[python-rtree] 04/08: Imported Upstream version 0.8.3+ds
Bas Couwenberg
sebastic at debian.org
Thu Dec 15 07:00:59 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-rtree.
commit 3ded805f0e1bdb48d0bbbb64bdc8843c7520304e
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Thu Dec 15 07:31:51 2016 +0100
Imported Upstream version 0.8.3+ds
MANIFEST.in | 2 +-
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
README.md | 7 +
rtree/__init__.py | 2 +-
rtree/core.py | 227 +++---
rtree/index.py | 973 ++++++++++++++++--------
setup.py | 99 +--
tests/benchmarks.py | 65 +-
tests/data.py | 12 +-
tests/off/BoundsCheck.txt | 26 -
tests/off/index.txt | 308 --------
tests/off/properties.txt | 257 -------
tests/off/test_customStorage.txt | 157 ----
tests/off/test_misc.txt | 42 -
tests/stream-check.py | 81 ++
tests/{BoundsCheck.txt => test_bounds.txt} | 10 +-
tests/test_doctests.py | 22 +-
tests/test_index.py | 28 +-
tests/{index.txt => test_index_doctests.txt} | 123 +--
tests/test_pickle.py | 20 +
tests/{properties.txt => test_properties.txt} | 127 ++--
tests/{off/z_cleanup.txt => test_z_cleanup.txt} | 0
tests/z_cleanup.txt | 18 -
23 files changed, 1182 insertions(+), 1426 deletions(-)
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 6e71403..d0411ea 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-include README.txt
+include README.md
include MANIFEST.in
include DEPENDENCIES.txt
include FAQ.txt
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 07f8041..7b9f902 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: Rtree
-Version: 0.8.2
+Version: 0.8.3
Summary: R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS
Home-page: http://toblerity.github.com/rtree/
Author: Howard Butler
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed7deb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Python bindings for libspatialindex 1.7+.
diff --git a/rtree/__init__.py b/rtree/__init__.py
index c62fc81..dfa8349 100644
--- a/rtree/__init__.py
+++ b/rtree/__init__.py
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ from .index import Rtree
from .core import rt
-__version__ = '0.8.2'
+__version__ = '0.8.3'
diff --git a/rtree/core.py b/rtree/core.py
index 38179e5..80ce6ba 100644
--- a/rtree/core.py
+++ b/rtree/core.py
@@ -1,68 +1,79 @@
-import atexit, os, re, sys
+import os
import ctypes
from ctypes.util import find_library
-import ctypes
class RTreeError(Exception):
"RTree exception, indicates a RTree-related error."
def check_return(result, func, cargs):
"Error checking for Error calls"
if result != 0:
- msg = 'LASError in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg() )
+ s = rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg().decode()
+ msg = 'LASError in "%s": %s' % \
+ (func.__name__, s)
raise RTreeError(msg)
return True
def check_void(result, func, cargs):
"Error checking for void* returns"
if not bool(result):
- msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg() )
+ s = rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg().decode()
+ msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, s)
raise RTreeError(msg)
return result
def check_void_done(result, func, cargs):
"Error checking for void* returns that might be empty with no error"
if rt.Error_GetErrorCount():
- msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg() )
+ s = rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg().decode()
+ msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, s)
raise RTreeError(msg)
return result
def check_value(result, func, cargs):
"Error checking proper value returns"
count = rt.Error_GetErrorCount()
if count != 0:
- msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg() )
+ s = rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg().decode()
+ msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, s)
raise RTreeError(msg)
return result
def check_value_free(result, func, cargs):
"Error checking proper value returns"
count = rt.Error_GetErrorCount()
if count != 0:
- msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg() )
+ s = rt.Error_GetLastErrorMsg().decode()
+ msg = 'Error in "%s": %s' % (func.__name__, s)
raise RTreeError(msg)
return result
def free_returned_char_p(result, func, cargs):
retvalue = ctypes.string_at(result)
p = ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))
return retvalue
def free_error_msg_ptr(result, func, cargs):
retvalue = ctypes.string_at(result)
p = ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))
return retvalue
if os.name == 'nt':
@@ -77,7 +88,7 @@ if os.name == 'nt':
dllpaths = (os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
) + dllpaths
except NameError:
- pass # no __file__ attribute on PyPy and some frozen distributions
+ pass # no __file__ attribute on PyPy and some frozen distributions
for path in dllpaths:
if path:
# temporarily add the path to the PATH environment variable
@@ -96,13 +107,23 @@ if os.name == 'nt':
os.environ['PATH'] = oldenv
return None
- rt = _load_library('spatialindex_c.dll', ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary)
+ if 'SPATIALINDEX_C_LIBRARY' in os.environ:
+ lib_path, lib_name = os.path.split(os.environ['SPATIALINDEX_C_LIBRARY'])
+ rt = _load_library(lib_name, ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary, (lib_path,))
+ else:
+ rt = _load_library('spatialindex_c.dll', ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary)
if not rt:
raise OSError("could not find or load spatialindex_c.dll")
elif os.name == 'posix':
- platform = os.uname()[0]
- lib_name = find_library('spatialindex_c')
+ if 'SPATIALINDEX_C_LIBRARY' in os.environ:
+ lib_name = os.environ['SPATIALINDEX_C_LIBRARY']
+ else:
+ lib_name = find_library('spatialindex_c')
+ if lib_name is None:
+ raise OSError("Could not find libspatialindex_c library file")
rt = ctypes.CDLL(lib_name)
raise RTreeError('Unsupported OS "%s"' % os.name)
@@ -117,7 +138,7 @@ rt.Error_GetLastErrorMethod.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
rt.Error_GetLastErrorMethod.errcheck = free_returned_char_p
rt.Error_GetErrorCount.argtypes = []
+rt.Error_GetErrorCount.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Error_Reset.argtypes = []
rt.Error_Reset.restype = None
@@ -126,15 +147,15 @@ rt.Index_Create.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.Index_Create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
rt.Index_Create.errcheck = check_void
-NEXTFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int,
+NEXTFUNC = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t))
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32))
-rt.Index_CreateWithStream.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, NEXTFUNC]
+rt.Index_CreateWithStream.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, NEXTFUNC]
rt.Index_CreateWithStream.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
rt.Index_CreateWithStream.errcheck = check_void
@@ -146,28 +167,28 @@ rt.Index_GetProperties.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.Index_GetProperties.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
rt.Index_GetProperties.errcheck = check_void
-rt.Index_DeleteData.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.c_int64,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+rt.Index_DeleteData.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.c_int64,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
rt.Index_DeleteData.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_DeleteData.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_InsertData.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.c_int64,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte),
+rt.Index_InsertData.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.c_int64,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte),
rt.Index_InsertData.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_InsertData.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_GetBounds.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
+rt.Index_GetBounds.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
rt.Index_GetBounds.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_GetBounds.errcheck = check_value
@@ -176,59 +197,67 @@ rt.Index_IsValid.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_IsValid.errcheck = check_value
rt.Index_Intersects_obj.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)),
rt.Index_Intersects_obj.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_Intersects_obj.errcheck = check_return
rt.Index_Intersects_id.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
rt.Index_Intersects_id.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_Intersects_id.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_Intersects_count.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
-rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
+rt.Index_Intersects_count.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
+rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
- ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
+rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double),
+ ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_GetLeaves.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64))),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
+rt.Index_GetLeaves.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64))),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
rt.Index_GetLeaves.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.Index_GetLeaves.errcheck = check_return
-rt.Index_DestroyObjResults.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)), ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.Index_DestroyObjResults.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)), ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.Index_DestroyObjResults.restype = None
rt.Index_DestroyObjResults.errcheck = check_void_done
@@ -243,16 +272,19 @@ rt.IndexItem_Destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexItem_Destroy.restype = None
rt.IndexItem_Destroy.errcheck = check_void_done
-rt.IndexItem_GetData.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
+rt.IndexItem_GetData.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)]
rt.IndexItem_GetData.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexItem_GetData.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexItem_GetBounds.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
+rt.IndexItem_GetBounds.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p,
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)]
rt.IndexItem_GetBounds.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexItem_GetBounds.errcheck = check_value
@@ -324,7 +356,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetPagesize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetPagesize.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetPagesize.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetLeafPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetLeafPoolCapacity.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetLeafPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetLeafPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_return
@@ -332,7 +365,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetLeafPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetLeafPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetLeafPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexPoolCapacity.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_return
@@ -340,7 +374,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetRegionPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetRegionPoolCapacity.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetRegionPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetRegionPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_return
@@ -348,7 +383,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetRegionPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetRegionPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetRegionPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetPointPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetPointPoolCapacity.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetPointPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetPointPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_return
@@ -356,7 +392,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetPointPoolCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetPointPoolCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetPointPoolCapacity.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetBufferingCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetBufferingCapacity.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetBufferingCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetBufferingCapacity.errcheck = check_return
@@ -364,7 +401,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetBufferingCapacity.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetBufferingCapacity.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetBufferingCapacity.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs.errcheck = check_return
@@ -380,7 +418,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetOverwrite.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetOverwrite.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_GetOverwrite.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor.errcheck = check_return
@@ -404,7 +443,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetFillFactor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetFillFactor.restype = ctypes.c_double
rt.IndexProperty_GetFillFactor.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_double]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_double]
rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor.errcheck = check_return
@@ -420,7 +460,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetTPRHorizon.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetTPRHorizon.restype = ctypes.c_double
rt.IndexProperty_GetTPRHorizon.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetReinsertFactor.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_double]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetReinsertFactor.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_double]
rt.IndexProperty_SetReinsertFactor.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetReinsertFactor.errcheck = check_return
@@ -436,23 +477,28 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetFileName.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileName.errcheck = free_returned_char_p
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileName.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
-rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat.errcheck = check_return
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat.errcheck = free_returned_char_p
-rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
+rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat.restype = \
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
-rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx.errcheck = check_return
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx.errcheck = free_returned_char_p
-rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
+rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx.restype = \
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)
-rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32]
rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.errcheck = check_return
@@ -460,7 +506,8 @@ rt.IndexProperty_GetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_GetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.restype = ctypes.c_uint32
rt.IndexProperty_GetCustomStorageCallbacksSize.errcheck = check_value
-rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
+rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks.argtypes = \
+ [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks.restype = ctypes.c_int
rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks.errcheck = check_return
diff --git a/rtree/index.py b/rtree/index.py
index def4643..b0e1033 100644
--- a/rtree/index.py
+++ b/rtree/index.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import os
import os.path
import pprint
@@ -17,6 +16,13 @@ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
string_types = str
+def string_output(s):
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ return s
+ elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ return s.decode('UTF-8')
RT_Memory = 0
RT_Disk = 1
RT_Custom = 2
@@ -35,37 +41,42 @@ major_version, minor_version, patch_version = [
int(t) for t in __c_api_version__.decode('utf-8').split('.')]
if (major_version < 2 and minor_version < 7):
- raise Exception("This version of Rtree requires libspatialindex 1.7.0 or greater")
+ raise Exception(
+ "This version of Rtree requires libspatialindex 1.7.0 or greater")
__all__ = ['Rtree', 'Index', 'Property']
def _get_bounds(handle, bounds_fn, interleaved):
pp_mins = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double())
pp_maxs = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double())
dimension = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
- bounds_fn(handle,
- ctypes.byref(pp_mins),
- ctypes.byref(pp_maxs),
- ctypes.byref(dimension))
- if (dimension.value == 0): return None
+ bounds_fn(
+ handle,
+ ctypes.byref(pp_mins),
+ ctypes.byref(pp_maxs),
+ ctypes.byref(dimension))
+ if (dimension.value == 0):
+ return None
- mins = ctypes.cast(pp_mins,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double \
- * dimension.value))
- maxs = ctypes.cast(pp_maxs,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double \
- * dimension.value))
+ mins = ctypes.cast(pp_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double
+ * dimension.value))
+ maxs = ctypes.cast(pp_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double
+ * dimension.value))
results = [mins.contents[i] for i in range(dimension.value)]
results += [maxs.contents[i] for i in range(dimension.value)]
- p_mins = ctypes.cast(mins,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
- p_maxs = ctypes.cast(maxs,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+ p_mins = ctypes.cast(mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+ p_maxs = ctypes.cast(maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
core.rt.Index_Free(ctypes.cast(p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
core.rt.Index_Free(ctypes.cast(p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
- if interleaved: # they want bbox order.
+ if interleaved: # they want bbox order.
return results
return Index.deinterleave(results)
def _get_data(handle):
length = ctypes.c_uint64(0)
d = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint8(0))
@@ -78,6 +89,7 @@ def _get_data(handle):
return s
class Index(object):
"""An R-Tree, MVR-Tree, or TPR-Tree indexing object"""
@@ -96,17 +108,19 @@ class Index(object):
:param stream:
If the first argument in the constructor is not of type basestring,
it is assumed to be an iterable stream of data that will raise a
- StopIteration. It must be in the form defined by the :attr:`interleaved`
- attribute of the index. The following example would assume
- :attr:`interleaved` is False::
+ StopIteration. It must be in the form defined by the
+ :attr:`interleaved` attribute of the index. The following example
+ would assume :attr:`interleaved` is False::
- (id, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, ..., ..., mink, maxk), object)
+ (id, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, ..., ..., mink, maxk),
+ object)
- The object can be None, but you must put a place holder of ``None`` there.
