[pyresample] 01/15: Imported Upstream version 1.1.5
Antonio Valentino
a_valentino-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Feb 27 18:18:17 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
a_valentino-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pyresample.
commit f251d73d6285c4bcaba657eafa02c33e6f149af4
Author: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
Date: Sun Feb 21 07:28:11 2016 +0000
Imported Upstream version 1.1.5
.travis.yml | 3 +-
README.md | 2 +-
changelog.rst | 418 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
pyresample/geometry.py | 2 +-
pyresample/test/test_utils.py | 17 +-
pyresample/utils.py | 6 +-
pyresample/version.py | 2 +-
setup.cfg | 5 +
8 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c137efd..35f5411 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ language: python
- '2.6'
- '2.7'
-- '3.2'
- '3.3'
- '3.4'
@@ -16,3 +15,5 @@ install:
- pip install coveralls
script: coverage run --source=pyresample setup.py test
after_success: coveralls
+ slack: pytroll:96mNSYSI1dBjGyzVXkBT6qFt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 52ad6d1..bf849cf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Python package for geospatial resampling
diff --git a/changelog.rst b/changelog.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69a92dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+%%version%% (unreleased)
+- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bump version: 1.1.4 → 1.1.5. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Don't build on 3.2 anymore (because of coverage's lack of support for
+ 3.2). [Martin Raspaud]
+- Fix build badge adress. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Fix the unicode problem in python3. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bump version: 1.1.3 → 1.1.4. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bugfix: Accept unicode proj4 strings. Fixes #24. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add python-configobj as a rpm requirement in setup.cfg. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Add setup.cfg to allow rpm generation with bdist_rpm. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bugfix to address a numpy DeprecationWarning. [Martin Raspaud]
+ Numpy won't take non-integer indices soon, so make index an int.
+1.1.3 (2015-02-03)
+- Merge branch 'release-1.1.3' [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'licence-lgpl' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Switch to lgplv3, and bump up version number. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Swith badge to main repository. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'hotfix-v1.1.2' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+1.1.2 (2014-12-17)
+- Merge branch 'hotfix-v1.1.2' [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bump up version number. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'mitkin-master' into hotfix-v1.1.2. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mitkin/pyresample into
+ mitkin-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- [test_plot] allow travis to test plot.py. [Mikhail Itkin]
+- [pip+travis] use `requirements.txt` [Mikhail Itkin]
+ Use `requirements.txt` instead of setuptools' `extras_require`
+ for installing basemap.
+ That is because PyPi basemap version won't find libgeos library
+ so we resolve to use latest basemap from git. `Extras_require` don't
+ allow providing custom links, only PyPi package names, so we have to
+ specify links in requirements.txt. `dependency_links` argument to
+ `setup` call is meant for cruicial dependencies, not custom ones, so we
+ don't use them neither.
+- [README] markdown + build status. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ * Using markdown extension, added `README` symlink
+ * Added travis build status badge
+- Remove pip `-e` switch. [Mikhail Itkin]
+- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mitkin/pyresample. [Mikhail Itkin]
+- Don't use setup.py for basemap installation. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ Instead of putting basemap and matplotlib into `extras_require`
+ install them directly
+- Don't use setup.py for basemap installation. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ Instead of putting basemap and matplotlib into `extras_require`
+ install them directly
+- Using ubuntu GIS custom ppa. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ Added custom ppa with more up-to-date libgeos dependencies
+- Install extra requirements using pip functionality. [Mikhail Itkin]
+- Added more meaningful "quicklooks" name. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ Using quicklooks name as it's what matplotlib and basemap are needed for
+- [setup] added plotting dependencies. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ pyresample/plot requires two extra dependencies:
+ * matplotlib
+ * basemap
+- [travis] added system dependencies. [Mikhail Itkin]
+ * matplotlib requires libfreetype6-dev
+ * basemap requires libgeos libgeos-c1 and libgeos-dev
+- Merge branch 'release-v1.1.1' [Martin Raspaud]
+- Restore API functionality by importing necessary modules in __init__
+ [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'release-v1.1.1' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+ Conflicts:
+ pyresample/geometry.py
+ pyresample/kd_tree.py
+ test/test_geometry.py
+- Removing old test directory. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge the hotfix and the unittest restructuring into the release
+ branch. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'release-v1.1.1' into hotfix-1.1.1. [Thomas Lavergne]
+ Conflicts:
+ pyresample/geometry.py
+ test/test_geometry.py
+ test/test_grid.py
+- Be specific about the valid range of longitudes. [Thomas Lavergne]
+- Be more specific about the valid longitude range [-180:+180[. Add a
+ test for utils.wrap_longitudes() [Thomas Lavergne]
+- Add check on valid latitude in [-90:+90] (and associated test) [Thomas
+ Lavergne]
+- Automatic longitude wrapping (bugfix towards 1.1.1) [Thomas Lavergne]
+- Merge branch 'release-v1.1.1' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' of https://code.google.com/p/pyresample into
+ pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- A stray line of code is removed and I take back the recent enhancement
+ concerning swath to swath mapping. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Removed debug printouts. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- More active support of swath to swath reprojection. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Add a plot on multiprocessing performance increases. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Added outer_boundary_corners property to the area def class. [Adam
+ Dybbroe]
+1.1.1 (2014-12-10)
+- Merge branch 'release-v1.1.1' [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add news about new release. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Remove some relative imports. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Cleanup and bump up version number to v1.1.1. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add pykdtree to the list of requirements for travis. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add .travis.yml file for automatic testing. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Correct handling of long type in kd_tree.py for Python 2. [Martin
+ Valgur]
+- Made testing of a Proj4 string independent of the order of elements
+ inside the string since the order was different on Python 2 and 3.
