'^$'};
+ } else if (condition.query === "neq") {
+ condition.query = "notlike";
+ condition.val={regex:'^$'};
+ }
+ }
+ // special case for empty keys
+ // see https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/53#issuecomment-26325122
+ if (key === '') {
+ if (condition.query === "key") {
+ condition.query = "likelike";
+ key='^$';
+ condition.val={regex: '.*'};
+ } else if (condition.query === "eq") {
+ condition.query = "likelike";
+ key='^$';
+ condition.val={regex: '^'+escRegexp(condition.val)+'$'};
+ } else if (condition.query === "like") {
+ condition.query = "likelike";
+ key='^$';
+ }
+ }
+ // construct the query clause
+ switch(condition.query) {
+ case "key":
+ return '["'+key+'"]';
+ case "nokey":
+ return '["'+key+'"!~".*"]';
+ case "eq":
+ return '["'+key+'"="'+val+'"]';
+ case "neq":
+ return '["'+key+'"!="'+val+'"]';
+ case "like":
+ return '["'+key+'"~"'+esc(condition.val.regex)+'"'
+ +(condition.val.modifier==="i"?',i':'')
+ +']';
+ case "likelike":
+ return '[~"'+key+'"~"'+esc(condition.val.regex)+'"'
+ +(condition.val.modifier==="i"?',i':'')
+ +']';
+ case "notlike":
+ return '["'+key+'"!~"'+esc(condition.val.regex)+'"'
+ +(condition.val.modifier==="i"?',i':'')
+ +']';
+ case "meta":
+ switch(condition.meta) {
+ case "id":
+ return '('+val+')';
+ case "newer":
+ if (condition.val.match(/^-?\d+ ?(seconds?|minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?|months?|years?)?$/))
+ return '(newer:"{{date:'+val+'}}")';
+ return '(newer:"'+val+'")';
+ case "user":
+ return '(user:"'+val+'")';
+ case "uid":
+ return '(uid:'+val+')';
+ default:
+ console.log("unknown query type: meta/"+condition.meta);
+ return false;
+ }
+ case "free form":
+ // own module, special cased below
+ default:
+ console.log("unknown query type: "+condition.query);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function get_query_clause_str(condition) {
+ function quotes(s) {
+ if (s.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) === null)
+ return '"'+s.replace(/"/g,'\\"')+'"';
+ return s;
+ }
+ function quoteRegex(s) {
+ if (s.regex.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) === null || s.modifier)
+ return '/'+s.regex.replace(/\//g,'\\/')+'/'+(s.modifier||'');
+ return s.regex;
+ }
+ switch(condition.query) {
+ case "key":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'=*');
+ case "nokey":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'!=*');
+ case "eq":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'='+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "neq":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'!='+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "like":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'~'+quoteRegex(condition.val));
+ case "likelike":
+ return quote_comment_str('~'+quotes(condition.key)+'~'+quoteRegex(condition.val));
+ case "notlike":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+'!~'+quoteRegex(condition.val));
+ case "substr":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.key)+':'+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "meta":
+ switch(condition.meta) {
+ case "id":
+ return quote_comment_str('id:'+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "newer":
+ return quote_comment_str('newer:'+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "user":
+ return quote_comment_str('user:'+quotes(condition.val));
+ case "uid":
+ return quote_comment_str('uid:'+quotes(condition.val));
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ case "free form":
+ return quote_comment_str(quotes(condition.free));
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ ffs.query = normalize(ffs.query);
+ query_parts.push('// gather results');
+ query_parts.push('(');
+ for (var i=0; i<ffs.query.queries.length; i++) {
+ var and_query = ffs.query.queries[i];
+ var types = ['node','way','relation'];
+ var clauses = [];