+ The object can be None, but you must put a place holder of
+ ``None`` there.
:param storage:
- If the first argument in the constructor is an instance of ICustomStorage
- then the given custom storage is used.
+ If the first argument in the constructor is an instance of
+ ICustomStorage then the given custom storage is used.
:param interleaved: True or False, defaults to True.
This parameter determines the coordinate order for all methods that
@@ -121,11 +135,11 @@ class Index(object):
other properties must be set on the object.
.. warning::
- The coordinate ordering for all functions are sensitive the the
+ The coordinate ordering for all functions are sensitive the
index's :attr:`interleaved` data member. If :attr:`interleaved`
is False, the coordinates must be in the form
- [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ..., ..., kmin, kmax]. If :attr:`interleaved`
- is True, the coordinates must be in the form
+ [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ..., ..., kmin, kmax]. If
+ :attr:`interleaved` is True, the coordinates must be in the form
[xmin, ymin, ..., kmin, xmax, ymax, ..., kmax].
A basic example
@@ -140,7 +154,8 @@ class Index(object):
Insert an item into the index::
- >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
+ >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.7375853734), obj=42)
@@ -150,11 +165,11 @@ class Index(object):
... i.object
... i.bbox
- [34.3776829412, 26.737585373400002, 49.3776829412, 41.737585373400002]
+ [34.3776829412, 26.737585373400002, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.737585373400002]
- Using custom serializers
- ::
+ Using custom serializers::
>>> import simplejson
>>> class JSONIndex(index.Index):
@@ -162,7 +177,8 @@ class Index(object):
... loads = staticmethod(simplejson.loads)
>>> json_idx = JSONIndex()
- >>> json_idx.insert(1, (0, 1, 0, 1), {"nums": [23, 45], "letters": "abcd"})
+ >>> json_idx.insert(1, (0, 1, 0, 1), {"nums": [23, 45],
+ "letters": "abcd"})
>>> list(json_idx.nearest((0, 0), 1, objects="raw"))
[{'letters': 'abcd', 'nums': [23, 45]}]
@@ -190,7 +206,6 @@ class Index(object):
stream = args[0]
if basename:
self.properties.storage = RT_Disk
self.properties.filename = basename
@@ -199,12 +214,12 @@ class Index(object):
f = basename + "." + self.properties.idx_extension
p = os.path.abspath(f)
# assume if the file exists, we're not going to overwrite it
# unless the user explicitly set the property to do so
if os.path.exists(p):
- self.properties.overwrite = bool(kwargs.get('overwrite', False))
+ self.properties.overwrite = \
+ bool(kwargs.get('overwrite', False))
# assume we're fetching the first index_id. If the user
# set it, we'll fetch that one.
@@ -212,61 +227,52 @@ class Index(object):
except core.RTreeError:
- self.properties.index_id=1
+ self.properties.index_id = 1
d = os.path.dirname(p)
if not os.access(d, os.W_OK):
- message = "Unable to open file '%s' for index storage"%f
- raise IOError(message)
+ message = "Unable to open file '%s' for index storage" % f
+ raise OSError(message)
elif storage:
if (major_version < 2 and minor_version < 8):
- raise core.RTreeError("libspatialindex {0} does not support custom storage".format(__c_api_version__))
+ raise core.RTreeError(
+ "libspatialindex {0} does not support custom storage"
+ .format(__c_api_version__))
self.properties.storage = RT_Custom
if storage.hasData:
- self.properties.overwrite = bool(kwargs.get('overwrite', False))
+ self.properties.overwrite = \
+ bool(kwargs.get('overwrite', False))
if not self.properties.overwrite:
except core.RTreeError:
- self.properties.index_id=1
+ self.properties.index_id = 1
self.customstorage = storage
- storage.registerCallbacks( self.properties )
+ storage.registerCallbacks(self.properties)
self.properties.storage = RT_Memory
- try:
- self.properties.pagesize = int(kwargs['pagesize'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
+ ps = kwargs.get('pagesize', None)
+ if ps:
+ self.properties.pagesize = int(ps)
if stream:
self.handle = self._create_idx_from_stream(stream)
- self.handle = core.rt.Index_Create(self.properties.handle)
- self.owned = True
+ self.handle = IndexHandle(self.properties.handle)
- def __del__(self):
- try:
- self.owned
- except AttributeError:
- # we were partially constructed. We're going to let it leak
- # in that case
- return
- if self.owned:
- if self.handle and core:
- try:
- core.rt
- except AttributeError:
- # uh, leak? We're owned, and have a handle
- # but for some reason the dll isn't active
- return
- core.rt.Index_Destroy(self.handle)
- self.owned = False
- self.handle = None
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ state = self.__dict__.copy()
+ del state["handle"]
+ return state
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self.__dict__.update(state)
+ self.handle = IndexHandle(self.properties.handle)
def dumps(self, obj):
return pickle.dumps(obj)
@@ -276,12 +282,10 @@ class Index(object):
def close(self):
"""Force a flush of the index to storage. Renders index
- inaccessible.
- """
- if self.handle and core:
- core.rt.Index_Destroy(self.handle)
+ inaccessible."""
+ if self.handle:
+ self.handle.destroy()
self.handle = None
- self.owned = False
raise IOError("Unclosable index")
@@ -304,19 +308,22 @@ class Index(object):
coordinates += coordinates
if len(coordinates) != dimension * 2:
- raise core.RTreeError("Coordinates must be in the form "
- "(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) or (x, y) for 2D indexes")
+ raise core.RTreeError(
+ "Coordinates must be in the form "
+ "(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) or (x, y) for 2D indexes")
# so here all coords are in the form:
# [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]
for i in range(dimension):
if not coordinates[i] <= coordinates[i + dimension]:
- raise core.RTreeError("Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums")
+ raise core.RTreeError(
+ "Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums")
- p_mins = mins(*[ctypes.c_double(\
- coordinates[i]) for i in range(dimension)])
- p_maxs = maxs(*[ctypes.c_double(\
- coordinates[i + dimension]) for i in range(dimension)])
+ p_mins = mins(
+ *[ctypes.c_double(coordinates[i]) for i in range(dimension)])
+ p_maxs = maxs(
+ *[ctypes.c_double(coordinates[i + dimension])
+ for i in range(dimension)])
return (p_mins, p_maxs)
@@ -325,13 +332,13 @@ class Index(object):
size = len(serialized)
d = ctypes.create_string_buffer(serialized)
- #d.value = serialized
+ # d.value = serialized
p = ctypes.pointer(d)
# return serialized to keep it alive for the pointer.
return size, ctypes.cast(p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), serialized
- def insert(self, id, coordinates, obj = None):
+ def insert(self, id, coordinates, obj=None):
"""Inserts an item into the index with the given coordinates.
:param id: long integer
@@ -349,12 +356,14 @@ class Index(object):
stored in the index with the :attr:`id`.
The following example inserts an entry into the index with id `4321`,
- and the object it stores with that id is the number `42`. The coordinate
- ordering in this instance is the default (interleaved=True) ordering::
+ and the object it stores with that id is the number `42`. The
+ coordinate ordering in this instance is the default (interleaved=True)
+ ordering::
>>> from rtree import index
>>> idx = index.Index()
- >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
+ >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.7375853734), obj=42)
p_mins, p_maxs = self.get_coordinate_pointers(coordinates)
@@ -363,7 +372,8 @@ class Index(object):
pyserialized = None
if obj is not None:
size, data, pyserialized = self._serialize(obj)
- core.rt.Index_InsertData(self.handle, id, p_mins, p_maxs, self.properties.dimension, data, size)
+ core.rt.Index_InsertData(self.handle, id, p_mins, p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension, data, size)
add = insert
def count(self, coordinates):
@@ -376,11 +386,13 @@ class Index(object):
each dimension defining the bounds of the query window.
The following example queries the index for any objects any objects
- that were stored in the index intersect the bounds given in the coordinates::
+ that were stored in the index intersect the bounds given in the
+ coordinates::
>>> from rtree import index
>>> idx = index.Index()
- >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
+ >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.7375853734), obj=42)
>>> idx.count((0, 0, 60, 60))
@@ -390,18 +402,17 @@ class Index(object):
p_num_results = ctypes.c_uint64(0)
- core.rt.Index_Intersects_count( self.handle,
- p_mins,
- p_maxs,
- self.properties.dimension,
- ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
+ core.rt.Index_Intersects_count(self.handle,
+ p_mins,
+ p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension,
+ ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
return p_num_results.value
def intersection(self, coordinates, objects=False):
- """Return ids or objects in the index that intersect the given coordinates.
+ """Return ids or objects in the index that intersect the given
+ coordinates.
:param coordinates: sequence or array
This may be an object that satisfies the numpy array
@@ -416,15 +427,18 @@ class Index(object):
will be returned without the :class:`rtree.index.Item` wrapper.
The following example queries the index for any objects any objects
- that were stored in the index intersect the bounds given in the coordinates::
+ that were stored in the index intersect the bounds given in the
+ coordinates::
>>> from rtree import index
>>> idx = index.Index()
- >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
+ >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.7375853734), obj=42)
>>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects=True))
>>> [(item.object, item.bbox) for item in hits if item.id == 4321]
- [(42, [34.3776829412, 26.737585373400002, 49.3776829412, 41.737585373400002])]
+ [(42, [34.3776829412, 26.737585373400002, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.737585373400002])]
If the :class:`rtree.index.Item` wrapper is not used, it is faster to
request the 'raw' objects::
@@ -432,10 +446,10 @@ class Index(object):
>>> list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects="raw"))
- if objects: return self._intersection_obj(coordinates, objects)
+ if objects:
+ return self._intersection_obj(coordinates, objects)
p_mins, p_maxs = self.get_coordinate_pointers(coordinates)
@@ -443,12 +457,12 @@ class Index(object):
it = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int64())
- core.rt.Index_Intersects_id( self.handle,
- p_mins,
- p_maxs,
- self.properties.dimension,
- ctypes.byref(it),
- ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
+ core.rt.Index_Intersects_id(self.handle,
+ p_mins,
+ p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension,
+ ctypes.byref(it),
+ ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
return self._get_ids(it, p_num_results.value)
def _intersection_obj(self, coordinates, objects):
@@ -459,18 +473,20 @@ class Index(object):
it = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_void_p())
- core.rt.Index_Intersects_obj( self.handle,
- p_mins,
- p_maxs,
- self.properties.dimension,
- ctypes.byref(it),
- ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
+ core.rt.Index_Intersects_obj(self.handle,
+ p_mins,
+ p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension,
+ ctypes.byref(it),
+ ctypes.byref(p_num_results))
return self._get_objects(it, p_num_results.value, objects)
def _get_objects(self, it, num_results, objects):
# take the pointer, yield the result objects and free
- items = ctypes.cast(it, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p * num_results)))
- its = ctypes.cast(items, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
+ items = ctypes.cast(
+ it, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p * num_results)))
+ its = ctypes.cast(
+ items, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
if objects != 'raw':
@@ -485,7 +501,7 @@ class Index(object):
yield self.loads(data)
core.rt.Index_DestroyObjResults(its, num_results)
- except: # need to catch all exceptions, not just rtree.
