Bug#802321: gdal-bin: NetCDF-4 / HDF5 support broken in recent gdal
otas at sky.cz
Tue Oct 20 05:39:23 UTC 2015
Hello Bas,
thank you for your effort.
On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 20:00:06 +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> I suspect this is not actually an issue in gdal, but caused by the
> recent HDF5 transition to 1.8.15-patch1+docs-4.
I had the same suspicion on HDF5 libraries (yes, they were upgraded
However, after downgrade to libhdf5-8_1.8.13+docs-15 and
on my system nothing changed with gdal, i.e. the same error of
Besides, NetCDF and HDF5 utils, at least, keep the file format correct
see e.g. ncdump -h JEJK_topoC9k_ZABA10mHbpv.nc or h5topng -d z
On the other hand, I can just recognize that something in the chain gmt
- libgdal - libnetcdf - libhdf5 went wrong recently (Stretch upgrade at
the begin of October), it may be somehow related to HDF5 transition.
>> How to reproduce the bug:
>> --------------------------
>> the attached file JEJK_topoC9k_ZABA10mHbpv.nc is of NetCDF-4 / HDF5
>> format, see ncdump or h5dump output
> This file was not actually attached, so I cannot reproduce your
> issue.
The file is a bit large (about 750KB - sorry I have not found a smaller
one), so I'll try to attach it to the mail again.
Best regards,
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