+ var clauses_str = [];
+ for (var j=0; j<and_query.queries.length; j++) {
+ var cond_query = and_query.queries[j];
+ // todo: looks like some code duplication here could be reduced by refactoring
+ if (cond_query.query === "free form") {
+ // eventually load free form query module
+ if (!freeFormQuery) freeFormQuery = turbo.ffs.free();
+ var ffs_clause = freeFormQuery.get_query_clause(cond_query);
+ if (ffs_clause === false)
+ return false;
+ // restrict possible data types
+ types = types.filter(function(t) {
+ return ffs_clause.types.indexOf(t) != -1;
+ });
+ // add clauses
+ clauses_str.push(get_query_clause_str(cond_query));
+ clauses = clauses.concat(ffs_clause.conditions.map(function(condition) {
+ return get_query_clause(condition);
+ }));
+ } else if (cond_query.query === "type") {
+ // restrict possible data types
+ types = types.indexOf(cond_query.type) != -1 ? [cond_query.type] : [];
+ } else {
+ // add another query clause
+ clauses_str.push(get_query_clause_str(cond_query));
+ var clause = get_query_clause(cond_query);
+ if (clause === false) return false;
+ clauses.push(clause);
+ }
+ }
+ clauses_str = clauses_str.join(' and ');
+ // construct query
+ query_parts.push(' // query part for: “'+clauses_str+'”')
+ for (var t=0; t<types.length; t++) {
+ var buffer = ' '+types[t];
+ for (var c=0; c<clauses.length; c++)
+ buffer += clauses[c];
+ if (bounds_part)
+ buffer += bounds_part;
+ buffer += ';';
+ query_parts.push(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ query_parts.push(');');
+ query_parts.push('// print results');
+ query_parts.push('out body;');
+ query_parts.push('>;');
+ query_parts.push('out skel qt;');
+ return query_parts.join('\n');
+ }
+ // this is a "did you mean …" mechanism against typos in preset names
+ ffs.repair_search = function(search) {
+ try {
+ ffs = turbo.ffs.parser.parse(search);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function quotes(s) {
+ if (s.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) === null)
+ return '"'+s.replace(/"/g,'\\"')+'"';
+ return s;
+ }
+ var search_parts = [];
+ var repaired = false;
+ ffs.query = normalize(ffs.query);
+ ffs.query.queries.forEach(function (q) {
+ q.queries.forEach(validateQuery);
+ });
+ function validateQuery(cond_query) {
+ if (cond_query.query === "free form") {
+ // eventually load free form query module
+ if (!freeFormQuery) freeFormQuery = turbo.ffs.free();
+ var ffs_clause = freeFormQuery.get_query_clause(cond_query);
+ if (ffs_clause === false) {
+ // try to find suggestions for occasional typos
+ var fuzzy = freeFormQuery.fuzzy_search(cond_query);
+ var free_regex = null;
+ try { free_regex = new RegExp("['\"]?"+escRegexp(cond_query.free)+"['\"]?"); } catch(e) {}
+ if (fuzzy && search.match(free_regex)) {
+ search_parts = search_parts.concat(search.split(free_regex));
+ search = search_parts.pop();
+ var replacement = quotes(fuzzy);
+ search_parts.push(replacement);
+ repaired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ search_parts.push(search);
+ if (!repaired)
+ return false;
+ return search_parts;
+ }
+ ffs.invalidateCache = function() {
+ freeFormQuery = undefined;
+ }
+ return ffs;
+// ffs/wizard module
+if (typeof turbo === "undefined") turbo={};
+turbo.ffs.free = function() {
+ var freeFormQuery = {};
+ var presets = {};
+ // load presets
+ (function loadPresets() {
+ if (typeof $ === "undefined") return;
+ var presets_file = "data/iD_presets.json";
+ try {
+ $.ajax(presets_file,{async:false,dataType:"json"}).success(function(data){
+ presets = data;
+ Object.keys(presets).map(function(key) {
+ var preset = presets[key];
+ preset.nameCased = preset.name;
+ preset.name = preset.name.toLowerCase();
+ preset.terms = !preset.terms ? [] : preset.terms.map(function(term) {return term.toLowerCase();});
+ });
+ }).error(function(){
+ throw new Error();
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("failed to load presets file", presets_file, e);