+ except: # need to catch all exceptions, not just rtree.
core.rt.Index_DestroyObjResults(its, num_results)
@@ -510,12 +526,12 @@ class Index(object):
it = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_void_p())
- core.rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj( self.handle,
- p_mins,
- p_maxs,
- self.properties.dimension,
- ctypes.byref(it),
- p_num_results)
+ core.rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_obj(self.handle,
+ p_mins,
+ p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension,
+ ctypes.byref(it),
+ p_num_results)
return self._get_objects(it, p_num_results.contents.value, objects)
@@ -548,19 +564,20 @@ class Index(object):
>>> idx.insert(4321, (34.37, 26.73, 49.37, 41.73), obj=42)
>>> hits = idx.nearest((0, 0, 10, 10), 3, objects=True)
- if objects: return self._nearest_obj(coordinates, num_results, objects)
+ if objects:
+ return self._nearest_obj(coordinates, num_results, objects)
p_mins, p_maxs = self.get_coordinate_pointers(coordinates)
p_num_results = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint64(num_results))
it = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int64())
- core.rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id( self.handle,
- p_mins,
- p_maxs,
- self.properties.dimension,
- ctypes.byref(it),
- p_num_results)
+ core.rt.Index_NearestNeighbors_id(self.handle,
+ p_mins,
+ p_maxs,
+ self.properties.dimension,
+ ctypes.byref(it),
+ p_num_results)
return self._get_ids(it, p_num_results.contents.value)
@@ -573,11 +590,11 @@ class Index(object):
[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ..., ..., kmin, kmax]. If not specified,
the :attr:`interleaved` member of the index is used, which
defaults to True.
if coordinate_interleaved is None:
coordinate_interleaved = self.interleaved
- return _get_bounds(self.handle, core.rt.Index_GetBounds, coordinate_interleaved)
+ return _get_bounds(
+ self.handle, core.rt.Index_GetBounds, coordinate_interleaved)
bounds = property(get_bounds)
def delete(self, id, coordinates):
@@ -603,11 +620,13 @@ class Index(object):
>>> from rtree import index
>>> idx = index.Index()
- >>> idx.delete(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734) )
+ >>> idx.delete(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.7375853734))
p_mins, p_maxs = self.get_coordinate_pointers(coordinates)
- core.rt.Index_DeleteData(self.handle, id, p_mins, p_maxs, self.properties.dimension)
+ core.rt.Index_DeleteData(
+ self.handle, id, p_mins, p_maxs, self.properties.dimension)
def valid(self):
return bool(core.rt.Index_IsValid(self.handle))
@@ -637,7 +656,8 @@ class Index(object):
def interleave(self, deinterleaved):
- [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] => [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]
+ [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]
+ => [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]
>>> Index.interleave([0, 1, 10, 11])
[0, 10, 1, 11]
@@ -650,16 +670,16 @@ class Index(object):
assert len(deinterleaved) % 2 == 0, ("must be a pairwise list")
- dimension = len(deinterleaved) / 2
+ # dimension = len(deinterleaved) / 2
interleaved = []
for i in range(2):
- interleaved.extend([deinterleaved[i + j] \
+ interleaved.extend([deinterleaved[i + j]
for j in range(0, len(deinterleaved), 2)])
return interleaved
def _create_idx_from_stream(self, stream):
"""This function is used to instantiate the index given an
- iterable stream of data. """
+ iterable stream of data."""
stream_iter = iter(stream)
dimension = self.properties.dimension
@@ -678,14 +698,13 @@ class Index(object):
p_id[0], coordinates, obj = next(stream_iter)
except StopIteration:
- # we're done
- return -1
+ # we're done
+ return -1
- # set the id
if self.interleaved:
coordinates = Index.deinterleave(coordinates)
- # this code assumes the coords ar not interleaved.
+ # this code assumes the coords are not interleaved.
# xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
for i in range(dimension):
mins[i] = coordinates[i*2]
@@ -705,22 +724,20 @@ class Index(object):
return 0
stream = core.NEXTFUNC(py_next_item)
- return core.rt.Index_CreateWithStream(self.properties.handle, stream)
+ return IndexStreamHandle(self.properties.handle, stream)
def leaves(self):
leaf_node_count = ctypes.c_uint32()
p_leafsizes = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint32())
- p_leafids = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int64())
+ p_leafids = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int64())
pp_childids = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int64()))
pp_mins = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double()))
pp_maxs = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double()))
dimension = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
- core.rt.Index_GetLeaves( self.handle,
+ core.rt.Index_GetLeaves(self.handle,
@@ -728,45 +745,58 @@ class Index(object):
- )
+ )
output = []
count = leaf_node_count.value
- sizes = ctypes.cast(p_leafsizes, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32 * count))
+ sizes = ctypes.cast(
+ p_leafsizes, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32 * count))
ids = ctypes.cast(p_leafids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64 * count))
- child = ctypes.cast(pp_childids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64) * count))
- mins = ctypes.cast(pp_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) * count))
- maxs = ctypes.cast(pp_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) * count))
+ child = ctypes.cast(
+ pp_childids,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64) * count))
+ mins = ctypes.cast(
+ pp_mins,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) * count))
+ maxs = ctypes.cast(
+ pp_maxs,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) * count))
for i in range(count):
p_child_ids = child.contents[i]
id = ids.contents[i]
size = sizes.contents[i]
- child_ids_array = ctypes.cast(p_child_ids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64 * size))
+ child_ids_array = ctypes.cast(
+ p_child_ids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64 * size))
child_ids = []
for j in range(size):
# free the child ids list
- core.rt.Index_Free(ctypes.cast(p_child_ids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
+ core.rt.Index_Free(
+ ctypes.cast(p_child_ids, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
p_mins = mins.contents[i]
p_maxs = maxs.contents[i]
- p_mins = ctypes.cast(p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * dimension.value))
- p_maxs = ctypes.cast(p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * dimension.value))
+ p_mins = ctypes.cast(
+ p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * dimension.value))
+ p_maxs = ctypes.cast(
+ p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * dimension.value))
bounds = []
bounds = [p_mins.contents[i] for i in range(dimension.value)]
bounds += [p_maxs.contents[i] for i in range(dimension.value)]
# free the bounds
- p_mins = ctypes.cast(p_mins,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
- p_maxs = ctypes.cast(p_maxs,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
- core.rt.Index_Free(ctypes.cast(p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
- core.rt.Index_Free(ctypes.cast(p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
+ p_mins = ctypes.cast(p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+ p_maxs = ctypes.cast(p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+ core.rt.Index_Free(
+ ctypes.cast(p_mins, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
+ core.rt.Index_Free(
+ ctypes.cast(p_maxs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)))
output.append((id, child_ids, bounds))
@@ -775,9 +805,12 @@ class Index(object):
# An alias to preserve backward compatibility
Rtree = Index
class Item(object):
"""A container for index entries"""
__slots__ = ('handle', 'owned', 'id', 'object', 'bounds')
def __init__(self, loads, handle, owned=False):
"""There should be no reason to instantiate these yourself. Items are
created automatically when you call
@@ -793,7 +826,8 @@ class Item(object):
self.object = None
self.object = self.get_object(loads)
- self.bounds = _get_bounds(self.handle, core.rt.IndexItem_GetBounds, False)
+ self.bounds = _get_bounds(
+ self.handle, core.rt.IndexItem_GetBounds, False)
def bbox(self):
@@ -802,11 +836,68 @@ class Item(object):
def get_object(self, loads):
# short circuit this so we only do it at construction time
- if self.object is not None: return self.object
+ if self.object is not None:
+ return self.object
data = _get_data(self.handle)
- if data is None: return None
+ if data is None:
+ return None
return loads(data)
+class InvalidHandleException(Exception):
+ """Handle has been destroyed and can no longer be used"""
+class Handle(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._ptr = self._create(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _create(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _destroy(self, ptr):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def destroy(self):
+ if self._ptr is not None:
+ self._destroy(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = None
+ @property
+ def _as_parameter_(self):
+ if self._ptr is None:
+ raise InvalidHandleException
+ return self._ptr
+ def __del__(self):
+ try:
+ self.destroy()
+ except NameError:
+ # The core.py model doesn't have
+ # core.rt available anymore and it was tore
+ # down. We don't want to try to do anything
+ # in that instance
+ return
+class IndexHandle(Handle):
+ _create = core.rt.Index_Create
+ _destroy = core.rt.Index_Destroy
+class IndexStreamHandle(IndexHandle):
+ _create = core.rt.Index_CreateWithStream
+class PropertyHandle(Handle):
+ _create = core.rt.IndexProperty_Create
+ _destroy = core.rt.IndexProperty_Destroy
class Property(object):
"""An index property object is a container that contains a number of
settable index properties. Many of these properties must be set at
@@ -821,28 +912,25 @@ class Property(object):
'overwrite', 'pagesize', 'point_pool_capacity',
'region_pool_capacity', 'reinsert_factor',
'split_distribution_factor', 'storage', 'tight_mbr', 'tpr_horizon',
- 'type', 'variant', 'writethrough' )
+ 'type', 'variant', 'writethrough')
def __init__(self, handle=None, owned=True, **kwargs):
- if handle:
- self.handle = handle
- else:
- self.handle = core.rt.IndexProperty_Create()
- self.owned = owned
- for k, v in list(kwargs.items()):
+ if handle is None:
+ handle = PropertyHandle()
+ self.handle = handle
+ self.initialize_from_dict(kwargs)
+ def initialize_from_dict(self, state):
+ for k, v in state.items():
if v is not None:
setattr(self, k, v)
- def __del__(self):
- if self.owned:
- if self.handle and core:
- try:
- core.rt
- except AttributeError:
- # uh, leak? We're owned, and have a handle
- # but for some reason the dll isn't active
- return
- core.rt.IndexProperty_Destroy(self.handle)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return self.as_dict()
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self.handle = PropertyHandle()
+ self.initialize_from_dict(state)
def as_dict(self):
d = {}
@@ -862,16 +950,18 @@ class Property(object):
def get_index_type(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexType(self.handle)
def set_index_type(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexType(self.handle, value)
type = property(get_index_type, set_index_type)
"""Index type. Valid index type values are
- :data:`RT_RTree`, :data:`RT_MVTree`, or :data:`RT_TPRTree`. Only
- RT_RTree (the default) is practically supported at this time."""
+ :data:`RT_RTree`, :data:`RT_MVTree`, or :data:`RT_TPRTree`. Only
+ RT_RTree (the default) is practically supported at this time."""
def get_variant(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexVariant(self.handle)
def set_variant(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexVariant(self.handle, value)
@@ -881,9 +971,11 @@ class Property(object):
def get_dimension(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetDimension(self.handle)
def set_dimension(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
- raise core.RTreeError("Negative or 0 dimensional indexes are not allowed")
+ raise core.RTreeError(
+ "Negative or 0 dimensional indexes are not allowed")
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetDimension(self.handle, value)
dimension = property(get_dimension, set_dimension)
@@ -892,17 +984,23 @@ class Property(object):
def get_storage(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexStorage(self.handle)
def set_storage(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexStorage(self.handle, value)
storage = property(get_storage, set_storage)
- """Index storage. One of :data:`RT_Disk`, :data:`RT_Memory` or :data:`RT_Custom`.
- If a filename is passed as the first parameter to :class:index.Index, :data:`RT_Disk`
- is assumed. If a CustomStorage instance is passed, :data:`RT_Custom` is assumed.
- Otherwise, :data:`RT_Memory` is the default."""
+ """Index storage.
+ One of :data:`RT_Disk`, :data:`RT_Memory` or :data:`RT_Custom`.
+ If a filename is passed as the first parameter to :class:index.Index,
+ :data:`RT_Disk` is assumed. If a CustomStorage instance is passed,
+ :data:`RT_Custom` is assumed. Otherwise, :data:`RT_Memory` is the default.
+ """
def get_pagesize(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetPagesize(self.handle)
def set_pagesize(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("Pagesize must be > 0")
@@ -910,10 +1008,11 @@ class Property(object):
pagesize = property(get_pagesize, set_pagesize)
"""The pagesize when disk storage is used. It is ideal to ensure that your
- index entries fit within a single page for best performance. """
+ index entries fit within a single page for best performance."""