+ Replaced deprecated failIf with assertFalse. [Martin Valgur]
+- Multiple small fixes to make the code work on both Python 2 and 3.
+ shmem_as_ndarray() now uses numpy.frombuffer() to provide equivalent
+ functionality. [Martin Valgur]
+- Got rid of dependencies on the six package. [Martin Valgur]
+- Applied python-modernize to pyresample. [Martin Valgur]
+- Update README. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Corrected docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Modified uncert count to show above 0. Updated docs to relect uncert
+ option. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Cleaned up code a bit in kd_tree.py. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Made API doc work with readthedocs and bumped version number. [Esben
+ S. Nielsen]
+- Cleaned up code and tests. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added masking of uncert counts. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Test passes again for uncertainty calculations. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Changed uncertainty API. First working uncertainty version. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Not quite there. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Basic uncertainty implemented. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Updated docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Fixing bug, and adding unittest-main run. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Making get_xy_from_lonlat work on arrays of points as well as single
+ points. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Renamed functions in geometry.py and added proj_x_coords and
+ proj_y_coords properties. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected __eq__ in geometry. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' of https://code.google.com/p/pyresample into
+ pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Now kd_tree resampling selects dtype. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Removed random print statement. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Made get_capabilites function. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Test passes again. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Removed caching from geometry. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' of https://code.google.com/p/pyresample into
+ pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Optimize transform_lonlats with numexpr. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Unittests should work for both py2.6 and 2.7. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Updated docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Fixed unit tests. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Using assertRaises in py2.6 and py2.7 compatible version. [Adam
+ Dybbroe]
+- Bugfix to unittest suite. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Trying to make test-functions compatible with both python 2.6 and 2.7.
+ [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Fixing bug in get_xy_from_lonlat and adding unittests on this
+ function. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Adding function get_xy_from_lonlat. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Integrated pykdtree and handled latlong projection bug. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Updated unit tests according to deprecation warnings. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Better parsing of a area definition (allow ':' in value fields) [Lars
+ Orum Rasmussen]
+- Updated docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' of https://code.google.com/p/pyresample into
+ pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Doc version. [esn]
+- Improved Basemap integration with globe projections. Updated docs on
+ epsilon. [esn]
+- Accomodate for allclose behaviour change in numpy 1.6.2. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+ From 1.6.2 numpy.allclose does not accept arrays that cannot be
+ broadcasted to the same shape. Hence a ValueError catch to return False.
+- Updadet doc for plotting. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Updated plot test to use AGG. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Now handles plotting in Plate Carre projection. Added utils.fwhm2sigma
+ function. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/pyresample. [Esben
+ S. Nielsen]
+- Added pypi info. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Built docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected test_swath.py to account for implementation specific
+ precision. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- More datatype specifications. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Removed warning check for python 2.5. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected multi channnel bug. Added warnings for potential problematic
+ neighbour query condition. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Now str() generates a unique string for area and coordinate definition
+ object. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
+- Corrected manifest so doc images are included. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Moved tests dir to test. Updated MANIFEST.in. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added MANIFEST.in. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Applied setup.py patches. Made plotting more robust. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Applied patch for getting version number. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Bugfixing quicklooks. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Added Basemap integration. [StorPipfugl]
+- Added Basemap integration. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Rebuild docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Made setup.py more robust. [StorPipfugl]
+- New doc version. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated tests. [StorPipfugl]
+- Reduced size of linesample arrays. Restructures kd_tree query to
+ remove redundant lon lat calculations. [StorPipfugl]
+- Added geographic filtering. Swaths can now be concatenated and
+ appended. User no langer have to ravel data before resampling.
