[mapcode] tag v1.50 created (now 9666cbf)
Stefan Fritsch
sf at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 2 23:27:37 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sf pushed a change to tag v1.50
in repository mapcode.
at 9666cbf (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:
new 1d825dc Initial commit
new 17569c7 Fixed encoder args
new 87e8495 Fixed decoder
new fce0252 Fixed decoder
new de189cb Fixed generator
new a3ac7e3 Renamed country to territory
new 6ee39c4 Renamed country to territory
new 3088aa3 Fixed error msg
new 78bed3d Added -g/--grid and -r/--random options
new 3db12ff Fixed bug in arg for -e
new 1fb9c03 Fixed C library
new 41c123c Fixed major bug in transformation
new a25d88a Added example code
new b65e2fc New version of C code delivered by PG.
new d5620db New files added (part of C code package).
new 2fd4ae2 Added library version to usage()
new d419cac Added stats to output
new e1907bb Added boundaries check
new 54dc5d3 Added new C library version dd 2014-08-30
new 01563df Added better statistics to Mapcode tool
new 7ec49f1 Beautified mapcode.c for publishing
new e3c3ba2 Beautified mapcode.c for publishing
new 757d6cd Added self checking code
new 7cbd9b7 Added newest C lib
new 182a0af Improved interface and renamed methods
new 3930e94 Added changes required by PG
new e0bb80c Added PGs changes to printing lat/lon
new bc1a495 Compilation fixes for Visual Studio 2013
new fba3383 Add handling for lat/lon out of bounds in test set generation.
new c7257ba added missing 'y' calculation in conversion to Cartesian coordinates
new abafcaf Moved release notes into README file
new 96251b4 Fixed warnings for GCC and repaired mapcoder.c to compile in Visual Studio 10
new 94f0021 Moved to 1.40 and fixed warnings
new 22cef2d Fixed 1.40 warnings
new 28548ec Prepared for 1.40 added extraDigits to --random; improved help text
new 30cf67a Added extraDigits to --boundaries
new f597126 Fixed comment
new bf0f8c9 Reduced output size for --boundaries
new 2d8e47b Added std basics.h and added XYZ option
new bb76c29 Fixed issue with decoder on boundaries (45 to 60)
new f7382f9 Added high-precision encoding to --encode
new e05f878 Fixed high precision decoder
new 7016d97 Correct README
new 34aed6d Added link to online documentatiom
new d9c6869 Fixed title in document
new 0a8aa58 Added Markdown in README
new 7d4a272 Added Markdown to README:
new 61a6127 Edited Markdown for README
new 3725a36 Edited Markdown for README
new c506ee0 Fixed link in README.md
new 67f1637 Added the India state Telangana (IN-TG), until 2014 a region in Adhra Pradesh.
new 81f383a Reverted change (moved to branch). Back to 1.40.
new 36906b9 Added the India state Telangana (IN-TG), until 2014 a region in Adhra Pradesh.
new baff885 Fixed extraDigits parameter range to 0..2 and fixed copyright message to 2014-2015
new 3e83d07 Fixed README
new 6b0648a improved README.md
new fec5a69 Fixed README.md to explain digits fix
new 496c52d Added a newline
new ddaaf19 bugfix: -d option was case sensitive
new 9b2497e fixed README.md
new 9a62279 Added CMakeLists.txt for CMake
new ffe20f3 Development for 1.50
new 009b34e Untabbed, added release note
new 14493fd Improved release note
new 1ed5d4b Changed language to alphabet
new d68970a Changed example to utility
new 7eb0d68 Fixed bug in coder
new f9097ac Fixed copyright and tabs/CR/LF
new 9de1640 Prepare for release
new 5e372d0 Switched off self check
new c93d215 Updated for release
new 9666cbf Merge pull request #3 from mapcode-foundation/dev-1.50
The 72 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/mapcode.git
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