def get_index_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexCapacity(self.handle)
def set_index_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("index_capacity must be > 0")
@@ -924,6 +1023,7 @@ class Property(object):
def get_leaf_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetLeafCapacity(self.handle)
def set_leaf_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("leaf_capacity must be > 0")
@@ -934,55 +1034,66 @@ class Property(object):
def get_index_pool_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexPoolCapacity(self.handle)
def set_index_pool_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("index_pool_capacity must be > 0")
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexPoolCapacity(self.handle, value)
- index_pool_capacity = property(get_index_pool_capacity, set_index_pool_capacity)
+ index_pool_capacity = property(
+ get_index_pool_capacity, set_index_pool_capacity)
"""Index pool capacity"""
def get_point_pool_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetPointPoolCapacity(self.handle)
def set_point_pool_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("point_pool_capacity must be > 0")
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetPointPoolCapacity(self.handle, value)
- point_pool_capacity = property(get_point_pool_capacity, set_point_pool_capacity)
+ point_pool_capacity = property(
+ get_point_pool_capacity, set_point_pool_capacity)
"""Point pool capacity"""
def get_region_pool_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetRegionPoolCapacity(self.handle)
def set_region_pool_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("region_pool_capacity must be > 0")
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetRegionPoolCapacity(self.handle, value)
- region_pool_capacity = property(get_region_pool_capacity, set_region_pool_capacity)
+ region_pool_capacity = property(
+ get_region_pool_capacity, set_region_pool_capacity)
"""Region pool capacity"""
def get_buffering_capacity(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetBufferingCapacity(self.handle)
def set_buffering_capacity(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("buffering_capacity must be > 0")
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetBufferingCapacity(self.handle, value)
- buffering_capacity = property(get_buffering_capacity, set_buffering_capacity)
+ buffering_capacity = property(
+ get_buffering_capacity, set_buffering_capacity)
"""Buffering capacity"""
def get_tight_mbr(self):
return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_GetEnsureTightMBRs(self.handle))
def set_tight_mbr(self, value):
value = bool(value)
- return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs(self.handle, value))
+ return bool(
+ core.rt.IndexProperty_SetEnsureTightMBRs(self.handle, value))
tight_mbr = property(get_tight_mbr, set_tight_mbr)
"""Uses tight bounding rectangles"""
def get_overwrite(self):
return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_GetOverwrite(self.handle))
def set_overwrite(self, value):
value = bool(value)
return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_SetOverwrite(self.handle, value))
@@ -992,16 +1103,20 @@ class Property(object):
def get_near_minimum_overlap_factor(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetNearMinimumOverlapFactor(self.handle)
def set_near_minimum_overlap_factor(self, value):
if (value <= 0):
raise core.RTreeError("near_minimum_overlap_factor must be > 0")
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor(self.handle, value)
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetNearMinimumOverlapFactor(
+ self.handle, value)
- near_minimum_overlap_factor = property(get_near_minimum_overlap_factor, set_near_minimum_overlap_factor)
+ near_minimum_overlap_factor = property(
+ get_near_minimum_overlap_factor, set_near_minimum_overlap_factor)
"""Overlap factor for MVRTrees"""
def get_writethrough(self):
return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_GetWriteThrough(self.handle))
def set_writethrough(self, value):
value = bool(value)
return bool(core.rt.IndexProperty_SetWriteThrough(self.handle, value))
@@ -1011,6 +1126,7 @@ class Property(object):
def get_fill_factor(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFillFactor(self.handle)
def set_fill_factor(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFillFactor(self.handle, value)
@@ -1019,14 +1135,18 @@ class Property(object):
def get_split_distribution_factor(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetSplitDistributionFactor(self.handle)
def set_split_distribution_factor(self, value):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor(self.handle, value)
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetSplitDistributionFactor(
+ self.handle, value)
- split_distribution_factor = property(get_split_distribution_factor, set_split_distribution_factor)
+ split_distribution_factor = property(
+ get_split_distribution_factor, set_split_distribution_factor)
"""Split distribution factor"""
def get_tpr_horizon(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetTPRHorizon(self.handle)
def set_tpr_horizon(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetTPRHorizon(self.handle, value)
@@ -1035,6 +1155,7 @@ class Property(object):
def get_reinsert_factor(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetReinsertFactor(self.handle)
def set_reinsert_factor(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetReinsertFactor(self.handle, value)
@@ -1042,50 +1163,68 @@ class Property(object):
"""Reinsert factor"""
def get_filename(self):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileName(self.handle)
+ s = core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileName(self.handle)
+ return string_output(s)
def set_filename(self, value):
- v = value.encode('utf-8')
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileName(self.handle, v)
+ if isinstance(value, string_types):
+ value = value.encode('utf-8')
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileName(self.handle, value)
filename = property(get_filename, set_filename)
"""Index filename for disk storage"""
def get_dat_extension(self):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat(self.handle)
+ s = core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionDat(self.handle)
+ return string_output(s)
def set_dat_extension(self, value):
- v = value.encode('utf-8')
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat(self.handle, value)
+ if isinstance(value, string_types):
+ value = value.encode('utf-8')
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionDat(
+ self.handle, value)
dat_extension = property(get_dat_extension, set_dat_extension)
"""Extension for .dat file"""
def get_idx_extension(self):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx(self.handle)
+ s = core.rt.IndexProperty_GetFileNameExtensionIdx(self.handle)
+ return string_output(s)
def set_idx_extension(self, value):
- v = value.encode('utf-8')
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx(self.handle, value)
+ if isinstance(value, string_types):
+ value = value.encode('utf-8')
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetFileNameExtensionIdx(
+ self.handle, value)
idx_extension = property(get_idx_extension, set_idx_extension)
"""Extension for .idx file"""
def get_custom_storage_callbacks_size(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetCustomStorageCallbacksSize(self.handle)
def set_custom_storage_callbacks_size(self, value):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize(self.handle, value)
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacksSize(
+ self.handle, value)
- custom_storage_callbacks_size = property(get_custom_storage_callbacks_size, set_custom_storage_callbacks_size)
+ custom_storage_callbacks_size = property(
+ get_custom_storage_callbacks_size, set_custom_storage_callbacks_size)
"""Size of callbacks for custom storage"""
def get_custom_storage_callbacks(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetCustomStorageCallbacks(self.handle)
def set_custom_storage_callbacks(self, value):
- return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks(self.handle, value)
+ return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetCustomStorageCallbacks(
+ self.handle, value)
- custom_storage_callbacks = property(get_custom_storage_callbacks, set_custom_storage_callbacks)
+ custom_storage_callbacks = property(
+ get_custom_storage_callbacks, set_custom_storage_callbacks)
"""Callbacks for custom storage"""
def get_index_id(self):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_GetIndexID(self.handle)
def set_index_id(self, value):
return core.rt.IndexProperty_SetIndexID(self.handle, value)
@@ -1097,50 +1236,48 @@ class Property(object):
id_type = ctypes.c_int64
class CustomStorageCallbacks(ctypes.Structure):
# callback types
- createCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
+ createCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
destroyCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
flushCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
- loadCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, id_type, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32),
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
- storeCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(id_type), ctypes.c_uint32,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
- deleteCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
- None, ctypes.c_void_p, id_type, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
- )
- _fields_ = [ ('context', ctypes.c_void_p),
- ('createCallback', createCallbackType),
- ('destroyCallback', destroyCallbackType),
- ('flushCallback', flushCallbackType),
- ('loadCallback', loadCallbackType),
- ('storeCallback', storeCallbackType),
- ('deleteCallback', deleteCallbackType),
- ]
- def __init__(self, context, createCallback, destroyCallback, flushCallback, loadCallback, storeCallback, deleteCallback):
- ctypes.Structure.__init__( self,
- ctypes.c_void_p( context ),
- self.createCallbackType( createCallback ),
- self.destroyCallbackType( destroyCallback ),
- self.flushCallbackType ( flushCallback ),
- self.loadCallbackType ( loadCallback ),
- self.storeCallbackType ( storeCallback ),
- self.deleteCallbackType( deleteCallback ),
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
+ loadCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, id_type, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)),
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
+ storeCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(id_type), ctypes.c_uint32,
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
+ deleteCallbackType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
+ None, ctypes.c_void_p, id_type, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
+ _fields_ = [('context', ctypes.c_void_p),
+ ('createCallback', createCallbackType),
+ ('destroyCallback', destroyCallbackType),
+ ('flushCallback', flushCallbackType),
+ ('loadCallback', loadCallbackType),
+ ('storeCallback', storeCallbackType),
+ ('deleteCallback', deleteCallbackType),
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, context, createCallback, destroyCallback,
+ flushCallback, loadCallback, storeCallback, deleteCallback):
+ ctypes.Structure.__init__(self,
+ ctypes.c_void_p(context),
+ self.createCallbackType(createCallback),
+ self.destroyCallbackType(destroyCallback),
+ self.flushCallbackType(flushCallback),
+ self.loadCallbackType(loadCallback),
+ self.storeCallbackType(storeCallback),
+ self.deleteCallbackType(deleteCallback),
class ICustomStorage(object):
# error codes
NoError = 0
@@ -1152,7 +1289,7 @@ class ICustomStorage(object):
NewPage = -0x1
def allocateBuffer(self, length):
- return core.rt.SIDX_NewBuffer( length )
+ return core.rt.SIDX_NewBuffer(length)
def registerCallbacks(self, properties):
raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -1160,82 +1297,83 @@ class ICustomStorage(object):
def clear(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
- hasData = property( lambda self: False )
- ''' Override this property to allow for reloadable storages '''
+ hasData = property(lambda self: False)
+ '''Override this property to allow for reloadable storages'''
class CustomStorageBase(ICustomStorage):
- """ Derive from this class to create your own storage manager with access
- to the raw C buffers.
- """
+ """Derive from this class to create your own storage manager with access
+ to the raw C buffers."""
def registerCallbacks(self, properties):
- callbacks = CustomStorageCallbacks( ctypes.c_void_p(), self.create,
- self.destroy, self.flush,
- self.loadByteArray, self.storeByteArray,
- self.deleteByteArray )
- properties.custom_storage_callbacks_size = ctypes.sizeof( callbacks )
+ callbacks = CustomStorageCallbacks(
+ ctypes.c_void_p(), self.create, self.destroy, self.flush,
+ self.loadByteArray, self.storeByteArray, self.deleteByteArray)
+ properties.custom_storage_callbacks_size = ctypes.sizeof(callbacks)
self.callbacks = callbacks
- properties.custom_storage_callbacks = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(callbacks), ctypes.c_void_p )
+ properties.custom_storage_callbacks = \
+ ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(callbacks), ctypes.c_void_p)
# the user must override these callback functions
def create(self, context, returnError):
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def destroy(self, context, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def loadByteArray(self, context, page, resultLen, resultData, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def storeByteArray(self, context, page, len, data, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def deleteByteArray(self, context, page, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def flush(self, context, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
class CustomStorage(ICustomStorage):
- """ Provides a useful default custom storage implementation which marshals
- the buffers on the C side from/to python strings.
- Derive from this class and override the necessary methods to provide
- your own custom storage manager.
- """
+ """Provides a useful default custom storage implementation which marshals
+ the buffers on the C side from/to python strings.
+ Derive from this class and override the necessary methods to provide
+ your own custom storage manager."""
def registerCallbacks(self, properties):
- callbacks = CustomStorageCallbacks( 0, self._create, self._destroy, self._flush, self._loadByteArray,
- self._storeByteArray, self._deleteByteArray )
- properties.custom_storage_callbacks_size = ctypes.sizeof( callbacks )
+ callbacks = CustomStorageCallbacks(
+ 0, self._create, self._destroy, self._flush, self._loadByteArray,
+ self._storeByteArray, self._deleteByteArray)
+ properties.custom_storage_callbacks_size = ctypes.sizeof(callbacks)
self.callbacks = callbacks
- properties.custom_storage_callbacks = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(callbacks), ctypes.c_void_p )
+ properties.custom_storage_callbacks = \
+ ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(callbacks), ctypes.c_void_p)
- # these functions handle the C callbacks and massage the data, then delegate
- # to the function without underscore below
+ # these functions handle the C callbacks and massage the data, then
+ # delegate to the function without underscore below
def _create(self, context, returnError):
- self.create( returnError )
+ self.create(returnError)
def _destroy(self, context, returnError):
- self.destroy( returnError )
+ self.destroy(returnError)
def _flush(self, context, returnError):
- self.flush( returnError )
+ self.flush(returnError)
- def _loadByteArray(self, context, page, resultLen, resultData, returnError):
- resultString = self.loadByteArray( page, returnError )
+ def _loadByteArray(self, context, page, resultLen,
+ resultData, returnError):
+ resultString = self.loadByteArray(page, returnError)
if returnError.contents.value != self.NoError:
# Copy python string over into a buffer allocated on the C side.
@@ -1246,50 +1384,279 @@ class CustomStorage(ICustomStorage):
# crash.
count = len(resultString)
resultLen.contents.value = count
- buffer = self.allocateBuffer( count )
- ctypes.memmove( buffer, ctypes.c_char_p(resultString), count )
- resultData[0] = ctypes.cast( buffer, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8) )
+ buffer = self.allocateBuffer(count)
+ ctypes.memmove(buffer, ctypes.c_char_p(resultString), count)
+ resultData[0] = ctypes.cast(buffer, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8))
def _storeByteArray(self, context, page, len, data, returnError):
- str = ctypes.string_at( data, len )
- newPageId = self.storeByteArray( page.contents.value, str, returnError )
+ str = ctypes.string_at(data, len)
+ newPageId = self.storeByteArray(page.contents.value, str, returnError)
page.contents.value = newPageId
def _deleteByteArray(self, context, page, returnError):
- self.deleteByteArray( page, returnError )
+ self.deleteByteArray(page, returnError)
# the user must override these callback functions
def create(self, returnError):
- """ Must be overriden. No return value. """
+ """Must be overridden. No return value."""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def destroy(self, returnError):
- """ Must be overriden. No return value. """
+ """Must be overridden. No return value."""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def flush(self, returnError):
- """ Must be overriden. No return value. """
+ """Must be overridden. No return value."""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
def loadByteArray(self, page, returnError):
- """ Must be overriden. Must return a string with the loaded data. """
+ """Must be overridden. Must return a string with the loaded data."""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
return ''
def storeByteArray(self, page, data, returnError):
- """ Must be overriden. Must return the new 64-bit page ID of the stored
- data if a new page had to be created (i.e. page is not NewPage).
- """
+ """Must be overridden. Must return the new 64-bit page ID of the stored
+ data if a new page had to be created (i.e. page is not NewPage)."""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
return 0
def deleteByteArray(self, page, returnError):
- """ please override """
+ """please override"""
returnError.contents.value = self.IllegalStateError
- raise NotImplementedError( "You must override this method." )
+ raise NotImplementedError("You must override this method.")
+class RtreeContainer(Rtree):
+ """An R-Tree, MVR-Tree, or TPR-Tree indexed container for python objects"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Creates a new index
+ :param stream:
+ If the first argument in the constructor is not of type basestring,
+ it is assumed to be an iterable stream of data that will raise a
+ StopIteration. It must be in the form defined by the
+ :attr:`interleaved` attribute of the index. The following example
+ would assume :attr:`interleaved` is False::
+ (obj, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, ..., ..., mink, maxk))
+ :param interleaved: True or False, defaults to True.
