[tilestache] 04/04: Drop patches applied upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
Bas Couwenberg
sebastic at debian.org
Mon Oct 31 06:51:13 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tilestache.
commit b2a16993c67f892807641d70206c42216ab19138
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date: Mon Oct 31 07:50:06 2016 +0100
Drop patches applied upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
debian/changelog | 2 +-
debian/patches/01-fix_manpages.patch | 28 ------
debian/patches/04-fix_for_newer_modestmaps.patch | 30 -------
debian/patches/manpages.patch | 109 -----------------------
debian/patches/pillow-3.0.0.patch | 40 ---------
debian/patches/series | 5 --
debian/patches/skip-tests.patch | 70 ---------------
7 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 283 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9e31aab..4ef67e2 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ tilestache (1.51.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Update watch file to use GitHub instead of outdated tilestache.org.
* Strip © symbol from copyright statements in copyright file.
* Update dependencies for new upstream release.
- * Refresh patches.
+ * Drop patches applied upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
* Include API.html in docs, other docs removed upstream.
* Enable tests with nose.
* Drop tilestache-clean manpage, included upstream.
diff --git a/debian/patches/01-fix_manpages.patch b/debian/patches/01-fix_manpages.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f83aad..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/01-fix_manpages.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From: David Paleino <dapal at debian.org>
-Subject: fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign
-Origin: vendor
-Forwarded: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/pull/246
-Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/commit/2343d789e13f00748c8b025bb76d3bbe3f3376b4
- man/tilestache-seed.1 | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
---- a/man/tilestache-seed.1
-+++ b/man/tilestache-seed.1
-@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ More information in http://tilestache.or
- Optional output file for tiles, will be created as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset. See http://mbtiles.org for more information.
- .TP
- .B \-\-from\-mbtiles
--Optional input file for tiles, will be read as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset. See http://mbtiles.org for more information. Overrides --extension, --bbox and --padding (this may change).
-+Optional input file for tiles, will be read as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset. See http://mbtiles.org for more information. Overrides \-\-extension, \-\-bbox and \-\-padding (this may change).
- .TP
- .B \-\-to-s3
- Optional output bucket for tiles, will be populated with tiles in a standard Z/X/Y layout. Three required arguments: AWS access-key, secret, and bucket name.
- .TP
- .B \-\-tile\-list
--Optional file of tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates. Overrides --bbox and --padding.
-+Optional file of tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates. Overrides \-\-bbox and \-\-padding.
- .TP
- .B \-\-error\-list
- Optional file of failed tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates. If provided, failed tiles will be logged to this file instead of stopping tilestache-seed.
diff --git a/debian/patches/04-fix_for_newer_modestmaps.patch b/debian/patches/04-fix_for_newer_modestmaps.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f9efd..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/04-fix_for_newer_modestmaps.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Description: fix for modestmaps versions >= 2.0.0
- Modestmaps >= 2.0.0 have a different API to 1.0.0. This patch makes the code
- >=2.0.0 compatible.
-Author: Andrew Harvey <andrew.harvey4 at gmail.com>
-Forwarded: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/pull/246
-Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/commit/2343d789e13f00748c8b025bb76d3bbe3f3376b4
- TileStache/Core.py | 5 +----
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
---- a/TileStache/Core.py
-+++ b/TileStache/Core.py
-@@ -755,15 +755,12 @@ def _preview(layer):
- <script type="text/javascript" defer>
- <!--
- var template = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.%(ext)s';
-- var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template);
-- var map = new MM.Map('map', provider, null, [
-+ var map = new MM.Map('map', new MM.TemplatedLayer(template), null, [
- new MM.TouchHandler(),
- new MM.DragHandler(),
- new MM.DoubleClickHandler()
- ]);
- map.setCenterZoom(new com.modestmaps.Location(%(lat).6f, %(lon).6f), %(zoom)d);
-- // hashify it
-- new MM.Hash(map);
- //-->
- </script>
- </body>
diff --git a/debian/patches/manpages.patch b/debian/patches/manpages.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7c719..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/manpages.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Description: Add missing manpages.
-Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
-Forwarded: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/pull/267
-Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/commit/9a963dc31da8abeffcb4b32f3aa8a2cd132f0c4b
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/man/tilestache-compose.1
-@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-+.TH TILESTACHE-COMPOSE 1 "Nov 10, 2010"
-+tilestache-compose \- set a map coverage area
-+.B tilestache-compose
-+.RI [ options ] " file" ...
-+This manual page documents briefly the \fBtilestache-compose\fR command.
-+There are three ways to set a map coverage area.
-+1) Center, zoom, and dimensions: create a map of the specified size,
-+centered on a given geographical point at a given zoom level:
-+ tilestache-compose.py \-c config.json \-l layer-name \-d 800 800 \-n 37.8 \-122.3 \-z 11 out.jpg
-+2) Extent and dimensions: create a map of the specified size that
-+adequately covers the given geographical extent:
-+ tilestache-compose.py \-c config.json \-l layer-name \-d 800 800 \-e 36.9 \-123.5 38.9 \-121.2 out.png
-+3) Extent and zoom: create a map at the given zoom level that covers
-+the precise geographical extent, at whatever pixel size is necessary:
-+ tilestache-compose.py \-c config.json \-l layer-name \-e 36.9 \-123.5 38.9 \-121.2 \-z 9 out.jpg
-+\fB-c\fR, \fB\-\-config\fR \fIfile\fR
-+Path to configuration file.
-+\fB-l\fR, \fB\-\-layer\fR \fIlayer\fR
-+Layer name from configuration.
-+\fB-n\fR, \fB\-\-center\fR \fIlat lon\fR
-+Geographic center of map.
-+\fB-e\fR, \fB\-\-extent\fR \fIlat lon lat lon\fR
-+Geographic extent of map.
-+\fB-z\fR, \fB\-\-zoom\fR \fIlevel\fR
-+Zoom level.
-+\fB-d\fR, \fB\-\-dimensions\fR \fIwidth height\fR
-+Pixel width, height of output image.
-+\fB-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
-+Make a bunch of noise.
-+\fB-i\fR, \fB\-\-include-paths\fR \fIpaths\fR
-+Add the following colon-separated list of paths to Python's include path (aka sys.path)
-+\fB-x\fR, \fB\-\-ignore-cached\fR
-+Re-render every tile, whether it is in the cache already or not.
-+\fB-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
-+Show summary of options.
-+\fBTileStache\fR was written by Michal Migurski <mike at stamen.com>.
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/man/tilestache-list.1
-@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-+.TH TILESTACHE-LIST 1 "Nov 10, 2010"
-+tilestache-list \- generates list of tiles based on geographic or other criteria
-+.B tilestache-list
-+.RI [ options ]
-+.RI [ zoom... ]
-+This manual page documents briefly the \fBtilestache-list\fR command.
-+\fBtilestache\-list\fP generates a list of tiles based on geographic or
-+other criteria.
-+No images are created and no Tilestache configuration is read, but a list
-+of tile coordinates in Z/X/Y form compatible with
-+\fBtilestache-seed \-\-tile-list\fP output.
-+ tilestache\-list.py \-b 52.55 13.28 52.46 13.51 11 12 13
-+Protip: seed a cache in parallel on 8 CPUs with split and xargs like this:
-+ tilestache\-list.py 12 13 14 15 | split \-l 20 \- tiles/list\-
-+ ls \-1 tiles/list\-* | xargs \-n1 \-P8 tilestache\-seed.py \-c tilestache.cfg \-l osm \-\-tile\-list
-+\fB-b\fR, \fB\-\-bbox\fR \fIlat lon lat lon\fR
-+Bounding box in floating point geographic coordinates:
-+south west north east.
-+\fB-p\fR, \fB\-\-padding\fR \fInumber\fR
-+Extra margin of tiles to add around bounded area.
-+\fB\-\-from\-mbtiles\fR \fIfile\fR
-+Optional input file for tiles, will be read as an MBTiles 1.1 tileset.
-+See http://mbtiles.org for more information.
-+Overrides \-\-bbox and \-\-padding.