+ }
+ })();
+ // load preset translations
+ (function loadPresetTranslations() {
+ if (typeof $ === "undefined" || typeof i18n === "undefined") return;
+ var language = i18n.getLanguage();
+ if (language == "en") return;
+ var translation_file = "data/iD_presets_"+language+".json";
+ try {
+ $.ajax(translation_file,{async:false,dataType:"json"}).success(function(data){
+ // load translated names and terms into presets object
+ Object.keys(data).map(function(preset) {
+ var translation = data[preset];
+ preset = presets[preset];
+ preset.translated = true;
+ // save original preset name under alternative terms
+ var oriPresetName = preset.name;
+ // save translated preset name
+ preset.nameCased = translation.name;
+ preset.name = translation.name.toLowerCase();
+ // add new terms
+ if (translation.terms)
+ preset.terms = translation.terms.split(",")
+ .map(function(term) { return term.trim().toLowerCase(); })
+ .concat(preset.terms);
+ // add this to the front to allow exact (english) preset names to match before terms
+ preset.terms.unshift(oriPresetName);
+ });
+ }).error(function(){
+ throw new Error();
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("failed to load preset translations file: "+translation_file);
+ }
+ })();
+ freeFormQuery.get_query_clause = function(condition) {
+ // search presets for ffs term
+ var search = condition.free.toLowerCase();
+ var candidates = Object.keys(presets).map(function(key) {
+ return presets[key];
+ }).filter(function(preset) {
+ if (preset.searchable===false) return false;
+ if (preset.name === search) return true;
+ preset._termsIndex = preset.terms.indexOf(search);
+ return preset._termsIndex != -1;
+ });
+ if (candidates.length === 0)
+ return false;
+ // sort candidates
+ candidates.sort(function(a,b) {
+ // prefer exact name matches
+ if (a.name === search) return -1;
+ if (b.name === search) return 1;
+ return a._termsIndex - b._termsIndex;
+ });
+ var preset = candidates[0];
+ var types = [];
+ preset.geometry.forEach(function(g) {
+ switch (g) {
+ case "point":
+ case "vertex":
+ types.push("node");
+ break;
+ case "line":
+ types.push("way");
+ break;
+ case "area":
+ types.push("way");
+ types.push("relation"); // todo: additionally add type=multipolygon?
+ break;
+ case "relation":
+ types.push("relation");
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log("unknown geometry type "+g+" of preset "+preset.name);
+ }
+ });
+ function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
+ return self.indexOf(value) === index;
+ }
+ return {
+ types: types.filter(onlyUnique),
+ conditions: Object.keys(preset.tags).map(function(k) {
+ var v = preset.tags[k];
+ return {
+ query: v==="*" ? "key" : "eq",
+ key: k,
+ val: v
+ };
+ })
+ };
+ }
+ freeFormQuery.fuzzy_search = function(condition) {
+ // search presets for ffs term
+ var search = condition.free.toLowerCase();
+ // fuzzyness: max lev.dist allowed to still match
+ var fuzzyness = 2+Math.floor(search.length/7);
+ function fuzzyMatch(term) {
+ return levenshteinDistance(term, search) <= fuzzyness;
+ }
+ var candidates = Object.keys(presets).map(function(key) {
+ return presets[key];
+ }).filter(function(preset) {
+ if (preset.searchable===false) return false;
+ if (fuzzyMatch(preset.name)) return true;
+ return preset.terms.some(fuzzyMatch);
+ });
+ if (candidates.length === 0)
+ return false;
+ // sort candidates
+ function preset_weight(preset) {
+ return [preset.name].concat(preset.terms).map(function(term, index) {
+ return levenshteinDistance(term,search);
+ }).reduce(function min(a, b) {
+ return a <= b ? a : b;
+ });
+ };
+ candidates.sort(function(a,b) {
+ return preset_weight(a) - preset_weight(b);
+ });
+ var preset = candidates[0];
+ return preset.nameCased;
+ }
+ return freeFormQuery;
+turbo.ffs.parser = (function() {
+ /*
+ * Generated by PEG.js 0.8.0.