+ This parameter determines the coordinate order for all methods that
+ take in coordinates.
+ :param properties: An :class:`index.Property` object
+ This object sets both the creation and instantiation properties
+ for the object and they are passed down into libspatialindex.
+ A few properties are curried from instantiation parameters
+ for you like ``pagesize`` to ensure compatibility with previous
+ versions of the library. All other properties must be set on the
+ object.
+ .. warning::
+ The coordinate ordering for all functions are sensitive the
+ index's :attr:`interleaved` data member. If :attr:`interleaved`
+ is False, the coordinates must be in the form
+ [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ..., ..., kmin, kmax]. If
+ :attr:`interleaved` is True, the coordinates must be in the form
+ [xmin, ymin, ..., kmin, xmax, ymax, ..., kmax].
+ A basic example
+ ::
+ >>> from rtree import index
+ >>> p = index.Property()
+ >>> idx = index.RtreeContainer(properties=p)
+ >>> idx # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ <rtree.index.Rtree object at 0x...>
+ Insert an item into the index::
+ >>> idx.insert(object(), (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734,
+ 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734))
+ Query::
+ >>> hits = idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60))
+ >>> for obj in hits:
+ ... i.object
+ ... i.bbox # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ <object object at 0x...>
+ [34.3776829412, 26.737585373400002, 49.3776829412,
+ 41.737585373400002]
+ """
+ if args:
+ if isinstance(args[0], rtree.index.string_types) \
+ or isinstance(args[0], bytes) \
+ or isinstance(args[0], rtree.index.ICustomStorage):
+ raise ValueError('%s supports only in-memory indexes'
+ % self.__class__)
+ self._objects = {}
+ return super(RtreeContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def insert(self, obj, coordinates):
+ """Inserts an item into the index with the given coordinates.
+ :param obj: object
+ Any object.
+ :param coordinates: sequence or array
+ This may be an object that satisfies the numpy array
+ protocol, providing the index's dimension * 2 coordinate
+ pairs representing the `mink` and `maxk` coordinates in
+ each dimension defining the bounds of the query window.
+ The following example inserts a simple object into the container.
+ The coordinate ordering in this instance is the default
+ (interleaved=True) ordering::
+ >>> from rtree import index
+ >>> idx = index.RTreeContainer()
+ >>> idx.insert(object(), (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734,
+ 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734))
+ """
+ try:
+ count = self._objects[id(obj)] + 1
+ except KeyError:
+ count = 1
+ self._objects[id(obj)] = (count, obj)
+ return super(RtreeContainer, self).insert(id(obj), coordinates, None)
+ add = insert
+ def intersection(self, coordinates, bbox=False):
+ """Return ids or objects in the index that intersect the given
+ coordinates.
+ :param coordinates: sequence or array
+ This may be an object that satisfies the numpy array
+ protocol, providing the index's dimension * 2 coordinate
+ pairs representing the `mink` and `maxk` coordinates in
+ each dimension defining the bounds of the query window.
+ :param bbox: True or False
+ If True, the intersection method will return the stored objects,
+ as well as the bounds of the entry.
+ The following example queries the container for any stored objects that
+ intersect the bounds given in the coordinates::
+ >>> from rtree import index
+ >>> idx = index.RtreeContainer()
+ >>> idx.insert(object(), (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734,
+ 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734))
+ >>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), bbox=True))
+ >>> [(item.object, item.bbox)
+ ... for item in hits] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [(<object object at 0x...>, [34.3776829412, 26.7375853734,
+ 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734])]
+ If the :class:`rtree.index.Item` wrapper is not used, it is faster to
+ request only the stored objects::
+ >>> list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60))) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<object object at 0x...>]
+ """
+ if bbox == False:
+ for id in super(RtreeContainer,
+ self).intersection(coordinates, bbox):
+ yield self._objects[id][1]
+ elif bbox == True:
+ for value in super(RtreeContainer,
+ self).intersection(coordinates, bbox):
+ value.object = self._objects[value.id][1]
+ value.id = None
+ yield value
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "valid values for the bbox argument are True and False")
+ def nearest(self, coordinates, num_results = 1, bbox=False):
+ """Returns the ``k``-nearest objects to the given coordinates.
+ :param coordinates: sequence or array
+ This may be an object that satisfies the numpy array
+ protocol, providing the index's dimension * 2 coordinate
+ pairs representing the `mink` and `maxk` coordinates in
+ each dimension defining the bounds of the query window.
+ :param num_results: integer
+ The number of results to return nearest to the given coordinates.
+ If two entries are equidistant, *both* are returned.
+ This property means that :attr:`num_results` may return more
+ items than specified.
+ :param bbox: True or False
+ If True, the nearest method will return the stored objects, as
+ well as the bounds of the entry.
+ Example of finding the three items nearest to this one::
+ >>> from rtree import index
+ >>> idx = index.RtreeContainer()
+ >>> idx.insert(object(), (34.37, 26.73, 49.37, 41.73))
+ >>> hits = idx.nearest((0, 0, 10, 10), 3, bbox=True)
+ """
+ if bbox == False:
+ for id in super(RtreeContainer,
+ self).nearest(coordinates, num_results, bbox):
+ yield self._objects[id][1]
+ elif bbox == True:
+ for value in super(RtreeContainer,
+ self).nearest(coordinates, num_results, bbox):
+ value.object = self._objects[value.id][1]
+ value.id = None
+ yield value
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "valid values for the bbox argument are True and False")
+ def delete(self, obj, coordinates):
+ """Deletes the item from the container within the specified
+ coordinates.
+ :param obj: object
+ Any object.
+ :param coordinates: sequence or array
+ Dimension * 2 coordinate pairs, representing the min
+ and max coordinates in each dimension of the item to be
+ deleted from the index. Their ordering will depend on the
+ index's :attr:`interleaved` data member.
+ These are not the coordinates of a space containing the
+ item, but those of the item itself. Together with the
+ id parameter, they determine which item will be deleted.
+ This may be an object that satisfies the numpy array protocol.
+ Example::
+ >>> from rtree import index
+ >>> idx = index.RtreeContainer()
+ >>> idx.delete(object(), (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734,
+ 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734))
+ """
+ try:
+ count = self._objects[id(obj)] - 1
+ except KeyError:
+ raise IndexError('object is not in the index')
+ if count == 0:
+ del self._objects[obj]
+ else:
+ self._objects[id(obj)] = (count, obj)
+ return super(RtreeContainer, self).delete(id, coordinates)
+ def leaves(self):
+ return [(self._objects[id][1], [self._objects[child_id][1]
+ for child_id in child_ids], bounds)
+ for id, child_ids, bounds
+ in super(RtreeContainer, self).leaves()]
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index eb31397..541d394
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,47 +1,52 @@
-from glob import glob
-from setuptools import setup
-import rtree
-# Get text from README.txt
-readme_text = open('docs/source/README.txt', 'r').read()
-import os
-if os.name == 'nt':
- data_files=[('Lib/site-packages/rtree',
- [r'D:\libspatialindex\bin\spatialindex.dll',
- r'D:\libspatialindex\bin\spatialindex_c.dll',]),]
- data_files = None
-setup(name = 'Rtree',
- version = rtree.__version__,
- description = 'R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS',
- license = 'LGPL',
- keywords = 'gis spatial index r-tree',
- author = 'Sean Gillies',
- author_email = 'sean.gillies at gmail.com',
- maintainer = 'Howard Butler',
- maintainer_email = 'hobu at hobu.net',
- url = 'http://toblerity.github.com/rtree/',
- long_description = readme_text,
- packages = ['rtree'],
- install_requires = ['setuptools'],
- test_suite = 'tests.test_suite',
- data_files = data_files,
- zip_safe = False,
- classifiers = [
- 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
- 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
- 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)',
- 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
- 'Programming Language :: C',
- 'Programming Language :: C++',
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS',
- 'Topic :: Database',
- ],
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from setuptools import setup
+import rtree
+# Get text from README.txt
+with open('docs/source/README.txt', 'r') as fp:
+ readme_text = fp.read()
+import os
+if os.name == 'nt':
+ data_files = [('Lib/site-packages/rtree',
+ if 'SPATIALINDEX_LIBRARY' in os.environ else
+ r'D:\libspatialindex\bin\spatialindex.dll',
+ if 'SPATIALINDEX_C_LIBRARY' in os.environ else
+ r'D:\libspatialindex\bin\spatialindex_c.dll'])]
+ data_files = None
+ name = 'Rtree',
+ version = rtree.__version__,
+ description = 'R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS',
+ license = 'LGPL',
+ keywords = 'gis spatial index r-tree',
+ author = 'Sean Gillies',
+ author_email = 'sean.gillies at gmail.com',
+ maintainer = 'Howard Butler',
+ maintainer_email = 'hobu at hobu.net',
+ url = 'http://toblerity.github.com/rtree/',
+ long_description = readme_text,
+ packages = ['rtree'],
+ install_requires = ['setuptools'],
+ test_suite = 'tests.test_suite',
+ data_files = data_files,
+ zip_safe = False,
+ classifiers = [
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ 'Programming Language :: C',
+ 'Programming Language :: C++',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS',
+ 'Topic :: Database',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks.py b/tests/benchmarks.py
index d01ca56..97a433f 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks.py
+++ b/tests/benchmarks.py
@@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
# Stream load:
# 293710.04 usec/pass
# One-at-a-time load:
# 527883.95 usec/pass
# 30000 points
# Query box: (1240000, 1010000, 1400000, 1390000)
# Brute Force:
# 46 hits
# 13533.60 usec/pass
# Memory-based Rtree Intersection:
# 46 hits
# 7516.19 usec/pass
# Disk-based Rtree Intersection:
# 46 hits
# 7543.00 usec/pass
# Disk-based Rtree Intersection without Item() wrapper (objects='raw'):
# 46 raw hits
# 347.60 usec/pass
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ from rtree import Rtree as _Rtree
# a very basic Geometry
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class Point(object):
self.y = y
# Scatter points randomly in a 1x1 box
class Rtree(_Rtree):
pickle_protocol = -1
@@ -57,7 +58,13 @@ count = 30000
points = []
insert_object = None
-insert_object = {'a': list(range(100)), 'b': 10, 'c': object(), 'd': dict(x=1), 'e': Point(2, 3)}
+insert_object = {
+ 'a': list(range(100)),
+ 'b': 10,
+ 'c': object(),
+ 'd': dict(x=1),
+ 'e': Point(2, 3),
index = Rtree()
disk_index = Rtree('test', overwrite=1)
@@ -73,23 +80,26 @@ for i in range(count):
disk_index.add(i, (x, y), insert_object)
coordinates.append((i, (x, y, x, y), insert_object))
-s ="""
+s = """
bulk = Rtree(coordinates[:2000])
-t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import coordinates, Rtree, insert_object')
+t = timeit.Timer(
+ stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import coordinates, Rtree, insert_object')
print("\nStream load:")
print("%.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
-s ="""
+s = """
idx = Rtree()
i = 0
for point in points[:2000]:
idx.add(i, (point.x, point.y), insert_object)
-t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, Rtree, insert_object')
+t = timeit.Timer(
+ stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, Rtree, insert_object')
print("\nOne-at-a-time load:")
-print("%.2f usec/pass\n\n" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
+print("%.2f usec/pass\n\n"
+ % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
bbox = (1240000, 1010000, 1400000, 1390000)
@@ -99,11 +109,15 @@ print("")
# Brute force all points within a 0.1x0.1 box
s = """
-hits = [p for p in points if p.x >= bbox[0] and p.x <= bbox[2] and p.y >= bbox[1] and p.y <= bbox[3]]
+hits = [p for p in points
+ if p.x >= bbox[0] and p.x <= bbox[2]
+ and p.y >= bbox[1] and p.y <= bbox[3]]
t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, bbox')
print("\nBrute Force:")
-print(len([p for p in points if p.x >= bbox[0] and p.x <= bbox[2] and p.y >= bbox[1] and p.y <= bbox[3]]), "hits")
+print(len([p for p in points
+ if p.x >= bbox[0] and p.x <= bbox[2] and p.y >= bbox[1]
+ and p.y <= bbox[3]]), "hits")
print("%.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
# 0.1x0.1 box using intersection
@@ -117,7 +131,8 @@ else:
hits = [p.object for p in index.intersection(bbox, objects=insert_object)]
-t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, index, bbox, insert_object')
+t = timeit.Timer(
+ stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, index, bbox, insert_object')
print("\nMemory-based Rtree Intersection:")
print(len([points[id] for id in index.intersection(bbox)]), "hits")
print("%.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=100)/100))
@@ -126,7 +141,9 @@ print("%.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=100)/100))
# run same test on disk_index.
s = s.replace("index.", "disk_index.")
