2nd Call Conferences in Rome (Italy) - Physics, Mathematics and Computing

rome2016 at scienceknowconferences.com rome2016 at scienceknowconferences.com
Thu Jan 28 05:35:04 UTC 2016


Newsletter 3 / Conferences 2016
ROME - ITALY, July 2016

25-27 July 2016

Global Conference on
Applied Physics and Mathematics

www.physicsmaths.skconferences.com ( http://www.physicsmaths.skconferences.com )

* Topics of the congress ( http://www.physicsmaths.skconferences.com/topics )

* Click to register and submit abstracts ( http://www.physicsmaths.skconferences.com/abstracts-submission/online-abstracts-submission )

* Contact ( http://www.physicsmaths.skconferences.com/contacts )

27-29 July 2016

Global Conference on
Applied Computing in Science and Engineering

www.computing.skconferences.com ( http://www.computing.skconferences.com )

* Topics of the congress ( http://www.computing.skconferences.com/topics )

* Click to register and submit abstracts ( http://www.computing.skconferences.com/abstracts-submission/online-abstracts-submission )

* Contact ( http://www.computing.skconferences.com/contacts )

Confirmed Journals of the conferences

Open Computer Science

Selected papers will be published on the Journal Open Computer Science.
Information about how to publish in this journal will be available during the conference and will also be sent by the organization to the participants
by e-mail.
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/comp ( http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/comp )

Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

Selected papers will be published on the Journal Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics.
Information about how to publish in this journal will be available during the conference and will also be sent by the organization to the participants
by e-mail.
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmam ( http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmam )

Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Selected papers will be published on the Journal Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics.
Information about how to publish in this journal will be available during the conference and will also be sent by the organization to the participants
by e-mail.
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/pjbr ( http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/pjbr )

Annales UMCS Physica

Selected papers will be published on the Journal Annales UMCS Physica.
Information about how to publish in this journal will be available during the conference and will also be sent by the organization to the participants
by e-mail.
http://www.physica.annales.umcs.pl/ ( http://www.physica.annales.umcs.pl/ )


Abstracts sending: March 31st 2016
Submission of extended abstracts: April 15th 2016
Early bird registration: May 30th 2016
(please note that it is not compulsory to submit an abstract to attend to the congresses)
Registration in each congress includes

* Access to all sessions (oral and poster)

* Briefcase (with pen, notebook, lanyard, pen-drive, laser pointer)

* Program of the conference

* Abstracts book in USB drive

* Complete Communications application in USB drive

* All printed material of the conference

* 3 coffee breaks

* 2 lunches

* Social/cultural visit/tour to Rome

* Closing cocktail with a chamber music concert

Please visit congresses' webpages to get all the information on topics, important dates and all the important information related to the congress

Want to be removed? No problem, click here (
http://www.scienceknowconferences.com/index.php/component/acymailing/user/out?subid=563409&mailid=266&key=3ySdOmslIcujjL ) and we'll remove your
e-mail address.

( http://www.scienceknowconferences.com )
info at scienceknowconferences.com ( mailto:info at scienceknowconferences.com )
www.scienceknowconferences.com ( http://www.scienceknowconferences.com )
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