+ *
+ * http://pegjs.majda.cz/
+ */
+ function peg$subclass(child, parent) {
+ function ctor() { this.constructor = child; }
+ ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
+ child.prototype = new ctor();
+ }
+ function SyntaxError(message, expected, found, offset, line, column) {
+ this.message = message;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ this.found = found;
+ this.offset = offset;
+ this.line = line;
+ this.column = column;
+ this.name = "SyntaxError";
+ }
+ peg$subclass(SyntaxError, Error);
+ function parse(input) {
+ var options = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : {},
+ peg$FAILED = {},
+ peg$startRuleIndices = { start: 0 },
+ peg$startRuleIndex = 0,
+ peg$consts = [
+ peg$FAILED,
+ function(x) { return x },
+ [],
+ "in bbox",
+ { type: "literal", value: "in bbox", description: "\"in bbox\"" },
+ "IN BBOX",
+ { type: "literal", value: "IN BBOX", description: "\"IN BBOX\"" },
+ function(x) { return { bounds:"bbox", query:x } },
+ "in",
+ { type: "literal", value: "in", description: "\"in\"" },
+ "IN",
+ { type: "literal", value: "IN", description: "\"IN\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { bounds:"area", query:x, area:y } },
+ "around",
+ { type: "literal", value: "around", description: "\"around\"" },
+ { type: "literal", value: "AROUND", description: "\"AROUND\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { bounds:"around", query:x, area:y } },
+ "global",
+ { type: "literal", value: "global", description: "\"global\"" },
+ { type: "literal", value: "GLOBAL", description: "\"GLOBAL\"" },
+ function(x) { return { bounds:"global", query:x } },
+ "or",
+ { type: "literal", value: "or", description: "\"or\"" },
+ "OR",
+ { type: "literal", value: "OR", description: "\"OR\"" },
+ "||",
+ { type: "literal", value: "||", description: "\"||\"" },
+ "|",
+ { type: "literal", value: "|", description: "\"|\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { logical:"or", queries:[x,y] } },
+ "and",
+ { type: "literal", value: "and", description: "\"and\"" },
+ "AND",
+ { type: "literal", value: "AND", description: "\"AND\"" },
+ "&&",
+ { type: "literal", value: "&&", description: "\"&&\"" },
+ "&",
+ { type: "literal", value: "&", description: "\"&\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { logical:"and", queries:[x,y] } },
+ "(",
+ { type: "literal", value: "(", description: "\"(\"" },
+ ")",
+ { type: "literal", value: ")", description: "\")\"" },
+ function(x) { return x; },
+ "=",
+ { type: "literal", value: "=", description: "\"=\"" },
+ "==",
+ { type: "literal", value: "==", description: "\"==\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"eq", key:x, val:y } },
+ "!=",
+ { type: "literal", value: "!=", description: "\"!=\"" },
+ "<>",
+ { type: "literal", value: "<>", description: "\"<>\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"neq", key:x, val:y } },
+ "*",
+ { type: "literal", value: "*", description: "\"*\"" },
+ function(x) { return { query:"key", key:x } },
+ "is",
+ { type: "literal", value: "is", description: "\"is\"" },
+ "not",
+ { type: "literal", value: "not", description: "\"not\"" },
+ "null",
+ { type: "literal", value: "null", description: "\"null\"" },
+ "IS",
+ { type: "literal", value: "IS", description: "\"IS\"" },
+ "NOT",
+ { type: "literal", value: "NOT", description: "\"NOT\"" },
+ "NULL",
+ { type: "literal", value: "NULL", description: "\"NULL\"" },
+ function(x) { return { query:"nokey", key:x } },
+ "~=",
+ { type: "literal", value: "~=", description: "\"~=\"" },
+ "~",
+ { type: "literal", value: "~", description: "\"~\"" },
+ "=~",
+ { type: "literal", value: "=~", description: "\"=~\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"like", key:x, val:y.regex?y:{regex:y} } },
+ "like",
+ { type: "literal", value: "like", description: "\"like\"" },
+ "LIKE",
+ { type: "literal", value: "LIKE", description: "\"LIKE\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"likelike", key:x, val:y.regex?y:{regex:y} } },
+ "!~",
+ { type: "literal", value: "!~", description: "\"!~\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"notlike", key:x, val:y.regex?y:{regex:y} } },
+ ":",
+ { type: "literal", value: ":", description: "\":\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"substr", key:x, val:y } },
+ "type",
+ { type: "literal", value: "type", description: "\"type\"" },
+ function(x) { return { query:"type", type:x } },