-t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, disk_index, bbox, insert_object')
+t = timeit.Timer(
+ stmt=s,
+ setup='from __main__ import points, disk_index, bbox, insert_object')
print("\nDisk-based Rtree Intersection:")
hits = list(disk_index.intersection(bbox))
print(len(hits), "hits")
@@ -137,11 +154,15 @@ if insert_object:
s = """
hits = disk_index.intersection(bbox, objects="raw")
- t = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup='from __main__ import points, disk_index, bbox, insert_object')
- print("\nDisk-based Rtree Intersection without Item() wrapper (objects='raw'):")
+ t = timeit.Timer(
+ stmt=s,
+ setup='from __main__ import points, disk_index, bbox, insert_object')
+ print("\nDisk-based Rtree Intersection "
+ "without Item() wrapper (objects='raw'):")
result = list(disk_index.intersection(bbox, objects="raw"))
print(len(result), "raw hits")
- print("%.2f usec/pass" % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
+ print("%.2f usec/pass"
+ % (1000000 * t.timeit(number=TEST_TIMES)/TEST_TIMES))
assert 'a' in result[0], result[0]
import os
diff --git a/tests/data.py b/tests/data.py
index 6601814..d9579d5 100755
--- a/tests/data.py
+++ b/tests/data.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for line in f.readlines():
[left, bottom, right, top] = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
boxes3.append((left, bottom, right, top))
points = []
f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'point_clusters.data'), 'r')
for line in f.readlines():
@@ -24,16 +24,20 @@ for line in f.readlines():
[left, bottom] = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
points.append((left, bottom))
def draw_data(filename):
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
im = Image.new('RGB', (1440, 720))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
for box in boxes15:
- coords = [4.0*(box[0]+180), 4.0*(box[1]+90), 4.0*(box[2]+180), 4.0*(box[3]+90)]
+ coords = [
+ 4.0*(box[0]+180), 4.0*(box[1]+90),
+ 4.0*(box[2]+180), 4.0*(box[3]+90)]
d.rectangle(coords, outline='red')
for box in boxes3:
- coords = [4.0*(box[0]+180), 4.0*(box[1]+90), 4.0*(box[2]+180), 4.0*(box[3]+90)]
+ coords = [
+ 4.0*(box[0]+180), 4.0*(box[1]+90),
+ 4.0*(box[2]+180), 4.0*(box[3]+90)]
d.rectangle(coords, outline='blue')
diff --git a/tests/off/BoundsCheck.txt b/tests/off/BoundsCheck.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b068e2c..0000000
--- a/tests/off/BoundsCheck.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Bounding Box Checking
-See http://trac.gispython.org/projects/PCL/ticket/127.
-Adding with bogus bounds
- >>> import rtree
- >>> index = rtree.Rtree()
- >>> index.add(1, (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums
- >>> index.intersection((0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums
-Adding with invalid bounds argument should raise an exception
- >>> index.add(1, 1)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- TypeError: Bounds must be a sequence
diff --git a/tests/off/index.txt b/tests/off/index.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4f9b3..0000000
--- a/tests/off/index.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-.. _index_test:
- >>> from rtree import index
- >>> from rtree.index import Rtree
-Ensure libspatialindex version is >= 1.7.0
- >>> index.__c_api_version__.split('.')[1] >= 7
- True
-Make an instance, index stored in memory
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> idx = index.Index(properties=p)
- >>> idx
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
-Add 100 largish boxes randomly distributed over the domain
- >>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... idx.add(i, coords)
- >>> 0 in idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60))
- True
- >>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> hits
- [0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
-Insert an object into the index that can be pickled
- >>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
-Fetch our straggler that contains a pickled object
- >>> hits = idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects=True)
- >>> for i in hits:
- ... if i.id == 4321:
- ... i.object
- ... ['%.10f' % t for t in i.bbox]
- 42
- ['34.3776829412', '26.7375853734', '49.3776829412', '41.7375853734']
-Find the three items nearest to this one
- >>> hits = list(idx.nearest((0,0,10,10), 3))
- >>> hits
- [76, 48, 19]
- >>> len(hits)
- 3
-Default order is [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
- >>> ['%.10f' % t for t in idx.bounds]
- ['-186.6737892790', '-96.7177218184', '184.7613875560', '96.6043699778']
-To get in order [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax (... for n-d indexes)] use the kwarg:
- >>> ['%.10f' % t for t in idx.get_bounds(coordinate_interleaved=False)]
- ['-186.6737892790', '184.7613875560', '-96.7177218184', '96.6043699778']
-Delete index members
- >>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... idx.delete(i, coords)
-Delete our straggler too
- >>> idx.delete(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734) )
-Check that we have deleted stuff
- >>> hits = 0
- >>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 0
-Check that nearest returns *all* of the items that are nearby
- >>> idx2 = Rtree()
- >>> idx2
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
- ... (16, 10, 16, 10)]
- >>> for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(locs):
- ... idx2.add(i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy))
- >>> sorted(idx2.nearest((15, 10, 15, 10), 1))
- [0, 1]
-Check that nearest returns *all* of the items that are nearby (with objects)
- >>> idx2 = Rtree()
- >>> idx2
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
- ... (16, 10, 16, 10)]
- >>> for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(locs):
- ... idx2.add(i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), obj={'a': 42})
- >>> sorted([(i.id, i.object) for i in idx2.nearest((15, 10, 15, 10), 1, objects=True)])
- [(0, {'a': 42}), (1, {'a': 42})]
- >>> idx2 = Rtree()
- >>> idx2
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> locs = [(2, 4), (6, 8), (10, 12), (11, 13), (15, 17), (13, 20)]
- >>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(locs):
- ... idx2.add(i, (start, 1, stop, 1))
- >>> sorted(idx2.nearest((13, 0, 20, 2), 1))
- [3, 4, 5]
-Default page size 4096
- >>> idx3 = Rtree("defaultidx")
- >>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... idx3.add(i, coords)
- >>> hits = list(idx3.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
-Make sure to delete the index or the file is not flushed and it
-will be invalid
- >>> del idx3
-Page size 3
- >>> idx4 = Rtree("pagesize3", pagesize=3)
- >>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... idx4.add(i, coords)
- >>> hits = list(idx4.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> idx4.close()
- >>> del idx4
-Test invalid name
- >>> inv = Rtree("bogus/foo")
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- IOError: Unable to open file 'bogus/foo.idx' for index storage
-Load a persisted index
- >>> import shutil
- >>> _ = shutil.copy("defaultidx.dat", "testing.dat")
- >>> _ = shutil.copy("defaultidx.idx", "testing.idx")
- # >>> import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
- >>> idx = Rtree("testing")
- >>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
-Make a 3D index
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> p.dimension = 3
-with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is:
-(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
- >>> idx3d = index.Index(properties=p, interleaved=False)
- >>> idx3d
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> idx3d.insert(1, (0, 0, 60, 60, 22, 22.0))
- >>> 1 in idx3d.intersection((-1, 1, 58, 62, 22, 24))
- True
-Make a 4D index
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> p.dimension = 4
-with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, kmin, kmax)
- >>> idx4d = index.Index(properties=p, interleaved=False)
- >>> idx4d
- <rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> idx4d.insert(1, (0, 0, 60, 60, 22, 22.0, 128, 142))
- >>> 1 in idx4d.intersection((-1, 1, 58, 62, 22, 24, 120, 150))
- True
-Check that we can make an index with custom filename extensions
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
- >>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
- >>> idx_cust = Rtree('custom', properties=p)
- >>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... idx_cust.add(i, coords)
- >>> hits = list(idx_cust.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> del idx_cust
-Reopen the index
- >>> p2 = index.Property()
- >>> p2.dat_extension = 'data'
- >>> p2.idx_extension = 'index'
- >>> idx_cust2 = Rtree('custom', properties=p2)
- >>> hits = list(idx_cust2.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> del idx_cust2
-Adding the same id twice does not overwrite existing data
- >>> r = Rtree()
- >>> r.add(1, (2, 2))
- >>> r.add(1, (3, 3))
- >>> list(r.intersection((0, 0, 5, 5)))
- [1, 1]
-A stream of data need that needs to be an iterator that will raise a
-StopIteration. The order depends on the interleaved kwarg sent to the
-The object can be None, but you must put a place holder of 'None' there.
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> def data_gen(interleaved=True):
- ... for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(boxes15):
- ... if interleaved:
- ... yield (i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), 42)
- ... else:
- ... yield (i, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy), 42)
- >>> strm_idx = index.Rtree(data_gen(), properties = p)
- >>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> sorted(hits)
- [0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
- >>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects=True))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> hits[0].object
- 42
-Try streaming against a persisted index without interleaving.
- >>> strm_idx = index.Rtree('streamed', data_gen(interleaved=False), properties = p, interleaved=False)
-Note the arguments to intersection must be xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax for interleaved=False
- >>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 60, 0, 60)))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> sorted(hits)
- [0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
- >>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 60, 0, 60), objects=True))
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> hits[0].object
- 42
- >>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 60, 0, 60), objects='raw'))
- >>> hits[0]
- 42
- >>> len(hits)
- 10
- >>> strm_idx.count((0, 60, 0, 60))
- 10L
- >>> del strm_idx
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> p.leaf_capacity = 100
- >>> p.fill_factor = 0.5
- >>> p.index_capacity = 10
- >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = 7
- >>> idx = index.Index(data_gen(interleaved=False), properties = p, interleaved=False)
- >>> leaves = idx.leaves()
- >>> del idx
diff --git a/tests/off/properties.txt b/tests/off/properties.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22842ae..0000000
--- a/tests/off/properties.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-Testing rtree properties
-Make a simple properties object
- >>> from rtree import index
- >>> p = index.Property()
-Test as_dict()
- >>> d = p.as_dict()
- >>> d['index_id'] is None
- True
-Test creation from kwargs and eval() of its repr()
- >>> q = index.Property(**d)
- >>> eval(repr(q))['index_id'] is None
- True
-Test pretty printed string
- >>> print q
- {'buffering_capacity': 10,
- 'custom_storage_callbacks': None,
- 'custom_storage_callbacks_size': 0L,
- 'dat_extension': 'dat',
- 'dimension': 2,
- 'filename': '',
- 'fill_factor': 0...,
- 'idx_extension': 'idx',
- 'index_capacity': 100,
- 'index_id': None,
- 'leaf_capacity': 100,
- 'near_minimum_overlap_factor': 32,
- 'overwrite': True,
- 'pagesize': 4096,
- 'point_pool_capacity': 500,
- 'region_pool_capacity': 1000,
- 'reinsert_factor': 0...,
- 'split_distribution_factor': 0...,
- 'storage': 1,
- 'tight_mbr': True,
- 'tpr_horizon': 20.0,
- 'type': 0,
- 'variant': 2,
- 'writethrough': False}
-Test property setting
- >>> p = index.Property()
- >>> p.type = 0
- >>> p.type
- 0
- >>> p.type = 2
- >>> p.type
- 2
- >>> p.type = 6
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexType": Inputted value is not a valid index type
- >>> p.dimension = 3
- >>> p.dimension
- 3
- >>> p.dimension = 2
- >>> p.dimension
- 2
- >>> p.dimension = -2
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: Negative or 0 dimensional indexes are not allowed
- >>> p.variant = 0
- >>> p.variant
- 0
- >>> p.variant = 6
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexVariant": Inputted value is not a valid index variant
- >>> p.storage = 0
- >>> p.storage
- 0
- >>> p.storage = 1
- >>> p.storage
- 1
- >>> p.storage = 3
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexStorage": Inputted value is not a valid index storage type
- >>> p.index_capacity
- 100
- >>> p.index_capacity = 300
- >>> p.index_capacity
- 300
- >>> p.index_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: index_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.pagesize
- 4096
- >>> p.pagesize = 8192
- >>> p.pagesize
- 8192
- >>> p.pagesize = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: Pagesize must be > 0
- >>> p.leaf_capacity
- 100
- >>> p.leaf_capacity = 1000
- >>> p.leaf_capacity
- 1000
- >>> p.leaf_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: leaf_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.index_pool_capacity
- 100
- >>> p.index_pool_capacity = 1500
- >>> p.index_pool_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: index_pool_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.point_pool_capacity
- 500
- >>> p.point_pool_capacity = 1500
- >>> p.point_pool_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: point_pool_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.region_pool_capacity
- 1000
- >>> p.region_pool_capacity = 1500
- >>> p.region_pool_capacity
- 1500
- >>> p.region_pool_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: region_pool_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.buffering_capacity
- 10
- >>> p.buffering_capacity = 100
- >>> p.buffering_capacity = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: buffering_capacity must be > 0
- >>> p.tight_mbr
- True
- >>> p.tight_mbr = 100
- >>> p.tight_mbr
- True
- >>> p.tight_mbr = False
- >>> p.tight_mbr
- False
- >>> p.overwrite
- True
- >>> p.overwrite = 100
- >>> p.overwrite
- True
- >>> p.overwrite = False
- >>> p.overwrite
- False
- >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor
- 32
- >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = 100
- >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = -4321
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: near_minimum_overlap_factor must be > 0
- >>> p.writethrough
- False
- >>> p.writethrough = 100
- >>> p.writethrough
- True
- >>> p.writethrough = False
- >>> p.writethrough
- False
- >>> '%.2f' % p.fill_factor
- '0.70'
- >>> p.fill_factor = 0.99
- >>> '%.2f' % p.fill_factor
- '0.99'
- >>> '%.2f' % p.split_distribution_factor
- '0.40'
- >>> p.tpr_horizon
- 20.0
- >>> '%.2f' % p.reinsert_factor
- '0.30'
- >>> p.filename
- ''
- >>> p.filename = 'testing123testing'
- >>> p.filename
- 'testing123testing'
- >>> p.dat_extension
- 'dat'
- >>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
- >>> p.dat_extension
- 'data'
- >>> p.idx_extension
- 'idx'
- >>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
- >>> p.idx_extension
- 'index'
- >>> p.index_id
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- RTreeError: Error in "IndexProperty_GetIndexID": Property IndexIdentifier was empty
- >>> p.index_id = -420
- >>> int(p.index_id)
- -420
diff --git a/tests/off/test_customStorage.txt b/tests/off/test_customStorage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 75cbd38..0000000
--- a/tests/off/test_customStorage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Shows how to create custom storage backend.
