node-carto anybody

Ross Gammon ross at
Mon Jun 6 15:32:40 UTC 2016

node-carto is also required for kosmtik whick I hope to get back onto
over the next few weeks. I have been busy with other stuff. I am trying
to package the missing dependencies first, but updating the existing
dependencies may also be required. So if I have to, and no-one has done
it already .....

On 06/06/2016 04:19 PM, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> On 2016-06-06 16:12, Sven Geggus wrote:
>> Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at> wrote:
>>> I suggest you consider updating node-carto in Debian if you need it, the
>>> previous maintainers (or pkg-javascript in general) are unlikely to act
>>> on your bugreport.
>> Is there a manual on how to package javascript libraries available via
>> npm?
> The existing documentation is linked from:
> The basic packaging is created with npm2deb, which needs subsequent
> tweaking to be policy compliant.
>> Looks like I will at least also need chroma-js.
> You need several (mostly the node-yargs dependency tree):
>  $ npm2deb depends --recursive carto
>  Dependencies:
>  NPM                                               Debian
>  carto (0.16.2)                                    node-carto (0.9.5-2)
>  ├─ chroma-js (~1.1.1)                             None
>  ├─ husl (^6.0.1)                                  None
>  ├─ js-yaml (^3.4.6)                               None
>  │  ├─ argparse (^1.0.7)                           node-argparse (1.0.7-1)
>  │  └─ esprima (^2.6.0)                            None
>  ├─ lodash (^4.5.1)                                node-lodash
> (2.4.1+dfsg-3)
>  ├─ mapnik-reference (~8.5.3)                      None
>  │  └─ semver (^5.1.0)                             node-semver (2.1.0-2)
>  ├─ semver (^5.1.0)                                node-semver (2.1.0-2)
>  └─ yargs (^4.2.0)                                 None
>     ├─ camelcase (^3.0.0)                          None
>     ├─ cliui (^3.2.0)                              None
>     │  ├─ string-width (^1.0.1)                    None
>     │  │  ├─ code-point-at (^1.0.0)                None
>     │  │  │  └─ number-is-nan (^1.0.0)             None
>     │  │  ├─ is-fullwidth-code-point (^1.0.0)      None
>     │  │  │  └─ number-is-nan (^1.0.0)             None
>     │  │  └─ strip-ansi (^3.0.0)                   None
>     │  │     └─ ansi-regex (^2.0.0)                node-ansi-regex
> (2.0.0-1)
>     │  ├─ strip-ansi (^3.0.1)                      None
>     │  └─ wrap-ansi (^2.0.0)                       None
>     │     └─ string-width (^1.0.1)                 None
>     ├─ decamelize (^1.1.1)                         node-decamelize
> (1.2.0-1)
>     ├─ lodash.assign (^4.0.3)                      None
>     │  ├─ lodash.keys (^4.0.0)                     None
>     │  └─ (^4.0.0)                     None
>     ├─ os-locale (^1.4.0)                          None
>     │  └─ lcid (^1.0.0)                            None
>     │     └─ invert-kv (^1.0.0)                    node-invert-kv (1.0.0-1)
>     ├─ pkg-conf (^1.1.2)                           None
>     │  ├─ find-up (^1.0.0)                         None
>     │  │  ├─ path-exists (^2.0.0)                  None
>     │  │  └─ pinkie-promise (^2.0.0)               None
>     │  │     └─ pinkie (^2.0.0)                    None
>     │  ├─ load-json-file (^1.1.0)                  None
>     │  │  ├─ graceful-fs (^4.1.2)                  node-graceful-fs
> (3.0.2-1)
>     │  │  ├─ parse-json (^2.2.0)                   None
>     │  │  │  └─ error-ex (^1.2.0)                  None
>     │  │  │     └─ is-arrayish (^0.2.1)            None
>     │  │  ├─ pify (^2.0.0)                         None
>     │  │  └─ strip-bom (^3.0.0)                    None
>     │  ├─ object-assign (^4.0.1)                   None
>     │  └─ symbol (^0.2.1)                          None
>     ├─ read-pkg-up (^1.0.1)                        None
>     │  ├─ find-up (^1.0.0)                         None
>     │  └─ read-pkg (^1.0.0)                        None
>     │     ├─ load-json-file (^1.0.0)               None
>     │     ├─ normalize-package-data (^2.3.2)      
> node-normalize-package-data (0.2.2-1)
>     │     └─ path-type (^1.0.0)                    None
>     │        ├─ graceful-fs (^4.1.2)               node-graceful-fs
> (3.0.2-1)
>     │        ├─ pify (^2.0.0)                      None
>     │        └─ pinkie-promise (^2.0.0)            None
>     ├─ require-main-filename (^1.0.1)             
> node-require-main-filename (1.0.1-1)
>     ├─ set-blocking (^1.0.0)                       None
>     ├─ string-width (^1.0.1)                       None
>     ├─ window-size (^0.2.0)                        None
>     ├─ y18n (^3.2.1)                               None
>     └─ yargs-parser (^2.4.0)                       None
>        ├─ camelcase (^2.1.1)                       None
>        └─ lodash.assign (^4.0.6)                   None
>  Build dependencies:
>  NPM                                               Debian
>  coveralls (~2.11.8)                               None
>  istanbul (~0.4.2)                                 None
>  mocha (~2.4.5)                                    node-mocha (1.20.1-2)
>  mocha-eslint (^2.0.1)                             None
>  sax (~1.1.5)                                      sax.js (0.5.5-1)
> To keep track of the progress packaging the carto dependencies, it's a
> good idea to create a task on the Wiki:
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
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