+ "user",
+ { type: "literal", value: "user", description: "\"user\"" },
+ "uid",
+ { type: "literal", value: "uid", description: "\"uid\"" },
+ "newer",
+ { type: "literal", value: "newer", description: "\"newer\"" },
+ "id",
+ { type: "literal", value: "id", description: "\"id\"" },
+ function(x, y) { return { query:"meta", meta:x, val:y } },
+ function(x) { return { query:"free form", free:x } },
+ { type: "other", description: "Key" },
+ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_:\-]/,
+ { type: "class", value: "[a-zA-Z0-9_:\\-]", description: "[a-zA-Z0-9_:\\-]" },
+ function(s) { return s.join(''); },
+ "\"",
+ { type: "literal", value: "\"", description: "\"\\\"\"" },
+ "'",
+ { type: "literal", value: "'", description: "\"'\"" },
+ function(parts) {
+ return parts[1];
+ },
+ { type: "other", description: "string" },
+ /^[^'" ()~=!*\/:<>&|[\]{}#+@$%?\^.,]/,
+ { type: "class", value: "[^'\" ()~=!*\\/:<>&|[\\]{}#+@$%?\\^.,]", description: "[^'\" ()~=!*\\/:<>&|[\\]{}#+@$%?\\^.,]" },
+ function(chars) { return chars.join(""); },
+ void 0,
+ "\\",
+ { type: "literal", value: "\\", description: "\"\\\\\"" },
+ { type: "any", description: "any character" },
+ function(char_) { return char_; },
+ function(sequence) { return sequence; },
+ /^['"\\bfnrtv]/,
+ { type: "class", value: "['\"\\\\bfnrtv]", description: "['\"\\\\bfnrtv]" },
+ function(char_) {
+ return char_
+ .replace("b", "\b")
+ .replace("f", "\f")
+ .replace("n", "\n")
+ .replace("r", "\r")
+ .replace("t", "\t")
+ .replace("v", "\x0B") // IE does not recognize "\v".
+ },
+ "/",
+ { type: "literal", value: "/", description: "\"/\"" },
+ null,
+ "i",
+ { type: "literal", value: "i", description: "\"i\"" },
+ "",
+ function(parts) {
+ return { regex: parts[1], modifier: parts[3] };
+ },
+ "\\/",
+ { type: "literal", value: "\\/", description: "\"\\\\/\"" },
+ function() { return "/"; },
+ { type: "other", description: "whitespace" },
+ /^[ \t\n\r]/,
+ { type: "class", value: "[ \\t\\n\\r]", description: "[ \\t\\n\\r]" }
+ ],
+ peg$bytecode = [
+ peg$decode("!7;+<$7!+2%7;+(%4#6!#!!%$## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!7\"+]$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +D%.#\"\"2#3$*) \".%\"\"2%3&+(%4#6'#!\"%$## $\"# \"# *\u0158 \"!7\"+\x81$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +h%.(\"\"2(3)*) \".*\"\"2*3++L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%72+)%4%6,%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\xE9 \"!7\"+\x81$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +h%.-\"\"2-3.*) \"./\"\"2/30+L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%72+)%4%61%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *z \"!7\"+]$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +D%.2\"\"2233*) \".4\"\"2435+(%4#66#!\"%$## $\"# \"# */ \"!7\"+' 4!6'!! %"),
+ peg$decode("!7#+\x99$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\x80%.7\"\"2738*A \".9\"\"293:*5 \".;\"\"2;3<*) \".=\"\"2=3>+L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%7\"+)%4%6?%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *# \"7#"),
+ peg$decode("!7$+\x99$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\x80%.@\"\"2 at 3A*A \".B\"\"2B3C*5 \".D\"\"2D3E*) \".F\"\"2F3G+L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%7#+)%4%6H%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *# \"7$"),
+ peg$decode("7%*g \"!.I\"\"2I3J+V$7;+L%7\"+B%7;+8%.K\"\"2K3L+(%4%6M%!\"%$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("7.*Y \"7/*S \"7&*M \"7'*G \"7(*A \"7)*; \"7**5 \"7+*/ \"7,*) \"7-*# \"70"),
+ peg$decode("!71+c$7;+Y%.N\"\"2N3O*) \".P\"\"2P3Q+=%7;+3%72+)%4%6R%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!71+c$7;+Y%.S\"\"2S3T*) \".U\"\"2U3V+=%7;+3%72+)%4%6W%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!71+h$7;+^%.N\"\"2N3O*) \".P\"\"2P3Q+B%7;+8%.X\"\"2X3Y+(%4%6Z%!$%$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\u0122 \"!72+\u0117$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\xFE%!.[\"\"2[3\\+u$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\\%.]\"\"2]3^+L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%._\"\"2_3`+#%'%%$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\x86 \"!.a\"\"2a3b+u$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\\%.c\"\"2c3d+L% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%.e\"\"2e3f+#%'%%$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# +(%4#6Z#!