-Derive your custom storage for rtree.index.CustomStorage and override the methods
-shown in this example.
-You can also derive from rtree.index.CustomStorageBase to get at the raw C buffers
-if you need the extra speed and want to avoid translating from/to python strings.
-The essential methods are the load/store/deleteByteArray. The rtree library calls
-them whenever it needs to access the data in any way.
-Example storage which maps the page (ids) to the page data.
- >>> from rtree.index import Rtree, CustomStorage, Property
- >>> class DictStorage(CustomStorage):
- ... """ A simple storage which saves the pages in a python dictionary """
- ... def __init__(self):
- ... CustomStorage.__init__( self )
- ... self.clear()
- ...
- ... def create(self, returnError):
- ... """ Called when the storage is created on the C side """
- ...
- ... def destroy(self, returnError):
- ... """ Called when the storage is destroyed on the C side """
- ...
- ... def clear(self):
- ... """ Clear all our data """
- ... self.dict = {}
- ...
- ... def loadByteArray(self, page, returnError):
- ... """ Returns the data for page or returns an error """
- ... try:
- ... return self.dict[page]
- ... except KeyError:
- ... returnError.contents.value = self.InvalidPageError
- ...
- ... def storeByteArray(self, page, data, returnError):
- ... """ Stores the data for page """
- ... if page == self.NewPage:
- ... newPageId = len(self.dict)
- ... self.dict[newPageId] = data
- ... return newPageId
- ... else:
- ... if page not in self.dict:
- ... returnError.value = self.InvalidPageError
- ... return 0
- ... self.dict[page] = data
- ... return page
- ...
- ... def deleteByteArray(self, page, returnError):
- ... """ Deletes a page """
- ... try:
- ... del self.dict[page]
- ... except KeyError:
- ... returnError.contents.value = self.InvalidPageError
- ...
- ... hasData = property( lambda self: bool(self.dict) )
- ... """ Returns true if we contains some data """
-Now let's test drive our custom storage.
-First let's define the basic properties we will use for all rtrees:
- >>> settings = Property()
- >>> settings.writethrough = True
- >>> settings.buffering_capacity = 1
-Notice that there is a small in-memory buffer by default. We effectively disable
-it here so our storage directly receives any load/store/delete calls.
-This is not necessary in general and can hamper performance; we just use it here
-for illustrative and testing purposes.
-Let's start with a basic test:
-Create the storage and hook it up with a new rtree:
- >>> storage = DictStorage()
- >>> r = Rtree( storage, properties = settings )
-Interestingly enough, if we take a look at the contents of our storage now, we
-can see the Rtree has already written two pages to it. This is for header and
- >>> state1 = storage.dict.copy()
- >>> list(state1.keys())
- [0, 1]
-Let's add an item:
- >>> r.add(123, (0, 0, 1, 1))
-Make sure the data in the storage before and after the addition of the new item
-is different:
- >>> state2 = storage.dict.copy()
- >>> state1 != state2
- True
-Now perform a few queries and assure the tree is still valid:
- >>> item = list(r.nearest((0, 0), 1, objects=True))[0]
- >>> int(item.id)
- 123
- >>> r.valid()
- True
-Check if the stored data is a byte string
- >>> isinstance(list(storage.dict.values())[0], bytes)
- True
-Delete an item
- >>> r.delete(123, (0, 0, 1, 1))
- >>> r.valid()
- True
-Just for reference show how to flush the internal buffers (e.g. when
-properties.buffer_capacity is > 1)
- >>> r.clearBuffer()
- >>> r.valid()
- True
-Let's get rid of the tree, we're done with it
- >>> del r
-Show how to empty the storage
- >>> storage.clear()
- >>> storage.hasData
- False
- >>> del storage
-Ok, let's create another small test. This time we'll test reopening our custom
-storage. This is useful for persistent storages.
-First create a storage and put some data into it:
- >>> storage = DictStorage()
- >>> r1 = Rtree( storage, properties = settings, overwrite = True )
- >>> r1.add(555, (2, 2))
- >>> del r1
- >>> storage.hasData
- True
-Then reopen the storage with a new tree and see if the data is still there
- >>> r2 = Rtree( storage, properties = settings, overwrite = False )
- >>> r2.count( (0,0,10,10) ) == 1
- True
- >>> del r2
diff --git a/tests/off/test_misc.txt b/tests/off/test_misc.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fc02bac..0000000
--- a/tests/off/test_misc.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-make sure a file-based index is overwriteable.
- >>> from rtree.index import Rtree
- >>> r = Rtree('overwriteme')
- >>> del r
- >>> r = Rtree('overwriteme', overwrite=True)
-the default serializer is pickle, can use any by overriding dumps, loads
- >>> r = Rtree()
- >>> some_data = {"a": 22, "b": [1, "ccc"]}
- >>> try:
- ... import simplejson
- ... r.dumps = simplejson.dumps
- ... r.loads = simplejson.loads
- ... r.add(0, (0, 0, 1, 1), some_data)
- ... list(r.nearest((0, 0), 1, objects="raw"))[0] == some_data
- ... except ImportError:
- ... # "no import, failed"
- ... True
- True
- >>> r = Rtree()
- >>> r.add(123, (0, 0, 1, 1))
- >>> item = list(r.nearest((0, 0), 1, objects=True))[0]
- >>> item.id
- 123
- >>> r.valid()
- True
-test UTF-8 filenames
- >>> f = u'gilename\u4500abc'
- >>> r = Rtree(f)
- >>> r.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
- >>> del r
diff --git a/tests/stream-check.py b/tests/stream-check.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..367a5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stream-check.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import numpy as np
+import rtree
+import time
+def random_tree_stream(points_count, include_object):
+ properties = rtree.index.Property()
+ properties.dimension = 3
+ points_random = np.random.random((points_count,3,3))
+ points_bounds = np.column_stack((points_random.min(axis=1),
+ points_random.max(axis=1)))
+ stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
+ points_bounds,
+ np.arange(points_count))
+ tic = time.time()
+ tree = rtree.index.Index(stacked,
+ properties = properties)
+ toc = time.time()
+ print'creation, objects:', include_object, '\tstream method: ', toc-tic
+ return tree
+def random_tree_insert(points_count, include_object):
+ properties = rtree.index.Property()
+ properties.dimension = 3
+ points_random = np.random.random((points_count,3,3))
+ points_bounds = np.column_stack((points_random.min(axis=1),
+ points_random.max(axis=1)))
+ tree = rtree.index.Index(properties = properties)
+ if include_object:
+ stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
+ points_bounds,
+ np.arange(points_count))
+ else:
+ stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count),
+ points_bounds)
+ tic = time.time()
+ for arg in stacked:
+ tree.insert(*arg)
+ toc = time.time()
+ print 'creation, objects:', include_object, '\tinsert method: ', toc-tic
+ return tree
+def check_tree(tree, count):
+ # tid should intersect every box,
+ # as our random boxes are all inside [0,0,0,1,1,1]
+ tic = time.time()
+ tid = list(tree.intersection([-1,-1,-1,2,2,2]))
+ toc = time.time()
+ ok = (np.unique(tid) - np.arange(count) == 0).all()
+ print 'intersection, id method: ', toc-tic, '\t query ok:', ok
+ tic = time.time()
+ tid = [i.object for i in tree.intersection([-1,-1,-1,2,2,2], objects=True)]
+ toc = time.time()
+ ok = (np.unique(tid) - np.arange(count) == 0).all()
+ print 'intersection, object method:', toc-tic, '\t query ok:', ok
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ count = 10000
+ print '\nChecking stream loading\n---------------'
+ tree = random_tree_stream(count, False)
+ tree = random_tree_stream(count, True)
+ check_tree(tree, count)
+ print '\nChecking insert loading\n---------------'
+ tree = random_tree_insert(count, False)
+ tree = random_tree_insert(count, True)
+ check_tree(tree, count)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/BoundsCheck.txt b/tests/test_bounds.txt
similarity index 71%
rename from tests/BoundsCheck.txt
rename to tests/test_bounds.txt
index b068e2c..34055f7 100644
--- a/tests/BoundsCheck.txt
+++ b/tests/test_bounds.txt
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ Adding with bogus bounds
>>> import rtree
>>> index = rtree.Rtree()
- >>> index.add(1, (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
+ >>> index.add(1, (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums
- >>> index.intersection((0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
+ >>> index.intersection((0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: Coordinates must not have minimums more than maximums
Adding with invalid bounds argument should raise an exception
- >>> index.add(1, 1)
+ >>> index.add(1, 1) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Bounds must be a sequence
diff --git a/tests/test_doctests.py b/tests/test_doctests.py
index fc2b53a..0413844 100644
--- a/tests/test_doctests.py
+++ b/tests/test_doctests.py
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ import unittest
import glob
import os
-#from zope.testing import doctest
-from rtree.index import major_version, minor_version, patch_version
+# from zope.testing import doctest
+from rtree.index import major_version, minor_version # , patch_version
from .data import boxes15, boxes3, points
@@ -12,26 +14,30 @@ optionflags = (doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE |
def list_doctests():
# Skip the custom storage test unless we have libspatialindex 1.8+.
return [filename
for filename
in glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '*.txt'))
if not (
- filename.endswith('customStorage.txt')
+ filename.endswith('customStorage.txt')
and major_version < 2 and minor_version < 8)]
def open_file(filename, mode='r'):
"""Helper function to open files from within the tests package."""