-+\fBTileStache\fR was written by Michal Migurski <mike at stamen.com>.
diff --git a/debian/patches/pillow-3.0.0.patch b/debian/patches/pillow-3.0.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc8afb7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/pillow-3.0.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Description: Add support for Pillow 3.0.0.
- Tilestache uses PIL.Image.fromstring, which has been deprecated in Pillow since 2.0.0, and has now been removed in 3.0.0.
-Author: Eric Soroos <eric-debian at soroos.net>
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/808279
-Forwarded: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/pull/246
-Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/commit/2343d789e13f00748c8b025bb76d3bbe3f3376b4
---- a/TileStache/Mapnik.py
-+++ b/TileStache/Mapnik.py
-@@ -151,7 +151,12 @@ class ImageProvider:
- # always release the lock
- global_mapnik_lock.release()
-- img = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (width, height), img.tostring())
-+ if hasattr(Image, 'frombytes'):
-+ # Image.fromstring is deprecated past Pillow 2.0
-+ img = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (width, height), img.tostring())
-+ else:
-+ # PIL still uses Image.fromstring
-+ img = Image.fromstring('RGBA', (width, height), img.tostring())
- logging.debug('TileStache.Mapnik.ImageProvider.renderArea() %dx%d in %.3f from %s', width, height, time() - start_time, self.mapfile)
---- a/TileStache/Pixels.py
-+++ b/TileStache/Pixels.py
-@@ -101,7 +101,13 @@ def apply_palette(image, palette, t_inde
- indexes.append(mapping[(r, g, b)])
-- output = Image.frombytes('P', image.size, ''.join(indexes))
-+ if hasattr(Image, 'frombytes'):
-+ # Image.fromstring is deprecated past Pillow 2.0
-+ output = Image.frombytes('P', image.size, ''.join(indexes))
-+ else:
-+ # PIL still uses Image.fromstring
-+ output = Image.fromstring('P', image.size, ''.join(indexes))
- bits = int(ceil(log(len(palette)) / log(2)))
- palette += [(0, 0, 0)] * (256 - len(palette))
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 8e9f747..3f3e9a8 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/skip-tests.patch b/debian/patches/skip-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e91735..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/skip-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Description: Skip tests requiring network and other unmet prerequisites.
-Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
-Forwarded: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/pull/268
-Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/TileStache/TileStache/commit/bbee96f89a1aee4f1c5ab55481d40027335978b0
---- a/tests/vector_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/vector_tests.py
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
--from unittest import TestCase
-+from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
- import json
-+import os
- from osgeo import ogr
- from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon, asShape
-@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ from . import utils
- # If you want to run them locally, create a similar PostGIS database.
- # Look at .travis.yml for details.
-+ at skipIf('NO_DATABASE' in os.environ, "No database tests requested")
- class PostGISVectorTestBase(object):
- '''
- Base Class for PostGIS Vector tests. Has methods to:
---- a/tests/cache_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/cache_tests.py
-@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
--from unittest import TestCase
-+from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
- from . import utils
- import memcache
-+import os
-+ at skipIf('OFFLINE_TESTS' in os.environ, "Offline tests only")
- class CacheTests(TestCase):
- '''Tests various Cache configurations that reads from cfg file'''
---- a/tests/provider_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/provider_tests.py
-@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
- # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
-+import os
--from unittest import TestCase
-+from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
- from . import utils
-+ at skipIf('OFFLINE_TESTS' in os.environ, "Offline tests only")
- class ProviderTests(TestCase):
- '''Tests Proxy Provider that reads from cfg file'''
---- a/tests/vectiles_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/vectiles_tests.py
-@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
--from unittest import TestCase
-+from unittest import TestCase, skipIf
- from collections import namedtuple
- from math import hypot
- import json
-+import os
- from osgeo import ogr, osr
- from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon, asShape
-@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ class PostGISVectorTestBase(object):
- self.conn.ExecuteSQL('DROP TABLE if exists %s' % (self.testTableName,))
-+ at skipIf('NO_DATABASE' in os.environ, "No database tests requested")
- class VectorProviderTest(PostGISVectorTestBase, TestCase):
- '''Various vectiles tests on top of PostGIS'''
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