\"%$## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!71+h$7;+^%.S\"\"2S3T*) \".U\"\"2U3V+B%7;+8%.X\"\"2X3Y+(%4%6g%!$%$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\xD0 \"!72+\xC5$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\xAC%!.[\"\"2[3\\+L$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%._\"\"2_3`+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# *] \"!.a\"\"2a3b+L$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%.e\"\"2e3f+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# +(%4#6g#!\"%$## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!71+u$7;+k%.h\"\"2h3i*5 \".j\"\"2j3k*) \".l\"\"2l3m+C%7;+9%72*# \"78+)%4%6n%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\x92 \"!72+\x87$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +n%.o\"\"2o3p*) \".q\"\"2q3r+R% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +9%72*# \"78+)%4%6n%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!.j\"\"2j3k+\x89$7;+%72+u%7;+k%.h\"\"2h3i*5 \".j\"\"2j3k*) \".l\"\"2l3m+C%7;+9%72*# \"78+)%4'6s'\"$ %$'# $&# $%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!71+]$7;+S%.t\"\"2t3u+C%7;+9%72*# \"78+)%4%6v%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# *\xFA \"!72+\xEF$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +\xD6%!.]\"\"2]3^+L$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%.o\"\"2o3p+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# *] \"!.c\"\"2c3d+L$ \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +3%.q\"\"2q3r+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# +R% \"7<+&$,#&7<\"\"\" +9%72*# \"78+)%4%6v%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!72+W$7;+M%.w\"\"2w3x+=%7;+3%72+)%4%6y%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!.z\"\"2z3{+V$7;+L%.w\"\"2w3x+<%7;+2%72+(%4%6|%! %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!.}\"\"2}3~*A \".\"\"23\x80*5 \".\x81\"\"2\x813\x82*) \".\x83\"\"2\x833\x84+W$7;+M%.w\"\"2w3x+=%7;+3%72+)%4%6\x85%\"$ %$%# $$# $## $\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!72+' 4!6\x86!! %"),
+ peg$decode("8! \"0\x88\"\"1!3\x89+,$,)&0\x88\"\"1!3\x89\"\"\" +' 4!6\x8A!! %*\x8B \"!!.\x8B\"\"2\x8B3\x8C+=$73+3%.\x8B\"\"2\x8B3\x8C+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# *N \"!.\x8D\"\"2\x8D3\x8E+=$74+3%.\x8D\"\"2\x8D3\x8E+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# +' 4!6\x8F!! %9*\" 3\x87"),
+ peg$decode("8! \"0\x91\"\"1!3\x92+,$,)&0\x91\"\"1!3\x92\"\"\" +' 4!6\x8A!! %*\x8B \"!!.\x8B\"\"2\x8B3\x8C+=$73+3%.\x8B\"\"2\x8B3\x8C+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# *N \"!.\x8D\"\"2\x8D3\x8E+=$74+3%.\x8D\"\"2\x8D3\x8E+#%'#%$## $\"# \"# +' 4!6\x8F!! %9*\" 3\x90"),
+ peg$decode("! \"75,#&75\"+' 4!6\x93!! %"),
+ peg$decode("! \"76,#&76\"+' 4!6\x93!! %"),
+ peg$decode("!!8.\x8B\"\"2\x8B3\x8C*) \".\x95\"\"2\x953\x969*$$\"\" \x94\"# +7$-\"\"1!3\x97+(%4\"6\x98\"! %$\"# \"# *C \"!.\x95\"\"2\x953\x96+2$77+(%4\"6\x99\"! %$\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!!8.\x8D\"\"2\x8D3\x8E*) \".\x95\"\"2\x953\x969*$$\"\" \x94\"# +7$-\"\"1!3\x97+(%4\"6\x98\"! %$\"# \"# *C \"!.\x95\"\"2\x953\x96+2$77+(%4\"6\x99\"! %$\"# \"# "),
+ peg$decode("!0\x9A\"\"1!3\x9B+' 4!6\x9C!! %"),
+ peg$decode("8!!.\x9D\"\"2\x9D3\x9E+Y$79+O%.\x9D\"\"2\x9D3\x9E+?%.\xA0\"\"2\xA03\xA1*# \" \xA2*# \" \x9F+#%'$%$$# $## $\"# \"# +' 4!6\xA3!! %9*\" 3\x90"),
+ peg$decode("! \"7:+&$,#&7:\"\"\" +' 4!6\x93!! %"),
+ peg$decode("!!8.\x9D\"\"2\x9D3\x9E*) \".\xA4\"\"2\xA43\xA59*$$\"\" \x94\"# +7$-\"\"1!3\x97+(%4\"6\x98\"! %$\"# \"# *4 \"!.\xA4\"\"2\xA43\xA5+& 4!6\xA6! %"),
+ peg$decode("8 \"7<,#&7<\"9*\" 3\xA7"),
+ peg$decode("80\xA8\"\"1!3\xA99*\" 3\xA7")
+ ],
+ peg$currPos = 0,
+ peg$reportedPos = 0,
+ peg$cachedPos = 0,
+ peg$cachedPosDetails = { line: 1, column: 1, seenCR: false },
+ peg$maxFailPos = 0,
+ peg$maxFailExpected = [],
+ peg$silentFails = 0,
+ peg$result;
+ if ("startRule" in options) {
+ if (!(options.startRule in peg$startRuleIndices)) {
+ throw new Error("Can't start parsing from rule \"" + options.startRule + "\".");
+ }
+ peg$startRuleIndex = peg$startRuleIndices[options.startRule];
+ }
+ function text() {
+ return input.substring(peg$reportedPos, peg$currPos);
+ }
+ function offset() {
+ return peg$reportedPos;
+ }
+ function line() {
+ return peg$computePosDetails(peg$reportedPos).line;
+ }
+ function column() {
+ return peg$computePosDetails(peg$reportedPos).column;
+ }
+ function expected(description) {
+ throw peg$buildException(
+ null,