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename), mode)
def setUp(test):
- open_file = open_file,
- boxes15=boxes15,
- boxes3=boxes3,
- points=points
- ))
+ open_file=open_file,
+ boxes15=boxes15,
+ boxes3=boxes3,
+ points=points
+ ))
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite(
diff --git a/tests/test_index.py b/tests/test_index.py
index faacd16..b442820 100644
--- a/tests/test_index.py
+++ b/tests/test_index.py
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
+import unittest
from rtree import index
from .data import boxes15
-def boxes15_stream(interleaved=True):
- for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(boxes15):
- if interleaved:
- yield (i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), 42)
- else:
- yield (i, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy), 42)
+class IndexTests(unittest.TestCase):
-def test_rtree_constructor_stream_input():
- p = index.Property()
- sindex = index.Rtree(boxes15_stream(), properties=p)
+ def test_stream_input(self):
+ p = index.Property()
+ sindex = index.Index(boxes15_stream(), properties=p)
+ bounds = (0, 0, 60, 60)
+ hits = sindex.intersection(bounds)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(hits), [0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80])
- bounds = (0, 0, 60, 60)
- hits = list(sindex.intersection(bounds))
- assert sorted(hits) == [0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
+def boxes15_stream(interleaved=True):
+ for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(boxes15):
+ if interleaved:
+ yield (i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), 42)
+ else:
+ yield (i, (minx, maxx, miny, maxy), 42)
diff --git a/tests/index.txt b/tests/test_index_doctests.txt
similarity index 79%
rename from tests/index.txt
rename to tests/test_index_doctests.txt
index 6c4f9b3..aeeab75 100644
--- a/tests/index.txt
+++ b/tests/test_index_doctests.txt
@@ -5,25 +5,29 @@ Examples
>>> from rtree import index
>>> from rtree.index import Rtree
+ >>> import sys;
+ >>> sys.path.insert(0, './tests')
+ >>> from data import boxes15, boxes3, points
+ >>>
Ensure libspatialindex version is >= 1.7.0
- >>> index.__c_api_version__.split('.')[1] >= 7
+ >>> int(index.__c_api_version__.decode('UTF-8').split('.')[1]) >= 7
Make an instance, index stored in memory
>>> p = index.Property()
>>> idx = index.Index(properties=p)
>>> idx
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
Add 100 largish boxes randomly distributed over the domain
>>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
... idx.add(i, coords)
>>> 0 in idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60))
>>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
@@ -32,11 +36,11 @@ Add 100 largish boxes randomly distributed over the domain
>>> hits
[0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
-Insert an object into the index that can be pickled
+Insert an object into the index that can be pickled
>>> idx.insert(4321, (34.3776829412, 26.7375853734, 49.3776829412, 41.7375853734), obj=42)
-Fetch our straggler that contains a pickled object
+Fetch our straggler that contains a pickled object
>>> hits = idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects=True)
>>> for i in hits:
... if i.id == 4321:
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ Find the three items nearest to this one
[76, 48, 19]
>>> len(hits)
Default order is [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
>>> ['%.10f' % t for t in idx.bounds]
@@ -76,16 +80,16 @@ Check that we have deleted stuff
>>> hits = list(idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
>>> len(hits)
Check that nearest returns *all* of the items that are nearby
>>> idx2 = Rtree()
>>> idx2
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
+ >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
... (16, 10, 16, 10)]
>>> for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(locs):
... idx2.add(i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy))
@@ -98,9 +102,9 @@ Check that nearest returns *all* of the items that are nearby (with objects)
>>> idx2
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
- >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
+ >>> locs = [(14, 10, 14, 10),
... (16, 10, 16, 10)]
>>> for i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in enumerate(locs):
... idx2.add(i, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), obj={'a': 42})
@@ -111,12 +115,12 @@ Check that nearest returns *all* of the items that are nearby (with objects)
>>> idx2 = Rtree()
>>> idx2
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
>>> locs = [(2, 4), (6, 8), (10, 12), (11, 13), (15, 17), (13, 20)]
>>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(locs):
... idx2.add(i, (start, 1, stop, 1))
>>> sorted(idx2.nearest((13, 0, 20, 2), 1))
[3, 4, 5]
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ Default page size 4096
>>> len(hits)
-Make sure to delete the index or the file is not flushed and it
+Make sure to delete the index or the file is not flushed and it
will be invalid
>>> del idx3
@@ -142,16 +146,16 @@ Page size 3
>>> hits = list(idx4.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
>>> len(hits)
>>> idx4.close()
>>> del idx4
Test invalid name
- >>> inv = Rtree("bogus/foo")
+ >>> inv = Rtree("bogus/foo") #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
- IOError: Unable to open file 'bogus/foo.idx' for index storage
+ OSError: Unable to open file 'bogus/foo.idx' for index storage
Load a persisted index
@@ -169,17 +173,17 @@ Load a persisted index
Make a 3D index
>>> p = index.Property()
>>> p.dimension = 3
-with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is:
+with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is:
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
>>> idx3d = index.Index(properties=p, interleaved=False)
>>> idx3d
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
>>> idx3d.insert(1, (0, 0, 60, 60, 22, 22.0))
>>> 1 in idx3d.intersection((-1, 1, 58, 62, 22, 24))
@@ -187,16 +191,16 @@ with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is:
Make a 4D index
>>> p = index.Property()
>>> p.dimension = 4
with interleaved=False, the order of input and output is: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, kmin, kmax)
>>> idx4d = index.Index(properties=p, interleaved=False)
>>> idx4d
<rtree.index.Index object at 0x...>
>>> idx4d.insert(1, (0, 0, 60, 60, 22, 22.0, 128, 142))
>>> 1 in idx4d.intersection((-1, 1, 58, 62, 22, 24, 120, 150))
@@ -205,26 +209,26 @@ Check that we can make an index with custom filename extensions
>>> p = index.Property()
>>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
>>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
>>> idx_cust = Rtree('custom', properties=p)
>>> for i, coords in enumerate(boxes15):
... idx_cust.add(i, coords)
>>> hits = list(idx_cust.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
>>> len(hits)
>>> del idx_cust
Reopen the index
>>> p2 = index.Property()
>>> p2.dat_extension = 'data'
>>> p2.idx_extension = 'index'
- >>> idx_cust2 = Rtree('custom', properties=p2)
+ >>> idx_cust2 = Rtree('custom', properties=p2)
>>> hits = list(idx_cust2.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60)))
>>> len(hits)
>>> del idx_cust2
Adding the same id twice does not overwrite existing data
@@ -235,8 +239,8 @@ Adding the same id twice does not overwrite existing data
>>> list(r.intersection((0, 0, 5, 5)))
[1, 1]
-A stream of data need that needs to be an iterator that will raise a
-StopIteration. The order depends on the interleaved kwarg sent to the
+A stream of data need that needs to be an iterator that will raise a
+StopIteration. The order depends on the interleaved kwarg sent to the
The object can be None, but you must put a place holder of 'None' there.
@@ -255,15 +259,15 @@ The object can be None, but you must put a place holder of 'None' there.
>>> len(hits)
>>> sorted(hits)
[0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
>>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 0, 60, 60), objects=True))
>>> len(hits)
>>> hits[0].object
@@ -274,14 +278,17 @@ Note the arguments to intersection must be xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax for interleave
>>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 60, 0, 60)))
>>> len(hits)
>>> sorted(hits)
[0, 4, 16, 27, 35, 40, 47, 50, 76, 80]
+ >>> strm_idx.leaves()
+ [(0, [2, 92, 51, 55, 26, 95, 7, 81, 38, 22, 58, 89, 91, 83, 98, 37, 70, 31, 49, 34, 11, 6, 13, 3, 23, 57, 9, 96, 84, 36, 5, 45, 77, 78, 44, 12, 42, 73, 93, 41, 71, 17, 39, 54, 88, 72, 97, 60, 62, 48, 19, 25, 76, 59, 66, 64, 79, 94, 40, 32, 46, 47, 15, 68, 10, 0, 80, 56, 50, 30], [-186.673789279, -96.7177218184, 172.392784956, 45.4856075292]), (2, [61, 74, 29, 99, 16, 43, 35, 33, 27, 63, 18, 90, 8, 53, 82, 21, 65, 24, 4, 1, 75, 67, 86, 52, 28, 85, 87, 14, 69, 20], [-174.739939684, 32. [...]
>>> hits = list(strm_idx.intersection((0, 60, 0, 60), objects=True))
>>> len(hits)
>>> hits[0].object
@@ -290,10 +297,10 @@ Note the arguments to intersection must be xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax for interleave
>>> len(hits)
- >>> strm_idx.count((0, 60, 0, 60))
- 10L
+ >>> int(strm_idx.count((0, 60, 0, 60)))
+ 10
>>> del strm_idx
>>> p = index.Property()
@@ -306,3 +313,25 @@ Note the arguments to intersection must be xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax for interleave
>>> leaves = idx.leaves()
>>> del idx
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> import rtree
+ >>> properties = rtree.index.Property()
+ >>> properties.dimension = 3
+ >>> points_count = 100
+ >>> points_random = np.random.random((points_count, 3,3))
+ >>> points_bounds = np.column_stack((points_random.min(axis=1), points_random.max(axis=1)))
+ >>> stacked = zip(np.arange(points_count), points_bounds, [None] * points_count)
+ >>> tree = rtree.index.Index(stacked, properties = properties)
+ >>> tid = list(tree.intersection([-1,-1,-1,2,2,2]))
+ >>> len(tid)
+ 100
+ >>> (np.array(tid) == 0).all()
+ False
diff --git a/tests/test_pickle.py b/tests/test_pickle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb9eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_pickle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import pickle
+import unittest
+import rtree.index
+class TestPickling(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_index(self):
+ idx = rtree.index.Index()
+ unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(idx))
+ self.assertNotEquals(idx.handle, unpickled.handle)
+ self.assertEquals(idx.properties.as_dict(),
+ unpickled.properties.as_dict())
+ self.assertEquals(idx.interleaved, unpickled.interleaved)
+ def test_property(self):
+ p = rtree.index.Property()
+ unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(p))
+ self.assertNotEquals(p.handle, unpickled.handle)
+ self.assertEquals(p.as_dict(), unpickled.as_dict())
diff --git a/tests/properties.txt b/tests/test_properties.txt
similarity index 72%
rename from tests/properties.txt
rename to tests/test_properties.txt
index 22842ae..567d13a 100644
--- a/tests/properties.txt
+++ b/tests/test_properties.txt
@@ -18,33 +18,6 @@ Test creation from kwargs and eval() of its repr()
>>> eval(repr(q))['index_id'] is None
-Test pretty printed string
- >>> print q
- {'buffering_capacity': 10,
- 'custom_storage_callbacks': None,
- 'custom_storage_callbacks_size': 0L,
- 'dat_extension': 'dat',
- 'dimension': 2,
- 'filename': '',
- 'fill_factor': 0...,
- 'idx_extension': 'idx',
- 'index_capacity': 100,
- 'index_id': None,
- 'leaf_capacity': 100,
- 'near_minimum_overlap_factor': 32,
- 'overwrite': True,
- 'pagesize': 4096,
- 'point_pool_capacity': 500,
- 'region_pool_capacity': 1000,
- 'reinsert_factor': 0...,
- 'split_distribution_factor': 0...,
- 'storage': 1,
- 'tight_mbr': True,
- 'tpr_horizon': 20.0,
- 'type': 0,
- 'variant': 2,
- 'writethrough': False}
Test property setting
@@ -52,12 +25,12 @@ Test property setting
>>> p.type = 0
>>> p.type
>>> p.type = 2
>>> p.type
- >>> p.type = 6
+ >>> p.type = 6 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexType": Inputted value is not a valid index type
@@ -65,152 +38,152 @@ Test property setting
>>> p.dimension = 3
>>> p.dimension
>>> p.dimension = 2
>>> p.dimension
- >>> p.dimension = -2
+ >>> p.dimension = -2 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: Negative or 0 dimensional indexes are not allowed
>>> p.variant = 0
>>> p.variant
- >>> p.variant = 6
+ >>> p.variant = 6 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexVariant": Inputted value is not a valid index variant
>>> p.storage = 0
- >>> p.storage
+ >>> p.storage
>>> p.storage = 1
>>> p.storage
- >>> p.storage = 3
+ >>> p.storage = 3 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: LASError in "IndexProperty_SetIndexStorage": Inputted value is not a valid index storage type
>>> p.index_capacity
>>> p.index_capacity = 300
>>> p.index_capacity
- >>> p.index_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.index_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: index_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.pagesize
>>> p.pagesize = 8192
>>> p.pagesize
- >>> p.pagesize = -4321
+ >>> p.pagesize = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: Pagesize must be > 0
>>> p.leaf_capacity
>>> p.leaf_capacity = 1000
>>> p.leaf_capacity
- >>> p.leaf_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.leaf_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: leaf_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.index_pool_capacity
>>> p.index_pool_capacity = 1500
- >>> p.index_pool_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.index_pool_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: index_pool_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.point_pool_capacity
>>> p.point_pool_capacity = 1500
- >>> p.point_pool_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.point_pool_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: point_pool_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.region_pool_capacity
>>> p.region_pool_capacity = 1500
>>> p.region_pool_capacity
- >>> p.region_pool_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.region_pool_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: region_pool_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.buffering_capacity
>>> p.buffering_capacity = 100
- >>> p.buffering_capacity = -4321
+ >>> p.buffering_capacity = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
- RTreeError: buffering_capacity must be > 0
+ RTreeError: buffering_capacity must be > 0
>>> p.tight_mbr
>>> p.tight_mbr = 100
>>> p.tight_mbr
>>> p.tight_mbr = False
>>> p.tight_mbr
>>> p.overwrite
>>> p.overwrite = 100
>>> p.overwrite
>>> p.overwrite = False
>>> p.overwrite
>>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor
>>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = 100
- >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = -4321
+ >>> p.near_minimum_overlap_factor = -4321 #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
- RTreeError: near_minimum_overlap_factor must be > 0
+ RTreeError: near_minimum_overlap_factor must be > 0
>>> p.writethrough
>>> p.writethrough = 100
>>> p.writethrough
>>> p.writethrough = False
>>> p.writethrough
- False
+ False
>>> '%.2f' % p.fill_factor
@@ -224,31 +197,31 @@ Test property setting
>>> p.tpr_horizon
>>> '%.2f' % p.reinsert_factor
>>> p.filename
>>> p.filename = 'testing123testing'
>>> p.filename
>>> p.dat_extension
- >>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
+ >>> p.dat_extension = r'data'
>>> p.dat_extension
>>> p.idx_extension
>>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
>>> p.idx_extension
- >>> p.index_id
+ >>> p.index_id #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
RTreeError: Error in "IndexProperty_GetIndexID": Property IndexIdentifier was empty
diff --git a/tests/off/z_cleanup.txt b/tests/test_z_cleanup.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/off/z_cleanup.txt
rename to tests/test_z_cleanup.txt
diff --git a/tests/z_cleanup.txt b/tests/z_cleanup.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af62a9..0000000
--- a/tests/z_cleanup.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- >>> from rtree import core
- >>> del core.rt
- >>> files = ['defaultidx.dat','defaultidx.idx',
- ... 'pagesize3.dat','pagesize3.idx',
- ... 'testing.dat','testing.idx',
- ... 'custom.data','custom.index',
- ... 'streamed.idx','streamed.dat',
- ... 'gilename䔀abc.dat','gilename䔀abc.idx',
- ... 'overwriteme.idx', 'overwriteme.dat']
- >>> import os
- >>> import time
- >>> for f in files:
- ... try:
- ... os.remove(f)
- ... except OSError:
- ... time.sleep(0.1)
- ... os.remove(f)
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