[rasterio] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.33.0'
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 2 00:29:33 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository rasterio.
commit defc9485a8fdf292f0cf53512c58e462e6242b95
Merge: 5715635 54fe42c
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Sat Apr 2 01:53:09 2016 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/0.33.0'
Upstream version 0.33.0
.gitignore | 3 +
.travis.yml | 29 +-
AUTHORS.txt | 61 +--
CHANGES.txt | 32 ++
README.rst | 4 +-
docs/Makefile | 223 ++++++++
docs/api_docs.rst | 5 +
docs/calc.rst | 2 +-
docs/cli.rst | 29 +-
docs/{colormaps.rst => color.rst} | 41 +-
docs/community.rst | 40 ++
docs/concurrency.rst | 2 +-
docs/conf.py | 372 +++++++++++++
docs/cookbook.rst | 163 ++++++
docs/data_model.rst | 11 +
docs/datasets.rst | 186 -------
docs/developers.rst | 15 +
docs/errors.rst | 6 +
docs/features.rst | 4 +-
docs/fillnodata.rst | 6 +
docs/georeferencing.rst | 38 +-
docs/{options.rst => image_options.rst} | 19 +-
docs/image_processing.rst | 27 +
docs/img/RGB.byte.jpg | Bin 0 -> 198868 bytes
docs/img/box_masked_rgb.png | Bin 0 -> 468885 bytes
docs/img/box_rgb.png | Bin 0 -> 412194 bytes
docs/img/filtered.jpg | Bin 0 -> 124568 bytes
docs/img/reproject.jpg | Bin 0 -> 30470 bytes
docs/img/saturation.jpg | Bin 0 -> 204255 bytes
docs/img/world.jpg | Bin 0 -> 54297 bytes
docs/index.rst | 51 ++
docs/installation.rst | 157 ++++++
docs/masking-by-shapefile.rst | 38 ++
docs/masks.rst | 76 +--
docs/modules.rst | 7 +
docs/nodata.rst | 9 +
docs/osgeo_gdal_migration.rst | 61 +++
docs/overviews.rst | 7 +
docs/plotting.rst | 23 +
docs/python_manual.rst | 26 +
docs/rasterio.aws.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.coords.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.crs.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.dtypes.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.enums.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.errors.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.features.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.fill.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.mask.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.merge.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.plot.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.profiles.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.rst | 32 ++
docs/rasterio.sample.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.tool.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.tools.mask.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.tools.merge.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.tools.rst | 16 +
docs/rasterio.transform.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.vfs.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.warnings.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.warp.rst | 7 +
docs/rasterio.windows.rst | 7 +
docs/reading.rst | 133 +++++
docs/recipies/band_summary_stats.py | 17 +
docs/recipies/filter.py | 16 +
docs/recipies/mask_shp.py | 18 +
docs/recipies/reproject.py | 49 ++
docs/recipies/saturation.py | 55 ++
docs/reproject.rst | 4 +-
docs/resampling.rst | 7 +
docs/tags.rst | 6 +-
docs/topics.rst | 23 +
docs/vsi.rst | 56 ++
docs/watch.sh | 3 +
docs/windowed-rw.rst | 10 +-
docs/working_with_datasets.rst | 57 ++
docs/writing.rst | 48 ++
rasterio/__init__.py | 257 +++++----
rasterio/_base.pxd | 3 +-
rasterio/_base.pyx | 133 +++--
rasterio/_drivers.pyx | 98 +++-
rasterio/_err.pyx | 196 +++++--
rasterio/_fill.pyx | 40 +-
rasterio/_io.pyx | 244 +++++----
rasterio/_warp.pyx | 169 +++---
rasterio/aws.py | 63 +++
rasterio/coords.py | 37 +-
rasterio/enums.py | 14 +
rasterio/errors.py | 14 +-
rasterio/five.py | 2 +
rasterio/{tools => }/mask.py | 0
rasterio/{tools => }/merge.py | 0
rasterio/{tool.py => plot.py} | 48 +-
rasterio/rio/bounds.py | 119 +++++
rasterio/rio/{convert.py => clip.py} | 97 ----
rasterio/rio/convert.py | 90 ----
rasterio/rio/edit_info.py | 155 ++++++
rasterio/rio/env.py | 26 +
rasterio/rio/features.py | 710 -------------------------
rasterio/rio/helpers.py | 1 -
rasterio/rio/info.py | 259 +--------
rasterio/rio/insp.py | 93 ++++
rasterio/rio/main.py | 31 +-
rasterio/rio/mask.py | 131 +++++
rasterio/rio/merge.py | 2 +-
rasterio/rio/options.py | 18 +-
rasterio/rio/rasterize.py | 271 ++++++++++
rasterio/rio/sample.py | 3 +-
rasterio/rio/shapes.py | 228 ++++++++
rasterio/rio/{bands.py => stack.py} | 1 +
rasterio/rio/transform.py | 60 +++
rasterio/rio/warp.py | 35 +-
rasterio/tool.py | 181 +------
rasterio/tools/mask.py | 96 +---
rasterio/tools/merge.py | 170 +-----
rasterio/vfs.py | 12 +-
rasterio/warp.py | 1 +
rasterio/windows.py | 79 +++
requirements-dev.txt | 3 +
scripts/travis_gdal_install.sh | 43 +-
setup.py | 23 +-
tests/data/box.cpg | 1 +
tests/data/box.dbf | Bin 0 -> 76 bytes
tests/data/box.prj | 1 +
tests/data/box.shp | Bin 0 -> 236 bytes
tests/data/box.shx | Bin 0 -> 108 bytes
tests/test_aws.py | 69 +++
tests/test_colorinterp.py | 49 +-
tests/test_deprecations.py | 63 +++
tests/test_driver_management.py | 3 +-
tests/test_err.py | 28 +
tests/test_indexing.py | 43 +-
tests/test_rio_convert.py | 3 +-
tests/test_rio_features.py | 295 +++++-----
tests/test_rio_info.py | 101 ++--
tests/test_rio_sample.py | 30 +-
tests/{test_rio_bands.py => test_rio_stack.py} | 15 +-
tests/test_rio_warp.py | 53 +-
tests/test_tags.py | 4 +-
tests/test_tool.py | 3 +-
tests/test_tools_mask.py | 2 +-
tests/test_update.py | 2 +-
tests/test_vfs.py | 2 +-
tests/test_warp_transform.py | 35 ++
146 files changed, 4816 insertions(+), 2719 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/rasterio.git
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