+ [{ type: "other", description: description }],
+ peg$reportedPos
+ );
+ }
+ function error(message) {
+ throw peg$buildException(message, null, peg$reportedPos);
+ }
+ function peg$computePosDetails(pos) {
+ function advance(details, startPos, endPos) {
+ var p, ch;
+ for (p = startPos; p < endPos; p++) {
+ ch = input.charAt(p);
+ if (ch === "\n") {
+ if (!details.seenCR) { details.line++; }
+ details.column = 1;
+ details.seenCR = false;
+ } else if (ch === "\r" || ch === "\u2028" || ch === "\u2029") {
+ details.line++;
+ details.column = 1;
+ details.seenCR = true;
+ } else {
+ details.column++;
+ details.seenCR = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (peg$cachedPos !== pos) {
+ if (peg$cachedPos > pos) {
+ peg$cachedPos = 0;
+ peg$cachedPosDetails = { line: 1, column: 1, seenCR: false };
+ }
+ advance(peg$cachedPosDetails, peg$cachedPos, pos);
+ peg$cachedPos = pos;
+ }
+ return peg$cachedPosDetails;
+ }
+ function peg$fail(expected) {
+ if (peg$currPos < peg$maxFailPos) { return; }
+ if (peg$currPos > peg$maxFailPos) {
+ peg$maxFailPos = peg$currPos;
+ peg$maxFailExpected = [];
+ }
+ peg$maxFailExpected.push(expected);
+ }
+ function peg$buildException(message, expected, pos) {
+ function cleanupExpected(expected) {
+ var i = 1;
+ expected.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (a.description < b.description) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (a.description > b.description) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ });
+ while (i < expected.length) {
+ if (expected[i - 1] === expected[i]) {
+ expected.splice(i, 1);
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function buildMessage(expected, found) {
+ function stringEscape(s) {
+ function hex(ch) { return ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }
+ return s
+ .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
+ .replace(/"/g, '\\"')
+ .replace(/\x08/g, '\\b')
+ .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
+ .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
+ .replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
+ .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
+ .replace(/[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E\x0F]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x0' + hex(ch); })
+ .replace(/[\x10-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\x' + hex(ch); })
+ .replace(/[\u0180-\u0FFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\u0' + hex(ch); })
+ .replace(/[\u1080-\uFFFF]/g, function(ch) { return '\\u' + hex(ch); });
+ }
+ var expectedDescs = new Array(expected.length),
+ expectedDesc, foundDesc, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
+ expectedDescs[i] = expected[i].description;
+ }
+ expectedDesc = expected.length > 1
+ ? expectedDescs.slice(0, -1).join(", ")
+ + " or "
+ + expectedDescs[expected.length - 1]
+ : expectedDescs[0];
+ foundDesc = found ? "\"" + stringEscape(found) + "\"" : "end of input";
+ return "Expected " + expectedDesc + " but " + foundDesc + " found.";
+ }
+ var posDetails = peg$computePosDetails(pos),
+ found = pos < input.length ? input.charAt(pos) : null;
+ if (expected !== null) {
+ cleanupExpected(expected);
+ }
+ return new SyntaxError(
+ message !== null ? message : buildMessage(expected, found),
+ expected,
+ found,
+ pos,
+ posDetails.line,
+ posDetails.column
+ );
+ }
+ function peg$decode(s) {
+ var bc = new Array(s.length), i;
+ for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
+ bc[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) - 32;
+ }
+ return bc;
+ }
+ function peg$parseRule(index) {
+ var bc = peg$bytecode[index],
+ ip = 0,
+ ips = [],
+ end = bc.length,
+ ends = [],
+ stack = [],
+ params, i;
+ function protect(object) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.apply(object) === "[object Array]" ? [] : object;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ while (ip < end) {
+ switch (bc[ip]) {
+ case 0:
+ stack.push(protect(peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]]));
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ stack.push(peg$currPos);
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ stack.pop();
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ peg$currPos = stack.pop();
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ stack.length -= bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ stack.splice(-2, 1);
