Bug#837065: gdal-bin: ogr2ogr Segmentation fault
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Sep 8 12:39:09 UTC 2016
Control: tags -1 moreinfo
Hi Andi,
On 09/08/2016 02:26 PM, Andy Wood wrote:
> On an up-to-date Debian testing system, the following command, which normally just works,
> now gives a seg fault:
> ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:3857 -f "SQLite" -dsco SPATIALITE=YES \
> file.sqlite points.xml
> I think I noted a very recent update of spatialite in testing, so this might be related to that?
spatialite, gdal and many other packages were recently rebuilt for the
transition to proj 4.9.3. Ensure you've upgraded all packages.
gdal 2.1.1+dfsg-1+b1 has not been rebuilt with the proj 4.9.3, you need
at least +b2 for that. It has most likely not migrated because new gdal
revisions were uploaded to unstable to deal with the libmysqlclient-dev
changes, and haven't aged sufficiently to migrate to testing.
Please provide a list of the package versions you have installed for the
libdal20 dependencies (apt-cache show libgdal20 | grep Depends).
Kind Regards,
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