+ [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated docs. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated install_requires. [StorPipfugl]
+- Version 0.7.3. [StorPipfugl]
+- Bugfixes: Correct number of channels in empty result set. Resampling
+ of masked data to 1d swath now works. [StorPipfugl]
+- Added Martin's spherical geometry operations. Updated documentation.
+ [StorPipfugl]
+- Added equal and not equal operators for geometry defs. Restructured
+ the geometry module to be pickable. Added correct handling of empty
+ result data sets. [StorPipfugl]
+- Incomplete - taskpyresample. [StorPipfugl]
+- Set svn:mime-type. [StorPipfugl]
+- Corrected doc errors. [StorPipfugl]
+- Removed dist dir. [StorPipfugl]
+- Updated documentation. New release. [StorPipfugl]
+- Started updating docstrings. [StorPipfugl]
+- Restructured API. [StorPipfugl]
+- Now uses geometry types. Introduced API symmetry between swath->grid
+ and grid->swath resampling. [StorPipfugl]
+- Consolidated version tag. [StorPipfugl]
+- Mime types set. [StorPipfugl]
+- Mime types set. [StorPipfugl]
+- Removed test. [StorPipfugl]
+- Removed unneeded function. [StorPipfugl]
+- Mime types set. [StorPipfugl]
+- Mime types set. [StorPipfugl]
+- Moved to Google Code under GPLv3 license. [StorPipfugl]
+- Moved to Google Code. [StorPipfugl]
diff --git a/pyresample/geometry.py b/pyresample/geometry.py
index fa4b977..5f1657f 100644
--- a/pyresample/geometry.py
+++ b/pyresample/geometry.py
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ def _get_slice(segments, shape):
raise ValueError('Cannot segment array of shape: %s' % str(shape))
size = shape[0]
- slice_length = np.ceil(float(size) / segments)
+ slice_length = int(np.ceil(float(size) / segments))
start_idx = 0
end_idx = slice_length
while start_idx < size:
diff --git a/pyresample/test/test_utils.py b/pyresample/test/test_utils.py
index 6274667..a70050b 100644
--- a/pyresample/test/test_utils.py
+++ b/pyresample/test/test_utils.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from pyresample import utils
import numpy as np
def tmp(f):
f.tmp = True
return f
@@ -54,15 +55,23 @@ Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)""")
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_files', 'areas.cfg'),
def test_wrap_longitudes(self):
# test that we indeed wrap to [-180:+180[
step = 60
- lons = np.arange(-360,360+step,step)
- self.assertTrue((lons.min() < -180) and (lons.max() >= 180) and (+180 in lons))
+ lons = np.arange(-360, 360 + step, step)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ (lons.min() < -180) and (lons.max() >= 180) and (+180 in lons))
wlons = utils.wrap_longitudes(lons)
- self.assertFalse((wlons.min() < -180) or (wlons.max() >= 180) or (+180 in wlons))
+ self.assertFalse(
+ (wlons.min() < -180) or (wlons.max() >= 180) or (+180 in wlons))
+ def test_unicode_proj4_string(self):
+ """Test that unicode is accepted for area creation.
+ """
+ utils.get_area_def(u"eurol", u"eurol", u"bla",
+ u'+proj=stere +a=6378273 +b=6356889.44891 +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45',
+ 1000, 1000, (-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000))
def suite():
diff --git a/pyresample/utils.py b/pyresample/utils.py
index 647f5c2..90370de 100644
--- a/pyresample/utils.py
+++ b/pyresample/utils.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import numpy as np
from configobj import ConfigObj
import pyresample as pr
+import six
class AreaNotFound(Exception):
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ def _get_proj4_args(proj4_args):
"""Create dict from proj4 args
- if isinstance(proj4_args, str):
- proj_config = ConfigObj(proj4_args.replace('+', '').split())
+ if isinstance(proj4_args, (str, six.text_type)):
+ proj_config = ConfigObj(str(proj4_args).replace('+', '').split())
proj_config = ConfigObj(proj4_args)
return proj_config.dict()
diff --git a/pyresample/version.py b/pyresample/version.py
index d891594..3243b2a 100644
--- a/pyresample/version.py
+++ b/pyresample/version.py
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-__version__ = '1.1.3'
+__version__ = '1.1.5'
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c8d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+requires=numpy pykdtree numexpr pyproj python-configobj
+doc_files = docs/Makefile docs/source/*.rst
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/pyresample.git
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