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ stack[stack.length - 2].push(stack.pop());
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ stack.push(stack.splice(stack.length - bc[ip + 1], bc[ip + 1]));
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ stack.pop();
+ stack.push(input.substring(stack[stack.length - 1], peg$currPos));
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2]);
+ if (stack[stack.length - 1]) {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 3;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2]);
+ if (stack[stack.length - 1] === peg$FAILED) {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 3;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2]);
+ if (stack[stack.length - 1] !== peg$FAILED) {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 3;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ if (stack[stack.length - 1] !== peg$FAILED) {
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip);
+ end = ip + 2 + bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 2;
+ } else {
+ ip += 2 + bc[ip + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2]);
+ if (input.length > peg$currPos) {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 3;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 3 + bc[ip + 1] + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 3 + bc[ip + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3]);
+ if (input.substr(peg$currPos, peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]].length) === peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]]) {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 4;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3];
+ ip += 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3]);
+ if (input.substr(peg$currPos, peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]].length).toLowerCase() === peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]]) {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 4;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3];
+ ip += 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ ends.push(end);
+ ips.push(ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3]);
+ if (peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]].test(input.charAt(peg$currPos))) {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ ip += 4;
+ } else {
+ end = ip + 4 + bc[ip + 2] + bc[ip + 3];
+ ip += 4 + bc[ip + 2];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ stack.push(input.substr(peg$currPos, bc[ip + 1]));
+ peg$currPos += bc[ip + 1];
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ stack.push(peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]]);
+ peg$currPos += peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]].length;
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ stack.push(peg$FAILED);
+ if (peg$silentFails === 0) {
+ peg$fail(peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]]);
+ }
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ peg$reportedPos = stack[stack.length - 1 - bc[ip + 1]];
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ peg$reportedPos = peg$currPos;
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ params = bc.slice(ip + 4, ip + 4 + bc[ip + 3]);
+ for (i = 0; i < bc[ip + 3]; i++) {
+ params[i] = stack[stack.length - 1 - params[i]];
+ }
+ stack.splice(
+ stack.length - bc[ip + 2],
+ bc[ip + 2],
+ peg$consts[bc[ip + 1]].apply(null, params)
+ );
+ ip += 4 + bc[ip + 3];
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ stack.push(peg$parseRule(bc[ip + 1]));
+ ip += 2;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ peg$silentFails++;
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ peg$silentFails--;
+ ip++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Invalid opcode: " + bc[ip] + ".");
+ }
+ }
+ if (ends.length > 0) {
+ end = ends.pop();
+ ip = ips.pop();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return stack[0];
+ }
+ peg$result = peg$parseRule(peg$startRuleIndex);
+ if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos === input.length) {
+ return peg$result;
+ } else {
+ if (peg$result !== peg$FAILED && peg$currPos < input.length) {
+ peg$fail({ type: "end", description: "end of input" });
+ }
+ throw peg$buildException(null, peg$maxFailExpected, peg$maxFailPos);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ SyntaxError: SyntaxError,
+ parse: parse
+ };
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